bamsara · 9 months
I tried to calculate when you would update TROD, I got the day for chapter 10 spot on and chapter 11 a day off, I will not tell you my method because that might cause an invisible deadline for you but I just found that interesting
I will update you if my prediction for chapter 12 is correct, and I feel like it will be
I am. now curious about this. You have caught me on the fishline, this is so funny to me like am I a predictable critter. Are you a seer my friend
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archangeldyke-all · 9 months
can you do a pt 2 to my "slow living" rec but this time it's about reader jarring/canning, pickling, freezing, or drying literally everything? probably mid-summer when everything is overwhelmingly abundant and wife!sev is just in awe of the work reader gets done lol (also just wanted to say i absolutely adored what you with my request! it was so cute! you really are a blessing for the gays starved a sevika content)
yes yes yes yes yes! i haven't stopped thinking about this prompt since u sent the first request in!
men and minors dni
bushels and bushels of herbs, garlic, and corn are hanging from the rafters of the screened-in wrap-around porch of your home.
it's summer, which means you've been busy as a bee trying to tend to, harvest, and preserve all your garden's abundance. you're blessed to be able to sustain yourselves all year from the food you grow, but that doesn't mean it doesn't come without some elbow grease.
cicadas and crickets are singing outside as the sun begins to set, bathing your property in sparkling gold light. in the kitchen, with all the windows open and the fan whirring, a radio is singing and sevika is sipping on her nightly glass of whiskey.
you're dancing to and fro in front of her, chopping produce and throwing it in jars of vinegar, pressure canning the jams you'd made this morning, filling reusable bag after bag with chopped veggies and fruits that will go into the deep freeze until winter.
sevika's been busy too. experimenting with making goat cheese, fermenting wine in your basement, tinkering away at your broken AC all day. now, she's finally got a moment to rest, and she's using her free time to admire you.
you've got a filthy apron wrapped around your body, covered in stains and crumbs. right now, you're chopping squash and stringing it on a fishline, so you can hang it to sundry tomorrow. your hips are swaying to the beat of the gentle music, and you've got a glob of apricot jam on your forehead. sevika chuckles.
"what?" you ask her from across the counter. she grins.
"you're so amazing." she says. you smile.
"you say that every summer." you tease. sevika shrugs.
"doesn't make it any less true." she says. you chuckle.
"stir that pot on the stove for me?" you ask, gesturing to the giant pot of simmering tomato sauce you've got over a low flame. sevika nods and follows your command, licking the wooden spoon once she's done stirring and groaning.
"delicious, baby." she grunts. you giggle.
"it's your recipe." you say. she smiles.
"yeah, but you made it." she says. you giggle and swat her with the towel over your shoulder.
"did you finish grinding the cornflour?" you ask. she nods.
"and the wheat." she says. you sigh and wrap her up into a hug that she quickly reciprocates.
"you're the best." you say. sevika chuckles.
"you just married me for my muscles." she teases. you laugh against her.
"i can't lie, that was a pretty big motivator for me." you say. sevika giggles and reaches up to wipe the jam off your face, licking it off her fingers when she's done. you laugh.
"can't decide if i like summer or winter more. this is fun, and i love the long days and sitting out in the garden with you, but i also like winter. cuddling by the fireplace and bein' all cozy with you." she says. you press a kiss to her lips.
"i like spring." you say. sevika smiles, already knowing your reasoning. "'s when we got married." you say. she smirks.
"and when we met." she reminds you. you laugh.
"and when we first got the ducks." you add on. sevika snorts and rolls her eyes.
"fuckin' ducks. did i tell ya ms. quacker shit on me this morning? not even my shoes. she flew up to perch on my shoulder and took a duce all the way down my back." she says with a shudder. you giggle and kiss the frown off her face.
"i love you." you hum against her lips. sevika smiles.
"i love you too, baby." she says.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666
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practicecourts · 6 months
last one of a month of micros!!
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todays microfic is the last of Moody March Microfics for the word gloomy
read Tied Down on ao3 or under the cut
In the old days a love-sick sailor might give the object of his affections a length of fishline loosely tied in a true-lover's knot. If the knot was sent back as it came the relationship was static. If the knot returned home snugly tied up the passion was reciprocated. But if the knot was capsized - tacit advise to ship out. 
The Shipping news (E.A. Proulx) / Ashley's book of Knots
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Tied Down
She's naked and so is he. She didn't listen to her sister, or not all of what she had warned her for. She hasn't accepted his hand, not yet anyway. 
He's awake, she can tell. When he watches her, she feels it, as if he physically touches her. 
"I don't want to go," he says. 
She nods. "You could stay." 
He draws figures on her bare arm, she shivers, not from cold but his touch leaves her tingling all over. Again. 
"I can't. I wish you would say yes."
"I can't" she parrots, then she turns to face him and kisses him, slow and thorough.
continue reading
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Me and the hotty I caught with a fishline
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retadoesthings · 2 years
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Macha / Maha /  マハ from .hack//SIGN Photographed by Mira Ojamo in Finncon-Animecon 2011
I made this wonderfully strange cosplay in 2011 for a costume competition and although the clothes are a wonky (I was still a baby when it comes to sewing and I think I made this cosplay without any supervision from more skilled friends), I actually still quite like some construction choices I made.
My favorite parts:
I definitely wanted to include Macha’s giant red eyes in my execution, but I also didn’t want to completely lose the ability to make facial expressions. The “reverse balaclava” was a compromise between these two points. Whether or not it looks good in hindsight, I’m still not sure, but I stand by the choice anyway. The eyes had two layers of sunglass lenses glued into them; red lenses on top and mirror lenses underneath, to make the eyes reflect light in a creepy, cat-like way. I dig that!
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It’s hard to tell from the pictures, but I had little whiskers too. One of the oddest things I’ve used for cosplay; those were originally parts of a table disco light of some sort. Like, stiff but also kinda bendy plastic sticks, about the thickness of a fishline, that used to light up in different colors and rotate when the light was on? (Incredibly hard to describe. Internet search didn’t help at all.) Anyway, I took a few sticks, painted them black and glued them to a tiny black pearl, which I then glued to my face.
The overall design with the half white, half lilac skin is fun. The skin doesn’t cover my whole body, of course; it’s just legwarmers, gloves and balaclava. The ears have steel wire in them to make them sturdy but bendable. In the top pic you can even see the pink imitation leather details on the paws!
If I’m not having a fake memory right now, I think the dark brown fabric used to be curtains. I also think I ran out of it, because the sleeves ended up TOIGHTTT. I don’t recall that being intentional.
Then the baby shaming part (aka some pictures I took (while laughing) when I got rid of this costume in The Great Cosplay Purge of 2019):
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Incredible craftmanship on the left, incredible effort on the right. The ribbon was attached to the collar with a safety pin, because of course it was. Why attach something properly when you can throw a safety pin at it? It used to be an inside joke among my friends that all my (competition) costumes always used to have some secret safety pinned part.
(”Used to have”, I say while thinking about the latest competition I’ve been to. I safety pinned one of my cosplay partner’s costume parts in place. Just last month. But it was sort of an emergency so that doesn’t count, okay.)
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deputygonebye · 2 months
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@xgoldxnhour asked: “i cannot believe that anyone can deserve you... but it appears i am overruled.”
Pride and Prejudice (2005) Prompts.
Water warmed from the shine of the sun, lines meant for fishing were checked by hands already yet worried down. Bone ached with every bend of the wrist - skin cracked and scabs turned dry - red around the knuckles but somehow safe from bruise. Shane had never known exhaustion so terrible. Able to drain the very force of his life, beyond the soul, the limitlessness of his mind and power. More difficult with each new day that dawned, the weariness in him began to take control. Seeped into his veins like an addiction most foul; euphoria that drove what convictions and spirit remained, the promise to be committed husband and tender father.
Pant wet from the tide that rolled to shore, the span of a lake like crystal, clear and blue, around the knees that bent into the water and turned dark gray into almost black. Clung to the skin beneath - the snag from a line cut into flesh at the joint - discomfort endured for the sake of possible food. Hunger satisfied for another day, Shane's stomach growled in protest, the loss of two nights without proper meal. A plate of fish rationed for he but sent further down the line, to the hands of Eloise, weather-beaten with chipped nails. What used to be painted in polish ruined by the circumstances of their lives; the Walkers unable to break her courage, stronger still for the baby she carried. Proud and stubborn as she always was, it wasn't an easy feat for Shane to have her accept his serving. Fish meant for he, the extra blankets and pillows, too, extra accommodations that were fitting for an expectant mother. What should've always been provided for Eloise - motherhood celebrated but within limit, disincentive birthed from the outbreak. An unfair discouragement for an otherwise joyous occasion.
Loose rocks crushed underfoot, before her words came forward, Shane knew she was there. Hands on her hips, a smile to her face, eyes bright and playful. Eloise beautiful in the light of the sun, dressed in clothing a size bigger than her usual, comfort and practicality married in her wear. A vision that Shane couldn't look away from; the scowl on his features gone before it could truly be there, a sigh that lifted his shoulders and soothed the sharp pain to his hand, ruby dripped along the fishline.
"And I thought I told you to rest, but it looks like I am overruled, too. Ain't that somethin'?"
Standing, Shane grasped her waist, the hand not wounded, and pulled Eloise close. Welcomed her scent and the warmth of her body, the sweetness of her kiss when he pressed his lips to hers. Kisses; one taste from her not enough, would never be enough.
"What happened, Sunshine? Merle do somethin' stupid again? Don't you worry, I'll set him straight. After last week, what he did to Jacqui, that bastard's on thin ice."
Shane smiled, moved his palm from Eloise's side to her belly, the small bump that shaped her shirt. Round but none too big, the first sign that life had started, Shane and Eloise's love made true. A happiness so long awaited and hoped for; their baby.
"You feelin' okay, darlin'? Our little peanut ain't causin' you too much trouble now, are they? Hey, I'll tell you what, El. I know they ain't bigger than a lemon at this point, but our baby, I have a feelin' that they're gonna be the cutest kid this side of Georgia. Curly hair, wide eyes; I hope they look like you. God forbid they get my ears, though!"
"Come on, babe. Why don't you and I had back to camp? Don't think I gave you permission to stop restin'. Not that you mind what I said about that - could never tell you what to do, could I? Not all the time, anyway." Shane said, holding his empty fishing line in one hand, Eloise's in the other, their fingers laced around. "How about this? You stay seated in that lounge chair I set up for you around the firepit, give yourself and our baby some relaxation, and then, if you want somethin' to pass the time, you patch up my hand here? Fishin' line - that stuff can slice through you better than a blade. You'll be off your feet and doin' somethin' productive all the while. Could teach our baby a thing or two. For instance, how to patch up Daddy when he hurts himself. Bound to happen more than once, don't you think, El?"
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missmaniac25 · 1 year
SKZ and what we think they'd be the god of (plus drabbles)
Thank you to my dear friend @mybodyfails for her imput and help in deciding what they'd be the gods of. (Please remember that this is just my opinion and is completely ficticious) Total words: 2444 (It's about 200-300 per member)
Chan – god of the ocean and of the underworld
Deep, dark, full of mystery and danger. Chan can be as calm as a puddle in a garden or as scary as the ocean at night. When he’s on earth, you’ll find him on the beach, looking in the rock pools and untangling fishlines from the seaweed. He looks like any other person but when he goes swimming, he’s gone for hours. Chan swims further and deeper than any mortal man is able. He can dive far into the open water, talking to the sea creatures that will swim right up to him even though they avoid all other divers or vessels. Sometimes he pushes the currents a certain way either for himself to just float along or if there’s the chance, to tip over a ship that’s causing havoc to the ocean.
Of course, Chan’s favourite entrance to the underworld is through an underwater cave. He claims that the transition from above ground to below ground is easier that way, but the truth is simply because he enjoys it. In the underworld, Chan is clothed in black. Those that work for him move out of his way quickly. He has business to attend to – dead souls don’t know what to do with themselves. They need instruction. They need reassurance. And Chan is there to give it to them; his voice is calming.
‘You don’t need to be afraid.’
‘Your family is alright.’
‘You’re safe.’
It gives Chan peace of mind to know that one day, when the people that he cares for on the surface move on, it’ll be him who gets to welcome them into the next phase of their existence.
Minho – god of nature and of creatures
Most people notice how cats flock to Minho like he’s a magnet. It’s no accident that they do. All animals know that they’re in good hands if he’s around, that they’ll come to no harm. Minho just likes cats because they’re almost everywhere he goes and they’re good at relying messages. That’s not to say that he doesn’t like other animals, quite the opposite. It takes a lot of self-restraint to not stop and ask birds pecking crumbs off the pavement if they’re finding enough places to build their nests. To stop and talk to the small critters that scurry down backstreets if there have been more traps laid out so that he can remove him. Minho wants to ask the fish in the fish tanks if they’re content with their lives. But alas, there is only so much time in the day and only so many times he can be reported to mortal police for acting strange in public.
If you need to find him, you’d be wise to start somewhere far from the city. Away from concrete and plastic. The clean air of the country gives Minho strength. The clear streams give him tranquillity. The earth under his feet keeps him focused.
Minho’s been known to take on the attributes of animals when the need arises. In the darkness his eyes change shape into those of an owl’s. He can hold onto walls only by his fingertips like lizards do. He can hear people coming long before they’re within eyeline. Sometimes he uses this trick to have fun with people, telling them about things they said long before they ever arrived.
But he also uses these skills to protect nature, to protect the creatures that cannot protect themselves. Should you find yourself facing down Minho, you should know that you wouldn’t walk away in one piece.
Changbin – god of battle strategy and of war
Don’t judge a book by its cover. When Changbin is around friends and other gods, there’s a smile on his face. He like to have fun and laugh. He’s the happiest person you would ever meet. Changbin is a carefree and happy person but below the surface he is a god of principles. He calculates and thinks things through thoroughly; there is never a moment when his mind is completely quiet. He can be laughing, having a grand time and suddenly he will go silent and those with him know that his mind is racing as he thinks through the situation that is plaguing him. If the cause is just, he will entertain the fight.
Changbin is a master of weapons. He can pick up a spear and throw it directly into his target without so much as a glance in its direction. Arrows always land in the bullseye regardless of which way the wind is blowing. He can use a shield in any way he feels he needs to, either to protect or to attack. Even everyday objects can become weapons in his hands. A belt can be made into a whip, or a walking stick into a sword. Changbin has no limitations on what he can use in order to win.
But along with his incredible skills, comes the need to keep those he loves safe. He knows the dangers that are out there. He knows what violence people can be capable of. Changbin will do whatever he has to do in order to shelter them from the harm of the rest of the world. Even if it means putting himself in harm’s way, which he has done before and wouldn’t hesitate to do again.
Hyunjin – god of creativity and of love
Can anything be created without love? Can love exist without creativity? Not to Hyunjin. To him the two concepts go hand in hand; you cannot have one without the other. He loves walking around art galleries, one eye on the paintings hanging on the wall and the other on the people wandering passed. He’ll stop next to someone who is observing an artwork, talk to them for a while, and when Hyunjin walks away that person feels inspired to create, to love, to live. Hyunjin sits in the auditoriums of theatres and listens to the conversations of people around him; he sees as someone’s eyes light up when they mention their favourite part of the play they’re about to watch, and he can’t help but smile at them. Hyunjin loves to walk through the park where the violinist stands just off the pathway that leads to the pond, listening to the melody that calls lovers to stop and watch for a while. And more often than not they start to sway together slowly to the music. All the while, Hyunjin stands off to the side, experiencing the world in its most beautiful state.
Most of the time, Hyunjin doesn’t like to meddle in the affairs of love between mortals but sometimes he can’t help himself. When he can see that two people are meant to be together but cannot seem to take the next step, he will intervene. His favourite way to do it is subtly. Bumping into them and making them hold each other. Making them look at each other after calling their names. And when he knows the time is right, Hyunjin will stand with his camera to his eye, his targets within frame and click the shutter closed and open again. Hyunjin will then watch as the lovers finally accept their fates and begin their journey of love and creativity together.
Han – god of weather (storms)
You can tell what kind of day it’s going to be based solely on Han’s mood when he wakes up. It’s not that Han consciously decides what the weather will be when he wakes up but it’s rather that the world around him responds to how he’s feeling.
Some signs are oblivious. On a warm day, Han is contempt. He’s going about his daily life as he always would. Occasionally clouds may drift across the sun because Han is dealing with something that requires most of his attention. But soon enough the sun will be back in view and he will have resolved whatever matter had been pressing him. A light breeze will swirl around his feet and legs when he’s flustered or shy, and a stronger wind will blow when he’s upset.
The one that seems the strangest is his calmest state – the raging storm. When Han is truly feeling peaceful, you can find him standing outside as rain slashes against him, gusts of wind fiercely tugging at his clothes, thunder echoing and lightning striking every time he smiles. He knows that the elements can’t harm him. He’s in control.
The doesn’t mean that he doesn’t sometimes temper with the weather. Han will use his powers to make his friends happy. When the rainy season has been just a little too long and Felix is looking a bit too sad for his liking, Han will push the clouds away for a day and watch as his friend basks in the warmth. When he notices Chan working too hard, he makes it snow so that they can’t go anywhere; instead, they sit and enjoy a meal together, laughing and watching the snowflakes flutter down to the earth.
There are some other perks. If he doesn’t want to, he can walk in the rain without getting wet. Drying his hair takes no time at all. Plus, he can levitate. Calling it flying would be generous but being able to lift yourself off of the floor just enough to reach the top self is very helpful.
Felix – god of healing and of the home(family)
No scrape is too small for Felix to notice. If he’s out walking, and a child fall’s and bruises their knee, Felix calmly walks over to them, helps them up with a smile and the child is immediately running again, their ailments having disappeared simply because they were near Felix. It makes a warmth radiate from his chest throughout his whole body when he’s able to help someone and he’s fairly certain that as much as he’s healing the mortals, they’re healing him too. On occasion, Felix will be hands on with treatment. Every movement is made with care; every stitch is the perfect sized and evenly spaced. But most of all, Felix likes listening to people’s ailments. Sometimes a person just needs an ear to listen and Felix knows that that can be the most helpful healing he can do when there is nothing physical to fix.
Although it’s not obvious at first, part of healing is having people around you who care about you and so Felix is also the god of hospitality, of family, of the home. He is well aware that family is not just the people who share your blood and bones, and that home is not always a building that you go to. He creates bonds between people in the hopes that they will find healing in each other. That same warmth radiates from his chest when he sees two people become more than just strangers, more than just friends. Felix feels the same way when he’s with his own friends and they feel it too. They feel welcome when they’re with him, like they were never meant to be anywhere else.
Seungmin – god of mischief
Life is too short to not have fun. At least that’s how Seungmin’s likes to think, even if he’s immortal. He can’t help it if the fun he has is at the expense of other people now, can he? With that cheeky smile he can get away with a lot of the tricks that he pulls. By simply smiling at people and they tend to forget what they were angry about. Only once Seungmin’s far away enough do they remember what happened and their anger comes back, but by then it’s someone else’s problem to deal with, not his. He’s not malicious by any means. That’s just how life is sometimes.
In terms of abilities, Seungmin doesn’t have the grandest or most flashy of skills but what he does have he uses to his strengths. He can move objects a short distance without laying a finger on them. He can make it seem like his voice is coming from somewhere he isn’t. He can even create feint illusions, which have gotten him out of a few tricky situations.
Despite his nature, Seungmin knows who to and who not to try his tricks on. Felix, IN and Han are easy targets who don’t get too frustrated with him. Chan and Hyunjin sometimes snap at him but then he leaves them alone for a while and all is well. Changbin and Minho are a no-go, not unless he wants to experience pain. But if given the chance, Seungmin will use his skills to make his friends laugh, to see them happy. He knows that he could have no one close to him with the stunts that he pulls, so to keep some people close he keeps them amused in the only way he knows how, at the expense of other people.
IN – god of the mind and of wisdom
People feel smarter when they’re with IN. They don’t necessarily become smarter but things are just a lot clearer when IN is with them. Problems that had been bothering them for ages suddenly have solutions; knowledge that they had forgotten comes back to them. It’s quite fun for IN to be with someone for a short amount of time, wait to hear the inevitable “Oh!” and then for him to leave, satisfied that they’d figured out whatever needed to be figured out. Sometimes though, people need to be told in order for them to realise. IN will sit patiently listening to what problems people are dealing with before he tells them what he believes they should do about their situation. Whether they do what he tells him or not, IN will never know. He can only hope for the best outcome.
What keeps IN coming back to the mortal realm is the way mortals think. Their minds work so differently to the gods, and differently from each other. IN enjoys not intervening, opting to watch someone solve a crossword or sudoku puzzle. He loves to watch builders and pilots and bakers and tailors. All sorts of people whose minds he can peer into and see how they work.
But IN also knows that minds can get tired, that they need rest. He often tells people to take time to relax and to let their minds have a break. Sometimes he will even ask Felix for help; together they work with people in order to make sure that their minds heal from whatever may be afflicting them. There is nothing more important to IN than a mind that is well and content.
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mrs-galaxy-m · 1 year
Healing touch (1)
O! Izuku is poor and barely scrapes by, he can't quit his job no matter how hard it gets even as he gets slapped by customers
Then he saves an alpha that was bleeding out on an alleyway, not knowing it was the son of the most powerful Yakuza in Japan
Izuku wiped down the counter for what felt like the hundredth time that night, his arms aching with exhaustion. He had been working at the bar for over twelve hours, and his body was beginning to protest.
But he refused to let his exhaustion show.
As an omega, he knew that he had to work twice as hard as everyone else to prove himself, ever since his second gender was known his life was a living hell
But he was determined to succeed, wanting to prove everyone wrong Yet the toll on his body was becoming unbearable.
The bar was packed with patrons, all clamoring for his attention as he was the only one tending the bar while the 'dancers' moved. He poured drinks, took orders, and tried to keep up with the non-stop demands of the crowd.
His feet throbbed with pain, and his head felt heavy with fatigue.
He had barely slept in days, surviving on nothing but caffeine and sheer willpower. His muscles ached, his head throbbed, and his vision was beginning to blur.
But still, he pushed on, he needed the money more than anything. Especially since rent has been getting more expensive yet somehow the leak in the ceiling hasn't been fixed for years
“Ey! Bunny, hurry the fuck up” Shindo, his boss, says as he pushed more plates into him and izuku gulped before nodding
“They got you working full time don't you Emerald?” a guy asked in a low voice as his hand groped izukus fish lines
30 dollars worth of cash was inserted  near his chest, he was in a sexual bunny costume, the one with those leather tops and fishlines for the legs that barely covered his ass as embarrassing at it was
The omega could do nothing but quickly put his drinks down and get out of his grasp In this place, you have to quickly learn to put up with it or get out
At least he gets tipped the most since his whole body is filled with freckles, hence getting either ‘Freckles, Emerald, or bunny’ as a nickname by the others. He's the more popular and he thinks this is why he hasn't been broken too much by Shindo
Patrons grew increasingly impatient, and some were downright rude as time passed and the night became longer.
Izuku did his best to keep his composure, but he could feel his omega instincts beginning to take over. He craved a nest, a place to curl up and rest. But there was no time for rest in the chaos of the bar.
"Why is it taking so long?" one customer snapped, glaring at Izuku as he waited for his drink.
"Can't you do anything right?" another sneered, slamming his empty glass down on the counter. Izuku clenched his fists, fighting back the urge to snap back at them. He knew that he couldn't risk losing his job, no matter how much they pushed him
But it was getting harder and harder to keep his emotions in check. His omega instincts were urging him to protect himself, to retreat to a safe place where he could rest and recover.
There was a sound of breaking glass and izuku wanted to run to the back at that moment but instead, he walked up to the betas who dropped it
“If you really think about it, it's the omegas fault we dropped it” he mumbles and the group laughs but izuku ignored them, it was the only way
Just when he was about to grab another piece of glass his hand was stepped on, WITH THE GLASS Izuku cried out only for his face to be slapped and grabbed
“Quiet!” the drunk beta ordered and izuku took a shaky breath He couldn't leave, no matter how much he wishes he would punch this guy and leave he just /couldn't/
The man lets go and izuku scrambles to go to the back to clean his wound, pride hurt as they all mocked him
He also hadn't prepared lunch, surviving off from snacks he was able to sneak out from the bar when his boss wasnt looking
He hates this, he hates them all The omega could feel the sting in his cheek which he knew would leave a mark for a few days and his hand was so much in pain..!
He just needs to get through this night, he told himself but that's literary every single day. There is no off day, there is always a ‘get through this day
At this point, it's like he’s working to die, but he couldn't think for much longer because he had work to get back to anyways
The clock struck 2 am, and the last of the patrons stumbled out into the night which izuku was so happy for, especially his hand. Izuku collapsed onto a barstool, his body trembling with exhaustion.
“Hey” Shindo said and izuku stood up, expecting more things to do “Dont bother, by law I have to give you another break so take it, and dont come back, you're done for today”
Oh, what an asshole Giving him his break when his shift is almost over, is he supposed to thank him? Where was his break where he was breaking his back?
“...Bye” He mumbled as he grabbed his things, wincing when he accidentally did it with the cut hand
Well, at least he was thankful he didn't have to clean up, restock the bar and prepare for the morning shift BEFORE giving him his break, it seems he is finally feeling nice
His body was running on fumes as he pushed himself to change out of this shitty costume into his sweatpants and comfortable shoes
After his long and tiring shift at the bar, Izuku stumbled outside for a breath of fresh air.  Collapsing into the rundown stool some workers used for their smoke break but he was so exhausted he just needed a second
He couldn't help but imagine sleeping in his comfortable bed
He leaned against the wall of the building, taking deep breaths to steady himself.
But his moment of peace was interrupted by the sound of someone groaning in pain nearby. He turned to see a figure slumped against a nearby dumpster, blood pooling around them.
Without a second thought, Izuku rushed over to see if he could help
“H-hey! You're okay?” izuku asked with worry, he does not have time for this. He dropped to his knees beside the injured alpha, assessing the wound. It was deep, and the blood was still flowing freely.
“Ahh, fuck” the blond hissed, looking down at his chest
“...the fuck? I was–stabbed?” Izuku looks around the puddle of blood, so he’s not surprised the guy is barely conscious "Are you okay? What happened?" Izuku asked urgently as he was about to call an ambulance but his hand was grabbed
He groaned in pain, but his eyes flickered open and he glared at Izuku. "I'm fine, don't call anyone," he snarled, pushing himself up from the ground.
Izuku hesitated, unsure of what to do. "But you're bleeding, you need medical attention," he said, gesturing to the wound.
Now, he's studying to be a doctor, but he hasn't done the real thing!
"I don't need your help, damn it," The man growled, his hand pressed to the wound to staunch the bleeding.
With the limited resources available to him, Izuku knew he had to be creative in applying basic first-aid techniques to help the blond.
He quickly tore the man’s his suit (it looked fancy too but he doesn't think he minds too much) using it to apply pressure to the wound and stem the bleeding. It wasn't ideal, but it was the best he could do at the moment.
He winced in pain as Izuku applied pressure to the wound, but he gritted his teeth and tried to stay still. Izuku could see the sweat beading on the man's forehead, and he knew that he had to work fast.
Strangely though, he was putting up with it with not a lot of fighting, like he was used to it
"Stay still," he said softly, his hands gentle as he worked. "I'm going to try and stop the bleeding."
He applied more pressure, using his shirt to soak up the blood. It was a messy job, but he could see the bleeding slowing down.
"Okay, that's good," he said after a few minutes and both were left panting “This is what I–fucking get for going to a cheap ass–goodman place” He hissed and izuku rolled his eyes
Still, something was telling him he couldn't leave the stranger here. The green hair helped the blond to stand up, the snow was beginning to pile on everything, and knew he would probably die from hypothermia
“I could take you inside–” “No, nobody needs to fucking know” the man hissed
"Okay, okay," he said, holding up his hands in a gesture of surrender.  "But at least let me help you get somewhere safe. You can't just walk around like this." Please dont let him regret this decision
His red eyes glared at him for a moment longer but finally relented. "Fine," he muttered, leaning on Izuku for support as they made their way out of the alley.
His mind couldn't help but run off again when they started walking to his apartment His clothes looked rich and expensive, despite the wound everything else about himself looked clean and neat and he had a strong rich cologne
Was he mugged?
“...shitty hair? Why does your hair look like seaweed” the blond grumbles and izuku gulps Yep, this man had lost a lot of blood, seemingly to have forgotten what had happened
Just as they entered the doors of a set of apartments a really fancy car arrived at the spot the man was stabbed at
“..uh–wheres the bos…? His phone took us here before it ran out of battery” A red hair asked as he scratched his hair “Did–did someone kidnap him? Who in his right mind would kidnap the son of the Bakugou group?!” the dark hair man asks, eyes widened
“Some crazy dickhead thinking he will get a price for his head, that's what. Come on hanta. We need to check some cameras before Mitsuki has our heads on a plate”
Hanta gulps before fixing his suit “Yeah, we’re already in enough trouble as it is for letting him out of our sight and losing him, Ei. At least we know the person that will get the worst is the guy that even tried to kidnap katsuki”
Kirishima nods as he goes back into the car  “Yeah, maybe 4 weeks of nonstop torture for them, I swear–some people just have a death wish”
The car drove away as izuku helped the man, not suspecting a thing
Not at all knowing what world he had entered and couldn't get out from
TBC Im still learning how to use this site im sorry if it looks messy
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princessofedenn · 1 year
waiting, baiting, catching, caught
sometimes, he pulls my gaze towards himself before i do, fishline-like, a gleaming net neatly tucked into the pools of my irises, meshes around my pupils and softly tugging until i notice him. i notice. but he wasn't looking all that much, i just supposed so in the same way fishes leap up from unclear waters, catching you by surprise, unclear which will come back up and which will suffer the bait and hook. am i not enough, not perfect and pretty and potent in more ways than one? can i tell you, honestly and promise you won't ever tell anyone else, that i wish the bait were sweeter, for i would jump for you, anytime, anywhere, anyway. but i need to savour the feeling in my mouth longer to wish for a life outside, out of the water, outermost reaches for one like me, sun shining on me without the murky gray filter of the familiar trenches of the salty sea, the lake, the pond, the puddle, the splash--
and you’re waiting, baiting, catching, caught.
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sound-byte · 2 years
But I’m an idiot collapsing in the street again, I pushed myself too far What do I do? I got my spirit hooked on a fishline baited with no reason why
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rainia · 2 years
All-Port descriptions!
These were all transcribed from this vod. The transcriptions are not exact, as I have rephrased some sentences for easier reading. The changes are included in the brackets :)
Broken up into parts for convenience! Other parts here:
Part 2:Centre layout of All-Port 
Part 3: The City
Part 1:Entrance to All-Port: VOD TIMESTAMP
“Eventually, the two cliffs are connected by another, colossal concrete portcullis. The external shape of this gate is rectangular, but the interior of the space that you pass through is angled like an A – with one large sign, that says “All-Port” above it.
“As you sail through the gate, you can tell that the water is flowing towards the centre of the city on the right side, but flowing out of the city on the left; it forms almost like a two-way street. As you emerge out of this entryway, the sun shines brightly, illuminating this towering, central mass in the distance and all the buildings underneath it. [These layers] slope and layer downwards towards your position at the entrance, sort of like one, big cake.
“The sun’s glow creates a golden shimmer on all the wood that the city is made from, yet that shine seems to fade the further you get from the centre, and towards where you are right now.  It seems as if you are looking towards this golden, wooden ship of a city.
“This canal that you are traveling down, is flanked by outer sections of the city, each floating on their own wooden structures, like barges. On your right, you see a mixture of humble homes and buildings, and people who look like fishers and other oceanic occupations. Some of the buildings use fishnets for window curtains. You can see a bunch of kids with jewellery made from fishline, all chasing your ship as it passes, and yelling out to you. The smell is very strong and fishy, but it’s comforting for Gillion. It kind of smells like home.
“On the left side of your ship, is another external, modest town. [It has a] melting pot of races, as you’re looking over it. Some [people] are weathered, while others look more presentable. Many have this rapid gait, as they busily control any docking and bartering at the edge of this section where the barge meets the canal. You see many house cats on this side. [They roam] through the legs of the humans travelling up the platforms or the roads, that simultaneously act as roofs for the buildings below.”
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selkielore · 2 years
But I’m an idiot collapsing in your arms again, I pushed myself too far / What do I do? I got my spirit hooked on a fishline baited with no reason why
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nicksheri · 3 months
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flash fiction: before the tractors start
it’s on the bank of a river, my grandfather sits in his wheelchair, inspecting some fishline, not clear what he’s looking for, maybe some tears in it, because of course you wouldn’t want to catch a fish and then reeling it in lose it because of a bad line, but no now he’s biting on the line, like he’s trying to turn it into something else, something fishier, something more appetizing for the fish, so that you can catch the fish right away, no sense in having to wait around if you don’t have to—but also grandpa says that’s the point, the waiting around, he says it’s not much about the fish anyway, because what’s important is the listening, to what you might hear from the insects and the birds and the water flowing, the only sounds you can hear like this at 6:30 in the morning, before the tractors start up to head to the fields—my sister already has a fishing pole, she’s standing by the bank, slipping in the mud, likely it rained yesterday, i’m nearly sure of it, while trying to sleep i saw the flashes of the lightning through the window near my bed, though no thunder, but maybe i’m wrong, maybe just saw the flashes and assumed, but somewhere the clouds opened up and let loose, there’s mud puddles in gravel roads somewhere—no matter the bank is wet and my sister is slipping, she’s wearing thin sandals, like something you’d take to the beach, or not even that, to wear to the pool, with the intention of wearing them on the hot black parking lot while walking to the pool, and at the entrance where you paid for the pool, and then to walk through the locker room or showers definitely for that so that you don’t get fungus on your feet, and then once you’re on the cement around the pool and you find a poolside chair, then you just take them off, and that’s it for those sandals, the job is done—they’re made of cheap foam and plastic and not meant for the hard work of keeping my sister from slipping into the river—grandpa keeps biting at the line and then my sister says something, that she thinks a fish is tugging at the line, and she pulls up, and you could see that yess, that’s what’s happening, the line has tightened, and it’s pulling at my sister, testing the grip of those weak sandals versus the wet and sandy and steep river bank—my sister asks what she should do, and grandpa’s forgetting himself trying to jump out of his wheelchair, but i’m smart i take a few quick steps to him, i hold him, he looks at me, there’s a fold of skin over his eyes, like a grouping of scars, like he was cut there, as if an old boxer, and so many times i’ve asked him if he was a boxer and he laughs and says maybe—he pats me on the hand as if to say thanks for reminding him that he’s in a wheelchair, and saving him from tumbling into the river, and he points to the fish net sitting on the ground to his left—he says to grab it, and i take it by the handle it has a round opening with a black net under it on the other end—my grandpa is yelling to my sister to reel it in, she says she’s trying, and he says she needs to pull and walk back up the bank, though good luck with those pool sandals—but she has luck while she screams terrified by what she’s about  to pull out of the water, she’s able to create traction with those pool sandals and climb up the river bank, and she pulls up the rod somehow keeping her balance, and the fish jumps through the surface of the water—she’s really making progress, the fish jumps out a couple more times until now it’s laid down on the side of the river, resting from the fight—i hop down the river bank and scoop the fish with a net, he says it looks like a trout, and i start down the bank, and i tell my sister who keeps saying ohmygod to lift up the pole so i can get the net under the fish, and she does this, she lifts it up, and i’m almost there sliding down the riverbank, but she’s pulled up the pole with too much force, and the line maybe bitten up and weakened by my grandpa’s teeth snaps and the trout falls back into the river and disappears, with my grandpa saying that fish was probably five pounds—
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andrevanvuuren · 1 year
i is i Are i am i be full of cracks stitched up fishline scars i will i would maybe i could i feel lost i feel found sense i am free little soft a bit hard painted over i be full of cracks stitched up fucken beautiful fishline scars i be i choose light i Are dark i be peace i shall i should if scared i’m good i is i Are i am i be full of cracks stitched up scars i will i would maybe i could i feel lost i feel found sense i am free little soft fire frost take a punch give a depart collect 200 go back to restart i am i Are i is i was i cut i bleed crumpled between some sheets crawled way too far i be full of cracks stitched up fucken beautiful fishline scars (23/8/23 fishline scars-AvV)
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Restaurant droplight
Light source type: LED lampAdjustable height: 1 m (m)Overall dimension: 444 (mm)Average service life: 444444 (H)Voltage: 220 VLamp body material: aluminum alloyIrradiation area: 15-30 M2Number of light sources: 1Chandelier type: Iron ChandelierLamp type: fishline pendant lampLampshade material: aluminum alloy
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researchbuzz · 2 years
Rhode Island Seafood, Image Generator Bias, King Tutankhamun, More: Friday ResearchBuzz, November 4, 2022
Rhode Island Seafood, Image Generator Bias, King Tutankhamun, More: Friday ResearchBuzz, November 4, 2022
NEW RESOURCES Governor of Rhode Island: RI Seafood Launches New Website Tools and “Fishline” App to Help Local Consumers Find Fresh, Local Seafood. “Developed in partnership with the Commercial Fisheries Center of Rhode Island, the new app, FishLine, lets consumers search for fresh seafood to buy from seafood markets, farmers’ markets, and restaurants, as well as directly off the boat from…
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