#first orphan. bad start. then he has this shitty friend. then he gets recruited into an extremist group
How about HyunWoo's worse half, Isol?
on the one hand i will not stand for isol slander, on the other hand i did once say hyunwoo's attached to the one guy who doesn't give a fuck about him so i guess i can't say you're wrong lol
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isol is a horrible person but i forgive him. he hasn't had a chance to be a person yet
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my-love-peterp · 5 years
Mistaken Chapter One
Fic Summary: Peter Parker has been given the responsibility of bringing in a new recruit. Now, as an adult, he realizes that none of the trashy YA novels he read in high school could have prepared him for this. There was a storm on the horizon, and all they could do from the Tower is watch.
Chapter Summary: A new recruit is brought into the fold and is more than a handful.
Warnings: language, mentions of injury, non-graphic violence (brief)
A/N:  You may have seen me over @fabtasticass which is my main blog. So this is my first fanfic and it's going to be a big one. It is a Soulmates AU but not in the traditional way. That won't show up until later chapters. I'm going to try to keep endgame a secret the best I can. I have some very angsty ups and downs planned but I'm trying to hold back. So I’ll tag each chapter with what pairing might be in that chapter in the official Tumblr tags but never at the beginning.
I ran, dodging rats, and clumps of unidentified garbage that lay literal feet from a plethora of garbage cans and dumpsters. God, I hated this city.
I especially hated this city in the rain, dashing through back alleys of Queens with all of my belongings in tow.
Rolling in and out of huge asphalt craters, my suitcases jostled my already pained arm. It had only been three or so hours since I’d reset the dislocated joint against my fire escape.
Blood dripped from a split along my hairline, mingling with sweat and city rainwater. At this point, I felt like a drowned cat and probably smelled like a wet dog. Super, awesomely attractive, right?
Bracing myself against the wall of the nearest building, I pulled a flask out of the interior pocket of my jacket and took a swig. The flask was light pink with the words “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” emblazoned on the side. It filled me with a dark sense of glee and irony every time I used it. I nicked it from one of those chain party supply stores a few months back, which I supposed could be my version of fun.
The whiskey burned as it went down but as it hit my stomach it helped to warm my rain-soaked bones.
I began moving again. As I wove in and out of the misshapen piles in the alleyway, I felt the hair prickle on the back of my neck. It felt like I had a curious pair of eyes, tracking my every move and staring me down. I ignored my most basic instinct to turn around and investigate and my training kicked in instead. My eyes swept the alleyway ahead of me, monitoring the shadows, ears open and head down. I checked every shiny surface to see the reflection behind me. Empty alleyways are all that I was shown. So I shoved aside my intrusive paranoia and started whistling tunelessly as I moved. I’d felt that prickle for days and nothing had come of it.
In front of me, business lights filtered through the rain, casting a glow over the stone walls. Wet, sputtering and a little drunk, it only made sense that I was the target of some less friendly men who had stationed themselves outside of a local dive bar. They jeered and reached out at me. “Piss off you assholes, I’m not in the mood.”
Their demented shouts ranged from demands that I take off my clothes, false coos asking me if I needed their help to warm up and jokes about them being so good in bed women were jumping at the chance and willing to move in with them immediately to lock it down.
The rain got harder as I clenched my fist, glaring daggers at them and trying to subtly move faster. Everything about my body language screamed 'don't fuck with me', but it's hard to be intimidating when you're a generous 5'3. They advanced anyways and with a woosh, they all got tossed back into the brick wall, hard. The crack of a few skulls echoed down the empty alley, interrupted only by their groans as a few immediately came to.
The tingling on the back of my neck got more intense, this time joined by a fuzzy feeling alarm in the back of my brain. I hustled along, eager to get the hell out of Queens. I hadn't taken more than three steps when I heard him. “Woah, what was that? I webbed up those guys back there, they won't be able to move for a few hours. What was that though, can you like manipulate energy or is this outside the realm of earthly physics? Are you an alien? Or a mutant maybe? Or..."
Without looking up I sent another blast towards the overly excited voice and immediately heard an oomph followed by the sound of a body rushing towards the pavement. Or, rather, a dumpster.
“Hey not cool,” said the guy, poking his head up and out of the dumpster.
I groaned, immediately recognizing the mask, despite it being covered in what looked a lot like smashed avocado on the left side of the heroes head. Spider-Man.
Pushing my bags together, around my feet, I bound them to myself and alighted on the nearest rooftop, gently floating upward. I figured the enhanced cat was already out of the bag with the current company, so to speak. I ran along the flat roofs of the decrepit, abandoned buildings with still no destination in mind but out.
“Wait up, where are you going, stop! We're friends now right? It's rude to ignore your friends, and I'm the friendliest of friends, you know. Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and all...” he babbled on lamely, his voice fading in and out as he swung between buildings, keeping up as I hopped from roof to roof.
“Buzz off buggy”, I grumbled before sending another shot his way.
“You’re really bad at paying attention to where I am, aren’t you” Spidey suddenly whispered in my ear. I shrieked and came to a halt, dropping my luggage next to me as I sat to dangle my feet off the ledge of whatever shitty building I was on now. As expected, that lanky ass fool sat down right next to me.
“So, where are you going, miss uh… strange power lady?”
“I don’t kno-” I cut myself off and looked at him strangely. “Wait, why are you even here?”
“Well funny story," he huffed out, looking over at me. His masked eyes contracted as he continued to just look at me in silence for several minutes. I was seconds away from physically shoving him off of the building. For someone who apparently couldn't keep his mouth shut when I wanted him to, he was as silent and one of those monks now when I actually wanted to hear his whiny voice. Then, just as I was about to snap, he lifted his chin and squared his shoulders.
"Have you ever heard of the Avengers?”
Like any normal person on the planet, I obviously had. I may not have been in New York while it was being leveled by aliens over a decade ago, but a person would have to be seriously deprived of outside stimuli to not know who the Avengers were.
Instead of speaking to the impertinent, entirely too perky Avenger at my side, I just glared, sending a message loud enough that even the most inept individual would comprehend me.
“Woah, woah, don’t shoot! You could be like, a really weird and reclusive alien for all I know at this point. The boss didn’t exactly give me all the details when he sent me out to trail you. I don’t even know your name, which tells me that we actually don’t know a whole lot about you…,” he trailed off his rambling as he finally realized I was now staring at him expectantly, waiting to get a word in edgewise.
“My name is Kaida, and I’m not a good person. Also, thanks for the invitation to join your little cult, but I’m going to have to pass.” I stood to leave and find shelter for tonight when all of a sudden a schnick sounded and webbing surrounded my foot, holding me in place.
That sneaky little son of a bitch.
“No can do, we’re going to talk this one out. Either you agree to come in and meet the team or you get to sit here all night and listen to me ramble about them and what ridiculously stupid things we’ve all been up to in the past few months. Your call… Kaida.” He said my name as though it could take form, leap up and bite him.
“Okay Spider, I see you want to play hardball. You take that mask off and I’ll come with you to ‘meet the team’ or whatever touchy-feely bullshit y’all are into over there. But I’m not agreeing without some kind of skin in the game other than my own.” I lifted my chin, triumphantly, secure in the knowledge that he would never reveal his identity to a complete stranger, especially while various factions of the government and private entities were trying to round up enhanced individuals.
Spidey scoffed. “That’s it? It’s not like I was going to leave it on once we got to the tower anyways so, here you go I guess,” and he ripped away his mask as though it didn’t faze him in the slightest.
He was… younger than I had expected. Cute, in a safe, boring schoolboy kind of way.
“What are you, twelve??” I all but shouted at him. There’s no way this kid was the real deal, a bona fide Avenger that had helped save numerous lives, my own included if you count what happened just a few years back.
“I’m twenty-two, thanks though. If I’m twelve, I’ve gotta say you’re a toddler. Granted, a toddler with wicked skills but it’s not like you’re even really an adult at this point, are you? Why aren’t you with your pare-.”
“For one thing, they’re dead. Secondly, I’m twenty but I guarantee you I’ve seen shit that you can’t really even comprehend. Even outside of all the crazy whack alien bullshit you all seem to be attracting. It really ages a person, or so I’ve heard.”
“Oh look at you, pulling the big bad ‘I’m so tough because I’m an orphan and my life wasn’t sunshine and roses’ act. Literally, everyone has bad shit happen to them. From what I’ve just seen and from what we’ve caught on security monitors, you’re wickedly talented and could actually use your powers to help others. Unless you’re too much of a coward, I know we do deal with ‘crazy whack aliens’ and all, but it shouldn’t be hard for a big kid like yourself, huh?”
I had half a mind to blow him off the roof right then and there. Rage swirled in the pit of my gut so violently, I might have vomited had I eaten at all in the past day or so. The wind picked up and began buffeting around the Spider guy and myself, throwing debris from decrepit roof and buildings towards us. All of the shrapnel conveniently avoided my person, but Spidey was dancing back and forth like a puppet on a string.
Deep breaths Kaida, deep breaths. We wouldn’t want another Wizard of Oz-esque incident. Again. I often found myself talking to myself in different perspectives to calm down. Anger, improperly channeled was a very dangerous thing for me, and honestly, I was being a brat just like he was. No need to level an entire city block just for this one intrusive, presumptuous asshat who dressed up like a fucking spider. I wasn’t about to tell him that though.
The wind died down almost immediately. Until it didn’t.
Not a minute later, the biggest bolt of lightning I’d ever seen struck a building a block or so away, no doubt short-circuiting every device plugged in at that residence. Two seconds later there was a solid thunk and next to Spider-Man loomed perhaps the most handsome being in the known universe, Thor. King of Asgard.
“You hit your panic button Man of Spiders. Are you in need of assistance… carrying bags?” Thor looked at you, tied down, and your bags tossed askew, then back at Spidey. Quizzically, he opened his palm and sent a burst of lightning up into the sky, as if looking for something. “All seems to be in perfectly good spirits here, no strange magics… so.”
“Listen, man, two minutes ago she was literally shaking the building so hard I thought we were all going down. I just don’t know how… all I did was ask her some questions, maybe play hardball with her a little,” he just shrugged at the god apologetically.
“Hi, I exist too, and I can speak for myself,” I asserted, repositioning my body so I wasn’t standing quite so hunched over. “We,” I continued, looking at Spidey, “would love your assistance in getting my bags back to wherever this team inspection or meeting is supposed to happen.” Anything to get inside and secure, before I lost it completely.
“As you wish, Lady of the Winds,” Thor almost yelled, thrusting a cane into the sky.
“No, Thor wai-.”
Before the insect could finish whatever he was trying to say, we were engulfed in a kaleidoscope of bright colors and rushed away in the blink of an eye.
So much for having a normal, Wednesday evening.
If you’d like to be tagged in future chapters (I have 28 written) drop me a message or reblog this!! As always, reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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bitchtricks · 6 years
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BELLATRIX LESTRANGE is A DEATH EATER in the war, even though HER official job is as AN OBLIVIATOR. the TWENTY EIGHT year old PUREBLOOD is known to be ASSERTIVE and QUICK WITTED but also SADISTIC and HOT HEADED. some might label them as THE HELLFIRE. fc: olivia munn 
Bellatrix Black came crashing into the world on the night before Christmas Eve. She wasn’t due for another four weeks, so her birth was a mostly unwelcome surprise --- but she was also the first child of Cygnus and Druella to carry on the Black legacy, which was an honor. A necessity.
After her birth, her father never really hid his disappointment --- it was no secret that a daughter was not what he had hoped for. He was an old fashioned man, and had prayed for a strong son, to bring glory to the family name. Bellatrix, small in size and eerily quiet as a baby, was far from that.
She became strong fast, because she had to be. The tiny infant who could barely muster a scream seemed like a faint memory, and was soon replaced by a mean toddler.
As a child, Bella was vicious. Biting, clawing, screaming and cursing were things she picked up fast, and she’d terrorize the other kids at the playground ( with an almost scary aim for her muggle born / half blood peers ). But she never hurt her sisters, and instead came to protect them.
Once she reached the age of six, she calmed down a bit, and instead started following her father around ( and was lovingly referred to as his ‘little shadow’ ). Eager to prove herself, she learned everything that a son of Cygnus would have learnt. She was determined to show her father that being a girl would not stop her from becoming worthy of the Black throne, to carry his name with pride. Over the years of her childhood and adolescence, Bellatrix forged herself into the golden girl, a respectable heir in the making. Desperate to wear the crown.
Most of her childhood was characterized by harsh words, strict rules and high expectations. Her family’s reputation weighed heavy on her shoulders, constantly pressuring her to excel. Luckily, she shared her parents’ ambition and values, and had no problems conforming to their rule. Which also meant that she could get away with much else.
She was close with her sisters, and even as a young girl, she would have gone to war for the both of them. She still would, for Narcissa.
Bellatrix had been duly prepped before arriving at Hogwarts. She was the first of their children to walk the halls, so it was important to both Druella and Cygnus that Bellatrix knew how to behave. Who to fraternize with. Who to avoid. Who was worthy of her time. Her parents had also made sure that she already had the appropriate friends --- and play dates with other pureblood kids were a common occurrence when Bellatrix was younger.
During her Hogwarts years, she kept out of trouble. For the most part. Her problems with impulse control and uncontrollable rage got her into some fights. She was also known for mocking ( and occasionally jinxing ) muggle born kids. But mostly she kept to her fellow Slytherins, biding her time.
Took the following electives while at Hogwarts: alchemy, care of magical creatures, study of ancient runes.
Was in the charms club, the potions club and the dueling club. 
She was a beater for the Slytherin team during her time at the school, and was notorious for her cruel playing style and foul tricks. In her opinion, playing dirty was just part of the game though, so....
During her sixth year at the school, Bellatrix was recruited into the Death Eaters. With them, she found a second home.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Bellatrix took a year off from her studies. The official reason was that she needed to “find herself”. Whatever the fuck that meant. Obviously, it was a lie to hide what she was really up to. In reality, Bellatrix was at Voldemort’s side, learning leglilimency and occlumency, all the while developing her dark magic and her shitty personality.
At the age of nineteen, Bellatrix found work as an obliviator. Though the choice had ultimately been hers to make, the dark lord was always whispering in her ear, encouraging her to infiltrate the ministry. The goal was to have sleeper agents of death eaters in every department once it was time to go to war. It also helped that becoming an oblivator just made sense --- fucking with the minds of muggles could already be counted as a hobby (albeit a twisted one), and she had always been good at taking things that didn’t belong to her... Memories would be no different.
At the age of twenty two, Bellatrix married Rodolophus Lestrange, and secured a worthy pureblood union for her legacy. 
Among the Death Eaters, Bellatrix is in the inner circle. She considers herself the dark lord’s right hand, and prides herself on being his most loyal servant.
Bellatrix is a fucking shit show. She is deranged, a little bit unhinged, impulsive, angry as hell, childish, ruthless, playful, arrogant and lethal ( and she barely has a moral compass to speak of ). But she’s also calculating, focused, quick on her feet, protective, fiercely loyal, assertive and intuitive. Bella often contradicts herself --- she has grown up believing that it’s best to be cold and devoid of emotions, but she’s a highly emotional person by nature. She tries to suppress that as best as she can, but she usually boils over pretty fast. Other emotions are usually translated into anger as well, so that’s fun. I think the best way to describe her is that she’s just fire, always burning cold.
Most people probably suspect that Bellatrix is a death eater, because she’s not exactly subtle about it. She won’t outright SAY it, but she enjoys a game of cat and mouse, and will heavily imply... stuff. Especially to the aurors, who are her favorite people to taunt. 
Doesn’t have the most finesse. I like thinking of her as the Hammer™. Gets shit done, but not in the most Delicate or Intricate way. Intensely focused, and can control herself when needed, but she usually finds that it’s not.
Bellatrix has jet black eyes ( resembling the pits of hell ) and the hair to match. It falls in messy curls over her shoulders, and she doesn’t bother with it ( and doesn’t cut it either tbh, so it’s very long ). 
Usually wears dark red lipstick ( to hide her sins && match the blood of enemies ).
Dresses mostly in black. Has to wear clothes that can fit into the muggle world while at work ( since she is often out in the field, interacting with muggles ). While there, she wears a well worn leather jacket ( with shoulder pads, in true 70s style ), and wide, black pants.
Files her nails into long claws, and paints them black.
Is tall.
jamie moriarty ( elementary ) - so diabolical. so clever. so manipulative. the voice. the plans. the lethality. the determination. the curiosity.
glory / glorificus ( btvs ) - the insanity. the instability. the arrogance. the violence. the childlike temper.
villanelle ( killing eve ) - the brutality. the psychopathy. the immaturity. the quips. the game of cat and mouse. 
jennifer blake ( teen wolf ) - absolutely psychotic. the vindictiveness. always plotting. the ruthlessness. the righteousness. the ambition. never giving up.
klaus mikaelson ( tvd ) - the anger issues. the sadism. the coldness.
kilgrave ( jessica jones ) - the creativity. the multitude forms of torture. the brutality. the immaturity. the childlikeness. the sociopathy.
lilith ( supernatural ) - the childishness. the coldness. the playfulness.
drusilla ( btvs ) - the lunacy. the mind games. the viciousness. the erraticness.
cersei lannister ( got ) - the queen. the petty mindgames. the cruelty. the violence. the thirst for power.
helena ( orphan black ) - the fanatic. the determination. some of the mannerisms. the psychoticness.
faith lehane ( btvs ) - instability right below the surface. twists and turns. a little unhinged. easy to anger. likes violence.
mazikeen ( lucifer ) - the violence. the cruelty. the torture. the being a demon thing. the sadism. the confidence. the sarcasm. the class.
SLASHER SMILE - a smile in anticipation of pain or death // a cheshire cat grin.
THE DRAGON - a monster the hero has to get past to get at the big bad. the top enforcer.
TORTURE TECHNICIAN -  takes the heroes and turn them into screaming, shinned shambles. 
LADY MACBETH - frequently more crazy than her husband, quite the sociopath, in the business of turning men towards evil.
AX CRAZY - psychologically unstable, capable of extreme violence, known for insane laughter.
THE BARONESS - a female baddie with a chilly disposition and more than a touch of the dominatrix about her.
WICKED CULTURED - evil is intellectual // basically an evil aristocrat.
THE CHESSMASTER - thinking three moves ahead at all times. manipulating, planning, plotting.
DADDY’S LITTLE VILLAIN - shares evil father’s ambitions and cruelty.
BERSERK BUTTON - always ready to fucking snap.
SOFT SPOKEN SADIST - occasionally. a monster who might describe just how horribly she's going to mangle you, while speaking in a voice that's anything but monstrous.
DARK ACTION GIRL - likes beating the hero to a bloody pulp. good at it too.
AMBITION IS EVIL - has grand plans. ends justify the means, always.
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sigurdjarlson · 7 years
Replies! Woo! super late i know
highpriestessbriyanna said: This is always my reaction. Like “yes. keep talking. Wait.. did you just PUN at me again.. IMA KNIOCK THAT FUCKER OFF A CLIFF” 
IM 99.9% sure someone has knocked khadgar off a cliff before and there’s an 80% chance it was because of a pun
owmyeyeballs said: You ok, friendbeast?
just tired and in a bit of a slump but i’ll be okay. thank you <3
owmyeyeballs said: Know that feel…
my poor girl! hasn’t she been through enough.. (*evil brain sounds*) 
skullkind said: congrats!
Thank you!! It was the shitty demon hunter boots but it’s better than nothin! 
lovesdaryl said: Feel better soon. *hugs*
thank you <3 *hugs*
skullkind said: me with illidan like once a week
same tbh
casterlycosplay said: Very relatable content
i wish i could say its the first time i’ve teared up while thinking about khadgar..but its not
apaladinfailure said: this is the most relatable thing you’ve ever posted
Khadgar..such a tearjerker huheuheuh he cries while he wanks 
anzareveange said: im giving him all my love.
same. i want blizz to let me hug him so bad like PLEASE
skullkind said: hey !! im skull and ive been following you for a while and think youre super chill! i llove ur wow posting ! you dont need to follow back but i would love to chat sometime or stuff ^^ 
hello!!1 :D thank you for following. I’m glad you enjoy them. Feel free to contact me anytime! I’d love to chat
shadowphoenixrider said: Yeah, I remember her sneaking around the Twilight Highlands in Cata.
That sounds like her <3
ship-garbage-pile said: ^^ yeah she’s one of the quest givers order hall
I need to level my rogue..
lovesdaryl said: I might have mentioned this, but we went to ZG before it was patched out and I actually won the tiger and gave it to my husband as a gift. He looks magnificent on it. :-)
this is honestly the sweetest thing ever
anzareveange said: sleeping with the enemy…
Khadgar and Gul’dan have some serious unresolved sexual tension lbr
owmyeyeballs said: I love reading your responses to these. Thanks for putting up with my nonsense! XD
I love answering them <3
a-little-squirrely-sunshine said: My cat is named David Bowie, and depending on how I phrase things I get the best odd looks from my friends.
That’s great like i cna just imagine..DAVID BOWIE WHAT DO YOU  HAVE IN YOUR MOUTH sdkgkdfh
owmyeyeballs said: These two just keep on breaking my heart…
they break mine too ugh. My poor babies
shadowphoenixrider said: I’d vote, but I like quite a few and I don’t think they’d all fit in this text box. I might…steal one idea though.
Steal as many as you’d like and I’d still love to hear which ones you think i should write! 
doitsuki said: yes genn is lower in the hierarchy
he’s..the omega
ghoulghoulneighbor said: But they said no homo while they did it……….
blizzard could make a cinemeatic where khadgar and medivh have explicit sex and they’d still be like.. “no homo tho” 
shadowphoenixrider said: Eggs-llecent idea, Archmage.
anzareveange said: take all my dollars blizzard! hire him for the movie!
I won’t accept anyone else as old khadgar now. Someone get me into contact with George
owmyeyeballs said: i love them!!!!
My fierce saber queens <3
apaladinfailure said: omg that it so sweet im crying
i cried a lil while writing it so don’t feel bad hehheh
owmyeyeballs said: Oh dear lord, that was adorable and sad… someone protect these sweethearts!
protect Khadgar and Jaina 2k17
shadowphoenixrider said: Ow my heart! If you’ll excuse me, I’ll just lie down…right here…
i had to do the same after writing it tbh
owmyeyeballs said: Sweet, precious babies!
i just want to hold them both
shadowphoenixrider said: *chinhands* These are lovely, you know.
thank you so much!! 
shadowphoenixrider said: I’m not quite sure my heart should be hurting this much in the morning, but it is! 
Hohoho there’s a lot more where that came from!
ghoulghoulneighbor said: How dare u. This is some 10/10 pain, would cry again.
Same tbh. I made their parents and I was like shit..i love them  
ghoulghoulneighbor said: I knew Illidan was the daddy kink type, I just knew it
ghoulghoulneighbor said: what have I started.
*points at medivh* Medaddy.
*points at Gul’dan* Gul’daddy
anzareveange said: Many races dont have orphans or child models. i want to see a tauren child, or a dwarf or a gnome child.
there are nightborne children models so blizz really doesn’t have an excuse anymore. I want children models for all the races, blizz. Give me this now
shadowphoenixrider said: I’d like to inform you that Khadgar is introduced in the book Tides of Darkness with a youngster in one arm and holding the hand of another. We don’t call him Dadgar for nothing! ^^
OH NO!!! This is so sweet I really need to read Tides of Darkness...and Beyond the Dark Portal
anzareveange said: “Put that thing back where it came from” no, it can be really painfull, also the mother is dead, so no.
maybe illidan doesn’t know where babies come from 
ghoulghoulneighbor said: you’d think his hunters would be expecting this kind of thing by now tho
very true. new recruits learn very quickly not to stand behind Illidaddy. He’s very dramatic and very passionate. when he gets excited he can’t control his wings
shadowphoenixrider said: I’d like to add that if you put a pet bed down, it’ll attempt to ‘sit’ in it. Reduced my bf to wheezing laughter when he saw it.
FDHDfhd I KNOW ISN’T IT GREAT. You make him jump through the flaming hoop too. 
It catches on fire sometimes and runs away...oops 
shalar0s said: I’m dying over the “well that’s new.” Oh my god I can’t breathe.
nothing surprises Moroes anymore. Nothing. 
unidentified-starman said: see, kids? this is what happens when you party (& clean up the library) too much
Ben!Khadgar? Before Medivh.
Game!Khadgar? After Medivh.
Medivh is a helluva drug
spicymulligan said: Boy howdy ur gonna LOVE Glee then
this is the worst thing you’ve ever said to me
ghoulghoulneighbor said: The ONLY way to treat your giant fuzzy murdercat
she loves her giant fuzzy murdercats <33
owmyeyeballs said: I want to hug Dilly too!
She needs a hug tbh
apaladinfailure said: this is entirely possible with genn greymane
SOMEONE DREW THAT!! I don’t know where it is but it was his wife riding on his back into battle
derp-mage said: It would have been glorious and now I’m mad he didn’t go full on worgen run
blizzard let us ride Malfurion in his regular form
owmyeyeballs said: KHADGAR DO NOT FUCK THE SKULL
too late. he hurt himself rip
unidentified-starman said: it’ll look even more ridiculous when he appears in the warcraft movie sequel or smth (i hope it gets made sometime). he’ll probably be at least half cgi (or a man flapping his arms in a motion capture suit). look at cgi malfurion go
I am excited and dreading the day they add Malfurion to the films. Because he’s either going to look awesome or fuckin terribly hilarious (more likely tbh) and I can’t wait. (SHIT...motion capture behind the scene shit is so great) 
shadowphoenixrider said: pffft that second one. AFAIK Khadgar asplodes everyone in Kilrogg’s vision, but I don’t think it’s Mythic difficulty? Could be wrong.
hmm i just did the Kilrogg fight on mythic on both Diily and Alaluria and didn’t get any visions. Is there something I have to do to trigger it? (i will cry)
ghoulghoulneighbor said: Your tag said wing burrito and I thought of a burrito stuffed with chicken wings, with the horns and blindfold. …I’ll see myself out.
*muffled sobbing from the bathroom* I was not prepared for these burritos..
shadowphoenixrider said: Don’t apologise, I love hearing these.
you’re an angel. thank you <3
carlyrosk said: That’s how I am too oh my god. That cinematic crushed both me and my Deathlord! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on Genn! He’s been through SO much, and he’s just snapped with Varian’s death.
Genn’s reaction to Varian’s death in the cinematic kills me every time. Genn kills me. My poor old wolf man </3
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