#fnaf sb leo
paigelts05 · 18 days
Leo [FNAF SB, Renegade AU]
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Published: Sep 8, 2024
Leo would probably say he's normal. His parents are pretty frugal, he still lives with them because his job pays peanuts and he can't afford to live anywhere nearby, and the head of his department at the Megaplex faked his death.
One of those things isn't normal? Thought not.
Leo's general defiance at the prospect of getting both of his jobs - day shift security and Mazersize controller - replaced by a robot put a target on his back. Robots are no good at sneaking parents through staff only areas to find kids or smuggling kids out of staff only areas. Robots are bad at vaulting the maze tiles and giving people a leg up to get out of a death trap dead end.
He hung around the night shift guards a lot as the end of his shift generally overlapped with the start of theirs, and he showed Sylvia the ropes of the best ways to get people of all sizes through the megaplex almost immediately, whilst she helped him drill in anti-animatronic combat. Due to this skill exchange, Leo quickly became the go-to for anyone dealing with Chica trying to nick their lunch, and Sylvia had become an expert in smuggling investigators in and through the megaplex and sneaking kids out of danger zones and to safety.
When Faz Ent inevitably got sick of him, they set a trap: they forced the staff terminal deep in the daycare theatre's backstage to glitch out, making it appear as if the bot he had trained to do busywork had gone offline.
Leo fell for the bait. He found the bot stacking shelves as he had taught it, and went to the daycare theatre's staff terminal to report that everything was fine, but once he reached the terminal and realised that it was glitching out, it was too late. The trap was sprung: the endos all activated and were homing in on him.
The endos had backed Leo into a corner, but in a twist of fate, Sylvia had come to rescue him. All she asked of him to do in order for this to work was for him to give her his full trust.
After telling her that he trusted her, he doesn't remember much: he remembers her darting behind him and feeling a needle in his neck, and then waking up at home nine hours later. According to what he was later told, Sylvia had knocked him out stashed him in a cleaning trolley and kept him in a hidden room behind the daycare so that the only animatronics that would go back there would leave him alone: the daycare attendant would leave him be as it would believe that he was dead, Roxy never goes close enough to the theatre to be an issue, and everything else including the endos wouldn't find him in the trolley. He was also informed that in the morning, Sylvia handed him over to an 'accomplice' who took him from the megaplex and delivered him home.
Faz Ent reported him as dead and tried to frame 'V' - a nickname a few people had for Sylvia, as most of the staff knew her by her legal forename 'Vanessa' - for his disappearance, but that went nowhere, seeing as Sylvia's accomplice in her rescue mission was the local chief, Carl Burke himself.
Existing was rather awkward for a while after, not knowing if his debit card would work or not, not knowing if he could apply for jobs or not because of the whole probably legally dead thing, but he did know one thing: Faz Ent didn't consider him an employee anymore, they considered him a corpse, so he wasn't going to go back to that job.
Fortunately he was not declared legally dead, just missing.
But other than that, his life went back to normal very quickly. He found a new job, and it was almost as if that night under the daycare theatre never happened, but sometimes, a grim reminder resurfaces, be that be someone shocked to see him alive, or people looking at him like they saw a ghost.
But he's alive, and that's what matters.
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mengciyart · 8 months
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waytoobsessed · 2 years
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And so it begins
Idk if i’ll color the next one or if i’ll even finish it, but hey! Starting line!!
hehe fnafsb x rottmnt crossover
First(your already here?)/Next
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ensn61080 · 1 year
One day, our children will call our dads "peepaw" out of nowhere, and a resounding, knowing laugh will resonate through our souls as we remember all the fandoms that raised us.
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millenniumproductions · 7 months
I have been listening to "You Didn't Know" on loop for weeks now and it ended up creating this SAMS brain rot:
Aries: Sera Pisces: Emily Forkface: Vaggie Charlie: Sun Adam: Taurus Lute: Leo Killcode Moon: Angel Dust
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sillymoonboi · 6 months
The heathers :the musical
I also gave taurus a little horns upgrade
And i decided for libra design to stay as a girl and not have a twin
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Pls like it , i worked really hard on this😭
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theoneandonlyneonleon · 7 months
I have some leftover cardboard and I wanna make something >:3
Help me pick?
Please help me pick my motivation only lasts so long lol
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type1dragonwolf · 5 months
Tsams/Laes Magic AU: Chapter 7!!
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stripeixii · 6 months
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continued from previous polls…
if you vote on this poll please vote on the others!!
raph’s poll | donnie’s poll | mikey’s poll | leo’s poll | cassandra’s poll | casey jr’s poll
please reblog for a bigger sample size !!
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paigelts05 · 1 year
Leo [FNAF, Renegade AU]
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Published: Jul 23, 2023
I haven't drawn Leo before, so as a bingo challenge over on the FNAF amino had a square of "draw a character you've never drawn before", I decided to draw Leo from the Security Breach message, "Job Security". Because the bingo board said character, so didn't lock me into an animatronic, and I've never drawn Leo before, he was the obvious pick.
In my AU, he is declared missing but is very much alive, with Sylvia Blake saving his ass with a highly comlex plan that involved her smuggling him out of the pit of the daycare with a cleaning trolley and into the secret room to tide out the 12 till 6 lockdown before smuggling him out to an accomplice in the police who got Leo home safe.
The story was initially intended to be a separate entity to tick off another bingo square, but it's more than 500 words. More than twice that amount.
Working mazersise was a brain-dead job, until someone got lost, but it paid well enough. The day he was told to train a staffbot to take over, he knew his days working at the Megaplex were numbered, so he tried to give himself job security by training the staffbot to do his busywork under the daycare theatre instead.
It had become routine to check on the staffbot at the end of his shift, and Leo was actually growing quite fond of the little thing, so as he went down into the depths, he didn't seem to find anything amiss. The bot was doing it's usual, and the shelves in the back storage room were all in order. He went to use the staff panel to give the 'all clear' that everything was sorted, but realised the terminal was glitching out.
"I'll just log it back at mazersise," he mumbled to himself. He was going back there anyway, but having to file this support ticket and explain why he didn't log it on the currently broken terminal was going to suck.
As Leo went to leave the storage room, he heard the creaking of metal and the creaking of the door.
As he turned around, he saw a group of glamrock endos.
Another creak signaled that the other door from the adjacent storage room had opened.
More endos swarmed in.
He backed himself up against the wall, trying to look between the two groups of endos to keep them still. It marginally slowed them down, but it couldn't stop them: as soon as he took his eyes off of one group, the other would move, and as they moved, they spread out, making it harder to keep them from closing in.
He pinned himself into a corner, and the endos crept in until they were all within his line of sight. Far enough away to not quite be able to kill him, too close for him to move.
He'd been pinned here long enough that he was certain that the building was now closed.
As much as he wanted to escape, Leo knew he was probably going to die.
Even though the endos wouldn't get him unless he looked away, he knew the rumors of management ordered homicides were true, and when he was stuck down here, he was a sitting duck.
He'd staved off letting a staffbot take his job by training it to do busywork here, which is why he was down here in the first place. He'd been trying to check on the staffbot to make sure it hadn't been taught how to do his job, but now he was going to lose his job anyway through death.
So much for job security, hu.
As Leo held himself in a standoff against the endos, them not getting any closer, and him with nowhere to go, he heard quick and heavy footsteps and the clattering of a cleaning trolley.
"LEO!" A woman's voice rung out as a blonde blur rushed past the horde of endos, tossing several of them out of the way with what seemed like ease, but her face was red with effort.
"Vanessa?" Leo asked, wondering what she was doing down here.
The woman shrugged. "Technically. Just call me Sylvia now. Or just V would be safer. They silently sacked you by trapping you down here to die, and I'm getting you out here alive. You'll not have a job here either way, but at least you'll live. You've just got to trust me."
With no other options, Leo nodded. "I trust ya, V."
"Good." Sylvia nodded and took something out of her pocket before dashing behind Leo.
One of her hands went over his mouth, and something pricked his neck. He felt dizzy, and everything was going blurry. He wanted to ask what Sylvia's plan was, but he couldn't speak. He felt her let him down gently and place him somewhere cramped before everything went dark.
Sylvia darted and weaved through the horde of glamrock endos, pushing the cleaning trolley ahead and swinging it around to stop the grabbing hands of the endos from snatching Leo from within it. The stairs proved the largest problem, but with a deep breath and brief apology to Leo, she dragged the trolley up the stairs as fast as her legs could carry her.
Once up the stairs, they were home free, and Sylvia ran as fast as she could. As she rounded the corner that would take her from backstage to the open, where the endos should not follow, something grabbed her by the collar, almost tripping her over.
She looked up, and saw a glamrock endo. She panicked: how had it followed her this far out.
So she did the only thing she could. She shed her work shirt and kept running. That was the main upside of the shirts being button ups, and the main reason why she wore sports gear under her uniform. She always knew that the work shirt would be bandages or a tourniquet in a pinch, so a situation such as this was a logical possibly she'd prepared for as she always kept spare shirts in her locker. But that could wait. She still needed to get Leo to safety.
She ran to the pirate poster at the end of the theatre's main entrance hall, and the door that it concealed opened for her.
Once safe inside, Sylvia knew the only threat would be the daycare attendant in moon form, but with Leo out cold, the bit would assume the man was already dead so leave him be: even the virus that made it a killer couldn't override the codes that made it let sleeping men lie.
As she unloaded Leo and ensured he was unharmed, she realised that she had been harmed. The endos must have almost had at her, as she had some bruising, but the concerning injury was at the back of her neck: she was bleeding where the endo's claw had caught her skin.
"Maybe they'll think it's Leo's blood."
For a moment, she looked up and she noticed the daycare attendant in it's moon form. It gave her a weird look before promptly fucking off.
Knowing that the police had been alerted, Sylvia used her private mobile to fill in a certain individual officer on the details and told him to expect her at the loading docks at six, and to expect her to lie like a dog as the company surveillance cameras rolled so she could lie on the reports and say that she'd turned the police away, so to heed her actions and take the cleaning trolley, and to not heed her words.
"Same shtick as usual, hu Sylvia?" The officer asked her.
"Same shtick as usual, Carl."
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shrimpscream · 2 years
Rottmnt/Fnaf sb AU
I’ve been seeing a bit of ‚future Donnie builds a robot Raph‘ stuff combined with finding out about the fnaf ruin dlc announcement and started mixing this au together…
Right off the bat, I got some loose ideas for April (maybe a security guard) and Draxum (either a mechanic or animatronic/maybe both?) so this will be about the turtles (look! they even glow in the dark!).
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I was thinking that the rise turtles or ‚mad dogs‘ were a quartet of animatronics made for Alberto’s who were bought by Fazbear entertainment after the place had to close down, due to a lawsuit from fazbear entertainment regarding copyright issues (with the whole ‚Alberto being copied off of Freddy‘ thing)
At Alberto’s and later the pizzaplex their actual names are: Rocking Raph, Dancing Donnie or Dancing Dee, Laughing Leo and Magic Mikey due to their personality’s and the activities they often performed for/ with guest. Thought a lot of people just call them by the second half of their names because it’s shorter.
They get their own attraction in the pizzaplex in form of a sort of ninja warrior obstacle run/ martial arts training area.
They all have a certain time slot in which they can be found in their attraction since fazbear entertainment thought it isn’t necessarily to have all four of them be there all the time.
Raph is a new addition to the main band by filling in as a drummer, Donnie is working with DJ music man, Mikey is helping out sun/moon in the daycare by painting with the kids or showing them magic tricks, and Leo as the ‚face man‘ of the mad dogs is basically always at the obstacle course.
Although they aren’t interested in catching Gregory like the other animatronics, they will wander the pizzaplex and can hinder his Progression by accidentally alerting other animatronics to his location simply because they are curious teenagers. Therefore Gregory can decommission them as well.
Important to note here is that if Gregory chooses to disassemble/kill one of the turtles, the others WILL find out about it and attack him on sight like the others.
!it gets a bit more brutal from here on!
Donnie will mostly be seen near areas with arcade games. If you get too close to him, he will tell you to back off and snoop around elsewhere (which will alert any nearby animatronics). If you bother him in the west arcade, where he shares a stage with the DJ, he will start to chase you around the area and you are forced to decommission him by messing with his setup on the stage to cause the system to shortcircuit his headphones, effectively making his head explode. Gregory can then take his headphones which allow him to better hear what direction other animatronics are approaching him from.
Donnie won’t be attacking him afterwards and is instead seen shaking and cowering completely disoriented in corners, silently crying for one of his brothers to find and comfort him.
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Mikey can be encountered basically everywhere in the pizzaplex wanting to show Gregory magic tricks, paint with him or just generally ask him questions, making him the most annoying to Gregory. During the moon segment, he will hide on top of the playstructures though.
In order to get Mikey to stop bothering you, you have to lure him to the west arcade with paint. More specifically, the room in which the robot head for the Roxy segment can be fixed. The paint has to be placed inside the lid that the robots head was taken out of after repairing it. Mikey, acrobatic as he is, will try to get the paint containers out of the machine by basically hanging from the top of the machine. Once Mikey reaches in, Gregory will kick the lid shut, startling Mikey so he falls and thus getting his lower arms snapped off.
Directly afterwards, Mikey will start to cry and run away from Gregory in fear. From then on, Gregory can see him walking around the pizzaplex with his stumps covered in paint and crying. Mikey will immediately run away if he spots him.
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Leo will mostly bother Gregory around the MainStage and the turtles attraction. He will bother him by repeatedly challenging him to a match of either running through the obstacle course or a swordfight.
If Gregory chooses to run through the obstacle course, he will push Leo off balance, making him fall into the machinery of some spinning elements, which slowly crushes his lower half until it reaches his main power source.
During the swordfight, Gregory will be given one of Leo’s katanas because the practice ones aren’t ‚fun’ enough to Leo. He will trip Leo with some wires, giving him the opportunity to stab the sword through Leo’s main power source, effectively killing him.
In both instances, Leo’s last words will be „I just wanted to prove I’m better at something“ in a shaky voice.
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Raph won’t bother you anywhere. He will be practicing on his drums or ‚sleep’ in Monty’s showroom/ backstage areas in a random pile of plushies and pillows he found somewhere around the pizzaplex. Mikey will oftentimes be with him.
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However if you disassemble one of his brothers, he won’t be practicing/sleeping anymore and instead chase you.
If Gregory disassembles Leo, Donnie and Mikey, Raph will go savage and actively starts hunt him down and try to get Donnie’s headphones back while crying for his brothers.
The only way to get him to stop is to lure him to the obstacle course/training area se he gets distracted by Leo’s mangled body, which allows Gregory to collapse a catwalk on top of and thus behead him.
He will spend his last moments apologizing to his brothers for not being strong enough to protect them.
Throughout the night, Freddy will make a few comments about how nice and pure the turtles are and that he finds it interesting to have these younger animatronics around as well as wonder where they are if Gregory takes them out.
Is this a bit too overkill? Maybe, but this is still a fnaf au and we all know how dark the rottmnt au‘s/ fanfics can get…
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chairwritexv · 1 year
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☏﹏﹏﹏[ 🇷 🇺 🇱 🇪 🇸
including, but not limited to
𝚒 𝚆𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 ::
𝚜𝟹𝚕𝚏-𝚑^𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜
𝚜𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚜𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 (𝚎𝚡. 𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚜)
𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚗𝚎𝚞𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝚒 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝙽𝙾𝚃 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 ::
𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝
𝚛^𝚙𝚎/𝚜𝟹𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕 𝚊𝚋𝚟𝚜𝚎
𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎/𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎/𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚢𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚢 (𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚝 𝚒𝚝!)
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waytoobsessed · 1 year
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Decided outlining was overrated
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Made another comic but a little different.
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Hehe! Sun and Moon meet the turtles!! ✨😋
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raphieartz · 1 year
Fanart for my friend @waytoobsessed ‘s au!
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