#fish oil tablets
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entropicbias · 2 months
tomorrow, i will buy myself a new deck of cards. very unfortunate how kids keep showing up to my house and absolutely slaughtering my cards. one of those rascals tore an even bigger hole in my link doll's ass. what has this world come to! teach your children manners! good grief.
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nest-being · 11 months
i just had two servings of cookies and ice cream fuck yeah fUck YeAAaah
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eemoo1o-animoo · 1 year
Why can I imagine sebastian or UT saying “and fish oil, for the menopause…”
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wellversed-india · 26 days
The Science Behind Fish Oil Capsules: A Detailed Overview
These supplements are heralded for their high concentration of the necessary omega-3 fatty acids for the body. cannot produce alone. This overview will explore why fish oil capsules from brands like Wellversed are gaining popularity and how they might enhance your general well-being and physical fitness.
What are Fish Oil Capsules?
The capsules contain omega-3 fatty acids, primarily eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These components are pivotal in reducing inflammation, enhancing heart health, and supporting brain function.
Benefits of Fish Oil Capsules
Heart Health: Regular intake of fish oil capsules can assist in preserving appropriate blood pressure levels, lower triglycerides, and decrease the risk of heart disease.
DHA is a significant structural element of the brain. Consuming fish oil supplements can aid in improving memory and mood, reducing depressive symptoms, and bolstering cognitive function.
Anti-inflammatory Properties: EPA and DHA have potent anti-inflammatory effects that can alleviate symptoms associated with chronic inflammation, such as arthritis.
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How Do These Oils Work?
To understand the impact of fish oil on the body, it's crucial to explore the science behind its absorption and function. Once consumed, fish oil fatty acids are integrated into cell membranes throughout the body, improving cellular function and communication. This integration assists in modulating various biological processes, including inflammatory pathways and neurological functions.
Incorporating Fish Oil Capsules into Your Diet
Introducing fish oil capsules into your regimen is straightforward. Here are some tips for optimal usage:
Consult Your Doctor: You should consult your healthcare provider before taking any new supplement.
Dosage Guidelines: Adhere to the dosage specified on the product label. or as your health professional prescribes.
Consistency is Key: Take fish oil supplements regularly as a component of your everyday regimen for health best results.
Potential Side Effects and Considerations
While fish oil capsules are generally safe, they can cause minor side effects such as fishy burps, stomach discomfort, or a fishy taste in the mouth. These effects can often be minimized by taking supplements with meals or choosing high-quality, burpless formulas.
Who Should Avoid These Capsules?
Individuals with fish allergies
Those on certain medications that affect blood clotting
Women who are nursing or pregnant should speak with their doctor.
The Value of Purity in Supplemental Fish Oil
When choosing fish oil capsules, the purity of the product is paramount. The presence of contaminants such as mercury and other heavy metals can negate the beneficial effects of omega-3 acids. To ensure you are getting the safest product, search for molecularly distilled fish oil. This process removes environmental toxins and impurities, providing a safe, pure oil for consumption.
Making an Informed Choice
To make an informed choice about fish oil capsules:
Look for third-party testing and certification on the label, which confirms purity and potency.
Verify the credentials of groups such as the International Fish Oil Standards (IFOS), which ensure the highest quality and safety standards are met.
Choose products that are transparent about their sourcing and manufacturing processes.
Fish oil capsules are a potent tool in maintaining and enhancing overall health. They offer significant benefits for the heart, brain, and inflammatory responses. Incorporating these supplements can be a game-changer for young adults' physical and mental health outcomes, especially those involved in health or fitness activities. Remember, choosing a reputable brand like Wellversed ensures you get a high-quality product that delivers the best results.
These are not just another supplement but a science-backed avenue to a healthier life. Embrace the benefits and make an informed choice about adding them to your health regime.
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healthyheynutrition · 1 month
Selecting Your Food Supplements – Quality Matters
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Are you tired of scouring the web, looking for the best food supplements or nutritional supplements? The internet is flooded with countless flooded with numerous dietary supplement options. If you are looking for the food supplements for the first time and you are new to this then you are likely to be confused with the options available. Most of us do not know how to select our food supplements and as a result, we make mistakes.
One of the most common approaches when screening hair skin and nails vitamins is to limit oneself to the cost factor. People tend to settle for the lowest priced supplements available online without paying attention to the other crucial aspects. Health supplements promise a wide range of benefits but all the benefits promised could be enjoyed only when the supplements you choose work exactly the way they promise to work. In reality, that is never the case. Not all brands are made equal. So, if you are going to look for the lowest priced supplements then it may not be the best way to select your food supplements.
You should instead make quality your priority when ordering your omega 3 fish oil capsules. Only by sourcing the finest quality food supplements you can be sure of getting the promised results or else you would be wasting whatever money you spend on them. When we take a quality-based approach it is important to find out whether the food supplements you are selecting are made of natural ingredients. Supplements made of non-GMO ingredients and natural ingredients are considered safer as opposed to chemical-based supplements. The nutritional supplements you take must fill the gap in your diet and help your overall health. It must not undermine your health.
Food supplements can be ordered online conveniently. However, you need to first screen your online suppliers. The quality of the supplements you order will depend on the suppliers you choose. Before placing the order, you must check the reputation of the supplier. You must also ensure that the supplements you order are delivered on time. When you pick reputed suppliers, you do not have to worry about such issues. You will get excellent quality supplements delivered on time.
You do not have to be paranoid, there are many reliable suppliers of dietary supplements. It is just a matter of time that you spot them. If you are going to rush through your orders without adequate screening of the suppliers and without checking the customer feedback then it would be your fault. All the information you need are just a few searches away.
Once you establish the credibility of a supplier, you will be able to go back to that supplier for all your subsequent requirements. Therefore, it is worth investing time in the screening process. Screen multiple suppliers before you narrow down on your choices. This will simplify your food supplements sourcing process down the line as you will not be required to screen your supplier for every order.
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The omega 3 fatty acids supplement is intended for people who want to increase their athletic performance in sports, bodybuilding, or any other discipline. Omega 3 fatty acids serve a crucial function in overall health and fitness. Omega 3 is extremely beneficial to everyone's mental and physical health, from newborn children to the elderly. It may be used to increase not just your performance but also your muscle recovery, protein synthesis, strength, cardiac health, vitamin D, and other vitamin absorption, among other things. Include fish oil in your fitness quest to redefine your fitness.
What is Fish Oil?
Fish are enriched in omega-3 fatty acids, a type of oil that is extremely healthy. DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) are the two primary omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil (Eicosapentaenoic Acid). Fish oil pills are an excellent method to acquire fish oil and reap all of its advantages. Because your body cannot manufacture omega-3 fatty acids from omega-6 fatty acids, it is necessary to take fish oil supplements.
How Does Steadfast Fish Oil Function?
Steadfast Fish Oil includes two essential Omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which work together to boost heart health, brain health, bone strength, and inflammation. Omega 3 fatty acids are important components of cell membranes and are potent antioxidants that aid in the reduction of oxidative stress in the body. EPA functions as a precursor to numerous eicosanoids that decrease inflammation in the body. DHA, on the other hand, is a key structural component of the human brain, skin, and retina. Low DHA levels have been linked to a loss in cognitive performance, brain cell death, and depressive symptoms. As a result, a healthy balance of EPA and DHA is essential for general health.
The Advantages of Omega-3 Fish Oil Capsules
* Convenient: These fish oil supplements are available in soft gel or pill form, making them simple to take. It is the simplest and most convenient method to get your daily dosage of omega-3 fatty acids.
* Better heart health: Fish oil capsules are high in EPA and DHA. One of the most important fish oil benefits is that they have been shown to improve heart health by lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease, managing cholesterol levels, and blood pressure. It also addresses irregular heartbeats. In fact, Omega 3 supplements can reduce triglyceride levels by 15-30%.
* May aid in weight loss: Fish oil or Omega 3 supplements may aid in improving your body's composition and lowering your risk of heart disease. Fish oil aids in weight loss when paired with a healthy diet and a regular exercise regimen.
* Improves eye health: People who are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids are more likely to develop eye disorders. Fish oil or Omega 3 tablets improve eye health by providing a suitable amount of omega-3.
* Aids in inflammation reduction: Inflammation is your immune system's way of fighting infections and healing damage. Obesity, heart disease, depression, and diabetes can all be caused by chronic inflammation. Fish oil pills, often known as omega 3 tablets, have anti-inflammatory effects and can aid in the treatment of chronic inflammation. It can aid in decreasing joint discomfort and stiffness.
* Good for your skin: The health of your skin deteriorates with age and excessive sun exposure. Fish oil aids in the improvement of skin health and the treatment of skin problems such as dermatitis and psoriasis.
* Enhances brain function: Quality fish oil and omega 3 pills aid in boosting brain function. It might assist elderly folks improve their memory.
Why Do People Prefer Steadfast Nutrition Fish Oil Supplements?
Steadfast Nutrition is the top Indian brand that provides high-quality supplements to assist you meet your fitness goals and live an active lifestyle. The fish oil supplements are treated to get rid of any heavy metals like mercury or lead and any other poisons typically present in marine species. They provide you with an appropriate amount of omega-3s, EPA and DHA, so you can reap the most advantages. Both supplements have an enteric coating that helps with fishy aftertaste and burps.
Steadfast Nutrition Fish Oil contains 180mg EPA and 120mg DHA to help with joint pain, stiffness, heart health, and immunity. This supplement's antioxidant qualities aid in post-workout recuperation.
Steadfast Nutrition Fish Oil is a potent mixture that helps to minimise the development of muscle pain, boost immunity, and promote heart health and recovery.
Steadfast Nutrition offers a variety of supplements, including mass gainers, whey protein, BCAA, pre-workout supplements, and more, at competitive pricing.
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nutriarcwellness · 2 years
Omega 3 Fish Oil Capsules
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Omega 3 double-strength fish oil capsules are useful for Joint Flexibility, Heart Heath.
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shitass-broadsword · 7 months
no one told me fish oil tablets (pills?) were this fucking huge. my throat feels like i just gave a school of salmon sloppy top
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zyrlovesmizu · 26 days
BES characters when you get covid (directed to fem)
note: set in 2029-2020 when covid was quite serious!
- her time to ✨ shine ✨ as she cooks for her beloved!! (can only heat up soup and make some instant noodles…) but honestly, she’d try her best to find some videos to practise it for you
- literally shit talks the sickness like it’s some yucky problematic guy LMAO
- “does covid not have any other bitches to go to? like why does this dumbass have to go for my girl..”
- isolation? nope never heard of that!
- she’d take every chance she could to be with you and help you recover like maybe kissing ur forehead if it feels hot asf or massaging your sore muscles etc
- because we all know damn well that this lady can never ever get sick (especially in the current!au like girl, you barely eat and constantly get stabbed, how tf aren’t you dead 😭)
- anyways, she breaks the rules just to be with you :3
- at first, cried that u got covid :( especially with the rising cases of death
- tbh a little scared to touch you 😓
- but honestly, breaks the rules as well just as much (or if not more) but she’s way more careful compared to Mizu so she wears a mask 💪
- puts your medicine in a medicine box ensure you eat what you need to everyday + sets up those timers that alert her immediately when you need to take some extra supplements or eat!
- “have you taken your vitamin c tablets? how about the fish oil? wait, why is the magnesium pill still in the box? you didn’t take the afternoon supplements?”
- plays games between the bedroom door especially the guessing game bc of how easy it is to do without physical contact (similar to akinator) (honestly very fun, try it out sometime!)
- knows nothing much about medicines and all so to make himself feel better, he wraps bandages around you 😭
- honestly also does it because he likes the way you laugh at his gesture <3
- compared to the two ladies, he abides to the rules very closely and stays away from you ☹️ the max he’ll go near you is probably 1m distancing bc he’s nervous abt how getting close to you might affect both u and him
- but would text or call you everyday even if he was home just to speak to you, GET ME A MAN LIKED THAT
- “heyy, you know what I heard about mary from work? apparently, her ex, that only lasted like a month, is now saying her best friend!..” (proceeds to yap and gossip 🤭)
- buys u LOADS of gifts to give after you beat cocid (he knows you’re strong enough to do so! (•̀ᴗ•́ )و)
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claredanko · 9 months
zonked out of my gourd on omega 3 fish oil tablets tonight is gonna be a movie for real
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sesamie · 6 months
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The omega 3 fatty acids supplement is intended for people who want to increase their athletic performance in sports, bodybuilding, or any other discipline. Omega 3 fatty acids serve a crucial function in overall health and fitness. Omega 3 is extremely beneficial to everyone's mental and physical health, from newborn children to the elderly. It may be used to increase not just your performance but also your muscle recovery, protein synthesis, strength, cardiac health, vitamin D, and other vitamin absorption, among other things. Include fish oil in your fitness quest to redefine your fitness.
What is Fish Oil?
Fish are enriched in omega-3 fatty acids, a type of oil that is extremely healthy. DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) are the two primary omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil (Eicosapentaenoic Acid). Fish oil pills are an excellent method to acquire fish oil and reap all of its advantages. Because your body cannot manufacture omega-3 fatty acids from omega-6 fatty acids, it is necessary to take fish oil supplements.
How Does Steadfast Fish Oil Function?
Steadfast Fish Oil includes two essential Omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which work together to boost heart health, brain health, bone strength, and inflammation. Omega 3 fatty acids are important components of cell membranes and are potent antioxidants that aid in the reduction of oxidative stress in the body. EPA functions as a precursor to numerous eicosanoids that decrease inflammation in the body. DHA, on the other hand, is a key structural component of the human brain, skin, and retina. Low DHA levels have been linked to a loss in cognitive performance, brain cell death, and depressive symptoms. As a result, a healthy balance of EPA and DHA is essential for general health.
The Advantages of Omega-3 Fish Oil Capsules
Convenient: These fish oil capsules are available in soft gel or pill form, making them simple to take. It is the simplest and most convenient method to get your daily dosage of omega-3 fatty acids.
Better heart health: Fish oil capsules are high in EPA and DHA. One of the most important fish oil benefits is that they have been shown to improve heart health by lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease, managing cholesterol levels, and blood pressure. It also addresses irregular heartbeats. In fact, Omega 3 supplements can reduce triglyceride levels by 15-30%.
May aid in weight loss: Fish oil or Omega 3 supplements may aid in improving your body's composition and lowering your risk of heart disease. Fish oil aids in weight loss when paired with a healthy diet and a regular exercise regimen.
Improves eye health: People who are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids are more likely to develop eye disorders. Fish oil or Omega 3 tablets improve eye health by providing a suitable amount of omega-3.
Aids in inflammation reduction: Inflammation is your immune system's way of fighting infections and healing damage. Obesity, heart disease, depression, and diabetes can all be caused by chronic inflammation. Fish oil pills, often known as omega 3 tablets, have anti-inflammatory effects and can aid in the treatment of chronic inflammation. It can aid in decreasing joint discomfort and stiffness.
Good for your skin: The health of your skin deteriorates with age and excessive sun exposure. Fish oil aids in the improvement of skin health and the treatment of skin problems such as dermatitis and psoriasis.
Enhances brain function: Quality fish oil  and omega 3 pills aid in boosting brain function. It might assist elderly folks improve their memory.
Why Do People Prefer Steadfast Nutrition Fish Oil Supplements?
Steadfast Nutrition is the top Indian brand that provides high-quality supplements to assist you meet your fitness goals and live an active lifestyle. The fish oil supplements are treated to get rid of any heavy metals like mercury or lead and any other poisons typically present in marine species. They provide you with an appropriate amount of omega-3s, EPA and DHA, so you can reap the most advantages. Both supplements have an enteric coating that helps with fishy aftertaste and burps.
Steadfast Nutrition Fish Oil contains 180mg EPA and 120mg DHA to help with joint pain, stiffness, heart health, and immunity. This supplement's antioxidant qualities aid in post-workout recuperation. 
Steadfast Nutrition Fish Oil is a potent mixture that helps to minimise the development of muscle pain, boost immunity, and promote heart health and recovery.
Steadfast Nutrition offers a variety of supplements, including mass gainers, whey protein, BCAA, pre-workout supplements, and more, at competitive pricing.
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nordickies · 1 year
Silly head canon ask but, Which of the Nords gets Sun Burn the easiest?
I love silly little headcanons like this!
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I think Iceland or Norway probably. They tend to have sensitive skin anyway, so they can't stay in the sun for too long! But I don't think they get sunburned that often, because they are very cautious. However, someone like Denmark forgets to take care of his skin and then curses when his nose and shoulders get burned after a long day at the beach
But I think all the Nordics love being in the sun, they become much happier and much more active during the light season. Then they complain the whole summer that they can't sleep because of the midnight sun. They have to eat fish oil, and vitamin tablets and sit in front of lamps during the winter, so is it too much of a surprise?
When those first sun rays hit during Spring, they might just drop whatever they're doing, face the sun and close their eyes, and take it all in for a few minutes. And they don't care if it rains and snows, they will have their park picnic as soon as the sun is out!
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shepherds-of-haven · 11 months
reporting in to send the ask for what each of the shepherds carry in their packs 🫡 blade gets tapped for a what’s in my purse vlog and the video is just a knife. and a knife. and a knife. and a knife—
Thank you for your service 🫡
Out in the field, if you were to grab a pack and rummage through it, only to find it wasn't yours, you'd find the following (excludes the standard field kit for Shepherd officers, which includes a bedroll, a tent/tarp, blanket, canteen, soap, toiletries, various changes of clothes, equipment to care for horses/ahfuri, mess kit with eating utensils and tin plates and etc., and the obvious standards like money and etc.):
Blade: a sturdy, rigorously-organized, plain and utilitarian pack containing: fire-starting tools (flint, steel, and tinder). utility/hunting knife (for things like cutting rope, skinning deer and fish, etc). dagger (for emergencies. in case the ones he keeps on his person are taken away from him). small portable writing set (comes with a flat, collapsible tablet that serves as a writing desk, ink, parchment, and pen) for composing letters/orders/messages to send home. emergency first aid (minimalist: basically consists of a bottle of alcohol for sterilization, needle and medical thread for stitches, and some clean bandages). dried meat or jerky, hardtack biscuits (emergency rations). small cooking pot. whetstone (for sharpening his weapons). fishing hook and twine. hawking whistle. maps. rope. various small utility tools.
Trouble: a battered, worn and stained rucksack containing: fire-starting tools. charch and matches. various snacks and extra rations (trail mix, etc.). cubes of fat and bullion or various seasonings for meals. small cooking pot. extra ammunition (a lot of it). tools to maintain and clean his firearms. utility/hunting knife. rain-proof cover (can be used for himself or his rifle). extra gloves and socks. whatever novel he's currently reading. explosives (😳), various tools to create distractions (smoke grenades, etc.). signaling mirror. compass. timepiece. dice. playing cards. insect repellent salve. maybe fishing hook and twine if he expects to be "roughing" it for a long time! spyglass.
Tallys: a clean, well-maintained leather bag with Elvish adornments containing: large kit containing several different vials of various elixirs, tinctures, oils, and extracts (serve different purposes like reviving the unconscious, numbing pain, putting someone to sleep, etc.) as well as various different powders and dried herbs (some are poisonous, as Chase had the misfortune of discovering when he snooped too much); teabags; map; Elvish animal whistle (used for various purposes: as an animal or bird lure, for communicating while hunting or in camouflage, as a distraction); tifin (small Elvish flute) if she thinks she's going to be away for a really long time; Elvish hunting knife; kit of wax, resin, twine, and whittling knife to maintain her bow and arrows; first aid kit; woven Elvish mat (often used for meditation and dawn prayer rites, but can be used just for sitting more comfortably on things, as a lap blanket, or even as a scarf/shawl for extra warmth); small empty containers for foraging and protecting things like berries, mushrooms, leaves, etc.; Elvish field guide describing the various uses of flora and local plant matter; Elvish calendar and daily book of proverbs to keep track of the days (also doubles as a brief journal); pen; fire-starting kit.
Shery: Shery doesn't actually embark on missions into the field and actually has never left Haven (unless you're reading her latest short story on Patreon, lol), so the contents of her pack are at the moment hypothetical! Because of her inexperience, I'd guess that she'd both err on extreme overcaution and overpacking and also make some impractical choices, like bringing too many books, outfits for all kinds of weather, a parasol, a sewing kit, a little stuffed animal for good luck, a teapot, a nail file, an extra blanket and a fluffy pillow, and things like that! But she'd also have sensible choices, too, just way too many of them!
Riel: when he goes on business trips he typically has a whole trunk of things with him LOL but if forced to come along on a field mission, my guess would be that he'd mostly bring different changes of clothes, his hygiene and toiletries kit (complete with hair pomade, cologne, and fresh handkerchiefs), and then would just assume/rely on gold getting him whatever else he needed 😂😂 Actually he'd also certainly pack a valise with whatever current documents or contracts he's been working on, plenty of stationary and ink, a notepad for taking notes, a foldable writing desk, books, and whatever proof he'd need of being (at that time) Master of Merchants Guild, like his official stamps and wax seals and whatnot. Basically whatever he'd need for doing work on the road! 😂 Oh, he'd also pack a gun. Just in case!
Chase: a deceptively-slim, innocuous rucksack that is surprisingly hard to open if you're not familiar with it, containing: several lockpick sets. a bottle of alcohol to bribe informants with (or light a fire, sanitize a wound, what have you). rope. file. utility knife. whetstone. extra ammunition. fire-starting kit. tools to maintain his firearms. charch. playing cards. whatever book he's currently struggling through as homework. various shiny trinkets that can be traded, bargained, bribed, or used as a distraction. devices used as distractions (flashbags, smoke grenades, low-level explosives). grooming kit with comb, pomade, cologne, mirror, etc. scarf (can be used as a fashion accessory, mask to obscure lower half of face, or, in a pinch, as a method of strangling someone 🙂). wire (don't ask). mysterious vials (could be poison, could be acid to burn through locks). different accessories, clothes, and wig for different disguises. special gripped shoes for climbing and capering. small grappling hook. net/bolas (typically used to trip opponents up or rig traps). recently-acquired reed harp (harmonica) that he uses to amuse/torture teammates with.
Red: a slim, casually-packed, strangely collegiate bag (he generally travels light because he cheats and conjures most of what he needs as he needs it), containing: whatever book he's currently reading. field journal and writing implements. foldable writing desk. scroll container to protect any precious documents or papers he might come across. various Mage-y implements like chalk, lyme, certain compounds that help with arcane magic and drawing runes. measuring ruler. various charged lodestones and keystones. maps. compass. grooming kit for his endless hair needs 😳 (pomade, comb, mirror, etc.). multi-use mini game board (you can play various games on it like Elements, checkers, sui, etc.). small containers for collecting specimens. travel lantern (for exploring ruins without having to deal with a guttering torch flame). insect repellant salve. salve for burns and aches. magnifying glass. small flat cushion for sitting/laying on if the ground is extremely lumpy.
Ayla: a carelessly battered, fraying rucksack with small carved totems dangling from it, containing: backup canteens of water (emergency only). collapsible trowel to dig holes (generally to dig up roots, tubers, or to find water). maps. compass. sundial. lots and lots of rations (the majority of her pack will contain non-perishable food). sewing kit (doubles both as first aid and for emergency repairs to clothes). colored twine (primarily used to mark trails so you don't get lost, demarcate certain things you'll need to find again later, and also doubles as a Jalis hand-game to play with another person when bored). playing cards. dice. rope. hunting/utility knife. lockpick set. sun lotion (to protect the skin). extra tarp (to erect emergency lean-to/rain shelter/shade; doubles as emergency extra blanket). file. hairties for her braid. jade stone from her parents. slingshot/leather thong to hurl rocks with (this is a deadly weapon in her hands). signaling mirror. survival whistle. small torch. fire-starting kit. whittling knife for when she's bored and wants to carve things into her staff or just out of hunks of wood. field guide telling her what's safe to eat and what's not. jalis rattle (sort of like maracas: it's a small wooden cylinder filled with dry rice) in case she's in the mood to provide a rhythm to someone else's music.
Briony: a fat, cheerful pack with many charms and souvenirs dangling from every strap, containing: a field journal/sketchbook full of sketches, drawing/writing implements. a hairbrush. haphazard grooming case (eyelash curler, a bit of blush, no mirror). fingerless gloves. her latest book. extra hair ties/hair ribbons. oils and rags to maintain her armor. whetstone. fire-starter kit. maps and compass. some snacks, but typically she forgets about them. fishing hook and twine. headscarf to conceal her hair if need be. field encyclopedia/traveler's guide (more about various landmarks and places of interest she might see than survivalist tips). first-aid kit (used more than most to deal with small scrapes and wounds). hunting/utility knife. spare dagger. stargazing map. spyglass. pouch full of pretty rocks or dried flowers she picks up along the way. spellbook full of spells she's learning/practicing along the way.
Lavinet: an expensive but practical and well-made leather saddlebag containing: compact maquillage and grooming case (hairbrush, lipstick, mirror, perfume, hair conditioner, etc.). extra riding gloves. extra handkerchiefs. whetstone, tools to maintain her lance and sword. tools to maintain her saddlery. horse treats. fur throw that doubles as small extra blanket, extra warmth as a shawl, or as a cushion to sit on. extra pair of riding boots in case one set fails. Naveen signet ring and official accoutrements. writing set, desk, and seal. current book. hat to shade her head from the sun. sewing kit and patches of fabric to repair clothes. first aid manual. wax (has various uses, but she primarily uses it to plug her ears if she absolutely needs to). fire-starting kit. chainmail that can be concealed under the clothes. stiletto knife. corset (you never know, darling!)
Halek: an ordinary, standard pack containing: tools for weapons maintenance (for his spear). small compact bow and quiver. hunting/utility knife. exorcist dagger. recipe book and culinary guide regarding exotic ingredients or places of interest. various ingredients he picks up in towns or foraging in the wild. cooking oil, seasonings and spices, emergency salt, cubes of fat and bullion and stock, dried herbs, dried meat and cheese, flour. water-proof, heavy cloak for winter travel (also doubles as an extra blanket, as the standard-issue one might be too short for him). collar to suppress his blood-rage if need be. fire-starting kit. elk treats. small bell to tie to his elk in case he needs to. twine. grappling hook and rope. maps and compass. herbal teas. fishing hook. animal bait and snares. bear repellant. cooking pot and small frying pan. sand (used to scrub pots and pans when water is scarce or frozen). signal whistle. special snow boots if traveling through snow.
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