#fnaf short stories
This short story is based on a HC that @connectionterminated13 had about William's "experiments." I had an original idea to write it in William's POV, but I thought it would be more interesting to see it on the outside looking in, in Mike's POV. Original post Enjoy!!! -----
He likes to watch them contort in pain and slowly fade away. The rats, I mean. He says it’s more satisfying when they live again.
“Isn’t it amazing, Mike?” He tells me after dissecting a poor rat. “It’s like it never died.”
“I liked that one,” I say, staring at my shoes. That one didn’t try to bite my fingers off out of pure starvation.
“Oh, please, Michael, it’s a rat.” He props the half-dead rat upright, and it wobbles groggily away back into its cage with its zombie buddies. 
I’m feeling particularly defiant today. “So what?” I pick at that one hangnail on my thumb. “That rabbit is a rodent too.”
I jump when I hear the rat cage slam. 
When I look up again, I can’t help but flinch when he grabs my arm. 
“You don’t understand the possibilities, Mike! A substance that can regenerate an organism to the point where they can live again. Can you even fathom what I could do with this kind of substance?” 
“I dunno, give it to a hospital?” 
I can’t feel my hand. Maybe it’s better that way. 
“How are your scars?” He asks me with a twinge of poison in his tone. 
I glance at my arm. “Gone, I guess.” 
“Do you know how long it takes for scars to completely heal and disappear?”
“Years. And yours were healed in one day.”
It’s your fault. You fixed it.
He lets go of my hand, getting up to get another animal he scavenged from the overgrown backyard. 
It goes on like this, like always. I’ve learned to just stay out of the basement. I’ve learned to ignore the screams of dying animals from down below, but over the days… or was it weeks? Those screams turned more shrill— a horrifying, gut-wrenching scream of agony that seem to come from the darkest, deepest parts of the basement.
One night was particularly bad. They say foxes can scream…
This is different.
Even when I step down the stairs, the air feels different than before. Like musty, but tense. 
My father’s snores in the other room strangely comfort me as I walk down the creaky basement stairs. 
The basement feels different. Why is it stuffy? The ground is moist beneath my feet.
It’s dark. The only light is from the door I left ajar upstairs. The rats hoarsely squeak and scratch at the rusted cages they’ve been locked in for days.
I try to flip the light switch, but it’s almost impossible to find anything in the cramped, crowded basement. 
The rats hiss when I accidentally kick the cages looking for any kind of light. I stub my toe on a particularly heavy thing, and try to hold back a yelp. 
Kneeling down, I feel around for what I practically broke my toe on. Dusty box.
I need a light to be able to see what’s even inside the heavy box, but as I feel around, something sticks out, literally.
It feels like stuffing. Headless.
“Foxy…” I whisper, dragging the heavy box into the dim light from upstairs. Not just Foxy, but multiple stuffed animals of every Freddy’s character… Even Fredbear.
His glossy black eyes never cease to make me uncomfortable. It has a sly sparkle in its eye… or maybe it’s just the light.
I’ve never turned around faster— It’s a kid’s voice.
“Toys…” A small, dark-haired girl approaches from the darkness, but she’s so pale, she could be a ghost.
“What the hell— heck. What the heck are you doing in here, little girl??”
She immediately recoils, wide-eyed and panicked. “Don’t hurt me—”
“What—? No, I’m… I’m not going to hurt you…” I don’t know whether to take her and get the hell out of here or to call the police or… “How did you get here? We have to get you out of here— Did he do something to you—”
Her green eyes somehow get wider.
“Sorry— One question at a time. How did you get here?”
“The man… he looks like you.”
“No, I’m… I’m not him. I’m Mike. I’m not saying you can trust me, but at least trust that I’m not… him, and I won’t hurt you.”
She only nods, her eyes at least are not as wide anymore.
“Did he… do something to you?”
“Not me… my friends.”
“What friends? There are other kids here?” 
“Not anymore…” She looks up at the basement door.
“He took them away?”
She gives me a nod and starts heading towards the basement stairs.
“Wait, wait— Don’t go up just yet,” I refrain from holding her back but she turns back to me anyway. “Let’s go up together, okay? We have to sneak out. Get the cops.”
“They can help me?” She offers her hand. 
“Yeah, yeah….” The thought of going to a police station especially after what they know I’ve done. I take her tiny hand, and lead her up the stairs. “How old are you?”
“Wow, four… Only four,” I whisper. 
She giggles at my tip-toed feet when we rush up the stairs. But I don’t hear his snores anymore.
“Stay here, uh… Your name?”
“Shh, shh… Thank you, Cassidy. But let’s be quiet, okay?” The living room is darker than before. I reach for the phone, “I’ll just call the police–”
But a familiar grip on my arm stops me.
“Like hell you will.” 
“Dad–” I barely get out. He’s holding me tighter than before. 
I feel another, much lighter grip on my leg. She’s crying now, hiding from him. “I broke your arm once, I can do it again, Michael.” 
He’s twisting. It hurts.
I’m feeling defiant today again. “How could you ‘experiment’ on literal children–? She said she had friends down here— Ahh— Dad stop—” 
I can’t feel my arm. It’s a sickening shade of purple now. There’s a crazed look in his eyes I’ve never seen before. It’s like complete fury just barely contained by a mask of fake calm. 
“Do you realize what will happen if you go to the police, Mike? They know what you’ve done.”
“It’s to save the kid—”
“So you care more about a child you don’t even know more than your own brother?!”
“No—!” I yell, mostly because of the pain. “You know that’s not it—!” I manage to rip my half numb arm away fast enough to scoop up Cassidy. 
His mask is slipping. His face is red now. 
“I’m taking her home!” I try to stare right back with as much fire in my eyes as he does. Surprisingly, he stands back away from us, still near the phone. I take my chance to bolt out the door in his stunned state. 
I glance at the car, but no keys. I have to run. Who knows how long he’ll stay there, shaken. 
“Where is your home?” I ask her, still running as fast as I can to anybody I can trust. Henry. Yes, Henry.
“I don’t…”
“You don’t know?”
She shakes her head. Henry would know. He can help. He has to help.  --- Not sure if I got carried away towards the end with incorporating some of my own headcanons, etc, but please lmk what you think!
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fandom-madness69 · 9 months
Sooooooo Crowley's plants being afraid of him and only ever growing the way he demands isn't even all that fictional. Bare with me here.
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Now mind you this is entirely fictional. Plants can't shake with fear. It's still up for debate whether they can feel emotions or not but they cannot shake with fear.
They can however understand you. People have talked to their plants forever, and yes the more direct carbon dioxide from our mouths to the plants leaves is helpful, BUT they've done research on this!
Now mind you there's plenty of research on this topic as well as the topic of whether or not plants have feelings. Just simply googling "research that plants can understand you" brings up this and so much more.
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But I'm talking specifically about a scientist and his experiments that were mentioned in, you guessed it, a FNAF book. We are talking about good ole Cleve Backster. Now granted he wasn't really a scientist.
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In fact he worked for the CIA and started experimenting on plants and learned they feel pain. Now granted this is widely unaccepted by the scientific community. But if you think about it he's not wrong. Part of his experiments lead him to believe/discover that if you specifically communicated with plants in binary AKA 1s and 0s, they could really understand you better. He went so far as to build a machine that would attach to the plant stems or leaves or some part of the plant and then he'd wear a head piece that allowed him to transmit those thoughts in binary into electricity and come back out as binary on the other end attached to the plant.
So all I'm saying is whether Neil and Terry knew this or not it's possible that Crowley's plants understood him.
I've personally been experimenting with this in a much different way. My Elephants Bush, the succulent I got from my BF and my Amaryllis flower all get special attention. I don't have a converted polygraph to communicate telepathically and I can't think or speak in binary. But I talk to those three plants every day. And I ignore the other 4 succulents I have.
All three plants are healthy, beautiful, more colorful, don't wilt, don't get water logged or sunburnt. They're perfect and beautiful and never need to be pruned. And all I do is baby talk and compliment them.
The four I ignore are all sunburnt, rotting, water logged even though they don't get over or under watered, and half of them need most of their leaves pruned.
So yeah Crowley's plants can understand him even taking the fact that he's a former celestial turned infernal (sorry that's the witchcraft term and I'll never use occult because that's just silly) into account. Plants are intelligent.
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m340700 · 5 months
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chipistrate · 1 year
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Because it could never get out.
I think about Candy Cadets story a normal amount....
Cassie and Gregory having a sleepover when Cassie catches Gregory having a tier five Boy Moment™ with zero context
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 5 months
silly sketches of the goobers !!
I'm not the step father, I'm the father that stepped up !!
(typo on the shirt, whoopsie doodle !! yer boy cant spell today :p)
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CJFJXKRJRHR... The Goobers... featuring Crimson’s human father who just. pops back into existence after a bunch of years.
I love these sketches!! They’ve all been making me really happy :) I’ve already said it, but I really love how you draw Jack-O. The fella :)
I love how he looks in the third sketch—it’s like one of the countless times he wears that shirt, and he’s proud of himself—and Cameron just looks annoyed. He’s so tired of the shirt.
Good!! I love!! :)
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vacantfields · 8 months
So this is a little oneshot/continue of the little comic I did of Sun caressing a Moon plushie (: so I hope u enjoy!!!
(I'm not the best writer but yeah I hope it's enjoyable LMAO)
Sun was tapping his pointer finger on the small wooden table he sat at as he watched their Starlight eat breakfast and watch TV. It had been a quiet morning, and Sun was nervous as today was the day Moon might come back out. He knew that Moon wanted to keep it a secret for their Starlight, but it was killing him (despite not being able to die that way, of course).
Their beloved Starlight stopped eating and looked at Sun with a raised brow before putting their fork down and smiling a little. "Is there a reason for you to tap the old Daycare melody on the table?"
"Huh?" Sun exclaimed, pausing his tapping. "I do not know what you mean, Sunshine!" He said with a strained grin; if he could sweat, he would be.
Starlight narrowed their eyes at him. "You're the worst liar, Sunny." They said, amused. "You know you can tell me what's up, right?"  Sun looked somehow more nervous and then let out the longest sigh despite never having to breathe.
"Well, Starlight... What if I told you Moon will come out for you tonight?"
Starlight raised both brows in surprise, and their expression was shocked. But before they could open their mouth, Sun kept talking. "I wasn't supposed to tell you! It was going to be a surprise, but I'm so excited for you to spend time with Moonie, and well, he seems excited, too! And-" The animatronic kept rambling and had to get up to pace around the room.
Sun kept rambling for what seemed like an eternity before finally looking at their beloved, who was standing next to their chair, and before Sun could ask them what was wrong, they went over and wrapped their arms around his waist. He was surprised for a moment before hugging them back tightly. "Oh Star... Oh, dear darling. Don't cry; it's going to be good! Right, right?" he asked softly while trying to comfort them.
He could hear them sniffle and nod their head against the top of his middle casing. "Yeah... Yeah. I'm excited to see him." They spoke so gently, and Sun could feel his wires swell with warmth for a moment, which meant that Moon was peeking in.
Sun smiled as he squeezed them gently before placing his face plate on top of their head and humming. "We are very excited, too, Star!" They grinned at that and let go of Sun before stepping back and reaching up to wipe their eyes, but Sun gently stopped them and carefully wiped underneath their eyes with his thumbs. "I will only agree to these tears as they are happy ones!" He said with a bright smile on his faceplate, his sunrays spinning, which made them giggle and nod.
Time crawled along as they spent their day together. Moon peeked in at times but only to check if their beloved Starlight was still comfortable about the idea of him coming out when it got dark, but Sun, in their mind, made sure that Moon shouldn't have any doubts.
As the sun slowly lowered on the sky, and Sun eagerly watched the time turn to evening.
Their beloved had been getting ready for Moon's meeting in their shared bedroom for around an hour.
[... Are you sure I should be alone with them, Sunny?]
Sun frowned as he responded to Moon's sudden appearance in their mind.
(Well, of course! You sounded excited earlier about finally getting them alone for a moment!)
[... Im nervous, Sunlight.]
(There's no reason to be! You will be fine, and Star can finally give those kisses to you that you have been so jealous about!) Sun replied with a bright grin. (They have been so excited to finally see you again that they have been in our room for the past hour! You're going to be okay! I will still be there, you know?)
[Alright. Good. I hope they won't be disappointed. I am not their Moony from before-]
(They know Moonlight. But they want to get to know you more... It will be fine! And fun, fun, fun!!)
Sun got up from the couch he was sitting on and pulled the curtains closed, and as soon as the room was covered in darkness and very little candlelight, Sun shifted into Moon.
Moon let go of the curtains and flexed his fingers before looking around.
He felt Sun push at his wires, and with a flustered stumble, he got to the bedroom door and knocked carefully.
"Yes? Is it time? I didn't miss it, did I?" their beloved called out through the closed door.
Moon took a deep, simulated breath before answering. "You missed the transformation, Sweet Star, but you did not miss me."
The silence on the other side of the door was deafening, and Moon could feel his nerves fry despite Sun's careful comfort in the back of the headspace.
But before he could fully spiral, the door opened, and their lover stood there with wide eyes in the faint light. "Moon?" they sounded like they were close to tears.
Moon smiled gently. "I'm home, Starlight," he said as he spread his arms out, and their beloved fell right into his embrace. They were muttering and mumbling rapidly, as well as sniffling.
Moon embraced them tightly and hummed softly as to answer their rambles.
"Im home, my love. My darling."
They giggled at the soft voice Moon spoke with and leaned up, grabbing the bottom of Moon's face plate and placing a soft kiss right in the middle of his soft grin.
"You're home. Our Moonlight."
"I'm home, my Starlings."
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ohno-the-sun · 1 year
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Little oc I’ve been thinking about for awhile
Name’s Roulette (maybe goes by Rue for short)
Featuring doodles by @garbagechocolate and @benji-draws
Lore under the cut (tw gore)
Roulette originally came from a different Pizzaplex location where she ran the prize wheel. Children would spend tokens to spin the wheel and she would give out whatever prize they won.
These prizes were typically tokens or toys, but whether it be by errant programming or an overly sensitive cheating prevention system, her games often ended with the wheel's options slowly being replaced by worse and worse prizes. In fact they didn't seem like prizes at all, more like things she'd take from you to add to her own collection.
After the mysterious disappearance of several human body parts and various lawsuits, she was decommissioned and sent to Sun and Moon's Pizzaplex for storage.
One day she wakes up to see a terrifying looking moon animatronic ripping into her innards. Horrified she barely manages to get away, hiding until Sun finds her.
Sun feeling bad about his counterpart destroying this poor animatronic, tells her he'll help fix her up. Little does he know that this animatronic is not as innocent as she seems.
Fascinated by his kindness and ease of access to fleshy human bodies, she ends up with an intense and unhealthy obsession with Sun.
Unfortunately, she also ends up with a deep hatred for Moon and wants nothing more than for him to disappear.
She has a plan in mind now, she will make this Pizzaplex her's, creating unlimited access to as many body parts as she desires. Sun will be her sweet pet and Moon will be dead in an alley somewhere.
Highly manipulative with a concerning lack of empathy, Sun and Moon are going to have a hard time with this one.
However, what she doesn't realize is just how close Sun and Moon are.
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rocketterrier · 13 days
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maybe it's finally okay to watch him again.
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elizaminci · 18 days
hello if you are by any chance interested in a fnaf fan story (that tries to be as much canon as possible) then you should definitely follow @tellingfnaf !!
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chicabear15 · 9 months
I think it's funny the fandom has accepted Michael being an arsonist because there is no actual 100% proof he's set anything on fire.
Henry set up the fnaf 6 building to burn down and Michael doesn't seem to be aware of this.
In the paper at the end of fnaf 3 it says that while foul play hasn't been ruled out, the fire was most likely due to faulty wiring.
I will acknowledge that Michael's speech being coupled with the burned remains of fazbear frights and the final fnaf 3 minigame in hw1 does have implications of it being foul play but that's only circumstantial evidence.
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paranoia-art · 4 months
When you're enjoying your life then come across one of the most gut wrenching, tear sobbing, hand trembling, most angsty little short stories of your favorite comfort character and it just ruins your day
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shimii26 · 9 months
Faz-Pocket Shenanigans
“Aaaaand… That should do it! Alright Sun and Moon, your upgrades are done!” A Parts and Service technician told them.” Why don’t you try out some of the features here while you’re off duty?”
Sun and Moon sat up from the bench and began scrolling through their emotion settings. The two of them had been given a whole bodily system remodeling that’s required for all animatronics in the Pizzaplex. It had been quite some time since either of them had received any kind of upgrade after their initial separation. With Moon’s virus causing many concerns about the wellbeing of the daycare attendees, the staff felt it was safest if the two were separated into two bodies, that way, any defects could be identified and treated easier. Sun and Moon stepped over to a nearby mirror to take a look at some of their more obvious changes.
“Ho ho hooo boy, this is so exciting, my face looks so expressive! There’s so many options and colors, I can’t wait to see what else is new!” Sun squealed, looking at himself in the top part of the mirror.
“Hrmm, I guess I do look a bit more handsome with this upgrade.” Moon smirked, rubbing his chin in the bottom part of the mirror.
“Yup, you both have been given a new face lift! Your pupils can change colors and size, as well as display some emotes and symbols to help you better communicate with kids who may not be very expressive or nonverbal. Sun, your face rays have changed to a more softer material of silicone that can bend and flex so the kids will be safer touching them. Moon, you’ve been given a softer chest plate material, that way the kids will stay comfortable should they choose to lie on you during naptime. You also have some new body upgrades, give the temperature gauge a shot!” they explained.
“...Whoa, we can heat up!? The kids’ll love this!” Sun giggled, noticing their chest had become warm to the touch.
‘This could be useful for colder nights at naptime.’ Moon thought to himself, adjusting the temperature to various settings.
“Great, you’re working perfectly! Your fingertips also have this temperature feature, that way you can warm up baby bottles to a proper temp for the babies we may get.” The technician informed them. “Any questions you have so far?”
“Are there any more new features we haven’t tried yet?” Sun asked. “I want to-” before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by the sound of low gears grinding in his midriff. “What the?”
“What was that, Sun?” Moon wondered. “You’ve never made that noise befo-” before he could finish his sentence as well, a low gear grinding noise also came from his midriff. “W-whoa… was that me?”
The two of them were confused by the new uncomfortable sensation, sure they could feel textures they touched, and feelings they felt, but this was an unusually empty feeling. They also noticed the technician’s emotions change from pride to concern, almost like they were guilty about something they weren’t telling them.
“Ohhh yeah… That new feature… U-Uh, listen boys-” the technician shuffled closer to explain. “Sit down, we need to talk… The pizzeria has been going through a bit of a power crisis, the city isn’t allowing us to use as much power for the Pizzaplex as we need, so we had to come up with a temporary solution to power you two up without having to use so much electricity, so now… You two have been upgraded to be able to eat as a substitute measure to refuel.”
“W-We can eat now?” Sun gasped. “...We can eat, we can eat! Now I can finally have tea and cookies with the kids during tea parties and share their snacks at snack time!”
“Greeeaaat, we can eat, lovely…” Moon grumbled, not as thrilled with the new change to his body.
“You’re not excited, Moon!?” Sun asked.
“Sun, they’re all asleep when I’m working…” Moon explained. “Kids don’t eat during naptime…”
“Yes I know, I’m sure at least one of you is looking forward to testing this feature out with the kids, but I first need to explain a few rules about how to take care of your new system.” They warned, handing them both an instruction and troubleshooting booklet. “Please read over this before you go eating something stupid and damaging your bodies, we don’t want to have to bring you back here during your shift…”
Sun and Moon both looked at each other, there were already quite a lot of rules to follow in the daycare, so the thought of having a whole other function to worry about was a bit disappointing. Moon wasn’t a fan of restriction when it came to impeding his offtime while Sun didn’t like the idea of not having complete freedom over what he could do with his body. They flipped through some of the pages and read through the “Do’s and Don’ts” section.
“No sticky liquids or creamy substances, avoid consuming water at all times…” Moon read out loud.
“No eating inanimate or inedible objects?” Sun read with confusion.
“That means YOU, Sun. I know you have a reputation for getting glitter glue in your chest cavity…” the tech scolded him.
“Awww, but if the kids get to eat the glitter glue, why can’t I!?” Sun complained.
“Sun, they’re not SUPPOSED to eat the glue…” Moon chastised. “You’re not keeping that good of an eye on them if they are~”
“Hey! Meanie!” Sun whined, sticking his tongue out at Moon.
“Enough you two, now I need you both to kickstart your new systems. You should be able to convert the food you eat into immediate energy, so we’re going to give you your first meals now just to make sure everything's up to code.” they informed them, turning around to grab some sugar cookies from the desk. “You’ll need to make sure you’re eating something at least once every twelve hours, your bodies will let you know with the grinding you just felt earlier. It may not feel very comfortable if you let it continue for long. The signal will be subtle enough that the kids shouldn’t notice or be frightened by. If they do notice, it should be easy to explain to them that you just need a snack. With the way your shifts switch, you should be able to get a bite to eat while the other one is on duty. Now c'mon, eat up.”
“Cookies!? I’ve been waiting for this day!” Sun squealed, grabbing the cookie from the tray.
“Eugh, really?...” Moon groaned, not wanting his first meal to be so sweet.
Sun immediately tossed the cookie in and chewed with his mouth open. “MMMMMM~! SO GOOD, I COULD CRY!” Sun cried.
“Sun, you’re getting crumbs all over the floor…” Moon cringed, watching his friend munching on the dessert with gusto.
“You two, Moon…” They reminded him, holding the cookie closer to his hand.
“...Fine.” Moon sighed, grabbing the cookie from the tray and taking a small bite. He shrugged. “...Not bad.”
Once the two finished their treat, they noticed the uncomfortable feeling within began to fade, as well as the grinding noise. They assumed the system was set up this way to have an unnoticeable reminder in case they didn’t remember themselves, or perhaps it was a way of mimicking how human’s body systems functioned. Either way, it would be a sensation that Sun and Moon would have to get used to as it didn’t seem like the Pizzeria would be able to supply them with enough battery power for a while.
“Alright, the grinding noise has stopped, which means things should be working. How do you two feel?” They asked.
“Way energized! I feel like I could climb the tallest play structure in the world!” Sun shouted with glee, jogging in place with his sudden energy boost.
“And you, Moon?...”
. . .
“Awake…” Moon groaned, not enjoying the sudden rush of energy.
“Good, it’s ready to go. You two should head back to your rooms and read over the booklet, there’s a few more things we hadn’t gone through about your upgrades, and you’ll need to be familiar with these rules and regulations.” they told them, getting up from their seats.
“Yes sir.” They both answered back, heading out the door.
- - -
“Do not leave the daycare during your shift to refuel unless absolutely necessary…” Sun read.
“Make sure to empty out the contents of your waste storage tank after ten uses or less…” Moon reads as well.
“Eww, that doesn’t sound very sanitary… Wait, does that mean we have to use the bathroom now?” Sun wondered.
“No, I think we can just dump it out in a trash can.” Moon explained. “This is a lot more complicated of an upgrade than I expected, why can’t they just get the city to give more power to the Pizzaplex so we don’t have to rely on eating to refuel?”
“I don’t know, it doesn’t seem fair to me either… Well, we can only make the best out of this. And hey, maybe it could be kinda fun trying any new foods the kids want to share with us!” Sun reassured him.
“Make sure it’s a food that's not on this list, we don’t want to end up back in Parts and Services, especially with your habit of getting glitter glue in your circuits…” Moon warned him.
“But it’s so shiny!” Sun whined.
“Anyway, we should probably get ready for tomorrow, you’ll be on shift, so you should eat something else tonight.” Moon told him.
“Oh yeah, that way I won’t have to deal with any grinding noises during my time with the kids!” Sun smiled.
“I guess that’s why they set the reminder to every twelve hours, it lines up with our schedules.” Moon pieced together. “So… what are you going to have?”
“Hrmm… Well, the Pizzaplex does try to support kids to eat healthy, so maybe I should try something healthy too! It’ll help me better understand why it’s important for the kids!” Sun decided.
“I think there’s a fruit bowl by the snack corner you can take from.” Moon pointed out.
“But isn’t that fruit for the kids to eat?” Sun showed his concern.
“Hey, we have to eat now. I’m sure the staff will make an exception.” Moon snickered.
“You’re right, I’mma go grab something now!” Sun agreed and got up, trotting over to the snack corner after jumping off of the stage edge and returning minutes later with a banana. “I can’t wait to try it!”
Moon watched as Sun proceeded to take a bite out of the banana without peeling it first with no hesitation. He cringed as the sound of the slimy fruit and peel was being horribly masticated in Sun’s mouth.
“Mmmmm, it’s sweet!” Sun told Moon with his mouth full.
“Argh Sun! You’re supposed to take the peel off first and throw it away, not eat it!” Moon complained, covering his hearing sensors.
“I’m not?” Sun asked, his mouth opening wider and getting banana bits on their rug.
“Gross Sun, keep your mouth shut while you eat too, you’re making a mess on the carpet…” Moon groaned.
“Gee Moon, I’m sorry. I didn’t know-” He started before his mouth was clamped shut by Moon’s hand.
“Shut up, I said keep it shut!” Moon barked. “You better not do that in front of the kids, learn your table manners before the morning.”
Sun nodded before Moon took his hand off his mouth, he finished chewing the mouthful before swallowing it down, letting his body do the rest of the work. He figured he was already halfway through eating the banana peel, so he decided to finish it as well.
“Sun, don’t- urgh… F-Fine fine, just don’t eat the peel again.” Moon started, but gave in.
“Whew, I feel great! I can’t wait to start the workday!” Sun jumped up, heading towards the stage to jump into the ball pit.
“Wait, you need to review your table-... Hmph, enjoy your day…” Moon sighed, following behind him and dangling his feet over the edge.
Sun jumped down and swam in the plastic balls, fully embracing the sudden boost of energy. He popped his head out an hour later when he heard the daycare guard opening up the gates to let the early morning kids inside to check in and play. He skipped over to greet every child that walked in, getting the play area ready for the backyard games first. Moon watched from the stage edge as Sun took care of business with the kids downstairs, softly smiling as he saw all those happy faces and laughter come out during their play. Despite having eaten a couple of hours ago, Moon felt quite tired from the stress of learning about his new upgrades catching up to him.
‘Hrmm, maybe I should rest before my shift. Gonna need some sleep if I’m gonna be watching for any naughty children who won’t sleep…’ Moon thought as he yawned and stretched his arms.
He got up from the stage edge and stumbled into his bedroom, flopping into his bed and pulling out his booklet from his pocket. He flipped through the troubleshoots section.
“I should read a bit more before I… I…Urghh…” Moon groaned as his eyelids grew heavier and closed, slowly drifting off to sleep, the booklet falling to his side.
- - -
“Ohhh Moony~!” Sun and the children called out to Moon.
“Zzzzz-snrrkk- Huh, wha-?...” Moon snorted awake in a rather unusual position on the bed with his rear in the air and his head halfway to the floor.
Sun and the kids were calling his name, he looked at the clock, it was 8:00 at night.
“-Oh shit, I overslept!...” Moon panicked, stumbling out of bed.
Moon spiffed himself up as best as he could before running out of his room and over to the stage edge, hooking himself up to the fly rig before lowering himself down to join Sun by the ball pit and begin his shift.
“Hrmm, I don’t think Moon heard us, let’s call his name again, Starlights!” Sun instructed the kids. “Ohhh Moooony~!”
“There he is!” “Moony!” “Yayyy!” “Over there!” The kids all screamed to Sun and pointed up to Moon.
“Ohhh, there you are Moon! We were getting worried about you! Are you ready to start the sleeping part of the slumber party?” Sun asked him.
“Youuu bet! I hope you had fun playing with Sun all day, but now it’s time to rest.” Moon explained, removing his fly rig from his back. “You two Sunny!”
“Whaaat??? Me???” Sun played along, having done this routine over and over.
“Yes! You must be soooo tired after playing all day, why don’t you set a good example and head to bed as well?” Moon carried on with the routine.
“But Moony, I’m not-” Sun started, but then let out a big loud yawn. “Sleepy…”
“Ooooo~ Are you sure about that? What do you think, Starlights?” Moon asked the kids.
“Yeah, go to bed Sunny!” “Nap Time!” “Get some rest, Mr. Sun!” the kids agreed.
“Well… Alright, maybe I am just a liiiiittle tired… I guess I’ll go to bed too. Thanks for all the fun today, kiddos! I can’t wait to see you all tomorrow!” Sun smiled, marching over to the ball pit to finish his act.
With one last loud yawn, Sun flopped into the ball pit and disappeared under the plastic colors, fake snoring quite loudly for a bit. The children giggled when they saw the balls fly everywhere, it was the funniest thing Sun did today. Moon began his second part of his shift by cartwheeling over to where the daycare’s pillows and blankets were kept.
“Now then Starlights, everyone grab a pillow and blanket, and we can begin to settle down for story time!” Moon smiled, opening up the pillow and blanket boxes.
“Yayyy!” “I want the star blanket!” “So sleepy…” The kids mumbled as they each grabbed their supplies one by one.
“I have some choices for which story you’d like to hear tonight, we have Cinderella, Goodnight Moon, or we have Alice in Wonderland~” Moon told them, obviously putting the more desired story by the kids at the end of the choices.
“Alice in Wonderland!” “Alice in Wonderland!” “Alice in Wonderland!” “Alice in Wonderland!” All the kids shouted.
“Hehehehe okay, we’ll read Alice in Wonderland. Now everyone, find a spot to lay your weary heads, and I’ll start to pass out the Sleepy-Time candy.” Moon chuckled.
One by one, the children chose a spot in the daycare near the ball pit to rest, and Moon walked by each one of them, giving them a piece of Moondrop candy. As they nibbled on their treat, the melatonin inside the sticky layers began to soothe even the most rowdy of children, and they all watched as Moon sat down in a criss-cross to begin the story.
“Now then, let’s begin… ‘Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, and what is the use of a book, thought Alice…’” Moon read softly outloud.
- - -
“Lastly, she pictured to herself how this same little sister of hers would, in the after-time, be herself a grown woman; and how she would keep, through all her riper years, the simple and loving heart of her childhood: and how she would gather about her other little children, and make their eyes bright and eager with many a strange tale, perhaps even with the dream of Wonderland of long ago: and how she would feel with all their simple sorrows, and find a pleasure in all their simple joys, remembering her own child-life, and the happy summer days…The End.” Moon finished.
He closed the book cover and looked out over the daycare to see that every child had fallen asleep. It brightened his night to be back at his job, he was worried he would’ve been decommissioned due to that virus he had been subjected to a while back. Sun sat up from the ball pit and tiptoed over to Moon.
“You did great, Moony. Will you be alright here by yourself while I go refuel?” Sun whispered to Moon, patting him on the back.
“Yeah, you go ahead, it should be an easy night tonight, I’ll be fine.” Moon nodded and handed Sun his fly rig. “See you in a bit, and don’t forget this.”
Sun smiled and rose up with the fly rig cable to the exit of the daycare, making sure his wrist bells didn’t jingle. Moon watched as his friend slowly opened the door and slowly shut it behind him, leaving him alone to watch over the children as they slept. He checked the watch on the giant screen behind the security desk.
‘Hrmm, 11:30… That was quicker getting everyone down than I-” He thought at first, but then-
Moon jolted in his seat and looked down at his stomach. That noise could only mean one thing; his body needed more fuel. He remembered that he had fallen asleep before starting his shift, meaning he didn’t give himself a chance to eat.
‘Shit, it’s been over twelve hours…’ Moon thought, slowly panicking, he checked to make sure no one had woken up. ‘...That’s way louder in the silence, the kids are gonna wake up from that for sure…What do I do?...’
He knew the snack corner had been cleared of everything edible, so there wasn’t anything in the vicinity he could eat to stop the noise. Sun had also stepped out of the daycare, so it wasn’t like he could call on him to take over his shift so he could grab something to eat. And with the daycare guards away on surveillance duty through the pizzaplex, he couldn’t ask them for help either. He was at an impasse.
‘S-Shut up, shut up!’ Moon shushed, holding his stomach tight to try and muffle the noise. ‘I… I gotta make this quick, one snack, in and out…’
Despite knowing he wasn’t supposed to leave his shift to go and eat unless it was an emergency, he felt with the risk of waking the children up, he had no choice. He remembered the security guards had a staff canteen just upstairs from the daycare, if he was going to find food quickly, that would be the first place to check. He slowly got up from his criss-cross and evaluated the walking space in front of him. The children were sprawled out everywhere, leaving little spaces in between them to step. Since he had given Sun his fly rig to travel out of the daycare, he would have to traverse to the exit by foot. Starting with his right foot, he tested the waters of how quiet he could tiptoe around the kids without them stirring, his wrist bells kept in a tight grip in his hands to avoid adding any additional noise. Moon could tell it was harder to keep up his tiptoeing for a long time, having to pause each time he passed about three kids. With his sudden lack of energy, Moon’s night vision was also affected slightly, making it difficult for him to see where any of the noisemaker barrels were stacked. He managed to pass by most of them without knocking them over, but one stack in particular he didn’t see in the dark, and the top piece of the barrel tower suddenly fell towards the floor.
‘-Shit!’ Moon panicked, quickly grabbing the barrel before it could make a sound.
He held still in his sudden lean, realizing that he was standing between someone sleeping and a noisemaker barrel tower. He was also quite low to the floor, just inches away from falling on top of a child. Making sure to maintain his balance, he slowly lifted one leg up and changed his direction towards the tower, placing the barrel back on top. He shifted his center of gravity now that he had let go of the barrel, and made his way back into a more stable standing up position without stepping on the child. Moon took a deep breath of relief that he managed to pull that trick off, especially with his lower energy.
Moon had waited to eat for too long, and his body’s noise had kicked up a notch from creaking to vibrating.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!...” Moon whispered and jolted as he held his stomach tight, quickly tiptoeing past the last of the children and finally reaching the door.
“Whew, made it…” Moon sighed in relief, slipping through and leaning against the other side of the door, taking a moment to recuperate. “Okay, five minutes, in and out…”
Moon made his way upstairs towards the staff canteen and looked around. It wasn’t anything fancy compared to the rest of the Pizzaplex, just one wall with cabinets and a few tables and chairs. The walls and floors were pretty plain, just beige coloring and a dirty carpet. He checked the cabinets first, nothing inside them but plastic cutlery, paper plates, and napkins. Moon scoffed at the Pizzaplex’s cheap setup they had for the staff, and couldn't even bother providing them with proper silverware. He then checked the freezer, on the top shelf he noticed a box of Fazbear-brand pizza pocketsTM with a sticky note attached to the lid that had ‘Kevin’ written on it. The note also read ‘DO NOT TAKE!’, it was clear whoever this Kevin was, it wasn’t the first time he had to write a note like this. Moon was hesitant to grab a couple pizza pockets from the box, seeing as how they clearly belonged to someone, but soon the return of the uncomfortable grinding in his stomach convinced him otherwise.
“Hrmm… I’m sure Kevin won’t mind if just a couple of these pizza pockets went missing~” Moon snickered, opening the packets and placing the pizza pockets on a paper plate. “Besides, it’s an emergency, and finders keepers!”
Moon placed the plate in the microwave and set it for two minutes according to the heating instructions; if it’s quick to cook, it’s quick to eat. He hungrily eyed the pizza pockets as they spun slowly on the glass disc, steam fogging up the window. Once they finished cooking, he took them out and gave one of them a taste, not even waiting for them to cool down. It was quite salty and artificially flavored, but he was in no position to complain. It filled the space inside him and gave him the energy boost he needed, that’s what mattered.
“Mmmm… Finally, trying something salty…” he softly moaned in pleasure, slowly chewing the food and indulging the savory flavors coating his newly installed tongue.
. . .
“Moondrop!? What are you doing here!?” Sun quietly yelled from across the canteen. “You left your shift to eat!?”
“...Umm, yeah. And?” Moon shrugged, gulping down his first bite.
“We’re not supposed to do that, Moon! It’s my time to be eating right now while you’re doing your duty with the kids!” Sun explained harshly, wagging his finger at Moon.
“Oh yeah, is it now?” Moon smirked, eyeing Sun up and down, noticing how sparkly he was. “And what exactly did YOU eat for your meal tonight then, hmm?”
“I-I… U-Uhh…” Sun twiddled his thumbs, realizing he had been caught.
. . .
“...G-Glitter glue…”
“As I expected, you can’t stick to the rules either!” Moon chuckled, taking another bite.
“Y-Yes I can! I-I just… I n-needed to know why I shouldn’t eat it!” Sun stuttered.
“You can’t eat glue, Sun. It’s gonna clog up your circuits, and there’s no calories in it anyway for you to fuel with.” Moon reminded him, holding out his plate to him. “Here, have one of these pizza pockets instead.”
“What!? I’m not gonna eat one of those greasy pockets of junk food!” Sun pouted. “How are we supposed to be good examples to the kids if you’re eating that slop!?”
Moon shrugged.
“...Fine, I’m going to watch the children if you won’t right now!” Sun yelled, and began to walk away.
“Ohh, so you’re JUST fine with working tomorrow on an empty stomach?” Moon twirled his head and deviously smiled. “There’s nothing to eat here but these… Very well, don’t say I didn’t warn you. But trust me, that glitter glue isn’t going to stop that grinding noise…”
“I’m perfectly fine where I-” Sun turned around and started his backtalk, but was interrupted.
. . .
“Gimme that pizza pocket.” Sun grumbled and blushed, grabbing the pizza pocket from Moon’s plate.
“That’s what I thought~” Moon chuckled.
Sun gave the pizza pocket a squish and a lick before taking a big bite out of it. Moon watched as his friend seemed to be struggling to chew his food this time. He finished up his pizza pocket and threw the plate away, leaning against the counter and waiting for Sun to finish as well. Once he was done chewing the big bite he took, he tried to swallow the mouthful he had, but something was very wrong. The glitter glue he had consumed earlier had dried and hardened in his throat, causing a major blockage. Sun swallowed harder to try and get it down, but the glue or the food wasn’t budging.
“Uhh, Sun… You okay?” Moon asked, getting up from leaning on the counter.
“Nrghh, ack-! Gack!” Sun gagged, grabbing at his throat. “-ACK -HELP!”
“-Oh shit, you’re choking! Hold on, don’t panic!” Moon yelled, not even attempting to be quiet.
He ran behind Sun and wrapped his arms around Sun’s chest, swiftly pressing his arms inward to give him the Heimlich. Sun coughed violently with each squeeze, his head throwing back and forth as he tried to expel the contents in his throat. Their episode’s volume level had reached the daycare, causing some of the children to stir from their rest. Without Moon down there to reassure that everything was okay, some of the kids grew frightened at the sounds of Sun choking and began to cry. The night guards were quickly alerted to the situation when one of the surveillance guards noticed neither Sun or Moon were in the daycare to soothe the crying children. One of them ran down to supervise the daycare center while another ran to where the choking noises were coming from.
“-C’mon -Sun! -Breathe! -Don’t -you -break -on -me!” Moon shouted, giving more forceful thrusts into Sun’s chest.
“-ACK! COUGH! HWARK!” Sun gagged, finally coughing up everything that was stuck.
“Whew, thank goodness… There you go, easy now. Take some breaths…” Moon sighed in relief, rubbing Sun’s back.
“What the hell is going on in here!?” a voice yelled at them.
The guard looked into the canteen and saw Sun bent over and was dripping glue and pizza sauce from his mouth, as well as Moon breathing heavily from the sudden force he had to exert. The two of them turned to the exit to see the night guard standing in the doorway. Moon stepped back from Sun and gave him some space as he stepped closer to the night guard.
‘Ahh shit, we got caught…’ Moon thought as he groaned. “L-Look, we can explain-”
“Save it Moon, the two of you left those kids unattended! Do you know how serious this is!? Anything could’ve happened to them while you were gone! Especially in the dark, YOU’RE in charge of them right now Moon, you’re in some huge ass trouble…” the guard scolded them.
“Y-Yes, I know, w-we’re just not used to this update, and-”
“No excuses Moondrop, get your starry keister down there and DO YOUR JOB!” the guard growled, walking towards them and grabbing Sun’s wrist. “You’re coming with me to Parts and Service to fix your throat.”
“I-I’m sorry-” Sun rasped, stumbling as he followed them.
“Just shut up and move!” the guard interrupted and led them away to Parts and Service.
‘Dammit… Sorry Sun…’ Moon thought, feeling guilty about leaving his post and pushing Sun to do something that stupid which led him to needing a repair already.
He made his way back downstairs to the daycare where several children were waiting for him by the door with tears in their eyes and lots of questions for him to answer.
“You’re on your own, Moon.” The substitute daycare guard told him, stepping out of the room.
“Where were you!?” “Is Mr. Sun okay!?” “Did he die!?” “Why did you leave us!?” “I had a nightmare, Mr. Moon!” The kids all yelled at once.
“Children relax, Mr. Sun is alright, he just had…” He paused, trying to think of a valid, yet child-appropriate excuse. “...A stomachache, but he’ll be back in the morning to play with all of you when you wake back up…”
“I’m not tired!” “I can’t sleep now!” “I’m scared to go back to sleep!” “We want to see Mr. Sun!” The kids kept yelling.
Moon let out a tiring sigh, this was going to be a long night…
- - -
It had been three days since the night of the “Midnight Snack Incident”, Sun and Moon were better adjusted to their new eating schedule and made sure there was always something in their room to snack on to prevent another disaster like that from happening again. The Pizzaplex’s mailbox had filled up quite a bit with letters from complaining parents about their children’s sudden grouchy behavior the night after the incident, and several of them having nightmares about the daycare attendants dying days later. While Human Resources dealt with the parent’s concerns, the Parts and Services team spoke to Sun and Moon on their break.
“Look, most of these cases we can just sweep under the rug, okay? But we can���t have another situation like this again, especially with the repeat kids having nightmares during their sleepovers here. Have the repairs to your throat been working, Sun?” the technician asked.
“Yeah, I-I think so…” Sun replied, rubbing his newly replaced, yet still sore neck.
“And Moon, you’ve been keeping up on your reminders to eat?” they questioned.
“Yes, my internal clock AND my watch are set to go off an hour early indefinitely…” Moon grumbled, rolling his eyes.
“Good, now as an extra precaution, we’re allowing you two to have a mini fridge and a snack basket in your room to keep any food you may need so you don’t need to leave the daycare, as well as a portable manual charger as a last ditch effort to keep you going when you’re on shift. It’s not very efficient at charging, but it’s silent and should buy you two some time to reunite and take over if one needs to eat, okay?” the tech explained. “It’s going to take the Pizzaplex some time to get back up to a power level we can work with, so this charging restriction is only temporary. Once we’re back up to a more stable level, you may use the charger more, so try and make the most out of this upgrade.”
“Yes sir…” Sun and Moon begrudgingly nodded.
“Alright, back to your room. We’ll take care of the parent’s complaints before they drop their children off tomorrow morning for you.” the tech ordered.
“Okay…” the two of them sighed, and got up to leave the room.
“Oh, and Sun?” the tech prompted.
“Yes?” Sun wondered, turning back to them before he was about to exit through the door.
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Factory Files Vol. 3 - Infected Within: Breached Archives . . . Pt. 3
Illustration Time of Pt’s 1-5: 14hrs 4min
Characters Featured (Within Story): Luna (Jacobs) Anderson, Christian Anderson, All Glamrock Animatronics (& Foxy), Gregory, Vanny/Vanessa, Burntrap, Michael Afton, Mr. Fazbear, Bonnie Bro, Carrie & Cami Parks, Lacie Brown, Harper & Hadley Palmer, Lorelei Baker, “Wandering Adventure” Animatronics, Rocky, Aster, Wen Mèng Yáo, Wen Elijah, Dax Green
Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach
Fanfic Title: “FF Vol. 3 - IW: BA ”
Coming Soon . . .
[ This is a FNaF’s / PoppyPlaytime / My Friendly Neiborhood / Indigo Park AU, in no way is this canon to any of the OG storylines. ]
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webzazes · 3 months
anyone wanna see me rewrite the cursed origin story for one of my ocs from the worst era of my life (middle school) or do you want me to draw sun or moon (I miss them)
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 4 months
With the Swap AU, while S!Glam. Bon is still around—S!Glam. Chica being the one that’s missing and everything... something still happens to the bunny.
I think in some info that you can get in the actual game, it explains a little bit—I might be wrong, but Glam Bon was going to Gator Golf?
So, here, S!Glam Bon was planning on going to Gator Golf, but they never actually... got there. He ended up disappearing for a bit, somewhere else in the Pizzaplex.
By ‘disappear’, S!Glam. Bon was gone for just a few hours, before finally returning—much to the other’s relief. Although... something was definitely off about him when the bunny reappeared.
In the few silent hours that he was gone, S!Glam. Bon was the first of the animatronics to fall under the affects of the virus.
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lets-zofifi-stuff · 1 year
The Smallest Miracles
Fairy!Sun and Moon & Witch reader short story
Heavily based on Fairy AU by @ayyy-imma-ninja, Fairy Friends AU by @themuse-artcorner and this drawing.
Thank you all!
hurt/comfort, no romance
Trigger Warnings: abuse, animal abuse, implied suffocation, panic attack
Edit: there is an ao3 with (currently) three more chapters.
It would be fitting to say, it was a dark stormy night, when I sneaked into the poacher's den, but in fact it was a calm chilly evening, in the middle spring. The sun only began to set down, when I found the base of the operation I was tracing down for months.
There were plenty of people in the world willing to pay a hefty price for a magical creature. So obviously, there came assholes who busied themselves with catching and selling them. But they made one serious mistake. They tried to hunt in the witch's domain. Mine, to be precise.
They made their base in a wide sinkhole in the middle of the old forest. About half a dozen goons were camping next to the mouth of a cave, presumably their main storage. They were sitting by the campfire and drinking heavily from glass bottles and ceramic jars, for warming-up.
I was hiding in the bushes, observing. The day was cold. A gentle drizzle, half way between rain and fog, was settling on me as a damp layer. If not for my warm coat and thick gloves, I would be already freezing. I had a hood pulled deep on my face with my pointy hat put on top.
The sinkhole was an excellent place to stay hidden, and to help keep imprisoned beings inside. Far worse to defend yourself against an ambush. I had a few spells prepared.
I made the fog rise from the forest floor and slowly flew down into the hole. They didn't notice anything suspicious about it until they all started to feel dizzy and unsteady on their feet. The airborne spores I added to the cloud were working.
I sat on my trusty broomstick, covered my nose and mouth with a scarf and flew down into the cloud. I landed unnoticed near the mouth of the cave. I nearly tripped over one of drugged bandits. He was wiggling on the ground, mumbling something about the rain, so I assumed he was dreaming about being a worm in the mud. He seemed strangely content with that.
The cloud was only reaching a few feet inside. Further, the air was clean, so I was able to uncover my face. 
Creatures in the cages looked at me when I came in. Some got startled by the presence of a human, but some seemed to recognise that I am not one of their captors. Maybe they even knew what my pointy hat meant. A shine of intelligence in some of the eyes, made me feel sick to my stomach. Not like I wasn’t expecting magic folks trapped together with magical animals, but it was always a shock. Sleeping spore was far too good for those bastards.
I could see only about eight cages with residents inside. Either the poachers were bad at their job, or they managed to transport and sell most of their catches before I could stop them. I didn't have much hope of rescuing the poor guys after they were given away into the hands of some rich collectors or power-hungry mages.
I waved my hand at the creatures. “I am a friend. I want to help, I promise. Let me do that, please.” None has answered me, but that was okay. Many beings able to speak like to fall silent at the moment the human shows up. I was not here to make friends anyway. I began to walk from cage to cage, speaking to them soothingly and checking up their condition.
All the creatures seemed to be in relatively good health. They had to get captured recently. I could risk simply letting them go as they were. They were able to find their way out and take care of themselves, just like they were doing before humans took them. 
Meanwhile the sleep cloud outside started to dissipate.
I quickly opened the cages and urged the creatures to move fast, before the bandits could wake up. I didn't need to tell them that twice. All ran out and didn't look behind once. If some of them were about to trample their former captors in their sleep, I couldn't blame them. 
I could give myself a pat on the shoulder for a good job, and fly home. Or should I try to place some curses on the bandits, while they were still unconscious? I couldn’t exactly arrest them, I was just one person, and what they were doing was hardly even illegal in this part of the world. But a good curse or two would make their life miserable for a good while, and force them to seek some very expensive help with their removal.
I was just about to start when something brought my attention. Deep inside the cave, there were rows of shelves, and boxes, likely with gear and supplies, for the long hunting trips. 
I spotted a big glass jar, lying overturned on the ground. From afar I thought it was just an emptied container for alcohol. The fading daylight was not enough to let me see clearly, but I felt there was some object inside. I wordlessly ordered the crystal at the end of the broom to lit up with starlight stored inside. The gentle glow revealed a tiny figure curled up inside the jar.
I crouched down to have a better look and gasped. It was a fairy. A real fairy like in the old children tales. It had to be.
The figure was yellow, with something like orange flower petals growing out of the tiny head. They were dressed in fabulously colorful clothes. On their back… there was a set of butterfly-shaped translucent wings. The wings were sparkling in the light, and flowed like silk, but they had to be able to spread and fly once.
Could I be mistaken? Fairies were extremely rare, and nearly impossible to spot. They were supposed to live deep in the woods and never ever show up to adults. They were supposed to only be seen by nice kids who’d listen to their parents, respected nature and did their chores in time. Naturally, many people doubted their existence after getting older.
My mentor told me about them too, when I was still very young. She said they are beings of great magic. They were supposed to be invisible to most, and have a natural bond to all living things, and energies of the universe were flowing through them freely. 
“Nature's tiniest miracles“ she said with her eyes so dreamy. It was so unlike her to act this sentimental, that the memory remained clear. She had traveled everywhere, saw everything and had a very cynical view of the world. She also swore she saw a fairy once in the distance as a girl, and tried to find it ever since. But apparently they were once in a lifetime sightings.
Now one was right before me, closed in a jar. A jar that likely was once used for storing cheap booze. Somebody made an effort to jab carelessly a few times at a metal cab, to create holes for air. Did the bandits even know what they had trapped?? Could somebody really be this stupid?!
Even though I never saw a fairy, I could say this one didn’t look healthy. Their petals were withered, their skin sickly pale, and they were sitting curled up with their face hidden in their knees.
I put my hand on the glass. When I did that, the fairy finally looked up. Their face was round like a child's, sunny yellow with a bouquet of freckles. Their big round eyes went wide with fear, one sky blue, one gold like a sunset. They also started to shiver.
“Don’t worry,” I said, taking away my hand, and putting a reassuring smile, a little forced but still genuine. “I’m here to help.” 
They opened their mouth and said something. Their lips were moving but very little sound was getting through the glass. I pointed at my ears and then at the jar cab.
“I can't hear you. I will open this now. Don’t panic, alright?”
Once I took off the top, the yellow fairy crawled out. They laid down on the ground, panting erratically and shaking. That scared me. Were the holes in the cab not giving them enough air? Or was it the reaction to shock? Fairies were always described as fragile and sensitive creatures. I swallowed hard.
“I am not going to hurt you, I promise.” I said in a soft voice. “I’m a friend.”
The creature peaked at me.
“I know you are scared but would you let me-?”
“Moon,” they said. I blinked in surprise.
“What about it?” The fairy shook their head and pointed. 
“Moon,” they repeated urgently. 
I moved my light up and realized the wall behind the shelves was not a cave’s wall but a gray curtain. The fairy was pointing at it.
“Alright. I will look there. Please, try to take deep breaths.”
The cavern went further than I realized. Behind the curtain was another part of storage I would otherwise miss. More supplies, barrows, boxes, some very small cages, like for birds and rodents.
“What am I looking f-?” I began to ask and stopped myself because I saw. On the higher shelf standing another jar. It looked empty from down there, but I sat on my broom and levitated myself up. I picked it off carefully and held it in both hands. Inside- 
I was wiser than to falter and fall off the broom but only barely. Another fairy??
This one was blue, with clothes in a star pattern. They didn’t have petals, but there was a hat on their head. A soft-looking nightcap, trimmed with white down. Half of their face was light, almost white part in the shape of the crescent, the rest was deep blue. The constellation of freckles sprinkled across their nose and cheeks correspond to those on the yellow fairy’s face. The fairy had deep dark circles around their eyes. That had to be “Moon”.
But something was wrong. The little figure was lying on the bottom of the jar, and didn't react when I moved their jar. I felt the cold panic rising. I lowered to the ground, and hurried out. The yellow fairy was waiting where I left them. They brightened, like a sunrise when I stormed back out.
“Brother?” they asked, looking at the jar. When I came closer the relief on their face fastly shifted into horror.
I put the jar gently on the ground. Did those fuckers forgot to make holes in this one entirely?! 
No, the holes were there although less of them. I opened it with shaky hands, reached in and carefully pulled the fairy out. He was just the size to fit on my opened palm. 
I turned him to his back and lowered him so the yellow fairy could have access as well. They immediately crawled on my palm, forgetting about their fear of me, and kneeled by their brother’s side.
I craned down and held my breath. Was I too late? Please, spirits, don’t let me be late.
I wasn’t.
We could both see movements of the tiny chest. Slow, shallow breaths.
“He is alive!” cried the yellow fairy. I let out a sigh. Thank you spirits!
The fairy took their brother in their arms and hugged him.
“But he is so weak!” They weren't wrong. It could be just fear that I felt, but the blue fairy looked like he was about to die at any moment.
“How long has he been unconscious?” I asked.
“He was still awake when I saw him last time. The jar fell off the shelf, I rolled off, and lost sight of him. The floor was uneven, it got stuck on something and I couldn’t… couldn't…” they looked like they were about to cry.
“When was it?”
“Yesterday… morning?”
“I will use some healing magic on him. It should help some, regardless of what is wrong.”
“Magic?” They looked at me in fear. “Are you a mage?”
“No. I am not.” I rubbed my fingers together, mentally preparing for the task.
“Let me access him, allright? And be still for a moment. This requires concentration and balance.”
I put two on the blue faerie’s chest. His sibling didn’t try to stop me. I breathed deeply and focused on the life energy inside me. I told it to flow down my arm through my fingers, and connect to the magic of the blue fairy. My fingertips started to glow. Moon tensed under my touch.
“What’s happening?” gasped the yellow fairy.
“He fights me,” I said. “Even though he is unconscious.”
He was no doubt a creature born to magic, as he was able to sense my intervention and tried to push me away. I bit my lip trying to stay calm. I didn’t want to force my way through the fairy's natural defenses. It would cause him distress and exhaust him further but I was starting to feel tired myself.
“Please, don’t fight me, please, don’t fight me,” I mumbled, pressing my energy gently against his. For a moment I thought it would be all for nothing. But then a small yellow hand lay down on mine. It felt good.
Maybe it was his sibling's familiar aura that made Moon lower his guard, or maybe it was me regaining some sort of peace for a moment, but I could feel the resistance fading and my magic was able to flow. The fairy relaxed under my touch.
When I finished, Moon was breathing easier. His face gained some more color, and dark circles around his eyes faded slightly. 
The yellow fairy hugged their brother tighter.
“Th- thank you. But… Are you really not a mage? I thought they are the only humans that can use magic?”
“I’m a witch. Do you see a hat?” I pointed at my head. “Haven't you ever heard about us?”
They shook their head.
“Well, I guess there are not too many witches around really.” I signed. 
“I’m… My name is Sun.”
“And he is Moon?”
“Yes. We are twin brothers.”
“Nice to meet you Sun, I’m-” I turned my head as I heard some groaning outside. The bandits were waking up. I couldn’t exactly fight all six of them.
“... going to introduce myself later. We need to go.”
“I need to take you out of here, quick.” I began to empty one of my bigger pockets. Witch’s clothes have many of them as a principle.
“We will go to my hutt. It’s a safe place. You two will be able to rest and recover.”
“I don’t know. I think Moon would-”
“Okay, done. You should both be able to fit in here.” I carefully picked Sun and plucked him into the pocket. Then I passed him the blue fairy. “Here. Hold him, when we’ll fly, watch if he lays in a good position.”
“A-alright.” Only Sun’s head was poking out of the pocket. Moon layed secured in his arms. “Wait, fly? You can fly too?!”
I sat on my broomstick. The celestial magic from the crystal flew through the wood. My clothes fluttered in the nonexistent wind, as we raised into the air. Sun gasped loudly and I couldn’t help but smile. Who does not like to show off sometimes?
I squeezed the stick tighter and we leaped forward. “Wooaaahh!” shouted Sun.
We flew out just in time to see the poachers that were waking up and scrambling on their feet. The broom flinched and wobbled as I was trying not to crash with them. 
I grit my teeth and jerked the end of the broom upward, pointing it at the sky, accelerating. Some of the more awakened bandits started to shout at us and look around for their crossbows. But before they could begin to shoot, and we flew out of the sinkhole. 
We weren’t ascending fast enough and pierced into the tree line. Now both me and Sun were screaming. 
Somehow I avoided hitting any bigger branches. We soon bursted out above the treetops, like a fish jumping above the green waters. 
I was finally able to flatten out and calm down. 
The wind was hitting my face. The last shines of sunset dyed the clouds in pinks and oranges. 
“You alright down there?” I asked, looking down.
“Yes, yes. We are okay.” breathed Sun. “That was so fast!” Fortunately he seemed more excited than scared.
“You guys don’t usually fly this fast, huh?” I grinned. 
“No. Usually not,” he gave me a warm smile in return. He was still looking tired and sick, but maybe soon I would be able to fix that. I set a course for home.
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