#first drawing is all those characters share a VA
Have you watched TADC(The Amazing Digital Circus)? Have you drawn any of the characters? And most importantly whos your fav :D Mine is Jax. He's like me but male.
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I have! I’ve drawn only Pomni so far! My favourite is Kinger funnily enough
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hawnkoii · 4 months
⟡ Sumine Hatou ⟡
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✦ Full Name: Sumine Hatou
✦ Nickname: Sumi, Suzu (meaning “bells”)
✦ Age: 20
✦ Gender: Female
✦ Height: 5’4 (162 cm)
✦ Race: Human
✦ Favorite food(s): Salmon takikomi gohan, and pomegranates
✦ Hair color: Black, with silver tips
✦ Eye color: Coral
✦ Affiliation: Priestess/Shrine maiden
✦ Status (as of the current timeline of kny): deceased, aged 23
✦ Born: 1814, Edo period
✦ Died: 1837, Edo period
✦ Relatives:
❁ Zenkichi Hatou (father, deceased)
❁ Miharu Hatou (mother, deceased)
❁ Kaori Hatou (younger sister)
❁ Hoshiko Minamoto (descendent, great grandniece)
❁ Suisei Minamoto (descendent, great grandnephew)
❁ Daichi Minamoto (descendent, great grandnephew)
❁ 3 more unnamed grandnieces and grandnephews
✦ Japanese VA: Asami Seto
✦ English VA: Cherami Leigh
᯽ Personality ᯽
Sumine is characterized by her deep empathy, introspective nature, and strong sense of intuition. She is compassionate and caring, often putting the needs of others before her own. Despite facing personal hardships, she remains resilient and determined, finding strength in her convictions and beliefs. Sumine is a quiet and reflective individual, preferring to express herself through her actions rather than words. She values authenticity and sincerity in her relationships, forming deep connections with those she trusts. Despite her reserved demeanor, Sumine possesses a quiet inner strength and unwavering sense of purpose, guiding her through life's challenges with grace and compassion.
᯽ Summarized Background ᯽
Sumine led a modest life with her family until tragedy struck with the deaths of her parents. Despite her inability to master star breathing like her father, she found solace as a miko. When she encountered Hantengu, a demon, she unknowingly sheltered him and formed a bond with him and his clones, unaware of his true nature as an Upper Moon demon. Her close relationship with Urogi, one of Hantengu's clones, blossomed into romance. However, her secret was discovered, leading to her tragic demise at the hands of samurai, shortly after her 21st birthday.
☁︎ Voice Claims:
☁︎ Older Art:
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➛ I first drew her in 2021, and she had a completely different backstory. She was supposed to be Haganezuka's daughter (age 18), but I still shipped her with Urogi at the time. I once again have to screenshot old art of her from my instagram archive because I lost all my old art on ibisPaint 💔
➛ I might utilize her old design for a different oc because I kinda fw her outfit
➛ ewww old art!!
☁︎ More drawings!!
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➛ In my story, Urogi and Hoshiko never actually meet. I just thought it'd be funny to draw their interaction :3 Hoshiko really hates demons
➛ Also sharing old drawings I did of Urogi x Sumine from last year because I never felt like finishing these pieces. I will make newer ones trust 🙏
© All art and characters, aside from Hantengu and Haganezuka, belong to me. Please do not copy/trace/steal. Thank you!
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eternal-reverie · 4 months
behold my oc as I conceptualized him back in high school????
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so how do I explain this…I shared this particular character, Silvius, sometimes on here. I’m still working on his general reference sheet, but while chatting with a friend about how our ocs came to be, I thought it would be fun to draw him how I first imagined him from all those yearsssss ago, back when ff xiii-2 had trailers released. I say that because he didn’t exist until I heard caius’s va speak in the trailer and then he just poof!!! appeared in my head. I only had two of the main characters prior to him: the protagonist Merel, a shopkeeper npc lady who’s trapped behind the shop counter and very fascinated by magic, and a masked magician Cyrus who becomes bffs with her and who then collapses on one of his visits simultaneously setting her free and so she leaves on a mission to save her only friend while encountering adventures on the way and discovering hidden truths. Silvius was supposed to be the arrogant villainous antagonist she encounters, an official committed to ousting magic from the world. His fate was to end up rotting in a dungeon by the end of the story.
The current version of the story has him in a more complex role?? Softer??? He’s more of an anti-villain I guess, an obstacle? A kind of a reluctant helper. I’ll do better to describe his current character another time tho I gotta go to bed, thanks for reading this far!!! 🫶
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billerak · 2 months
Bumble that Bee or something idk
I recently finished RWBY (catching up after years leaving it aside) and I have thoughts and feelings and, as I am me, a lot of those are about the canonical WLW couple (sans the secondary wives in V6). So I put my thoughts into a rant. It's not as negative as the word 'rant' would have you believe but I don't wanna call it an essay or whatever. It's still pretty negative tho, so be warned. Anyways on with it:
RWBY is a mess.
Sometimes, it's a wonderful mess. Others, it's a terrible one.
I could spend a few paragraphs explaining what I mean, but I think anyone who watches RWBY with a critical eye knows what I'm getting at. Love RWBY, hate RWBY, just don't try to tell me it's good.
So, once that's established, let's get to the meat of this rant: Bumblebee.
Or should I say Fumblebee? Eh? EH?
Alright you can stop reading, have a good day.
Let me start by making a sharing something about myself: I'm Agender and Bi/Pan. I make a living out of writing yuri/gl/wlw or however you wanna call it. I watch entire seasonal fucking anime on the off chance it may be yuri and most of the time I hate myself for it by the end because they never fucking deliver.
All of this is to say, I like the concept of Bumblebee, the problem is it was treated like shit.
In this rant or whatever the fuck I should call it, I'm just going to talk about the things this ship makes me feel. As established I make a living out of writing romances like the one this show tried to depict—and in case you're wondering, I have written slowburns so slow the first romantic interactions between characters didn't happen until 300k words into a fic. I did it twice, fyi—so I believe I have fair grounds to judge this.
So let's tackle this from the beginning. Was it planned from the start?
No, I don't take the writers word for it. It's painfully apparent it's not the case. I'm fairly certain BlackSun was gonna be a thing until they decided to write him out of the story in V6. Or perhaps they decided on Bumblebee and so they wrote him out of the story. Either way, everything prior to V6 I call into question.
Sure, Blake and Yang have their moments. But it's important to point out they're not romantically coded. RWBY isn't subtle about romance, and it starts pulling the same sort of obvious romantic tropes as all the het stuff going on in the show for Bumblebee going into V7. Prior to that? Nothing. Not a single blush or any explicit show of romantic attraction.
And before any disingenuous bastard tries to say something like "oh but blushes aren't always romantic" or "no you don't need blushes to show romantic attraction" allow me to say you are fucking wrong. Blushing is the universal language for embarrassment or love related things. And RWBY uses this shit all the time. INCLUDING Bumblebee past V7.
So yeah, while the writers probably did draw from previous material—and I think the VA's shipped them since the start?—I do not believe this ship was planned from the beginning.
But that's ok! I don't think it's a huge issue, really. Sure I'd have liked to see actual development but I don't need it to work retroactively if it makes sense from the moment they decide to go for it. So, 3 volumes and a half of development. Lots of time to put in the work, add the details, and-
Oh, no. Wait. They spend most of V8 separated. Hmm. K' so, 2 volumes and a half-
Wait. Oh. Oh they… they really have that little screentime together in V6, huh. Wow. Just. Huh.
Ok, the Adam fight is good. It's a strong setup! After fighting and making up for what Blake did after the Fall of Beacon, they finally come together to beat the demon that drew them apart in the first place. They hold each other close after beating him and it's good and I'm gonna say this is when they both actually fall for each other. We can argue about budding feelings or whatever, but I mean this is the moment they become aware of it one way or another.
So Volume 7 has them kinda being together? Honestly, they act like a new couple. Which is weird in retrospect. I think revealing they'd started dating after V6 would have made more sense than, uh... pretending this was a slowburn? Through V7 they stick to each other and fight in perfect synch and blush and all of that romantic stuff. It feels like… well, like they're kind of already an item but the show has other shit to worry about atm.
Then v8 is amazing really. Split the characters over an honestly kind of nonsensical ideological split, keep them apart most of the season, make Yang to be kiiind of an asshole in that one conversation with Kyle (<- my name for the post-v7 Generic McGenericus haircut Jaune. Yes this unironical, the friend I ranted to about this while watching the show can confirm).
To add insult to injury, the split doesn't even accomplish anything for the ship. The only two characters that get development out of being apart are Ren and Nora. These characters were CLEARLY in love last season why are they not having appropriate amounts of angst over this? Like, at this point we're not arguing whether they were planning on making Bumblebee canon or not, the point is asking why it feels like they weren't trying.
And then, Volume 9. For some context, I like V9. I think I'm in a minority, at least in the places I frequent about this stuff. Always comes with the caveat of 'it's still RWBY', of course, but I appreciate it. After the initial whiplash, I think making a fairy-tale season for a show that was born out of the concept of "what if Red Riding Hood had a sick scythe and used it to mow down hundreds of bad wolves" is actually a really fucking good idea.
That being said, the way they do Bumblebee is really strange.
They're basically back to their V7 selves. It feels like they're either already dating or on the verge of dating. I need to stress just how comfortable they seem to be around each other with the sole exception of that one time Blake didn't grab Yang's hand, but it didn't feel particularly awkward.
Then BOOM mind storm thing and while Ruby, Weiss and Jaune talk about like, actual issues, Jaune implies Blake and Yang had 'something more important to deal with'. And that something is RWBY's version of the room you can't leave unless you have sex.
Sans the sex I guess.
In the void, I think the scene(s?) is good. It's nice, the music is evocative, it's well framed and paced. In another story, it would really have been a perfect climax for a budding relationship.
The problem is this is not another story. These two have NOT seemed like two people awkwardly in love too scared to tell it to each other. In fact, it kinda felt like the exact opposite. If they kissed at the end of any episode for any reason, at this point, it would've felt correct. A simple quiet stare while sitting close and them just finally leaning in to take that final step would've been just as good if not better.
The bridge thing? It's the climax to an arc that didn't happen. Relationships don't need to be slowburns for me to like them, but if you're gonna pretend you were making a slowburn, at least do it right. Why did they need the bridge thing to finally get together? Come on! There was plenty of opportunity during V9 prior to this episode to at least make a show of them being awkward. Make it clear they were finally on the verge but were holding back on the final step. Make it actually cause some conflict, preferably between them as their fear grows into uncertainty and doubts.
Then the bridge would've felt cathartic. Force them to resolve said conflict, and the only way to do it is through admitting their feelings. Sure, it would've still been few episodes, but fuck man I'm sure they could've scraped a few minutes here and there to make it somewhat competent.
I like Bumblebee as a concept. I think the avid fans of this ship look at the concept, not at what the show did, and say "this is canon" and run with it. I don't blame anyone who is a big fan of this ship but… I just can't like it in its current state. I'm sure there's fanfics that fix it, I may give some a read.
Hell, just compare Bumblebee's development to Renora. Those guys have been kind of obviously in love from second one and Nora's entire character being focused on Ren was made into an actual plot point by the end.
Anyways that's about it for bumblebee. Here's some extra thoughts on shipping in RWBY in general.
If we look at the earlier seasons, I honestly think you'd have a stronger argument to make for White Rose being a couple. If we look at the later seasons, Nuts n' Dolts has a stronger impact. I already mentioned it but Blake/Sun had obviously a thing going on that didn't pan out. I hope chameleon girl whose name I don't remember gets a gf at some point tho.
I pray to fucking god they're not building up fucking Oscar and Ruby cuz they had a few awkward scenes here and there and they make me feel wrong in all sorts of ways.
Given how little interaction Ruby and Weiss have had despite how much time they've supposedly spent together, I think the writers are making an active effort to discourage White Rose. I'm not gonna get into the author's self insert being a love interest for Weiss at one point but let's just say the writers seem invested in making extra-sure Weiss stays het. I've made my peace with that. And Penny is fucking dead again so Nuts n' Dolts is a no go (canonically I mean I may read a fanfic or two about them they're very cute).
If they're gonna give Ruby a relationship by the end (which I kinda hope they don't at this point), I think it should be Kyle. They've had nice moments together and seriously shipping Oscar with Ruby just feels fucking weird. Like I assume Ozma's gonna be fucking gone from Oscar's body by the end of this story but even then idk that guy had a centuries old man is his head, it's fucked up.
Anyways that's enough. Why did you read to the end? Thanks for reading anyways.
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watermelonsugacry · 1 year
more zayn and y/n moments?? i feel like they have the most adorable friendship everrr ❤️❤️❤️
love your work ❤️🔥
oh there's so many!
So you all know when the band first started, all Zayn would say is Vas Happening?! Well, YN's thing was always saying Aye Oh!
So whenever the cameras would point to them during their fetus era, he would throw an arm over her shoulder and they'd just yell their sayings super duper loudly while making a funny face.
During the band's third tour, the two of them would spend some time with their vocal coach in one of the smaller green rooms to go over their harmonies together.
The song they loved to perform together was Right Now because they shared the chorus.
So when they would hit those harmonies perfectly (like they always did), they would give each other a nod of approval, a smug look on their faces before giving each other a high five.
YN knew that while he usually presented himself with a hard exterior, she knew that he was a soft teddy bear once you got to know him. One of the activities that she would partake in with him was art. She knew she was shit at it, but she also knew that he loved it.
So during the long rides on the tour bus crossing from one city to another, sitting next to each other during an album signing/meet & greet, or stuck in their hotel rooms, she'd be there with a piece of paper and some type of writing utensil for them to draw whatever came to mind.
There was even an interview in 2014 when they were doing for their new book "Who We Are" where Zayn spent the majority of the time drawing on YN's arm. With a ball point pen, the beautiful mandalas he drew on her skin left her beaming and utterly speechless.
There's no denying the fact that those two were the most fashionable members of the band. With Zayn's cool, suave, bad boy style and YN's good girl aesthetic, photoshoots with them were easy and right on the money.
For the Night Changes music video, YN was the stand-in for basically all of the boys (except Liam who actually had his girlfriend on set). With each date, she took on the role with some seriousness, acting as if the boys were really taking her on a date.
For Zayn's part, YN actually dressed in a formal black dress to really get into character.
Needless to say, she really got a kick out of making her usually quiet band member laugh throughout the shoot. Like when Ben Winston directed him to offer her some of his spaghetti, she let out a playful sigh of relief, "Yes please. Do you see the sad fookin' excuse of a salad they gave meh?"
Or when her "ex-boyfriend" interrupted her date with Zayn, she actually played along and had an argument with him with a fake backstory she made up: "Johnathan?! What are yeh doing here? I told you to leave me alone. No, I'm over you. No. I'm sorry but I just can't listen to you rant about your Barbie doll collection any longer!"
And when the ex-boyfriend dumps the food on Zayn, as soon as the director yelled cut!, YN quickly got up from her seat and got all up in the building of a man's face (really his chest from how tall the actor was) and says with a deep voice, "the fook man!" But her facade lasted all but 2 seconds before her and everyone just burst out laughing.
Since the band's formation, Zayn always had and continues to have a soft spot for YN.
He still views her as a little sister and while they don't talk as much as they used to during their time in 1D, there's not a single birthday, holiday, anniversary, etc. that hasn't gone by without a text between the former band members.
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muthaz-rapapa · 11 months
Hirogaru Sky Impressions (4/5)
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Keeping this short since I’m still tired from my trip and have stuff to do before going back to work tomorrow.
Thankfully, the past 10 eps only consisted of Majesty’s debut and some (really great) fillers.
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Starting with Majesty then. I’m honestly surprised I was correct about them keeping her a toddler despite aging her up when transforming. And as I guessed as much, this means she doesn’t really have a full-fledged character arc of her own.
Not that it’s a bad thing since Ellee-chan still gets a good amount of development cuz she’s a growing child, after all. Which is mainly shown through things like her speech improving significantly each day, learning how to better express herself and her wants. And of course, the heartwarming interactions with her friends who also have their moments in finding the best ways they can to support her (like how Ageha readily believed Ellee-chan who was frustrated when she had trouble transforming into Majesty).
These are all within range of what is expected for a child her age so a whole arc isn’t really needed and therefore, more time and focus can be dedicated to the older Cures, too. So I’m quite pleased with that.
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But I also can’t lie that it’s a shame we won’t see what a preteen Ellee-chan is like outside her alter ego.
That and considering her VA is Aoi Koga (of Kaguya-sama fame), we won’t get to hear a further extent of her acting in this role either.
Don’t get me wrong, Aoi Koga absolutely nailed the part of a baby, able to bring out Ellee-chan’s cuteness without making her sound annoying but…the potential is already a loss at this point.
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Additionally, for a midseason Cure, Majesty has the least going for her in other departments compared to those before her.
Up till now, they’ve barely scraped at the lore associated with her identity. So when she’s not fighting, she’s limited to being slightly better than the average mascot.
The only attack in her arsenal is simultaneously a group attack so she has to share it with the others. Not to mention half the stock footage doesn’t have her at the center but Sky instead. Despite the attack bearing her name.
With only 8 eps left in the season, it seems the writers brought Majesty out as part of Precure’s yearly formula schedule more than anything. Her purpose is mainly to renew viewers’ excitment in the show (and generate desire to buy the newest toy) since her debut brings a little something new to the table…but she is not allowed to outshine this season’s real star, the lead Cure.
Personally, I think the pros outweigh the cons so it doesn’t bother me too much but it’s also too noticeably flawed and biased for me to really accept it as okay.
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Moving on, the fillers.
They were all amazing, definitely better than the previous 10 eps.
Mashiro continuing to pursue the path towards becoming a picture book author and coming to terms with the fact that not everyone will receive her work with good reviews yet still choosing to draw because she’s doing it for herself and those who do enjoy her books was something that resonated with me deeply.
Then more time was devoted to her childhood friendship with Ageha which was super wonderful. We really needed that ep of how they became friends and the writers delivered so excellent job 👍
Ageha finally encountering struggles in her job and learning that it was okay to show sadness in front of her students was something I’ve been waiting a long time to see as well. It was especially good because it corresponded splendidly with the first ep of Otona Precure within the same week (which is also great so far) as the intro of that dealt with Nozomi trying to help her own student.
Portraying adults as realistic adults instead of perfect caricatures who can do anything. Showing hardships by not sweeping them under the rug but acknowleding them with the screentime they deserve so the characters can actually process their own feelings and work out a solution. Displaying a healthy level of idealism, not based on generic platitudes but actual belief. I really appreciate that.
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Yoyo cleverly getting Tsubasa a promotion to a sage in Skyland’s royal court was also 10,000 meters of screaming joy for me cuz yea, that boy is way too smart and talented to just settle for flying around. He clearly treasures his homeland and wants to make it a better place for all its inhabitants, including the Dragon Tribe that had been cut off from the rest of the country for decades. He obviously has what it takes to become a diplomat.
He acquired a new dream to devote himself and his skills to and that’s what anyone who’s as wholesome as Tsubasa should get. So it was fulfilling to see that come true for him.
Lastly, Sora. She only had one ep to herself this time but it was a good ep with a good topic (probably one of the best of the Sora eps). Honestly, I think I liked it more because it was only one ep, lol
So yea, with this, I think I’m all set for the rest of the show as far as Tsubasa and Ageha’s arcs are concerned. There will still be more fillers until ep 45 at least, plenty of time to close out the Mashiro and Sora’s as well as the lore surrounding Ellee-chan so it’s just a matter of concluding the story in a satisfying manner.
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Other than that, I’m also wondering if we’ll get any super forms for HiroSky since it’s already this late in the season…
…but you never know as it can happen in the finale. Not sure if HiroSky will get its standalone movie in Mar either but if so, we might see something there, too.
Ok, that is all. The season will pass by in a flash so enjoy the rest of HiroSky with a full heart and let’s begin to look forward to next Precure in the new year. Bye for now!
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hellovivirose · 2 years
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REAAAALLLY old art post, you can tell by some of the date stamps that they’re almost 20 years old, literally vintage 😅😅 This isn’t even my oldest Bey art, I’ve got stuff from maybe 2003 that I didn’t post online (thankfully?).
I’m trying to draw more stuff but I’ve got like 6 different pieces going and nothing’s close to done so thought I’d do a little reflection post and share some old art… I remember watching the very first episode dubbed when it aired on YTV and being hooked from the get go (maybe it was Kai’s entrance at the end of episode 1). I’ve gotten back into it on and off again over the years but until now, I hadn’t actually watched anything but season 1 (I saw snippets when they aired but life got busier). I remember making AMVs of G-Revolution even though the dub wasn’t released yet so I couldn’t watch it… the internet was limited back then! I also could only find French versions of a few volumes of the manga back then, so that was all I could read 😅 Wish I knew where those AMVs are…
This art is obviously from a LOOONNG time ago and i think I’ve grown a lot since then (ooof some of these are cringe so hopefully that means something), obviously I’ve become a lot more comfortable digitally since I didn’t really have the tools back then. (Ps. VanillaREM is my dA name but I never really use it anymore)
Crazy to think that back in the day I was also a spellchecker/editor for Kaibeysharks and I’m still seeing it the site referenced in the fandom today even though the site itself is gone!
Man I also remember Burger King ran a contest back in the day to find a VA for a character in VForce! I signed up for it but obviously nothing came of it, but I wonder who the winner ended up playing (I still need to watch the whole season).
Thanks for reading my random musings and looking back on my terrible old art with me 😅 part 2 coming…
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coiticoiti · 3 months
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Comparto mi ArtFight y algunos ejemplos de mis dibujos por si a alguien le interesa. Yo voy a estar participando desde el primero hasta el 18 de julio este año, entre esos días voy a devolver todos los ataques que me hagan :]
Para los que no sepan lo que es ArtFight, es un evento de intercambios de arte que se lleva a cabo durante todo el mes de Julio. Cada persona sube referencias de sus personajes o algún diseño original, elige uno de los dos equipos y dibuja los personajes de los del otro equipo, esto se considera un “ataque”, también cuando alguien te hace un dibujo a vos de uno de tus diseños podés “vengarte”, así vas juntando puntos para tu equipo.
Así que si a alguien le interesa que dibuje alguno de sus personajes puede seguirme ahí y llenar mi “Hitlist”, aunque más chances de que les haga algo si me atacan primero >:)
I share my ArtFight and some examples of my drawings in case anyone is interested. I will be participating from the 1st to 18th of July this year, between those days I will return all the attacks :]
For those who don't know what ArtFight is, it is an art exchange event that takes place throughout the month of July. Each person uploads references of their characters or some original design, chooses one of the two teams and draws the characters of the other team, this is considered an “attack”, also when someone makes you a drawing of one of your designs you can “revenge” it, this way you collect points for your team.
So if anyone is interested in me drawing one of their characters, they can follow me there and fill out my “Hitlist”, although there is a better chance that I will do something for you if you attack me first >:)
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savevampireacademy · 2 years
Save Vampire Academy campaign Schedule
Hi guys, and welcome to the #SaveVampireAcademy campaign!
We’re most active on Twitter but we will try to keep you updated here! We’re also on IG, Tiktok, and active in the Facebook group and you can always reach us [email protected]
Here is the schedule for the following week on twitter if you’d like to partake (if you can’t on Twitter, please spread the word & make noise here and sign the petition in our linktree!)
Next twitter storm will be tonight at 10PM GMT+1 (please reach out if you need help figuring out your timezone!),  and it will be #VaAudienceisHere, since Peacock apparently couldn't see us well.
There’s a tweet storm every night of the week, same time.
During the whole time of this campaign please send us your ideas, art, and tiktoks/edits you would be happy for us to share (while of course crediting you) to [email protected]. For press inquiries, please also reach out there on by DM or at [email protected].
On Monday and Tuesday, it's #OrganregistrationforVA day. We will be linking resources to register for organ donations and also platelets & bone marrow. It's super important and can save lives, so might as well use this movement to do some good! We will also share some charities.1213203
Monday 10PM GMT+1, we're having fun and asking to #BringBackVAJail for a one-time only exception to throw Peacock in jail. Tuesday 10PM GMT+1 will also be a tweet storm with #VAtheWords. Share your favourite poems, quotes, share your own writing works while tagging everything.
On Wednesday til Friday, it's #BloodyVA, where we encourage you to go donate your blood. Send us your snack pictures post blood donation! And if you want to be your usual creepy, unhinged self and talk about that one @kieronmoore blood scene, well go for it. This initiative was actually started by someone else, and we’ll do our best to boost it!
All twitter storms will again be at 10PM GMT+1: Wednesday will be #VAPIBOCDAY, where we encourage all of our BIPOC fans and those supporting them to talk about how important the representation the show brought with POC leads and an interracial couple was to them.
Thursday is VA Day, so we're having fun with #VaFandomisTooHot. It's just a fact at this point, so share your best selfies in your merch, or with the VA sign, or with art or just you looking hot and asking for @hulu and @primevideo to pick it up. Just go nuts.
On Friday, it will be #BingBacktheVaGays (talking about @BlundellRhian's and @MiaMBruce's Mermia but also the dads and well we all held out hope for Mason and Eddie didn't we?). Again, time to talk about the importance of representation and what it's meant to us all.
We're also very excited to announce that we will publish a Kickstarter tomorrow for the #SaveVampireAcademy campaign to try and get a billboard in Time Square/LA. To complete that, we're releasing some merch inspired by the fandom! All proceeds will go to the kickstarter.
If you are an artist and would like to volunteer and offer up your drawings, art, made logos, or suggestions to put on the merch, we would love that. Any remaining proceeds at the end of the campaign will be given to the @TrevorProject.
The Trevor Project works tirelessly to prevent suicide among the LGBTQ+ community and offer assistance services. If you are in need of help, please reach out. You're not alone: https://t.co/4GdvjXldPw
Saturday is #VACASTLOVEDAY, my favourite. Just send them love letters, talk to each of them or one in particular about what they've meant to you, what you love about them, their character, your interactions, do an edit, some art, you DO YOU BOO.
Sunday will be #VATravels Day. Some of us are planning to go to Spain the first week of September and would love, for those that are willing, to do a little meet up there on the weekend! Talk about the places you'd want to go, if you'd like to join the meet up,  and if you're planning your own somewhere else, for example in the US or AUS, please share. It'll also be time to boost requests for online and IRL conventions!
Saturday: #WomenofVA. Talk directly to them to express how it feels to be represented in such varied ways, and what it has meant for you. Sunday will be: #VaTheMusic. We've all discovered so much music through the show and the playlists, so share your favourites, and your personal playlists and songs that might remind you of the characters.
We will be raising money the whole time and will have another zoom the following Monday to see where we stand. Remember to tag @julieplec, @hulu and @primevideo as well as #SaveVampireAcademy always.
You're so loved, and we can do this. Everything for the day will be recapped each morning, so turn notifs on. To schedule your tweets for the storms, use https://tweetdeck.twitter.com
Now let's go be our unhinged, passionate, loving selves and kick some ass. We have faith in this, in you & in the project that has meant so much to so many, far beyond the show itself. Wherever you are, we're sending tight squeezes, and endless love. #VAFam, always.
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babylulururu · 2 years
So I found a video of some known Tears of Themis JP VAs singing some songs for other projects. It's a common thing for seiyuus to do.
I decided since I know nothing about the JP dub of Tears of Themis I would give a vibe of some songs they have sung with a video I found here because it's late and I should be writing fanfic, but it's Tears of Themis's anniversary today (depending on the server and timezone) so I should do something for it.
I'm gonna be honest here, out of all the JP VAs of the main cast, I know his the least simply cause I don't really consume a lot of content with him in it. I know I'm doing my boy dirty, but he's just appeared as like a side character in Re Zero and this blue-haired dude in SAO and that was about it.
So when I find him singing basically happy pop idoly songs when I'm used to his CN VA singing softer stuff, my mind just kind of broke. Just imagined Artem on stage singing his little fucking heart out and possibly being forced to wear a pink frilly ass outfit to go along with it.
Wasn't really expecting that at all to be honest.
He sang in Tangled. Now I'm obligated to draw Tangled ArtemRosa AU. I will make it happen. Of course this man would be a fucking disney prince. Because he can.
So overall vibes: disney princess and he can be an idol. best of both fucking worlds.
So I know his JP VA more than Artem's. By that I mean he did Pheniox Wright, was in the worst season of Pokemon, voiced a side character in Your Lie in April, and of course, even though I haven't watched it I must give him credit for Eren Yeagar.
Then I find out he did a song for Honeyworks so technically, he's touched the same universe as Fansa now and officially covered a GUMI song. Fun. His songs are more on the pop rock side, which is pretty cool. He still continues to fit the Rosa Miku phase headcanon I have.
Oh and I'm not 100% if it's a part of Disney Koe no ojisama but he did do a cover of Part of Your World. Pretty sick. LukeRosa shippers have fun with that.
Overall, kinda what I expected. Sunshine boy sings sunshine songs. Marius
First of all, before we begin I just want to let you know that he did sing Mickey Mouse March with a bunch of other VAs (including Diluc's and Zhongli's, off the top of my head), so that's a thing. Thank you Disney Koe no ojisama!
So given my background knowledge of his role as an absolute jerk in So I'm a Spider and the insanity known as Dimitri Fire Emblem, outside of...Mickey Mouse March, I was kinda curious about what other stuff he did.
Dude sounds like he just does anisong. Like all these songs outside of the one from the fucking Junglebook sound like anime openings. Are they? I don't know off the top of my head but this dude could make a living as an anisinger. Marius von Hagen, CEO of Pax and also sang the opening to My Hero Academia because he can.
That's my vibe and I'm unapologetic about it.
Hi Vyn you're Joker Persona 5 and that's all it took to get my friend into the Tears of Themis rabbit hole.
Yeah, he kinda sang what I expected. Slower songs. Until we got to fucking Bibbity Boppity Boo and I know that shit is from the fucking Disney Koe no ojisama and I will mentally scar you with the image of Vyn singing this song with the most circus-like music because I can.
Overall traditional ikemen outside of bibbity boppity boo shit. You're very welcome my friends. But wait, there's more!
My girl Kiki shares her voice actress with Rinko from Bandori. Or she did. She doesn't anymore, but I knew her voice from somewhere. I'm sorry she just sings Ringing Bloom better. Don't @ me.
But yeah rock girl vibes. Plays the keyboard. 10/10. Vibes I get from Kiki. Thank you Roselia.
Basically anisong as well. He can do rock and slow stuff, basically anisong.
Darius will be singing the opening of some fucking shojou anime. Those are my vibes.
OKAY SORRY FOR MAKING YOU READ THIS! I will take my leave now.
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thefloofartist · 2 years
Lilith Fairen’s lying continues...
This sort of “discourse“ is why I stopped engaging with the vast majority of RWBY community since 2020. I really hate repeating myself, but I’m basically only here on this Tumblr posting right now because of these lies that keep getting perpetuated without anyone bothering to shut it down out of fear of retaliation by Lilith Fairen or Canonseeker harassing them.
If you have a question about me, or want clarification on something that someone has said about me, just ask me directly and I’ll try to answer it for you. Otherwise I’m pretty much working and drawing 24/7.
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I will go through each lie one section at a time and address them individually. I will also refer to Fairen as “You” here, since this post is for her to see and my language is directed towards her.
“TheFloofArtist is a guy who got so pissed over Adam’s death” -
I never liked Adam. I never got mad over his death. You want to hear my thoughts on Adam, which is one of the few things that hasn’t changed about me over the years?
I’ve often referred to Adam as a Reddit incel with ugly hair dye with stupid writing that makes him comically unlikable. Adam is just outright awful both in personality and writing. I DO NOT LIKE ADAM. I HATE HIM. But let’s have a hypothetical here. Suppose I did like Adam. (I don’t.) You’re implying that anyone who likes Adam (I don’t.) means that they’re just as bad as he is. Adam is a fictional character from a show. Someone liking a character who does atrocious things doesn’t mean that they too believe in committing those same atrocious things, or share the same values as that character. You must separate these two things, not conflate them.
“that he made a terrible photoshop of Blake stabbing Yang instead”
I never made that photoshop image. I stole it from Facebook and reposted it to my old Twitter 3+ years ago. You can’t even get the details of your lie right, as Yang and Blake are stabbing each other. It wasn’t a one-way stabbing. Not that it matters because I didn’t make the image you’re accusing me of. I was just unfortunate and stupid enough to post it to my Twitter account back then because I thought it was a funny edit and my sense of humor at that point in time was maximum edge, minimum substance. I wouldn’t find it funny at all now, it’s just a stupid edit.
“and spammed it at Blake and Yang’s VAs and Bumblebee fans.”
I never “spammed” that image to anyone. I made one post with it (on my own account, mind you!) that got a ton of circulation due to quote retweets from other users who were upset with the image. That’s not “spam”, that’s a lie you invented to make me sound worse. I also never spam images to anyone, because on Twitter, doing so clogs up the “Media” tab with each individual copy of the image, and I use my Media tab as a way to navigate and find old artwork I’ve posted. If I truly spammed images, anything I posted prior to that would get buried and I’d never be able to find it again. If anyone is going around and spamming this image in 2022 (the post in qustion being from 2019, you really had to dig for that one), it’s both you and Canonseeker.
Onto the next lie.
“Floof has an obsessive vendetta against Barbara Dunkleman”
I’ll be honest. I don’t care that Barbara said, “It’s a cartooooon!” at me. Yes, haha, funny meme, but your wording here implies I’m actively trying to get back at Barbara over what she said. I don’t. I really, truly, do not care that Barbara said that. Your wording makes it sound like I spend my waking hours plotting to retaliate for some grave injustice done to me, when the truth is I barely remember Barbara even exists. When I woke up today and saw your Tumblr post, that was the first time in almost a year that I had to bother remembering who she was. Fairen, you don’t know me, so don’t speak for me on how I feel about anything.
“because she mocked an obvious bait question”
No, it wasn’t a bait question, but it was one I was very careful about when coming up with it. I asked about a plot hole (How did Jaune obtain Pyrrha’s weapons after the Fall of Beacon?) and the idea was to see if the writers thought about it. If I got the same answer from both of them, it means they did think about it. If I got two different answers, it means they didn’t even consider the idea. I got the latter. And I even got a proper answer from Kerry that would address that plot hole perfectly fine. (When Qrow went up the tower to get Ruby, he also got Pyrrha’s gear then.) That’s all there was to it. You weren’t there, you don’t get to interpret things for other people.
“he asked at a convention.”
You mean RTX 2017. It’s not just “a convention”, aren’t you a big RT fan? Do you not know what RTX is? Come on, if you’re going to lie, do a better job and at least have some of details right.
Onto the last set of lies.
“All of that made him a bit of a celebrity among ‘hatedom’ communities”
No, I was barely a presence in them even then but especially now with lack of making any kind of content. The numbers don’t lie either - I’ve been perpetually stuck at 2000 subscribers for years now. I also don’t like being referred to as a “celebrity” when I know I am a nobody you use as an easy punching bag for validation from others. I’ve said it before too, I know my place in the RWBY fandom. I’m not a big name, I’m just someone who has some video-editing software and can draw. That’s it.
“who embrace rational individuals like him and the kind of rational things he says about people who make and enjoy a cartoon he doesn’t like.”
Thanks, because I’d rather engage and discuss things with other people. Just block me and move on. I already have you blocked because I don’t want to see anything you post but people keep sending me your posts talking about me. I will ask you this one last time, but you need to stop. Find something else to do with your life. Get a hobby away from the computer. If I was once an edgy shitlord until I decided to be my actual self instead of the stupid facade I put on, you can stop being an edgy shitlord too.
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waywardimpalawriter · 3 years
Book Boyfriend A Frankie Morales x Plus Size F! Reader fic Part 1
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Book Boyfriend
Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales x Plus Size F! Reader
Characters: Frankie Morales, Reader, Santiago “Pope” Garcia, William “Ironhead” Miller, Ben “Benny” Miller, Isabella Morales (OC)
Setting: Two years after the events in Colombia (Triple Frontier)
Rating: R, NSFW
Warnings: Smut, Soft Frankie (yes that has to be a warning), cursing, teasing, unprotected sex, oral (male and female receiving), tooth rotting fluff, mixed with a little hurt/comfort, mention of abuse,
Word count: Part 1: 10,284
Summary: You’ve been so engrossed in your currant book series its lead to Frankie feeling a little left out.  
Notes: This is my first Frankie Morales/Pedro Pascal Fic, so I’m hoping everyone loves it as much as I did writing it. Something a little fluffy I thought of while thinking of my own favorite book boyfriends. Using the translator Systran for my very bad Spanish translations. A grateful thank you to @icanbeyourjedi for helping me out with Frankie’s Dog tags.
Tag list: @manalg14​   @songbirdcannabe​ @frannyzooey
Licking your index finger to turn the page of the book in your hand, unaware you have someone staring. Watching the way, you lick that single digit, adjusting himself on the couch beside you. Callused hand coming down to brush over your plush thigh, drawing little circles over the exposed skin. Attention still firmly on the book, Frankie huffs turning back to the tv but his hand stays on your thigh. Eyes darting towards your mouth to catch you slowly lick your lips. Teeth trapping the bottom between to nibble as you read a really good part. 
Groaning softly at your actions, he leans over to nuzzle your neck, patchy beard softly tickling the skin of your neck. Making you giggle, placing a hand on his chest to gently push Frankie away, “Baby I’m reading.” 
“For the past two hours, hermosa,” slight pout in his tone, taking the hand on his chest to bring it to him mouth and kiss your fingers. Distractions that normally work seem to fall short, eyes darting between the page and his. Soft slightly chapped lips trailing a path up the inside of your arm  reaching the hem of your sleeve the same time your eyes lock. 
Pausing to look over at him, you cup his cheek patting lightly, “One more chapter then I’ll be all yours I promise handsome.” 
Rolling those expressive chocolate pools, he sits back against the couch trying to ignore the throbbing in jeans because of the little actions you’re doing. “One more chapter Mi cielito I’m going to hold you to that.” 
However, one more chapter turned into two than three and Frankie started to fall asleep beside you. Jerking awake with the soft touch of your lips against his forehead, “Come baby lets go to bed,” words whispered with a touch of regret flowing through the cadence. You hadn’t meant to get so engrossed in your book, ignoring your boyfriend beside you. 
Sweetly, you help him get up from the couch, seeing how tired he is, and a slice of remorse eats away at you for keeping him up so long and breaking your promise. “I’m sorry my love, I’ll make it up to you tomorrow.” 
Grunting low, draping an arm around your shoulders to pull you against him while the two of you head to your shared bedroom. Only pausing long enough to check on Isabella, seeing she’s knocked out curled around her baby doll. Sighing softly at the sight you side eye Frankie seeing a tired but sweet smile tugging at his lips. 
“How’d I get so fucking lucky?” though the question is rhetorical you answer smacking his chest first for the curse word. 
“Language Mr. Morales,” light giggles leave you, pulling him along towards your bedroom. 
Shrugging, “Bella’s asleep she can’t hear me,” eyes dropping to watch the sway of your wide hips soft groan rumbling low. 
“To answer your question,” turning to face him with a smirk on your lips having heard the groan. “We both got lucky baby especially after everything we went through to get where we are today.” Cupping his bearded cheek, brushing your thumb just under his eye. “Plus, luck had nothing to do with it but love that brought us together.” 
Soft gasp parting your lips, watching transfixed by the sigh of Frankie nuzzling his face in your palm, kissing the center and making a shiver of arousal race down your back. Unable to stop yourself from looking between those soft lips and dark eyes. Catching the smirk tugging at the corners as he leans in to press his mouth to yours in a tender kiss. Strong arms wrap around your thick waist hauling you against his firm chest, garnering a squeak to escape your lips. Heart thumping erratically behind your ribs wondering for a moment if he could feel or maybe hear the muscle working over time because of him. 
Of their own accord your arms wrap around his shoulders, pressing farther into his warmth. Low groan working its way from the depths of his chest. Hands slipping down into the back pockets of those ass hugging jeans he loves. Cupping the generous globes to pull you flush against him. Letting you feel hard evidence of his arousal, the thick ridge incased in denim presses into your thigh. On a gasp his tongue licks into the warm cavern of your mouth sliding over your teeth before mating in a sensual dance all their own.  
Eyes dropping closed at the pleasure his mouth is giving you, one hand stray’s to card through the curls at the back of his head, blunt nails scratching lightly. The other tracing little patterns over his back knowing how sensitive to your touch he is. Chuckling into his mouth, his body wiggling into yours trying to get away from your teasing fingers. Though he doesn’t want to break the kiss, nor move from having you against him. 
“Hermosa,” warning growl rumbling from his chest, as he squeezes your ass in retaliation making another mewl of pleasure leave you. Pressing yourself into his body, your eyes open to stare into his heat darken gaze. 
Biting your bottom lip, you happen to glance at the clock, red numbers staring back at you in remembrance of the time and how late it’s gotten. “Well, fuck me,” you groan with a shake of your head. 
“That’s what I’ve been trying to do for the past few hours cariño,” dropping his head  to rest on your collarbone, his own groan rumbling up. Knowing you need to break apart but not wanting to let you go. 
Running your fingers through his dark brown hair, giving the scalp a light scratch, “I’m sorry Frankie,” guilt wringing your heart. Knowing it’s not easy for the two of you to be intimate with Isabella. A blessing to you both, though to Frankie she’s his world one that you happened to step into about a few months after her birth. “I didn’t realize the hours slipped away from me.” 
“It’s all right Y/N,” soft moan leaving his lips at how good your fingers feel in his hair. “I know you haven’t had time to yourself to read in a long while.” Raising his head to look at you with heated eyes, “Just don’t forget I’d like a little attention to,” giving your ass another squeeze, pout finding its way over his mouth. “Besides how could that book be so interesting when you have me sitting right beside you?” wiggling his brow at you.
Giggling softly, “So full of yourself Morales,” reluctantly pulling from his arms to start your nightly routine. “Those book boyfriends got me through years of sexual drought and fueled a ton of fantasies.” Pulling your shirt from your body hearing the groan from your boyfriend, making another giggle leave you. Hands on hips, you stare at him, catching his pink tongue come out and lick his lips. Shifting hips to try and alleviate at least a touch of pressure on his cock. “Like what you see flyboy?” 
“God, you know I do sweetheart,” words coming out breathless though gritted teeth, trying to  hold back and using all his will power to keep from taking you. “Fucking tease,” he tosses out when you turn, pulling your bra off to slide your sleep shirt over your top half. “Besides you have me now to full fill all those fantasies of yours. Why not let me?”
“Tomorrow I’ll make it up to you Francisco I promise,” turning back to him, you step forward wrapping your arms around his neck. “If I didn’t have such an early morning, I would let you fuck me into our mattress all night and fill all my erotic idea’s.”  
Groaning, “Una princesa de burlas, vas a ser la muerte de mí.” (Translation “A princess of mockery, you’re gonna be the death of me.) Nipping at your neck, knowing that speaking Spanish never fails to turn you on with his voice dropping an octave in cadence. Only confirmed when you start to rub your thighs together, combined with the little whimpers that leaves you. “Not too fun, eh?” 
Rolling your eyes, giving Frankie a shove that barely moves him but makes his head come up so you're looking into his eyes. Seeing the mischievous glint  right before you kiss his chin, by passing his lips to kiss the tip of his nose. Placing your hands on his cheeks to bring his face down, adding a kiss between his eyebrows, the final one landing on his forehead. His face almost pressed into your breasts, which makes him groan and lick his lips. Before coming back to his lips giving them a tender kiss then pulling away to head towards the bathroom. 
Getting lost in your warmth and scent, Frankie staggers a few steps when you move away, smile sliding over his soft lips while watching you move. Knowing you’re being both sweet and temping with those kisses, Frankie pulls his own shirt from his body. Stretching his back from working all day on the boss’s helicopter, he goes to drop it in the laundry basket stepping in front of the open bathroom door. To catch you rubbing lotion into your legs, one foot on the bathtub’s ledge as you work the cream into your skin. Trying not to stare but he can’t help it, knowing what those soft legs felt like wrapped around his waist or over his shoulders. Better yet on either side of his head while he’s feasting on your cunt. 
Cursing in Spanish to turn quickly pressing the heel of his palm into his thickening shaft, breath coming out in quick pants. Reciting the proper procedure for takeoff and landing a helo trying to get himself under control and not think about bedding you all night. Frankie finishes getting undressed, sliding his lower body into a pair of red and black flannel pajama pants, smirk turning up his lips as he takes a seat on the end of the bed. You just finishing up your nightly routine, pause at the door to flick the lights off. Eyes landing on Frankie, who’s bare chest catches your attention first. Having to stop yourself from licking your lips as the soft light highlights his tawny skin. Soft in all the right places especially the little tummy you love to kiss when trailing your lips over his body. 
Dragging your eyes up to lock with his, seeing the smirk that makes you shake your head at him, “I’m guessing this is pay back?” stepping forward, one leg sliding between his thighs. Pushing them apart so you can stand closer. Hands come to rest on his shoulders, one carding through his thick curls as his own rest on your wide hips. 
Looking up at you, chin resting on your tummy still unable to fathom how he could got so lucky. “Is it working hermosa?” eyes darken when your tongue peeks out to wet your lips. 
“Nope,” popping the p while trying to keep from giggling at the crest fallen look on his handsome face. That he buries in your plush shirt covered tummy. Trying to hide that fact that yes those pajama pants work so damn will. “Next time go naked there’s a possibility for me jumping your bones then.” 
“That can be arranged sweetheart,” grin returning to his lips while standing to wrap his arms back around your shirt covered waist. Pressing you against his chest feeling your puckered nipples beneath the fabric begging for attention. He’s more than willing to give in, stripping you down and worshipping every inch he could get his mouth on.  
Soft whimper leaves you lips when his lowers to ghost over yours. The barely there touch making your knees weak but its the wide yawn that overtakes you instead of the kiss. Breaking the moment as Frankie groans walking you both to the side of the bed. Leaning over to pull the covers back, “Let’s get you in bed mi amor, tomorrow I’ll ravish you till you can’t walk.” 
Nodding you climb in moving to the middle so Frankie can get in, curling up to his side, resting a hand on his chest to draw little patterns. “Promise handsome?” whispering the words into his ear then placing a kiss to his cheek. Your touch not helping things but he wouldn’t change anything. Instead he takes your hand and intertwines your fingers, placing them over his heart. 
  “Promise cariño, you know I wouldn’t break one,” turning his head to look at you. Seeing the droop of your lids soft smile gracing his features. Leaning in, to place a kiss to each of your half-closed eyes, “Sleep Y/N we have tomorrow and many more days after that.” Adding a gentle kiss to your lips. 
“You’re too good to me Frankie,” muttering the words sleepily, snuggling against him, left arm wrapping around your waist to hold you. “Te Amo,” whispering the words, lips placing a kiss to his neck breath ghosting over his skin as you fall asleep. 
While Frankie lays there shocked, not because you spoke in Spanish but for what those simple words meant to him. Wishing that you hadn’t fallen sleep so he could say them back and show you in actions how much he truly loves you. He settles for now on holding you closer making sure the sheet and blankets are securely covering the both of you, knowing how cold you get during the night. Placing his lips against your forehead for a kiss, his own eyes starting to drift closed. Your rhythmic breathing lulling him into dreams of your life together. 
Intrusive noise brings you slowly from the warm cocoon you're wrapped in, low groan leaving your lips. Moving to turn the offending alarm off but you can’t reach as Frankie has you pushed into the mattress cuddling into your chest with his heavy arm draped over your tummy. “Frankie baby the alarm,” hearing him grunt against your skin, giggles leave your lips. 
You try one more time to reach the clock only to have him bat a hand at the offending object, hitting the snooze harder than needed and rolling back against you. Burying his lips in your throat, soft mustache tickling your skin making you giggle and try to move away. Through his strong arms hold you even closer, your head tipping back to give the access he’s wordlessly asking for. Fingers carding through his curls, tugging gently as a low moan leaves your throat. One he feels with his mouth against your pulse that picks up with each nibble and kiss given. 
“Frankie,” name comes out on a whimper when his nose brushes just south of your ear. 
“Mi amor,” sucking softly, tasting your skin with his tongue that draws little patterns. Free hand moving down to the hem of your shirt that’s ridden up while you slept. Callused fingers finding your bare waist to spread his hand over your skin, sliding it down and back to cup the generous globe of your ass. Pressing his face into your fabric covered chest, making another moan leave your lips as his own seek out the pebbled peaks of your nipples. Wetting the cloth as he suckles one into the hot cavern of his mouth. 
The hand at your ass moving lower to bring your thigh over his hip, rocking against you. Flatten your hands over his chest, pushing twice before he rolls on his back taking you with him. So that your straddling his waist, feeling the hard press of his shaft along your folds. Hands bracing yourself up over him, mouth never leaving your breast. As he switches to the other, eyes locking with yours letting you see the need and heat filling the now almost black orbs. Pupil’s crowding out the beautiful brown of his iris’s you love to drown in.  Mewling whimpers leave your parted lips, head tossed back, while your hips rock against him in slow teasing circles. 
Growling in impatience, Frankie makes quick work of pulling your shirt off to fling it to the floor, mouth reattaching to your breast. Nipping the puckered bud before trailing his lips over your skin and back up your neck. Reaching your ear, “It’s tomorrow hermosa or did you forget and want that book boyfriend of yours?” 
Turning your head to capture his lips in a deep hard kiss, one that’s all teeth and tongue, a battle for dominance. Angling your head just right so that you can take in air through your nose while tangling your tongue with Frankie’s. Though before long the need for true oxygen becomes too much as your forced to break apart both of you panting for breath. Resting your foreheads together you subtly move your hips. Just brushing your soaked panties against his flannel covered cock. Letting him feel your passion that he’s started. 
An idea pops into your head one that’s fleeting with the warmth of his large hands landing on your ass. Cupping the globes to press you against him, while he plants his feet and thrusts upward. It’s anything but teasing, more demanding with a need born from a night of dreams that has him hard as steal and wanting to bury himself deep inside your body.  
“Frankie,” his name coming out on a whimper, mouth moving to his jawline kissing the salt and pepper beard. Nosing the surprisingly soft hairs, trailing your lips to the thick cords of his neck pushing his chin backwards to get access to where you want to place kisses. Both of you shutting out the world right then and all that needs accomplished for the day in favor of indulging in carnal pleasures interrupted last night by time moving too quickly. 
“Tell me what you want hermosa and I’ll give it to you,” breath ragged with need, his cock throbbing with each movement of his hips against you. Feeling your essence soaking through to his own skin. Low growl rambling into your chest that he presses to his, loving the feel of your nipples brushing his overheated flesh. 
He goes to pull your panties off and his own pajama pants when a squeal of want makes the two of you break apart. Groaning, pushing his head back into the pillows as you rest your forehead against his collarbone unable to help the silent giggles that leave your lips. Frankie tips your chin up when he feels the shake of your body, thinking you’re upset and shaking his head when seeing the mirth in your sweet gaze. 
“Looks like a cold shower for you handsome,” trying to keep the mirth from your tone as you lean down to give him one more sweet kiss. “I’ll go take care of our princess you shower and get ready for work.” Groaning when you must move from his body, feeling his hands slide down from your thick waist, a shiver runs down your frame at the caress he gives your body. Though you try to suppress the want while searching for something to wear for right now. Spying his flannel robe, “Breakfast?” brow cocked, turning back to face him. Licking your lips as you look over your lover. Unable to hide the need blooming deeper in your eyes, finding that you can’t take your eyes off the sexy man lying in your bed. 
He turns on his side one arm propping up his head to watch you pull on his camo bath robe. “Never thought something so simple would look so sexy,” words whispered though you’ve heard them as Frankie looks you over. Feeling the places his eyes linger like a caress of those big rough hands of his, making another shiver skate over your body. 
Swallowing, knowing there’s not much time till Isabella calls/squeals for you again. “You want breakfast Frankie?” trying to get your mind off what you really want. Like jump back into bed with that man and make him growl and moan your name till he’s putty in your hands. The only man to ever make you feel sexy while naked or in this case dressed in his robe. Knowing that your not some runway model with a size two body, but it’s a body Frankie can never get enough of. One he loves to see pressed into the mattress, while he takes you in any manner of ways. Face consumed with the pleasure he’s giving you or those times when your greedy and want to show him heaven. Devouring his cock in the warmth of your mouth, teasing him, knowing just what places to lick and nibble. The wanton minx only Frankie gets to bring out and see. But most of all its that sweet smile you give him that tugs at his heart and what made him fall in love with you almost at first sight. 
An impatience huff from you has a smile tugging at his lips, breaking him from the thoughts filtering through his mind. Raising to sit on the edge of the bed, reaching out to snag the ties to his robe and bring you closer. Mischief running through those soulfully deep brown eyes, hands resting on your hips, “Only if I can eat you for breakfast mi amor.” 
Voice impossibly deep, sends a spark of arousal so potentate you must rub your thighs together for friction and place your hands on his shoulders to keep yourself upright. “That’s dessert flyboy and it’s nowhere near dinner time so sadly I’m off the menu for right now.” Giving him a bright smile, as you see the disappointment flashes in his eyes. Leaning down to kiss him softly, “Shower, I’ll have breakfast ready and our little princess, before getting ready myself.” 
Stepping away you pause at the door to look over your shoulder, catching him watching your every move. “See something you like Francisco?” One shoulder of the robe sliding down to bare your skin to his eyes. 
Shaking his head, he can’t stop the smile from gracing his lips, “I see someone I love,” raising to join you at the door. Wrapping an arm around your waist, to lean down and kiss you back softly. Heart beating out of his chest at the simple words he spoke that made you gasp but return the kiss. Pulling away with a goofy smile on your lips. 
“Love huh? You going soft on me Mr. Morales?” knowing what it took for him to say that word and remembering that you had told him the same last night in Spanish. Happy tears form in the corners of your eyes as you turn fully towards him, cupping his cheeks in your hands, “I love you to Frankie.” 
Tender moment broken by the call of “Mama,” which makes you both laugh in happiness as you move away. 
Squeaking at the smack Frankie lands on your ass before you’ve stepped fully away from him. “By the way hermosa you look fucking sexy in my robe. Though I do have to say it would look so much better on the floor,” giving your wink before turning to head to the shower. 
“Same with those sinful flannel pj’s baby, they may look good riding low on that waist of yours, showing off that sexy tummy and treasure trail. But I’d look better with my legs wrapped around you,” you return giggling when you hear the low growl from him. “Don’t worry they will be on the floor tonight count on that one.” 
Heat rising over Frankie’s cheeks at your words even as another groan leaves his lips along with a soft curse feeling his cock throb from just the mire thoughts your promise conjures up. He has to lean a little on the bathroom door to steady himself before stripping and heading for a very cold shower. 
Sadly, both your days didn’t go as planned. Repairs on the helo took longer than Frankie scheduled, he drug himself in a little after 8, the scent of pizza tickling his nose as he toes off his shoes by the door. 
“Y/N,” calling out softly not wanting to wake Isabella who he knew would be fast asleep in her bed. The sight which meets his eyes makes his heart expand and tears form, both his girls fast asleep on the couch. The book you read last night dangling from your hand just shy of landing on the floor. Free hand cuddling your little girl against you, fingers spread over her small back. 
Stepping closer, he hates to wake you, looking so peaceful, beautiful eyes closed contentment making your features smooth. Frankie leans down to scoop up Isabelle, her own eyes sleepily opening to stare at him. “Dada,” small voice whispers, her head drooping to lay on his shoulder falling back asleep. Soft chuckle at her actions, Frankie runs his hand over her head gently sweeping away some of the chestnut curls. Still in aww of this little girl he never thought would be his. Movement catches his eye, turning to see you waking slowly. 
Stirring with the warmth and weight of Isabella gone, you smile up at Frankie rising slowly to place your book in your previous spot before stretching out your back. “Long day baby?” standing to wrap your arms around both of your loves. 
“Hmm,” pressing warm lips to first his little girl’s forehead before leaning down to kiss you. “I’m just happy to be home hermosa.” Not wanting to go into the crappy details of his day right then. “I’ll go put our angel to bed while you get ready yourself.” 
Shaking your head, ruffling her hair gently and adding a kiss to her soft chestnut curls, “I’ll warm you up some dinner and we can talk before bed.” Reaching up to brush your hand over his bearded cheek, cupping the side and swiping a thumb over the apple of his cheek. 
“Sure, you don’t want to return to your book boyfriend?” teasing glint making his eyes light with mirth that makes you roll your and pat his jaw. 
“Don’t tempt me Frankie baby I just might,” sending a smirk his way, turning then to head into the kitchen. Hearing the playfully annoyed huff leave him. 
Entering the kitchen bare feet silently padding over the cold tile, you busy yourself with getting a plate, trying not to think of your day. The events having led to the reason Isabella was still up, and pizza for dinner instead of the home cooked meal you had originally planned to make. Automatically placing two slices down on a plate and putting them in the microwave. Leaning back against the counter, arms crossed watching though not actually paying attention to the microwave plate spin, eyes unfocused glancing more inward than on the task at hand. You jump lightly when Frankie comes to stand in front of you, warm body soothing your horrible day, arms on either side caging you in. Wrapping your arms around his waist to rest your head on his chest. 
“Things not go as planned my love?” placing a kiss to the center of his shirt covered chest, not wanting to speak about your day yet. 
Soft grunt leaves his lips pressed into the side of your head, “Just long and a few fuck ups by the newbie’s who seem to think they know everything.” Eyes rolling through you can’t see the action with your head still pressed into his chest. Running his large hands up and down your back, pressing your soft plush body into his. “Sometimes I feel like I’m a relic in that place and no one wants to listen to me.” 
“You know more than all those assholes put together Frankie, you could put that helo back together with your eyes closed and fly it to points unknown in a blink of an eye,” looking up voice firm and strong with a note of pride in the cadence as you lean up to press your lips to his for a short kiss. 
“My little cheerleader,” grinning nuzzling his nose against yours. “If I get you that little outfit, would you wear it for me?” though seeing you in his robe turns him on more than any stupid costume. Being a man of simple wants and desires, he’d rather see you naked with just his dog tags between your breasts. 
This time you roll your eyes, “Not with all the extra padding I have it wouldn’t look right on me.” 
Low growl leaving his chest as he squeezes you tightly, “Sweetheart you would make anything look good though I do have to agree it wouldn’t look right on you.” Seeing the flash of hurt Frankie rushes to explain himself, “Not that you wouldn’t look sexy as fuck just, I’d much rather you in my robe or better yet naked.” Tracing the pattern on your scrub top with the tip of his finger till it reached your neck, resting the callused palm on your soft skin. 
Shivering at his words that fill your heart with love for this man, “Nice save stud,” resting your head back on his chest. Eyes closing, feeling his fingers brushing over your neck wondering how you got so lucky when there’s women and men out there that haven’t. Unwillingly the images from this afternoon filter through your mind making you squeeze Frankie tighter. 
Sensing the shift in your demeanor, the way you’re holding him like a life preserver wrapped around a drowning man. He pulls back just a little to tip your chin up with two fingers, “What happened mi amor?” seeing unshed tears glistening in your eyes. 
“Nothing,” single word muffled as you’ve buried your face back into his chest. Breathing in the scent of oil, lava soap and something that’s uniquely Frankie. It never fails to sooth your mind from the trouble, imagined and real. 
Squeezing you closer, he uses the hands at your waist to help boost you to sit on the counter, parting your thighs and slipping between. Cupping your cheeks in callused palms so that your looking into his eyes, “Talk to me hermosa you know you can tell me anything.” Thoughts going back to one of the many reasons he and Felicia, the mother of Isabella, didn’t make it. Both refusing to talk about what’s really bothering them. He doesn’t want a return to that kind of life not with you and not with all the work he put in to change that part of him. “Remember you said we’d talk, and I have so it’s your turn baby.”
Knowing he’s right, a soft sigh leaves your lips, “A young woman came in this afternoon to the clinic, she’d…” swallowing hard at the visions filling your mind, remembering the cuts and bruises, the tears. “Her partner messed her up pretty bad, I tried to get her to press charges, but she wouldn’t. Simply saying it’s her fault, she should’ve listened instead of disobeying.” Eyes downcast as you remember your own mother’s fight against abuse at the hands of her husband. Those memories combined with today’s events trap you in your mind till warm lips press against your forehead. Strong arms cradle you against his chest, stroking your back in soothing circles. 
“You did what you could mi alma, there wasn’t anything you could’ve said to change her mind, not till she’s ready. I know it brings the memories back and I’m so fucking sorry you and any woman or man has to go through that.” Moving just a fraction back to look into your eyes as your head raises, silent tears making little wet trails over your cheeks. 
Leaning in to kiss the salty moisture away, catching the dull glint of a necklace under your shirt. Frankie reaches up to tug the warm metal from under the fabric, breath catching at finding his dog tags dangling at the bottom. 
Bottom lip caught between your teeth, you look from the tags to Frankie, “They bring me comfort when you’re not around just like Isabella. I hadn’t meant to keep her up so late but having her lay on my chest while I read it kept the demons away.” 
“Mi amor you never have to explain, it's why I gave you these in the first place,” though the explanation tugs at his heart just as he tugs at the dog tags. The feeling of home, of you and Isabella being here and his, a plan forming in his mind. He’s been a rambling man for so long, even while dating and almost marrying Felicia, but now with you in his arms he felt at home. “As for Isabella I’m more than sure she enjoyed laying on the mama to sleep,” soft smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “I almost didn’t move her, but then I thought you wouldn’t get much sleep on that couch and your back would blame you in the morning.” 
Melting at his words, the sweet look in his eyes makes you fall in love with Frankie all the more. “You are one amazing man you know that Francisco Morales?” Feeling the dog tags land back between your cloth covered breasts as his hands wrap around your waist to pull you closer to him. 
“I’m just a man mi amor, there’s nothing amazing about me,” soft yelp leaving his lips when you give his side a pinch under his shirt. Rubbing the bruised skin, “What’s that for?” pout forming on his mouth. 
“For thinking so little of yourself handsome, you know I don’t like it when you do that,” giving him a stern glance that turns soft under those pouting puppy dog eyes. You glance over his shoulder, seeing the microwave stopped a while ago and knowing he’s probably starved. “You need to eat but I’d warm that pizza up a little more before you do.” Moving just an inch you pull him back into a gentle kiss that’s nothing short of tooth rotten sweet and tender. Just little presses of your mouth to his, nipping a few times on his plush bottom lip before sucking lightly. 
Pulling back just a little, “It’s dinner time can I have my dessert now?” mischief sparkling in those deep brown pools as his hands rub your thighs that surround his waist. 
“I wouldn’t be much of a participant handsome,” once again guilt eats at your heart as a large yawn makes your mouth gap open and you stretch to work out the kinks in your muscles. “I know I promised…” 
Leaning in to kiss you twice, “Don’t you worry about that sweetheart, we have tomorrow.” 
“I know but you see my book boyfriend waits for me tomorrow and I can’t disappoint him,” giving Frankie a teasing smirk while slipping from the counter. His presence the salve to your wounded heart just as yours is to his. “Eat your dinner then come to bed, I wanna cuddle with my lover tonight.” 
Tugging you into his arms, lips placed on your forehead, “One of these days that book boyfriend of yours will find himself kicked out of our house.” Chuckling, he drops a possessive hand on your ass to give the plump flesh a squeeze. “Those tags mean your taken by me,” reluctantly letting you go, watching with love struck eyes as you walk away. 
“I’ll inform him of that baby,” turning you start for the bedroom, pausing at the door to look back and blow Frankie a kiss. 
Twenty minutes later, a couple of slices of pizza and half a beer, Frankie goes around the house making sure everything is locked up and lights are off. Treading sock footed to the only source left, he pauses to check first on Isabella then head to your shared bedroom. Pausing at the doorway to watch you sleep, curled around his pillow, dressed in his robe from this morning. A deep love fills his heart one he thought would never find him not after all the bad he’d done, all the marks he tallied with every mission. Yet you’ve stayed taking up room in his heart making it so that he never wants to let you go. 
With those thoughts in his mind, Frankie strips down to his boxers and slides into bed. Wrapping an arm around you, to pull you flush with his side. Soft sigh leaving your lips as you curl into him, draping a leg between his and an arm over his chest. Even in your sleep you manage to steal his breath and fall in love with you all over again. 
Golden sunlight filtered through the partly open curtains, bathing his features in soft yellow light. Dark brows smooth with sleep, arching over closed libs hiding those deep chocolate eyes you love so much. Lightly tracing the features of his face with the tips of your fingers, not wanting to wake him just yet having turned the alarm off after waking early. On your day off no less but getting to see Frankie like this peaceful, resting and without a care in the world made losing a little extra sleep worth it. 
A smile tugs at the corners of your lips, fingers tracing over his features. The tip of your index finger gliding over his defined nose that you love to kiss, the crinkles at the corners of his eyes when he smiles. Over cheeks especially the left with its dimple that appears every so often when he’s really happy normally when he’s staring at Isabella or you. That realization makes your heart hammer behind your ribs. Still wondering how you found this amazing man and more to the point how he could love someone like you. 
Those thoughts become interrupted when he mumbles words you can’t quite make out but draws your eyes to those lush lips. Ones that speak words of love and devotion, kisses away the nightmares, brushes over Isabella’s forehead or yours. Lips that could make you cry out or gasp in pleasure the likes you’ve never felt before and speak the most filthiest of things into your ear. The very thought of how wicked they could be makes you tremble as you trace over them softly. Laughing quietly when they move against those fingers almost like it tickles feeling his mustache brush your fingers small giggle leaving you. Breath catching when you feel the little unconscious kiss he places. Almost like he’s awake but the steady rise and fall of his chest shows you differently. 
Letting the breath you hold out to continue mapping his features. Brushing over the salt and pepper beard that graces his jawline in patches that you know he hates at times. Wanting it to fill in or darker in color like when he was younger. But you reassure him with kisses that you’ve grown to love his patchy facial hair and the color it’s become. Remembering the time, you told him that to you it’s a turn on and had to show him just what you meant. Smirking at that memory, your eyes trace lower for the moment over his pecs, the little slope of his tummy and down that dark trail of hair that slips under his boxers. Consciously licking your lips at the impressive morning wood he’s sporting tenting the black boxers encasing his lower body parts that aren’t covered by the thin sheet. 
  Reluctantly pulling your eyes away, knowing you’ll get to that point soon enough. Refocusing your attention’s to the strong column of his throat, tracing the veins till they disappear under his skin. Teasingly circling his nipples garnering a low moan from the man above you making a smirk appear even as your eyes dart up. Seeing he’s still asleep though his legs are starting to get a little restless, you glance down catching sight of the sheet slip a little lower. Fingers still dancing over his chest you turn back to your perusal of his body leaning in to place a soft kiss to the pebbled nipple closest to you. 
Smiling when there’s a gasp that leaves his lips this time, though you don’t look instead moving lower to nuzzle into his tummy. One of your favorite parts of him, that he hates thinking he’s going soft in his old age. You’d argued with him, musing how he could dislike a part of his body that’s soft when you were soft all over. Thick thighs and waist, arms that still flap after you stopped waving, the body of a Rubenesque angel. The last memory making your smile fondly as Frankie told you that one afternoon lying in bed naked, drawing patterns over your skin much like you do now to him. You’d scoffed that turned into a moan of pleasure when his lips started worshipping your body. Mapping the valley’s and dimples you didn’t like, sliding his big body between your thighs to kiss and bite at your skin. Marking you that afternoon as his, reminding you how beautiful and desirable he sees you. 
Only to return the favorite later that night ending the argument by reverently kissing and nipping each spot on his body, the scars, the softness, the strength he forgets that underlines his body. Even now you can’t stop yourself from placing a kiss to the center of his chest. Enjoying the sight of your lover spread out for you to devour. You don’t take your eyes off him while moving to lay between his legs. Robe parting to expose your breasts to his eyes when he wakes, and you know that’s coming soon. When you feel him twitch against your hand, the soft groan and movements of his restless body a dead giveaway. 
Leaning down to nuzzle his length with your lips and nose, breathing in the musky woodsy scent of his body that has tingles dancing over your skin. Taking the cloth covered elastic band between your fingers to peel it back. Exposing the head of his cock jutting upward against the curls of his groin making you lick your lips. Tongue peeking out to lap at the pearl drop of precum that sits perfectly over the slit. Tasting his tangy musk of his essence, savoring that first little drop while peeling his boxer briefs lower over his muscular thighs. Carefully tugging them and pushing the sheet off his body while you wiggle down. Till the under garment gets tossed to the floor along with the bedsheet, his body bare to your glaze. Catching sight of his chest starting to rise and fall a little quicker now. Expressive eyes moving a little faster behind closer lids. 
Licking your lips at the sight knowing you need to act quickly, or Frankie will wake and spoil your fun. Returning to your position, making sure the robe is still gaping open for his viewing pleasure. Leaning in to trace your lips over the underside of his thick shaft. More than average in girth and length the very thought of him inside you has your own thighs wanting to rub together for some kind of friction. But you remember this isn’t about you, it’s a repayment of pleasure he’s given you, of all the little things, the touches, kisses, the sweetness that is your Frankie. You want to repay him, no matter how many times he’s told you it’s not necessary. You want to show him heaven just as he’s done for you. 
A grunt pulls you from the musing, tugging a smirk across your lips, burying them at the base of his shaft. Nibbling little kisses till you reach the red tinged head, tongue slipping out to flatten against the slit and drag across. Wrapping one hand that barely fits around the base placing him heavily on your tongue to circle your mouth and close around the tip. Sucking softly, tongue flicking quickly a few times, before widening your jaw and taking as much of his cock in. 
Slightly gagging when he hits the back of your throat, and swallow. Full lips covering the shaft tightly while dragging your mouth up, and down hand pumps and twists the part you can’t fit. Bobbing slowly, grinning when a pair of callused hands come to cup the back of your head. Not pushing just resting trying to ground himself. 
Spanish curses fly from his lips, “Mierda hermosa que la boca tuya se siente como el cielo,” back arching off the mattress, eyes flying open to stare down at you. Darkened with passion and desire, licking his lips as your own are wrapped around his throbbing cock. “Tan bueno para mí, mi amor.” (Fucking shit beautiful that mouth of yours feels like heaven.) (So good to me, my love.) 
Head bobbing slowly, eyes locked with his, pulling up till just the head rests on your tongue, sucking lightly before letting go with a wet pop. “Morning handsome, sleep well?” smirking at the question, you drop one hand between his thighs to gently caress the slightly roughen skin of his balls. Testing the weight and giving a light squeeze before starting to massage each one in turn. Delighting when it pulls another puffing moan from his lips. 
Words unable to form in answer to your teasing question though he knows you’re not truly asking for one just torturing him with that sexy morning voice. Fingers flexing on your head, massaging the scalp, a low groan vibrating through his chest, feeling the soft pressing of your lips on his shaft, accompanying with little nibbles and licks. Making his eyes roll back at the pleasure your giving him. It’s almost too much and not enough at the same time. 
Making him sit up, reaching for you trying wrap his hands under your arms and pull you against him. But you’re a little quicker, anticipating his movements and reluctantly pulling away, letting his shaft go so you’re not in arms reach. Shaking your head and crawling back up his body, making sure to pause and place a kiss to the crown of his cock, his tummy which he tries to suck in. Straddling one thigh to let him feel how wet you’ve become from just giving him pleasure. Whimpering when that thigh flexes under you, moving up to brush against your tender dripping folds. 
Shaking your head again, placing one hand on his chest to push him back into the pillows. Seeing the slight confusion in those soft chocolate eyes giving you the sweetest puppy look. That would normally have you melting in puddle of goo but not this time. Nope you had to stand your ground, “Won’t work Francisco,” leaning in to kiss him hungrily. Slipping your tongue into his mouth on a moan as he tastes himself in the warm cavern of your mouth. Tongues tangling, fingers carding through his hair to run blunt nails over his scalp. Feeling him twitch against your thigh making you smile into the kiss. Giving him two smaller kisses, “Now be a good boy and lay back for me while I show you heaven.” 
Groaning at your words, and doing as you ask, though he gives the thigh between yours one more flex, rubbing your slick folds again just to see you pause in your movements. The way you shutter around him and gasp out. He itch’s to grab you, rolling you under him or better yet tossing that other leg over his hips and thrusting home. Filling you so sweetly, so fully to make you forget about anything and anyone but him. Itching to hear you moan his name, whimper when he hits that perfect spot inside your tight cunt. That never fails to make your eyes roll back, his name a prayer on your kiss swollen lips. 
So, lost in his little fantasy that when you’ve made your way back down to his throbbing cock, he jumps at the first touch of your lips. Grunting as his hips jut off the mattress filling your mouth with his shaft. That makes Frankie curse, eyes rolling back when you suck on the crown, flicking that talented tongue over the slit and taking him back down. Placing both hands on his hips to hold him in place. Starting to fully bob up and down, tongue slithering around his shaft as little dribbles of spit slip from your lips wetting his skin. 
Forcing himself to open his eyes and look down, to watch his angel, looking so sweet and pure devouring his cock so sinfully. Mumbled words of Spanish, and English leave his lips, eyes locking with yours. He moves one hand down to brush over your hollowed cheek, downward to sweep over your neck and wrap around the back of your sulk helping you move along his shaft. Lewd moans and whimpers escape his panting lips. Only breaking eye contact when he feels the soft fabric of his robe brushing his thighs.  
What he finds nearly makes him cum right then, your soft breasts swaying, nipples peaked and begging for his attention. The soft swell of your tummy, the sight makes him whimper and press his head back against the pillows. “Hermosa please, so fucking good.” 
When you pull off, using one hand to keep pumping his cock, twisting your wrist, giving little squeezes. Slick from your mouth and his dribbled essence, the wet sounds making his head spin in need. “Please what my love? Want me to stop?” Biting your bottom lip knowing he doesn’t but also knowing what he really wants. 
“Fuck no,” low growl leaves his lips, head snapping up to stare at you. Eyes dropping to see the robe open even more your breasts spilling out making him lick his lips. Tracing an invisible path back to your desire darken eyes. Fingers giving his shaft another squeeze as they pump slower almost to a stop, though his hips have a mind of their own and thrust up into the circle of your fingers. He knows you want an answer he can’t seem to form right now with how innocent you look sitting there on your knees. Hand wrapped around his cock, all thought and blood surging to that one organ. Feeling the fading tingles up his spine, with the slacking of your movements. 
The dissipating high he wants, needs to chase, has the words tumbling from his mouth. “Want you mi amor, want that pretty mouth of yours wrapped around my cock making me cum.” His filthy words make you whimper feeling your cunt tremble and squeeze around nothing. “Please,” last word coming out on a gasp when your hand starts to pick up pace. 
Lowering yourself back between his legs, wrapping your mouth around him, starting a hard punishing pace that has his body bowing in pleasure. Hands gripping the sheets beneath you both, head pressing into the pillows show casing the thick tendons of his neck. Bolts of pleasure shooting through his veins he tries to raise up to watch but it’s all too much. Those tingles dancing up his spine, sac drawing up against his body your tongue swiftly swirling around his shaft with each bob of your head. Pressing one hand into his hip to keep you up right while the other works the part of him you can’t fit. Making sure to brush his sac each time your wrist moves down. 
Humming at the taste flooding your buds, eyes closing in bliss with each word he mutters the way your name is flows from his parted panting lips. Like a prayer to God though this kind is something He might ignore. Knowing Frankie is getting closer to his release, seeing the sweat slick his forehead and coat his chest. Picking up the subtle change in his deep voice, hands grasping at the sheets knowing it would be you he’s holding on to if he’d been inside you. The way his body is shuttering around you, the quick throbbing of that vein you trace repeatedly wanting him to fall. 
Pulling off with a lewd wet pop, “I’ve got you baby, let go for me I wanna taste you.” Moaning the words before wrapping your lips around the crown to suck harshly. Flattening your tongue on the underside while hollowing your cheeks again determined to draw his orgasm from his body. 
Smirking up at him hearing the words falling from his sinful lips. “Shit, carajo tan bueno. I’m not gonna last cariño,” hips thrusting up as the first tangy bits of his release touches your tongue. 
Humming happily while working quicker, hands and mouth working in tandem to make him lose control. Pleasure exploding behind his closed eyes, back arching off the bed as his control snaps. His essence flowing down your throat, and you take every bit you can swallowing around his sensitive shaft. Chest heaving, gasping for air to fill his lungs, body humming from his high. Another moan escaping, little twitches on your tongue as you pull off placing a sweet kiss to the crown before gently letting him go. Feeling his hands grabbing at you, pulling your up his body and crashing his mouth against yours. 
Licking the remains of his orgasm from your lips and thrusting his tongue into the cavern of your mouth to tangle and taste. Holding your body against his, one hand goes between the two of you to start undoing the sash holding the robe only partly closed. Pulling the soft terry cloth knot free and pushing it off one of your shoulders. Fingers dancing over your heated soft skin while his mouth takes control of the kiss dragging a moan from the deepest part of your being. Your own hands clutching at the sheets under you, gasping when those callused fingers tug at a nipple. Soothing the pain with gentle circles, cupping the generous globe in his palm to give a squeeze. 
Your body having a mind of its own, rocking against his, hips on either side of his waist as you lay over him. Shaking arms barely keep you up with hot desire flowing through your veins each brush and teasing touch of those skillful hands making you lose control, making you forget the position your in. Lungs burning in the best of ways making you gasp and break away. Resting your foreheads together, breathing in shared air, his hands having pulled the robe low as it’ll go with your arms pushed into the mattress. He flattens his hands on your back pressing you closer to draw his nose over your collarbone and neck. Running stubbled cheeks into the soft skin hearing you gasp that makes him smirk. Especially when he places his lips to your pulse flicking his tongue over the thumping vein drawing a whine from deep in your chest. 
His other hand coming to join the party by cupping your breast bringing the heavy globe to his lips and nibbling on your pebbled nipple. Biting down just that side of pain he knows you love and sure enough another moan leaves your lips. Lower body rocking against his needing to find the delicious friction as you clit throbs in need, cunt clinching nothing and wanting him deep inside you. 
Shrill alarm breaking the moment, making you groan in annoyance and dropping your head to his shoulder. Body shaking with need, breath escaping in small little gasps as his hands and mouth haven’t stopped working your body over. You gather enough strength to reach over and cut the offending piece of technology off tempted to toss it out the window. In favor of keeping Frankie in bed all day. 
“Frankie,” name groaned as you raise up, pulling your chest away from his mouth, making him pout. Small giggle leaving your lips at how cute he looks, “You have to get ready for work baby.” 
“Fuck work,” wrapping his arms around your back to hold you close and rolls the pair of you over so he’s hovering over you. “I rather much stay right here and take my time.” Staring into your eyes, his are smiling with those little crinkles at the corners. Reaching up to brush your fingers over the lines, he grabs your hand to bring it to his lips and kiss each finger. “If I remember rightly, I missed dessert last night,” smirking at your gasp when his a hand slip low brushing through your slick folds. “Well, I want it now.”
There’s a war going on inside you, caught between wanting those deliciously thick fingers inside you and conscious of the fact that the both of you need to get up to start the day. Once again, the opinions are taken from you as a little girl squeals in want from her room just a bit down the hall. This time it’s Frankie who groans while you giggle, pushing him from on top of you. To drop dramatically beside you, arm slung over his face. 
“Don’t worry flyboy you’ll get your dessert,” patting his chest as you lean over to steal a quick kiss before getting up. Pausing at the bed, “Unless my book boyfriend takes up my time tonight.” Giggling, you move quickly to avoid his hands grabbing for you. 
As he’s lunged up playfulness in his eyes though he tries to make them stern and annoyed, “He won’t get in my way of having my woman, hermosa.” Low teasing growl leaves his lips, feet landing on the floor as he stands to stalk towards you. Caught in his snare you take a step back feeling the cool wall against your skin having forgot to pull the robe over you. Shivering though not to from the air-conditioned cooled room, but from the feral look in those deep chocolate eyes that makes you clinch your thighs, whimpering softly. He stalks towards you, body on display for your eyes to roam and drool over wanting to take him up on that offer. A stray slice of golden light graces his form making him look like a Golden God in your eyes. That can’t seem to tear away from him, trapped but in a really good way, one that you don’t want to run from.   
Caging you in with his hands on either side of your head, Frankie leans in, breath ghosting over your ear, “Trust me sweetheart I will make you forget all about that book boyfriend. I’ll make it so you can’t walk for a week and mark every inch of this gorgeous body that belongs to me.” Moving so that your eyes are locked, one hand dropping to wrap around your waist and pull your almost naked body against his. Draping a leg over his hip as he slides that large hand over your waist and down to cup your ass. “I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to remember your name then make love to you as you scream mine for the neighbors to hear.” Leaning in to brush his lips over yours with a tenderness that underscores the possessive tone, “You’re mine mi Vida, and I don’t share.” 
Swallowing hard trying to gather what moisture you can as all of it seems to have headed south, dripping from your fluttering folds and pulsing clit. Hands wrapped around the back of his neck to hold on cause you’re sure the moment he lets you go you’ll melt into a puddle of sexually frustrated goo. “That’s,” licking your dry lips seeing him watch your tongue. Smirking inside at the knowledge you have the same power over him. “That’s a tall order my love you sure you’re up to the challenge?” teasingly stated while your fingers card through his curls giving a light tug. Mischief sparking in your eyes as an idea conjures up for tonight. 
“You testing me hermosa?” seeing you nod, his eyes close another low growl this one sounding more dangerous than the last. Only serving to fuel your desire for him. 
He’s such a contradiction, caught between sweet caring gentleman that holds your hand when you’re scared and opens the door for you. Kisses your forehead and makes his famous hot chocolate on those days you’re not feeling yourself. To a sexual beast who’s single desire is to make you cum as many times on his tongue, fingers and cock that he can draw out of you. Whispering the filthiest things in your ear, some as he blushes making him all the more adorably cute and sexy at the same time. Then back to the tender, humble man you fell in love with and couldn’t see yourself without. 
Thoughts interrupted by a swat to your ass, reminding you to answer, “Yes flyboy, I wanna see if you can make good on those plans.” 
“Don’t worry mi amor I’ll remind you,” leaning in to give you the sweetest, softest kiss you’ve ever had. Making your heart flutter with love. Pulling back, “Just make sure you know what you’re getting into,” carefully letting you go, making sure that your steady on your weak legs then stepping away. Giving you a soft smile before turning to head into the bathroom. 
Licking your lips, “I hate to see you go Frankie baby but I fucking love to watch you leave.” Pushing away from the wall, retying the robe to cover your body you let your eyes linger on him for a moment longer then head to Isabella who’s jumping and fussing wanting up and breakfast. 
Missing the hardy belly laugh that Frankie lets out at hearing your remark, shaking his head while starting the shower and getting ready for another day at work.  
To Part Two
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Fools who dream #Writer Wednesday 07/28/21 Javier Peña x f!reader
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For #Writer Wednesday created by @autumnleaves1991-blog and tagging @clydesducktape that creates the masterlist every week. Thank you for the amazing work to both of you!!
Paring: Javier Peña xf!reader (addressed as you/she)
Summary: Long time ago, Javier met a girl full of dreams living a hard life. One day, driving around town he finds out that maybe, dreams do come true.
Warnings: smoking, swearing, +18 SMUT not very descriptive sex but it’s there, allutions to prostitution.
A/N: This is the lovechild of: me being angsty, listening to Lalaland’s soundtrack, and rereading a novella I wrote a long time ago about an escort girl that I was planning to rewrite (I thought that it could be an interesting Javi’s fic, but I don’t know). So to conclude: a mess, voilá! bear in mind, there’s mention of sexwork and we respect sexworkers in this house.
Sorry for any mistakes and bad grammar!!
Fools who dream
She turns and faces the camera, they make a dramatic zoom on her while the orquestra rises in a beautiful romantic crescendo. With pink parted lips she smiles at the protagonist, her eyes glow and shyly she lowers her gaze.
Back to the male lead he’s looking at her like there’s nobody else in the room, the camera blurs everything except his face and hers. Love, romance.
The movie was not really interesting until the moment she appeared. Same old story about a guy in search of that perfect girl, his life is miserable; making him fall into very comedic and not very surprising adventures and misfortunes on a very normal life up until she appears and then she shows him the meaning of life and live life to the fullest or some bullshit.
Javi didn’t pay a ticket for a good story, fuck he didn’t even read the plot before buying it. But he saw the sign while he was waiting at the traffic light, the local drive-in cinema and its yellow lights against the night presenting:
The right one (or something like that) starring some guy and then her name.
So he drove in and asked for a ticket, probably looking a bit weird being just a guy alone buying just one ticket to a romantic comedy surrounded by couples. It looks fucking sad, Peña he thought. But he has to see her, he has to see if it is true.
she says on the screen and it takes him away from his thoughts. Hearing that voice again after many years hits him so differently. To think that those sweet lips moaned and called his name pressed against his skin, so close that he can almost feel the heat of her body on him in his cold lonely car.
The guy smiles at her and makes a fool of himself gaining a sweet giggle from her. And it reminds him of the times she danced in his apartment or made fun of him for being such a grump.
Deja de fruncir el ceño, Javi, que se te va a quedar así (Stop frowning, Javi, or it’s gonna stay like that) she used to say, brushing her index finger over her nose giggling just like now in the movie.
She said something back, but he’s not listening. Javier just puts the words he remembers she said to him on her lips. A fantasy within a fantasy.
What is more real? those intimate moments years ago or him watching her on a movie alone in his car?
He has lost the plot, but who cares? She laughs and pushes the protagonist's hand to the empty streets of New York and the lights shine on them, and as the world perfectly bends to lovers in movies, it starts raining and she receives the drops with open arms and a wide grin. And they kiss, a perfect one, soft lips over the other. Nothing like the kisses they shared
Their kisses were hungry, knowing that they were borrowed and paid in time, rushed sometimes, others slowly and messy pouring all the heat and the pain and the adrenaline in which he lived in those years.
Now he wishes he could have kissed her once last time, just like that, softly, the world far away from them. Perfect just like a movie.
The audience claps rejoicing in this celebration of love, some young couples are celebrating love in some different kind of way, the movie merely an excuse to have some time alone under the stars.
And Javier is suddenly aware of his loneliness of the empty space by his side, he’s the antonym of what he’s seeing on screen, of having the luck of finding the one and being delighted in love.
He could’ve been in love, once. He certainly felt something growing and shattering the hard shield he had on his chest when they were together.
And now watching her mimic those feelings, those desires, he feels jealous, of what? he doesn’t know, it’s not like they had a chance...did they?
Colombia, 1984
“You’re going to laugh” you say the fan above your head blows waves of hot air that still smell of sex and the cigarette Javi’s smoking languidly over the window.
He has barely put his jeans on, the zip and top button undone. He looks tired, the dark circles under his eyes are way more visible today than ever. You can even see the weight on his shoulders, he’s hunching, his neck curved down as he smokes.
He doesn’t say but you know there’s something bothering him, he’s quieter than usual, rougher.
He called you late in the evening, paid a taxi to get you to his house and you barely made it to the door when he grabbed you by your hips and pressed his body against yours. The kiss was ardent, his tongue invading your mouth in a mix of coffee, whiskey and smoke and need. You tried to push him and talk, just maybe say hello how was your day but he whimpered, he’s dark eyes pleading while he caressed your cheeks. And you let him, you know what he needed so you said nothing when he impatiently fisted your skirt up your navel and pushed your panties to the side so he could bury himself in you.
Covered in the dim lights of the scarce traffic in the middle of the night, silent apart from the rhythmic thumps of your hips hitting the door and both of your whispers and moans, Javier performed his usual rite of expelling his demons away on you. Each thrust, each second he was in you, the world became nothing, just white noise, there was only you and the primal need of achieving pleasure skin against skin.
Your soft voice, those sweet lips gasping brushing against his ear, he thinks it’s the only time he likes to hear his name being called or actually being aware of himself. With you there’s no Javier running to and from monsters and there’s no brutality or violence.
There’s only your soft hands locked on his neck, fingers curled in his hair and when you smile at him, eyes up the sky, lost in pleasure, he feels good and the world seems a little bit better.
“I even didn’t offer some water before…” he said after he recovers his breath still inside you
“I’ve never had a warmer welcome in my life, Javi, it’s alright” you laugh with legs trembling
“Still” he kissed your wrists and held you close, walking slowly towards the bedroom.
You barely made some small talk before his eyes grew darker, lost in something that chokes him, and he quietly covers you with his big body
“I just need to make love to you...please” he said with his forehead on yours. And here you are, body exhausted and numb, cooling the sweat with the sweet waves of air from the fan.
“I won’t laugh at you” he answers resuming the conversation, you were lost in your thoughts but when you look at him, you see he watches you intently and you believe him
“I mean it’s so cliche how I ended up doing this...it’s ridiculous” you shake your head
None of your clients has ever asked you about how you ended up doing this. None of them are really interested in you anyway, they prefer a fantasy, a character. But not Javi, and that scares you. He sees right through you.
“I wanted to get out of my small town, I had big dreams, big plans” you smile “I came to the city and I tried and tried to succeed but...well, long story short, a friend proposed it once and the money was too tempting”
“What did you want to do in the first place?” Javi approaches the bed. His skin shines against the moonlight, his disheveled hair makes him looks younger
“Now you’re going to really laugh” you cover your face with one of his pillows
“C’mon tell me” he smirks squeezing your tight
“I wanted to be an actress, do novelas, films, everything” you shyly confess. For a moment, you don’t look at him, expecting him to chuckle at your stupid little dream, but seconds pass and he doesn’t
“ I think you could do it” Javi’s hands draw small circle over you hip bones
“You think?” you bite your lip
“I do” he shifts position, resting his back on the bed and you open your legs so he can rest his head over your belly “Would you send me a dedicated picture once you made it?” you brush his hair out of his face and you see he’s smiling
“Of course, To my very first fan, who always believed in me” you wave your hand over the imaginary paper “And a kiss just under it”
“Would frame it and put it in my office...nah” he shakes his head “I put it right here” he motions towards the nightstand “I don’t want my colleagues greasy hands over my picture”you laugh out loud at his comment
“Sure, so you can dream about me” you joke stealing his cigarette and smoking a long drag
Present day
You don’t know how many times he has dreamt about you.
How many times that stupid movie has played in his house late at night, he bought it, foolish at it may seem, he has rewatch every frame, stopping to admire you.
You look happy now, your sweet eyes shine more and he’s happy, really is, that you have made it, but deep down, he wonders, as much as it makes he’s heart ache, Do you think about him? surely you don’t.
Probably you left that part of your life buried somewhere in Colombia. You changed your name, your past, everything, how could you think about him?
You’re probably living your best life, full of glamour, opportunities opening just in front of your eyes. How could you remember him?
You don’t (surely) so he has to content himself with the fiction. He replays that scene where you turn to the camera, smiling
and just for a second, he thinks, he dreams, it’s for him.
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epickiya722 · 3 years
izuku midoriya? or todoroki. whichever you prefer
I like them both very much, so I'm doing both. They're my babies.
First, Midoriya!
💚Favorite thing about them: So many things! So many thingssss! He's so adorable and badass. Special mention gotta go to his freckles. And somehow he got me to like the color green. I used to hate green with a passion, but he changed my mind.
💚Least favorite thing about them: Baby, sweetheart, please stop pushing your body to the limit! You're strong... but NOT INDESTRUCIBLE!!
💚Favorite line: So many.
"You're forbidden from carrying them, Mineta."
When he got into a monologue about chicken in S5 EP17
"I didn't expect him to be bonkers." - S2 EP14
From the previous episode - "HOLY WHOA, HE'S DEAD!!" Gran Torino wakes up. "HE'S ALIVE!"
And a lot more lines.
💚brOTP: Dekusquad, or Izucrew (including Shinso). I also just love him with Kaminari and Kirishima as a trio. I feel like it's underrated. It's such a precious brOTP.
💚OTP: When I first got into BNHA, Tododeku was my first OTP. Still is one of my faves along with so many others. Bakudeku, IzuOcha, etc. Midoriya deserves affection (platonically and romantically, either/or).
💚nOTP: Midoriya x All Might, like who came up with that?
💚Random headcanon: I feel like he's actually a good artist, so at least sharpens his skills overtime. We see he does draw in his journals, but they're messy sketches because well, he's in a hurry to write down info before he forgets it. But I like the thought of him having separate sketchpads he draws in and shares it with Kaminari (who I also headcanon as an artist).
Speaking of notes, I also think he's the type to have color coded notes with sticky notes used as a bookmarks or to jot down extra info.
💚Unpopular opinion: We see him wear those red sneakers all the time, but I like them. I'd wear them. Also, him being emotional is an endearing character trait. I hate how some people in the fandom just label him as a crybaby. No, he just wears his heart on his sleeve. It can be a weakness, you know, letting your emotions get the better of you (I know too well), but it's also a strength sometimes because he still shows he's compassionate towards others.
💚Song I associate with them: 'Go Beyond' by Nemraps which I recommend if any of you into nerdcore raps! Also 'So Am I' by Ava Max and (I do like the music) 'I'll Show You' by KDA.
💚Favorite picture of them: Like others before him, I can't choose just one picture... and trust there's a lot.
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Now, Todoroki!
❄Favorite thing about them: His design is a favorite trait of mine. I have a weakness for the half-half hair color thing and I have had my hair red and white like his once. Also, his voices. Both his VAs do an amazing job in my opinion. And his love for soba and that he reads manga.
🔥Least favorite thing about them: Eh... I don't think I do have a least favorite thing about him. Wait! His first hero costume was so... horrendous... I understood why he had it like that, hating his father and all, but... I hate it so much.
❄Favorite line: Again, so many.
"It's like I'm the hand crusher or something!" & "You damn mutt!" (BOY REALLY WAS GOING TO FIGHT A COP!) - S2 EP18
"He's like a miniature version of you." - S3 EP2
"This is me, incognito." - S3 EP8
"I want to see your cute face. Don't spoil it with wrinkles." - S4 EP17
🔥brOTP: Todomomo is a fave, as well as him and Sero, them sharing manga is so cute to me. Also, him and Midoriya, because they are definitely disaster besties. Yes, they're an OTP, but they're a brOTP, too.
❄OTP: Tododeku, but again, so many. I got into Todobaku lately, too. And I do like Todomomo and I see Todoiida has some potential.
🔥nOTP: I refuse, absolutely refuse to ship him with Dabi.
❄Random headcanon: Maybe this is canon, I don't know, but he can sleep anywhere. I said this with Shinsou, too. I also think he like cold foods more than hot and that he has a sweet tooth. He probably didn't get to eat a lot of sweet foods when he was younger, so when the dorms were made and Satou would bake, Todoroki is one of the first to eat anything he bakes and will fight a classmate over a cookie.
🔥Unpopular opinion: He's so awkward, but it's so adorable. I don't blame him for being awkward (backstory). His little quips like napping whenever or his sense of humor is off is nice for his kind of character. I don't see him as a boring character as some folks say.
❄Song I associate with them: Don't be surprised I'm saying 'Hot 'n' Cold' by Katy Perry. I'm joking! I like Gameboyjones' 'Heat Up, Freeze Up', which is yes, another anime rap song. Also 'I Smile' by Tayla Parx. (LISTEN TO HER MUSIC, IT'S AMAZING)
🔥Favorite picture of them: Like others before him, I don't have a picture. I have many.
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Send Me a Character
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themadhalewrites · 2 years
Night Terrors
Fandom: Marvel
Character/s Includes: Sam Wilson and Reader
Word Count: 1633
It was very well known that Bucky suffered frequent night terrors due to all the horrible things that happened during the war and about the acts HYDRA made him do by brainwashing. Steve also encountered his fair share of night terrors from the war and childhood trauma he received.
Everyone knew bucky’s tragic past from the loss of his arm during his last mission on the howling commandos where he was classed as MIA to the brainwashing of HYDRA so no one faulted him for his night terrors. SHIELD had hired many psychiatrists to help Barnes but no one worked as well as his best friend Steve did.
Steve, on the other hand, stuffed from night terrors that were more from self-doubt than real memories even though sometimes it was from seeing the lives lost during the war. The only person he had left before the war and freezing was Bucky since he never really knew his dad but he loved the stories his mum had told him but when he lost her he lost part of himself with her. Steve would often stay awake drawing most nights which usually eased his night terrors a fair bit.
            There was still one soldier in the crew. Samuel Thomas Wilson. He was the quietest on the team, but he had just as many scars as the rest of the team (Psychologist and physical). Sam was a very private person about his past, you had to earn his trust which two people had earned. Steve who he met running and Y/N, a girl who had come to his meetings at the VA hospital.
            Like Sam, Bucky, and Steve,  Y/n had served but she had more similarities to Bucky then the other two men. Like Bucky, Y/N was injured not to the point of losing a complete limb but she was paralyzed.
Y/N’s team was ambushed when they were sent out on a scouting mission. There was a small village near where the unit was set up which they later learned was to grab their attention. The leader of the team radioed headquarters informing them that they were heading back to grab a few more men and more ammunition.  On the way back was when they were attacked, first, the leader fell from a bullet wound to the head. Next was a friend of Y/N’s. Once the shooting was over almost everyone on the team was dead except one, Y/N herself.
Arriving back to the US Y/N had issues adjusting to not only being out of the war zone but also the inability to walk even a step. Being restricted to a wheelchair pissed her off too much which lead to her main focus becoming getting the ability to walk back.
Veterans Affairs had insisted on her attending a meeting for ex-military members who had suffered loss or injury for support and she did attend for a few weeks but she never spoke and left as soon as it was over.
Sam tried to get her to share her story like everyone else but she would just shake her head and look to the next person. He knew that sign all too well, he had those signs after his friend’s death. Sam knew he had to do something so every time a meeting was over he would watch her carefully to see where she went but she seemed to disappear.
One day after Sam said goodbye to the last member of the meeting he went to see if he could find the girl he worried about. He knew she stayed within the building because its where soldiers stayed while adjusting to civilian life. Even he was still adjusting to civilian life and he had been home a few years. Walking down the halls he looked into every room open to the members of the military services but came to a stop out front the therapy room.
Inside the room was the Y/H/C girl he was looking for trying to take a few steps on her own using the support bars. Usually, patients weren’t meant to be in there without a physical therapist but he had heard from whispers that the doctors didn’t think she would ever walk again because of the injury she sustained in service. Sam quietly opened the door and stepped inside still observing her attempts to take those steps forward. He knew Y/N was in denial of her injuries but from what he saw from her attempts was that she wasn’t going to give up trying till she at least takes a step even if she hurt herself by falling. 
Sam watched as her face contorted into one of determination but as she slides her left arm to move her legs didn’t follow instead it landed her on the ground. Sam raced to her, helping her up before placing her back at the bars.
“Don’t move, I have an idea,” Sam said, he had an idea but he wasn’t sure how she would feel but he only hoped it would put her at ease.
Walking back from the supply room he held out two velcro straps, “They are used for assisted walking for spinal injury to strengthen their muscles.”
“I know what they are used for, they won’t use them on me since my injury is a paralyzing injury,” Y/N said annoyed.
“I’m not a physical therapist,” Sam said walking to you placing one of the straps on the bars to undo the another one.
Once both straps where on Y/N, Sam moved his left leg which moved her left leg and even though it wasn’t her control but Sam that made her move her leg she was much more relaxed about walking.
After that day Sam and Y/N would go to the therapy room once a week just so Y/N could ‘walk’. Those visits made Y/N open up a bit more about what she experienced during her tours but she wouldn’t open up about the ambush that put her in the chair. 
The VA hospital noticed Y/N’s mental improvement although still worried about her anger so they had assigned a support person to stay with which just so happened to be Sam Wilson. 
Sam wasn’t use to living with another person since he’s been living alone since he release from service.  The first few nights were rough on both him and Y/N since the wheelchair required room to move, but also because the beds were too soft. Y/N resorted to sleeping on the floor instead of on the bed even though it was harder to get up into her wheelchair from. 
The first few nights Sam and Y/N talked about their war experiences instead of sleeping. Y/N learnt more about Riley and Sam learnt more about Y/N’s team. They had realized that they had more in common then they had first thought. 
As the nights went on Sam started taking little naps at night having set alarms to check on Y/N and check in on Tony’s process on a walking device for Y/N. Y/N was always fine when he checked she was either playing a guitar or just softly singing songs that she and her teammates did before a mission.
When the month of June came, six months after Y/N moved in,  he started sleeping a full night or attempting to the best he could.  But as late June turned to early July Y/N noticed a difference in how he was after sleep.  Y/N slept a few hours a night but usually stayed in her room as to not wake him with her chair but when she heard whines on the twelfth day of July she went to investigate what was wrong. 
Y/N had forgone her chair believing it would take to long to get in and was quicker to crawl to his room across the hall.  Sam never closed his door complete just in case Y/N needed something late at night so she just crawls straight in and climbed onto his small bed. 
The first thing Y/N noticed was the sweat covering his face and then the panicked whines. Y/N shook him roughly trying to break him out of his sleep but when that didn’t work she just started to sing even though she didn’t know if it would work but when he started to seem to calm she shook him again. 
Sam’s first instinct was to get away from Y/N thinking she was the enemy but upon realizing he wasn’t in the war zone he lowered his head in disappointment.
“Everybody gets night terrors Sam,” Y/N said softly reaching out to touch his hand but he retracted himself further like he was still stuck in the terror fuel state. 
“You saw Riley didn’t you?” He nodded, “his ghost or just his dead body?”
“Both” Sam softly let out.
“Was he blaming you for his death?”
Sam shook his head,  “He was yelling at me for giving up on him and freezing in battle”
“You didn’t give up on him though,” Y/N said gently and when Sam looked at her she smiled slightly, “My team blames me for their deaths in my terrors as well as surviving.”
“But it wasn’t your fault, you didn’t know it would happen”
“I know but that’s what night terrors and PTSD do they play on your fears and flips them onto eleven.”
“Is it why you sing? Makes you feel like they are still with you in a way,  like me carrying Riley’s tags around. Makes things easier.”
“Sometimes but sometimes it’s just looking at the men’s partners and children and seeing them in those faces.”
Sam moved back to Y/N hugging her tightly before laying back down, “Lay with me please and sing. We both need to rest and your singing is nice and relaxing.”
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Prisoner Of OTP-Love: Sunset Shimmer x Scourge The Hedgehog
Credit for My Little Pony goes to Bonnie Zacherle
Credit for My Little Pony Friendship is Magic goes to Lauren Faust
Credit for Sonic The Hedgehog goes to Sega
Credit for Archie Sonic The Hedgehog Comics goes to Archie Comics
I had to edit this drawing today, because I needed to put my tumblr name on it, as well as edit out Sunset's third arm that wasn't being held by Scourge.
I mean it is possible for some humans to be born with more than two arms, or only being born with one.
and besides that one error I made on this drawing, I also had to edit the ends of Sunset's hair to have some yellow.
I believe that if I remember right,
this was inspired by Shadow Meets Equestria Girls,
it's a crossover and it's on Cryil Smith VA's Youtube Channel,
their channel and works is one of many Youtubers,
I want to be protected from the video/episode stealing shisno.
I really REALLY can not stand those toxic-youtubers,
you do NOT re-upload a episode of Helluva Boss on your channel,
to share it, if your gonna share it, put it in a link to someone.
I’m still not okay with finding out what that youtuber today.
and there is a reason why I put Redacted instead of their real youtube name.
when I was first looking up Helluva Boss, it was to see if episode 6 was out yet, but then I found that there was another episode stealing jerk.
if a youtuber is gonna re-upload a video from another youtuber,
it should only be if the original is off of youtube.
it’s because of most toxic-youtubers, that half of other youtubers
who don’t know where the original videos come from
and don’t bother checking the description below more carefully,
that the original ones end up getting false reported,
and if I had to guess, if you don’t inform that you have a youtube amv you made and uploaded on both youtube and at another video sharing site, and a person sees it over at the other place first
and then see it on youtube, it is possible they will not think they are the same person and will falsely report the video.
that might of been the reason for what happen to one of
the Undertale Amvs. either the person who false reported saw the sub version of it by a person who got permission, or they saw it on another video sharing site and then didn’t bother to ask before jumping the gun.
 later I am gonna write about how the Toxic-Youtubers
need to be stop, because of their taking episodes or amv and gmvs
without permission of the other youtubers that end up the victims.
right now I’m just going to post some drawings up on here.
I don’t think Sunset will end up in Shadow Meets Equestria Girls,
at least not to my knowledge.
too bad she couldn’t stop Discord, Celestia and Luna
from turning Cozy Glow, Tirek and Chrysalis to a stone statue.
could of used the Element of Empathy during that battle.
I still love the last episodes and all the other episodes of MLPFIM.
but if characters like Discord, Celestia, Luna, Star Butterfly, Scrooge McDuck (from the ducktales reboot) , Pink “Rose” Diamond,
and Mr Death’s girlfriend Miss Life from Adventure Time series
(worst Mom Ever of all time.)
do a Anti-Hero move, and end up hurting others who for what they believe is the fully the right thing to do.
no matter if Discord had turned Cozy bad or not,
it is possible that the reason why she was trying to get rid of the magic,
was because of how Unicorns (even if it’s not all Unicorns)
treat Earth-Ponies and Pegasus as second class citizens.
the only ponies that seem to higher in rank than Unicorns,
would be Alicorns.
in theory, the Bat-Ponies might be treated third class citizens,
seeing as no filly or colt or equine of the bat-ponies
have ever made much appearances or went to Twilight’s school of friendship.
let’s turn to the Buffalo in MLPFIM,
we know that the earth-ponies took over their lands and planted apple trees.
but it is possible that the Buffalo weren’t the only ones who lived in the land that would then become Equestria II.
before they were driven out, Tirek’s family ruled the land that would then become the new equestria.
and the three wendigos are possibly from the Equestria I,
before Equestria II was founded.
I believe that the wendigos are the spirits of the original sirens
that Stygian met and when he went to get help,
the three original sirens end up tricking three little filly sisters
those being Adagio Dazzle (the eldest sister)  Aria Blaze (the middle sister), Sonata Dusk (the youngest sister)
the siren gems end up bonding to the three young fillies,
and transforming them to sirens, while the originals
become the wendigos.
wendigos go after ponies with negative energy/magic,
the dazzling’s use to do the same until their power was taken away,
but it returned to them when they re-learned how to sing,
and it appears their powers might of changed a bit.
 find the magic is one of my favorite songs that is sung by the dazzlings.      
when the three of those sisters
(and yes they are really sisters in canon)
were tricked by the original sirens who then became wendigos,
Stygian did not see this and because of him and Starswirl and the others, innocent fillies that were overcome by the power that was given to them by the wendigos, were banished from equestria I.
over time the Wendigos frozen the land beyond healing,
and all ponies moved to another land, taking it over,
and driving it’s original ruling family and half of their people
to a new place, possibly underground.
the only ones that were left, was the native animals
such as the bugbear, chimera, cockatrice and other monster type animals.
the animals that weren’t originally from the land that would become Equestria II, were brought from Equestria I by the ponies.
the other natives of Equestria II besides Tirek and maybe even the changelings,
would be the Buffalo.
before earth-ponies became crystal ponies,
they took the original Queen Changelings Crystal Empire,
this was long before they become what they look like when we are first introduce them, in theory, I think they look like their reform selves
but possibly in Crystal form.
I wont force other fans to believe that theory,
but I see it as headcanon.
the earth-ponies that would become crystal ponies,
were welcome into the crystal changelings home,
but then were exiled by them and without the crystal heart,
they slowly became corrupt and starve.
over time the earth-ponies that took over their rightful home
became the Crystal Ponies, maybe by Princess Amore’s Grandmother.
I guess it could be possible that Amore didn’t know how the Crystal Ponies and her grandmother had founded the Crystal Empire,
not knowing it was the original home of the changelings,
and without the power of the crystal heart to share their love that would then in return feed them, they would slowly become the changelings that we end up introduce to.
I also have a theory that Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie
and Rainbow Dash from the human world, might really be the original ponies from Equestria, from the first season of when Nightmare Moon returns.
like what if when any pony finds out the truth about the history of Equestria, they were taken to that magic pool, cloned
and then banished to another portal to the human world
or the mirror to the human world was open by Alicorn Magic.
the only one who possibly didn’t have a human counterpart,
was Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer, well they might have in the fanon.
but we know that most of the humans we see in the human counterpart world, aren’t seen in Equestria.
what if Trixie from the human world, was really the original Trixie
who had used the Alicorn Amulet and after everything seem to work out in the end, Trixie was taken by Celestia to the magic pool,
cloned and then the real Trixie was banished to the human world.
even if most of the humans from the human world,
would be originally born humans, most of the humans could turn out to be ponies who were banished by at first Starswirl and then later Celestia.
at some point Celestia stop that kind of banishment,
and started to turn ponies into stone instead.
I think that half of the pony statues we see along with Discord,
were real ponies once, who perhaps were the original elements of harmony along with Celestia and Luna.
but they were betrayed by Celestia,
and when Luna found out the truth of what happen to their friends,
it gave her the final push (besides the other being jealous that their subjects seem to love Celestia more than her.)
to give in to the negative side of Alicorn Magic,
and transform into her dark half.....which is Nightmare Moon.
the Statue Pony that looks like they are holding a stroll,
might be the element of inspiration.
the book of the elements of harmony, was perhaps rewritten,
to hide the fact there was more than just six elements.
to hide this truth, Celestia took the elements that she and her sister could not use, and destroyed them and threw their shards into the human world, where they would end up in a cave
and then grow into a new tree of harmony for the human world,
and later their power will be given to Sunset and her friends.
Rarity was original suppose to be the element of inspiration,
but because of the word might not be understood,
it was changed to generosity.
it is easy to explain the element of inspiration,
it’s like you get a idea that inspires you, like drawing a fan art
or writing a fan fic or writing a story or drawing that doesn’t have to do with fan art or fan fic and or if you write a song or poem.
that is what is the true element of inspiration is like.
Trixie being the element of forgiveness in Princess Trixie Sparkle,
is awesome.
in theory if she ends up meeting Starlight in that fan series,
I think they would still end up becoming friends because of the bond they shared in the canon.
if my theory ended up being true, and not just a fan theory.
if the shards of the lost elements of harmony were destroyed by Celestia, then thrown into the human world and ended up in a cave,
and then grew into a new element of harmony tree, or what appears like a broken tree crystal rock thing.
then those broken shards would have some of the original powers of the elements that are still in equestria, in them which would grow each of all the elements, first the ones that are needed by Sunset and her friends, then when the time comes the lost elements would grow from that crystal rock tree stump.
one of those who might be the ones who represent the lost elements of harmony.
might be Trixie, Moondancer, Starlight Glimmer, Wallflower Blush,
Juniper Montage, Maud Pie, Vinyl Scratch possibly.
those who are the Neo-Elements of Harmony,
would have to be Smolder, Yona, Gallus, Sandbar, Ocellus
and Silverstream.
and if Cozy ended up forming a friendship and deep bond with those six.....she might of became someone who represented the element of empathy.
and those who represent the lost elements of harmony
might be Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara,
Silver Spoon and Silverstream’s brother.
there is always the comic series of MLPFIM,
and maybe Cozy, Tirek and Chrysalis
will be given freedom in the comic series...maybe, I don’t know.   
anyway I hope some of you like this drawing that has a ship
of Nicolette x Fiona and Scourge x Sunset.
 even if this was partly inspired by Shadow Meets Equestria Girls,
it is still possible that Sunset might not end up in that fan series.
but it be nice if she was, and Scourge fell in love with her.
if anyone can reform Scourge and understand why he became the way he did, it would be Sunset Shimmer. 
in this drawing Scourge captures Sunset, that is why he is the only one smiling and she is not too happy,
but it also hints that they will fall in love. 
and it is Scourge and Sunset’s love and bonding with each other,
will help Scourge reform, he will still be himself,
but be a bit different too.
well that is how I view it anyway.              
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