#florist! dina
aouiaa · 5 months
Florist! Dina hcs
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Imagining Florist! Dina who had Ellie paint her shop like a mythical forest with blooming flowers everywhere.
Imagining Florist! Dina who’s very bossy with it. Having her hands on her waist, watching Ellie’s every stroke of the brush with this face.
“Ew, hate that.”
“Alright, where do you want it, D.” Ellie says with a tired sigh.
“Hmmm, Righhtt” she dragged, scanning the room “there.” she points at a corner with a big grin.
Just imagine Ellie with a big pout while waddling the ladder to said spot as Dina is in the background with her hands clasped together with that same big smile.
Such a cutie
Imagining Florist! Dina who was extremely nervous on opening day that her nails who all chewed off by the end of the night.
Poor girl :(
Imagining Florist! Dina who cried when her family came in with flowers of their own, and a little cake congratulating her.
Imagining Florist! Dina who suggested to take a family photo, and later hung it on the wall behind the cash register.
Imagining Florist! Dina who looks at that same photo to make herself feel better when she’s stressed at work.
Imaging Florist! Dina who does that one thing with the apron to make her waist look snatched.
Imagining Florist! Dina who’s a MOTHER to her plants. Always saying goodnight and good morning to her plants. Talking to them throughout the day since she found out that plants get sad when they get no interaction.
Imagining Florist! Dina who does notice the weird stares she gets when she does talk to her plants, but doesn’t care! She even entertains it when little kids run into her shop asking if the plants control her.
“My mom calls you crazy.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say that…the plants give me superpowers like poison ivy.”
“Wait—really?” Dina swears she can see sparkles in their eyes. “Cool!”
Imagining Florist! Dina who sheds some tears when her babies flowers are sold. Since she watches all her flowers grow from a seedling to a blooming flower.
Imagining Florist! Dina who has mini pamphlets with every purchase made of how to take care of the plant, with tips and tricks on the back!
Imagining Florist! Dina who has unique designs on her wrapping papers.
Imaging Florist! Dina who holds back tears when a costumer brings back a plant in terrible condition.
Imaging Florist! Dina who gives a death stare to the same customer when they say they followed her quote on quote stupid instructions, but the dumbass plant died on them anyways. Let’s just say that customer met a whole new Dina that day…
Imaging Florist! Dina who cries when she can’t save a plant.
Imagining Florist! Dina who has a lively garden filled with the returned flowers.
Imagining Florist! Dina who was reluctant to hired staff since she wanted the best care for her flowers.
Imagining Florist! Dina who unintentionally acted like a mobster while interviewing the hires.
“So what brings ya’ here today?” Dina says, looking the poor girl up and down.
“You had a sign saying for hire?” she says, almost scared to respond.
“Hm, alright. Tell me about yourself. Why do you wanna work here?”
"Uhm, you know, I just really love plants. My mother had a garden growing up, and I, uhm, was really involved in it, and grew to love plants, heh." she says, nervously fiddling with her fingers in her lap.
Imagining Florist! Dina who didn’t understand why she was so scared, but ended up hiring her anyway.
Imagining Florist! Dina who was mesmerized by you when you came in with a 'Hiring' paper in hand. Now, the girl is usually confident when attractive people walk into her shop, but all of that confidence was nowhere to be found when you walked in.
Imagining Florist! Dina who was the nervous one doing the interview!
“So, uhm, why do you wanna work here?” she says with a nervous smile.
“Well, I really find botany very interesting. My Dad and I had a garden out front, and that was where I found my passion for plants. And when I saw you were hiring." You stop and chuckle. “I practically ran over here.” you smile while scratching the back of your neck.
Imagining Florist! Dina who loved you immediately, work wise of course, why anything else? And hired you.
Imagining Florist! Dina who holds back a face of disgust when she drinks the coffee you brought her on the first day of your job.
Imagining Florist! Dina who stared at you care for the plants like newborns when she first let you start working on them. Totally didn’t give her butterflies in her tummy.
Imagining Florist! Dina intentionally gives you closing shifts with her so you both can be alone, to get to know you better of course!
Imagining Florist! Dina who learns more from you about plants, and actually accepts the tips since usually she’s very cocky, “I know what I’m doing.”
Soooo sassy wassy
Imagining Florist! Dina who gets nervous being around you easily, and hates it!
You’re coming behind her to get the soil, and you had to just reach behind her!
“Sorry, D. Just…need the soil.”
Dina instantly moves away to let you, “It’s alright, uhm, yeah.” she adds a nervous chuckle towards the end, holding the clipboard to her chest while staring at you.
A smirk relays on your lips as you glance back at her before walking away.
A sigh of relief leaves her lips as she slouches a little, “Pull yourself together, Dina.” she whispers to herself before returning to counting the stock.
Imagining Florist! Dina who enjoys has to endure “terrible” plant jokes over the next few weeks.
“Hey, D” you say, momentarily pausing on sweeping. “What did the cactus say to the other cactus?”
“Hmm, I don’t know what?” Dina says, looking up from counting the money in the register.
“You’re looking sharp!”
Dina who has to hold in her laughter, and sighs. “Gosh, that was terrible…” she says, sounding strained.
“Oh, c’mon! that one was good! I know you wanna laugh.”
Imagining Florist! Dina who somehow gets convinced by you to dance! A slow dance was decided since Dina’s main concern was for the plants. She tried ignoring the way her heart skipped a beat when you placed your hand on her waist for the slow dance.
When the music begins to play, your sight is glued to Dina’s footing, guiding her. Dina could feel her face burning red as she realize the distance between the two of you, and how small it is.
“There you go, you’re natural!” you praise, looking up at Dina.
A smile displays itself on Dina’s face, “What can I say? I’m a fast learner.”
Then there it was, this soft look in your soft eyes, and suddenly you were leaning in. Dina’s heart was pounding out of her chest, feeling all the air around her being sucked away. And the only to breathe was…you. Dina never felt so ready in her life, closing her eyes too.
But she isn’t met with a soft peck, no, instead she feels your thumb harshly swipe something away from her face. “Ow!” Dina yelps, pulling away while holding her cheek.
“Oh shit, sorry, you had some ranch dressing on your face.” you laugh nervously.
“Ahem, y-yeah, no, it’s okay.” Dina says, sounding disappointed?
Imagining Florist! Dina who’s now extremely awkward around you, but so were you. It was so awkward in fact she ran to her best friend, Ellie.
“And you pulled in?!” Ellie laughs, bringing the stick to her lips, and inhaling.
“I didn’t know! I was going off of signs that I obviously know now not there!” she tries defending herself.
Ellie exhales, offering the cannabis to which Dina declines, “Well, you did say you could see it in her eyes too.”
A sigh, one of embarrassment escape her lips as recollects the past. “God, I’m so delusional…” she says, bringing her hands to her face, and burrowing inside. Thinking maybe if she did a good enough job, she wouldn’t have to go to work tomorrow.
“Aren’t we all?” Ellie chuckles, leaning back.
Imagining Florist! Dina who does go to work the next day, and goes about it. Until her lunch break when she laughs upon noticing you playing Plants vs Zombies.
“Plants vs Zombies?” she says with a scoff.
The sudden interruption causes you to look up, and smile. “Yeah, gotta say…pretty addicting.”
She hums “Pretty ironic…since you’re working at a flower shop. You don’t die, do you? Get the poor plants eaten.”
“Oh, god no, what do you take me for? A monster?!” you frown.
“Hmm, good because I would have to fire you if you do.” Dina quips.
You chuckle, turning your phone off and putting it back in your pocket, watching Dina sit down beside you with her arms crossed
“Soo, uhm, how do you like it here?”
A scoff leaves your mouth as you look down at your fidgeting fingers that are placed on your lap. “Well, it’s not so bad here. Lightings great, the people—“
“Oh cmon, Y/n. Be for real.”
You chuckle, another smile appearing on your lips, one of nervousness as you become silent, seeming to think of something before resuming. “You want the truth?”
She couldn’t ignore the feeling in her chest, no, not this time. The same erratic rhythm she felt on that day. She noticed the shift in your demeanor, how you can’t even look her in the eye. Everywhere else, but her. “And what’s that?”
“That you like me.” you respond with a cheeky grin.
Dina’s heart stopped, “What…no? I, uhm,” her face grew hot.
A laugh ruptures from your throat, “Yeahhh, I think you do like me.”
“How’d you know?” she says, looking down and now fidgeting with her fingers.
“Oh, it was pretty obvious.”
Imagining Florist! Dina and you have been together for about two years now! Today marked that day, and you said you knew a spot.
“I swear if you make me fall, and dirty my dress, I’ll kill you!” Dina says, gripping your hand so tight that it might break if any more pressure was added. “I’m putting so much faith in you, y/n!”
“Calm down, baby. You’re not gonna fall or dirty your dress.” you reassure her.
Dina was blindfolded and terrified. More terrified than she has ever been in her whole life. And she didn’t really trust you, considering how clumsy you were yourself.
“Alright, just stop here, and give me one second.”
“Y/n! Wait—where are you going?” she grabs on to the fabric of your sweater.
“Hey, calm down. I’ll be right back.” you say, pressing a kiss on her forehead before walking off.
Hearing your footsteps fade away, she waits there, blind. Listening and looking around to her best ability, but the fabric around her eyes made it difficult. A sudden shiver runs down her back when a breeze blows gently through her hair, painting her skin with gentle strokes. The sensation felt like no other.
“Y/n! Are you ready?” your voice makes her jump.
“Ye-yeah! I’m ready” Dina puts her hand out for you to grab, and lead her.
"Alright, just stand here." You trail off, positioning her like a doll. "Okay, you can take it off.”
And when she does, a gasp leaves Dina's mouth as she's met with miles of valley filled with flowers. Ones of many colors and varieties, and below a blanket filled with Dina’s favorite foods. Tears begin to well up in her eyes as she looks back at you.
“Surprise, baby.” you say with a smile.
“Oh my god, this is perfect!” Dina jumps in your arms to which you catch and hold onto her as she begins kissing you.
“I was scared you’d hate it.” you say in between kisses
“Hate it? I love it!” Dina laughs.
“Well I love you.”
Feeling her face warm up again, and that same feeling brewing up in her chest, she can’t help, but to feel like the luckiest girl in the world. “I love you too.”
Florist! Dina who loves what beautiful gifts the world bestows, and is so glad she has you to experience it with.
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cyberl33ch · 3 months
Spring Fling💋
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summary: Your roommate of a couple months decides to ask you out...kind of? What could transpire?
tw: smut MDNI, hopeless romance, drunk/tipsy sex, Abby is g!p, fingering & head.
pairing: G!P Abby x Inexperienced!Florist!Reader
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Moving to Seattle wasn’t really the plan but getting out of your small town was exactly what you needed. Don’t get me wrong small towns are cute and everything's laid out for you but seeing the same old faces and going to the same old places gets tiring. And you can’t like getting away from the drama that your ex had caused was what you longed for. But having a hot roommate…you definitely did not plan for it.
Her name was Abby. She was very muscular with sort of a dusty blonde/brunette thing going on obviously the female definition of a dilf. She would go to the gym every morning which would leave you time to have the house to yourself in order to get ready for whichever job you were working. She also happened to pass by every time she was leaving the gym.
Sometimes she would come by and speak just to take a look at the fresh flowers that came in ever so often. You could obviously tell she had a green thumb the way she would cater to the ones in the apartment. Overall she was cool but that all changed randomly when she invited you out, even though you were quite busy with whatever shifts you managed to pick up.
The bell on the front shop door rings announcing someone entering. “Welcome to Bloomscape, what can I help you with?” You say putting down the spray bottle after watering the flowers behind the counter. You turn around to meet none other than Abby. Just your luck. “Oh hey Abby, the new peonies are out front if you’re-” “Would you like to go out with me?” She says, you realize her face is slightly red but you brush it off assuming she had an intense workout today. “Sorry with a couple friends not like…that.” She explains making you nod your head in understanding. Not going to lie that hurt a little bit. Like a slow jab to your heart. “Oh yeah sure…what time?” You question “Around 8pm you should be off by then right?” She asks. You nod your head and after working out the details she leaves rather quickly (and quite flushed if I do say so myself) not even looking at the peonies out front. Weird.
After closing up shop and making your way back to the apartment you walk in to realize she’s already invited her friends over to pregame. Assuming that’s what it was anyway you peek in the living room and say hello. “Hello!” You say as you wave at all 3 of them in the living room. “Oh shit- Guys this is the friend I invited out with us!” She says, gesturing for them to introduce themselves to you. “Hello, I’m Dina, these two shithead's friends.” One says pushing Abby's shoulder. “I’m Ellie.” Another quite attractive one says waving back to you shyly (if i do say so myself) “I’ll go get ready, nice to meet you guys!” You walk to your room and before you can even shut the door you hear Ellie saying that you’re “Smoking hot.” Smiling ear to ear you close the door before you can hear any further and start to get ready.
You walk out of your room and walk into the kitchen going in the fridge to search for a beer. When you feel a hand on your waist you jolt up meeting Abby. “Hey calm down darlin’.” She almost laughs out and hands you a beer knowing you’re searching for one. You take the beer smiling slightly, thanking her and closing the fridge. After an hour of pregaming you they decide it’s time to go to the bar. “Everybody set to go?” Abby questions looking at everyone grabbing her keys.
Hour 2 in the bar Dina and Ellie are the only ones looking groggy and soggy but you and Abby are having the time of your lives. You never knew that you and Abby had so much music taste in common. As the night started to grow older and older they started to play slower, more romantic music. You take your seat at the bar sipping your drink by Dina and Ellie who are both by now practically eye fucking each other.
You were about to go outside for a smoke when your thought was interrupted by a light tap on your shoulder. “Hey, do you mind dancing with me?” Abby asks with her face growing more red by the second. “Uh yeah of course” You smile. As soon as you two hit the middle of the floor she immediately puts her hands on your waist pulling you closer to her. You look up at her with big doe eyes and that’s when you start to feel the liquor finally hit you because she looks good enough to eat at this moment. She nuzzles your neck as your bodies practically become one. “I need you.” She whispers in your ear making you gasp which gives her enough time to slip her tongue into your mouth and take you in a devastating kiss.
As she pulls back from your lips you shoot her a confused look. “I thought you-” She shushes you putting her finger up to your lips. “Take a cab with me.” Abby demands taking your hand interlocking your fingers with hers as she makes her way through the sea of people on the dance floor. She gets up to the bar giving Ellie enough money to get a cab and pay for the drinks. As she reaches the outside she pauses for a moment taking in the cool spring breeze compared to the hot atmosphere of the bar. You’ve never really taken a moment to really soak in Abby’s features. Her hair which she rarely let down blowing with the wind. And oh gosh- her nose looks like you could ride that for days at a time.
You get so taken up in your thoughts you didn’t realize she was staring right back at you. “Can I have my face back?” She jokes you lightly jabbing her shoulder. “Jeez, I’m just joking…that hurt a bit.” Abby says pouting and rubbing her shoulder softly. “Aw, is the baby hurt?” You say mocking her pouting and rubbing your shoulder. “Yeah yeah whatever lets start walking weirdo.” She says rolling her eyes rather sassily.
Weirdo. Weirdo? WEIRDO?? “You want to talk about weird? Let’s talk about how you always treat me like a little sister and then randomly kiss me.” You sass back at her, narrowing your eyes as you two begin your journey back to the apartment. “I’ll do it again.” Abby treats this as if were a threat to your safety as she can’t seem to choose between looking at your lips or your eyes. “Whatever sass-factor!” You roll your eyes at her crossing your arms.
Back at the apartment you assume you two are just going to go your separate ways again like this never happened.“So…we just go our separate ways?” You mumble out just above a whisper as your vision starts to blur from tearing up. “What if we didn’t?” Abby says taking a step closer to you. “What if?” You accept the challenge, taking another step towards her. Abby pulls you closer by your waist and takes off your jacket for you, discarding it on the sofa. Followed by taking off her own and dropping it right by her feet. “What if?” She quirks an eyebrow staring straight at your glossy lips. After that she just couldn’t play this little game you were playing with her anymore as she takes you in another breathtaking kiss and lifts you up like you’re nothing.
You straddling her waist as she sets you down on the bed, her kneeling in front of you making full eye contact as she takes off your shoes for you. She looks up at you resting her hands on your thighs. “Do I have your consent?” Abby asks, peering into your eyes. God's consent is sexy. “Yes.” You nod. Abby follows this with sliding down your underwear and pinning you to the mattress, her on top of you. She then takes two fingers and taps on your lips asking demanding for entrance. “Suck.” She orders as you open your mouth and swirl your tongue around her digits.
“Good girl” She praises. She then takes them out of your mouth leaving a string of saliva as she lifts up your dress and starts to coat her fingers in your arousal and insert them up until her knuckles. The length of her fingers makes you immediately grab her wrist moaning. “Fuck! Abby…” You pant out as she starts to pick up the pace, shouting her name like it’s a mantra. “Thaaat’s it baby take it.” She affirms as the knot in your stomach comes undone faster and faster. “Gonna cum…” You mumble out making her grab your chin realizing she wants to see your reaction as you eat up the pleasure she was dishing out.
As you feel your release coating her fingers and your surroundings becoming more and more fuzzy by the second. You sit up seeing her licking her fingers clean making full eye contact with you. By the time her fingers are practically wrinkly from the hydration they were getting she turns you around and starts unlacing your dress. Grazing her fingertips lightly on the skin of your back. “Your skin is so soft…” Abby says just above a whisper.
She starts kissing you and leaving little love bites and marks that’ll surely bruise in the morning. You hear her start to strip behind you and just as she’s taking off her boxers you get a good glimpse of what’s to come. And you start to turn around and make full contact with her long, thick, blushed precum dripping shaft. More so gawking at it because she definitely noticed while taking off her shirt.
“You wanna touch it?” She asks, reaching out to grab your hand, as she guides your hand onto the base of it. “Don’t be scared mama.” Abby chuckles, still guiding your hand to slowly stroke it making her grunt. As she slowly softens her grip and lets you take control, throwing her head back in pleasure grunting loudly. She grabs your chin absentmindedly removing your hand and picking up the pace as her eyes sear into your soul as she motions for you to open your mouth.
Followed by multiple grunts and curses she finally releases ropes of herself onto your tongue. As you close your mouth and swallow the liquid. “Hands and knees” Abby demands with low lidded eyes. You follow her instructions in a daze as she grabs a hold on your hips, forcing you to arch your back. Abby cautiously slides the tip in after realizing how tight you were, grunting in pleasure as a response. “Fuuuck” She mumbles out her eyes closed as you squeeze around her length. As she takes her time inch by inch she eventually bottoms out. This feels good of course but she can hear you whimper as you taste the saltiness of your tears.
Abby slowly starts to pick up a steady pace as you start to reach back trying to slow her down as the tears come down more frequently. “Nuh uh baby you can take it” She says in between grunts swatting your hand away as you grip the sheets. As her pace quickens she pulls you up by your shoulder, taking that hand and wrapping it around your throat. She then takes her other hand from your hip and starts rubbing your sensitive clit.
Your eyes roll back in your head as she tops that off by kissing your neck, knowing by the way you were growing louder she knew you were close to your orgasm. Abby reaches an unimaginable pace and that’s when you feel it hit you like a tsunami. As you feel her warm seed fill you up and mix with yours you finally come down from the drunken, fuzzy high you two were in. You feel her pull out and the mix of you guys’ climax slide down your legs.
After you two showered together and put on pajamas you both lie in the bed, her spooning you. You’ve dozed off a while ago as she just admires your beauty in the moonlit room. Brushing the hair out of your face, she pecks your temple and dozes off along with you.
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my masterlist
(tell me in my ask my anything's if you have a request!)
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r3starttt · 21 days
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𓂃˖ ✶ BY R3N
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✶ . ࣪ ׅ ELLABS '
- series | unfinished | 3 chapters
- blurb | modern - famous au | hc's
- blurb. hc's | modern au | ellabs having a subway crush on each other
- hc's | ellie and Abby being roomates
- drabble | modern au | ellabs working as florists
CAFÉ | 01 | 02
- drabble | modern au | fighting over you
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✶ . ࣪ ׅ ELLIE | ABBY | DINA '
- sfw. fluff. comfort | hc’s
- sfw. fluff. outbreak | how would it be to age together
- sfw. modern au | hc’s | how would they dress
- nsfw | a list with Twitter links that give the vibe
- nsfw | drabbles inspired on Twitter links
- suggestive. nsfw. making out | hc’s
- sfw. fluff. modern au | hc's on how they would be mom's
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( masterlist )
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totheblood · 1 year
imagine me & you. (one)
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pairing: modern!ellie williams x reader
summary: ellie is the florist for your wedding, and you wonder is love at first sight is real and if it is the universe hates your guts
warnings: occasional cursing, suggestive themes, angst/pining, could this be considered infidelity? maybe?, drug/alcohol usage/mention, you marry a man i apologize
a/n: AI AUDIOS AT THE END this is a series i'm writing that is completely based on the movie "imagine me and you" which is a phenomenal lesbian romcom... i would suggest that everyone watches it but i dont want the series to be spoiled for you.. this is sugar sweet fluff and i think is overall really cute. I DONT CONDONE CHEATING! this fic is.... a gray area tho so.. enjoy! I would greatly appreciate any reblogs, comments, asks you have about this chapter. thank you for supporting me through this journey!
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This was the best day of your life. 
The chapel was adorned with flowers, the smell of tulips heavy in the air. The streamers were hung between each seat with careful detail, just as you had planned it months ago. You could hear the quiet chatter among guests, all beautifully dressed for the occasion, and at the end of the aisle stood your best friend. This was the day your best friend became your husband.
You had met Sully in your first year of college when his best friend, Ezra, began dating your best friend, Tara. While Tara and Ezra’s relationship was short-lived, you and Sully had something nearly impossible to break. He provided a kind of comfort that only came with knowing someone as long as you had, and a promise of a life that you imagined for yourself. 
You were in love with him, you knew this. This fact had never even come into question. You were sure of your decision every step of the way and you were positive that your walk down the aisle would be the easiest thing you had done in your lifetime. 
The only thing that made you nervous was the fact that everyone had their eyes on you. As the doors opened and it was finally your turn to make your way down the aisle, you knew that this was the first day of the rest of your life, but not for the reasons you expected.
Prior to the start of the wedding, Ellie was already having a shit day. Her supplier hadn’t arrived with the shipment of tulips she needed for the shop that day and it was just her luck that her last batch was already loaded in the truck for your wedding. Dina had assured her that she would call and bitch out the supplier until he delivered them, but something was still unsettled in her gut. Reluctantly, she relinquished her power to Dina for the day and made her way over to your venue to set up early.
It was the silent morning that Ellie loved the most. The air was crisp with anticipation of what was about to happen, the quiet echoed chapel that would soon be filled with celebratory cheers and applause. The idea that eternal love may exist soothed her, but only temporarily.
Ellie had found herself in somewhat of a dry spell, her only intimate interactions being with her pillow. It wasn’t something that necessarily stressed her out, but it was something that she thought about often. It wasn’t that it bothered her either, she was simply growing impatient for her chance to have this kind of celebration of love. It is legal now, she reminded herself. 
As the time for the wedding grew closer, Ellie found that she was in over her head. She assumed she would be able to finish decorating by the time guests started to arrive, so she could slip out unnoticed and no one would see her in her overalls, but she admittedly had paid too much attention to detail. It was no secret that she was a perfectionist, but she knew it would cost her.
Her anxiety only grew more and more as people started to arrive and sit in the aisles that she still was yet to decorate. By the grace of whatever was out there, she finished with little time to spare and had begun collecting her things but was stopped by who she assumed was a groomsman. 
“Hi, you must be Ellie, the florist.” He reached out his hand, a broad smile on his face. His eyes were a stark blue and his face was perfectly symmetrical. He oozed confidence and Ellie could tell that he had never faced a day of rejection in his life. She had a feeling this was about to change.
“What gave it away? The flowers or my overalls?” She joked, reaching her gloved hand out to shake his, a polite laugh escaping from his lips. 
“It was actually your indescribable beauty. I don’t know… I heard a thing about florists being hot. I’m Ezra, by the way.” Ellie wanted to scoff, throw up, do anything that would signify she wasn’t interested in the man before her, but more than that she wanted her tip. 
“Wonder where you heard that. Didn’t see that article in this month's Florist’s Monthly.” She joked back, her sickly sweet grin still painted on her face.
“Well, just wanted to introduce myself. Hope you're staying for the reception?” He questioned, moving back after the pace of the room began to change. It was becoming evident the wedding was about to start and he needed to be in his place. 
“It’s my job to be there so… I’ll be there.” She sighed, picked up the bucket that had scrap flowers in it, and began making her way down the side of the chapel, careful to not draw any attention to her. Ellie had never stayed this long before, she had never gotten the opportunity to watch the bride walk down the aisle and curiosity was getting the best of her. As she tried to sneak away, she attempted to get one glance at the girl about to be married. 
As you made your way down the floral-lined carpet, a line was tugged on your heart. Something inside of you was telling you to look to the left. So you did. It was almost as if time stopped for a moment as you caught a glimpse of the girl. Her hair was half pinned up, little strands of hair framing her face, her lips in an adoring smile. She was all-encompassing. This is what you imagined love at first sight to feel like. It’s what you would have imagined love at first sight to feel like if it wasn’t your wedding day.
Ellie had to stop when she saw you, your beauty overwhelming her. She was sure all brides looked this beautiful on their wedding day, but she was also unsure of that at this moment. It was an almost impossible idea that someone on this earth could look more beautiful than you did at that moment. It made her heart drop to the pit of her stomach, even more so when she saw the comforting smile on your face drop as you locked eyes and you quickly turned away. Ellie assumed you hadn’t recognized her and became confused so she quickly and quietly made her way out of the venue.
When you turned back around to get one last look at her, she was gone. You were almost sure she was simply a figment of your imagination, an ethereal dream that you had hallucinated, but what you felt was real. Almost too real.
The wedding went off without a hitch, fulfilling every dream you had for yourself. As you kissed your now husband you felt a great sense of relief, the pit in your stomach from earlier being filled. Whatever feeling you felt when you and the florist locked eyes was now becoming a distant memory. The only thing you could think of was that you had done it, and completed this task. This was what love felt like. Right? 
As the reception went on and the guests were full of liquor and good music, Ellie found herself wanting to introduce herself to you, as she did with every bride. She pushed past warm bodies till she found you hunched over the punch bowl, a ladle in your hands. 
“Hi,” She began, causing you to drop the ladle and turn towards her. She stood with her arms by her side and a gentle smile on her face. She seemed calm. Warm. Inviting.
“Hi.” You replied, moving to stand in front of the punch bowl, a smile gracing your face.
“We- um, we haven’t met. I’m Ellie.” She introduced herself. She smiled as you simply responded with your name. 
“I did your flowers.” She stated, assuming you were unsure of who she was. 
“You did?” You breathed, your shoulders relaxing. “My flowers are nice.” 
“Anyways, I was just going to get a-” Ellie pointed at the punch behind you, moving towards it but was stopped by your body standing moving in front of it, blocking it from her view.
“Drink.” Ellie said, suspiciously, brows furrowed in confusion as you gave her a nervous laugh.
“I wouldn’t.” You remarked through your laughs, slightly shaking your head.
“Wh- Is there something wrong?” Ellie questioned, unsure of what was happening right now. “I’m here to help.”  She watched as you blinked for a second and your smile fell. 
“My ring.” You told her as you turned around and picked up the ladle again, looking down into the punch. Ellie was at your side, watching as you stirred the red liquid, a smile back on your face. “I was getting some of this punch crap and-”
“Your wedding ring?” Ellie laughed, stealing a glance at your focused face.
“It fell off.” You giggled, a sound that made Ellie’s cheeks redden. “Off and in there. My wedding ring is in there.” You turned to her, the side of your lips curved downwards into an upside-down smile. You were impossibly close to her.
“And you tried the ladle?” Ellie questioned, humor in her voice. 
“Nothing.” You shook your head, a huge grin still on your face.
“And you can’t empty-” Ellie shook her head, her internal monologue running rampant. “No, it's too big. Um, alright.” Ellie’s mind almost short-circuited when you laughed at her manic raving.
“Only one thing to do.” Ellie simply stated. “Cover me.”
“What?” You question, staring at her, confusion written all over your face.
“Use the dress, I’m going in.” Ellie answered, rolling up the sleeves of her shirt before pulling you by the waist in front of her. She tried not to be distracted by your consistent laughing, but reality shook her as she reached her hand into the punch bowl.
You stood in front of her keeping watch but quickly became alert when another guest began making his way over to you.
Moving to stand in front of him and Ellie, you looked up at him and gave him your friendliest smile. Clearing your throat you offered the man a polite, “Hello.”
“They say white’s the color of virgins… if I know Sully the only thing virgin around here is the olive oil.” He commented smugly, reaching next to you to pick up a plastic cup. Ellie couldn’t help but roll her eyes as she fished around in the punch. What makes this guy think he can just-
“The old jokes really are the best aren’t they?” You quipped sarcastically, a groan nearly slipping from your lips. Ellie was laughing to herself at the sound of your annoyed tone and body being in such close proximity to hers.
“I’m Dennis. Sully works underneath me but not in the biblical sense.” He reached out and shook your hand, unwarranted confidence coming off him in waves. Just at that moment, Ellie felt the circular metal between her fingertips and pulled it out victoriously.
“You’re just like he described.” You told the man, it being painfully obvious (to no one but him) that you didn’t mean that as a compliment. Behind you, Ellie shook the juice off the ring and tapped the exposed skin of your upper arm, causing you to put your left hand behind your back, right in Ellie’s view. Carefully, Ellie slipped the ring on your ring finger, its rightful place, and found herself beside you again. 
“Now, I need booze.” Dennis remarked as he picked up the ladle and scooped some punch into his cup. If it was anyone else, you would have stopped him. But it wasn’t.
“Hi.” Ellie made herself known to the man. 
“Hi.” He replied. Ellie tried to ignore the way he looked her up and down.
“This is Ellie.” You said, a proud smile on your face. “She’s a florist”
“Name’s Dennis. But you can call me anything you’d like.” He outstretched his hand to Ellie, a dumbstruck look on his face. Ellie’s drenched hand gripped his as if she was punishing him for his behavior.
“And I’m sure I will.” Ellie smiled, holding back her laughter as he pulled his hand away and shook the sticky liquid off his hand.
The wedding was as eventful as any wedding could be. Family members were getting drunk, Ezra was flirting with as many people as he could, and you were wrapped up in Sully’s arms. The music had mellowed out and people had found their way back to their assigned tables, ready to eat. Everyone began eating, only looking up when Sully stood up, prepared to make a speech. 
You listened as he went on about how long he had waited for this day, how much he adored you, and the future he envisioned for the two of you. You wanted to relish in all the attention and love he was showering you in, but your mind continued to travel back to Ellie and the brief moment you shared with her. Ellie was most likely miles away by now, but that didn’t stop you from envisioning her there in the crowd. 
You were starting to feel guilty about it too. While your husband was boasting about how you were the best thing to happen to him, you were fantasizing about the girl you had just who you were almost sure was your soulmate. There was a thickness in your throat that only grew as Ezra described how he and Ellie had ‘hit it off’ and how he was going to ask her out. It shouldn’t have upset you but you did.
The following week your mind was still on Ellie. She hadn’t reached out after the wedding, but you were also unsure of why she would do something like that. It wasn’t like there was any specific reason for her to call you, but you still waited by the phone like she would. 
It felt like a regular day for Ellie, she reached the shop early and was finishing setting up. She had just opened the doors when a man had hurried in with a frantic look on his face. 
 “Hello.” She greeted the man, wiping the dirt from her hands on the apron wrapped around her waist. 
“Hi. You’ve got to help me.” He exclaimed frantically. “I need a flower. Just one. A good one. The best!” He watched as she continued to move things around the shop. 
“Okay.” Ellie said in her calmest voice, attempting to appease the man. 
“This is my last chance. My last chance flower.” He told her, looking around at the various flowers on display. 
“Your last chance?” Ellie questioned, finally giving her full attention to the man.
“I really fucked up. Only the right flower can save me.” He explained. “What about a rose? A red rose. What would that say?” He pointed to the basket of red roses sitting on the table.
“Love.” Ellie shrugged.
“Love’s nice.” The man thought out loud.
“And fidelity.” Ellie added. 
“Not a red rose, then.” The man pushed past the roses and continued looking. 
“No, not a red rose at all. It’s too obvious.” Ellie agreed with him, eager to make a sale. “If this really is your last chance we need to make it something spectacular.” Ellie moved to the other side of the shop and examined what she had in stock. There was a slight knock at the door, but Ellie didn’t look up, focused on the task at hand. 
“Be right with you.” She told the unknown guest. 
“That’s fine.” You spoke, your voice causing her to stand up straight. You had a pink scarf wrapped around your neck and your hair pulled back. You had this glow to you that only came with what Ellie assumed was natural beauty. Almost suddenly the air in the shop was much lighter. 
“Hi.” She breathed, smiling back at you.
“How are you doing?” Ellie asked.
“Good,” you shrugged your shoulders. “Great.” You corrected yourself.
“I just,” you began again but were cut off by the man making his way out the open door behind you to look at the flowers that were placed outside the shop. “Came by to say thanks.” You smiled, awkwardly putting your hands in your pockets.
“It was a total pleasure,” Ellie told you, her voice soft. She stared at you for a beat, almost forgetting what she was doing before you came in. “Listen, sorry, I’m just dealing with-” She pointed to the man outside scanning the flowers.
“Oh, of course. Go right ahead.” You blurted out, moving away from the door so she could tend to the man outside. 
The man looked at you through the window, smiling upon seeing your face. “What’s your favorite flower?” He asked, making you blink at him. 
“I don’t know, I think I like tulips.” You replied, giving him the kindest smile you could muster.
“They’re wrong.” He said, finger in the air as he continued to muck about. He made his way back into the store as Ellie pulled a long, colorful flower from one of the silver buckets attached to the wall.
“What about this?” Ellie asked him, showing him the exotic flower she had in her hands. “Bird of paradise.”
“Keep talking.” He instructed her. 
“Real name ‘Strelitzia’. Named after Charlotte of Strelitz. She married King George the third and had 15 kids. They never spent more than an hour apart.” She explained, looking towards you to see the grin you were hiding on your face.
“Okay, stop talking.” The man said as he abruptly left the store. 
“Do you want to come to dinner?” You asked her, just as abruptly.
“ ‘m sorry?” She asked, confused by the tone this conversation carried.
“Dinner, with us. Me and Sully.” You clarified, her chest deflating a little. You watched as an unreadable expression clouded her face, suddenly feeling embarrassed by the question. “I mean you don’t have to-”
“I’d love to.” Ellie cut you off, her heart blooming as she watched your smile grow.
“Really?” You asked sounding surprised. “This Friday?”
“Yeah, Friday. Why not?” Ellie nodded, unsure of why she was agreeing to this.
“Great. I’ll just write down-” You moved to write down your address on a card you saw sitting on the counter. 
“Perfect!” The man from earlier screamed, walking back in with a cactus shaped like a dick in his hands. “This is the one.” 
You and Ellie both couldn’t help but laugh.
Friday came around sooner than expected. You had spent the entire day cooking, dancing around the kitchen, and cleaning up the apartment. When you told Sully about the dinner party you were hosting, he decided that it would be best to invite Ezra since he and Ellie presumably ‘hit it off’ at the wedding. Admittedly, that made you want to not only pull your hair out but also Sully’s. Instead, you simply thanked him for being so thoughtful and tried your best to make it seem like you were impartial. 
The place was decorated to the nines. There stood long colored candles lit on the table, new spring placemats laid out, and bright pink tulips in a vase at the center of the table. You would never say it out loud, but the tulips were there for Ellie.
You hadn’t realized how much time had passed since you began cooking, but the sun was setting and Sully was already dressed for the guests. He sauntered into the kitchen, talking about how much he hated his job and threatening to quit for the sixth time that week. 
“You say that every day, baby.” You told him, stirring the pot before pulling the spoon out, swiping your finger on it, and tasting the sauce. It was perfect. 
“I know, but this time I mean it.” He told you, walking up behind you and placing a kiss on your cheek. 
“Do you like Ellie?” You asked randomly.
“Yeah, sure. She seems nice enough. I mean Ezra likes her.” He responded, walking around the kitchen island. 
“Ezra likes anything with a pulse.” You reminded him causing him to laugh. 
“That’s true.” He smiled to himself. “But if you want her to stick around why are you introducing her to him.” 
“It wasn’t my idea. You know this.” You said, pulling the breadsticks out of the oven. 
“Oh, right.” was all he said before he popped a grape into his mouth from the bowl sitting on the kitchen island. You were about to scold him for spoiling his dinner but your thoughts were cut off by the ringing of the bell. 
“That should be Ellie. Get the door please.” You instructed him.
“On it, boss.” He popped another grape in his mouth before opening the door for Ellie. 
“Hey, Ellie. Nice to see you.” He greeted, stepping back so Ellie could make her way into the apartment. 
“Hey. I didn’t know what you drank, or if you drank, so I just made punch.” She smiled, handing the bottle to Sully. From the kitchen, you were blushing at the reminder of your first meeting.
“Thank you. She will love this.” He thanked her watching as you came up beside him. Instinctively, he put a hand around your shoulders.
“Hi.” You smiled at her. The air was thick between the two of you and there was an awkward silence. Ellie blinked at you. You looked as good as you did the first time she saw you. It always startled her how her pulse raced in your presence.
“Come look at our new sofa.” You told her, removing yourself from Sully’s grip as you led her into the living room. 
“Expensive new couch.” Sully corrected you.
“Can’t put a price on comfort,” Ellie told Sully, smiling as she plopped down on the couch. 
“A girl after my own heart.” You smiled down at Ellie, watching as her cheeks blushed once again. Sully sat down next to her, handing the bottle of punch over to you. 
“Do you believe in reincarnation? It’s just that my lover here thinks that you two have met before.” Sully asked Ellie, causing you to send a dirty look his way. 
“That’s not what I-” You started.
“I think I would have remembered.” Ellie said smoothly, eyes fixed on you. You ignored the way your heart picked up speed and your face grew with warmth.
“Well, I’m going to put this in the kitchen. You two talk.” You hurried away, checking yourself in the mirror before heading back into the kitchen.
On the couch, Ellie fiddled with her fingers as she examined the room around her. It was bright and well-decorated. She could tell that every piece in here was handpicked by you and it made her feel more at ease as she and Sully made small talk. 
“Anyway. How about you? Married?” He questioned. Ellie was unsure of how the conversation had led here but she so desperately wanted you to come back. “Ever been married? Ever gonna be married?” He continued to press her.
“Uh, no, no, and maybe now the laws have changed.” She chuckled as she watched the confusion cloud his face, leaning back on the couch.
“What do you mean?” Sully questioned.
“I’m gay.” Ellie flatly responded. Sully let out a laugh, before humming to himself. He didn’t know what to do in these situations.
“Lovely. Well-done.” He told Ellie, cringing at himself. Luckily, Ezra’s arrival had saved him some embarrassment. 
The dinner went on as well as you’d expected. Ezra consistently hitting on Ellie, Sully attempting to tell Ezra that Ellie was gay, and numerous stolen glances between you and Ellie all occurred within the half-hour you were sitting there.
Somehow the conversation drifted to how much of a player Ezra was, earning small laughs from the whole group.
“Well, that’ll all change when you meet Mrs.Right.” You told him, pushing your food around on your plate with your fork.
“And how am I supposed to know when I do that? Hm?” Ezra questioned, looking straight at you.
“You don’t know. Not straight away, anyways. It just feels warm, and comfortable, and you hang in there and give it a chance. Before you know it, you’re like yeah, this is it.” You were unsure if you were trying to convince him or yourself, but Sully was smiling at you from across the table so you found comfort in that. “Must be love.”
“Yeah, I’m with you.” Sully agreed.
“Yeah, I’m with her too.” Ezra chimed in.
“I don’t agree.” Ellie blurted out, causing everyone to look at her. “I think you know immediately. You know as soon as your eyes…” She was staring intently at you as her voice trailed off and she averted her gaze from you. “Then everything that happens from then on just proves that you had been right in that first moment.” Her eyes met yours again. It was almost as if she was speaking directly to you.
“When you suddenly realized you had been incomplete and now you are whole.” She finished, her eye contact with you making something inside you stir. You were staring back at you, mouth hanging open. It was almost as if she saw through you at that moment and it made you wonder if she had been feeling the same way. Whatever you were feeling, she had felt too. 
“Nevermind, I’m actually with her.” Ezra spoke up, breaking you out of your trance.
“Me too.” Sully laughed. “Okay, who’s ready for desser-”
“No.” You stated.
“No?” Ellie questioned. 
“No, if you think that, then you think that everyone who doesn’t have all that business is just settling for less.” You argued, unsure if you were trying to defend what you had with Sully.
“No, that’s not what I’m saying.” Ellie corrected you.
“That kind of is what you’re saying.” You fought back.
“I think she said it a tiny bit nicer.” Ezra quipped in. 
“Cheesecake, anyone?” Sully said, bringing the cheesecake in from the kitchen.
The night carried on after that. You began to help Sully clean the dishes, but he insisted that he and Ezra should do it since you cooked dinner. You watched as Ellie made her way through the hallway, and out to the terrace, bringing her umbrella with her. Quietly you followed her, unsure of what your endgame was. You tightly wrapped your sweater around you, the chill from outside seeping through the walls. Ellie was sat on the edge of your terrace, staring out into the city. You watched her for a moment, content with just looking at her.
“What are you doing?” You called out from inside, causing her to turn her head and smile at you.
“It’s gorgeous,” Ellie told you, turning her head slightly towards the city beneath her.
“It’s raining.” You reminded her, the smile that was permanently on around her only growing. 
Ellie closed her umbrella and ran back inside next to you. Watching you as you closed the door shut behind her. You both stood there for a moment watching the rain pour from the warmth inside. 
“Sully won't come up here.” You blurted out. “He says there is a subconscious fear that you’ll throw yourself off, but he freaks when I get close to the edge too.”
Ellie remained quiet, smiling gently at you.
“Sorry about dinner.” You apologized for the tiny freakout you had.
“I’ve eaten worse.” Ellie laughed, trying to show you that she had no hard feelings toward you.
“I kind of went off.” You sighed, crossing your arms in front of you.
“You didn’t go off,” Ellie assured you gently, looking back at you with your eyebrows raised. “Okay, you went a little way off.” 
This time you both turned toward each other, the air once again thick between the two of you.
“You’re wet.” You said simply as you rubbed the water off her clothes. Ellie’s breath caught in her throat as you touched her.
“I’m fine.” Ellie laughed.
“And you’re cold.” You told her, pulling off your cardigan and beginning to wrap it around her shoulders.
“I’m fine.” She plead again, reaching for your wrist as you attempted to put your sweater on her.
“You can have it, really.” You told her. 
“I’m fine.” She said once more, finally giving up and you wrapped her in the sweater, pulling her close. If this was anyone else she would have kissed you right then and there. But you were you, and you were married. 
“Hey, what are you guys up to?” Sully called from downstairs, once again breaking the moment the two of you were sharing. 
Ellie took a step back away from you. This was a feeling she was unfamiliar with and that’s what scared her the most. She knew that you were going to be the death of her.
ai audios:
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ellabsweet · 1 year
[*ੈ✩] 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐌𝐄 & 𝐘𝐎𝐔 • 𝐀.𝐀
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synopsis: abby anderson and owen, long time friends and lovers, finally tie the knot, and during the celebration, abby starts a friendship with the pretty wedding florist.
pairing: abby anderson x florist!reader
warning: multiple part series based off the movie imagine me & you so it contains the love at first sight trope, will have heavy mentions of comphet, eventual smut and reader is explicitly a lesbian! some use of y/n but i try to limit it
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“I want something that says I’m sorry he’s dead… but not that sorry. He was a dog and you loved him more than you loved me. Can you do a bunch that says that?”
You’re stuck between laughing and sighing, looking through your inventory for subtle grief flowers, whatever those may be. The last customer of the day is always bound to be the hardest, a cheating boyfriend who needs forgiveness, an uncertain last moment gift, occasional odder ones that would go straight into the stories kept to gossip at your friends from an otherwise untuburlent life. You give the woman violets and start loading your company pickup truck as she leaves.
“What’s the job?” Dina from the store next door asks, helping with your boxes of potted flower arrangements, wiling the sweat off her forehead as she does so, the usual bright smile plastered across her face in a familiar warmth you have grown to adore.
“Another wedding, rich people really do love their spring engagements” You chuckle, tossing them out in the back of the truck, hands on your waist with an audible breath as you stand finally facing Dina into your focus.
“Nice couple?”
“Haven’t met them, it’s all about the mother in law” Dina rolls her eyes at that but silently agrees, her own distaste of weddings being duo to her on and off boyfriend’s mother aswell.
“Hey, me and Jesse are going out later, wanna come with after your ceremony?” You nod happily at her, her surprise being caught off guard making you laugh as you climb onto the front seat, hands ready on the steering wheel, you exchange a few more pleasentries and promises before you are truly on your way, feeling uncomfortably underdressed already by the pantsuit you barely had time to put on nearly stained by dirt around the heels.
You stare around the venue’s outdoors as some well dressed men come pick up your arrangements and spread them across the place, it doesn’t take long before you spot who you assume to be the groom amongst some family members well spread out. Staring briefly down your clothes and running your fingers through your hair to tame it pretty you walk towards him, arm extended forwards for a handshake.
“Are you Owen, the groom?”
He nods uncertainly, taking your hand and his as a little girl tugs on his suit, excessively calling out his name in effervescent curiosity only known to an eight year old girl, bubbly in all her existence, you smile down at the child, nearly distracted.
“Hi, I’m y/n, I did your flowers”
“Well I wouldn’t know a nice flower from a poke in the eye, but I’m sure they are lovely, yeah, thank you!” The girl wouldn’t stop as he spoke, the words Owen Owen Owen please still echoing.
“Owen I have a question, please!”
“Not now, Olivia!” His mother scolded but the guy still smiled warmly, kneeling down to her height level in good familiar fashion and asked her what it was, bright eyes becoming brighter.
“Owen, what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?”
“It never happens” You chime in istinctively, regretting it the second you do so as all eyes fall on you, yet you continue for the sake of the child’s curiosity “If there's a thing that can't be stopped... it's not possible for there to be something else which can't be moved, and vice versa. They can't both exist. You see, it's a trick question… is the answer.”
“Can she sit with me?” Olivia asks enthusiastically making you laugh as she grabs onto your hands and bombards you with new questions, like why is the alphabet in that order.
“Flower girl is hot” Ellie speaks to Owen as you are out of sight, his hand coming up to his face to press against his temple as he sighs looking back at you utterly entertained by his sister “I got a vibe from her, she’s a lesbian for sure, you think she’s into me?”
“I think she didn’t even look at you” Owen points out.
“Yeah, well, by the end of this she’ll be into me”
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Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God and in the face of this congregation to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony.
Abby takes a deep sigh. She’s ready, she thinks, grasping onto her father’s arm while the song echoes her through the aisle. It has been a long time since she has had all eyes on her in this manner and it wasn’t exactly a comfortable feeling as it once felt, uncertain whether to look straight towards her future husband, at the ground to not trip, or towards her guests. She glances at Owen for a moment, his smile brightly unfaltered and immediately regretted it with a weird feeling in her stomach. She turns to the guests then, smiling around at familiar faces and finally, she sees you, and you see her. You see her. You see her, she feels.
Something else replaces the anxiety in her stomach, and it feels oddly like the fluttering wings of a butterfly. Her heart speeds up and her palms get sweaty, rubbing against the white fabric of her dress, she’s self conscious in a different way, a raw way. Her smile sends you shivers. The moment passes sooner than it began as her steps quicken towards Owen. She can’t shake the feeling something has changed. A divide.
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taglist: comment if you’d like to be tagged on the next part!
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softdykellie · 1 year
ੈ✩‧₊˚ motion sickness part i | ellie w.
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next part here
PAIRING: modern!ellie x fem!reader
SUMMARY: having grown up together, everyone knew eachother in jackson. when a brooding newcomer owner to a tattoo shop comes along apparently charming her friendly florist neighbor things seem to take a turn.
WARNING: alternative universe! purposefully all lower case. multiple part series. not a very eventful beginning as ellie’s relationship with reader is slow burn but i promise it will evolve.
the entire town of jackson had stopped on its tracks to peek into the blacked out windows of what used to be cat’s bakery, an exciting guessing game at every arrival of trucks unloading black leather chairs and tall unopened boxes that according to jesse made heavy noises to the shake. the owner, whoever they may be, haven’t made their way to the building yet, and all pointed towards a newcomer. jackson wasn’t used to those.
“you think it’s a woman?”
“i just hope they’re hot” dina says, getting in response a subtle glare from jesse as she poured whiskey from her expensive cabinet onto your cup. it was always on the house for her best friend, a near prayer for bankruptcy.
you chuckled before clinking your glasses together and taking a long sip to avoid the topic you knew awaited you by the way dina raised her eyebrows suggestively, squinting her eyes towards the bar’s furthest corner where abby anderson, former basketball star and current police chief, downed her own drink. the woman never wore her hair down and was an apparent fan of uniforms, having once used religiously her numbered jersey and now eternally in dark blue slacks. once upon a time there had been something between you, if you could call it that: a drunken kiss at a frat party after a winning game, all nerves and eagerness, tongue and hands. years later, dina would never let you live it down.
“i’m just saying your love life is about as interesting as jj’s and he’s two years old!” she whispered agressively before whistling for abby’s attention “oi, anderson! c’mon let us in on the secret, what’s the new shop for?”
“didn’t take you as a gossip, dina”
“well then you clearly don’t know me enough! entertain us, we won’t tell”
abby seemed to think for a minute, glancing between you and the empty bottom of her cup. with a sigh she walked over from her seat towards your spot at the barstools, the smell of fresh mint and citrus radiating off her. under the dim lighting her blonde hair still shone - nearly sparkled - at every ray, inevitably, you stared until she smirked. another bitter whiskey sip.
“some asshole’s tattoo shop” up close, that was when you took note of her bruised hand, red knuckles still somewhat clenched up. it suddenly made sense why the stoic figure was seen day drinking at her job, something to numb the pain without looking weak. still, everything seemed unlike her. hot-tempered. dina asked bluntly what you found yourself too stunned to ask: “what the fuck anderson, you punched the newcomer?”
her eyes were on you again, pale blue like a stormfront, searching your expression. abby anderson was a different kind of beauty, ragged around the edges, rough and sharpened. everyone guessed college would straighten that out of her, ivy league scholarship with the rich and powerful far enough from jackson you’d think nostalgia was a disease amongst the trophies and gpas. no one could bare look her in the eye since the career ending injury that lead her to come back, besides you. she figured that’s what kept her enthralled; not being a walking failure to at least someone in her hometown.
your staring match as over before it fully began. a swing of the door echoing bells throughout the establishment. jesse straightened his back, ready to serve, dina fixated on the hand still, abby looked down and you turned your body towards the entrance. 5”7 and fully tattooed at every visible corner of skin besides her face - oh that face - right eye stained in swollen purple. she looked no one in the eye besides dina.
“one beer please”
she caught your eye for a second, taking you in under her shuddering gaze in such precise detail you were sure all the lines and dots connected into the paiting of your face had made themselves a maze under microscope. she searched for something in you, a reaction, you barely even noticed how your breath had hitched until you ran out of air. her hand slowly reached towards your face in what appeared at first to be a cheek caress, before she tugged a leaf from behind your ear, stuck to your hair.
“you must be the flower shop girl. hi, neighbor. i’m ellie.”
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softbeebee · 1 year
Some elliedina (ellie x dina) headcanons I have thought about (the last of us 2 / tlou2) |
Dina is usually the little spoon, but Ellie sometimes wants to and embraces being the small spoon and lets her. This usually helps Ellie to fall asleep on nights she may be struggling to sleep.
Ellie is so shy in giving pda, so they have minimum pda usually unless Ellie is really wanting to do it more often.
Dina listens to Ellie talk and ramble for ages about space/dinosaurs/comics/etc. She will listen all the way.
Ellie (adhd + autistic) girlfriend and Dina (adhd) girlfriend who is more organised and on schedule, just the truth.
Dina is always early or on time, Ellie is always late even by a few minutes
Ellie learnt how to slow dance originally from Dina for Cat mainly before the two got together, though Ellie never danced with Cat because by then their relationship was over.
Ellie denies she has a type, but she does and Dina is the cleanest painting of her type.
Ellie adores being complimented by Dina despite how flustered it makes her, her favourites are being called handsome, hot stuff, pretty, and Dina being the luckiest to have her.
Favourite dates for them are movie nights, art nights, game nights, or dinner together.
If they lived in the modern world, without the outbreak Ellie would be a tattoo artist and Dina more than likely a florist or nurse.
Jesse years before they got together had tried to set them. He always knew about at least ellies crush on Dina, ultimate wingman.
Dina hobbies would be dancing, baking, cooking, exploring, games, and gardening for sure.
Ellie secretly tries to bake things for Dina, but most times, it's nearly sets the house of fire.
Ellie would be considered the nerd in the relationship, but Dina is secretly a massive one as well.
Modern day wise, these two would love Yellowjackets for sure, Dina's favourite characters would be Van, Taissa, and Jackie. Ellie's favourites are Shauna, Jackie, Van, and Lottie.
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pubbybutch · 1 year
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ambrosiafm · 7 months
come on, 𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒃 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒂, and let the nectar flow! take a load off! — accepted! please familiarize yourself with the guidelines, plot, and lore. join the discord link from the pinned post within 24 hours or your roles will be reopened. welcome to 𝘬𝘦𝘧𝘪, 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘢, "cherry" homobono jayce ballestero, julian wood, noah flint, nari seok, kimon nightingale, scout sylvan, yasmin zayed, amelia sato, abbey chen, ingrid mimpi, roxanne vatrano, nur cihan. riley hubatka, dina denoire, erika linder, isabel kanaan, brenton thwaites, brandon perea, kang min ah, forrest goodluck, hasan piker, abigail cowen, aisha potter, jessie mei li is now taken.
⧼ isabel kanaan, genderqueer, xe/she/they/he, 32. ⧽ eyes open by taylor swift + empty coffee mugs, eating ice cream in the dead of winter, tracing your fingers in the sand ☼ ”CHERRY” HOMOBONO JAYCE BALLESTERO survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re a penetration tester & twitch streamer and are known to be logical & cynical, makes sense given they’re a CHILD OF JUVENTAS/ LEGACY OF BOREAS word around town is that they’ve been here for 7 years and A FORMER KIDZ BOP KID, is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their packet of tang. [ jove, 26, est, she/they, medical related stuff, pineapple emoji ]
⧼ Brenton Thwaites, cis man, he/his, 31. ⧽ august by Taylor Swift + shadow of an eclipse, cold morning air after a long night, smooth lens of a telescope, a limitless universe, the roman empire. ☼ JULIAN WOOD survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re a university professor and are known to be dependable & restless, makes sense given they’re a CHILD OF NOX. word around town is that they’ve been here for 3 years and FELL IN A SHADOW COMA FOR SIX YEARS AFTER A FAILED QUEST, is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their friendship bracelet. [ pat, 21+, pst, she/her, (self-harm, suicide, major injury, eye/teeth horror, car accidents, drowning) ]
⧼ brandon perea, cis man, he/him, 24. ⧽ bite me by avril lavigne + flowers sold on an empty highway, shaking hands after a fist fight, skateboards and scrapes, wendy wu jumping kick ☼ NOAH FLINT survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re a (freelance) florist & gardener and are known to be justice seeking & short tempered, makes sense given they’re a CHILD OF PERSEPHONE, LEGACY OF NEMESIS. word around town is that they’ve been here for a day and HAVE BEEN DRIVING AROUND THE CONTINENTAL US FOR TWO YEARS, is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their sheers. [ kyle, 25+, hst, he/him, sa, suicide, gore, 9/11 ]
⧼ kang min ah, cis woman, she/her, 25. ⧽ foolish one by taylor swift + RIBBONS IN HER HAIR, MULTIPLE KINDS OF SWEETS HIDDEN WHERE ONE WOULD LESS EXPECT THEM, TWIRLING IN A DRESS, WORKING ON A NEW PAINTING UNTIL SUNLIGHT, OVER-SIZED JUMPERS. ☼ NARI SEOK survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re a visual artist & bank teller and are known to be cheerful & naive, makes sense given they’re a CHILD OF IRIS. word around town is that they’ve been here for almost 3 years and her parents thought she was dead for at least a couple of years, is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their ribbons in her hair or tied around her wrist. [ mia, 27, cst, she/her, suicide & s.a ]
⧼ forrest goodluck, cis man, he/him, 25. ⧽ welcome to the machine by pink floyd + dark circles under his eyes, drumming fingers on absolutely everything, the sound of snoring. ☼ KIMON NIGHTINGALE survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re a unemployed / disabled, but has various projects at any given time and are known to be compassionate & easily overwhelmed, makes sense given they’re a CHILD OF HYPNOS. word around town is that they’ve been here for two months and HE HATES HIS "ABILITIES", is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their pez dispenser secretly filled with adderall. [ tiff, 27, cst, she/her, triggers: ableism, weight/fatphobia, rape/incest (specifically csa), lesbophobia ]
⧼ erika linder, nonbinary lesbian, she/they, 29. ⧽ just a girl by no doubt + chilly autumn nights, inability to not scuff their shoes, sapphic literature. ☼ SCOUT SYLVAN survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re a romantic/erotic fiction ghost writer and are known to be thoughtful & scared of being vulnerable, makes sense given they’re a LEGACY OF EROS / HUNTER OF ARTEMIS. word around town is that they’ve been here for six years and HAS A PENCHANT FOR ANONYMITY, is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their journal + camera. [ tiff, 27, cst, she/her, triggers: ableism, weight/fatphobia, rape/incest (specifically csa), lesbophobia ]
⧼ dina denoire, cis woman, she/her, twenty-seven.⧽ flores by latin mafia + carefully picked words in an attempt to please the masses, google search constantly being used to remember words she's forgotten, always a listening ear with absolute attentiveness to individuals and causes, the desire to ensure success at all cost, overlooking the city at 2am to unwind. ☼ YASMIN ZAYED survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re a interpreter & librarian and are known to be head-strong & idealistic, makes sense given they’re a CHILD OF ZEUS, LEGACY OF PSYCHE. word around town is that they’ve been here for a year and IS MORE LIKE HER FATHER THAN SHE'D CARE TO ADMIT AND DESPERATELY WANTS TO REWRITE HIS STORY FOR HER OWN SAKE, is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their her brother's spinner ring. [ mina, twenty4, mst, she/her, mst , none available ]
⧼ riley hubatka, cis woman, she/her, twenty4. ⧽ have faith in me by a day to remember + laughing so hard your stomach hurts, always drinking when something goes wrong, long winded skin care routines before bed, staying up late playing video games, the silent in the early morning when everyone’s first waking up. ☼ AMELIA SATO survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re a esthetician and are known to be cheeky & impuslive, makes sense given they’re a CHILD OF ZEUS. word around town is that they’ve been here for a year and a half and SHE DOESN’T FEEL LIKE SHES MEANT TO BE HER FATHER’S DAUGHTER, is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their mother’s birthstone necklace. [ peach, 25, est, she/her, none ]
⧼ jessie mei li, non-binary, they/them, 28. ⧽ we are! by hiroshi kitadani + fucking around and finding out + stress vaping so hard they think someone busted out the smoke machine + joining in a fight with a flying kick. ☼ ABBEY CHEN survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re a COURIER and are known to be loyal & abrasive, makes sense given they’re a SATYR. word around town is that they’ve been here for four years and IS WELL-KNOWN IN THE SOULSBORNE GAMING COMMUNITY AS "ABBEY THE GOAT", is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their vape pen. [ cas, 27, +4 gmt, he/them, bad things happening to cats. ]
⧼    aisha  potter,  cis woman,  she/her,  twenty3. ⧽    hold it down by noah kahan  +  midday naps with black out curtains, zoning out in the middle of a conversation, dark eyes with a shimmer like stars, luminescent butterflies, & a heart full of regret.  ☼  INGRID MIMPI survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re an oneirologist and are known to be insightful & contrite, makes sense given they’re a CHILD OF MORPHEUS word around town is that they’ve been here for eleven months and ARE STILL ATTEMPTING TO MAKE UP FOR THEIR SIDING WITH KRONOS BY HELPING OTHER DEMIGODS WITH THEIR NIGHTMARES, is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their dream journal.    [    m, 27, est, she/they, eating disorders    ]
⧼ abigail cowen, cis woman, she/her, 26. ⧽ lovely by billie eilish and khalid + a field of daisies waving in a gentle wind; pink, freckled lips spreading into a bright smile; an undercooked cake decorated with pink roses and light green frosting. ☼ ROXANNE VATRANO survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re a job seeker and are known to be effervescent & fragile, makes sense given they’re a CHILD OF DEMETER. word around town is that they’ve been here for four years and HER BEST FRIEND, WHOM SHE WAS IN LOVE WITH, DIED IN THE WAR, is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their flowers in her hair. [ lina, 30+, gmt+9, she/her, no triggers of note ]
⧼ hasan piker, cis man, he/him, 29. ⧽ champion - remix by fall out boy, rm + a stack of well-loved paperback books; glasses on top of of a head of well-maintained, wavy brown hair; hundreds of unread phone notifications. ☼ NUR CIHAN survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re an author and are known to be luminary & insecure, makes sense given they’re a CHILD OF JUPITER. word around town is that they’ve been here for six years and HE WROTE A BOOK THAT RECENTLY WENT VIRAL ON SOCIAL MEDIA, is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their phone. [ lina, 30+, gmt+9, she/her, no triggers of note ]
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yolkema · 10 months
welcome to mother's nature!
after the timely passing of the infamous mortimer goth, dina caliente inherited his immense wealth, securing what she had always strived for when she was younger; being rich! over the years, dina was living what most would call "the good life", living in her large four story mansion and being able to do... basically nothing all day and just relax, or whatever she felt like doing. of course, dina grew bored over time not really doing anything with her life, so she picked up flower arranging as a hobby since she didn't really have much else to do! she enjoys nature (her OTH), but she doesn't really strike me as someone who'd enjoy going outdoors a lot. she became relatively decent at her new hobby, so she had decided that it might be a good idea to put this money to some use and do something special with it. that is, of course, opening a florist shop where she can sell her creations (and plants from buy mode, of course) to the other sims of pleasantview.
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the first day of work went pretty okay, minus the new town reviewer being annoying and giving her a bad review while he wasn't even there for that long... but at least the customers seem to be enjoying it so far?
credit goes to @oceansmotion for building this lot for me a long time ago, now it's been finally put to use the way i wanted to lol
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fuckin-sick-bih · 2 years
I'm gonna go ahead and add Last of Us to my "What I Write" pinned post on my profile so if anyone has any snz related prompts for that??? I'm so down to write sneezy Joel or Last of Us Pt 2 Ellie. Maybe even Dina? Also finishing up a Steddie fic for allergic tattoo artist!Eddie and florist!Stevie which I'm gonna try posting without a mature label. Bc I kept it intentionally pretty PG-13 so I can see how that affects if a fic can be accessed by the community? Since I think the mature label is lowkey hiding fics from anyone who doesn't realize their mature filter isn't turned on/off. But if I make a pt 2 it might get spicier bc I do have... ideas.
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aouiaa · 4 months
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dina woodward’s masterlist .ᐟ
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who are you, really? - dina woodward x reader | angst, fluff, smut.
you lie to protect the people you love, right?
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to be, or feel? - dina woodward x reader | smut, tiny angst.
the fish in the sea.
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under blue moon - dina woodward x half-human/werewolf!reader | angst, fluff.
what happens when the “what you don’t know can’t hurt you” is a beast?
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florist!dina - dina woodward x reader | fluff.
mother!dina - dina woodward | fluff.
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eighteen plus interactions only
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baliportalnews · 2 years
Wawali Arya Wibawa Buka Pameran Gema Tridatu Jadi Ajang Promosi Produk UKM/IKM
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR – Dalam rangka menyambut HUT ke-235 tahun Kota Denpasar, Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kota Denpasar bersama Dekranasda Kota Denpasar menggelar Pameran Gema Tridatu (Gelar Bersama Industri dan Perdagangan Bermutu) yang dilaksanakan di Selasar Rumah Belanja Denpasar Gedung Dharma Negara Alaya, pada Kamis (16/2/2023). Pameran ini dibuka oleh Wakil Wali Kota Denpasar, I Kadek Agus Arya Wibawa didampingi Wakil Ketua Dekranasda Kota Denpasar, Ny. Ayu Kristi Arya Wibawa, Ketua DWP Kota Denpasar, Ny. IA Widnyani Wiradana serta Kadis Perindag Kota Denpasar, Ni Nyoman Sri Utari. “Selain dalam rangka menyambut hari ulang tahun ke-235 Kota Denpasar, pelaksanaan Pameran Gema Tridatu (Gelar Bersama Industri dan Perdagangan Bermutu) ini juga bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan serta mempromosikan Rumah Belanja Denpasar dan produk UKM/IKM yang ada di Kota Denpasar,” ujar Ketua Panitia Gema Tridatu, IB Yoga Endharta. Lebih lanjut dikatakannya, pelaksanaan pameran yang mengambil tema ‘One Stop Shoping Rumah Belanja Denpasar’ ini dilaksanakan selama empat hari dimulai dari hari Kamis 16 hingga Minggu 19 Pebruari 2023 mendatang. “Kami juga menggandeng beberapa pihak swasta, asosiasi pariwisata, serta jasa keuangan dengan harapan dapat mempromosikan dan memperkenalkan produk UKM/IKM Denpasar ini ke lingkup yang lebih luas sehingga dapat dikenal oleh masyarakat,” katanya. Selebihnya pihaknya juga mengatakan tak hanya pameran, dalam ini juga diisi dengan berbagai kegiatan lainnya seperti lomba mewarnai, band akustik, dance, pelatihan florist, serta kegiatan lainnya. Sementara Wakil Wali Kota Denpasar, I Kadek Agus Arya Wibawa mengatakan Pameran Gema Tridatu (Gelar Bersama Industri dan Perdagangan Bermutu) ini dilaksanakan oleh Dinas Perindag Kota Denpasar bersama Dekranasda Kota Denpasar dalam rangka menyambut HUT ke-235 Kota Denpasar. Pihaknya juga mengapresiasi sehingga dengan adanya Pameran Gema Tridatu ini kedepannya dapat lebih meningkatkan promosi serta pengenalan produk-produk UKM/IKM yang ada di Kota Denpasar ke lingkup yang lebih luas. “Tadi saya sampaikan kepada para pelaku UMKM khususnya Disperindag, mudah-mudahan akhir tahun 2023 nanti kami mempunyai tempat khusus untuk melaksanakan pameran UMKM yang ada di Kota Denpasar tepatnya yaitu di pasar Kumbasari. Pelaksanaan penataan tahap I dan II sudah selesai dan saat ini tinggal menata isi dalamnya saja sehingga nantinya kami akan   pusatkan dan menampung kerajinan-kerajinan kain seperti tenun dan lain lain di tempat tersebut,” pungkas Arya Wibawa.(bpn) Read the full article
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silverislander · 4 years
hello jackson, wyoming!  this is cherry bomb.
dina’s life has been pretty boring- nothing ever happens in a small-town flower shop, not even around valentines’ day.  ellie’s life isn’t much different either- a small-town tattoo place isn’t any busier.  she’s gotta go pick up some flowers for a friend, though, and... hey, the cashier’s kinda cute.  nice.
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djarinbarnes · 3 years
Silent Night - Bucky Barnes
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Author: Dina
Word Count: roughly 15k
Pairing: Dark!Bucky Barnes x innocent(?)!female reader
Warnings: dark!bucky, dark!fic, 18+, loss of virginity, dubcon, noncon (to be safe), smut, age gap (18 and 36), pwp, unprotected sex, male masturbation, abuse of power, anal sex, somnophilia, anal play, toys, drugging, forced oral, spitting, slapping, slight bondage... a whole lot of things.
Summary: Bucky has always put his best friend’s daughter first. She’s like the niece he never had. He’s recently become more and more infatuated with her, and when he sees a window of opportunity, he decides to act upon it.
A/N: Well damn, here it is! This is a long one 😇 Some of you have read this before, but now it has been rewritten and finished ♡
For Kaley, Sab, Gracie and Nahema. I wouldn’t have finished this without you ♡
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Dear diary.
This is the story of how I really lost my virginity. I know that no one is going to see this, but I figured writing about it would make it seem better. Easier.
It’s something I’ve been reluctant to share with anybody until now. A lot of things have happened since I wrote to you last. You’ve heard about this man before.
He’s been my father’s best friend for years. Since they were boys. Best man at my parent’s wedding, there in the waiting room the day I was born, present at every birthday party since then. Giving me presents, treating me with so much love.
Uncle Bucky, as he’d come to be named in our family, had watched me grow up and I was his princess. The niece he never had. He showered me with everything a little girl could wish for. We had secrets. It was just something that was shared between the two of us.
But once I turned eighteen, something changed in Bucky. His fondness of me turned into an obsession. I felt it like a pendulum changing its magnetic attraction point. Every time he was over at our house, he would become distracted.
I’ve known all along what made him distracted. It was something I reveled in. But he knew he couldn’t do anything while my dad was around. So, he came up with a plan to get me alone.
Friday, 3:21pm
Going away with Bucky for the weekend as a graduation present seemed like everything she had hoped for. She would finally be free from her parents, even if it was only a weekend. She made her way around her room cheerily, throwing some random pieces of clothing along with her bathing suit, a towel and some toiletries into her bag, feeling her stomach jump slightly.
When Bucky had given her a weekend getaway to his lake house as a graduation present last week, she had been overjoyed. Finally, she had the chance to feel a little bit alive, since her parents hadn’t let her celebrate graduation with her classmates.
A gift from your favorite uncle! Had been scrawled into the card in Bucky's messy handwriting. She just knew he’d been standing at the florists, greasy hands stuffed in his pockets, nervously buying 18 red roses for her. Bucky had always made sure she had everything. He was her dad's coolest friend, and he would spoil her as much as he could.
It hadn't taken a lot of persuasion from her side to let her parents agree to hang out with Bucky for a weekend. He'd babysat her before when she was younger, but it was different now that she’d turned 18. The rules they had set were minimum, but they were there. No drinking, no nothing they wouldn’t do. A little more loose than usual, but she appreciated it, nonetheless.
Her parents, Steve and Peggy, had grown uptight over the last few years, and everything was about keeping her safe and keeping boys away from her. There was always an excuse as to why she couldn’t go to a party or why she couldn’t go on a date with Peter, the guy she had been studying with at school.
Peter was a good kid; she knew that much. He never tried anything with her, and always held back when she would flirt with him during their study sessions at the library. Even that one time she’d tried to hold his hand, he’d shrugged her off and excused himself for the day.
She never figured out why he didn’t want her affection, but she found out soon after, when she saw him kiss his best friend just after the graduation ceremony. It’d hurt – a lot – but she figured it was for the better. A day didn’t even pass before she was laughing at her obliviousness.
This year, when she’d finally turned 18, she’d hoped that everything would settle down with her parents and they’d loosen the restraints on her, but she was wrong. Apparently now, there was even more reason for keeping her home and away from boys. She figured they were afraid of her getting knocked up or something along the lines of that.
The only man she’d see on a regular basis out of school was Uncle Bucky. He and her father would always be working on their motorcycles in front of the garage, and she would watch them from her window on the first floor. She’d found her window to be a great place to keep an eye on them – on him.
She knew that Bucky worked out a lot and put a lot of effort into looking good on a daily basis, but there was just something captivating about him when his hands were covered in grease, strands of his hair falling from the half bun at the back of his head, the sweat glistening on his skin in the sun. He was attractive. And very much so.
If he was only ten years younger and not her father’s best friend, she would’ve been more than interested in him. Well, she was interested… But she knew that her father wouldn’t ever allow something like it, let alone… No. It just wasn’t happening.
Detaching herself from her train off thoughts and zipping up her weekend bag, she heard a car honk from the driveway. She made her way over to the window and a smile spread across her face as she saw Bucky’s sleek, black convertible pull up. She hurried over to her bag, making sure she had everything before nearly jumping down the stairs to get out of the house.
“Bye dad! Bye mom!” she yelled just as she pushed open the door, making her way to Bucky who was now leaning against the hood of his car. When he noticed her approaching, he pushed his body off the hood and opened his arms for her, letting her run into his warm embrace with a giggle. A muttered hi was shared between the two of them before he pulled away, walking around the hood to open the car door for her.
Giving her bag to Bucky before he shut the passenger door made her stomach flutter slightly. She hears the trunk opening and closing, and when he slides into the driver’s seat beside her and pulls out of the driveway, he's already telling jokes and making her laugh.
It was gonna be a fun weekend, she expected that much. She had great plans.
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Friday, 4:02pm
Arriving at his lake house had her eyes widening. It was like a whole new house. There had been added an extension to the main house since she was here last summer, and the front porch had been painted white. Bucky parked the car, and she threw open the door of the car, getting out in one fluid motion.
"Wow! This is amazing Bucky!" she smiled at him as they both ventured up the stairs to his front porch. Bucky unlocked the door and they both stepped into the house. She’s taken aback once again.
"This is so much neater than the last time I was here!"
The whole place has been fully renovated, and there's newer, modern furniture complimenting the freshly painted walls. She admires the giant painting on the furthest wall and remembers the unfinished canvas that had been sitting untouched in one of her parent’s rooms last year.
“He finished it.” She smiled and stepped closer to it, admiring the thick, colorful paint strokes upon the black background. She heard Bucky’s footsteps behind her, trailing back through his house.
"Check out the view." She hears Bucky's voice from somewhere in the kitchen. She places her bag on one of the chairs in the living room, walking over to the glass sliding doors that lead out to the back garden, and she bursts out into a smile.
The lake you once had to walk through trees to get to, is now visible from where she’s standing. The belt of trees has been cut down, and the trunks has been dug up. She could see further than ever. She could even see the water supply tower that showed where the city began. If she squinted, she could see her parents’ backyard.
"This is incredible! I wish we lived here," she sighed and turned to find Bucky standing in the doorway. If she’d known of the way Bucky’s heart had thumped in his chest at her revelation, her smile would fall immediately. She internally begged to whomever, that Bucky hadn’t noticed her say we. Instead, he spoke up about something else.
"You still have to see the new amenities." A smile tugged on Bucky's lips.
"What amenities?" He knew she’d love what he’d installed for her, and only her. She’d talked about it for weeks on end the past five summers, and during the winter he’d finally found the time and materials to fulfill her dreams.
"The pool." his eyes glinted with something near mischief. Her eyes widened along with her smile.
"You have a pool? That's amazing!" Just the reaction he’d hoped for. He loved it when she lit up like fairy lights, her eyes filling with glee. It made his heartbeat faster in his chest.
"Did you bring your suit?" she didn't know if she heard it right, but it seemed that his voice had dropped an octave. She nodded as she grabbed her bikini out of her bag, making her way to the newly renovated bathroom to change.
Bucky watched her as she with a giggle made her way through his house, her arms wrapped around her form to shield her nakedness from the older man, who subtly tried to not look at her. “You’re not joining me?” her innocent voice filled his ears and he shut his eyes tightly before turning just a bit away from her.
“No, I’ve got some things to do. Maybe later.” His eyes quickly came up as he heard the sliding door open, watching her ass as she made her way from the patio door to the point where she descended the built-in stairs into the newly built pool.
He felt his cock twitch in his pants, the sight of her in her skimpy purple bikini was making the blood flow to his cock at an undeniable speed. He watched as her shoulders shuddered before she dived under water, her perky ass just caressing the surface from below.
He clenched his jaw before turning on his heel, the image of her half naked body burned into his retina. He needed to get it out of his system, and he needed to do it fast. He knew that there was no way he would ever forget what he had just seen, but either way he had to do something about the situation in his pants.
Making his way into the bathroom nearest the pool, he quickly unbuckled his pants and shoved both them and his underwear down to his thighs. His cock sprung free, slapping against his stomach, hard and proud and he spat into his hand before gripping it tightly, letting out a strangled groan.
"Fuck yes, god you're such a fucking tease..." his head rolled back as he moved his hand, keeping a tight grip around the shaft, imagining her lithe body taking his cock, all of his cock. “Bet you know what you’re doing to me. Bet you know how I feel about you.” His last words were followed by a groan.
The veins pulsated beneath his fingers as he let his head fall forward and he opened his eyes, watching as he fucked into his hand. He saw her body before him, drenched in the cool water of the pool, goosebumps rising on her skin, and he let out another strangled groan, god, he was so close.
It was unlike any time he’d ever jerked off to the vision of her. It was intensified – by powers he didn’t know where from. Maybe it was from her being close. So close he could reach out and claim her as his – just like he’d always wanted to.
He felt the well-known tightening in this scrotum, this time so powerful they drove tears to his eyes. God – he wanted her so badly it hurt. Yet, he had to restrain himself for the time being, he thought, as the movements of his hand picking up speed and he sucked in a breath just as he felt the surge of euphoria overcome him, and-
"Oh my god, Bucky I'm so sorry!"
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Friday, 4:43pm
The air that hits her when she emerges from the water is cold. She’s shivering as she throws her arms around herself, making her way up the stairs and inside the house.
She has no idea where Bucky went, so light on her toes, arms trying to warm her torso, she makes her way to the nearest bathroom to take a warm shower. Her teeth are clattering, her frame littered with goosebumps as she trod lightly through the slightly warmer house.
She stops on one foot when she hears a sound, a sound that resembles a moan an awful lot. It can’t be. She approaches the half-open door cautiously, thinking her next move over at least a thousand times before she finally gives in and pushes the door open wider, making her halt completely.
There, in all his glory is Bucky, touching himself for whomever may have walked in to see. That whomever being her. She lets out a shriek before turning her back to him. “Oh my god, Bucky I’m so sorry!” She squeezes her eyes shut tightly, the embarrassment warming up her body quickly as she hears a rustling of clothes behind her.
She silently prays that he isn’t mad at her for walking in on such an intimate moment for him. It lit something inside of her, though, seeing him all hot and bothered for her. Everything that she’s ever imagined about him was definitely an understatement. She hears his footsteps behind her and soon after the heat radiating off his chest against her back, before he speaks up.
“Don’t worry about it,” His voice is so deep she can barely recognize it. “The bathroom is all yours.”
She locks eyes with him as he walks past her, his pupils blown wide like she’s never seen them before. She wraps her arms tighter around herself, trying to cover up from his prying eyes. She nods her head slightly before turning on her heel, walking into the bathroom.
She makes sure the door is locked behind her before she strips herself of her bikini, making sure to hang them to dry on the small, heated towel rack, before finding a towel under the sink where he usually keeps them.
The shower she takes is as long as it usually would take, only now her thoughts are occupied with flashes of Bucky touching himself. Why was he touching himself? Her mind wanders to who the reason could be. She knew he’d had a girlfriend named Natasha once – she was beautiful and had lips like the fullest, reddest cherry – she looked like every man’s wet dream.
She also knew from photos that he’d had a long-time girlfriend in high school through college named Dot – brunette and curvy and with the prettiest facial features she’d ever laid her eyes upon – all the women she had known Bucky to date were so beautiful, he could only think of either them or some hot porn stars he’d probably seen online.
But why now while she was here? Her eyes rolled back as she let out a whimper, her fingers gliding between her smooth, velvet lips, the vision of his hand gliding along the smooth skin of his cock letting her imagination run wild.
Her eyes went wide when she realized what she was doing, and she quickly retracted her fingers from where she now felt a certain warmth spread. She let out a deep sigh as she rested her head against the wall of the shower, the warm water still cascading down her back, heating her freezing limbs.
She finished her shower reluctantly before drying herself off, groaning inwardly as she realized she’d forgotten to bring clean panties and even clean clothes with her to the bathroom in the furry of awkward seconds between her and Bucky. She went over the possibilities she had in her head before searching the bathroom, letting out a small yes! when she found one of Bucky’s clean shirts in one of the small cabinets.
Thinking he didn’t mind, she slipped it over her head and vowed to herself to apologize to him when she saw him next. The shirt felt way too comfortable than it should have, and it instantly warmed her torso, before she pulled it down as far as it would go, just below the apex of her thighs.
She let out a sigh before unlocking the door, listening for a few second to hear where Bucky was located in the house. She heard the washing machine click open and she closed her eyes with another sigh, leaving the safe perimeters where she wouldn’t face embarrassment.
Tiptoeing through the hallway, she made her way into the living room to locate her bag. It felt so wrong to walk around Bucky’s house sin panties. She hears steel clashing in the laundry room, startling her. She lets out a small huff of air before pulling out a pair of lace panties from her bag, before sliding them on under the long shirt.
She’s shuffling through her bag when she’s once again startled by Bucky, this time by his voice.
“You’re wearing my shirt.” She whips around quickly with a small yelp, lace bra and t-shirt in hand. Her eyes widen as she realizes what she’s holding, quickly swinging her hands behind her back to hide the garments. He sees them, though, and it relights his fire even more vigorously than before.
“Shit, Bucky.” She lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding as she relaxed under his intense stare. “I’m sorry, I’d forgotten to bring clean clothes with me to the bathroom. I’ll go change right now.” she turns back to her bag to find a pair of pants, laying the garments already in her hand on the couch.
She tenses when she feels a body behind her; a set of hands sliding up her hips, thumbs tracing the outline of her panties over the fabric of her-Bucky’s shirt. She knows his eyes are watching her like a vulture, taking in her legs extending from where his shirt stops, surely imagining what’s hidden underneath. Her breaths come out shaky and she gulps down the lump that has formed in her throat before her eyes flutter closed.
His nose finds its way into her hair, inhaling deeply before exhaling again, his fingers now venturing under the shirt she’s wearing. She feels some kind of warmth spreading where his fingertips graze her skin, just over the fabric of her panties resting on her hip. It’s like his fingers are fire and her hips are timbers – only waiting to be alighted.
“You know…” his voice is still low, just as it was when she encountered him in the bathroom. “I’ve been having a hard time ignoring the looks you’ve sent me.” His fingers slide smoothly from her hip to the middle of her abdomen, slowly tracing small, imaginary circles on her stomach. She shudders under his touch as it brings warmth into her core, and she’s biting her lip to keep a whimper from escaping them.
Bucky was right. She couldn’t deny that she was attracted to him. Who wouldn’t be? He was handsome, funny and so undeniably nice. She wasn’t sure that the attraction she’d felt towards Bucky for the past few years was reciprocated. She was definitely sure now, that his fingertips we’re playing with the hem of her panties.
“Bucky…” Her eyes flutter open as her hand clasps over his, halting his movements from traveling further south. She turns in his arms, facing him, finally taking in his lust blown eyes, his parted lips and the light blush adorning his cheeks. He looks angelic. Young. It makes her heart leap in her chest.
“Tell me you don’t feel it. Tell me this isn’t just something I’m imagining.” His half-lidded eyes search hers in an attempt to ground himself. His right arm comes around her middle to pull her closer, her hands coming up to lay against his chest. She feels the arousal radiating off him. Warmth, and a little further south, hardness.
“Tell me you don’t want me, and I’ll stop.” His face nears hers, and she feels her heart hammering in her chest. Her breath hitches in her throat when she feels his lips caress hers gently. Just a small graze of soft skin against soft skin, his stubble tickling her chin and his hand tightening its hold on her shirt.
It’s cliché to say that she feels fireworks as his lips grazes hers – maybe from the fact that she’s closer to any man other than her father for the first time, or that she’s just been kissed for the first time. The whole thing is making her head spin, and in that moment, she knows what she has to do.
“We can’t. Not yet,” She breathes out, letting her eyes flutter shut. She feels his warm breath fanning over her lips, the arm around her waist going slack and a deep sigh emitting from Bucky’s throat. He was just about to pull away from her when she grips his shirt in her hands.
“I’m sorry Bucky. I just… You’re my dad’s best friend. I could never look him in the eyes again if we…” she trails off, the embarrassment overcoming her. She looks up at him, eyes glossy from the whirlwind of feelings clashing inside of her. “I’ve never… He’s so strict. I’m sorry if I led you on in any way. I’m not used to male attention.”
Bucky lets out a heartless laugh, taking a step back and brushing her hands off him as if their encounter had never happened. His actions confuse her. He surely must have seen the emotional turmoil she just went through?
“You want burger for dinner? I bought this sauce that’s great with the minced beef.” He turns on his heel and leaves the room without saying anything else. Her brows furrows at his behavior. What the fuck just happened? He leaves her dumbfounded in the living room, her confused eyes following his back until he disappears behind a wall.
In the kitchen, Bucky has pulled out everything he needed to make dinner. His jaw tightens as he goes over her refusal yet again. She’s never what? was his first thought. Then all the pieces clicked when she’d said the next sentence. I’m not used to male attention.
Of course, he knew that she had never been with a guy, let alone a man. Her father told him more than enough, and it made a sinister smile spread along his face, as another branch in his plans takes form.
He will get what he wants.
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Friday, 6:32pm
She had expected dinner to be an awkward affair. For her it certainly was – but it seemed like nothing had happened just a few hours before on Bucky’s account. He appeared completely unfazed by his previous actions, and it made her shudder, sitting across from him, picking at her burger. She hears his cutlery hit the plate and her eyes shoot up, seeing the empty plate where his burger had been resting less than five minutes prior.
“So, I’m thinking we have some things to talk about.” His voice startles her, since they had eaten in almost complete silence, the only sound during dinner was the cutlery and chewing.
“What things?” she felt nervous as the words left her mouth, letting her gaze fall back to the burger on her plate. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to know. She’d been cooped up in his study since their encounter in the living room, not ready to face him until she had to.
“Firstly, what happened in the bathroom.” Her eyes shot up, his eyes looking directly into hers. Her mouth falls open, before closing again. She feels the blush creeping up into her cheeks. “I find it only fair that you’ve seen me masturbate, and I you, seeing that you did touch yourself in the shower.”
Her eyes widen impossibly more, a lump forming in her throat as she took in his words. “You… You watched me?” She blinked before her eyes sought to her burger yet again, the embarrassment becoming too much. How he had noticed her, was a mystery. Surely, she’d heard him leave, but she hadn’t heard him return. Maybe she was caught up in her thoughts… But she was quiet. Wasn’t she? Was there something he wasn’t-
“I heard you through the door, darling. You’re very loud. You know that, right?” She lets out a shaky breath before standing from her seat, backing a few steps from the table, into the living room. She watches as Bucky rises from his seat as well, following her as she tried to make the space bigger between the two of them.
Bucky looks at her longingly. He had to admit she looked breathtaking, even though she was scared and angry. There was a slight twinkle in her eye though, one of which could be a hope to escape whatever he had in store for her. It dawned on Bucky, that she probably had no idea what he had planned to do to her, and he smirked when her eyes darted around, not being able to focus on anything.
“What is you want from me, Bucky?” Her voice was shaking when she finally spoke. He shook his head with a slight laugh. She must have known by now. He basically told her everything in the living room. Confessed his feelings for her. Admitting without words.
“Oh baby… You’re still so innocent.” Her back hit the wall of his living room, her breath hitching in her throat. He came impossibly closer, caging her up against the wall. “Come on now… We tried this the easy way. Give into me.”
His hand tangled in her hair before he buried his nose in it, inhaling the sweet scent of her shampoo. With a hand tightly fisting her hair, the other found its way under her shirt. She let out a sob as she felt the cup give into Bucky’s pull, the soft flesh of her breast spilling out of the cup.
“Bucky please…” She tried to reason, trying to turn away from his grasp. She felt his hand leave her hair to hold her throat as the hand under her shirt it made its way down her torso, popping the button of her pants.
She froze as his fingers slid into her panties, her eyes widening in surprise. It surprised her that the hold on her neck had the effect on her it did – it scared her as well.
“What are you- no!” she cried out as she felt one of his fingers burying itself into her entrance. Another digit joined the first shortly after, making her gasp. Bucky had her trapped, and he enjoyed it. His hand left her throat and found her cheek, stroking a fallen tear away lovingly while he pushed his fingers deeper into her, his thumb grazing her clit roughly.
“I’ll make you feel good. I promise, baby.” His fingers picked up the pace as she felt a coil tighten in her stomach. She tried to fight the pleasure that was forced upon her, the tears falling from her eyes freely by now. She felt the coil snap, and with a cry she came around Bucky’s fingers reluctantly. Her cunt clenching around his fingers felt like heaven, and at that moment, he was sure this was what heaven felt like.
“Such a good girl. You like that, huh baby?” His breath fanned over her face, the air coming off as cold on her drying cheeks. She shook her head with a sob, sucking in a breath through her nose, even though she desperately wanted to agree.
She felt Bucky retract his fingers from her panties, bringing them to his lips before sucking them into his mouth. Watching his fingers covered in her slick disappearing between his lips made her heart hammer impossibly harder in her chest.
“So goddamn sweet. Like honey, darling. You’re just hiding this sweet pussy, huh?” His filthy words take her aback, and her mouth falls open in shock. She doesn’t know what to say. Baffled, she barely feels when he lifts her by the thighs, carrying her into his bedroom, where he throws her on the bed. As her back collides with his soft covers, she’s finally pulled out of the trance.
“Bucky…” her voice is quivering as his hands tug her pants down her legs, goosebumps rising as she feels his stubble against her thighs, her calves, her feet. His lips trace their way up the inside of her legs, her eyes widening again as she realizes what he’s doing now.
“Bucky, please, don’t!” she whimpers, but to no avail. Bucky buries his nose into her mound, inhaling her scent, just as the words leave her mouth. She whimpers when she realized it feels good, even though it shouldn’t.
“Such a lovely girl… Such a lovely pussy…” His words unsettle her, making her stomach twist. She tries to push at his head with her hands, whining as she feels his teeth nip at her clit. He can feel her panicking underneath him, and it makes him smile.
She feels the fabric tighten against her skin before she hears it tear, and shortly after his mouth latches onto her clit. She silently sobs out, arms and legs thrashing about. His hands push up her legs, at the same time collecting her hands in his, tightening his hold on her. She feels the ability to move becoming harder, and she sobs again out as his tongue flicks her clit harshly.
“Stay still, darling… Or this will get worse.” Her eyes widen as she takes in his words. Worse? What could be worse than this? She was unable to kick him, unable to slap him. She was unable to push him away, unable to stop him from invading her body.
In her haze, she barely registers her climax building before it hits her, making her cry out as ecstasy takes over her body. The muscles in her legs tighten around him, her whole body shaking from the earth-shattering orgasm unlike anything she’s ever felt before. Her mind is in a haze so deep, she could barely tell right from wrong anymore.
Having Bucky in between her legs felt so right, like the two of them fit together as puzzle pieces. At the same time, she knew it was wrong – so wrong. She felt herself thrash around from her oversensitivity; her mind completely detached from her body. Her gaze fell to where Bucky was placed between her legs, and she let out a moan at how sinful he appeared, his pupils blown wide, and a wide grin plastered on his face.
She shivered at the feral look in his eyes as he peppered kisses up her stomach, pushing up her shirt and pulling down her bra, sucking one of her nipples into his mouth. She let out a wanton moan, for a short moment forgetting the situation. His lip around her perked nipples is making her pussy gush with want. She watches as he pulls his shirt over his head, baring his muscular torso to her prying eyes.
“Gonna make you feel so good, baby.” He breathes out against her skin, goosebumps rising on her skin where his breath had hit. “You’re not gonna want any other man than me when I’m done with you.” She feels his hands working in between her legs, her senses kicking in when she realizes his hands are working on unbuttoning his pants.
Tears start streaming down her face again, her head thrashing around, whimpers leaving her mouth as fear takes over her body for real. Her hands come to rest against his shoulders, trying to push him away. “Bucky, please…” she whimpers, trying to restrain him from taking her most sacred possession from her, but to no avail.
With one swift thrust he pushes inside of her. She shuts her eyes tightly, the pain unimaginable. There’s a soaring pain in between her legs, with Bucky’s cock stretching her ever so painfully. She realizes he’s stopped moving, letting her body adjust to him as her walls pulsed around his throbbing member. Whimpers are leaving her mouth, short puffs of breaths landing against the skin of his pectoral muscle.
Bucky smirks triumphantly down at her. Knowing he had been her first stirred something inside him. A sob escaped her as she started to cry audibly, his hands sliding down her sides to grasp her hips in his hands. He locks her legs around his waist, driving himself deeper into her, his thrusts hard and pace increasing. He watches her face through half-lidded eyes, soft groans falling from his lips.
Her walls were milking him, her body begging for him to come. He buries his face into the crook of her shoulder as his thrusts picks up the pace further, uncontrollable and with no rhythm at all. He’s thrusting into her most sensitive spot, earning a few moans from her lips before she’s coming undone around him, her body trembling as her walls convulsed around Bucky’s cock, tears streaming down her cheeks. She feels Bucky burying himself deeply inside her before he’s coming right after her with a load groan.
His hair is tickling her nose – she can smell his scent – pine, fresh air, Bucky. It suddenly felt alright. A sense of calm washes over her, the sense of familiarity making her relax slightly. As she feels him shift on top of her, her mind goes back into freeze mode, her eyes widening as he lifts his torso off hers. The two of them were still connected.
Bucky found her scent intoxicating, and he knew she weren’t done yet. He wasn’t done yet. Her expression turned into fear, unlike anything Bucky had seen before. “Baby, don’t look at me like that…” His voice was sulky, as if he didn’t deserve to attend to her fear.
“We’re nowhere near done yet.”
Fear surged through her body as the words fell from his lips. She didn’t want this. Not again. She wanted to cry and scream for him to stop. She had spilled so many tears already, and her screaming had left her throat dry and hoarse.
“Please Bucky…” Her body was tired, and she was emotionally drained. He shifted on top of her, his hands grasping her ankles and flipping her over before lifting her hips, bringing her to her hands and knees. He got on his knees behind her, just as she pushed her face into the bedsheets, letting out a sob as his hands brushed their way up the skin of her back.
“God you’re so delicate. Like a petal of the most exquisite rose.” She felt his breath on her butt cheeks. She let out a sob, realizing how close he actually was to her most private area. She felt his teeth bite into her left cheek and heard him let out a hum of appreciation.
“So good for me, huh baby?” The sob she let out just seconds before had escalated into full on crying – only lacking tears since she was so tired. She’s begging him to let her go, to stop for now, but she knew he wouldn’t listen. She felt his hands grab at her waist roughly, positioning himself and plunging back inside of her used cunt.
It didn’t even sound like she was screaming. Maybe all it was, was a weak screech and she quickly gave up, letting him have his way with her overly sensitive body. She was still wet – her come and his mixing together inside of her. Bucky used it as makeshift lube, sliding into her easily. Her hands turned into fists as she realized his hold on her hips would make it impossible for her to wiggle away from him.
A soft yelp left her lips as the newfound position made his thrusts seem impossibly deeper. She could hear Bucky hum behind her, compliment her as he took her, letting her know how pleased he was to finally have her. She tried to cancel out the sound of their bodies meeting – wet and slick sounds of his cock plunging its way deeply inside of her, and she gasped as she felt him get rougher again.
He slammed into her, groaning for her to follow him, to come with him, making her cry out. Bucky hit her cervix repeatedly, painfully, again and again until she came a fourth time, her body pulling and clenching around him, begging him to let go, and he came yet again with a loud groan.
He stroked her back lovingly as he almost collapsed against her back, her legs quivering underneath the weight of their bodies. It took Bucky a while to remove himself from her, but when he did, he didn’t hesitate to clean her up thoroughly, making sure she was perfect for him.
“Come on darling, roll over for me.” Bucky commanded, and she simply let out a deep breath and moaned. She couldn’t do it. She didn’t have the strength and the will anymore. All she wanted to do was to hide away from the world. From Bucky.
“Roll over for me.” He said again, this time punctuating all four words, rolling his eyes as she let out a whine in protest. He ended up grabbing her waist and turning her over himself, laying her down before laying down himself and pulling her into his arms.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” his hands slid down the curve of her waist, fingers drawing imaginary circles on her hipbone. She let out a huff before hiding her face in his neck, feeling her eyes wet with tears yet again. They slid down her cheek and landed in the crevice of his collarbone, pooling among droplets of sweat from their sex.
“You did so good, darling. I’m so proud of you.” A wracked sob left her at his words. She felt him bury his nose into her hair, his lips peppering kisses onto her scalp as he softly shushed her, his arms gently rocking her as he let her cry.
“It’s all gonna be okay darling, I’ll take care of you.” With that, she fell into a dreamless slumber.
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Saturday, 9:21am
Bucky watched her as the soft morning sun peeked through his curtains, which wasn’t drawn the whole way. Her eyelashes laid softly against her rosy cheeks; her eyelids still puffy from the crying she did last night. His eyes studied her face calmly before traveling down her naked, uncovered body, his head propped up on his arm, his temple laying against his fist.
His eyes fell on her breasts, admiring her perked nipples and the small stretchmarks pointing to the rosy bud. He sucked his bottom lip into his mouth, his fingers reaching out to graze the soft skin under her breast. His hand made its way down the curve of her waist, pushing down the covers laying against her skin.
As her navel was revealed, Bucky felt his cock twitch. Images from last night of her body underneath him filled his mind, how good she felt around his cock, how deliciously sinful her moans had filled his ears, how fucking good her slick tasted on his tongue… He was definitely in deep.
How she managed to calm herself down after more than two hours of crying and sobbing through what he had forced upon her, to now look more peaceful and beautiful as ever blew his mind. Her eyelids fluttered before she shifted slightly, her hand coming up to rub at her eyes.
He didn’t fight the want to stroke at her hair, so that’s what he did. He lifted his hand and pushed a strand behind her ear, his thumb stroking her cheekbone afterwards. To Bucky’s surprise she leaned into his touch, a small smile tugging at her lips.
It dawned on him that she, at this moment, wasn’t awake enough to remember what had transpired last night. She stretched her arms in front of her, hands landing against Bucky’s shoulder and pectoral muscles, and her eyes fluttered open quickly as she withdrew her hands hurriedly.
“Bucky?” her voice quivered before her bottom lip started wobbling – her face twisting with realization. Her eyes widened at her undressed state, not fully covered by the covers, and she yanked the fabric up to cover her breasts while sitting up slightly.
“Morning beautiful.” He watched as her muscles tensed before she relaxed slightly. Her lips move on their own accord as she whispers out a morning. “How are you feeling?” His hand came out to grasp hers, and she lets him take it.
“A little bit sore…” his thumb grazes over the back of her hand and she watches it as it slides over the skin, tracing the path of the veins trailing underneath the flesh. “I uh…” She bites her lip as she twists her hand in his, grasping his hands in hers.
“Mhm, what is it darling? Don’t go being all shy on me now” He watched her hand in his, feeling his heart jump slightly, feeling some sort of domestication by looking at her. The words that left her mouth shortly after took him by surprise.
“Can I see it?” she sucked her lip back between her teeth before she let out a giggle. “Your cock?”
Bucky’s mouth fell open at her choice of words before he let the covers slide down his body slowly, revealing his semi-hard cock to her. The sight of it made her inhale sharply, taking in the size of it. She realized she had barely seen it the previous day in the bathroom, since it looked even bigger now. Was that really inside of her last night? Bucky felt a smile tug on his lips as he watched her face, contorted in admiration.
“You can touch it… Come on, I’ll show you how.” He watches as she bites her lip, before the hand that was holding hers tugged her hand down to his cock. She shifts closer to him as her fingers graze over the length of his cock, before gripping the base softly, nimble fingers wrapping around his girth.
His cock is heavy and warm in her hand, pulsing beneath her fingers. It somehow makes her mouth water, and she feels a sudden urge to do more than just jerk Bucky off. She doesn’t give into the temptation though, deciding that this should be enough for now. She hears Bucky suck in a breath as he watches her.
“Just like that, move your hand up and down slowly, maybe tighten your grip a little bit… when you get to the head…” She did as he told her, watching as her fingers pulls the foreskin down, before coming back up to the head of his cock. Her head whips around as she hears a groan leave his lips.
His eyes were hooded, watching her movements, eyes scanning over her body, before coming up to her face. “God you’re beautiful…” She tightened her hand further, quickening her movements. She looked into his eyes and held his gaze as she pumped his cock. There was something in his eyes – she couldn’t quite place what she saw. She watched as his brows furrowed, his eyes fluttering closed, his breath coming out heavier and another groan spilling from his lips.
She twisted her head just as she felt his cock tense in her hand, watching the way white ropes of cum landing against the skin of his stomach, some pooling into his bellybutton, along with another strangled groan falling from his lips. Her lips tugged into a smile, his hand coming up to grasp the back of her neck, pulling her into a deep, heavy kiss.
She felt the same feeling as she did just under a day earlier, when he had kissed her in the living room. Sparks flying, undeniably. As her lips parted from his, he smiled. His eyes scanned over her reddened cheeks before trailing over her lips, pulling back from her to give her space.
“What would you like for breakfast, baby?” The words were softly spoken, and she smiled as he sat up slightly, awaiting your answer. She shrugged her shoulders lightly, not really sure if she was in the mood to eat something. Her stomach was still a bit uneasy from the events of yesterday, but she managed to get out the word smoothie, along with her best doe-eyes.
After Bucky rolled out of bed and left his bedroom to clean himself up and make her breakfast, she let out a celebratory sigh and fell back against one of his pillows. She hoped that her efforts in seeming interested in his actions would help, so he wouldn’t force her into things she didn’t want.
She leaned over the edge of the bed and grabbed the discarded shirt, pulling it over her head. She quietly padded over to her bag, pulling the whole bag into her arms and walking to the bathroom, before locking herself in. She stepped into the shower stall, turning the water on and twisting the handle, feeling the water getting warmer and warmer, up until the point where it was scalding her skin.
She whimpered before fully submerging herself underneath the searing water, scrubbing the insides of her thighs violently until she felt the skin grow sore and sensitive. She sobbed out as her fingers came into contact with her sensitive folds, washing away the remains of what Bucky had done to her the night before.
Just as she thought of him, she felt her heart drop in her chest when she heard a knock on the bathroom door. She hadn’t even heard him approaching, and now he was just outside the door. She silently begged that he wouldn’t speak or ask her for anything, but it seemed like luck wasn’t on her side today either.
“Baby, breakfast’s ready.” She felt the goosebumps of disgust run down her back, even though the water was still burning her skin. Just the sound of his voice made her uncomfortable, made her guts turn uncomfortably in her stomach, which made her regret once again ever coming here with him in the first place.
“Baby?” He knocked again, making her heart clench in her chest before she answered him quietly that she was almost done, before she turned off the water, rubbing her body roughly with one of the towels laid out in one of the cabinets.
“Just a second.” She took a look in the mirror and gasped as she noticed the bruises littering her neck, arms, stomach, thighs. She had no idea how she was going to hide them from her parents. She scrambled through her bag, pulling out as many covering pieces of clothing she could possibly muster before covering up her body.
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Saturday, 10:08am
When she entered the kitchen, the delicious smell of pancakes filled her nostrils and she sighed in content. She took in the table – Bucky had placed all of her favorite fruits in separate bowls and made her a smoothie. The pancakes were even chocolate chip. She felt both agitated and sure of herself, until the second she sat down.
“So, I was really your first, huh?” Was the first question that left Bucky, a smirk plastered on his face. She felt the redness fill her cheeks before she nodded, not really wanting to engage in a conversation with him. She grabbed a handful of blueberries, stuffing them into her mouth and chewing on the sweet fruits.
“You know… The way your body reacted to how I fucked you… How you moaned… Cried out my name… How your tight pussy strangled my cock…” Bucky smirked as he grabbed his cup of coffee, bringing it to his lips before blowing on the surface, gently. “Could get used to that.”
She felt her heart pick up its pace in her chest, hammering against her ribcage as she sat stiff with her hands in her lap, too embarrassed to look at him. She fought her embarrassment though and looked up to where he was sitting through her lashes – he was exploring his molars with his tongue with his eyebrow cocked, watching her. Smug son of a bitch.
“You shouldn’t be so nervous, darling. Dig in! I made everything you asked for while you were hiding in my bathroom. You could at least appreciate the effort.”
Her eyes shot down, not wanting to meet his. The tone in his voice made her shiver. She reluctantly reached out and grabbed the smoothie off the table, bringing the straw to her lips before sucking the sweet fluid into her mouth. The taste of strawberry and blackberry lingered on her tastebuds, along with a tangy flavor she had trouble placing. She looked up at Bucky again.
“Bucky… I think I would like to go home today.” She shivered as she thought about what happened last night. What could happen again. She feared it would. She took another sip of the smoothie followed by another, and placed it on the table, truly hoping Bucky would give in and let her go.
She was wrong.
His smile was wide as he watched her drink more than half of the smoothie, just waiting for the triazolam to take its toll on her nervous system. He knew the pills for his incurable insomnia would come in handy someday, and he mentally high fived himself as he noticed her getting groggier.
“This should solve your sleeping problem, Mr. Barnes. I wouldn’t normally advise for this, but if you’re in need of a faster effect, crush them into some water and ingest it shortly before going to bed.”
And that was exactly what Bucky had done when making her smoothie. The remains of the white powder in the porcelain mortar resting in the sink was the only evidence of his scheme at this point. He had everything planned – down to the last detail. Everything he had to do by the time she would wake up from her pill-induced sleep.
“You know, darling, there’s so much I want to show you. To teach you.” Bucky slowly got out of his chair, picking a few fruits from the bowls, before chucking them into his mouth. “That’s why I need you to stay here, with me. Until we die.”
“Bucky, I… what’s happening?” she looked up at him with fearful eyes, her sight blurring Bucky into a blob of dark and fair tones before returning back to being clear as day. “I’m scared. Please.”
“You’re gonna sleep for a little bit,” he crouched down beside her chair and her eyes widened as her brain caught up with what her ears were hearing. “But I’ll make sure to take good care of you while you’re sleeping, I promise.” She felt his hand wipe a stray piece of hair from her face, pushing it behind her ear before he placed a kiss on her cheek.
Everything went black before her eyes, and her head landed heavily in Bucky’s hands. He watched as her eyes rolled around in her head, unable to focus on anything before finally falling closed, a sigh escaping her lips.
Bucky lifted her out of the chair gently, admiring her soft features before walking her to his bedroom. Her soft breathing was warm against his neck as he held her in his arms, one of the only things letting her know she was still sentient. He laid her on the bed carefully before beginning to rid her of all the clothes she had hidden herself in.
“Oh, you silly girl… Trying to hide from me. Trying to get me to let you go…” he carefully tugged down her jeans, throwing them on the floor. He lifted her leg off the bed, placing a kiss on top of her foot. His eyes follow the length of her legs, all the way up her body. Her beautiful body. “I’ll never let you go. You’re mine now.”
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Saturday, ?
She let out a small groan before turning on to her back – or so she thought. Her eyes flew open before she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes – or tried to. She groggily looked up at her hand and let out a gasp when she found it fixated to the bedpost. She whipped her head around and found the other fastened likewise, letting out a tiny whimper.
She clenched her fists, giving the restraints another tug but to no avail. She lifted her head slightly, looking around, and let out another whimper when she noticed she was in Bucky’s bedroom yet again. She shivered when she heard his voice, coming from behind her.
“So, you’re finally awake. Took you long enough, darling.” she gasped when she felt his fingers slide through her folds and into her wet cunt. It felt different than the last time he did it, though. Like something was in the way. It felt good, though.
“You know, it’s actually quite impressive how the human body reacts to arousing touch. I’ve been toying with your clit for more than an hour, drawing a few orgasms from you and you’re still just as responsive… So, I wanted to try something new.”
She gasped when she felt his fingers swirl themselves inside her and then against the back of her tight cunt. Her eyes widened as her mind suddenly cleared itself enough for her to feel the expansion of her tight ring of muscle. She struggled to move her legs, giving up when she realized they were tied to the foot of the bed, spread wide.
“For someone who was a virgin in both holes just yesterday, I have to say I’m impressed. It’s like your pussy was made for my cock… I can’t wait to fuck this tight ass of yours… To see if it’s just as good as your cunt.”
Her eyes widened as she felt his hand leave the warmth of her pussy, swirling around the gem of the butt plug seated snugly within her tight rim. She gasped loudly when she felt Bucky slowly retracting the plug, not letting the widest part pass the rim before pushing the plug back in. She let out a wanton moan as it fell back into place.
“I’m gonna fuck your pussy while this plug is filling you up, and then I’m gonna fuck your tight ass…” She heard Bucky slide down the mattress before his lips found her soaking cunt, emitting a loud moan from her. Her mind was still hazy from her slumber, she struggled with finding the words for a few moments. “Yeah, you like that?”
“Bucky…” she whimpered weakly as a surge of pleasure shot through her veins. “Please don’t, Buck…” She had trouble focusing on anything, she wasn’t sure where Bucky’s lips lingered anymore. She registered the rip of a foil packet, and just after, she felt the thickness of Bucky’s cock filling her slick pussy to the limit.
“Fuck, that’s a good girl…” Bucky moans loudly as he bottoms out, the pressure from the plug in her ass straining against his cock. He leans down and peppers a string of kisses on her cheek, admiring her as her mouth hung open, short puffs of breaths pushing their way past her plump lips.
Her eyes are shut tightly, her eyebrows drawing a thin line between pleasure and pain. As of that moment, he can’t tell which is which. Tears are slowly framing her eyes, though still not giving the emotion away.
“Oh my god,” she breathes, and Bucky bites his lips to restrain himself, but the intoxicating way her pussy grasps his cock tightly, the sweet pink gem resting just above his cock has his mind spiraling into pleasure. He grabs her hips and thrusts into her harshly, pushing the tears out of her eyes and the cries out of her mouth with every thrust.
His hips slam against hers within a few thrusts, and it’s making her see stars. His cock is grazing her most sensitive places with every thrust, and everything seems to blacken before her eyes as hot floods shoot through her veins, her orgasm so intense her whole body is shaking.
She herself doesn’t know whether it was in pleasure or in pain either, but it was definitely something in between. She had never felt a feeling so indescribably enormous; she had never felt so full. She whimpered when Bucky pulled himself out of her, eyes widening as she came back to herself, feeling the plug being retracted slowly.
“I can’t hold back darling, fuck you make it so hard…” she gasped when the plug slid out easily, whimpering as she felt liquid smear against her fluttering, sensitive ring of muscle, the coolness slithering down between her sensitive lips, staining the mattress below her.
She bites her lip harshly as she feels the tip of Bucky’s cock prod against her tightening rim. It was a whole other feeling than the plug. Where the plug was cold and somewhat hard, Bucky’s cock was warm, wide and rigid. She clenches her jaw as his cock breaches her, the sting unlike anything she had ever felt before.
“Come on baby, let me hear you…” Bucky gritted through his teeth, just beside her ear. She clenches her jaw even tighter, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of letting him hear the effect he had on her. The breaths she sucked in through her nose were uneven and ragged, the pain caused by his cock almost unbearable.
“Fucking relax, baby… You’re just making it harder for yourself…” She didn’t know how deep he was inside of her and she didn’t wanna know either. She had never felt dirtier than she did in this exact moment, and she shut her eyes tightly, wishing herself invisible. She felt his hands grasp a butt cheek each, before spreading them apart, thrusting his hips, slowly entering her deeper.
“That’s it baby…” she whined as she felt his hips still against hers, his pelvis resting snugly between her spread cheeks. His mouth found her ear and she whimpered as the next words that left his lips sunk in. “Such a good slut for me, taking all of my cock in her tight ass…”
His hand moved around her hip, squeezing itself between her body and the mattress, sliding down in between her legs where her soaking pussy had been abandoned. His fingers swirled around the bundle of nerves, the small jolts of his thrusts mixing with the pleasure from his fingers pushing her over the edge.
She let out a scream as she came around his cock, her ass gripping him tighter than he had ever felt before in his life. Out of all the women he had ever fucked, she was by far the tightest he had ever experienced. Her whole body shook beneath him, hands tightly fisting the bedsheets as her ass strangled his cock, begging for him to release his seed within.
Bucky’s cock felt so massive as she tried to come down from her startling high, the jolts of her body seemingly calming down slightly. “Bucky please… You’re too big, I can’t…” she cried out as her oversensitivity took over, trying to push the foreign intrusion out. His movements stung against her sore ring of muscle, making her wail further.
Bucky ignored her pleas and pushed his hips tighter against hers before retracting himself halfway, pushing in again. He groaned into her ear as he fucked her ass, showing her no mercy as he searched for his own release. He cursed out as he found the angle unable to grant him what he so desperately longed for.
He untied her right leg first, followed by the left before bringing her knees under her body, to fuck her in his favorite position. She whined as he pulled out of her ass completely, before leaning down to lick a firm stripe through her folds. She didn’t know how he managed to make her feel as dirty as he did, but it was amplified even further when he spat at her ass.
He cursed behind her at the sight of her, and shortly after she felt another wet dollop of lube slither between her cheeks. He easily slid his cock back into her ass, sighing out as her warmth once again engulfed his cock completely. He was never, ever going to let her go. Not when she could make him feel like this by just fucking her.
His release came just as quickly as she had hoped. Within three more strokes, he buried himself to the hilt, bit her earlobe harshly and spilled himself into the condom. She felt the pulsing of the convulsions in his cock more prominently in her ass, and she distracted herself from the pain by counting every spurt of his cum that landed within the latex with every jerk of his cock.
“Good girl.” He whispered as he gripped around his cock, securing the condom before pulling out of her, slowly. She whimpered as he left her body, and he groaned at the sight of her ring of muscle fluttering and contracting around nothing.
Bucky slid off the bed after pulling the condom off, tying the end and left for the bathroom. She felt a tear escape her eye as she pushed her legs back to lie flat before lifting her head, turning it to look in the direction of the bathroom. Bucky emerged with a damp towel, in all his naked glory, walking over to her with a victorious smirk.
“You did so good my darling… Such a good obedient girl for her daddy.” He talked sweet nonsense as he cleaned between her legs. She hissed as the damp cloth came in contact with her swollen ass, and again when he swiped it between her folds, gathering her slick. “Have you changed your mind yet, darling? Or do I need to teach you another lesson?”
She looked up at him with wide eyes, sucking her lip in between her teeth. “Changed my mind about what?”
She felt a hard slap on her butt. “Don’t play dumb, baby. It’s not a good look on you. You know exactly what I’m talking about.” She whimpers as his hand grazes along the angry, red protrusion of the skin where his hand had landed.
“Please, I want to go home Bucky.” She whimpered, closing her eyes as she felt the tears flow freely from her eyes. She felt another harsh slap against har already sensitive skin, then another.
“Wrong answer.”
“Bucky you can’t keep me locked up here forever!” She cried out, tugging on the restraints again, with what little power she had left after what he had just put her through, and the grogginess from the drugs, still in her system. Bucky leaned all the way into her ear, whispering out yet another sinister thing, that made her whole body crumble in fear.
“If that’s what it takes.”
He left her then, only pulling the sheet over her ass to cover her private parts. She didn’t know how long she spent in his bed, tied up like some animal. She could hear him somewhere in the house, humming along to some tune playing on the radio, which she couldn’t make out.
She was getting cold, falling asleep sporadically along with goosebumps rising on her skin as silent tears slid down her cheeks into the pillow. She felt exposed and used. Used by a man she trusted with her life. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. She imagined that she could’ve been wrapped up in her comforter at home, watching some boring Netflix series instead of laying tied up here.
She felt scared. Even more scared than she’d felt just after Bucky had violated her for the first time. She’d never felt so helpless before, and it made her even more scared of what Bucky would do to her if he got the chance. It was getting dark out, and she knew that it would either improve or deteriorate her chances of escaping. She didn’t know where to escape to, though.
She knew she had to get out of his house as soon as possible. She knew she had to get in contact with her parents somehow, despite the fact that she didn’t want to anymore. She didn’t know where her phone had ended up in all of this mess, but she knew Bucky usually slept with his by the bed. Either she could wait for that opportunity, or she could try to escape.
She wiggled her toes slightly, trying to get some of the blood down there again. She twisted her knees slightly, trying to pull them up under her again. She thanked the heavens that she was flexible when she managed to pull her right knee up under her, followed by the other.
She slowly rose to her knees, sitting back on her ass. She looked towards the door, cracked open slightly. The faint smell of something cooking filled her nostrils and she heard her stomach rumbling. She had no recollection of when she last had something to eat.
It was this morning, that much she knew. But she didn’t know what time it was by now. How long she’d been out, how long he’d been in the bedroom with her, how long she’d been laying there alone.
She took in the expert knots that had her hands tied to the headboard, reminding her that her dad and Bucky had served in the military together, and that they both had some knowledge about rope and knots. They’d even taught her some, so she could easily make out which one he’d tied her up with.
The double constrictor knot tied twice on both her wrists made her eyes fill with tears yet again. There was no way she would be able to pull the knots open with her teeth. Yet she found herself trying. And… on top of that, she really needed to pee.
She examined the knot before slowly making out the placement of the ends and where they were cut off. She reached forward and trapped one loop in between her teeth, pulling slightly. She sighed happily when she felt it give in, and she pulled one end through easily. Way too easily.
She repeated the action one more time, pulling the end over and through on the other side, one knot coming completely undone. She nodded at herself when the first rope fell to the pillow under her, making everything seem a little bit easier.
Three more to go.
She prayed that Bucky didn’t make an appearance, otherwise she’d be fucked. She leaned forward and examined the next knot on the same wrist, leaning forward when she located the end of it.
She winced when the ropes on the wrist she wasn’t working on tugged the rash on her skin even deeper. She needed to get out of there, and she needed to get out of there now. Panic settled in her stomach when she heard footsteps from somewhere in the house, tears spilling out of her eyes yet again.
“Come on, come on…” the knot finally gave in and she breathed out in relief, grinning slightly when her fingers started loosening the knots on her other wrist. She was so close to freeing her wrist, so close to relief from emptying her bladder… So close to escaping from Bucky.
“Baby…” She instantly freezes when she hears his voice from the door. “What are you doing?” She lets out a breath, feeling the tears re-wetting the paths on her cheeks that had dried earlier. Her cheeks redden, embarrassed that he’s caught her.
“Bucky, I…” she starts, turning her head slowly to look at him. He’s standing in the doorway with a tray of food for her, for them. How had she not noticed the amazing smell filling the room much earlier? How long had he even been standing there? She was so caught up in escaping she hadn’t even heard him.
She’s not sure whether the words that leave her mouth are just plain stupid or smart. Either way, his eyes soften just a bit when she speaks. “I just really have to pee.” She watches as he puts down the tray on his bedside table before he leans forward, loosening the remaining knots.
“Why didn’t you just call for me, baby? I would’ve come and helped you so you wouldn’t tear your lips like that.” His thumb grazes her lip, making her wince slightly. She hadn’t noticed the skin being mangled from the roughness of the rope. “Jesus baby, you look awful.”
She winces again when his fingers glide over her cheekbone, before they help her loosen the last knots around her wrists. She slides off the bed with a whimpering thank you, her legs slightly unstable as she staggers her way to the bathroom. She shuts the door softly before finally getting the relief she’s been craving.
Once finished, she tries for the small window in the bathroom. She knows she isn’t going to fit through, but she’s trying anyway. The window doesn’t budge, even when all laches are off and clattering against the glass. She knows Bucky can hear her from the bedroom, but at this point she doesn’t care.
“Come on. Dinner is ready.” His voice is just on the other side of the door, letting her know just how close he was. By the looks of it, there was no way she was ever going to be left alone again. Her foot slipped from her getting dizzy when she stepped on the bathmat to wash her hands, causing her to let out a yelp.
The door was yanked open just as she steadied herself against the marble countertop, catching Bucky’s eyes in the mirror when she looked up. Traces of nervousness swirled in his eyes, and she wondered why. “Jesus, I thought you hurt yourself, baby.”
He watched her every move as she washed her hands, dried them off before throwing them around her body, shielding her still naked body from him. He observed the way goosebumps littered her arms and legs, making his heart clench in his chest. He swiftly manhandled her into a t-shirt, before handing her a pair of panties.
He watched as she slid them on weakly, before grabbing her hand and leading her back to the bed. “Come on,” he spoke softly, as he sat her down and placed the tray in front of her, urging her to eat by bringing a forkful of food to her lips. “You need your strength.” She squeezed her lips together, not fully trusting him with her food since the incident this morning.
“Don’t worry.” He grabbed her hand, his thumb sliding over the soft skin, “It’s just food this time. No drugs.” She looked up at him doe-eyed, desperately trying to just have him leave her. She purses her lips again. “I trust you, baby.”
“I’m not hungry.” She whispered out, pulling her hand from his gently before scooting back just a bit on the bed, to get further away from him. Her stomach grumbled in that moment, letting him know how much of a lie that was. She was starving.
He grabs her jaw, forcing her lips apart before shoving the food in between them. “You eat when I tell you to eat.” He’s somewhat grumpy, it’s easy to see. There’s a glint remorse in his eyes, but she doesn’t believe that he regrets anything he’s put her through. She chews languidly, all while her eyes are trained on her hands in her lap.
“Am I going to have to force feed you, or will you eat on your own accord? Because I don’t care what you choose.” She looks up at him and watches as he scoops another dollop of food onto the fork, bringing it to her lips. She carefully swallows the food already in her mouth before opening up for him to feed her. “Good girl.”
It continues like that, with Bucky taking a few bites in between feeding her. It makes her calm to see him eat from the same portion of food as her, letting her know that he was telling the truth when he made her eat the first bite. No drugs.
He brings the straw resting in a glass of water to her lips after setting the plate back on the tray. She eyes his hands, inspecting the glass intensely. He sighs and rolls his eyes yet understanding her actions. He knows she’s afraid of him, he knows she doesn’t trust her right now.
He brings the straw to his own lips and sucks the cold fluid into his mouth before swallowing, letting her know that the water was safe to ingest as well. She exhales slowly before taking the glass from him, emptying it in one go. She was truly thirsty.
“What time is it?” she tries softly, afraid that Bucky thought she didn’t need to know, since he had no plans of ever letting her go. She’s looking for any sign indicating that he’s carrying his phone. He eyes her for a while, his eyes squinting for just a moment. She looked breathtaking as she sat there, fiddling her fingers.
“Why do you want to know?” She knew it. He’s still watching her, trying to look through her, into her head to figure out what she’s thinking. She tries her best to appear unfazed, just wanting him to tell her the goddamn time.
She feels lost in a whole new way, with the conception of time stripped from her as well. It makes her uneasy on a whole other level. “I just… Wanna know if it’s time for dessert.” She whispers, still afraid to say much. She waits for his reaction anxiously, another wave of uneasiness overcoming her.
Bucky laughs. He actually laughs at her. She furrows her brows as she watches his shoulders shake with every puff of laughter. “You don’t need to know the time…” he has a hard time getting the words out through his laughter, yet he speaks again shortly after.  “Desserts,” he smiles as he turns his head toward her, eyes taking in her serious expression. He smiles warmly at her. “What do you want for dessert?”
“You tell me the time; I tell you what I want for dessert.” He raises his eyebrow at her demand, not really expecting it. She doesn’t know where the surge of confidence came from. She just wanted to know the damn time. Somewhere deep within her, she’s still wondering if he is going to let her go the following day.
“Feisty now, aren’t you?” He jokingly says, well knowing she was, still is, afraid of him. He bites the inside of his cheek, contemplating her offer before he slowly draws out his phone before showing her the time. 9:21pm. So, she had been tied up in his bedroom the whole day. She watched as he pushed it back into his pocket, away from her prying eyes.
“So, darling… You wanted dessert?” he turns back to her and she has shuffled closer to him in the midst of his lack of attention. Her hand reaches out to caress his cheek, startling him. She smiles softly, she doesn’t even know why.
In one way, she wanted to get out of his house as soon as humanly possible but… She found herself not wanting to. Her thoughts were conflicting within her head, confusing her even more than previously. Maybe she just had to play pretend for now, and he would let her go tomorrow?
She found herself slowly losing herself within her thoughts. She had so many conflicting ones, her mind in a flurry about which ones to focus on. Everything came to her while admiring him through her lashes. Every emotion she’s ever felt for him, every memory she had with him. “Yeah. I want you.”
Without words she rises, initiating the contact between them herself. She didn’t know how or why, but she found herself reaching out for his hand. It felt a little alien, but good, nonetheless. It was clear to her that he was taken aback by her actions. She silently straddles his thighs, her ass resting on his knees as she pushes him back to lay against the bed. “I want to do this on my own.” she starts while pulling the shirt over her head.
“You took the choice from me yesterday, and I don’t think that’s fair. Do you?” the sudden surge of confidence in her takes him aback, and he’s laying motionlessly against the mattress, just watching her undress herself on top of him.
He watches as her hands slide over her breasts and down her stomach, teasing him slightly as she snaps the elastic band of her panties against the skin on her hip. She feels him harden underneath her within second of the fabric leaving her torso, and she revels in it.
She was deeply in love with Bucky Barnes. No matter how he wronged her, abused her, used her - she loves him. Maybe she was delusional but having him underneath her set her nerves on fire. She had finally gotten what she wanted.
There was nothing standing in the way of her and Bucky’s relationship anymore. She wasn’t afraid anymore. She was going to give into him, and she was going to enjoy it.
All it had taken, was one small flaw in Bucky’s plan. He’d let it slip, and he wasn’t even aware of it.
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Saturday, 03:22am
Opening the messages app on his phone, she quickly searches through the different messages before opening the one with her dad. She knew exactly who she had to call for help. Yet she found something that made her blood turn to ice in her veins. Or, it felt like that, at least.
She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Slowly, the tears started burning in her eyes, making her vision blurry. The light from his phone blinded her slightly, and she found herself wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, a sob getting stuck in her throat. She just couldn’t believe it.
Right there, on his phone, was a conversation between him and her dad. Her own dad. Her stomach turned as she read through the messages, chest heaving as she tried to calm her erratic breaths.
Steve: You got her calmed yet?
Bucky: No, still squirming and crying. Hoping that she’ll calm down soon.
Bucky: Jesus, she got some lungs on her. I can��t wait to do everything I’ve planned to do to her tomorrow.
Steve: Good. Ruin her. Make sure she doesn’t get away. We need that money.
Bucky: If not, I’ll do what’s necessary. Even though I really don’t want to. You know how I feel about her.
Steve: I couldn’t care less. She isn’t mine anyways.
Her brows furrowed as she read one of the last messages over and over again. What the hell did he mean that I wasn’t his? She felt a strong hand clasp around the wrist of her hand that held the phone in it, forcing a small scream past her lips. She hadn’t even heard Bucky wake up.
“What are you doing?” His eyes were dark and hooded. They were also full of sleep, and she knew he was happy she was still in bed next to him, else she would’ve fallen off the bed. She looked at him through the blue light of the phone, trying to come up with a quick lie to throw him off in his sleepy haze.
“I was just looking at the time.” she tried carefully, the flow of tears drying out slowly. She was shocked, to say the least, but she wouldn’t let him know that she knew... “I usually wake up at night and I always try to track my sleeping pattern…” she had no idea what to say.
She couldn’t believe what she had just read. What did her dad mean? She isn’t mine anyways… The message kept resonating in her head. He huffed and grabbed the phone, turning away from her and resuming his slumber.
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Saturday, 9:23pm
She crawled off his lap, standing over him as she undid his pants with quick movements. He lifted his hips to aid her in taking them off, his mind still trying to catch up to what was happening. His boxers followed soon after, his naked glory exposed to her yet again, only this time it was different.
Her hand grasps his cock, giving it a few tugs before she’s closing her lips around the head. He stutters out a moan intertwined with her name, his hands flying into her hair to ground himself. Where the sudden urge to have her lips around his cock was fulfilled, he still didn’t know what she was doing.
All he knew was that it felt heavenly. Her mouth was warm and inviting, her cheeks feeling warm and velvety as she hollowed them against his length. She sucked more than half of his cock into her mouth, causing a deep groan to spill from his lips.
Her hand wrapped around what she couldn’t fit in her mouth, and she slowly stroked his shaft while swirling her tongue around the enlarged head of his cock. She felt his hand tighten in her hair, a string of groans falling from his lips.
The hand that wasn’t wrapped around him pushed the panties off her hips languidly and she slowly rose to her feet, still bent over with her lips around his cock. She releases him with a pop, fluttering kisses along his toned abdomen and up his chest before she straddles his hips, gliding the wetness between her legs over the length of him.
His hands find her hips, both his thumbs rubbing circles into her hips, his head thrown back in pleasure. This pleasure is so different than it’s been previously, it’s so full of emotion for him and possibly also from her. It feels tremendously different from all the other times. His head shifts forward and admires her with hooded eyes before they flutter closed.
When she finally sinks down onto his cock with a strained expression, he feels everything shift within him. It’s like the whole orbit of the world changes. She’s struggling with his size, whimpering as she slowly sinks further down onto him. She falls forward, her hands landing just beside his face and he groans out, his eyes slowly reopening to look at her on top of him.
Her cheeks are flushed pink, her eyes prickling with tears and her bottom lip tugged in between her teeth, desperately trying to accommodate to his size. She’s shifting just a little bit, trying to ease the pain between her hips.
Her hand slid under his neck and grasped the short hairs there, closely followed by her lips meeting his. Her hips grinds over his, their lips gliding over each other’s messily, their tongues dancing together. Her soft pants mixed with his, his hands sliding up to rest on her lower back, guiding her gently.
“Oh, Bucky…” she whispers, and he isn’t sure whether or not he’s dreaming. It feels surreal that she’s moaning his name,it makes him twitch inside of her to finally hear his name spill from her lips that way. Hearing her moan his name combined with the tightness of her heat pushes him further and further towards his impending orgasm.
Her walls clench around him and she whimpers ever so sweetly. He knows she’s close. She just needs the final push. She’s still grinding her hips against his, so he angles them slightly for her clit to rub over his pelvic bone.
It doesn’t take more than a few strokes for her orgasm to overtake her, blinding her vision with black spots and making every hair on her body rise. It feels amazing this time around - with herself being in charge of her pleasure.
He’s close - so close - but if there’s one thing he doesn’t want to do right now, it’s to do something she doesn’t want to, however ambivalent that sounds. He restrains himself or tries to. Her hips are still drawing circles over his, and it’s driving him crazy.
“Cum in me,” she whispers in her haze, and she feels his hands tighten on her hips, his pants filling her ears as he empties his load inside of her. She feels at it trickles down around his length still embedded in her heat as she collapses on top of him, laying her head on his chest.
She slowly comes down from euphoria, relaxing into his arms coming around her to rub over her back. Everything slowly comes back to her, settling within her body. The lovestruck haze she has been in for the past half hour, is slowly coming to an end.
She slowly removes herself from on top of him, his seed trailing down her legs as she makes her way to the bathroom to clean herself. He finds her under the shower, quietly entering the stall behind her. She’s caught up in her thoughts, just standing under the stream of water with her arms wrapped around herself.
“I know what you saw last night. I didn’t want you to find out the way you did. We were supposed to be happy together. Live happily, and you would forget everything about everyone. Just you and me, here.” His body was barely against her back before he was pulling her trembling body back into his arms. She hadn’t even realized she was shaking until then.
“You didn’t want me to find out what, exactly?” She tried softly, jaw trembling uncomfortably at the other things he had said. “How are we ever to live happily?” She didn’t know what Bucky expected of her. There was just something she couldn’t imagine. She turned in his arms, looking up at him.
“You’re going to have to promise me that you won’t react poorly to what I’m about to tell you.” Bucky tried carefully, and she felt everything fall apart in the seconds following the words leaving his mouth. How could she not react to anything? “I shouldn’t be the one telling you this, but…”
Tell her what?! Just two days prior she’d been living contently with her parents, and here, a mere 46 hours later… Everything had changed. She watched his face as he searched for the words, his thoughts conflicting visibly in his face.
“Steve… He isn’t your father.” Bucky started, and she felt her heart fall further into her chest. That hurt. “Your mother had someone else around the time you were conceived. Steve has taken a paternity test, and it’s true.” She felt the tears rise to her eyes yet again mixing with the water from the shower, both from the betrayal of Bucky but also from her parents.
“This has all been set up so Steve can claim you as dead. To get money from the insurance company.” He hides his face with his hand, visibly upset that everything has fallen apart. Everything has certainly not worked out the way it was supposed to. “But I’ve changed my mind. I can’t do this to you.”
“But you’ve already done it...” She whispered, before taking his hand in hers. “What changed?” She cradled his face in her other hand, watching him intently as he rubs his hand over his face. It leaves red marks in its wake, letting her know just how hard he’s rubbing the skin.
“We need to make sure he doesn’t get that money” Bucky grabs her face with his hands in an instant, his eyes searching hers intensely. He thinks over her question, licking his lips before he answers.
“Nothing changed. Even though I wanted this to start with, I never even considered getting rid of you. I want you to know that I’ve never looked at you wrongly before you were legal. I couldn’t bring myself to it, even though I knew you weren’t Steve’s. I never ever wanted to hurt you. Because I love you.”
She sighs and for a short while closes her eyes. A few seconds pass where he’s just watching her.
Then one side of her lips tug up into a smirk, before she’s looking at him with a mischievous look in her eyes. They both know what they have to do.
Then she speaks, instantly letting him know that everything is settled between the two of them.
“I love you. Let’s do it.”
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bowtied-pasta · 3 years
A breakdown of what every character in my au does for a living and etc ✨
Splendorman runs a candy company that has branches in all three of the realms. He employs humans and demons, but keeps his recipes top secret.
True is my protagonist oc. She was a florist before she got chased over the boundary between realms by her literal demon of an ex, Alder. She gets married/mated to Splendor, helping him with things when she can.
Nina is a proxy of Splendor. She runs social media and wears the mascot suit for his company in the human realm. Her marketing is odd to Splendor, but he can tell it’s working well, so he lets her do as she pleases.
Finley is a proxy of Splendorman. Helps oversee the branch in the human realm. Helps out with social media in spare time.
Gage is a proxy of Splendorman. Being a Cambion, he helps with the overseeing of the branch in the demon realm. Helps out with social media in spare time.
Damien is a proxy of Splendorman. Helps oversee the branch in the ender realm. He is mute and communicates through sign language. Helps out with social media in spare time.
‘Fenderman owns a nightclub that is connected to all three of the realms. Is best friends with Splendor. Spends most of his time bar hopping and saving damsels and damoiseaux. He likes fighting.
Kagekao is a free spirited prankster that steals for a living. In a relationship with Fen.
Lorelei is a dancer at Fen’s club. In a relationship with Fen.
Trenderman is a highly sought after designer. After being banished from the Ender realm, he became acclimated to life as a human rather quickly. Becoming a designer that works by commission and sells his works online. True is his great great……. However many great granddaughter.
Jocelyn is a proxy of Trender. Is a shadow demon that is very comfortable in her human glamour. Models and helps with Trender’s clothing line.
Bijou is a former proxy of Trender. Currently deceased. True is her great great…… however many great granddaughter.
Zalgo is the ruler of the underworld and king of demons. Ruling takes up a large portion of his time, but his free time goes to hobbies and spending time with friends and Dark.
Dark Link is the leader of Zalgo’s armies and is also a not so secret lover of the king. The King is not often at war with anyone that is considered a threat worth his attention, but sometimes he fights for the fun of it.
Eyeless Jack the royal medic under Zalgo. Is a cambion, but ended up in the underworld after catching attention from eating human organs. Ended up catching Zalgo’s attention, and after some rather impressively passed tests, Zalgo decided Jack would be a great doctor for him and sent him to learn about the demon body a bit more.
Dina Angels is the royal judge under Zalgo. Dark was the one to find her, bringing her to Zalgo when he learned that this rumored to be freshly fallen abrahamic that was wrecking havoc on the mortal realm turned out to be an actual hybrid with powers they’d never seen on a hybrid before. Zalgo decided her best use would be as his judge.
Slenderman controls a group of hitmen and sells their services in exchange for money, goods and other services. Does dark magic and will sell his services in the art that tend to vary depending on his mood.
Tim/Masky is a proxy of Slenderman. Works best with Brian when on team jobs.
Brian/Hoodie is a proxy of Slenderman. Works best with Tim when on team jobs.
Toby is a proxy of Slenderman. Is good at working with all of the other proxies.
Jane is a proxy of Slenderman. Cannot work with Brian alone on team jobs.
Jeff is a proxy of Slenderman. Prefers not doing team jobs.
Ben is a proxy of Slenderman. Is a ghost. In charge of surveillance of the property, though Slender more often than not knows when someone has breached his borders. Doesn’t go “out in the field” often.
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