#fishing was like a mobile game
godofthestupid · 1 month
I understand now why Stardew Valley is so popular
you see,I have tried A LOT of mobile games and in general farming games and they all,especially on mobile,lack that certain something. most of the farming games are very...player centric? you barely interact with other entities and if you do it's so they can help you on your farm
in Stardew it actually feels like you're in a new village,with people already knowing each other,having backstories,etc.
it feels alive,which most farming games lack because they focus on the farming more than the world around it
which is not bad! some prefer to only do the farming bit and not interact with npcs or don't care about them
it's just that I do and didn't realize it until I downloaded the game
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butchboromir · 9 months
why is dead cells on nextflix ???????????
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spearxwind · 1 year
I’m not sure if it’s exactly your vibe but I played a couple really interesting app games Forever ago you might like- “A Dark Room” and it’s sequel/companion game called “The Ensign”! They’re simple, survivor/resource… mystery games?? With a touch of story involved. They’re about space, but it might be something you have an interest in!
well id be interested if it wasnt a mobile game bc it looks really cool but I try not to buy mobile games in general :')
it looks rly interesting though fr
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anotherartblock · 2 years
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my favorite resortopia guests :)
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waywardsalt · 1 month
bonus ssbu musings despite sheik’s uh. damage output they’re probably the one i have the best time trying to get ‘tactical’ or w/e with. was a game-changer to realize burst grenade works the best when used as an edge guard
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xinanigans · 4 months
Okay I know I’m in my hoyo gacha monopoly hiatus but like Wuthering waves is prettyy good.. (imo)
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skrimshaw · 1 year
Does anyone remember the go fish mobile click-and-find game where this lady’s sister went missing right after getting married and you explored this guys mansion only to find out that he had like 5 wives to make himself live forever and you explored each wife’s dedicated room and found their rings to put them to rest??
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bethanythebogwitch · 3 months
Wet Beast Wednesday: beluga
Welcome back to Wet Beast Wednesday and cine it's been unbearably hot here I'm going north to discuss the magnificent beluga. The whale, not the sturgeon. I know a few of you will be disappointed by that, but I'll get to sturgeons eventually. The beluga is one of the most popular cetaceans and it is threatened. Let's learn why this white whale has more to fear from Captain Ahab than the other way around.
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(Image: a beluga whale seen from the side. It is an animal reminiscent of a dolphin that is white all over. It lacks a dorsal fin and its head is bulbous with a short snout. End ID)
Belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) are one of two whales in the family Monodontide, the other being the narwhal (which has its own WBW you can read if you can tolerate by complete inability to write useful image descriptions back then). Belugas are small for whales, reaching 5.5 meters (18 ft) and 1,600 kg (3,530 ft), with males being about 25% larger than females. The name beluga comes from the Russian word for "white" and is fitting because belugas are, uniquely among cetaceans, bright white all over. Belugas have short snouts and enlarged melons, giving their heads a distinctive lumpy shape. The melon is an organ containing fat and wax that helps with echolocation by focusing and amplifying sound produced and received by the whale. Uniquely amongst whales, the beluga can alter the shape of its melon at will. This likely assist echolocation by altering factors such as the direction, frequency, and size of the echolocatory clicks. Another unusual feature of belugas is their lack of a dorsal fin. Instead, they have a short ridge running down the back that serves the same function, which is aiding in turning and keeping the animal from rolling over. Belugas and narwhals are also the only whales with unfused neck vertebrae, meaning they can turn their heads side to side. The lack of dorsal fin and mobile neck helps belugas navigate under sea ice without getting stuck.
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(Image: a shot of a beluga's head emerging from the water. Its skin is slightly wrinkled and has a yellowish tint, indicating it will molt soon. End ID)
Belugas are carnivores who hunt fish, squid, and other invertebrates. Belugas are slower than most toothed whales and their teeth are tiny, eliminating the possibility of chasing down prey or ripping apart large prey. Instead, they hunt via suction. By suddenly opening their mouths, belugas create a vacuum that water and food is sucked into. Belugas swallow their food whole. Belugas have also been observed hunting prey on the seafloor by spitting water to blow away sediment covering buried animals. Belugas are social animals that hunt in groups. They will cooperate to herd prey into kill zones or have a few belugas break off of the pod to chase prey toward the rest. While hunting, belugas will dive in search of food. The typical dive reaches around 20 meters (66 ft) for 3-5 minutes, but can dive up to 900 m (2,953 ft) deep and last up to 20 minutes. Often the whales make a sequence of 5-6 shallow dives followed by a deeper one. During dives, the heart rate drops from 100 beats per minute to 12-20 and blood is redirected to the brain, heart, and lungs to conserve oxygen. Furthermore, oxygen can also be stored in the muscle and the red blood cells carry more oxygen then those in land mammals.
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(Image: a beluga foraging for food near the seafloor. It is rotates so its belly faces the camera. Its head is down, looking toward the camera. Three other belugas are visible in the background. End ID)
Belugas are social animals who live in pods that typically reach a maximum of 25 members. Unlike some cetaceans, pod membership is not family based or fixed. Members will leave their pods to join others at will. Belugas are highly playful and when they are not hunting, they tend to play with each other. Games observed in the wild include chasing, play-fighting, rubbing against each other, synchronized diving, and playing with and carrying objects. Belugas in captivity show more complex play behavior including blowing bubbles for others to pop, something similar to Simon says, and following and startling human observers. Physical contact seems to be important to belugas as they will rub against each other and make mouth-to-mouth contact as an apparent sign of affection. Belugas both in the wild and captivity are curious and will approach humans. Belugas in aquariums will examine humans through the glass while those in the wild will approach boats and even interact with humans in small vessels. Belugas have also been known to follow bowhead whales, likely because the larger whales are better at punching breathing holes in ice. They have also been observed joining narwhal pods. Belugas are some of the most vocal cetacean species and have a very wide range of vocalizations with 11 distinct types of sounds. Belugas use these noises to communicate and do so frequently. Captive specimens vocalize to each other almost non-stop. Like with some other cetaceans, beluga vocalizations show region-based distinctions that may be akin to regional dialects or different languages. Belugas are sometimes called canary whales due to their high-pitched noises.
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(Image: a pod of 6 belugas seen from above. One has exhaled, leaving a trail of bubbles. A single male narwhal has joined this pod and is swimming with them. The narwhal has a similar body shape but is skinnier and a mottle gray and white color. A long, straight, tusk extends from the front of its head. End ID)
(video: an employee at Mystic Aquarium, Mystic, Connecticut, USA instructing a Beluga to demonstrate a variety of vocalizations. End ID)
Belugas live in Arctic and sub-Arctic marine waters. Different populations of belugas have been identified based on their home region. Belugas migrate seasonally. During summer, they spend their time along coasts and in estuaries. In winter, when the ice sheets expand and cover their summer habitat, belugas move to the open ocean, hunting alongside or underneath the ice. Some populations who live in coastal ares that do not frees do not migrate. Migration patterns are passed from parent to child. During summer, belugas will come together in massive pods that can number hundred to thousands. All the belugas in a given population group will typically travel to the same summer water. Belugas may reduce or eliminate their food intake during migration. While primarily marine, belugas often summer in estuarine bays and will even swim up river. Belugas have been found up to 1,700 km (1,056 mi) upriver. They may chase migrating fish upriver and mothers with calves likely use rivers as a safe place away from predators. Exposure to fresh water also seems to help with the yearly process of shedding their skin and growing a new layer, something that must be done in warmer water. Belugas may rub themselves against gravel at the bottom of rivers to help loosen their shed skin.
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(Image: two narwhals with their head sticking out of the water. They are nuzzling their faces together. End ID)
Most belugas mate between February and May, though they have been observed mating at other times of the year. Gestation is estimated to last between 12 and 14 months. Belugas usually give birth in the warmer waters of their summer habitats. It is possible that belugas can delay fertilization, storing sperm internally to fertilize at a later time. This could help females ensure they give birth at the correct time. During mating season, male beluga's testicles double in size. They prefer to mate in the early morning, between 3 and 4 AM local time. Calves are born around 1.5 m (4.9 ft) and 80 kg (180 lbs). Beluga calves are grey and will have lightened to their adult coloration by age 4. Calves are dependent on their mother's milk for their first year, at which point the teeth grow in. After this point, they will begin supplementing their diet with small fish and shrimp. Most calves wean after 20 months, but there have been cases of calves continuing to nurse for over 2 years. Females will not mate again until their current calf has weaned or died. The average reproduction rate is one calf every 3 years. Belugas in captivity have been seen taking care of the calves of other females. There have also been cases observed in captivity of a pregnant female or female who has lost a calf stealing the calf of another female. It is not known if this behavior happens in the wild, but it is seen in other species of mammal. Males reach sexual maturity at ages 7 - 9 and females at ages 4 - 7. Females seem to undergo menopause around age 40. The maximum lifespan of belugas in the wild is unknown, though some estimates put their lifespan at 70-80 years. Genetic testing has revealed the existence of beluga/narwhal hybrids.
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(Image: a juvenile beluga born in the Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, Illinois, USA. It resembles an adult, but is smaller and gray. It is sticking its head out of the water by the ends of its tank. An adult beluga, presumably the mother, is doing the same thing in the background. End ID)
Belugas are classified as least concern by the IUCN, meaning they are not at risk of extinction. The species was commercially hunted heavily in the past for blubber, meat, and skin. beluga skin is the only cetacean skin that can be cured into leather and was used to make some of the first bulletproof vests. Fishermen also killed belugas as they considered them to be a threat to the fish population. Once the end of international whaling, beluga numbers have recovered. In modern times, belugas have national and international legal protections, though indigenous communities in Russia, Greenland, Canada, and Alaska have special permissions to hunt them in keeping with historic practices. These hunted belugas are used for food and their bones and teeth are carved. Belugas are considered a good sentinel species, a species that can be used as an indicator of environmental health. Belugas can sequester pollutants in their cells for long periods of time and are susceptible to pollution. As belugas are near the top of the food chain, toxic chemicals can bio-accumulate up the trophic levels to be sequestered in them. This means that deceased or captured belugas can be examined to get an idea of what pollutants are in their habitat. Belugas are also negatively affected by the noise of boats, which can interfere with their echolocation, drive them from their habitats, and causes considerable stress. Climate change also poses a threat to the species as it alters their environment. Natural predators of the beluga include orcas and polar bears.
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(Image: a black-and-white photograph of Alaskan Inuit carving of animals on a piece of beluga bone. End ID. Source: Canadian Museum of Natural History)
Belugas were among the first cetaceans to be kept in captivity and are still some of the most popular cetaceans found in aquariums, zoos, and other establishments. They are considered good aquarium animals due to their docile temperaments and charismatic personalities. Belugas can be easily trained to perform tricks and submit to medical examination. Ethical concerns over the treatment of captive cetaceans has been raised and a growing number of locations are banning or regulating cetaceans in captivity. Most captive belugas were captured form the wild. Captive breeding programs have been mostly unsuccessful. Belugas raised in captivity rarely thrive when released into the wild, with individuals who were not fed by humans showing the greatest success when released. One captive beluga was reported to be able to mimic human speech. From the 1970s to the 90s, the US navy studied beluga echolocation and trained belugas to seek out submerged objects while wearing or carrying cameras. During the cold war, the Soviet navy trained belugas to assist in removing naval mines. In 2019, a tame beluga named Hvaldimir was found in Norway wearing a Russian harness for mounting equipment, leading to speculations that Russia is still training belugas for military purposes.
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(Image: two people in wetsuits identifying them as employees of Shedd Aquarium. They have a bowl of fish and are instructing a beluga to open its mouth. End ID)
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If you like...
✅  The Ocean™️  ✅  Neat animals ✅  Learning about neat animals ✅  Chill games ✅  Participating in community science ✅  Participating in community science by playing a chill game while looking at and learning about neat animals that live in the ocean so we can train artificial intelligence to help us find and identify more neat animals in the ocean 
...then wowee do we have some good news for you!
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We've been hard at work on a new mobile game with our fronds @mbari-blog and Ocean Vision AI to do just that—but we need YOUR kelp help!
Head on over to FathomVerse to join our mer-ry band of o-fish-al beta testers—the last round of signups ends this week. Thanks for your con-sea-der-ocean, fronds!
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bogleech · 1 year
Why do the adult stages of insects have short lifespans?
Most animals can't reproduce, and most don't even develop the organ systems to do so, until almost the end of their development. Many mammals are actually rare freaks for their ability to start reproducing as little as a third into their lifespan, and keep reproducing over and over until they die; it's an extreme and radical survival strategy we evolved that comes with some pretty severe trade-offs, in that we have high energy demands and require so, so much food in proportion to most other organisms, not to mention all the ways those reproduction systems can take on illness, malfunction or hurt us. Other animals like birds and reptiles and various fish opted instead to reach adult size as fast as they can, build the reproductive system, and then just take it easy: they live a long time and can mate more than once, but they don't do so constantly and don't make that many young. The MOST common strategy in nature, basically the default norm is to devote most of your life just to eating, growing, and storing resources in your body, then "spend" all the resources you can on reproduction, giving so much of your energy to your babies that it actually kills you. The upside is that this is why most animals make hundreds or even thousands of young in one go, which better guarantees that at least one will survive. Salmon and octopuses are two of the most famous non-insects that do it that way, but so do thousands of other mollusks, fish, members of the various "worm" phyla and others. Many insect groups hyper-streamlined this, so they have a larval stage that's just an eating machine, like caterpillars and maggots, possessing only the bare minimum anatomy they need to keep on eating and growing and nothing else, usually incapable of even traveling from the same food source they were born on. They then use up all of this stored energy to create a body that is perfect for perpetuating their species, including more mobility (such as wings) to spread their population further. Insects exhibit almost every variation there is, but many insect groups hyper-streamlined the basic method so they have a larval stage devoted to non-stop eating, like a caterpillar or a maggot, devoid of any anatomy that does not help it collect all the energy it can as continuously as it can, then use up that energy to build an equally dedicated mating form, which may last only days or weeks because it even gave up the ability to eat as it devoted as much of its body as possible to making those babies in that one big go. There are still many exceptions including insects like cockroaches who mirror the mammal strategy of mating over and over for a relatively "long" adult life, or insects that still only mate the one time, but still at the end of a fairly long adult life that continues to eat and store energy. The most extreme exception to this might be aphids, which continuously develop clone offspring and give live birth to them for their entire life, by which I mean some aphids are born already pregnant with their first clone. These actually still go through a normal mating process too, though, when a winged male finds them near the end of the year, and then they die after laying proper eggs that can survive the winter. The non-stop clone babies are just so that one female has even higher odds of mating with at least one of those males, because now there's 10,000 of her for him to find. To understand basically everything in nature you just have to understand that: 1: life forms actually work like video game characters in that they constantly "farm experience" (nutrient energy) they have to spend on their unique spread of stats and abilities (every body part and system comprising them) 2: every life form evolves as if the only goal of that entire game is to generate offspring and increase the odds of their survival, literally no matter what must be sacrificed.
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ebullientheart · 1 year
roomies. spencer reid x reader
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content — fem!bau!reader. injured!reader. fluff. anonymous request. brief injury description. reader uses conditioner. making out.
when you no longer need your live-in doctor, you find you desperately want him to stay.
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you were absolutely fuming when the unsub shot you. just one, clean through the shoulder, that caused you to fall in a twist down the stairs, spraining your ankle. the chances of both of those events occurring had to be low, and spencer assured you of the statistics to back that theory up. just bad luck. fuming.
unfortunately, it also meant your life was substantially difficult to navigate while healing. you could barely shower, cook food, unlock doors, get changed. in fact it wasn’t ‘barely’, you just couldn’t. so the natural solution was to have your best friend move in with you while you were out of action entirely.
“it’s no big deal.” he shrugged. your best friend that you harboured secret feelings for, shrugged. no big deal.
there were some challenges.
“spencer,” you huffed for the tenth time that morning, “i am not swallowing those gross fish vitamins.”
he tutted at you, “they’re cod, and they’re going to help your sprain recover. valid studies have shown-”
awkwardly, you stood and used your uninjured arm to jab him in the chest, “i don’t care if they would grow me a whole new bone, they’re gross.”
it was weeks like that, when he wasn’t on cases. harmless bickering as he fussed over you like a newborn. but despite your teasing, you were not looking forward to the day he’d be moving back into his own apartment. it was nice, having someone to come home to. it took the sting out of the loneliness you felt, and you weren’t delusional for thinking he felt that way too. as your casts and slings were eased off, the both of you looked rather dejected, confusing the nurse tending to you greatly.
spencer nudged your good shoulder, “now you can help me box up my things.”
you’d gotten used to his things, though. his aftershave in the bathroom, his chess set by the couch. even his supposedly mobile library he’d moved into your apartment. you knew how empty it was going to feel.
in fear of that emptiness, you blurted it out on the car ride home from the hospital, “maybe you should stay a bit longer.”
“yeah?” he briefly took his eyes off the road to raise a brow at you, “you think you still need help?”
“i don’t need it.” you mumbled, picking the skin around your cuticles nervously. spencer noticed, and flicked your hands apart as a silent way of telling you not to do that. still taking care of you.
he didn’t push your declaration, just nodding, “okay. how long were you thinking?”
somewhere between a bated breath and a rush of words, you pushed out, “like, forever?”
this time, both his brows jumped and he had to clear his throat to stop his voice from cracking, “really? like roommates?”
no, like lovers, “yes, like roomies. nevermind, it was a stupid idea.”
“i don’t think so. i’d love to be… roomies.” the word sounded strange, too informal, coming from him, and it made you laugh. which made him smile.
after that very spencer-esque conversation, he moved the rest of his material belongings in, and put his flat up on listings. it sold fast, and you had to wonder why he’d agreed so rapidly, considering his place was notably nicer than yours. you had to wonder why he agreed at all, though it didn’t come as a surprise to anyone else that you hadn’t been able to separate. and the rest unfolded like one of the rom-coms you forced him to watch.
you no longer needed him to wash your hair over the side of the bath, which had at first been annoying because he did not wash the conditioner out properly. but now you missed it; it had become almost a bonding experience. that became true of a lot of things you’d adjusted to in the past months. him helping you into bed, you playing the wounded card to make him watch your shows on tv.
one thing that hadn’t changed was the sheer amount of card games you two played. you knew spencer was always going to win, but you tortured yourself with it anyway. one night, you were splitting the deck as you announced, “i’ve got a new game. it’s called rummy version two.”
before he could explain all the deviations rummy had from its origin over the years, making your game not a second version but at least an eighth, you rushed on to outline the rules. you were completely making it up as you went along, and continued adding to it as you played. it was impossible for you to lose, and spencer quickly figured out that you were bullshitting. for a profiler, you had a terrible poker face.
“you’re making this up.” he stated, putting his cards down.
you leant over the table, now able to rest pressure on your arm, and challenged, “prove it.”
there was a thick tension that had arisen suddenly between the pair of you, though the more you thought, the less sudden it seemed. maybe it had been building for a while. like the blush steadily rising to his cheeks as you got slightly closer to his face.
he smirked, “you’re winning.”
“rude. that doesn’t mean i’m-”
what it didn’t mean, spencer never got to hear, because it was at that moment he surged forward to close the remaining distance between your lips. you almost fell when you two collided, but his grip had attached to your upper arm to steady you. his kiss did not relent, demanding and speaking of all the impatience he’d felt recently. you responded likewise, threading your hands into his curls as soon as you got your balance, barely breaking for breath.
spencer’s skin on yours was something you had thought about more than you cared to admit, and with the fervour he was kissing you with, you thought he might’ve experienced the same. he was almost desperate against you, hands trailing to smooth over any section of exposure he could find, before one rested on the side of your face, and the other on your thigh.
“spencer,” you gasped, pulling away to catch air in your lungs, “need to breathe.”
he nodded as though he’d forgotten that, mimicking your heavy breaths, but not taking his hands off you. you rested your forehead against his and blinked. it was starting to sink in, the line you’d just crossed together.
“do we have to tell hotch about this?” you suddenly asked.
spencer frowned, “why are you thinking about hotch right now?”
you laughed and kissed him again, quickly this time, “you’re right, let’s just…”
thank god he agreed to be roomies.
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teriri-sayes · 3 months
Reactions to Crazier Bastard's Chapter 310
Brief summary: Cale is not a gamer. Cale scams the boss of the dungeon. The dragons are still fighting... except Rasheel.
There were already computers in Korea at the time CH was still on Earth, but it was not widespread enough to the average household, so CH was unfamiliar with gaming. CH was truly a boomer. 😂
As for Cale, KRS was not a gamer. He had played a few mobile puzzle games, but that was it. Puzzle games... so stuff like Sudoku or Match-3 games like Candy Crush? 😂 However, he was at one time a huge fan of fantasy novels with game themes, so he was familiar with gaming cliches and terms/slang. So something like SAO, Log Horizon, etc.?
Cale's group met the previous ruler of time who had now become the subordinate of Neo, the new Ruler of Time. It was a cute teddy bear dressed as a butler, with the boss name "Vicious Dark Bear. " The dungeon they entered looked childish and fluffy, with cloud-like passages and cotton candy-colored doors, but the angry bear boss and the flashing red lights made Cale think it was straight out of a horror movie.
Moving on, Cale (and Raon) scammed Dark Bear into registering them as new users. 😂 Dark Bear was only respectful to Raon and treated the others as minions. But this was Cale we're talking about. He managed to deceive Dark Bear into thinking that Raon was the next Dragon Lord that Neo appointed, and even fished out information about the game, like how "Aipotu" would be a new area added to the game after the major update, and how qualified Aipotu residents would live in that new area, using Neo's lair as the link between the two worlds.
Poor Rasheel though. While Eruhaben and the Gluttony dragon were duking it out, the other enemy dragons did not respond to Rasheel's earnest pleas provocations to fight him. 🤣🤣🤣
Ending Remarks Woah, I guess we've now entered the last parts of the Aipotu arc, given that we're now constantly getting new info about the next arc. Next chapter would be back to the battlefield. Please, someone fight our Rasheel. He was so excited to fight after so long, yet no one wants to fight him. 😂
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altocat · 2 months
Okay I need more of genesis dropping into Seph' & angel's laps bc of reasons (pretty please 🙏)
Genesis INSISTING that he's had the hardest, roughest, most INTOLERABLE day in the world and so he'll just have to lay here and DIE OF SORROW because no one loves him and everything is SUCH a challenge.
And also because Angeal and Sephiroth's laps are very warm and comfy.
Both make an effort to ignore him--It's Genesis fishing for attention like usual. Angeal reads his paper. Sephiroth does the crossword, occasionally glancing to the TV to see if the Midgar Mammoths are leading the game.
Genesis won't let them go so easily. He nuzzles against Sephiroth's arm and whines about how the fates are SO cruel, even the Goddess has forsaken him! To be cursed with such a callous lot in life, abandoned by friends and loved ones, cursed and scorned to a life of emptiness and woe!
Angeal: "Did you want the rest of the meatloaf, Seph? I was going to make a sandwich."
Sephiroth: "It's fine. Go ahead"
CLEARLY this must all be a test! A test of his will, his devotion to the Goddess! If only his efforts weren't so exhausted beneath the sheer weight of his tribulations! If only there were kinder hands and hearts before him! To fill that aching void, oh woe!
"Right now the only void I'm filling is my stomach. He's all yours, Seph."
"Mm. Can you make me a ham sandwich while you're up there? I'd contribute, but it seems my mobility is rather compromised at the moment."
"Right. No mustard, yeah? Thought so. That's fine because we're out."
"Gen, can you stop screeching for five minutes? I've got a hell of a migraine."
The body goes limp. Sephiroth claps. Angeal just rolls his eyes, digging through the fridge and cabinets.
"Ask him if he wants something too."
"He's dead, Angeal. It was very moving."
"Yeah. A tragedy. Gen, I have egg salad. Would that work? Otherwise, you're getting ham."
Muffled gasp against Sephiroth's leg, trembling hand lifting to clutch weakly at the air.
Angeal rolls his eyes again and goes back to the fridge. Sephiroth smiles and pats Genesis' head.
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snapscube · 2 months
hey penny!! i hope you're doing good :] not sure if you're looking for any feedback right now for midnight snap so if this message is unwarranted then no hard feelings at all <3 maybe it's just me and tbh it's hard for me to tell bc it's probably subjective, but as someone who's particularly sensitive to sound it sometimes feels like your voice gets lost in certain game music in your videos. i've listened both on mobile and on desktop and i think it's worse on desktop, more comfortable on mobile (for some reason). like, i find myself straining to hear you and pretty often i need to pause to take breaks because i get easily overstimulated. it's definitely not sfx that get me, just background music you know??? i especially noticed it in your freddi fish video around the start of the second game, but it's in other videos too like when you played animal crossing. it isn't too bad though tbh, still overall a super cozy series and i'm grateful you're still doing it!! if everything stays the same, i'll still watch it. i'd really love to know what you think and if you can confirm if anyone else has said something like this, i wonder if there's any merit to what i'm saying cause i just wanna help ^^;
i appreciate the feedback! i'll admit i'm still definitely trying to nail down the sound mixing of Midnight Snap. there's a LOT that goes into it between recording environment, VST setups for my live microphone effects, post-processing effects when it makes it to the actual edit timeline, etc. also admittedly this is a genre of content i'm still relatively new to making (never dabbled in asmr or anything) and though it's easy to put out a super long video normally and have people say its good for sleeping as a fun side effect, actually trying to make something FROM THE GROUND UP for relaxation comes with a lot of consideration i'm still not quite specialized in yet haha, especially with how long the breaks have been up to now. none of this is meant to handwave ur issues btw im taking everything into account here, just wanted to explain why its somewhat in flux right now!
my approach for the last few episodes of the show has been to heavily compress the dynamics of the audio, which might contribute to what ur dealing with here. although at the end of the day there's not much i can do to anticipate literally every individual user's listening conditions cause there's gonna be sooo much variance there. i can definitely try to put more focus on maybe separating the heaviest frequences of the voice track vs the game track though. as it stands i tend to cut back on the high frequencies a lot in both cases cause i personally just find higher frequencies a lot more distracting and harsh and to me what ends up sounding soothing is a very smooth and rumbly kind of profile. but of course audio mixing is all about balance so i'll see how i can maybe dial that in a little more distinctly! hopefully as i continue to standardize what editing software i use for the show as well as how it's recorded i can do more to brush out any remaining issues in the sound design :) thanks again!
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speakergame · 4 months
I was thinking about Kana, and started wondering, is there a difference between mermaids and sirens?
there is! it's mentioned offhand in the Sirens codex entry in-game, but sirens are actually more like bird-people than fish-people (though not as bird-like as harpies, which are less "bird-person" and more "person-shaped-bird")
Merfolk fall under the "fae" classification, and they have fish-like tails or fins, gills, and scales! some of them live purely aquatic lives, and some are more amphibious, choosing to split their time between water and land. they have minor shapeshifting abilities so they can trade out their tails for legs, but walking can be painful for them, so many choose to use wheelchairs or other mobility aids to help them on land.
Sirens are classified as "celestials", and while they like to live near water, they aren't aquatic beings themselves. Like seagulls, I guess would be a good comparison. They usually appear mostly human, though some have bird-like talons or wings, or in more subtle cases, feathers or what I've been calling "hair currents" and haven't thought of a better name for yet 😅 that's what Kana has! sort of like Eris in Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
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one of the original inspirations for Kana was actually my pal Pallegina the paladin from Pillars of Eternity, and though I moved away from the feathers-in-hair look for them, that is sometimes a feature that other Sirens have!
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trendywaifus · 1 year
Stelle nsfw and sfw headcannons…Pleasewe
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ye ye!! since you two buds said please-
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— aaa being in a relationship with stelle is a ride. she’s so pretty and weird that you even wonder how someone like her exists. oh well, you ain’t complaining. despite her weird traits, when it comes to you, she’s protective and almost always seen by your side! she’s like a cat y’know?
— stelle flirts but it’s..pretty random? i feel like she doesn’t know how to be romantic all like that but tries her best in unintentional silly ways. like one time, she shows up at your cabin door in the middle of the night with a rose in her mouth casually asking to be let in. if you’re wearing an outfit that she never seen before and likes it, she’ll stare at you for the longest before commenting how good you look. she’ll prob say “ your butt fits nice in those pants, can i touch?”
— the way stelle looks at you whenever you’re around is adorable. march describes it as “a happy puppy who’s happy to see its owner! “
— def touch starved. every chance she gets to cuddle with you, she plops on top of you like a dead fish and now she’s apart of you. stelle’s pretty strong so if her arms are wrapped around you. . .good luck! also, please give her forehead kisses, it makes her all puddy inside and her love-sick grin is just precious.
— her kisses aren’t bad at all. they’re languid but a little sloppy since she’s ofc inexperienced. she’ll kiss you like that before and after missions, and in the heat of the moment like after a chase or fight; it grounds her.
— there’s a few times where stelle randomly suggested on making out with you behind a building during a mission and you just look at her like she took a dive in one of the trash cans on a street.
— you know that one idle when stelle is playing on her phone? yeah, imagine her challenging you to play with her and you almost always beat her. when she finally wins, for some reason she’s smug? like you’re sore loser, why so smug? she’d be the type to ask for a rematch and try to make you lose by casually using cheesy pick-up lines or making some random jokes that’s weirdly funny.
“ wow, i’m first place, again. “ you laughed, taking delight in seeing your girlfriend’s shoulders sag in defeat as she frowns at the sight of 2nd place in front of her name. “ losing in mario kart mobile is depressing, i know. it’s a skill issue though, the game’s easy. “ you shrugged, tucking your phone back into your pocket.
“ . . . .your mom. “ she mumbled.
your head whipped towards her, a look of surprised etched on your face. “ wh-what did you just say? did. .did you just make a mom joke, stelle? “ stelle clears her throat, golden eyes twinkling with mischief, she smiling cheekily, “ no, i obviously said good game, (name). “
— stelle’s a service top and bottom so basically a switch. she prefers top though because she enjoys pleasing you. that dazed expression on your face; it’s almost like you’re seeing stars, she’s so enthralled by it. she’s so obsessed with the way you moan her name, she does whatever means necessary to hear your voice like a broken record in her ear.
— pervert! stelle is real. she’s sneaky with it, if you’re in the shower, she shamelessly undresses and invites herself. you won’t really realize she’s there until you hear the sliding door creak open and soon after, wandering hands makes theirselves known on your stomach then travels downward; hair ticking against your neck. she grins when you say her name in a breathless voice.
— she likes to touch herself and goes off at the mere thought of you alone. even when you’re asleep beside her, she can’t resist the urge in fingering herself while watching you sleep. she’s fine in relieving herself like this and doesn’t wanna wake you up. but sometimes, she gets a little too loud. is it on purpose in hopes of you waking up to help her out? maybe.
— i can imagine her throwing you a suggestive glance as you travel your fingers up her skirt from under a table, wandering a little too close to her cunt. she spreads her legs a little more, silently inviting you to go farther.
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