#first no sign of mgg
dierecneps · 5 months
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reidsdaisies · 1 month
Heyooo, for our boy Lesley pls x
𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐞𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐨𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐆𝐥𝐞𝐞
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blurb ask game
👄: sharing their first kiss
🚪: showing up at the other's door, begging for comfort
🍯: friends to lovers
💘: love at first sight
🔥: slow burn
😭: unrequited love
༉‧´ˎ˗ paring; lesley smith-juniment x gn!reader ༉‧´ˎ˗ summary; Friends is what you are, what you’ve always been. That fact breaks your heart. ༉‧´ˎ˗ content warnings; friends to lovers?? trope, mentions of reader’s cheating ex, unrequited love, reader is obsessed with him fr and lesley is hung up over Summer.., kissing, sadness and crying. ༉‧´ˎ˗ wc; 1.8k ༉‧´ˎ˗ a/n; currently preparing to be hunted down and threatened with pitchforks (jk..) this was so fun to write.. i feel like it has potential for more 😭
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mgg masterlist ; main masterlist ; request guidelines ; inbox
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You weren’t even supposed to be working that day. The only reason you were was because your coworker had a family emergency pop up, and she begged you to swap shifts with her. She was your friend first and foremost, so you accepted, wishing her well.
That didn’t mean you were happy about it, though.
You sat behind the counter, head in hand, listening to the sounds of a ticking clock above you. There was not an hour left in the work day, yet it felt like an eternity.
The sound of a bell chiming was what pulled you from your thoughts of boredom. It signaled that there was a customer in need of service. You were almost inclined to tell him you were closing early and to leave, but something about him made you change your mind completely.
The handsome stranger standing in the doorway had an awkward smile plastered on his face, eyes bouncing from wall to wall, scanning over the array of products that the store offered.
“Can I help you, sir?” You asked, picking your head up and looking straight at him.
His ear perked, quickly looking over to you.
“Uh, yeah, yeah you can! Do you guys sell gloves?”
“What do you think?” You laughed.
“Uh, yes? The sign outside said–“
“That we’re a garden supply store. So yeah, we sell gardening gloves. Unless you meant like mittens, cause then we don’t have those.”
“Yeah, I meant gardening gloves. I only asked because I’m looking for specific ones.. I suppose I should’ve said that before.” He grinned nervously.
You’d gotten up by that point, rounding the counter to stand in front of the man. He switched tabs on his phone to the search tab he had opened, presenting it to you. You studied the picture well.
“Hmm.. I think we have those. If not, then I’m sure we have something very similar.”
You motioned for him to follow you, which he did. You stopped in a corner of the store, eyes scanning over each shelf carefully.
“Ahh, here they are,” you smiled to yourself, plucking a pair from the middle shelf and handing them to the man. “Nearly identical.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, staring down at the item, lifting the tag on them. “Thank you..” the man started, bringing his sight over to your name tag. “Y/N.”
You nodded, flashing him a smile of your own, yours far from nervous. You were enjoying the man’s company so far, even from the very little he spoke.
“Is this all, sir?”
“Yeah, and it’s Lesley. Lesley Smith-Juniment.” He told you his full name, as if he was expecting it to be used by you.
“Alright Lesley Smith-Juniment, let’s ring you up.”
At checkout he told you he was planning on starting a garden in his yard. You also learned that he’d most likely be coming back very soon.
You couldn’t wait to see his pretty face again, or to call him by his pretty name again. You couldn’t wait to see him again. You were elated.
The rain came down hard, your knocks on the door just as hard. Luckily you donned a raincoat, lent to you by the man who’s door you were on the verge of breaking in.
The door suddenly flung open, taking you aback, a small gasp escaping you.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” Lesley asked, panicked, beginning to lead you inside his house by your arm.
You stumbled into the foyer, too focused on kicking your shoes off to answer. You let them fall to the ground and lay sideways on the rug.
“He did it again,” you bit, huffing, eyes set on the wooden floor.
“Oh, y/n,” he cooed. He still held onto your arm, and he pulled you back in closer to him, but you pushed him off.
“I don’t want your pity, Lesley,” your voice cracked.
You were there because that’s exactly what you wanted. You wanted him to feel bad for you, to wrap you up in his arms and never let you go.
Even though that’s what you longed for, it hurt too much to admit, and it was wrong to want. He had feelings for a girl, you were in a relationship – well, a dysfunctional relationship that had ended not an hour before. The man was a placeholder anyway.. and the feeling was mutual.
You groaned, slumping into his arms, too tired to fight what you truly desire anymore. He would hold you but you still wore your (his) raincoat and it was positively drenched in water.
“C’mon, Y/N,” he grunted as he lifted you up from the arms to stand straight again. He was tired himself, dressed in his pajamas, hair a mess, but he’d always make you a priority. You were his friend, his best friend, after all..
Lesley slid the coat off you, making a deal of hanging it up before he walked you into his living room. You immediately curled up on the familiar plush cushions of his couch, hugging a throw pillow close to you. You used it to dramatically muffle your sobs.
The brunet returned not 5 minutes later with a mug of tea in his hand and a warm smile on his face. He sat down beside you on the couch, one hand on the handle of the cup and the other rubbing reassuring circles on your thigh.
“Homemade mint tea,” he told you as you shifted around, sitting up. Homemade mint tea. Mint from his garden. The garden his friend, the woman he had a crush on, prompted him to start. The garden you helped him with.
You tried not to look bitter. Lesley was one of the kindest, softest men you’d met in your entire life. It wasn’t his fault that he likes a woman who is quite literally engaged. You didn’t want him to ever think that you weren’t considerate of him and everything he did for and with you.
“Thanks, Lee.” You mustered up a smile. It was still a sad one, though. I mean, you were literally cheated on, for the 3rd time might I add, by your ‘boyfriend’, if you can even call him one, who’s now your ex. You’d been crying all day. And then, being with the only person who you trusted to tell such a thing to, who had his own issues with his love life, it made you even sadder.
You sipped from the mug, swallowing the liquid. He had put a bit of sugar in it.. just like how you always begged him to do but he never did until then.
“It’s really good,” you whispered, trying hard not to cry, but you failed. You tried to conceal your sorrow but the sniffling gave it away. Lesley looked at you with utmost compassion and understanding.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, brows furrowed and eyes focused on you.
“About what..?” You managed through a choked sob.
“About the reason you’re crying.”
Is what you wanted to answer with, but you couldn’t. What you wanted in the moment was to continue doing what you had been for years, avoiding it altogether. But all that avoiding it gave you was resentment towards Lesley and a girl you barely knew. You didn’t truly want to continue with it, so you mustered a nod, shutting your eyes and taking a deep breath.
“Lee..” you cleared your throat, correcting yourself, “Lesley Smith-Juniment, I.. I’m going to be vulnerable with you..”
“Please do,” he encouraged softly.
“My ex-boyfriend.. he’s not the man I’m in love with. My feelings for him go no deeper than surface-level. And the feeling is clearly mutual,” you tried to make a joke out of your last sentence, but Lesley didn’t laugh. He was taking this seriously.
“I have feelings for someone who isn’t him..”
“What are you trying to say, Y/N?” He asked, as if he was confused. Maybe he actually was, you’re not sure. He’s smart, he should’ve known exactly where you were leading with this.
“Wh-what I’m trying to say is..” you stumbled over your words, pausing for a moment to take another breath. He must’ve known what he was doing by picking your hand up gently, holding it in his. “I-I’m in love with you.. I have been for so long.” You whisper wistfully, glossy eyes staring straight into his eyes for approval.
It wasn’t fair that you couldn’t be together. He was single, you were through with your ex-‘boyfriend’, the girl he liked was taken. You were both available.
You were so close that you could feel his breath fan across your cheek, faces mere inches apart, your ragged breathing and sniffles all he could hear. The longer you stared into his eyes, the more your vision started to warp. You genuinely believed he was looking at you lovingly, wordlessly telling you that he felt the same way.
You weren’t thinking properly, and before you could stop yourself, you were leaning forward, pressing your lips to his. His lips were soft like rose petals, and they tasted as sweet as roses smell. He wasn’t pulling back, in fact, he was tightening his grip on your hand, kissing you harder before he finally broke the kiss, pulling back from the force that you were.
He stared at you dazed, eyes scanning your features. There was a glint of hope in your eyes, as if you really believed he’d kiss you again.
“Y/N, you need to go.”
“Wh-what?” Panic flooded your brain.
“I like someone else, Y/N. You need to understand that and you need to leave. Go repair things with your boyfriend, on your own this time, or don’t.”
He pulled you off the couch, grabbing the mug and setting it down on the coffee table carelessly as he began dragging you back towards the door.
“Lesley, what do you mean? It’s so late, have you seen the weather? You can surely hear it.” You were frantically trying to change his mind, watching helplessly as he rummaged through the closet, looking for that raincoat. You were hesitant to put it on, but you did, and you did so slowly.
“You’re right, it’s late. I’m going to bed, and you’re going to get back in your car and drive home.”
“Yes. Yes, Y/N. Don’t protest with me.”
It was rare that Lesley used that grating of a tone with you, but you knew it was warranted. You’d forced yourself into his home, confessed to him when you should’ve known he didn’t feel the same, and most importantly, kissed him without warning.
Tears began to stream down your face again. You didn’t deal well when people were harsh to you.
“Y/N,” he whispered, frowning. “I love you, but I need you to go home, for both of our benefits, okay?”
“O-okay..” you agreed, voice sounding utterly dejected. “Are we still watching the game on Sunday?”
“We’ll see, Y/N.”
That was the last thing he said to you before he shut the heavy door in your face, leaving you to drown in the storm of your own creation.
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Let me know your thoughts about this in the comments or my inbox and like & reblog to support! Much love <33
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Spencer Reid x reader
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I'm actually only on season two of criminal minds.
Summary: Spencer gets home from a case.
Warnings: None
Short story
Spencer had just got off of the BAU's jet, finally home in Virginia after being away for a week. His first thought was not to go back to the office but rather go back to his own house, just like the others would do as well. He had gotten a ride to his home, far to tired to bring himself to drive, as he sat in the backseat of the car his mind started to wonder. Thoughts of you flashed in his head, your face and voice was all he could focus on as he tried keep his eyes open, and before he knew it he was in the driveway of his home.
Spencer sluggishly walked into the house and set his luggage down next to the door before locking it behind himself, he made an immediate beeline towards your shared room, and wasted no time to open the door. Spencer's feet led him over to your side of the bed, he sat next to you on the edge, his arm came up to pet your hair, and move it out of your face. He leaned over to press a kiss again your head then got up with a sigh, his joints cracking as his knees stretched, a telltale sign that he had been sitting far too much these past few hours. Reid walked over to the on-suite bathroom for a shower, to get rid of the grime and sweat that clung to his skin.
After his shower spencer walked back into the room, but not before stopping to glance at your sleeping form. Spencer ducked his head down as he crawled into bed next to you, even though he was exhausted, Spencer knew he wouldn't be able to fall asleep easily. He opted to lay on his back staring at the ceiling, his mind wondering to things about the most recent cases he's worked on.
You shifted next to him and he turned his head to look at you, his eyes raked over almost every detail of your face, from the stray hairs on your eyebrows, to the color on your parted lips. Spencer reached his hand up to push the hair out of your face again, this time his hand stayed on your cheek, occasionally his thumb would swipe against your cheekbone. He watched as you stirred again, and how your eyebrows knit together.
"Spencer?" You mumbled out, not quite sure that it was really him in bed next to you.
"Yeah." He whispered just as low as you did, confirming that he was finally back at home.
You shifted so that your head would be on Spencer's chest and your leg could be thrown over his own, and the brunette moved his arm back so that you could lay on it. No other words were said as you fell asleep with him finally next to you, your worrying could finally come to a halt, at least until he has to go out on another case.
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On season four now, because this has been in my drafts! I've never really seen the hype with MGG but lately...I get it.
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themetaphorgirl · 1 year
Patron Saint chapter 9
Archive of Our Own
-people were extremely confused by the concept of corn nuggets when I first mentioned them in this chapter, but they were LITERALLY my favorite food at the school cafeteria. I would order just corn nuggets and fries on Fridays.
-Alex calling Dave “Uncle Moneybags” cracks me up
-the gym class bit in this chapter was based on the interview with MGG when he said that Spencer glued his bully’s chin to a pullup bar when he was nine. The logistics were...difficult to figure out,
-this is the first intense Big Brother Aaron moment with Spencer, and the first sign of his temper. And one of the first big signs of Spencer’s reaction to trauma. A lot of sad firsts. 
-speaking of sad: poor Emily. Her traumas are buried SO deep
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blackbird-brewster · 10 months
5, 12, 17, 19!
[Send me 'Cursed' Fanfic Asks]
5. Who's the sexiest non-human character in your current fandom? (must actually diverge from human sexual characteristics - no elves or asari)
I don't really have any non-human characters (as specified here) in my fandoms. Even in Critical Role, everyone is humanoid. If I'm widening the scope to make this question more of a general 'Hey, what monsters would you fuck?' -- I'd say Abe Sapien (Shape of Water) really opened my eyes to being a monster fucker. I'm also super horny for Laudna's (Critical Role) form of dread. [I mean, check out this art and tell me she's not 100% fuckable]
12. Look up your current fandom on IMDB and do a fuck/marry/kill of the first 3 top-billed characters.
This one is really fun so I'm doing all my main fandoms atm!!
Criminal Minds: (Fuck) AJ Cook, (Marry) Kirsten Vangsness, (Kill) MGG >:)
Critical Role: (Fuck) Matt Mercer, (Marry) Marisha Ray, (Kill) Liam O'Brien (sorry dude!)
Doctor Who: (Fuck) Peter Capaldi, (Marry) David Tennant, (Kill) Matt Smith
Stargate SG-1: (Fuck) Christopher Judge, (Marry) Amanda Tapping, (Kill) Michael Shanks
17. If you could steal one fic from any other writer and claim it as your own, what would you take?
Oh gosh, this is difficult! I guess, I'd have to say [Steps] by @otahkoapisiakii bc it really is god-tiered fluff. This is the kind of shit I aspire to whenever I write fluffy fics.
19. You have to choose one of your works for a cherished relative, teacher, guardian, etc. to read - which one do you send them?
[Head Full of Doubt] is one I've shared with real life people outside of my internet fandom. My therapist bought a copy of the book format of it and had me sign it lol. It was an extremely personal fic to me and I've always been proud to share it with people. [Fooled Around (and Fell in Love)] is also a series I've shared with friends who have never watched CM. I love this series with my whole heart and it's one of my crowning achievements in my current era of writing.
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spookydrreid · 3 years
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The First Time
Paring: MGG x fem!virgin!reader
Category: Smut 18+ (MINORS DNI)
Content warnings: loss of virginity, softdom!matthew, fingering, oral (female receiving), unprotected penetrative sex, use of the pet name little lamb.
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: I must admit that this fic gave me quite the challenge. I rewrote it 27 times (that’s not an exaggeration) and I’m still not super, super happy with how it turned out. And I’m so sorry if it’s not what you all expected. But here it is and I hope you enjoy it 🤍
“Little lamb? Are you ready?” My boyfriends soft voice called from his bedroom. I pulled up the zipper of my gown before fluffing up my hair and exiting the room where I’d been getting ready. My heels clacked across the wood of his floors as I made my way to his room.
Matthew and I had been together for just over a year now, but only out to the public for a few months. And tonight, was our first carpeted appearance. Tonight, we made it officially official in the eyes of the press. I was nervous to say the least as I’d never been to something like this. But I knew what I was signing up for when Matthew and I started dating.
I stoped dead in my tracks in the door frame, my eyes raking over my man. Matthew wasn’t one to worry about how he dressed, going with whatever, he felt like wearing that day. But there was nothing like that man in a suit and tie. I’d walked in on him attaching his cuff links, his eyes flickering up for a moment when he heard me approach. He smiled before shaking out his sleeves to adjust his jacket. His suit was black, his tie matching the color of my dress perfectly.
“Well, don’t you look absolutely stunning, sweetheart,” he praised as he pulled me towards him by my hands. My fingers touched the fabric of his jacket, taking him in as I tried to form words.
“You do too, baby,” was all I could manage as my nerves took hold of my tongue.
I had a nice little surprise for Matthew. A surprise I’d waited my entire life to give to someone. My virginity. I was ready and he was the one I was going to give it too. I had decided I’d waited long enough. And Matthew has been so patient. He never once made me feel bad about not having sex with him. He didn’t run, he didn’t freak out. He just… accepted.
“I am so fucking lucky to have you on my arm tonight,” I felt my cheeks warm at his sentiment. He always knew just how to make me feel like the most important person in the room. In the world actually.
“I’m nervous. I’ve never done anything like this before. What if I say the wrong thing?” I smoothed down the lapel of his suit, fiddling with anything to keep my mind occupied.
He took my chin between his fingers, forcing my eyes to his face. My tummy filling with butterflies as I stared up at him. “You can’t say the wrong thing, baby,” he said softly. “Just answer their questions honestly and if they ask you something you don’t want to answer, squeeze my hand.” I smiled at him. Always so considerate of my feelings and making sure I was comfortable. I leaned up to kiss him softly, his hand moving to my cheek as he kissed me back.
“Come on! We don’t wanna be late now, do we?” He slid his hand in mine, fingers holding me tight as he led me to the waiting car.
I swear I’d never seen so many cameras in my life. My leg bounced as the car rolled to a stop, my heart racing at the idea that we were about to make this completely official. It’s not that I didn’t want too, I wanted us to be known, I just was afraid of saying the wrong thing.
“Hey,” Matthew shook my hand, pulling me from my thoughts, “it’s going to be okay. I’ll be right there the entire time.” And with one last kiss, it was time.
Cameras flashed in my face as we stepped out hand in hand. It was blinding to say the least. But I put on my best smile and wrapped my arm around Matthews, following his lead. He made it all look so easy, smiling and waving to anyone who called his name. And panic set in as we stopped at the first reporter. She was pretty, a dazzling smile as she greeted us warmly.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Americas favorite new couple! I’m honestly honored to be the first to interview you two!” She pulled me in for a hug. “Y/N you look absolutely stunning! Your dress is to die for!”
“Doesn’t she?” Matthew spoke before I’d gotten the chance to say anything. “I’d say she’s the best looking thing out here.” I smiled and felt my face warm. He always loved to make me feel pretty.
His hand snaked its way around my lower back, pulling me into his side as he answered the reporters questions. I just stood there and admired him. His suit fit him beautifully, the gold cuff links matching my jewelry. He looked fucking perfect and I couldn’t ignore the wetness that was forming. I couldn’t wait to get him home.
I always knew Matthew was good with the press, I’ve been watching him from a far for over a year. But watching him in action from at his side was another level. And by the time we actually entered the event, I was dying.
“Are you okay, honey? You seem a little out of sorts.” I hated how well he could read me, his profiling skills really playing over into our relationship.
“I’m great! Just happy that’s over with!” He raised a brow at me in disbelief but I just shot him my sweetest smile.
“Okay?” He said with disbelief still laced in his voice, “but you’ll tell me if you want to leave, right?”
I wrapped my arm around his, “yes, sir.” He stiffened at my side. I’d only ever called him that once. When our kisses turned into my mouth around his dick. I giggled to myself as he relaxed into my touch.
And when we took our seats at the table, filled with some of Matthew’s co-stars, I decided it was time to have a little fun. I started by resting my hand innocently on his knee, something I’d done often. He smiled at me, kissing my temple before turning to the conversation of his friends.
“It’s so nice to finally see you at events, y/n,” Kirsten said. It was then that I started moving my hand up Matthew thigh just slightly as I spoke.
“I really don’t know how you guys do this with such grace,” Matthew stiffened slightly as I stopped my hands movements just before his groin. I stifled the smile that threatened to emerge.
“Grace? On time I smacked your man in the balls on the carpet and those pictures now live on the internet and his fans love them,” Paget giggled before turning to Matthew. “Do you remember that?”
By now my hand had continued moving over his lap to the bulge that’s formed in his pants. I start to palm him gently as he tries to answer his friend.
“Y-yeah. I remember that,” he chuckles nervously as I continue. I laugh along, using a little more pressure and feeling him get harder in my hand.
Once everyone is talking to each other he grips my wrist, effectively stopping me. He leans over, kissing my temple before asking, “what are you doing? There are photographers everywhere.”
I glanced around, taking note that there were not, in fact, photographers everywhere.
“I don’t see any. I’m just trying to entertain myself.” I feign innocence, shooting him my best puppy eyes. And it works, his grip dropping from my wrist. “Just tell me to stop and I will.” I pause and wait for him to say it. But he doesn’t.
We fall back into casual conversation, my hand staying on his bulge but not making any effort to get him off. But once I feel the blood starting to move else where, I pick back up. Matthew clears his throat, sipping his drink to conceal the moan he desperately wants to let slip.
And we go on like that for a while. And he doesn’t even try to get me back. I know it’s because he doesn’t want to put any pressure on me, but it’s not like it’s something we haven’t done before. So it’s not long before I decide to take the initiative.
I grip Matthews hand in mine, pulling it to rest against my thigh that was bare from the slit in my dress. I don’t miss the slight smirk that comes to rest against Matthews face as I slowly slide his hands higher. And once his hand starts moving on its own, I let him go, my mind reeling from the surprise he was about to find under my dress.
His hand slides higher and higher as mine goes back to palming him. To everyone else, it just looks like we’re just resting. But only we know what’s really happening. I love how erotic it is and my mind spins with all we could do after tonight.
His breath hitches as he finally gets to my bare core. But I keep on listening like he didn’t just find my pussy wet and ready for his taking.
“Where are your fucking panties,” he croaks once the conversation breaks.
I shrug, “I must’ve forgotten them at home. Shame.” He bites his lip to hold back the groan the bubbles from my ministrations.
“What are you saying?” We’d discussed the topic of how I was planning on presenting to him that I was ready a few times. But I told him he’d know. Of course he’d need my verbal conformation, but we just had this unspoken language where he always knew what I wanted. What I needed.
I leaned in a little closer, my grip tightening slightly on his solid cock, “I’m saying that I want you to take me home and make me yours.”
Matthew gulps then, his face flushing at my request. Of course I was his. I was his from the moment I laid eyes on him. But I wanted him to claim the deepest parts of me. Parts no one had ever claimed before. I wanted him to devour me over and over until I broke. And I saw in his darkened eyes that he was up for the challenge.
He smirks, his tongue resting on the back of his top teeth as his brows raise and he chuckles. He’s giddy at the idea of claiming me and I know that he can’t wait any longer.
I watch him pull out his phone and put it to his ear.
“Hello?” I suppress the urge to giggle as he continues, “yeah? Oh! Yes we’ll be right there!” He pretends to hang up, the table now looking over at him with confused expressions.
“I’m so sorry guys! The alarm for the gate was triggered and security is at the house but they need us there!” He shoots me look of fake concern and I also pretend to be concerned. But he doesn’t gives us time to say goodbyes. He just grips my wrist and off we go.
The second the door is shut my body is pressed against it, his lips on mine as he pulls me close. I can feel his boner pressed against my stomach and the excitement is almost too much to bare.
“Are you sure about this?” He asks once he pulls back. His hands have found their way to my face and his thumbs rub my cheeks. “You know there’s absolutely no pressure. I’ll wait forever if I have too.”
I can’t stop the swelling of my heart at his words. I feel safe in his grasp. And I’m sure that I want to do this with him. I don’t think I’ve ever been more sure of anything before.
“I know.” I kiss him softly, “but I’m ready. Please,” I can’t stop the whine from seeping into my words. I’m desperate for this man to teach me all he knows. I only want to learn from him. Forever.
He pulls me back in, the kiss deep and filled with need and love. His hands scramble to find the zipper of my dress as mine push off his jacket and start on the buttons of his shirt.
He pulls the zipper down, letting the dress pool at my feet. And he gets the shock of his life when he realizes that I’m totally bare under it. His mouth hangs as his eyes grow wide. It’s not the first time he’s seen me naked, but it’s the first time he’s seeing me like this in a sexual way.
“I- I- holy fuck,” he stutters. His hands are running over the planes of my skin, feeling every curve and line I have. His eyes are filled with so much love, lust and adoration.
“You’re a work of art, my lamb,” he whispers as he pulls me back in for a kiss. I undo the last button of his shirt and push it off to fall into the heap of our clothes below. His hands are pushing me down the hall to his bedroom and once my ankles hit his bed he pushes me lightly back.
I push myself back until I’m laying on his pillows, my hair splayed around me. Matthew stares at me with a love I’ve never seen in my entire life. It’s overwhelming.
He crawls up to settle between my legs, his eyes boring into mine as he kisses me again. His hand touches me lightly, tracing down the valley of my breast’s before stopping to tweak one of my nipples. I moan lightly into his mouth and arch into his touch.
“Is this okay, princess?” He asks as his lips descend down my jaw and neck.
“Yes. Please, Matthew.” I don’t even know what I’m begging for. But when Matthews mouth moves to take one of my peaks into his mouth, sucking lightly while his hand works the other, I know that he knows what I need. He swaps his mouth and his hand and I grow impossibly more wet.
His eyes never leave my face, even as my eyes shut and my hands move into his hair.
“Fuck, baby,” I purr. His mouth feel amazing and he’s only just started.
It’s not long until he’s kissing down my tummy. “You.” He plants a kiss before speaking again. “Are so” kiss. “Fucking” kiss. “Perfect.” And when he’s done, he’s at my core.
“Can I make you feel good, baby?” He double checks and I mutter out a desperate ‘please’ to him.
He spreads my legs slowly, admiring my glistening core for a moment. “If at any point you want to stop, you tell me okay? I’ll never be mad or disappointed. Promise me you’ll tell me?”
“I promise, Matthew.”
And with that, he settles in. Placing a kiss to my clit before licking a slow, long stripe up my slit. “You taste so fucking good. So sweet.”
I have no time to blush because he wraps his arms around my hips and sucks lightly on my clit. I let out a long moan and my hands find their way into his hair, tugging lightly as my hips grind into his face.
“Ah! Matthew!” His tongue flicks my clit. He lets go on my hip with one hand and lets a finger slip inside me. He works slow, continuing with his mouth at my core to keep my distracted. He curls it slightly to hit my g spot. “Yes! Right there! I’m so close, Matthew.”
He works me faster and in no time my pussy is clenching around him. My orgasm washing over me in beautifully suffocating waves.
“Such a good little lamb!” He praises as he works me through the high. But he doesn’t stop, “why don’t you give me another one, yeah?” He smirks as I cry out from the overstimulation, but he doesn’t stop.
“I- I can’t!” I whine.
“Oh, sure you can! Lemme just slip another finger in there to help you out!” I hiss as he does, the feeling of him stretching me just slightly uncomfortable. “God, baby. You’re so fucking tight! How are we ever gonna get my cock to fit?” His thumb presses circles on my clit and my brain is spinning at the sensations I feel.
“I- I fuck!” I cry out as he scissors his two fingers. It feels so good but so weird at the same time. His fingers feel totally different than mine and I love it so much. So much that it doesn’t take me long to fall apart around them.
“Look at you baby! You did it! Oh I am so proud of you!”
I’m panting as he takes him fingers out of me and pushes them past his lips, sucking them clean. I whine at the sight. It’s hot and I want to see it over and over again.
Matthew moves off the bed, giving me a minute to even my breathing. He kicks off his pants, letting them fall to the floor before he settles back between my legs. His cock is hard and his tip and red and leaking precum. He’s so beautiful and any nerves I had are long gone.
He kisses me one more time before asking once more, “remember, you tell me if anything hurts or is uncomfortable.”
“Yes, sir,” I giggled as I actually watch his pretty cock twitch at my words.
Matthew lines himself up with me after costing himself in my wetness. And when he get confirmation I’m ready, he sinks in. The head of his cock breaching my entrance makes me hiss and his eyes search my face for any need to stop.
He pushes in a little more, “you okay, princess?”
I nod, “keep going! Please!”
And so he does. Pushing in a little more and waiting to let me adjust before pushing in more. And when he’s buried fully inside me, he rest his forehead on mine and lets me adjust.
“You’re so fucking warm and tight around me, little lamb. God I love you.”
I pull him down for a kiss before muttering, “I love you. So much. You can move, Matthew.”
He works slow, his hips moving in a way that won’t hurt me. He fills me so good and he feels like a dream inside me.
“Faster, please. God, you feel so good, Matthew!” I beg. He builds up a fast rhythm. His eyes never once leaving my face so he can check for any discomfort. And when he finds none he goes faster.
My legs wrap around his waist as my nails scratch deep marks in his back. I know they’ll be red later but it’ll be a reminder of the forever mark he’s left on my soul. One of his hands cup my face and hold his weight while the other snakes between our bodies and run the bundle of nerves at my crest.
“Oh my God, Matthew! I-I’m gonna- I...” I can feel my brain short circuit as I grow closer and closer.
“Shhh. I know, little lamb. I know. I’ve got you! You can let go and I’ll catch you. Every. Fucking. Time.” I’m not sure why that sends me over, but it does. My back arches so I’m pressed into Matthews chest as my pussy convulses around him. A strangled version of Matthews name falls from my lips as I ride the wave of ecstasy. I never want it to end.
Matthews pace doesn’t let up and it isn’t long before he’s pulling out. His hand wraps around himself until he’s spilling ropes of cum onto me to the tune of my name. My skin feels like it’s burning as his release hits my tummy and my chest. I feel proud that I did that. That I make him cum like that. And I giggle at the idea of doing it over and over again.
He kisses me hard. I do my best to reciprocate but I’m exhausted. He smiles at me as he pulls back, his hand pushing my hair from my face.
“You did so good, my little lamb. So, so good.” He climbs off of me and pulls on his boxers before making his way into the bathroom. I’m in a daze as he cleans me up with a wet face cloth.
And by the time we’re dressed and back in bed, I’m half asleep. The daze not yet lifted. And I’m glad. I feel amazing and I am grateful I waited for a man like him.
“Thank you,” I sleepily muttered.
“Always, little one. Thank you for trusting me.” He kisses my head and I tighten my hold around him.
“always. I love you!” I yawn and snuggle impossibly closer.
“And I you, little lamb. And I you.”
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writing-in-april · 3 years
A Snowy Morning After (Part 2)
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: After being stuck at Reader’s house because of a snow storm after a one night stand, Spencer wants a round two.
Part One
A/N: Hey guys ☺️ This is my fourteenth fic for my 30 fics in 30 days for April!!! This one was requested by @dreatine who asked for a second part to my short fic A Snowy Morning After which ended in a cliffhanger. This ones kinda porn without plot lol- read the first part of you want the plot 😂 I’m curious to hear from all of you- feel free to drop me an ask about anything here. Join my tag lists here! Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!
Warnings: 18+, Smut, Non specific dominant, Oral sex (F receiving) - nothing else really ☺️
Main Masterlist Word Count: 1.4K
You glanced out your window as snow still trickled down out of the sky to add to the blanket of white covering everything in sight. At first you had been afraid of any more painfully awkward moments between you and Spencer while you waited for the roads to clear. Even though you had offered him a cup of hot chocolate you didn’t know where the conversation was headed, or if there was going to be any at all.
It hadn’t been as awkward as one might expect, you both fell back into how you had been last night before you had taken him back to your house. There was a reason that you had fallen into bed so easy with him last night, conversing with him was addicting, to say the least. The way he talked with his hands and rambled on with such passion made you want to pull him right back into bed again.
The conversation you both had been having as you had been sipping on the rich chocolate drink had been seemingly innocent. The words you had both been speaking, asking him casually about his job, then him asking about yours, had no real weight to them. Tension was still thick around you both, the air seeming hot and heavy even though you hadn’t turned your heat on blast because of the cold.
Eventually all the words fell away, trailing off as you both took another long sip. Spencer’s eyes were roaming every inch of your body, completely unashamed about it. Not that you minded, he had already seen everything last night. And, it was fun to tease him slightly by spreading your legs a little to give him a peak at the panties you had slipped on. They were the ones he had almost ripped off of you the night before.
“Are you trying to tease me?” The sudden questioning and flip from an innocent conversation ended in silence to back to how he had spoken to you while you had him in your bed gave you whiplash.
You squirmed in your seat, the harsh tone of voice he had used making your panties dampen. Going off of natural instinct would have made you wither underneath his piercing gaze, but it had you wanting more. So, you spread your legs a little wider. “Yes.”
In a flash his mouth was on yours, forcing you to stand up by wrapping a hand around your waist and tugging you up. He wasted no time in deepening the kiss, grabbing your cheeks to pull you as close as possible.
You already felt hot despite everything around you having a tinge of cold, panting in his mouth while he continued to explore what your lips had to offer just like the night before. His whole body was warm against yours, like he was shielding you from the cold just outside your door as he pressed you into the table.
You pulled yourself up so you were now sitting on the table, propping yourself up with your hands. Spencer was on his own mission, separating his lips from yours to slowly make the descent down. He lingered at your neck for a while while gripping your hips hard, adding to the collection of hickies he had created last night. Tilting your neck to the side gave him full access, then you wrapped your hands around the back of his neck. You ghosted your fingers over the hickies you had left on him the night before, thinking about leaving more on him.
Spencer didn’t give you the chance as he pulled the sweater you put on over your head once he was satisfied with the work he did on your neck. Immediately he wrapped his lips around one of your nipples and began to play with the other in his fingers. His eyes glanced up at you, making you buck your hips towards him, wanting him to touch you where you needed him the most.
When he didn’t move his mouth off of your nipple to place it where you wanted him you whined in indignation. It caused him to pull off of you and chuckle out, “You’re impatient, we’ve got all the time in the world. Those snow plows won’t be around for hours.”
He then moved to your other nipple, sucking and biting until it was at a stiff peak like the other one. Finally he moved his hands to start pulling down your panties, which he tried to do slowly, but you kicked them off out of impatience. You couldn’t help but whimper and curl your toes when he knelt down in front of you. Pulling you to the edge of the table by surprise, you raked your fingers down the wood, causing another unexpected noise.
He separated your folds with his fingers, exposing your clit more to potentially give him more access. His staring at your dripping core made you wriggle a bit, feeling exposed underneath his gaze. Being exposed didn’t make your desire disappear, it only seemed to make you drip down your inner thighs more. You almost wanted to complain again, but you predicted that would just make him go even slower.
When he dove his tongue into your core it was unexpected as he had been fixating his gaze on you for a while without any signs of movement. A clanging noise filled the air along with the soft moans you had begun to produce, causing you to snap your head to the source of the noise. A pool of spilt hot chocolate was by the edge of the table; you must have knocked over your mug when Spencer had unexpectedly begun to feast on you.
Spencer was unfazed by the noise while you groaned at the mess you had just made, and because his tongue had moved down to your dripping hole, circling around it just to tease.
“Please- don’t tease!” You gasped out loud, grabbing his hair to bring him as close as possible. Your other hand dropped down so you were resting on one of your forearms when Spencer pushed his tongue inside of you. Cursing loudly at the new stimulation you then started to grind your hips into his face while keeping your hold on his hair tight.
Spencer’s ability to breathe was undoubtedly obstructed, especially when your shaky thighs began to clamp around his head. Instead of pulling away he became even more eager, if that was possible. He removed his tongue from your entrance to lick a broad stripe all the way up to your clit, then suctioning his lips around it. When he started to nibble slightly at it your orgasm started to fast approach.
Sensing it he moved one of his hands to come between your thighs, you were going to become addicted to his fingers no doubt. Last night you had gotten a taste of the skill he harbored with his fingers, but he had mostly only used his mouth on you. When he entered his fingers inside of you in tandem with his mouth still sucking and nibbling at your clit you cried out even louder than before.
“Cum for me.” He mumbled into your core. The added vibration of his voice against your clit caused your slowly built orgasm to reach its crest, and crash down around you. You pulled on his hair harder than you probably should have while you rode your high out on his face, though he was obviously enjoying it as he moaned when you had yanked on it hard.
After you had come down from your high, you had glanced over to see the pool of hot chocolate that you had made. “We’re going to need to clean that up.”
He smirked, glancing at the spilled hot chocolate, “We’ve got time.”
Your own smirk was devilish even though in the back of your mind you couldn’t stop thinking about when the time ran out. You both had time now, but that time was limited. The snow plows and salt trucks would eventually come, you’d have to make the most of it, “I’d like to use that time to do something else.”
“What do you want to do instead then?” Arousal still swirled deep in your gut, you were definitely going to pull him back into your room for another round. But, his words had made you think about how you didn’t want this morning after to end. And, you didn’t want to just push that thought down, only to have him slip through your fingers when you could have spoken up.
Ignoring the spill, pushing it off till later, you pulled him by the hand, walking him back towards your room, “I want you to fuck me- but I also want to talk about what you want to do tomorrow morning.”
Ask Me Anything
Tag lists (fill out this form to join): A strike through means tumblr won’t let me tag you
All works: @shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg @boxofsparklingmuses @takeyourleap-of-faith
All MGG characters: @muffin-cup @willowrose99 @princesssmooshie @peterpanouat @anaagraceeberr @spencerreid9
Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes @onlyhereforthefanfics @jareauswifey @princesssmooshie @peterpanouat
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
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I posted 8,935 times in 2021
4198 posts created (47%)
4737 posts reblogged (53%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.1 posts.
I added 5,894 tags in 2021
#ask - 2755 posts
#spencer reid - 467 posts
#spencer reid fanfiction - 405 posts
#mgg - 345 posts
#friends - 342 posts
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#spencer reid imagine - 328 posts
#spencercore - 320 posts
#spencer reid x reader - 317 posts
#spencer reid smut - 280 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
and its inappropriate...
My Top Posts in 2021
I'm not kidding!
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summary: Spencer keeps getting little notes from a secret admirer, they're nice and sweet at first as they tease him with their crush until she's sending him notes about all the dirty things she wants to do to him
content warnings: teasing, dirty talk, praise, mutual pining, strangers to lovers, virgin reader, first times, love confessions, switch spencer+reader, Perv!spencer and Perv!reader undertones, hand jobs, oral (male and female receiving), titty jobs, spit mentions, fingering, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, creampie, (this is the dirtiest one i've done yet so if i missed anything that i should tag please let me know)
836 notes • Posted 2021-06-25 17:40:17 GMT
Million Dollar Man
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summary: Spencer's therapist recommended he branch out and meet new people who don't want to talk about his work... she didn't expect him to sign up for a Sugar Daddy website.
warnings: sugar daddy!spencer, age gaps (14 years), daddy kink, blow jobs, kissing, drinking mention, lowkey perv!spencer, (more to add)
949 notes • Posted 2021-07-14 17:48:34 GMT
Being Neighbourly
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Request: reader is Spencers neighbour and she can hear him masturbating every night that he's home how do you have her deal with that?
warnings: strangers to lovers, masturbation mention, voyeurism kinda, oral (female receiving), penetrative sex, dirty talk
1092 notes • Posted 2021-06-29 05:11:01 GMT
Exploration | request
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summary: season1/2 spencer walking in on reader while she's watching porn in their shared hotel room
warnings: virgin reader, virgin spencer, masturbation, getting caught, coming out, bi reader, first times, friends to lovers, mutual pining, oral sex (male and female receiving), spencers sensitive nipples, multiple orgasms, penetrative sex, idiots in love,
1146 notes • Posted 2021-05-30 05:56:23 GMT
touch me
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spencer reid x reader
Summary: Spencer is incredibly touch-starved and hard on himself since coming home from prison. Luckily, the medical examiner in this small town is really good at reading people, and exactly what he needs.
warnings: mentions of cases, insecurity issues, female reader, smut, blowjobs, riding, praise, emotional hurt/comfort. emotional sex, strangers to lovers, hook-ups,
word count: 5.8k
1986 notes • Posted 2021-05-04 06:29:15 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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mgg-theprettiestboy · 4 years
the best part
matthew gray gubler x fem!reader
request: a fluffy mgg blurb where you propose to him and he’s like :O
in which you finally pop the question
warnings: cursing, mentions/insinuation of sex
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It had to be special. You were a pretty impatient person, but for this, you took your time to plan every last detail. It didn’t have to be absolute perfection, you knew that. But you wanted it to be special. Memorable.
So of course, if you were going to propose to your boyfriend, you had to do it on Halloween. You knew Matthew was a little bummed out that Halloween wouldn’t be as exciting this year because of restrictions in place, but you were set on making it a good day for him. Starting with breakfast in bed, you then dragged him out to a pumpkin patch to pick some to carve. As if your house wasn’t already covered in gourds already. But a few more wouldn’t hurt.
Then you set off to an orchard, where you could pick your own apples and make your own cider. All while wearing masks, of course. You even got to take a few loose apples home afterwards, which is why you were now both in the kitchen, making an apple pie. Well, you were. Matthew was just stealing apple chunks and eating them while you tried not to chop his fingers off. 
“I think I should quit and become a brewer,” he hummed in thought as he glanced over to the bottles of cider you guys had brought him. He was sat on the counter, swinging his legs like a kid. You smiled over at him as you put the top on the pie, “oh yeah?”
“Yeah. I did a damn good job. And you did alright as well, I suppose,” he glanced over to you with a cheeky smile. You scoffed and rolled your eyes, moving to put the pie in the oven, “wow, thanks.”
He laughed, before hoping off the counter and moving to wrap his arms around you, “but on a more serious note, baby... thank you. You really made this Halloween special, despite all the crazy shit going on. Thank you.”
“You deserve it,” you hummed, and he grinned, before leaning down and capturing your lips with his. It was one of those kissed that made you want to melt, a kiss that just had such an overwhelming feeling of love. You whined whenever he pulled back, making him laugh and kiss you again.
“What are we gonna do for dinner?” He hummed against your lips, and you smiled softly, ‘hmm, I don't know. What would you like?”
“You,” he mumbled, before kissing you deeply again. You couldn’t help but giggle into the kiss, “you can’t eat me.” He pulled back from the kiss, brows raised, “you wanna bet?
Thirty minutes later
“The pie’s gonna be burnt!” You huffed as you ran into the kitchen to turn off the oven. Matthew scoffed, following you, “that was the last thing on your mind about sixty seconds ago.”
“So help me god, Matthew,” you grumbled, but you were smiling. Luckily, the apple pie wasn’t burnt... well, it was golden brown. Definitely crispy.
“I’ll make dinner,” Matthew kissed your head before going to the fridge. You began to protest, which he knew you would do, so he was quick to press his lips against yours to silence you, “no arguing. You planned out an amazing day for us, the least I could do is cook dinner. Go put on the tv and pour yourself a glass of wine.”
You grinned and kissed him quickly, before pouring yourself a glass of red wine and going to the living room to do as he said. You weren’t usually one to follow orders, but when he used a certain kind of voice, you really didn’t have a choice.
“How does chicken stirfry sound?” He called from the kitchen, and you sighed happily at the thought of it. This was something you could get used to. And if tonight went well, then you would be.
“Sounds amazing. Anything you cook is always amazing,” you called back, flicking through the channels on the tv before settling on old sitcom reruns. Feeling cozy, you moved from the sofa so you could light the fire. Since it was November at midnight, it was understandably cold, so the small wood burning stove would help keep you warm, and plus, it adds to the whole cozy feeling.
“We’re having dinner a lá couch tonight, milady,” he sat beside you on the couch, handing you a plate as you smiled, “sounds good to me. This smells amazing.”
You pecked his cheek, before quickly digging into your dinner. As the night moved on, you felt like you were gonna lose your dinner, as you grew more and more nervous about popping the question. You were never really one to stick to tradtion and definitely not the rules, but neither was Matthew. Still, you asked his mom for permission to marry him. Cheesy, yes, but in reality you just wanted an excuse to tell her that you were planning on doing it, and to get her help to pick out a ring.
“What’s on your mind?” Matthew asked softly as he played with your hair. Dinner had been finished, and now you both sat, cozied up on the couch with the fire roaring, and your head on his shoulder. You sighed softly, before smiling, “honestly, you.”
“Me?” You could hear the smile in his voice, “what about me?”
“Everything about you. You occupy my mind, 24/7, 365 days a year. You’re the best part of my life, Matthew. God, I’m so ridiculously in love with you.”
His other arm wrapped around you, hugging you so tightly you thought you were gonna break. “I love you too, pretty girl. More than you’ll ever know. More than I can ever put into words.”
“I should’ve planned this out better,” your mouth spoke your thoughts before your brain could shut you up. He pulled back to look at you, “hmm? Plan what?”
“This,” you wriggled out of his hold, sitting on your knees beside him as you pulled out a ring, “this is as close as you’ll get to me getting down on one knee, cause that shit is corny.”
His smiled slowly began to grow again, “Y/N... are you for real? Are you really...?”
“Proposing to you? Yes. Which I know is backwards, or whatever, cause I’m the girl. But who cares? I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and, well, I was tired of you sitting around on your ass and figured that one of us should make the first step,” you smiled, making him grin as he leaned in and kissed you slowly. He pulled back after a minute, and before you could say anything, he got up off the sofa and walked away.
You couldn’t help but raise a brow, “well that’s not a good sign.”
You watched him crouch down beside the fireplace, and from one of the many nooks and crannies in the house, he pulled out a small box, before returning to beside you. You scoffed a laugh as you saw the ring in the box, “you’re joking.”
“Halloween is more my thing, and I know how much you love Christmas, so I figured I would do it closer to then. I’m kinda glad you did it before I could, because I would have royally fucked up. And you made this the best day ever,” he said. You leaned over and kissed him passionately, somehow ending up on his lap whilst you two locked lips.
You pulled back, breathless, but grinning like a fool, “well, not to be hasty, but I’m gonna need an answer. Matthew Gray Gubler, will you marry me?”
His grin made the butterflies in your stomach flutter, smiling as he pecked your lips and responded, “absolutely, Y/N Y/L/N..... hmm, Y/N Gubler... that’s something I can get used to.”
You giggled as he pulled you closer, and you held out the ring to him, “I think you mean Matthew Y/L/N.”
Matthew slid the ring on, before taking your hand and sliding on the ring he bought got you, “honestly, I would be fine with that. I don’t really care. I’ll do whatever makes you happy. Whatever makes the world know you’re mine.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and hugging him tightly, as he nuzzled his face into your neck, “you’re so sweet. God, I love you.”
“I love you more,” he mumbled, and you ran a hand through his hair, “not fair. I love you most.”
“Nope. I love you most,” he grumbled, pulling back to look up at you. You folded your arms and looked down at him, “no. I said it first.”
“Too bad. My love outbids yours,” he shrugged, and you gasped, “no it doesn’t.”
“Yeah it does,” he sighed nonchalantly, smirking slightly up at you. You scoffed, “prove it.”
Famous last words.
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secret-rendezvous1d · 3 years
What about it being late one night and maybe you can’t sleep and (Spence or MGG) starts drawing pictures in your back with his finger and you have to guess what he’s drawing and you go back and forth until you both get sleepy and fall asleep together. Bonus points if you’re not actually dating yet
So, I watched 68 Kill last night before I went to bed and there was a lot of naked/shirtless MGG in it and it made me feels things and then this came in overnight so-
I changed it a teeny bit so I hope that’s okay.
Friends with benefits.
That’s all they were, with no feelings and no emotions attached to each other, and that’s the mantra that she kept repeating in her head after they’d collapsed on the mattress beside each other and chosen to revel in the silence rather than talk about the elephant in the room. As much as she wanted to reveal her love for him, telling him that he was the only one in her life and that she had eyes for him and only him, he showed no signs of their agreement moving to a new level in their friendship - and she would use friendship as the chosen word for the situation because relationship never felt like the right word to use. 
He cast a spell on her and she was stuck. Did she keep it to herself or did she run the risk of ruining something that she enjoyed? That they both enjoyed?
“You’re not asleep.”
“I’m not,” she hums and she can feel his body moving beside her, a flush of his breath feeling hot against her skin as he rolled onto his side and faced her dark silhouette, “I’m not asleep.”
“I’m still running on the high,” she admits and she wasn’t lying; he’d gone extra hard with her that night, teasing her and edging her and bringing her to so many orgasms that she was seeing starts after coming down from her euphoric state, and she could still feel the tingle in her belly and the flutters between her thighs when she was given a brief reminder of the most mind-blowing se she’d ever had. But she wasn’t going to tell him why she was awake nor was she going to tell him why her mind was clouded with feelings towards him. “Have you had blue balls or something?”
He snorts in amusement and she feels his lips press against her shoulder with a soft kiss being left behind, the tip of his nose pressing into the curved bone of her shoulder, a slip of his arm over her belly and around her waist making her move closer to him.
“You just have that effect on me,” he whispers and she begs her heart not to skip a beat but it does and she mentally scolds herself, “you drive me insane.”
And, as well as scolding herself for finding everything about him so cute and so attractive, she wants to scold him for being so soft with her, for being the only guy that treated her right, for being someone who knew how to treat a woman when she needed the right kind of treatment and respecting her when no one else did. That’s what brought her feelings to light. 
“Do you want to go again?”
“I wish but it’s already late and I have work tomorrow,” she groans when she feels his hand slip a little closer to her pubic bone, fingertips so gentle as she barely forced him to stop, “Matthew-”
“Shush,” he tuts and grins, stretching his neck to press a kiss to her cheek, “let’s play a game.”
“A game? Matthew, it’s almost 2 in the morning.”
“Just a quick game,” he whispers into her ear and nibbles on her earlobe, a soft moan leaving her throat, “guess what I’m drawing.”
The darkness masks her confusion and she wishes he got a glimpse of it because she had no clue what he was talking about. What did he mean by drawing? Drawing on what? Drawing where? Why drawing? 
It’s only when she feels his finger drawing a strange shape across her stomach that she gets a rough idea on what he means. Incorporating something to help take her mind off of whatever was running laps in her mind (if only he knew that she was thinking about him) and incorporating what helps her sleep at night... mindless patterns being drawn on her skin that he had found she loved after the first night they spend in bed together. It helped calm her nerves and she only liked when he did it. He had the touch.
“A fish?”
“Nope,” he grins, continuing the drawing, “close. It’s an animal.”
“A cat?”
He shakes his head and his breath fanning across her face added the hot flush she was experiencing. How could she focus when his fingers kept dipping lower and lower? When those same fingers were deep inside her just a short few hours ago? When he had touched her in the same way when discarding her knickers? If this was the help her sleep, he was far from doing so.
“A spider?”
“Spot on, right answer,” he nods and brings his hand up to the bare skin of her chest, deciding that teasing her was done for and that he could save that for next time, drawing lines up between her breasts and tapping her skin as if he were drawing dots, “this one?”
She shakes her head, giggling when he brushes over her ticklish spots and he snickers into her shoulder, a yawn escaping her lips and filling the silence with sound that hadn’t been their laboured breathing.
“A tree?”
He gasps in mock shock and laughs, “how did you guess?”
“My tired brain works wonders, you’d be surprised,” she admits, rolling onto her side and bringing up a hand to cup his face, “I’m tired now.”
“You are?”
She nods and she’s unsure why because he can’t see her nor can he feel her and she feels a little stupid for doing so. 
“Come here,” he coos, wrapping his arms around her so she could cosy into his warmth. Her leg draping over his body whilst her other laced in between his legs, her arms around his neck and his around her waist, his lips pressing against hers, “sweet dreams, baby.”
Yeah, she was definitely in too deep. xx
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chloelucia13 · 4 years
Night Shift
Pairing: Chip Taylor x reader
Prompt: Working the night shift always guaranteed at least one strange occurrence while you sat behind your register. However, a bloodied man dressed in a women’s shirt and hot pink flip-flops was slightly out of your comfort zone.
Warnings: the is mostly fluff (surprising for me, I know), descriptions of gore, blood, medical procedures, language, mentions of sex, kinda vulgar but that’s expected
Word Count: 4760
A/N: Hi I am sinking deeper into the MGG obsession and that might not be good for me but OH WELL. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy! As always, send me feedback, and tag lists are open!
Tags: @sojournmichael​
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The sound of the entrance bell ringing nearly made you scream out loud. You were supposed to be on your break, but since literally everyone had ditched you to go home and sleep, you just had to hope that no one would bother you during your allotted thirty minutes.
You squeezed your hands into fists for a moment before getting up and walking over to the cash register. 
“Can I use your bathroom?”
You looked up at the man, eyes instinctively growing wide. 
The first thing that would’ve drawn your attention was the white women’s shirt covered in printed kiss marks that adorned his torso. However, you were too busy to notice the shirt due to the excessive amount of blood and bruising on his face.
 Your mouth opened, but you were unable to force a single word to come from your mouth. “I-I uh... Yeah. It’s at the very back.”
he just nodded and trudged off, which then brought your attention to his hot pink flip flops that seemed a size too small for him.
Your first thought was drugs, but you immediately debunked that theory. He seemed too aware to be high on anything. Along with that, his eyes weren’t red-rimmed and his pupils weren’t contracted or dilated.
But you were able to notice that his eyes were the most perfect shade of hazel you had ever seen, beautifully complimenting his olive skin that was marred with cuts and bruises.
You’re literally fawning over a dude in a girl’s tee and flip flops who, if you somehow had forgotten, was also caked in blood.
“Thank you,” the man announced as he walked back to the counter, now changed into a grey tee and jeans. “Can I also get $40 worth of gas?”
You examined his face, noticing that he had made an attempt to rinse the blood off of his face, but fresh blood had already began to ooze out of the deep cut. “You sure you don’t need any band-aids or anything?” you pondered, resting your hands on the counter. 
He shook his head quickly, wincing afterwards. “No, no, I’m good. Just the gas. Please.”
You huffed, pursing your lips as you moved to type the amount into the register. You stopped, though, and turned back to face him. “How about I only charge you $20 for a full tank and you let me patch you up?”
He squinted at you, his jaw tensed. “Why would you do that?”
“Well you clearly need medical attention, and I want something out of this.”
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Listen, I’m not gonna give you head or some-”
“God, no!” You scoffed, staring at him in disbelief. “I want to know what happened. And clearly, based off your previous response, I can assume it is quite a lot.”
He relaxed slightly, but kept his squint. You couldn't tell, though, if he was still doubtful of you, or if he just couldn’t bear fully opening his eyes to the harsh lights. “Again, why?”
You shrugged. “I’m a nosy bitch.”
“And how do I know that you’re not just holding me so you can call the cops?”
You let out a laugh, rolling your eyes. “God, I wouldn’t call those pigs if someone held me at gunpoint. It’s not like they’d do anything other than write some stuff down in their notebook and come to the conclusion that I was asking to get robbed.” You shook your head, pausing your rant with a sigh. “So, do we have a deal?”
His tough resolve seemed to crumble and crack with each word you spoke, finally slouching in place with relief. “Please.”
You stepped out from behind the register and stood toe-to-toe with him, getting a closer look at his face. You pulled at his eyelids, prodded at his bruises, and pressed your fingers against his scalp. You stepped away for a moment to flip your door sign to “closed” before coming back to him. “Alright, follow me.”
He nodded and followed on your heels as you walked into the employee break room. You pointed to an empty chair and he sat immediately, prompting a small chuckle from you. 
After searching through the clutter that your manager labeled the “supply cupboard,” you were able to find your first aid kit, a pair of gloves, some gauze, and some isopropyl alcohol. 
“Alright, I’m gonna get you sewn and patched up, and then we’ll head to the hospital for your concussion,” you explained, sliding the latex gloves onto your hands.
“What? No, no hospital! I thought you said you’d help me!” he argued, rising up to his feet.
“I can only do so much here. And if you don’t get that concussion checked out, you could die.” You walked over to him, setting your items down on the table next to him. “When was the last time you slept?”
You eased him back into his seat as he thought. “36 hours?”
You nodded, applying pressure to the cut that seemed the deepest. “And you haven’t slept since getting the concussion?”
He shook his head, his eyes following your movements.
“Okay. I didn’t feel any abrasions to your skull, but you might have internal bleeding or swelling.” You sat up and soaked a cotton pad in isopropyl alcohol before returning back to his cut. “This might sting a bit.” 
The moment you pressed the pad to his forehead, he let out a hiss, hands reaching out and gripping onto whatever was in his vicinity.
That just happened to be your upper thigh.
You jumped at the contact, eyes widening. 
“Shit, shit.” His hands recoiled, moving to cover his mouth. “I am so sorry.”
You cleared your throat, taking a deep breath and hoping that you were the only one who could notice the bright burning of your cheeks. “I-It’s okay. Not your fault. I probably should have given you a better warning.” You risked a glance down at his eyes before returning your gaze to the wound on his forehead. “Alright, I’m going back in. Ready?”
“Okay, I’m ready.”
You watched his fingers curl around the fabric of his jeans, gripping them with tight fists. With a quick breath and a mental reminder to ignore the prominent veins that laced his hands and arms, you pressed the cotton pad onto the wound. He let out another hiss, but kept his hands at his thighs instead of yours. “Alright,” you hummed. “Now that we got to second base, are you gonna tell me what happened to you?”
He let out a weak chuckle, his jaw clenching momentarily when you switched over to clean one of the smaller gashes. “You’ve got a few hours to spare?”
“Honey, I’ve got all night if you need it. I’m not going anywhere.”
A shaky sigh left his lips, and you watched as his eyelids fluttered closed, his lashes gently dusting against his skin. “My girlfriend- my ex-girlfriend- convinced me to go with her to steal $68,000 from a guy she... she worked for.”
You nodded slowly, grabbing another soaked cotton pad and doing a quick sweep over his skin. “So the guy caught you and beat you up and... Put you in women’s clothes?”
He shook his head. “We got the money, but she had other plans. She killed the guy, but I guess we didn’t check the house very well.” He gulped. “There was another girl there. Another girl who worked for that guy. I-I tried to... To have my girlfriend let her go, but she made me take the girl.”
A whole array of emotions were experienced while the man went through his story: anger and disgust at his girlfriend, heartbreak from the death of Violet, pure rage at the actions of the two gas station attendees and their friends. 
However, the most prevalent emotion was remorse. Remorse for this man you just met, for this man you don't even know the name of.
“... Holy shit,” you whispered, finally, pulling your hands away from his skin and crouched down until you were eye-level with him.
He chuckled, pursing his lips and attempting to blink away the tears that flooded his eyes. “Yeah. Holy shit.”
“I...” Your eyes searched his, hands mindlessly reaching forward to grip onto his hands that had loosened their grip on his jeans long ago, now lying gently against his thighs. “Do you need a hug?”
“I... I think so.”
With any inhibitions flying out the window, you wrapped your arms around him gently but firmly, hugging him as best you could.
From how tightly he had immediately clung onto your waist (and based on the vile stories he had told you just moments ago), you could assume he hadn’t felt a kind touch in a long time. 
And it seems that, as you melted into his touch, that he wasn’t the only one who needed that hug.
So much comfort from a man who was bloodied and beaten. From a man you hadn’t even gotten the name of.
God, you might actually be losing it.
The moment you felt his grip loosen, you pulled away, searching his eyes as you slowly stood up straight. 
“Thank you,” he spoke his voice hoarse.
You just nodded, giving him a shy smile before stepping over to your first aid kit, searching through its contents. “Have you gotten stitches before?” you questioned, grabbing a suture needle and beginning to clean it with isopropyl alcohol.
“Once when I was like ten, why?” You noticed him turning out of your peripheral. 
“The wound on your forehead needs stitches. Only a few, though.”
You heard his breath catch in his throat, feeling his eyes trained on you as you threaded the needle.
“I assume you’re not a big fan of needles?” You carried the needle and thread over to him, flickering your gaze between your tools and the gash in his forehead.
“Not really, no,” he huffed, face scrunching up in disdain.
You nodded, crouching down to look him directly in the eye. “Do you want me to count down?”
His tongue darted out to wet his lips as he considered his options for a moment, then nodded. “Y-Yeah.”
You gave him a reassuring smile before attempting to situate yourself as close to the wound as possible without blocking any light, but to no avail. You examined your space, letting out a sigh when an idea came to your mind. “Okay, I'm gonna have to...” You stepped closer, slowly placing one hand on his shoulder as you placed one leg on the outside of his right leg. “I’m gonna have to put my knee on the chair.” Grimacing, you lifted your knee and placed it on the chair gap that laid between his legs, your knee just centimeters away from his crotch. “I’m so sorry. Just... Don’t make any sudden hip movements.”
Once you were fully situated, you lifted your suture needle and lined it up with the area where you needed to make the first stitch. Quickly, you risked a glance down and saw that he was staring up at you.
In any other situation, with the heat radiating off his crotch and the way he was looking up at you, you definitely would’ve fucked this man on the spot. 
(But you couldn’t deny that he still gave you butterflies.)
“Ready?” you questioned, pulling your thoughts back to the present moment. 
With an audible gulp, he nodded. “Ready,” he hummed, eyes fluttering shut.
“Okay, one, two-” Quickly, you began gliding the needle through his skin, stitching the gashed skin together.
“Shit!” His body tensed, jaw clenching tightly.
“Sorry, it’s better if you don’t expect it.”
He breathed harshly through his nose, hands once more returning to his lap, gripping onto his jeans. 
“There’s something you didn’t tell me,” you spoke, brow furrowed as you focused on the sutures.
“Hmm?” he glanced up at you before wincing, closing his eyes.
“Did you ever get the money back?” He was silent for a moment. “Yeah. Yeah, I did.”
You nodded, gently brushing his hair back with your free hand as you finished the sutures and snipped off the remaining thread. “What’re you going to do with it?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t really had the time to think about it.”
A chuckle passed your lips. “What’ve you been doing the whole time you’ve been here?”
“Oh, just reliving my trauma.” You grinned, walking back over to your work area and grabbing some gauze and medical tape. “Don’t worry, it’ll just add to your personality. That and the nasty scar that cut will leave.” You tucked the supplies into your pocket and walked back to him. “Do you have anything else wrong? Any pain in your ribs or stomach?”
“I might have a broken rib or two.”
“Can you lift up your shirt for me?”
He slowly nodded as he rose to his feet, letting his hands gently pull his shirt up. As each inch of flesh was revealed, the bruises that spattered his torso and sides grew darker and darker. 
You cleared your throat, diverting your attention away from the obvious hickies that trailed from his chest down to just above his jeans, instead focusing on the heavy bruises that laid on his ribcage. After silently praying that your cheeks weren’t bright red, you stepped close and pressed your fingers against his bruises. He immediately hissed out in pain, recoiling from your touch.
“Sorry, sorry,” you hummed, directing him to sit back down. “You definitely have a few broken ribs, the others are probably just bruised. Nothing that some rest and painkillers can’t fix.”
As you got to work patching up his cuts, his eyes lingered on you. “How do you know about all this? All the medical stuff?” he pondered, pulling away slightly to look at you fully.
“I was working on getting my medical degree,” you explained briefly, securing a piece of gauze with medical tape. 
“And you just quit and decided working in a gas station was better for you?” You scoffed. “God, no. It... It wasn’t exactly my choice to make.”
“What do you mean?”
A small huff left your nose. “I thought we were supposed to be talking about you and your trauma, not mine.”
“Hey, you’re the one who took me in and gave me medical treatment free of charge. The least I could do is be your therapist for a minute.”
You pulled your lower lip between, closing your eyes. “It’s a long story.”
“I’ve got time.”
“And I thought I was stubborn.” After securing the last piece of gauze onto his face, you stepped back and examined his features. “Give me a second.”
You hurried out of the back room and over to the freezer, grabbing two bags of frozen peas before hurrying back to him. You directed him to hold one against his eye and the other against his ribs. He complied with your first direction, but decided instead to rest the second bag on his crotch. After you shot him a strange look, he explained with a huff, “I’ve been kicked in the balls more times this past 48 hours than I have in my whole life.”
You shrugged. “Fair enough.”
As you began walking away, he spoke up. “Are you gonna tell me your story or just leave me hanging?”
With a small grin on your lips, you dragged a metal chair over to where he was sitting, placing it right in front of him and sitting down. “I’ll tell you if you tell me something”
“What’s that?”
“What’s your name?”
He let out a sigh, though he gave you a grin. “Chip. Chip Taylor.”
“Chip.” You tested the name on your tongue. “It’s fitting. A nice American name for a nice American boy.”
He scoffed at that one, earning him a bright smile from you. “How about you, what’s your name?”
“Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N.”
“A nice name for a nice girl.”
You shoved his shoulder, only to immediately apologize afterwards. After he brushed it off, the two of you sat there in silence for a moment.
“I went into college when I was 17. I graduated a year early. I was in college for a few years, and my parents were paying for it all.” You pursed your lips, casting your gaze to the floor. “When I was 20, my parents got into a car crash. They both died.” “I’m so sorry.”
You shook your head, clearing your throat. “When we finally got the will, I found out that I was left out of it. My brother got the money and my sister got the estate, and I got nothing. I tried to stay in school, tried to keep going with my degree, but I got sucked into debt.” You finally looked up at him, staring into his sympathetic gaze. “Both of my siblings are successful and I’m stuck in the middle of buttfuck nowhere working at a gas station and about $15,000 in the hole.”
Chip’s mouth open,d but before any words could come out, you stood up and began cleaning everything up. “You never should’ve had to go through that. You don’t deserve to suffer.”
You hummed, tossing your gloves into the trash. “Says the person who literally went through a fucking horror movie.”
“Oh come on-” “Chip, trust me. My life sucks, but it doesn’t compare in any way to what you’ve gone through. Like, you had an abusive girlfriend-”
“She wasn’t abusive!”
You sighed, turning to look at him. “Chip. She was abusive, through and through. And I know it's hard to see, trust me I know, but it’s true. She literally manipulated you into killing someone and kidnapping someone else.”
 He stood up from his seat. “Well... Well maybe I deserved it! Maybe I needed to be roughed up and treated like shit so that I’d be a man! But you, you deserved nothing bad that happened to you. You... You’re too good.”
You were stunned, taking a moment to process what he said before walking over to him, tilting your chin up to look him in the eye. “Chip, you take back what you said right now.”
“I’ve known you barely an hour but I know that you are one of the kindest, most gentle men I’ve ever met who doesn’t deserve an ounce of the shit he’s gone through. Now take back what you said about yourself.”
“Y/N-” You acted without a thought in your mind, your palm colliding with his cheek. However, as soon as your mind caught up with your body, you instantly pulled your hand to your chest. “Oh my god, I am so sorry. I-I don't know why I just did that.”
“Do it again.” Your eyes widened. “What?”
“Hit me again.”
Your hands were shaking, remnants of adrenaline still lingering in your veins. Hesitantly, you brought your hand up. You watched his eyes follow your hand, instinctively flinching and eyes squeezing shut. Instead, you laid your palm on his cheek, against the warm mark that was there from your doing. 
His eyes slowly fluttered open, furrowing his brow in confusion. “What are you doing?” he whispered, voice gruff.
“I’m not gonna hit you Chip.” “Why?”
“Because caring for people doesn’t mean harming them. And you don't need to change. You don’t need to be a ‘man’ because the man you’re thinking of is a douche. Men without emotions are fucking douche bags. They’re the guys who hurt you, they’re your ex’s brother. They’re assholes. And you’re not an asshole or a douche, you’re kind. You’re perfect the way you are.”
He was silent for a moment, eyes scouring yours as his lips pursed, but he let your hand linger on his cheek. 
“Run away with me,” he spoke finally.
Your breath caught in your throat, your whole body stock still as shock flooded your body. “... What?”
“I mean it. We can both get out of our shithole situations and find somewhere else! Be someone else!”
“But I barely know you! A-And you barely know me! For all you know I could be planning to take your money and run!”
He grabbed your hand, which had shifted from his cheek to gesture wildly around. “But you won’t.”
“How are you so sure about that?”
“Because if you really wanted to just take my money and leave, you would’ve done it already.”
You pursed your lips, glancing down at your hand that was still linked with his. “What if I hurt you? Take advantage of you like that girl did? I mean, I’m a fucking gas station attendant too. How can you trust me after all that?”
He shook his head. “I... I don’t know. I just have a feeling. I just... I feel safe with you.”
You pressed the heels of your palms into your eye sockets, letting out a groan. “Okay, okay.” Scrubbing your hands over your face, you began to pace. “Okay, this is what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna go to the hospital and I’ll just say you showed up here and needed medical attention and I have no clue who you are. You’re gonna get all checked out and make sure nothing’s wrong. We’ll get back to this conversation once I know for sure that there’s not something wrong with your goddamn mind.”
“I thought we were good! No need to go to a hospital!” “I can’t do shit here other than patch you up! Let’s go, no more arguments.” 
He let out a huff, trying his hardest to act upset, but his gentle eyes gave him away.
After some arguing, you were able to convince Chip to have him hand over his keys, allowing you to drive him to the hospital considering you only had a bicycle.
Once you pulled up, you immediately grabbed the manila envelope full of money and shoved it under the seats. “Okay, give me your wallet,” you hummed, unbuckling yourself.
“What? Why?” he whined, wincing afterwards.
“Because I have a plan. Now either give me your wallet or hide it somewhere.”
He grumbled a few words under his breath before complying, stashing his wallet with the hidden envelope of cash. “Fine. What’s your plan?”
“You stumbled into the gas station, said you were mugged. You don’t know who it was, but you need medical attention.” You moved to open the door, but paused to turn to him. “Also, you don’t know your name.”
“Why?” he persisted. 
“Because you can be a considered a missing person. Or a fucking fugitive if they’ve already linked the killings to you. So, you don’t know your name. Understood?”
He rolled his eyes but nodded, getting out of the car. You got out as well and rushed over to his side, draping his arm over your shoulder. “This is ridiculous.”
“You know what’s ridiculous? Getting fucking charged for like ten counts of murder! Now act like a damsel in distress and suck it up!”
The two of you trudged along the parking lot and into the ER entrance.
As soon as you two stepped foot inside, a team of nurses instantly swarmed the two of you, whatever mundane task they were doing immediately fleeing their minds.
“What happened?” one nurse urged, shifting Chip from your shoulder to hers.
“I-I don’t know. He just came into the station during my shift saying that he was mugged. I patched him up but I’m pretty sure he’s got a concussion and possibly some internal bleeding,” you explained with no hesitation, exchanging a glance with Chip before two nurses carried him past a set of doors.
Meanwhile, another nurse handed you a clipboard full of documents, requesting that you fill them out. You just nodded in response, scribbling through the forms with only half of your brain working to figure out what they were asking.
The other half of your brain was focused on his proposal that he made earlier. 
You had to admit, ditching this life and running off with a complete(ly handsome) stranger who had obtained $68,000 through some less than pure means honestly sounded like a dream. No shitty customers, no being stuck in a shithole town, no shitty family breathing down your neck. You’d be free.
On the other hand, however, $68,000 isn’t a lot of money on the grand scheme of things. Sure, you could probably pay for food and a studio apartment, but one of you would have to get a job eventually. And that doesn’t even add in the question as to where you two got the money, or how exactly you two would “disappear.”
The insistent questions and worries plagued your mind as you sat in the fluorescent-lit waiting room, making your skin look sickly and much more ashy than you had realized.
At some point those insistent worries must have lulled you to sleep as you woke from someone shaking your shoulder, startling you awake. “Hmm, what?” you mumbled, quickly rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“Sorry to wake you, ma’am,” the nurse hummed, standing up straight. “We’ve completed the check up on the man you’ve brought here. Luckily, you two came in just in time. He most definitely had a concussion, and a severe one at that. He also was suffering with some internal bleeding, but luckily we’ve been able to get everything under control. If you’d like, he can stay here during his recovery-”
“No, no, I’ll take care of him. Do I need to sign any patient release forms?”
She gave you a slightly shocked look, but nodded. “I’ll go get those. He’ll also be prescribed some medication that we’ll send to the drugstore of your choice to be filled, but we’ll send you home with a few pills just to get him through until those prescriptions come in.”
“Okay, sounds good.”
She nodded and gave you one last glance, almost as if she was waiting for you to change your mind, before leaving to retrieve the medications and paperwork.
The nurse returned a moment later with a clipboard and medications in her hands, with Chip trailing/limping behind her. He settled into the chair besides you, his eyes lingering on you as the nurse handed you everything.
As soon as the nurse retreated, he rested his hand atop yours. “You don’t have to take care of me, y’know,” he hummed, his voice low and raspy.
You shrugged, signing along the dotted lines. “It’s no problem. Besides, I told you I’d fix you up and make you feel better, so that’s what I’m gonna do.” you sighed, scanning over a few paragraphs of text. “And I know that if you stay in the hospital, you’ve got a pretty good chance of being linked with... y’know, everything that just happened.”
You pulled out the sheet that gave you detailed instructions for the medications he was taking, folding it up and handing it to him before getting up and turning in all the papers at the front desk. When you turned back around, Chip was staring at you with a look of awe. Or maybe it was confusion. 
“What?” you hummed, helping him up from his seat and slinging his arm over your shoulder.
He cleared his throat, walking alongside you as his gaze shifted to the floor. “Nothing,” he whispered. “I... I was just thinking.”
“What about?”
He pursed his lips, leaning against the car once the two of you reached it. “I can’t remember the last time someone’s taken care of me,” he admitted, his brows furrowed.
Your facial features softened at his confession, your hand gently reaching out to rest on his shoulder. “Well you’re gonna have to get used to it, Chip.”
A small smile tugged at his lips. “Does that mean-”
“It means we’ll try it out, and if I hate you by the end of the week I’m kicking you to the curb,” you barked, but a smile tugged at your lips too. “Now get in the car. I’m tired and I wanna sleep.”
He flashed you a grin but obliged, going over to the passenger side and sitting down in the car. “Hey Y/N?”
You hummed in response, starting the car and putting it in reverse.
“Thank you. For everything.”
You gave him a full smile this time, driving away from the hospital. “I’m just trying to show you that not all gas station attendants are horrible.”
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rottenroyalebooks · 4 years
The Prank That Ended the War - MGG
Pairing: Matthew Gray Gubler X Fem!Reader
Requested: No, this came to me one night at 1am and I can't stop thinking about it.
Warnings: None
Summary: You and Matthew are co-stars in Criminal Minds and you play Spencer's love interest SSA Ellie Lauren. The two of you have been great friends since you started on the show and have been in an ongoing prank war. His last prank was filling your car with rubber ducks and you decided to end the prank war with one he couldn't possibly top; You were going to trick him into marrying you. The Fic takes place during an interview after the fact.
A/N: If you guys like this and want me to write a version of this while the prank is going on please let me know! I will not complain in the least.
"Our next guest has recently been in the media for an over-the-top prank she pulled while filming the hit Criminal Drama show Criminal Minds. Here to talk all about it is the beautiful and fascinating Y/N L/N!" Drew's interduction brought me to the stage as the crowd cheered. I waved to the audience as I sat down in the seat across from Drew.
"Hello Drew!" I said with a giggle in my voice as I crossed my ankles.
"Hello Y/N. Thank you so much for being here. Let's cut to the chase here, recently a video of a very anticipated scene being filmed on your show was leaked onto YouTube of your character Ellie Lauren marrying Matthew Gray Gubler's character Dr. Spencer Reid; except it was a take of you guys getting married that ended with you celebrating the fact that you pulled off a prank on Gubler. For those who have not seen or heard about this viral video and rumors, would you like to explain what happened?" Drew was smirking and I nodded.
"I would love to explain. It's a long story so buckle up. When I first started on Criminal Minds I was extremely nervous, like I could barely remember my lines kind of nervous and Matthew noticed, so he decided to make me feel more comfortable by pulling a prank on me." I started to explain, moving my hair out of my face, "The prank was something small, he put my cellphone into jello, so I decided to prank him back with a simple whoopee cushion under his seat whilst filming. That was the beginning of the prank war." I smiled at the memory, remembering the red that flooded his cheeks when the cast and crew couldn't contain their laughter.
"For five years the pranks just kept escalating and our friendship grew stronger. I dyed the tips of his hair blue while he was asleep once. Asleep!" I said and Drew laughed.
"So what was the prank that made you do this?"
"He filled my car with Rubber ducks and I was running out of ideas. After years of back and forth pranking each other you'd be bound to use every prank in the book so I was trying to come up with the prank that would finally end the war while I was reading the script for Ellie and Spencer's wedding scene when it hit me," I paused as I let the audience think about the prank, "What if I tricked Matthew into marrying me in real life?"
The audience cheered and I nodded my head, "I know! At first I thought it was crazy, how could I pull this off? I wanted to see if I could get away with it. So I started planning,"
"How long was the planning process?" Drew interrupted and I sighed in an exasperated way.
"Oh goodness Drew, I only had a week to plan this prank! A week! I basically planned a wedding in a week, well technically the wedding part was planned out by the show I just needed to think of the technicalities; like how am I going to get him to sign the marriage licenses?" I shrugged my shoulders for effect.
"You see, Matthew tends to do this thing where he doesn't fully read documents before signing them. He doesn't really read them at all, but if I was the one who gave him the things he needed to sign in order for the marriage to be real he would become suspicious; so I asked Shemar Moore, who plays Derek Morgan on the show to help me."
"Did you fill him in on the plan?"
"Of course I did, Drew, he told me I was crazy but agreed to do it because he wanted to see the reaction. I was anxious as hell when he disappeared into Matthew's trailer and I paced through mine the whole time. He returned quickly with the biggest smile on his face and I knew that the hardest part of the prank was over. I sobbed," That earned a large laugh from the audience, "No it's true! I was so relieved that I started to full on sob in my trailer. I knew i needed to see this to the end. It had to be done. I did all the boring stuff with the papers and then came another tough spot."
"Who's going to be the one to officiate the wedding?" Drew was very invested in the story.
"Exactly! In the show, Spencer and Ellie begged David Rossi to officiate their wedding so he was going to be the one during the scene. I went to Joe and filled him in on my crazy plot. I then asked him if he would get ordained for this prank; I told him I would pay for anything he needed and I would owe him for life, but he agreed because he wanted to see if I would get caught. Soon I realized I had to fill in some other people on the prank when the time came for filming so I told the director, some of the crew, and the main cast. It was crazy and Matthew was totally completely unaware of this prank." I shook my head, I still can't believe that I managed to pull this off.
"Of course, I was friendly with his mother so I got the OK to invite her to be an extra in the scene so she could witness her son getting married. She told me I was a genius and would make sure she wouldn't get caught by him so I flew her out. It was fantastic." I laughed at myself.
"When the day came I was scared that he was going to be so mad that he would end the friendship, but I thought the plan was genius that I was willing to risk it. Everything was ready since the wedding was planned, there were rings, I had the dress and hair and makeup done, and I was so excited. I had told my parents about what I was doing and my dad actually plays Ellie's father in the show so he would be walking me down the aisle. He wasn't so pleased to learn that I was actually getting married for real."
Drew burst out laughing. "Should we play the video that was leaked?" He asked and i nodded.
"Be my guest." I said turning to the screen.
The scene started at the middle of the scene where we were saying the vows as Spencer and Ellie. It was clear that I was nervous and everyone was slightly panicky. I had just finished saying Ellie's vows and Joe began to speak, purposefully messing up the lines to reveal the prank to Matthew.
"It's with my greatest pleasure to announce the newlywed couple by the state of California; Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gray Gubler! You may now kiss the bride!"
It didn't seem to register in his head as he pulled me in for the kiss, but then the director called "Cut!" And I almost passed out at the fact that I had somehow managed to actually pull this off. It wasn't until he stopped the kiss when Joe's lack of acting finally clicked into his head.
"Ha, ha. Very funny Joe." He said, but everyone of the main cast; AJ, Shemar, Thomas, Paget, Kristin, Joe, and I all burst out laughing out of shock.
"What!?! Why are you all laughing?" He was laughing too out of awkwardness.
"I actually did it holy shit! Okay, Matthew you're going to hate me, but I just pulled the most epic prank on you." I was still laughing, barely able to get the words out.
He was confused, "What?"
Shemar pulled the copies of the marriage license out of his pocket and handed it to him, "Read it and wheep."
Matthew opened the copies and his mouth dropped open, "Certificate of marriage!?! How did you get me to sign this!?!" He was shocked as it started to click in his head.
I finally had calmed down a bit by now, "You really need to start reading things people give to you to sign." I explained with a snort and he gaped at me.
"Wait, so we're legally married? Joe are you actually ordained?" He asked, shock filled his face as he nodded his head.
"Oh my god." His face turned bright red and he laughed, then he noticed his mother and almost passed out at that.
I turned to the camera, "May this be known as the day Y/N L/N won the prank war and now has full on bragging rights as I am now the legal wife of Matthew Gray Gubler. I can now die happy as my life is complete."
The video ended and the audience cheered loudly. I stood up, bowing down at the applause, "Thank you! Thank you, it really was some of my best work." I joked sitting back down.
Drew was clapping as well, "So what I got out of this was that you wanted the bragging rights?"
I nodded, "Oh but of course, at first it was just 'Hey, what if I tried?' But soon I became so invested in this prank that failure was not an option. I put so much effort into this that I could not fail." I laughed, "Besides, I get to say that I married him. Not many people would be able to say that." I joked and he chuckled.
"So, are you two planning on getting the marriage annulled?" He asked and i chuckled.
"We tried, the next day the two of us went to the courthouse to get a judge to agree, but apparently because of the way I did it we have to wait four months to get it annulled. I didn't think about that part." I admitted.
"Was he angry? About the prank?"
"Shockingly, no. He was very impressed that I managed to pull something this crazy off; hell I was impressed with myself. He even admitted that there wasn't anything he could do to top this prank and thus the prank war had ended. He's a bit annoyed that we have to wait to get it annulled, but not with me." I explained and he nodded.
"I have officially peaked in life, nothing will ever top that moment." I say pointing to the screen.
"You are quite the genius Miss. L/N. Do you have anything to add?" He asked and I hummed, looking at the camera that was on.
"Do not do that with your friends. Don't trick someone into marrying you as a prank, it's a pain in the ass to get undone and it could hurt some feelings. Matthew and I have been friends for years and set rules for the prank war, this prank was purely for shits and giggles. Don't do something that drastic with your friends." The audience clapped at my speech, "Don't prabk someone with a relationship period, it could really hurt someone's feelings and bring insecurities to light."
"I just have one more question for you, what if you and Matthew were to get into a relationship during these four months. Would you annull the marriage still or stay married?"
The blush on my face came as a shock to myself, would I want a relationship with Matthew?
"Honestly, Drew, Matt is such a great guy. He's funny, smart, attractive; I wouldn't be surprised if I fell in love with him. Who knows, all the romantic scenes might get to me," I joke, but the audience cooed, "If that were to happen, I'm not sure what his thoughts would be so I can't speak for him, but I would probably get the marriage annulled because if I were to marry him I wouldn't want the wedding to be a Spencer and Ellie wedding; I would want a Matthew and Y/N wedding which is a completely different experience."
"Oh I bet it would be. Thank you for being here tonight."
I smiled, "Thank you for having me! I love talking about the prank."
"Y/N L/N everyone!"
A/N: Part 2?
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illmaticreid · 4 years
We Fell in Love in October
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DESCRIPTION: Noah is in college studying film and has been a very boring freshman thus far. Her roommate demands that she goes to a party with her and this is where she meets an extremely bold Matthew. 
A/N: I just started rewatching Criminal Minds & have slowly become obsessed with mgg again so I needed to make a fanfic. please be kind I am extremely rusty lol!! if you have any requests or ideas for me please don’t be afraid to message me. thank you for reading <3
Warnings: smut, alcohol, drugs, very light degradation 
Word Count: 3,065
"Are you going out with us tonight?" My roommate, Ellie, asked me. It had been 3 weeks since school had started and I have realized that Ellie is one of those girls who went to college just to party. She asked me every weekend if I wanted to go out with her and her friends, I always said no.
Ellie was a really sweet girl and I felt bad when I had to tell her, "No, I have some studying to do. Sorry." She laughed in my face, knowing I was lying to her because I used the same excuse every weekend.
"You go to class and immediately come back to our dorm or you go to the library. I am sure you studied enough this week. It's okay to have fun for one night!" Ellie told me as she was putting on her makeup for the night. She always wore winged eyeliner and long fake eyelashes without ever looking ridiculous or overdone somehow. I stared at her for a couple of seconds before telling her that I would go with her.
She got up from her seat insisting that she could do my makeup and hair. I agreed and let her have fun because I knew she would do a good job and it would be fun to actually look good for once. She offered to let me borrow one of her outfits but I declined because I already had an idea of what I wanted to wear. I put on black ripped jeans with a lace bodysuit for a shirt and some heels that I was probably going to regret wearing within the hour.
I grabbed a leather jacket because it can get pretty chilly in New York at night. I looked in the mirror one more time and I felt confident. I felt excited for the first time in a long time. I felt like myself.
 Ellie squealed when she saw my outfit, which I'm assuming means she approved. "You look so amazing! This is a nice change of scenery from your cardigans that you're always wearing."
"Hey! I love my cardigans," I said to her jokingly. We both laughed before she told me the uber would be here in a minute. We walked out of our dorm room and outside the building right as our ride arrived.
The drive was only about 10 minutes, as we were only going to one of a friends house that lived a couple of blocks away. I was praying that it wasn't a frat party, and I was relieved when we pulled up to some apartments made for upperclassmen that didn't live in dorms.
As soon as we walked in Ellie made me greet a bunch of her friends that I had never seen before. NYU was a big campus, I would never know any of these people even if they were in my classes.
This is what I get for waiting three weeks to go to a college party. Everyone here has already started to bond and make relationships with others. I was a little angry at myself for trying to be this innocent good girl and stay in and just study.
That is not me what so ever, and I am surprised I even lasted that long. In high school, I went to as many parties as possible and I always had a boy wrapped around my finger.
I tried to just focus on my studies and my number one goal was supposed to be school. It was honestly getting exhausting because I needed to let loose.
Ellie pulled me out of my thoughts as she introduced me to someone named Elio that somehow recognized me from our Foreign Film class.
"You look very familiar but I don't remember seeing you in class every. I'm sorry!" I told him, feeling bad because I genuinely don't know if I have ever seen him.
Ellie told me she was going to grab herself a drink while I 'mingled' with Elio. Her words, not mine. She walked away and I almost panicked at the thought of being alone at a party where I know nobody.
"That's okay, I'll just have to sit next to you on Tuesday." He said while smiling at me which made me blush. If I had seen him before, I don't know why I never tried to talk to him sooner because he was very attractive. I was suddenly not worried about Ellie at all and figured I could be perfectly alone with him. I was just about to tell him that I would love it if he sat next to me when one of his friends interrupted our conversation.
"Hey, Matthew! This is Noah, she is Ellie's friend. She is in our Foreign Film class." Elio said as I put out my hand to shake Matthew's hand. My stomach felt like it just dropped to my feet. How have I never seen this person in my class?
He was beautiful.. his dark brown eyes stared at me and neither of us said anything. I know the class that we are all supposedly in is huge, but how could I miss both of these extremely good looking men. I guess this is what happens when all you do is keep your head down and sit in the front row every single class.
"Hi, Noah, nice to meet you." He said, not taking his eyes off of me. All of me. He looked me up down very slowly and if it was anyone else, I probably would have been offended. Embarrassingly enough, I let it slide because I was doing the same thing to him.
"Um... N-Nice to meet you, too" I stuttered out embarrassingly. God, I  could barely form a coherent sentence around him. We all just kind of stared at each other for a couple of seconds. Good Job Noah! You made everyone uncomfortable with your stupid plain reply.
He broke the silence again by saying, "I was just about to ask Elio if he wanted to go smoke. Would you like to join us?" He pulled a little bag of green out his pocket and a smile formed on my face. I told him yes very easily because I was not much of a drinker and I definitely preferred to smoke. I don't know if I would be able to make it through the night without being at least a little high.
The three of us walked outside and passed a joint around for a little bit. At first, we all just talked about remedial stuff that no one actually cared about. I stayed quiet for the most part, only speaking when I was spoken to.
After about fifteen minutes, Elio walked back inside because it was getting cold. I didn't know whether to be happy or nervous being alone with Matthew. I was a confident person, and almost no one made me nervous. Matthew made me extremely nervous though, in more ways than one. When I looked him in the eyes, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.
"Are you studying film, as well?" I asked him, trying to make things a little less awkward. "I don't think that's what you wanna talk about, Noah" He replied. He moved his chair closer to mine and put his hand on my knee giving it a soft squeeze. My mouth fell open and I felt a heartbeat between my legs.
"What do you want me to talk about then?" I asked him, trying to play his game. He turned towards me and smiled, "I am very attracted to you." The butterflies in my stomach were very strong and were almost making me sick.
Oh, God. I have never met someone so bold before. No one ever talks to me like this, and if they do it takes them months to finally say something worth my while. I've known Matthew for maybe 20 minutes, and somehow he is already the most honest person I've ever met.
"What?" I replied, trying to understand what just came out of his mouth.
"I can tell you feel the same way. Why don't we just cut to the chase? Do you want to go to my apartment?" He asked, and I had to squeeze my legs shut because of how turned on I was.
How do I respond to that? I usually am not the type of girl to let someone fuck on the first date but we weren't even on a date and I was seriously considering it.
He was right, I was very attracted to him.  How did he know that though? I was barely speaking to him. My eyes had been all over him from the second I met him, and usually that is a telltale sign that someone is into you. I guess I was not as slick as I thought.
My thoughts came to an end as I realized I had just been staring at him again, not answering his question.
I took the last hit of the joint before putting it out in the ashtray. "Yes," I told him. I wanted nothing more than to go back to his apartment. Sober me would probably not have done this, but high me definitely would.
He got up and took my hand as I followed behind him. Ellie looked at me confused as she saw me leaving. I just waved bye to her and gave her a wink. She gave me a thumbs up and smiled as we walked out of the door.
He told me he lived in this building, we just had to take an elevator up to another floor. The elevator ride made me slightly anxious, wondering if I made the wrong decision. He could take me back to his apartment and murder me for all I know. For some reason, I trusted him. I wasn't afraid of him at all. It felt like I had known him for years and things just came naturally around him.
As soon as we got into his apartment he pushed me against the wall roughly and I barely got a gasp out before his mouth was on mine. He grabbed my hips and pulled them towards him as we continued to kiss. I put my hands on his chest and threw his jacket off.
I tried to start unbuttoning his shirt but he bent down to grab the back of my legs and lift me up. He started walking back to his room and threw me on his bed. He took my jacket off of me and threw it on the floor while his tongue attacked my neck. We were both undressing each other much slower than I would have liked. I was left in just my bodysuit that was practically lingerie.
"Fuck," he said as he stared me down. He was taking too long to do anything with me so I took off the rest of my clothing by myself and I took off his boxers as well.
"Let me know if I am being too rough," he told me sweetly as he started kissing my boobs. I laughed before telling him, "the rougher the better." He looked up at me and I swear his dick got 10x harder. His hand traveled down my body and started massing my clit as another finger slipped into me.
I moaned loudly and I knew I wasn't going to last long. "Just fuck me already please," I begged him.
"Someone's eager," he said as he kept pumping his fingers into me and I let out another loud moan. He took his fingers out of me and I let out a small cry, wanting more. Seconds later, I felt his tongue on me and I could have died right there. I looked down at him and made eye contact with him and I felt things I've never felt before. He was intoxicating.
"Fuck, Matthew. You're gonna make me come," I told him and that just fueled him even more. He licked up my slit and started sucking on my clit. I felt my stomach being wound up, completely embarrassed that someone I just met could make me come in less than ten minutes.
"Come for me, baby," He said and put a finger back in me, stroking my g-spot all while his tongue was still flicking against me. His words sent me over the edge and I came. Hard. I moaned so loudly, his name falling from my lips.
He kept going and I had to push his head away from me because I was so overstimulated. He lifted his head up, his chin soaking wet and I felt my cheeks get even more red than they already were.
He came up to me and stuck his fingers in my mouth, letting me taste myself. My eyes opened wide, shocked at how dirty this man was. He reached into his nightstand and grabbed a condom and quickly rolled it down himself.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked me. I was a little doubtful that he actually cared about my feelings on whether we should be having sex or not, but he seemed genuine. The look in his eyes told me he was being serious and wanted to make sure that I was okay with everything.
"Yes, I am sure," I told him but I don't think he believed me, he stared at me for a minute. I reached my head up to his so I could kiss him and reassure him that I wanted nothing more than for him to just completely wreck me. He gave me a toothy grin before slamming into me.
He stretched me out completely and I was not ready at all, but I can only blame myself considering I was the one that told him the rougher the better. He was slow at first, aggravatingly slow. He picked up his pace very quickly. Sweat dripping down his forehead and landing right between my boobs. He lifted his hand up to my neck and took hold of it. I smiled as he choked me and let out a little moan.
He gave me this possessive look that just turned me on even more. My back arched off of the back, trying to get as close to him as I possibly could. His headboard was slamming against the wall with every thrust. That combined with the loud moans surely pissed his neighbors off. He pulled out of me completely, and I almost complained but I didn't get the chance to because his next words completely threw me for a loop.
"Get on your hands and knees," He told me very aggressively. I complied quickly with a smile on my face. I put my ass in the air and my face was basically buried in his bed. He grabbed onto my hips so tightly that there would be marks in the morning and started thrusting back into me.
"Spank me," I said, full of confidence. I knew he wasn't going to without me telling him to, so I made a move that benefited both of us. I felt a hand come down harshly onto my ass and it stung in the best way possible. We both moaned at the same time.
"Harder," I said to him, surprising myself. Where was this coming from? I never talk like this during sex. Matthew just brought something out of me.
"Is that a challenge, Noah?" He said and I could hear the smirk in his tone.
"Of course it is, Matthew," I responded. Another loud smack came down onto my ass that was so much harder than the first and took my breath away. He grabbed onto my hair and twirled it around his fist before lifting me up to him.
"Are you being a brat?" he whispered into my ear. Fuck, he was so hot. Of course, I was being a brat, I wanted him to ruin me.
"Always," I said to him, sweetly with a tinge of sarcasm in my voice. He let my hair go and continued to fuck me very hard while spanking me even harder.
The light banter made the sex that much better. I would definitely not be able to sit down tomorrow. My stomach was being wound up again and I was on the brink of another orgasm. His heavy breathing and quiet moans were music to my ears.
I've had sex plenty of times but no one had ever made me come. Let alone twice in one night. It's like he could read my mind because right then, he reached around to rub my clit and I felt my self come undone again.
I let out loud moans, chanting his name. He came quickly after me and emptied himself into the condom. Matthew sat there for a second and I felt him softly twitching inside of me. He pulled the condom off of him and threw it in his trash bin before collapsing next to me.
"Who would have known you were such a dirty girl." Matthew teased before giving me another kiss. I laid down onto my back and he walked over to his bathroom and grabbed a warm rag. He gently wiped me down and I winced a little from the heat.
"Are you okay? I didn't hurt you or anything, right?" He asked with a look of concern on his face. How cute. He thinks he could hurt me.
"No, I am okay," I told him honestly. He gave me a pair of underwear and a big t-shirt. I gave him a confused look because I planned on going home.
"I want you to stay, Noah. It's almost 2 am, there's no sense in leaving this late. Please." Matthew said, unknowingly giving me puppy dog eyes. I could never say no to those beautiful chocolate eyes. I took the clothes he gave me and went to the bathroom to change. When I walked out, he was laying in his bed in just his underwear. I laid down next to him and cuddled his chest.
He kissed the top of my head and whispered, "Goodnight." I fell asleep in his arms and I swear it was the best sleep I've had in years.
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gubler-me-up · 4 years
Old Friends, Old Habits (MGG Request)
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Request: Can u write a cute smutty fic about mgg pls? Like seeing eachother for the first time in a while or something. Thanks! Love ya xx
A/N: Thanks for the request, anon! I know, I know, I said Thursday it would be published, but I was out and about my apologies. I stayed up until nearly 6 in the morning to get this out I’m actually so drained i’ll be in bed until 3 in the afternoon LOL that being said I hope it was worth the wait! 
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Content warning: Oral sex (male receiving), penetrative sex, fingering, unprotected sex
Word count: 2.1k
You heard a familiar voice call out. You had been walking the streets of LA by yourself the whole day. You didn’t know anyone from there. You were only down there for a quick business trip. That voice though. The last time you heard that voice was a few years ago after seeing each other at a bar in New York. The rest was history.
You turned around and saw Matthew as he stood there in surprise. He looked delighted to see you after so long though. You two had become friends in university, but hadn’t seen much of each other after graduation besides that night at the bar.
“Well, isn’t it the superstar himself,” you said as you leaned in for a hug.
He grabbed you up in his arms and hugged you tight. His touch hadn’t changed in all these years. The last time he held you this close was in his hotel room as he gave you a hug and kiss goodbye in the morning.
He chuckled. “Superstar’s an overstatement. From the looks of it you’re doing big things since the last time we spoke.”
“Yeah, I finally moved from New York to Illinois and got a job at this company that pays me well enough now,” you said.
“See, I knew since NYU you’d do big things,” he said.
You rolled your eyes. “Ugh, you’re too modest for your own good sometimes, Matt. If your face isn’t in a magazine, it’s on T.V. or on the silver screen.”
He laughed as he continued to stare dangerously at you. You could tell he was reminiscing about the last time you two had bumped into each other. A friendly meet up with a few too many drinks which led the two of you to an intense make-out session in the back corner of the bar. A few more drinks after that led to Matthew ramming you from behind so hard in the washroom stall you thought your back was gonna break.
“Well, I’m not too much of a star to blow you off. How about I take you to dinner tonight? Only if you’re not too busy for me,” he said.
You giggled. “How could I ever be too busy for the Matthew Gray Gubler? That would be a crime if I ever saw one.”
“For someone who took business, you sure have a knack for the dramatics, Y/N. Maybe we can star side by side in a project one day.”
“I don’t know, I don’t feel like upstaging you like that.”
He laughed. “You can upstage me on any show as long as you don’t stand me up tonight. We can go to Bestia. I know how much you love Italian food.”
“Aw, you remember that? You’re too sweet.”
He smiled as he leaned in to hug you. You took that as a sign of him having to go. You were glad you could see him again later on. The innocent-seeming hug took a turn when you heard him whisper in your ear.
“I remember every inch of you.”
As you two split from the hug you could feel your heart race with excitement just by those few words he whispered. What made it even better was he had such a casual look on his face while you looked at him dangerously. The night portion of your chance meeting would definitely be an interesting one.
Dinner had been going well for both of you. There was an extensive amount of catching up to do especially on your end. He wanted to know everything that had happened in your life in the past few years. You were more than happy to fill him in. Everything you shared with him you could tell he was proud of your accomplishments. You had to admit the both of you had come a long way since your university days.
He was still the same goof as you remembered him to be. Extremely hilarious and sweet wrapped in a perfect bow that was his physical form. You could still remember the feeling of his chest as you rubbed your hands up and down it the last time you encountered each other. Your mind couldn’t help rewinding that moment over and over again in your mind.
“Oh my God, do you hear that?” Matthew said.
You quickly snapped out of your thoughts. You were trying to figure out what he was talking about, but then you heard it. A big smile formed on your face.
“Is this Sublime playing?” You asked.
He nodded. “Yeah, it’s Doin’ Time. Remember in our freshman year of college we discovered Sublime and would just vibe to it?”
You laughed. “How could I forget? The easier days of procrastinating our homework and listening to music.”
“I wish we could still do that,” he said.
“Well, we kinda are. We’re putting off work to eat some pasta and vibe to Sublime,” you pointed out.
He smiled. “I guess that’s true. Doesn’t feel as good lazing around in your 30’s as it does at 18.”
“Nonsense, lazing around feels good at any age. If I could be laying in my bed every day with a margarita at my bedside I’d be content.”
“Make that two.”
You raised your eyebrow. “You’d be in the bed with me?”
“Of course. I’d be by your side more often if you were in LA.”
“Ugh, you know how much I hate LA.”
“I think I could change your mind about LA.”
“Oh? You sound so sure of yourself. I’d like to know how you’d make LA appealing.”
“Well, it’s beautiful.”
“Beauty? That’s all LA has? Beauty?”
“Well, yeah. I’m here, so it adds to the beauty of it all.”
You both burst out laughing. You had to admit he made a valid point. LA might not be your first choice to move to, but definitely a place you’d visit more often since Matthew made it worth it.
“Is there a second point?” You asked.
“Well, if you were down here we could do so many things together,” he said.
“Like?” You asked.
“Anything and everything.”
You placed your elbow on the table and placed your chin in your palm. You were interested in what he exactly meant by “anything and everything.” You decided it was the perfect time to see if you were the only one thinking about the last time you two meant. By his look early on in the day when you two bumped into each other you’d say he definitely still had it on his mind.
“What do you exactly mean by anything and everything?” You asked.
A smirk spread across his face. He licked his lips as he looked to his left before he looked back at you. You could see in his eyes he had something in mind. You looked over to where he looked and saw a hallway leading to the washrooms. At the end of the hall was the family washroom. It was confirmed, he in fact had thought about your hook up years ago.
“How about I show you?”
Before you could say another word he had gotten up from his seat and started to walk towards the washroom. You watched as he made his way to the washroom. He looked back at you before he entered and gestured you to come. You obeyed like a dog as you quickly walked towards him. He smiled as he opened the door for you. When he closed the door behind himself it was a matter of seconds before he grabbed your face and embraced you in a long, sensual kiss.
You broke away from the kiss and looked him in his lustful eyes. You smiled as your hands made their way to his belt buckle. He bit his lips before letting out a small laugh. He knew how eager your hands could get whenever he was near.
“Are you gonna show me why Illinois’s worth it?” He asked.
You giggled. “I’m gonna show you why I’m worth it.”
Without saying another word you dropped to your knees and pulled down his pants along with his underwear. As soon as you saw his dick you didn’t hesitate to put your mouth on it as you bobbed your head back and forth. He let out the most satisfied moan you’d ever heard from a guy. You were glad you still had power over him. You placed your hand on his dick and started moving it up and down his shaft.
“You’re too good, Y/N,” he said as he placed his hand on your head.
You moaned around his dick as you continued to bob your head on it. You forgot how exhausting it could be blowing him because he was a mouthful. The feeling of his dick in your mouth was worth it though. Every single inch of it.
He started to push your head for you so you let him take control. He pushed your head as close as possible to the shaft and held you there. You gagged as you looked up at him happily. He looked down at you happy you were enjoying yourself. He pulled your head off his dick and helped you off the ground.
“I wasn’t finished,” you said.
He leaned in and kissed you. “I’m supposed to be the one trying to convince you why you should come down to LA, remember?”
You laughed as you two embraced in another kiss. His kisses could be reason enough to move states. He didn’t even need to have sex to convince you, but you were glad it was leading to just that. He led you over to the mirror and stood behind you. He kissed down your neck as his hands found their way up your dress. You let out a desperate moan as you felt his hand rub your already soaked underwear.
“I didn’t know you were this excited,” he said.
“I’d be crazy not to be,” you said.
You then felt him move your underwear to the side and placed two fingers inside of you. You let out nonstop moans as he slowly moved in and out of you, watching you in the mirror as your face contorted in pleasure. In the mirror you saw him smiling to himself as he gave you a light bite on your neck. Those canine of his were a hot, dangerous force.
“You ready for the main reason you should be in LA?” He asked.
You smiled. “Been ready.”
You then felt his dick enter you. You instantly fell limp as the sensation overpowered any sense you had left. He made sure you felt every inch of his dick, so you knew what you were missing. Very devious of him, but he was doing a good job of convincing you.
“How’s that convincing you?” He whispered in your ear.
You moaned something incoherent and total gibberish as he continued to gently fuck you. He smiled at your answer though, satisfied you didn’t even have a straight answer for him any longer. He went back to kissing your neck as you continued to moan for him. You started to feel as if he wanted to fuck you slow, so he could save this moment in case he didn’t see you for another few years after this.
Soon you felt his hand rub your clit. Your eyes rolled to the back and your head fell back as you enjoyed the stimulation. His other hand was fondling your breast. He continued to run gentle kisses down your neck the whole time. This was the image of what heaven must be like. You could feel sweet butterflies running through you and knew it was time for you to meet your end.
“Matthew,” you moaned.
He just continued to do what he was already doing. You knew he knew you were about to cum. He wanted you to. His actions were almost demanding you to. So, you did. You let out a few breathy moans as your body seized as your orgasm ran through you. That’s when he started to pump his dick in you a bit faster. He moved his hand from your clit and placed it on your neglected breast. He soon came himself as he roughly grabbed your breasts as he did.
He pulled out, but didn’t move from his position behind you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder as he looked at your flushed expression in the mirror. You smiled at him as he stared at you with a smirk.
“So, LA doesn’t seem so bad after all. Maybe I’ll move down in a few years or so,” you joked.
He chuckled. “I’ll help you move. Just don’t make me wait forever again.”
“I’ll try my best, superstar.”
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lightskinrry · 3 years
I had a crazy ass dream . So I was invited to the Grammys bc my dad???? Was nominated lmaodjdj I don’t know for what but he was really nervous anyway we going there with the whole family and meet up with other families one of them being Matthew gray gublers who was also nominated for an award ???? Anyway apparently I knew mgg so he kept telling me secrets all night and at some point we were in the bathrooms and he was like I haven’t been able to write anything good and he tells me he needs a restraining order against his girlfriend who was here with him that night lmaodjdjdjdj anyway it’s the last rehearsal before the show so we go where the stage is and there’s already ppl filling up the sits; Harry is on the stage and the stage is covered with newspaper articles and price tags (Easter eggs for his upcoming album) and there’s even a BLM sign anyway Harry comes off stage and I’m standing there like shit he’s here I’m meeting Harry!!!! He’s like I need a new dancer one fell so I go there and I’m like hey Harry how are you? I don’t know if you remember me but we met at the brits And I can dance! And he’s super dismissive and he goes ok but I already have a replacement and he choses a white girl out of nowhere so I’m super offended . And he just walks away he didn’t say hi or anything So I’m like you are rude do you know that ? And he turns around and he’s like I’m not so I start calling him out on his bullshit and telling him he is not a nice person and how putting up a BLM sign but not having anyone on stage who’s black is performative and disingenuous. And then i had an attitude so I told him to his face “your first album was not that good and fine line is better but is it really Grammy worthy?” And he was offended so we started arguing and we ended up kissing in the restroom and then my brain cut to the end of the Grammys and we both were going back to our respective cars looking all sweaty and disheveled so u knoooooow anyway I basically ditched my whole family for some angry dick 😔🥴
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simbinch · 4 years
celeb natal chart: matthew gray gubler
see this post for breakdowns on what the different planets mean. see this post for breakdowns on what the houses mean.
born on the ninth of march, nineteen eighty in las vegas, nevada
sun in pisces in the 9th house: everybody knows pisces as the emotional sign, and that is definitely true. pisces are known for being compassionate, empathetic, and big into fantasizing and dreamland. the negative traits of someone with this sun sign is that they might get caught in their dreamland and have trouble coming back to reality. they also might get mopey and turn all eeyore if they get overwhelmed with their feelings. sun placement in the 9th house are major learners and their big goal in life is to keep trying and doing new things.
moon in sagittarius in the 6th house: those with a sagittarius moon are naturally independent and free-thinking. they are the main character. they want to add more people to the cast and don’t hesitate to remove people they don’t find to be a good fit for their storyline. they love learning and adventures, always down to do something new or take on a new challenge. they take things day by day rather than think of one big goal they need to reach ASAP.
cancer ascendant/rising in cancer* in the 1st house: these people are known as being soft, sweet, and sentimental. not considered a man’s man by any means. highly emotional, cancer rising is happy in the moment, and not typically driven or determined to get things done. they are very sensitive and don’t share this with the world around them. they retreat back into their shell when they see conflict ahead. they’re incredibly faithful to a person they open themselves up to. they are loyal to the nth degree, even when their partner might be in the wrong. they have great relationships with their mothers as they relate to a nurturing figure. they are born followers and often play the role of the nurturer in the family. they want to find a partner that can provide for them, both literally and figuratively. they have great memories and like to make people feel special. they use their hands when speaking and emoting, to show that they are genuinely listening and care. 
the other option (based on just degrees of difference) was gemini rising. geminis are known to be really curious, want to learn new things, understand people on a deep level, and inspire those around them to be the best they can be. gemini rising in men is often associated with height and long fingers (seriously). highly attractive and a creative thinker. gemini in the 1st house means that they need to be mentally stimulated, otherwise they quickly get bored. gemini rising in men is often seen as a “player” because they are so charming and exciting, but often fall in and out of love quickly. they are hard to tie down unless they are absolutely sure there is nothing better out there for them, and that their life with a partner would be exciting enough to sustain them. doesn’t like to make promises unless they are absolutely sure they can keep them.
either of these rising signs could be made to fit mgg based on his interviews and general persona, especially the physical features associated with gemini. i didn’t know if i would consider him to be a born follower or having a lack of drive. what ultimately did it for me was the relationship with their families and the fact that gemini rising men tend towards centering themselves, whereas the cancer rising men center those around them. also gemini rising men are known as big cheaters and i didn’t want to hypothesize that for mgg lmao.
venus in taurus* in the 11th house: venus in taurus is known for valuing comfort and stability above all. very much commitment based people, highly traditional, looking for someone who can take care of them in an old-timey Leave It to Beaver style way. venus in taurus men don’t have to try hard to get women, they typically just flock to them. as a result, they have to be careful about who they choose to bring into their innermost circle, a common trait among those with venus in the 11th house. they are highly affectionate and patient, so they will look for someone they are really sure of before committing themselves to them. they clam up if someone insists they commit before they are ready. they enjoy being at home, in their own space, and having someone make meals for them. very drawn to a woman with curves, long hair, the works. classic feminine looks and style.
the other option was venus in aries, which would look for a more down to earth, tomboyish style woman. direct, confident, and straight up-no chaser kind of ladies. independent women who keep things interesting so they never get bored. venus in aries men are the type to love fast and hard, they will be the first to confess feelings and likely the first to break up. they look for women who will challenge them. they like the chase and get bored easily. when a relationship ends, those with venus in a fire sign are likely to blame everything on the other person.
i considered both options but felt that ultimately venus in taurus made the most sense. he has mentioned he likes strong women, and it makes sense that he would model a feminine ideal on his mother the boss lady. however, from what we have seen with his public relationships, they tend to last a while and he still has positive relationships with them via Instagram (so probably not putting all the blame for a relationship failure on them).
mercury in pisces in the 9th house: mercury in pisces makes for a good listener and pleasant conversationalist. active listening all day long. the friend you go to when you need a shoulder to cry on. they are also big talkers, but aren’t the type to necessarily dominate a conversation. mercury in the 9th house indicates an eternal optimist and a desire to always keep learning (lol). they are easily overwhelmed by serious topics, and tend to stray away from them for this reason.
mars in virgo* in the 3rd house: mars in virgo are organized and plan things out ahead of time to make sure they achieve their goals. mars in the third house indicates someone who is a quick conversationalist and comfortable standing their ground in a disagreement. they plot out goals and achieve them, and don’t like things standing in their way. when they come across a conflict they tend towards being calm. like most virgo placements, they are perfectionists and like to win, but want to do so in a dignified manner.
the other possibility here was mars in leo (which was just a few degrees away). mars in leo are big thinkers, highly creative, and great at debating. they are proud people and like to get things done and share them with others. these people tend towards bragging because they want a reward for the work that they’ve done. they are charismatic so they get away with it, but are known as the type that needs to get an award for everything they do.
i went with mars in virgo, because even though he is highly creative there is nothing to indicate that mgg likes to talk about himself and his accomplishments. on the contrary it looks like he tries to downplay them.
jupiter in virgo in the 3rd house: jupiter in virgo finds helping others to be the most rewarding thing in life. they are kind and loyal, and with jupiter in the third house they are always looking to learn something new. highly optimistic, often take on more than they should, but try to juggle it all anyway.
saturn in virgo in the 4th house: saturn in virgo occurs every 25-30 years or so, with the first recurrence being between 2007 and 2010. everyone is expected to have 3 saturn returns in their lifetime, and these are known as periods of self-realization. the next saturn return for virgo is between 2036 and 2039. those with saturn in the 4th house get things done and like to help others. they might have had insecure childhoods (who didn’t in the 80′s) and are looking to build an idealistic family life for themselves to replace what they never had. despite this, they struggle with commitment and being bogged down, so it’s a constant battle. 
uranus in scorpio in the 6th house: uranus in scorpio is for everyone born between 1974 and 1981. these are the babies of generation X, but too old to be millennials. they feel intensely, and often switch from one mood to another. highly adaptable, as they kind of needed to be when you account for the period they became adults (9/11, the recession, etc). placement in the sixth house means that you want to make a difference in the world, but are often scattered in how you get there. it isn’t that you hate work, just that you don’t thrive with structure and get distracted along the way. 
neptune in sagittarius in the 6th house: neptune is in sagittarius for those born between 1970 and 1984. these are idealistic, progressive people who want to see the best in others. neptune in the sixth house means that these people tend to put others at ease and might even have a deeper spiritual connection with the world.
pluto in libra in the 4th house: pluto in libra is a generational placement between 1971 and 1984. these people feel intensely and have difficulty in interpersonal relationships as a result. pluto in the fourth house indicates they avoid conflict if possible, and tend towards being more introverted when they struggle. they aren’t flashy with their pain preferring it to be in private. 
*note: this is a noon chart, meaning i am doing it without an exact birth time. this means that some of the placements could be slightly off when they are at the edge between signs. in those cases i’ve marked them as such and made an educated guess based on interviews. this is typically the process when someone doesn’t know their own birth time for whatever reason. i’ve also included a breakdown of what the alternative placement would suggest.
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