flutinmusic · 1 year
Streaming Tips For Starting To Pro
Over the years, live streaming has gained immense popularity as a means for individuals and businesses to connect with global audiences. Thanks to platforms such as Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook Live, anyone can become a streamer and broadcast their content. However, with the sheer number of streamers out there, standing out can prove difficult. 
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These streaming tips, applicable to both novices and veterans, can assist you in enhancing your content, expanding your viewership, and elevating your streaming skills.
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dimitrscu · 10 months
she did not appreciate me flutin'
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leporellian · 1 year
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Lest you have been living under a rock; grappling with pokey internet (Kumusta, Pilipinas!); or trying to save your internet/phone data for over a fortnight now, you might have watched this D1 second-place finisher by the Golden Gophers Dance Team.
Think this turn sequence has blown you away?
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I present to you - my jazz dance history and vernacular jazz dance fans - ELEANOR FLUTIN’ POWELL!
Look at Lola Eleanor! Her pulling off grandes pirouettes a la secondes (aka a la seconde turns) in HEELED TAP OXFORDS was wicked - even for that era! Crazy how she was one of the first FEMALE DANCERS to integrate that turn sequence in a non-ballet context!
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ebtks-reviews · 1 year
Hello, my name is zen and I review.... Basically everything. I started this blog(and it's subsequent YouTube channel and TikTok blog) because I love reviewing horror movies and scary videos in my down time but I wanted to branch out. I love trying new things and products so I figured if I'm going to form these opinions, I might as well put them all in one place.
(also to keep from retrying products I've already had and didn't like just to get burned again 😭-)
I'm not a professional anything so my food critiques and tech critiques and basically any critique that requires a severe amount of knowledge on something to "appreciate its value" , aka be seen as good, will not be present. I am the common man's opinioning everything as someone new to alot of things. I know I don't speak for everyone so please don't take offense if you like something I didn't or I like something you hated.
I try to keep my common foods and things my opinion could be biased towards out of my reviews but who knows, maybe I'll make that someday.
Abit of info about me is that I'm two spirit, 23 years old, bisexual, use he/she pronouns and I live in south Central Pennsylvania, hailing from south Central Ohio. I got the name zen basically adopting a nickname of my favorite overwatch character, zenyatta and have grown attached over the years. I enjoy horror, comedies, horror comedies, video games, anime, food and culture and art. I'm also a progressive/liberal and stand by things like BLM, trans/gay rights, my body my choice, land back and acab.
I chose the name everything but the kitchen sink reviews for many reasons. First off because well,.... I'm reviewing everything but the kitchen sink. Im not centered on any specific thing like movies or food or products. I've not seen any reviewers be all encompassing, they usually have one or two lanes they stay in but I've decided fuck that, I wanna expand. I also like how the phrase isn't pretentious or high class, it's common, used by the common man. I don't like reading reviews made by rich people who get paid off or by a food critic who thinks they're better than me. I want my reviews to be honest and open and inclusive, about things people like me, who live paycheck to paycheck, use and try. Of course I'm happy to review some high flutin stuff but in the end, nothing will escape my judgemental eye.
If you have a food, product, show, game or really anything you'd like me to review, please drop it in my inbox. I can't garentee I'll be able to get it, especially in a timely manner, but I'll certainly try if it's something I can afford.
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peroxideprinces · 2 years
if anyones interested in my flutin . well . incantations attempt one lolsies
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musicforthemassesus · 6 years
Il flauto magico
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goldencorecrunches · 4 years
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this is so fuckin gfunny to me like Yes Wei Wuxian that’s Exactly what you did
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spee-energy · 4 years
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now you listen here buddy you're gonna take that pan flute off your back and hand it to me reeeaaaal slow and if you cooperate we won't have any problems
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cwhapd · 5 years
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lindethiel · 5 years
//i spy with my little eye a prettyboy?? @sorrowssinger
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flutinmusic · 2 years
10 Virtual Party Ideas
The holiday season has arrived, and after yet another busy year, we could all use some festive fun. The last thing anyone wants is to sit through another end-of-the-year Zoom meeting, especially when Raj from HR is wearing an ugly sweater. Take a break from the virtual charades, Pictionary and printable BINGO cards – it’s time to have fun in 2022 style. And the most prominent thing this year has been live streaming. We bring to you 10 virtual new year party ideas that will spice up your holiday celebrations. So, sit back, take these virtual party ideas and let Flutin do the rest.
Learn more: https://flutin.com/blog/index.php/2022/12/10-virtual-party-ideas-for-holiday-season/
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verycivilofyou · 6 years
two on kazoo
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veliseraptor · 3 years
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love Lan Xichen coming over to Jiang Cheng after Wei Wuxian starts a-flutin’ like
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stiltonbasket · 4 years
holy fuck lwj scared the crap outta me and i just READ it like criminy poor wwx over here flutin away memories and wallowing and lan zhan pops outta the darkness like an albino bat from hell i woulda lost my SHIT
Lwj got a crash course on how bad pointy women's shoes can hurt if they're used to kick you. 😬
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withinsnow · 3 years
Hey do you have any mdzs fanfic recs
Hello there!
Fic recs hm? I do have a collection of fics I really love, so of course I'd like to share it lol. I'm going to come clean here and admit I'm extremely biased towards any kind of horror story. Body-horror, psychological horror, horror with fairy tale elements, all my jam. While the fics on this list won't all be horror, a number of them will. So yeah. I also tried to keep this list to fics that aren't on the first 10 pages of the ao3 tag, except the first one. Recs under the cut.
Sleep in your bed
Across the table, Jiang Cheng looks up from his study book and rolls his eyes heavenward like he’s seen this circus too many times already. And sure, Wei WuXian has slept in the campus library before, but this is the first time a handsome stranger with angry eyes has called him out because of it.
or; Wei WuXian has a tendency to fall asleep in places where he shouldn't. Lan WangJi disapproves.
This one's a bit of a classic. I think it's the first mdzs fic I read, so it obviously holds a special place in my heart. A lighthearted modern-au.
Ashes and moonlight
For a long time, what separated gods and demons was defined only by where they went: up or down.
A crossover fic between mdzs and tgcf. While it's still unfinished, it won't leave you unsatisfied. What I like about this one is the way the author weaves the worldbuilding of both stories into something that works really well. The characters fits naturally into the universe and none of the encounters or relationships feels forced.
Mondengel's works. Though I'm especially taken with the horror/body-horror ones (who'd have thought?)
The Jiang Sect was famous for it's marvelous creations. Lan Wangji is just as enthralled as everyone else until he gets a closer look.
He died desperately trying to fulfill his beloved wife's wish to have her family whole.
Phantom leashes
It was a good thing Lan Xichen was born first.
I'm not going to say much about any of these, it's best to go in unprepared.
Calling heaven
Lan Wangji had not wanted to come at all.
Not exactly horror, but the concept and vivid imagery is right down my lane
This bitch flutin in the strip club
Wei WuXian’s first scolding at the Cloud Recesses’ summer program for gifted young musicians comes from another student.
Another of the earlier fics I read. Musicians au. Not much to say about this except that it's really nice and I wholeheartedly recommend it.
Operational amplifier
Lan Wangji has never been good with words, or at writing. But, if it'll allow him to imagine a world where Wei Wuxian could actually love him back, he supposes it couldn't hurt to try.
(Or, the one where Lan Wangji copes with his Feelings by writing self-insert fics. Yeah.)
As much as the premise of lwj writing self-insert fics is hilariously silly, the fic is far less cracky than you might think. In a good way.
Night of sixth magnitude stars
Lan WangJi gave him a disapproving look as they left the classroom. “You can’t be late every time.”
Wei WuXian walked with light steps, seemingly in a happy mood. “They can’t fault me if I want to spend more time with the only student who really listens to me.”
Lan WangJi followed reluctantly, because Wei WuXian always made him follow, even when he was driving him crazy.
Another early one. Been a while since I last read it and yup, still a feel-good to me.
The bone museum
The figure turns around, and the bones go silent. 
Ah, Wei Wuxian thinks. So this is why churches are so quiet. He’s never been a religious man, but he gets it, suddenly. The need to pause, to take in, to remember what it means to breathe; to wonder what it meant to breathe before this. 
Look I'm always a sucker for morbid, surreal humour. Short and silly with a sprinkle of bone puns.
The hollow tree
There is a strange man who lives by the woods.
Wei Wuxian narrows his eyes. He smiles, but it’s not kind. Sharp teeth that are nothing but predatory. “Don’t you know what they say about me? What I do to the likes of you who leave the woods? Tell me, little monster, do they still tell stories of my deeds, of the mercy I don’t give?”
As always, there’s no reply. But the shadow—Wei Wuxian gets the faint sense that it’s unimpressed with him. That makes him laugh. He puts his teeth away and leans his chin on the palm of his hand to watch it curiously. “You’re not afraid of me,” he murmurs, “I like you, maybe I won’t eat you.”
I really like the "story told around a campfire" feel this one has. I'm fond of fantastical worldbuilding that focus less on thorough explanations and more on 'vibes', if you get what I mean.
The sun must set to rise
The stygian tiger seal gives Wei Wuxian the ability to take things from his dreams. The catch is: he can't control it.
(He dreams of five impossible things: a sun, a box that plays music, a hairpin with moving carvings, an impossible bird and a necklace with a butterfly pendant.)
Another story with surreal elements. Introspective on wwx's state of mind during and after the sunshot campaign.
Seasons change
Lan Wangji loves Wei Wuxian in every season.
Short and sweet on lwj's love through the seasons. Post-canon.
Buried in the sky, hallowed by thy depths
If you listen, the mountains of Gusu sing in the evening, as the sun is going down.
That’s what they say in Caiyi Town, where the clear and cold mountain streams flow into the lake. The streams are deep, the locals know. They say they carry the melody down from up high. From Cloud Recesses.
There are reasons it is forbidden to enter the Cloud Recesses after dark.
I love mermaid/siren aus, especially those which reflect upon inhuman nature and what it means to embrace it. Also the #fastburn tag got me.
The courtship of wyrms
As the war rolls through Qishan, a group of Lan disciples are separated from the Sunshot forces, disappearing into a Wen-controlled forest.
They are certainly already dead, and so rescue is impossible. Nie Mingjue's orders are clear: no one is to go after Lan Wangji and the other missing disciples.
But Wei Wuxian has never been good at following orders.
There's never enough sunshot campaign fics imo, and I like how this one explore the conflicting feelings between violence and mercy, justice and revenge. A nice introspection on rediscovering oneself in the face of war and violence.
Hope you see something you like!
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