#flare surf fitness
haredance · 1 year
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場所: FLARE surf/fitness
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popjunkie42 · 1 year
Hate Me Instead - Chapters 10 & 11
It is here!
Thank you for your patience and support, loves. Life, work, and writer's block hit me hard these past few weeks. But I am happy to get the ending to you! I hope you enjoy, may it fill and break your heart in equal measures.
I ended up writing so much that I split it into two chapters, but I have posted them both for you!
All my love and appreciation to @rosanna-writer @thefloweredskull and @witch-and-her-witcher for beta reading and putting me on the right track!
Hate Me Instead - read on A03
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Feyre emerged from the stairwell an hour later, dressed in a dark tunic and fitted pants, warm and practical. Her face and eyes still looked hollow, but she had a glimmer of curiosity as she approached me, eyeing my wings and my casual training leathers. Interested.
I held out my arms. “Ready?”
“Is it safe?”
“Nothing is ever fully without risk, darling. But I’ve had centuries of practice. I promise,” I said with a grin, “I won’t drop you.”
She looked me over again, considering with a downturn of her mouth.
The Illyrian and the beast had joined forces and were working against me. All I wanted was to wrap my wings around her in the dark until she could breath easily, to take her in my arms and fly us both somewhere far away, alone.
But today was about Feyre. She would retreat if she felt any pity from me, but her broken state yesterday had me scared. I might not know exactly what she needed to drag herself away from the precipice, but like her training, I would work through all the possibilities until I could bring her back from the edge. There was so little time left, and no room for my selfish desire for her. 
As much as it pained me.
She was looking at my wings and I couldn’t resist preening. I flared them a bit against the warmth of the sun streaming through the open balcony. Her eyes roaming over me felt almost indecent. With my wings I felt exposed to her. I wondered if this was how she looked at her subjects before she painted. 
And then she stepped towards me.
Her hands were tentative as they went to my shoulders, as I lifted her into my arms. I felt a now familiar jolt of her against my chest. The first time we touched today. Tomorrow she would be back in Spring but today, she was in my arms.
“Where are we going?” she asked, her face close to mine.
“It’s a surprise. But it’s not far.”
“Is it something I’ll like,” she asked, “or is this more of your scheming?”
“It is something I hope you’ll like and it is also a scheme.” She snorted at that.
“Hold on tight,” I told her as we stepped off the balcony and into the air.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
I landed us as gently as I could on the sand, my boots slipping into the soft dunes.
Even in my own pride I knew the eastern shore of the Night Court held little to the white sands of Summer or even the long warm stretches of gentle ocean in Day. But the day was fine, with the sun shining on us now that we were free of the mist of the mountain ranges, and the ocean sparkled a cold azure blue. Lazy clouds drifted past and the ocean was dotted with dozens of small islands, the black rocks fuzzed over with brown winter grass. You could see for miles until there was nothing but horizon.
Feyre took a few tentative steps towards the water after I set her down, the end of her braid whipping in the chill ocean breeze. Her shoulders moved with her deep breaths of the salty air.
At first glance, I knew the coarse rock and frozen ocean looked harsh, locked in the deathly stillness of winter. But looking closer I could see the small crabs skittering across the black rock, the lichen and urchins soaking up sun and salt. In the surf even the clams were burrowing and bubbling in the cold foam. Even here in the harshest of places, life persisted. 
“It’s not exactly the prime season, but I’ve always enjoyed the ocean in all her forms.” I said to her back.
She turned to me with a softness in her eyes, and a question.
“You said you had never been,” I said with a shrug.
I leaned down and started unlacing my boots.
“Take off your shoes. You have to put your feet in the water.”
“You have to greet it. Soak it up, leave with salt and sand on you. Take a little bit of the place with you. Besides,” I said, “the ocean is healing.”
“Is that true?” She asked.
I shrugged again. “It feels true.”
Wariness was in her face but I had tugged off the first boot and she leaned down to slip off her shoes and roll up her pant legs.
At the first wave that kissed her feet Feyre practically yelped and jumped back onto the shore.
“It’s freezing!” she yelled, as if I had controlled the temperature of the ocean in order to spite her.
I laughed and took a step farther towards the rolling waves. 
“It is winter, although you can be forgiven for forgetting in your eternal spring. Come on in,” I motioned to her. “You’ll get used to it after a moment.”
“Will anything bite me?”
I couldn’t help my smile. “You face down the Middengard Wyrm and you’re afraid of some tiny crabs? I’m glad we’re alone, otherwise your reputation might be shot.”
A full on glower at me as she stomped back into the cold waves. 
I thought it might be my favorite look. Well, amongst a few more, that I had recently discovered. And when she was curious and peppering me with questions. And when she was teasing me. And…
Feyre’s whole body locked up and a hiss escaped from between her teeth as the next wave rolled freezing water up to our knees.
“My family used to come here in the summers. I’ll bring you again when the water is warm, and the sun gets so hot you can’t resist going in.”
Indeed, the whole place was dripping with memories for me. Of a brighter, hotter sun, sand burning my feet as my sister and I ran, launching into the air on wings when the heat got to be too much. 
I had barely begun to come back to who I was before Under the Mountain. But the long history of these shores were threatening to break me wide open to my earliest memories.
Sand squelched under Feyre’s feet as she lifted them from where she had been sinking. Her body was relaxing as she got used to the cold. She was flexing her toes like she was memorizing the feel of the dripping sand in the waves. Her bare legs were white and prickled with the cold, and in that outfit I remembered her Under the Mountain, fierce and battling Wyrms and brandishing pokers at High Lords. And when a wave sent her stumbling and she reached out to grasp my hand for balance, I couldn’t help but revel in the feel of her skin on my palms.
“Stop that,” she said, not looking at me.
“Stop what?”
“Imagining what sort of scandalous outfits you’d give me to come swimming in.”
I chuckled. “Are you sure you’re not reading minds?”
She gripped my hand tightly at that, her eyes locked on the waves. 
My heart started thudding in my chest. Daemati . I had met so few of them in my long life. Nine, to be exact. If Feyre…
“I did, once. It was…Lucien. It was only for a few seconds, and I didn’t mean to,” she stammered out.  
I was quiet for a long moment. It would explain much. How strongly words and feelings flowed down the bridge. How sometimes her nightmares could exist inside my head.
I huffed out a laugh.
“What?” She asked quietly, now searching my face.
“When you master your powers, Feyre, no one in Prythian is going to be able to stand against you.”
She looked a bit stricken. I looked back over the waves, watched the gulls circling the rocky islands.
“We’ll want to start your training there soon. Needless to say, it can be very powerful, and very dangerous. Did you have a sense of casting your mind out? Reaching towards him?”
A nod of her head.
“You’ll want to try and control that, until we can train further. I’ll help you master it. Think of it like your shield, but a barrier to keep your mind contained within you. Besides,” I said, “I can’t imagine Lucien’s mind is a pleasant place to be.”
Feyre glared. “I don’t want to hurt anyone,” she said. 
I wouldn’t soften it, couldn’t, with all the mistakes I had made over the years. Bones and sinew could heal, but minds were delicate places.
“That’s why we’re training. You will be the master of your powers, not the other way around.”
She was chewing on her lip, the waves still rocking us back and forth. “I thought I wanted to train but…” she finally looked at me. “It feels…frightening. Like it might be too much.”
“It is, at first. But that’s why I’m glad you have them, Feyre. Because you’ll keep that feeling and always have a healthy respect for using them.”
She eyed me. “You don’t seem to be too afraid.”
We had drifted further out into the waves, now up to our thighs. A large swell washed through us and threatened to pull Feyre away, light as she had become. But I held tightly to her hand.
“Then I must be doing a very good job of pretending,” I said, pulling her closer to me. “Because you are terrifying, darling.”
Something close to a smile was on her face. “Terrifying?”
I nodded. “The next time you decide to throw a shoe at my head, you might do some real damage.”
“You liked it,” she challenged.
“Oh, I did.”
I told myself it was the waves, the cold ocean pushing us together, but I couldn’t deny the tether deep in my chest that was always trying to draw her closer. 
She steadied her hand on my arm as I held her from the waves with a hand on her waist. Vaguely remembering some promises and vows I had made to myself just a few hours ago.
Are you decent?   Cassian’s voice reached out to me from the edges of my mind.
And if we aren’t?  I asked.
“I’m afraid we have company.” I said to Feyre.
She jolted as Cassian landed with a soft hiss of sand on the shore behind us, dropping a heavy bag on the ground with a thud.
“Ready to train?”
Feyre and I emerged from the waves and I dried our clothes with a snap of my fingers as she found her footing and walked to Cassian.
“Train what?” she asked.
“All that fancy magic can only take you so far. We’re going to make sure you can fend for yourself first. If you’re interested, that is.”
Feyre took in Cassian’s sly grin, his leathers, his wings tucked in tight. I felt a glimmer of something down the bond as she took a deep breath and a step towards my general. It felt a bit like…confidence.
She looked back at me. “Aren’t you coming?”
“I’m going to enjoy the show.” 
Feyre scoffed and rolled her eyes.
Cassian led her into some warm-up stretches as I moved to the blanket, closing my eyes and leaned my face up towards the sun. 
After Under the Mountain, I hadn’t yet had time to visit all of my territory. And although Velaris gave me life, and the Illyrian Steppes held me in the nostalgic sway of their vicious beauty, this place felt soft. Gentle with happy memories. I came to the ocean to feel small, much like getting lost in the night sky. But the sand and rocks and hills held the memories of my childhood. When I was a different person, not better perhaps, but still so loved and protected from the weight of the world.
Sitting here, I remembered my mother and I would spend hours floating on wings above the water on the ocean breezes, seeing how long we could drift without a single motion. There were rare moments when my father, always cold and fearsome and distant, would relax in tiny increments under the warmth of the sun. Would watch, with an uncommonly soft look, my sister building castles in the sand, without a letter in his hand or surrounded by advisors.
The loud thwack of knuckles on leather jolted me from the centuries past.
Feyre was bouncing on her toes, too stiff and unbalanced, but focused. Her hands were balled into fists as she made her first attempts at some basic punches.
I didn't worry. I knew Cassian would drill the right steps into her.
She had some direction with her right arm but her left side was completely undeveloped. I watched as she stumbled again, falling into Cassian who kept her upright. I expected a flash of anger, and while I did see the muscles clenching at her jaw, she took a deep breath and got back into her stance, her eyes on my general.
So different than with me. I suppose I should have guessed that Cassian’s blunt irreverence would be familiar to the girl who grew up not in courts and palaces but wandering the woods. But there was something more I could sense. She was eager to learn. She didn’t want to disappoint him.
I watched as Feyre dusted herself off, shook out her shoulders, and got back into her stance.
Read the rest on AO3
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sexualrevoluti0n · 2 years
Long personal vent. Feel free to scroll past.
I was doing really well with self-care and getting my sleep schedule back on track for a week until my partner said he wasn't coming home and I need to find somewhere else to live. Now no matter how early I go to bed, how much I tire myself out, how much herbal tea or calming music and reading I do to help me relax, the second there's nothing going on to distract my brain I just break down in tears or start anxiously planning and looking for solutions to where I could possibly live.
It doesn't matter how exhausted I am, my brain won't let me sleep because I'm worrying so much about being homeless, and grieving a relationship that I don't even know what the status of it is anymore because he doesn't want to communicate about anything, and seems to be reading things I say in a totally different tone in his head to what I'm intending. All I know is that I've got two months to find somewhere new to live, that:
1) accepts people whose only income is benefits WITHOUT a guarantor (lol not likely)
2) isn't more than £500pcm because that's all UC will pay towards housing (ha. Ha ha ha ha ha)
3) is unfurnished
4) is still in this city so I don't lose access to social worker, mental health help, direct payments etc.
I'm also going to need to find at least a grand to pay packers and movers because I can't do that myself, on top of a deposit and at least a month's rent up front. So that's my entire life savings.
And I'm going to need to sell or give away almost everything I own in order to fit into any tiny shitty bedsit universal credit will cover (not that I've even found a single thing yet).
I've been spending 3-4 hours every day just looking for somewhere to live, and there is literally nowhere that meets the criteria, so I'm either going to end up in one of the crisis homeless shelters or couch-surfing. Maybe selling all the furniture would give me enough cash to pay a few months rent upfront instead of having a guarantor, so somewhere might take me on even with only benefits as income?
I don't have the spoons to work out how to sell all of my furniture and belongings, as well as looking for a new place, dealing with my current pain flare-up that's causing my vision to go grey and me to fall over, and trying to tiptoe around my partner's feelings to work out what he wants from this relationship now he's said he wants to live separately. I have time limits on some new expensive items which I could return, but until we've actually been able to have a conversation and make a plan I can't sort those things.
I'm just so anxious and grieving the relationship with the one person who promised he would be here through thick and thin, no matter what, that being in a relationship meant we were in this together and would support each other to find a way through whatever life threw at us.
And now I'm wondering if that was all a lie? It was only a few weeks ago we were talking about all the things we could do to help each other and get through this tough patch since my flashbacks got super frequent after all the parental contact. We talked about couples counselling and I wanted to do that, but then it never got brought up again. I really want to put in the work and become healthier together, and being ignored feels like he doesn't want to do that anymore, but I don't know if I'm reading that wrong because he doesn't want to talk about any of the heavy stuff atm.
I'm just really scared and lost and being ignored and not being told what's happening was one of the problems in our relationship, and something that massively triggers my RSD, and that's the thing he's doing now to get space from the issues.
I only got to sleep last night because I finally gave in and made myself a very strong drink. Don't want to have to resort to that but I need to be able to sleep. It's been 4 hours so far tonight and I'm way more awake than when I came to bed. I listened to meditations, read until I couldn't keep my eyes open, put on gentle music, but the second I stopped my brain was awake again. It's nearly half 1 in the morning and I have to travel to the osteopath in the morning so I need to have slept. Going to go and pour myself another stiff drink so I can hopefully sleep tonight. Maybe in the morning I can ask the GP for an appointment to see about sleeping tablets.
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taralblove · 6 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: SAM EDELMAN Country Paisley Floral Aline Ruffle Hem Mini Dress Size 10 NEW.
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chioonline · 6 months
Elevate the Personality with Best Bikinis Swimwear and Beachwear
It's time to update your wardrobe with the newest styles in bikinis, swimwear, and beachwear as the summer's sun-drenched days draw near. Choosing the ideal outfit is crucial for creating a splash, whether you're strolling along sandy beaches, surfing, or relaxing poolside. Let's explore the world of best bikinis swimwear and beachwear to find some of the best looks to add some flare to your summer wardrobe. Be versatile when it comes to bikinis. To guarantee the ideal fit, choose designs with movable padding, adjustable straps, and customisable coverage. While traditional triangle tops and bandeau styles continue to be timeless favorites, high-waisted bottoms continue to rule the scene because they provide both flair and comfort. Make a statement wherever you go by embracing eye-catching accents, lively colors, and whimsical prints.
Revolve swimwear is more fashionable than ever and are back in style for those looking for a bit more covering. There is a one-piece to fit every taste and body shape, ranging from daring cutouts and asymmetrical styles to sleek, minimalist designs. Seek for swimwear that accentuates your contours and gives you confidence, such as fitted swimsuits with tummy-control panels and appealing ruching. Lightweight materials and effortless designs are essential for beachwear. Wearing sheer chiffon or breezy linen kaftans, sarongs, and cover-ups is the ideal way to combine comfort and style when heading from the beach to the boardwalk. Oversized shirts and shorts create a carefree, laid-back atmosphere for daytime activities, while flowing maxi dresses with bohemian motifs and flowing materials are perfect for beachfront brunches or sunset cocktails. Quality is crucial when purchasing beachwear and swimwear. Seek out companies that are renowned for their meticulous attention to detail, excellent craftsmanship, and dedication to sustainability. For individuals who like to feel good about their purchase and look beautiful, there are several options available, ranging from ethical production techniques to eco-friendly materials. The best beachwear, swimsuits, and bikinis are ultimately those that give you a sense of comfort, style, and confidence. There are many choices to fit every taste and occasion, whether you want bright statement pieces or timeless classics. So go ahead and embrace your inner beach princess and slay summer!
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christasclothes · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Athleta Zimbabwe High Neck Bikini Top 36 B/C.
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saleinthecity · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: New J.CREW Size XS Paddle Shorts in White.
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cindibarr · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: OBERMEYER Kids Blue Hawaiian Print Ski Snowboard Jacket & Pants Small & 8 NEW.
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j77m · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Kona Sol Women's Tie-Front Bikini Top - Green -Size Large.
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tamlovesfashion · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NEW Vineyard Vines Dress Gingham Seersucker Tie Front.
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haredance · 1 year
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先週は 鴨川駅近くのsurf/fitness FLAREにて、ジャイロキネシス&ヨーガ体験会にご参加いただいた皆様、ありがとうございました。😊
南房総に移住して3年が経ちました。右も左も分からない、知り合いもほぼゼロで ポツン😢としていた日々から出会いが繋がって鴨川や館山にてジャイロキネシスのクラスを開催している自分にビックリ…
出会いや機会をくれた皆様、そしてミオちゃん、ヒロキさん、ありがとうございますー😭 これからFLAREで出会う方々どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。✨
*ヨーガ担当 @studio.anicca
*ジャイロキネシス担当 @mako_haredance
場所:FLARE @flaresurffitness
ご予約・お問合せは、DM. LINE. メールなどからお願いいたします。🙇‍♀️
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diamondkrusader · 2 years
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name: Tonalnan Sasaki
Age: 22 Sex: female
Height: 5’9” (175 cm - 1.79 m)
Race: Taija / Japanese
Species: Jaguar / Espernite
Chess piece Class: Knight
• member of RAHA (Robinson Advanced Heroes Agency)
• Samurai Aztec Warrior
• Demon Slayer
Personally- loyal, smart, friendly, and serious
Espernite Power Type: Angels of light & lighting
Powers: super strength, angel wings of flight, precognition, astral wings shield, durability, thunderstorms, thunder strike, soft light, light shocker, feather claws, feather blade, lightning speed, flashing of light, light of mist, crossbow of light, cholo razzle dazzle
Bio- The legendary demon slayer story of the Aztec Samurai. Tonalnan was born, raise and lived peaceful in a village (somehow like the Japanese style village w/ human) with her jaguar and Espernite family. Tonalnan inherited her first gifted powers of Angels of Light & Lightning of Espernite from her father. During her training from her father was almost complete, she has awakened her own holy light and lightning. This is Tonalnan life as an Aztec Samurai, was the beginning. And also, she just slay an powerful demon prince and become a demon slayer.
name: Sung-Jin Lee
Age: 21 Sex: male
Height: 6’2” (185 cm - 1.85 m)
Race: Korean
Species: Mayu Human
Chess piece Class: Pawn
• member of RAHA (Robinson Advanced Heroes Agency)
• gardener
• soccer player
Personally- normal, kind, clam, respectful, heroic
Mayu Power Type: earth, wind, fire, water & plants
Powers: earth kick, vine leaf wipe, fire punch, puddles walk, solar flare beam, leaf wings of flight, leaf blade, soiled mineral bender, hydro surf
Background: Family life in Korea isn’t a same or different of this situation. His twin brother was a famous K-pop star singer. But for Sung-Jin, he was a gardener and a soccer player at the academy. During moving to UK in London with his uncle, his first met with his new friends that name Keiko and most famous Utuber Arthur. At the Convention in Las Vegas, they met two new friends named Krystal and Tonalnan. After the death and reincarnation of Arthur, they have accidentally genes cloning mixed with the female Mardran snep fur samples. But Sung-Jin and Keiko believed that snow leopards have strong legs that have the ability to climb, jumps and kick. Planning to join the RAHA with his friends is a perfect fit to start a new career life.
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taralblove · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: DRAPER JAMES Seer Sucker Fit & Flare Striped Dress Size 8 NEW.
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wolves-in-the-world · 2 years
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clayne crawford in lethal weapon 1.2 “surf n turf”, so you don’t have to watch it.
(image descriptions below the cut)
1– A close up of Martin Riggs in a car, the lighting sepia toned with lens flare and rainbow glints from the camera lens. Riggs is holding a phone up to his ear and his eyes are slightly downcast, eyebrows slightly lowered, mouth slightly open. He looks stricken, deadened, and his eyes are a little bright.
2– A view of Riggs in a toilet cubicle with metal walls, the lighting cool and almost grey-green. Riggs is tipping back a hip flask to drink and we have a view of his throat and Adam's apple, his hair curling behind his ears. He's wearing a green button-up, unbuttoned, over a dark t-shirt.
3– A close up of Riggs in the same lighting, talking to someone who we only see as a glimpse of long dark hair. Riggs' head is tilted, his expression playfully admonishing, raised eyebrows making his forehead crease. There's a fresh pink and purple bruise around one eye.
4– A view of Riggs and Murtaugh sitting side by side outside someone’s office. Murtaugh is wearing a neat navy blazer, sitting up straight and staring at Riggs, halfway through telling him off for something. Riggs is slouching back with a hand on his stomach, cleaning out his ear with a finger, the skin of his neck a little creased. He's wearing big sunglasses that hide his eyes.
5– Riggs and Murtaugh in a green-lit hallway outside a room, Murtaugh standing to the left watching, Riggs close to the door - probably about to open it - and raising a finger to indicate it while he talks. His hair looks almost deliberately dishevelled here.
6– A view of Riggs and a small brown-haired woman both lying on a patterned rug looking very much like they were just thrown there. Pieces of glass scattered around and on them suggest they got there through a window. The woman is curled in on herself, in dark fitted clothes; Riggs is lying on his back with his knees bent, his shirt barely torn, his expression a pained grimace.
7– A view of Riggs with the same woman from the previous scene, in an interrogation room with dim lighting. The woman is looking down, fiddling with the string hanging out of of a mug of tea, and she has Riggs' button-up draped over her shoulders. Riggs looks serious and open as he speaks to her, eyes down and a little to one side, his forearms rested on the table. They're both turned towards each other, suggesting a degree of comfort.
8– A view of Trish, Roger Murtaugh, their teenage son RJ, and Riggs around a dinner table in a tasteful if beige dining room. There's food on the table, wine and bottles of beer, and they seem to be caught in the middle of a conversation: RJ smiling, Roger looking disapproving, Riggs leaning back a little and looking at Trish like he should be hiding a smile but isn't. He might have a dimple in his cheek.
9– Riggs sleeping on a reclined deckchair with a brightly patterned pillow, head turned as if watching a lantern with a lit candle in the background. Riggs has one hand open resting on his hip, the other on his belly and holding a beer bottle. He very much looks like he didn't mean to fall asleep there. It's night-time.
10– A view of Murtaugh and Riggs at a conference table where bagels have been laid out and clearly already dug into. Murtaugh seems casual but attentive, looking off-screen. Riggs is leaning back in his chair and chewing something, and currently dunking a piece of bagel into someone's mug. His expression's a little thoughtful, like the procedure takes some planning, and the bruise around his eye has maybe faded a little.
11– A close up of Riggs now swigging from the same mug while looking down at it, his eyebrows raised. His hair is tidied back relatively neatly, but it's all messy curls at the back. Murtaugh, in the background, has his eyes closed and looks bored.
12– A close up of Riggs in warm natural lighting in front of some steps, Murtaugh to his left and out of focus. Riggs is reading something in his hand with his head a little tilted and an almost comically puzzled expression. His neck is visibly creased, and his hair is almost brassy in the light.
13– A view of Riggs and Murtaugh at night, with red lighting coming in from the left, outside a door with a grimy yellow pane and illegible graffiti. Murtaugh has his gun almost up, like he wants to enter a dangerous situation, but he's looking to the side where Riggs is talking to him and has raised a hand to gesture him to stop. Half of Riggs' face is lost in shadow.
14– A view of Riggs and Trish in an elevator with black walls. Trish wears white trousers and a black jacket, has a gold necklace on, and a file tucked under one arm. Riggs is standing comfortably, his hands in his pockets, expression enigmatic but comfortable as he looks up and to one side; Trish is talking to Riggs and looking over at him with a warm and considering expression.
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christasclothes · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Athleta Zimbabwe High Neck Bikini Top 36 B/C.
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saleinthecity · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: New J.CREW Size XS Paddle Shorts in White.
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