#first person who can guess correctly which 2 lines i started with and you can get a poem or a doodle or sth idk your choice ma dude
shewholovestoread · 9 months
Part 1 review and character breakdown are here and here respectively.
Wow, this was such a roller-coaster. It was everything I expected it to be and then some. Let’s get into it. As always, beware of spoilers.
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To start, let me congratulate myself on guessing correctly that it was indeed Nawol-daek who gave up Tae-sang’s mother’s name. The way it was shot and edited actually made it pretty clear.
I also guessed that the threat would widen but I didn’t anticipate that there would be a massive time-jump between seasons 1 and 2. That actually raises so many questions which we’ll get to later. For now, I am very happy with the way the season ended. The show actually made it very clear just how things would go and in that respect, the foreshadowing was done well.
The pacing of the show is absolutely amazing. Having seen Part 1 when it first came out and then Part 2 just a few minutes ago, I am still not complaining that they decided to split the season. I think it may actually have been a good idea because that division was like the calm before the actual storm and I think that brief respite was necessary. When your characters are in a constant state of peril, it can sometimes make the audience disconnect because it almost becomes monotonous, the stakes no longer matter. Here, they definitely did.
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The writing was also super tight with no fluff and this surprised me, once it got dark, it didn’t really try to lighten the mood with levity which a lot of other shows might have done. I think that also ties in with the subject matter and the gravity of just what they were showing. The brutality is ever present and for the perpetrators it was matter of routine which made it all the more horrifying. But when you view the other person as sub-human, it becomes easy to justify your actions irrespective of how heinous they may be.
Part 1’s focus was wider in terms of the number of characters we were introduced to and once Part 2 got going, that focus shrank so it only paid attention to Tae-sang, Chae-ok, her father, General Kato and Yukiko Maeda. The others were still there but they were no longer central to the plot and that was okay.
I admire Tae-sang’s drive to protect the people he cares about. His character went through perhaps most growth, starting from indifference to putting his life on the line multiple times to save Chae-ok. He didn’t have to do that considering he met her not too long ago but he does it anyway. He also doesn’t try to hold her back (as he tried in Part 1) and I liked that he keeps telling her that they both have to live, he gives her hope when there really didn’t seem to be any.
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Chae-ok was still an absolute badass. There is a problem that a lot of dramas have where they start off with a kick-ass female character but as you get closer to the climax, she gets de-powered to prop up the male lead. I was so happy that they didn’t do that here. Chae-ok is nothing if not persistent, no matter how many times she gets knocked down, she still gets back up. There is a fire within her that nothing could put out, you could try to intimidate her but it wouldn’t get you very far.
Chae-ok and her father were always going to go back to the hospital, there was no way they would leave Seishin there at the mercy of those psychopaths. It was also always clear that her father would be the one who wouldn’t make it out. I think that when he realised just what they had done to her, he lost something within him. Death would have been better than what she had been subjected to.
The primary focus in the show was always Chae-ok and her mother and the bond between them and it wasn’t random, it all paid off in the end. It was the memories of Chae-ok that reawakened Seishin’s humanity, made her more than a mindless killer. Her final gift to her daughter was the Najin so she could live. In the end, Seishin was finally free from her tormentors, in giving up the Najin, she died but she died knowing that her baby was alive.
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I had a feeling that Chae-ok would become like a hybrid form of the monster. We saw that with her mother, she was different from the other people who were infected with the Najin. She still had control of herself and if not for the anthrax, I think she would have managed to retain her humanity. Considering how Seishin reacted, it would make sense that Chae-ok would also be more in control than say Myeong-ja for instance. It’s also why Kato was so curious about her and tried to infect her.
Kato took Myeong-ja’s baby and that child is definitely a hybrid. If they have any hope of defeating it, they would a hybrid of their own. But with the time-jump, I don’t know how Maeda and Kato will figure in Season 2 since it seems to take place with a considerable time jump (in the 80s perhaps?). Unless they’ve been experimenting and have figured out a way to live longer. Especially Maeda, considering her burn injuries, I’m curious to see what form she will take in Season 2.
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There are still a lot of unanswered questions like - How does the time-jump make sense? - What is the history between Maeda and Seishin? They hinted at it in Part 2 but didn’t give any definitive answers. Did Seishin cause the death of someone close to Maeda, who was it, how did they know each other? - How is Ho-jae related to the Tae-sang? - What is the meaning of the scar on Ho-jae’s back? - What did Chae-ok do all these years? - How do her powers differ from Seishin or even Myeong-ja?
I may get into some of these questions because there are answers we can glean from the show. But I’ll make a separate post about that so that this one doesn’t become obnoxiously long.
This show was an epic ride from start to finish and while it didn’t give us the conventional happy ending some expected, the ending it did give us is excellent. It sets up the next season perfectly while still giving a good closure to season 1. I can’t wait to what season 2 brings us.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
Fanbinding Process 1: Typesetting
Someone asked me to chronicle a fanbinding project a while back and now that I'm in the starting stages I figured "oh yeah I should do that!"
Disclaimer: still new at this. Please don't judge me. And also this is just what I do and really when it comes to some of the smaller details, that's personal choice and stuff you'll decide once you get going and know what you wanna do with it!
Anyway current project: A Choriambic Progression (one of my faves!) (I'm also doing In Between Days at the same time but I'm further along in that one so it's not a good one to really show.)
Step 1: Gotta save the fic! I'll say ahead of time how I do this with AO3 fic, even though A Choriambic Progression isn't on AO3. With that, I go to Download > HTML. I've found that way will copy over all the formatting whereas the other ones didn't for me. Then I open the HTML file and copy paste into Google Docs.
Instead with A Choriambic Progression I just went to the Wayback Machine link and copy/pasted all of that.
Step 2: I do my page setup before fixing the body of the work, so I inserted a few pages above the work. I consulted a few books on hand to decide the layout. Page 1 is a simple title page:
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I know when I print, odd numbered pages will show up on the right and even numbers will be on the left. So when I first open the book, the simple title page will be face up.
Step 3.) Which means for Page 2 I do the copyright page:
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I temporarily removed my actual location for this, but: I made a name for my bindery. Most I've seen have the location of the publishing company, so I have my location in that section. Most copyright pages vary in the setup and even some information, so I borrowed what I liked! A lot have like "First Printing: Date, Second Printing: Date" so I list where all I've found the work, plus when I'm binding it. Even though it's July right now, I figure most of my work on this will be in August so I put August 2023 for that.
For ISBN I usually will put AO3 ID: and the work ID #. Since this was originally posted to Ink Stained Fingers I used Ink ID instead and it's ID # (which is 21???? Very cool.) Also since this fic is old and not really anywhere else, I had to do my best guessing on the date, which as best as I can figure was sometime 2004? And the print line for funsies! Though I don't think I'll do more than this one printing of it, but who knows!
Step 4.) Images in Canva. Which is just....me creating whatever icons and images I want to use in Canva, which is at least a title image. In Canva I opened an Instagram Post sized template. I threw in the title + artist. I had no idea what sort of art I wanted, so I just typed in "magic" and found this crystal & plant art I liked. I fixed up the font how I liked and then went to Share > Download > check Transparent Background > Select Pages: 19 (to just save page 19) > Download.
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I also went into another Canva project for smaller images that i call "icons" to make my bindery icon and also a simple image I want to have at the top of the first page and downloaded both of those.
Step 5.) Back in Google Docs aaaand....I knew I'd need some pages before my title image so on Page 3 I added the "archive information" (which is where I'll normally pull the info from AO3, but I did the same basic idea here.)
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Then Step 6.) I inserted another blank page (CTRL + Enter) and on Page 6 I went to Insert > Image > Upload from Computer and added my title image. Below it I added my bindery icon and spent over fiddling with it to get it properly centered. (It never wants to center correctly.) Iirc I went into Format > Align & Indent and played with "center" and "increase/decrease indent" until it behaved itself.
Step 7.) CTRL + Enter for another blank page. Then I make sure the start of the fic is on an odd page (though I can always fix this later in Acrobat.) I inserted my cute lil story icon above the start of the story:
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Step 8.) I realized I had a problem in that I did all this setup BEFORE setting my font. So I had to CTRL + A to select it all and set it to Times New Roman 16, which I know will print in a way I like.
Next I'll say, I like to keep the space between paragraphs in an ode to fanfic-y ways. But I also like indented paragraphs. So this is a personal choice, but with everything still selected I went to:
Format > Align & Indent > Indention Options > set Left & Right to 0. Then select Special Indent > First Line > set to .5.
THEN I had to go back and fix my title, copyright, and archive pages, but it's less annoying to do that than it would be to try to highlight over 300 pages to do this for JUST the fic. I later added some extras (such as the poem at the end, the author's note, and some review/recommendations for the fic that I wanted to format differently.)
....Basically just figure out how you want to format it.
Step 9.) CTRL + F. This fic was a NIGHTMARE to fix up, ngl. I did all of this last night but basically...I had to find all the scene breaks by going CTRL + F and searching "***" so I could replace those with a horizontal line (Insert > Horizontal Line.) But a few places had tildes instead so I had to do an extra CTRL + F: "~~~~" That wasn't so bad.
The bad part was realizing how much had to be italicized. Regular italic words had a "*" on either side, while correspondence began and ended with an underscore. So I had to CTRL + F: "_" and then highlight and italicize all the letters. Then CTRL + F: "*" to find all the italicized words of which there were like 200. Very tedious.
Step 10.) File > Download > PDF Document
Step 11.) I opened the PDF in Adobe Acrobat for my final stages. Mostly here I make sure all of the pages are in an order I like and make sure all of my pages that need to end up on the right are odd numbers. And if not, I can go to the sidebar on the right and go to "Organize Pages"...there I can reorganize or add blank pages where needed.
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Step 12.) Page Numbers & Headers! Again this is personal preference but I can show you how I did it and you can make your own decisions about how you want to do it.
Close out of Organize Pages. Then from the sidebar I chose "Edit PDF." Then at the top toolbar I click on "Headers & Footers" and select "Add."
For me, I wanted the title as a header, and I wanted to insert page numbers. So in "Header Center" I wrote the title and in "Footer Center" I clicked on "Insert Page Numbers."
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Then because I want my page numbering to start on Page 3 (I like to start numbering at the Archive Information page) I click on "Page Range Options" and in "Pages From:" I changed "1" to "3."
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Note, if you fiddle with the pages later on and reorganize or add new blank pages, Adobe won't adjust the page numbers for you, which is why I make sure my pages are all in order first.
Step 13.) My least favorite part is REMOVING headers & footers from pages I don't want them on. So on all blank pages I took off the title & page number. I took the title off of the Archive information and the Title Image page. I took the title off of the "Recommendations" pages later on, too. It's not only tedious but Acrobat likes to be difficult about letting me select the page numbers so it takes a few tries of me getting the page just so before I can select and delete the page number.
Anyway at that point it's ready to go so I make sure to save it to my Fanbinding folder and next up I can print! So...we can do printing & page folding and maybe page cutting in Part 2.
You know...if I remember. 😬
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rinzay · 2 years
Sup, this isn't really an idea, but more of an explanation of how the possession worked in my idea list. I thought you might be interested in reading it!
Prelude: How the possession in my outlines worked
I have noticed that a lot of people are a bit confused on how the possession here works, so I wanted to clarify it with this little addendum of sorts. My version would have Vanessa initally black out occasionally for the first month or so after her initial possession. They would happen more specifically when she has her therapy visits. This is also where GlitchTrap/Afton attempts to rewrite her childhood memories to include an abusive father figure (presumably like him) to try and make her more obedient.
This is contrary to Vanessa's actual childhood, which was fairly standard and had 2 normal loving parents. It should be noted that in this universe they died in a car crash the year before the events of Help Wanted. All the therapists would play along as a way to diagnose her (or something idk) before eventually telling her that her memories don't line up with what her patient report sheet (or whatever they use) says about her childhood.
This gets rid of all the work Glitchtrap puts in and Vanessa original memories come back the overwhelming shock of which causes her to freeze up, and during this time she blacks out and Glitchtrap takes control of her and kills the therapist. He would then get her back to her apartment where she would regain consciousness and be none the wiser to her therapists fate. Controlling Vanessa directly takes a lot of energy from Glitchtrap and tires him out since he isn't intended to "control" humans just be manipulative. This is why he can't take direct control of Vanessa and has to resort to attempting to mentally gaslight her.
This happens 5 times before Glitchtrap says "screw this" and decides to create Vanny. He doesn't really want to do this, as he will be creating a different persona. This persona will be "programmed" to be subservient to him. However there is always a risk that since they are effectively their own person, this seperate personality can decide to not listen to the instructions correctly or do them their own way. They can also have their own goals that conflict with Glitchtrap's (something that you see in idea 6). He doesn't see any other way however, and is getting impatient and wants to start being evil again quickly. So he creates Vanny out of his own agony power thing and some of Vanessa's emotions. He uses ones that are still hurting from her parents death, duplicates and then corrupts them beyond all recognition.
Vanny is "made" (for lack of a better word) to control things directly, unlike glitchtrap. As such, the experience is now completely different. At her last therapist visit, Vanessa is forced to watch herself kill someone for the first time, starting off the worst 6 months of her life.
I hope that cleared up some confusion. If it didn't, let me know!
OOOOO that's interesting, glitchtrap I would love to stab u.
So Vanessa would have 'black outs', was she aware these blackouts were happening? Or were her memories on of before the appointment, leaving no memory of the therapist.
If she did, I wonder If she would get it checked or if she considered it a problem far too late.
If Vanny were created from Vanessa's emotions stemming from the death of her parents then it would mean; grief, longing, sadness, and anger is comming to play. When twisting those emotions I guess you get someone who is Possesive and Violent.
Vanny got some twisted morals since those are not only just regular emotions but very strong ones aswell if the accident was recent. If it wasn't then the 'black outs' glitchtrap has been causeing would definitly add some uneeded stress to her, when you are stress you are emotional so you could think of the stress factor as a multiplier!
Every Virus has a firewall, could Vanessa potentionally atleast resist Vanny's hold for a few seconds? Or even stall her movements through sheer will? Or would it be that she is completely helpless and all that she could do is watch her body move at someone elses command?
JJDVWJWHWJW Your possession idea is interestin, JDBSJSBFJ
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hexyz09 · 2 years
I have come up with several new ideas that I would like to share. I hope you enjoy them
Prelude: How the possession in my outlines works
I have noticed that a lot of people are a bit confused on how the possession here works, so I wanted to clarify it with this little addendum of sorts. My version would have Vanessa initally black out occasionally for the first month or so after her initial possession. They would happen more specifically when she has her therapy visits. This is also where GlitchTrap/Afton attempts to rewrite her childhood memories to include an abusive father figure (presumably like him) to try and make her more obedient.
This is contrary to Vanessa's actual childhood, which was fairly standard and had 2 normal loving parents. It should be noted that in this universe they died in a car crash the year before the events of Help Wanted. All the therapists would play along as a way to diagnose her (or something idk) before eventually telling her that her memories don't line up with what her patient report sheet (or whatever they use) says about her childhood. (In this universe, patient 46 doesn't exist and the lines in their tapes about them misreporting their childhood experiences are moved into Vanessa's tapes. Also any references to courts in Vanessa's tapes are replaced with lines that imply Vanessa was the one who told th therapist about her "abusive" childhood.)
This gets rid of all the work Glitchtrap puts in and Vanessa original memories come back the overwhelming shock of which causes her to freeze up, and during this time she blacks out and Glitchtrap takes control of her and kills the therapist. He would then get her back to her apartment where she would regain consciousness and be none the wiser to her therapists fate. Controlling Vanessa directly takes a lot of energy from Glitchtrap and tires him out since he isn't intended to "control" humans just be manipulative. This is why he can't take direct control of Vanessa and has to resort to attempting to mentally gaslight her.
This happens 5 times before Glitchtrap says "screw this" and decides to create Vanny. He doesn't really want to do this, as he will be creating a different persona. This persona will be "programmed" to be subservient to him. However there is always a risk that since they are effectively their own person, this seperate personality can decide to not listen to the instructions correctly or do them their own way. They can also have their own goals that conflict with Glitchtrap's (something that you see in idea 6). He doesn't see any other way however, and is getting impatient and wants to start being evil again quickly. So he creates Vanny out of his own agony power thing and some of Vanessa's emotions. He uses ones that are still hurting from her parents death, duplicates and then corrupts them beyond all recognition.
Vanny is "made" (for lack of a better word) to control things directly, unlike glitchtrap. As such, the experience is now completely different. At her last therapist visit, Vanessa is forced to watch herself kill someone for the first time, starting off the worst 6 months of her life.
I hope that cleared up some confusion. 
Huh. A bit of an interesting situation we have here. Quite a bit here was changed in order to shift the order of things around, especially regarding Patient 46's uncertain existence. Granted, I believe she's real and is a separate entity from Vanessa, but here, enough was changed to make the possibility of Vanessa/Vanny being the same person all the more real...or, well, not really real, on account Vanny was a last resort since even Glitch knew doing so would lead to him making an...unstable subordinate. Which he did, if only because having to forcibly take over Vanessa every time his brainwashing was undone was proving too counterproductive for what he wanted.
But alas, keywords here, Glitchy just wanted a more obedient daughter in this case. Definitely helped she was both blonde, and had green eyes like Lizzie...I think.
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pastelwitchling · 8 months
I have been following you since RNM (I haven’t watched the show after season 2 I think, only occasionally followed some Malex stuff on here) when I saw you posting about the new Percy Jackson show on Disney. I hope I don’t overstep but I have been dying to talk to someone and share my two cents. This is pretty much a rant so feel free to ignore it.
This rant stems mostly from the fact that I expected things to be closer to the plot in the books.
I must say that I am disappointed after so many people hyped up the show. To be honest, I expected more, especially because RR is involved so deeply and critiqued the films so much which let me to believe that he’d be more peculiar about the show (and I guess that’s true, just in a different way). And I agree that while the show does include more actual scenes from the books right down to copying lines directly, they miss a bit of the character of the books. It started strongly and got worse from there. That being said, the show is fine though I am not sure I will stick around for the second season should there be one.
What annoys me the most is - and that is something you touch on regularly, correct me if I am wrong - that they tell more than they show.
In the books, Percy figures out that Mr D is Dionysus, in the show he gets told.
In the books, it’s suggested that Hades is ‘the god who turned’ and if I remember correctly he’s also directly told in the show (again, correct me if I am wrong).
In the books, he figures out who Aunt Em is, in the show he gets told.
In the books he agonises over who of his friends will betray him, keeping the prophecy mostly to himself. In the show he talks about it.
In the books he figures out the time trap himself, they don’t know it before they enter like they do in the movies as you already mentioned.
For me, this not only is boring but it also takes away a big part of Percy’s character imo. He’s smarter than his opponents believe, can put two and two together - at least in the books. To me personally, he’s not the hero he’s in the books. The scene where he surprised me the most was when they were on the Arch and he tricked Annabeth and “sacrificed” himself.
Also, the whole encounter with Aries was much too harmless imo, as was Gabe and the argument Sally had with him (it looked more like a lover’s quarrel to me). Maybe it’s because it’s a Disney show, I honestly don’t know but I miss Percy’s sass and the more heavy topics which were always addressed in the books but never really spelt out (child abuse, abusive relationships in general).
Oh and the solstice part?? Such a shame to change such a big part of the storyline (the pacing, the urgency, the despair) once again.
And that they took away Annabeth’s love for architecture is a crime in itself. It made her much more approachable because the way she talks and races about it in the books is easy to understand for people in fandoms. I don’t feel that in the show.
I’m sorry if this is overstepping a boundary or too negative, so you can just delete if you don’t feel like answering. But I agree with you that we should be allowed to criticise.
Hi. I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to critique with me, so that's mighty kind of you 😂 (I'm not being sarcastic, I know it looks like I'm being sarcastic, but I'm not being sarcastic, I've actually been waiting to be able to talk to someone about this stuff, so my wholehearted thank you.)
Anyway, this is a lot (which is awesome), so I'm just going to go through it bit by bit.
First of all, I don't blame you for not wanting to watch rnm after season 2. Not kidding, I'd deliberated it for a bit after The Episode That Must Not Be Named, and if it wasn't for Alex, I wouldn't have bothered anymore. But anywhodle.
I'm sorry to hear you might not want to watch the second season of pjo. Personally, I enjoy the show for what it is now, and just love Percy Jackson too much to ever stop supporting the adaptations, but I totally understand the disappointment. Honestly, if RR is as involved as I think he is, and this might get me threatened, but that might be the reason the show isn't as strong as it could be. I think a lot of people forget that there's a difference between books and movies/shows. In a book, you can have characters just talking for several pages. In a movie/show, it's boring. I think, again, RR was so focused on not doing what the movies did that he missed the fact that it was at least entertaining because they had Chris Columbus behind the wheel. He directed the first two Harry Potter movies, and I think we can all agree that those movies proved he can do atmosphere and fun. If I hadn't known that a book author was so involved in the show adaptation, I might've been able to guess because a lot of it feels like someone moving the pages to the screen with no consideration in regards to "how do we make this visually interesting?"
What's important to RR seems to be more that they adapt more scenes of the books, which is what the movies didn't always do, rather than keeping things entertaining for such a different medium.
Yes, I definitely think there's more telling than showing, and in some aspects, there's just completely erasing. I've said this before and I'll say it again; if I watched the show before I read the books, I wouldn't have completely understood what was going on, why anybody thinks Percy's the lightning thief, what the quest really is, or even that Percy is a forbidden child. I got ALL of this information super easily from the movie, and the urgency of everything going on, because it knew it had to present all of this information in simple and entertaining ways, and it did. With a few lines, the movie managed to do what the show couldn't in several passages.
I'm not kidding, the way the show just constantly has characters standing there talking and talking and talking, basically taking passages right out of the book, as though that makes it a good adaptation? I couldn't follow half of what they were saying because they mumble their way throughout. No one ever really laughs. I think Percy smiles once in amusement throughout the whole show (the scene with that lizard thing during Capture the Flag).
RR was so upset that they'd raised the ages in the movies to seventeen, but what does it say when the movies starring seventeen year olds are more fun, a lot brighter and more colorful, and faster paced and more ENERGETIC than the adaptation with the kids??
Percy has shown little to no leadership so far, he's just kind of on the sidelines because Annabeth has to be the one to solve the crimes, Annabeth is suddenly the one talking back to the gods, Annabeth is the one taking care of everything. It's like RR's forgotten that this is Percy's hero journey. The entire series takes him on this arc so that he can lead the other demigods into war during the Battle of Manhattan.
Look, all I'm saying is that by the end of the Lightning Thief book, I totally believed that Percy was going to grow into a great hero that other demigods would trust to lead them into battle, but I don't see myself feeling the same way at the end of season one of the show because they've been so busy putting Annabeth in the spotlight that Percy hasn't had much of a role, at least not a role that seems in any way significant for a forbidden child of the Big Three gods.
At this point, it really feels like they could've put any demigod instead of him, and they would've done the same thing!
And yeah, I'm sad that we haven't gotten to see anything of Annabeth's fangirling over architecture, that was her big love! Instead, the show acts like it'd be too childish if she had any... interests? Hobbies? We never see her reading, we never see her admiring any buildings or structures, we never see her being a, you know, twelve-year-old girl.
I don't know, I do enjoy this show, but like I said before, if RR thinks this is the best adaptation of his books, then I'm convinced he hasn't read his own books in far too long.
0 notes
EXPLAINING TALE OF TWO BIRDS because I did so for Nilou I thought recently to talk about this one too have a pretty unrelated pic of the bastard too
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To start: the flying in this story is studying for the real counterpart. Basically this story can be devided into 3 parts: Stella dropping out of the academia, being bitter about knowledge and finding it something only people without personality pursue, and her snapping out of this (because she gained vision after dropping out she thought that her stage 2 beliefs are the case).
And to those interested she was a part of Vahumana. Back when she was living in Fontaine she was considered a gifted child just to burn out a second she got into the academia.
She never previously talked to Alhaitham, but she did see him occasionally. She felt envious about a lot of things regarding him. Still he didn't recognize her upon their first actual interaction.
The "After the performance the singing bird was approached by the master. It hoped that the other bird was angry, but all it did was congratulate it for a good show." Is a half truth. After Stella's performance it was her who approached Alhaitham, but it was because she saw him glancing over at her. Rest is how it went with her hopes for his reaction vs reality.
It was an eye opener for her really. But she was mad at him for acting so perfect. To her it was like "man, fuck you for literally being an ideal guy the kind of which I only could read about in romance novels" but it also got her curious about him even more.
So she started looking for excuses to see him. He quickly saw right through her tho. But she was always mindful of his space and only tried to approach him in calculated moments for a short amount of time, this is a real counterpart for the "instead it decided to befriend the bird without trying to flatter it." line because she never either criticized or complimented him in those short conversations.
Her valuing his comfort so much and never trying to keep him for too long did help their relationship grow quite a lot as they could somewhat come to an understanding without using words.
"In the end the birds found many ways in which they connected. Although they were different, they soon figured out that they needed each other." was a line Stella really hesitated to write because this story was some sort of an indirect confession to him and it all went down to his understanding of it.
Because before she preformed the story she made a bet with Alhaitham if he could guess who she based those birds off. He guessed it correctly, but he didn't guess the intentions of her last line. He assumed it was her way of saying that she's grateful to have met him.
AIGHT, I think that's all I wanted to point out. But ofc I'm happy to talk about it more for those who are interested.
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fireflyramblings · 5 years
And her superboy.
Special thanks to @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay for the help as beta <333
There was a boy she tried to enquire,
Her hearts' song ever so dire.
They would say she was a liar,
But you can't hide desire.
Everyone once dreamt to be a princess,
But then gave that thought a rest.
But after she confessed,
they progressed.
You see, the yearning for the other,
Was not unrequited.
The fiery ardour for one another,
Was only then ignited.
She was swept off her feet,
Her sentence incomplete.
In that moment, it was semisweet,
And everything else felt obsolete.
This was their love story,
He called her his Helen of Troy,
In his folly,
Revealing he was the superboy.
So this was their story,
The girl filled with joy,
In all its glory,
And her, Superboy.
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Oh my god, that last fic with Izzy telling reader to call him Israel WAS!!!! SO!!!! CUTE!!!! I SWEAR YOU HAD ME SCREAMING THE ENTIRE TIME. Can we get a part 2 where Reader calls Izzy Israel in front of the others? Maybe they try to join in (perhaps to annoy Izzy?) and Reader tells them to stop bc they know this is important for Izzy? Maybe the crew starts to suspect there's ~SOMETHING~ between those two? (Sorry, I just love POV outsider, even for reader fics, lol)
Part 1 HERE!
Call me Israel Part 2:
Up on the quarterdeck of the Revenge stood Izzy, watching the crew down on the deck with his usual scowl. Still, you approached him with a familiarity that was rarely shown towards Blackbeard's first mate, and a mug of coffee in your hands.
"Morning, Israel," you greeted him. You noticed the way his shoulders relaxed as he turned his head to look at you, taking the place beside him.
"Roach mentioned that you had been up since dawn, before he even started on breakfast. Brought you some coffee," you explained, offering the mug out to him.
"Somebody has to be up to make sure we don't sink," Izzy grumbled, looking back out across the deck.
"All the more reason you deserve some coffee," you insisted, pushing the mug out towards him some more.
He sighed but accepted the mug. "Thanks," he mumbled before taking a sip. Pausing, nose scrunching up slightly, he took another sip and looked at you. "What did you do to it?" Just as you figured, he usually took his coffee plain and bitter.
"Calm down, Iz. I didn't poison it or anything, I added a bit of honey for sweetness," you assured him with a fond chuckle. Izzy just scoffed a little, but you caught him smiling into the rim of his mug as he took another generous sip. "Nothing wrong with a bit of sweetness, Israel. Drink up," you patted his shoulder affectionately before leaving to get on with your morning chores.
Fang had been the only other person up on the quarterdeck, his facial expression journey going unnoticed to you and the first mate as you spoke.
Most of the crew new Izzy's birth name, it wasn't like it was some big secret, but he has always gone by Izzy, so that's what they called him. Fang had never heard somebody call him Israel, maybe Blackbeard once back when he first joined their crew. Fang certainly hadn't dared to use the name. And yet...Izzy didn't gut you for your insolence.
Fang had been the only other person up on the quarterdeck. Which meant that the only person who could have ran their mouth about what they heard was, you guessed it, Fang.
Of course, the first person he told was Lucius. And, well, secrets don't usually remain secrets for very long when Lucius knows about it. A character flaw he is more than aware of.
And so it began.
"Was just getting to it, Israel," Black Pete smirked as he drew out the name, watching for Izzy's reaction. The cruel glare he received made him snap to attention, turning to finish the task that Izzy had ordered him to do.
"Morning, Israel, just finished up breakfast," Roach informed Izzy as he entered the galley one morning. The cook had laughed at Izzy's sneer, letting him know that he was definitely doing this on purpose. That the whole crew was.
"You sure I can't tempt you into being sketched, Israel," Lucius drawled, slightly sultry. That had been what pushed him over the edge. Lucius and his stupid fucking smirk as he used that name. Like he had any right too.
Izzy had snapped at him, throwing a threat or two in for good measure, before storming off. It wasn't the same as when you used the name. It felt mocking. It made him feel vulnerable, like the crew were prying into an aspect of him that he didn't want them anywhere near. It was you that he gave permission too, it was you that used the name with such tenderness and care. It was you who had cared about it. Made the name fit him correctly.
Fortunately, you had seen it all play out from the side-lines, frowning to yourself. This was why you had been concerned about using the name in front of the others. Now, you just wanted to make this right.
You had waited for dinner to say anything. When the crew would all be gathered together without Izzy or the captain's around, since the captains ate in their cabin and Izzy refused to eat with the crew (especially since they started calling him Israel like they had earnt it).
Grabbing your bowl of stew and a roll of bread, you sat at the end of the bench. The crew talked among themselves and, after a few moments of consideration, you interrupted them. You had already nearly finished your stew by then.
"Alright, listen up," you cleared your throat, placing your mug down heavily to get everyone's attention. "I know you love annoying Izzy, and I know that most of the time he deserves it, but please stop calling him Israel," ideally, they would just agree and you wouldn't have to say to much, but you knew that was very unlikely.
"Why? You call him that," the Swede frowned.
"Yeah...because he said I could. Gave me permission. It's...it's important to him, alright. Bother him about other stuff but this is off limits, okay?" you tried to argue, knowing that this would only open up more questions.
"Why would he tell you to call him that then? No offence," Roach asked, taking a bite of his roll.
"I don't know, he just did. You guys rile him up all the time but this is crossing a boundary, okay? You didn't know that before but you know it now, so please just...stop," you sighed, pushing the last of your stew around the bowl with disinterest.
"Yeah...yeah, we'll stop," Lucius nodded, his brow furrowed slightly. "He's a dick but it's not like we actually want to upset him," they liked to piss off Izzy because he pissed them off but he never said anything that upset them, even if he tried too. He supposed they could do the same towards him.
"Speak for yourself," Roach scoffed.
"Guys," you whined, dropping your spoon into the bowl.
"We promise," Frenchie assured you with a small smile.
"Thank you," you took a breath, standing from the bench. They watched as you tossed your bowl into the sink and left the galley.
"So...what do you think that was all about?" Oluwande asked, looking around the table. Jim just shrugged, disinterested in the whole thing.
"Yeah, like...if it's so important to Izzy, why would he tell them to call him that. Don't think I've even heard Blackbeard call him that," Black Pete pondered.
"Probably got a crush on them or something. He's always had a soft spot for them," Lucius suggested with a small shrug. Come to think about it, you had been spending more time with Izzy...
"Do you think there's like...something going on between them?" Fang questioned, looking to Lucius like he might have the answer. Ivan remained focused on his meal, not all that interested in getting involved in his boss' love life.
"Yeah, they were a little protective over him just then," Frenchie pointed out, "they clearly care."
"There's definitely something going on," Lucius concluded, humming curiously to himself.
"First person to find out what's going on does have to swab the deck for a week?" Wee John suggested with a smile.
Everyone agreed with various levels of enthusiasm. Even if they didn't care about what was going on between the two of you, they wouldn't mind getting out of swabbing the deck.
"May the best pirate win," Black Pete raised his mug, before leaning over to whisper to Lucius, "we've so got this, babe."
A couple of days passed since you warned the crew and you hadn't heard anyone using that name again. You hoped they had actually stopped using it, you couldn't help but feel a little guilty that they had only started using it because of you, even if Izzy had asked you too.
Knowing that Izzy was on watch this evening, you headed up onto the deck, finding him staring out at the sea. You walked over to the railings, light footsteps alerting him to your presence, and lent your elbows against it like he did.
"I know you told the crew to stop call me Israel," was the first thing Izzy said to you, barely glancing at you out the corner of his eye.
"I know it means a lot to you, that it's important. I promised I'd respect that. You don't want them using that name, so I won't let them," you gave a small shrug, as if to say it wasn't any bother for you.
"How did you get them to agree?" Izzy asked with a small frown, figuring you must have had to bribe the twats with something.
"Just told them it was important to you, that they were crossing a line. They like getting under your skin but they aren't cruel enough to poke at something that genuinely bothers you," you explained, that the crew weren't as bad as he thought them to be. "Like you said, it's not for them," you added.
"Only for you," he whispered into the evening breeze, and you couldn't help but smile.
"Can I ask you something? You don't have to answer," you watched his profile carefully, trying to read his expressions from one side of his face.
"Go ahead," he nodded once.
"Why don't you like people using your full name?" you asked.
Of course, you had heard Edward's reason, that Izzy found it too personal, too intimate, but you had never actually asked him.
Izzy sighed, possibly deciding how to explain it. He started with, "y'know how Ed doesn't like being call Blackbeard anymore?"
"Sure, says that's not who he is anymore, never was, I guess. With the crew, he just wants to be Ed," you nodded.
"We created Blackbeard, in a way, we created Izzy Hands too. It's not quite the same but it's a little similar, same idea. We put up walls, we did stuff to protect ourselves, to build the legacy," Izzy explained slowly, but you hung onto every word. "With the crew, Ed just wants to be Ed," he confirmed what you said before meeting your gaze, "with you, I just want to be Israel."
With a tender smile, you placed your hand on top of his where he gripped the railing, "and I only want you to be Israel. I quite like him."
Izzy rolled his eyes but still smiled. The hand he had against the railing turned around, gently taking hold of yours.
"Israel," you guided him to face you, pulling away from the railing, his hand still in yours.
He watched you, almost as if he was anticipating an attack, but his attention slowly softened into something more trusting, more comfortable. As he relaxed, his gaze dropped to your lips before shooting up to meet your eyes again.
Taking a step closer, you closed the distance between you both, leaning in to brush your lips over his. But you paused just before properly touching your lips to him. You waited. Letting him close the gap if he chose too.
Izzy let out a small breath but tilted his chin just right, pressing his lips to yours.
"Oh shit..." Pete whispered from his place crouched down behind a crate.
"I knew it," Lucius declared his victory, voice hushed, "how, hush babe, don't want to get caught."
Pete nodded, eyes wide as they both watched on.
The moon hung full, large, and bright in the sky, illuminating your silhouettes from behind as you stepped towards the first mate, meeting him in a tender kiss. A tenderness the crew didn't think him capable of.
Yet, Izzy was full of surprised, lifting his hand to cup your cheek, the pad of his thumb stroking over your cheekbone.
"C'mon, babe. We won, lets get outta here," Pete warned, knowing that if Izzy caught them spying they were as good as dead.
"Yeah, yeah, okay, babe," Lucius nodded, tearing his gaze away, before the two of them snuck off down into the ship and towards the bunks.
Up on the quarterdeck, hidden in the shadows, Frenchie and Wee John slowly removed their hands from each other's mouths. "We can't sneak past them," John observed. There was no way they could get down from the quarterdeck without being seen.
"Have to wait until they leave first," Frenchie agreed.
"Isn't Izzy on watch tonight?" John asked, earning a small groan from the bard.
"...crap...will have to wait until Buttons comes to relieve him," Frenchie concluded, not sounding too happy about it.
"Hey, at least we won the bet. No swabbing for a week," John grinned, looking on the bright side.
"Hell yeah!" Frenchie whisper-yelled, giving John a silent high-five.
Back down on the main deck, Izzy smiled to himself, content, as you rested your head against his shoulder. The two of you staring out at where the inky ocean met the starry sky.
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shotorozu · 3 years
encountering a ‘pick me’ girl
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character(s) : kirishima eijirou, todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki (bnha)
warning : PICK ME GIRL, misogyny (?) pick me girl makes an off handed comment about your body but it’s not detailed at all
legend : [Y/N = your name] afab! reader, but they/them pronouns used, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : fluff, angst if you squint
note(s) : i made 2 versions of this post so,, if you’re reading this— then i probably decided that i liked this one more than the other one i made,, anyways, i used real life examples 💀
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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kirishima eijirou
i’d imagine that eijirou would have an idea of what a pick me girl is— i mean, there were probably 2 of those girls in middle school
but has he experienced it first hand? nahh.
though, eijirou didn’t think he’d encounter one when he was already in a healthy and committed relationship!
eijirou is practically friends with everyone— and yeah, even the most unexpected. so, he’s bound to accidentally befriend a pick me girl
him, being the nicest one out of all of the characters in this list, will still be nice to said pick me girl, despite wanting to snob them to the core
because really— you can’t really fight fire with fire in some cases
but, he can be everything but lenient when the pick me girl starts insulting you for doing certain things, and for absurd reasons too
like,, how you laugh, and how you take care of yourself (for example— if you wear makeup, or how you style your hair)
which is odd! everything about you is everything but the things the pick me girl has stated so.. he cannot stand by.
the girl giggles to herself after that snide comment leaves her lip gloss coated lips. eijirou shifts uncomfortably— honestly taken aback by the anything but subtle insult that was thrown at you
“like.. seriously! it’s honestly quite superficial if you look at it like that. who the hell would put that much effort infront of your boyfriend? i’d assume they’d see everything AND everything but.. i guess not.”
you blink. superficial? now that’s a new one. the girl infront of you has been babbling insults sugarcoated in boasts the entire time, and you’re just wondering if it’s about time you guys leave but—
“well that’s unfair,” your boyfriend laughs, “i put the same amount of effort as this cutie right here,” eijirou pokes at your cheek, earning a quick laugh from you— which he can only thank the heavens for that
“but that’s different. it actually looks put together when you’re doing it, eiji.” the certain glint in her smile makes you want to wipe it right off with a dirty mop, “it’s impossible to look put together with expensive clothes, but being built like a—”
the sound of the sliding of a chair is quicker than your actions, and it easily cuts her off.
“i’m sorry, but we gotta go, it’s totally not cool of you to say those things about Y/N!”
“what? but i mean.. it’s true, right? i’m looking out for them! they’re literally out here l—”
“bye!” eijirou waves her goodbye with your hand, dismissing the sour expression on her face— as he dashes off with you
you’d question how he’s just so nice to people like that, but when he turns around, you could see the distaste in his eyes
“so that’s what a pick me girl’s like,” shaking his head, his expression lights up with such a quick manner “i’ll never make friends that are like that again!”
safe to say, eijirou’s friend list has been a a person shorter ever since that incident
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bakugou katsuki
oh, so that girl’s bold bold.
if she thinks she could get away with being a not so subtle pick me girl infront of bakugou katsuki, then she couldn’t be more wrong.
it’s absolutely revolting— i mean, he hasn’t displayed any romantic feelings towards ANYONE that isn’t you.
also, they’re quite gutsy if you ask me. so congrats for having guts??
i don’t think he’d be friends with a pick me girl. he’s very selective of who he’s befriending, so it’s probably your friend that’s the pick me girl in this case
he wouldn’t know what a pick me girl would be, but he’d probably know the description of one.
over some time, he’d grow some resistance to insults directed at him, but when someone insults his s/o
oh boy. that’s not good. remember when i said that katsuki was almost like your scary and intimidating dog
this is what i mean
knows he can’t make a scene, so his first option is to be dismissive asf— but if said pick me girl literally can’t get it, he won’t be afraid of shoving some explosions into her face
because his hands are rated e for everyone
“so you wanna be picked or something, is that it?” he hates how you literally have the resistance of a rock— which is something he always liked, but in this case hated. if it weren’t for you— he would’ve blasted explosions into her sorry excuse of a face until it’s beyond recognition (that wouldn’t be hero like, is what you’ve said in the past, but he disagrees.)
but seriously? ugh. he just wants to leave this horrid place, and make some dinner with you in the comfort of his home. why are you even friends with her anyway? she’s not even trying to be slick at this point.
“p-picked? i’m not understanding, katsu.”
“it’s bakugou.”
“right,” her laughter is like nails on chalkboard, “i’m just watching out for Y/N, y’know? there’s no point in wearing all of that.. on their face.” and she’s obviously referring to your obviously very well done makeup
“it’ll make your skin terrible in the long run! and really— i couldn’t really understand on why someone would wear that much, when you could survive with i dunno.. lip gloss at most?”
you would’ve actually said something as a rebuttal, but your boyfriend is quicker, and a lot more direct than anyone else in the area.
“just say you can’t do makeup and fucking scram,” katsuki’s ice cold glare finally breaks out of the act he’s been trying to hold together for you
“their makeup is fucking bomb as hell, compared to your ridiculous spider lashes, lady. come back when you’ve watched james charles’ entire fucking channel.” he harshly states in similar bakugou fashion, despite the lack of screaming.
and if you squinted hard enough, you could see tears welling up in her eyes. but katsuki tugs your hand before anything else could be said
“let’s fucking go, you need better friends.”
he makes you cut ties with all of them, and he practically scolds your terrible choice of friends— but he goes quiet when you tell him that you’ve been friends with her since middle school
“good fucking riddance. next time, i’ll punch them as soon as they say something outta line, got that?” and next time (hopefully, there won’t be a next time) you’ll actually lash out— or maybe,, you’ll let him loose for once.
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todoroki shouto
now shouto might be,, socially unaware sometimes. but he can tell whenever someone’s trying to insult his s/o
like,, right away.
now— you both run into this person after a pleasant date, and she eagerly presented herself as your friend
so, her attitude catches him off guard because who’d have anything rude to say about you and towards shouto’s face? especially when it’s about something normal.
like,, wasn’t she your friend?? why is she even like this?
his hostility is very well known, so they should be scared.
he gets detached from the conversation, and he’ll immediately go cold— and shouto would probably go as far as walking away with your hand in his
doesn’t matter if he properly says goodbye or not— if a girl’s being rude to his s/o, they obviously don’t deserve his usually polite attitude. nope, that’s a luxury.
oh— and what more when they’re seeking for his validation. newsflash! said pick me girl won’t be get any from him.
shouto couldn’t stop the bitterness bleeding into his mouth, when the girl in front of him continued to babble and take up the valuable time he had left with his s/o
initially, she presented herself as your friend from middle school— but as of now? she seems to be more interested in him more than you, despite knowing you first.
she’d ask him a string of obvious questions with very obvious answers, like ‘is she treating you well?’ ‘is she acting correctly?’ and questions of the sort
“oh, sorry! i’d hate to cut this conversation short, but—” you finally decide that it was about time to leave, while shouto looks pretty,, deadpanned right now, you could tell that he was gradually starting to get irritated by your friend’s words.
“wait. thats.. kind of controlling, don’t you think? do you ever let shou make decisions?”
“uh.. controlling? since when??” you question at the accusation. this girl knows nothing about your relationship dynamic, and she’s already jumping the gun and making conclusions.
your gaze snaps back to shouto, who looks just as surprised as he could possibly be.
“yeah! it clearly looks like he still wants to talk” which is an obvious lie, shouto just wants it out of here “i wonder how you managed to snag such a guy like him,” she comments with a smile that looked anything above suspicion (yet, it makes your stomach churn)
you could see the way her hand gets gradually closer to him— and frankly, you’re not sure about what she was planning to do next, “you wouldn’t need to dress all expensive and fancy, if you’re with a girl with an already classy appear—”
“i think this conversation is over,” shouto grip is firm on the wrist that was attempting to grab his shoulder, shouto makes no attempt to even look at the girl infront of him “i don’t know what you’re trying to do, but it’s not humorous. at all.”
“what?” she stammers, drawing her hand back “i-it’s obvious they don’t know how to take a joke! this is why there are barely any good w—”
shouto’s next actions knocks her speechless, his hand rests at the small of your back, before gently guiding you forward— “love, what movie are we watching later?” he says, making an effort to press a quick, yet intense kiss on your lips
“oh,” you breathe out, surprised by this action. “don’t be so tense, love.” shouto comments on how tense your shoulders have looked, ever since she started running her mouth, “now.. what movie do you want to watch tonight? comedy? thriller?”
“you pick,” you laugh at the quick shift of topic. and when you look behind you, you could see shame and defeat welling up on her face. shouto finally feels like he could smile again, the bitterness dissipating from his mouth
after shouto questions you if that was what a pick me girl was, he makes sure that you guys won’t ever encounter such thing again
“you.. don’t have more friends like that, right? if you do— we could always do another friend list cleansing.” this statement makes you laugh but shouto is anything but joking
but being reminded of his reaction to that ‘pick me’ girl does puts a smile on your face.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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vendettaparker · 4 years
Peanut Butter and Extra Jelly [T.H]
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Summary: Tom’s long time crush on you becomes painful when you and Harrison are cast as love interests in a movie. 
Paring: Tom Holland x Actress!Reader 
Word Count: 5.8k
Warning: Suggestive themes, fake smut (very light), jealousy, probably some typos, swearing 
a/n: i have no idea how filming a movie, or auditioning for one actually goes so don’t crucify me for this. i’m pretty happy with how this turned out, especially considering that this is the most i’ve ever written for a fic. also, Burt Kreisher is one of my fav comedians in real life, he has 3 shows on neflix and a mini series.  
     Tom was not a jealous person. At least, that's what he always told himself. He prided himself in thinking he was a very level headed individual who didn’t let his emotions get the best of him. That worked best for his job anyways; always being able to control his emotions and not get in his own head. That simple, pacifistic mindset seemed to change when it came to you. 
      You were one of the many actors Tom got the pleasure to help hone their technique and work closely with. You were new to the lifestyle of Hollywood and the only roles you had before were in small indie films that never garnered too much attention. The first major role that you landed, which also happened to help kickstart your career, was in the MCU. You played the secondary villain in the third Spider-man movie. 
     Meeting the cast was a dream come true; they were all extremely helpful and they provided tons of tips and tricks in navigating the hectic schedule required for such a huge production. By the time filming wrapped up, you were considered part of their little Spider-man family. 
     Tom was easily the most helpful. Whenever he saw you struggling with anything, he offered to help. You two spent hours upon hours together in his trailer, ordering take out and practicing lines. Some nights you two planned to work through your script, but inevitably ended up falling asleep binge watching The Office, and laughing about crazy shit that happened on set that day. 
     When the movie wrapped up and you went home for a month before the press tour, you were completely unsure and nervous about what direction your career was going in. You auditioned for a few new movies, but had yet to hear from any of the directors about casting decisions. You kept in touch Tom during the month you were apart and expressed your concerns. 
     “I don’t know, Tom. I’m just so sick of waiting around and hoping that some director out there throws me a bone, ya know’?” You said on facetime, while making cookies. 
     “Yeah, I totally understand that, (Y/N/N). I had that issue a couple years ago before the Marvel movies. Trust me, you did outstanding in that role and once it gets noticed I’m positive you’ll have directors calling you, begging for you to audition.” Tom smiled warmly into the camera as he walked around his apartment in London. 
      “Yeah, easy for you to say, movie-star.” You giggled, turning your face away from the camera in hopes that Tom wouldn’t notice the blush his compliments painted onto your cheeks 
     “I’m serious! You were outstanding! Like in that one scene where you—” 
      “Tom! Tessa chewed a hole in my trousers again!” A voice came from outside of the frame, “Mate, you gotta get her to stop doing that somehow.” 
     Tom sighed, and waved his hand dismissively at the figure, “Okay, sure. I’m busy right now.” Tom looked back to the camera, “anyways, as I was saying, don’t stress about not having a new project yet, (Y/N)—” 
     “(Y/N)?” The other voice whisper-yelled. “Let me say hi!”, suddenly the phone was yanked out of Tom's hands and the video shook around a bit as Tom wrestled to get it back. Finally, the camera stilled and Harrison was on the other end smiling. “Hi, (Y/N)!” 
     “Oh, hi Harrison!” You smiled back, laughing. You'd met Harrison a few times when he visited Tom on set. “How are you?” 
     The camera started moving around more as the background behind Harrsion whizzed past. You assumed Tom must’ve been chasing him to get the phone back. 
     “I’m good! I just auditioned for a new movie. You should audition too! The main female lead’s description looks just like you.” He exclaimed, running past the kitchen to his room. 
     “Oi! Give me my phone back you div!” You heard Tom yelling in the background, no doubt in hot pursuit of Harrison. 
     “I don’t know, I'm not sure I’m prepared for a lead role.” You sighed, “What’s the movie called? I’ll look into it.” 
     “It’s called ‘Collateral Damage’, it’s a spy movie.” Harrison said, shutting the door to his room, while Tom pounded on it from the other side. “Yeah, it’d be really fun working with you. Tom constantly talks about how much fun you are on set.” Harrison wheezed out, trying to catch his breath. 
      “Aw, that’s sweet of him.” You laughed. “Well I’ve got to go. Just tell Tom he can call me tomorrow or something.” You waved at the camera. “Bye!”
     “Yup, bye.” Harrison said right before the video cut out. 
      Harrison finally opened the door to a seething Tom. Tom grabbed the phone back from Harrison and noticed that the call had ended. 
     “Dude! Why would you do that?” Tom whined. 
     Harrison just patted Tom’s back, “Sorry, mate. She said she had to go, though. I was about to give the phone back.” 
     Tom huffed and sulked for a moment. “Whatever, I’ll just call her later, I guess.” 
     Harrison nodded and smirked at how whipped Tom was. “You should just ask her out if you’re so desperate for her attention.” Harrison teased. 
     “Shut up. I’m not desperate for her attention, I just like her voice and her personality, and the way she talks, and her funny sayings, and how her hair looks when she just woke up.” 
     It was only a few days later when you received an email from the director of the movie Harrison told you about, asking for you to audition. You were ecstatic, Harrison must’ve already sent in some things about you since the director seemed adamant that you were of high interest for the role. 
     You called Tom immediately to share the good news. 
     He picked up after the third ring, “Hello, darling! How are you?” he beamed when he answered your call. He usually was the one to call you so he felt a sense of pride knowing that you were calling him for once. 
     “Tom! The director of the movie Harrison auditioned for just emailed me asking for me to audition!” You squealed excitedly. 
     “Really? That’s wonderful, love! Harrison just got the part of the lead too, so you’d be filming with him if you got it.” 
     “That’s so exciting, I’m flying to London for the audition in two days. Are you still there?” You pulled the phone away from your ear and switched it to speaker. “I’m booking the flight right now.” 
     “Yeah, I’ll be in London for another week and a half. Then we have the press tour starting in Japan.” Tom said, also switching to speaker phone to look at his calendar. “You can stay with Harrison and I while you’re here. Since we have to go to Japan together anyways.” Tom offered nervously. He really wanted you to stay in his flat with him. It’d be all cute and domestic, and maybe, just maybe, he’d spend enough time with you to not feel nervous about asking you on a date. If he was lucky, that is, but awaiting your reply he was a jittery ball of nerves. 
     “Yeah, that sounds wonderful. I won't be intruding though, right?” You said, smiling from ear to ear. Thank god you weren’t on facetime and Tom couldn’t see the stupid smile adoring your features. 
     “No, of course not. Harry will be so excited to see you. And Tessa too, she really misses you.” Tom shuffled around with his phone, shooting a quick text to Harrison letting him know you were coming to stay for a week. 
     “Ok, thanks so much, this is really thoughtful of you. I absolutely can’t wait to see you!” You gushed, finalizing your purchase of a one-way ticket to London. “K, the flight is at 2:30 pm here, it’s about 9 and a half hours, but you’re also ahead of me, so I’ll be in around..5?”
     “Yeah, that sounds right to me,” Tom chuckled, “I’ll come pick you up. I’ll wear my incognito disguise.” 
     “If you mean that stupid t-shirt you got that says ‘I’M NOT A CELEBRITY’, then maybe I’ll ask Harrison to come pick me up…”
     “That’s cold (Y/L/N).” 
     You giggled softly, “I’m sorry, Tommy. If it makes you feel better, that shirt isn’t as bad as that stupid blue beanie that you never wear correctly.”
     “How the fuck would that make me feel better? You’re killing me, (Y/N/N).” 
     You laughed at his over dramatic reaction, “Sorry that you’re a sensitive babe. I gotta go now, see you soon!” You hung up before Tom could respond with a sassy quip. Then immediately after you received a text:
Tommy: The second you get here I’m bout to 👊 
     Tom called Harrison up after you got off the phone, he needed to make sure his best friend wouldn’t say or do anything to embarrass him in front of you. 
     “Tom, don’t you think this is a bit obsessive? I mean, she’s only staying with us for a week and you already know her so well from spending all that time filming with her.” Harrison sighed, sick of listening to Tom ramble about every possible embarrassing situation he could be put in, in the coming week. 
     “Yeah, yeah, you’re right. It's no big deal. But don’t mention that time I accidentally shit my pants at the club, or that time I got hit in the head with a golf ball ‘cus I got distracted by a flock of geese, or that time a got chased by a flock of geese, or—”
     “Geez, mate. At this point we might as well not even talk to her.” Harrison chuckled, thinking of all the stories he could bring up about Tom around the dinner table with you. Tom really was just a walking ball of embarrassing moments. 
     “Stoppp ittt,” Tom whined, “when we were on set it was usually just the cast and Harry around, but you? You could do some real fucking damage to my love life, Haz.” 
     “What love life?” Harrison barked out, laughing. 
     Tom then hung up and began praying to whatever god was out there that this week could go by without a hitch, and then you and him would be on your way, together, to Japan. 
     The whole week spent in London actually went really well, especially the audition. Tom and Harrison both accompanied you for moral support, well Harrison actually had to be there to be your scene partner, but it was still nice knowing he supported you. 
     The director shook your hand and you went through the normal formalities before beginning your scene with Harrison. It was a quick scene with a monologue in it. The main premise of the movie was all about choosing love over work, especially in dangerous, life-threatening scenarios. The scene you used to audition with Harrison was the scene where the main character, Lincoln, and his lover interest, Mallory, were arguing, trying to push each other away to keep each other safe. The scene had a lot of raw emotion that you were able to tap into, and the directors gave your performance a standing ovation once the scene concluded. 
     They said that they’d get back to you within the next few days, but they also mentioned how the chemistry between you and Harrison was off the charts, leaving you hopeful. Tom and Harrison both gave you hugs and pats on the back. Tom had watched the whole scene unfold and he was in complete and utter awe of your talent. Part of him was annoyed that he didn’t audition for the movie and a chance as your love interest. But Harrison deserved this big break and so did you, so he was hopeful of the outcome being something that benefitted both of his best friends. 
    After the audition the rest of the week went by nearly perfectly. The real kicker was when Tom’s family invited you and Harrison to join them for dinner. Tom had not anticipated his mom asking you to come to family dinner, so he wasn’t able to stop the embarrassing anecdotes his mom told on his behalf. 
     “Tom had the cutest little tush,” Nikki exclaimed, placing the old homemade scrapbook in your lap and flipping through a couple of pages. “See look,” she happily pointed to a picture of Tom as a toddler in a bath, surrounded by bubbles, his little bum poking through them. 
     Tom sat uncomfortably on the sofa next to you, cringing at the now 21 year old photo of him. He expected you to also cringe along, or worse case scenario, get up and make a flimsy excuse to leave his crazy family, but you just chuckled along with Nikki and continued making your way through the scrapbook, making little comments here and there. 
     “Oh, and this one,” Nikki said, pointing to a photo of Tom crying and Sam holding up a superhero action figure triumphantly, “that was Tom’s favorite toy, but when Sam saw how much Tom liked it, he made an effort to always be playing with it when Tom came into the room and he wouldn’t share.”
     You giggled at the little whiny face Tom made in the picture, and turned to him, replicating it on your face, making fun of him. Tom laughed along and playfully shoved you. He adored how well you seemed to fit in with his family and his feelings for you only multiplied. 
     The week in London was one of the best in your life. You didn’t realize how much you missed Tom until you got to the airport and he was there waiting for you, unfortunately in his stupid blue beanie, and no, it wasn’t on right, his big ears poked out of it horrendously. 
     The last day you had in London before you and Tom went to Japan, you finally received a call about the audition. The director called you to congratulate you on getting the part, and he sent you numerous emails about scheduling, where to be, and when. Harrison was elated to have a familiar face playing his love interest on screen, and Tom was over the moon excited for you, this on top of the Spider-man movie coming out, you were certainly becoming a force to be reckoned with. 
     You spent the night celebrating at a club, Harry and Sam also showed up to party with you. The night was still young and the club was already packed and in full swing. Tom ordered two shots for each of you to start off the night before he was whisked away by a few fans to sign autographs. When he didn’t return you took it upon yourself to have his shots, giving you an extra edge to help spice up your night. 
     Harrison found Tom in the corner of the club talking to some fans. But throughout his whole time taking pictures with them, he couldn’t help but glance at you every once and a while. You looked so carefree and beautiful, dancing around in your shiny silver top and leather leggings. 
      “Tom.” Harrison interrupted Tom’s gawking and directed his attention to the small group of fans Tom was with. 
     Tom nodded and finished up his pictures and autographs before wishing them all a good and safe night. Once he reached you, you engulfed him in a bone crushing hug. 
     “Thank you for such a great time in London, Tommy.” you slurred, already feeling the impact of the four shots you took. “I had the best time of my whole life.” You pecked his cheek and pulled him close to dance with you. 
     The following month or so on the press tour was a once in a lifetime experience. You travelled to more cities than you even knew the name of and you had all of your friends by your side. More so, you had motivation to remain approachable and well liked by fans considering that you were moving up in the industry. Some interviews were mostly for Tom, Zendaya, and Jacob. Your role in the movie was big enough for you to be needed for some interviews, and most people were genuinely interested in getting to know you, but there were also a handful of press activities that you weren’t included in, which you didn’t mind. 
     When you didn’t have anything to do for an hour or so, you would text Harrison and send him funny memes. He was quickly becoming one of your closest friends; you had already created a surplus of inside jokes with him just over the phone. 
     Tom noticed how you were always laughing at your phone or rapid fire texting. Even when you were being interviewed, Tom could faintly hear the buzz of your text message notifications going off. 
     “Tom,” you snapped in front of his eyes, “did you need something?” 
     “Huh?” Tom blinked a few times, “Uh—no, sorry.” Tom’s cheeks flushed pink, embarrassed for having been caught staring at you. He couldn’t help it though, you were dressed so pretty that day. You had your hair done up in two bubble braids and you wore his pink sweatshirt over your yellow sundress. 
     “Okay then.” You smiled at him. You went back to your phone, reading what Harrison had just texted you. “What was the name of that comedian we watched the other night?” 
     “The one on Netflix?” 
     You hummed out a yes, tapping away at your phone. 
     “Burt Kreisher, why?” Tom asked, leaning over to your chair to try and catch a glimpse of who you were texting. When he saw the contact name “Hazzy”, he couldn't stop the little angry pit of jealousy that started in his stomach. Sure, you were here with him now, not with Harrison, but when you two were apart you also texted him nonstop, and the texts seemed to all be inside jokes, which was something you also shared with him that he held near and dear.
     “I made a joke referencing him to Harrison and he didn’t get it. Fucking nerd.” You chuckled, texting Harrison a link to the skit you were referring to. 
     Tom chuckled along, but he couldn’t help but frown slightly at how bright your smile was when Harrison replied. 
     The press tour and premiere of the movie seemed to go by lighting fast. You’d never been to a premiere for a production this big, and your nerves for the red carpet were starting to get to you. 
     You and Zendaya were stuffed into a hotel room with both of your respective teams, both trying to rapidly get both of you ready for the event. 
     “So when do you start filming for your next project?” Zendaya asked, she sat in front of a broadway-equse mirror, bright bulbs of light giving a luminescent glow to her already near flawless complexion. She hadn’t even finished her makeup yet and she was so pretty.  
     “In a month, I have to go back to London next week.” You said, sifting through the opinions you brought for dresses. You brought three options, just in case you changed your mind after seeing yourself in the dress. “Harrison and I are going to go over the scripts together and we were also told to go out in public a few times; for press and whatnot.” 
      “That’s exciting!” Zendaya mused, she glanced at the clock and gave her hairdresser some instructions about how much time she had to do hair. “It’s a good thing you guys are already friends. I remember when I filmed ‘The Greatest Showman’ I didn’t know many of the actors personally, so we had to go out together and do press all while being almost strangers. It was a bit nerve wracking.” Zendaya smiled at you fondly, she was like an older sister to you during this whole movie-making process, she constantly had your back. 
     “Yeah, I mean I’ll probably be in a situation like that at some point, but for my first lead role it’s nice to be working opposite a friend.” You smiled back, finally deciding on the red, sequined dress. 
     You both sat and worked through the makeup process in comfortable silence. 
     “So you and Tom…” Zendaya broke the silence and looked at you with a smirk on her face. 
     “What?” You looked at her with a dumbfounded look, before nervously laughing, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
     “Don’t play dumb, (Y/N/N).” She poked your arm and laughed, “He’s literally obsessed with you.” 
     You laughed at how ridiculous that sounded. A movie star, and very famous movie star at that, obsessed with you? You? Impossible. 
     “Yeah no, sorry but you got the wrong girl, babe.” You sighed, pulling out your phone to snap and selfie with her for your instagram story. You quickly snapped a pic of the two of you, her kissing your cheek, leaving a small, faint lipstick mark. “I mean it’d be nice,” you back tracked, “but I’m sure that’s just my wishful thinking.” 
     “What wishful thinking? I thought you were a pessimist?” Zendaya chuckled, taking her own photo with you to post later. 
     “I am, but I can’t help but indulge a bit.” 
     Before you knew it, you were back in London, staying in a rented out flat for the next three to four months. Harrison was kind enough to come over to help you set up a work space, but he also offered you to spend most of your time at his place. Since Tom was in New York, doing interviews about the new Spider-man movie and having meetings with the Marvel Cinematic Universe team to try and gauge his future in the MCU, he wouldn’t be around for almost a month, so Harrison offered up Tom’s office when you needed to go over a scene by yourself and wanted a place that was already set up. 
     The days of filming seemed to go by in the blink of an eye. Most of your scenes were with Harrison, and he was the perfect scene partner. He rarely messed up, but if he did then he was quick to use it as an opportunity to improvise. His skills weren’t as well honed in like Tom’s, but it was obvious that their style ranged from a similar source. 
     The main thing about this movie that you were excited, but extremely nervous for, were the two sex scenes. The first one is at the beginning, where the two leads give in to each other for a night, then there's some implied stuff in between, and the last one is when the two leads part ways for the final time at the end of the movie. The first one had to be rough, fast, and needy, whereas the second one was direct to be more slow, thought out, and sensual. 
      Both were extremely stress-inducing to film. Harrison had also never done any scenes like this before, so he was on the same boat as you. Thankfully you had an amazing director and stunt coordinator to work with and with the help of other crew members, the scenes were mapped out so that it wasn’t too much improv or guessing on your part. 
     The first intimate scene you shot actually happened to be the one at the end of the movie. That scene was more tame and dealt with more emotional subtexts than physical. Since you filmed that one first, you went into filming the next one with more confidence. It only took a few days to get the first scene down to perfection, so with this newfound confidence, it shouldn’t take too long to get the next one done. 
     On the days you shot intimate scenes, you only needed to wear the costume you wore before the scene and then you changed into a robe with nude underwear underneath. The bits with the outfit on before were already shot, so the director called a 30 minute break until you could begin shooting the actual sex part. 
     You were standing by the snack table, eyes scanning the table for any more muffins leftover from breakfast. The robe you wore made your skin prickle whenever a draft came onto set. 
     Just as you had found the muffin you were looking for, a pair of warm hands covered your eyes. 
     “Guess who!” An all too familiar warm, British accentuated, voice called. 
      You turned around in his arms, effectively nudging his hands from your face, and soon you were met with the warmest hazel eyes. Eyes that you missed so much this past month. 
      “Tommy!” You squealed and thrusted yourself into him in a hug. He immediately reciprocated it and wrapped your body in warmth. “What’re you doing here?” You asked once you let go of him. 
      “Harrison gave me the location so I could come watch you film. I just got home, like, two days ago.” Tom eyed you up and down, not realizing what little you had on. “Um—are you wearing anything under that?” He pointed up and down your figure. 
     “Nope, today and tomorrow we’re scheduled to film the sex scene.” You said casually, doing a silly twirl. Tom gulped. 
     “A s-sex scene?” He choked, “I didn’t know you guys had one.” 
     “Yup,” you smirked, “two actually, this is my first one ever, Haz’s too, I think. Well actually, we filmed the sex scene at the end of the movie last week.” 
     “Yeah… t-that’s cool.” Tom smiled weakly. 
     Right as you were about to continue your conversation with Tom, an arm swung over your shoulder and pulled you close. Harrison smiled at the both of you. He wore a similar robe to yours, except he left the front open. His plaid boxers on full display. 
     “Don’t listen to her, Tom. She’s a natural.” Harrison pinched your cheeks. Tom clenched his jaw at the comment. He knew Harrison hadn't meant to imply anything with it, but he couldn't help but hear the hidden meaning behind the otherwise innocent compliment. 
      You giggled and pushed his hand away, “Only ‘cus my scene partner is so darn cute.” You retaliated, poking and tickling his pecs. 
      This kind of goofy banter was normal between you and Harrison, but Tom hadn’t seen either of you in so long. He also had never seen you two interact so fluently with each other. He watched the interaction with a tight-lipped smile, nodding along and shrugging every once in a while to seem like he was paying attention. In reality though, he couldn’t pry his thoughts away from how close you were to Harrison. 
     “Ok everyone! Places! Let’s wrap this scene up and put it to rest today!” Your director called. You and Harrison smiled and waved goodbye to Tom. Harrison pointed to a chair in the room that had a nice view of the set where Tom could watch. Tom nodded and walked over to the chair, enthusiasm for watching you work completely dissipating. 
     The scene started off rough right off the bat. The second the director said ‘Action!’ you and Harrison were practically pouncing on each other. Harrison had you pressed up against the wall and you were both breathing heavily. He was leaving sloppy, wet kisses down your neck, then across your collar bones. Your moans, which Tom always imagined to sound like music to his ears, sounded too real for his liking. But no matter how much he tried to look away, his eyes were glued to the two bodies moving fluidly with one another. 
     “Cut! Cut!” The director yelled, effectively ending the scene. You and Harrison pulled apart and he gave you a peck on the cheek, as in saying ‘good job’. “That was good, but Harrison,” The blonde nodded, awaiting further instruction. “You gotta be a little rougher, hm?” 
     Harrison nodded along with the critique. “(Y/N)?” the director moved his attention to you, “would it be okay if Harrison marked you up? Just a few hickeys to really sell the illusion. We can do without, though, if you feel uncomfortable.” 
     Tom overheard the interaction and internally hoped that you were too uncomfortable for that, but deep down he knew you would do it. You were never the type to stray away from a challenge. 
     “Yeah, that’s fine.” You nodded, chest still heaving from the scene. You looked at Harrison. “Is that okay with you?” 
     Harrison nodded, a shy smile tugging at his lips. Yeah, you guys have been working at this scene for days now, but he’d never been rough enough to leave marks. He’d be lying if he said the thought didn’t invigorate him. 
     So the scene started from the top, you pressed up against the wall, all your weight shoved between the flimsy wall of the set and Harrison’s strong arms. Harrison did exactly as the director required, leaving noticeable dark spots across the top of your chest. Unlike your previous moans, which had just been for show, this new roughness in his actions tore real moans from your lips. 
     Tom sat uncomfortably in his chair, wishing he picked a different day to visit you on set. He shifted around, watching twin moans pull from both you and Harrison’s throat. He watched as you nipped at Harrison's ear as he faux thrusted into you. The jealousy that had pitted itself in his stomach soon turned to self-loathing. You looked really into the scene, he couldn’t help but feel like he was intruding. He knew you were a great actress, but he couldn’t believe that this was all acting. In his eyes, he believed that some part of you must wish that this was real. And part of you did like this scenario, but you wouldn’t have picked Harrison to be opposite you in this little fantasy. 
     Your moans and Harrisons both grew louder, leading up to the climax as scripted. Tom, not wanting to watch anymore exited the set quickly before he could watch the scene end. 
     You and Harrison finished up, gaining applause and praise afterwards from the director and crew members on set. 
     “Where’s Tom?” You asked, scrambling back into your robe and smoothing out your now roughed up hair. 
     Harrison, now noticing the absence of his best friend, began to feel a bit guilty. He knew Tom had a thing for you, maybe he should’ve told Tom not to visit set today. 
     “Um, (Y/N)?” He mumbled, pulling you aside slightly. 
     “Yeah?” You still looked around for Tom a bit, heart sinking when you realized that he must've left without saying goodbye. 
      “I shouldn’t be the one telling you this,” Harrison began, drawing your full attention, “but Tom really likes you. He always downplayed it, so I didn’t realize how much, but I think watching this scene might’ve upset him a bit.” Harrison looked towards the exit, no doubtedly where Tom left through, out into the parking lot. 
     “Oh—oh!” You gasped, feeling terribly for having put Tom in such an awkward position. “I didn’t know he felt the same.” You whispered, smiling softly to yourself. Guess Z was right after all. You pulled away from Harrison, “I’ll go talk to him.” 
      Tom didn’t go far. He still wanted to be there to support you; he didn’t want to come off as a jealous prick, but he couldn’t keep watching that intimacy between you and his best friend. He sat on the curb outside of the building the set was built in. A few people passed him going to their designated buildings on the lot, but he didn’t pay any mind to them, too lost in his thoughts. He needed to tell you sooner rather than later how he felt. No time to be a pussy anymore. 
     “Tom?” You walked up next to his sitting figure, still only in a robe, tightly wrapped around you. He looked up to acknowledge you, mumbling a soft ‘Hey.’ before looking back down, trying to collect his thoughts and courage. It’s now or never. 
     You sat beside him and rested your head on his shoulder. “Harrison told me something interesting in there,” You paused for a moment before continuing, “about you.” 
     Tom’s head shot up, and he looked at you with frantic eyes, only imagining the worse. There were too many things Harrison could’ve told you about Tom to sully your image of him. 
     “Whatever it was, he's a lying prick!” Tom rushed out. 
     You giggled, lifting your head up to look him in the eyes, his dark hazel eyes boring into yours. 
     “That’s a shame then,” You shrugged, “considering I like you too.” 
     Tom breathed out a sigh of relief, before looking back at you, doing a double take. 
    “Wait, what?” 
     “Mhm, yeah.” You said casually, standing up. “But since Harrison’s a liar then I suppose he was wrong.” You teased. 
     “No!” Tom grabbed your wrist and pulled you back next to him, but his aim was a bit off and you ended up in his lap. “He lies about a lot, but not about this.”
     You smiled at him, “I should hope not, considering I’m crazy about you.” 
     Tom couldn’t help the smile that beamed across his face, but then he noticed the marks left on you by Harrison. Remembering why he was insecure in the first place, he looked away. 
     “What about Harrison?” He asked. You looked at him utterly confused. Tom caught on and explained further. “You looked like you were really into that scene with him.” 
     You giggled and pinched Tom’s cheek, turning it red. “I’m an actress, you idiot.”
     Tom scoffed, “I know that. It’s just— I didn’t realize you could fake that kind of love.” 
     You looked at Tom’s downcast face. You leaned in and kissed his neck, just under his jaw. You nipped and sucked softly, leaving a nice, dark pink blotch that would go away in a few days under his jaw and he whimpered softly.
     “I’d never fake that kind of love with you.” You grabbed his face, holding it gently in your hands. “I’d never have to.” You whispered, pulling him in for a kiss, soft and sweet. 
     Tom pulled you closer, resting a hand on the small of your back, kissing back fervently. 
     The short make-out session being cut short by the door to the set bursting opened. Harrison rushing out, now dressed in slacks and a white button up for the next scene you needed to shoot that day. 
     “(Y/N)! Hair and makeup need you.” You lugged yourself off of Tom’s lap, promising to talk to him after you finished for the day. You went back inside, jokingly blowing a kiss to Harrison on your way. 
     Harrison stayed outside and sat next to Tom. 
     “Did she confess first?” He asked after a moment of silence. 
     “Yup.” Tom smiled happily, licking his lips, tasting the strawberry chapstick he saw you put on earlier. 
     “You owe me 10 pounds then, you wimp.” 
     “Oh, fuck off.” Tom groaned, promptly pulling ten pounds out of his wallet and handing it to Haz. 
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[Army Version] Ikerev Name Analysis!
Lancelot Kingsley: 
The name Lancelot means “servant.”
OK so at first I was really confused because he’s the King of Hearts, which is pretty much the farthest thing from a servant. But then I realized that it could be alluding to how he was forced to work for Amon for so many years. 
Or this could also be a reference to the Arthurian legends, in which Sir Lancelot was said to be the greatest of the Knights of the Round Table.
The surname Kingsley means “a king’s meadow.”
Given that the entire Kingsley line are Kings, this is a very fitting name for them. Also Kingsley is similar to the word kingly, which definitely describes Lancelot. 
Jonah Clemence: 
The name Jonah means “dove/pigeon.”
The two birds are often seen as symbols of peace. They’re also often seen as messengers.
I wouldn’t necessarily associate Jonah with peace, since he’s kinda rash and very quick to anger.
But something else worth acknowledging was that his little brother ended up joining the Black Army, and the symbol of the Black Army is a raven. Doves and ravens are usually considered opposites, which could stand for how the brothers ended up on opposite sides.
The surname Clemence means “merciful.”
It seems a bit ironic to me, since the Queens of Hearts aren’t really known for their forgiveness (the original Queen chopped off people’s heads without listening to their reasons and Jonah literally held a grudge against Sirius for 14 years and counting). 
Edgar Bright:
The name Edgar means “rich/prosperous” and “spear.”
Maybe the “rich/prosperous” part is about the Bright family wealth? They’re the third most important family in the Red Territory, so you’d think they’d be pretty rich. And then they’ve also assassinated people for profit before as well.
And the spear is a weapon, so it probably points toward how Edgar was weaponized to be the perfect assassin. 
The surname Bright means “bright” (obviously).
I thought it was kinda ironic, just like Clemence, because obviously the duty of the Jack of Hearts is anything but bright. 
The name Zero means “void.”
I know that this was just the number he was given to differentiate him from the rest of the human experiments.
But I still thought that “void” kinda describes Zero around the time he just left the Magic Tower, because he doesn’t have anywhere to go anymore. And even when he joined the Red Army, there’s still soldiers who disrespects him because he wasn’t from the crimson lineage.
Kyle Ash:
The name Kyle means “narrow; strait.”
A strait, in case you didn’t know, is a narrow passage body of water connecting two other, larger bodies of water.
I interpreted Kyle as the strait and the Red and Black Armies as the two larger bodies. Since he’s a doctor and his primary goal is to save lives, he can act as a sort of connector between the two territories. 
The surname Ash means “ash tree.”
Ash trees are said to have protective and healing properties, which makes sense since the Ash family are all doctors.
Ray Blackwell:
The name Ray means either “king” or “counsel.”
The “king” part is obvious, given that he’s the King of Spades.
And the word “counsel” can refer to how wise he is. He’s able to give good advice to people and run an entire Army at just 24 years old. 
Or, the “counsel” part could also refer to how the rest of his Army supports him. Fenrir is his best buddy who would absolutely die for him, Sirius is always ready with some sort of strategy, Luka is practicing with his massive sword, and Seth is insanely strong. I personally believe that Ray wouldn’t be such an excellent King without their support, and he also acknowledges it himself.
The surname Blackwell means literally “a black well.”
The “black” part probably refers to the Black Territory, which he is the King of. I have no idea what the “well” part could refer to, though. Maybe it just sounds really cool?
Sirius Oswald:
The name Sirius means “burning/glowing.”
The “burning/glowing” part could refer to the person he is deep down inside, as opposed to the cool and mature exterior he usually tries to upkeep.
Also, his family owns a flower shop called “Canis Major” and his siblings are named Furud/Zeta, Wezen, Mirzam, and Aludra, which are all stars in the constellation of the Canis Major.
Given that he’s the oldest in his family (and also bc he’s a suitor), it makes sense that he would be named after the brightest star in the sky.
The surname Oswald means “god” and “power.”
These are both extremely powerful words, so it’s probably to be expected that he would canonically be the strongest suitor in terms of fighting ability.
Luka Clemence:
The name Luka means “bringer of light.”
Honestly I squealed when I saw the definition for this name bc it fits Luka so much! He brings light into everyone’s lives, but he just doesn’t realize it himself.
Also the Clemence bros both seem to have names related to heaven? Luka literally means bringer of light and doves are pretty much the symbol of heaven as well.
I’ve already talked about the surname “Clemence” in the Jonah section, so I won’t put it here again!
Fenrir Godspeed:
The name Fenrir means “fen-dweller.”
A fen, if you didn’t know, is a “low and marshy or frequently flooded area of land” (thanks Google!) I can’t really fathom why Fenrir is named after that, so perhaps a more accurate interpretation is that his name is also connected to Fenrir the Wolf, from Norse mythology, who’s supposed to eat the Sun and Odin when Ragnarok rolls around.
Basically, Fenrir the Wolf is incredibly strong and chaotic, and both of those qualities also belong to Fenrir the human!
(also this means he’s the son of loki now lmao)
The surname Godspeed means “good wishes, specifically to someone who is beginning a journey.”
If I remember correctly, one of the two keywords describing Fenrir is “lucky star” or something along those lines. So a word meaning wishing someone good luck before starting a journey fits perfectly with Fenrir’s luckiness trait.
Seth Hyde: 
The name Seth means “appointed.”
If you think about how the Magic Tower purposefully stationed him in the Black Army, then the whole “appointed” thing makes sense.
Also, this could refer to Set, the Egyptian god, who is known as the god of chaos, and he’s commonly associated with evilness. I guess that Seth’s connection to the Magic Tower and all the “work” he has done for them makes him “evil” as well, so maybe the game creators decided to name him after Set to hint at his true associations.
The surname Hyde means “someone living on a hide (which is a type of measurement) of land.”
As with Fenrir’s name from above, this doesn’t really make any sense, so I interpreted this name as originating from “Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” instead. So, if you didn’t know, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are different egos in the same person, and Mr. Hyde is supposed to be the “evil” one.
(Cybird’s really playing it up with the “evil” theme in Seth’s name geez...)
I suppose this can point towards how Seth is a different person inside than what he’s like on the outside. The “outside Seth,” who is outgoing and friendly, corresponds with the good-natured Dr. Jekyll, while the “inside Seth,” who is cunning and devious, corresponds with the ruthlessness of Mr. Hyde.
Part 2 here.
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Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Shuu Route ー Chapter 3
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“To heal Riegel-san’s heart,
broken and closed off to others
from losing his beloved.”
That was the goal we set in mind,
when preparing for this party.
I want it to be held at a place,
where Riegel-san would be able to relive,
vivid memories of himself and his late wife.
I am willing to go through great lengths,
to accomplish thisーー
ー The scene starts in the hotel room
Yui: ( First things first, we need to secure a venue. )
About the party venue, don’t you think we should hold it somewhere memorable to Riegel-san and his wife?
Shuu: Yeah...In that case, it’d have to be on a gondola, no?
Yui: On a...gondola...?
Shuu: If the information we gathered through the Familiars is correct, that is where Riegel and his wife tied the knot.
Coincidentally, it happened during the Parade as well.
If you want to make it memorable, now’s the perfect time, no?
Yui: You’re right...! I’ll go negotiate right away. Please wait here!
Shuu: ...Oi, hold your horses.
ー Shuu approaches her
Shuu: You’re going by yourself?
Yui: Um...Knowing you, I figured you’d rather not move...
Shuu: Yeah, I don’t. It’s a drag after all.
But...I’ll make an effort for you. (1)
Yui: Are you sure?
Shuu: Yeah. Let’s get going before I change my mind.
ー The scene shifts to the gondola docks
Yui: ( The reflection of the light on the water makes the surface glitter...How lovely. )
I’m sure meeting each other at such a lovely place must have made for a wonderful memory.
Shuu: ーー Well my bad that our meeting wasn’t all that ‘lovely’.
At first, you were just terrified the whole time after all.
Yui: T-That’s, well...You’re right, but...
Right now, I consider all of them good memories.
Shuu: Well, I guess that works. Haha...
ーー Anyway.
If we want to use this place as our party venue, we have to talk to the gondolier in the back.
Yui: Yes, I know.
( Here goes nothing! I’ll try and ask him. )
ー Yui approaches the gondolier
Gondolier B: Welcome! A ride for two?
Yui: Ah...Oh. 
I’m sorry. Actually, we came here to ask for a favor...
Gondolier B: A favor...?
Yui: Yes. 
You see, we are hoping to hold a party and...
We would love to organize it here.
Gondolier B: Eeh!? A party, right here!?
Yui: Yes. We want to hold it here no matter what.
Gondolier B: That’s easy for you to say, but the Parade is when we get most of our customers and when most of the money comes in.
I can’t just easily give you permission to use it.
Yui: Right...
( I guess we’re being pretty unreasonable. )
( However, I can’t imagine Riegel-san would prefer any other place over this one. I wonder if there’s really nothing that can be done...? )
Gondolier B: My bad, but we’re expecting a lot of people today as well. So I’d like to ask you to hurry up and leaーー
Shuu: ...Pwaah.
Gondolier B: ...! Y-You are...Karlheinz-sama’s...!
Geez! You should have told me that sooner!
Gotcha! Go ahead and organize whatever you want on the gondolas! My bad for being so unwilling earlier.
So...Please give my best regards to your Father.
Shuu: If I feel like it, I guess.
Yui: ( ...W-Wow...I’m not sure if I should say I saw this coming or what. )
Shuu: Haah...That concludes it for the venue.
So, what’s next on the list?
Yui: Um...
We can’t hold a party without food and drinks, huh?
It’d be nice if we could rely on the hotel as our main catering service but...
I’d also love to prepare a specific dish which was his wife’s favorite.
Shuu: If I recall correctly, the report we got from the Familiars described her as having a sweet tooth.
Yui: Exactly. For example, she was particularly fond of what we’d call a ‘Galette de Rois’ in the human world...
How about we go to a sweets shop which might be able to make it for us?
Shuu: ...I’m not too thrilled about this, but sure.
Yui : ( Fufu, I’m glad he’s still willing to come with me despite his complaints. )
ー The scene shifts to the Sweets Shop ‘Saphir’
Female Vampire A: Woah, looks delicious! As to be expected from Saphir, the number one sweets shop in the Demon World!
Female Vampire B: I don’t even know where to look first. I want to try them all...
Female Vampire C: In that case, we’ll just have to buy the entire line-up and take them home with us~
Yui: ( Wow...This place is packed with people...Just getting around the store seems difficult... )
Shuu: ...
I’m leaving the rest up to you. I’ll be...resting in the back.
ー Shuu walks away
Yui: ( Ah...He retreated to the eat-in area.... )
( Actually, I do feel a little bad for forcing him to be amongst such a large crowd. )
( I hope I can talk to a member of the staff soon... )
*Thud thud*
???: Hey, you! Move aside, move aside! Coming through with the cake!
Female Vampire A: Ah, it’s the owner! This scent...Aah, irresistible~ 
Yui: ( So that guy’s the owner! Okay, I should try and have a word with him...! )
U-Um! Excuse me!
Sweets shop owner: Hm? What do you want? I’m in a rush, so move aside!
Yui: I’d like to have a small talk with you! There’s a dessert I’d like to order by the final day of the Parade...
Sweets shop owner: An order by the end of the Parade? Not happening. Right now we are especially busy, I can use all the help I can get. (2)
Aah, so busy! I don’t know what to do first!!
Yui: ( No way... )
I-In that case...
Let me help out! I’ll try my hardest!
Sweets shop owner: No, no! There’s no way I canーー
ー More and more customers come in
Sweets shop owner: Hey, you! If you’re willing to help, then get to it!
In regards to what you asked earlier, depending on it, I might consider it.
Yui: Eh? Y-Yes! Understood...!
( I-I just have to give it my all for now! )
Female Vampire D: Please give me three more of these cakes.
Yui: Y-Yes!
Female Vampire E: Excuse me!? It was my turn first! Give me four of these first!
Yui: ( O-Oh no! It’s super busy...! )
Shuu: Nn...
Yui: ( Ah...Seems like Shuu-san’s awake. )
ー Shuu walks over
Shuu: ...What are you doing?
Yui: As you can see, I’m helping out in the shop.
Female Vampire A: Hey, miss staff member! You’re in the way!
Yui: Wah!
Yui: ( Aah!? The plate broke! )
Shuu: Helping out? Like this?
Yui: ( Uu...E-Either way, I better clean up! )
ー Yui cleans up the shards
Shuu: Good grief...I can’t watch this...
Yui: ( Huh? Where is Shuu-san going...? )
Female Vampire A: Hmー If possible, I’d like at least one pie which isn’t too overly sweet...
But I have no idea which one to pick...
Shuu: ...In that case, I would recommend this. Not only does it cut back on the sugar, in turn it allows for the natural sweetness of the fruits to shine.
Female Vampire A: Oh dear, you seem very knowledgeable.
Yui: ( Wow... )
Female Vampire A: Right...In that case, I’ll take your recommendation and buy this one.
Shuu: You’re welcome.
ー Shuu returns to Yui’s side
Shuu: Well...There you have it.
Yui: You’re amazing, Shuu-san! The customer was delighted as well!
Shuu: Let me tell you, I’m not doing that a second tiーー
ー More customers approach them
Female Vampire B: We heard there’s a clerk who is especially knowledgeable on cakes here, but who could it be?
Female Vampire C: Anyway, I want to get a recommendation as well~?
Female Vampire D: Could it be the young man standing there!?
Female Vampire E: It has to be!
Yui: ( Ah...They found us. )
Shuu: ...
Seems like...I won’t be able to go for another nap.
Yui: ( Ahaha... )
Sweets shop owner: Honestly! Thank you so much for today! You helped me out a ton!
I don’t want to simply call this a way to return the favor so...
Please allow me to accept your request from earlier.
Yui: A-Are you sure?
Sweets shop owner: Yeah!
Doesn’t matter when you want it, I’ll make sure to fulfill my duty as the owner of this shop!
Yui: ( Hooray! )
Sweets shop owner: So? What kind of sweet treat is it?
Yui: Umーー
ー Yui explains
Sweets shop owner: I understand what you want very well.
You’ll have something to look forward to on the final day of the Parade!
Yui: Thank you very much!
ー The scene shifts back to the main street
Yui: It’s all thanks to you, Shuu-san! Thank you so much
Shuu: That was the first and final time I’ve done that, okay? ...Haah...
ーー So? What should we do next? We’re not done with all preparations, are we?
Yui: Um, I was thinking we should tackle the decorations for the gondola next.
Since we actually get to use it, I figured we might as well dress it up nicely.
Shuu: In that case...Reine de Aji’s shop could work, right?
Yui: Reine de Aji...?
Shuu: You’ll understand once we get there. Follow me.
Yui: ( ...? )
ー The scene shifts to general store Reine De Aji
Yui: ( Waah! There’s so many beautiful decorations out on display...! )
( I don’t know where to look first. )
How do you think we should decorate, Shuu-san?
Shuu: Anything works. I don’t really have a specific preference.
But well, personally, rather than the decorationsーー
Yui: ( Ah...They’re even selling antique violins. )
Shuu: I believe the music is what makes or breaks a party.
Yui: You might have a point.
Ah...Since it’s such a good opportunity, how about you play one song as well?
Shuu: No. Too much work.
Yui: ( Ahaha, I figured he’d say that... )
...I’d love to hear you play since it’s been so long though.
Shuu: ...
Yui: Is that too much to ask?
Shuu: Haah...Just a little, okay?
Shuu: ...
ー He starts playing the violin
Yui: ( What a beautiful melody... )
Shuu: ...Who’s there?
???: ...
Shuu: Aji, is that you?
Yui: ( So this is Aji-san. )
Reine de Aji: ...What exactly brings the eldest Sakamaki to my establishment?
Shuu: I don’t owe you an explanation. It’s none of your business, is it?
Reine de Aji: Hmph...If you don’t feel like answering my question, then I don’t feel like selling you anything either.
Yui: ( O-Oh no...! )
Aji-san! We’re actually planning to hold a party for a certain someone...
We came here to purchase the necessary decorations.
Reine de Aji: ...I see...
Well, in that case, you made the right choice by coming to my store.
After all, my line-up is rather extensive. On top of that...
I have a great offer.
Reine de Aji: Voila.
Yui: A locket pendant...?
Reine de Aji: It’s not just your regular old pendant.
It’s a bewitched object which makes the wearer take the appearance of the person whose picture is put inside the locket.
Yui: W-Wow!
( Then...If we were to put a picture of Riegel-san’s wife inside...! )
Reine de Aji: Well then, this isn’t a demonstration. Better put it away again...
Yui: Ah! P-Please, wait! Could you please let us borrow that pendant?
Reine de Aji: This?
You make it sound so easy, but...
Yui: Is it too much to ask...?
Reine de Aji: ...
Under one condition.
In return for borrowing this pendant, you have to show me something good.
Yui: ...Entertain me...?
Reine de Aji: If no, it’s a no-deal. What will you do?
Yui: P-Please let me! I’ll try my best!
ー The scene shifts to Aizen Alleyway
Yui: ( I replied in the spur of the moment but... )
What do you think we could do to please Aji-san?
Shuu: ...
Yui: Shuu-san?
Shuu: Say...Do we even really need that pendant anyway?
Yui: ( Seems like he’s not too happy about the idea. But... )
I’m sure it’d make Riegel-san happy.
Shuu: ...
...Well, if you insist, fine.
Anyway, let’s try asking the people in town about whatever may catch Aji’s attention.
Yui: Y-Yes...!
ー The scene shifts to the main street
Male Vampire A: Hm...You’re kind of catching me off guard with the sudden question.
Yui: Anything will do. No matter how trivial...
Male Vampire A: ...
Yui: ...Ugh.
Male Vampire A: I’m sorry, I don’t know. Please ask someone else.
Yui: ...Okay...Thank you very much.
Male Vampire A: Bye.
ー The Vampire walks away
Shuu: ...That was our tenth try...What will you do? Give up already?
Yui: ...No. Why don’t we test our luck somewhere else? If we do, I’m sure we’ll...
( Gotta keep trying and not give up! )
ー The scene shifts to the wagon area
Yui: ( It’s even more crowded than earlier. One of these people might know something. )
( Okay...! I’ll try asking that person over there first. )
Excuse me...! I’d like to ask something...
Male Vampire B: ...Oh dear, what could that be?
Yui: Do you happen to know the person who runs a store over in the other street called Aji-san?
Male Vampire B: I do know her.
Yui: Actually, we want to make her happy somehow and...We were wondering if you knew any good ways to do so?
Male Vampire B: ...
Yui: ( This time for sure...! )
Male Vampire B: My apologies, I doubt I’ll be of much help.
Yui: ...I see...
Male Vampire B: ...
If I had to name something I know about her...The only thing I could tell you is that she enjoys flora.
Yui: ...Flora...You say?
Male Vampire B: Yes. ...Oh, I made plans to meet up with someone, so you’ll have to excuse me now.
ー The Vampire walks away
Yui: T-Thank you very much!
( Flora, huh...? )
Yui: Um, Shuu-san? Why don’t we try giving her a plant she might like?
Shuu: ...I’m not sure. I can’t tell you whether that’ll actually please her or not.
Yui: But I don’t think we have much other choice but to rely on the information we just got...
Are there any stores selling plants nearby?
Shuu: I mean, there are, I guess.
Yui: ( Okay...! Let’s go take a look! )
ー The scene shifts to the garden store
Yui: This is the place...
( There’s so many plants I’ve never seen before! Guess I should have expected as much from the Demon World... )
Shuu: Not really. They’ve only got plants which are commonly seen around the Demon World. I doubt any of these will please Aji-san.
In short...I feel as if we’re only wasting our time here?
Yui: S-Sorry...
( Hm...What a shame. Seems like we’re back to square one. )
???: ...Hm? Are you customers, perhaps? Welcome.
I’m the owner, so if you are looking for something, please ask away.
Yui: Thank you very much.
Garden store owner: My extensive knowledge on the flowers which grow in the Demon World is the one thing I pride myself on.
Yui: ...I see. In that case...
Which flower would make a person the happiest if they were to receive it as a gift?
Garden store owner: Everyone has different tastes.
But...A flower which can please everyone, can only be ‘that’.
Yui: ‘That’?
Garden store owner: Exactly. ‘That’ flower which only blooms in the mountains.
Yui: Only grows in the mountains...Then where exactly are these mountains?
Garden store owner: Don’t tell me...You want to go pluck one?
Yui: If it’s a flower which can make any person happy, then I’d like to if possible.
Garden store owner: I see.
I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I doubt it’ll work out.
...Well, I’m sure you’ll find out once you reach the mountains. I don’t mind drawing you a map.
Yui: ( I wonder what he means? )
ー The scene shifts the entrance of the mines
Yui: ( Um...I’m pretty sure we have to go right here...Then left at the next corner... )
ー The scene shifts to an underground lake
Shuu: Oi...We’re still not there yet?
Yui: P-Please wait. I’m pretty sure we’ve reached our destination...
According to the map, there should be a cave closeby.
Shuu: A cave?
Couldn’t it be that one over there?
Yui: Ah...!
Shuu: Good grief...You’re getting way too caught up in the map instead of actually looking at your surroundings.
Well, that being said, I’d rather not get ourselves lost again from walking around aimlessly.
Come on, let’s get going already.
Yui: Y-Yes!
ー The scene shifts to the Selenite Crystal Cave
Yui: ( Wow, it’s glittering somehow... )
What are these...?
Shuu: Selenite, right? Seems like the entire cave is made up from them.
Yui: ...I see...
Shuu: Oi, this isn’t the time to be captivated by them. Let’s look for the thing we came for.
Yui: Right.
( The shop owner didn’t tell us anything about the actual flower, did he? )
( ‘You’ll be able to tell straight away’ is the only hint we have... )
Yui: ( ...? )
Yui: ( I’m not...imagining this, right? )
Shuu: ...Oi. Don’t you think that could be it? There’s been flashing lights coming from the back.
Yui: Let’s go look.
What we found at the end of the path,
was a mysterious flower.
Covering the whole surrounding area,
they spread a warm light across,
shining amidst the dark like fireflies.
Their beauty is simply out of this world.
I subconsciously extended my hand towards the stem.
Yui: ( I-It disappeared... )
Shuu: This must be the Ghost Flower.
Yui: Ghost Flower?
Shuu: Yeah, just like actual ghosts, you aren’t able to touch them.
Yui: ( So that’s why it vanished. )
( But...It was really pretty. I think I understand why anyone would be happy to see these flowers. )
( I’m sure Aji-san as well... )
...Um, Shuu-san? Can’t we get this flower to Aji-san’s store somehow?
Shuu: ...Haah...
Doesn’t seem like you’ll give up any time soon, so why don’t you try out some things?
Yui: ( Um...He’s basically saying he’ll stay here with me for now, right...? )
( F-For now, I’ll just try anything which comes to mind! )
Yui: Aah...Another fail...
( No matter how gently I touch them, it’s no use. Trying to pluck them from a different angle didn’t work either. )
( I guess it really is impossible... )
Shuu: ...
Yui: ( Shuu-san appears to be listening to music, but he seems bored. )
( But...There’s one more thing I’d like to try. )
( They disappear upon contact...So basically I have to avoid touching them, right? )
( I wonder if digging them up together with the soil would work then? )
( It’s all or nothing...Here goes...! )
*Thud thud*
Yui: ...! Shuu-san, look! The flower didn’t vanish...!
Shuu: Looks like it.
Yui: We can take it back with us to Aji-san’s store like this...! Aah, I’m so glad!
Shuu: ...
No, it’s too early to rejoice.
Try waiting a little like that.
Yui: ...?
Yui: ( I wonder how long I should wait? I’d guess about five minutes have passed by now. )
Shuu-san, what’s the point of thiーー
Yui: Ah!
Shuu: ...I knew it.
I figured that if all you had to do was scoop it out with soil and all, then the people from the garden shop would have long been doing that.
Yui: You...do have a point...
( There’s no way we can make it back to Aji-san’s shop in just five minutes. )
I wonder if it’s really impossible...
Shuu: ...No, that’s not true either.
Yui: Eh...?
Shuu: Let me ask you once more. ...You really want to borrow the pendant, right?
Yui: Well...Of course!
Shuu: Okay then.
ーー Oi. Dig out that ghost flower from the ground once more.
Yui: S-Sure.
( What could he be thinking? Anyway, I’ll just put faith in Shuu-san for now... )
*Thud thud*
Yui: Done.
Shuu: Okay. Now I just have to do this...
Yui: ( Why did he pick up a pebble...? )
Shuu: Thereーー!
*Flap flap flap flap flap*
Yui: Wah!? B-Bats!?
( They were startled by the sound of the rock and jumped out! Where did this many of them even come fromーー!? )
Yui: Shuu-san!? What is this about...!?
Shuu: They can carry us to Aji’s store in under five minutes.
Yui: I seeーー
*Flap flap flap flap flap*
Yui: ...Wait, eeeeeh!?
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Shuu: Wake me up when we’ve arrived.
*Flap flap flap flap flap*
Shuu: ...
Yui: ( Geez, Shuu... )
( O-Okay! I have to just let myself be carried. )
I made up my resolve.
And decided to keep still,
as I let the bats carry me.
When taking a quick glance at the ground below,
I could see,
the ongoing Parade.
If I hadn’t gotten my heart stolen, then perhaps right now, 
Shuu-san and I would also beーー
Such thoughts flashed through the back of my mind.
I shake my head, getting rid of those thoughts,
while continuing to pray,
that the Ghost Flower in my hands would not disappear.
ー The scene shifts to Reine de Aji’s store
*Flap flap flap flap flap*
Yui: ( W-We somehow got here before the Ghost Flower vanished. )
Shuu-san! Wake up, please! We’re here!!
Shuu: Nn...Pwaah...
That’s pretty fast. I wouldn’t have minded snoozing for a little longer...
Yui: More importantly, we should hurry up and find Aji-sanーー
*Flap flap flap flap flap*
Reine de Aji: W-What is this ruckus about!?
Yui: Ah, Aji-san!
Reine de Aji: You lot...! Are you trying to destroy my shop out of spite for not getting the pendant!?
Yui: N-No!
Take a look at this, please! We wanted to make you happy, so...
Reine de Aji: T-This is...Could it be, a Ghost Flower...?
The legendary flower, and the one flower in this world I had yet to see...
Yui: ( Aah, it vanished... )
Reine de Aji: ...
Yui: ( Oh no. The shop’s a mess because of the bats... )
( I guess...We failed to please her... )
Reine de Aji: That wasn’t an illusion just now, it was an actual Ghost Flower. I...
I’ve always wanted to see it here in my store, even if only once.
You did all of this just for me?
Yui: I just thought it’d be nice if it would make you happy...But I’m sorry you were only able to see it for such a short time.
Reine de Aji: Don’t sweat it. You made me plenty happy.
Furthermore, the fact they wither is exactly what makes flowers so beautiful.
ーー Thank you. I’m very pleased.
Yui: ( T-Thank god! Then... )
Reine de Aji: As promised...
Reine de Aji: I’ll lend you this pendant.
Yui: T-Thank you very much!
( We did it! )
Reine de Aji: Hey, you...Sakamaki.
Shuu: ...
Reine de Aji: I’ve written you guys off as lost causes for the longest time.
But you did all of this to make me happy. Especially this young lady over here.
...She’s quite the catch.
You chose your partner well. I suppose we should have expected as much from the eldest son of the family.
Shuu: Thank you.
Yui: ( I guess...she complimented me? It’s a little embarrassing but I’m happy. )
ー The scene shifts back to the hotel
Yui: ( If you put a picture inside this locket and put the necklace on, you can turn into that person...Huh? )
( Reevaluating it, it really is a mysterious thing. )
Anyway...We can hold the party without any trouble now.
Shuu: Yeah.
But...You’re forgetting one important thing.
Yui: Important...?
( What could that be? )
We’ve settled on the location, the cake and even got a surprise prepared...Which leaves...
Shuu: ...
Yui: Which leaves...?
Shuu: ...
Yui: U-Um...What do we still have left to do exactly?
Shuu: Good grief...
ー Shuu steps closer
Shuu: ーー Show your gratitude.
Yui: Excuse me?
Shuu: Show your gratitude to me.
Who’s to thank for making it this far into the preparations?
Yui: ( S-Starting with the gondola, I guess none of this would have been possible if Shuu-san hadn’t been there with me. )
Shuu-san, thank you so much for today.
I’m sorry for not saying this sooner.
Shuu: Just words won’t suffice.
In that case, let’s see...I wonder what I should ask from you instead?
I guess I should pose you the question for once.
Yui: U-Um...
( ...Something I can do... ) 
→ Give him a massage (☾)
Yui: ...Ah, right!
How about...a massage?
Shuu: A massage...
Yui: ( Uu, I feel like he’s appalled. )
I figured you must be exhausted, so I thought it wasn’t a bad idea...
Shuu: Haha...I guess it wouldn’t be bad every once in a while. Guess I’ll let you do your thing then.
Yui: Y-Yes...
*Rustle rustle*
Shuu: ...Oi. You can’t call that a massage. Put in a little more effort.
Yui: Okay.
*Rustle rustle*
Shuu: ...Phew...
*Rustle rustle*
→ Write him a letter of gratitude
Yui: In that case...How about I write you a letter of gratitude?
We can frame it and hang it on the wall at the manor, for example...
Shuu: ...
Yui: ( H-He looks disappointed. )
Shuu: Haah...Guess I’ll take the sentiment at least.
Yui: Yes...
( I guess it would have been way better to offer him a massage or something... )
( I’ll do that next time. )
Yui: ( Anyway...I’m glad preparations for the party went smoothly. )
( Ah...But... )
( Shuu-san didn’t seem too stoked about the idea of the pendant. )
( I wonder why? )
Translation notes
(1) The てやる or ‘te-yaru’ construction implies that he is doing something for the sake of someone else. 
(2) Literally he says ‘I’d even be willing to accept help from a cat’. This idiom is used when someone is so busy, they will accept any help, even from someone who might not be the best.
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lunarfly · 3 years
Ok so I decided to finally post the promised: defending Romione (🥺💗💕💖💞💘) against Dr*mione (ಠಿ_ಠ) shippers.
So I've read a few posts about Dr*mione shippers, talking about why their ship is amazing (which had nothing to do with canon btw) and bashing Ron (for no reason) and I'm literally shaking out of anger.
Here are my thoughts:
1. "Ron is too dumb for hermione"
Stop- Just-
Yes, he might not be very interested in school subjects, but 👏 that 👏 doesn't 👏 mean 👏 he 👏 is 👏 dumb 👏.
He is actually very smart! He beat McGonagall's chess game, he is logical and quick-thinking. There's MANY examples of this that I won't name right now, but it's a canonical fact. Ron. Is. Not. Dumb.
And consider he was dumb. So? Would that stop Romione from happening? NO! Hermione didn't mind Ron not being smart. She was just upset that Ron was lazy and wouldn't study anything until the last minute. She wanted to get both Harry and Ron to study according to a schedule.
Is it clear? Intelligence doesn't determine love.
**And this is something that confuses me. This doesn't have anything to do with the point, but why does nobody realize that Harry isn't much smarter than Ron? Yes, he was better at DADA but that requires TALENT, not intelligence. And I'm pretty sure we all know that Ron is talented as well (hopefully everyone realizes that). Nobody uses the fact that Harry wasn't intelligent against Harmione, but everyone uses the fact that Ron wasn't intelligent against Romione. The double standards tear apart the fandom.
2. "Ron bought hermione perfume and Draco could get her something better."
Soooo, you're saying that just because Ron didn't have the money that Draco had means that Hermione didn't deserve Ron?
Wow, this just says a lot about you dr*mione shippers. You only care about the money that Draco has, not his personality. You don't like Ron because he's poor (and I know how FanFics give the "kind Draco" Ron's canon personality so the only "problem" with Ron is his looks and lack of money). And you don't see Hermione nor Ron the way they are. This "point" of yours is literally stating that Hermione should be a gold-digger and get Draco because he can get her the expensive presents that she deserves. Yikes.
3. "Draco can understand the emotional side of Hermione while Ron can't."
Draco is only EVER concerned about his own self, he is a NARCISSIST. He would NEVER care for someone (let alone Hermione) as purely and truly as he cared about himself. He didn't even care about Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy Parkinson etc. He was selfish. The only reason he could express his emotions was because he had to go through a lot since he realized that killing Dumbledore wasn't as easy as bullying Hermione. This would never ever work.
And even if Ron didn't understand her as much, he STILL comforted her. Take the beginning chapters of The Deathly Hallows as an example. You'll see.
4. "Ron is too immature."
I need help.
Of course Ron was immature when he was 11!! Yes, he acted immaturely many times, yes, he made many mistakes, but guess what? He changed! He changed for Hermione!! Draco didn't change at all, not for Hermione, nor for anyone else. He remained the same bratty bully.
If you could reread the books and read prisoner of azkaban vs deathly hallows, you will definitely see how much Ron has matured. He doesn't argue with Hermione anymore, he comforts her, he's there for her. Yes, he made a mistake but he was manipulated by the horcrux! We don't blame Ginny for what tom riddle's diary made her do, do we? So stop blaming Ron!
Anyways, I think if dr*mione shippers have read the books, they'll know what I'm talking about when I say Ron changed for Hermione. I honestly don't know how you could miss Ron's character arc.
5. "Ron would be jealous of the brilliant Hermione."
If I remember correctly, the reason Draco bullied the trio was because he was jealous of them. His jealousy turned into a 7 year torture for the trio and now you're saying that Ron is the jealous one? Please.
But anyways, Ron has been jealous of Harry and has made a few mistakes. But there are reasons behind them and I can defend him for each of these with arguments other than "everyone makes mistakes" (cough cough* Draco stans* cough cough).
First of all, Ron has admitted being jealous of Harry's fame because he lives with 5 older brothers who outshine him. But that's not really a mistake because he never let it get in his way. There were only 2 situations in 7 years when he left Harry out of jealousy but I think these have different explainations.
No1 Ron left in goblet of fire. I think the real reason that Ron let his jealousy get in his way this time, was not only because Harry got to participate in the tournament which could bring him eternal glory, but more likely because he was disappointed that his own best friend didn't even tell him that he was entering and didn't even help him participate (which wasn't true, but Ron thought so back then).
No2 Ron left in deathly hallows. This one was 100% because of the horcrux and I think we should all accept this by now and stop hating on Ron for being affected by dark magic.
And just like that, Ron never let his jealousy get in his way of friendships. I can't think of a situation where Ron is jealous of the brilliant Hermione so if you remember, please let me know so I can argue against it. <3
6. "Ron and Hermione would break up and remain friends, it's easy to imagine because they didn't have a strong relationship."
This was actually said, someone actually said this-
I'm just going to say that Ron and Hermione are happily married to this day (which definitely proves that their relationship is strong) and give the dr*mione community a moment of silence.
7. "Ron didn't do anything for Hermione and was just a jerk."
Coming from a person who has read and reread the books multiple times, I can assure you that Ron did many things for Hermione.
Of course, he was immature at first, he was mean to her, but slowly he started seeing more of the good in Hermione and started changing for her.
And even when he was immature, he still cared about Hermione and would protect her no matter what.
Let's remember how many times rubbish Ron stood up for Hermione against the brilliant bully Draco. 🥰
Let's remember how cowardly Ronald faced his fears of spiders to help Hermione (and the rest of the school, just how jerkier can he get?). 🥰
Let's remember how ridiculous Ronniekins stood up for Hermione against sensational Snape and got himself into detention (oh yes, this is the book version of the movie moment where Ron agrees with Snape about Hermione being an 'insufferable know-it-all'). 🥰
Let's remember how rotten Ronny comforted Hermione when she was worried about Hagrid and Buckbeak (and he even let her hug him and cry on his shoulder, how rude). 🥰
Let's remember how revolting Ronald sacrificed himself to save Harry and Hermione in the chess game. 🥰
Let's remember how horrendous Ron attempted to hex Draco when he used a slur that was meant to offend Hermione. 🥰
Keep in mind that all of these were done when Ron was still immature and still argued a lot with Hermione.
And these aren't even all.
8. "Ron and Hermione have a loveless marriage."
What the-
I'm sorry, I'm trying to be respectful here but this is crap. And the fact that the person said they also had "proof" from the c*rsed ch*ld but didn't want to spoil it-
As much as I hate the c*rsed ch*ld, I can tell you that it did its job portraying Ron and Hermione's unconditional love. Even in alternative realities, where they didn't get married, they were still in love.
And why would you even think that Ron and Hermione would marry and have kids if they didn't love each other? I need explainations.
9. "Ron never listens to Hermione."
I'm sorry, what? I'm genuinely confused??
What do you even mean by this? Yeah, they used to argue a lot, and? Ron thinks Hermione is brilliant and wonderful and he follows her advice. I can't recall a moment where Ron won't listen to Hermione, doesn't agree with her and ruins her plans. Anyone else?
Since this one is a big mess and a confusion, I'll move on to the next one until someone explains the points and arguments.
10. "Draco could make Hermione laugh while Ron couldn't."
Do I really need to say anything for this one?
Ron was the funniest one from the trio, that's why Harry enjoyed his company so much! Don't you remember the line in goblet of fire where Harry thinks about how much he misses having Ron as his best friend, because without him there's less fun and less laughs? I do.
But what I don't remember is finding Draco's sense of humor funny. I'm sorry but his intellectual level is almost as low as Crabbe and Goyle's. His insults are none other than Potty and Weaselbee, he only got 3 O.W.L.s and all of his jokes were stupid and dumb and their only purpose was insulting people he was jealous of.
These fanfics have rotten people's brains...😬
Anyways, I'm going to stop here. I've delayed this post for very long and I'm so excited to finally post it!
I read a book on wattpad by a dr*mione shipper and it was nothing but a giant headache. That's where I got all of these statements from. Most of the garbage in the book revolved around Draco and Hermione being inseparable and getting over all obstacles (wth) and other stupid stuff like that which really annoyed me. The book was called "why we love dr*mione" and it was by Bittenwizard. You can read and enjoy! Trust me, you'll have lots of content to post about after that 🤠👍
*I always try to be respectful to all ships, but sometimes some of them really anger me because the ships are either toxic or the arguments are plain trash. I'm sorry if I offend anyone.
Thank you for reading this. If you're a dr*mione shipper, I hope I've convinced you to give up the ship or come up with better arguments for it.
If you're an anti-dramione I hope you enjoyed the post. I'll delight you with more anti-toxic-ships content. :)
Thank you once again! <3
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shuttershocky · 4 years
If you could make a trigger warning list for Tsukihime, what would be on it? There's a lot of people who are just getting interested in it with the remake (myself included) and I think having a tw list would be a really nice thing for those getting in now. If you can't remember every scene, a general list is good enough!
Oh boy.
Ohhhhhhhh boyyyyyyyyy.
Alright. So. A little bit of explanation: there's a reason why Nasu actually wants to remake this game. Tsukihime is by miles his darkest and most brutal work, and a lot of it is completely unnecessary edginess made by poor and almost literally starving Nasu and Takeuchi. Kara No Kyoukai wasn't exactly making waves, and the two were living on cup noodles and working other jobs to keep themselves afloat. To finish the VN Takeuchi even made Nasu quit his job and worked two in his stead (biking home in-between said jobs to do art) just so Nasu would have time to write. The nastiness of what they felt at the time is everywhere in the script, and it speaks to Nasu's talent that what came out wasn't complete edgelord garbage.
Did you ever read the original Fate/Stay Night? Did you get taken abrupt when Illya and Berserker first attack Shirou, Rin, and Saber, and Illya orders Berserker to behead Saber and rape the corpse so that Saber would rather die than continue to regenerate and fight? Did you think that kinda came out of nowhere and was unnecessary? The Realta Nua rerelease didn't just remove all the bad sex scenes, they removed lines like those entirely.
Tsukihime has waaaaaaaay more of that, and unlike Fate/Stay Night it couldn't easily edit all of them out and get rereleased without changing the story. It needed to be rebuilt from the ground up.
Personally, I've been so excited for the remake because Nasu has expressed regret before on how misogynistic his writing was before. Specifically he was asked in an interview about his focus on female characters in his works and he something like "I've been told before 'Nasu respects womens rights' because of all the powerful girls in my works, but looking back I can clearly see my own prejudices" especially singling out how Shirou treated Saber in the Fate route and how Tohno Shiki needed to get uppercut by Arcueid. I'm far more excited to see how Nasu will approach Tsukihime with that hindsight in mind more than I am about the visual and music upgrades the VN will get. I don't think Nasu wants to (or even should) remove all the problematic content of the original Tsukihime as this IS a work of horror, but a lot of editing would greatly improve the script.
Releasing Tsukihime R on PS4 isn't just a message of a console release, it's a sign that things will be different this time due to Sony's strict rules (that do not apply to its first party games apparently).
With that being said, a general trigger warning list from memory:
1.) There is a LOT of rape and sexual assault. Mentions of the act, internal narration from characters witnessing or attempting to find someone to rape, Shiki can straight up rape two of the girls on two seperate routes if he makes the wrong choice (he will be killed the day after). There's also a line where Shiki tells Ciel that if she doesn't do what he says, he'll rape her. The context there is that he's extremely weak and she can snap him like a twig so he just shouts the most hurtful thing he can think of, but it's still dumb. If I remember correctly, there's a choice that makes Shiki sexually assault Hisui and it DOESNT lead to a dead end, with most guides recommending that choice to get the CGs. I got annoyed and that's when I made my own guide for the route.
2.) Unknown to Shiki, his family's bloodline carries a powerful violent impulse to kill any non-human they see, strong enough to temporarily take over their wills and delight in murder by conflating it with sexual pleasure. The first time Shiki sees Arcueid, he falls into a trance and stalks her back home before brutally cutting her up into 17 pieces and experiences multiple orgasms while doing so. He then comes to his senses and starts vomiting and crying from what he just did and the shame of how much he enjoyed doing it. They're not taking this scene out (It's in the remake PV) but I'm preeeettyyyy sure Shiki's narration won't suddenly talk about how much his dick is loving this.
3.) Incest. Akiha is Shiki's sister. She's also a romantic interest. Technically they're adopted so it's not incest and they haven't seen each other in 8 years so it's not like they grew up together the whole time, but any tine you got to say "technically it's not incest", it's not great. I heavily doubt this is getting removed from the Remake as it's, you know, a whole route. On the other hand, Akiha has a biological brother, and he is creepy about her so that's 100% guaranteed ick right there, but fortunately he never goes far enough that you can tell if he's a sicko or if he's just really possessive of his sister.
4.) Kohaku's backstory. Koha-Ace once joked that this is the true reason the Remake took so long. It forms the backbone of Tsukihime and one of the main threads that ties everything together, but also Kohaku is the middle link between Fujino and Sakura. You can guess what that means.
5.) Heavy gaslighting, heavier drugs. Both Shiki's past and his present in the far side routes involve an almost hilarious relationship to the truth. Everyfuckingbody is lying to Shiki, and his father literally gaslights him with magic by using hypnosis to conveniently erase some traumatic memories that the old man is responsible for and replace them with falsehoods. Shiki nonchalantly talks about his terrible memory when it comes to his childhood throughout the VN, but the actual reason for that is that he got gaslit to hell and back. In the present, Shiki gets drugged out of his mind by someone in his house, and experiences long and detailed hallucinations, all the while being told by his family that nothing is going on. It becomes difficult to tell what's really going on; if he's really walking around town or if he's in bed babbling at the ceiling. It is terrifying and is a part of what gives the Far Side routes great psychological horror, but it still deserves a TW.
6.) Suicide. At least one character kills themselves onscreen.
7.) Torture. In the Ciel route, Roa tortures someone by repeatedly and slowly stabbing blades into them while Shiki is forced to watch. It goes on for a while.
8.) Grooming. This particular bit isn't a part of the Tsukihime VN itself, but more of a fandom joke thanks to Carnival Phantasm. A big part of Shiki's backstory is meeting the mage Aozaki Aoko as an 8 year old and her teaching him about life in the short time they have together. Due to Shiki's nature he almost certainly would have become an evil person, but meeting Aoko instilled a moral compass in him that is the only thing he has to fight his impulses, which is why Shiki loves his sensei so dearly. Melty Blood later made a joke that Aoko is mad she never got a route in Tsukihime, and Carnival Phantasm later had a whole scene stating the real reason Aoko cared for Shiki was that she was grooming him to be her boyfriend as soon as he turned of age. It's super gross and a perversion of what is literally the sole wholesome relationship Shiki has and the only reason there is any good in him at all. I really fucking hate this joke among all others in the Tsukihime fandom.
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oumakokichi · 4 years
hello! could you talk a bit more about the original (as in jp, not localization) ouma's personality and speech patterns? you've mentioned that he tends to trail off or speak more softly when it is implied he is speaking the truth, etc. and how he is not so loud/intentionally obnoxious. //btw when does he call himself a fairy? that's so cute
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I got a couple of questions asking about the fairy line Ouma has, so I don’t mind sort of rolling them both into one! And I’m more than happy to talk a little more in-depth about Ouma’s speech patterns and personality in the original game, too!
Since I’ll be covering some late-game spoilers, I’ll put the bulk of this under the cut, so be careful when reading!
First off, I cannot stress how much I recommed playing ndrv3 with the Japanese voices enabled. If you’ve already played through the English dub but never experiened the original voice acting cast, I promise you won’t be disappointed. The Japanese cast are all fantastic, incredibly talented VAs who, unlike the dub, were hired specifically for these roles and not just re-casted from previous DR games.
Hiro Shimono as Ouma gives an absolutely incredible performance. The localization might still have many flaws in its translation and omission of certain lines or punctuation, but you can still very much get a feel for how Ouma’s character was intended by listening to Shimono’s performance. Re-playing the game with the Japanese voices will definitely let you hear how soft and tonally different Shimono’s performance is in places from the English dub, and compare it to the way in which many lines are written and punctuated as if Ouma’s yelling at everyone.
That isn’t to say that Shimono’s Ouma is never loud or excited: Ouma is a character whose moods and façades are all over the place, and therefore his performance requires a voice actor who can similarly change moods and intonation on a dime. Ouma is very much loud and haughty and deliberately annoying when he’s supposed to be, but his voice is also low and ominous at other points when he’s trying to be scary. And again, it’s soft and hesitant in places where he’s considering divulging some of his information, or when he’s insisting that all the things he does are for everyone’s sake, because he cares about them and doesn’t want anyone to die.
These moments feel so much more genuine in the Japanese version of the game--because they’re meant to be. As fantastic of a liar as Ouma is, it’s much easier for us, the player, to tell when he’s lying on a re-play, knowing the information from chapters 5 and 6 that we do, and looking at cues like his sprites (often his blank-faced ones) and, yes, his delivery of certain lines.
This probably sounds like me just gushing about what a fantastic voice actor Hiro Shimono is, and in part that’s exactly what it is, but I want to stress that pretty much every single voice actor in the Japanese cast is just as fantastic and that they all do their jobs incredibly well. With all that gushing out of the way, I’ll move on to talking about some of Ouma’s actual speech tics and the way he refers to other characters.
Like most things about him, Ouma’s speech patterns are sort of an interesting mix and even seem a little contradictory at times. He uses the very masculine pronoun “ore” (オレ), but he also refers to nearly everyone (with only a handful of exceptions) by their surnames and the much more childish honorific “-chan” (i.e. “Saihara-chan,” “Akamatsu-chan,” “Amami-chan,” etc.)
The use of “-chan” is very interesting. Honorifics in Japan are extremely complicated and tend to mean different things depending on who is using them. Typically, “-chan” is seen as a very feminine way to refer to someone else, commonly used in close-knit friend groups among school girls.
There are, of course, a few notable exceptions to this however: often times, middle-aged or elderly people will call a child “-chan” regardless of gender, as a way of showing they find them cute and endearing. And sometimes, people will use “-chan” to refer to other things they find cute, such as pets, or even to refer to themselves in a sort of informal, tongue-in-cheek way.
The fact that Ouma uses “-chan” as an honorific to refer to nearly everyone in the game stands out quite a lot: by and large, boys don’t use this term to refer to other boys. Using “-chan” to refer to anyone you’ve just met or don’t know very well is already somewhat frowned upon, but a boy using it to refer to other boys is especially rare. This helps set Ouma’s character up as someone who is both incredibly casual and informal with others (not to mention, you know, quite coded). Considering childishness and lightheartedness are traits Ouma values, and how much emphasis is put on him having “a very innocent, childish streak that’s hard to hate,” it makes sense then that he would talk like this.
Not counting Monokuma and the Monokubs, the only characters who Ouma doesn’t refer to with “-chan” are Gonta and Kiibo, who he simply calls by name. This also says some interesting things about his character.
Gonta is easily the character who Ouma interacts with the most often, as well as the charater he hurts the most in the end. Ouma’s choice to exclude Gonta from his usual way of calling people is, I think, a testament to how much Gonta really wanted to be friends with him, even if their friendship was never exactly on equal footing.
Meanwhile with Kiibo, I feel the choice to exclude him from his usual way of addressing others is indicative of how much Ouma tried to remind himself that Kiibo “wasn’t human,” and therefore how suspicious he found his presence in the killing game. We know Ouma suspected Kiibo and likely even had an inkling of his role as the audience proxy/camera in the game, due to how Kiibo’s picture is one of the only others set aside on his whiteboard besides Saihara’s, with the word “weird” written next to it (he also clearly guessed about the cameras after Gonta’s line in chapter 2, as we see from how he commissioned Miu for the bug-vac).
Ouma clearly enjoys teasing Kiibo a lot, and their banter reads very much like a manzai comedy duo; I feel like Ouma often tried pushing himself to remember that Kiibo “wasn’t human” on purpose in order to not get too attached to him or too distracted from his goal of ending the killing game. I don’t think Ouma’s decision to exclude Kiibo from the way that he very particularly referred to most of the rest of the group was just an accident or a coincidence.
Honorifics aside, Ouma also refers to several characters in interesting ways. He often uses “daisuki na ___-chan” (大好きな) to refer to some of the other characters, a phrase which more or less equates to “my beloved.” He uses this phrase with Saihara more than any other character of the game, but there are a few other instances where he does use it with Amami, Momota, and (if I’m remembering correctly) Kaede. Pretty much every single instance where the localization put, “because I love you” or “because you’re my favorite” whenever Ouma was talking to Saihara was usually a point where he would specifically call him “my beloved Saihara-chan.”
In chapter 4 during the scene where Ouma is alone in the parlor of the VR world, he also specifically, exclusively refers to Saihara as “suki ni natta hito” (好きになった人), literally: “the person I fell in love with.” This line was changed in the localization to, “when there’s a person I like,” which is more or less literally correct--however, the phrase “suki ni natta” is much heavier and more loaded with explicitly romantic implications than “suki” would be on its own, as it’s often used in Japanese love songs and shoujo manga love confessions.
Worth noting in my opinion is the fact that this is the exact same phrasing Maki uses to describe her romantic feelings for Momota. Since Maki’s feelings for Momota are considered canonically confirmed because of this, Ouma’s feelings should be considered equally canon, but a lot of people don’t know this because, well, it’s sort of been lost in translation.
And now, on to the fairy line! Ouma calls himself a fairy in chapter 3, when he pops up in the middle of Saihara and Korekiyo’s discussion of the katana in Korekiyo’s lab. Full of enthusiasm, he decides to touch the sword and examine it for himself; Korekiyo starts to object, but Ouma interrupts and says:
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“Come on, it’s not a big deal! I’m like a fairy, so it’ll be fine!”
I’ve always really loved this line and thought it was super adorable, both as a nod to how fairies aren’t supposed to be able to touch steel in most fae mythos, as well as the fact that fairies tend to also have a love for mischief and pranks and lies. The localization apparently didn’t like it so much though, because this line is simply changed to, “Come on, would I lie to you?” instead.
One final thing I can think of as far as Ouma’s speech tics go is that his laugh in Japanese is romanized as “nishishi” instead of “neeheehee,” as this is closer to the Japanese onomatopoeia for the sound horses make--but I actually don’t mind this localization change at all! “Neeheehee” definitely looks a lot closer to the word “neigh” and helps capture that horse joke in a way that I feel like western players can more easily understand.
All in all, while I still definitely feel people can like and enjoy Ouma’s character from playing the localization alone, I still stand by my opinion that listening to the original Japanese voices helps give a much better picture of how the character was intended to come across, and really shows how much depth Hiro Shimono put into his performance. He’s quoted in the official ndrv3 artbook as saying that he believes Ouma is someone who’s actually “really meek if you take away his strong wish to outwit everyone” (credit to @kaibutsushidousha for the art book translation), and I think this interpretation of Ouma really shows through in so many of his lines.
Thank you both for the really fun questions! I hope I could provide some more interesting information about Ouma and the translation!
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joezworld · 4 years
Specifically, any headcanons of the Sodor Engines interacting with the internet, or the internet in general?
For some reason, I’d imagine that podcasts and the like are popular among vehicles in general.
That is a question that I've been working on for some time - because I'm workshopping my own Tornado headcanon (and boy oh boy does she use the internet a lot) - but I have some ideas for the Sodor engines as well: 
Henry is probably the most "plugged in" engine on the island, weirdly enough. One of his drivers gave him an iPod back in the early 2000s, and kindly preloaded it with a bunch of torrented music.
 BTW, that works because all the engines are now equipped with automatic train warning systems, and the little on-board computer has a USB port - as a nice side effect it allows music players to work with the engines in the same way as bone-conducting headphones do. The computer also acts as some kind of computer interface, which I am not going to explain how that works because Jesus Christ I don’t know how it does either.  
 Henry has managed to upgrade his iPod a few times since thanks to hand-me-down units from NWR staff, so he eventually got his buffers on a wifi-enabled iPod Touch and now downloads new music from the station wifi. He does listen to podcasts, but as every other engine will tell you, you could show Henry ten thousand new and exciting songs from the best artists in the world, and his top ten played songs are still going to be Genesis, Phil Collins, and Yes. Bear considers it a win that he managed to convince Henry to regularly listen to Rush after a mere twenty years of convincing. 
 Mavis and Daisy listen to a very interesting program called The News, because as stated elsewhere, they invest a shitload of money and need to be on top of things. Thomas and Percy wish that Daisy would use headphones or something similar to that, instead of listening to Bloomberg TV at loud volumes in the middle of the night. Toby frankly doesn’t mind, as it’s very nice to be kept up-to-date on the outside world.  
In a move that surprises no-one, Bill and Ben have a podcast where they talk about whatever they think about at that moment - usually horse-racing, investing, and clay mining. As such, they have a wide audience, almost none of whom know that they’re that Bill and Ben, as their podcast is audio-only.  
 In an also unsurprising move, Edward and BoCo have been made very much aware that Bill and Ben have a podcast, but are still unsure as to what the hell a podcast is, despite being frequent guests on it.  
Of the main line diesels, only Bear has shown any real interest in the internet, and was immediately put in charge of the Amazon Alexa when a unit was installed in the diesel shed. He also has an iPod that he got for Christmas a few years back. (The NWR has a very good personal  electronics recycling program called give it to Henry, he’ll make use it.)  
Bear does listen to podcasts as well as music, but his choices are so insufferably boring that even Henry refuses to listen to them. (I don’t really listen to podcasts - despite making one - so insert the most boring podcast you can think of here.) 
 As for other internet uses... 
Gordon is very up-to-date on the newest social media trends - somehow - but only really cares when he is involved. He won’t admit it, but he’s been trying to figure out how to work a camera/selfie stick for some time so he can start up his own Instagram account. So far he has been unsuccessful, but one day he will manage it. 
 James has had an ongoing feud with his own Wikipedia page for about a decade now. The article sourced most of its information about his construction off of some out-of-print book about the L&Y. The book in question is accurate about James’ class, but not James himself - as he was a prototype engine. There’s no other primary sources available, so the very dedicated Wikipedia mod who created the page won’t change it - no matter how much James complains that he was there! He knows what happened! 
Every now and again a TTTE fan blog/tumblr will make a post about hypothetical “ships” of the Sodor engines. Most of the time it’s shipping the core characters like Gordon and Henry, much to Gordon’s bafflement and Henry’s amusement! 
Only one blog (a ttte fan tumblr by the curious name of @mean-scarlet-deceiver  ) has gotten it right. Henry actually reached out to congratulate this blogger, but was unfortunately mistaken for a very dedicated roleplay account.  
James is very annoyed by these blogs, as they have never once correctly guessed who he is “shipped” with! He has tried several times to be seen in public with Delta, but these events have never gone as planned - the “best” instance is when Edward rolled by at exactly the wrong moment, leading to months of speculation that JamesxEdward was the ship to look out for! 
Thomas, being a generally oblivious sort of engine, was totally unaware of the online fan community around the TV show until he started getting actively harassed by vloggers and Instagrammers in the early 2010s. He’s fine with it now, but it was a deeply unusual experience for most of 2012.  
Toby has developed an unexpectedly popular following on social media following his collab with Stormzy. His official twitter is huge now, with over a million followers, even if he has no idea what to do with it. He posts rarely, but usually manages to make an incredible post when he does.
No-one is sure who told Oliver what a “fan-production” is, but if you manage to get ahold of him for any period of time and ask him nicely, he will lend his voice to your TTTE fan-project, so long as it isn’t about [INSERT TERRIBLE SOCIAL/POLITICAL VIEW(S) HERE]. This means that he has 100% voiced dramatic readings of NSFW Fanfics before, which is always an absolute riot to spring on people unannounced.
There is a series of slice-of-life TTTE fanfics on Ao3 that have been written with such accuracy and innate railway knowledge that people are sure it was written by a Sodor engine, but nobody knows which one.
The Culdee Fell Railway has very active Instagram, Twitter and YouTube accounts, with all of the engines and coaches showing up regularly. It’s about the closest any of the railways on Sodor have come to what those outside the UK would call “normal locomotive social media”.
The Skarloey Railway has social media accounts too, but they don’t really feature the engines in any meaningful way, instead being used as a normal service announcements page.  
 The SR is a real working railway that doesn’t rely on tourism money as much as the others do, so they get a bit of a pass here.  
 The Arlesdale Railway has Twitter and YouTube, which didn’t usually get a lot of hits until 2020, when Ivan and Amanda Farrier started badgering the staff to make some videos just to alleviate some boredom. So far the most popular videos on the channel are a front-mounted camera video of the entire line slow-tv style, Bert explaining how steam engines work, and a video of Mike complaining about Justin Bieber for a solid half-hour.  
 That’s about it as far as Sodor goes, but before we’re done, I want to take a moment to talk about Tornado, because I have some fun ideas for her... 
First of all, we need to establish that Tornado is very young. Her construction only started in late 90′s, and she was steamed to life in 2000, putting her firmly into the “Zoomer” category. Add in the fact that she was built by a bunch of old men who didn’t really know how to treat a new engine, and she was raised much more like a human than a locomotive - I’ll get to this much more in the proper Tornado Headcanon post, but what this means here is that when social media started being a thing in the mid-to-late 2000′s, the people at the A1 Trust decided that they needed a young person to run things like Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace... and, well, Tornado was the youngest person in the trust by a large margin.
I should state here that in the rest of the world, locomotives are on the internet at roughly the same level as humans are, so there’s plenty of equipment to connect a phone/computer/camera to an engine - being English, the A1 Trust didn’t know how common it was, but they managed to get it up and running just the same.
 So Tornado has very quickly become attuned to the internet, just like any other teenager would. (yes, let’s let that settle into our minds for a moment - Tornado is barely old enough to drink in the US!) Quite naturally that means that she knows social media inside and out, and is actually quite a proficient social media manager for the trust, managing all of their social pages. More than one person who has complained about the trust on twitter has unknowingly been complaining to Tornado herself! 
 “On the internet, nobody knows that you’re a dog Engine”. 
 Tornado has her own personal social media accounts too, but most/all of the time she gets mistaken for a very dedicated role-player, as the general perception of British Locomotives is that they don’t tweet. This has resulted in some amazing reactions from podcast hosts (because, as you might expect, Tornado is very knowledgeable about steam traction in the 21st century, and tweets about it often, so train podcasts want to talk to her) when she gets invited onto video calls, turns on her webcam, and is met with screams from people who suddenly realize that her profile picture is accurate.  
 By far the best instance of this is when she was invited onto a video call with a railfan podcast. She was at the NRM at the time and managed to convince them to let her use their Skype setup. A wide-angle lens was needed because she was on the turntable in the Great Hall, so that podcast quickly got sidetracked when her webcam was turned on and revealed Tornado, with Mallard, Evening Star, City of Truro, and Green Arrow visible behind her. Whatever the original topic was quickly got thrown out in favor of a 2-hour Q&A with some of the most famous engines in the UK. 
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