#fluttershy in a different font
idec · 7 months
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zoeyhorse · 4 months
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Turns out other languages use different fonts. Who knew?
Mind Reader Fluttershy AU
Drew this at an airport upon learning what the title of the German version for ‘Awesome as I wanna be’ was. My holiday playlist is just German horse songs
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embodyingchaos · 1 year
sorting the mane six into their hogwarts houses
okay, so i decided to do this analysis because i'm writing a harry potter fic while watching an episode of my little pony and i just thought about what their houses would be so this would be a fun, little analysis thingy-ma-bob for me to do. just a heads up, i have not read all the books, i've only read until the second one and i've only watched the movies. first, we have twilight. everyone would immediately sort her into ravenclaw and this is where i would have to disagree, sort of. mostly because as seen in the show multiple and countless of times, twilight has shown bravery and courage for fighting against villains and fighting for what's right(like friendship). she's sort of like hermione, who is studious and a brainiac but still has the courage to stand up for her friends, stand up for what's right. then again, she could still be in ravenclaw and have the perseverance to do the right thing, just like luna lovegood. all in all, i believe twilight is a true ravenclaw. next, applejack. no doubt, no thoughts, she is a gryffindor. she is filled with chivalry and can be quite arrogant in a sense that she often thinks that she's in the right, which a lot of gryffindors exhibit this trait, and can be stubborn and prideful. she is honest and true, all more traits of the lion house. now, fluttershy is also a no brainer. she is the element of kindness and she is quite literally helga hufflepuff in different font, specifically, horse font. fluttershy exhibits patience, as seen in countless of episodes, and a sense of justice for her animals. she worked hard to open her animal sanctuary, just like any other hufflepuff would. fluttershy is a hufflepuff. another no brainer for me would be ms. rarity. she is cunning, she is manipulative(in the good way where she uses it to help her friends), she is resourceful and she is determined. she shows all these traits when striving to open up her multiple boutiques around equestria. other than her generosity, which isn't exhibited in a lot of slytherins in the movies that much, she is, hands down, a slytherin. rainbow dash would be somepony interesting to sort. first of all, i'm torn between sorting her into gryffindor or slytherin. her gryffindor traits would be courage, nerve, stubborn, prideful and often breaks the rules. she strives to do what's right and always goes head first into a fight in order to protect her friends or her reputation. on the other hand, her slytherin traits are just as evident. determination and cunningness to get into the wonderbolts, she's quite ambitious and boastful about her own skills and superiority. the one thing that tears her away from getting sorted into slytherin is the fact that she lacks the will to do whatever it takes to succeed. therefore, i sort her into gryffindor. good luck, gryffindor. (#appledashingryffindorforthewin) last but not least, we have my favourite of them all, pinkamena diane pie. pinks is another one that brings me to a stump. maybe at first glance, you would see her as a hufflepuff, and i agree! she is kind and humble, inclusive and selfless, and she likes food! even though, she has all these traits, her character would show her to be quite a gryffindor. through many episodes, we see her to be extremely persistent and pushy when wanting to know about things. she's extremely adventurous, enjoys travelling to new places, and she's incredibly brave as seen in the very first/second episode(she literally laughed in the face of terror). she can be fast to accuse someone immediately after one word, and she can be stubborn as well. pinkie is definitely a gryffindor. bonus: spike is a hufflepuff! i don't care what anyone says, mf is loyal, patient and full of justice. sure, he lacks humbleness and selflessness at times, but i literally can't sort him into any other house. he has no ravenclaw traits, maybe a few gryffindor traits and the slight personality of a slytherin(especially with his sarcastic remarks), but all in all, i think he fits best into hufflepuff.
i'd love to hear anyone else's thoughts on this! remember, this is only my opinion and if you don't agree with it that's fine but be nice, because i will cry myself to sleep if someone calls me a poopoo head for my choices of sorting.
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gunky-gooper · 9 months
Same people different font fr
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“But smg0 isn’t shy like fluttershy” he isn’t but they are both apologetic and forgiving characters that’s why you silly goober
I know Fred hardly had a character but being an avatar implied that he would have been very energetic and he would have been impulsive like pinkie can be some times. Also one of Fred’s favourite things is to have fun with smg0 and hang out with him, pinkie is the same with her friends and they’re both very silly
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the-fluffiest-trainer · 9 months
Like this? I just talk and it... oh, yes, it's writing the words! How does it know how to do that?
Uh, well, hi everyone? Can I delete that earlier part? And that too? This would be so much easier if I had those "hand" things to actually press all these tiny buttons...
Let me start over. Hi everyone, my name is Fluttershy, and I... don't really know what I'm doing here? Or where "here" is? Or anything about these two legged people with their hands and their fancy devices that write for you when you talk into them, but at least they all seem nice so far, and that's good. This girl named Shauna gave me this device and she says I'm in a place called Kalos, but I've never heard of it.
Apparently there's a professor who knows about me already, and sent four kids out to find me? That's nice of him, and maybe he knows more about how I fell into this world. If any of you, whoever it is in here that I'm talking to, uh, however that works... if you know anything or have any advice, and... I don't know how I'm going to actually hear you, to be honest, but I guess this thingy takes care of it?
I wish my friends were here. Maybe they are? I remember Twilight, fighting for all of us but we couldn't help her, and... something... and then falling from the sky, and I barely got my wings under me before hitting the ground in this strange little town. I should definitely go find this Professor Sycamore and see what he knows.
(OOC info under the cut)
Hey everyone, this is a pokeblogging rp blog for Fluttershy from MLP:FiM. She has no idea what pokemon (or humans) are and honestly, out of character I don't either because I've made it to nearly 30 without ever playing a pokemon game before now. At the recommendation of a good friend who's also into the pokeblogging scene here, I'm starting with Pokemon X. This blog is in the same universe as Gwyndolin from @moonlight-eternal, mostly because I didn't want to have to learn everything about two different games, but sometimes plot events will affect both blogs.
In general the blog is typically lowish stakes and sfw, and I'm open to interaction with any other pokeblogs, Fallers or otherwise (just be nice and everything should be okay). Given the plot of Pokemon X, some higher stakes will occur occasionally when dealing with Team Flare. Tags "#mid stakes pokeblogging" and "#high stakes pokeblogging" will be used as appropriate.
Twilight Sparkle is also here, having Fallen into Kalos several months before Fluttershy. Others of the Mane Six have landed elsewhere in the pokemon world and have been mentioned, but have not appeared on the blog.
Pelipper mail is on! This includes standard mailable objects, abstract things like "catness", horrible nightmares, you know, the usual for pelippers. I can't guarantee I'll post all of them given plot reasons but I try to address most of what comes in.
Headcanons / conventions taken with this timeline include:
All pokemon are sapient, but most cannot communicate in human language. Fluttershy's talent of speaking with animals carries over to pokemon as well.
Fluttershy is the equivalent of mid to late 20s in human terms, but the kids she meets are still kids, maybe mid teens or so.
Consistent font colors used:
Fluttershy: Standard black text
Visual description in videos: [Bracketed italicized black text]
Arden (Fluttershy's delphox): Orange text
Twilight: purple text
Lysandre: Orange bolded text
Team Flare members: usually red text
Shauna: pink text
AZ: green text
Hoopa (eebied Discord): Pink bolded text
Fluttershy's pokemon team:
Arden: delphox, trans girl, even fluffier than Fluttershy herself. She craves violence. She operates the holocaster sometimes for typing or taking videos.
Talia: gardevoir, girl, forcibly adopted a trainer so she can battle and eventually evolve.
Sienna/Muffin: skitty, girl, caught by Twilight and then given to Fluttershy via Professor Sycamore.
Keseph: amaura, girl, resurrected from a fossil in Ambrette Town.
Osha: absol (shiny), girl, found in the woods around Geosenge Town trying to warn about some sort of danger there.
Twilight's pokemon team:
Luna: espeon, girl, found Twilight right after she Fell and never left.
Raya: lucario, girl, sought out Twilight based on aura senses and led her to meet humans for the first time.
Spike Jr.: crobat, boy, given as a gift by Lysandre.
Crystal: lapras, girl, given by a pokemon breeder on Route 12.
Content warnings for this blog:
Canonical events of Pokemon X
Trainers can be affected by pokemon moves if improperly targeted
General blanket warning for post-apocalyptic themes
Other notes:
Sometimes I take liberties with game mechanics in favor of writing something that makes more sense from a perspective of actually living in this world and seeing pokemon battles and such. This may include:
I will typically ignore the physical vs special distinction for moves, stats, and so on.
I will ignore the effect of Natures on stats.
I usually forget that Abilities exist, or at least ones outside of the usual STAB. I do know STAB and it makes sense to exist.
While types do exist, I consider the advantage factor to be less than the games' value of 2. Probably more like sqrt(2), so super effective moves do 141% damage and not very effective is 71%.
On some occasions, I may even ignore a type matchup if narrative reasons or simple common sense contradict the game logic.
If the game goes to such lengths to obscure the actual values of IVs and EVs from me, then screw it, they don't exist. Every pokemon has IVs that make it good at the things its species is meant to be good at.
In general, all this basically means I'm taking an approach closer to the anime than the games. I have no prior experience with either, I just want something that makes sense and doesn't require being Autisms Georg about pokemon just to run a blog.
Story arcs so far:
Intro arc (no tag): Fluttershy arrives in Kalos and takes the position of player character, up through meeting Sycamore in Lumiose.
#reunion arc: After hearing from Sycamore that Twilight is also around, Fluttershy seeks out her and her research team in western Kalos. She finds out more about how exactly she Fell.
#screamkitty arc: Fluttershy foolishly ventures into the wilderness around Geosenge Town to investigate a terrible noise, and eventually acquires a new pokemon.
#darkened souls arc: Shauna asks for help with a mysterious pokemon ailment, but neither Fluttershy nor Twilight can figure it out. Aliana of Team Flare hypothesizes that another Faller may be involved.
#seeing a ghost arc: An error is found in Twilight's math, and the correction suggests that one member of the Equestria group actually Fell three thousand years ago. AZ shows up with a revelation.
#infinite princess glitch: The ponies visit the City of Otherworldly Dreams (Laverre) and Twilight starts experiencing phenomena she can't explain. (ongoing)
#betrayal arc: After seeing someone across the multiverse defeat a hostile Lysandre, the ponies investigate and confront their world's version. (ongoing)
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swollenbabyfat · 1 year
Please don't get upset, but your handwritting can be really difficult to read in some of your drawings. It would help a lot a make an id or use a different font! Have a nice day, take care of you!
Hey there, that's totally fair!
Going forward I will use a font rather than my hand writing for the most part with comics, and whenever I compile all of failgirl fluttershy into a digital zine I'll fix the older comics too.
Thanks for your suggestion and kindness!
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afterspark-podcast · 3 years
My Little Pony/Transformers: Friendship in Disguise, Part 1 Transcript
[This can also be found on AO3!]
O: So I'm like, “No, I'm just fine with pretending this never happened, honestly.”
[Intro Music]
O: Welcome to our April Fool’s Special!
S: The Transformers/My Little Pony: Friendship in Disguise crossover.
O: Specifically, issues 1 and 2 here.  An episode covering issues 3 and 4 will be released in a few weeks.  Um, so obviously our podcast doesn't normally talk about ponies.
S: For all that it too was a popular Hasbro franchise in the 80’s- I mean, still is.
O: Yes.  I will attempt to give a short blip about My Little Pony characters that show up, but we're gonna kind of assume that you know the mane six.  Which is Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie.  Ah, Specs has seen some of the My Little Pony episodes, whereas I have seen... all of it at this point.  Um, so I'm reasonably familiar with most of the characters.  And uh, for the record, Twilight Sparkle is my favorite, but that's because she's basically me. [laughs]
S: This was a crossover comic that was released in 2020 (for your information).
O: Uh, most of the Transformers characters in here are part of kind of the regular G1 cast that you're all probably used to seeing in various things.  Most of them we've talked about.  There's a few we haven't um, because they just haven't popped up in the series yet.  [Like Arcee.]  The exceptions being Gauge who's from IDW2, and Windblade who's from IDW1, Cyberverse, and several other things.
S: Mm-hm.  They did some fun things with the fonts and some of the other visuals in this.
O: Such as using the Transformers font for ‘Equestria’ and the My Little Pony font for ‘Cybertron’.
S: Mm-hm.  And the character’s speech bubbles use the fonts from their respective series.
O: Some of the issues are done by who I think is the current artist for the My Little Pony comic series.  While the rest are done by Transformers comic artists- like, plural, several of them.
S: And with that we begin.
O: Part 1: Transformation Is Magic!
S: In Equestria, a pony by the name of Quibble Pants is standing in front of a newsstand complaining about some very applicable meta issues.
O: Quibble's a side character.  His whole shtick is that he picks apart plot and whatnot.
S: He's a bit of a nitpicker.
O: The newsstand pony tells Quibble (and by extension us) that this is all for fun.  So don't worry too much about continuity here, guys.
S: Mm-hm, a loud clap of thunder transitions us to a nearby mountaintop where Queen Chrysalis is up to nefarious plots
O: She [Chrysalis] is villain.  She is the queen of the changelings.  She can transform into different creatures, basically, or different ponies.  I think, judging by some of the background characters in some scenes later, that this is after she's lost control of most of the other changelings?  Though she does have a small group working with her here.
S: She plans to bring forth other changelings from other worlds to take over Equestria.
O: I'm sure you can see where- where this is going. [laughs]
S: Mm-hm, and now, on cybertron.
O: The Autobots and Decepticons are fighting, shocker.
S: The Decepticons are clearly trying to take control of a malfunctioning space bridge.
O: A space bridge that Shockwave is convinced is breaching other dimensions.
S: Suddenly, all of the Autobots and Decepticons are zapped away through a portal.
O: Leaving only poor Grimlock to smash into view a few seconds later... thinking they have all ditched him.
S: Poor Grimlock.
O: Poor Grimlock. [laughs]
S: Back in Equestria, Twilight shows up with several royal guards to stop Chrysalis but it's too late and a portal opens, sending the Cybertronians zooming past through the air.
O: Twilight is horrified to see that Chrysalis has summoned living things that are about to go ‘splat’ onto the ground, or more likely ‘crunch’! [laughs]
S: Or possibly clank, if someone slows them down-
O: [laughs]
S: But I mean, who knows?  Twilight speeds off to try and save the newly arrived Cybertronians.  While Chrysalis stays behind to acquaint herself with Megatron.
O: Bee is both surprised and resigned to see himself falling to a colorful death.
S: But Optimus grabs Bee's hand, and intends to break his fall with his own body.
O: Optimus, are you okay?  Do you need to talk?  I feel like you need to talk.  We need- we need to get you into therapy, dude.
S: It's all the self-sacrificing, but yes.
O: [laughs]
S: Yes, he needs some therapy.  The two are saved by Twilight’s a very timely arrival and magical powers.
O: The Cybertronians are just as surprised by the ponies, as the ponies are of them.
S: Bee attempts to blend in by transforming into vehicle mode, to Twilight's consternation.  But Twilight says that doesn't really help him blend in, but it's okay if they're different!
O: She comments on their ‘shape-shifting magic’ and that Chrysalis will be disappointed that they're friendly.
S: To which Optimus says... unfortunately, they are not all friendly.
O: And then we are given the most amazing image. [laughs]
S: Queen Chrysalis, as happy as a kid in a candy store, on top of a tank, aka Megatron.
O: Seriously, it's one of the best images in the comic. [dissolves into laughter] And one that was shared I think, pretty frequently after the comic came out?  So it's very funny.
S: Mm-hm.
O: And we begin part 2 of issue 1: Shine Like A Diamond.
S: Rarity and her staff at her Manehattan boutique have been volun-told to get Starscream all dolled up for his coronation.
O: You know, the outfit he's in in the G1 movie, the purple cape and the crown get up.
S: Rarity attempts to calm him down, because he is being a snippy asshole during all of this.
O: Yes, with vague, implied threats throughout.
S: Mm-hm, so Rarity says, “Happy, healthy subjects show just how good their king is, don't they?”
O: A car is heard in the distance, much to Starscream's surprise, as he didn't think the ponies had cars.  Which, he is correct!
S: Mm-hm, Arcee barrels into him with a flying kick.
O: And Starscream retreats.
S: Leaving Arcee and Rarity to introduce themselves.
O: They seem to become fast friends as Rarity thanks Arcee, and Arcee tries to help clean up the mess Starscream has made.
S: Unfortunately, Starscream returns with the rest of his trine in tow.
O: Arcee intends to fight them alone, but Rarity generates a magic shield to help protect Arcee while she fires on the jets.
S: Thundercracker takes a direct hit, while Starscream and Skywarp are herded closer together by Arcee's fire.
O: Once they're close enough, Rarity uses her magic to wrap the fabric from Starscream's cape, that she was helping make earlier, around the two of them.
S: Skywarp says, “This is stupid!  I'm out,” and teleports away.
O: Leaving Starscream to nosedive to the ground with a boom.
S: Arcee compliments an exhausted Rarity on her help.
O: While they both agree they would do anything for their friends, and for each other!  Now, you may notice that none of the My Little Pony characters have been shown in the Transformers universe, but that is about to change.
S: In issue 2, part 1: Inspiring.
O: It would seem that Twilight's assistant, Spike (the dragon) is wandering around the Ark writing a letter to Twilight.
S: Of course, with Grimlock being the only one left behind, he's presumably found Spike and brought him to the Ark.
O: Spike is of course very enamored with the big old Dinobot.
S: And Grimlock seems to like Spike quite a bit too.  Even holding him in his open palm while they get an alert from Teletraan about an attack.
O: Said attack, by way of the Constructicons, who have come to destroy the Ark while everyone else is away.
S: Grimlock transforms into dino mode and meets them.
O: Grimlock makes the mistake of saying, “Puny Decepticons, even together you no match for Grimlock!”
S: To which, they respond by forming Devastator, and stomping the absolute crap out of him.  “Grimlock and Grimlock's big mouth.”
O: Spike shouts words of encouragement to Grimlock, but quickly sees that the Dinobot is losing.
S: So he thinks, looks at the Ark, comes to a realization, and then runs inside to make his realization happen.
O: Inside, Spike flips through two large books.  ‘Modern Cybertronian For Everyday Conversations’ and ‘Teletraan I For Dummies’.
S: He then climbs onto Teletraan’s console and starts the main engine cycle countdown.
O: Spike yells at Grimlock to get down.
S: Which is, you know, not that hard as Devastator is still stomping on him.
O: Devastator is then blasted by the bit of the Ark that's still sticking out of the ground, causing Devastator to fall to pieces.
S: The Constructicons flee, and Spike checks on Grimlock.  Spike still feels pretty down about himself, because all he did was press some buttons.  But Grimlock says Spike did even more than he did.
O: “Spike learned new language, and operations system in short time!  Spike think of using busted engine as canon!  Spike use pronouns!”
S: Grimlock tells Spike that Spike inspires him, and that he's full of potential.
O: Spike collapses into a happy little puddle of dragon that Grimlock called him, “Inspiring.”  Their friendship is so cute! [laughs]
S: And now it's time for part 2 of issue 2: They Eat Ponies, Don't They?
O: We are brought onto the stage of a cooking show, “Prepping With Pinkie,” hosted by Pinkie Pie.
S: And a special guest, Gauge!
O: And all I can think is- Arcee she still one of her parents in this continuity?  Is Arcee worried about her child!? [laugh]
S: And in the spirit of cultural exchange, Pinkie and Gauge will be sharing some of their favorite recipes in today's program.  I never thought about giant robots having recipes before this, and I didn't want to think about it.
O: [laughs] Pinkie is, of course, making cupcakes.  While Gauge has brought iron filing casserole.
S: Poor Pinkie and ah, several audience members are questioning their decision based on their facial expressions.
O: Pinkie goes to start her cupcakes, but suddenly everything starts shaking.
S:  [singing] Dun, dun, dunnnn!
O: [snorts]
S: A space bridge appears with Shockwave stepping out of it.
O: He has, by his own admission, come to ‘spice things up.’
S: Ah, time for some puns.  Unfortunately, his recipes require a bit more audience participation.
O: Shockwave’s apparently come to discover how much pony it takes to fuel one Decepticon.
S: [sighs]
O: [laughs]
S: He transforms his hands into a grater and a whisk, respectively.
O: Pinkie and Gauge evade him, causing him to demand that they stay still so he can finish his experiments.
S: Oh god, by attempting to whisk them!?
O: [laughs] I know, I know!  I'm not saying it's sane!
S: I know, I mean, I read it too.
O: [laughs]
S: It’s just, now I have vivid mental images of this being attempted and everyone being very…
O: Confused? [laughs]
S: Yes.  Gauge whacks him in the head with a cookie sheet, completely bending it out of shape, and tries to get Pinkie to flee.
O: Pinkie refuses, but in the background the show's audience is running through the exit door- at least part of their audience is running through the exit- exit door.
S: Mm-hm.  Shockwave transforms his hands again, this time to a spork and spatula.  Sporking them to death is not gonna work, dude!
O: Tell him that! [laughs]
S: Mm-hm, again, with the mental images.  Gauge rips off the spork and spatula, sending Shockwave falling backwards, where Pinkie trips him.
O: Pinkie and Gauge grab some frying pans and bean Shockwave's face in between them.
S: Shockwave, thoroughly beaten by a small Cybertronian child and a pony, is kicked back into the space bridge and disappears.
O: The remaining audience claps.
S: And 47 minutes later, the duo tries the other's culinary... contributions.
O: Pinkie declares it as success, though her face implies she didn't enjoy the iron filing casserole.
S: In the background, Gauge is clearly trying to politely spit out the cupcake in a towel. [laughs]
O: And that ends issue 2.  So, join us next time for issues 3 and 4 where we will finish this mini-series.
S: And that just about wraps it up for us today.  Remember to check us out on Tumblr or Pillowfort as Afterspark-Podcast for any additional information, show notes, or links we may have mentioned.  You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter at AftersparkPod (all one word), and various other locations by searching for Afterspark Podcast, such as AO3, iTunes, Spotify, and Youtube, just to name a few.  And feel free to send us questions on Tumblr, Youtube, or AO3.  Till next time, I’m Specs.
O: And I’m Owls!
S: Toodles.
[Outro Music Plays]
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notanorangepeel · 5 years
people are beautiful: a very long pt. 1 (about college students)
One of my friends makes her music playlists based off of every individual name of her friends, and then when she runs out of friends, based off all her favorite book and movie characters and idols. In low caps and ends each with a little period, like “ anna. ” She looks you in the eyes intensely and has ten thousand facial expressions with hand motions to match. She listens to heavy cycles of NCT next to twenty one pilots and the randomest guitar hits. She only sees the personalities of people she knows in the snyopses of books at Barnes and Nobles, eats frozen yogurt while worrying about drama while sitting crisscrossed in public, pulls a shower of compliments from a never-ending well of aggressive care and concern, and doubles over making the xD face when she laughs. She’s probably broken the volume knob on the radio in her car and is scarily very chill with abandoning the GPS on interstate highways.
Another girl smiles softly and talks in the highest, cutest voice and it sounds exhausting to be THAT sugary sweet all the time, but she is the literal personification of a mix between Fluttershy and PinkiePie, and she gifted me with one of those kawaii brand baby lamb lamps from Daiso the Japanese store for Christmas when I barely knew her, and it feels like she stepped out of the softest anime. She has at least fifty stuffed animals piled on her college dorm bed, and one of those sad-eyed kitten posters, and reads advanced theology and social justice pamphlets. She’s the pro-life club street activism officer. She’s also in pre-med and wants to be an obstetrician, so she pulls who knows how many all-nighters cramming information into her sweet sweet brain. Her dad’s retired but not done working yet and lives in Africa. She’s visiting him this summer and promised to send pictures of giraffes.
Another girl has THE frizziest hair, is the definition of short and filled with silent rage, could kill a man with her heels and I wouldn’t doubt it if I heard that she had. She’s been known to type FUCK in all caps 50 pt font on her laptop’s PowerPoint while suffering through hard lectures. She has the sharpest wings and most unbelievable makeup skills ever known to womankind and wears dresses with steep slits up the side. Every girl was on her waitlist for winter prom style prep. but she has a laugh like small wind chimes and her soul blossoms like a sunflower in front of her three closest friends, and she takes them out to get cheeseburgers at 3 in the morning if they feel like it. She confides jokes quietly and makes the best chemistry study guides.
There’s a “super senior” dude who is one of High Heel Terror Girl’s best friends. Since she approves of him, it’s fine, although while he doesn’t smell fishy, there’s still something hard to grasp about him, like a slippery eel. He hangs out in the freshman girls’ dorm lounge past 2 AM, and at first everybody thinks he’s a creep because he’s the only male in there past 2 AM, but turns out he just has a hard-to-read personality and his study group is always in there and he’s too suave for his own good. He responds immediately to tumblr humor and is too direct with his observances. I still can’t read him all the way, and I don’t think anyone can yet and it’s very likely no one will be able to. He’s kinda small sized and we thought he was gay for a bit, but he just likes hair gel. Actually, no, given this description, I think he might actually be gay. But if he is then it’s a far back in the shady shadows of the closet gay. He’s a Pandora’s box and we all kind of leave it that way, and he likes it that way. Maybe I should be scared. But he platonically brought my best friend flowers on her birthday because he knows she likes to braid them into her hair and he’s so fast to offer his help to anyone who needs it, he just lets people use him, walk all over him really, with a one-sided smile the whole time, and he’s known across campus as that “there in an emergency” guy. He wears suits on the nice days and will be off, wild in the workforce, come this fall.
Another girl is so absorbed in her love for logic and words and story and debate that you can see it in her walk and the creases in her dirty red hair. She watches buzzfeed unsolved and has origami hanging in staggered patterns above her desk and a Toothless statue crammed between empty bottles and toothpaste stains, and she has very niche knowledge about drinking no-no’s and dating know-how from her older sisters and the ordering of the soul according to Aquinas vs Plato from herself. She’s quick to throw fists at the first sight of injustice and shifts her weight eagerly when she’s sitting on her small feet on the couch and immediately has a solution or plan for everything. She’s always working on a new OC or binging a new Webtoon or practicing for DND. She has a bit of an instep and likes old sci-fi movies and classic rom coms and is, oh my Lord, the BEST baker ever. Stress seems nonexistent to her. Every Thursday night she makes croissants or cinnamon rolls or twists or giant cookies and leaves them on the kitchen counter for the taking. How she salvages orange rinds and entire cartons of eggs from the cafeteria is a mystery.
She’s dating an equally kind of short guy who has an endearingly cheesy smile like Midoriya’s from My Hero Academy, and who adores emo music played on the old jangly piano in the lobby. He’s part of the martial arts and fencing clubs and has been known to jump tabletop to tabletop in mock duels with his girlfriend. He’s the reason for the first time I watched Monty python and he handmakes his birthday gifts and blushes when he gives them to the chosen person and is a regular contributor to the conglomerate friend group chat. His mophead is often swiveling around searching for and keeping tabs of his friends who are 94% of them mischief makers.
Then there’s this girl down the hall who is taller than the green giant himself and has a shoe size that matches her massive love for concert-going. She took a gap year to teach children in Guatemala and rocks her spot on the pro volleyball team even though she’s only played for a few short years. It’s not her passion, but she cares about the members and likes the exercise. She cracks up over stupid economic projects, her laughter piercing through the dorm walls at random times, and upon me showing her them, thinks the sarcastic summaries on YouTube are a godsend. She sits quietly when she’s a guest and says she distracts herself from stress by “listening to other people vent instead.” She is the friend who corrales all the different friends into one, massive, Last Supper-esque convention meeting of friend tables. She somehow is “one of the guys” but also very definitely “one of the girls” and comes back at 12 AM exhilarated from a campus-wide capture the flag.
So @ my sorry self: don’t tell your depressed head that you don’t want to go back to college again. That you feel alone. People are around you and are beautiful, even if it seems they’re that way only in hindsight.
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alollinglaughingcat · 6 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
so,,,, I promised myself I wouldn't post any more doodles until I got better at humans and stuff, ya know, so I wouldn't post the same thing with a slightly different facial expression, but then I was watching vines at 9:30, and for some godly, unknown reason, my mind had flashbacks to when I was like, nine, and I remembered that one "Fluttershy's Lament" video.... And then I just knew that the "I'd like to be a tree line" was perfect for the Tree Princess. So I decided to get out of bed and doodle this real quick, so sorry (also I can't write in fancy fonts and I don't know how people do that it's magic)
That aside, that got me thinking about Mystery Swap. What if Swap!Holly was some kind of... Tree fairy? Fae? Nymph?? Whatever they are called? Or she had contact with them. And she really was a Tree Princess. That would explain Snowball's existence in this universe. Holly was messing around with magical tree powers and POOF- Dandelion hedgehog.
Anyway, Holly May and Snowball belong to @thisanimatedphantom and @mercowe / @theinkymystery ! Go support them and Inky Mystery!
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pngpicture · 6 years
Download My Little Pony PNG, Font, Characters, Background https://pngpicture.com/my-little-pony-png/
Download My Little Pony PNG, Font, Characters, Background
Are you fond of playing with toys? Yeah, age doesn’t matter for hobbies, right? Since childhood, we are playing with a variety of toys. And, while we are aged enough, we used to see children playing with toys. Some of the most favorite among all of us are barbie doll, hachimals, furReal critters, puzzle sets, dreamhouse, robots, fantastic cars, negi beach set, my little pony png etc. Along with that, those 90’s animated tv series were really enormous fun that people are missing nowadays. But observing kid watching such series and playing with those toys is quite satisfying in this busy world.
My Little Pony PNG History
My little pony was introduced during the 1980s as a name of my pretty pony. After its launch, it has got tremendous interest worldwide and occupied the entertainment industry entirely from 1982 to 1992 in the US. Right after the manufacturing and launching of my little pony toys, it went viral. One hundred fifty million my little pony characters were sold in the 1980s alone. You can predict the popularity of ponies by this numbers. After some time, Hasbro started animated series named My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic which won people’s heart again. Since then, we have movies, toys etc. in the name of my little pony.
There was a tremendous rush towards using my little pony png fonts on any sort of banner. People are still finding it not just because of its toy fans but also because of its beauty. Anyway, you don’t need to explore for it all over as we are the source.
Download My Little Pony Font
my little pony font: MLP – Magic is Friendship [Download]
If you are looking for my little pony png, my little pony png transparent, my little pony character png, my little pony vector free on this complex world of internet, you might not have got the best what you intend to have. But here we are! You will find a huge collection of my little pony png with each and every character.
My Little Pony Characters | My Little Pony Names and Symbols
My little pony is the world famous television series. It is widely popular because of stereotypical girlish characters. Here is the complete list of my little pony names and symbols aka my little pony characters. We’ve made my little pony identification really easy. Check it out!
The series starts with a beautiful unicorn named Twilight Sparkle. She learns friendship from her adviser Princess Celestia. Later in a town of Ponyville, Twilight made five best pony friends. Each of these ponies represents different faces of this newborn friendship. This group of six friends is known as “Man Six” helping other Ponyville folks. Episodes are filled with adventure of life and finding own abilities of each pony. My little pony season 6 became popular because of villain Starlight Glimmer. You can memorize my little pony unicorn names from the following list. You may also like anime series Dragonball element Kamehameha which is also super popular.
Flash Sentry
Snow Drop
Lyra Heartstrings
Derpy Hooves
Furry Heart
Granny Smith
Pound Cake
Shining Arm
Starlight Glim
Pumpkin Cake
Mayor Mare
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash
Derpy Hooves
Big Macintosh
Princess Luna
Wind rider
Mrs. Cup Cake
Apple Bloom
diamond tiara
Princess Celestia
Star Swirl
diamond tiara
Babs Seed
Sweetie Belle
Daring Do
Twilight Sparkle
Vinyl Scratch
original my little pony names
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Images of Twilight Sparkle
Twilight Sparkle is the heart of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Twilight Sparke is a female pretty unicorn who later becomes a princess in a magical cure. Earlier, she was not aware of word friendship along with how it feels to have. But after a suggestion, she tried it out and made best friends. She has an amazing talent of magic which is more intensive than other unicorns. Find out lates twilight sparkle picture collection including my little pony png vector from here.
Pictures of Rarity
Well, Rarity is a female unicorn my little pony character with curly hair. Her true passion is fashion. She makes fascinating dresses that express an owner’s true inner beauty. In series, she owns a cute cat named Opal. Rarity character is voiced by Tabitha St. Germain. Here is a beautiful collection of pictures of rarity which you can use for your own devices.
Pictures of Applejack
With orange blonde hair, applejack is a beautiful earthy pony who belongs to a huge apple family that runs various apple farms within Equestria. She is one of the most popular characters of my little pony because of her honesty. After shifting to Manhattan, she hated that place the most. Despite being kind, she is running out of patience with awkward rude behavior. Don’t forget to check the applejack pictures list.
Pictures of Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie is an acronym for Pinkamena Diane Pie who is one of the main characters of my little pony. She is quite passionate about party planning in Ponyville. She portrays the element of laughter. Pinkie Poe is especially known for making laughter environment by arranging random parties. Though she sounds cool, she feels that she has less confidence and fear of rejection. But overall, all enjoy her company.
Pictures of Rainbow Dash
As the name suggests, she has a rainbow colour and a tail. Adventure and speed are two things she is attached with the most. She is a bit arrogant with a selfish attitude but being a strong leader, she is a loyal friend as well. Like rarity, she also has a pet tortoise named Tank. She is a good friend of all characters that we just discussed. She has a dream to be a member of Wonderbolts. The fact is, she is the fastest flier in Equestria.
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legendbringerlove · 7 years
*Facepalm* Sweet mother macree...
A character grows and changes throughout the story. That is the simple fact of life. It has to happen or else the show will stagnate. This is nothing new, for this is how the world works. It’s not a bad thing, but a thing that can help you grow as a writer to help adjust to the story at hand. 
However, I have to disagree with This little post here (https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/786466/today-and-the-future) as it feels like he is trying to say “The later seasons make sure that you can’t really through any new interpitations of the characters,” or worse “The later seasons make it hard to create conflicts in fanfics”. To wich I have to say is really...bullcrap! 
Let’s see here, conflicts that would make interesting stories for the mane six in less than five seconds of thought!
World font of magic being in danger, the mane six have to struggle through it while facing the fact that they are growing older and maybe further apart.
Pinkie discovers that there are different forms of comedy out there (Based on Babylon 5)
Applejack has to deal with a hidden part of her family’s legacy and wants to deal with it alone (Yeah, pride is still a flaw of hers)
Rainbow Dash struggles with her own limits as a racer.
And those are just on the back burner. I didn’t need to set it during season 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, or what have you. I am just writing a story with six mares that I have come to love. No, they don’t have to setttle it amicably, they can create different conflicts because of their persona. You can still have Fluttershy’s timid nature, she might be a little braver, but she is still shy. Twilight still has freakouts, Dash might be better, but she is still arrogant. These are flaws that stick with the characters through life. Unless you are someone who watches Sailor moon all the way through stars and goes “Yep, Usagi has nothing left to do now she beat Chaos. Yep, time to go home.” 
No,no,no, and NO! That is stifling your creativity because you are trying to stick to rules! Guess what? In about 10 years, this aint gonna mean crap! You are just going to watch a show and love that characters. Then you are gonna decide to write a fic based on it, danmed the consequences, and damn the coninuity straight to hell! 
I will never get these reviews of certain fics that say “Well, this is set during season 1, or 2, or yadda yadda”. Personally, I just know I am reading a fic and I do not care if I am reading a story set during this season. The only way I’ll know is if Twilight has wings, castle, or a student. That is the only thing for me. 
Maybe it’s because I’m old, or read more magna, or just am a fan of comics so I don’t ever see the point in saying these things. 
The long and short of this rant is this...Do you love the characters? Do you like to write stories? Then do it! They already have the depth you need to give them some punch. Send them on an adventure, give them challenges. You want EG shining to be a poliece officer? Fine! You want Zephyr to be different in EG? Then fine! Slap an AU on the thing or plead ignornace! Or hey, if you want to say that the show ended for you on episode 125 with scene 4, then go ahead and start your wild and crazy AU there and have a blast!
I am sorry for ranting here, but I would rather do it on the platforms where my fans don’t know I live so I can not feel like I am attacking anyone. 
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zoeymew2 · 7 years
I had a dream and here's part of it
The world was falling apart and in my home town of lenoir there where two group I was in the first. It was ran by a man who didn't really care about the people there, all he wanted was to be a leader. He was a tall white man who had plenty of muscles. He always had a black track suit on with yellow detailing. His hair was brown short and raggity with blue eyes. The group was very prosperous and had plenty of food and things to do, but the leader was mean and cruel. If someone broke the rules or stepped out of line he would punish them by beating them. One night everyone was give 3 whole pizzas but, u had to trade two of them with someone else and get different kinds. You only where allowed two of the slices from each and anyone who ate more was punished. The next morning we where to have our training exercises and EVERYONE had to go. I decided to hide a whole pizza hoping to food for after the exercise. I hide it in what looked to be a square tire in a auto shop and ran off to the group. Once we where all there the leader was instantly suspicious of me and tried to get me to confess. So I ran as fast as I could to get the pizza and eat it. He chased after me but wasn't fast enough I already had reach the box and started running away from the camp with it in arms. This didn't stop him, he was faster then me and was catching up. So I decided I would start eating while running but, once I opened the box I discovered it was empty and someone else already ate it. With this in mind and the leader chasing me down, probably to beat the day lights out of me, I looked over my shoulder and said "Why are you even chasing me the pizza is already gone. See." Then I through the empty box open in is face hoping to get away. I noticed i was getting close to the other groups camp. The leader had caught up to me and we both stand there looking at each other in silence. I was the one to speak "I'm joining the other group and you can't stop me. It's so much better over there and the leader is greater then you. You only care about yourself and getting your name out there but he cares about everyone. You failed us." He didn't speak only started marching, like an angry parent, towards the other group. He didn't say I word but I knew what he was going to do. He was going to kill the other leader. I no longer feared this man or for my own life. Something inside me changed, I was a completely different person. I shouted at him to stop "Stop right now! You stay away from them! You can't go over there or else I'll kill you right here and now." The anger in my eyes was to that of Fluttershy's stare but it didn't faze him. He kept going on getting closer and closer to the other camp. Jumping onto him I tried to strangle him but his neck had to much muscle I couldn't even get my hands around it. So I started throwing punch after punch, finally stopping him, showing no signs of stopping soon. He then grabbed me and through me to the ground stopping my attack. Then he just turned around and walked away from me. I was free, but I lost everything. Someone from behind me spoke "oh my, what a brute you are." I turned to so a tall skinny man. He had brown shaggy hair with brown eyes. His clothing looked like that of a UPS worker being all brown. He spoke again "Are you here to join my little group in surviving this world?" he asked me in happy go lucky tone. Smiling at him "Yes I would love to join you and your friends." He helped me up and we made our way to the camp. Once we made it inside I could get a good look of everything and see what kinda camp it really was. What I saw was like the frozen section of a Walmart mixed with the a Bass Pro Shop camping section. Once we reached everyone he announced my arrival to the group "Hello everyone it seems we have a new friend with us today and they are here to stay." He then proceeded to lead me to a not so large but not tiny camper. He told me to leave my bag here, which was a large black case with the Pinterest logo on the front, and follow him to get diner. I threw my Tardis throw blanked down on the bench and followed him out. He lead me to the freezer section, now up close I could see it was kinda more like the produce section, and told me to have what ever I wanted. I started to look around and began to notice it was all vegetables. No meats, no fruits, and no junk food. I went up to the leader and asked "Is it all is there like meat?" I could feel his disappointment like a wave crashing into the shore, but his face didn't show it at all. It was his normal smile and happy voice as he spoke "Yes, it over in the front there." As I backed away I said to him "Ok oh, you can't just live off veggies you know." Then it hit me they where vegans and again I was hit by this wave of their disappointment so i quickly added "Well you can cause I have see people do it and it's not bad or anything just normal." After spouting all that out I quickly ran over to the meat section he so kindly pointed out to me. I saw beef and chicken but, instead of the normal way they package it, it was in a spiral and looked terrible. I quickly started looking for veggie paddies hoping to find something I could actually make. Not know how to cook anything that didn't use the microwave 'though they are better in the oven.' Then I saw them, these cute little chicken (vegan chicken) sandwiches, just what I was planning on cooking. When I reached for them I was met with another persons hand instead of wonder full food. I quickly pulled back allowing the other to have them and started looking for veggie paddies. Once I finally spotted them (though they weren't square like I wanted) I reached up for them only to see once my hand go close enough I wasn't reaching for veggie paddies but something that wasn't food at all. The whole freezer had be switched with one filled with science and I was about to grab a beaker filled with a mysterious yellow liquid. I was shocked I could make such a mistake and decided i need some rest instead of food. Walked back to the camper i was shown earlier i noticed a stack of boxes to my left. The boxes only had the word 'Tampons' written on them in commercial style font. I reach out for them but then they where covered in the Pinterest logo and vanished. I was so confused but thought nothing more of it and continued to the camper. Once I walked inside I saw an old lady sitting inside, huddled in my Tardis blanket. She kindly spoke "hello dear I'm you room mate. If you could leave the windows up when you leave that would be great." I thought it was a weird request but put the windows up anyway and then left.
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