#foodie aesthetic 【hungry eyes】
vixlenxe · 10 months
Found another drink Tiffanie would like
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She likes another sour.
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binniedeactivated · 3 years
txt ideal types™️ || 👾
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a/n; just want to say that this is not factual! this is based on my own opinion! if you have questions on why i think this don’t be afraid to send them through ask! hope you enjoy!! 
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soobin;  --- since soobin said he is the type to let his s/o lead the relationship while he sits back, LMAO i honestly think soobin’s ideal type is a girl who is confident. I say confident because someone who is shy isn’t going to be comfortable telling a guy what to do. since he’s laid back and chill most of the time i feel like he wouldn’t mind someone whose the same way. someone who he can have deep conversations with and also act crazy with when they’re both feeling a little hyperactive. I really think someone whose very bubbly and hyper would make him a little flustered because he doesn’t want to bore her by doing the things he likes, and he wouldn’t know how to keep up with her energy. soobin likes to read books, watch tv shows and eat. he likes to eat bread and ice cream all day. he doesn’t like moving. so someone whose moving and doing a whole lot of shit constantly is going to tire him out LMAO. I also think since soobin is a little messy he needs a motherly type of girl that can help him with his habits. with soobin you’ll basically be a mom, leading the relationship and cleaning after him occasionally. I also think soobin would love someone who is romantic and is sensitive when it comes to him. he loves feeling loved and cared about and knowing that there’s someone who got his back through anything and everything. he’s very affectionate and light hearted so he needs someone who isn’t mean lmao!! he doesn’t like a whole lot of roast sessions and things like that and even if he does don’t go overboard with him because he’ll get sensitive asf. 
--- as far as body type goes i feel like soobin doesn’t care. honestly. he’s really big so no matter what you’ll always be smaller than him even if you’re a little thick lmao. if you guys would like to know whether or not soob is an ass or boobs type of guy though i think he’s both. some boobs with a little ass would fluster him. all the way. he doesn’t expect much but if you’re well endowed in either, he’s going to be really touchy (with permission of course) and he’ll always make you feel comfortable in your own body. 
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yeonjun; -- oh god, this boy. nah jk. i honestly think yeonjun needs someone who creative and can introduce him to new things. since he really loves music and stuff I think he would love someone who can introduce him to different types of music. he’d love stuff like his s/o making playlists for him and sending him new songs randomly. i also think since yeonjun is a big foodie he would loooveee a girl with an appetite lmao! he would love her even more if she can cook the food he likes, or cook good food in general. he would really love someone who can introduce him to new kinds of of food and feed him when he’s hungry. whether it’s spoon fed or just dropping by some food to the studio for him when it’s lunch time. despite his stage presence i think he’d love someone who is sweet and easy going. outgoing as well! since he’s very shy and timid around new people he would LOVE if his s/o approaches him first. although he’s more of the lead in the relationship, i think he would love if his s/o knows how to lead as well especially when he’s feeling needy and needs affection. he doesn’t want a girl that let’s him lead ALL the time and let’s him put in 80% while they put in 20%. he wants it to be 50/50 at least.  since he’s the oldest in the group it’s likely that he’s always taking care of the members so he needs someone who is willing to take care of him. he would also LOVE a funny girl omg. if you can make him laugh you automatically have his heart. he would love having a girl that’s also his best friend, one whom he can make inside jokes with. he would also love a stylish girl! i think if you dress well it would be easier for him to notice you since he’s very fashionable himself. he’d also never take his eyes off of you and remind you about how good you look everyday.  with that being said he would love a girl he can go shopping with! that can buy him cute shirts and clothes that matches his style. he would love it even more if you introduce him to a new kind of style. he would love dressing up and going on random dates and taking lots of pics! 
- as far as body type goes i think yeonjun would be attracted to curvier girls. he just gives me that vibe. of course he’d be attracted to any type of body type,  but i think curvy is more his thing. if you’re wondering whether he is an ass or boob type of guy i think yeonjun is an ass and thigh type. so if you’re thicker around that area expect yeonjun to be all over you. LMAO (with permission of course). 
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beomgyu;  -- gyuuuuu! okay so in my opinion gyu doesn’t really have an ideal type. he’s the type of guy where it’s like, if he likes you he likes you and if he doesn’t he doesn’t. as long as you know how to treat him and like having fun with him he’d love you! in all honesty i think beomgyu is a free spirit. he likes all types of girls in every size, shape or color. he doesn’t have a preference.  just be yourself and don’t try to act too show-offy in front of him. i lowkey think beomgyu would like a motherly type of girl though and someone who is just as hyper as he is. since beomgyu is a mama’s boy he needs a girl that treats him like he’s her son LMAO but also let him be an adult too. like don’t baby him all the way but take care of him and check up on him often. he’d also love a clingy s/o. one who texts him and calls just to tell him how much they miss him. affection is key with gyu! if he can lay on your chest or cuddle with you all the time he will fall in love with you. i repeat HE WILL FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU. hold his hand, kiss his cheeks and play wrestle with him. also, build a relationship with his mother! i think gyu would love someone whose close to his mom. of course don’t be a creep but make sure you aren’t a stranger to her. since gyu is family oriented when it comes to his parents i think he would really appreciate if you took the extra mile and got to know his family. he’d love taking you to daegu to spend the holidays with his family and have fun eating and making jokes with them. 
-- as far as body type goes beomgyu really doesn’t gaf. like fr. just as long as you’re confident in your body he would love you. and even if you aren’t he’d remind you about how much he likes it. if you’re wondering if beomgyu is an ass or boob type of guy though, gyu definitely loves boobs.
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taehyun;  -- (my MANNNN- i mean ahem) okay so, tyun is tricky af but I pay special attention to him because of this reason. in all honesty i think tyun LOVES the game of hard to get. he likes feeling like he got it in the bag with you, but he doesn’t at the same time. he would love a girl who is very confident, smart,  and can adhere to his mind games.  reverse psychology would have him SHOOK lmao! initially i think if tyun saw a girl he likes he would make it known he likes her just by doing little stuff like being nice to her or smiling at her and stuff. he would like it if she does it back too, but not becoming too engaged. i think his whole relationship would be him and his s/o playing hard to get. the both of them know they love one another and are very affectionate but they’re also a little mean to each other as well. cracking jokes every now and again and play wrestling. don’t take it too far though! he wouldn’t like if you gave him so much cold shoulder to the point where he thinks you no longer like him. tease him a bit though, he likes feeling like he’s still trying to win your heart.  he would love a girl who is funny too and who is intelligent enough to have educational conversations if it ever came up. he’d love if his s/o does crazy shit just to make him laugh. i think he would also like someone with a slick mouth! lmaoooooo. i’m sorry but he does. tyun has a smart mouth himself so someone who can match his energy would definitely win him over. take care of him though! even though tyun claims he doesn’t love affection but he loves if his s/o kisses him all the time and cuddles him. tyun is lowkey very clingy so he’d hate to be by himself when on tours and things like that. he would love feeling like he’s needed and cared about! he would also like someone whose very thoughtful, like buying him things that reminds you of him.  
--- as far as body type goes i think tyun doesn’t care but he’s like yeonjun in way. a fashionable curvier girl would catch his eye faster. 
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heuning kai; --- kaiiiii<33 in my opinion i don’t think kai has a type either. he goes with the flow really, but if you happen to joke and play with him alot he’d fall in love with you. i think kai is very quick so it doesn’t take much for him to fall in love with someone. he is the type to be a little hesitant about his feelings though. i think kai would love a girl who is just like him. who is hyper at times but knows when to be chill. I think heuning is actually very chill off camera to be honest so he’d love a girl who is the same way. honestly i think kai would like a girl whose on the sexier side. feel me? like not a cutesy type of person but someone who acts and dresses sexy, but has some cutesy traits about them. someone like that would take his heart. he would also love someone with a whole lot of humor but very sweet at the same time. someone he can laugh at anything and everything with because lord knows this boy finds everything funny asf. he would love someone that baby’s him but not too much. let him do things on his own but if he needs help that’s where you come in. he would love someone he can cuddle and kiss all the time. so if you aren’t that affectionate you wouldn’t match well with kai. he would also love a girl with an aesthetic type of fashion style! kai’s style is the epitome of a 90s sitcom teen boy crush with his baggy sweaters, baggy pants and old fashioned sneakers. i think someone who has that old-timey style as well would be really cute for him and he would love for you to dress in his clothes all the time. i think kai also likes play fighting a lot but he wouldn’t be too rough with you. be ready for that lmao! kai would also appreciate if you took time to get to know his sisters since he’s close to them. he’s kind of like beomgyu when it comes to family, he would love inviting you around them all the time so it would be amazing if you built a relationship with them. 
--- as far as body type goes kai really wouldn’t care. he’s really big so he’d love anyone smaller than him no matter their size or shape. i think a fashionable girl with a cute smile would catch his eye first though. 
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chefsland · 3 years
📖 Chef’s words;
🍽 • • • SAUCES.
Did you know they actually have a purpose on the plate beyond looking pretty?
Sauce does help with the overall aesthetic of the plate. It helps the eye flow throughout the plate by creating movement, connects various components visually (especially if they are spaced out), and can also provide background or grounding to some designs.
Sauce can provide another layer of flavor or texture to your dish. While sauces are usually a contrasting flavor to the main item, they can also reinforce the flavor of the main item. Additionally, they can offer another texture depending on the style of sauce. Foams are light and airy, fluid gels are velvety, reductions are sticky, etc..
Many times, sauces are an afterthought. In reality, they play a larger role in the overall dish than you might think. They should seamlessly blend with the flavors and style of the dish.
Which is your favorite? Mines the last one 😉
Comment below 👇
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irrelevantwriter · 5 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by mah bitch @negansdirtygirl22! Thank you for the tag girl! 💖💖
nicknames: Nessa, Vanessala, Vanessa Kay
zodiac sign: super neurotic Virgo here
height: 5’2
hogwarts house: I have no idea
last thing I googled: Jimmy John’s menu b/c it was lunch time and I was hungry lol
song stuck in my head: Ella Mai & HER “Gut Feeling”
fave musicians: So many b/c I listen to a lot of random shit...Heart, Journey, Selena, Beyonce, Queen, Elton John, The Weekend, Adele, Paramore, George Strait, Drake, Elvis Presley and a ton more.
following: 105
followers: 487 (Did not realize how close I was to 500! You guys are awesome!)
do you get asks: sometimes but I’m always open to get more
amount of sleep: I NEED at least 7-8 to function. Anything less and I act like I’ve only gotten three (overdramatic much). Here lately I’ve been sleeping like 9.
lucky number: 4, it symbolizes my family (my parents, my brother, and myself). We’re pretty close.
what are you wearing: scrubs (Just got home from making that bread)
dream job: Teaching history, english, or psychology
dream trip: I’ve dreamt of doing a Mediterranean tour to Italy, France, Spain, and Greece.
instruments you play: Ya girl was a band nerd throughout her academic career and played trumpet.
languanges you speak: english and spanglish
fave song: So many. I change moods a lot lol. But a classic for me will always be “Crazy On You” by Heart.
random fact: I don’t have any tattoos. I got my nose pierced when I was 20 but haven’t worn anything in it in a long time. 
cats or dogs: dogs. I’m allergic to cats and they kinda terrify me.
aesthetic: rainy days, cool breeze, coffee shops, black hair, deep purple lipstick, cat eye liner, oversized sweaters, coffee x3, tattoos, men’s facial hair, velvet outfits, suede heels, brow power, gold everything, night owl, foodie, true crime enthusiast, football, sweet tea, heavy cursing, sharks, always down to be vulgar, laughing constantly, podcasts, older men, sushi, guarded Virgo with a wild side
this image speaks to me:
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@flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash, @thatprettymvthafvcka, @sherrybaby14
Or anyone else who wants to play along!
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thesignsdaily · 7 years
Extroverted and introverted versions of the signs
EXTROVERTED ARIES: Talks to everybody, even the people that they don't like. Smiles a lot, loves shopping and travelling, loves partying, can't keep them at one place when they're out at night. They have to visit all the nightclubs and bars. Loves shopping and dresses colourfully most of the time, but can be really competitive at times which makes them even mean. A big foodie and can't get enough of anything they do
INTROVERTED ARIES: Speaks only to their mom, wishes everyone else could just die because they hate everybody, but is actually very VERY nice to people. Loves cats and inspiring quotes but can be a real backstabbing bitch. Even though they're introverted, they still love being the most popular one
EXTROVERTED TAURUS: Talks to everyone about everything, can sit with a serial killer and have a normal conversation. Spends millions of dollars on food and coffee, hugs every animal they see on the street, has LOTS of friends, but tends to forget some of their friends because they constantly make new friends and don't have the ability to keep control over the communication with all of their friends
INTROVERTED TAURUS: Very passive, VERY LAZY, doesn't want to get out of bed, loves watching films and TV series, loves listening to music alone or with their partner, very caring and kind, loves animals and they think that they have the hidden magical ability to communicate with animals while it seems like they're just being foolish talking to every pet of their friends
EXTROVERTED GEMINI: Very communicative, a literal drama queen, has tons of acquaintances but hates almost everybody and almost everybody hates them. Has like only 3 real friends who do not use the Gemini because this Gemini simply doesn't know when to shut up. Talks to everyone and can be really bitchy at times. Doesn't know how to keep secrets and spreads gossip and rumors like 104% of the time. Loves shopping and art, but also loves hoeing around to death. Also, loves champagne - be it cheap or expensive, it just needs to be champagne (preferably pink).
INTROVERTED GEMINI: Loves staying in bed all day, twittering, sitting on tumblr and instagram and basically every single social media. Really talented but for like very strange things. Doesn't like eggs. Gets bored of people very often and can't stand staying with another person in the same room for more than 20 minutes. Constantly wants to go home but when they go home they don't know why the hell they went home - they realized that they liked staying outside better. Has a very interesting blog, tries to stay healthy and always tries to start their life anew, but they just can't give up on their vices, especially smoking. Loves comfort and velvet clothing. Likes reading magazines and loves the fashion world but they have no clue how to dress because they're too anxious about their choices. Their mind is so fast and they learn quickly
EXTROVERTED CANCER: Literally a SPAMMER. Spams everybody in real life too, not only on social media. Obsessed with anime and japanese things. Likes k-pop. Thinks they're the master but can be really boring sometimes because they just can't stop talking about topics that nobody is interested in. But very pure and good. Gets kinda hellish when they're angry, they can't control their temper even 1%. Really strong physically and doesn't get sick very often. Loves their friends and their family and always gives GREAT advice. Obsessed with cats and dogs and animals in global
INTROVERTED CANCER: Always draws some cute anime things on their notebooks, really intelligent but just can't study because they can't stay focused because they overthink everything. Really intense emotions but seems unemotional because they don't even show 20% of their emotions. Has like only 1 or 2 friends, 3 tops. Loves their mom and is really connected with her. Has some hidden talents that nobody knows about, like, making pancakes or some weird shit that you could have never thought of. A really good cook
EXTROVERTED LEO: Gets on the verge of a nervous breakdown if they're not the center of attention. REALLY intelligent and learns really fast but there are things that they just can't learn, like, maths or some specific subject that makes them seem stupid. But they're not stupid, they're just over-enthusiastic about everything. Rolls their eyes very often and acts really bossy all the time. Loves people and loves visiting their friends and relatives. Doesn't like to get abused and manipulated while they use and manipulate people on a daily basis, just for fun. But can be easily manipulated into something, even if they're aware of that, because their pride doesn't let them "lose". Likes reading books and doesn't understand paintings. Thinks they're a good leader while they might lead people to hell .... just for fun.
INTROVERTED LEO: A cinnamon roll too pure for this world, learns things really quickly and loves helping people. They're a really good supporter. Totally connected to their cat and thinks their cat is secretly a human being or a miracle. Idolizes things and people. Quite afraid of things most of the time and really, really socially anxious but doesn't show it because their pride doesn't let them. But it can be obvious sometimes, believe me. Likes having long conversations with their friends, but has only one or two friends so they literally can't stop talking or typing when they're alone with their friend. Doesn't let their parents find out anything about themselves and makes everybody watch their favourite tv show
EXTROVERTED VIRGO: Really communicative and organized, a great leader, full of knowledge, doesn't really show their emotions by keeping a poker face most of the time. A really good supporter and knows how to lead people on the right way. A very good teacher in life. You can learn a lot from them. Their capabilities know no boundaries. Very, very intelligent and ambitious but not power-hungry... well, ok, sometimes. Really enthusiastic about the topic they're talking about but doesn't want anyone to find out that they're obsessed with that particular thing. Loves coffee and loves food. Always achieves their goals and it's mostly done the hard way
INTROVERTED VIRGO: Their mind is chaos, just unbearable. Certainly NOT organized, doesn't even know where they're going when they get out of their house. Hates most people and thinks that most people hate them, but really chill when they're outside with their friends. Just doesn't know how to communicate with people properly and they're really, really obsessed with themselves. They have a higher opinion on themselves (read egotistic). Intelligent but doesn't know how to use their intelligence and they always refuse advice
EXTROVERTED LIBRA: Communicative af, even when they don't know what they're talking about. Has knowledge in all spheres of life and is a really sweet cinnamon roll too pure for this world. Tons of emotions and needs constant reminders to stay organized like sticky notes and stuff. Has interesting style and has the best eyebrows. Really appealing and beautiful, both physically and mentally. Likes seeming normal just because they're keeping their kinky self for their partner. Really good in bed and really intelligent. Very, VERY committed once they find the true love of their life but can be a fuckboy/fuckgirl when they haven't found their true love because they love experimenting with people and is aware that they can get the most beautiful boyfriends and girlfriends
INTROVERTED LIBRA: Loves books and shopping and is really organized. Likes pastel colours and loves cats. Behaves like royalty and wants to be admired. REally feminine. A dreamy girl/boy who wants to find their soulmate. Enjoys coffee, tea, long walks and deep conversations. Likes staring through their window and is often absent-minded, daydreams a lot. Really good, genuine and kind. Cries after somebody hurts them but always forgives people and is really not combative. Likes poetry and loves speaking in public, although they're an introvert
EXTROVERTED SCORPIO: Loves meeting new people and can really be successful but often wastes that potential on getting drunk, partying, love and sex. But still, dazzles with their appearance and is really hot. Hides their low self-confidence by manipulating people and hurting others just to feel good and in control. Really loyal to the people who are their TRUE friends but often tends to skip going out with their friends because there's some diCc/puSsi on the plate. But still, loyal to death and never hesitates to reach their hand and help a friend in need of help. Can be really problematic and chaotic because they're unorganized but they live in their own world and know that everything is going to be okay
INTROVERTED SCORPIO: Way too socially anxious and doesn't care about anyone hurting their emotions. Really depressed most of the time but forgets about their depression when they're with their friends. They don't have too many friends because they're introverted af and they don't know how to communicate with people in public. Can be quite inappropriate but always knows how to make others laugh. Will act as a clown if it helps a friend to stop being sad. Really intelligent and rarely uses their intelligence and potential because they're busy eating tasty food while playing video games or watching movies. They're even socially awkward with animals - that's how far it goes with introverted people with this sign. But not to be mistaken, they're really good and emotional but they don't like showing their emotions in front of people, they think it makes them weak SADasd
EXTROVERTED SAGITTARIUS: Emotional as fuck. They're emotions are chaos and they're so fucking introverted that everybody can see what's going on in their life. In fact, they LOVE exposing themselves. Really physically beautiful, popular and active on social media. Has great aesthetics and is obsessed with shopping. Acts like royalty and loves commanding people. A little bit self-centered and egotistic and think that they're always right, so when somebody doesn't accept their opinion they instantly start raging about it
INTROVERTED SAGITTARIUS: Loves bossing people around, even though they're an introvert. Hates showing their emotions and can be a really big manipulator at times. However, very emotional and one of the biggest fighters there are. Really, REALLY intense. You don't want to see them getting mad. They can easily hurt you but you can easily hurt them too because they're fragile as fuck on the inside, but they will never admit that you've hurt them in any way because they're proud as fuck so nobody is messing with the queen
EXTROVERTED CAPRICORN: Really funny and interesting, talks to everybody about everything. Always says what's on their mind and loves buying unique things. Doesn't have good grades but that doesn't mean that they're unintelligent or stupid. On the contrary. Very intelligent and daydreams a lot, loves telling jokes and has a fucked up sense of humor. So unique. Loves money but doesn't like to admit it lmao. Very artistic and loves philosophy, animals, nature, music and languages. A fair player most of the time and knows how to support their friends. Selfless on the outside, selfish on the inside. Also, loves cooking some strange things which usually taste very weird but in a good way
INTROVERTED CAPRICORN: Doesn't speak at all and just sits there waiting for the world to end. You really just can't make them say a word because they're a little bit self-centered and they think that they don't have to waste their time talking to unimportant people about unimportant things. However, they can get really silly sometimes and burst off, even though they're an introvert. Can't stop talking about things they love, it's really strange how such a person who doesn't talk at all - turns into a youtuber the moment they find out that somebody likes the same things that they do. Money kinda rule their world and they really want to earn money with everything they do, but having no money doesn't stop them from achieving the things they want in life
EXTROVERTED AQUARIUS: You just can't see them sober. Parties, drugs, journeys, walks in nature and such things move their world. Just can't stop partying all the time. Has lots of friends and is really popular, probably is a DJ or a famous singer. Really seductive and beautiful physically. Simply everybody is their friend (except for the people they hate lmao) and they can always find someone to hang out with, because everybody wants to hang out with them. Really intense and quite bitchy most of the time, which makes them seem really arrogant but that's just how it is and they are fully aware of this
INTROVERTED AQUARIUS: You can't see emotions on their face. It's impossible. They might even question themselves if they're human beings because they aren't really aware of their emotions most of the time. Loves plants and things like aliens, unicorns, etc. Lives in a fantasy world and hates the real world. So impatient about everything and has nervous breakdowns when somebody complains about something they do. Really nice to people, even though they hate like 99% of them. Has probably a tumblr blog and rages on it about everything. Roasts famous people on twitter and doesn't even care about it
EXTROVERTED PISCES: Goal-oriented as fuck. Doesn't stop until they get what they want. REALLY emotional, maybe the sign with the most intense emotions out there. Is a really good friend with everybody but can be a little bit bitchy and arrogant at times, especially when things are not going their way. Actually, when it's hard for them to get or achieve something, they use manipulation to get what they want. As I said, their emotions are very intense so literally everything hurts them because they're sensitive as fuck. Eccentric af. When somebody hurts them in any way, they always find a way to hurt that person's back and nobody can even see that they're behind everything that's happening to that person. Sly. But very loyal to their real friends and will never let them down. When they love - they love with every piece of their soul and would put their heart into a person they love's hands, if it needs be. Because of their intense temper, sometimes they might seem like a fiery sign because they explode and hurt people really quickly
INTROVERTED PISCES: So fucking sensitive and their mind is chaos. Doesn't know what they're doing most of the time but in the end they always succeed in everything they do. People see them as fragile but that's just how they seem. They are actually really strong because they've been through a lot. Born with tremendous artistic tendencies and art is literally their life. They are very talented. Loves animals, shopping, nature, taking long walks, deep conversations and stargazing. Loves books and learning new weird languages and has tons of inside jokes with their 2 friends. They open up really hardly and they just don't let everybody in their life - they are really picky when it comes to people that they let in their life. Socially anxious as fuck and will look like a fool if they try to talk in public, so they avoid such situations
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haidasndwch · 3 years
Best Restaurants Near Rutherford Road
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Restaurant Name: Motorino
Phone Number: (905) 264-1911
Address: 4101 Rutherford Rd, Woodbridge, ON L4L 1A6
Opening Hours: 12:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Dish Type: Italian, Pizza
Special Diet: Vegetarian Friendly, Vegan Options, Gluten Free Options
Price: CA$50 for two people
Delivery: No
Yelp Rating: 3.5
Google Rating: 4.4
Zomato Rating: 3.8
Foursquare Rating: 6.9
Motorino is moving with the time; it keeps close eyes on its recipes and tastes. Actually, Motorino takes care of customers’ health by offering well-fried options. Step into Motorino near Rutherford Road, and you enter an Italian pizzeria with a home away from home vibe. Motorino responsibly incorporates the most delightful flavours into every dish. Bar departments, catering, and chef’s special offer are more than your expectations. You can find high quality and fresh meals at Motorino. They take pride in providing real Italian cuisine. Let’s check out pizza cooking styles at Motorino. You are the person who decides about pizza cooking style: wood-burning oven or limestone base oven. If you choose the wood-burning style, Motorino provides specialty pizza doughs like bamboo, avocado, chai seed, or gluten-free.
Marcello's Pizzeria
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Restaurant Name: Marcello's Pizzeria
Phone Number: (905) 532-0184
Address: 3175 Rutherford Rd, Concord, ON L4K 5Y6
Opening Hours: 3:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Dish Type: Italian, Pizza
Special Diet: Vegetarian Friendly, Vegan Options, Gluten Free Options
Price: CA$65 for two people
Delivery: No
Yelp Rating: 4
Google Rating: 4.4
Zomato Rating: 4.5
Foursquare Rating: 7.8
The Italian cuisine of Marcello’s Pizzeria is reassuring with signature items. Thanks to the ambitious and classic-style salon, Marcello has successfully attracted more customers over the years. A pizzeria can be an aesthetically pleasing restaurant only by the fragrant, delicious pizzas. Indeed, you cannot find an Italian restaurant without a bar. Marcello’s subtle bar makes it a completely authentic pizzeria. It is tough to find Italian plates’ authentic flavours in every restaurant, but Marcello is doing just right. Marcello believes being stable in quality is a primary value. White pizza with marinated diced tomatoes and mozzarella wins the award for the most delicious recipe. Among the tastiest selections in pasta plates, Capellini is number one, since it is made of lobster tail with capers and black olives. Penne Alla Vodka is also sweet to taste.
Grazie Ristorante
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Restaurant Name: Grazie Ristorante
Phone Number: (905) 738-9960
Address: 9100 Jane St, Concord, ON L4K 0A4
Opening Hours: 3:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Dish Type: Italian, Pizza
Special Diet: Vegetarian Friendly, Vegan Options, Gluten Free Options
Price: CA$60 for two people
Delivery: No
Yelp Rating: 3.5
Google Rating: 4.4
Zomato Rating: 3.9
Foursquare Rating: 7.9
In many customers’ opinion, Grazie is the highest quality Italian restaurant near Rutherford Road. The best Italian cuisine over Italy’s borders is released by Grazie, which serves the finest Italian dishes. Customers from all over Canada conduct Grazie’s evaluation. Grazie does its best to transfer the Italian spirit to its guest. Pasta and pizza are served in a vibrant and relaxed space. Grazie is a virtual tour in Italy. Drink offerings and highlight dishes show Grazie’s ability to provide Italian culture in the heart of Canada. Try their homemade meat lasagna. With a meatball sandwich, Grazie is capable of remaining attached to traditional days. Mac and cheese definitely influence your idea about previous ones. Vegetarian lasagna is a prepared meal proper for those who are in a hurry. How about Italian rice balls? Have you ever tasted them? Order these lightly breaded balls, which are filled with mozzarella and parmigiana. Their special bread pudding is made with Italian Panettone and served with caramel sauce. You should do it warm just after your main meal.
AllStar Wings & Ribs
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Restaurant Name: AllStar Wings & Ribs
Phone Number: (289) 304-9969
Address: 3130 Rutherford Rd, Concord, ON L4K 0B1
Opening Hours: 12:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Dish Type: American, Bar, Pub, Canadian, Barbecue
Special Diet:
Price: CA$50 for two people
Delivery: No
Yelp Rating: 3
Google Rating: 4.1
Zomato Rating:
Foursquare Rating: 7
AllStar Wings & Ribs serves what are indisputably people’s favourite food. It pays attention to the virtue of menu, vibe, or energy to cause an upmarket restaurant. Take a seat at AllStar’s cozy salon and order well-sourced dishes or use takeout options. AllStar, the wildly popular restaurant, is absolutely one of the must-visit spots near Rutherford Road. This all ready, all set, and all go restaurant was opened in 2003. Indeed, excellent wings and ribs cause an impressive reputation for AllStar. The award-winning recipe attracts many wing lovers from all over the neighbourhood. Sink your teeth into mouth-watering deliciously-made wings and make your stomach happy. Order tender calamari rings and tentacles, then request melt-in-your-mouth Angus beef steaks. Different hot levels of wings add diversity to your meal. Diners should start with Mexican Fiesta Salad, then try Gourmet grilled cheese. Please note that this salad comes with shredded cheddar and mozzarella.
WEGZ Stadium Bar
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Restaurant Name: WEGZ Stadium Bar
Phone Number: (905) 303-9349
Address: 2601 Rutherford Rd, Concord, ON L4K 2N6
Opening Hours: 11:00 AM - 1:00 AM (Next day)
Dish Type: American, Bar, Pizza
Special Diet:
Price: CA$65 for two people
Delivery: No
Yelp Rating: 3
Google Rating: 3.8
Zomato Rating: 3.6
Foursquare Rating: 7.6
The exceptional menu of WEGZ Stadium Bar attracts foodies from all over the city to Rutherford Road. It goes all out with unique offerings in this area. WEGZ is one of the handfuls of restaurants in Canada that serves real tastes. This restaurant recently promoted its services and items. WEGZ completes its own goodness through its energetic team and friendly atmosphere. There are several personal booths with TVs to make you comfortable during your visit. Moreover, WEGZ is an ideal place for your parties. There are many available attractive facilities at WEGZ. Cobb salad is a favourite item for a healthy, active lifestyle. Those who are seeking a delicious taste must try coconut shrimp topped with sweet lime chilli sauce. Classic poutine has its own fans. You can also add double cheese curds, BBQ pulled pork, beef chilli, and crispy onions to your poutine. Enjoy the best classic nachos of your life at WEGZ. This item is a natural refreshment and proper for a light or bright meal. Meat lovers can order a deluxe pizza stuffed with Italian sausage, ground beef, pepperoni, and bacon. Golden fried haddock and French fries cause a legendary fish and chips.
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Restaurant Name: Denny's
Phone Number: (289) 236-6161
Address: 2610 Rutherford Rd, Vaughan, ON L4K 0H1
Opening Hours: Open 24 hours
Dish Type: American, Canadian
Special Diet:
Price: CA$30 for two people
Delivery: No
Yelp Rating: 3
Google Rating: 3.8
Zomato Rating:
Foursquare Rating: 6.6
Whether you want to indulge in American dishes or dig into a basket of Canadian ones, Denny’s is a lovely spot to go. We are not sure which cuisine gets the most love. It depends on your personal preference to choose from an extensive Denny’s menu. Anyway, they are experts on food services. Denny’s is a relaxed place where people can enjoy classic comfort food every day. They pride themselves in serving world-famous appetizers, breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Try something new and mouth-watering on your holiday with the help of Denny’s crews. Also, you can take your meal home. Are you feeling super hungry? Super Slam is the proper choice to start your day. Hash browns, bacon, and sausage are making a big meal for a small price. Feed your family by selecting one of Denny’s family packs.
Antonino's Pizzeria & Panini
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Restaurant Name: Antonino's Pizzeria & Panini
Phone Number: (905) 303-4888
Address: 1801 Rutherford Rd, Concord, ON L4K 5R7
Opening Hours: 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Dish Type: Italian, Pizza
Special Diet: Vegetarian Friendly
Price: CA$40 for two people
Delivery: No
Yelp Rating: 4
Google Rating: 4.5
Zomato Rating: 4.4
Foursquare Rating: 7.7
Antonino’s Pizzeria & Panini focuses professionally on Italian cuisine. The immediate success of this pizzeria makes it one of the impeccable spots near Rutherford Road. A though-line of freshness gives the feast cohesion at Antonio’s. Finish your day with the spirit alive pizzas by Antonio’s suggestion. Are you planning for an event? Ask Antonio’s to cater the food for you as they specialize in family functions, hosting friends, and more. You will be grateful after tasting award-winning pizzas. Come to Antonio’s and choose your favourite among a variety of Italian sandwiches. No restaurant can make panini better than Antonio’s. Moreover, Antonio’s makes the most delicious Italian pizzas in Canada, and it is far more than a simple pizzeria. Antonio’s provides an authentic experience for you with plenty of selection for soups, salads, homemade pasta, and appetizers.
0 notes
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The Seoul Trip : The Beginning
Day 1
So,...to begin with, 16 hours on a plane (with a 3 hour layover in Dubai) is not as fun as one might have first thought - there’s only so many travel escalators you can ride before it isn’t fun anymore! However, despite all my preconceived misconceptions about them, in-flight meals really aren’t that bad! And being able to play an endless amount of rounds of Tetris and Connect definitely helps to pass the time. But, needless to say, the minute we began the descent into Incheon airport, any tiredness that had began to pull at our bodies, in response to the 24+ hours of being awake, immediately vanished upon looking out of the window and seeing our home for the next almost 3 weeks: Seoul! There are no words to describe the feeling of seeing the reality of a dream you’d been dreaming for 3+ years. Yet, the second we sat on the KTX to make our way to our airb’n’b, and we began to see the landscape of South Korea fly past us outside, we ended up sitting in near silence in our astonishment that we’d actually just flown half way across the world to temporary live a life that had always seemed so out of reach. Stepping off of the metro and emerging from Hyochang park station onto the street was even more overwhelming.
Now, if you ever find yourself making the dream trip to South Korea, and you find you get anxiety about not knowing where to go, how to get places, how to speak to people, etc, etc... DONT!  ‘Cause let me tell you, we were stood pondering our screenshot of google maps looking like your standard confused foreigners at the exit to the station for all of 3 minutes, before a woman (and her adorable dog) approached us, and asked in English (bless her soul) if we needed help getting somewhere! From there it took us around 10 minutes of walking before we rocked up at our officetel, completely haggard and with our clothes sticking to us where we’d been wearing them for so long. Then, almost immediately, we had to venture to the nearest convenience store to grab water and food, which despite our initial shyness was a walk in the park with how tired we were. And even though we hadn’t even begun to think about the language barrier in those kind of situations, the cashier looked just as done for the day as we were, and therefore purchasing our water and ramyeon went by with a simple ‘kamsamnida’, before we made our way back to our little home away from home, only just making it through the door before collapsing.
Day 2
The Exploring begins! Or rather, Jet-lag got us, and we only managed to leave the house at around 3:30pm xD However, once we were dressed presentably and had woken up enough to deduce that we needed to eat food at least once a day to not starve, we rode down from our 18th floor apartment, and made our way to Samgakji station in the direct of Itaewon, by suggestion of a friend. All I’m going to say; two Caucasian, blonde, foreigners, stand out a little in the residential neighborhood - although, in no-way was it in a bad sense! For anyone wondering what the Seoul metro is like, I’d consider it similar in efficiency to the London tube - it’s definitely a lot cleaner and much less cramped (so far!). We’d already bought our T-money cards the day before (in true koreaboo fashion they have Line(c) friends on them) so buzzing in and out of the metro was/is almost too easy, and when we emerged already completely overwhelmed in Itaewon we couldn’t wait to see what would greet us. Let me tell you now, it was the greatest feeling to see it with my own eyes, and have confirmed that it was everything i’d thought and dreamed it would be.
Although it was raining, the coloured roads and the enthusiastic business promotions shone as brightly as if the sun was shining, and the smells of gochujang, bbq, and pizza made our mouths water with every restaurant we passed. Despite Ju’s enthusiasm to find food immediately, after she put me on chief duty to find a place to eat, we ended up walking round for a while (2 hours!*), taking in the sight of each street and surveying the area; pretty much immersing ourselves in being here, before we ended up deciding to venture into a ‘foreign food store’ on the search for some teabags - which any British person will know, is an essential part of living, especially in the case of Ju, who, fyi, makes the best cup of tea in the world! After grabbing the essentials, it was finally an acceptable time to eat, since we’d arrived at Itaewon between mealtimes, and so we headed towards what looked like a full on ‘foodie street’, and proceeded to do the traditional foreigner thing of heading into the first obviously Korean restaurant we saw. 
For all of you suffering from Wanderlust, but too scared to make the trip to Korea - or even to anywhere that speaks a different language - top tip number 1 would be; a language barrier is only a barrier when you see it as one. Now, I’m not going to say I wasn’t scared shitless upon entering a restaurant in a foreign country for the first time, because lets be honest, I was crapping myself, but all you have to remember is businesses are just glad to have business (it keeps people fed and with roofs over their heads). So, the second I climb the stairs to the 1st floor restaurant and I catch the eye of the waitresses sat chatting in the corner of the empty room, I’m immediately ready to turn back. However, the second they see two people with hunger in their eyes, and who were obviously foreign, they waste no time in gesturing us in and after we greeted one another and asked for a table, they showed us politely in, providing us with water and menus immediately. Given that we were hungry, it didn’t take us long to order a serving of bibimbap and Kimchi stew, and within 10 minutes? it was steaming away in front of us, accompanied by a couple of side dishes and a kind smile. Now, i don’t know about anyone else, but from the first minute i learned about the incredible taste of Korean food, i immediately began experimenting with recipes and ingredients in an attempt to create the same taste back in England...However, none of my culinary escapades had ever prepared me for the taste of genuine Korean kimchi stew. It was the BEST first meal I could have hoped for! Afterwards we had to sit for around 20 minutes just to digest the food - although it also gave us time to take in the view of the aesthetic green roofs and the beautiful decor of Itaewon. Of course, as it was our first meal, we then had to go through the awkwardness of trying to call for the bill, which after looking up the translation so that my faulty memory filled with various Korean phrases didn’t offend anyone, simply involved politely gesturing to a waitress who showed me to the counter, before we were thanking the employees and were on our way. (Top Tip number 2: I’d like to remind anyone who plans on visiting South Korea and gets as overwhelmed as I do, that when you hand over money at the till (or just when you’re handling things in general), get that goddamn spare hand on your forearm! Manners Maketh Man, people!) Other than visiting the convenience store once again to grab some foods for the evening, including the essentials (banana milk, HELLO! O.O), and watching dramas, music shows, and ‘Return of superman’  (*and edit a video) for the rest of the evening to try and scrap jet-lag for good, that’s pretty much all for our journey so far.
 We have so much planned for this journey, but we also want to use it as a chance to experience properly living in the country, so there will be times when it seems like we’re cramming everything into one day, and times when it will appear as though we’ve done absolute nothing, but to be honest, that sounds like the perfect plan to us!  So, for now, I hope you’ve enjoyed this little (jokes) summary of our past 48 hours, and I’ll catch you up with more of our adventure in Seoul in the next blog post! ^^ If you have any questions about anything to do with travelling to Seoul and being here in itself; communication, booking things, culture, experience, ANYTHING, just hit up our ask box, and we’ll be more than glad to give you as much of an answer as we are able! :) 
Ciao! ;)
- Admin Mo x -
*Ju’s notes
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growinstablog · 4 years
New! Schedule Videos to Pinterest with Later
Today we’re happy to announce that you can now schedule videos to Pinterest with Later! 
Bring the power of video to your Pinterest boards, from how-to videos to makeup tutorials, showcase your content in the best light with video Pins. 
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Plan, schedule, and analyze both photo and video Pins in one place with Later!
Pinterest scheduling for video is available now on all paid plans, starting at just $9/month. Upgrade now!
  Grow Your Business with Pinterest and Later
As an official Pinterest Marketing Partner, Later provides exclusive features and solutions to help you get the most out of Pinterest. 
In fact, Later is one of the only platforms that can schedule videos to Pinterest, which allows our customers to connect with Pinterest’s growing community in more ways.
With 300 million monthly active users and over 175 billion Pins, Pinterest is a powerful discovery engine for businesses. 72% of Pinterest users are inspired to shop when using the platform, even if they aren’t looking for anything in particular. 
Here at Later, we want to help you reach more people, grow your business, and expand your Pinterest marketing strategy.
With Later and Pinterest, you can now:
Expertly plan Pins with our visual Content Calendar 
Easily crop photos and videos, and trim videos to the desired length 
Save time by quickly planning, editing and posting videos across Pinterest and Instagram
Create custom descriptions, use saved captions or add your unique touch with emojis 
Track your overall Pinterest performance as well as individual board and Pin performance with Pinterest Analytics
Why Video Pins Are an Important Part of Your Pinterest Strategy
Pinterest is a platform designed for discovery, which makes it the perfect medium for brand-centric videos that educate and inspire their audience. 
According to Pinterest, search for “inspirational videos” increased by 31% last year with specific searches for makeup tutorial videos increasing by 2,063%. 
With video Pins, you can join brands like L’Oreal and Tastemade who are already using videos to their advantage. 
Tastemade’s use of the video features has helped them grow their Pinterest following by 100% year on year!
“As early adopters to video on Pinterest, Tastemade has successfully driven over 1 billion video views and 200 million engagements YTD, while growing our following 100% YoY,” said Larry Fitzgibbon, CEO & Founder Tastemade.
“It’s clear that Pinterest users are hungry for videos that are both entertaining and actionable,” he added.
It’s easy to see how their eye-catching and often mouth-watering videos attract and engage customers. 
Video Pins are not limited to foodies; work out videos, DIY crafts, and makeup tutorials are just a few examples of how videos can bring your boards to life.
  How to Schedule Video Pins:
#1. Upload your video content to Later
Did you know that you can upload videos to your Media Library too? Free plans can only upload photos, but video scheduling for Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter is available on all Later paid plans. 
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You can  upload videos directly to your Media Library, or import videos from Dropbox or Google Drive.
#2. Plan and schedule your Pin with drag-and-drop 
Select your video from the media library, and drag-and-drop it onto your content calendar to schedule! 
The content calendar will give you a quick overview of your scheduled Pins and help you maintain the right aesthetic for your boards. 
To avoid any surprises, you can familiarize yourself with the Pinterest Video guidelines.  
Videos must be: 
4 seconds to 15 minutes long and up to 2GB in size. 
mp4, mov, and m4v files and H.264 or H.265 encoding.
Standard video sizes, including widescreen (16:9), square (1:1), and vertical (9:16, 4:5, 2:3).
In English, French, or German
#3. Crop or trim your video for Pinterest
Choose from a number of different options to ensure your video is the optimal length and size.
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Later’s native editing allows you to choose from four different sizing options: 
Freeform: Choose a custom crop size 
Square: 1:1 aspect ratio
Portrait: 4.5 aspect ratio
Landscape: 16.9 aspect ratio
You can also trim the beginning or end of your video. There’s no limit to the amount you can trim, but remember videos need to be at least 4 seconds long.
#4. Add a caption and a link
Drive traffic to your website by adding a link, and keep your followers engaged by adding the perfect description for your Pin. 
#5. Schedule your video Pin!
Now you’re ready to hit save and schedule your video Pin with Later! Pinterest wants to maintain the highest standards among community posters, so all video Pins must be submitted for approval before being published. 
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Once you save your post, your Pin will be submitted for approval by Later. This usually takes between 24 and 48 hours. As soon as your Pin has been approved you’ll see an “Approved” tag on the calendar post.
In a small number of cases, Pinterest may reject posts, you can learn more about their community guidelines here.
Important: your video Pin is submitted at the scheduled time, so it will be approved 24-48 hours following the scheduled time. Once it’s approved by Pinterest, your Pin will be published immediately.
#6. Optimize your Pin performance and grow your following by tracking your Pin results with Later’s Pinterest Analytics 
Get in-depth analytics on your follower growth, individual board performance, saves, comments and Pin performance.
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Need more help with scheduling videos to Pinterest? Check out our help guide here. 
With these new and exclusive features and the combined force of Later and Pinterest partnership, there’s nothing stopping you from engaging customers and ultimately taking your business to the next level on Pinterest. 
Schedule videos to Pinterest now! Upgrade to any paid plan, starting at just $9/month!
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ceciliataormina-mp · 5 years
Sophie Calle: The chromatic diet
Research Material (My personal comments and/or reflections on the article are written in between brackets)
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Color is a food photographer’s greatest weapon. Simply looking at any social media star of the culinary world reveals that much. Bright, saturated hues quickly demand attention and bring subjects front and center for hungry audiences. Today, even amateurs relegated to camera phones know to sprinkle vibrant greens, deep reds, and stark shades of purple and yellow to attain visually appealing foods. But things weren’t always that way. With a series comprised of less than 10 images, artist Sophie Calle revolutionized how we think about the aesthetics of our dinner plates.
The project started with a woman named Maria. In the early 90’s, Calle challenged author Paul Auster  to “invent a fictive character” whom she would  “attempt to resemble”. Maria, a photographer fascinated with the lines between fact and fiction was the result. Auster’s subsequent book, Leviathan, introduced Maria to the world. However, it was Sophie Calle that truly brought her to life through a series of exercises, which were recorded and compiled into a publication titled Double Game.
One notable eccentricity Auster assigned to Maria was the tendency to restrict her foods to a single color on any given day. In order to connect with the character, Calle recreated The Chromatic Diet in a marriage of photography and performance art. On the surface, this small series may seem a bit too conceptual for your average food shoot. Yet, it’s clear to see the influence this series subconsciously endowed on a new generation of viral Instagram artists. 
(This is exactly what I do not like at all about instagram and the constant photos taken of food. The message that the instagram influencers pass through is that IF you eat as they do, then you will stay slim, otherwise you will be fat forever. I find this message so manipulative and horrible that I refuse in primis to take pictures of food and secondly to share them in any kind of form, even for a project. The beliefs around food are so many that I really do not want to share more misinformation regarding it. What I mean is that the risk for people to read the project in the wrong way would be so high that I do not even want to go that way. I just find it disgusting, because it can cause so many issues if read by people with eating disorders such anorexia, bulimia and so on.  I refuse to cause any harm in any way. I do not want to be part of that community.)
The images themselves are simple. The food isn’t dolled up. By design, the meals even feel a bit unnatural. Nevertheless, The Chromatic Diet is a series that grabs attention. Quite simply, it’s a study of color in the form of food. The monochrome sea also forces attention to the geometry of each shot, balanced with the upmost care. It may seem counterintuitive, but the presentation and emphasis on the core elements of design make dishes as boring as an unseasoned flounder filet on a bed of white rice something worth focusing on.
Few would classify Calle as a food photographer. But her work’s merit cannot be denied. Just like The Chromatic Diet, modern food photography often features minimalistic subject matter dominated by demanding blasts of color.
Take the modern food photography of Lucy Litman, for instance. Color roots her hodge-podge collection of popular food photos. Whether she’s working with seltzer cans or hand-picked vegetables, she pairs each subject with a corresponding Pantone shade. Swatches often frame the food itself, creating stark squares against marble countertops.
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David Schwen, a designer/foodie with over 140k followers on Instagram, has also been known to experiment with Pantone swatches and culinary classics. But even his more “traditional” food photos nod – intentionally or otherwise – to The Chromatic Diet. A recent series on sandwiches features the same bird’s eye angle and attention to geometric form. And, while they feature more contrast, Schwen’s images demonstrate the same understanding of color Calle flaunted two decades earlier.
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Litman and Schwen are only the tip of the iceberg – a handful of artists have even gone so far as to create chromatic diets of their own! Calle’s process may have been a bit roundabout in comparison to most modern food photography. However, her willingness to step outside the lines left ripples in the way people began to think about presenting food. She looked beyond ingredients and taste.  Instead, she decided to focus on the language of color – a tongue that translates just as well into the realm of fine arts as it does the advertising sector.
0 notes
altughuner-blog · 5 years
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Seattle may be known for its coffee, but we have welcomed another caffeine kick in the Emerald City with a cult following: Boba Tea. 
When I left my small hometown in Eastern Washington to live in Seattle, I landed in the midst of a city rich in culture and opportunities. Being something of a foodie and curious at heart, my initial entry point into Seattle’s culture was an exploration of our restaurants. Through a recommendation I started at Din Tai Fung, a lively and vastly praised Taiwanese restaurant near the University of Washington. It was there that I first tried a drink that I had glimpsed swirling around throughout the city: boba tea.
Drinking boba tea near the Historic Chinatown Gate during my first month in Seattle. Faith Dowsett
Boba tea, also called “bubble tea”, is a popular Taiwanese drink with two key ingredients: tea and toppings. “Toppings” refer to additions like sweetened tapioca pearls (boba), popping lychee bubbles, cubed aloe or fruit jellies, pudding, or even ice cream. The tea I had at Din Tai Fung was a classic black milk tea with tapioca, served on ice. However, the basic tea + topping formula can be varied by different teas, flavors (from brown sugar to mango), added milk or non-dairy creamers, sweetness level (ranging from 0-100%), and temperature. The result is a highly customizable and always delicious treat.
Although Taiwanese boba tea has spread all around the globe, Seattle is fortunate enough to host a multitude of show-stopping tea shops which have in turn built a hefty population of loyal boba lovers. As a newly initiated member of the fandom, I was eager to try more. Below, you’ll find my path through some of my favorite boba shops, all the while wandering through the Chinatown-International, University, and Downtown districts of Seattle.
Chinatown-International District
At Young Tea in the Chinatown-International District. Faith Dowsett
Whether you’re a long-time boba-believer or a humble bubble-beginner, I always recommend your quest begin in Seattle’s Chinatown-International District, nestled between Pioneer Square and the stadiums of SODO. Here you will find a vibrant community of eateries, museums, family-run stores, and tea shops speckled with lanterns, perching Asian figurines, and ornate design.
From the Chinatown-International District Station, walk a few blocks east to Young Tea, a quiet tea shop known for boba that emphasizes the complex tastes of a quality brewed tea. Here my drink of choice is the Pu-erh Black Sugar Milk Tea with tapioca pearls, a drink that mixes the silky-smooth flavors of black sugar and milk with the gentle earthiness of Pu-erh black tea.
If you have an afternoon, stick around the district and explore Uwajimaya — a large shopping hub complete with imported delicacies, an Asian food court, bookstore, and gift market. Then, check out the Grand Pavilion and dragon mural at Hing Hay Park before peeking into the Wing Luke Museum or the Seattle Pinball Museum.
University District
Taro Pearl Milk Tea at Sharetea. Faith Dowsett
Closely following the Chinatown-International District in terms of boba lovers is the U-District, which surrounds the University of Washington. Stroll through campus and you’ll likely see students toting cups of tea recognizable by the signature extra-wide boba straws. To find the origin, head over to University Way Avenue, affectionately doted “The Ave” by Huskies and locals alike.
On the Ave is an abundance of cheap eats — if you are hungry, stop into Sizzle-N-Crunch for a Banh Mi or Aladdin’s Gyro-Cery for their famous “Aladdin-Fries” (imagine dumping a gyro atop a plate of fresh fries. It will be your next guilty pleasure).
Or if you only have eyes for boba tea, head straight into one of the 10 tea shops within 10 minutes of the campus. While Oasis Tea Zone, Ding Tea, and Chatime are all great options, Sharetea on 45th Street is my tea MVP. Here, I love a sweet and nutty Taro Pearl Milk Tea or a Wintermelon and Aloe Tea for something light and fruity. Sharetea runs sweeter, so if you are looking for something more savory, try setting your sweetness level down a notch.
A Strawberry Smoothie, Taro Smoothie, and Classic Milk Tea from Dreamy Drinks Food Truck. Faith Dowsett
Looking for a second wind after a day of shopping through Westlake Center and Pacific Place? Not to fear — right in the center of the plaza you can usually find Seattle’s first boba tea food truck, Dreamy Drinks. (They also park at Seattle events on occasion, so don’t forget to check their schedule here before you plan a visit!)
Even without the line of fans, the pastel purple truck is hard to miss. The unicorn logo is a background to countless photos and the drinks are as dreamy as advertised. If you want to jump on the bandwagon, the Taro Smoothie with boba is a delicious addition to an aesthetic purple snapshot. If you aren’t feeling a smoothie, the Classic Milk Tea with warm gooey boba is a fan favorite, hot or cold.
Once you’re feeling refreshed, consider taking your tea on a quick trek down to nearby Pike Place Market for a stroll among freshly-cut flowers, street buskers, and endless food and produce vendors.
Although I have now lived in the Emerald City for several years, my path of discovery is continuous. I still spend many days exploring, sometimes drinking teas or tasting new foods, while other days trying to listen and learn from other corners of the city. Beyond my boba recommendations is one overarching nugget of advice for your time in Seattle: Let your curiosity propel you into something new.
Good luck, and cheers!
The post An Exploration of Boba appeared first on Visit Seattle.
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jigneshthanki-blog · 5 years
Promising 30 Digital Marketing Ideas for Taking Your Food Business Online
Prior to the advent of social media networks, e-commerce websites, and mobile devices, getting your food business noticed meant relying on the word-of-mouth, print media reviews, and walk-in traffic recommendations. It meant creating an unforgettable brick and mortar experience in a desirable location with busy foot traffic, as this is what equaled a constant flow of customers.
Nowadays, ambitious specialized bakeries operating out of home kitchens and unheard of start-ups can find success because the digital age has ushered in things like visual content, loyalty programs, geo-targeted ads, and online branded business identities.
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Look at below 30 Digital Marketing ideas for taking your food business online so that you can reach your audience and compete with the best.
1. Enable Online Ordering:
Regardless of whether you sell packaged food or full-on meals that are prepped fresh in store, having an e-commerce website that allows individuals to buy online has huge potential leveraging on-demand food ordering platform development. Not only do they get to skip the line, but they may also pop in to grab their food if they are nearby.
2. Publish Dynamic Online Content:
Content is the King. Publishing helpful, original and value-laden content for your audience will help you in establishing authority, rank higher on Google and keep your target audience interested in what you have to say.
3. Be Active on Niche Food Communities:
If you are a small food company looking to get brand exposure, consider being active in niche food communities beyond Pinterest. Instagram is a must but there are also ones like FoodNiche & BakeSpace.
4. Pin Yourself to Success on Pinterest:
The food category is one of the most browsed and popular niches on the social media platform and is the one that gets pinned the most. Pinterest is also easier for smaller businesses to find new audiences on.
5. Jump onto the Bandwagon With Foodie Photos:
“Food porn” is very much alive and well and is one of the best ways to promote your restaurant or small town bakery. High-quality, drool-inducing photography draws in hungry eyes and produces new customers.
6. Partner with Loyalty Programs:
If you are running a restaurant, consider partnering with online food apps and customer loyalty programs that reward visitors to check out your restaurant. Incentives can be free purchases or discounts after a certain amount of items are bought.
7. Invest in Getting Yelp Reviews:
Even if you do not have a Yelp account, visitors will still review you on the platform. Yelp has tremendous backing power in the food industry because of how accredited and legitimate the website is. So, set up an account and make sure that the Yelp is working in your favor. Add details like photos, store hours, location, menu, price range, and whether you have WiFi, free parking, and outdoor seating.
8. Set Up a Google Account and Get Google My Business:
When individuals search up your business using Google, it’ll pop up to the right of the search results. This encourages users to visit your website, read reviews, and it gives them quick and easy access to your contact information. Best of all, it’s free.
9. Promote User-Generated Content:
When you promote and use content that is generated by your audience, not only are you showing them that you appreciate them but you get free brand exposure from their followers, friends, and family.
10. Start Up a Blog:
Having a consistent way to communicate and engage your community while building it simultaneously is what a blog offers. Not only do you get to create your business’ voice and personality, but you get to share your struggles and successes with your customers.
11. Share Blog Posts to Social Media Platforms:
Get paid traffic driven to your blog by using advertising campaigns through social media platforms like Facebook. This can help you build buzz around the content you create and drive more traffic to your website.
12. Consider Asking Food Bloggers to Promote Your Products:
Get in touch with food bloggers and ask them to promote your food products. Just make sure you choose a few to write to that have built up an excellent rapport with their audience first.
13. Publish Photos and Videos in Real Time:
Use Instagram stories and Snapchat to create ephemeral content, which is content that disappears after a short period of time and is filmed or created in real-time. Consumers love behind the scenes content because it builds authenticity.
14. Utilize the Power of Live Video or Streaming:
A lot of consumers prefer to be able to watch their brands live as this puts them in touch with you on a more intimate level.
15. Use Chatbots to Personalize Marketing Funnels:
Leverage AI based conversational and custom chatbot development for your restaurant and allow it to answer customer queries, generate leads, and analyze the feedback you get on your website and social media pages. Chatbots are good for having communication channels live 24/7.
16. Use Location-based Marketing or Geofencing:
If you are a restaurant with a mobile app, use Geolocation-based marketing to target your audience. Location-based marketing will trigger a response such as a push notification to pop up on your audience’s smartphones whenever they are near your restaurant.
17. Get an Alexa Skill Up on Amazon:
Jump into the voice control market and create an Alexa Skill App for your restaurant. This will allow your audience to listen to your menu through their Amazon device, make it easier to order on the go, or get information from your website.
18. Use iBeacons to Market to Customers:
Use Apple’s iBeacon technology to broadcast your restaurant’s advertisements through self-contained packets of data to smartphone devices in the area. You can deliver these advertisements through push notifications, app actions, and prompts.
19. Use High-Quality Content Marketing:
Create informative and relevant content for your restaurant through how-to guides that inform and educate, blog posts that outline menu recipes and fun infographics that detail out your restaurant’s selling points.
20. Use Influencer Marketing:
Working with food influencers is one of the best digital strategies you can use for your restaurant. This is especially true of Instagram media influencers who love to share photos about the type of foods they are eating. You can go about this a few ways: partner with the food influencer, ask them to write a review or host an event with them.
21. Don’t Forget Seasonal Offers Through Ads:
Pull out special offers for unique seasons and promote them using Facebook Ads. One of the best ways to get people to buy your products is by using Facebook’s “claim coupon” which allows your audience to claim a food product or discount.
22. Promote Customer Review Videos Through Ads:
Keep your audience engaged by promoting your company through the review videos you get. Although these should be up on your website, promoting them through Facebook and Google Ads helps spread them to a wider audience. Consumers who see these videos are going to feel more confident in purchasing from you.
23. Create an Infographic for Your Popular Foods:
An infographic is a great way to make a meaningful impact as it uses a combination of data, graphic design, and valuable content. Plus, these tend to get shared a lot on social media platforms.
24. Run an Instagram or Facebook Contest:
One of the easiest and most popular ways to increase your exposure and audience at the same time is by running contests that require your audience to engage with your social media profiles. This could be liking or sharing your page, commenting on a photograph, or creating a caption on an image.
25. Consider Hosting an Event at Your Restaurant:
Hosting an event, a wine tasting, or even a dish tasting at your restaurant is sure to bring in prospective customers. As always, you can promote this event on social media platforms, through blogs, and through press releases.
26. Create a Mobile Application:
This could be as simple as having a menu application to as complicated as ordering for delivery. Depending on what type of restaurant you own, you can even mesh these two together. Having a mobile application that is responsive and user-friendly with excellent reviews, will garner you exposure on the mobile market.
27. Consider Using Press Releases:
If your restaurant just won a big award, has a grand new opening coming up, or is choosing to expand, use press releases to announce it to the public. You can then use SEO to optimize it and build natural backlinks from external sources.
28. Include Customer Reviews on Your Website and Social Media Profiles:
If you are running a restaurant that has its hand in e-commerce, do not underestimate the value that customer reviews can have. Individuals want to read the feedback left and the more positive feedback that you receive, the better your reputation online will be.
29. Have a Website That is Engaging and Interesting:
Make sure that you are using colors that pop, designs that tell a story and images that are crisp, clear, and delicious looking. Include links to your popular dishes, food products, and drinks, and always make sure that promotions and deals are easily accessible. You want your customers to explore the website and stay on it as long as possible. If you are not shipping out food items and are running a restaurant, add on a reservation booking option.
30. Always Use Social Media Platforms that Suit Your Product:
Harness the power of social media marketing platforms by pairing up with the one that best suits what you are trying to sell. For food businesses and restaurants, visual platforms are often the best, as they allow you to show off your food in an aesthetically pleasing way.
According to a study by Harvard Business School, A one-star increase in Yelp rating leads to a 5-9% increase in revenue.
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vixlenxe · 1 year
Aesthetic Tags
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jamiekturner · 5 years
Food website design: Tips and best practices
Food websites often lack visual appeal even though their goal is to tempt their audience.  However, the best food websites are incredibly attractive.
The secret to creating the most beautiful websites is about learning to see through the eyes of your clients.  This will help you to capture the attention of your audience.
When you are working with food websites, you don’t only want to show a plate of food or a cup of coffee.  Instead, include the ambiance, the conversation, the attractive foods, and the overall vibe.
It might sound challenging to do this in a single image or webpage.  We’re here to give you great tips on creating great foodie websites.
Think from your clients’ perspective
When creating food websites, it helps to look at your clients.  Who would you like to reach and why?  A comfortable coffee shop which appeals to students and bloggers will have a different vibe to a family pizza and pasta shop.
What would you like your clients to know about your restaurant?  Is it the great free wifi and coffee and cake specials?  Or how about the bumper pizza specials and play space for the kids.  When designing your food website, take the following into account:
What can I eat here? This could include a full menu as well as great images.
What will the food cost and are there any specials?
How does the restaurant look? Include images from a gallery.
Where is the restaurant located?
Can I book a table or a delivery online?
How do I find contact information for this restaurant?
Can I use wifi during a work lunch?
Is this restaurant child-friendly?
Asking questions will help you to understand (and speak to) the needs of your clients.
The best food websites embrace simplicity 
Foodie websites are often very visual.  This helps to share the color, atmosphere and aesthetic appeal of a space.  Whenever text is used, it should be kept to a minimum.
You’ll need to give customers all the information they need while providing only a small amount of information.  Keep content to a few small paragraphs on a food website.
Choose an attractive color scheme
Top food websites will use an attractive color scheme.  Using bright colors as a background won’t bring visual appeal to a foodie site.  Instead, keep your background pale and neutral.
If you do want to add bright or bold colors, such as the greens and reds of an Italian style restaurant, use them in moderation or you may overwhelm your customers.
Foodie websites must be simple and easy to read.  Your clients are looking for key information that they can digest easily.  Keep lettering simple and highly legible.
Go minimal
The landing page of a foodie website should be simple and clean.  You want your page to be user-friendly while providing all the basic information.  Stick to simple designs which will appear fresh and uncluttered.
Create a site which is easy to navigate
The very best food websites are easy to navigate.  This means that all information on your site is easy to find.  When food websites are well designed, clients are able to find the information they need.  Navigating a foodie website should be intuitive.
Having industry style pages for orders, bookings, menus, introductions and contact information will help your customers understand how to interact with a site.  This will make finding information quick and easy.
Display information clearly
Food websites are at their best when they show off all the information clients need.  A website is there to tell clients all they need to know about a business.  By making information easily accessible, clients won’t need to look elsewhere.
When you create a dedicated Menu page, clients will be able to assess what is to eat.  Make all of your different menus (such as breakfast, lunch, dinner or late night menus) easily available.
Make it clear that different menu choices will be available depending on the time of day, and which choice is available when.  Make it possible for your clients to move easily from one menu to another.
Order Online
Many clients prefer to order online.  Customers browsing tasty treats may decide to order what you have on offer if you create an online ordering system.  Foodie websites which allow online ordering will have a higher conversion rate.
If users want to order online, the best food websites turn this into a very simple and easy procedure.  Your customers should know when their order has been placed, when it will be ready, and how it can be picked up or delivered.
Let clients know your location
If you have a single location, you can place your address online.  Many restaurants even design their food websites with a map.
If you are part of a franchise, however, your clients may not know where to go or which is the nearest option to them.
Place each outlet onto your site, with a map as well as an address.  Add contact details and trading hours to your site so that your clients will know how to locate you.
Add a feedback button
By adding a feedback button, customers will feel valued.  When you show you care what your clients think or feel, you reach out.  You’ll gain insight into how to improve your services.
You will also create a space for clients to share any grievances so that they can easily be resolved.
Add social media buttons
Would you like your clients to know more about your everyday actions?  Would you like to encourage them to follow you or interact with you on a day to day basis?  If so, you could always add social media buttons to your site.
Add a call to action button encouraging people to follow you on social media.  ‘Follow us on Instagram’ or ‘Like us on Facebook’ will encourage your customers to share in the latest buzz.  The best food websites often include images from social media sites such as Instagram.
Create an attractive About Us Page and an easily identifiable logo
If you want to create one of the most stunning food websites, focus on your About Us page.  This will show the atmosphere or personality of your restaurant.  You could introduce the people who are behind your restaurant, such as the head chef or owners.  You can also share what you love about food, the culture of your restaurant and what makes you stand out from the competition.
Give your clients a peek behind the scenes
If your restaurant is known for a great chicken dish or vegetarian lasagna, give your clients a peek into how it was made.  This will build trust in your process.  It will also encourage viewers if they haven’ttried your dish yet.  You’ll also let your clients know that they are eating fresh food which hasn’t been re-heated or purchased from an outside source.
Add excellent images
Food websites rely on images to add that special touch.  You want your clients to be able to see the steam rise of a cappuccino, or taste the moistness in a slice of chocolate cake.
By using an excellent image on your landing page, you will entice your customers.  Make sure you also add great images to your menu page. Your goal is to tempt your audience into making a reservation or online order.
Food photography will tempt your clients into trying your food if they are of a very high standard.  The best food websites use high-quality images which makes your food look tempting.  Bland, grainy looking photos will lack appeal.  It is worth consulting a professional photographer for foodie websites.
When you add images, remember to look beyond the food.  Add images which show the vibe of your restaurant.  You want to encourage your customers to come along and enjoy time with friends, or enjoying a cup of coffee while writing up their latest blog posts.
Create a responsive site
Time out of work is often time spent on a mobile phone.  Hungry travelers, tired parents and overworked students will often use their mobile phones while searching for a place to eat.  Food websites should be optimized for mobile use.
You’ll need a site which displays your location and opening hours clearly even on a small screen.  You’ll also need to have an easy to use site which will enable quick and easy online bookings or orders.
Keep it calm
Foodie websites should offer ambiance.  The best food website designs are clean and uncluttered.
Web developers will advise you against adding music or animation to your sites.  These will distract and overwhelm users.
When you create a new food website, you want to work towards a great user experience.   The most beautiful websites are peaceful and uncluttered.
Mailing lists and contact forms
When creating food designs, it’s helpful to consider contact forms.  Although many people choose to use contact forms as a protection against spam, a contact form is also a great way of acquiring customer email addresses. This can help you to maintain your relationships with your customers.
If your food website is interested in sending out an email marketing campaign, give your clients the option to subscribe to online newsletters.  Your clients could be the first to learn about special offers, special events or tasty treats.
You could also send out recipes for your clients to enjoy at home or offer simple cooking tips.  Make it easy for your clients to sign up with you by offering a link on every page.
Use Google Analytics on your food website designs
The best food websites use Google Analytics to assess how much time people spend on your site as well as what they are searching for.
You’ll find out how your viewers reached your site, links they clicked on or keywords they used.  This will help you to see which advertisements were the most effective.  You will also be able to compare your performances to your competitors and learn from top foodie websites.
Showcase of great looking food website design
Gramercy Tavern
Danny Meyer’s Flatiron District tavern with a fixed-price-only dining room & a bustling bar area.
One of America’s most beloved restaurants, Gramercy Tavern has welcomed guests to enjoy its contemporary American cuisine, warm hospitality, and unparalleled service for over two decades.
Chef Michael Anthony’s ever-evolving seasonal menu showcases the restaurant’s relationships with local farms and purveyors.
Juice Food
A project of a professional Moscow chef with his original look at the kitchen of healthy food. The result of our work is a fresh, juicy site with a bright memorable appearance.
Gritz Brewing
The first gluten free craft brewery in Italy, Gritz choose All Creative Agency to create its Brand and Digital identity. A onepage website with terrific animation and nice illustration
Power Horse
Power Horse brand was launched 22 years ago. Today, Power Horse is available in more than 40 countries worldwide amongst African and Middle Eastern consumers.
Baileys Coffee Creamer site. Indulgence has never looked so good.
Mission + Market
Inventive West Coast inspired American fare, in a casual and airy atmosphere, with open kitchen seating and a large city patio.
Cuveé Chocolate
A sleek and refined website for chocolate masters Cuveé Chocolate, based in Melbourne, Australia. Utilising Craft CMS and Shopify.
Clemens Hill
A little bit of wine magic from Tasmania’s Coal River Valley. Clemens Hill was founded over 20 years ago in a remarkable setting within the bucolic Coal River Valley. Which is where it remains today.
Del Cambio
Dive into the world of Maison Del Cambio, symbol of Turin’s new cosmopolitan and vanguardist look.
Carambar & Co
Carambar Company website promoting 13 mythical candy and chocolate brands.
Hamada Tea
A brand site of a tea shop selling Chiran-tea that made in Kagoshima, Japan.
Balsoy Sauce
Balsoy is a new sauce. A perfect mix of soy sauce and balsamico vinegar. A taste of Italy and Japan, at the same time.
Endless picnic with Yadrenakopot. The smell of fire, the taste of roast meat and socializing in a friendly atmosphere – for this we all love the picnic so much. With sausages and sausages “Yadren Soot” it is so easy to feel this warm atmosphere anywhere, anytime.
La Mordue
La Mordue is a 100% French Hard Cider. This alcoholic beverage is made with an original recipe, with apples rigorously chosen and with an unique production.
Ancient Peaks
Born from ancient sea bed, rocky alluvium, shale, volcanic, and granitic soil types, Ancient Peaks wine exemplifies the intimate relationship between vines and the earth.
Genesis is a 100% plant based alchemy restaurant concept specialising in fast casual dining and organic comfort food.
BAKE CHEESE TART’s special summer package campaign site. Collaborated with New York artist Meguru Yamaguchi. Expressed his art using WEBGL.
Lo Pesce
A fresh new Italian brand of frozen fish
Kettmeir is a sparkling wine brand from Sudtirol
ENJOY: is a space dedicated to the joy of creative exploration. It’s purpose-built to host a broad range of experiences in food, art, and culture.
Organic, plant-based protein products that support a healthy, happy lifestyle. Full of essential nutrients your body needs and free of anything it doesn’t.
Ending thoughts on these food websites
We hope we have inspired you to create food websites which will appeal to your clients.  By following our tips, you will be able to launch beautiful food designs to tempt your viewers.
Enjoy using our tips to create an awesome foodie site.  If you are a restaurant owner who is thinking about a new site design, share these tips with your designer to create one of the top food websites available online.
If you enjoyed reading this article about these food websites, you should read these as well:
Cool Website Designs: 78 Great Website Design Examples
Website design inspiration: business websites, one-page, parallax sites, and more
Modern Website Layout Ideas (27 Examples)
Horizontal scrolling website examples to use as inspiration
Using a red color palette and the various shades of red
The post Food website design: Tips and best practices appeared first on Design your way.
from Web Development & Designing https://www.designyourway.net/blog/web-design/food-website-design/
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marriagebase · 5 years
40 Food-stagrammers You Should Follow
Instagram is one of the most used social medias not only is it used to showcase photos and videos but the type of the theme you want to present. Some of those themes include books and even food. So, you know those food Instagram’s that you see on your explore page and make want to drool; there are some that will literally make you hungry, here’s the list to give your feed a makeover.
This account is run by Khalil B- he usual does major close ups of each of the foods that he photographs. The one item that he photographs the most is avocado toasts or even burgers with avocado in it, so you know that’s his favorite. So, see the sea of green in his feed like c’mon look at that photo. 
This is what aesthetically pleasing foods look like. This account is run by a photographer named Rayna Greensburg, you see a lot of table ready photos. She uses it to her advantage and you can definitely the different landscapes of the different foods.  
What Tina does in her pictures she not only uses the landscape, but she does special food as well such as ice cream and even tater tots. The color palette as well is very pleasing. 
Lina is one of those photographers that does angle shots which is pretty cool. You want the different variety of pictures and also different foods as well, this is the feed for you.  
Okay so this account is different than all the rest. Not only is this about luxury items and travel but shows the higher priced food as well. This account shows the food at a higher angle but stil is effective in you wanting to eat it yourself.
Now, this account has the gooiest and most satisfying food you probably ever seen. Not only are there burgers, fries and many others but they make sure to get every detail of how good the foods are. This will really make your mouth water.
Earth By Anna
You like arranged colors? Or do you like seeing acai bowls? This account is definitely the one for you. Not only is it colorful but it’s a very pleasing feeling to see all the healthy foods together in one bowl. Your eyes will thank you.   
What’s unique about this account is that he photographs different cuisines. Especially the cute fish pastries in his feed. Those pastries are very popular in the other side of the world; it’s pretty unique seeing different side of the worlds being presented in his feed. 
New York City is known to have different food all around the city. In this account we are introduced different places in the city that you probably didn’t know existed. For example, going to a place called Fry Guys where everything is about fries- who knew?
Get ready for the latte art! If you are a sucker for fashion and on top of that coffee, this is definitely your cup of tea; like is there really more to be said.
Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset
Alright raise your hand if you like grilled cheese? This Instagram is dedicated to grilled cheeses and you can definitely see the details in each of the photos. So, you know you’ll be hungry
This account definitely shows the photographer editing skills to the T. Look at that photo it screams #foodgoals. You would want to see this feed for sure.
Not only is this account run by friends, but they take you on their food adventures. This is totally the feed for you if you definitely want to go on a journey.
 Not only does this account do every food you can think of and even have different angled photos of the delicious food. But it definitely shows the ultimate combo of coffee and even poptarts which hasn’t been showcased on our list. 
If you’re looking for another feed that’s aesthetically pleasing- this is for you. You have different showcased foods but each photo has their own vibe where you really want to eat the foods. 
The Boy Who Bakes
Not only is she a columnist for the New York Times but Alison is also and author of cookbook as well. She’s the ultimate foodie. She even bakes for herself which is some of posts. If you like home cooks she is definitely the one for you.
This feed is definitely another one for the people who love put together photos. You can see that each photo coordinates with each other and has the same color palette. You can even see acai bowls on the feed as well. 
Who ever thought of a user name like that? Each of these pictures show case a salad or even a healthy food item as well. If you like healthy foods or even looking at it- this is one feed to consider. It will definitely make you wanting these foods. 
This the ultimate bread Instagram. Some of these breads are very pretty to look at. The cracking on top and even the different designs of these breads. Bread lovers unite!
Now this is breakfast overload. You have cereal, eggs, beautiful tables, and even a rustic vibe with each photo. Some photos also showcase in some photos of how honey stops in mid air which is a first on our list.
This feed is the extreme take on a foodie’s paradise. This photographer, Gaberial takes the cake in how he showcases the different photos but uses more of the vibe you when looking at fashion magazine. The food is the models which is a different take on these foodie photos.
On this feed we are introduced to designs on these foods and even pies. Judy Kim who is in charge of this account, shows her audience of the different foods she makes and even photographs different cuisines.
Sweets, sweets and more sweets. If you have a sweet tooth this is the feed for you. Each picture is a guarantee that will make your mouth water. Each of these homemade cookies, you can tell they all came out the oven. 
Molly is definitely the home cook vibe, even though there’s others on our list but she immediately shows the process of her creations. All of her creations are ones to fest your eyes on because they are all so pretty; presented on nice baking sheets and more.
What more can you ask for with the same kind of color palette and beautiful picture of food. You get the sense of the home vibe with this feed. You also get grains of salt along the way.
You want more bread and designs? This feed is for you, you have the best of both worlds. You have beautiful leaf designs and even nice loaves of bread which are beautiful to not even eat.
More of the latte art and little pasteries are very much for you if you want more coffee on your newsfeed. But unlike our last coffee account on our list- this account shows us more of the foods that accompany the coffee. 
Even it’s a minimal style account-this shows a lot of color. If you really want a pop of color this is for you. The one reoccurring color you do see a lot of is red so keep in eye on that. 
One word..big portions. This account showcases more of the shared big portion dishes but even, so you do see a lot of single food items as the other foodies on our list. Think of these photos to be more of shared foods with friends. 
@ Abhishekdekate
What is food without friends? As in most restaurants, most people go with friends; this account showcases more of the food journey involved with friends which is pretty awesome.
This is another fasion food type of photos with different type of foods. It is very pleasing to the eyes. Another one for the fashion in you.
Yes! Another baker on our list! You can never be to tired looking at sweets. All the home baked goods will make want to go to the supermarket and get baking supplies.
If you love brunch this is for you. You got waffles, eggs, and even a waffle chicken sandwich which is first on this list. 
Vintage is definitely a word to describe this feed. Not only is the color of a darker tone but there is a single item food showcased in each photo. This also gives a minimal vibe as well.
This takes comic books, video games and other pop culture items that are showcased in desserts. This account will get wanting to see more of these delicious creations; they are very unique, like look at this cake.
This is a first on the list that show cases flowers with the whole tablescape photo. In this feed you definitely see another vintage type of photos. These are beautiful to say the least. 
You are going to see a lot of Asian cuisine in this feed with a slight touch of other cuisines as well. This will include noodles, fish dishes, and even more for your eyes pleasure. It’s good one to add to your Instagram viewings. 
The post 40 Food-stagrammers You Should Follow appeared first on Resource.
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popularchips-blog · 6 years
Top 5 Food Accounts in Singapore
New Post has been published on https://popularchips.com/dailies/top-5-food-accounts-in-singapore/
Top 5 Food Accounts in Singapore
Haven’t you heard the saying, “Food is the way to a person’s heart”? 
Food is an essential that everyone needs, everyday. At certain times of the day, we tend to have cravings but are not sure where the best place to satisfy this craving will be. Or when we feel hungry at ungodly hours, what food places are open for us to grab some food?
Here, we have the top 5 food accounts that tell us where we should go, ranked in increasing number of followers.*
5. SETHLUI.com
In 5th place for food Instagram account in Singapore is SETHLUI.com (@sethluicious) with 54.1 K followers.
The @sethluicious account, which is run by a “team of hungry foodies”, has a wide variety of food photographs, ranging from sweet treats such as ice cream, to restaurant delicacies, to local delights such as prawn noodles. The managers of the account include brief captions to accompany these photographs to tempt readers into trying out the food items listed.
Besides an aesthetically pleasing Instagram page, SethLui.com also exists as a website, which was first started as a food blog by Seth Lui, who was interested in the food and beverage industry even though he had no training or background in the area. The blog has since become a full-fledged website and has evolved to feature the writing of multiple writers, in topics related to travel and nightlife in addition to food. It has 2.5 million page views each day.
This food portion of the website has filtering tabs that allow readers to filter posts by cost, type of food, as well as location. All these functions make it very convenient for readers to narrow down their search, making it easy for them to find what they want.
Filtering by Price:
Filtering by Type of Food:
Filtering by Location:
Food posts on SethLui.com include not only pictures of the food the writers have tried, but also talk about the the exterior and interior design of the place, which lets us have a sense of the ambience of the location.
Unsure where you should go or what food to eat? Check out the SethLui.com Instagram page and website! The food photographs featured are definitely enough to make your mouth water.
4. ieatishootipost
The 4th food account in Singapore belongs to Leslie Tay (@ieatishootipost), who has 90.9 K followers.
Leslie’s food photographs are mostly of local food, which caters to his large Singaporean audience. His photographs are very well-taken and they capture the beauty of local food that we at times fail to appreciate.
In addition to local food, he also shares with us the food that he gets to taste on his overseas trips. Below is a photo of the Banh Mi he got to try at Vietnam.
His Instagram posts also include brief descriptions of the food he tasted.
Leslie Tay also owns a food blog.
His food blog has a food directory, an eating, and a cooking section that caters to all the foodies out there.
Similar to Seth Lui, he has a food finder filtering tab that allows you to search for food by the type of food generally or specifically, by the location, and the time you want to eat.
                                    Leslie’s food blog posts each feature a brief description, giving his readers a preview of the content of the article.
His posts often also include the origins and culinary history of the food he ate or of the location itself. This information gives us greater insight to the food we see on his Instagram or blog posts.
Leslie also includes food recipes on his blog!
What are you waiting for? Checkout Leslie’s Instagram and blog now!
3. misstamchiak
With 104.3 K followers, we have the third food account in Singapore by Maureen (@misstamchiak).
There are several authors of Misstamchiak, with Maureen being the main author. Maureen started this website in 2007 to explore a wide variety of local Singapore dishes as well as to share her love of food with her readers.
Some of Misstamchiak’s Instagram posts includes a short write up on the culinary history of the food.
What is even better is that there are promotional codes included in some posts that readers can use to access discounts when they eat! After all, sharing (promo codes) is caring, right?
Maureen’s food blog, like Leslie’s, gives us insights on the origin of the food stalls and restaurant featured.
The food items featured are analysed dish by dish, showing us pictures of how the dish looks when it appears on the table, to when there is closer inspection of the food itself, creating a tantalizing image of the food.
  In addition to local and international delights that are being posted about, the authors also write about popular local events such as Artbox Singapore and the Geylang Serai Ramadan Bazaar on Instagram and the blog, which increases relevance to readers as anyone of any age group can read the content and relate to it.
Additionally, some of their posts highlight the top foods that should be eaten at a location, giving readers her opinion on what food should be chosen, should they be spoilt for choice.
2. danielfooddiary 
The second food account in Singapore belongs to Daniel Ang (@danielfooddiary), with 208.9 K followers.
Daniel also posts photos of food that are cute and not often seen, hence attracting more eyes to his posts.
  Apart from posting aesthetically pleasing food pictures on his Instagram page, Daniel also posts food videos.
Daniel’s food blog includes local and international delights.
Daniel starts off his blog posts with a short description and a video of his overall food experience at that location. For an example, when he ate at the Crystal Jade all you can eat buffet, he included a video which was filmed when he ate there, giving his audience a better idea of his food journey, as seen below.
He then dives into great detail about each dish he ate, including high quality pictures of the dish as well as the price.
His food blog also includes dining deals, which is a collaboration between DanielFoodDiary.com and Eatigo.
He also has a telegram broadcast page specially for people who follow him and want to get food updates, be it new and upcoming food places to enjoy or supper spots.
  Follow him now so you will never miss out on any of his updates, and you will not have to rack your brains to think of what to eat, especially at ungodly hours!
1. ladyironchef
At 627.9 K, with the most number of followers of all Singaporean food accounts, we have Brad Lau’s blog turned website, @ladyironchef. Like many of the other food websites mentioned above, Brad is no longer the sole author of the website, and is instead the chief editor, managing the content of the website with several other contributing authors.
His Instagram page contains photos of food (as shown below) but the main content of his posts can be found on his blog.
The reviews on ladyironchef.com are concise, and sometimes in the form of lists, telling readers about several different places they can choose from if they wish to have a particular type of food, thus allowing his readers to get whatever information they need quickly.
“You don’t need a silver fork to eat good food”. All you have to do is check out these top 5 food accounts, where they offer suggestions of affordable yet good food for everyone out there!
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birdshitbreakfast · 6 years
Citlalli Rae Astrada
<br /> <center><div style="background: #333; width: 500px; border-radius: 20px; text-align: center; border-left: 10px solid #D8BFD8; border-right: 10px solid #D8BFD8; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; color: #dcdcdc; font: 11px trebuchet ms;"><img src=" https://i.imgur.com/D7tNUe0.png" align="left" />Base <font color=" D8BFD8">Cindy Kimberly</font> Birth Name <font color=" D8BFD8">Citlalli Rae Astrada</font> Preferred Name <font color=" D8BFD8">Lalli, Cit, Rae</font> Physical Age <font color=" D8BFD8">231</font> Appeared Age <font color=" D8BFD8">23</font> Birth Gender <font color=" D8BFD8">Female</font> Gender Identity <font color=" D8BFD8">Female</font> Sexual Orientation <font color="D8BFD8">Straight</font> Sexual Preference <font color="D8BFD8">Male</font> Date Of Birth <font color="D8BFD8">January 21st</font> Starsign <font color=”D8BFD8">Aquarius</font> Place Of Birth <font color="D8BFD8">Barcelona, Spain</font>
physical appearance <font color="D8BFD8">Citlalli isn’t uniquely beautiful in any way, she’s pretty, but overall an average face, nothing really makes her stand out from another female. She dresses up nicely, does her hair, put on makeup that compliments her skin tone. She’s both Spanish and Greek, so her skin is a lovely tan with a slight olive ton to it, her long, dark brown hair almost black in non-natural light. Her eyes are a bright chocolate brown, her lips full. Cit has a toned, slim body type but is not overly thin. She boasts no tattoos and has her ears double pierced as well as her nipples.</font>
personality <font color="D8BFD8">Citlalli actually has three personalities. They each have their own quirks and habits and this all comes about from being a Chimera, a creature with three heads. Personality 1 is known as Leo, a bubbly, spritely personality that loves to be around others, loves adventures and sticks up for the little guy. Leo makes Lalli approachable and sweet, loving, caring and personable. Leo can get fiercely defensive of others that are deemed friends or loved ones and has the most spunk and sass when it comes to protecting what is theirs. Leo is brave and enjoys doing new things. Personality 2 is Snake, a reclusive, depressive, sometimes aggressive type. Snake fears most things, stays away from people, often times appears sad or bored. Snake lives for aesthetic and beauty and finds their human body repulsive. This personality can quickly become agitated and lash out or strike at anyone or anything and it is best to leave Snake alone lest it turn into a fight. Personality 3 is Goat, a weird little soul. Goat is always hungry and tends to constantly be holding or pulling out a snack. Goat is the epitome of gluttony and simple pleasures, enjoying a good day to stay at home and just relax. Goat doesn’t talk much, but when they do it’s about weird shit like conspiracy theories or strange facts about the randomest of things. Goat likes to watch documentaries and live a comfortable life in sweatpants and always looks tired. </font><img src=" https://i.imgur.com/pnVKwRP.png" align="right" /> Dominant Personality Traits <font color="D8BFD8">Leo: Courageous, Fun, Kind, Bubbly Snake: Depressed, Negative, Aggressive, fearful Goat: Strange, Foodie, Forgetful, Tired, Home-body</font>
Species <font color="D8BFD8">Chimera</font> Powers and Abilities <font color="D8BFD8"><i>Enhanced Capabilities</i> - this includes but is not limited to smell, sight, hearing, taste, speed, strength, stamina, etc. <i>Enhanced biting</i> - incredibly strong jaws and longer teeth create a nasty bite. <i>Enhanced Invulnerability to Fire</i> - Not totally immune, but very impervious to it. <i>Enhanced Agility</i> <i>Enhanced Jumping</i> <i>Fire Breathing</i> <i>Poison</i> - if the snake head bites, it can leave poison in the enemy’s system that slowly causes stamina depletion and paralysis <i>Regenerative Healing</i></font> Weaknesses <font color="D8BFD8">Beheading Holy Weapons Cutting off the various heads of the creature, makes it easier to combat. Iron weakens over time</font> Limitations <font color="D8BFD8">A Chimera's snake tail can only lunge, constrict and bite. Fire Breathing has a shorter range in the rain.</font>
Interpersonal <font color="D8BFD8">Alexander Astrada | Father | Alive Maria Rosa Lopez Astrada | Mother | Deceased Felix Astrada | Brother | Deceased Daniella Astrada | Sister | Deceased Jose Astrada | Brother | Deceased </font> Offspring <font color="D8BFD8">None</font> Relationship Status <font color="D8BFD8">Single</font>
Biography <font color="D8BFD8">Citlalli was born the oldest of four to loving parents, her father being an ancient Chimera causing her to be born of the same species. Her mother is human, siblings human… apparently it passes down only to the first born. Now she’s a couple hundred years with some spare change and has all the tricks down after plenty of years being taught – dad was a great teacher.
She had a fairly uneventful childhood, besides the Chimera thing, watched a few empires rise and fall, roamed the UK and Europe for a while before heading out to the USA, travelling all about this new land for a few decades to scope it out, ending up in Scarsfaire with a good idea of herself. Lalli figured it was about time to chill out on exploration and make a few friends, have some kind of a life, considering she knew she’d meet a lot of people like herself, supers, who’d get her weird habits like the whole personality thing. Yeah. Definitely time to make some memories. </font> </div></center>
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