#first school dance
doctortoothless · 7 months
If your birth year ends in an 8, all your coming of age milestones are in the same decade.
Graduating school
Becoming old enough to drink
I'm sure there's more.
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my2010steenlife · 8 months
November 3, 2011
Today in economics and English Taylor said I should ask Edmond to go to the dance as friends. I said no and she asked why not. I said A. I’m not asking any1 they have to ask me and B. I want to go dateless it’s just to wierd. Then in math David said He was sad and I asked Y. He said cause he has no1 to go to the dance with. (I wasn’t going to ask ☠️). So I passed Taylor a note that said if she asks David to go as friends I would ask Edmond but only if David says yes and they go together. So she asked David he said yes so she asked Edmond 4 me and he said yes (secretly I was so so soooo happy) on the outside I made it look like I was all weirded out. Then at lunch she had me Tia Clarissa ask Irving to go with her as friends: (of course I was all happy Edmond said yes and I frogot about Deal.) he said maybe Then I remembered and at science, I told him (Irving) never mind. I told Taylor I told Irving that because she was already going with David she said no he said no I said then I’m not going with Edmond I said only if David said yes. So I asked him and he said he said yes . Then Taylor told David back out back out. So he did I then told Taylor I’m not going with Edmond cause she’s not going with David. She said no your date has to back out so I acted mad and was a little mad (cause David=no date) but was happy cause I’m going with Edmond. Just as friends though. But still I hope we r dating after the dance!!!
I wish I said and acted how I actually felt instead of acting weirded out and mad. I think I would have had a lot more fun experiences if I wasn’t so worried about protecting myself.
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wynntermelon · 1 year
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Slow dance with you
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foolishlovers · 9 months
anything can be a good omens au if you’re unhinged enough
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arendalphaeagle · 5 months
A handful more things from the Milo Mikey Murphy's Law pitch bible:
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miiukkaa · 1 year
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turtles vibing at the subway lair !!LESGO!!
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bird-inacage · 9 days
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GMMTV School Rangers Ep32 | Firstkhao Focus (My Name Is)
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izel-scribbles · 2 months
saw the crane wives live last night. i just became exponentially more gayer and transer
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james t kirk walking through the enterprise for his FIRST OFFICIAL ENTERPRISE ASSIGNMENT (his first real (temporary) commission on the ENTERPRISE! baby boy's dream job! second time on this fancy deck EVER!) losing his absolute mind like is this. a thing. that ships do. and no one told me? at ANY point in The Academy??? Or is it just the flagship? I mean they ARE the best, so maybe Pike's on to something? Was that energy pulse a signal? Damn the choreography is impressive — yeah, I suppose I can see this being helpful for emergency drills, or at least morale... and it's just like being on an old Earth ship, which you have to admire. I wonder if they do historic shanties too! Wow! Commander Una really can do anything, is her vocal range also enhanced? Asking is almost definitely a microaggression, come on Jim, be better. ok, it's gotta be just the Enterprise, Farragut never... except, our command officers are somewhat considered killjoys? Maybe its like how some ship cultures tend more pants over skants? no, someone would have told me before now if this was a normal crew activity. But if it's not standard, how is everyone in such perfect harmony that's GOT to take serious practice. Unless its like an old school hazing, trial by fire deal... then I can't be the only one out of the loop on this. Oh shit, what if it's — oh good God I should have taken a music elective — Gary told me straight to my face that my course load was too narrow on command, my career councilor even said that I could benefit from more arts in my schedule! FUCK! They must have taught this in one of those easy credit intro to federation music seminars and everyone who looks at my file knows I'm an uncultured idiot who — oh I am also singing. huh. right yes of course the lyrics are acknowledging the oddity of... guess there's some pathogen or anomaly — thank the lord i haven't been missing something major for — wait no, being compelled to sing in unison is also a problem—
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paragal · 1 year
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Your eyes are a thousand times deeper than the sky, and I am a tiny star falling for all time
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jinjjayo · 25 days
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forever playlist: ORANGE CARAMEL - MAGIC GIRL (2010)
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Every so often I'll just be living my life and randomly remember that "I Don't Dance" exists. The song that has lines like "I don't dance/there's just one little thing that stops me every time," "slide home, you score, swingin' on the dance floor," "you better sping that pitch you're gonna throw me," and "I can prove it to you 'til you know it's true/I can swing it, I can bring it to the diamond too." (And Chad and Ryan have better musical chemistry than Troy and Gabriella ever had, argue with the wall.) And then Chad and Ryan SWITCH CLOTHES AFTER SINGING THIS SONG TOGETHER.
And Disney is trying to tell me that anyone other than Ryan Evans was Disney's first gay character? The only reason that's true is because they were cowards back in 2007 and literally nothing else.
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thiamblogger · 1 year
cooper definitely fell first and harder!!
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oceanwithouthermoon · 11 months
imagine kaido trying to wingman kubosai because to him its really obvious theyve been cringefail flirting for MONTHS
but it just results in their little group of four being even more awkward and poor nendo is sooo out of the loop
he just keeps putting them in awkward situations and the whole walk to school and back is filled with comically loud gulps and awkward laughs and red faces and kuboyasu rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly
so now hes gotta actually confront aren and convince him to just DO something about his crush instead 😒
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cerealbishh · 2 months
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"Nice work, Bryant!" // "Leave it all on the floor, Bryant!" // "I love you, Faran."
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i will cut you down to the middle with my own teeth
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There's another dance at Teen High, and Taylor asks Link to go with him. The two go together and finally spend a night being normal teens doing normal teen things.
[title from Crazy For You from Rockabye by Sushi Soucy aka one of my other special interests!!! i highly recommend!!!!!!!!! :3]
"Let me fix your tie."
"I'll straighten out the blazer."
"I don't need your heeellp…" Link whines as his dads fix him up.
There's another school dance at Teen High, but this time, Link is attending it for fun.
It's nice to get to be a normal teenager every once in a while.
"Yes you do," Grant says, fiddling with the little bowtie on Link's collar, "it's all crooked."
"Maybe I like it that way."
Grant looks up at Link, raising an eyebrow.
"Okay, fine, I don't."
"I still think it's weird that you need a date to attend these, but who are you going with?" Marco asks.
"Taylor asked me."
"Oooh," they both say, simultaneously.
"What is it?" Link asks, a little annoyed, because every time they act like this, it confuses him to no end.
"You like him, don't you?" Marco asks, handing him a pair of black stud earrings.
"Well, yeah, obviously," Link answers, putting them in, "he's my best friend? Why are you looking at each other like that?"
Grant and Marco have this look they always share when Link talks about Taylor. It's weird, and it comes with a little smile from both of them, like they have some sort of secret about him.
But that doesn't make any sense.
"It's nothing," Grant says.
"You'll figure it out," Marco adds.
Link isn't sure he will.
Taylor walks in with his arm wrapped around Link's; he's a date that won't ditch him for the popular kids' private dance.
Link's wearing a white suit with a little black bow tie that matches his nails. (Taylor painted them when Link came over to pick him up.)
It's cute, and complements Taylor's white button up with a black blazer over top of it. He decided to go classy today, and it seems to be working quite smoothly.
It's rather bright in here, with lights in pinks and purples and blues, and the music is a little loud, but it's not too bad. The dance is in the gym this time around, rather than the caf, and it smells like sweat.
The two greet their friends before venturing further into the sea of students and onto the dance floor.
"I don't really know how to dance," Taylor admits.
"That's okay," Link says, clasping his hand and bringing a hand to the small of his back. "Follow my lead."
"Uh…" Taylor shakes away the heat from his face and brings his free hand to hover over Link's shoulder. "Do I…"
Link takes his hand off Taylor's back and places it over Taylor's, guiding it down to touch his shoulder.
"I took ballroom dancing classes with my dads when I was younger," he says, returning his hand to Taylor's back and pulling him closer. Taylor sucks in a breath.
"They were taking them, and I was lonely."
Taylor glances down at his feet. Link's are so confident and steady, and Taylor's sure he'll stumble with his mediocre coordination.
"Taylor, you're fine," Link says, putting a hand under his chin and tilting his head up ever so slightly until they lock eyes.
"Yeah, okay," Taylor says in nearly a whisper, because wow, this lighting makes Link look really pretty.
And his grip is firm but not too tight, and he's gentle but strong, and his eyes are brown, and bright, and mesmerizing, and Taylor forgets to move his feet for a second—
"Whoa!" Taylor throws his arms around Link's neck to catch himself, and Link is quick to steady him with arms on his back. "Shit, sorry."
"Don't worry. You okay?"
He is okay, but for a second, it's impossible to speak, because Link is looking at him with his princely, protective gaze, and it's something so overwhelming. Taylor feels the heat in his cheeks once more—he must be bright red, but hopefully the mood lighting is enough to cover it up.
Taylor nods, eyes wide.
And the song changes.
Oh, god.
It's a slow song.
"Hey, we're already in position," Link says, and he smiles the prettiest smile; soft, confident, and unbelievably cute .
"Mm, yeah."
Taylor loosens his grip a little and leans closer—wait, maybe he's not supposed to—would it put them off balance?
But then Link rests his chin atop Taylor's head, and Taylor lets himself rest against Link's chest, and they're swaying side to side, which is way easier than what they were doing before.
Link smells nice. He smells like flowers, and fruit, and freshly cut grass?
The fabric of his suit is nice and soft, it's not stiff like most that Taylor tried on before settling for an old button up.
This is… nice.
It's peaceful.
Taylor's been more tense than usual lately; he can feel it. But here, and now, in Link's arms and in his protection…
He feels safe.
And warm.
"Hey," Taylor mumbles into Link's chest, "if you took classes, do you know how to twirl people?"
"Yeah. You wanna be spun?"
"Fuck yeah."
Link holds Taylor's hand and spins him around, and Taylor giggles, and when Link catches him, he's grinning too.
But then the song changes, and it's fast, and loud, and Taylor gets shoved a little from someone dancing behind him. He doesn't really recognize the song, but most of the student body seems to, and they're shouting lyrics, and Taylor stumbles into Link a little, and Link is saying something, but Taylor can't hear it.
Link holds Taylor's hand, and he's leading him somewhere, and Taylor's face is hot again, and they're outside, and in the dark hallways of the school at night, and—
"Taylor, breathe."
He sucks in a breath, and it's a little hard, and his head is a little rattled, and okay, it was definitely too loud in there.
"Right—" he clears his throat, and his collar is a little too tight, and this ribbon around it is cute as hell, but a little suffocating, and he's trying to untie it, but his fingers are a little shaky, and he fumbles with it, and—
"Here," Link says, soft and careful and gentle like his fingers over Taylor's, and he's pulling Taylor's hands away, and oh, he's untying the ribbon, and his gaze is fixed on Taylor's collar, and he's got this look of determination, and focus, and he's got little beads of sweat dripping down his forehead, and Taylor finds his breath catching for a different reason—
And Link's hands pull away, and he's holding the ribbon out to Taylor, and it's dark, but his eyes are bright, and warm, and he's looking at Taylor expectantly, and, ah, right.
Taylor takes the ribbon and stuffs it into his blazer pocket.
"It's—uh, loud," he breathes out, fiddling with the top couple of buttons on his shirt, "In there."
Taylor's sweaty hands do not mesh well with plastic buttons, he finds, but he decides maybe it's not so bad, because now Link's hands are on him again, carefully unbuttoning, and good god , Taylor's face is on fire .
"Is that better?" Link asks, after undoing the first couple of buttons on Taylor's shirt.
"What?" Taylor breathes out, and it's small, and quick, and Link looks up to meet his eyes and they've got a gaze that's new, half lidded, and running up and down, and his breathing is still a little unsteady so—
"Let's sit down, maybe," Link says, and they do, and Taylor is leaning against Link, and his tail carefully snakes around Link's torso, squeezing ever so slightly.
"Mm," is all Taylor hums, curling up further against Link's side as Link runs a hand through his hair.
His eyes are closed, and his breathing steadies out.
"You okay?" Link asks, and Taylor looks up at him.
"I'm good," he says, "but—ah," he averts his gaze, "I don't wanna go back in yet."
"D'you wanna go home?"
"No!" Taylor draws back a little, maybe shocked by his own volume. "I mean. Can we just stay out here for a while?"
"Yeah, sure," Link answers, and Taylor crawls into his lap. It's not the first time he's done this, and it definitely won't be the last. The way he always tends to curl up in Link's embrace—this time with a little hum—is something Link could never get tired of. It's cute.
"These dances look a lot more fun in anime," Taylor says, pressing his face against Link's chest.
"Ah, sorry—"
"No!" Taylor looks up at Link with wide eyes, "You're perfect—I mean, you—you were good. You're… um… nice."
Link chuckles, and Taylor buries his face in his chest again with a little whine.
"You're nice too, Tay."
Taylor mumbles some approximation of "thank you" into Link's chest, and a few seconds later he pulls his face away once more.
"I just mean, like, the noise," he says, "and people," he adds, starting to trace shapes onto Link's chest with his index finger, almost as if to say not you, though .
"Yeah, I know what you mean. It's pretty overwhelming," Link says, starting to card his fingers through Taylor's hair. It's warm and oily, but still somewhat soft.
"Mm," Taylor hums, almost melting into the touch.
"What's on your mind?" Link asks.
"You smell nice," Taylor blurts out instantly.
"Ha—uh, really?" Link stutters out. He'd borrowed Marco's cologne, but after all the dancing, and heat, and sweat, it's surely worn off by now.
"Yeah," Taylor says, and he starts carefully running his fingers down Link's chest, and it's so light, and gentle, and oh god, Link feels his breath catch with what Taylor says next.
"You look really good… in this… suit," he says, almost whispering, and Taylor's gaze flickering up and down is practically burning the fabric of it, and his fingertips might as well be sharp as blades cutting his heart open and revealing what's inside.
"Yeah?" Link asks, small and weaker than it should be, because Taylor is eyeing him in such a way he thinks he might forget his own name.
"Mmhmm…" Taylor's hands snake their way up to Link's shoulders and around his neck, and his eyes are half-lidded and glowing, and they've done that for a while, but right now it's so intense and fiery, and their eyes are locked on each other, and Link doesn't think he could ever look away.
Taylor's the first to break eye contact; his fiery gaze flickers down, and up, and back down again, and he's so close, Link can feel the hot and ragged breaths against his face.
Fingernails graze the back of Link's neck and sneak beneath his collar ever so slightly, and Link feels a little, involuntary squeak escape the back of his throat.
The nails dig in a little, and Link's eyes land on Taylor's lips, bruised and bitten. He's biting his lower lip with his fangs, and the sharp tips are a little red and blood-stained, and ah—there's a little blood trickling down his chin, and Link lifts his thumb up to wipe it, and Taylor lets out a small gasp at the contact.
Link ends up smearing the blood more than anything, but now he's cupping Taylor's face, and the little "mm" sound that Taylor makes causes Link's breath to catch once more.
Taylor leans in a little closer and his eyes flutter shut as he melts into Link's palm.
He's got this red eyeshadow on with little flecks of gold glitter scattered about, increasing in concentration toward the inner corners of his eyelids, and black winged eyeliner that ties the look together.
Pink blush highlights his cheeks, and there's little black hearts that look like face paint, but are probably eyeliner, decorating his cheekbones, and his lips are bruised but still tinted pink ever so slightly from the lip gloss Link has seen him wear many times before, and especially tonight.
It's dark out here, and the floor is cold, but Taylor is warm, and god , he is so, so pretty .
His voice is somehow sharp and smooth simultaneously, and his stuttering breaths have Link feeling a little dizzy, and—
"What was that?" Link whispers, and Taylor opens his glowing, mesmerizing eyes, burning Link's lips with his gaze, and then meeting his eyes with a look of something that could only be described as hunger .
"I said," he says, running his eyes up and down once more, so slowly, and running his fingernails up the back of Link's neck, "I wanna kiss you," he whispers, " so bad. "
Link brings a hand to slip between Taylor's locks of hair and tuck some stray strands behind his ear. "Oh yeah?" he breathes out.
Taylor inches closer, and his lips are so, so close.
"Yeah," he whispers against Link's lips, and Link thinks he might feel the tiniest bit of dried skin brush against them ever so slightly.
And Link feels himself slide into a bit of a smirk, seeing Taylor's longing and the way he's about to fall over with the way he's leaning into Link, and he's so warm, and so cute .
Link has experience with kissing. In a past—well, simulated—life he had done it many times, and, well, he doesn't know Taylor's entire history, but Link is willing to bet he himself has more experience.
And, ah, the way Taylor's disheveled hair frames his face, the way his eyes glow and fill Link with this warmth he didn't know he needed, and his lips, his lips… and oh…
Link wants this.
Link knows he wants this.
He'll make sure it's slow, and comfortable, and okay for Taylor to ease into.
And he caresses Taylor's cheek with his thumb, and whispers:
" Do it, then. "
Taylor is all over him in a second.
Their lips lock, and Taylor's grip is stronger, and the pressure is so intense, and fiery, and passionate—it's like Taylor's got this insatiable desire he's desperate to fulfill.
And he bites Link's lip, and a similar squeak from earlier escapes him again, and he finds himself quickly toppling over and feeling the cold floor against his back with Taylor, eagerly as ever, still pressing lips against his.
He bites again, and then he pulls away ever so slightly to catch his breath, and he's grinning like mad, with stains on his fangs of blood that Link thinks might be his.
"Whoa," Link whispers.
"You okay?" Taylor asks, wide-eyed.
His hair falls past the sides of his face and tickles Link's cheeks, and his eyes are so bright, and his lips are redder, and he's still grinning, though it looks like he's fighting it in favour of concern, and…
"I… uh-huh…"
And then, Taylor licks the blood off his fangs and dips down again, and Link, hands on the back of his neck, pulls him further to close the gap.
Kissing Link is like being embraced by an angel, and showered in light, and love, and comfort, and safety.
Link holds him with a grip somehow simultaneously gentle and strong, careful and firm. It's a way that matches his demeanor and values and everything he is and everything about him that Taylor could ever love.
Soft fingertips trail along Taylor's scalp as another hand cups his cheek, kissing it at every pause for air. Every little kiss on his cheeks, his forehead, his nose, his neck, his lips feels like another ' you're safe ' and another ' you look cute '...
And when he looks Link in the eyes again… what he's met with is something so soft and genuine in his shining, half lidded gaze of adoration, something… ah… something that says…
' I love you. '
Taylor starts copying Link by kissing him all over his face, accompanying it with a vocalized "mwah" each time, and the way Link chuckles, and the soft smile on his face feel like honey dripping into Taylor's bloodstream, making everything slow, and warm, and viscous, and sweet.
Taylor's always been a fireball of excited energy, but especially here, and especially now .
With each kiss, his smile is so bright and raw and real, and his tail swishes back and forth like a little metronome, counting every stuttering beat of Link's flustered heart.
Link kisses Taylor's forehead again, and he giggles a little and copies the act onto Link, and then he giggles more, and it's so infectious, Link is laughing too, and Taylor bites his lip like he's trying to suppress it, and his eyes are crinkled in the corners with glee, and the sound of his laugh is so vibrant and sweet, and Link has this feeling rising in his chest that he'll surely be craving that sound for days to come.
Taylor rolls over and lands on his back beside Link on the floor, snaking his arm around Link's and interlocking their fingers.
He's looking up at the ceiling with a hand lingering over his mouth, whether it's to cover the laughter or revel in what transpired on his lips, Link isn't sure, but he turns over and plants another kiss on Taylor's cheek.
Taylor shuts his eyes and covers his face with a little excited squeak, and Link can see him bouncing his heels against the floor, in black sneakers that aren't as dressy as Link's rather uncomfortable white dress shoes, but they suit his outfit perfectly.
"You're cute when you're flustered," Link says as Taylor blushes furiously.
He makes an indecipherable noise of acknowledgement before saying, "It's cold out here."
"I'm hot," Link says.
Taylor brings his hand back down to rest on his chest and turns to face Link with an attempt at slyness and a smirk, not quite achieving it with how he's red as a tomato and still slightly giggly.
" Yeah you are ," he says, before immediately bursting into laughter.
In a second, Link is laughing too. And they're laughing together for what feels like forever condensed into a few mere minutes, and Link is wiping away tears of mirth as he asks:
"Do you think anyone saw us?"
"Nah," Taylor answers, sitting up and gesturing toward the gym doors, "everyone's still in there dancing it out."
Link sits up too. The gym doors are open, and the lights are still flickering, and flashing, and colour-changing, and Link is glad they left when they did, because he's not sure whether he would have been able to handle it either.
"Mm, my legs hurt," Taylor says, still catching his breath, "but I think I left my cane in—"
Link picks up his cane from where he left it, lying on the ground against the lockers, and hands it to Taylor.
"I grabbed it before we left."
Taylor smiles and puts it on his lap, and then, despite not quite having caught his breath yet, he leans in, cups Link's face, and kisses him again.
"Thank you!" he says, chipper as ever.
Link kisses him back.
"You're welcome."
"You know," Taylor starts, before kissing Link again, for longer, and pulling away when he's out of air, "you should teach me how to dance. Like. Away from all of this."
"I can do that."
Taylor's eyes light up like a million stars, and he blinks, and Link notices they're rather droopy.
"Do you wanna go home now?" he asks, only for Taylor to cuddle up against him and bury his face against his chest.
"Noooo…" he whines.
"Aren't you tired?" Link asks, carding his fingers through Taylor's hair.
"Wanna sleep here…"
"I don't think that's a good idea."
"First of all, we're at school. Second of all, we're on the floor. Not a very comfy place to sleep, right?"
"You're comfy," Taylor mumbles, snuggling closer.
"Come on, don't fall asleep on me, we gotta go home."
"Mmm," Taylor hums.
Link carefully slips his phone out of his pocket and texts his dads that they're ready for pickup.
Be there in five , Marco texts back almost instantly.
"Taylor, come on, let's go to the entrance. My dads are on their way."
"Sleepy…" Taylor mumbles, not moving at all.
Link sighs with a bit of fondness, and shifts to pick Taylor up before standing.
"Mmm, you're my pillow now."
"Until we get to the car, sure," Link says, knowing full well Taylor will be using him as a pillow the whole ride home.
They're outside by the time his dads pull up in front of the school, and Grant slips out of the passenger's side to grab Taylor's cane from where it was dangling off of Link's arm to put it under the seats in the back.
Link puts Taylor in the back and slips in beside him, buckling their belts. Taylor's head is on his shoulder immediately.
Marco and Grant only exchange words with each other, so as not to disturb Taylor's sleep, Link guesses.
With his head against the window and eyes only a crack open, Link finally sees the Swift household come into view.
"We're here," Marco says, parking the car in front of the driveway.
"Taylor, wake up, we're here," Link nudges his shoulder a little. He sits up, blinking blearily and rubbing his eyes.
"Okay," he mumbles, and Link passes him his cane before opening the door and helping him out.
He shuts the door behind them, resolving to walk Taylor to the door.
Once they get to the doorstep, Taylor turns to face Link.
"I had fun," he says.
"Me too."
Link sees Taylor's gaze flickering back down to his lips for a second, and back to his eyes, and he says:
"I just want one more thing."
"What's that?"
Taylor stands on his tip-toes and kisses Link on the cheek, then he backs away ever so slightly, and stares at Link's lips.
After having done this once, Link's got an idea of what's to come, and he puts his hands on Taylor's waist—like they're dancing again—and Taylor's resting his arms on Link's shoulders, letting them stretch out and his hands dangle behind his back.
And Link pulls him closer, dipping him ever so slightly, and slotting their lips together like pieces of a puzzle.
Taylor's arms slowly slide off his shoulders, and his hands are cupping Link's face, and then they're sneaking around the back of his neck, and they both pull away to catch their breath before melting back into each other, and god, the feeling of Taylor's lips on his is something so enthralling, so sweet, so fiery, so sharp, so soft, so, so, so many things, and Taylor's hands are sliding down his neck and onto his back and holding his hips and kiss after kiss feels more exhilarating than any soccer goal Link has ever scored, and Taylor kisses his cheek, and his chin, and his fangs graze the skin of his neck, and it sends shivers down his spine, but in a good, good way, and—
A car horn blares from the street.
Oh, shit.
Link pulls away and looks over at the noise.
Grant and Marco are in the car, staring .
"Oh, fuck ," Link says, and Taylor bursts out laughing.
"Oh my god," he says through the laughter, face flushed, "um, can you tell them I say thank you for the ride?"
"Yeah, okay, I think they'll be asking a lot about you in a few seconds," Link says, voice raising in pitch and speed toward the end.
Taylor goes to unlock the door, and Link hesitantly starts down to the driveway.
"Bye, Link! Good luck!" Taylor shouts before slipping inside.
Link turns around to wave before continuing to the car and sucking in a breath and bracing himself.
He opens the door, and before he's even seated, he says:
"Not a word ."
"Well, that was something," Marco says immediately.
"Oh my god, stop ."
"Hey, we support it, Taylor's a nice kid, just be safe alright?" Grant adds.
Link buries his head in his hands, feeling his stomach drop.
This might be the most mortifying moment of his entire life.
No, this is definitely the most mortifying moment of his entire life.
"And, hey, if you ever need advice on certain things, like, we're here to talk whenever, and provide whatever you need," Grant continues, and it's soft and genuine, and maybe a little nice despite everything, and considering all that it took to get their relationship to where it is now.
"Thanks… I guess," Link says, softening a little.
"Like, if you ever need cond—"
"Yep, okay, great! I won't be needing anything!"
Good god .
"Alright, but if you do—"
"New topic! Now."
Why does this car ride feel hours long? If Taylor were here he'd probably still be laughing, with his cute little giggles and his slightly crooked smile, and sharp fangs, and sparkling eyelids, and flushed cheeks, and pursed, pink lips and—
"Okay… how was the dance?" Marco chimes in after letting Grant embarrass him further.
"It was… really nice," Link breathes out, but is he really thinking about the dance? Or is he thinking about Taylor in the hallway, cuddling up against him, gazing into his eyes, pinning him down against the floor—
"Did Taylor have fun?" Grant asks, with a small teasing lilt to his voice that Link pretends not to notice.
He got overstimulated, he tripped and almost fell, we had the most fun out in the hall…
Of all the options, Link chooses to say:
"Yeah, he did. Oh yeah, he told me to tell you guys thanks for the ride."
"No problem," Marco says.
At last, they're home, and Link is the first out of the car. He turns around and watches as his dads step out, and thinks of something that's better to say now than before it's too late:
" Please don't be weird around Taylor."
Grant puts up his hands as if to surrender, and he shares a look with Marco.
It's that same look from earlier this evening, the same shared secret, but suddenly, Link thinks he might understand it.
Had they known this was coming?
The thought manages to embarrass Link even more, and he's turning around, making his way to the door, and taking the bowtie off because it's a little tight… and he remembers untying Taylor's ribbon around his collar earlier, and undoing the top few buttons on his shirt, and sitting on the floor with him in his lap, and—
"Link?" Marco calls.
The door is open, and Grant and Marco are already inside, ah—
"Coming," Link says, and as he walks in he clears his throat, because his voice is a little less steady than he'd like it to be.
What a night.
"Oh yeah, congrats you guys," Normal says at the lunch table, looking at Taylor and Link.
It's the day after the dance, and Taylor, barely keeping his head up off the table, is wondering why anyone ever thought it would be a good idea to have an evening event on a school night.
It was fun though.
Really, really fun.
"On what?" Link asks.
Taylor is wondering the same.
"On your relationship!" he clarifies, chipper as ever.
Suddenly Taylor is wide awake.
" What? " he chokes out.
"We saw you two lip-locked in the hall last night," Scary chimes in.
Taylor feels the heat rush to his face, and he exchanges a wide-eyed look with Link.
They didn't think anyone was watching…
"Those suits better not have been rentals," Hermie adds, which does not help.
Scary chuckles a bit before saying, "Anyway. What Norm said. Congrats on dating or whatever."
"Hah, uh, we're not dating, though," Taylor says.
"We're not?" Link asks, and Taylor turns to face him, and, oh fuck , he looks lost.
Taylor feels his stomach roll.
Oh no.
The thought of dating is something… not necessarily foreign, more like… repulsive. No, that sounds bad… it just feels… icky?
Ah, not icky. Link isn't icky. Link isn't icky at all.
Link is great.
Link is a great friend, Link is a great person, Link is a great kisser…
Surely he'd be a great boyfriend, but…
Taylor blinks, and Link is closer, and ah, the others are gone.
The cafeteria is empty?
"It's time for class," Link answers with furrowed brows and a slight frown, "are you okay? You kinda zoned out there…"
Oh, fuck.
Link asked if they were dating and he didn't even answer.
And now he's worried about Taylor.
"I—I'm fine," Taylor says, grabbing his cane and standing up swiftly, "I'll see you after class!"
He starts walking away and promptly trips on the air, bracing for impact until Link catches and steadies him, with his strong, protective grip and gentle, careful gaze.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
Taylor shoots him a thumbs up.
Link doesn't seem to buy it, shooting him another worried look and resolving to walk him to class.
And it is the most awkwardly silent walk ever.
Time to deliberate , Taylor thinks, sitting down at his desk.
There's a pit in his stomach, filled with guilt threatening to swirl and bubble up to the surface.
He doesn't want to date Link.
Fuck, kissing him was a mistake, wasn't it?
What if Link had wanted to date him, and that was confirmation?
And now Taylor has to break the news?
This could have been avoided if Taylor had come to his senses and not let the stupid teenage hormones get to him.
God, this is his fault.
He sucks in a breath and buries his head in his arms on his desk, shutting his eyes.
The teacher doesn't seem to care.
Thankfully, this is his last class, and soon enough, the bell rings, and he's gone, headed straight home.
Link didn't end up seeing Taylor after class on Friday, so he shot him a text once he was home.
Can I come over tomorrow?
ok , Taylor replied, without his usual silly emoticons and GIFs, which was a cause for concern in itself.
They discussed the details with every response from Taylor equally dry and so un-Taylorlike, and once the next day arrived. Link visited, ready for a chat.
"Taylor, um, so, we're not dating, are we?" Link asks, sitting on Taylor's bed across from him.
Taylor is picking at stray thread on his shirt, with his tail curled around one of his body pillows, when he says, "Um. Yeah. I mean no, we're not. I—I don't know how to…"
Taylor bites his lip and sucks in a breath.
"It's okay," Link soothes, leaning against the wall, "you can talk to me."
"Okay, yeah, okay, yes." Taylor takes in a deep breath before continuing, and once he starts talking, it's like the floodgates have opened.
"So, I don't really do dating. I mean, I was never in a situation where that could even happen , but, like, the idea of it… isn't really my thing? I… it, it's not— it's not you . I like you. I really like you. But the idea of being… boyfriends… kinda… feels weird. Not in a good way. I—I don't—" he sucks in a breath, and pauses a moment before continuing. "I don't want to."
Taylor's breathing is a little shaky, and Link opens his mouth to respond when Taylor looks him in the eyes at last and continues.
"I'm sorry."
His voice breaks, and his eyes get glassy.
"I'm sorr—I'm so sorry. I—I didn't mean to, fuck , I should have never—never kissed you, I, I just. I wanted to. I really did. I still want to, but I—" Taylor shudders, and the tears start sliding down his face. "I didn't mean to give you a false sense of hope," he sobs, "and I—I don't wanna let you down but—"
Link pulls him into a hug, one that he melts into, one that should have come far sooner.
"It's okay Taylor, I promise ."
Taylor nods, crying into his chest.
Link's mind wanders to a past—ah, simulated —life, and a conversation that started similarly, and words he wished to hear, but never did. Back then, it was far too late. He was in too deep, and they couldn't understand.
But Link is here now, and he can.
"We don't need to date, you're not letting me down, trust me, you could never."
There's a small "uh-huh" between Taylor's whines.
"We'll do and be whatever you're comfortable with," Link kisses the top of his head. "We don't have to date, we can just be ."
"And we can kiss?" Taylor mumbles into his chest.
Link pulls him away and cups his face, swiping at the tears with his thumbs. Then he pulls Taylor closer, tilts his head up ever so slightly, and plants a gentle kiss on his lips.
"And we can kiss."
Taylor sighs, and his eyes flutter open, and he smiles, and whispers:
"Okay. I like that."
"Me too."
And they kiss once more.
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