biotech-medical-lab · 3 months
Food Discover Your Optimal Diet with Biotech Medical Lab’s Food Intolerance Test in Sharjah | Best Medical Lab In Sharjah, UAE
Are you tired of feeling bloated, nauseous, or experiencing irritable bowel syndrome after meals? Do you suspect certain foods might be causing discomfort but struggle to identify them? If so, you’re not alone. Many individuals suffer from food intolerances without even realizing it, leading to chronic discomfort and health issues. But fear not, because Biotech Medical Lab (BML) in Sharjah has a solution to help you uncover the culprits behind your digestive woes.
Food intolerances occur when your body has difficulty digesting certain foods, leading to a range of unpleasant symptoms such as bloating, nausea, and gastrointestinal distress. Left unchecked, these symptoms can worsen over time and even contribute to the development of chronic diseases. Identifying and eliminating trigger foods from your diet is crucial for improving your overall well-being and quality of life.
Biotech medical lab is one of the top leading medical laboratory in Sharjah, Dubai.
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At Biotech Medical Lab, we understand the importance of personalized healthcare solutions. That’s why we’re proud to offer an advanced food intolerance test that covers 240 parameters, providing comprehensive insights into your body’s reaction to various foods. Our test is designed to pinpoint specific food sensitivities, helping you tailor your diet to support optimal health and vitality.
Here’s how our food intolerance test works:
Comprehensive Analysis: Our state-of-the-art laboratory utilizes cutting-edge technology to analyze your blood sample for reactions to a wide range of food components, including dairy, gluten, nuts, and more. With 240 parameters, we leave no stone unturned in identifying potential triggers for your symptoms.
Personalized Results: Once your test results are ready, our team of experienced healthcare professionals will interpret the findings and provide you with a detailed report outlining your individual food intolerances. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be empowered to make informed decisions about your diet and lifestyle.
Tailored Recommendations: Based on your test results, our experts will offer personalized dietary recommendations to help you eliminate problematic foods while ensuring you still enjoy a balanced and nutritious diet. Whether it’s swapping out trigger foods for healthier alternatives or adopting specific dietary protocols, we’ll guide you every step of the way.
Ongoing Support: At BML, we believe in supporting our patients on their journey to better health. Our dedicated team is here to answer any questions you may have, provide additional resources, and offer ongoing guidance and encouragement as you make positive changes to your diet and lifestyle.
The best part? Our food intolerance test is affordable and accessible, priced at just AED 999. For less than the cost of a few weeks’ worth of groceries, you can gain invaluable insights into your body’s unique needs and take the first step towards reclaiming your health and vitality.
Don’t let food intolerances hold you back any longer. Take control of your digestive health and discover your optimal diet with Biotech Medical Lab’s food intolerance test in Sharjah. Say goodbye to bloating, nausea, and discomfort, and hello to a happier, healthier you!
To schedule your food intolerance test or learn more about our services, contact Biotech Medical Lab today. Your journey to better health starts here. For more details visit our website : https://biotechshj.ae/
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First Medical Diagnostics- Gut Health & LifeStyle Disorders
At FMD India, we are dedicated to advancing your health and well-being through unique specialised Diagnostics Tests for overcoming illness to a large extent and also Personalized well-being solutions.
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Understand the significance of  Gut Health  and bacterias which controls our well being to a large extent. 
Please Stay connected with us for regular updates in the upcoming event on 20th January on Gut Health & Lifestyle. For more information visit www.fmdindia.in 
#expo #gut #isgh #2024 #healthy #ISGH2024 #HealthExpo #WellBeingSolutions #DiagnosticTests #GutHealthAwareness #FMDIndia #WellnessEvent #LifestyleHealth #ISGHExpo2024 #HealthcareInnovation #FMDWellness
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renukashinde · 6 months
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Food Intolerance Test Dubai (270+ Foods & Allergens)
Measures IgG responses to over 270+ Foods & 44 Allergens. Get your food intolerance test done in Dubai at your home using a simple blood test. First Response Healthcare offers expert food allergy testing in Dubai at your convenience of home setting. https://firstresponsehealthcare.com/ae/dubai/food-intolerance-test
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Food Intolerance Test
Food Intolerance may cause Psychological Changes Mood swings and irritability, Easy frustrations, Unusual depressions, crying impulses for no any reason, over emotional reactions, Panic, anxiety attacks, Aggression, rage, road-rage, long sleep, Difficulty falling or, Napping during the day, frequent nightmares and Obsessive-compulsive behaviour etc. Therefore it is critical to find the root cause and for that a Food Intolerance Test is done.
Food Intolerance Test
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fastdiet · 11 months
🥑🍎🥦 The JJ Virgin Diet is a popular weight loss program that promises to help you lose weight and feel great. Developed by nutritionist and fitness expert JJ Virgin, the diet is designed to help you eliminate food intolerances and inflammation, which can contribute to weight gain and other health issues. 🏋️‍♀️💪🥗 The diet is based on a 21-day elimination plan that involves cutting out seven common allergens: gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, corn, peanuts, and sugar. During this time, you'll focus on eating whole, nutrient-dense foods like lean protein, vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats. After the 21 days, you'll gradually reintroduce the eliminated foods to see how your body reacts. 💊🌿🍵 The JJ Virgin Diet also includes supplements and shakes to support your weight loss journey. These include a protein powder, a fiber supplement, and a greens powder. The program also emphasizes the importance of exercise and stress management for overall health and weight loss success.1. The Science Behind the JJ Virgin Diet: Understanding the Principles of Weight Loss🧬 Understanding the science behind the JJ Virgin Diet is crucial to achieving weight loss success. The diet is based on the principles of eliminating food intolerances, balancing blood sugar, and reducing inflammation. 🍎 By eliminating foods that cause inflammation and intolerance, the body can better absorb nutrients and reduce cravings. Balancing blood sugar levels helps prevent spikes and crashes, leading to more stable energy levels and weight loss. 🥦 The diet emphasizes nutrient-dense, whole foods like vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats. It also encourages regular exercise and stress management techniques to support overall health and weight loss. 💪 The JJ Virgin Diet is not a quick fix or fad diet. It is a sustainable lifestyle change that promotes long-term weight loss and improved health. It may take time to see results, but the science behind the diet is sound and effective. 👩‍🔬 Research has shown that reducing inflammation, balancing blood sugar, and eliminating food intolerances can lead to weight loss and improved health markers like cholesterol and blood pressure. 🌟 By understanding the science behind the JJ Virgin Diet, you can make informed choices about your health and weight loss journey. It's not just about counting calories or restricting food groups, but about nourishing your body and supporting its natural processes.2. The Four Phases of the JJ Virgin Diet: A Step-by-Step Guide to SuccessThe JJ Virgin Diet consists of four phases designed to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Each phase has specific guidelines to follow. Phase 1 is the Elimination Diet, where you eliminate seven foods that are commonly problematic. Phase 2 is the reintroduction of these foods, one at a time. Phase 3 is the customization phase, where you determine which foods work for your body and which ones don't. This phase is crucial for long-term success. Phase 4 is the maintenance phase, where you continue to follow the guidelines and make healthy choices. Throughout the diet, you'll focus on eating nutrient-dense foods, including lean proteins, healthy fats, and non-starchy vegetables. You'll also avoid sugar and processed foods. The JJ Virgin Diet is not a quick fix or a fad diet. It's a lifestyle change that can help you achieve your weight loss goals and improve your overall health. With commitment and consistency, you can succeed. Remember, everyone's journey is different, and it's essential to listen to your body. If you experience any adverse reactions, consult with a healthcare professional. 👍🏼 Stick to the guidelines, and you'll see results. Good luck on your journey!3. Foods to Avoid on the JJ Virgin Diet: Understanding the Impact of Inflammatory FoodsOn the JJ Virgin Diet, it's crucial to avoid inflammatory foods that can cause harm to your body. These foods can trigger inflammation, leading to weight gain, digestive issues, and other health problems. Processed foods: These are often high in sugar, unhealthy fats, and additives that can cause inflammation and disrupt your gut health. Gluten: This protein found in wheat, barley, and rye can cause inflammation and digestive issues in some people. Dairy: Many people are intolerant to lactose and casein, which can cause inflammation and digestive problems. Soy: This plant-based protein can cause inflammation and disrupt hormones in some people. Other foods to avoid on the JJ Virgin Diet include artificial sweeteners, caffeine, and alcohol. These can all cause inflammation and disrupt your body's natural processes. By avoiding these inflammatory foods, you can reduce inflammation in your body and improve your overall health. Instead, focus on eating whole, nutrient-dense foods that nourish your body and support your health goals. 🍎🥦🍓🥕🥑4. The Benefits of the JJ Virgin Diet: Improved Energy, Better Sleep, and MoreGet ready to experience a boost in energy, improved sleep, and more with the JJ Virgin Diet! Eliminating inflammatory foods can reduce fatigue and increase stamina. Proper nutrition can help regulate sleep patterns and promote restful sleep. Weight loss and improved digestion can lead to increased confidence and overall well-being. By following the JJ Virgin Diet, you can say goodbye to bloating, brain fog, and sluggishness. Increased mental clarity and focus can improve productivity and daily tasks. Reduced inflammation can alleviate joint pain and improve mobility. A balanced diet can boost the immune system and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Don't let food hold you back from living your best life. Try the JJ Virgin Diet and experience the benefits for yourself! 😊5. Tips for Sticking to the JJ Virgin Diet: Overcoming Common Challenges and Staying MotivatedSticking to the JJ Virgin Diet can be challenging, but with these tips, you can overcome common obstacles and stay motivated. Plan meals and snacks ahead of time to avoid making impulsive food choices. Keep healthy snacks on hand for when cravings strike. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Get enough sleep to help regulate hormones and reduce stress. Find a support system, whether it's a friend or online community. Don't beat yourself up if you slip up. Just get back on track with your next meal. Experiment with new recipes to keep meals interesting. Track your progress and celebrate small victories. Stay active with regular exercise to boost mood and energy levels. Practice mindfulness and stress-reducing techniques like meditation or yoga. Remember why you started and visualize your goals for motivation. With these tips, you can successfully stick to the JJ Virgin Diet and achieve your health goals. 💪6. Success Stories on the JJ Virgin Diet: Real People, Real Results Meet real people who have transformed their lives with the JJ Virgin Diet. One woman lost 50 pounds and reversed her diabetes. A man lost 30 pounds and improved his cholesterol levels. Another woman lost 20 pounds and gained energy. These success stories are proof that the JJ Virgin Diet works. People have improved their health, lost weight, and gained confidence. The program is easy to follow and sustainable long-term. It's not a quick fix, but a lifestyle change. Join the thousands of people who have transformed their lives with the JJ Virgin Diet. Start your journey to better health and weight loss today. 7. Frequently Asked Questions About the JJ Virgin Diet: Everything You Need to Know Before You StartFrequently Asked Questions About the JJ Virgin Diet What is the JJ Virgin Diet? It's a 21-day program designed to help you identify food intolerances, balance your hormones, and lose weight. What can I eat on the JJ Virgin Diet? You can eat lean protein, non-starchy vegetables, low-glycemic fruits, and healthy fats. Avoid gluten, soy, dairy, corn, and peanuts. Can I eat out on the JJ Virgin Diet? Yes, but it requires some planning. Stick to grilled protein, salads, and vegetables. Ask for dressings and sauces on the side. Can I exercise on the JJ Virgin Diet? Yes, but start slowly and listen to your body. Walking, yoga, and weightlifting are great options. Avoid high-intensity workouts during the first week. What are the benefits of the JJ Virgin Diet? It can help you lose weight, reduce inflammation, improve digestion, increase energy, and balance your hormones. Can I drink alcohol on the JJ Virgin Diet? No, alcohol is not allowed during the 21-day program. It can interfere with your weight loss and hormone balance goals. What if I have food allergies or sensitivities? Consult with your doctor before starting the program. You may need to modify the diet to fit your specific needs. 👍🏼The JJ Virgin Diet is a science-based program that can help you transform your health and body. Stick to the guidelines and enjoy the benefits! In conclusion, the JJ Virgin Diet is a science-backed approach to weight loss and overall health. By eliminating inflammatory foods and focusing on nutrient-dense options, you can improve your energy, digestion, and mood. 🥑🥦🍓 While it may be challenging to give up certain foods, the results are worth it. Many people have experienced significant weight loss and improved health markers on this plan. 💪🏼👍🏼 If you're looking for a sustainable, long-term approach to weight loss and better health, the JJ Virgin Diet may be worth trying. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise plan. 🩺 https://fastdiet.net/jj-virgin-diet-lose-weight-and-feel-great/?_unique_id=6479b8fb19e76
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livewellclinics · 2 years
We hope you enjoy these Low Allergen Cookies
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russellembruncan · 3 years
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Posted @withregram • @dr.ashleykowalskind Food sensitivity test results. This patient wanted to do a food sensitivity test because she couldn’t figure out which foods were causing her gas and bloating. WHY food sensitivity testing? 👇🏻 Sensitivities are tricky to identify 🤔: Symptoms can occur hours later or even the next day! Symptoms can include gas, bloating, cramping, looser stools, reflux, low energy, brain fog, joint pains, headaches, and skin conditions such as eczema or rash. P..S. You WON’T necessarily display all of the latter symptoms, but if you have a few it’s a fair chance your diet may be to blame. If you are interested in determining your food sensitivities or discussing digestion in general, reach out and I’d be happy to help! 👩‍⚕️ #embrun #embrunon #russell #russellon #digestion #food #foodsensitivitytest #foodsensitivities #foodsensitivitytesting #gas #bloat #byebloat #bloatedbelly #bloated #bloatedtummy #poo #foodintolerances #foodintolerancetest #dairyfree #glutenfree #digestionhealth https://www.instagram.com/p/CNn9Secl2b5/?igshid=1o8aoyuq73zjr
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tipppytoegirl · 7 years
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I hate needles, they're the vein of my existence 💉 but anything is worth it to find out my food intolerances from @pinnertestusa 🙌🏻 new post about my PINNERTEST FOOD INTOLERANCE TEST RESULTS up on the blog! hint: 🍳☕️🍭🍞 (link in bio) remember, if you'd like to find out what intolerant foods you may have, use my promo code "tippytoegirl" for $60 off & free international shipping on your order 😄 · · · · #pinnertest #foodintolerancetest #spon
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timitraining · 5 years
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Have you got a food intolerance?
Below is a list of symptoms caused by food intolerance:
Abdominal Pain
Aches and Pains
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Fluid Retention
Stomach Cramps
Weight loss/Weight Gain
These symptoms can appear or get worse up to 72 hours after eating a trigger food.
If you suffer from any of these symptoms, you must see your GP. If they fail to give a diagnosis, contact us and we’ll advise what can be done to identify a potential food intolerance and help you to take the first step to living without suffering.
Contact us for more info:
🌍 https://TimiTraining.com
📞 07514 984098
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theorangecream · 5 years
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Who would’ve thought eliminating certain foods from your diet could produce such EPIC results!! Tag someone who needs to see this!! _ Posted @withrepost • @food_intolerance_testing 4 week elimination diet transformation 💚 #healingwithfood #nutritionist #eatwellbewell #foodintolerance #foodintolerancetest #jesmond #northumberland #newcastleupontyne https://www.instagram.com/p/By2RK9yl9Ns/?igshid=11oaw7scwa2p3
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amazingsubahu · 5 years
How to live a healthy and disease free life - III
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How to live a healthy and disease free life - III
Hi, friends, Welcome to my concluding part of How to live a healthy and disease free life series. As I have told and discussed in my previous articles that I have taken health checkup of 70000 INR in last 3 and half years to know what is going inside my body?
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Why do you need to get Health Checkups? You cannot know what is your health status from outside of your body. You cannot know what is the status of your vital organs, what complication is growing inside you? How Healthy or diseased you are or prone to serious health hazards? Are you well nourished or malnourished, nothing can be said from the outside? You only know anything in this regard and learn through the various health checkups available from renowned Diagnostic Labs all over India and Abroad. So to know the answer to all these questions as What is the status of your internal organs? What is the level of all the essential vitamins, minerals, nutrients and toxicity in your body? Is there any unnatural growth of harmful substances in your body or deficiency of vital nutrients and growth related necessary elements? In spite of that I don’t have any specific or serious health problem from then to now, or before in the last 37 years, (excluding few events I have discussed in my previous article). I just took these tests as a preventive measure and out of my experimentation and curiosity, and it was paid off very well.
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How my health checkups helped me to recognize the root cause and minimize a lifelong health problem I have discovered many shocking facts about my own body and internal organs sick and healthy state. I have taken some specific tests to know more deeply about my body and symptoms I am living with. The special test reports have given me a shocking revelation about my body and a problem I was suffering from my childhood. I was very easily caught by cold and cough at an early age. We have taken it normally as I was much sensitive to environmental variables than other kids in the family and surrounding. I was easily affected by cold foods and drinks if taken in winter or cool weather especially in evening times. I have chronic cold allergies in winter and dusty environments; it has turned more troublesome when I shifted 18 years ago to the current city the capital of Chhattisgarh state, Raipur. It is one of the most polluted cities in India. The weather is almost dry round the year, and I have to work and move at least 2 to 3 hours daily in the polluted city environment as per job and business requirements. Many mornings I wake up and I have suffered from sinus problem in winters, and in summers sneezing and running nose continuously for a few minutes, it turns normal in a few hours. I was fed up with these frustrating problems many mornings in these seasons. I need to run coolers to stay at home and office because it is very hot in summer and most of the months around the year. And it creates allergic reactions due to humidity, dust particles, mold and bacteria in the air, and cool breeze of cooler spreading it more in the room.
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I cannot sit in front of the cooler or direct under full speed running a ceiling fan in cold days without covering my head with some clothes, it will raise my Eosinophilia and create sneezing and sinus problems. It was a terrible experience most of the days, I never took any medicines for it; because all allopathic medicines suppress cold and create coughing problems, and I hate antihistamines. I always cured it through herbs like turmeric, bay leaf, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, and Jaggery or honey. I prepare a Herbal Tea (kaadha) along with these spices and a spoon of clarified Butter (Shuddha Ghee) it gave me instant relief. What have I Discovered through my Multi-discipline Allergy Test? And you will feel strange that what I have discovered the reason behind this critical problem haunted me from my childhood till I have taken that (check my food allergy test report here) Food Allergy test. It has changed the scene of this problem in my body and my life forever. I have discovered through my test that what elements triggering this problem in my body? I have never imagined before that, what was the reason of that problem in my body?  But when I knew it, I was shockingly surprised and that opened my eyes totally.
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I have learned that how wrong foods and other foods ingredients that are not accepted and digested by your body, and did not support by your immune system can make physical and mental hazards for you. They can keep you in trouble for a lifetime if not diagnosed, checked and cared timely, properly. I have discovered that through my food allergy test that I am highly allergic to 6 foods listed there; it has more chance that I am allergic to much more but I am not aware of it and that test was not capable to discover all of it. There are thousands of food materials available in this world and we do not know to whom we are allergic. Along with this, I have found allergic to mold and dust, some fumes and perfumes, some medicines and drug combinations, allergic to some pets, plants. It was a very descriptive and comprehensive test and covered more than 350 kinds of allergens in more than 6 categories. There are around 100 food materials and food ingredients listed in the test list. They test your body and immune system through a blood test against them. It generates a comprehensive report of allergens measurement in defined units for those listed food materials and other categorized variables. The report generated after test shows you that for how many of listed items in their categories you are allergic(vegetables, grains, pulses, spices, nuts, fruits, along with dairy products, 9 non-vegetarian foods listed out of thousands of available in this world). Most of these foods I am eating from the day I was able to start eating and eventually my body has not supported them as I grew up ahead. And they started triggering and surfacing after a certain age, and am totally ignorant about it till I have taken that test.
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I was shocked by the report, but it helped me to recover and minimize the problem  Hundreds of food items are eaten by most of you in daily meals from childhood to death, but you don’t know about their chemistry and implication on your body-mind. I have learned that as per the report, I am allergic to Almonds, Tomatoes, Capsicum, Bananas, Oranges and Ground Nuts, it may be more but that test is not capable to trace more than listed in it. These are the triggers of allergic reactions and all I have suffered from my childhood to that day I received my report. I have stopped consuming all these foods from that very moment I received my report. I was regularly consuming all of them in sufficient quantity, I was consuming groundnut oil and nuts from childhood, at my home, we were using groundnut oil for all our cooking. Tomatoes, I was too fond of eating raw tomatoes and in salads and chutneys. Banana and oranges were my favorite fruits because they are not much sweet as other fruits.  Almonds were the only nut I have consumed a lot before my tests, I have given all stock of Almonds to my friends. I always like to cook mix vegetables, so capsicum, tomatoes are the compulsory part of my curries. I didn’t aware that I am consuming the cause of my allergic bursts. I was eating them for the last 42 years and I have stopped suddenly eating them, and from that day I have reduced my chronic sneezing, running nose and sinus problem forever. It is not gone completely, but there are other factors also responsible for it, lack of exercise, low immunity, dust, and fume allergy, to handle it I am wearing a mask. When I go outside the city by my bike, it helped me to reduce environmental pollution attack by 95% also.  I never go outside the city without wearing a mask during driving. It is available online and costs 120 to 350 INR and work for months. It prevents me very well from outside dust and fumes. I have cured this problem 95% by just stop eating these food items, I don’t eat outside much so there is no chance to eat them anyway. Even when I visit my mother’s home, she does not mix these food items in recipes during my stay with them, I requested her not to mix them in my food.
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What you need to do in this regard So one thing I want to say to all my friends that you cannot know anything about these things and the root cause of all the physical and mental problems your food habits and routines created for you. So start it from general checkup and if you are suffering from any specific disorders as I was suffered from allergies, you must learn about it, consult your doctor and take a specific test before it gets too late. If you do not trace and track the root cause of any problem or ailment causing you problem towards the goal of living a healthy disease free life and having a good healthy body and a peaceful and sound mind. You need to discover it as early as possible, and these health checkups are the primary tools to know about your body and what happens inside you. What is Food Intolerance? 
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Along with food allergies diagnosis, it is equally important to take a health checkup to know the food intolerance you have. Food intolerance test will help you to know what food your body has less tolerance, so you can avoid those foods in your consumption and prevent yourself to be caught by allergic reactions and Auto Immune diseases.  Other things to be taken care of healthy and disease free life Along with it, you need to check this at a psychological level too, what you are feeding to your mind, what associations you have and what they are producing for you, at the level of your mind and psyche.  What you think and desire all the time, what you watch, read, discuss, dream and want to become. The associations you have, people in your life, relationships, online activities, forums, groups, films, books. The influence of people in your family, friends, society, religion, political ideology, personalities, ideas you have, mindsets and thinking patterns and lifestyle you have. Diagnose deeply everything and you will find the root cause of your happiness and miserable state whatever you are living now, check it now and get control of your life in your own hand. You need to diagnose and check everything connected to you, you need to take proper diagnostics to know the deeper truth about your body and mind. You must know, what makes you healthy and what made you sick and diseased. Ignorance is never bliss, it will put you into more and more troubles always.  So stay awake and know about your body mind and stay healthy and Happy.  Amazingsubahu for more information and the final part of this series please read the How to live a healthy and disease free life – IV   Read the full article
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infobooster · 3 years
Sometimes certain foods can make you feel unwell, regardless if they’re healthy or not. They may trigger any number of food sensitivity symptoms, such as headaches, digestive issues, joint pain or skin problems
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NeuroSpot Test Series Day 1 | FMD
Hey everyone!! We have started a video series on NeuroSpot Test to help you get a better idea about specialized diagnostic services.
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Are you facing any of these problems or all?
a) Fatigue b) Sleeplessness c) Skin issues d) Hair Fall e) Gut problems These may be signals from your body that something is not well with your health. Stress is a common factor in modern lifestyles, and if it persists for a long time, it can disturb your overall well-being permanently. But here's some good news: First Medical Diagnostics offers the most accurate and reliable test to measure stress, the NeuroSpot Test.
What is the NeuroSpot Test?
-With NeuroSpot identify your level of major neurotransmitters and stress hormones with our easy-to-use test kit at the comfort of your home. What are the requirements for the test? NeuroSpot test is powered by patented DrySpot technology that makes it convenient for individuals to conduct the test at their comfortable place. The test requires: •Saliva •Urine Neurospot Test helps you know the effect of hormones, viz; Adrenaline, Noradrenaline, GABA, Glutamate, Cortisol & DHEA on your mental and physical well-being. Let's know these hormones and their effect on your body. YouTube Video
Effect: Recognized as the "fight or flight" hormone, adrenaline increases heart rate, widens airways to boost oxygen intake, and redirects blood flow to major muscle groups. It prepares the body to swiftly respond to a threatful situation.
Effect: Noradrenaline increases alertness and attention. It also plays a role in the "fight or flight" response, contributing to elevated heart rate and increased blood flow.
GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid):
Effect: GABA functions as an inhibitory neurotransmitter combating the effects of excitatory neurotransmitters. It exerts a calming effect on the nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety.
Effect: Functioning as an excitatory neurotransmitter, glutamate stimulates nerve cells, helping in cognitive functions like learning and memory. However, excessive glutamate activity may cause neurotoxicity and is associated with conditions such as migraines and neurodegenerative diseases.
Effect: Released in response to stress, cortisol helps regulate blood sugar, metabolism, and immune function. Excessive cortisol release can have adverse effects on the body, disrupting sleep patterns and compromising immune health.
DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone):
Effect: Commonly known as the "youth hormone," DHEA acts as a manager of sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen. DHEA levels reduce with age, resulting in decreased vitality.
For more information,
Call us at +91 8800929600
Visit us at : www.fmdindia.in
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The wonderful thing about Kinesiology or food testing is repairing your body yourself without drugs. I've repaired my candida, my leaky gut is pretty much there, my spleen is functioning properly again. In turn I'm candida free, sugar doesn't affect me as badly neither does yeast. I'm damp free so can have things like bananas, beef and pork again. And of course my beloved tomatoes 🍅 I didn't realise how much of what I ate contained these guys, I'm thrilled to have them back. My new battles are my iron levels - horrendously low. And I'm not producing HCL - hydrochoric acid therefore unable to absorb the iron from the food I'm eating. Before any protein I now have 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar to get those acids working and I'm on a new probiotic. The adrenals are also shot and vitamin C low but we think that's due to the shock to the face from the break. All in all it's a good step in the right direction. I sensed my iron was low and I was struggling to fix my energy levels with food, it just shows that you can trust your instincts but you may need a little help with the fixing process. 6 weeks begins lets see how I feel. #healthylivingmadesimple #kineasiology #foodintolerancetest #vitamintest #mineraltest #healing #healyourbody #leakygut #candida #lowiron (at England)
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tef90-blog · 7 years
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#nutrismart #foodintolerancetest #rapidtest Available at Eat Right clinic for more information call: 03/544614 (at Eat RIGHT)
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livewellclinics · 2 years
Whether you’re a parent of young children with food allergies or hoping to prevent this issue, it helps to keep up to date with the latest strategies
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