catshrub · 6 years
hey kween jsyk your caturday bodysuit is invisible on the top half?? at least in my game
hey there !! i checked it and yeah it’s the same for me as well, it’s pretty old so i wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just broken atm. i’ll add it to my list of things to do so i’ll try to fix it soon !! thanks for letting me know
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tigerellasims · 6 years
ME TOO! It warms my heart that he’s there with her. She’s feeling truly safe now :-)
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citrusimsx · 6 years
i don’t know why im cryin in the club rn
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blindingechoes · 6 years
bautista is such a nice name tbh
It really is, I’ve never heard it used as a first name before, only a last name but it’s really grown on me as a first name :) I wish I could take credit for naming Bautista, but unfortunately I cannot. He was an randomly generated EA townie living in Salvadorada, so the game actually named him, not me.
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literalite · 6 years
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                                  when all is said and done                              you’ll believe God is a woman
special thanks to @floraite n @darkblush for helping me out x
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depressionsims · 6 years
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I was tagged by no one, but @imvikai said in her post that anyone who wanted to do it could so I took that offer!
Choose your favorite sim (could be yours, could be someone else’s), and create three pics with them. One with Maxis Match, one with Alpha and the other without cc. 
I chose Zelda because shes my baby and lets just say man am I glad that I don’t like alpha cc
I tag @aberz @rivervieww @enismald @palmdreamsims @starery and @floraite as well as anyone who wants to do this but hasnt been tagged yet! :D
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windnburg · 6 years
shuffle test tag
thank u @winterbjorn for tagging me!!!! ilu!!!
just put your music player on shuffle and answer the questions below with song titles. no cheating! (tag your friends)
1. the song that describes how you will die. me, myself, and i by g-eazy / im SSSCREAMING
2. this song describes your love life for you by gavin james / emo
3. this song will play at your wedding day. thinking bout you by ariana grande / not even mad abt it
4. add “in my pants” at the end of this song. wit it this christmas by ariana grande / wit it this christmas in my pants im SOBBING
5. this song will play at your Funeral real friends by camila cabello / looking 4 real friends even after i die
6. add “with a shovel and screwdriver” to this song. lights on by shawn mendes / such a bop
7. this song describes your week. r.i.p 2 my youth by the neighborhood / couldnt have described it better 
8. this is your theme song. otw by khalid, 6lack & ty dolla sign / a good song
9. the song will play when you think of someone you love. closure by jack and jack / i looove jack and jack
10. the song will play when you miss someone. pop style by drake / i forgot this song existed 
i tag @plasmasnack, @foursims, @flamelium, @floraisin, and @floraite pssst if you’ve already done this just ignore me
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plumbkii · 6 years
I was tagged by the amazing @glowsimraves go give em a follow they’re great.
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 people you wanna know better!
Name: Hunter
Zodiac Sign: Virgo :))
Height: Idk I’m too lazy lol
Languages Spoken: French+English
Fav Fruit: Ummm plumbs obv
Fav Scent: Coffeeeeeee ☕️
Fav Color: Dodie Yellow
Fav Animal: Foxes
Coffe/Tea/Hot Chocolate: Coffeeeeeee ☕️
Fav Fictional Character: Jon Snow lookin finee
Dream Trip: San Francisco sounds fun I guess
When Your Blog was Created: Last year but I’ve started over a lot lol
Song You’ve Had on Repeat: All That Jazz
Fav candy: Blue Jolly Ranchers :))
Fav Holiday: Halloween because Pumpkin Spice Lattes
This is gonna be hard but I tag:
@xjustasimmer @squeamish-sims @spiiceberries @harvestmoony @thelurgoyf @babyh0n3y @pinkguva @seutadust @palmdreamsims @plumvv @floraltaeny @juniebsim @superstarlightshores @floraite @pvsims @alrujna @maxvillareals @ufomood @midnitesims and last but not least @lonertrait. (That was basically my best friends and the entire Not another Simblr Discord sorry guys)
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simswitheileen · 6 years
shuffle game!
I wasn’t actually tagged but @floraite opened it up to whoever wants to do it so here i am!
rules: put ya music player on shuffle and answer the questions with song titles, no cheating, tag ya pals
1. the song that describes how you’ll die: hopeless - bry {oh my, that sounds awful haha}
2. this song describes your love life: eyes open - taylor swift {i mean, yeah, i’m on the lookout haha}
3. this song will play at your wedding: one thing - taylor swift {...which is a break up song so... what does that mean hmmm}
4. add “in my pants” to the end of this song: smokey black nights in my pants - taylor swift {so many unreleased haha}
5. this song will play at your funeral: if this was a movie - taylor swift
6. add “with a shovel and screwdriver” to the end of this song: meet me inside with a shovel and a screwdriver - hamilton soundtrack {THIS ACTUALLY FITS SO WELL ahahah}
7. this song describes your week: the slowest man alive - dodie {i don’t even know this song but yeah that fits lol}
8. this is your theme song: predictable - gabrielle aplin {pahaha good joke i am way too impulsive to be predictable}
9. the song you will play when you think of someone you love: the one - kodaline {yes. YES. a thousand times yes. i can’t believe i didn’t even cheat to get this on this question like this is the best song though it should have been the wedding song cause it is a wedding song so...}
10. the song you will play when you miss someone: babylon - nina nesbitt {i guess that fits..? actually yeah}
I’m tagging whoever wants to do this! 
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tigerellasims · 6 years
eden is precious god bless
God bless indeed
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simcophogi · 6 years
The Amazing Anon Tag
I was tagged by @sundaisims , tysm bb!! I absolutely LOVE this one! ♥ 
Under a read more cause I talk way too much about my story/children.
Also, I’m gonna put who I tag out here, sooo, @ayshio  @floraite  @bbysim  @krniko  @sammyshuno @englishrosesims 
So I’m answering this for the story and characters in Heart’s Grave. Which I mean, isn’t very far along but I have a bunch of posts ready to post I’ve just hit an anxiety wall again. (Also because the Burgos kiddos are telling me their own story, I have no control over their madness)
How did you come up with such unique & fascinating characters?
I dunno if I would say they’re fascinating but ty! The way I create characters is different than a lot of people I’ve talked to, I come up with an idea and put that idea into different situations and see how they react. I think perfect characters are really dull so if I find a flaw with one I latch onto it and expand it. I make sure I find all their faults and try to build them out from that. (By shoving them into a situation that revolves around that fault or fear and I think all my characters hate me tbh). I also have boards and playlists for all of them and I’m always tempted to keep diaries for them because they’re always evolving/changing but I don’t have enough time omfg.
When you started writing your story, what did you take into consideration?
I yelled a lot to @harusumee about people who worked for the grim reaper, so I mean I had to think a lot about death and that there will be some triggering things in the story?? Also Austin is ace and I really wanted to make sure I capture it well. (I mean I’d hope I’d do ok, considering I’m gray-a + aro, I have experience with it on some level pff) I didn’t want it to come off as an “I’m making her ace because of dumb reasons”. It’s just who she is, and I didn’t want it to be a big deal.
How did you shape each character’s background/family?
Funny enough, Zam didn’t exist when I created Shay. I got the gist of like half the story and then was like wait, she HAS A BROTHER?? I basically get your general family ready to go, parents, grandparents, and then have them sit down for a family dinner and see who comes in late. (Zam was fuckin REALLY LATE to dinner, which also helped me develop his character PFF) But then after dinner, they just chill in their house and I kinda figure out who they want to talk to, what they do, and what comes to light. This probably sounds a little crazy I guess, but it makes them more human, imo.
Do you plan everything before starting, or are you more spontaneous?
I do a bit of both. I really like planning so I’ll get the outline ish going and then while I’m following along with it I realize there are 20 other things that have to happen between point A and B, so I have to go back and edit all these things and then I go back to the plan and it’s a never-ending process of trying to have a plan but all the fuckin characters screwing it up. I hate them
Does reality inspire you, or do you rely more on your imagination?
Imagination 10000%. Sometimes reality is in there, but it’s all my imagination. I wouldn’t be anywhere without it. I can’t do anything remotely real/not fantasy or sci-fi because my imagination is like, ALIENS. DRAGONS. DEMONS. SPACE. So if I ever try to be semi-real, 9 times out of 10 I’ll fuckin mess it up.
When did you KNOW you were going to make this story?
The moment I thought of how I could wreck these lesbians I was like, I’m going to do this. Also the moment I explained to Zell my idea and she yelled at me I knew it was good. 
Also, I would just like to apologize to Zell for all the times I’ve made u cry with my angst ideas. Im not actually sorry
What has shaped your story into being the way it is?
The characters tbh. I had a straight-forward plan that I liked from just nicely planning it with Austin and Shay, and then fuckin Zam introduced himself and just kicked the plan aside and was like no, you're going to do this. And then later on whenever Holden and Eudora get introduced, Holden just fucking ripped it apart and was like this is all bad I’ll fix it for you and have I said I hate them????
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tigerellasims · 6 years
ella!! everyday i come to ur blog to check if you have posted anything
Ahh, you’re such a sweetheart ❤️❤️
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simcophogi · 6 years
Uplifting Songs Tag
Rules: Pick a song that lifts your mood. Pick 10 people. Lift them up. Keep it going (no obligation) Share the music, share the love.
I was tagged by @aiwfr , ty!!
The Witching Hour - SkyDrive recently has been one of my favorites!! 
I shall taaaag,  @ayshio @bbysim @krniko @cubersims @harusumee @takemizzu @floraite @squidlish @simbiguous @tartling and as always if I tagged u and you’ve done it/don’t want to, you do you ♥
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