#flashfiction friday
lisbeth-kk · 8 months
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Sherlock fandom.
Can you forgive me?
John feels nauseous when Sherlock gets his will. They’re allowed to open the grave to prove the great detective’s theory. Sherlock wants John to come, though he really should’ve known better, according to John. It’s their second crime scene together since Sherlock came back from his faked death, and things are strained between them. Their co-habitation is tense and awkward, which makes John itchy and half-mad with anger and sorrow equally measured.
John’s told everyone that he went to visit Sherlock’s grave twice a month, but the truth is that he’s only been there once. He couldn’t bear to see the black gravestone with Sherlock’s name on it. It doesn’t help much that the grave that’s about to be opened, is only a few metres away from Sherlock’s fake grave. John hasn’t dared to look in the direction out of fear that he’ll do something terribly stupid, like falling apart in front of half of the Yard.
“Are you alright?” Sherlock murmurs beside him, having taken a break from pestering the men with the shovels.
“If you have to ask, the answer should be obvious,” John mutters under his breath.
His hands are balled into fists in his jacket pockets, his body stiff and alert. Sherlock draws a breath and is about to speak, when Lestrade calls him over. The grave is open.
“Empty, like you said,” Lestrade tells Sherlock. “How on earth did you know?”
Sherlock speaks rapidly, leading the yarders in the direction of the man who’s faked his death, and Lestrade takes his leave.
“Aren’t we going with them?” John asks hoarsely when Sherlock stands beside him again, gazing over at where his gravestone once was.
“No, they don’t need us anymore today. I’m taking you home, and then we’ll talk, and I’ll tell you why…”
Sherlock’s voice breaks and John looks shocked at him.
“Alright?” John asks and places a hand on Sherlock’s back.
Sherlock’s body shakes and John acts on instinct, forgetting all about his anger. He pulls Sherlock in for a tight embrace, relishing the sudden proximity of this madman.
“Can you forgive me, John?” Sherlock whispers with a trembling voice.
“I don’t know,” John says honestly. “But, by the state of you now, I guess it was much more to your absence than a crazy and exhilarating adventure. Tell me.”
John leads them to a secluded bench close to where John stood and begged a dead man not to be dead, two years ago. When John had told Sherlock about it, his reply had been – “I know. I heard you.”
His voice had been soft, even affectionate, but at the time, it’d just irked John. He wanted to scream and shake Sherlock and ask him why he hadn’t told John. Why he wasn’t allowed to come with him. Why he’d let him grieve like a widower. He hadn’t but it had taken all his willpower to act calm and just nod, pretending everything was business as usual. Which it wasn’t.
It should feel strange to hold Sherlock like this. Soothing him, stroking his back, whispering “shh”, and “I’ve got you”, and “I’m so glad you’re back”, and “I’ve missed you.” But the truth is, it feels utterly natural, a thing John’s longed to do for ages. Even before the Fall.
Sherlock’s head rests comfortably on John’s right shoulder, and his breathing eases, grows steadier. Time to confess.
When Sherlock’s finished telling John about the snipers, Moriarty’s unexpected suicide, his quest to hunt down and destroy the dead man’s network, ending it all by telling John about his last days away, in Serbia, captured and tortured; it’s John’s turn to break down. He weeps in Sherlock’s arms, hiding his face in the crook of Sherlock’s neck, letting Sherlock stroke his hair, rocking him, whispering “I had no other choice”, and “I would’ve taken you with me if I could”, and “you were always on my mind”, and “I missed you every second I was away from you.”
When they walk past the empty grave, John shudders. He turns around to locate Sherlock’s gravestone, but it’s no longer there. 
“Mycroft had it removed last week,” Sherlock says. That’s why I needed you to come along today, so that you could see it with your own eyes.”
John nods and turns to face Sherlock. He grips the lapels of Sherlock’s coat, pulls him closer, looking him square in the eyes.
“I forgive you,” John says softly and leans in to kiss Sherlock’s lips.
@flashfictionfridayofficial @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @calaisreno @phoenix27884 @a-victorian-girl @safedistancefrombeingsmart @peanitbear @topsyturvy-turtely @helloliriels @gregorovitchworld
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honnepot · 7 months
The Copper Crown
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FOR @flashfictionfridayofficial
Word count: 974
Male x Male
[Henry needs a distraction from his looming wedding. He meets a wandering Knight.]
When his mother was angry, she’d fume in her study. She'd pen her displeasure on scraps of paper, never read by any other eyes but her own. When his father was angry, he’d storm out of the estate and partook to the warmth of liquor that muddled his mind. He'd return home the next morning smelling like the stables.
Henry had tried his mother’s form of distraction. Locking himself in his study, so when Elizabeth yelled, the wooden door would muffle it and hid the sight of her angry tears. He’d try to write down his frustrations like his mother. But the admissions in his own words; of his true character, one he could never utter into existence without repercussions to his name had been too much to bear. Even the act of writing it down made his hand quiver as he held the quill tight. A penned remorse for turning his childhood friend into an antagonist to his life because he could not love her the way she did. As she had done for some time.
And so, he followed in his father’s footsteps. He walked out the doors of his estate at the eve of his wedding and into a carriage, instructing the coachman to take him to the farthest alehouse. There, the name Briarwood would be nothing but an itch to the mind rather than an open revelation of his certain prestige.
He found refuge in a tavern with an intimate charm. The Copper Crown, with its flickering lanterns on the low-beamed ceilings, they casted an amber glow on tapestried walls and worn wooden tables stained with the heavy scent of ale. The patrons huddled in their respective tables, some conversations lively and merry, others echoed in gentle somberness.
The nobleman had found a corner to himself, immersed in the shadows of his thoughts. He drank the brewed ale hoping to drown the weight of his impending union with its heady warmth and ease the burden on his heart. But it seemed that he was rather inept in hiding his afflictions, as a man stopped by his table. And Henry’s ears alone became privy to the rich velvet tone of the stranger’s voice. His chaotic thoughts silenced by just a few words.
“Evening, care for some company?” 
Henry looked at the man. Dark, tousled hair that danced a tint of red in the lantern light framed his striking face, sculpted well by time and hinted at years of daring adventures. His eyes, the colour of midnight, intense yet inviting, especially at how they wandered to study Henry in the same way his own eyes studied him. Manners told the nobleman to nod and offer a hand,
“H-Henry.” He mentally cursed at the stutter of his own name.
The man’s hand was large and rough. He shook Henry’s hand with the firm grip of a swordsman and sat at the empty chair,
Their conversation flowed like a dance, a delicate interplay of words and silence that blossomed with intrigue. Henry blamed the ale for his sudden openness to this stranger, as court life taught him to be tight-lipped with information of his life. Though he does not downplay Callum’s adept way of unraveling his guarded heart, with a well-timed smirk, a dulcet chuckle, or a playful tease that bordered the temptations of intimacy.
“This place,” Callum gestured to the Copper Crown, “is where people go to find reprieval from their lives. What brings you here? Aside from the obvious desire for a drink?”
Henry hesitated; his gaze momentarily lost in the depths of his ale. "A wedding." he finally admitted, the word heavy with both duty and reluctance.
Callum's eyes glinted with curiosity. "Ah, weddings. Joyous occasions,” he stopped to study the defeated look on Henry’s face, “or so I am told. Are you... the blushing groom-to-be, then?"
A bitter chuckle escaped Henry's lips. "Yes. Though not willingly... it is a union born out of duty, not love."
Callum leaned back into his chair, his strong arms held across his broad chest as his eyes held a mischievous glint, “Well, that does explains a lot then.”
When Henry looked at him confused, Callum continued with his observation, his words laced with a teasing charm, “You look as if you're about to face a monster, my dear Henry."
Again, Callum had a way to weaken his defense as he laughed ruefully at the accurate analogy. His marriage did seem like a dreadful looming creature ready to pounce and devour him. As he did, Callum leaned forward and his legs briefly brushed against Henry’s. An accident, Henry told himself as his laughter slowly faded.
“Need of a rescue? Shall I be your knight in shining armour, and whisk you away from the jaws of matrimony?” He asked with a sly tilt of his – to Henry’s observation – very kissable lips.
Henry tore his eyes away from Callum as his neck felt like it was searing in heat, “I'm afraid, that I'm past the point of rescue.”
Undeterred, Callum leaned even closer, his voice a velvet whisper that held allure and a promised liberation, "What about a distraction, then? Something to divert your thoughts from your impending doom?"
He reached across to graze Henry’s hand with his own. The touch sent a subtle thrill through Henry, of a sensation he had long suppressed. He looked up to see Callum’s suggestive smile, the offer one he’d dreamt of for years yet never enacted on. Tonight is his last night as a bachelor and though Henry contemplated, his heart had already been set the moment Callum offered his company.
At last Henry nodded. "A distraction, yes. Even if just for the night."
They left the tavern discreetly, hand in hand and disappeared into the night. Henry returned home the next morning, smelling like the stables.
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enne-uni · 1 year
Flash Fiction Friday for the first time!!
Celestial bodies from @flashfictionfridayofficial !
Word count: 552
Their last wish
Moonlight only barely outlined the trees and rocks of the forest. They were glad to have even something to help, no matter if that something was unreliable and faint. They had learned to live off of the small joys in their life. They hadn’t had a choice for anything else.
Right now, however, this situation couldn’t be described as anything even near joyful.
Yells carried from behind them, the lights of torches occasionally casting new shadows onto their path. They wouldn’t have been surprised if their chasers were able to hear their heavy footsteps and heavy breaths. They would not last much longer, and that was nothing short of a fact.
How had they ended up here? When did their persecution get this far? So far that a full group of twenty or more people needed to chase them in the woods at midnight…?
Somehow, it took them a moment to realise that the swooshing sound in their ears wasn’t only caused by the speed they were running at; it was also the wind. What a contradiction… They were usually very observant.
Their eyes stung from the cold, dry air. A tear or two slipped down their cheeks. They didn’t know the exact cause, but they couldn’t blame the wind or air. At least not entirely.
The few clouds finally caught up to the wind, covering their only source of light with the leaves. Not even filtered light reached them anymore. No longer could they see the moon. No longer did it light their way. Only hope could save them from tripping.
That never seemed to work.
How unfair. Their pursuers had torches, but they did not. They couldn’t have. That would have made the difficult escape purely impossible.
A rock or a root, they did not know which, hit the tip of their shoe. They fell down to the mossy carpet with a gasp, a bruise, and a white flag in their mind.
Those yells approached them much faster than before, and the moment the light of a torch hit them they knew it was all over now.
Their heart pounding louder and faster than ever before, they rolled over to their side with their head towards the sky. Huh. How convenient. They had somehow managed to fall over in the only spot of that forest where trees didn’t cover the sky almost entirely.
Their and chest heaved up and down as people surrounded their form, all pointing lights at them. They didn’t care anymore. It felt like an odd sense of relief to finally rest. They didn’t need to run or flee anymore, they only needed to get ready for the inevitable.
Surroundings blurring together with the distance, they could register one last thing in their vision. No matter the moon being hidden, they could actually spot that one and only constellation they knew: Ursa Major. They remembered someone showing it to them long ago.
Their eyes closed with a singular wish in mind. A singular, most likely futile, wish that they could live on in the stars. That they could watch over all of the weak and powerless, guiding them to find their peace.
They did not see it, but a shooting star passed through the sky a short moment before their time on earth came to an end.
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
Flash Fiction Friday 12.16.2022
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Browsing through used bookstores was one of her favorite hobbies. This was her first time in this one and she had already found several books that could prove useful. Stepping back from a shelf with a book in her hands, she inadvertently bumped right into him. She was always bumping into things while reading. She mumbled an apology as she closed the book.
“It’s ok” he replied. She stopped, electrified. She recognized that voice! Looking up she saw him. The square cut of his jaw, the blue of his eyes, the shock of dark hair falling in his face. He smiled and she knew she’d been caught.
Sighing, she set the book down on a shelf and began preparing a spell, but it was too late. He murmured a spell of his own as he placed a thin silver cuff on her left wrist. A dampener, great. She was just going to have to get out of this the old-fashioned way.
With a roundhouse kick to his face, she knocked him off balance and ran for the door. She didn’t make it far, he had brought backup. She looked around at the team of five magic users that had been sent to capture her and knew there was no escape. At least not today.
At long last, she would have to face the high council. That is unless she could convince him to let her go. She had three days to prove her innocence.
“Lucas!” she demanded indignantly, “Is this really necessary?”
“Oh Gretchen,” he replied, “Of course it is. Did you think I had forgotten how powerful you are?”
“Flattery will get you nowhere.”
“Oh, but it did before.” He gave her a dazzling smile.
She squirmed uncomfortably. Well, yes, that was true. But in her defense, he was ridiculously hot. She was human after all. Well, mostly human anyway. Whatever.
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bardic-tales · 1 year
Flash Fiction Friday: Sea and Sun
Wordcount: 617
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Mia // Jaken
Warnings: sexual innuendo, sexual desire / sex mention, language
Premise: Jaken is fighting his feelings for his boss’s daughter, but he feels like it’s a losing battle.
source: @flashfictionfridayofficial
Author's Note: I haven't felt the inspiration to work on Cold as Ice, but Mia and Jaken are in the same universe. If I'm honest, Mia is a pleasure to write. I've always been fascinated by the dynamic between a bodyguard and the person he is protecting.
One-Shot Stories Tag List
@asomeoneperson @jessica-writes22 @athenswrites @elijahrichardwriteshrichardwrites @whimsyqueen @arrthurpendragon @blind-the-winds, @fearofahumanplanet, @365runesofpassion @midnight-and-his-melodiverse @bookish-galaxy @lord-fallen @perasperaadastrawriting @korblez
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Damn her. That was the only thing that Jaken could think of. The sun beat down on his broad shoulders and chest, browning his already tanned skin. This summer hadn’t been nice. In fact, if he had to describe it, he would say that it was as if Cirel fell into the inner circle of the Death Plane as it was so hot that he couldn’t think straight. It had been the type of summer where someone stepped outside and was drenched in their own sweat immediately.
Having his boss’s daughter around didn’t help. Jaken didn’t have any choice in the matter. Prime Minister Ambrogino Cesarin ordered him to see to Mia Cesarin’s protection after a deal Ambrogino made soured. They were out to harm him through his family, and there was only one man who stood in their way: Jaken. He received no magickal training in the army, but many said he was a natural. Those who wished to harm the Cesarin family didn’t understand the man that Ambrogino employed.
Interrupting his thoughts with her melodic voice, Mia raised her arm, rested her elbow on the towel. She rested her head upon her knuckles before she spoke. “Can you rub some sunscreen on me?”
“Absolutely not.” He didn’t want the temptation.
“Come on, Jaken.” She stretched out before him, her firm breasts crushed against the gold embroidered ebony beach towel. His gaze swept along her body, soaking in her soft curves. He was sure that she would feel warm to the touch as the sun warmed her exposed flesh.
Damn her, Jaken thought again. There seemed to be an attraction between Mia and himself. This was the first time that a client could distract him in such a way that he was unsure that he could do his job. What would Ambrogino say? The older man told him to make sure Mia had a wonderful time on the Glorendine coast.
As he picked up the bottle of sunscreen, he squeezed a good size portion into his right hand and tried not to notice how warm her sun-kissed skin felt beneath his fingertips. His hand brushed against the tiny string tying her black bikini top together. He longed to untie it and pull her against him.
The waves crashed upon the land, drowning out the noise of the other beach goers and leaving a white foam behind on the shoreline. He could hear every noise that Mia made as his hands continue to rub the lotion on her back and shoulders. Mia moaned.
For a moment, he imagined something a bit more carnal. Jaken wondered how it would feel to have Mia make those same noises beneath him. Their love affair would not be a simple summer romance. He wanted so much more than that.
Mia turned her head and moaned, “That feels so good.” What would she do if he had pressed his mouth against her own painted lips? They both had been sending out signals for a while now, signals that neither of them had any point in expressing. It wouldn’t work out between them. She was Ambrogino’s daughter; he, the hired help.
Damn her. Mia had to know just how much he desired her. He wondered though if she was aware of the signals she was sending him. Could she actually want him?
He shook his head. Dark locks brushed against the bridge of his nose, tickling his cheek. The hoary hair on the back of his neck stood on end as desire washed over every inch of him. His body called out to him to make a move, finally acting upon what he actively denied himself for over a year. Jaken didn’t move.
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naamayehuda · 1 year
Peas In A Pod
  She stormed in and stood, panting, hands on knees. “What is it, girl!” Penny jumped, spilling some tea. A chain of horrible scenarios tumbled through her brain. “She’s excited, not scared,” Margo barely lifted her eyes from the book she was destroying. Clara nodded. Still unable to speak. “I. Found. It!” she finally managed. “Found what?” Penny snapped, then bit down her irritation. It was…
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sunnydaleherald · 19 days
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, May 24
(Cordy hands Wesley a cup.) "English breakfast tea." (Cory sets the other cup on the table.) "Coffee." (Cordy hands the tall glass to Angel) "O-pos."
~~Are You Now or Have You Ever Been~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Another Auld Lang Syne [seasonal spuffy] by Hollydb (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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seasonal_spuffy / Fic: Another Auld Lang Syne by Holly (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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All Overgrown By Cunning Moss by Cornerofmadness (Willow/Tara, T)
[Podfic] Sugar and Nutmeg [originally by duh_i_read (duh_i_write)] recorded by coffee_mage (Buffy/Faith, Not Rated)
Плоть и кровь by B_E_S (Русский language, Buffy/Angel, T)
MedWhump May 2024 Day 23: Resisting Treatment by MadeInGold (Riley, Maggie Walsh, M)
Not Bad by rhodrymavelyne (Buffy/Faith, Not Rated)
What Never Happened by rhodrymavelyne (Kate Lockley, Poltergeist TV and Witchblade TV xover, Not Rated)
That's Okay by CoffeeHunt (Buffy/Dawn, E)
Figure It Out, Rupert by Jess_Ann_Perreault (Giles/Jenny, G)
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Buffyverse Flashfiction - Child's Play by NotASlayer (Spike/Drusilla, Not Rated)
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Trapped in the Jacuzzi by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Shadowed Suspicion Chapter 426 by madimpossibledreamer (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure xover, T)
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Families - ch. 1/15 by 19BBY (Faith/Kendra, Buffy/Spike, Not Rated)
The Engagement - ch. 4 by ChecksAmali_23 (Buffy/Faith, Not Rated)
Highlands and Tropical Islands - ch. 6 by QuillBard (Buffy/Faith, M)
Scoobie Family Therapy - ch. 2 by Anne_Hathagay (Joyce/Dawn, Joyce/everyone, E)
A Different Path - ch. 15-16 by Anaxilea (Buffy/Faith, Willow/Tara, M)
Spells of This - ch. 5 by buffycat100 (Willow/Tara, T)
splinter - ch. 5 by jetgrl (Buffy, Kendra, Faith, various pairings, M)
Omission - ch. 11 by toutes_les_routes (Spike/Riley, Buffy/Riley, E)
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East of Nevada - ch. 2 by Blissymbolics (Buffy/Spike, R)
See You Yesterday - ch. 3 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, R)
Infernal Fire - ch. 2 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Incarnate - ch. 4 by Sigyn (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Something Lingers - ch. 21 by goodbyetoyou (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Maclay Down - ch. 7 by Soulburnt (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
A Ripple In Time - ch. 37 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
What Love Looks Like - ch. 6 by DeamonQueen (Buffy/Spike, R)
Afterburn: In The Dark - ch. 13 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Neighbor's Point of View - ch. 107 by the_big_bad (Buffy/Spike, PG)
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Seeing Clearly - ch. 192 by JoeB (multi xover, Dawn Summers, FR13)
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Bruises - ch. 4 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
See You Yesterday - ch. 3 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, R)
Love Shackles - ch. 2 by Gabby (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Gifset: I wanted to give you what you deserved. BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: S7E2: Beneath You | S7E22: Chosen by spuffygifs (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Gifset: [I killed Angel! Do you even remember that?] by ptieuca (Buffy/Angel, worksafe)
Song: Dylan - Someone Else [is the] Faith lehane song of all time by faithandbuffy ()
Moodboard: Shipboard for Fred and Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) by spiritmoodboards (Fred, Spike, worksafe)
Gifset: Angel the Series | 5x06 → 5x22 by mycatismyfriend (Spike, Gunn, Angel, worksafe)
Gifset: ELIZA DUSHKU as FAITH LEHANE BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER | 7.22 “Chosen” Original air date: May 20, 2003 by elizadushkudaily (Faith, Buffy, ensemble, worksafe)
Gifset: BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER - 1x01: "Welcome to the Hellmouth" ANGEL - 3x18: "Double or Nothing" by davinaclare (Cordelia, Buffy, worksafe)
Gifset: 4x07 || 6x18 by clarkgriffon ((Spike, Willow, Anya, worksafe))
Gifset: BTVS 4.09 | ATS 2.02 by cangelgifs (Buffy/Spike, Cordelia, Angel, worksafe)
Gifset: ANGEL | 1.08, I Will Remember You by andremichaux (Buffy/Angel, worksafe)
Gifset: Spike? Could you... stay here? Sure... by andremichaux (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Finished both Buffy and Angel. by Do_A_flip123
Recently noticed the character assassination of nearly everyone in this season [six] by Madido24
My opinion on Season Six by UNimAginAtiveuseRn
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PODCAST: 2.2 Some Assembly Required by Once More: A Rewatch Podcast
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Fic rec: I Violently Dislike You by scratchmeout recced by spuffyarchive
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ISO: accidentalghost seeks [Willow's dress] [also general discussion of how to find BTVS outfits]
ISO: Main_Condition268 seeks Song [title] from season 1 episode 3
ISO: mollykk10 seeks Sunnydale High Merch episodes
[Community Announcements]
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[commissions are open for BTVS and ATS fan art!] by genericaces
[Fandom Discussions]
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BTVS as textposts part 5 by maybebitterxox
[thinking] about how even though Kendra is barely mentioned after her death, she is haunting the narrative... by thechosenthree
sorry for loving anytime buffy is a huge cunt to everyone... by mag200
Let's talk about souls. [how the moral compass of the show changes] by deus--auri
i love dawn summers so much... by buffyspeak
buffy never stopped caring ab faith 💔💔💔 even in sanctuary ... by antlerslayer
Ask: Faith/willow for the ask game by explosionshark
Ask: what was it about Buffy/Faith that started you shipping them? answered by explosionshark
Ask: Willow/Oz from Buffy? answered by explosionshark
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I realized why it's hard to say anything anti season seven "Spuffy" by debujandobirds
Reboot Fan Casting [grown up child of Faith and Robin] by v4mp1ra
Reboot Fan Casting Pt.2 [grown up daughter of Buffy] by v4mp1ra
Anne, anticapitalist masterpiece by CaterpillarNovel4347
Best nonverbal acting moments of the show that are not physical comedy? by foreseethefuture
Whatever happened to Owen? by D-Ry550
If Joyce stayed in the hospital.... [Spoilers for Season 5] by SpikedIntuition
Would Angel have felt threatened by Faith? by IntelligentPumpkin74
If Glenn Quinn had not been fired, would Cordelia still have gotten the visions? by speashasha
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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David Boreanaz at London Convention in July [5th to 7th] via BuffyForums user Faithfan
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writingmaidenwarrior · 11 months
Flashfiction Friday: The Sand Ocean
After debating with myself which of the two ideas I had I would use and an involuntary dive into worldbuilding later, I know have a small little thing for my WIP that includes this week's prompt @flashfictionfridayofficial
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The bag with the potions and other stuff fell on the table with undeniable noise. Kaladin raised an inquisitive eyebrow at her, but Saylah shrugged and fell into the chair close by. “You are really sure this will work this time?” “I am. The first time we tried it, you were younger and had less idea about how magic works and the danger of fire magic. Additionally, I got some information from other dragonborn from the sand oceans of Quirak this time. We will figure this fire breath of yours out." Now it was Saylah’s turn to raise an inquisitive eyebrow at him. An amused smile played on the corners of Kaladin’s lips, even if his thick beard made it almost impossible to notice, but growing up with him as some sort of father figure gave her the advantage of knowing every little facial expression of him in and out. Slowly he made his way to the small stove and prepared tea for both of them before deciding to answer her unspoken question. “An old friend of mine became the personal guard of a rich merchant over in Quirak who happened to be half dragonborn like you. After I heard that, I took up the opportunity.” “About what kind of friend are we talking about here? I know how dwarves view this.” Laughing, she took the pot from him and filled their mugs. “The kind who knows about you since you were old enough to make me gray before my time with your antics.” The hint of warmth and fondness in Kaladin’s voice told her all she needed to know. The one he talked about was likely someone he went through training together, or goes back even further. “What does this uncle find out?” “After the tea, little whirlwind. Everything has its time.” To her surprise, Kaladin put a small basket on the table. The smell of fresh baked pastry infiltrated her nose. With huge eyes, she grabbed one and a bit down with a satisfied hum. “When did you get them?” “While you were at Maud’s. A question of proper planning, as always.” “As everything with you.”
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sam-glade · 1 year
Sam! It’s Blursday! And boy has this morning been mad busy, but I’ve come for your blorbos!
Grab a WIP. Shove the main cast/characters into a kitchen together.
Who takes over and directs everyone else, or is it total chaos?
Do they manage to make something delicious, Just Edible, or so heinous it causes negative effects?
Are they at each other’s throats by the end of it, or do they emerge even closer than before?
Who gets put on dish duty to keep them far away from the cooking, either to prevent injury or for the sake of maybe producing something edible?
Is there a companion animal involved, and does said companion get underfoot, get snacks, or get banished?
Hi, Outpost!
Heh, I happen to have just the right snippet for you: Cooking Lesson (for a prompt from Flashfiction Friday).
I hope you enjoy it!
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thestorylady · 1 year
The Portal Mural - Flash Fiction #StorySnack
An artist has perfectly reproduced in art the meadow her aunt sys is a magical portal. Find out what happens in "The Portal Mural," a 100-word #flashfiction story snack.
The Portal Mural This story is inspired by a photo prompt for Friday Fictioneers 12 May 2023. Anyone is welcome to play. Just write a 100-word story INSPIRED BY the photo prompt, then share it to your blog and read & comment on a bunch of the other stories. Here’s the photo prompt. Photo (c) Jennifer Pendergast And here’s my story, “The Portal Mural A woman gestured at Ila’s mural, “I swear…
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haikuprajna · 2 years
"Tomothy and the Overseer of the Forest" is a very short story I wrote on Mother's Day which follows the titular Terraform as they search the sentient Forest that they call home for the Forest's Overseer.
Read more: https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/2022/09/20220921-terraforms-of-forest-tomothy.html
Medium: https://medium.com/haikuprajna/20220921-terraforms-of-the-forest-tomothy-and-the-overseer-of-the-forest-announcement-c5cb241370bf
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/72307600
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20220921-terraforms-forest-tomothy-overseer-allen-w-mclean/?trackingId=JHwFH3rfRxG3fWir6nl9dA%3D%3D
A part within me, \\ forever, a part of you, \\ even when apart.
#HAIKUPRAJNA - Terraforms of the Forest
Need more Bite-sized Insights to relieve your stress and suffering?
Readers, please follow HaikuPrajna and Electric Armchair via our emailing lists on Medium, Patreon, LinkedIn and more for mindful meditation haiku / scifaiku poetry based on book reviews and on previews of metaphysical stories, such as "Escape Perennial City" (available on Kindle Unlimited); readers can collect an ebook every week on Free Fridays, selection rotates every few weeks, collect them all! https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/p/follow-on-social-media.html 
April's latest psychedelic music videos, art and poetry is available on all streaming platforms.
Electric Armchair - Living Ghosts (FULL ALBUM): distrokid.com/hyperfollow/electricarmchair/living-ghosts
These poems will be collected in future editions of the HaikuPrajna Collection. 
#shortstory #flashfiction #metaphysical #visionary #fiction #Kindle #KindleUnlimited #eBook #books #reading #writing #attraction #yoga #mindfulness #meditation #poetry #haiku #scifaiku
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lisbeth-kk · 7 months
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Sherlock fandom
Characters: Sherlock and John
Like a grown child
“God, you act like a child sometimes,” I exclaim looking pointedly at Sherlock. 
“You make it sound like something unpleasant, John,” Sherlock pouts. “I thought you loved children.”
Over the last year living with Sherlock Holmes, I’ve learnt to expect the unexpected, but this retort took me by surprise. Was Sherlock implying something, or was it just wishful thinking and imagination on my part? We never talked about children. Why would he think I love them? Searching my brain doesn’t give me any clarity on the matter. 
I have been dating on and off since I moved in, but it’s hard to keep me interested nowadays. Sherlock is so much more fun to be around than any of my dates. Besides, I’ve recently realised that I’m desperately in love with the madman. I know it won’t lead to anything, because Sherlock is married to his work, though sometimes I think I’ve spotted some glances that tells me he’s not as aloof as he was in the beginning of our acquaintanceship. 
“John?” Sherlock inquires. 
I startle when he addresses me, because I’ve been so lost in thought, I’d almost forgotten he’s standing in front of me. 
“What were you thinking of, John?” Sherlock murmurs and moves into my personal space. 
My cheeks blush and I’m unable to form a coherent sentence. Having him this close to me apparently makes my brain go offline. All I register is the warmth from his body, the exquisite scent of him, his breath on my forehead and then his hand touches my shoulder. 
I inhale sharply, close my eyes to revel in this cocoon-like encounter. 
“Look at me,” he whispers and I’m unable to resist. 
When I meet his gaze, the child-like behaviour from earlier has vanished. What’s left is a sincere look and a warmth I’ve never seen before. I raise my hand to cup his cheek and he leans into my touch, closes his eyes and moans quietly. 
The sight is breathtaking and I long to move closer. As if he’s read my mind, he encircles my shoulders and pulls me to him. His eyes scan my face and what he finds must please him if his genuine smile is any indicator. 
“I want to kiss you,” I tell him in the softest voice I know. 
“Please, John.”
The way he says my name, makes my heart flutter. It feels like the most precious thing. 
My fingers caress his nape, he lowers his head, and our lips meet. His plush lips are delicious under mine. I let my other hand card through the luxuriant curls, and it doesn’t take a consulting detective to realise that he enjoys that immensely. 
When we part, Sherlock looks dazed and is reluctant to let me go. 
His inner child has once again emerged, I think to myself. 
It’s my turn to scan his face for any foul play. Has he distracted me from…I can’t seem to remember what I was so agitated about now that I have the gorgeous man in my arms. 
“You’ve put a spell on me, haven’t you?” I murmur and claim Sherlock’s lips again, not caring a fig about how I yield to him. 
@flashfictionfridayofficial @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @calaisreno @phoenix27884 @a-victorian-girl @topsyturvy-turtely @safedistancefrombeingsmart @gregorovitchworld @helloliriels @raina-at @peanitbear
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bewitchingbooktours · 19 days
A Bewitching Friday
A Round-Up of Daily Virtual Book Tour Stops
Guest Blog- On the Threshold by M. Laszlo #SciFi #HistoricalFiction #MagicalRealism  #bewitchingbooktours https://buff.ly/3UX3Lrl
Marked Under the Midnight Sun by Susanna Strom #PNR #Shifter #FatedMates  #bewitchingbooktours https://buff.ly/3yynRRk
When sheriff’s lieutenant Anna Koray kills a man in the line of duty, her suppressed memories return... The Hunter's Daughter by Nicola Solvinic from @berkleypub https://bit.ly/3YDcQHB #nicolasolvinic #mysteryauthor
In the Kitchen with Susanna Strom - Recipe for Grandma Helena’s Oatmeal Cake #InTheKitchen #Recipe #OatmealCake #bewitchingbooktours https://buff.ly/4dLgQwR
Halloween Flash Fiction with Creole Noir #FlashFiction #bewitchingbooktours https://buff.ly/3KcmBWz
Join Roxanne Rhoads June 29, at 2pm
Curious at Crossroads- Oddities Fest Crossroads Village 6140 Bray Rd, Flint, MI https://www.facebook.com/events/761029485449362/
Get Tickets Here: https://bit.ly/3QUgeLr
Resolve the riddle of the universe. On the Threshold by M. Laszlo https://bit.ly/3Vaj2Xe
Check in for chills, check out with goosebumps: Explore Michigan's haunted hotels with author, Roxanne Rhoads.
Haunted Hotels of Michigan Coming August 12, 2024 https://amzn.to/3Touz4p #MichigansMostHauntedHotels  #MichigansMostHaunted #HauntedMichigan #MichiganGhosts #GhostlyGetaways #MichigansGhostlyGetaways #HauntedTravel #GhostTravel #GhostTourism #HauntedTourism #DarkTourism #HauntedHotelsofMichigan #MichigansHauntedHotels
Enter to win a $75.00 Amazon Gift Card from Author M Laslo
On the Threshold Virtual Book Tour #SciFi #HistoricalFiction #MagicalRealism
As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases #Amazon #ad #CommissionsEarned
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morganbc728 · 1 month
House of Akryene - #FlashFiction Friday - #50wordstories
. Hidden within the depths of the vast woodland of Calvornin, the House of Akryene stands as a proud sigil. Isolated from the rest of the island by the dense forest and surrounded by moat fathoms deep, Akryene is a reminder of all that once was and shall never be again. . Writing and Art by ~Morgan~ If you’d like to keep up with everything I’m doing, sign up for my monthly newsletter by…
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morris-wayts · 5 months
Flash fiction friday - What the river washed up
Flash fiction friday! For all the avid #readers of #flashfiction out there, if you are into #fantasy and #magic - I've got something for you. Free2read. Leave a like or/and comment, interaction makes you a VIP in my book. Would love to hear your thoughts. ❤️‍🔥
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julierysava · 7 months
🎉✨ Fantastic Friday: Unleash Your Imagination! 🚀📚
Hello, Tumblr fam! It's time to kick off the weekend with a burst of creativity and wonder. Let your imagination soar to new heights with today's Fantastic Friday prompt:
Today's Challenge: Write a micro-story (a story in 50 words or less) that begins with the sentence, "In a world where shadows come to life..."
📝✨ Get those creative juices flowing and share your mini-masterpieces in the comments! Let's weave a tapestry of tiny tales together. Whether it's fantasy, mystery, or sci-fi, let your imagination run wild!
Ready, set, write! 🚀📖 #FantasticFriday #WritingPrompt #FlashFiction #MicroStoryMagic #ImaginationUnleashed #FridayFun #CreativeWritingPrompt
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