#five whump
clementineofmine · 7 months
Wow I finally updated my fic after.....6 months of crazy life and brain rot and writers block and then kicking myself for putting 2, count em, 2 action scenes in one chapter?!?!? Who do I think I am???
In any case, Diego gets some sense knocked into him (literally), Luther saved me from a plot hole (thank you), and Klaus saves the day. What more can you ask for?!?!
Only one chapter left will they or won't they <escape Reginald's clutches>??
Guys it's getting EXCITING!!!
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fiveapocalypse · 10 months
A little thing inspired by @nirby-wirby
“So it is only you whose come to meet my acquaintance.”
His head hurts. His stomach churns. There is a burning at the back of his eyes and Five swallows a lump in his throat as he sits across from the man who has held his fist over him even alone in isolation. “I can’t say I am too surprised, not with what I’ve seen so far of you and your, as you put it, family.”
A part of him wants to shout, scream, maybe even punch something just to feel anything, but instead, Five shrugs, lips pursed. “I didn’t come here to idly chit chat,” he spits, ire dripping from his words. If he was angry, he couldn’t be controlled. He couldn’t fall like Icarus wanting to touch the sun. “I came because we don’t belong here, because I know that you can do something about it.” There is a look in his eyes, calculating, and it makes Five clasp his hands together and dig his nail into his palm.
“Don’t belong here how?” Neither a laugh nor a smile, but an inquiry with raised brows.
Five takes a deep breath, grinding his teeth together. “Crapshoot,” he mutters, glaring at the pineapple in the center of the table, “thought I could do whatever wanted, landed myself in the apocalyptic future, and then—here, in this body—”
“You’ve refused to listen then,” Reginald interrupts, “if I am your father, and my word had been law, then it was no fault but your own for your circumstances.”
“Perhaps, if you had not gone on a tantrum, you would not be here, struggling to even achieve the bare minimum with your lack of prowess.”
“But, as it is now, your own foolishness has created your own mistake.” Reginald doesn’t let him get a word in, interrupting him with every second that passed. “You have failed because of your lack of patience, your inability to accept, and now you are looking to atone simply by admitting defeat.” Five hates the way his shoulders hunch up, words dying in his throat. “This, however, is not feasible. You have destroyed your own family by your own hands, with your foolishness and arrogance to prove. Tell me, how is it that the future I reside in has your family in such a state and yet, did it not all start after you had gone off on your own?”
His breath hitches, mouth feeling dry. He hadn’t ever really thought about it like that, not really, but now—it was starting to come together, the pieces falling into place. He’s been gone for so long, to the point where his siblings are 30, seventeen years passing by without him. What has he missed? What did he fail to protect because of his own selfishness? The disbanding of the academy, the drugs his brothers were on, the way that a book threatened to destroy everyone, Ben’s death.
He hadn’t been there for any of it. He hadn’t protected Klaus or saved Ben or made Luther question Reginald’s choices. He never picked up Viktor’s medicine, convincing him to not use it, never tried to remind Allison how much her rumors hurt, never helped Ben control the horror.
Instead, he had left, vanished off the earth, for seventeen whole years, and since then—
Everything had fallen apart.
All of the trouble his siblings had went through. The exclusion of their seventh. The brokenness that exuded from their very souls. It all came from something, from someone, and all his life—Five had assumed it was Reginald. He had fucked them up, had hurt them beyond compare, but looking at it now, and putting the puzzle pieces together, makes Five’s eyes burn something fierce. “I didn’t do anything,” he whispers, voice cracking, “I d-didn’t m-make them f-fall apart. I didn’t.”
Reginald stares at him with that calm face of his, not an angry wrinkle to be seen. “You disappeared,” he says, “you left them for your own desires.”
His throat closes up as he tries to swallow down the lump suddenly stuck inside. “I….” Maybe, if his siblings were here, he’d be more angry, more in control, but as it stands now, he sits there, hating how easily his eyes burn and the taste of salt falls on his lips.
and, like always, Reginald does nothing but watch him cry.
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ravenwingdarkii · 1 year
need help finding an Umbrella academy fic on ao3
it’s five whump, written before s3, the umbrellas are sent back to their time and split up, diego and five together, looking for the others. five is hiding how sick he is until the point where five is throwing up blood out of the side of the car when they finally find klaus and diego goes ‘you told me you were getting better!’
but five keeps getting worse
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bisexual-ashe · 2 years
fives screams of agony at the end of season 3 episode 10 literally keep me going
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stupidcanofpeaches · 1 year
AAAYYYY HII IM GOOD!! a little tired but overall its been a good month for me! also about to go on a two-week vacation so im excited to have more free time!! might even be able to get some five whump done hehe
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skynobi · 1 year
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this show is the bane of my existence but idk. Fivey
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send-me-a-puffalope · 8 months
“she covered up murders” “she threw mike’s pills into the river” okay and? 🤨 god forbid women have hobbies. what happened to supporting women’s rights and women’s wrongs.
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she has sad eyes, daddy issues, and a sweater. i rest my case.
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imagine-darksiders · 1 year
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Future chapter of On the Ropes because I definitely want to write more black-eyed, feral Monty. He's not squeezing Y/n's wrist btw, he's still holding her gently, dw
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justwhumpythings · 6 months
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Things that make me happy.jpg
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paininseries · 7 months
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| Five Nights at Freddy’s |
Some moments from the Final battle against Springtrap. Josh makes such a pretty whumpee!! Not included: scenes from where his leg is being chewed on like a dog toy by cupcake.🧁
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whump-in-the-closet · 22 days
Top 5 whump tropes to subvert?
anon you read literature critically and are a blessing on this good earth
i’m rubbing my hands together like an excited cricket
cinnamon roll whumpee. i just think having a whumpee who’s flawed and has messed up in the past adds some nuance to the story. yes, they’re still being hurt but they’re a person and not just a victim who’s never harmed a fly in their life. it’s less about having pity for a character and more about sympathizing or relating to them.
caretaker as a lover or significant other. the caretaker is almost always someone who has skin in the game, but why does romantic love have to be the deepest affiliation with whumpee? you’re telling me that a decent person wouldn’t help out another fellow person but walk by them? strangers as caretakers adds so much to the story, or even antagonists/villains to caretakers. there’s just more depth.
hero is actually evil. Or superhero is evil. it’s a fun trope, but if you read almost any hero/villain story, hero will end up being the one to capture the villain. I rather the conflict not be as black and white but more intrapersonal— between hero and sidekick or villain and supervillain, where neither are in the right and both are caught up with blackmailing/backstabbing the other.
solitary confinement. this one i just like to twist a little by having a one way glass and having it on public display. or by making it a white room. solitary confinement doesn’t exactly do wonders on the human mind but white room torture fucks them up so much worse
whumpee kidnapped because they’re important. cool. but what if they’re kidnapped because their friend is important. There’s more emotional weight with this. How much does their friend care for them and what if they don’t? what will wjumper do to get their attention? it’s just. a lot of suffering and guilt.
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clementineofmine · 2 years
Squeezed in one more update before my spec fic officially became an AU 😅
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letthewhumpbegin · 6 months
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Hawaii Five-0, s10e22
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whumpitisthen · 1 year
"Look! These are opioids. They use them as heavy painkillers, for surgeries and such. At lower doses, they make you feel quite lovely, if not a little sleepy. At higher doses, they can be quite dangerous, as they may slow your heart rate and breathing, which can of course lead to death. But you know what other fun stuff they do? If you take them long enough, they will start doing the opposite of what they're meant to do... Instead of muffling the pain, they enhance it. Isn't that interesting?
They're very addicting as well. I think you will grow to like them."
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bisexual-ashe · 2 years
current whump scenario: five being forced to either kill one of his siblings, or face time strapped into this straight up torture machine that stimulates every pain receptor in his body. 😌 naturally he chooses the torture each time-
(bonus fun: since the captors don't want him to die or completely lose his sanity, he gets the option to take a break from the machine once in a while, and opt for a different method of abuse/torture to endure instead.)
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aceofwhump · 8 months
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Day 4: Cattle Prod
Agents of Shield 6x02 | Dark Matter 1x04 | Werewolf by Night | The Mentalist 3x08 | Forever 1x08 | Legends of Tomorrow 3x16 | Burn Notice 6x11 | Hawaii Five-0 2x10 | The Rookie 1x16 | Teen Wolf 1x05 | Titans 1x07
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
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