I'll happily take an AU where Chloe runs away from Paris, then ends up in South Park, Colorado where she at first is a homeless kid, trying to survive in the winter cold such as stealing money and food from the town's residents; then when she is discovered, she's about to be arrested and put in juvie; only for Big Gay Al and Mr. Slave at the last minute to take her in and adopt her as their child. Thus, giving her the love and care she never got as a child.
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It’s @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay ‘s birthday today!
Happy birthday, hope you have a fantastic day!
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anxresi · 3 months
They're absolutely right...
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...It's the writers that deserve the lion's share of the backlash, for poor, innocent, boring-as-hell Zoe is merely a tool of the oppressor, aka Mr Astruc. What's being oppressed, you may well ask? Well, interesting storylines, proper continuity, two-dimensional personalities... I could go on. Everything that makes a show compulsive and rewarding viewing that Miraculous Ladybug conspicuously and utterly lacks in every department due to his increasingly destructive machinations, basically.
This pink-streaked plot device masquerading as a serious character can (along with another equally pointless individual called 'Soquerline' who was so unmemorable I almost forgot she was ever a thing) exists for one reason and one reason only: to diminish Chloe's relevance and role in the show to the sum of precisely nothing. Well after S5, job done I guess guys. Well done. Well done indeed. (Although apparently not... they're bringing Miss Bourgeois back for more torture in the London 'special'. Guess Tommy Boy just can't keep away from his favorite punching bag, can he?)
The irony is though, having such a super-sweet but dull-as-ditchwater Mary Sue to replace a well-established and multi-layered person such as Chloe actually sends out a seriously awful message. Why? Because if I was a bad kid and saw S1-3 Chloe, I'd think 'what a fascinating redemption arc, I can inspired by that and do better.' But after seeing S4-5 Chloe and what an arguable downgrade as a replacement the incredibly tedious Zoe is, I'd be more like 'well, obviously there's no point in trying to be good, because you'll probably turn into a psychopath overnight with no explanation in the middle of your genuine efforts to improve. And if what the show is presenting to me as the ideal for a teenage girl to be is the waste-of-blank-space that Zoe clearly is... then a life of deliquency sounds more tempting with every passing minute! Now, where did I put my spray can?'
The most shameless aspect to this whole argument though, is by those trying to paint the hapless Zoe as some kind of lesbian icon. Pardon? She got a plot-mandated crush on Marinette in one episode and somehow that makes her insipid and needless presence an asset for the gay community? Somehow a few people have got it into their heads if you 'dare' to make someone non-straight in cartoons these days you deserve a big pat on the back for that 'risk' alone. WRONG. They should also be fleshed-out, complex, necessary characters whose sexuality isn't just define them or deflect from deserved criticism as to what the hell they are doing there if they turn up in the middle of proceedings with no prior explanation. See: The Owl House for how it's done.
And that's all Zoe being gay is... an irrelevant trait Mr Astruc can point to cynically and say ' you're a bigot for disliking her whatever your reasons are, so I'm not listening to you' instead of engaging with the actual argument which is SHE IS NOT AND WAS NEVER NEEDED IN THE SHOW. Everything you required to make Chloe the brilliant character she could've been was RIGHT THERE in the script but you CHOSE to rub it all out and scrawl some hastily scribbled doodle with no personality other than being 'very nice' in her place. A tragedy. The worst case of self-vandalism I've ever seen. No wonder Jeremy Zag wants to start from scratch with his rebooted movies. More power to him, IMHO.
Needless to say, nearly all the above in the quoted post about her father loving her (we haven't met him yet, it's DEFINITELY not Andre Bourgeois, his name ends in 'Lee' for a start) her supposed growth (the only 'growth' she's had is when she turned into that giant golden Chloe after being akumatized) her alleged pansexuality (all in the desperate mind of the OP) her 'abusive' family (I think you'll find Chloe had it FAR WORSE over the course of the show in that regard, so why not idolise her?) is complete bunkum. and to be frank I couldn't compose a much delusional post if I tried. Sometimes I wonder: what planet are some people on to reach such implausible conclusions? I don't understand it, I'll never understand it and quite frankly I feel quite sorry for the arbiters of such risibly deluded takes.
Last but not least though, we have...
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Now this I ALSO agree with 1000%. And I know just the place to 'flush' her... ;)
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jayphoenic · 1 year
Marvel x MLB x DC Crossovers Prompts/Fics Recommendaitons
// Day 9 // Marvel Crossover // by @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay
Ladybug groaned, “Who attacks a convention full of superheroes?! That’s asking to get beat up!”
Red Robin agreed, “I know! Who are they fooling?”
Chat and Spider-man exchanged a look, “Continue your flirting after the attack, maybe? Just a thought.”
“We’re not flirting!”
Spider Vs Bird by @unmaskedagain
The two boys eyed each other.
Marinette looked confused, “Damian I told you about Peter, right? I talked about him all the time. And the same for Damian, Peter.”
“You didn’t mention he was Peter Stark,” Damian stated.
“Peter Stark-Rogers,” Peter corrected. “And you’re Damian Wayne.”
Spider V Bat by @cornholio4
“You can do so much better than the stupid insect here; trust me when I say Parker is not your time!” Damian said coldly and this caused everyone to pause. Did Damian know Peter already?
“I can understand liking Marinette but she is my girlfriend so you can please back off.” Peter said protectively having heard of Marinette’s encounter with Damian before from her in the emails and video chats they had.
They Answered by @sturchling
This doesn't actually have a title
Batman fumed at seeing the other group of heroes allowed to be in the city while they were being forced out. “Why are we not allowed here, but they are!? They aren’t local heroes.” The girl in a Ladybug themed costume stepped forward through the crowd, “They get to be here because they actually answered our call for help and were instrumental in the defeat of Hawkmoth. They arrived before the ban, followed my team’s lead, and respected the wishes of my team as well as the city. They proved to be good allies. You and your group on the other hand, ignored and denied our requests and now want to come in and do damage control. Now you leave, or we will make you.”
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princess and the frog chloenette except it's princess and the bug.
Spoiled princess of the Bourgeois clan gets turned into a bee after being rude to an old man (Fu) and must find the cursed hair comb to turn her back. Or, well, you know find true love's kiss but she was single and stuck in Paris so....
She stumbles upon a party hosted by another rich person like her, Adrien Agreste! Son of famous designer Gabriel Agreste. Ooh, maybe he could work except...
She's gay.
Good thing Adrien seemed to have invited other rich people. There's even this cute blue haired girl whose smile is too cute and pretty to miss. Chloe tried to look as decent as possible as a bee.
Almost getting killed by a book trying to squash her have deducted cute girl's pretty points but she was desperate and she doesn't wanna fly around trying to find a damn comb. Couldn't that old man just buy a new one?! She could buy him hundreds!
Blue haired girl stops trying to squish her - thank God - and listens. She's not believing her so she has no choice but to pull out the big guns.
Chloe doesn't know if she should be disappointed or not that this seemed to waver the girl's response. How idiotic of her to think...that...true love....no, she saw what happened to her parents.
Anyways, enough moping. Cute girl already said yes so she puckers up. Hey, at least it came with a kiss from a cute girl right?
They kissed and Chloe feels herself buzzing intensely and there's glitter everywhere and something shiny and-
A fucking ladybug stares at her. Oh, shit.
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georgi-girl · 9 months
Miraculous Team Trope Page
A list of tropes that apply to the Miraculous Team au created by SonicPossible00 on Deviantart.
Adaptational Expansion (when a work expands on the original story it was based on): Unlike the original series, which revels things little by little, The M Team series reveals it's worldbuilding all at once. It also expands on the Miraculous lore and characters' personal lives.
Adaptational Sexuality: At least five characters so far have come out as gay, while in the original series, they were Ambiguously Bi at the most.
Alpha B*^ch: Chloe Bourgeois aka Queen Bee used to be this, but during the Origins volume she resolve to change for the better. That title is later taken up by her mother Audrey and the original character Jeanne Gagne.
An Ice Person (someone with ice powers) : Sabrina Raincomprix aka Louve Gris has ice breath, a reference to wolf howls.
Art Attacker (someone who uses art as a weapon) : Nathanal Katzinburg aka Panda Roux has the power to bring drawings to life, which he uses to make weapons and tools.
Badass Normal (a non-super person whose still a competent fighter): The Parisian Police force are portrayed as this. They protect people from Akuma attack and hold off said Akuma until the Team arrives. Ladybug makes a point of praising them whenever she and her team mates are interviewed.
Bespectacled Cutie: The M Team gives us 4 examples of this: Confident Alya, sweet Sabrina, Nerdy Max and Laidback Nino.
Beware the Nice Ones: Applies to the M Team. They're all sweet kids. But they're also well-trained living weapons who will clobber the heck out of wrongdoers. Also applies to most Akuma victims; otherwise normal people who've been pushed over the edge by one too many a-holes.
Big Brother Instinct (protective siblings): Marinette Dupain-Cheng has this for her friend Manon. Nino Lahiffe has this for his brother Chris. Alya Cesaire has it for her three sisters. And the Couffaine siblings Luka and Juleka have it for each other.
Brainwashed and Crazy: This is the simplest way to describe Akumazation.
Broken Ace (an otherwise successful person who harbors a secret agony) This applies to Adriens' father Gabriel Agreste. He's a rich fashion designer, he's raising a remarkable son, and he's got super loyal employees. But he's also deeply paranoid and in constant morning for his late wife Emilie. If it wasn't for said son and employees supporting him, he might be worse off than in canon.
"BY THE POWER OF GRAYSKULL!" (a battle cry to activate a superhero's transformation, named after He-Man's famous battle cry): To turn into their superhero selves, The team members must say their kwami's name followed by "Transform Moi!" The transformation also fuses them with their kwami and brings out hidden parts of their personality.
Color - Animal Codename: Corbie Noir, Panda Roux, Louve Gris, etcetera.
Costume Porn - SonicPossible gives very detailed descriptions of characters' outfits, especially the hero and akuma costumes.
Creepy Good: Juleka Couffaine aka Corbie Noir looks like a steriotypical goth but is very kind-hearted and life affirming.
Defrosting The Ice Queen (when an cold aloof character becomes friendlier over time) : This is a big part of Chloe's and Kagami's character arcs.
Eldritch Location - The Garden of Ancients is a benevolent example of this, being a bubble universe that runs on Narnia Time, which the heroes use as a training ground.
Epic Speeches: Ladybug often gives these to her teammates right before a big fight. They often contain multiple pop-culture references.
Expy: A new character based on an existing character of a real person. SonicPossible00 has a lot of oc's like this. For example, jerky M Team-hating blogger Amboise Delay is an expy of real-life jerky businessman Donald Trump.
Fanservice: As the series progresses, there are more and more intimant moments between couples. AND BEFORE ANYONE GETS MAD; number 1, nobody has gone past second base, and number 2, the age of consent in France is 15, so everything is legal.
Heart Is a Great Power (when a seemingly useless power ends up saving the day) : Ladybug doesn't have her Lucky Charm in this AU, so her Sixth Sense isn't as flashy as the others' powers. She still figures out genus battle plans with knowledge gained not only from the environment, but from her childhood memories. Likewise Queen Bee was initially disappointed with her "lame" shrinking power, until Sabrina points out it's many benefits.
Karma Houdini (a character who isn't punished for their bad behavior) : Chloe and her mother Audrey are this, which makes their redemption arcs kind of hard to root for. You have to dig deep into your religious teaching to forgive them.
Lonely Rich Kid: Adrien Agreste and Kagami Tsuragi are this. As is Chloe to a lesser extant.
Magical Girls; And Magical Boys. Both this and canon have a lot of Mahou Shoujo elements.
Maniacal Laughter - Almost every villain does this. It's actual surprising when they don't.
Manipulative Bastard: Hawk Moth is this to a T. They way he talks to potential victims is eerily reminesent of a p%&0phile talking to children.
Mentor Mascot: The Kwamis. On top of being cute, these animal spirits have 4000 years' worth of knowledge to impart on their holders.
Meta Humor - References to canon are often made in the form of a joke or hypothetical "what if" discussion, usually to point out differences between the two series.
Mythical Motif - Many of Hawk Moth's akumas are based on mythical of fantastical figures; Ra, Aphrodite, The Leprechaun, Ifrits, etc.
Nice To The Waiter (a high-ranking person treating a server as an equal): Chloe Bourgeois, of all people is this. She frequently reminds her butler Jean to call her Chloe instead of 'Miss Chloe'. Adrien Agreste and rock star Jagged Stone are this too.
No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: The team often combine their powers to deliver this to the Akumas they fight, justified since the best way to deakumatize someone is to knock them unconscious.
Non-Human Mascot: The Kwamis count as this, although neither they nor their holders see them as 'sidekicks'.
Oblivious To Love: Everyone knows about Marinette's and Adrien's secret crushes on each other, except Marinette and Adrien. Then there's Kim Le Chien and Alix Kubdel, who aren't even aware of their own feelings.
Older Than They Look - Master Fu looks 80 at the most, but he's really over 150. Hawk Moth looks middle aged, but is over 200 years old.
Personality Powers (when superpowers match your personality) : Artsy Nathanael can bring drawings to life, goth Juleka can control shadows, big tough Ivan has super strength, timid Mylene has invisibility, Athletes Kim and Alix have giant leaps and super speed respectively.
Power of Teamwork: Combined with the powers of Love and Friendship. The kids plan things out as a team, fight the bad guys as a team, and protect each other as a team.
Protective Kids : All the M Team members are protective of their parents. This is most noticeable in the volume Haute Couture where Chat Noir goes out of his way to protect his dad from the title villain. And in Valentine Lovers where Ladybug does the same with her parents.
Purple is Powerful: There a villainous example in Hawk Moth, who wear all purple, and two heroic examples in Max Kante aka Arachnid and Corbie Noire.
Red is Heroic: Team Leader Ladybug wear all red, as does team member Panda Roux.
Rich B*^ch: Chloe was this before deciding to be a better person. Original Character Jeanne Gagne and her "diamond dogs" still are.
Running Gag (a joke that's repeated throughout a narrative): Aside from the meta humor, there are many scenes of characters spacing out, making a bad pun or 'blushing like a tomato'.
Scenery Porn: Whenever a scene takes place in a certain area of Paris, SP will take a few paragraphs to explain the area's history and significance.
Slasher Smile - Goes with the Maniacal Laughter.
Shipper On Deck (when a character in-universe roots for two characters to get together) : Everyone (even Chloe eventually) ship Adrien and Marinette, and later, they all ship Kim and Alix. Not to mention the team is shipped every every which way by their fans.
Shock and Awe (lightning powers): Hawk Moth has a cattle prod built into his cane, which he uses to torture his lieutenants whenever they fail.
Slinging Shadows (shadow powers): Juleka Couffaine aka Corbie Noir has this power.
Social Darwinist (someone who thinks "Survival of the Fittest" is the same as "Might Makes Right"): Hawk Moth and his lieutenants are this; constantly making speeches about power and the strong ruling the weak.
Stereotype Flip (when a character subverts whatever stereotype is associated with their race, gender, religion, ect.): Chloe and Rose both subvert the Dumb Blonde stereotype, Marinette and Kim, both subvert Asian stereotypes, Max Alya and Nino all subvert Black stereotypes, Miss Caline Bustier subverts the "Teachers are Useless" stereotype, and almost everyone subverts the "Snooty French" stereotype.
Superpowered Evil Side: Being Akumatized is a lot like having a split personality: you black out, go on a magical rampage, and wake up with no memory of what happened.
Taken For Granite (being turned to stone): This version of Hawk Moth spent 200 years as a marble statue before being freed at the beginning of the series.
Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: If it weren't for Hawk Moth, all the teammates would have to worry about is grades, growing up, and romance.
Violently Protective Girlfriend: All the female teammates fight tooth and nail to protect their love interests.
Well-Intentioned Extremist: The villain known as The Collector started out as this. He went downhill very quickly.
World Half-Full (a world with lots of problems but also hopeful): Paris, and the Earth in general, are portrayed as this. Yes, there's a lot of awful, unredeemable people and tragic events, but there's also lots of good people worth protecting.
More tropes to be added as the series progresses.
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miracu-ace · 4 years
Feel you here beside me
Happy holidays @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay! As your secret santa, I’ve written you a Lukanette story featuring the soulmate AU, where soulmates can feel any intense emotions that their soulmate’s feel. This went through several re-writes so I apologize for cutting it so close to the deadline, but here it is!
For Marinette, there were many times growing up that she doubted whether or not she had a soulmate. She couldn’t recall ever being overcome by a strong emotion that wasn’t directly linked back to how she herself was feeling. But according to her parents, everyone had one some were just more obvious than others. 
The first time she actually noticed a difference, Marinette was working late on a school project. She had been spending hours staring at a blank screen in the hopes that inspiration would strike and she could complete her written report before it was due the next day. But nothing would come to her. All she could think about was the overwhelming stress of turning in another assignment late and disappointing both her teacher and her parents. The stress alone had her spinning in her computer chair.
On the verge of giving up, Marinette covered her face in her hands. She could attempt to go to sleep now and maybe get up early enough to actually be able to focus in the morning or she could push through in the hopes something would come to her. Granted she had a bad habit of sleeping in and at this rate, it seemed like she would even if she completed the assignment.
Gradually she felt a soothing wave wash over her. And her shoulders relaxed. And her thoughts were no longer racing. And she didn’t feel so hopeless. And then just calm.
It was as if someone were draping a warm, soothing blanket over her shoulders. As if she was feeling someone else’s emotions, someone like her soulmate!
A gentle sigh escaped her lips and Marinette sent a silent thank you to her soulmate. Whatever they were doing they were managing to overcome her emotions with their own. The thought alone helped Marinette relax, finally knowing that she wasn’t so alone like she had feared. There was someone out there that could match her stress and overpower it with a sense of calmness.
For a moment Marinette lost herself in thought again. Guilt. Her soulmate would be around her age of course, but would they already have grey hair? Aside from Marinette, who else could handle her daily stressors? Between running late to school, staying up late working on homework assignments, and everything else, how could someone else handle all this random stress? 
Her dad had even mentioned how before meeting her mother, he would stress bake whenever he felt any intense emotion from her.
Marinette almost laughed when the wave of calmness came back. Subtle at first, but still effective. As if her soulmate were trying to soothe her fears once more.
“Ok, I’ll take the hint,” Marinette whispered to herself. “Thank you.”
A small smile formed on her lips as she began typing out her report.
“Someday you will have to tell me your secret to staying so calm.”
The day that Marinette became Ladybug, she started to worry in the back of her mind about her soulmate. It was one thing to have the weight of Paris on her shoulders, but now she was giving that stress to someone else without any of the necessary context.
Through all of her interaction with Stoneheart as Ladybug, Marinette couldn’t feel her soulmate’s soothing calm over her own feelings. Which in turn only enhanced her fear and self-doubt. Even with Tikki and Chat Noir, she felt alone again.
All until Alya was trapped by cars as Stoneheart went on another rampage. The desire to help Alya overcame her worries and she accepted the ladybug miraculous. Just as the magic of the suit was washing over her, she could feel the wave of calm again. Mixed in there was a hint of relief that Marinette was overcoming her own doubts and a sense of pride for her.
So much worry. Luka wasn’t sure why, but his soulmate was stressed beyond belief at the sudden introduction of akumas. Her emotions before now were nothing in comparison. More than anything, he hoped she was safe.
Normally in times like these, Luka would strum his guitar and play a soothing melody. One that would break through his soulmate’s stress and help her calm down, but now he couldn’t seem to break through to her. 
Not until Ladybug seemed to show up again. As soon as he had seen her on TV zipping into action, Luka imagined his soulmate found some relief in the superhero. She was still doubtful, but Luka took it as an opportunity to play his guitar and focus on sending soothing thoughts to her.
Confidence answered him back and Luka smiled to himself. Whatever had happened to his soulmate during Stoneheart, they were safe now and seemed to be more confident in themselves now.
“I’ll have to thank Ladybug for this someday.” Luka thought to himself as the ladybugs washed over Paris.
The day Luka became Viperion, he began to understand what made a person lose themselves in self-doubt. The weight of a miraculous was a heavy burden, but Luka also found it to be a source of power. While his soulmate handled her emotions better after Stoneheart, there were still times when he could feel her concern grow during a particularly powerful akuma. As Viperion, he could take a more active role to help his soulmate.
Every time Ladybug came to his requesting assistance in her and Chat Noir’s battle with the akumas, Luka was quick to accept her offer.
“Ladybug!” Viperion called, his freehand laying over his Miraculous. “Are you alright?”
Winded, Ladybug took a deep breath and gave herself a moment to collect her thoughts.
“I’m fine. Just taking a breather before I rejoin Chat Noir in the fight.” Ladybug called back, turning her face to look at Viperion.
Even from a distance, Viperion could see the crease in her brows, made all the more evident by her mask.
Doubt. Fear.
Suddenly, Viperion’s mind was clouded with his soulmate’s emotions.
Without thinking about it, Viperion moved his hand away from his miraculous and pulled his lyre from his side. He began to strum his fingers along the strings. While he usually enjoyed the comfort of feeling his soulmate’s emotions, as if they were always next to him, he couldn’t afford to lose focus with so much on the line.
When he played music like this, Viperion liked to imagine that his music conveyed the words he wanted to share with his soulmate even if they couldn’t hear him play.
Ladybug was surprised as she watched Viperion play his lyre. As Marinette, she had heard him play his guitar before, but not like this. Through the instrument, it was as if Viperion were having an intimate conversation with someone.
At the same time, Ladybug could gradually feel her soulmate’s feelings wash over her. Their feelings calmed her nerves and Ladybug could feel her confidence growing once more. Reinvigorated, Ladybug wound up her yoyo before propelling herself back into the fight with Chat Noir.
A sigh escaped Viperion’s lips as he felt his soulmate calming down. He slipped his lyre back on his side and held his free hand back over his miraculous, prepared to call second chance if needed.
“Thank you for your help today, Luka.” Ladybug smiled, “You did a great job.”
“Of course,” Luka replied, placing the snake miraculous in her outstretched hand.
With the snake miraculous back in her hands, Ladybug prepared to send off her yoyo before hesitating for just a moment.
“I was curious”, Ladybug started until Luka interrupted her.
“About why I was playing the lyre?” Luka couldn’t help but laugh, “It’s an old habit I picked up. Usually, when my soulmate would get stressed out in the past and I could feel her emotions spiraling out of control, I figured out that I could play my guitar and help her calm down. I’ve always been pretty calm so I always worried my soulmate would feel alone, but at least this way I know they can feel me silently supporting them.”
A shy smile made its way onto Luka’s face and Ladybug couldn’t help but blush in return. She felt a swelling in her chest and she wondered silently to herself if her soulmate was standing in front of her now. It would make sense after all. Who else could handle emotions like that than Luka who was always so calm and relaxed? What were the odds?
Ladybug wanted to ask more questions, but the beeping in her ears reminded her that she was limited on time.
“Your soulmate sounds like a very lucky person.” Ladybug smiled, “I hope you get the chance to meet them soon if you haven’t already.”
With those words, Ladybug sent her yoyo high into the rooftops above before giving a sharp tug and flying into the sky after it.
Luka watched as she disappeared, feeling a likewise similar warmth in his chest and wondering idly if it was his own feeling or his soulmates. Or maybe both.
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fireflyramblings · 5 years
And her superboy.
Special thanks to @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay for the help as beta <333
There was a boy she tried to enquire,
Her hearts' song ever so dire.
They would say she was a liar,
But you can't hide desire.
Everyone once dreamt to be a princess,
But then gave that thought a rest.
But after she confessed,
they progressed.
You see, the yearning for the other,
Was not unrequited.
The fiery ardour for one another,
Was only then ignited.
She was swept off her feet,
Her sentence incomplete.
In that moment, it was semisweet,
And everything else felt obsolete.
This was their love story,
He called her his Helen of Troy,
In his folly,
Revealing he was the superboy.
So this was their story,
The girl filled with joy,
In all its glory,
And her, Superboy.
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gayloomba · 5 years
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chloe would not know what to do w a lil <3 text lmao
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Maribat Awards 2021 NOMINATIONS FORM
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It's that time of year again!
Time for the Maribat 2021 Yearly Awards Nominations!
*When you are nominating someone, you MUST include LINKS to their accounts or stories, or they will not be counted.*
All works submitted must have been created or updated in 2021.
Any creators must have completed at least one fic/artwork in the 2021 year.
To enter your nominations, please use the form below:
Any questions? Send us a DM or post an ASK.
Nominations open until January 15th.
Categories include: Favourite Author Favourite Artist Favourite Fic Favourite FanArt Most Underrated Author Most Underrated Fic Best New Author Best Maribat Author of All Time Best Maribat Fic of All Time
Best Daminette Best Jasonette Best Timari Best Dickinette Best Biodad!AU Best Adopted/Found Family AU
Best Fluff Best Angst Best Hurt/Comfort Best Crack Best One-Shot Best Multi-Chapter
Event hosted by @izanae @strawberry-lemonade @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay @dedtte3
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maribat-awards · 3 years
Favourite Works
Best overall fic?
All Apart of the Job by @someone-ev
the reports associated with my existence have been significantly misconstrued by @davidstennant
Miraculous: Darker Origins by @the17thtearoom
Keep Safe by @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay
Hope on Board by @mochegato
The Great IKEA Game by @icedaquarius31
Karma by @mochinek0
Red Mari Mayhem by TheCuriousCat
Accidental Crime Boss by @lady-literature
Symposium by @sunshine-and-symphonies
What Sleep Deprivation Brings by jumpingjoy82
nova star by @phis-corner
Satisfied by @olivia-anderson-fanfic
The Meaning of Family by @j3ssisam3ss
Seabourne Burnouts by @itawonka
Best angst fic?
How high a price must you pay before realising it was too much is too late? by @ethelphantom
I would like one family please by Celestial_Void_the_3rd
Marie Kanté-Chiến by izzybelledot
Miraculous: Darker Origins by @the17thtearoom
Seeing Green by @ladyanput
Talons by @phis-corner
who are you (where did they go?) by @phis-corner
The Tale of Ladybug and Her Soulmates by @thedragonbug
Best fluff fic?
Ground Zero by @eat0crow
Snow Day by @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay
Maribat Fluff-Shots by izzybelledot
Keeping You Warm by @mindfulmagics
Milk Oolong by @ethelphantom
An Email Away by LovelyLore
Travels of Passion by StarShine583
Covert Jasonette by @mochegato
Best salt fic?
Meet-Cute (On Hiatus) by TheCommonPerson
Fucking iCloud by TheDrift
car windows with pretty girls by @ethelphantom
More Than One Secret by Tyshian
She’s Sunshine, She’s Grace, She’ll Punch You in the Face by Brinxiethebear
Second Chance by @mochinek0
A Little Birdy Told Me by Goggles_McGee
Class Visit to Gotham by @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay
Best comedy fic?
The Great IKEA Game by @icedaquarius31
#WayneAngel by Tired_College_Student_Writing
There's a Storm Baking by @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay
Marinette vs Santa by @unmaskedagain
Ya Like Jazz by @moonlitceleste
Every Morning as I Wake by StripedSunhat
Most creative piece?
Seabourne Burnouts by @itawonka
kaleidoscope by @yukinamika
The Heroes’ Game by Catthhay
Ya Like Jazz by @moonlitceleste
the reports associated with my existence have been significantly misconstrued by @davidstennant
My Hand Slipped by @too0bsessedformyowngood
Reversal by Skysong (Skys_Song)
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Mess with me fine mess with someone I care about you are playing with fire
As mad and disappointed as Marinette got at her class, at Lila, at Miss Bustier, at Mr. Damocles, at Hawkmoth, hell even Gabriel, she never broke her rules.
Never ask personal favors from clients.
Never publicly use your training.
Never let them know about your wealth.
But staring at a crying Chloe Bourgeois who had stood in the rain for god knows how long waiting for someone to open the bakery, she couldn't help the snapping sensation.
"I didn't know were else to go." Chloe managed through her sons. Marinette calmly guided the broken girl to her room. Chloe had passed out before she could get across what had happened. Marinette hummed.
Picking up her phone Marinette paused briefly. "Hey M wha-" Marinette cut him off "I need the security footage of all of the mayors residents. I would do it myself but his daughter is passed out on my lap. I'll pay." The man on the other side is silent for a minute "my brother can get it quicker. No need to pay but could you consider a contract. Even just looking at it would be enough."
"I'm going to say it has something to do with a bet. Just make sure none of the more violent members of your family is there I'm not sure what you'll find." Marinette hums before hanging up. Grayson would probably do more that get the footage but a contract with them would probably be beneficial.
Chloe rolled over in her sleep. Marinette moves down stairs. Her parents turn to her. "I wouldn't be attending school today. I believe this mater should be dealt with first." Her parents nodded then continued to prepare for the day.
Marinette walks back upstairs before making another call. "Mr Watson terribly sorry to be calling at this hour." Audible shuffling "Mari Mari it's not a problem at all. Though you normally aren't up this early did you sleep any?" Watson asks. " yes and I quiet regret it. There's a situation. I need some assistance with a friend of mine"
" shit your talking like sherlock. I'll be there as soon as I can. I can't promise he won't tag along." Watson says hurriedly "I called ina faver someone will be there to get you in five." Marinette hung up. "Kaalki, Trixx"
"Yes" the two appear. "Kaalki full gallop" Trixx make an allusion of me sleeping on the couch.
"I am terribly sorry Mr Holmes. I only have clearance for Dr Watson. Actually you are banned from Paris because of the possibility of Acumatization." Holly explains. "You really expect me to believe that after she just called in not one but two favors." Holmes looks on unbelievablingly. " you'll find sir Miss Marinette is willing to pay for services provided. She is an active part in investigating Hawkmoth as you well know." Huffing Holmes sits down as Holly brings Dr Watson through the portal. "I thought she said she slept?"
"Doesn't counteract staying awake half a week. The girl is in miss Marinettes room once you have checked her I'll be ready to take you back."
Marinette stared at the ceiling it had been two hours since she found Chloe. Chloe had some bruising from falling on her way there. thank god. Chloe also had a respiratory infection dew to standing in the cold rain crying all night as it turned out.
Then there was the reason she was standing in the rain all night. Chloe had been kicked out for being gay. Weather or not it was true Marinette could only guess, but Lila and Alya had fabricated enough evidence to make it seem so.
Marinette turned toward Chloe. She could contact chloe's mom and hope for a better reaction. If she didn't get the reaction she hoped for she could always corner the woman in the business world.
But that could get messy and Chloe needs something more stable. "I'm breaking all sorts of rules today huh." Marinette hit her head on the desk. "Well I was planning to buy the building eventually anyway. I can hire a manager."
Chloe was still asleep at lunch time when Nadja and Bridget came by.
"Sorry I called you on such short notice." Marinette apologizes as she sets the plates down.
"It's fine. Your parents said it was important" Nadja states.
"Yes I have a story for you. Or rather a news collab. However I'm not sure how much you'll be able to use as we will have to get permission for some interviews. Here is all my recipes. I am asking one other reporter to help as a favor Miss Louis. I designed some dresses for her."
"This has to do with the school doesn't it." Bridget pales looking at the binder full of papers.
"I wish it was just that. There's more a lot more but I didn't have time to make more physical copies. Here's the computer version." Marinette hands the girls the flashdrives.
"Why didn't you bring any of this to me before?" Bridget asks.
"I was the main target so why would i?" Marinette shrugs.
The women left to do their respective jobs. No doubt Bridget would have the school under investigation be the time Marinette made it back.
"Hello Miss Amelia" Marinette greeted through the phone. "MDC it's good to hear from you. How is my comission coming along?" Amelia asks happily.
"It's ready to be shipped. I actually called for another reason. Your son is quite business inclined corect?" Marinette continues to write up a contract as she does the call.
"Oh yes but he doesn't seem interested in opening his own business yet." Amelia explains.
"I am starting a side project. I was wondering if he would be interested in it since it would be competitive with both the Agrests and the Mayor. I will be involving a few others his age. I can send over the contract by the end of the day" Marinette explains.
"I can certainly see. Thank you for considering my son in such a big project."
Marinette turned to the half asleep Chloe. "Here it will make you feel better" Marinette hands her some meds. "You need more rest after you eat."
"Do you know what happened?" Chloe asks after eating. "I do. Though I made sure to get those posts taken down before anyone else could see them."
Chloe looks up in shock. "Tomorrow we are going to get you some new things. Quiet frankly you spent to much time with Gabriel criticizing your clothes and I doubt you want to go back there while you are sick." Chloe nods before laying back down.
Next call would be Jagged. That would be interesting but that would have to wait till morning. Chloe would need to be awake.
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* This list is not a complete list and will be added to as new birthdays get added
@brickercupmasterx3 - 1st October (Sideblog: @bmx3-lukanette-blog )
@buginetta - 1st October
@queridaz - 1st October
@mikoriin - 3rd October
@macaronsforchat - 4th October
@alwaysinstoryland - 5th October
@toripar - 5th October
@anyanp - 7th October
@miraculouslycool - 7th October
@yeet-noir - 7th October
@literal----trash - 9th October
@madchattery - 10th October
@chataclysmes - 12th October
@enaica - 12th October
@lunadensmidnightprowl - 12th October
@palepumpkin - 13th October
@purrfectlypunny - 16th October
@dadplagg-mamatikki - 17th October
@adrienette-chatbug - 19th October
@eatmypan - 19th October
@mocamaru - 21st October
@mymiraculoussideblog - 23rd October
@chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay - 24th October
@chaotic-trav - 25th October
@bugchat - 27th October
@flashflashitsash - 28th October
@sariahsue - 28th October
@kudaranaikyo - 30th October
@lost-in-the-world-of-maribat - 30th October (Sideblog: @incorrect-miraculous)
@caytaclysm - 31st October
@miraculousmumma - 31st October
See the full alphabetical list here, the calendar here or add your birthday here!
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ellienettie · 3 years
Fic recs. Part 3!!
Fucking iCloud by TheDrift (complete) (daminette)
this home. is a disaster. by sapphireandgold (series) (complete) (adrinette)
How #notRobinette and 'I am not Jealous Grayson' meet by crazyjc (complete) (daminette) 
Every Morning as I Wake by StripedSunhat (daminette) (complete)
Wait A Sec – You’re My Father? by keeptellingyourselfthat
(bio-dad bruce) (lukanette) (luka's bio dad is bruce)
Game Night by Chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay (Dedtte)
(complete) (daminette)
5 times Marinette didn't stutter + 1 time Adrien did by Angelsandsuperheroes (complete) (adrinette) (series)
Marinette's New Favorite by SmittenVixen13 (complete) (no ship)
In Which Damian Needs a Tutor and Marinette Needs a Job by kceedraws (complete) (daminette)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Cat Puns Don’t Go Well Together by yousaidforever (complete) (adrinette)
What if We Make an Exception? by newdog14 (complete) (dickinette)
Know Thine Enemy by harmonicsilence (daminette) (complete)
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our-preciousss · 4 years
okay so thanks to @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay now i cant forget the picture of Chat being yeeted across paris by Ladybug... but what if it is not only chat noir but all the miraculous team???? 
so there is some strange powerful akuma or it is the final battle i dont know but everybody is there. i mean everyone who ever got a miraculous at the akuma class plus kagami and luka... except pegasus. he called sick or something i dont know. 
and also everybody knows each others identities cause reasons.
 so the akuma is at the other end of paris so for the heroes who have to travel on foot it will be too late till they get there.
 when Max sees this at tv he calles ladybug and offers to send kaalki. but bug says there is no need and he should rest. before some foreign adult heroes who is there to assist them asks why she turned down the offer, chat casually just hops on ladybugs back and she just... yeets him.  and then rena rouge...and carapace...dont forget viperion... one by one every miraculous team member who has to travel on foot is yeeted to the akuma. 
at this point the group of adult foreign heroes ( batfam for maribat people) is just watching trying to process everything and failing miserably. 
then one of them just says whatever and says i am next 
but before also yeeting them across paris ladybug just pulls out a spaghetti strainer seemingly out of nowhere and puts it to their head then says
“we value safety”
then just yeets them across paris too. 
you are welcome *bows*
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khneltea · 3 years
ok so i forgot the actual fic name, and much of its plot. I remember that marinette would get blackouts sometimes and become a starrodestroyer or something like that, chloe apparently knows? and then superman comes and tries to save her, but apparently she's like "damn, i had another episode again?" and chloe is like, yep or something like that and i think jason had to do with something in this fic uh yeah help @mochegato @miraculouspenta @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay @strawberry-lemonade @moonlitceleste (sorry if you didn't want to be tagged...)
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