#first boyfriend daddy and sister disapproved of
silent-raven13 · 7 days
Riri, your papa is here
(Au: Omegaverse. Miles and Hobie went through a break up before having their first child)
Hobie got up the steps knowing that he's late, he knows he needs to come on time. He knows it. Work had held him up, so now he has to find a way to schedule his work hours with his schedule for his child. With a simple knock at the door, the door quickly spun open revealing his ex-partner.
Miles stood with one hand on his hip with a disapproval frown on his face, those big doe like eyes still get Hobie's heart going even after all these years. "You're late."
"I know. I know. Work held me back... Umm, where's Riri?" He finally asked, he didn't want to talk about his tardiness.
"Hobie, we agreed on this schedule because you said it works for you." Miles said in a serious tone, then sighs, "Look I get your trying to make a good living, but talk to your boss about your hours because I'm not-" Hobie quickly cut him off, "I know. I will. Just work being busy. Now, where's my-" Then Miles' bubbly husband came by the doorway, "Is that Hobie?"
"Yes, bae. It's Hobie." Miles said to his Alpha.
A buff Indian American Alpha with a thick clean cut beard pop behind his Omega with a big smile on his face, "Hobie, my dude! What is up!"
"Hey, Pav." Hobie gave him a simple hello, it's not like they're close friends. Pavitr always been a friendly person.
"Hahaha, so you're late, do you know that? Riri is waiting for you in the living room." This time Pavitr's said in a semi-bubbly tone with a bit of serious expression. "You know, you can't be late. I don't care if you're late or not, because I get to spend time with my little princess, but this is more important to Riri than me and Miles."
"I know! I know! Look, I'm trying. I'll talk to my boss, anyway can I have my kid?" He really wants to get out of there.
Miles sighs, "Riri, papa is here!"
"Alright!" Riri a four year old girl that has both resemblance of her parents, she happily carried a Disney Princess backpack filled with her fun activities for the weekend. Her hair in a beautiful bread with colorful pink beads, and cute princess shirt with mint pants and light up shoes. Her heterochromia eyes gleams, "Hi, papa!" She rushes over to hug him.
"Hey, lovely. Come here and give your papa a hug." He picks her up to kiss her forehead, "You been good?"
"Yeah, daddy and appa said we'll go to Disney World for the summer if I'm super good at daycare!" She happily said.
"Oh, is that right?" The punker glances at Miles, he didn't know about that nor did he agree his daughter going on a trip. What about his custody to her?
Miles crosses his arms, "We're talking about it, Hobs."
"Yeah, don't worry, bud. You're welcome to come, bring your wife too!" Pavitr happily said, "and ya'll son, Manny."
"Easy, bae. We were just talking about it." Miles pointed out.
Riri frowns, "But you guys promise me, I wanna go to Disney world!"
"We'll talk about it later, love." Hobie said, "Right now, you'll enjoy the weeknd with me, and Mindy and your little brother Manny."
"Manny just sleep, poo and eat." Riri tilted her head being confused, she only watches the baby being snug with his mom.
"Because he's a baby, lovely." Hobie said to his kid.
"I guess." She had that Hobie Brown honesty. "He just lays there and fart."
Pavitr giggles, "Princess, don't be mean. He's your little brother. You need to be a big sister to him."
"Hehe, okay appa." Riri kisses her stepdad on the cheek giving him a hug.
Miles smiles at the two before turning to find his ex-boyfriend rolling his eyes at Pavitr. This pissed the twenty nine year old because not many Alphas would want to be with a 'touched' Omega, especially one with a strong Alpha descendants. Pavitr being the most sweetest understanding Alpha had love Riri like it was his own. So seeing his ex-boyfriend disapproval his husband is pissing him off.
"Anyway, we'll best be going. Say goodbye, lovely." Hobie said.
"Bye bye daddy, appa!" She waves at them.
"Bye, mi vida." Miles went to kiss his daughter's cheek. "Be good to mama Mindy and your little brother."
"Okay!" Riri nodded.
Hobie began walking off having his daughter in his arms, they headed to the bus. The ride to his place wasn't far, only about twenty minutes depending on traffic. Always that fucking New York traffic.
When he got home, his wife, Mindy already gave a bottle to their son Manny. The baby burps before sitting on the couch with a baby pillow to support his back while watching Sesame Streets.
Mindy turns to find her husband coming in, "Hello, Riri. How's it going, sweetie?"
"Good. A bit exhausting." Her dad set her down so she can start putting her jacket and boots away. It was a semi-cold day, with a bit of breeze.
Hobie chuckles, "I'm the one that carry you most of the way."
"But I have to sit on the bus, papa." She giggles being in her casual outfit and rushes with her backpack to the living room, "Hi, Manny!"
Manny looks at her then made grunting sounds. "Is he pooping?" She asked.
Mindy giggles, "Maybe. He just had his lunch." She went over to pick up her son, "Oh who's a stinky baby? You are. You are." Her Omega scent smelled like gentle sweetness of milk and honey. It's a scent Hobie loves from his wife. Sadly, and he would never tell her the real reason why he loves her scent, because it reminds him so much of his ex-partner.
Even though the two ended on a terrible note, he still cares about him, love him still. Their relationship was never on a good time, it always felt like wrong place, wrong timing, nothing seems to go their way. Now, all it's left of them is being coparents to their daughter.
Hobie knew he shouldn't think too much of the past, he knows part of their failed relationship was him not being ready to commit when they needed to. One biggest hint is Riri, when Miles got pregnant, the punker didn't want a baby or the marriage life. His band at the time was being popular, slowly starting up.
Miles wanted them to be serious, which was too fast at the time. Not to mention, they were on and off from a previous fight about so many things.
In the end, Hobie and his band didn't get famous in the way they hope, thus the end of being a rockstar. And the break up with Miles, too. So, he's a producer making music for anyone, that's how he met Mindy with her beautiful gospel voice.
When Riri was born, Hobie came to see her and fallen for her. Miles had hope for him to commit, but he couldn't forgive Miles for saying petty shit from their break up. It was best to leave it as it is. Petty fights, petty custody battles were filled with hurt and pain from their break up.
He wanted to break up....
The punker wanted to wait or express his freedom a bit more. Somehow they were able to maintain their feelings at bay, slowly being more friends for their daughter.
Riri began coloring as she watches Sesame Streets, "Papa, daddy doesn't like you, huh?"
"What makes you say that?" Hobie asked.
"I dunno. You two always look at each other weird... like mad."
"Nah, it's just sometimes papa isn't following what daddy says and it's my fault."
"Did you love daddy before?"
"One point I was, but we're good friends." He arched his eyebrows, "Why did ya ask?"
"I dunno. it's hard to believe since mama Mindy is so sweet and you love her a lot. You hold her hand, kiss her cheek- and with daddy, you two fight a lot."
"Yeah, we always did." Hobie sat on the couch, "Believe it or not, we never fought like that."
"Yeah, we use to sing, dance, have fun. Now, your daddy is all about being mean and strict rules. Don't tell him, I said that."
"I won't." She giggles.
"Did you ever wish for us-" Riri shook her head, "Nope. You two always look sad together and that makes me sad. I like it when you two are happy."
"I see." Even his baby girl sees that the two weren't meant to be. They weren't off on a good note. "Well, one thing we know is that me and your daddy love you so much. We'll always try to make you happy."
"Hehe, I love you, too, papa."
Normally the weekend is Riri enjoying fun times with her papa like going to the park with the family, eating pizza, and watch movies. Sometimes they play fashion outfits or she's in her own world talking to Manny. The baby boy can only listen to Riri's stories about Spider-man or barbies.
When she return home, she saw her daddy waiting out the door of their home with one hand on his hip. Miles welcomes her back.
"How was it, honey?" Miles asked.
"Good. Super fun. Manny gets scared of his own farts." She giggles.
"Haha, that is funny." Miles let his daughter go off to her room with her things. "And I need to talk to you." He said to his ex-partner.
"Oh yeah? What am I getting blamed for this time?" The punker sarcastically asked with a snort.
His ex glares at him, they step outside of the front door, Miles shut it. "Why are you always pissed off at me?"
"You got annoyed with Pav for being sweet to Ri!"
"Pfft, be for real, Miles. That was Friday! Let it go."
"No, because you always get annoyed with my husband! I never treat Mindy that way."
"Okay, you wanna know why, so bad?" Hobie threw his hands in the air, "You and him are making plans without telling me. Disney World? Over the summer? I wanted to take her to London to know where I come from and you basically run that mouth off saying no, she's too young or she's not ready or you don't think I'm responsible."
"This is Disneyland, and we were just talking about it."
"No! Don't give that shit. Pav basically made a promise with Ri so now ya'll obligated to do it."
"Look, Pav was trying to teach her that being-" Hobie cut him off, "No, don't give me that. It's always something so innocent but when I pull the same shit, you bitch at me."
"Excuse me," Miles scowls, "What da fuck you think your talking to? You better tone that mouth of yours, you asshole."
"Admit it, Miles. You hate I'm being your baby daddy. Your other have full custody of her."
"No! I know, you never been a responsible man! You always run off. I don't trust you taking her to London!"
"It'll be me with my wife and son!" In the fact moment Miles gave a look of anger flash in him, it seems like he was jealous almost disbelief to find Hobie married with a child. It's true, how can the punker be so quick to marry Mindy when he denies marriage with him.
"Maybe I do, but I know you ain't shit."
"Oh fuck off. I'm telling you now, Miles. You and Pav better not take her to Disney World until you let me take her to London. You can go low, I can go lower."
"You really going to upset her, because I said no to London?"
"You always hated that I'm here. I care about my daughter, and want to give her trips."
Miles inhale sharply, "You don't respect me or Riri's time. You were supposed to pick her up on a certain but you're always late. You never taken her to the doctor, or changed her diaper-"
Hobie looks at his ex in disbelief, "Because you deny me access to my own kid, because you wanted to be petty. I was there when she was born and you still buggin'. Man, fuck this. I'ma talk to my lawyer about minimal contact from you when I pick Riri up."
"Ugh, fine. Do it." Miles fumes seeing his ex-partner walking off. The twenty nine year old went back in his house being upset. "Shit." He sighs. Why do they always fight so much? He just wanted Hobie to respect Pavitr.
Riri came by to find Miles wiping his own tears, "You okay, daddy?"
"Yes, baby. I'm fine. Just mad at your papa, right now."
"Oh, nothing new then." She began walking off to get her sippy cup from the fridge.
Miles gave a small chuckle, "Heh, yeah. Same ole' same ole..." He knows this isn't healthy for his daughter to see, yet she seems to be unbothered by it. She is exactly like Hobie, her attitude towards everything is very chill and her bluntness had a certain humor to it. "So, how was Mindy?"
"Good. She and papa were singing a pretty song and Manny tries to sing, too." Riri sips her sippy cup. "Daddy, why you don't like papa?"
"What? what makes you say that, sweetheart?" Miles stood awkwardly almost in shock with his baby.
"Well... you guys always fight and I asked papa why, too."
"What did he say?" He arched his eyebrows.
"He said it wasn't always like that... he said he did love you."
Miles' bites his bottom lip, "He did?"
"Yeah. I thought it was weird because you two always fight."
"I'm sorry, honey. I know we shouldn't fight. Me and papa have a lot of stuff we still haven't got over." Miles kneel down to hug his daughter, "You know, we love you so much, right?"
"I know."
"And what me and papa had... was nice for a bit. I did love him, too. We weren't compatible."
"What's compatible?"
"It's like two jigsaw puzzle that doesn't fit together. You can force it but it would never fit perfectly. That's me and your papa."
"Ohhh." She said.
"I'll try to be nicer for you. I don't want you to see us fight or get any ideas about me hating your father." Miles did love Hobie, maybe that's why he's so mad with him. So many things he wanted from his ex-boyfriend that never happened. In the end, he end up doing all the things he wanted from to someone else. To another Omega, and that hurt him like an old wound being ripped open.
Now, Miles have to admit he did rush things too fast or expect his ex to be a traditional Alpha too fast. When he got pregnant with Riri, he gave Hobie an Ultimatum which never works out. So much anger, so many petty revenge to hurt Hobie... was it worth it in the end?
Now, they're two exhausted grown men trying to coparent their daughter. Their beautiful perfect daughter, Miles has no regrets to wanting her. He will never apologize for that. He's pretty happy to have a child with his ex-boyfriend, it's at least their Riri is a good outcome from their broken relationship.
"Okay, daddy. Can I got play with my dolls, now?"
"Sure, sweeter. Go and plat." He watches his baby girl running to the living room to play. This time he took out his smartphone to text Hobie, taking a moment to think about what to say.
Miles: Hey, you can take her to London, but I'ma need to know everything like time, dates, places and who's going...
-few seconds-
Miles: Sorry for being mad at you, but understand that Pavitr makes me and Riri happy.
Hobie: I understand.
Hobie: Thanks
Hobie: I'm sorry for saying shit... I think we need to go to therapy, I don't want to say the wrong shit and hurt you and Ri.
Miles: Same. We need to make this work without the fights.
Hobie: I agree.
Miles nodded at this. "This is a good start."
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truckreincarnation · 11 months
Shadow of Your Former Self || Chapter 3 Motive
You are Sinéad Horan. You're not actually related to One Direction’s heartthrob Niall Horan, but the collective attention span of the internet means you can get away with claiming to be his distant cousin every now and then, and still reap all of the clout that comes with it. It's not like anyone is a social mediasochist enough to connect your Wattpad account to your life, right? You have a circle of loyal followers who hang onto your claims, vague enough that you won't be crucified if they ever call your bluff, and believable enough that they want more. Life is good.
You are Krishnamoorthi Praveen. Ever since your relatives convinced you to get on Facebook, you’ve been obsessed with MouseHunt. There’s just something about the fun of collecting all the different variations of mice out there that tickles that competitive part of your personality, to the point you have published online guides about how to best exploit the Hunting Horn with cheat tools. Your mother disapproved of your addiction until you won a full scholarship to MIT for your programming work, and now she talks about you to anyone who will listen.
You are Declan McInerny. You've played soccer for the last ten years ever since your father proclaimed to his drinking buddies that you were the next coming of Ronaldo, and while you now get that he was only doing the dad thing and hyping you up, it's stuck with you enough that your first professional match has been scheduled for next weekend. If all goes well, you'll be substituted in during the second half, and maybe you'll get close enough to a goal to talk about the experience, and then people will start subscribing to your YouTube channel in earnest.
You are Reina. No one knows what your real identity is, but you’re a cosplayer with aspirations of going to Japan, and you’re probably in Europe based on when you say you’re going to sleep. You own two cats that you adore, and have a step-sister that’s younger than you by either two or three years after your widowed mother remarried. You have saved up money by attending community college, you own a bicycle, and you enjoy clubbing on the weekends because of the local music scene. One day, the cosplay community will know your name… At least, that’s what anyone has publicly ever found about you, and you think only about half of it is actually true.
(cw: implied transphobia)
You are Adrian Udella Susanto, and for the last few years, you’ve been sharing your journey of transitioning with people who genuinely support you. Well, there’s no way to tell how genuine they actually are, but it’s more than what your ex-parents have done, especially since they’ve disowned you over the summer holidays. It’s fine, there’s no love lost, and it’s worth being able to express yourself without the fear of being caned. Recently, you’ve had your eye on someone, and you really hope that they’ll understand and accept you for who you are too.
(end cw)
You are LMFAO4evafangirl20, or as you’re better known to your circle of friends, Yong Weiqi. You think that the news of them taking an indefinite hiatus is the dumbest thing you’ve heard, and now that it’s been over a year, you’re starting to dread that they’re never actually coming back to party rock again. At least you can be sure that Smosh will never split apart, right?
You are Madelyn Somerville, but your friends call you Lyn, and your new boyfriend calls you his lovely madeleine. It's a little cheesy, but you tolerate it because he adores you so much that he buys expensive gifts for you every weekend. This time, it's a pretty pearl necklace that's worth more than what you can ever hope to earn in a year, and you make sure to reassure both him and your followers that no, he's not just your sugar daddy this time, this loving relationship is very real. You hope they all understand you mean it too.
You are Chieze Iwuji, and you're the first of your family to go to a university. Canada is far away from your home back in Nigeria, but your father is determined to give you the best education he’s never had, and he doesn't begrudge you for feeling lost. But your sister does begrudge you, and you can't blame her; despite the fact she's older than you by half a decade, you're the first and eldest son, and thus the recipient of all the wonderful opportunities that are denied to her. You haven't spoken for two years now, and it hurts, it hurts to lose that part of your life because of choices outside of your control. You know what this degree will do for your future, but you just wish she understood there was a place in that future with you.
(cw: terminal illness, existential dread)
You are Kazunari Aikawa, and your life could end today. That is the reality you have lived with ever since you were diagnosed with a malignant spinal cord tumour months ago, but you have yet to give up hope. You make sure to vlog every afternoon you continue to shoulder the agony, to document every exercise, every procedure, every kind smile you can give in spite of the pain. You sign off each video with an earnest wish to meet again the next day. You understand that the streak of daily uploads to your channel might be cut off without warning one day, and there will be nothing you can do about it when there is already very little you can do about yourself. But as long as that record survives, as long as it might help one other person find their strength to persevere against all odds, you'll be happy. You're getting married tomorrow; this weekend, if you live that long, the laminectomy that will decide your fate. You're as ready as you can be.
(end cw)
The alarm sounds. It’s 7am, and soon, your father will be awake to make breakfast. You aren’t expected downstairs, but you go anyway because your family is the one part of your life that you don’t want to escape from. You forcibly pull yourself out of your own headspace, and start to close the hundred different tabs on your browser: the Facebook pages, the Pinterest boards, the burner accounts that you’ve made to follow and learn more about each individual life as an unknown, unseen presence on the internet. 
Eternally, occasionally gratefully, overshadowed by the stories of people far more interesting than you ever will be.
You step into your bathroom to wash your face, and tired, grey eyes stare back through glasses. You are Vivian Lockwood once more, and as you do every morning, you try to remind yourself that these invasive, nonexistent, parasocial relationships have to end somewhere.
They never do.
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leejiieuns · 2 years
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GET TO KNOW THEM → The Park Family of Seoul
Park Jiho (Jun Ji-hyun)
It should come as no surprise to anyone who know the family that the eldest daughter would be just like her father: intelligent, business-savvy, cutthroat. And yet, when Jiho was named COO of the Park Enterprise, questions about her competency were raised, but time and time again, she squashed any doubts about her like a bug with her five inch heels. She’s been credited a lot for the recent successes of the Park Enterprise, and anyone who works for her knows she runs a tight ship. Her marriage to Captain Shin Suhyeok and the birth of her twins have made her quite an interest to the general public, but very little is know about Jiho as she keeps her private life, well, private. She’s ruthless, when she wants to be, and is perhaps the least forgiving out of all the Park children. 
Park Jiseok (Ahn Bo-hyun)
Perhaps one of the more famous of the Park children, and sometimes not for the right reasons. His party boy reputation definitely precedes him, and it seems he has no care whatsoever what that entails. Jiseok has been named one of South Korea’s most eligible bachelor, but if the tabloids are any indication of his dating life, he doesn’t exactly have the makings of a reliable boyfriend. But he’s charming, and has a way with words, and he owns the most raved about members-only night club in the city, Neverland. Fitting for a boy who does not seem to want to grow up. While it may have come as a surprise to some that the Parks’ eldest son did not follow his father’s shiny footsteps, Jiseok has never had any interest in the family business, and he looks quite content with running his club, and jet-setting around the world.
Park Jitae (Kim Jae Young)
A sharp contrast to most of his siblings (except, perhaps, Jiseok), it seems Jitae has no interest in the family business, or any other kind of business for that matter. Despite being a business major in one of the most prestigious universities in Seoul, his interest is seemingly limited to five-star restaurants, expensive bottles of wines, and of course, his impressive vintage car collection. But he’s definitely the easiest Park to get along with, as long as you don’t piss him off. His time abroad in exclusive boarding schools has gained him some friends with equally impressive last names, but unlike most of them, Jitae is content with being away from the public eye. He probably should have a record in a precinct or two, but he’s always had daddy’s money and lawyers to help him make sure nothing ever tarnishes his reputation.
Park Jihwan (Joshua Hong)
A modern contrarian, a disapproving frown is almost always present on Park Jihwan’s face. Don’t say anything stupid in his presence, for he’ll definitely call you out on it, and then lecture you some. He loves being the smartest person in the room, and loves making people feel uneasy in his company. With his looks, however, he can easily be charming when he wants to be, but he rarely wants to be. Older twin brother to Jin-ah, there’s always been a certain closeness to the two of them that he doesn’t have with his other siblings, but who can blame him? His two older brothers are idiots with no ambition, and he puts his eldest sister on a pedestal. He’s cunning, definitely, and he’s not above using what he has to get what he wants.
Park Jin-ah (Kim Doyeon)
She became a household name at 11, when she first won her gold medal at an international figure skating competition, carrying with her the flag of her country. Jin-ah then became a force in the figure skating world, winning one grand title after another, and with every win, her popularity grew. With her show-stopping routines and off-the-rink fashion choices, the public was quick to take an interest in the youngest Park heiress, and she easily became the favorite of a lot of brands for whatever she was seen buying, so would a lot of people. No one exactly knows if Jin-ah loves the limelight when outside of the rink (she does) for she’s always seen with her trademark ‘cold expression’, but she’s a darling in the way she welcomes the attention of the press, and she’s surprisingly easy to get along with, too. Or so would others think.
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fanficbitch · 3 years
In Another Life // Restful
Aaron Hotchner x y/n
September 2013
I lay in bed, rubbing my hands over my nine month belly. Aaron has essentially forced me on bedrest. I tell him that I am perfectly capable of working, but as my unit chief, he tells me that I need to be resting. He says that his unit chief self is telling me that, although I know my boyfriend is seeping through the cracks. 
I just put Jack to bed by myself, which is no easy task. He puts up a fight for one more story or one more back rub or one more kiss. I have to do all of it. I love my boy too much. After at least three stories, I finally get him asleep.
After closing his door, I waddled into bed and started rubbing my stomach. I think I am getting contractions here and there, but there is nothing steady. There is no point in telling Aaron. I think he will be coming home tonight from his nearly week long case. I can’t wait to see him. Usually, I am with him on these long cases, but I have been forced into bed. That has left me to take care of Jack, which I don’t mind at all, and just rest. I hate resting. It’s so boring. 
Just then, I hear the garage open. Next, I hear keys lying on the counter, the fridge opening and closing, then footsteps up the stairs. Before I know it, the door to my shared bedroom opens with my other half behind it. “Hello,” I smile. Aaron flashes me a small smile, then throws his bag in the corner of the room. 
“I’m surprised you’re awake,” he says as he loosens his tie. 
“How could I not wait up for you?” I ask. 
I watch as he strips from his work clothes and transfers into his pajamas. He quickly falls into bed next to me. “How was the case?” I ask.
“We caught him,” he says. “It was a close one, but we caught him.”
“I wish I could’ve been there,” I say. 
“I’m glad you weren’t,” he says then grabs my hand. “The only thing that keeps me grounded is knowing that you are here safe.”
“Don’t worry,” I say then give his hand a squeeze. “I’m just fine.”
“How’s Jack?”
“He’s great. He’s excited for his little sister,” I say then rub my hands over my stomach. Aaron places a hand on my stomach. I place my hand over his and push on it. “Do you feel that?” I ask, referring to the baby’s kicks. 
“Yeah, yeah, I do,” he says then moves both of his hands to my stomach. Aaron shifts down so his face is next to my stomach. “Hi baby girl,” he whispers. “I hope you’re being good to your mom. She is taking great care of you. Come when you want, but I can’t wait to meet you. Neither can your brother, he is so excited to meet you.”
Suddenly, the baby begins to kick harder and faster than before. Aaron must of noticed because he responds. “Oh, you hear me?” he asks. “Good, good. It’s your daddy. You rest until you’re ready to come out. Just know that I love you and I can’t wait to meet you,” he finishes. Aaron looks up at me with a smile which causes me to run my fingers through his hair. Aaron moves his head so it is resting on top of my stomach. 
“You’re going to be an even better daddy than you already are,” I say, but my boyfriend looks up at me with a disapproving look.
“Really? Because I messed it up so much the first time.”
“Are you kidding? Because Jack is perfect,” I say and he sighs. 
“That’s because of Haley,” he says and my heart stops. I always feel guilty when we talk about Haley. She deserves to be remembered. Jack deserves to know who know who his real mom is. There is no way I can live up to Haley.
“Not all because of Haley,” I whisper. “I see so much of you in Jack, it’s crazy. I can’t wait for you to parent our baby.”
Aaron takes his head off my stomach and moves his lips to mine. After a slow kiss, he whispers against my cheek. “I love you,” he whispers.
“I love you too,” I whisper then hold him close against my chest. 
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pasiveagressive · 3 years
Pen Pal // h.s.
Warning: light language, there is a mention of self harm, and some verbal abuse. 
Highschool AU This is really long for me 9.4k words and it’s not really done I am thinking a part 2 and maybe even a 3. Let me know what you think!
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When she was five she was given a project from her teacher saying that she had to write to a pen pal. She had no idea what a pen pal was and how she got one, but she had told the class that a pen pal was someone who lived far away and we wrote a letter to them. Their letters were going to England to another class and they had to write them and they had to write back. This sounded fun. Teacher had a hat in her hands and when she passed it around we had to pick out a piece of paper that contained a name and an address. She took her's out and saw the name, it was a boy, she didn't like boys, well that wasn't true, the only boy's she liked were her brother, her best friend and her daddy. The teacher told the class they had to write to their pen pals for the whole school year.
When she was ten, she still wrote to her pen pal, she didn't understand why she had been writing him for the last five years, but she had been. He was funny and easy to talk too, she thought that perhaps this boy was going to be her first crush, something she thought one of her brother's friends would be, but she was pretty sure this boy was. He helped her through a lot, like when Mommy and Daddy argued and doors slammed or when Mommy packed up her suitcases and left or when Daddy didn't come down from his room and her brother had to take care of her or when Daddy changed. He helped her a lot, and she helped him too, they sometimes even helped each other with their homework. She had found a true friend in him, and she hoped he felt the same about her.
When she was twelve her Daddy let her have an E-Mail and she told the boy, he too had an E-mail and they talked on MSN all the time, but they still wrote letters to each other, personally hand written pieces of paper seemed much nicer than typed words on a screen. Her brother was about to be in high school now and she would be starting middle school next year. The boy had started middle school this year and it was the first time, she realized, that she knew how old he was. They would talk about homework; friends and she asked him questions about boys. The boy didn't answer a lot of them but she didn't mind, the only boy she cared about noticing her was him, but then something dawned on her. They may never meet.
When she was fifteen she started High School and the boy was a year ahead of her. Her mother had returned to the city, remarried, and she wanted to see her children, but she refused to go, as far as she was concerned her mother had abandoned her and her brother and her Father had taken care of them, but he had changed even more. Her brother would soon be off to college and she would still be here, her father wasn't so bad, only when he disapproved of something did he get angry, he never struck her, her brother would never allow it, he was protective over his baby sister especially now that boy's had started to notice her. She still wrote to the boy and told him all about her problems, it had been ten years and she could still confide in him and he confided in her and she liked it that way. It meant that somewhere she had someone who cared, someone who listened. Someone who knew her better than anyone.
She was sixteen when her world began to change, she still wrote to the boy and now she had a boyfriend, one of her brother's friends, she was a cheerleader and he was a soccer player and was on the swim team. Then she got a letter, it said that he had received a scholarship to her school and he was coming to New York, she was ecstatic and began to write him back when the pen suddenly fell from her hands as she realized something she had been denying. She had feelings for the boy with the elegant handwriting and who always wrote in blue pen. He couldn't come here, not when she had a boyfriend, but who was she kidding, they didn't know what each other looked like, so maybe she could hide who she was from him, the only thing he knew about he was her name and there was more than one Y/N in her school, but he never called her by her real name, when he was ten he gave her a nickname and nobody knew it except for him. She realized how ridiculous she was being, this boy had no romantic interest in her and if he did, what did it matter? She has a boyfriend now.
What she didn't know was when he came to New York her whole life would change and he would be a part of that change.
She had feelings for the boy with the elegant script and blue pen, and they were not going to go away.
"Ugh, how can you eat so much?"
Y/N Y/L/N looked at a friend with thinly veiled disgust, she had no idea where Maya put it all and considering she was eating cafeteria food, it made it just that much worse. Especially because today's menu was all seafood.
"Excuse me for being one of the few girls in the world that acknowledges a love for food." She said and then took a bite out of a fish stick and grinned.
"Hey, I like food just not too much." Y/N said, eyeing what could only be Maya's twentieth piece of fried fish.
"That's because you, my friend, are a cheerleader and must stay in impeccable shape." Maya winked and then went back to eating.
Y/N sighed, it was true, part of the reason as to why she didn't eat a lot was cheerleading, she needed to stay small so she could tumble and be thrown in the air. Maya seemed to resent her for the fact that she was a cheerleader, but Y/N could not help it if Maya did not have great hand eye coordination. She knew Maya didn't really like her, but she put up with having her around because Will and Joel liked her. She didn't know why Maya hated her, she thought it was partly because she was part of the in crowd and Maya thought that they were all snobs.
Y/N was no snob.
Someone patted her head and she turned to look and was looking into the kind eyes of her best friend.
Will Davis.
His brown hair was in his eyes, covering the chocolate orbs. He sat down, his skinny frame folding easily on the chair. He had to push his glasses from the end of his nose back up to where they were supposed to be. Y/N couldn't help but grin at him, he was so normal, that was why she opted to sit with him at lunch and not the—as Maya bluntly puts it—the popular hoes.
Y/N looked over at her other friends, they were crowded around their table near the window, laughing and joking, she saw her best friend Isabella and her brother Jack, they looked annoyingly happy. She was well aware that Jack liked Isabella but his feelings were not reciprocated, but Jack was a star at school, everyone wanted to be with him, especially Kayla.
Y/N hated Kayla.
"Well, I'm done; I'm going to go prepare for class." She smiled at the group and dumped the contents of her tray into the garbage and left her tray on top, leaving the cafeteria, she straightened out her uniform and remembered something.
She had had practice this morning and all of her bag was still in her locker, crammed into the small space. She had gotten a lift with her brother today so she had to put all of her stuff in his car. Huffing, she spun back around and walked over to her brother's table, feeling the eyes of her other friends on her, as if she was betraying them.
She knew that they thought sooner or later she would stop sitting with them and sit with the 'popular' crowd, but she sat with them because they were superficial, they were fun to be around and she liked them, even Maya on her good days.
"Jacky," she said, arriving at the table and stopping in front of her brother. He seemed to be in an overly animated conversation with Liam, her more or less boyfriend.
"Yes?" He looked up at her, sounding bored.
"I need your keys so I can put my stuff in your car." She held her hand out expectantly but Jack made no move to hand over the keys. She was aware that the group was staring and acutely aware that Kayla was practically drooling over her brother, she didn't see the big deal. She could admit that he was nice looking but hot? No way, then again he was her brother it would be weird if she thought he was a god like the rest of the school.
Jack was nearly eighteen and this was his senior year, along with Liam, Kayla and a few others. He received a lot of female attention and people were always asking if they were really related, Y/N could see why, they looked nothing alike.
Jack had silvery blonde hair and dark eyes, he was tall and had a soccer player's build, where Y/N had Y/C/H and Y/C/E, and had a frame that was slightly toned from nearly four years of cheerleading.
Y/N never understood why she was a cheerleader, she wasn't a girly girl and she didn't dress up a lot, she was more into art, but then cheerleading provided her with confidence and made her feel alive like nothing had before, she loved the feeling of being tossed into the air and soaring like a bird. It was freeing.
"How do I know that you aren't going to joy ride and leave me stranded here?" Y/N scoffed at this.
"Honestly, even if I was going to do that, you would never be stranded, I'm sure there are a million people who would give you a ride." She batted her lashes innocently at him.
He could never deny giving his sister anything, he loved her, he had taken care of her when Father had been unfit, he watched over her, he protected her.
"Fine, here, but give them straight back." He said firmly and she rolled her eyes.
"Yeah yeah." She said turning back and going to her locker. Maybe she should joyride, just to teach him a lesson, then again, that would be one time that Jack didn't protect her.
Y/N walked to her locker, putting in the combination and opening it; grabbing her bag she hauled it over her shoulder and was about to head out to the student parking lot when a hand gently grabbed her waist pulling her back. She raised her eyes to see Liam, smiling down at her.
Liam was her boyfriend, she supposed, they had been together for over a month now and Y/N was very happy. He was very good looking with brown hair that had a messy on purpose look, brown eyes, like melting chocolate, a tall stature and the build of a soccer player mixed in with the grace of a swimmer.
"Hey," he said as he moved, causing her to walk back and feel the cool metal of the locker's behind her.
"Hey," she said smiling. Liam's hand snaked out to play with a strand of her hair. He always played with her hair, Y/N didn't understand the fascination, it was a big frizz ball as far as she was concerned.
"Any plans tonight?" He asked while still fiddling with her hair.
"Sure, with the most wonderful man." Liam looked confused and let her hair fall back. "You should meet him, ever heard of Edgar Allen Poe?" She smirked as he shook his head.
"You are a devil woman." He moved so that Y/N could do what she had originally planned and put her bag in her brother's car.
"Walk with me?" She asked and he nodded, taking her bag and holding her hand.
She knew a lot of girls didn't understand why Liam was dating her; she didn't understand it herself, he was popular, the whole female population of Anchor Academy wanted him and threw dagger looks at her in the halls, but she revelled in it, for once she was envied, for once people wanted to be her.
Y/N deposited her bag in the boot of her brother's truck and turned to the back seat where she knew she had left her pencil box, she slid them into her brown leather backpack and locked the car—after closing the door—and spun to Liam. He had his hands on her hips and was staring down at her with a burning intensity.
"Do you want to do something tonight?" He asked in a shaky voice. They had never been this close before, they hadn't even done more than pecks, she didn't know what was stopping her but she knew she was grateful that he was patient, she wondered how long that would last.
"I can't, I'm sorry, but I have to finish this assignment." The bell rang then and Y/N now understood the meaning of the phrase saved by the bell. "I need to go, but I'll see you tomorrow?" She got on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek, waving as she headed to class.
Y/N wasn't exactly lying to Liam, she did need to finish this assignment, but it wasn't due for another two weeks. Y/N knew why she didn't go out a lot on school days, but that was her secret.
Y/N sat at her computer desk, researching for this English paper when her chat window came up.
Hello Y/N
Y/N smiled and typed back. They had been friends for eleven years now, he knew her inside and out as she knew him, except for the fact that they had no idea what the other looked like, she thought and he agreed that it would be better to keep their faces hidden, like real pen pals.
Y/N remembered the day she had been told she had to write to him and the day he walked into her life, never walking out.
Y/N sat at her seat next to her new friend Will. He was funny looking; he had really big glasses and funny hair. They were friends because Y/N saw him reading and she wanted to read too. 
"Okay guy, we are doing a fun new assignment called Pen Pals! This means, each of you will select a name from this hat," She held the hat out for show. "And you will write that person a letter and then they will write you one and you will keep replying until the end of the year. Does that sound like fun?" The teacher was overexcited, Y/N didn't see the big deal, she was writing to a stranger. Her mom always told her never to talk to strangers. 
The hat was passed around and Y/N dipped her hand in and pulled out a piece of paper, handing the hat to Will. She opened the paper and saw the name of her 'Pen Pal'.
Harry Styles
Under his name was what she thought was an address. She pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil and began to write her first letter.
Dear Harry...
You're distracting me from homework, Y/N replied to Harry. When she had started that assignment she had no idea she was going to make a lifelong friend, a best friend and she had, in Harry, he had been her first crush, even if she hadn't officially met him, Y/N had wanted him to be her first kiss too, but that was impossible in case she was able to get a plane to England and the little savings she had in her piggy bank, Father gave her money but she always used that on the weekends, going to movies or restaurants or clubs.
Really, what are you doing? 
She was about to respond when he wrote something else and she giggled.
More importantly, what are you wearing? ;)
Y/N shook her head; Harry was always a cocky smartass.
Edgar Allan Poe
You're wearing Edgar Allan Poe? Lucky guy
Oh haha! I am studying Edgar Allan Poe and wearing nothing
Harry didn't reply, which was uncommon for him, not much rendered him speechless, in the time they had spoken, be it through letter or internet, she had learnt a lot about Harry and his life, what he was like and what he was hiding, she felt as if she was one of the only people who knew the real Harry and somehow that made her feel lucky.
What poem?
He ignored the naked comment. Smooth.
Instead of typing the title, which he would then Google, Y/N wrote the poem to him, perhaps he could shed some light on it for she was having no luck.
Romance, who loves to nod and sing,
With drowsy head and folded wing,
Among the green leaves as they shake
Far down within some shadowy lake,
To me a painted paroquet
Hath been- a most familiar bird-
Taught me my alphabet to say-
To lisp my very earliest word
While in the wild wood I did lie,
A child- with a most knowing eye.
Of late, eternal Condor years
So shake the very Heaven on high
With tumult as they thunder by,
I have no time for idle cares
Through gazing on the unquiet sky.
And when an hour with calmer wings
Its down upon my spirit flings-
That little time with lyre and rhyme
To while away- forbidden things!
My heart would feel to be a crime
Unless it trembled with the strings.
Y/N awaited his response as she read over the lines of the poem herself. The poem was called Romance and Y/N really hoped Harry didn't read something onto the title.
Well Y/N, it seems you have a pickle in your hands here.
Ever the asshole, Harry didn't help her at all. She sighed, deciding he was too distracting for her to actually get work done.
I'm signing off, you really are no help. Talk to you soon. 
Y/N logged off before he could respond. For another hour she pondered what the poem could mean and then gave up and decided to concentrate on her art assignment. She was supposed to draw something that meant a lot to her but she couldn't think of anything except for Harry and she couldn't very well draw him, she had no idea what he looked like.
Then an idea no, more like an image, came to fruition within her thoughts and she began sketching, not knowing where this idea had come from, but she was going with it, it was all the help she was going to get.
Y/N awoke the next morning and sauntered into the kitchen, pouring herself some cereal she went to get milk when she saw the envelope sitting there, with her name written on the front in elegant script and written in blue biro. She knew who it was from immediately and sitting at the table, her breakfast forgotten, she opened the letter and started reading.
She was glad she didn't eat, because she probably would have just thrown it all up with the nausea she felt.
Harry was coming to New York, not only that he was coming to her school.
That was bad, he would see her, who she really was, who her friends were, what her friends were like, her brother and he would see what she looked like. Y/N suddenly felt extremely self conscious and opted not to wear her original outfit and instead wear baggy jeans, a tank top, a giant hoodie and ugly sneakers.
She didn't want Harry to see her because she knew, she knew that he would be beautiful and she was not, he would laugh at her and never speak to her again.
Y/N didn't think she could handle losing her friend, her best friend, her soul mate.
Y/N had never changed outfits so many times in her life.
She had gone from baggy, to slutty, to loose fitting, to tight, to exposing, to completely covered, and finally she decided to go for a mix and ended up in something she would normally wear. Looking at herself in the mirror she realised that being friends with Isabella had influenced her style way too much.
And even scarier, she had never put in this much effort to look nice for Liam.
Y/N was wearing a loose grey shirt with a leather belt that emphasised her small waist, a pair of black skinny jeans covered her legs and her feet were enclosed in ballet flats. Her hair was pinned on one side and her makeup was light, she wore no jewellery and she had her bag slung around her shoulders.
Y/N descended the stairs and grabbed a berry yogurt from the fridge for breakfast and waited for her brother.
Jack came down the stairs a few minutes later and nodded at her, picking up his backpack and an apple, grabbing his keys they were about to leave when their father came out from the study.
He was always in the study.
"Where are you going dressed like that?" He asked Y/N, his breath heavy with the scent of alcohol. Y/N looked down at her attire, not seeing anything wrong with it.
"What's wrong with it?" She asked cautiously, standing closer to Jack.
When her father drank, he drank until he couldn't see anymore and he always asked or commented on Y/N's looks and she knew why. She looked exactly like her mother. Jack always came to her rescue when he started on a tirade, she was grateful to have such a loving brother.
"It looks like you are trying to impress a man. I want to know who?" Y/N cringed back at the look her father gave her. She hated it when he was like this.
Ever since their mother had abandoned them, Y/N's father had indulged in Alcohol and, as a result, had lost his job. They had nearly lost their home until, one day; their father had snapped out of it and got himself together. He got another job and was earning good money, Jack got a part time job for extra money and Y/N also got a summer job to pay for art classes.
He still drank and when he did, Y/N would rather avoid him.
"No one sir, I was just trying out a new style."
"What's it called? Whore?"
"Father." Jack stepped in, standing between Y/N and their father. "Enough. You're drunk."
"Just like your mother, she abandoned you kids, I stayed and this is how you repay me? By looking like something out of a x-rated movie?"
Y/N bit her lip and kept her tears at bay.
He wasn't her daddy right now. He was the thing that their mother had made.
"Y/N," Jack whispered. "Go to the car." Y/N did and waited for Jack.
When he appeared she was fidgeting with her outfit.
"Y/N, you look beautiful. Don't listen to him."
She smiled as he unlocked the car. She put her stuff on the back seat and sat, buckling her seat belt and fiddling with the music as he took off towards school.
"But out of pure curiosity, who are you trying to impress?"
My pen pal from kindergarten who just moved to this school.
"No one, just trying something new."
Harry rolled his eyes, walking along behind the chick giving him the tour of the school.
Isabella? That was her name he thought. She seemed to like to talk and look at herself and look at Harry. Typical Barbie teenager, he could have her in minutes if he wanted, but he was far too anxious about where he was and who he knew was here. He felt oddly nervous, but he didn't know why. He knew that he was good looking—okay, that was an understatement—he could get any girl he wanted with a snap of his fingers, but it was different now.
He knew everything about Y/N—except for what she looked like, which was a big thing for Harry. He could admit that he was shallow, he always went for the easy girls as opposed to any other girl, but he doubted that Y/N was easy.
The fact that she had a boyfriend said so.
Harry clenched his jaw at that thought, it was ridiculous to get annoyed over one word, but Y/N having a boyfriend was not the way he had pictured their first meeting to go. He expected her to fall into his arms or his bed, depending on the location.
He had to stop thinking of Y/N like that. They were friends, best friends, and had been since she was five and he was six, he loved her like a friend and cared about her. He lived for the days they would talk for hours. He loved being able to open up to her.
He loved having a girl as his friend that cared about him even though she had no idea what he looked like.
"And this is the cafeteria. You can sit with me, you said you played soccer right?" Harry nodded at Isabella's question. "Good, I sit with some soccer players." They walked into the room; it was white and blue with long tables and benches. There was a lineup for the food but Harry wrinkled his nose.
He never ate cafeteria food; he always brought his own lunch.
He had told his Grandmother this and she had packed him a lunch. His stomach growled thinking about it.
"Did you want some food?" She asked.
"I have some with me." He responded, giving her his signature smirk. She smiled back at him and batted her eyelashes as she trotted off to a table in the back with a group of boys and girls. Isabella sat and gestured to a spare seat next to her in which Harry took.
"Everyone," She announced, gesturing to the group as a whole. "This is Harry Styles, he's new. He moved here from England and he too plays soccer."
"Interested in trying out? We need a new player." A boy with light silver-white hair asked.
"Sure," Harry responded nonchalantly, when really the prospect of playing the game he loved so much gave him a kick of adrenaline.
"Excellent. Come to practice this afternoon." He reached over offering his hand. "I'm Jack, captain, goalie." Harry shook his hand, recognising the name.
My older brother, Jack, is starting second grade next year.
Jack starts high school soon.
My brother got into the soccer team.
Jack was made captain!
So, this was Y/N's brother. He studied the boy, trying to imagine his features on a girl. An image rose. Dark eyes, contrasting with a pale complexion, tall and stringy, like a beanstalk, with a bit of athleticism due to cheerleading and long silvery hair.
Harry wasn't entirely put off by the image.
"That's Isabella, as you know." Jack continued, pointing to the girl next to him. "Cherr captain. Laney and Kayla are also cheerleaders. Liam, Jared are also on the team. The others are around somewhere, but we all prefer each other's company."
Harry acknowledged everyone with a nod, noting that Liam was a boy with dark hair and eyes and was also, he suspected, Y/N's boyfriend.
This guy, one of my brothers' friends, asked me out so I won't be able to talk tonight.
Liam, the guy I went on a date with, asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes. 
Harry knew he was much better looking.
Harry looked around the cafeteria, trying to see if he could spot her.
"Ah," Jack said and here comes the most important member of our group.
Harry looked to where Jack was pointing and saw a girl walking towards them, tray in hand. Her eyes met Harry's and everything seemed to go silent. She was beautiful, not a generic beauty, but someone who didn't know how beautiful they were. Hair in a braid at her side, big luminous eyes widened as they looked at Harry. A small frame, with some muscle.
"Who?" Harry asked, not able to tear his eyes from her. His study happened in a split second; no one noticed that they had shared a moment.
A moment he would never forget.
"My sister."
The moment he first saw his Y/N.
"Come on Y/N, you don't want to miss him, he is so hot." Stella, her partner in science, pushed Y/N out of the class.
She was trying to get Y/N to the cafeteria to see the new boy, she had heard about him all day and received an excited message from Isabella saying she was escorting him. She had heard he was hot but she knew something about him that no one else did.
The new boy was Harry Styles, her pen pal for over ten years.
Y/N was nervous as her and Stella approached the cafeteria, Stella scanned the room and her shoulders slumped in disappointment.
"He isn't here yet. Let's line up, by the time we get our food, he should be here."
Y/N waited in line, noting that her brother and boyfriend came through and immediately sat down. They never ate school food. Y/N was envious. She hated the oily, bland food they made. She made a note to go car shopping sooner so that she could leave during lunch and buy something.
Y/N got her tray and on it placed an apple juice, a salad, a chocolate muffin and a small bowl of Mac 'n' Cheese.
Y/N decided to sit at her Brother's table today—well Isabella had decided for her—and as she made her way over, she stopped dead in her tracks as her eyes met with him.
His eyes were bright, emerald green and his hair was shaggy and brunette, falling under his chin and just above his eyes. His skin was sun kissed and he had an athlete's build. He was the most handsome boy Y/N had ever seen. Then it registered.
She had never seen this boy before, he was sitting with her brother, her boyfriend and Isabella and he, too, was staring at her.
She felt a lump build in her throat and she didn't need Stella's input.
"That's him, the new boy."
Y/N gulped and suddenly felt the urge to run and hide.
The new boy.
Her boy.
Her best friend.
Harry Styles, her Harry.
Y/N was able to move from her spot once Stella broke the trance she had been in.
She didn't look at him when she got to the table, taking a seat next to Liam and realising with annoyance that Harry was across from her. She couldn't look at him, then they would all know. They would know she knew Harry, she cared for Harry and she couldn't let that happen.
"Hey baby," Liam said as she settled in her seat. Leaning forward to kiss her on the cheek. Y/N's eyes inadvertently went to Harry as his lips made contact. His eyes blazed and his jaw tightened as Liam kissed her, but Y/N didn't understand why.
"Ow," Liam said as he pulled away, glaring at Jack. "Who just throws bread at someone?"
"That's my sister," Jack said. "Next time, it won't be bread."
"Jack, you are so overprotective. I am not a baby anymore" Y/N said, looking at her brother. It was the first words she had spoken since seeing Harry. She didn't look at him or tried not to anyway.
"Y/N!" Isabella said excitedly, drawing her attention. "This is Harry Styles; new guy from England, your brother is letting him try out for the team!"
Isabella, I know more about him than you, shut up and stop looking at him like that!
Y/N let her gaze go to Harry.
"Really? You must be something special to get that stubborn JACKass to let you try out." She smiled innocently at Jack.
"Oh you have no idea." Harry replied, his voice like heaven.
"We'll see about that." Liam said, slinging his arm around Y/N. "Are you coming to see his tryout babe?"
Y/N looked over at Harry who smirked at her quickly before glancing down at his untouched lunch. He seemed to have packed lunch, Y/N found that cute.
"Wouldn't miss it."
Y/N changed into some workout clothes.
"Alright," Isabella said as they stretched on the field. "We are going to practice the cheers for next weeks game, because frankly you suck at it. Let's go!"
Isabella was nothing if not direct.
She looked out at the field and saw Liam; he smiled and waved to her. Jack saw this and whacked him over the head.
Y/N couldn't help but laugh at that.
Then she noticed Harry and all laughter died as they looked at one another from across the field. He was shirtless, and boy did he look good, and he made it no secret to check her out. Y/N turned from him before Liam or Jack saw the look Harry was giving her.
She was distracted all through practice, but luckily, she wasn't the worse one here. A lot of the other girls were distracted by Harry too. Y/N tried not to dwell on that.
As the cheerleaders were packing, Y/N noticed Jack and Harry shaking hands and smiling.
He must have made the team
She saw Liam then and he began to walk over to her, she smiled and walked over to him, after having packed up what she was supposed to, and he wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on top of hers.
"So, Harry is a pretty good player isn't he?" Y/N said as she pulled away from Liam, taking his hand and walking to where she would change.
"Yeah, I guess so, hopefully he will be enough to get us out of this slump."
"I'm sure he will be." They had reached the entrance to the girl's locker room and Y/N looked up at Liam, his brown eyes smiling at her.
"Do you want me to take you home?"
Y/N was about to say no, that Jack gave her a lift to school and would take her home but then she thought about how little time she spent with Liam and nodded, hurrying to get changed and coming back out in record time.
"That was fast." He commented, smirking at her as he took her school bag.
"Well, I wanted to spend time with you." Y/N crinkled her nose. The girl's locker room always smelled like perfume, too much perfume and all of different scents. It got quite difficult to breathe in there.
"Cutie."Liam bent down and brushed his lips over Y/N's. 
Liam pulled back grinned, Y/N stood and stared up at him, unable to form words.
The kiss was small, short and...Nice.
"Why Miss Y/L/N I do believe my kissing has stunned you into silence. I am quite good."
Y/N shook her head and shoved his arm playfully, about to say something smartass back to him when something caught her eyes. A flash, retreating into the boys' locker room.
She turned back to Liam and they continued walking, they were nearly at his car when she remembered something. Slapping a hand to her forehead. Liam looked down at her in concern.
"Shoot, I forgot my homework in my locker. I'll be right back." She began to run towards the school.
"Do you want me to come with you?"
"I'll meet you at the car in a couple of minutes." She called back to him, dashing into the doors and running to her locker.
She put in the combination and got the book she needed, shutting her locker door she turned to go and jumped, seeing something she hadn't noticed before.
"Well, alone at last."
Y/N looked up at the person before her, feeling her insides melt.
"Harry," She breathed, unable to say anything but his name.
"Well Y/N, we meet at last."
Y/N looked up at Harry. She wasn't ready for this, no matter how many times she told herself she was, she wasn't and she realised she never would be ready to meet Harry. He was someone that she could turn to when she needed a shoulder to cry on. He was someone she could tell everything to—she had told everything to him and he was her best friend, someone who knew her better than anyone and now that he was here, she regretted telling him all those things. She regretted letting Harry in.
"I should go," she mumbled and started to walk away. Harry grabbed her arm and she spun, nearly head butting his chest. For a moment she stood frozen and, annoyingly, a song started playing through her head, one that she should not be thinking about when she had a boyfriend.
At last, my love has come along, my lonely days are over.
"Y/N" Harry whispered and she saw how close their faces were, his lips mere centimetres from hers. If she leaned forward, just a little, they would kiss and she had thought about kissing Harry plenty. Harry seemed to be thinking the same thing. His eyes travelled down to her lips and then back to her eyes. He was about to say something. Y/N wanted to hear it, she wanted to hear what he had to say to her, but the trance they were in was broken when Harry smirked down at her and spoke.
"I always imagined our meeting to go a little...differently."
Y/N didn't like his tone and managed to step out of his grip on her arm.
"You've imagined our meeting?" She asked, her voice coming out a little breathlessly.
"All the time, Y/N," she tried not to think of how her nickname—the name only he called her—sounded like a caress. "I mean, we've known each other for years and we have never met. I've always wondered what it would be like." He grinned wickedly at her and Y/N felt herself respond with a small, teasing, smile. One Isabella had taught her.
Damn her flirting classes to the pits of hell!
"Well, it's great to, you know, finally meet you. We should definitely hang out some—" Harry placed a hand over her mouth and moved his eyes in the direction of an empty room. Y/N felt her brow furrowed in confusion and then she registered the sound of footsteps. She didn't have time to respond before Harry was walking towards the room, with her in tow, locking the door and pulling the blind down.
"Harry," She hissed. "What are you—?"
The voice came from the hallway and Y/N widened her eyes as she recognised it. Harry put a finger to his lips in the international sign for silence.
"Y/N, baby?"
Liam was walking past the door and Y/N had to resist the urge to yell out his name, Harry saw this and leaned into her, whispering in her ear. His breath caused her to shiver.
"Y/N, I just want to talk to you alone."
"Harry, he's my ride home and my boyfriend," she said defensively.
"Text him and tell him you need to do something really quickly and you'll be out soon."
Y/N looked up at Harry, planning on defying him and then she thought about it. She would never be alone with Harry again and she had wanted to meet him—talk to him in person—for years. Perhaps she should listen.
She took her phone out and sent a quick text to Liam.
Hey babe. Running late, meet you out the front in a few? Sorry for taking so long xox
Harry gave her an approving look as they heard Liam's phone go off and he headed back down the hallway, leaving the school.
"Okay, you have five minutes, what?" She asked Harry.
The Harry in her head looked like the Harry before her except for the attitude. Her Harry was sweet, funny and romantic. Harry, though funny, didn't seem to have anything sweet in him.
"Cute," Harry said and she looked up seeing one corner of his mouth was turned up in a smile.
"What is?" She asked.
"You," he grinned and Y/N grinned back. Then her smiled faded as he kept looking her up and down. Y/N squirmed uncomfortably under his scrutiny. He was looking at her like...like a piece of meat, ogling her. This was not how she imagined Harry would look at her; she imagined kindness to shine from his eyes and a feeling of safety to wrap around her.
Right now, all she felt was...uncomfortable.
"Look Harry," Y/N said, raising her eyes to his. "I really need to go," she said firmly, trying to get him to shake off the look of a stranger checking out the best piece of ass. He didn't.
"Oh Y/N, I have been waiting to meet you for over ten years and you're just going to walk away from me?" He shook his head. "I thought we were friends, best friends."
"We were—are—but Harry, I really need to go. I'll—I'll talk to you later, tonight, okay?" He gave her a curious look.
"No girl," he said slowly, "has ever walked away from me. It is unfamiliar and quite disconcerting. I don't like it very much but it seems to make you far more endearing. I enjoy a good chase, Y/N," he raised his eyebrows suggestively. "But be warned, I am quite good at catching what I want."
Y/N looked at him with disgust and shoved past him.
So this was who her best friend really was, an asshat that liked to use girls. Well, she wasn't going to be one of them.
"If I had known this is what you were really like," she said, hand on the door knob, turning to face him, "I never would have kept writing to you."
Harry drummed his fingers in time with the music on the steering wheel of his car.
He was driving to a local corner store, a mini mart of sorts, to get some things for his grandmother. He didn't mind helping her. She was letting him live with her, rent free and even gave him money for doing her favours. Harry didn't want to take it, but she was pushy and would put it in his wallet while he was asleep.
He smiled at the thought.
"I never would have kept writing to you."
His smile fell as that unpleasant thought worked its way into his mind and he slammed his hand, hard, on the steering wheel, berating himself. He couldn't believe how bad his meeting with Y/N went. He was such an ass. He knew he was, he could proudly admit it and also admit to the fact that there was no hidden reason behind his being an ass, no woman who scorned him, no abusive relationship with his parents and no reason at all.
Except that he was an ass and he enjoyed being an ass.
His arrogance only got him so far in life. Sometimes he would have to reel it in and suck up his pride and stop being an ass. Perhaps he should have done that with Y/N.
She had always been there for him, since he was six years old and first received her letter. When he found out she was a girl he was instantly annoyed, girls had cooties, but he wrote back anyway. That stupid egg headed boyfriend of hers had  called her baby and Harry had to suppress a laugh at that, he had had so many babies in his short life and knew that more would come. But there is only one Y/N
It had been a week since Y/N had spoken to him and if she did look at him, she glared. It bothered Harry, more than he was willing to admit, that this girl he had known for so long—and had finally met—may hate him. He had no one but himself to blame, it was easy to act differently when typing on a computer or writing a letter.
Harry only acted that way with family and very close friends. Never had he acted the way he had with Y/N with any other girl. He had never given them special nicknames or blown off parties to 'hang out'. He never stayed up all night talking or anxiously awaiting a reply.
He had never wanted someone like he wanted Y/N.
Not in a physical way, although she was remarkably good looking. He wanted Y/N on an emotional level too. He wanted to kiss her if he wanted and do things to her he had done before with other girls, but he also wanted to be able to talk to her, to tell her how he felt and have her listen and in turn, listen to her.
Was this love he was feeling? Had he fallen in love with the girl who never wrote in cursive and never stuck to one pen colour?
Harry thought about it and a startling revelation came to him.
He was most definitely in love with Y/N.
There was no other way to explain his feelings and even—dear god!—the silly grin that was now on his face as he thought about it. He pulled up to a red light and groaned, hitting the steering wheel.
I'm in love with my best friend and treated her like crap.
God he was stupid.
Y/N had been a constant in his life. He had always been able to turn to her for comfort and she had turned to him. He knew more about her than anyone probably did. He knew that when her mother left, Y/N had cut one line along her wrist and then looked at herself in disgust for doing it because her mother didn't deserve her blood. He knew that she hadn't spoken to her mother—Val—since she walked out, and he knew what her father would call her when he was drunk.
He knew her favourite colours, movies, T.V. shows, books and what she wanted to do. He knew her fears and her dreams. He knew that she loved carrots and detested broccoli. He knew that she would only ever dot her I's with hearts if hell froze over, and she liked to draw smiley faces on the toes of her converse.
He smiled thinking about it all and then he saw her in his memory, the way she had looked when he had first laid eyes on her and his heart sped up.
I am in love, aren't I?
He didn't understand how he was in love. He always thought he would fall in love when he was older. He knew Y/N, inside and out and he realised that he had been falling in love with her, slowly, since that first letter and had been in love with her long before he saw her.
Harry jolted with surprise at that, as the light turned green and he continued to drive, he was shallow. He knew it. He only ever paid attention to a girl if she was good looking and flaunted it; tight tops, pants, short skirts, the lot. If you didn't have any of that, he wasn't interested.
With Y/N it was different, he had never seen her before and yet he always wanted to spend his time with her. Re-reading her letters, seeing if she was online, anything really. He made excuses to stay in and talk to her. He would rush home if he knew he would receive a letter from her and butterflies would go crazy in his stomach as he saw the envelope.
She always wrote on nice stationery and sprayed the letter with perfume.
He loved going on her words, tracing them with his fingers.
God, Harry thought as he pulled into the car park for the store and got out, locking his silver Audi and moving to the entrance of the store.
He froze for a moment, the last thought in his mind, whirring around as he looked at the one person behind the counter and his heart soared. They didn't see him and he ducked into an aisle as he calmed his heart and that thought that was still nagging at him.
God, I'm in love with Y/N.
"Isabella, I only have a short break, what do you want?"
Y/N held the phone against her ear and shoulder as she listened to Isabella babble about the upcoming school dance. She rolled her eyes, her school had too many dances. This one was a welcoming back dance, although it wasn't scheduled for another month or so, but Isabella always had to start preparing early.
"I'm thinking blue, maybe. I think I look good in blue and gold for you. Maybe not blue, that would clash with the gold. I know, red! I'll wear red and gold and you can wear gold and red!" She chirped excitedly.
"What's the difference?" Y/N asked, opening her chocolate bar.
"Red is my feature colour, so it will be the colour of my dress and nails and lip stick and I will have gold shoes and accessories. Gold will be your feature colour and red you sub colour. Duh Y/N, have I taught you nothing?"
She rolled her eyes, thankful that Izzy couldn't see her.
"Alright, but red and gold remind me of curtains."
"Yeah, like older mansions always had red curtains and gold ropes and poles," she shrugged. "Reminds me of curtains, plus, red doesn't go with skin tone.”
"So what colour would you suggest for yourself?"
There was a pause and then Isabella yelled into the phone.
"Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N! You are not going to another dance in a black dress! For the love of God! Wear some colour!"
"But black is—"
"Black is a colour you wear once in a while. Not. At. Every. Social. Function," Isabella ground out and Y/N winced. "That's it! I managed to get you to dress like a girl everyday now I have to get you to dress in colours when we go out. I am scheduling a shopping trip...Two weeks before the dance. For now, we will browse online."
"What are you wearing right now?"
"A skirt and top."
"Elaborate, Y/N. Shape, colour, design?"
She sighed but continued, knowing Isabella wouldn't stop until she had an answer.
"A green skirt that is longer at the back and zips up the front and a white tank top tucked into the waist band of the skirt. My shoes are white enclosed with a wedge heel design and I am wearing gold bracelets and a silver necklace with a heart on it."
"Good girl, see? If it weren't for me, you'd be dressed like Will." Y/N didn't try to deny it.
"Isabella, I really think—"
"No excuses. It's written. It's done. Get your fabulously dressed butt back to work and call me later."
Isabella hung up and Y/N stared at the phone for a moment before sighing and putting it back in her bra—girl's gotta do what a girl's got to do—and headed back out to the register, where Mr. Stark had been managing the register.
Mr. Stark owned the small convenience store that Y/N worked at and had been good friends with her father—still was apparently, and she got the job with no problems. The pay was good and the hours flexible.
Smiling at the old man, she took her seat behind the register and waited, flipping through a magazine as she did. She heard the bell above the door chime but didn't look up, until she felt a tingle go through her and when she looked, no one was there. She frowned and then shrugged. They probably went down an aisle.
Returning to her magazine, Y/N thought through Isabella's words.
Did she need to wear more colours? Did Isabella have a point in helping her change her wardrobe from drabby to, as she says, fabby?
Looking down at herself, her style had definitely changed and Y/N liked it, maybe she should stop wearing black dresses to every dance.
Y/N saw in her peripheral a customer approach and stowed her magazine away, scanner in hand. Looking up she saw, to her dismay, who it was that was placing the items down. Locking her jaw, she decided not to acknowledge him and started scanning and placing in the paper bags that Mr. Stark used, insisting it was better than plastic. When she finished scanning, she was annoyed to find that she had to acknowledge his presence.
"Will that be all?" She asked, not quite meeting Harry's eyes. The green seemed to blaze into her.
"I think so, Y/N." The name was like a caress and Y/N had to suppress a shiver of delight. "Actually," Harry amended and Y/N looked up from typing in the total. "One more thing, when do you get off?"
"Do you use that line on every girl?" She asked, typing in the total as Harry fished bills from his wallet and handed them to her.
"Only girls I like." Y/N didn't pause in counting his change, but his words caused a thrill to go through her. "So, when do you get off?"
"Why?" She asked, handing him back his change.
"Because I want to talk, don't friends usually talk?"
"Friends yes, I wasn't aware we were friends Harry," she responded, still refusing to meet his gaze.
"Y/N," He sighed. "What I said, it was completely out of line. I—I'm sorry. I was so nervous meeting you. I mean, you imagine something for so long you want it to go perfectly and then you lose all sense and start blabbering." He ran a hand through his hair and Y/N finally met his gaze.
She could see that he was sorry, in the depths of green there was regret.
"I get off at 4," she said, which was an hour away.
"Would you mind—would you mind if I took you home?"
Y/N looked up at him and saw that he was nervous. Harry had always seemed so confident in his letters and typing that she hadn't thought he could get nervous and with his looks, she thought there was no need. Although what he had said to her still hurt, she had known Harry was a player, he had told her as much, but she had never thought—never imagined—that he would treat her like one of those countless other girls, and that hurt more than words could describe.
Her decision was made as she quickly mulled that over and she told him her answer.
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starrynite7114 · 4 years
things you never knew: five
A/N: I’ve had this ready for a few days, no idea why I waited, but it’s here now! Enjoy this update! Hope you all are enjoying this story as much as I am!
TYNK: Characters one : two : three : four
Word count: 5856
Request list
tagged list: @justahopelessssromantic : @ifoundmyhappythought : @carlaangel86 : @marvelmaree : @woahitslucyylu : @encounterthepast : @enamoured-x : @whyisgmora : @briana-mishell24 : @bribri-82 : @briannab1234 : @chibsytelford : @agirllovespasta : @twistnet : @everyhowlmarksthedead : @trulysuccubus : @jadert15 : @sammskellington : @cind-in-real-life : @mheart27 : @claytoncardenasbabymama : @sadeyesgf : @thickemadame : @summertimesadnesswithadashofsass : @gemini0410 : @robbosugdens : @elcococruz : @samcrobae : @sesamepancakes : @iambabyharry : @blackmissfrizzle : @nich0lasmatthews : @angelreyesgirl​ : @soamayansimaginez​ : @vicmackeybullshxt​ : @sheeshgivemeabreak​ : @1-800-imagines​
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Thank you again @carlaangel86​ for making this for me! <3
Ailee groaned as Arthur tended to her wounds, laying on her side as he applied cream on the scars that she sustained with the whip that Theo used on her. It was a torture tactic in case she was captured by the enemy. He whipped her twenty five times every other week to build her tolerance. They didn’t hurt less, she just reacted less. The tears have stopped as crying upset Theo greatly. 
And she was exhausted.
Tears weren’t doing anything for her.
The only time she cried was when she would dream of Angel, praying and hoping for this hell to end.
“You’re progressing well.” She heard Arthur compliment her as he applied the cream on her back. “I don’t know how to help you Ailee.”
Arthur was a Maquina agent that Jin installed in Theo’s company. He made his way up after saving Theo’s life in a failed assassination attempt. He made his way up the ladder rather quickly and was now his right hand man. At times, Ailee was skeptical to trust him as he’s been undercover for nearly three years. Theo was charismatic and took care of the people he cared for, but he was also harsh. Though from their interactions, Theo always seemed to listen to Arthur’s advice. 
“You can’t.” Ailee felt the tear fall, running over the bridge of her nose. “I don’t know how much more I can take.”
“Don’t do this for Angel, he’s not worth it.” Arthur knew what Theo held over his sister’s head and it was despicable. He reported to Jin that Theo was threatening Angel’s life, but it seemed that he didn’t care much for Ailee’s boyfriend. 
‘The loss of his life would propel her to come work for Maquina.’
The way Jin and Theo played with Ailee’s life, not caring how much they hurt her, it was despicable. Family was an excuse both used to explain their actions, that they cared for Ailee, they loved her. But this wasn’t what family was about. At least by his definition. Manipulating Ailee to fight for their cause, it was despicable. 
“To me he is, Angel has been the only constant in my life that has never required anything from me besides being myself.” She gripped the sheet as Arthur stitched up her new laceration she sustained. 
“Angel wouldn’t want you to suffer like this.”
“No, but if I lose him, I would lose my grip with reality. He’s the only person holding me down.” 
“At least let me tell your brothers where you are so they can come see you.”
“No,” she choked out. “That would upset Theo and it might blow your cover.” She never felt so helpless before. The only way she could escape was to become what Theo wanted her to be. Theo wanted her to be perfect. To kill with no qualms, to be able to surpass John.
She knew that eventually he would ask her to kill John for what occurred with his father.
‘They would never be able to kill you. You’re the one thing that John and Vince will never kill. You have to become better than them.’
Maquina provides the base model for Theo. She knew how to hold a gun, to fight, to escape tricky situations and to adapt to her surroundings.
Now, Theo was perfecting the skills she learned at Maquina. To be able to kill with whatever surrounded her or her bare hands. To be able to roam in the dark with no guidance. To not fear death or anything she used to fear.
The one fear he couldn’t get rid of was losing Angel and he used that to his advantage. 
So many times Ailee thought that ending her life would make this nightmare end, but all she could think of was Angel, what would happen to him if she did end her life? Felipe and EZ couldn’t lose another person. That would be too much life lost for a lifetime. 
She had to hold on.
She had to withstand it.
For Angel she would.
Ailee sat on her bed, Melody sitting in front of her. She was brushing her daughter’s hair, Alexander sitting at the head of the bed. 
“She has Angel’s eyes.” Ailee loved looking at Melody’s eyes, because it reminded her of Angel’s. Whenever she missed him most all those years ago, she would hold Melody in her arms, look into her eyes and feel at home again.
“Has he reached out to you?” Alexander questioned, watching how Ailee softly brushed Melody’s hair, making sure that she didn’t get the brush caught on her implant.
Melody has a cochlear implant that she had placed at four years old. She was born with congenital deafness due to a chemical that was induced during the pregnancy, Ailee’s pregnancy. Melody was a twin, but due to a drug that induced abortion, her twin died. Melody survived. 
Ailee was pregnant when she was arrested. She had found out that day and was going to tell Angel, she was four months along. Theo found out she was pregnant and due to his disapproval of Angel, gave her water that was laced with the drug. It was successfully worked on one of the babies, but Melody hung on and due to this, she developed the condition.
Thankfully, Melody was able to get the cochlear implant so she can hear. Her speech needed help, but Ailee had the best working on her.
A secret she kept from Angel all these years knowing that if her brother found out that Ailee had given birth to Angel’s child, it would place a target on her back. So she decided to pretend that it was a child she adopted in Europe, letting her stay with a family friend while Ailee racked up the bodies all around Europe. If she made herself look invincible, into the monster Theo wanted her to be, he wouldn’t fuck with her or Melody.
So she made the elaborate lie that she was adopted, when in reality, Melody was her and Angel’s child. Her brothers helped her cover her secret along with Jin. She didn’t mean to withhold Melody from Angel and she didn’t. Melody knew who her father was, she never hid that. 
“No, he won’t. Why should he?” Ailee hoped Angel didn’t reach out to her, there was no reason to do so.
“You know why you agreed to this, you wanted Angel to meet Melody. You didn’t agree to this at the farce of your half-brother possibly being here.” Alexander knew the truth. This was Ailee’s way to go home, so she fed the intel that Theo may be at the border communicating through the rebel group. It was a farce, a dangerous one at that, but once Melody met Angel, her conscience would be cleared and they could leave again.
This was the best way for Melody to be protected, by having Maquina around. As much as she despised the organization, she saw the benefits that it provided. By saying that Theo could possibly be around, Maquina would provide their agents and resources to assure that Theo doesn’t make any headway in America. It was a terrible farce but this was the way Melody could meet Angel. 
“I know, I just, he’s going to hate me.” And maybe she was frightened she would be rejected. From her understanding he had something going on with the rebel leader. The last thing she wanted was to disrupt Angel’s life. He was better without her, without her troubles and fallacies. 
“Angel could never hate you. He’ll be angry, but he won't hate you. He knows you did this for your daughter and not to spite him.” Alexander reasoned. “Or at least I would hope he didn’t.”
“This was a bad idea. I should have never come back.” Ailee places the brush down, Melody turning her implant back on. 
“Mommy, when do I get to see daddy?” Melody signed to Ailee.
“Soon baby,” she tucked her daughters hair back. “Mommy just needs a little more time.”
“Okay.” Melody said, nodding her head and getting off the bed. “Uncle Alexander, can we play?”
“Anything for you princess.” He stood up, almost following Melody out of the room before turning back. “You can’t keep him waiting Lee, Santo Padre is a small town. It’s not like you can deny her resemblance to him when he sees her.”
Ailee knew that, but she needed time. 
She wasn’t ready.
Well, when would she ever?
“This is insane Ailee, there are no leads connecting Theo to anyone here.” Janine rolled her eyes. “Well, we all know why that is.” She smirked at Ailee who flicked her off.
“The customer is awaiting their latte.” Ailee reminded her.
“I don’t do scut work.” Janine scoffed, a playful smirk gracing her lips as well. “Carl, latte,” she ordered, snapping her fingers at her protege. 
Carl quickly came and made the latte for the customer, busying himself with other tasks while waiting for the next customers.
“Wow, it’s like you have him on a leash.” Oscar chuckled, shaking his head. He was glad this was implemented after his time.
“He just knows better than to argue with me.” Janine grinned. “So have you reunited with your boy toy?” 
Ailee rolled her eyes. “That’s not what I’m here for.”
“Of course not.” Andrew sat across from Janine, placing a coffee in front of her. “For you Bonita.”
“Bite me.”
“Where?” Andrew wiggled his eyebrows.
“It’s too early for you two to behave this way.” Oscar rolled his eyes, shaking his head. 
“You’re just jealous because I’m taking your boyfriend.” Janine flipped him off.
“I’m good, I got Olivia.” Oscar blew her a kiss.
Janine chuckled. “You going to fight her jailbird?”
Ailee laughed, shaking her head at her team. Oscar was the first to join her group of misfits, meeting during training. Janine was the second to join, being assigned to the team by John. Olivia joined next, Ailee wanted her best friend to take care of all of her IT needs. Andrew was the last to join. Ailee met him during one of her visits in a Maquina training facility in Germany. He caught her eye and she immediately made him a part of her team. 
Young. Hungry. Talented.
That's what she looked for.
“I can take on baby Reyes.” Oscar scoffed. “Prison can’t teach you my skills.”
“They don’t teach dick sucking in prison?” Janine caused a roar of laughter to break out between the team members. 
Ailee was thankful that she had Oscar, Olivia, Janine and Andrew. They made this life so much more bearable. 
The bell above the door rang, indicating a customer came in. They heard Carl and Iya greet the customer, but they didn’t hear a reply. Ailee looked over and cussed under her breath. 
“We need to talk.” Angel’s eyes were trained on her, it was like he had tunnel vision.
Ailee saw Andrew and Oscar made a move to get up, but she stopped them.
“It’s fine, sit.” She looked at Angel. “Can it wait?”
“No, you don’t look busy to me. Besides, I think you owe me an explanation.”
“About what?
Angel cackled. He threw the folder that John and Vince gave him last night to the floor.
“Where’s my daughter?”
Janine, Oscar and Andrew all saw how Ailee’s face changed and immediately dispersed. Angel waited for Ailee to make a move. He could stand here all day. She was lucky he didn’t wake her up in the middle of the night.
“Follow me.” Ailee made her way towards her office, Angel following suit. As soon as they were both inside, Ailee closed the door. “Who told you?”
“You’re not even going to try and deny it?”
“For? You already know.” Ailee walked behind her desk, sitting down on the chair. “Who. Told. You.”
“Does it fucking matter? Cause you should have fucking told me.” Angel spat out. “You weren’t even in fucking jail Ailee, you were free, raising our fucking child without me!” 
Ailee knew it was awful of her to keep Melody away, but she couldn’t bring her to Santo Padre. She feared for Melody and Angel’s life. Maybe her decision was questionable but she did what she had to do as a mother. 
“I don’t expect you to understand my decision, but just know I made the best decision for her.”
“Why? Cause I’m that much of a fuck up? You didn’t even give me a fucking chance to fuck up!”
“No, Angel,” she immediately felt her heart clenched. She always believed Angel would be an amazing father. It was never about him. “You would be an amazing father, I just,” Ailee sighed. For once, Angel saw his Ailee, not this cold person that he’s been seeing around town. “Theo already killed one of them, I couldn’t risk bringing Melody here. He would know she was your kid and kill her.”
Hearing the confirmation from Ailee hit differently. Sure she wasn’t in jail. Sure she didn’t suffer as he thought she did, but she suffered in a different way that he still couldn’t fathom. He thought his family was a work of art but Ailee’s family took the cake. His girl lost one of their kids and she had to suffer through it alone. She raised their kid on her own. But she could have come to him, he would have protected her and their daughter.
“You should have come home to me Ailee. I could have protected you and our daughter. I would do anything for you Lee.” Angel felt the tears building in his eyes. Years of shame, disappointment, regret, frustration, sadness and anger were resurfacing for both himself and Ailee. They looked at one another, studying one another. Ailee was the light of Angel’s life, the person who made him feel that he was worthy. That no matter the life she could have elsewhere, she always chose him. And he would never fault her for that. If she wanted to stay with him, he would selfishly accept her. 
Angel was the light of Ailee’s life. 
During her time of darkness, as cliche as it sounded, he was her angel, the reason she kept fighting. When she was a child, he would sneak out with her, teach her how to play baseball or any other sport she wanted to learn. He would take her to watch the shining stars in the dark desert with no lights taking away their shine. When she suffered under Theo, he pushed her to live, to not kill herself because once she was able to escape, she would be back in his warm embrace. It kept her breathing. She felt like an idiot relying so much of her sanity on Angel, but she was the one person who didn’t like her due to her ability or what she could bring to the table, he loved her because she was Ailee. 
He was the love of her life. 
She was the love of his life.
Yet obstacles always came in between them.
But Ailee was content.
As long as Angel was alive she could live without having him, without being around him. She could live knowing that he was safe, at least from her demons.
Olivia opened the car door, letting Melody jump down the car. She smiled, holding out her hand towards Melody, which she gladly took. She had taken Melody out for some brunch while Alex was in Los Angeles handling business with Sierra. Parking in front of Carniceria Reyes was risky, but it was eleven in the morning, the shop was usually busy and she saw no bikes in sight. 
She was in the clear. 
“You think mommy will like her waffles?” Olivia asked Melody as they walked across the street.
EZ had caught sight of Olivia’s car, he gave her back a questioning look as he saw the child with her. He’s never seen the young girl before. She turned around and EZ felt his stomach churn. He recognized that smile, it was the same smile Angel had, the one he shared with their mother. He muttered some excuse to his father as he followed Olivia and the young girl. 
They entered Ailee’s cafe, which was called ‘MR cafe’. He didn’t know what the initials stood for but it was a catchy name. Following them inside, he saw how the employees warmly greeted the young girl along with Olivia. His eyes narrowed at the man hugging Olivia.
“Livy, Janine was being mean to me earlier, she said I had to fight the jailbird for you.” Oscar pouted.
Olivia laughed. “No, but you know you’re not my type.”
“What? Tall, dark and handsome? How is that not your type?” Oscar shook his head. “Now you’re just hurting my feelings.”
“More like obnoxious, arrogant and a clown.”
“Ooh! Burn!” Andrew let out a booming laugh.
Melody walked over to Olivia after retrieving a cookie from Carl.
“Mommy?” She looked at Janine.
“In her office sweetie, but,” before Janine could advise the young girl to wait, she bolted towards the office with the waffles in hand.
“Don’t worry, I got her.” Olivia walked away following after her with EZ following after Olivia. He passed by Andrew, Janine and Oscar since they thought he was heading to the restroom. EZ looked harmless to them, despite the kute. 
Olivia could hear the raised voices then, but before she could stop Melody from opening the door, she opened it. Her eyes immediately landed on Angel, her lie coming out before she could think.
"Oh, that's so odd, mommy isn't he-"
Melody ran straight to Ailee, hugging her leg. Angel looked at them, dumbfounded by the scene. The beautiful little girl looked up at him and when she studied his face, her eyes widened, hiding behind Ailee.
"I'm just gonna," Olivia nodded her head and made her way outside. EZ, who had seen them from across the street, was right behind her.
"Who was that?"
"Fuck me."
“She, please don’t tell me.” EZ knew that Olivia or Ailee would never keep something this enormous from them. They wouldn’t hide the existence of Angel’s child.
“EZ, it wasn’t my secret to tell.” Olivia grimaced, hugging him immediately. “This was on Ailee, I would never have crossed that line.”
EZ wrapped his arms around her. As much as he wanted to go inside for moral support, this was between Angel and well, his girls.
Angel looked down at Melody who was gripping her mother’s leg along with the plastic bag in her hand. She didn’t seem frightened of him, she just looked shy. Ailee had her hand on Melody’s head, placing a hand on her mouth to keep her sob from coming out. This was something she always dreamed of, Melody finally meeting Angel. She wiped her tears, squatting down to Melody’s level.
“Baby, I thought you and Auntie Ollie were having brunch?” Ailee questioned.
Melody looked at Angel then back at Ailee. “We did, I brought you waffles.” She signed back to her mother, marveling Angel. Lifting up the bag, Ailee took it, placing it on the desk behind her.
“She,” Angel paused remembering John and Vince’s words from last night. “Your brothers told me she could talk.”
Ailee stored that into memory. It was her brothers who told Angel. 
“She’s very shy, she just learned how to talk last year and she’s still getting used to it. She was born deaf and had an implant placed last year.” Ailee explained. “Baby, it’s okay, you can talk in front of daddy.”
Angel gave Ailee an incredulous look. How could Melody possibly know he was her father? 
Ailee saw the look on his face and sighed. “I never hid your existence from her. She always knew you were her father and she recognizes you from the pictures.” She looked at Melody who was looking up at Angel, marveled at the fact her father was finally in front of her. “Say hi to daddy Melly.”
Angel crouched down beside Ailee, wanting to give Melody the space she needed. He felt the tears escape his eyes, but he didn’t fucking care, his daughter was right in front of him and he felt like he saw his mother. Melody tilted her head, unsure why her father was crying. Her small hand reached up to him, wiping the tears escaping his eyes. Angel let out a sob, slightly startling Melody, but she kept her hand on his face.
“Hi daddy.” Melody closed the distance between them, wrapping her little arms around Angel’s neck. The tears wouldn’t stop falling for Angel, Ailee crying as well when she saw father and daughter together. Angel wrapped his arms around Melody, he never believed in love at first sight, but he did now. He fell in love with his daughter at first sight. 
“Hello Melody, you’re so beautiful mama.” Angel relished holding her. Looking at Ailee, he saw how she was trying her best to stop crying, but Ailee was awful at that. Picking up Melody, she was so light, it didn’t even feel like anything. Ailee stayed crouched down, trying her best to calm herself. He pulled her up, pulling her into his other arm, kissing the top of her head. “I got you baby, I got both of you.”
Their moment was broken when John and Vince burst into the room. Ailee glared at her brothers, obviously knowing of their betrayal.
“Oh man, is that my phone ringing? Might be my son, you know, your nephew, who needs me in his life.” John made a uturn and left the room. 
“That’s not fair, I don’t have a son to use as a scapegoat.” Vince gave his sister an apologetic smile. “I’m your favorite brother?”
“Te quiero mucho mi hermana.” Vince left leaving the family again.
Angel looked out and saw EZ with Olivia. Looking at Melody, he gestured for his little brother to come in. Ailee looked at Olivia who gave her an encouraging smile.
“Melody, this is Tio EZ, he’s daddy’s brother.” Angel informed his daughter.
“She knows about EZ.” Ailee confirmed. “She knows about your whole family.”
Melody turned to face EZ. “You’re on Auntie Ollie’s phone.” She looked at Olivia who gestured for her to be quiet. 
EZ chuckled, tears streaming down his eyes. Much like Angel, he saw his mother as he looked at her. He couldn’t believe Angel had a little girl. He knew Ailee’s return was going to bring so many answers, yet, he felt like it was going to bring more questions as well. Angel told him about Ailee’s past, how she was a government agent. He didn’t fucking believe it though. Ailee could barely kill a fucking spider before much less a human being. He thinks it’s completely fabricated and there was something else.
But the lie was so elaborate.
“Can you take Melody? Ailee and I have much to talk about.” Angel handed Melody to Olivia. “And we need to talk as well Liv.” 
Olivia eyed Angel curiously before nodding her head. 
“Sure, we’ll be right outside.” 
Ailee stepped away from Angel, sitting back down behind her desk. Angel waited till the door was closed before he turned to Ailee. He didn’t want Melody out of his sight, but he didn’t want her to be in here for this conversation.
“I just want to make it very clear that I’m not letting Melody out of my sight. I don’t care what you do, what you think, but she’s my daughter and I intend to be with her whenever I can.” Angel started off. “And you’re coming as well.”
“What?” Ailee was confused by his words. 
Angel chuckled. “We have a daughter together, Lee. I’ve always told you you were it for me and nothing has changed that. Though, it appears we have much to talk about.” 
“You have a child, that’s that.” 
“Oh no mi dulce, I know that, but you’re staying with me or I’m staying with you, I don’t give a fuck how it works, you’re not leaving my sight.”
“Don’t be ridiculous Angel, that’s impossible. You have to work and so do I.” Ailee hated how simple things always seemed to Angel. There was always a simple solution for him, but he never thought of the consequences or what had to be done to get to his simple outcome. 
Nothing in life was simple. 
“And? That’s not my concern. When you’re home, we’re all home together.” Again, so simple for Angel.
“That wasn’t a choice.”
“I’m not discussing this, you’re out of your mind. I was gone for five years Angel, I’ve heard you’ve moved on. Let’s just keep it this way. You are more than welcome to see Melody but otherwise there is nothing between us.” Ailee put her foot down. It was better this way. Her and Angel were just a thing of the past and the only thing bringing them together was Melody.
Ailee hates herself too much to give herself to anyone. Angel would never love her if he found out what she did while she was away. He wanted an innocent girl, untainted. Not a jaded government agent who had more scars and baggage that she would like to admit.
“I’ve moved on? You’re the one parading your dildo around here. I’ve never moved on, and I never will, not from you.” Angel was livid. He moved on? Was that an excuse for her boyfriend?
“Alexander isn’t my boyfriend.”
“Could have fooled me.”
“Look, I don’t want to argue, I got shit to do today and the last thing I want is for Melody to hear us arguing.” She lowered her voice. “We should take her to meet your father.”
“Not right now, I just, I want her to myself.” Angel sighed. He should introduce Melody to his father, but he wanted some time with Melody first, to get to know his daughter.
“Okay, whatever you want.”
“We’re staying together.”
“Okay Ignacio, whatever you say.”
Olivia walked in her apartment, the smell of smoke was immediately apparent to her. She rolled her eyes, knowing Angel broke in her damn apartment again. It’s not like she didn’t have any security cameras, of course she did, the place was rigged. But Angel also had a key to her place.
“Ignacio, what did I say about breaking in?” Olivia closed her door, locking her door. 
“How could you not tell me Liv?” Angel questioned, crushing his cigarette butt on the ashtray that Olivia conveniently left out for him. 
“It wasn’t my secret to tell.” Olivia sighed, sitting beside Angel on the couch. “I, I wanted to tell you, I really did, but Ailee didn’t want to. She said you made a life of your own and you didn’t need her.”
“She’s a pain in the ass.” 
“She’s your pain in the ass.”
Angel chuckled. “Yeah, yeah she is.” He slid the folder over to her, Olivia giving him a confused look. “Guess you also kept that you worked for a government agency.”
“Yeah, you know this, I do apps for various government agencies.” Olivia shook her head. “Why are you here?”
“So, when are you going to tell EZ that you’re a part of Maquina?” 
Olivia looked at Angel then, making her sigh. She let out a string of cuss words under her breath. She stood up and began pacing in front of Angel. “Who told you?”
“Just like Lee, didn’t even try to deny it.” Angel let out a small laugh, hardly amused by this whole ordeal. “You knew the entire time where she was, yet you never told me.”
“Angel, I wanted to tell you, I truly did, I just,” Olivia couldn’t even find a good excuse. There was no good explanation of what she did to Angel or EZ, but she had her reasons. “I had to respect Ailee’s choice, my loyalties will always lie with her. “I can’t tell EZ, not yet. I will eventually, especially with Maquina being so close to home.”
“Close to home? Maquina is in our home.” Angel lit another cigarette, the stress getting to him. “I don’t want to break my little brother’s heart since you kept such a big secret from him. I wanted to tell you that I know and I think you should be the one to tell EZ.”
“And I will.”
“When Liv? When are you going to tell EZ?”
“Soon, just not right now.”
“No better time than the present. This week seems to be the week of letting the cat out of the bag.” Angel sighed. “I’m not here to force your hand, you want to tell him, that’s on you. But tread carefully. Can’t promise you that the other members won’t mention it in front of EZ.”
“I’m sorry Angel, for whatever it's worth, I’m sorry that you found out like this.” Olivia didn’t want Angel to find out in this way. She was obviously never on board with keeping Angel in the dark, but she had to understand Ailee’s reasoning. Ailee was her best friend and she wanted to support her in any way she could. 
“Would Ailee have ever told me about Melody?” Angel knew she wouldn’t. 
“She wanted to, but she was afraid.”
“Of what? She knew how devoted I was to her.”
“It’s not about you.”
“Then what is it? Theo? Fuck her brother, he can kiss my ass. Her whole fucking family is a nightmare.” 
“Theo is a different beast Angel, I get that you don’t think before you do shit, but with him, you have to. You can’t be impulsive since he’ll count on that. I’m sure he knows Ailee is back in town, it won't be long before he makes his play.” Olivia knew that Theo always knew Ailee’s moves. He’s kept on track of her all these years. Maybe he didn’t know all of her moves, but he knew enough to make it dangerous. 
“I don’t give a fuck, let him come. I’m ending this shit, he’s not going to hurt my family, never again.”
“Are you going with your uncle?” 
“To the brothel? Yes. Don’t wait up.”
“I try not to.” 
Alexander walked out just as Ailee stood up. She looked at her and saw a message from her uncle. Sighing, Ailee changed her clothes and made her way down the stairs. She saw Alexander and Melody in the living room. Quickly, she said goodbye to her daughter, late nights were not odd to Melody. 
Making her way to the coffee shop, she found her uncle waiting at the back of the shop, inside of his Mercedes Benz.
“Are we using my car?” Ailee questioned.
“We can use mine, Dave will drive us.” Dave has been her uncle’s bodyguard, driver, best friend and confidant for twenty-eight years. He didn’t trust anyone more than Dave. Even Ailee trusted him. His tough exterior was such a farce, because once it was the two of them, he would have tea parties with her, sneak her some cookies at night and even read her a book. She figured Dave was what a father should be, something she only saw on movies and television shows.
It was pathetic.
“Uncle Dave,” Ailee greeted him warmly.
“Fuck you both for coming to this god forsaken town. It’s unbearably hot.” He opened the door. “Hello to you too sweetheart.”
Jin and Ailee laughed, sliding inside the car. Dave closed the door, sliding in the driver seat. As they made their way to the brothel, Jin discussed the plan with Ailee.
“From my understanding, the Reid family is through and through racist yahoo’s who want to serve and protect the country by patrolling the border, illegally.” Jin provided background information. “Cole has been working with them, but he doesn’t seem very impressed with their lack of discipline.”
Ailee laughed. “None of them have ever served in the military. What made him think that they were going to be good foot soldiers? Their racist cause is their main agenda, having to shoot people of color is their whole purpose in this whole ordeal.”
“Gracie, have you spoken to Angel?” Jin knew it was only a matter of time before the two spoke again. They always gravitated around one another. He was surprised she was able to hold back this long when it came to talking to him. He knew that she made a few trips to Santo Padre, but she always left, wanting to assure his protection over anything. 
“No.” A lie, but she wasn’t required to be truthful to her uncle. She had to dig into this deceit that was placed ever since her supposed incarceration. Jin hardly told her the truth, why should she?
Great family dynamic.
“Why did you have Alexander bring Melody here?” Jin questioned. He didn’t feel comfortable having his granddaughter so close to the border with Theo around. They never understood Theo’s obsession with Ailee. Maybe due to the fact that he was an only child. Or maybe it was due to Ailee’s ability. Regardless, they were not big fans of Theo’s idiocracy.
“Why is this a question? Melody wanted to see me. Is that a crime?”
“Easy Gracie, I was just wondering. I thought you wanted to keep her away from Santo Padre.” Jin didn't want to upset her, but he was also looking out for his granddaughter. Though he figured Melody was safe since they had more than fifteen Maquina agents around as of right now.
“Yes, but, I can’t live in fear. If Theo wants to harm her then I will have his head on a silver platter before he can do so.” Ailee sighed. “Why is he such a concern? Theo has not made noise in years. Backing lowly European groups is hardly any of our concern.”
“It’s Theo, you never count out a Kane. He’ll want his revenge and make people pay for what occurred with his father. We need to be ten steps ahead to assure he cannot pull a fast one on us.” Jin never counted out Theo. He did not like to be an underdog, did not like to be the second best. He had to be the best. He remembered when Theo expressed interest in joining Maquina and it was an immediate no. The way Theo was, Jin knew that training him and giving him permission to eliminate people would be too powerful of a task for him. “Grace, what did he do to you?”
“Besides killing one of my children? The details are not necessary, just know that you perfected whatever he wanted to do.”
“And what’s that?” Jin hated it when Ailee compared him to Ailee. He did everything for her own protection. She thrived under Maquina and without it, Melody wouldn’t be able to hear. There was a tiny amount of guilt that ate at him, that if he didn’t set her up, Theo wouldn’t have been able to take her child from her. 
“A killer with no moral code.”
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thirsty-x1 · 5 years
Reactions/MTL Masterlist
All Rights Reserved ©thirsty-x1
All of the following works belong to thirsty-x1 on tumblr. Replication of the works in any form such as copying, stealing, plagiarising and translating is prohibited. All works are fiction unless stated otherwise.
Requesting rules
[S] = Smut
[F] = Fluff
[A] = Angst
✧ = Personal Fave
Bulletpoint/Reactions to:
S/o dressing up as a kitten (Wooseok)
S/o cosplaying favorite anime girl (Seungyoun)
Hyung line as boyfriends
S/o getting period cramps
Crushing on you
Discovering s/o has a cosplay kink
Reader being their little sister
Reader wanting more than a fwb relationship
Having a crush on other member’s sister
S/o sitting on their lap and kissing their neck
S/o wearing a school girl uniform for Halloween
Members seeing their s/o speaking with their ex
S/o dropping hints that they are in the mood ;)
S/o provoking them by mentioning another member
Girlfriend asking them to have her first time w/ them
S/o talking about them in their sleep
S/o receiving hate from fans
S/o getting touchy in public
Waking up next to bestfriend!reader after hooking up drunk
S/o having their pictures around
Bias not being them (boyfriend!hyung line)
S/o being shy first days of relationship
S/o backhugging them and being clingy
S/o not paying attention to them
S/o being clumsy
S/o doing the Dongpyo aegyo
S/o getting scared because of a stalker
S/o putting a pervert/flirt in their place
S/o fangirling to their concept evaluation performance
S/o accidentally revealing they pictured a future together ✧
Overhearing s/o practicing their confession
Realizing they are in love with bestfriend!s/o
S/o being bullied at work/college
Finding out they are their crush’s ideal type
S/o asking if they want to join for showering
Seeing their kid for the first time after serving
S/o falling asleep while video chatting
Filming MV with their crush/partner
S/o babying maknae line
Trying to make happy s/o after making them mad
S/o kissing them whilst they are asleep
S/o waking them up with kisses
S/o not wanting physical contact out of nowhere
S/o watching fansign videos and getting jealous
S/o getting sick
S/o getting turned on at them wearing suits
S/o proposing to them nonchalantly
S/o dry humping a pillow ✧
S/o caught dancing to one of their songs
S/o completely naked and just chilling
S/o being into age play
S/o being drunk for the first time
Telling them you’re pregnant after trying for some time
S/o feeling stressed because of work/study
S/o calling them oppa when they are needy
S/o sitting on their lap to hide their boner
Meeting their long lost child for the first time ✧
Shy s/o initiates physical contact
Best friend/crush getting heartbroken
Foreign s/o talking dirty in their native language
S/o saying they are horny at a formal event
S/o uncomfortable because of a drunk/touchy person
Best friend tells them they are pregnant after a hook up
S/o’s parents disapproving their relationship
Using toys on their s/o for the first time
S/o wanting to break up to protect their career/reputation
S/o wanting to try vibrator in their underwear (?)
Having a sex scene with their crush
S/o teasing them whilst their parents are at home
Their sibling naming their first son after them ✧
S/o asking to be marked by them
Foreigner s/o moving to Korea and being down
Finding out they have a size kink for their s/o
Hearing another member have sex in the next room
S/o wearing lingerie for the first time
Their best friend/crush’s kid calling them “dad” ✧
Their kid having their first crush
S/o saying they like another member that isn’t them
S/o having a wet dream about them
S/o being self conscious/insecure about their body
Idol!s/o dancing to a sexual/sensual song
S/o getting anxiety attacks
S/o gifting them a riding crop
Seungwoo’s s/o being obsessed with his Busan satoori
S/o saying the safe word during sex
S/o licking ice cream and aking them horny
S/o calling them “daddy” for the first time
S/o challenging them to a NNN quarantine version
S/o sleeping with a plushie
Tiny s/o always protecting/shielding them
Innocent s/o listening explicit lyrics
Most To Least:
Date someone younger
Date someone older
Be in an open relationship
Be a fuckboy
Be a camboy
Have a breeding kink
Be into choking their s/o
Act giddy when seeing s/o wearing their clothes
Like a shorter/tiny s/o
Cheat in a relationship
Have an age play kink
Be into DD/LG dynamics
Have a chubby s/o
Be into roleplay
Date a fan
Get s/o to squirt
Have sex early in the relationship
Be a sugar daddy
Tease you in public
Spoil their s/o
Get jealous easily
Stubborn to apologize after an argument
Be clingy with their partner
Put things in high places to annoy short s/o
Being vocal during sex
Have a corruption kink
Be into cockwarming
Be into using rope
Cry watching their s/o walk down the aisle at their wedding
Giving/receiving head
Date a foreigner
Have a sex tape with their s/o
Have their s/o ride them
Big-small dick LMAO
Date a korean-american
Date a tall s/o
Be into primal play
Be good at dirty talking
Date another member’s sister
Like s/o in creepyyeha kind of lingerie
Say “I love you” first
Astro Thingies:
What are their risings
Dom/Switch/Sub according to Astrology
Ideal types based on their moon + venus signs
Guilty pleasures/hidden fantasies based on their Lilith Signs
Random Thingies:
What kink each member has [S]
Sorting them into Hogwarts Houses
Boob guys vs. Butt guys
What kind of dates they would like
Favorite positions
Last Updated: April 2nd, 2020
371 notes · View notes
sweetaesuga · 4 years
rather be | jhs
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pairing: hoseok x female reader
genre: angst, fluff, established relationship au!
warnings: age gap, language, parents disapproval.
word count: 2.1k
↳a/n: decided to post this since my jk fic is taking too long. this is a drabble for my upcoming jhs fic!
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"I think they're going to hate me."
"They're going to love you, I don't know what you're talking about."
You shuffled awkwardly in front of the red door, black heels grazing on the cement. "I feel like I'm gonna make myself look like a complete fool," you whined to him, puffs of air are seen leaving you mouth due to the coldness.
Hoseok chuckled. "As if you already don't already do that," his smile surfaced as he remembered the first date you both went on and how timid you were. You could barely stand on your two legs like a baby giraffe that day but now you're glaring at him with your might. "I'm joking babe. They're going to—"
The door is thrown wide open, hitting the wall. Hoseok's mother stood there in her elegant black pencil skirt with a precious diamond necklace, hanging down her neck and matching earrings. Her eyes landed on Hoseok and she embraced him. Accompanied by a kiss on the cheek, she told him how much she missed him. He whined and promised her he would visit more often. Hoseok moved out of the way to make sure she got a good glimpse of you. She scanned you up and down, watching you gulp in uneasiness. Hoseok coughed to get his mother's eyes to return to him when he realized she was staring too long. She smiled at him, cheeks scrunching up. "Um, mom this is Y/N, my girlfriend."
Taking a deep breath, you prepare to greet her. "Hello," her hand stuck out in front you, a nice red color painted onto them.
"Hi!" you shook her hand, your glittery nails are now the center of attention as she glanced at them. "It's so nice to meet you!"
Your cheeks flushed at your ear-piercing tone. Hoseok's mother seemed a little taken back but veiled it with a small smile, not the same she gave your boyfriend however. "Hoseok talks a lot about you, we're so happy to meet you."
She stepped aside, making way for the two of you. Shutting the door in front of you, she walked over to the living room. "I'm sorry but Jiwoo won't be joining us today, she's busy at work like always," she mumbled the last part. You nodded, secretly a little grateful that his sister wouldn’t be here because the information eased your nervousness.
Hoseok wrapped your hand around his, reassuring you to just be yourself. He gave you multiple talks along the way, reminding you that if his parents would approve of a beautiful amazing girl like you, his words exactly.
His father appeared from the kitchen, waving slightly at you. His attire was the same as his wife, elegant and classy. A dark suit with a simple navy tie and a white button down shirt. “You're back from Seoul! And you even brought yourself a pretty lady," Hoseok's father grinned at you and went in for a hug. Your cheeks flushed even more at his comment, taking a whiff of his dark spiced cologne.
"Dad, this is Y/N, my girlfriend," his father whistled at him, happy that his son has finally found himself a girlfriend.
"Thank god! Was beginning to think you were gay or something," you can't help but let out a snort, Hoseok's glare quickly shushed you. "Seriously, he never brings over a girl. I mean, Hoseok you're thirty-three and haven't even thought of marriage!" you laughed in agreement and your boyfriend grimaced at the thought.
His father warmed up to you fast, walking over to the dinner where everything was prepared waiting for you. His parents sat across from the both of you, his mother chose to sit in front of you. The warm dish of jajangmyeon planted in front of you.
"Wow," the air in your lungs are knocked out from the delicious plate in front of you. "This looks amazing and I bet it'll even taste amazing."
His mother scoffed. "We didn't cook it, the maids did."
Hoseok distinguished the tone his mother was using on you, remembering it from the times her and his father fought. She had an attitude towards you. His hands enclosed around you, kneading your knuckles. You blinked, surprised at the fact they had maids but still apologized for assuming.
"Is this the house where you grew up?" you voiced to Hoseok, genuinely interested if he grew up in this lovely home.
His father slurped down his noodles, prepared to answer the question for him. "No, we moved like three times. He grew up in another house that we sold. It was a great house, just didn't feel right for us."
Nodding, you gazed around the dining room. White coated on the walls with a brown marble floor that evened the colors out. Instead of a source of light hanging from above, there was two plants hanged. The dining table was a weirdly shaped wooden plank on four poles that still added touch to the design. "This is very beautiful," you complimented, fully absorbed in the modern design.
"I designed it myself," his mother smiled in pride and stared up at the plants. His father grinned at her, reminding her how much of a great job she did. "I went through a lot of designs but I definitely had a thing for modern interiors."
"Seriously, I remember when everything was dark. It looked like Dracula's house, Y/N," Hoseok recalled, receiving a frown from his mother. Your lips curved upwards but tried to hold your laugh in. "It was black and red in here, you should've seen!"
His father laughed at him. "You think that was funny?" he challenged his son with raised eyebrows. Hoseok stopped eating his noodles to stare at him along with puppy eyes. "You should of seen what Hobi used to play with as a kid that now he's ashamed of."
On cue, Hoseok's eyes widened at the sudden memory his father was going to expose. You gave him a puzzled look. "What is it?"
"No dad, stop! That was um....when I was younger. You said you weren't gonna talk about this!" Hoseok reminded him, it only gets your curiosity to leap higher.
"What is it?" you asked, leaning forward. Hoseok's father glanced over at him, staring into his sunken eyes that lost hope.
"He used to play with a barbie when he was younger—which there's nothing wrong with that but Hoseok over here gets embarrassed about it all the time, it's too damn funny!" his wife laughed along with him.
You giggled and turned. Surely enough, your boyfriend was sitting uncomfortably in his seat with red flushed cheeks. He wore a grumpy frown on his lips. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about, Hobi." you teased him, pinching the cheek closest to you.
"So where do you come from?" his father started again once he calmed down, bringing a piece of noodles to his lips. His wife sat besides him, peacefully eating her portion.
"I originally come from Ulsan but I came to Seoul because I'm currently attending Hanyang University right now."
The table goes quiet and you're worried that you might've said something wrong. You went over your words in your head, trying to find what could've offended them. Hoseok's father stopped chewing for a moment as if he's processing what you just said to him. Hoseok sighed and grabbed your hand from under the table, not helping your anxious state.
Maybe it was the university you were attending? You couldn’t think of anything else besides that being the reason that caused the tension in the room.
"How old are you?" his eyes fixed on you, wandering of your features to try to determine the answer himself.
Hoseok's mother laughed, earning a scowl from Hoseok himself. She shook her head and drank her wine, telling herself things under her breath. "Oh my god you stupid girl, you really thought you could date my son just for his money."
A frown settled on your face. Your palms began to become sweaty. Hoseok's eyebrows furrowed, his jaw continually clenching and unclenching. "I'm sorry? I don't know where you guys got that idea." you laughed awkwardly but shut your mouth when his father sent you a glare. It's almost like his whole personality switched into an asshole.
Hoseok doesn't move his hand even when his father glared at him. "We're not dumb sweetheart. Little girls like you that can't afford college, of course you would be looking for a sugar daddy," his mother continued. She aimed her finger at Hoseok. "And you, you're smart enough to know this. And getting a girl like this? Hoseok, I thought we raised you better than that." she turned to you, her gaze piercing through you you're sure it left a two holes in your head. "He's supposed to be getting married by now but instead he's wasting his time with someone like you."
You bit your lip, unable to blink or else a tear will rush out. There's a huge pressure on your body right now as you try to compose yourself together and not cry in front of his parents, but with the sickening look his mother is giving it's hard to follow through.
"What is your guy's problems?" Hoseok's voice cuts in. His chair scratched the floor as he stood up in front of them. His hands clutched yours tightly, even when you tried to pull away. "Sugar daddy? Are you listening to yourself right now?!" his voice boomed throughout the room.
"Hoseok—" you're ready to stop him from defending you but he's quick to silence you.
"I know Y/N, she's not like that," his eyes searched for you glossy ones. You sniffed and peered up at him. "You guys just barely met her, you can't make those assumptions of her. I know she's not with me for money, hell she won't take that necklace I bought her," you faintly smile at the memory of Hoseok begging you to take the emerald stone necklace in the middle of a restaurant. You kept refusing however not wanting to wear that expensive jewelry around since you feared that it wouldn’t look good on you.
"Hoseok please, a much younger girl wanting a rich man like you? She's like ten years younger than you! You think she's ready to get married anytime soon?" his hands kneaded your sweaty palm. "You're thirty-three and she's nineteen! You both are at different points of your life, she probably just came out of the nest. This is not going to work out," his mother stressed, standing up from her seat. His father exhaled and laid back in his seat. "How much?" she asked all of the sudden.
"How much to get you out of his life? Name the price and you'll leave him alone."
"Mom! What the hell?!" Hoseok embraced you when you let a sob escape your mouth. Your nose nuzzled in his chest, taking in his coconut body wash. "I can't believe you guys would go this low!" you never heard Hoseok this angry. Even during all those times you messed something up like one of his papers by spilling lemonade onto it, he would never raise his voice. "Y/N makes me happy and if you guys can't accept that, well then—"
"What Hoseok? Are you going to chose her over your own family?" his father finally decided to talk, chest heaving up to present himself as more assertive. You feel backstabbed by this man, a few minutes ago he was telling your stories of Hoseok playing with barbies.
Your boyfriend doesn't say anything to them at first. He solely gazed down at you, pressing his soft lips against your forehead. "Goodbye," he decided, pushing in both of our chairs. You don’t miss the despairing features on his parents face as you exit the house.
Even when you both reach his car, you haven’t stopped crying. He opened the door for you. Your eyes followed him as he walked around to his door. “Maybe your parents are right,” you croaked out, your voice vague from all the tears you’ve poured out. Hoseok stopped to look at you, eyes urging with you to continue. “What if people just see us like that? I’m a fucking gold digger and you’re a sugar daddy. I’m just with you for the money, I don’t want people thinking of me like that,” your voice cracked halfway.
Hoseok reached over the console to wrap his arms around you, giving your forehead a quick peck. “People who think that are just people that don’t know what do with their life and like to get into others’ businesses. I know you’re not a gold digger, Y/N.”
“I feel like such a bad person,” your hair stuck into your forehead as the tears poured out. You hiccuped into Hoseok’s shoulder. “You can’t pick me over your family, we need to break up.”
He shook his head, a tear managing to slip out. “No, I don’t ever want to break up with you. Y/N, I wanna spend the rest of my life with you.” you sniffed and glanced up at him, noticing his eyes and how tears were dangerously close to pouring out. He opened his mouth but shut it. A tear ran down his cheek and near his mouth.
“When I am with you, there’s no place I’d rather be.”
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worldwidemochiguy · 4 years
MFEEU! Second Generation Profiles 💕✨
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↳ MFEEU! Tae Masterlist 
↳ Link to Yoongi’s MFEEU one shot and Hoseok’s 
↳ General Masterlist :)
The kids 
↳ No children (he’s happy being a godfather!!)
↳ Yoona 
↳ Seojoon 
↳ Namgyu 
↳ Jihae 
↳ Jihyun
↳ Haneul 
↳ Haewon
↳ Minho
↳ Mina 
(wow i just realised i gave the rapline all one kid and the maknaes two kids huh)
When they’re born: 
first it’s Kim Haneul 
↳ the next year is Kim Namgyu and Park Jihae
↳ the next year is Park Jihyun and Jeon Minho
↳ the next year Jung Seojoon
↳ the next year Jeon Mina and Kim Haewon
↳ and five years after that... Min Yoona 
Profiles :)
Kim Haneul 
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Tae and his wife’s first child
The eldest of all the mfeeu kids
Very protective of all her younger siblings, especially Haewon 
Minho has a crush on her for the loooongest time (she sees him as an annoying little brother) 
Abuses her privilege as the eldest to get all of her dongsaengs to do whatever she wants (apart from Jihae) 
She inherited her mother’s sincerity and tae’s determination 
Her and Namgyu are like the only responsible ones
Taehyung is very happy leaving the business in her hands once she’s old enough
As she grows older she realises the special feelings she’s always felt towards Jihae are different than how she cares for her sister
She loves Haewon of course, but with Jihae it’s different. She wants to always take care of her, spend every minute with her, kiss her. 
They start dating when Jihae turns 15. both Jimin and Jihyun tell her she better take care of Jihae or else. Haneul has no intention to do anything other than that.
Kim Namgyu
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Namjoon and his darling’s first and only child
Strict with all of his dongsaengs but would let Mina get away with murder
He’d probably help her with it tbh
Haneul’s right hand man, slated to help her with the business once he’s older
He inherited his father’s intellect. He helps all his dongsaengs in their lil homeschool lessons and once he’s finished his work he’ll leave the classroom they have set up and go and sit with his father
(Namjoon is the softest dad ever oh my god 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺)
Namgyu has dimples that pop out every time Mina calls him ‘Namu’ 
Him and Minho have a brotherly relationship. He, along with Jihyun, help Minho to get over Haneul. 
He’s known that he loved Mina since she was 5 and he was 8, but of course he waited until she was 18 because of the age gap between them.
Mina had no such reservations. She asked him to date her when she was 14 and he had to gently turn her down because she was way too young to be dating a 17 year old. 
She would stubbornly ask him every year on her birthday if she was old enough to date him yet, and on her 18th birthday he finally answered with ‘yes’ and kissed her
That was probably the worst day of Jungkook’s life.
Park Jihae
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Jimin and his girlfriend’s first child
Despite being one of the oldest, she is babied by the entire group, ESPECIALLY Haneul
She’s so soft like oml 🥺🥺🥺
she inherited her father’s stature so by the time they’re all teenagers she’s the most smol (along with Mina who’s only an inch taller than her)
(by the time Yoona reaches her teens she’s also taller than Jihae)
Jimin’s little princess
She barely leaves his lap for the first five years of her life
Shes so clingy as well 🥺🥺🥺
She follows Haneul around holding her hand bc she doesn’t want to get lost 
She really likes doing ballet. She tries to teach Haneul but they soon stop bc to put it lightly Haneul is hopeless
She is the softest big sister to Jihyun. 
The only time she gets mad at him is when he sometimes refuses to call her noona 
Once Mina and Haewon are born the trio has been completed
They are the unofficial maknaes of the group, along with Yoona who they treat like their own little dolly
They coordinate their clothes and everything. your squad wishes. 
She’s the most oblivious person though. she doesn’t even realise she’s in love w Haneul until her 15th birthday when Haneul kisses her. and then she’s like oh. oh.
they are the softest girlfriends ever bls i can’t 🥺🥺
Park Jihyun and Jeon Minho
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Jimin’s second child and Jungkook’s first
I put them together bc they’re honestly inseparable 
They’re the troublemakers of the group, rivalled only by Mina and Haewon.
Jihyun was born two months before Minho, he insists that Minho calls him hyung
Minho refuses
Jihyun is the more responsible of the two, but barely. Namgyu’s kind of like their older brother, they both look up to him a lot. 
Seojoon is their dongsaeng who they lovingly bully
Minho has a massive crush on Haneul. 
He isn’t yandere for her, he just has a thing for noonas like father like son 
At one point he tries to have a rivalry with Jihae because Haneul likes her so much but it doesn’t work bc Jihae is so sweet she doesn’t even realise what he’s trying to do and also Jihyun is super protective of his older sister and he nips it in the bud
After that he resolves to get over Haneul because he doesn’t want anything to come in between him and Jihyun. 
Jihyun and Minho are definitely soulmates. Hoseok is convinced they will date at some point. There’s a betting pool which Jungkook refuses to enter bc he thinks its wrong to bet on his sons love life. Jimin on the other hand has lost almost a million won because he keeps betting that they’ll announce that they’re dating soon. 
Jung Seojoon
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Hoseok’s pride and joy
He’s so similar to his daddy guys it’s adorable 🥺
He has so much energy all the time, it is common to see his little head popping over the edge of Hoseok’s desk as he jumps around the room
Namgyu loves him but he doesn’t understand him at all
Seojoon loves to play dress up with Mina, Haewon and Jihae
He is not trusted with Yoona bc, though his intentions are absolutely pure, she usually ends up crying 
Always breaking the rules. a loveable rascal we have here. 
He knows when to push boundaries but he’s largely well behaved bc his dad taught him well 🥰🥰 (unlike many of the other fathers who spoil their kids) 
Seojoon knew he loved Haewon since his fourth Christmas. Seojoon was hunting for the presents and when Haewon caught him, she joined him in searching instead of ratting him out.
From that moment on they were partners in crime. 
It was only inevitable they started dating, obvious to literally everyone except Taehyung who refused to believe his daughter was a rule breaker in any shape or form.
Jeon Mina and Kim Haewon
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Jungkook’s and Tae’s youngest girls 🥺
I put them together for the same reason I put Jihyun and Minho together. They’re inseparable 
They were actually born within two days of each other. Haewon was born early and Tae always says it’s because she couldn’t wait to meet her best friend (besides him, of course)
Look Haewon even has his nose mole 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
They rival Jihyun and Minho in terms of general naughtiness 
Seojoon helps them out sometimes, and in that time Mina always giggles at how silly Seojoon and Haewon act around each other
but all Haewon as to do is mention Namgyu and Mina stops making fun of her and starts blushing
Haewon and Mina talk about Seojoon and Namgyu literally all the time
When they’re older they trick their parents saying that Haewon and Mina are hanging out together and Seojoon and Namgyu are hanging out together and then they swap
Namgyu would normally disapprove but it means he gets more time to spend with Mina so he’s not snitching 
Mina is sooo bitter when Haewon starts dating Seojoon bc Namgyu is apparently ‘too old’ for her so she can’t date yet
once Namgyu finally gives in on her 18th birthday and kisses her, she calls Haewon  up screaming with excitement (little does she know Namgyu at that moment is calling Haneul and freaking tf out)
when they get married to their boyfriends they have a joint wedding 🥰🥰 Namgyu was originally against it but Mina gave him her infamous doe eyes which she inherited from her father and he allowed it reluctantly
Min Yoona
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Yoongi’s unplanned but very adored daughter
By the time she’s born, Yoongi is in his mid to late 30s
To be honest, Yoongi had been happy helping to raise his friends kids, i mean they were all practically his godchildren and there wasn’t a week where he wasn’t babysitting at least three of his friends children
But sometimes he would watch Tae teaching Haneul to dance standing on his toes, or see Hoseok playing hide and seek with Seojoon, and he would feel this strange ache in his heart
When they found out Yoongi’s wife was pregnant, they considered not going through with the pregnancy, but ultimately decided against it after one of the members let slip that Yoongi’s wife was pregnant and then all of the kids ran up to Yoongi with eyes as big as dinner plates, asking eagerly if they were going to have another little sister. 
As soon as Yoongi saw Yoona for the first time, he realised how stupid he was for not wanting children earlier. but he was almost grateful that he hadn’t had them earlier, because if he had then they wouldn’t be Yoona. And Yoona is perfect.
She’s babied by the entire group. Mina and Haewon are only five when she’s born and they love playing with her. She’s never left alone for a moment —  like Yoongi feared she would be since all of the other kids were so close in age and Yoona was so much younger. 
All of the children want their chance to play with Yoona and even the members love being able to play with a baby again after their children had outgrown it. 
If Yoona ever tries to start dating… oh boy. 
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just to recap, the couples are...
↳ Kim Haneul and Park Jihae
↳ Kim Namgyu and Jeon Mina
↳ Jung Seojoon and Kim Haewon
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nekojitachan · 4 years
Okay, so apparently I wanted to take a break to write fluff before I got into the really dark scene in the new fic. So you folks get a bit of Armies fluff (HUSBANDS) that I call ‘An Armies Fairy Tale’.
It should be safe other than Abram predicting Andrew’s impending death and his view on Andrew’s detestable cooking choices.
“Is that… ricotta and marshmallows? With lemon curd?” Abram asked, torn between incredulousness and nausea as he gazed over his husband’s shoulder to see what Andrew was making for dinner.
Andrew gave a slight nudge to his ribs to make him back away. “Mary likes it and you have Pad Thai in the fridge,” he said as he flipped the… the abomination of a grilled cheese sandwich.
“How do you know she likes it? Wait, is that what you made last time while I was off with Jamie?” Abram felt a headache coming on and pinched the bridge of his nose. “She’s going to shoot you when she finds out.”
“She’s not, because Mary’s good at keeping secrets. Now go make sure the table’s set.”
Jamie was so going to shoot Andrew (once she got out of the hospital after having her second daughter), and Abram wouldn’t stop her (especially if kept him from being shot as well). He shook his head as he put his leftover Thai in the microwave, then grabbed enough plates and bowls for their dinner.
Mary, who’d been busy playing with the cats, came running when she saw him getting the bar ready for them to eat and offered to help; Abram told her to go wash her hands instead. By the time she came back, everything was done, so he lifted his five-year old niece up into her chair as Andrew finished ladling cream of potato soup into her bowl.
“Give that time to cool,” Andrew warned her before he sat down next to Abram. “Eat your sandwiches first.” He’d cut them into small slices that were easy for her to pick up and bite into.
“Thank you, Uncle Drew,” Mary said, as polite as always; she had Jamie’s blonde hair and Sean’s blue eyes, and there were times when Abram and Andrew took her out that people asked if she was their daughter. Once she took a bite of a grilled cheese abomination, a happy smile made her plump cheeks grow round like peaches. “Yummy!”
Andrew shot Abram a ‘told you so’ look which had Abram rolling his eyes. “How come you’re not eating Uncle Drew’s special sandwiches, Uncle Ram?”
“Because they’re for special people, like you two,” Abram said as he picked at the spicy noodles with his chopsticks.
“Oh.” Mary seemed appeased by that and nibbled on another slice of grilled cheese; Abram was reminded of a chipmunk gnawing on a nut and tried not to smile at his adorable niece. “Is Mummy all right? When can I see her?”
He tried for a reassuring expression as he thought about his cousin. “She’s fine, we’ll go see her as soon as your little sister is born, I promise.” Jamie had developed a couple complications with her second (and last, according to her) pregnancy, and while the family had every faith in doctors looking after her, she and Sean had decided to leave Mary with Abram and Andrew until Fiona Miriam was born.
Mary’s full bottom lip jutted out as she dropped the half-eaten grilled cheese ‘stick’ onto her plate. “I don’t wanna little sister, I want Mummy and Daddy an-“
“Hey,” Andrew said, his deep voice calm while Abram tensed up like he always did when Mary had one of her few tantrums, at a loss at what to do. “How about I tell you a story, okay?”
Mary blinked through the tears forming in her eyes as she gazed at ‘Uncle Drew’. “What type of story?”
“A good one, so keep eating,” Andrew ordered as he picked up a piece of his own sandwich. He stared at her while he popped it into his mouth, then nodded when she resumed nibbling on the horrid thing.
He had a sip of coffee to wash it down (wash away what had to be its awful taste, Abram was certain), then cleared his throat. “All right, so once there was nasty, stupid, stinky ogre-“
“How nasty and stinky?” Mary asked as she reached for another grilled cheese stick.
“Very,” Andrew insisted as he broke apart another grilled cheese abomination. “So very nasty and stupid and stinky, but he had a nephew who wasn’t nasty or stupid or stinky, but beautiful and blessed with gifts like being able to speak many languages.”
Abram had a very bad feeling about this story.
“Because his nephew was so special, a truly horrible monster was after him, which made the ogre try to hide the young man away from everyone. He locked him up in a tower and hired all these knights look after him, because he was stupid and prideful as well as nasty and stinky.”
“Stuart is going to shoot you as well, and I’m merely going to stand there and watch,” Abram informed his husband in Russian as he gave up on his noodles to prop his chin up on his left palm; Mary ignored him, long used to his asides in different languages by then.
Andrew, ever the mature one, kicked him in the shin while Mary clapped her hands together. “So he was a prince, wasn’t he? A prince needing rescued? Couldn’t he fight himself?” She seemed to disapprove of anyone who couldn’t fight for themselves.
“Somewhat,” Andrew agreed. “But this prince had a curse on him, one that made him weak in battle, made him act like an idiot and- ow.” Abram did some kicking of his own right then. “He needed someone to guard his back while fighting,” Andrew amended while he regarded Abram through narrowed eyes.
“Okay.” Mary appeared a little confused. “He had knights to help, right?”
“Yes, one knight in particular, a special knight who crossed the ocean to come fight for him, a young man who-“
“The knight’s a boy?” Mary’s brows drew together as she scowled at Andrew, a miniature version of her mother. “They’re supposed to be a girl! The knight’s always a girl when Mummy and Aunt Liz tell the story!”
Abram barely managed not to choke on his water over that declaration, and turned his laugh into a semi-convincing cough at the consternation on Andrew’s face; Nicky and Erik’s daughter Emery never gave Andrew this much grief when he told her stories. “Knights can be boys, too,” his husband insisted.
Mary didn’t appear convinced, but went with trying her soup instead of arguing, her expression rather dubious.
“As I was saying, the boy knight arrived in time to save the foolish prince-“
“You are so lucky right now that the family doesn’t believe in introducing the children to violence and bloodshed until they’re at least ten,” Abram informed his poor choice of a life partner before he resumed eating his dinner, and got his shin kicked again.
Why wasn’t he drinking wine right then? Ah, right, Mary.
-“from the terrible monster, his stupid, stinky ogre of an uncle, and himself.”
“From his horrible choice of boyfriends,” Abram muttered, and moved his leg in time to avoid being kicked yet again.
“Did the knight fight the monster with a sword? I like swords,” Mary stated with a bright smile.
She was definitely her mother’s daughter.
Andrew leaned forward to wipe at a drop of soup which was about to drip down her chin. “A sharp blade was definitely put to use, yes. The knight fought the monster along with the prince, the ogre and the ogre’s family, and won the hand of the prince in the end.”
“Did he fight the ogre, too?”
“Oh, he’s going to.” Abram couldn’t wait until his uncle heard about this story; he just hoped he was in China or someplace else far, far away when that happened.
“It’s an ongoing battle,” Andrew admitted as he kicked the bottom of Abram’s stool. “The knight knows that his prince, who’s not too bright at times, has a soft spot for the stupid, stinky creature.”
“That’s not going to be the only ongoing battle, hon.” Abram ‘predicted’ with a false smile.
His displeasure with Andrew aside, he had to admit that Mary was in a better mood because of the ridiculous story, which only got better when she and ‘Uncle Drew’ had chocolate fudge ice cream for dessert (Abram was definitely being assigned a mission as far east as possible before Jamie was back in shape after the birth).
They were just about to put Mary to bed when Sean called to say that Jamie and Fiona were fine and that they could bring Mary to the hospital first thing in the morning. Mary was happy to talk to her father and exhausted but pleased mother before she went to sleep, eager to see them soon.
Abram picked up King, who rubbed against his legs, and carried her down to the kitchen so he could have a cup of tea (with Baileys, it had been a long day). “I don’t know how Jamie and Sean keep up with her day after day.” And now they had a second child.
Andrew grunted in agreement. “At least they have the sense to have ‘em one at a time.” He probably was thinking of his brother and sister-in-law; Katelyn was expecting twins in a few months.
“Well, I think there’s something to be said about sticking with cats.” Abram gave King a scratch beneath her chin before he set her down so he could fill the kettle with fresh water; she joined Sir and Huayra by their food dishes, ever hopeful for a snack.
Of course Andrew gave them something.
“No kids,” Andrew agreed yet again as he accepted the mug of hot chocolate (and Baileys) which Abram had made for him. “Can only imagine how messed up our kid would be with your inability to grasp health emergencies or dangerous situations.”
“Or you feeding them kilos of sugar a day,” Abram countered; Andrew clicked his tongue at that but didn’t disagree.
They finished their drinks in companionable silence, then Andrew clicked his tongue again. “Movie?”
“Oh, I don’t know, I may just wait here until my knight shows up,” Abram drawled as he gazed at his husband. Andrew didn’t respond, his handsome face expressionless, and the next thing Abram knew, he found himself yanked forward and thrown onto Andrew’s broad left shoulder. “What the- Drew!” Abram laughed as he was carried into the living room and dumped onto the couch.
“Movie,” Andrew repeated as he plopped down next to Abram. “And I’m picking it.”
“You romantic fool, you.” Abram smiled as he snuggled up next to his husband. “I’m still not doing anything when Stuart goes to shoot you, though.”
Andrew scoffed as if to show he wasn’t afraid of the man and draped his arm over Abram’s shoulders. Abram draped the chenille blanket over the both of them before the cats curled on around them, and smiled when Andrew picked ‘The Princess Bride’ for them to watch.
In case you can’t guess, Mary v.2 (and Fiona) is going to grow up a MAJOR BADASS. Fear for any man who dares to try to control/harm her. The Hatford organization will gladly clean up the mess while sniffing back tears and going ‘that’s our little girl’.  Lessons have been learned.
Emery will be terrifying, too. Nicky’s bubbly personality but not afraid of anything and able to back it up, thanks to her Hatford uncles.
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willowfm · 4 years
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heeeeeey  again  besties  !!  it’s  your  favorite  icon  hailey  coming  at  you  with  another  dumpster  fire  .  their  name  is  willow  and  they’re  a  mix  between  a  vodka  aunt  and  stoner  cousin  who’s  an  actual  mom  !!  i  stg  if  one  of  you  says  ‘  step  on  me  ’  .  
𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒊.  𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
( zoe kravitz, nonbinary, they/she, aquarius, 29 ) i spotted willow russell at the beach today. don’t you know them? they live down by the rocks and usually hang out with the skaters & families clique. from what i’ve heard, they can be destructive, but they’re also passionate. i always think of them when i hear cherry bomb - the runaways and tend to associate them with scarlet red lips,  70s  band tees, & the bitterness of black coffee  .
𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒊𝒊. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬
𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 
willow dawn russell
will & lola
february 14th
twenty - nine ( 29 )
five foot two inches ( 5′2″ )
they / them / theirs & she / her / hers
owner of the rocks skate park
manager at victoria’s 
english & spanish
pansexual & panromantic
zoe kravitz
𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒊𝒊𝒊. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲
aquarius sun, scorpio rising, & cancer moon
chaotic good
type 3w2 ( the achiever )
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬
how they love others - acts of service, words of affirmation, & physical touch
how they need to be loved - quality time & physical touch
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨
princess carolyn ( bojack horseman ) , allison hargreeves ( umbrella academy ) , fiona gallagher ( shameless ) , steven hyde ( that 70s show ) , regina mills ( once upon a time )
𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒊𝒗. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐲
triggers  (  these  are  all  the  triggers  as  they  appear  throughout  ,  they  will  be  tagged  accordingly  )  :  abuse  tw  ,  assault  &  abuse  tw  ,  fire  tw  ,  death  tw  ,  pregnancy  tw  ,  pregnancy  tw  ,  assault  &  death  tw  ,  death  mention
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞. 
born  in  the  supposed  “  rough  side  of  town  ”  ,  willow  was  born  into  a  somewhat  nuclear  family  ,  two  present  parents  ,  a  younger  sister  ,  and  all  the  love  that  a  child  could  ask  for  .
her  parents  kristen  and  isaiah  were  your  typical  sunhollow  couple  ,  high  school  sweethearts  ,  and  madly  in  love  .  isaiah  being  the  laid  back  stoner  type  and  kristen  being  your  stereotypical  type  a  suburban  mom  .
isaiah  was  the  more  laid  back  of  the  pair  ,  being  the  sole  owner  of  the  rocks  skate  park  ( where  he  acted  as  a  father  figure  for  anyone  who  set  foot  on  the  ramps  )  ,  and  coming  from  a  less  than  glamorous  childhood  himself  ,  believed  in  giving  your  children  space  to  grow  and  adapt  into  their  own  person  .  
their  mother  kristen  ,  on  the  other  hand  the  first  to  bring  over  fresh  baked  goods  and  homemade  casseroles  to  the  new  neighbors  ,  heavily  involved  in  the  pta  ,  and  the  most  visible  parents  at  any  school  function  geared  towards  their  kids  .
it  was  almost  stifling  how  much  the  kristen  was  involved  in  their  children’s  lives  ,  always  on  top  of  their  grades  ,  their  extracurricular  involvement  ,  essentially  any  aspect  of  their  children’s  lives  that  she  could  control  they  took  the  liberty  in  doing  so  .
though  that’s  not  to  say  that  she  wasn’t  concerned  with  how  her  children  felt  ,  more  so  that  she  was  convinced  their  way  was  the  right  way  .
the  russells  balanced  each  other  out  perfectly  ,  and  it  continued  to  be  that  way  for  as  long  as  willow  could  remember  it  .
a  rather  well  behaved  child  ,  willow  tried  their  absolute  best  to  fly  under  their  mother’s  radar  ,  which  is  extremely  difficult  when  you’re  the  eldest  daughter  of  only  two  .  so  willow  subsequently  felt  a  lot  of  the  pressure  of  her  mother  from  a  young  age  .
due  to  her  mother’s  overbearing  nature  willow  naturally  gravitated  towards  being  a  daddy’s  girl  .  spending  any  and  all  free  time  she  could  with  him  and  from  the  minute  she  was  old  enough  to  walk  he  taught  her  how  to  skate  ,  something  that  became  a  bonding  experience  for  both  of  them  ,  as  she  got  better  and  better  ,  their  bond  grew  stronger  and  stronger  .
rain  or  shine  ,  there  wasn’t  a  single  day  that  willow  didn’t  spend  with  her  father  .  everyone  in  the  rocks  joked  that  she  was  a  derivative  of  him  ,  a  spitting  image  if  anyone  had  ever  seen  one  .
and  as  willow  grew  up  things  became  no  different  .
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐞. 
high  school  came  around  and  willow  got  two  extremely  different  notions  from  their  parents  .  their  mother  wanted  her  to  buckle  down  and  focus  on  choosing  a  sensible  career  ,  while  their  father  wanted  her  to  follow  their  passions  in  the  same  vein  that  he  did  (  his  being  a  now  infamous  band  ,  at  least  to  willow  )
willow  tried  their  best  to  maintain  a  balance  of  both  extracurriculars  that  appeased  their  mother  ,  and  free  time  spent  with  their  father  at  the  skate  park  ,  helping  him  out  with  general  upkeep  and  sharpening  their  skills  whenever  possible  .
during  one  of  daily  trips  to  the  ramps  ,  she  happened  to  notice  someone  she’d  never  seen  before  ,  call  it  love  at  first  sight  ,  or  just  teenage  hormones  ,  but  suddenly  willow  had  a  new  goal  in  mind  .
it  didn’t  take  long  before  they  also  caught  his  attention  ,  if  for  no  other  reason  than  that  they  were  measurably  a  hundred  times  better  than  he  was  on  the  ramps  ,  and  soon  enough  a  relationship  formed  .
for  once  willow  didn’t  care  much  about  their  mother’s  pedantic  tendencies  or  their  father’s  disapproval  of  the  boy  that  she’d  chose  ,  they  were  in  love  ,  and  no  one  could  tell  them  otherwise  .
ABUSE TW  this  was  until  their  boyfriend  proved  to  be  more  controlling  than  thier  mother  .  she  could  hardly  go  to  the  ramps  ,  all  her  free  time  was  spent  with  him  rather  than  her  father  ,  and  if  they  ever  dared  challenge  him  things  go  physical  .
they  were  all  apperances  in  public  ,  and  to  their  parents  ,  holding  hands  in  the  hallways  and  him  slipping  them  handwritten  love  letters  ,  but  things  only  continued  to  escalate  as  their  relationship  continue  further  .
ASSAULT & ABUSE TW  the  final  straw  was  when  he  threatened  them  with  a  knife  to  their  throat  due  to  them  choosing  to  spend  time  with  their  father  instead  of  sit  in  on  his  band  practice  without  alerting  him  .  it  was  then  they  realized  they  never  wanted  to  fear  someone  like  that  again  .
finally  gathering  the  courage  to  share  with  their  father  what  was  happening  behind  the  scenes  ,  they  successfully  managed  to  break  things  off  ,  and  although  they  had  escaped  their  situation  ,  that  relationship  had  lasting  impacts  on  how  they  viewed  love  .
they  clung  to  security  after  this  ,  constantly  attached  to  the  hip  of  their  father  ,  worried  about  what  the  return  of  their  ex  lover  might  look  like  .  thankfully  this  fear  never  came  to  fruition  ,  though  it  still  hauntingly  lingers  to  this  day  .
they  successfully  graduated  high  school  ,  and  with  heavy  influence  from  their  mother  enrolled  in  sunhollow  for  a  degree  in  journalism  .  and  the  minute  they  stepped  foot  on  the  sunhollow  campus  and  swore  not  to  fall  in  love  ,  that’s  exactly  what  they  did  .
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐡. 
he  was  nothing  like  her  last  boyfriend  all  sweet  words  and  gentle  hands  that  knew  exactly  the  spots  to  kiss  to  make  her  feel  whole  again  .
the  whiplash  that  came  from  going  to  a  super  toxic  relationship  to  one  where  he  was  extremely  loving  and  gentle  was  something  that  willow  had  to  slowly  become  accustomed  to  .
she  spent  her  days  with  him  in  the  library  ,  hushed  giggles  and  hand  holding  ,  and  her  nights  commuting  back  to  the  rocks  to  help  out  her  family  with  her  job  that  she  got  at  victoria’s  .
though  journalism  wasn’t  exactly  her  main  passion  ,  there  were  plenty  of  opportunities  to  get  involved  with  things  that  were  .  enter  the  band  her  and  her  boyfriend
they  were  nothing  to  write  home  about  ,  they  were  good  in  a  local  dive  bars  ,  but  they  definitely  weren’t  going  to  be  selling  out  stadiums  any  time  soon  ,  and  honestly  they  preferred  it  that  way  .
this  was  her  college  experience  ,  playing  shows  at  victoria’s  ,  splitting  time  between  her  boyfriend  and  her  family  ,  and  working  her  way  towards  completing  her  bachelor’s  degree  .
she  even  saved  up  enough  money  with  her  boyfriend  to  afford  a  moderately  sized  condo  in  the  rocks  close  to  her  childhood  home  .  this  condo  would  also  become  the  place  where  he  ended  up  proposing  the  idea  of  getting  eloped  .  he  was  convinced  they  didn’t  need  a  ceremony  only  each  other  .
the  day  she  walked  the  stage  with  her  husband  was  one  of  the  proudest  moments  of  her  life  ,  but  soon  enough  it  would  devolve  into  the  worst  .
FIRE TW  clamors  of  a  house  fire  in  the  rocks  ,  prompting  an  early  departure  from  both  willow  and  her  husband  who  drove  home  to  see  willow’s  childhood  home  in  flames  .
DEATH TW  by  the  time  that  help  had  arrived  ,  it  was  too  late  ,  both  her  parents  had  been  consumed  by  the  flames  ,  childhood  memories  had  been  destroyed  ,  and  willow  yet  again  felt  broken  .
the  only  family  that  remained  was  her  ,  her  sister  ,  and  her  husband  .  and  willow  took  every  opportunity  to  step  up  to  the  plate  and  provide  her  sister  whatever  she  could  within  her  means  .
willow  decided  to  put  her  journalism  degree  to  work  to  honor  her  parents  and  wrote  for  the  local  newspaper  ,  bringing  light  to  social  issues  at  the  rocks  ,  and  local  news  going  on  within  the  community  from  any  side  of  town  .  but  she  also  had  the  job  of  maintaining  the  skate  park  her  father  left  for  her  ,  and  part  -  time  shifts  at  victoria’s  ,  a  job  that  gave  her  some  semblance  of  normalcy  .
four  years  seemed  to  pass  willow  by  without  seemingly  anything  interesting  happening  ,  life  seemed  to  finally  calm  down  .
PREGNANCY TW  but  soon  enough  after  weeks  of  getting  sick  after  rehearsal ( her  college  bad  reuniting  to  play  victoria’s  on  sunday  nights )  ,  and  waking  up  nauseated  ,  willow  realized  she  might  have  idea  of  what  was  going  on  .  three  pregnancy  tests  later  she  was  staring  down  at  a  pink  plus  sign  with  tears  in  her  eyes  . 
they  were  more  than  happy  to  finally  settle  down  and  seriously  consider  having  a  family  ,  something  that  willow  had  always  craved  .
and  the  minute  that  life  got  better  again  it  go  exponentially  worse  .
PREGNANCY TW  about  a  month  before  her  twenty  -  fifth  birthday  ,  willow  gave  birth  to  twin  girls  which  she  named  iris  and  imani  ,  and  the  second  time  she  ever  held  them  in  her  arms  she  received  life  altering  news  .
ASSAULT & DEATH TW  while  on  his  way  to  the  hospital  ,  her  husband  was  mugged  ,  an  assault  which  ultimately  lead  to  his  death  .
once  again  willow  was  left  to  pick  up  the  pieces  of  losing  someone  important  to  her  ,  and  as  it  stood  she  had  four  people  who  needed  her  ,  the  most  important  two  being  the  infants  bundled  in  her  arms  in  that  moment  .
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.
that  was  four  years  ago  now  and  iris  and  imani  have  been  their  main  priority  ever  since  .
DEATH MENTION  since  the  passing  of  her  husband  ,  she  realized  that  couldn’t  keep  living  her  life  for  other  people  ,  and  so  she  quit  her  job  at  the  paper  ,  picked  up  more  shifts  at  victoria’s (  even  worked  her  way  up  to  being  a  manager  )  ,  and  took  over  her  dad’s  place  at  the  skate  park  .
similar  to  her  dad  ,  anyone  who  steps  foot  on  the  ramps  is  by  proxy  her  child  ,  and  that’s  no  joke  ,  she  will  never  forget  a  face  and  she  will  get  to  know  everything  about  you  ,  she  believes  in  taking  care  of  the  people  who  keep  her  dad’s  legacy  alive  .
the  best  way  that  i  can  describe  her  personality  is  abrasive  ,  extremely  rough  around  the  edges  ,  and  she  is  not  one  to  let  people  in  easily  anymore  .  unless  of  course  she  considers  you  family  ,  then  she  is  by  your  side  until  the  end  of  time  .
𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒗. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭
navy blue 
thunderstorms are her favorite for some reason she finds an odd comfort in them
𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐚𝐲 
she tends to work a lot of nights so her favorite time of day is dusk, the moon is just coming up, and her day feels like it’s just getting started
kristen russell ; deceased
isaiah russell ; deceased
wanted connection ; sister
iris russell ( 4 years old )
aquarius sun, libra rising, & aquarius moon
imani russell ( 4 years old )
aquarius sun, libra rising, & aquarius moon
degree  in  journalism  from  sunhollow  university
writing  ,  skateboarding  ,  surfing  ,  yoga  ,  cooking  ,  singing  ,  running  ,  photography  ,  traveling  ,  and  playing  bass  .
𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 
small  two  bedroom  home  that  is  just  big  enough  for  all  of  their  and  their  daughter’s  belongings  .
𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐬 
between  maintaining  the  skatepark  during  the  day  ,  working  nights  at  victoria’s  ,  and  raising  twin  girls  ,  willow  doesn’t  see  a  lot  of  sleep  but  she  takes  what  she  can  get  .
𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐬
willow  survives  a  lot  on  take  -  out  and  vending  machine  snacks  ,  but  the  days  she  does  have  she  makes  sure  to  cook  recipes  handed  down  to  her  from  her  mother  .
70s  band  tee  shirts  and  high  waisted  denim  ,  burnt  orange  and  olive  green  paisley  ,  psychedelic  rock,  ginger  and  lime,  loves  post  -  apocalyptic  sci-fi  and  films  ,  scarlet  red  painted  lips ,  insatiable  wanderlust,  muddy  doc-martins  and  goofy  thrift-store  sweaters  ,  feels  soothed  by  the  sound  of  thunder  ,  fluorescent  drug  store  signs  reflected  in  parking  lot  puddles  ,  angsty  conversations  on  rooftops  .
𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒗𝒊.  𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
uhhhh  so  i  have  wasted  all  my  brain  power  on  this  so  i  have  no  suggestions  i  can  come  up  with  at  the  moment  !  but  listen  feel  free  to  message  me  so  we  can  brain  storm  some  plot  ideas  i  promise  i  will  scream  and  cry  over  !
5 notes · View notes
arysafics · 4 years
Another One
Summary: Bellamy and Clarke already have three kids, but Clarke wants more.
Rated E, ~2.6k words
“You can call us if you need anything,” Bellamy says, transferring a wriggling one-year-old into his sister’s arms. Octavia meets Clarke’s eye, and Clarke shakes her head pointedly. He says it every time, even though he should know by now that Octavia and Lincoln are perfectly capable of handling the three girls on their own. And it’s good practice for when Octavia finally pops a few months from now.  
“Do not,” Clarke mouths over Bellamy’s shoulder. Octavia raises an eyebrow, lip curling in an uncontrolled smirk. Bellamy looks to Clarke, noticing the exchange, and Clarke meets his disapproving look with an innocent smile.
Listen, she loves their kids as much as he does, but all she wants for tonight is to have her husband all to herself. She does not want Octavia calling up every five minutes to ask menial questions like if the girls are allowed to have ice-cream. Even if they’re not allowed to have ice-cream, it’s basically Octavia’s job as the cool aunt to give it to them.
“Don’t worry,” Octavia says. “I am not going to even bother trying to call, I don’t want to interrupt you mid fu—” she glances at Thalia, who’s now grasping at her aunt’s hair. “F-U-C-K.”
Bellamy rolls his eyes. “Nice save,” he says sarcastically.
“What?” Octavia says defensively. “She can’t spell.”
Clarke grabs Bellamy’s hand before he can start an argument with his sister, and eat into their alone time even more. “Come on,” she says. “Let’s say goodbye to the girls and go.”
“Ow! Thalia!” Octavia says, trying to extricate her hair from the baby’s fist. Clarke grins. Octavia will learn to keep her hair up soon enough.
Clarke pulls Bellamy into the living room, where Lincoln is sitting between Dylan and Noah, Frozen 2 already playing on the TV.
“You started without me?” Octavia says, pretending to be offended as she joins the others on the couch.
“Noah, Dylan, Mommy and Daddy are going now,” Clarke says.
“Bye!” Dylan says, not even looking away from the screen. Frozen is much more interesting to their five-year-old than her parents are. Clarke gets it. Noah, however, runs over, and Bellamy scoops her up, raining kisses on her curly head. All three girls look so much like their dad, with dark eyes and curly hair, and soft brown skin. Clarke feels a surge of fondness for all four of them.
“Bye, sweetie,” Bellamy says. “We’ll pick you up in the morning, okay?”
Dylan nods and Bellamy sets her feet back on the ground. Clarke bends down to hug her daughter, and kiss her on the forehead.
“Be good for your aunt and uncle, okay?”
“Okay,” Dylan agrees. Clarke gives her a nudge, and she hurries back to the sofa. There’s a chorus of I love you’s, and get out of the way Mom, when Clarke refuses to leave without a hug from her eldest daughter. Lincoln pauses the movie so they can say goodbye properly, then Clarke and Bellamy are out the door and back in their car.
Bellamy drives slow—too slow for Clarke’s liking. And okay, he’s doing the speed limit, but Clarke wishes he’d care less about road rules and more about the fact that his wife needs to be fucked as soon as possible. She’s soaked through the lingerie she put on while he was getting the girls ready, having had this on her mind all day, and she’s barely able to sit still in the passenger seat.
“We’re almost there,” Bellamy says, turning into their street, sensing her desperation. But then, his knuckles are white from gripping the steering wheel, his posture stiff, the hand on the gearshift tapping anxiously—perhaps he’s talking to himself.
They both knew having kids would change their sex life—they’re less spontaneous, more careful, their trysts less frequent. They don’t want each other less—Clarke is happy to know she can still get him hard just by showing him a bit of cleavage, and she’s turned on by the simple act of watching him be a good father to their daughters. So, all the time.
But Noah and Dylan have both almost caught them in the act, wandering into their parents’ bedroom in the middle of the night, while Clarke and Bellamy try to cover it up, and pretend like they’re not both horny and unsatisfied. They’ve agreed both girls are too young for the sex conversation. Plus, it’s kind of a mood killer. Being caught by Bellamy’s college roommate when they decided to fuck in his bed was hot—being caught by your own kids is not.
So they steal moments where they can, always quick and passionate, and when they can, they drop the girls off at their aunt’s or at their grandma’s, so they can have a night to themselves.
They hurry inside, and Clarke feels like a giddy teenager, sneaking around with her hot older boyfriend. His lips are on hers as soon as the door is shut behind them, pressing her up against it. His hot, frantic kisses prove he’s been anticipating this just as much as she has. And yet, even though it feels like his hands are burning holes through her sweater, they make no move to do anything but kiss each other, and soon his tongue turns languid and teasing. Clarke’s cunt is throbbing, and she knows his cock is hard and aching—but they have time tonight.
Bellamy eventually pulls his mouth away from Clarke’s, and rests his forehead against hers. “You want to eat something?” he asks.
Clarke shakes her head. “I need you now,” she whispers. “We can eat later.”
“Okay,” Bellamy says. Clarke can hear the desire in his voice. “And where would you like me to ravage you?”
“Living room first,” Clarke says. “And then every other room after that.” Sometimes she misses the freedom of being able to fuck her husband wherever and whenever she wants to.
He drags her to the living room, both kicking their shoes off as they go, then Bellamy falls onto the couch, pulling Clarke onto his lap. They’re both grinning as Clarke lowers her mouth to his.
“I love you,” Bellamy murmurs against her lips.
“I love you too,” Clarke whispers back. She pulls back, enjoying the heated look in his eyes as she drags her sweater over her head and discards it, leaving her in a bra made of sheer red lace, her hard nipples visible through the fabric.
“God,” Bellamy groans. He leans forward to bury his mouth in her cleavage. Clarke giggles, wrapping her arms around his head to squash him closer. She’s well aware her tits are his favourite part of her body, and she loves using it against him.
She lets him go, and he looks up at her, hungry for her. She bites her lip, heart beating faster. Now seems as good a time as any to ask him—perhaps it’s wrong to wait until he’s so horny, and maybe she should’ve asked him earlier, when he was in his right frame of mind. She hopes his answer will be the same either way.
“Bellamy,” she says slowly.
“Yeah, baby?”
She kisses him, then grinds against him. She can feel heat pulsing between her legs. “I want you to make me pregnant again.”
Bellamy groans. “Clarke,” he says. “Are you sure?”
She nods enthusiastically. Of course she’s sure. She loves being pregnant with his baby—loves the visual reminder that he fucked her and came in her, loves that everyone else knows. She loves seeing him with their kids, so tender and loving. Watching single women fawn over him in the grocery store, then watch their utter jealousy when they realise he belongs to Clarke—made even better when she’s obviously pregnant. Plus, she knows he gets off on it too, on knowing she has his child growing inside her. She loves how possessive and protective he gets.
And of course, she loves their kids—they always wanted a big family, and she’s not done yet. They never really agreed on exactly how many kids they would have, just that they would discuss it and stop when they’re ready. Sometimes Clarke isn’t sure she’ll ever be ready.
“I’m sure,” she says. “Please.”
“Thalia is barely one,” Bellamy reminds her. “You don’t want to wait until she’s a little older?”
Clarke shakes her head. “I want your baby inside me now,” she murmurs, dropping her lips to his ear. His breath hitches. “Don’t you want a little baby boy?”
“You know I don’t care about that,” he says. But Clarke knows he would secretly love a son. “And what’s gonna happen after baby number four, huh? How long until you’re desperate for me to get you pregnant for a fifth time? Everyone is going to think we don’t know how to use birth control.”
“I don’t care,” Clarke says. To be fair, three kids in five years is already a lot. But Clarke can’t help it.  “I want them all to know how good you give it to me.”
“You just want to show off,” Bellamy says.
“Uh huh,” Clarke nods, smirking. “Want everyone to know you’re mine. Want them to know how good we are at making babies.”
“Okay,” Bellamy agrees. “We can start trying again.”  
Clarke grins as she kisses him again. He wasn’t hard to convince—he must have already been thinking about it too. She pushes his shirt up, fingers trailing up his stomach. He helps her remove his shirt, and then he’s lifting her off his lap, flipping their positions so she’s lying on her back on the couch.
He unbuttons her jeans, kissing the stretch marks on her soft stomach. She’s a little chubbier now than she was when they first got married—he is too. But he still worships her, still looks at her like she’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. He tugs her jeans down her thighs with some effort, and pulls her socks off too, admiring her in her sexy red lingerie.
It took Clarke a while to feel confident in her body again after Noah, but Bellamy never stopped wanting her. Never flinched at any change of her body. He kisses her stomach again now, and Clarke giggles. She wonders if he’s already imagining her fat with their fourth child.
She slips her fingers into his hair, playing with his curls. In turn, he presses his fingers against the red lace covering her cunt, and her clit throbs fiercely in response. He strokes her between her legs, moving his mouth up to her breasts, pulling the lace down so he can kiss her skin.
“Bellamy,” Clarke whines. She wants to be patient, really. But she needs him so much, and the light, tender way he’s touching her isn’t enough.
“Clarke, baby,” he moans back. “Can’t wait for you to be pregnant again. Haven’t stopped thinking about it since Thalia was born.”
“Why’d you argue then?” Clarke asks breathily.
“I wanted to make sure you really wanted it,” he says. He moves his fingers from her slit to hook into the sides of her panties, and starts dragging them down. “I was trying to be sensible. Didn’t want you to make decisions just because you’re horny.”
“But you really want another baby too, right?” Clarke asks.
Bellamy gently slips Clarke’s panties over her ankles and tosses them to the floor, then leans over her again, bringing his face back to her eyelevel.
“Yes,” he promises.
“You’re not just turned on by the thought of me being pregnant?”
He smirks. “That too,” he whispers. He kisses her. “I love when you’re all swollen with my baby,” he says. Her slips a hand under her back and unclips her bra. “Tits all big and sensitive. Love making sure everyone knows I still know how to fuck you good.”
“Me too,” Clarke breathes. “Please, Bellamy. Fuck me. Put your baby in me, please.”
“Okay, baby,” he says. He sits up, fumbling with the fly of his jeans in his haste to get them off. He sheds his pants and boxers, lets his hard cock spring free, dripping with precum. Clarke’s pussy pounds in anticipation. God, he’s so hot. And he’s all hers.
Clarke reaches for him as he kneels back on the couch. She makes a tiny fist around his huge cock, then licks the tip, gathering the taste of him on her tongue. Even though their sex life is mostly made up of quick blow jobs and hand jobs, she can’t get enough of having him in her mouth.
Bellamy tries to laugh, but it comes out as more of a strangled moan. “Fuck, baby. That’s not how this works. I gotta come in your pussy if you want a baby.”
Clarke nods, and she releases his cock, before surging up to kiss him, her arms wrapping around him. He lowers her down onto her back again, kissing her, his arms cradling her body.
“I love you so much,” he whispers, his cock pressing against her slit. Clarke nods. “I’m gonna get you pregnant, baby.”
“Please,” Clarke begs. He sheathes himself inside her, and she gasps. “Yes, Bellamy. Fill me up. Put a baby in me.”
He fucks her hard, like they’ve both been aching for since the last time they were alone for this long—three weeks ago now. They cling to each other, both wrapped up in the idea of Clarke being pregnant, the thought of it causing them both to spiral quickly to the brink of orgasm.
“Come on, baby,” Bellamy coaxes roughly. “Need you to come on my cock. Wanna knock you up so bad, but you gotta come first.”
“Uh huh,” Clarke agrees absently. She’s almost there.
“I’m gonna come in you,” Bellamy grunts. “Can’t wait until you’re so pregnant you can barely walk. Tits so big they ache. Nipples dripping with milk.”
That does it. She cries out as she comes, shuddering against him, fingernails digging into his back. He moans as she feels him release inside her, his seed filling her up, and she doesn’t know whether it triggers a second orgasm, or whether she’s still going from the first.
“Oh my god,” she groans. She can’t remember the last time she came like that. Probably when they were trying for Thalia.
“Good, huh?” Bellamy murmurs, kissing her cheek. He’s holding her, his cock still inside her, keeping her cunt full of his come. Clarke just nods and hopes he understands.
They lay like that until Clarke can’t take his weight any longer, and gently pushes him off her. They both sit up, but Bellamy is quick to bundle her up in his arms again. She’s not even pregnant yet and he’s already acting more protective of her than usual. Or maybe it’s just because they finally have the time to just be with each other.
“I love you,” Clarke says.
“I love you too,” Bellamy returns, kissing her hair.
“Do you already have a list of baby names?”
“You know I do.”
“Okay, well we better make sure I’m good and pregnant then,” Clarke smiles. “You can fuck me in the kitchen this time, so we’re close to the fridge for a snack afterwards.”
“Okay,” Bellamy laughs.
When they’re done in the kitchen, they head to the shower, and then go one last, slow, soft round in their bed, before they fall asleep, sleeping into the afternoon the next day, with no kids to wake them early in the morning.
Nine months later, they come home with another beautiful baby girl they both adore.
“I’m sorry you didn’t get the son you wanted,” Clarke teases.
Bellamy rolls his eyes. “You know I don’t care about that.”
Clarke ignores him. “I guess we’ll just have to try again for a boy.”
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ehstarwar · 4 years
flesh stays no farther reason (3.5/6)
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“Did you want me to call?” Ben asks after a minute.
“I’m glad you did.” Rey figures there’s no point not playing coy. He made the first move, after all.
Five times Ben looks for Rey and the one time she finds him.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1.9K
Read on AO3
A/N: hi friends! so, so sorry for the slow updates, but life is... ya know, life. plz enjoy our two space dummies bein all horny and such (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) ♡
“... so I guess what I’m trying to say is... I’m sorry to be springing this on you right now.”
“Don’t be sorry! This is exciting for you guys. I’m happy for you; really.”
“It’s just been such a long time coming and we’re ready to take the next step.”
“I totally get it. I don’t want you to be sorry.”
Rose looked at Rey with worried eyes, clearly not believing her one bit. Rey tried to smile wider, but she’s pretty sure that would just make her look insane. 
Rey is happy for Rose and Finn, finally taking the relationship to the next level by moving in together. It’s not like this was totally out of the blue. Her and Rey’s lease was ending soon and Rey has seen the Zillow alerts on Roses’s phone more than a few times. She shouldn’t be shocked, and really she’s not, but it’s just hard to come to terms that this is reality and not some fleeting worry. 
“Finn and I can help you out for a little if you want to stay here and not get another roommate, if you want,” Rose offers. Rey takes her hand with a small smile. 
“Don’t worry about me; I’ll be fine, I always am,” she says, but Rose still looks unconvinced.
“I don’t want you just to be fine; I want you to be happy, too.”
Rey sighs deeply and they just look at each other for a minute.
“I will be happy... someday.”
Rose frown lines deepen. “It’s just... you’ve been so mopey recently. That’s why I’ve been scared to tell you.”
Rey scoffed. “I haven’t been mopey. I just get- it’s the change of the seasons. My mood always shifts when the seasons do.”
A beeping from Roses phone makes both of their heads snap up.
“It’s Finn,” Rose tells her.
“Don’t keep him waiting; you two go off and have a fun night,” Rey says while getting up and grabbing Roses purse for her. Instead of taking it from her outstretched hand, Rose pulls Rey into a hug.
“You deserve to be happy, Rey, right now.” Rose whispers. With a quick peck on her cheek and a short ‘bye,’ Rey is all alone. She looks around the apartment, taking stalk of all that she has. Most of the bigger furniture is Roses, passed down from her sister, so she’d probably take those. It would leave her with a broken arm chair, a small side table, and a couple of plants. Rey sighs while picturing it, and decides that it’s a worry for another day.
Rey decided to treat herself this even, seeing as it would probably be one of the last times she could do so if she were to take on all the rent. So she orders her favorite take out, rents the movie she’s been wanting to see for a while, and veges out in her pajamas for the rest of the evening.
Captain America has just fought himself and commented on his peachy ass when her phone rings. It’s not entirely unusual for her to get a call this late, but it is cause for some concern. When she looks down at the caller ID, a shock runs though her spine. She immediately picks up.
“Hello?” She asks.
His voice is tired. She can tell that from just one syllable. He sounds far away and that makes her chest ache for some reason.
“Is everything okay?” She says, unable to keep the worry from her voice.
“Yeah; is everything okay with you?” He questions right back.
“Yeah, I was just... not expecting you to call. It made me nervous.” She tells him.
“Did you want me to call?” Ben asks after a minute.
“I’m glad you did.” Rey figures there’s no point not playing coy. He made the first move, after all.
“Good.” She thinks if Ben were in front of her, she’d see his mouth twitch, his give-away that he’s pleased.
“So... why did you call?”
“To be honest... I’m not sure. I just got back from work and I wanted to hear your voice..” 
Rey glances at the clock on her bedside table. “You just got off work? Ben, it’s like midnight!” 
“It’s only midnight there? That’s good. It’s nearly 3 where I am,” He says.
“Ben...” Her voice is soft, and she can’t keep the sound of disapproval out of it. 
“I know, I know,” he brushes her off. “How was your day?”
She hums. “Eh... not terrible. Work was okay, but...” she trails off.
“Did something happen?” 
“My roommate decided to move in with her boyfriend when our lease is up in a few weeks. Which isn’t bad, necessarily. Before Finn was Roses boyfriend, he was my best friend. I introduced them a few years back and now they’re together, and I’m…”
“… not.” He finishes for her.
“Yeah,” She says sheepishly.
“I’m sorry that’s happening to you.”
“It’s fine, really. I’ve been though worse.”
They don’t speak for a moment and Rey knows if she were with Ben in person, there would be a frown on his face. She hates it.
“Where are you?” She asks.
“Bespin. Or, in my hotel room, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Hmmm… good to know.”
“That I’m in Bespin or that I’m in bed?”
“Both.” Ben chuckles. 
“Have you ever  been to Bespin?” He asks. She huffs a laugh.
“Ha! I make in a year what it would cost me to stay there for one night.”
“So, no?”
“Hmm…” he seems to consider himself for a moment, “I think you’d like it. There’s a buffet on every corner; two just in my hotel,” Ben teases her.
“Oh shut it!” She laughs. “That sounds like a good time for anyone.”
The make small talk, mostly on Bespin; the climate, the lifestyle, the difficulty getting Über’s. It’s polite and unassuming, but sort of odd to be having this late at night. Rey want’s to ask him again why he’s called her, but he beats her to it.
“I lied earlier… when you asked why I called.”
“I miss you. I don’t know if I’m allowed to miss you but I do.”
She doesn’t know what to say. She should say something non-committal or coy but she can’t think of anything other than the truth.
“I miss you, too.” Rey swears she hears a sigh of relief. “How long will you be in Bespin?” She asks.
“A few more weeks, probably.” Rey audibly pouts. “Maybe less depending on how my meetings go.”
“Hmm… that’s unfortunate. It’s much harder to fuck you when you’re a few timezones away.”
“Oh?” The shift in his voice gives Rey goosebumps.
“Harder… but not impossible,” She continues.
“Tell me, Rey, how would you do that”? He asks, voice darker now.
“I’d tell you that I’m not wearing any underwear. Just a ratty old shirt and socks-” Ben groans “- and that I’ve been wet since I heard your voice.”
“Have you touched yourself while we’ve been talking?” He asks.
“No, daddy.”
She hears him curse and the sliding of a zipper. 
“Good girl.”
Rey beams. Its been so long since he’s last said that to her, and the affect those two words have on her body is profound.
“Are you touching yourself, daddy?” She asks.
“Though my underwear. You’re making me so hard, so fast, but I want this to last. Do you want me to tell you what I’d do if I were there?”
“Can I touch myself when you do?”
“Yes, but you have to do what I say.”
Rey scoots down her bed so that she’s laying back, phone propped up against a pillow by her head to she can hear him clearly. 
“I will; I promise,” She tells him.
“First, I’d focus on your chest,” he tells her. “Rub your nipples for me. I like how hard they get. A dark pink. I love to taste them.” She rubs herself through the cotton of her shirt, moaning lightly. “Tell me, Rey, does it feel good?” He asks.
“Yes,” she breaths, “but not as good as your mouth.” Rey hears the distant snapping of something that sounds like the band of underwear.
“How wet are you?”  Ben asks, an urgency now lining his voice.
“Dripping... I’ll have to change my sheets.” Ben curses and Rey hears a slick sound speed up
“I would tease your cunt with my fingers. Just one, to feel your wetness. I wouldn’t touch your clit yet, just around it. Can you do that for me? Can you tease yourself?” Ben asks her.
Rey moans in the affirmative, and immediately snakes a hand down to her cunt. She’s puffy and soft down there, and her hand creates adds delicious friction. 
“I would tease you, too,” Rey says breathlessly. “I would jerk you off slowly. I’d trace my thumb over your head.”
Ben groans and curses under his breath. Rey begins thrusting her hips in time with her hand, but still refrains from touching her clit.
“I wish I could help myself around you but I can’t. I’d have to fuck you, Rey. I’d have to be in you. Do you want that?” The desperation in his voice increases ten fold. 
“Yes...” Rey whines. 
“Fuck, Rey, I want to be there. I want to feel your cunt on my cock. You don’t even know. It’s a fucking drug, being inside of you. I want to keep you on my cock for the rest of my life. Wanna stuff you full of my come so it’s always dripping out of you. Wanna kiss you until the world runs out of air. God, Rey! Touch your clit for me, baby, I need you to come for me. Please, please come for me.”
Her clit is a live wire, and when she touches it on his command, her body convulses. 
“I wish it was you- I want you to do that, all of that. Ben, I’m gonna come, can I come, please?” She begs.
“Yes, yes, Rey-” the words die on his lips as grunts and moans overtake him. Rey grindstone heel of her palm into herself, fingers barely even breaching her entrance. She comes with a shudder, high-pitched whines coming from her. Ben is grunting as the slick sound suddenly halts. 
Rey collapses onto her bed, unwilling to keep even the top half of her body upright. Her heavy breathing is mimicked by Ben. Rey can hear her blood still rushing in her ears, her hand still against her sopping cunt. She doesn’t care to move it because she know the unfulfilling sensation will creep inside of her once she does. 
“Rey,” Ben whispers though the phone, “you okay?” He says it with a softness that makes her shudder.
“Yeah... that was.... a lot.” Her vice is still breathless.
“Yeah,” he says. 
A silence befalls them again but the sound of him breathing is comforting. She feels the weight of sleep being into crawl up her and her eyes become heavy. Rey realizes something and can’t stop herself before she says it.
“If I close my eyes and listen to your breathing, it feels as if you’re here next to me.”
Rey can’t be sure, but she thinks Ben may have whimpered.
“I’m coming back soon,” he says after a minute, snapping Rey back into consciousness.
“But I thought you said-”
“I know, but- I... I’m not... I don’t know how to- I’ll be back soon; I promise.”
“Okay... will you call me? When you’re back, I mean?”
Ben chuckles lightly into the phone.
“Yeah Rey, I will.”
come say hi on twitter!
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uzumaki-rebellion · 5 years
“Wet Sugar” [Part 12 of 30]
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Summary: Yani moves to the compound with Erik...
Mature Audience Only. NSFW. Smut.
"I'd wash the sand off the shore Give you the world if it was mine Blow you right to my door Feels fine
Feels like - you're mine Feels right - so fine I'm yours - you're mine Like paradise…"
"What are you doing?"
Yani's cousin Cee Cee watched her pack up her old purple suitcases as Twyla sat on her bed holding Sydette. After asking her question, Cee Cee's face held a scowl of disapproval.
Yani took a good look at all the belongings she had.
That was it. Clothes for herself and Sydette, a few shoes for work, and a couple of hats and beanies. Her old plastic anatomy figurine that she had as a child so she would know all the parts of the body and take them apart. Sydette's stroller and high chair. She owned nothing of real value. Only the earrings that Erik bought for her and Sydette were worth anything.
"You don't know that man!"
The fury in Cee Cee's voice made Yani stare at her.
"This is so like you, Yani. Always ready to be up under some man. Thought you were getting your own place with that girl."
"I am. But the apartment won't be available until September. Killmonger offered me a summer job. I'm going to be doing what I normally do there."
"Givin' him pussy too? Is that part of the arrangement? He broke your child's faddah's jaw! What if he acts like Chez? Who can stop him when he gets violent? They always turn on you. Don't be so stupid…so desperate for a man."
"Cee Cee…" Twyla said.
"It's true. She always gotta have some man like they are going to save her or something. Stand on your own two feet!"
"I'm getting paid to work there. He's paying me more so I don't have to work three jobs. I can have Sydette with me. I can save a lot of money working there and I will be standing on my own two feet. I have my own car now, and I will have my own place to live. You should be happy for me instead of tearing me down. And this…this is just a summer set-up. He'll be leaving…"
She hated saying that out loud. She kept pushing back on the idea of this life with Erik being temporary.
She glanced down at her clothes again. Two full-sized suitcases filled to the brim. Yani tucked a plastic bag deep underneath her pants, hoping her cousins didn't notice. It was a sexy lingerie set she bought for herself. Her heart fluttered thinking of sleeping in a bed with Erik later that night. They would be alone and could be together anytime they wanted. She would finally have sex and she wondered how different it would feel after having Sydette. Plus, Erik was so big. Chez had some length, but Erik, he had length and girth and an aggression that had her shivering just thinking about being in bed with him.
She would have to figure out Sydette's sleeping arrangements. The baby was accustomed to being in a room with Yani, and lately, she was sleeping with Yani on her twin bed so that there was room for Cee Cee to sleep on the floor. Yani wanted Sydette to sleep in her own room at the middle house in Klaue's compound. She didn't want her daughter in the room with Erik while they were having sex.
Having sex.
Yani closed her eyes. She wanted Erik to do everything to her. Couldn't wait to be under him and watching his face as he entered her…
Her cell buzzed on the dresser.
Her cousins watched her face as she answered her phone. She left the room and stepped outside to talk on the balcony.
"You almost ready to head over here?" he asked.
"Just have to put my stuff in the car and get the baby loaded up."
"Do you want to eat dinner here or go out tonight?"
"Eat there."
"Cool. You sure you don't need help bringing stuff over? Save you some trips?"
"It'll be just one trip. We don't have a lot."
She didn't like the way that sounded. It came out like they were poor waifs seeking shelter.
"Text me when you're on your way so I can help you unload."
She hung up her phone and it immediately vibrated in her hand.
"You still at Auntie's?" her sister asked, her voice rushed.
"Leave now. Mommy and Daddy are on their way there—"
Too late.
Yani saw her parents pull up in their white Corrolla. She hung up on Anika and walked down the steps.
Her father stepped out and his tall dark frame still seemed to reach the sky in her eyes. Her mother's shorter, browner, and heavier body eased out slowly, and her father waited for his wife to join him before they pounced on her.
"What is going on?" her mother spit out, hands on her hips. Yani's father had his arms crossed standing next to his wife.
"What do you mean?"
"Don't play dumb," her mother said, her voice turning grimy fast.
"I'm not playing dumb, Mommy. What are you talking about?"
"Are you moving in with one of those men on the hill?"
Fucking Cee Cee. She would be the only one to snitch when asked not to.
"I'm working there—"
"That's not what we heard," her father said. His voice was soft-spoken but it always carried a bite behind it.
"It's a summer job. Auntie will be on vacation and I was asked to fill in for her. It's good pay Mommy—"
"She's seeing a man up there," Cee Cee said walking outside.
"Cee Cee, shut up! Mind your own business!" Yani yelled.
Twyla came outside with Sydette.
"Auntie Paula, Uncle Halston…it's just a job. She's staying in Auntie's apartment there and looking after things until Auntie comes back," Twyla said.
"Lie! I've seen her with the man who stays up there. They were hugged up during Juvay, and he was holding Sydette like she was his," Cee Cee said.
"We didn't raise you like this, Yani," her mother said.
"I'm an adult now, Mommy. I make my own decisions. Ever since you put me out when I got pregnant, I've been taking care of myself and Sydette."
"Are you seeing this man?" Her father asked.
"I'm working there. Saving money. Getting ready for school."
Yani stared at her parents. There was nothing they could do to stop her.
"That man broke Chez's jaw," her father said.
"Who told you that?"
"Chez's mother."
Yani's mother looked embarrassed saying that.
"We don't want you going up there," her father said.
"You either stay here or come home with us," her mother said.
"You want me to come home now? After all this time on my own, you want me back?"
"We don't want Sydette mixed up in anything that can cause her harm. If you are messing around with a man breaking jaws, then you need—"
"I need what? Supervision? I can take of my own child. I don't need your help. No disrespect Mommy, but I know what I'm doing. I'll have my own place in September for school."
Yani's mother shook her head and she stepped forward like she was ready to argue, but her father held her back.
"We just want what's best for you and Sydette, that's all," he said.
Yani moved in front of her father and hugged him.
"I'm good, Daddy. Mommy, I'm alright."
Yani stepped over to her mother and hugged her too.
"He broke a man's jaw," her mother whispered.
"Because Chez tried to hurt me and he found out about it. It was in defense of me. It won't happen again."
"We don't like this, Yani. Can't you see why we would be worried?"
"Mommy, I will be fine. It's just a job—"
"Is this man your new boyfriend?"
Yani didn't want her parents involved with anything having to do with Erik or the compound. She hated lying, but they would bother her about this, would probably show up at the compound if they knew the truth.
"He's just an employer. I worked for him three months ago with Auntie—"
"She's seeing him."
The surliness in Cee Cee's voice made Yani's blood boil. Why did she care? Why did she have to run her mouth? Yani stood firm.
"It's my job. That's all it is."
Her father knew she was lying, but he nodded his head and patted her mother's shoulder. They walked past Yani and headed up into Leona's apartment.
Great. Now they wanted to visit and delay her leaving.
"You are such a bitch," she hissed at Cee Cee when she walked past her into the apartment.
Her parents played with Sydette, and Yani didn't want to drag her luggage out with them there. She made her parents some tea and sat with them making small talk. They seemed pleased with her upcoming classes and displeased with the gossip they heard about her verses on Kendall's song, and the album cover. Cee Cee plopped her ass on a chair and interjected her own gossip about other family members, and Yani was so happy to be leaving her Aunt's house. Ever since Cee Cee arrived there to stay, the energy of the household had been turmoil. Even Twyla was itching to move, on the lookout for some affordable housing in Havensight.
Hours went by, and Yani texted Erik that she would be arriving late, that dinner would have to be a raincheck because of her parents dropping by. This was not how she wanted her first night with him to be. Her showing up tense from interacting with family that aggravated her.
By the time her parents left, she was loading her car up after six. Sydette was being fussy and Yani just wanted to get away fast. She stopped over at a grocery store to pick up some last-minute items and by the time she rolled into the compound, it was eight at night.
She sat in her car in front of the garage waiting for Erik to come help her with their things. She was really there. With him. Her and Sydette.
"Sweet Pea!"
His voice was booming and he was excited to see them. Yani watched Erik unhook Sydette from her car seat.
"Sorry we're so late. I ended up stopping at the store."
"No problem."
He handed Sydette back to her and she noticed that he was dressed really nice just to be kicking it at the crib. Expensive pressed black chinos. A plum button-up shirt. Luxury house shoes. His Cuban link.
He rolled her bags to the second house and placed them in the main bedroom. He ran back up to her car to retrieve Sydette's stroller and high chair. She unpacked a few things and opened some windows.
When he came back into the bedroom to check on her and Sydette, she felt a bit self-conscious with her old jeans and t-shirt on.
"What?" he said.
"You're dressed up."
"This is some regular chillin' around the house gear—"
"No it isn't. I've seen your chillin' gear."
He seemed bashful. She sat on the bed next to Sydette.
"I just wanted to look nice when you both came. I made you dinner. I can heat it up now if you want."
She reached out and touched his hand.
"That's so sweet. And here I come looking all—"
"You look fine. You hungry? Has she eaten?"
"She's good. But I'm starving."
"Freshen up and meet me down at Klaue's. I'll get your dinner ready."
He dipped out so fast, she didn't even get a chance to thank him again for letting them stay there.
Taking a quick shower, she changed into a nice teal knee-length dress and sandals. She dressed Sydette in a blue dress and baby Mary Janes. The late spring air was the perfect balmy temperature that she loved, and when she arrived at Klaue's house, Erik was waiting for her at the front door.
"Place your face right here," he said.
She looked at a dark screen on the side of the door and a scanner read her face and made a retina print.
"Now you can come in here whenever you want," he said.
He took her hand and walked her inside. When she saw the dining table, she stopped in her tracks. Multiple blue candles and a gorgeous purple and blue flower arrangement sat in the middle of the table. Klaue's best dishes were set out with the fancy linen. He even had Sydette's high chair posted up at the table.
"Sit down," he said.
She put Sydette into her high chair and took a seat at the place setting he made. Three minutes later he was back with two big bowls of gumbo.
"This took some time," she said, digging in.
"Cooking all day. Should be just right now," he said.
"Shit, this is good," she said.
Sydette tried to grab for her food, but Yani pushed her hand back.
"Too spicy for you. You not even hungry so stop acting like you weren't fed," she said.
"No!" Sydette said.
"No?" Yani teased.
Erik laughed and Yani giggled a bit at her daughter.
"No," Yani said.
"Yes!" Sydette shouted.
"She'll be arguing in full sentences pretty soon," Erik said watching her.
"Don't let her babbling fool you. She can say a lot more words. Watch and see."
"Let her try it," he said.
"It's too spicy for her."
"That's how children learn."
Yani dipped her spoon into her bowl and took up a bit of broth and rice. She lifted it to Sydette's mouth and her daughter slurped it down.
"You like it?" Yani asked.
"More!" Sydette said.
Erik laughed even louder.
"See. She can handle some kick."
The second taste was a bit too much for Sydette and the spices kicked in making her grimace a bit, but she kept reaching for Yani's spoon.
"I told you it was too spicy little girl."
Sydette wiggled her legs and Yani fed her more.
"Be right back," Erik said.
When he returned, he had two plates in his hand.
"There's more? This was enough already."
"That was just a starter. You can save this for tomorrow if you want—"
He started heading back to the kitchen but the aromas already had Yani's mouth watering.
"Lemme see it," she said.
The plate before her was loaded with candied yams, mixed greens, and barbecued salmon.
"Wow. You were not messing around," she said.
He went back into the kitchen and brought back a plastic bowl filled with mashed up yams and peas with a few chopped pieces of salmon. He put the bowl in front of Sydette.
"See if she can handle that," he said.
Sydette didn't even wait, her fingers already digging into the bowl and stuffing the mashed yams in her mouth.
"Okay, be messy. Mama's going to eat her own," Yani said.
The food was so good that Yani asked for seconds, and Erik piled up her plate again until she was swollen in the belly. Sydette's face was a mess, but she got Erik's food down her mouth by herself.
"We must be a sight," Yani said pushing back her plate.
Erik smiled and ate the last bite of fish on his plate.
"I like seeing people enjoy my food," he said.
She glanced down at her bloated stomach.
"I look pregnant," she said rubbing her tummy.
"Get used to it. I plan on feeding you two like this all the time."
"Keeping us fat and happy?"
"That's my plan," he said winking at her.
"Look at her face," Yani said.
Sydette sucked on her fingers and watched them both. Barbecue sauce and bits of yam covered her cheeks. Yani let out a loud sigh.
"How was your parent's visit?"
"Hell. Cee Cee told them about me being here. It wasn't a social visit. They wanted me to go home with them instead of coming here."
"You serious?"
"Yeah. Chez's mother told them that you broke his jaw, and Cee Cee must've filled in the rest. I told them I was here for work and then they lingered. For hours. Not one time have they ever come to see me at my Aunt's. Not one time. I either go to their house or meet up at some family gathering. It was just weird and uncomfortable."
Yani stared at her belly again as Erik cleaned up their dishes. How was she going to look sexy in her lingerie for him with her belly all big and full?
"You need help cleaning up?" she asked.
"No. Go ahead and get the baby cleaned up in the bathroom. Do you want any dessert? I have some ice cream and some little cupcakes I picked up at the store."
"Not tonight. I can't eat another thing."
She picked up Sydette and took her into the guest bathroom down the hall from the master bedroom. It didn't take long to get her daughter presentable again.
"What do you want to do now? Watch tv? Finish unpacking? Relax?"
Erik stood in the living room flipping through satellite channels.
Yani wanted to stay up with him, but she was beginning to feel sleepy. Not just from the food, but the stress of being with her parents.
"You look tired. Want to call it a night?" he said.
Erik's eyes watched her with a gentleness that she needed to see.
"I am tired. I really wanted today to be special—"
"It is special. It's the beginning of whatever you want to do."
She inhaled deeply, his words sinking in.
She could do anything she wanted. There was no schedule for her to follow except for anything that she desired to do. She could sleep in. Nap all day. Swim all day. Sunbathe naked. Catch up on tv shows. Read books she had put off reading because of the lack of free time. Anything.
But first, she had to deal with Sydette.
"I need to get Sweet Pea situated for bed. She's been sleeping with me and while I'm here, I want to start having her by herself in her own room. The apartment I'm getting has three bedrooms, and my roommate and I are trying to get our daughters used to sleeping in their room together."
Erik listened and Yani couldn't tell if he was expecting them to sleep together. She just assumed that they would, but the reality of Sydette was weighing in. Everything was so new. She had never lived with a man that wasn't a relative before. She never had to think of sleeping arrangements.
"Why don't you and Sydette get settled in your house and we can figure out some things tomorrow. I can tell you're beat."
Her lips pulled in tight, and she felt disappointment tempering her mood.
"I want to be with you though," she said. Her voice came out so small.
"You will be. But like you said, Sydette comes first. Get her settled the way you want, and you and I can…y'know, we can get ourselves together another day. Don't look sad about it, girl."
He stroked her cheek and she held onto his hand, keeping it on her skin.
"Come be with us—"
"But you're tired—"
"I don't care."
"I'll walk you two up, but I'm going to leave when you fall asleep."
He strolled with them up the path to the middle house and watched Sydette for her while she unpacked their things. She moved all of Sydette's clothes and diaper bag into her own room next to the master bedroom.
Once she had Sydette prepped for bed with clean diapers and her pajamas, she laid in the room with her while Erik watched tv in the den. Yani could feel herself getting drowsy, but Sydette drifted off to slumberland and she slid out of the room quietly leaving the intercom system on with a tiny ladybug night light on a nightstand. Klaue's intercom system was more powerful than Yani's own baby monitors. She child-proofed the rest of the room and felt confident that her baby girl was ready for her first night alone.
"She out?" Erik whispered from the couch.
"For now. I'm going to try and sleep in my room and see how it goes tonight."
Yani wanted Erik in bed with her. He stood up.
"Breakfast at the main house? Let's say nine?"
He was easing over to the sliding doors that led to the pool.
"Please stay here with me."
Erik stopped moving.
"You sure? The baby might wake up—"
"She will, but…I want you here with us."
"Okay…um…lemme go down to Klaue's and get some things…"
She nodded and he slipped out of the pool door.
Running into her new bedroom she pulled out the lingerie and held it up to the mirror. Her stomach was still puffy from all the food she ate, but she was dying to wear the sexy outfit on her first night. If she had to go look in on Sydette, her daughter wouldn't remember what her mother had on. The low-cut sheer black camisole with the high cut lace thong and matching sheer black robe was everything. He had to see her in it.
She quickly washed up again and slathered her skin all over with chocolate body butter. She ran a tiny bit of eyeliner on her lids and a light coating of raisin-colored matte lipstick on her lips.
Please God, don't let Sydette wake up too soon.
The security system let her know that Erik was back in the house. She heard him lock the sliding doors and heard him tiptoe to see if she was in Sydette's room.
"Yani?" he whispered.
"In here," she answered, waiting for him in front of the bed. She had dimmed the lights in the room until there was a soft glow that meshed with the waxing moonlight pouring in on the bed from the window.
Her heart was in her throat. The anticipation of him walking in and seeing her made her hands sweat, caused her breathing to become uneven. She actually felt faint when he stepped into the room and saw her.
His eyes dragged up and down her form. She placed her hands on her hips and tried sucking in her gut, but it didn't matter. What he saw clearly pleased him because he was taking off his shirt and kicking off his house shoes.
"No wonder you wanted me up here," he whispered.
She stepped back until she was touching the bed with her thighs.
"Turn around. Let me see it all," he said, and his voice had a coarseness to it that made her skin tingle.
She pivoted on her heels knowing the sheer robe let him see everything.
When she turned back around, he was in front of her. She ran her hands up the planes of his naked chest and let her fingers circle his nipples until they hardened from her touch. His keloids felt like smooth pebbles as she stroked his arms. He brought his face down to hers and kissed her with gentle urgency, his hands running up and down her arms before falling behind her and seizing her ass, separating her cheeks. Jesus, his hands were not playing, the grip on her cheeks firm.
"You know I want you, right?" he whispered.
"We don't have to do this tonight if you're worried about Sydette…"
She kissed him again, letting her tongue delve into his mouth. She pulled back.
"Did you bring condoms?"
She unbuttoned his pants, then unzipped them, pushing them down from his hips. He helped take them off completely along with his boxer briefs. His dick was plump and steadily growing. He slipped the robe off of her shoulders and let it fall to the floor, his lips softly running up and down her shoulders and the sides of her neck before he was kissing her in that way of his that made her toes bunch and curl. He lifted her up and placed her on the bed, crawling right after her the moment she shimmied herself up towards the headboard.
His lips wasted no time pressing into hers again and she was pining for his dick fifteen minutes later with his tongue down her throat. His fingers traced around her nipples before he was pinching them, and by the time he pulled her top and thong off, her pussy felt like melting wax dripping onto the bed cover. Hips undulating, titties in heat from his tongue, and her vulva swollen from the light feathery touches he gave her down there, Yani was ready for this man to lay that thick pipe on her. Quick-quick.
His fingers tickled her clit and she almost flew off the bed crashing into the ceiling. His touches were doing that. He ran his fingers up and down her sides, her erogenous zones overstimulated just from his breath blowing on places he had licked and then he would suddenly fondle another part of her and it was like someone had zapped her with a stun gun. Thumb gliding around her black pearl, Erik pressed into it and her clit ignited from the contact. It made him smile and slide down her torso where his big soft mouth devoured her pussy.
"Killmonger!" she shouted and covered her mouth. He stopped for a moment, and they both waited to hear anything on the intercom from Sydette's room.
Erik continued licking and sucking her clit as she gripped her breasts and squeezed them, making him groan between her legs as his licking became more assertive. He lifted up on his knees.
"Suck my dick, like a good bitch," he said, and the rough edge in his throat made her jump up quick and lower her face to his erection. She swallowed his dick and he watched her head bob up and down.
"Dassit, spit on that dick, bitch. Get Daddy nice and wet so I can fuck that pussy real nice—"
"Hhhmph!" she gasped, pulling her generous lips off of his dick so she could look him in the eye.
Erik's lips were curled up watching her. His head cocked to the side waiting for her to talk.
"I want you now," she pleaded.
"Whatchu want Daddy to do?" he said shoving his dick back down her throat. Her neck felt so packed, her gag reflex adjusting to his size as he went deeper.
"You want Daddy fast or slow?"
"Please," she responded. She wanted it all. Fast. Slow. Everything.
"Want me to beat that pussy up from behind?"
Her groans vibrated his dick and he rubbed his hand on her scalp.
"You want Daddy to pound that pussy? I'ma fuck my name all in your shit, girl. That's my pussy—"
"Yes! Please!"
Saliva fell from her lips as she couldn't keep sucking on his dick with her pussy throbbing so hard.
Erik stared at her, her watery eyes pleading with him to stop teasing and start fucking. She was inflamed with so much desire, she couldn't even see straight. Once he started fisting his dick in her face, she was ready to cry. That fat dick and big sack were all for her.
"Got me dripping baby. Look at your dick," he said.
She stuck out her tongue and he squeezed his pre-cum onto it.
"Spit on Daddy's dick…yeah…just like that. So nasty. You know I like that about you."
She spit on his dick again and gobbled it down until he was wedged in her throat once more.
"Oh shit….yeah…just like that…keep doing that. I know you ready for this dick."
He pushed her back on the bed. "Open that pussy up. Lemme see all that pink."
Yani's fingers peeled back her sticky labia and Erik's face became pinched and his mouth went lax.
"Fuck, Yani. You sure you're ready for me, baby? I'ma get up in there—"
"Get this pussy!"
Yani felt sweat pouring out of every pore on her body. Sweaty, sticky, and on fire from his touch, she lifted up her legs and let her thighs fall wide open for him. She struck her plump hairless vulva with her right hand, and that movement alone made Erik's eyes react. Especially from the sloppy wet sound that accompanied it. He lifted off of the bed and reached for his pants pulling out several condoms from his pocket.
"Here," she said reaching for the condoms.
He gave them to her and she looked one over carefully before tearing it open and rolling it on him. His mouth ravaged her mouth again and when she thought she was going to pass out from the kissing, she felt him lining himself up with her. His eyes were hyper fixed on hers. She let her fingers drift down and open up her labia. His mouth was on her again and she was lost once more in the passion of their lips sliding, colliding, licking, and sucking until—
---he pushed in without warning. Her back arched up high like the bow of the Titanic in the ocean before it sank, and she grabbed onto his shoulders holding on for dear life.
"Is it too much?" he asked.
She couldn't even speak, just rested her legs around his ass and pushed down on him to make him give her more inches. He was halfway in when she bit into his shoulder trying to hold back a scream. He pulled back out a couple of inches, allowing her to adjust her position, and then he swiveled his hips pushing into her again, sinking in further, and she cried out his name.
"Ooh, Killmonger!"
"Does it hurt?" he asked.
"No! I'm just…oh shit…oh shit…you're in there…oh fuck…Killmonger…"
His girth was tugging on the sides of her clit, the entire wishbone length of her clitoris felt the pulling and pressure his heavy dick was putting on her insides. It was an exquisite sensation, one that she had never experienced that intensely before, and she was afraid that if she was ready to tap out just from him entering her for the first time, she wasn't going to make it through to the end.
"You feel so good…I'm just…so much…there's so much—"
"I'll go slow."
"Okay," she gasped, still clinging to his shoulders feeling like she would drown if she let him go.
"I got you, baby. Don't worry, I'm here with you. I'ma give you some more. Just hold me…oh shit…"
Erik let out a groan so loud, she was shocked that it didn't wake the baby up.
"I didn't know this pussy was deep…fuck, Yani…got my dick all the way in you…didn't let a nigga know shit was like this."
He was rolling his hips, hitting her walls from all angles. She felt his hands slide down and grab her ass again to hold her still as he thrust into her, his hips pistoning slowly at first, until he began kissing her again, his mouth barely able to hold onto her lips from all the gasping and cursing he was doing. At one point, Erik had his face pressed into the pillow, his groans muffled by the cool blue silk.
He lifted up from her and widened his knees, his eyes focused on watching his dick going in and out of her.
"Creaming on my shit…you taking it so deep baby…so fucking deep," he choked out.
His eyes shut tight when he felt her squeeze his dick, the firm clenches making her feel good about her body. She had worried that having a baby might loosen some things, Lord knows Sydette had changed a lot down there, but the way Erik was reacting to her body, she could let that worry go. His eyes held hers again.
"You feel so good, baby…fuck…I tried to imagine how it would be with you… I had no idea… not like this…"
His waist wound slowly against her until he was rocking into her with a steady and comfortable rhythm. The dip in his pelvis gave slow deep plunges that had her crawling the walls inside her own skin, especially when he kept his eyes on her. They both needed to watch one another. It felt unreal to her, the intimacy so much richer than any sex she'd ever had. She lifted her head up a bit so she could kiss him again, and he cradled the nape of her neck, their tongues sliding back and forth, open-mouthed, wet, sloppy…delicious.
Erik jerked his head back.
"Yani, this pussy is gripping the fuck outta nigga right now. And you're so wet…so wet baby, damn…"
"I'm 'bout to fuck the shit outta you. Can you handle it? I can't hold back with this pussy feeling this good."
"Okay," she whispered.
She didn't want to let his shoulders go, so afraid she would disappear without having something to tether her soul to. He was fucking her out of her own body at that point.
Erik shifted his weight back and lifted both of her legs over his shoulders. The mistake had already been made the moment she said okay. His eyes were looking beyond her now, glued to their sticky wet joining.
Most times, a woman wanted to make love, but in this moment, Yani wanted and needed to be fucked. By Erik.
Whoever the fuck he needed to be to get between her legs like this. This was beyond getting the shit fucked out of her. This nigga was taking mind, body, soul…everything from her. She could see his heavy erection stretching her out, her juices coating the condom and his balls.
She wasn't a passive bystander either. She wound her hips and threw her pussy on him, the thick meat of her ass slapping him too. He was catching it from her and throwing it back. Grabbing her heavy breasts, he palmed them with desperate squeezes. When he tweaked her nipples, it only fired up her clit again and she felt herself slipping away, all control lost, drowning in his rhythm…his dick demanding…punishing. Forget daggering a bitch to death. His dick was smashing fucking atoms in her depths.
"You're fucking me!"
She had no idea why she screamed that. It was obvious he was fucking her. But the language to tell him what she was feeling wouldn't come to her lips, her brain trying to keep up with her body and losing. Erik had severed her mind/body connection. His thickness was hitting that deep bottom of her pussy, and she felt her inner muscles clench uncontrollably.
Dis what mi get for being a craven choke puppy for dis man juice, she thought.
She couldn't take it anymore.
And just…
…let go.
There was nothing like entering a woman for the first time, especially this one…
The first time Erik Stevens had sex he was fifteen. Happy as fuck to get his dick wet by an older girl. Seventeen. It was in the living room and on the couch of an O.G.'s old Victorian house in West Oakland. Erik had no thoughts of making love or worrying about giving the girl an orgasm.
He just wanted to nut.
No more fleshlights or beating off to free porn on his computer. A real live human agreed to let him stick his horny teenaged penis into their vagina. The first sensation was hot wet rawness and stupidity. No condom, and no thoughts of worrying about pregnancy or STDs. The girl said she was on the pill and had been since she was thirteen because of acne.
They were humping like two fleas fucking. He had no stroke game at all. Pumping and bumping uglies for seven full minutes until his back hunched up and he felt that first time rush of semen leaving his body and entering into another body. He could barely remember the girl's face, but he remembered her name. Karla. Track runner with great legs that wrapped around his thin frame hard and tight.
She didn't seem to mind the quick unloading of jizz, and of course, he wasn't caring how fast he ejaculated. All that mattered was that he came, he saw, and he came again.
But it was his Uncle Bakari who caught him having sex back in D.C. in his own bedroom that he learned about respecting a woman's body sexually. Told him it was more than just sticking a hard length into a willing vaginal opening.
His Uncle didn't make a big deal about Erik experimenting and having early sexual encounters so young. When the older girl left his bed full of shame as Erik pulled on his underwear and shorts, his Uncle reminded him to always wrap up, never have sex in his house again unless he was grown-grown, and to respect the trust a woman gives to allow a man to insert an engorged body part inside of them.
Erik had never thought of that with his body so full of hormones that needed to go full throttle. His parents taught him the value and beauty of sex, the value and beauty of nude bodies, but they were long gone before he finished puberty and sought out sexual encounters with girls. Maybe they would've explained to him what his Uncle taught him. He knew what lovemaking sounded like from his parents. He just couldn't match that level…love…when he was busting a teenaged girl or a grown woman wide open at fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. On up.
Love was for old married people like his Uncle and parents.
Respect and admiration had to be given to any woman willing to have sex with a man. That's what Uncle Bakari ran down to him that fateful day of coitus interruptus. And sex was more than just pumping and dumping seed. For a woman to open her legs and trust that no harm would come to her internally when she let a man inside, was something he wrapped his mind around sometimes. He was still a fuckboi. The fuckiest of fuckbois. No doubt. He knew this. He didn't waste time thinking about trust or respect when he was fucking Linda, or any of the women he had been with over the past two years. Hit it, quit it, hope to never be it. That was his motto.
But entering Yani, watching her eyes grow wide when he sank into her warmth, feeling her heartbeat and startled breath under him and against his chest…that lesson came rushing back. Men had used her. Abused her trust. Didn't respect her. And here she was, allowing his wretched troubled ass to insert himself-a hefty part of himself-inside of her body.
He tried to be gentle. Checked in with her. Wanted her to be comfortable. Wanted her to trust him with her heart. Her mind. Her body. That deep soul she had.
Her body had birthed a baby, created food and warmth and love for that child. Now, look at him. Placing himself inside of that space that once belonged to Sydette. Belonged to some other man…
His eyes looked away for an all too brief moment when he thought of Chez and any other man who had just fucked this girl. Like he himself had done with others and would probably continue to do once he left.
And for another all too brief moment, Erik thought he might remove himself from her bed. He didn't deserve to be inside of her. He really wasn't worthy. Because she trusted him too much. Was giving him her heart for safe-keeping.
He saw it in her eyes as she clutched onto him like she was scared of what was happening, but trusted him to be there with her, thrusting deeper, filling her up and stretching out that sacred space.
He tried pulling out but her thick thighs held him in place and he kept going.
He just didn't know she was that deep. That she could take his manhood like that. Break him down. Make him forget about time and space until he had to come up for air and just fuck her. Fucking was easy…better for him. Before he asked to fuck the shit out of her, she had already taken them to that other place. The place that scared him. Scared him so bad just being with her because he knew he had already fallen for her. Hard.
When he threw her legs over his shoulders it was a way for him to distance himself from what he was feeling. Fuck hard. Fuck fast. Fuck away unwanted emotions.
But this damn girl.
He was lost in the sea of it all the moment the glans of his dick parted her slick opening. Entering this woman for the first time sealed his fate. Shit felt different. Pussy was hitting different. Dick was responding different. His heart was in his mouth like some wide red moon, and when she cried out that he was fucking her and her face looked flustered with confusion after she said it, he thought maybe she was feeling it too. The difference between the two of them together compared to whoever they had been with before in the past. Could she see the moon of his heart on the tip of his tongue when he said her name out loud?
The words roared out of his mouth so fast he had no idea he was saying it, and for a frightening moment, he actually thought something physical flew out from between his tongue and teeth.
It was what his father said…no…shouted…and shouted often when he was with Erik's mother in their big bed. Making love.
Erik shouted it out loud, reckless and rawboned.
Like father. Like son.
Fuck was happening?
"Erik…I'm cumming! Ohmigod…Erik! Erik…."
His real name dripping from her lips made his balls throb and through the force of sheer will, he rode out her release without cumming himself.
"Keep cumming on Daddy's dick. It's all yours, girl. All yours. Take what you need, baby."
He could see his wide girth tugging down on her folds, the top of her clit hard like his dick.
Her spasms made her breasts bounce and when he glanced down to watch her pussy choke his dick tight, she was squirting fluid on him.
Rooted deep in her, Erik held still, his arms resting on her shoulders as her erratic breathing calmed down enough for him to drop her legs back onto the bed.
When she was coherent enough to engage with him once more, her eyes went to the joining of their bodies, and then the large damp spot they had created on the bed.
"Sorry," she said, "sometimes…sometimes my body does that too much and I make a mess. I'll buy a new blanket—"
His lips overtook hers and she clung to his shoulders again. Mouth on her collarbone, teeth biting hot flesh, tongue snaking up her winsome neck and behind her ear…
"Don't be sorry for what comes natural to you. I don't give a fuck about these blankets, Yani…"
He pulled out of her and sat on the edge of the bed. Helping her move over to him, Erik made her sit on his dick facing away from him.
"You can squirt on Daddy's dick anytime you want…fuck…ride me Yani…baby, please…"
She spread her thighs and leaned forward. Her hips twisted in a circle and his dick obeyed her command. He let the upper half of his body fall back on the bed and just watched her move.
"Shit baby!"
How many times had he nutted to that photo of her on that album cover? The one with her sitting on the beach in the blue velvet bikini with a big sand handprint on her ass cheek. Now she was finally sitting on his lap. All that fine ass weight on his dick.
Erik reached out and slapped her cheeks. So fucking loud. She bounced and he lost his damn mind when she glanced back at him, her lips pouty and wanton, eyes dewy and heavy-lidded at the same time.
His left hand rose up to hold onto her waist, but her hands were pressed down on the bed, helping her keep balance as she lifted up and down on him. She started grinding on him and when she felt his hand on her, she slapped it away.
"You in this pussy now, Killmonger…"
He lifted up on his elbows and widened his legs, forcing her to shift so that her legs were in between his. Bouncing like crazy on him she kept talking that talk.
"Fuck me," she said, but her voice was too soft, just her mouthing the words had him bucking up into her, throwing off her bounce on his dick.
"You want me to call you Daddy?"
His glutes clenched.
"Fuck yeah."
"You gotta fuck me like a Daddy would…"
"You betta watch what you say to me, girl—"
"Or what?"
She was pounding her pussy on him and when he felt her clench just the tip as she lifted off of him, his mouth released a ragged breath that made her laugh at him.
"You think you so funny," he said lifting up and melding his chest into her back. He forced her back down on him. His hot hands reached up and held her breasts, fingers circling her big stiff nipples. Her legs buckled and she lost her balance for a moment and he held her in place.
"You gon' make another mess on me?"
He stroked her hard bud and she trembled on his lap.
"Is that what you want?"
"Yeah. Do that so I can make a big mess in your pussy."
Her right hand reached back and grabbed his hair. His left hand grabbed her throat.
"Nut on this dick, baby. Give Daddy what he wants—"
"Yes, baby. Keep going…keep going…" He kept his hand on her throat and placed his other hand on her breast and just held her like that as she rocked that fat ass on him.
He wanted to rip the condom off, make her feel him all the way. She started whining the way he liked to hear her do it and he squeezed her throat a little tighter, gripped that juicy tit a little harder just to let her know he was the one in control.
He needed to see her face.
"Lift up…yeah…turn around…I got you. Slide back down on me girl…"
Erik held her back as she inhaled sharply, her pussy lips spreading around him as she sank back on him. Her soft hands rested on his shoulders and her eyes glazed over while staring into his.
"Oh, Daddy!" The high-pitched squeal from her mouth made him lose it and he reached for her waist with both hands and lifted her up and down himself, impaling her on his erection.
"Yes, Daddy! Yes, Daddy! Yes, Daddy! Yes, Daddy! Yes, Daddy!"
Eyes locked together, bodies locked together, heartbeats locked together, Erik wanted to stay this way with her forever.
But the hot flood surging from his balls would prevent that.
"Ah fuck…you bitch…oh you bitch…I'm nutting in this pussy…I'm nutting in this pussy baby…goddamn…goddamn you Yani… keep fucking me baby! Ooh shit, Yani…Yani..Yani…"
Her walls squeezed too many times to count, and her mouth shouted out Daddy just as many times.
Big titties shaking in his face, pussy yanking on his dick like it owned him, fat ass clapping on his thighs…she drained his balls. Fuck was he thinking that his dick would write his name in her pussy? Shit, this girl just wrote her name on his pipe.
The condom had to be broken. There was no way it could hold what he just shot inside of her while sucking the life out of him.
Erik fell back on the bed and felt his limbs shake.
"Don't move, don't move, don't move…." he said, but she did anyway, lifting off of him. He gripped the condom and removed it. The contents were still intact. He tied it off and left the bed to toss it in the wastebasket.
Yani let her body sprawl out on the dry parts of the bed, her legs open, her pussy looking gushy and ready for round two. Her eyes drank him in and he laid his body on top off her. She held his weight up. He kissed her tenderly and she gave back in return.
"What does ngiy..a..thanda mean?" she asked.
Her heart so open to him.
He lied anyway.
"Ngiyakuthanda. It means shit feels good."
"What language is that?"
He lied again.
"Ghanaian. From Ghana."
The intercom crackled to life and Sydette's voice came through loud and clear, her pitiful cries making Erik's heart hurt.
"We lucked out," Yani said.
She kissed Erik on the lips and he was ready to go at her all night. But Sweet Pea needed her. She lifted up and went to a drawer and pulled out a long t-shirt and threw it on. The grin on her face turned something inside of him.
"Be right back," she said.
"Take your time. I'm going to go on down to the main house. I forgot to put some things away."
Her eyes tried to read him and he couldn't hide his lying this time.
"You don't want to stay the night? I can change the bedding—"
"It's better if Sydette gets settled with just you tonight. I'll stay another time…if that's okay."
God, please. Don't let her cry or get angry.
"It's okay…I just thought since we…"
Her eyes were desperate to figure out what she did wrong. He could tell.
He stood up and put on his clothes.
"Go tend to the baby. I'll see you at breakfast. Yani…it's all good. Really. Baby you were more than anything I was expecting….I just need to clear up some stuff."
He walked over to her and kissed her lips again.
Fuck. She was going to cry as soon as he left.
He wanted nothing more than to be inside of her again, but he was afraid to do it again. Afraid to sleep with her that night. Afraid that he would say more shit he shouldn't say out loud.
How could he explain to her that he was scared shitless because sex between them was too damn good and it was raising his anxiety?
Blurting out shit in his father's language let him know he was in big trouble. Just like he knew he was in trouble when he first heard her voice.
Sydette's crying grew louder and Yani rushed out from the room to see about her.
Erik put his hands over his face, then tilted back his neck and closed his eyes.
Having her fucked him up.
She didn't know any Wakandan but her body sure as shit reacted to his words.
Now he really knew.
He was in love with her.
Didn't know how much until he told her.
Yani woke up early next to Sydette.
Her daughter nursed from her and it gave Yani time to mull over the previous night with Erik. Her body still ached from his lovemaking, her thighs and breasts felt tender from where he bit her. When she looked down at her thigh near the swelling of her vulva, she saw fresh purplish-red bruising from his teeth.
Her pussy still felt full, like some ghostly afterimage of his dick was still inside of her. She had a good aching all over.
Their sex was…
She thought she knew what good sex was. Lord knows she had run after good dick before from some of the worst men on the island. Just because.
But it was all taking from their end. She was the one always giving, but this one time, the sex was a mutual giving and taking. And receiving. That's what was missing from so many sexual encounters. She received something from Erik, something powerful. He gave of himself, even in the midst of the aggressive parts, the rough domineering qualities he put on full display, Yani felt a soft quality oozing from him that she had never experienced before. Past lovers wanted a notch on their belt, the prize of being able to brag that they had been with the Black Mermaid in any capacity even after she had left them high and dry because she was dissatisfied with them. Sex was about getting from her. Taking from her. Bust her open and bust a nut.
But this man.
He let her have something precious from him. His vulnerability.
It was in his eyes. In the way he touched her before they got a little wild. The timbre in his voice as he shouted her name in the midst of his orgasm.
She was perplexed by the abrupt way he left her. She thought everything had been amazing, was ready to get on her hands and knees for him, hold him to his promise of beating up her folds from behind. Something had gone wrong. Something changed his mind about her. It couldn't be the baby. Please don't let it be her baby. Every man she had been with who shouted like that didn't go running off in the middle of the night with some flimsy excuse of forgetting something back home. It made her feel so many doubts. What if he had second thoughts?
When Sydette lost interest in being breast-fed, Yani changed the girl's diaper and slipped on a plastic swimsuit bottom to keep her diaper dry. She put on some black boy shorts styled bikini bottoms and decided to go topless down to the cove. She smeared sunblock on Sydette's naked chest and limbs and carried her daughter down the hidden path to the cove. An early morning swim before breakfast. She needed to give herself time to face Erik, in case he decided to cool things between them.
When she neared Klaue's main house, she couldn't tell if Erik was up or not, things looked and sounded quiet. Once she had soft sand under her feet, she carried Sydette into the balmy sea and waded in up to her waist.
"Ready, Sweet Pea?" she said, and Sydette wiggled in her hands before Yani blew on her nose and let her go.
Sydette dropped below the surface and Yani watched her baby girl flail her arms and legs before bouncing back up to the surface and floating on her back. "Good girl!" Yani shouted clapping her hands.
Sydette's voice sounded like tiny bells ringing as her lips peeled back into a smile showing her dimples.
"Let's do it again," Yani said moving them into deeper water.
She helped Sydette lift up and blew on her nose again.
A large wave pushed against them when Yani released the baby, and for a second Sydette looked disoriented underwater. Yani ducked her head under and watched her child gyrate like a dolphin and break the surface on her own. Her body floated once more on her back.
"You are such a good swimmer, Sweet Pea!"
She let Sydette float on her own for about ten minutes, the waves raising up her chubby form and pushing her toward shore. Yani kept an eye on her, keeping tabs on her daughter's comfort level. When Sydette started making stress sounds, Yani reached for her and held her against her chest.
"Mommy's here, see? Right here with you."
She kissed her daughter's face and floated around with her.
"Ready to go under?"
Sydettes's big eyes, carbon copies of her own, stayed glued to Yani's face. Yani moved closer to shore so that her feet were once more touching sand.
"Okay, here we go…one...two…there…"
She blew on Sydette's nose and held her own breath as she took them both down. Eyes still on Sydette, she kept them under for five seconds before going back up. They did this several times until Yani felt Sydette had enough by the way she was fretting. It was always best to end swim lessons on a positive note rather than a stressful one.
She carried the baby out of the water and walked back up toward the middle house. There was time to clean up and get ready for breakfast…
Erik watched them from his perch on the wrap-around balcony of Klaue's home.
"Look who it is, Sweet Pea?" she said.
When they were closer to the house, Yani could see the intense stare that Erik gave her. Then she remembered that she was barefoot and topless, with tiny bottoms on that hid nothing. A wolfish expression on his face, Erik waved them over to him.
His eyes became elevators as they traveled up and down her damp body. Unblinking and unapologetic.
"Damn, girl. This how you get up in the morning for breakfast?" he said.
His morning voice sounded husky, she could almost feel it physically on her skin when she stood in front of him. He wore knee-length red surfer shorts and a Billabong t-shirt. Fresh-squeezed orange juice sat in a thick glass clutched in his hand.
"Juice!" Sydette said, her left hand reaching for Erik's glass.
"You want some? I don't have a sippy cup for you."
Sydette nodded her head vigorously and her body leaned away from Yani and went toward Erik. He moved in an took her from Yani's arms. He tried to carefully tilt the glass for Sydette's lips, but the baby reached up suddenly and grabbed the glass, spilling juice in her mouth and all over Erik's shirt.
"Sydette!" Yani shouted reaching for her daughter so Erik could clean himself up. Erik released the baby and pulled off his shirt.
"No big deal, I'm just gonna be topless like y'all now."
He smiled at her, but she caught his eyes sneaking a peek at her chest again.
"Ready to eat?" he said.
"We have to get some clothes—"
"Nah, today is Shirtless Saturday. It's our new tradition. Food is already out—"
He pointed behind him. He had set up a breakfast table for them all on the balcony.
"Go have a seat."
She walked over with the baby and placed her in the high chair he brought out. Scrambled eggs, sausage, grits (with cheese!), sliced bananas, and wheat toast covered in strawberry jam greeted them all. Yani didn't waste time admiring the spread, she tucked in with him and they each took turns feeding Sydette unsalted grits and a jar of chicken and gravy baby food.
Lips smacking from the food, Sydette kept reaching for the small teacup spoon in Erik's hand.
"You want to feed yourself?" Erik asked.
Too late.
Erik let Sydette grip the spoon and grits went flying onto the balcony deck. Sydette cracked up and her laughter had Erik giggling. That made Sydette laugh even more and Erik laughed harder. "She sounds like a chuckle clown doll," Erik said.
Sydette really started hamming it up and Erik held his side. Watching them both cackle made Yani laugh with them.
"Get the spoon from her—"
Too late again.
Sydette dipped the spoon in the chicken and gravy and flung it backward, leaving a splatter of food on Klaue's living room window. Erik wiped the window down as Yani wrestled the spoon from Sydette's fingers.
"No, Mama!"
"Don't act up, Sydette—"
"Sweet Pea."
Erik's voice was firm but pleasant. Sydette's eyes watched him.
"Don't do that," he said.
It looked like Sydette would start crying, but Erik shook his head at her and the baby picked up a tiny piece of banana on her plate and ate it without a fuss.
Picking up their plates, Yani stood up to go into the house. Erik followed her and touched the back of her neck pulling her back to him. His eyes darted back to look at Sydette who was fine eating her tiny banana slices and watching the water.
"Forget Shirtless Saturdays, I want you like this all the time," he said.
"Titties out all day?"
"Fuck yeah."
He pushed up on her feeling up her breasts. She held out her hands still holding their breakfast plates. When his tongue curled around her left nipple, she almost dropped the dishes. His mouth found her lips and he kissed her. He took the dishes from her.
"Today is your day. I'll take care of the dishes and you tell me what you want to do."
Any doubts she had about him not wanting to be with her dissipated. Whatever he was mentally going through last night when he left her, he had clearly come to terms with it. He had her nipples hard and her breathing sped up.
The baby was still up and around them.
"I want to lie on the couch in my house and read a book. What do you want to do?"
"Lie on the couch next to you and chill."
Erik put the dishes away while Yani took Sydette up to her house.
She liked the sound of that. Her house.
She took the rubber panties off of Sydette and checked for any soiling and found none. Checking for any hazards in the living room, Yani let the baby move freely around the wide-open space, leaving a few toys for her to play with and closing off all other doors and access to other rooms.
Grabbing the Stephen King short story collection she borrowed from Twyla on the coffee table, Yani opened up all the living room windows and threw herself on the couch. She began reading and Erik soon joined her with his own book. They spent a good two hours simply reading and keeping an eye on Sydette until she fell asleep. Yani picked her up and placed her in her own room and returned for more reading pleasure.
She made herself and Erik turkey sandwiches for lunch and they ate on the couch while talking about their respective books. Erik was power reading through a N.K. Jemisin fantasy novel and Yani made him tell her the plot, completely ignoring her own book. Erik sprawled out on her lap, his head resting on her thighs as he looked up at her. She stroked his locs as he told her the main plot of the story, but then his voice stopped and he just…stared at her face.
"What? Keep telling me the rest," she said.
His hand left hand reached up and fondled her right breast and it caught her off guard. She had been topless for hours and had forgotten about it. Erik lifted his head and sucked on her nipples. Yani reached for the big fluffy throw pillow that her left arm rested on and sat it on her lap under Erik's neck. He rested back on it so that she was cradling him and he continued sucking. She felt a dampness between her legs as she murmured words of encouragement to him, making him groan with his mouth and teeth tugging on her tits. Heat bloomed in her chest and she felt milk falling down into his mouth.
Soft sighs fell from her lips and her eyes took in the growth of his dick in his shorts. She reached down and stroked him, helped him pull his shorts down all the way so that his erection sprang free, the heat from his dick warming up her hand as she encircled the wide dome. His teeth held her pebbled left nipple, but she felt the hot pants escaping his mouth as she tugged on his girth. Pre-cum slid down her fist as it curled around his dark shaft. The sensation of his teeth biting her nipples as her milk dripped on his tongue and the intense pulses swelling her clit made her squirm in her seat.
His fingers splayed out around her wet tips as he continued massaging her breasts, but his eyes watched her hand work over his dick. His slit spilled more pre-cum and she swirled it around the head to make sure she made him slick. His breath quickened and he latched onto her nipple again, sucking and licking away every drop that pooled and released from her tits. Each breast was catered to, his full lips languorous on the supple skin, waking up every nerve ending that got wrapped up in their thickness. When he gazed up at her with his mouth full of her breasts and milk, she found the intimacy so profound, it wasn't a surprise to feel herself cumming. Her voice cracked when she cried out.
Erik groaned into her nipple and she watched his slick dick spurt hot semen all over her hand that still fisted him as he sucked her tits to his heart's delight. A heavier deluge of cum ran down her fingers and Erik's left hand reached out and grabbed her shoulder as he panted. When he finally unlatched his mouth from her, the sweat from his body began to turn cool, just as his release started to turn clear and spill over onto the couch. She lowered her head and kissed him.
"Another new tradition," he panted.
"What's that?" she said smearing his cum all over her nipples for him.
He added more cum to her chest from his own fingers, making sure every inch of his seed was smeared all over her chest.
"Every day after lunch you have to hold me like this, lemme suck on these tits…lemme cum in your hand like this—"
"Let you cover my tits like this too?" she said.
His eyes watched her fingers continue to go from his sticky release on his dick and then spread it on her nipples. Her areolas were shiny with his cum.
"You have no idea what you do to me, girl."
"I think I do," she said.
His dick was still hard.
"I don't think so."
"Try me—"
He lifted up from her and threw the pillow on the floor in front of the couch. Pulling her up he forced her knees onto the pillow.
"Don't move," he said.
She heard him leave the room and when he returned, she felt his sheathed fat head tease her wet folds. She clutched the couch cushion when he plunged in. He held still and let her feel the hardness in her depths.
"I'ma be in you like this all day every day, Yani."
The first hard thrust made her bite the cushion. His right hand pressed down on her lower back, forcing her to arch more for him.
"You had me fucked up last night…but I got it under control now, baby."
Yani's teeth bit even harder into the couch, her mouth wide open in a silent scream his passionate thrusts preventing her from making a sound. He was going in for the kill.
"Three…four times a day, baby."
"You got me last night, but not this time—"
"I want to see you walking around me butt naked all the time. Riding my dick for breakfast…sucking my dick for lunch…riding my face and soaking this beard for dinner—"
"Oh God—"
"Oh God nothin'. You showed me last night that you know how to take care of Daddy. Do it again. Throw it back on me, girl."
He slapped her ass so hard and so many times forcing her to give him all that he wanted.
"Yeah…cheeks is clappin'. Stop playin' and put it on me."
He gripped her neck.
Fingers so tight on her throat.
He meant what he said.
She had no idea what was in store for her and she didn't care. This was her man now. If this nigga said drop down in the middle of the street and split them legs wide open, she would do it.
He stopped suddenly and she turned back to look at him. The heat in his eyes made her stomach tumble.
"Go get your anal plug. I'm bout to tear this pussy up."
Grateful tears pressed from her lids.
"Okay what?"
There was tension in his voice.
"Okay, Daddy."
"Good, girl. Now get that plug."
Chapter 13
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areiton · 4 years
things they never wanted - ironbros
Read on AO3
Tony Stark had never wanted a sibling. 
He was a child, selfish in the way only children can be, jealous of his mother’s limited affection, and fiercely possessive of Jarvis’. 
And then he was a boy, brilliant beyond his age, and he understood that Howard was cruel and cold, that Maria was, even at her best, distant. That to be a Stark was to be lonely and alone, and he was glad, fiercely glad that he was an only child, that he did not share this lonely childhood with a sibling who would be just as lonely as him. 
He was grateful that they were spared the empty halls and plastic holidays and press conferences that made up his childhood, that they were never subjected to the disdain and disapproval of Howard and quiet nothingness of Maria. 
Tony Stark never wanted a sibling, because he was fiercely, illogically protective of someone who was never born. 
He was, too, achingly alone. 
And then he met James Rhodes. 
James Rhodes never wanted a brother. 
He had three sisters, loud and demanding and competing for his parents attention, for food on their meager table, for recognition in their church and their school and their family. He was set apart because he was the only son--there were higher, different expectations and Jenny bitched about it, but James thrived under that unrelenting pressure and lack of competition. He liked being Daddy’s only son, being Mama’s baby boy, liked being the one to rough up Josie’s boyfriend when he got a little too handsy, liked that Kendra crawled into his arms when she was scared. 
There was something safe in being the only boy in a house full of women, and he never wanted a brother to fuck that up, to muddy the waters. He adored his sisters, would gladly bleed-- had on a few occasions--for them, and never thought he was missing a damn thing. 
And then he met Tony Stark. 
Rhodey--it takes two weeks and one ill-advised kegger to turn James into Rhodey-- is like nothing he's ever known. Brilliant, yes, driven and hard working--those are familiar, impossible to notice because every tom dick and harry Howard hired was brilliant and driven and hard-working. 
Rhodey was different because he didn't care that Tony could pay off his student loans and not even scratch his net worth. He was different because he knew who Tony was--"You got your first patent when you were eight, on a robot, what the fuck are you doing here"-- but he didn't care. 
He gave Tony shit, in a teasing way that made an answering grin rise to his lips, and was viciously protective when someone else attacked him. 
It was eye opening and startling and life-changing. 
Rhodey was life changing. 
They graduate--Tony first, and then Rhodey while Tony races through his first PhD. They live together, because Rhodey can’t imagine living without him, not when they’re in the same city--it’s as strange a thought as living near but not with one of his sisters. 
He drags Tony home, a skinny white boy with more money than Midas, and Mama tuts at him, feeds him up right while his sisters swarm over him. 
Tony looks baffled, shyly pleased, utterly adoring, and he never asks, so Rhodey never explains but it’s simple. 
It’s so fucking simple. 
Tony’s Rhodey’s brother, the one he never wanted, and his family has claimed him, irrevocably, as their own. 
Rhodey trots off to the Air Force and Tony takes SI by storm, and there’s competition there, even in separate spheres, a good-natured competition for rank and patents and innovation shouted over Mama’s mashed potatoes and over bemused girls in bars, when they get together. 
It’s different--and somewhere along the way, he stops expecting it to be the same, because Rhodey has never been the same as anything else in his life. 
They can go months without talking or seeing each other before they explode into each other’s life again, large and loud and disruptive, and it’s perfect, two puzzle pieces slotting together, and he knows, he knows from watching Rhodey with his baby sisters--this is what it means, to have a sibling. 
This--this is what it means, to have a brother. 
Rhodey picks him up, when he shatters after his parents die. 
Tony throws the biggest party he’s ever been to, when Rhodey gets a promotion. 
They talk about work and women and worries. They argue about designs and AI and dinner choices. Tony keeps a stock of Rhodey’s favorite beer in his apartment and Rhodey throws clothes at Tony’s head when he stumbles in, drunk and soaking wet and laughing. 
Rhodey cleans up his mess, when Tony gets in too deep with Sunset and Tony quietly has a racist CO ruined, and they take care of each other. 
This--this is what it means, to have a brother. 
He is gone, missing, presumed dead. For three months, he swings between grief and fear--that Rhodey is dead, and that he isn’t. 
For three months, he swings between fury and despair--that Tony is dead, and that he isn’t. 
He never stops looking. He never stops fighting.
And when Tony stumbles out of the desert, it’s into his brother’s arms, steady and strong and protective. 
He never wanted a sibling. 
And Rhodey crashed into his life, and rattled it, taught him what it meant, to not be alone. 
He never wanted a brother. 
And Tony slid into his world, grinning and lonely and everything he didn’t realize he needed, and taught him what it meant, to have a brother. 
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honeytms · 5 years
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hi  hello  peaches  🍑  !!  introductions  are  literally  my  weak  point  after  writing  in  general  asdj  so  please  bare  with  me  as  you  read  through  absolute  trash  .  i’m  gigi  ,  nineteen  from  the  est  timezone  and  go  by  she  &  her   .  i  am  super  duper  excited  to  bring  you  my  angel  love  honey  !!!   and  even  more  excited  to  write  with  all  of  you  !  under  the  cut  you  will  find  a  little  more  about  her !   i  promise  despite  my  plot  ideas  being  super  vague  i  have  ideas  for  all  of  them  (  mostly  based  off  songs  because  im  a  mess  )  so  please  dont  feel  afraid  to  ask  me  !!  
‘ the  amaranth   ╱  undying  ,  unfading  .  this  is  a  person  who  is  extremely  difficult  to  forget  .   ’ 
full  name  :  honey  mallory  d’angelo  . 
nickname(s) :  honeybee ,  bee  ,  &  hon  . 
birthday  :  november  third  ,  thus  making  her  a  scorpio  .
gender  ╱ pronouns  :  cis  female  ,  she  &  her  . 
occupation  :  singer  ,  songwriter  ,  business  heiress  ,  socialite   .
soundtrack  :  needy  by  ariana  grande   ,  therapy  by  khalid  ,  confirmation  by  justin  bieber  ,  r.o.d  by  a  boogie  wit  da  hoodie  ,  body  by  wet  ,  cry  baby  by  demi  lovato  ,  love  on  the  brain  by  rihanna  ,  mile  high  by  james  blake  ,  23  by  chase  atlantic  ,  heartless  by  the  weeknd  ,  moonlight  by  ali  gatie  ,  dance  by  selena  gomez  ,  me  and  my  guitar  by  a  boogie  wit  da  hoodie  ,  e.t.a  by  justin  bieber  ,  woods  by  mac  miller  ,  hurt  people  by  sabrina  claudio  . 
aesthetics  :  pretty  words  ,  pretty  words  . 
violent  roots  ,  bloody  hands  .
affluence  ,  intertwined  with  a  sovereignty  that  crowded  entitlement  .  the  financial  privilege  that  sprinkles  itself  over  chestnut  locks  ,  flesh  that  bleed  success  and  it’s  important  ;  honey  mallory  d’angelo  ,  the  youngest  child  to  the  respected  and  adored  d’angelo’s  .  the  pretty  girl  with  the  world  in  her  grasp  ,  declared  destined  to  do  great  great  things  ..  but   affluence  &    sovereignty    not  the  only  thing  tied  to  roots  ,   bloodshed  ..  darkness  that  devours  everything  that  could  even  touch  light  .   mobsters  ,  gang  activity  ,    warehouses  built  on  cocaine  and  marijuana  .    a  silent  fear  located  in  the  streets  of  las  vegas  .   locals  dodging  dangers  that  are  drowned  out  by  the  ignorant  happiness  brought  to  you  by  drunken  tourist  .     and  when  you  look  into  the  emerald  hues  that  blessed  the  angelo’s  ,  you  can  come  to  the  conclusion  that  the  reality  of   supremacy   ,   prosperity  ,   exhilaration  ,  &   peril  had  a  habit  of  filling  your  lungs  and  causing  you  to  drown  in  it  . 
nineteen  ninety  nine  ,  the   year  of  the  rabbit  ;    and  the  birth  of  honey  and  ace  d’angelo  .  the  last  of  the  clan  ,  and  the  hope  in  their  mother’s  life  after  a  long  year  of  deaths  and  heart  ache  .    the  twins  handed  a  silver  spoon  ,  but  a  million  enemies  .  growing  up  ,   honey  lived  in  pure  innocence  .  was  what  her  mother  called  vehement  ,  ebullience  in  human  form  .    she  filled  the  house  with  laughter  ,  tiny  footsteps  constantly  hitting  hard  wood  floor  .   a  daddy’s  girl  at  heart  ,  constantly  sat  by  him  whether  it  was  watching  him  do  paper  work  or  taste  testing  his  cooking  .   and  when  she  was  not  glued to  her  father  ,  she  was  glued  to  her  twin  brother  .  climbing  into  his  bed  at  night  to  whisper  secrets  ,  or  pulling  him  into  her  tree  house  to  make  him  draw  her  pictures  .  
athletic  ,  outgoing  ,  and  intelligent  .  she  excelled  in  school  work  and  mostly  everything  she  did  .  played  a  numerous  amounts  of  sports  growing  up  ,  took  karate  and  boxing  lessons  (  forced  upon  her  by  her  father  )  ,  could  speak  her  father’s  native  language  (  italian  )  by  the  time  she  was  seven  and  her  mother’s  (   hawaiian  )  by  the  time  she  was  eleven  .   adored  english  class  the  most  ,  read  like  she  could  leap  into  the  pages  and  become  the  story  if  she  tried  hard  enough  ,  and  wrote  beautifully  (  penmanship  and  creatively  )  .  but  nothing  spoke  to  her  the  way  music  did  ..  she  begged  and  begged  to  take  piano  lessons  ,  and  then  guitar  lessons  ,  and  soon  drum  lessons  .  her  mother  ?  loved  this  in  her  little  girl  .  watching  most  of  her  children  follow  one  creative  root  (  the  one  their  father  painted  out  for  them  )  that  always  ended  at  one  main  goal  (  one  day  helping  him  run  his  business(es)  )  she  was  filled  with  love  at  the  fact  that  ,  honey  embraced  something  that  did  not  destine  her  for  death  and  a  life  time  filled  with  heart  break  . 
the  older  honey  got  ,  and  the  more  she  realized  that  she  no  longer  had  to  fear  the  monster’s  under  her  bed  but  more  so  the  monster’s  that  wear  human  faces  ,  the  more  she  realized  that  the  only  thing  she  wanted  from  this  lifestyle  was  distance  .  something  that  pained  her  more  then  she  could  think  was  possible  ,  being  a  daddy’s  girl  and  wanting  nothing  more  then  to  make  him  proud  she  could  not  bare  the  fact  that  she  could  break  his  heart  ..   but  the  more  she  involved  herself  ,  the  more  holy  the  title  and  the  fear  made  her  ,  the  more  guilt  and  fear  that  followed  . 
at  seventeen  ,  twenty  sixteen  honey  posted  like  many  other  children  covers  on  vine  ..  along  with  a  few  stupid  stupid  videos  .  never  did  she  expect  that  ,  she  would  gain  an  entire  singing  career  from  six  second  videos  .  but  with  chasing  dreams  her  younger  self  wished  on  every  star  for  ,  came  with  disapproval  from  her  father  ..  and  soon  an  estranged  relationship  .  but  life  away  from  a  darkness  that  ate  you  alive  ,  was  more  then  refreshing  ..  and  soon  ,  she  made  the  decision  to  completely  disconnect  herself  from  her  father’s  name  by  just  going  by  honey  mallory  to  the  public  .  
is  this  all  i  really  am  ?   
ebullient   in  human  form  is  an  accurate  representation  of   honey  .  she  is  someone  who  has  more  energy  then  one  should  be  able  to  have  ,  constantly  has  a  smile  attached  to  plump  lips  and  rambles  of  meaningful  and  meaningless falling  out  of  them  . 
 goofy  ,  and  adores  teasing  people  like  an  annoying  little  sister  .  she  can  not  escape  her  ways  . 
affectionate  ,  to  the  point  of  annoying .  loves  simple  acts  of  affection .  hand  holding  ,  resting  her  head  against  your  shoulders  ,  running  her  fingers  up  and  down  your  arm  ..  is  the  friend  that  is  constantly  jumping  all  over  you  ,  will  make  you  carry  her  four  blocks  as  she  whispers  comments  in  your  ears  and  giggles  .  there’s  a   open  seat  right  next  to  you  ?  oh  well  ,  she  rather  sit  right  on  your  lap .  definitely  her  love  language  . 
an  adrenaline  junkie  ,  has  definitely  had  some  scandals  from  street  racing  in  italy  or  almost  getting  arrested  in  hawaii .   
writes  her  own  checks  just  like  she  writes  what  she  sings  asdfg  
clumsy  ?  constantly  falling  .  her  fans  fear  for  her  life  when  she  wears  heels  (  which  she  always  does  )
has  the  worst  tendency  of  forgiving  the  people  she  loves  .  she  likes  to  consider  it  loyalty  but  she  knows  it’s  her  fear  of  losing  people  .
loves  being  surrounded  by  people  ,  like  hates  being  alone  .  cannot  fall  asleep  if  she  does  not  have  someone  sleeping  beside  her . 
is  passionate  ,  loves  being  involved  with  everything  she  does  .  which  makes  her  tour  visuals  crazy  amazing  .
with  that  being  said  ,  she  has  a  lot  of  darkness  from  just  her  family  and  the  thing  she  has  seen  ..  refuses  to  let  her  not  so  pretty  parts  of  her  (  jealous  ,  stubborn  ,  vengeful  ,   detached  )  define  her  . 
but  she  can  be  hard  to  understand  ?  hard  to  please  ..  she  wants  you  she  needs  you  and  then  she  wants  nothing  to  do  with  you  ..  
  feels  everything  way  too  deeply  .  
constantly  feels  like  she  only  disappoints  people  . 
who’s  going  to  save  me  from  me  ?
best  friends  ,  platonic  soulmate  ,  confidant  ,  partner  in  crime  ,  bad  influence  ,  good  influence  ,   a  group  of  friends  ,  first  loves  ,  summer  flings  ,  on  and  off  relationship ,   friends  with  benefits  ,  ex  friends  with  benefits  ,  childhood  friends  ,  family  friends  she  considers  cousins  because  thats  how  close  they  are   .  ex  friends  who  refuse  to  speak  to  each  other  .  ex  flings  that  stopped  because  they  got  bored  or  one  caught  feelings .  toxic  friendships  and  i  mean  one  day  they’re  friends  and  one  day  they  aren’t  .  first  loves  .  love  /  hate  relationship  !  unlikely  friends  .  one  sided  friendships  .  on  and  off  relationship  . ex  best  friends  who  miss  each  other  like  crazy  .  friends  who  only  get  along  when  they’re  both  drunk  .  actual  cousins  .  ex  boyfriends  .  girls  she  experienced  with  .   ANYTHING  !!!  
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