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There's a long journey, to wherever you're heading, and a short one, to my heart, where you already arrived.
Fitis (willow warbler) auf dem Scharrenberg, Degerloch.
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etchif · 1 year
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kavohh707 · 9 months
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Willow warbler tush
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lovewillthaw-j · 10 months
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"You know who you are. Who you truly are."
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haystarlight · 2 months
Guys, that scene with Rayla and Esmeray is literally just the scene where Moana returns the heart of TeFiti
It's the same picture, some of the dialogue is word for word even
((not saying it as a criticism, I'm just having a realization))
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booyoungs · 1 year
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taylor swift - karma (2023) // moana (2016)
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eriiiiiik · 9 months
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Moana - Te Fiti is bored
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ja-pujdu-na-candrbal · 4 months
mimochodem nemůžu uvěřit že čumblr ještě pořádně neobjevil gameshow na lovu.
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I managed to get a snap of this specimen of not Zilpzalp.
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Fitis (willow warbler) am Max-Eyth-See, Mühlhausen.
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crescent-bird · 5 months
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Steven Universe (2013-2019) // Avatar The Last Airbender (2005-2008) // Kim Possible Movie: So The Drama (2005) // Moana (2016) // Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
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senoritafoggy · 3 months
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Another angle of te fiti because look at her 🌸
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lovewillthaw-j · 8 months
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Te Ka/Te Fiti doesn't find Maui funny
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He's so babygirl 😍
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Did I, a 20 years old girl, just call a man in his fifties babygirl?
Yes, because he is
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artist-issues · 5 months
Hi, I wanted to say first off I love your analysis on films and storytelling! Second, I'm curious on what your thoughts are on the movie Moana?
Thank you!
I like Moana. I think it’s a really fun movie and it’s enjoyable to watch over and over again. The main character wants something relatable, she’s flawed, and she’s believable. The visuals are probably what keep people coming back, because Disney flexed so hard with animating the water and the sand and the glowing monsters.
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I will say, there are some pacing moments I think aren’t great, some filler stuff in the movie that I don’t think add anything to it. Like, for example, Pua. Pua doesn’t add anything to the movie. You could take him out and lose nothing. Also, the entire scene with the Kakamora.
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They are appealing and the giant-boat thing is interesting, but that whole sequence doesn’t really tell us anything about the characters or the world or the story that we don’t already know. It’s just an action sequence. In it, you learn: Moana is capable and committed to keeping the Heart safe, Maui is capable but a show-off, and there are monsters that are drawn to the heart. You already knew all that stuff without that scene. See what I mean?
But that doesn’t mean the movie is bad. It’s just not airtight, and that’s okay, because it still gets it’s point across.
I think the Main Idea of the movie is: “Who you truly are is a combination of where you’ve been and where you choose to go next.” Something like that.
Moana has to pick who she’s going to be and what she’s going to do from the first moment we see her.
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She’s already a character “born with” some traits that the other characters don’t have: she likes to explore and she’s not as afraid of the ocean and it’s dangers as everyone else. You could say she “inherits” those traits from “where she’s been;” her tribe and their Voyager Heritage.
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So while Moana is figuring out how “where she comes from/where she’s been” applies to “who she’ll choose to be now,” you have other characters doing the same. Her grandmother is an example of “getting to make that choice regardless of what your community is doing; you don’t have to be a product of your environment.” Meanwhile, her mom is just a “product of her environment.” And her dad had the same fearlessness Moana has, once, but after something bad happened in his past (where he’s been) he lets that bad thing inform who he chooses to be for the rest of his life: the chief that won’t take chances.
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Then meanwhile, Maui is letting his origins define who he chooses to be. He has to be a hero, and earn everybody’s love, because he came into the world Unloved. Ironically, the gods and the ocean helped him. But their love isn’t enough for him.
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See, just like Moana’s dad, Maui has a choice. He can look at the parts of his past that are good, (the ocean chose me/I’m descended from voyagers) and choose to move forward based on that, OR, he can look at the parts of his past that are bad (my own parents thought I was worthless/being a voyager killed my best friend) and choose to move forward based on that. And how you move forward, combined with where you’ve been, is what the movie says your “identity” is.
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I mean, think about Tamatoa, obviously. His song describes how he didn’t always used to be a living-legend monster. But now he finds his identity in the literal treasure he piles on top of himself, like trophies of conquest. Then think about Te Fiti. She’s stolen from, and misused, and lets that fact of her history turn her into a monster. A monster who can’t be calmed down enough to be transformed until Moana reminds her of “who she is.”
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And by the end of it, Moana ultimately decides who she’s going to be, based on the things that are true about her. Is she a powerful goddess or demigod, like Maui? No. Is she a good-enough navigator to get past Te Ka on her own? No. Is she bulletproof because the Ocean chose her? No. Does she want to be chief of her island and stay there forever? No. All of those things are true. But, what’s also true is that she wants to do something to help save the world, she does love her island at the same time as she loves the sea, and she’s willing and able to keep trying even after she fails. So she’s going to act on those things that are also true.
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Same thing with Maui. He’s made mistakes and he’s ruined things, including his own reputation, and he’s finding his identity in his powers, which get jeopardized. But by willingly sacrificing those things, he re-defines what his identity is. “Maui” is not a hero who has the power to do anything for mortals, and deserves their adoration. “Maui” is a good guy who’s going to keep trying to be self-sacrificial even after he makes mistakes.
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There’s other elements in it too, that I think deserve analysis. I mean, the movie is saying you have inherent worth. You have an identity, objectively, regardless of what you choose for yourself. Hei Hei is funny but he’s a prime example of what the movie is saying about that. He’s a stupid rooster who seems completely useless, but by the end he shows that he was worth taking along.
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Also, when Moana calms Te Ka, she does say “who you truly are.” And all the problems with her village stem from the fact that they don’t know, or have repressed, a part of their history and cultural identity. Her dad is ignoring something that is true about himself: he has Voyager in his nature. So the idea in the movie is that you can choose the right identity, one that lines up with “who you truly are, whether you like it or not,” or you can choose the wrong identity. What puzzles me is how “the gods” and “the ocean” fit into all of that.
I don’t love that Moana insists that the gods “don’t make you Maui. You do.” Truth of the matter is, Maui would be dead if not for the gods—never mind his powers. So in one sense, he would not have anything he has without them, including his life. Additionally, Moana would not be Moana without the ocean. She wouldn’t have the Heart of Te Fiti. She wouldn’t have found Maui in the first place, because she sucked at navigating. She wouldn’t have made it to Te Fiti if not for supernatural help. So what Moana should have said, to be accurate, is, “The gods made you Maui, and you can choose to agree with them or live a lie.”
Of course, the movie doesn’t set Moana herself up like that. She’s not dependent on the gods or the ocean for her very existence, like Maui was. But you see what I’m saying. There’s this tension between what you can choose, and who gets to decide what’s right to choose. Tamatoa probably wasn’t right to choose to be a grandma-eating, mortal-killing monster, but that’s what he chose to identify as. Te Fiti definitely wasn’t right to choose to try and melt everyone who came near her; she’s supposed to be a goddess of life, not death. That’s her “right” identity.
But Moana? Of course the most satisfying choice for her was “be the hero and keep on trying.” But the movie does set up the grandmother’s ghost, there to lead her home in case she wants to give up. And it sets that up as if it would be an okay-thing to do. Not necessarily the wrong thing—even though, if she had chosen to give up and go home, she would essentially be exactly like her father. So why is it hinted that the Chief was wrong to want to burn the voyager boats, hide from the rest of the world, and act on fear…but if Moana wants to give up, that’s okay? Because she tried? The Chief tried to be brave and be like Moana, too, and someone died because of it.
So I think some of that portion of the narrative is sloppily handled. It’s not smart to have both ideas in your movie: “You are meant for something” AND “you can choose who you want to be, and whatever you choose is what you’re meant for.” If not for Moana herself, that last part, in bold, wouldn’t be in there presenting a problem. But that scene where the Grandmother is willing to let her choose the wrong identity, yet it’s not portrayed as the “wrong” identity, messes it up.
The idea presented by all the other characters (Maui, Grandma, Te Fiti) is, “you have an identity and worth that is assigned to you by something bigger than yourself. You can either agree with it, or suppress it, live a lie, and try to find identity/worth in something else.” But Moana’s grandmother, gently allowing her to give up and acting like that’s okay, sort of ruins it.
But I’ll dive into that more another day, if you’re interested.
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brontios-helm · 12 days
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Destiny 2: Facing The Vista
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silverlinedeyes · 7 months
ACOTAR 5: A Frozen and Moana Retelling
By @wingedblooms and @silverlinedeyes
Note: this is mainly a joke based on @wingedblooms amazing Ramiel meta and we were cracking up at the idea, but Sarah has toddlers so I CAN SEE IT lmao
Cast of Characters
Te Fiti/Arendelle: Wyrd whose soul is in Prythian (the heart of which is in Ramiel)
Ta’ka/the eternal winter: the barren parts of Prythian
The Heart of Te Fiti: the Cauldron
Elsa/Maui: The Asteri (I think? TBD honestly)
Anna and Kristoff/Moana and Maui: Elain and Azriel
Love: well, love (or Elain’s life giving or healing powers)
A Plot Summary
A long time ago in a land far far away (Prythian) Wyrd birthed the land. To give life to the land, her spirit was entrapped in the cauldron, and that cauldron was hidden in the heart of Prythian: Ramiel.
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One day, the land was invaded by evil beings called Daglan, though we now know they were Asteri. And the Asteri stole the spirit of Wyrd for themselves and corrupted it.
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This corruption caused a plague to ripple through the land, killing mountain after mountain (like how death killed island after island in Moana—see where we’re going here?)
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This set off an eternal winter (“you kind of set off an eternal winter”) in Illyria that could only be prevented by the Blood Rite feeding life and magic back into the land to temporarily bring back spring, only for the land to fall into a deep winter again that it seemed could not be broken until the Rite was done anew.
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Never fear though! Elain and Azriel are going to go on a journey to figure out what is wrong with the land. They might even have to go to Hel or maybe the Middle (either one would be Lalotai—the land of monsters) and back to find answers.
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They will have to face whatever evil lurks within the land, leeching it of life, and whatever evil has corrupted the cauldron.
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And ultimately, they will discover that love (or maybe, you know, Elain’s lifesinging magic or healing magic) can thaw a frozen “heart” and remove the corruption from the cauldron (a la Yrene in ToD and KoA using healing powers to remove the Valg parasite?), restoring the heart of Prythian—i.e. the Caudron and Wyrd’s spirit—to the land and cause spring to bloom again.
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Oh and how could I forget—Elain and Az will discover true love (true mates?!) for each other along the way.
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#you’re welcome 🤣🤣
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