#foolish gamers headcanon
stardustluvs · 1 year
hello!!! I'm in love with both pussy drunk punz and pussy drunk sapnap hcs! can you do a foolish one 🥹 (love your writing btw 💋).
Pussy Drunk - Foolish (Headcanons)
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Pairing: Foolish x fem!Reader
Summary: Foolish gets so pussy drunk it probably fogs his mind
Warnings: NSFW, Foolish referred to as Noah
Author's Note: Another one for my pussy drunk headcanons!
Requests are open! || masterlist
Probably wouldn't ask to do it, but would wait for you to ask him
Once he starts, he's not coming back up until you've cum so many times you can't take it anymore
Would still know exactly how to use his tongue to fuck you
He loves the mess you make of his face
Never wants the taste of you to escape from his lips
Won't think about his own pleasure like once, this IS his own pleasure
Literally not a single thing except for you is on his mind right now
He likes the way you grab at his hair or push his head down
He forgets how much he likes when you ride his face until it happens and he gets so obsessed all over again
He'd moan against you and it riles you up even more
Will never want to stop, like ever
"Noah, please, I can't..." "Please baby, let me make you cum just a few more times, then we can be done."
Even then he doesn't wanna stop
Literally would only stop if you used your safe word or started crying
Lots of aftercare though
Like he loves you so much and would never ever want to actually hurt you
His brain would get all foggy and hazy
Would caress your body as he tongue fucks you
Would start slow but definitely pick up his pace as he can tell you get closer and closer
Would use his fingers at the same time as his tongue, wanting to get you to cum as soon as you feel like you need to
Hearing your noises is one of his favorite parts about eating you out
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quackarl · 1 year
A/N: OMG, some of these include some dirty humor, or whatever you want to call it, so enjoy, I guess. Hahaha. I didn’t even realize how much there is of it. Sorry, or not sorry, hahaha.
He would always, always insist on picking you up from wherever you needed, especially from parties if it was late at night. I can see it going down two ways: sometimes he would very smugly pull up in his car with the windows down, wiggling his eyebrows and whistling at you to get in the car, “your ride: coming in hot.” He knows he’s attractive, he’ll take advantage of it every second of every day, no matter the situation. SMH. He’d then hold the door open for you from the inside and help you in by grabbing your hand and pulling you in, giving you a nice, slow, little smooch once you’ve settled in and quietly asking against your lips if you’re okay, and if you had a fun night. Or sometimes when he feels more needy towards you, he would hop out of the car to greet you more physically, feeling the need to get his arms around you greedily, because sometimes even a few hours apart is unbearable for him. He would not fret to fondle your body either there in the driveway, whether someone sees or not; he doesn’t care, he’s not waiting until you get home to show you some lovey-dovey if he feels like it. He’d ask if you’re finally ready to go home with him, and you nod furiously, because the thought of getting home and doing your nightly routine with him has never sounded so good. Anyways, no matter what, when you get in the car you would always immediately see that he has spread out his hoodie on the passenger seat for you to put on, in case you feel a little cold, or if you just want to snuggle with it and doze off while he drives you two home, if you were feeling exceptionally tired. Sometimes he has some water and food waiting for you in the car too, and he would even keep face wipes in the car as well at all times, in case you ever feel like freshening up or maybe removing some makeup, especially on nights like these. So, a full care package, technically. Curated with love. If you actually happen to be so tired that you keep falling asleep in the passenger seat, he’ll keep one hand on the headrest of your seat, so you can lean on his arm and therefore you get have him close to you even when he is driving. And he gets to make sure you’re comfortable. 10/10 experience. So, every time you’re going out for the night, you can always count on the thought of him coming to pick you up and it’s just a really nice thing you always look forward to. Sometimes it even makes you leave earlier than you intended to. But, who can blame you? You live for those little moments you have in the car, or outside of it, before he takes you home.
It would take a lot for him to try and stay focused on streaming whenever you’re around in the house. He’s taking ‘bathroom breaks’ every 20 minutes from the stream and, no, he’s not even going near the bathroom on those breaks, but instead he’ll find you and dump his daily dose of love and affection on you, acting like he has all the time in the world to do it. You would go for a lie-down on the couch and know he’s in the middle of a stream when you see the door to his room is closed and you can faintly hear him continuously talk about nothing in particular, and all of a sudden you hear nothing but the door opening and then he’s jumping on the couch, literally giggling and all, ending up landing on top of you, startling you in the process. You’d distraughtly ask him “aren’t you streaming right now?!” and he’d just nonchalantly shrug and smile smugly at you, “if ‘streaming’ means laying on top of you and wanting to make you see stars, then yeah, I sure am streaming.” This guy. You’ll eventually have to push him off and send him back to his stream, and he’ll pretend to be so upset at you, walking back to his room with his shoulders slumped and his head hung low, sighing and mumbling at himself, “guess I’ll go back, unloved and disregarded by the one who means the most to me... I can feel my little heart crumpling up, but who cares, right?” and dramatically closes his door. Soon you’ll hear him normally chatting and laughing again, sounding very much like himself again, and you’ll smile at yourself, because he truly is something else, isn’t he? After literally 20 minutes, you’d be in the kitchen preparing something to eat for yourself, and what you don’t know is that he has excused himself from the stream again for another ‘bathroom break’, and this time you didn’t even hear his door open, because he’s being extra sneaky this time around. He’ll successfully sneak up behind you in the kitchen where you’re busy cooking, and then whisper in your ear “that for me?” That would startle the hell out of you again, but you don’t have too much time to be flabbergasted, before it would hit you that he has once again left his stream and chat unattended and unentertained, so you immediately scold him again for it, “go back to your stream!”, to which he just full-on bursts into playful cackles and says something so stupid in hopes to rile you up even more, like “so, no head?” and keeps laughing like there has never been a better time for him to get on your nerves. You definitely kind of have to push him away and send him back to his room again. He’s still snickering when he eventually returns to the stream, munching on some food he managed to steal off your plate anyway, chat being not too amused themselves, lol. He has a lot of explaining to do, especially if he plans on taking more ‘bathroom breaks’, which he totally is. Poor chat.
He’s so attentive to you, your wants and needs, your interests, your favorites, everything! And definitely enthusiastically notices every change in your appearance too, small or big, you don’t know how he even sometimes notices them. Whenever you actually have undergone a change in appearance, he’s just swooning over it the moment he sees your new look. “Holy—” he stutters as his eyes bulge, “you just rocked my world in a brand new way.” Like I said, he is swooning. He would always be supportive about every change you make, especially if it means that you’ve done something that makes you feel a bit more like yourself, a little bit more confident. You would never have to worry about it, he always finds you incredibly attractive, only has eyes for you. That’s true love right there. He’s not taking his eyes off you for the rest of the day, or the week, telling you every time you notice it that he’s “still getting used to you getting even more beautiful.”
He has a really great talent of tasting... and you figured that out whenever he would recognize what the flavor of your lipbalm is whenever he kisses you. “Strawberry!” “What?” “Your lipbalm, or whatever it is. That’s strawberry flavor.” Sometimes he can’t let it go. You’ll smooch him before you leave him to do some work and when you return, he looks mentally gone, so you’ll ask him, “what’s wrong?” He’ll cry out to you, “I can’t figure out what the flavor of your lipbalm was today! It’s that, like, orange fruit.” “It’s literally called ‘orange’.” “No way!” You didn’t even think too much about it at first, how much effort he puts into that. He’ll definitelty use your lipbalm too, sometimes. You’ll look over to him and catch him in the act, applying your lipbalm on himself, “is that mine?!” He stops in his tracks and starts snickering uncontrollably, kind of embarrassed, putting your lipbalm down, “it’s not fair that only your lips get to be tasty! And this way, you’re technically kissing me even when you’re not. It’s like two birds, one stone, or however it goes. You know?” You just suppress a smile and shake your head at him. He’s so ridiculous. Ridiculously cute, may I add.
He thinks ‘Foolish’s property’, or ‘FG’s property’ should be your brand. If he ever was to hack your social media, I think that’s what he would change your bio to. Especially if you guys hadn’t announced it to the public yet that you’re dating each other, one day, boom, that’s what your bio says, and now everyone’s figuring it out. Welp. He’s such a little troublemaker sometimes, thinking that’s the perfect way to announce your relationship to everyone. It would kind of become your thing, or your ‘brand’ like he wanted to, ever since then and unfortununately, people would not live it down. Foolish would not make it any easier for you by acknowledging people in chat talking about it, and add fuel to the fire by saying how much he likes it. It would blow so out of proportion that a fan would make you a keyring with the phrase ‘FG’s property’. It’s still to this day hanging from your bag. He loves it. Don’t encourage him any further though, or fans will start making you bracelets with that phrase, too. You would secretly love it, though.
Sooo many beach days. We all know he loves them. He loves them even more with you. You two would walk in the sunset, sharing a cool popsicle, he’s showing off for you again, literally carrying your clothes for you by throwing them over his shoulder and brushing his wet hair back, making sure you see all of it. He’s putting on a show for you and pretends he doesn’t know he’s doing it. He probably takes his damned surfboard with him too and covers your body with it, if he gets too jealous of people looking at you. Imagine just laying on the sand with him, a little out of breath and cold when you get out of the ocean, and he tries to occassionally smooch you and it still freaks you out to do it in public. Because you know he’s a tease, and you never know what he’s up to. He promises to control himself, or at least his hands. Can’t say the same for his eyes. He watches you and your body at times so… hungrily that you ask him what’s wrong. He just grins at you and tells you that, “in my mind you’re already naked”, and you get so flustered and your face gets so hot that you have to actually walk away from him. He also grins every time he catches you running your eyes over him, because he knows maybe you’re thinking the same thing. Can’t take you two anywhere. SMH. JK.
He would try so hard to live up to the image of a handyman from your dreams. Whenever something needs repairing, he’s right there to fix it. Or it could be something as simple as changing a lightbulb and he would go all the way for that. You leave him to it and a few minutes later when you return to the room, he’s all in the element. He would have literally pushed and tied his hair back and taken his shirt off, flexing his muscles, whistling and chewing some gum. Yeah, he would be so extra, in full gear, even where’s not much to do. You’d ask him, “this isn’t necessary, is it? It’s just a lightbulb.” He’ll interrupt and shush you, “why not?! I’m putting in hard work.” How many Foolishes does it take to change a lightbulb? One, but he is jacked. Let’s be real, he would do this when he is doing chores too. You’ll assign him to empty the dishwasher and instead of quickly getting to work to get it over with, he’s being extra as hell and doing the same thing, tying his hair back and removing his shirt. He’s secretly hoping that you’ll walk in and like what you see and offer him some distraction. “Are you going to war, or what?” you’ll tease him instead when he stretches. “Well, yeah, the chores seem to have your attention nowadays more than I do, so, yeah, I’ll fight them,” is what he replies. Not gonna lie, you find it a little funny, that on top of him trying to impress you he has also somehow managed to make himself jealous. So, expect running into a wild Foolish showing off in the house when you least expect it. Sometimes you make fun of him for it and how hard he still tries for you, like that one time you asked him to put the dry laundry back to its’ place and he told you, “I’ll put you in your place in a second, too. You just wait.” Oops. He did. You still make fun of him sometimes, but this time with a motive.
So, about the PDA. Sorry to say it, but his signature move is smacking your butt. And make it as extra, and as embarrassing and annoying for you as possible. If you two ever were to bake together, at first it would be such a cozy evening of baking, unless it’s not so cozy anymore when he tells you, “if only I could get my grabbers on you,” and before you have any time to object, boom, your butt is full of floury handprints. He definitely takes a picture of it when you’re not looking. If you were having a nice day at the beach together, guess who constantly has sandy handprints on their butt? Yep, you. You would definitely feel kind of embarrassed, but he just laughs at you and tells you not to fret. He definitely wants to snap a fun, little sexy picture of it too. For what purpose? You’ll never know. There’s been a time when you’ve been renovating your friends bedroom together, a friendly offer, just painting some walls, and you already know that whenever he has some paint on his hands, he would just reach out and land a smack on your butt, staining you, before you had any time to react. Too bad you had to walk home after that and didn’t have spare pants to change into with you. Foolish feels no shame whatsoever, unlike you, who just doesn’t want to be seen by anyone with these major handprints on your bottom. So, whenever there’s something for him to smudge around, watch out, because he’s not afraid to get his hands (and you) dirty. One of his love languages, perhaps, considering how often he does it.
Whether you want it or not, you’re kind of like his workout buddy now. Or more like a piece of equipment. You’re not sure anymore at this point. But you do know that he usually ends up with more stamina than he started with when you join his work-outs and he can’t take the new-found sexual tension that forms with he’s all giddy and giggly every time he insists you two do that couple-y thing, where you’re lying underneath him while he’s doing push-ups. Sometimes when he lays there on top of you, you really cannot help it that your mind starts wandering, and he calls you out real fast with a blush on his cheeks, (because he’s thinking about it too), and a strained “get your mind out of the gutter”. You do, until he makes you sit on his back while he’s doing push-ups and your breath kind of hitches at his remarkable stamina and strength. It’s all fun, until it’s not, when he starts doing it at nights when he can’t sleep. Sometimes you’d wake up in the middle of the night in an empty bed and he’s on the floor doing push-ups and says, “oh, thank God you’re awake, giddy up and get under me.” You have to refuse, because it’s literally 3 AM and you’re dead tired. The next day he’s at it again. This time he’s doing sit-ups on the bedroom floor and calling for you to sit on him, “saddle up, I’m waiting.” You’ll hesitate, because how would that even work and he’ll huff at you, “oh, so now it’s a problem. If we were to get hot and heavy, you wouldn’t even think twice about it.” Who knows, maybe he invites you to take a shower with him afterwards, (happens 9 out of 10 times). It’s sort of a ritual now. He thinks you spoil him everyday by being the most stunning person alive, so he thinks he needs to catch up a little too and keep himself fit for you. As if you would ever lose your interest. At first you think working out is a drag, until it becomes fun with him, and now you two do it as often as you can. He would definitely smugly propose some more couple-y stuff and moves every time too, sometimes so inappropriate you have to refuse. It’s your job to keep up with him and keep him in check.
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totem-but-shark · 5 months
so i love shark hybrid headcanons for qfoolish, but my favourite of them all is contradictorily almost an inverse hybrid headcanon where he has a hybrid trait that goes ignored.
Sharks don't care for their young, not a single species. After their eggs are laid or the pups are born females are quick to abandon their young and the pups are quick to go considering some females will eat their young, and for the males they're long long gone by that point. There's no bond formed, not between the parents nor between the parents and pups. Id like to imagine qfoolish has these core instincts from his shark half and yet they're overwritten, overpowered by adoration. He adopts Leo, and his shark side is urging him to dip, to not get attached and not to linger. But he does, and every day he grows to love her more and more as he gets to know her as she grows into his hija perfecta, his shark side smothered and silenced months ago by thick blankets of soft, warm, comfortable unconditional love. Instincts be damned that's his baby.
And so he may be more careless with playtime, sitting back and letting Leo run wild and free under what some would claim to be far too little supervision, but he'll always be there. Always there to kiss her scrapes better and tie her hair up when she's decided to dive into a particularly big muddy puddle or befriend another pack of bull terriers. Throw her over his shoulder giggling and squealing and tuck her in every night, soothe her when she cries and spin her in the lawn when particularly good songs play on the jukebox. It might seem ironic that the shark hybrid parent was the one to stay but how could he not?
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fruit-sauce · 1 year
I love having non-human headcanons for the qsmp members, especially for silly dumb reasons
I’m just saying, the image I just got of Roier trying to do a courtship dance for Cellbit and Cellbit not knowing wtf he’s doing bc they’re totally different animals is pretty funny
Or, I’ve had this idea for a while now, all the ones with wings gently tapping on the eggs or even each other as a sign of greeting.
Example: Bad goes to see Philza and they stand side by side and lightly touch their wings together, like a handshake almost! This could be done with tails too, that’s be cute,,,
Lmao Foolish’s love language being just straight up biting, Baghera and Quackity going into water yet somehow come out fully dry, AUGH THIS IS SUCH A GOOD IDEAAAAA
Or all the hybrids going up to people and softly head-butting them for attention, and then the eggs pick up on it and now they’ve started gently bumping into people to get their attention ahhh,,,, this is adorable,,,
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jacksnotmyname · 10 months
Sounds the DSMP make when you hit them
Phil - dink
Techno - CLOON
Wilbur - DONK
Tommy - poTOINK
Tubbo - hwaBONK
Ranboo - SWEeee
Quackity - KABLAM
Foolish - CLAOWAowang
Jack - BONG
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fr-likes-chocolate · 2 months
Headcannon time! This time its why has that person been alive for so long?
Skizz and Mariana: I just dont age! (angels are ageless and can only be killed by certain weapons)
Tina, impulse, and Tango: oh we are just like that- (demon’s life expectancies are 10x longer than the average person)
Ironmouse: im immortal! (ironmouse is considered a goddess for ruling over demons)
Bad: I committed atrocities (because of said atrocities, bad was essentially promoted to one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse and now has to live till the apocalypse takes place)
Foolish: I'm technically not a living thing? (a totem is not considered organic life as it is usually made up of stone or precious metals)
Grian: because I am a watcher. (watchers have unlocked immortality and gift it to anyone who joins them)
Missa: im already dead! (can't die twice lol)
Phil: because I fucked lady death. (Kristen loves her angel so much that she gave him immortality)
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stardustluvs · 1 year
I saw that you write about foolish now(very happy about it)
So what do you think he will be like ina relationship?
Boyfriend - Foolish (Headcanons)
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Pairing: Foolish x gn!Reader
Summary: Headcanon’s on if Foolish was in a relationship!
Warnings: Foolish referred to as Noah
Author’s Note: Absolutely! I LOVE writing boyfriend headcanons, and these were no different! :)
Requests are open! || masterlist
Will hold every door for you
You’re probably never touching a door again tbh
Loves going on dates, will not be the one to plan them though
He wouldn’t know where to even start when it comes to planning a date
Has a list somewhere of all your favorite things
It’s probably on his phone
Like when you ask him where he wants to eat he would pull his phone out, look at the list, and say whatever he has written down as your favorite restaurant
“Where do you wanna get food from tonight?” “Uh…One sec…” “Noah?” “How about [Your Favorite Restaurant]”
Literally swoons over you
Like he is SO in love
Likes physical touch but he isn’t like super clingy about it
Forehead kisses and tight hugs >>
Pet names!!
Y’all rarely use each other’s real names at this point
Lots of video game dates
He’d wanna teach you to play something like valorant
He’d accidentally end up trying to protect you more than actually teach you
He likes when you play with his hair
You aren’t allowed to stop once you start
“Why’d you stop?” “Stop what?” *He proceeds to moved your hand back to his head, causing you to laugh.*
Texts you all the time, even if you’re in the same house
Tells you he misses you over text, even if you’re literally sitting beside him
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isa-ghost · 4 months
Yea, undying duo if phil and foolish! Because phil is mr hardcore survival minecraft and foolish is a totem of undying :D
basically, both cubitos have a wack relationship with death (and, I think, aversion to using totems? I know phil for sure but I'm a bit unsure about foolish)
I've done some qFoolish ones before!
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Phil would take another "vacation" with Foolish any time. Especially since the second time around, he actually got to know him really well. He'd like to see him again the next time they're in the same realm. :')
If he wasn't so Fuck The Feds he would consider doing some kind of huge cool build like the kids wanted them to so badly. Maybe in the next realm they'll do it because they won't have some kind of government hovering around. It's just too bad the kids won't see it.
He wishes he could've actually had time to actually enjoy having the titan by the wall but the Feds relocated them all like right after. After the way Foolish and his builds were disrespected last time they shared a realm, Phil is PISSED the Feds had the audacity to basically do the same. Especially when Foolish (kind of) worked for them!!!
Of everyone he got close to on the island, Foolish is one of the ones he wishes he had more time with. He feels like they were weirdly in different worlds despite them both being present so often. That's,, probably kind of Ender King's fault, honestly. He feels like he fell away from multiple people when things got bad.
Tbh he kinda wanted to ask Foolish about wtf he was up to in the last realm they were both in (aside from building) but decided against it bc a majority of his memories from that one are awful. So either Foolish was suffering too, or Phil wouldn't trust himself not to envy him for not having a horrid time.
Insert "MCC is some kinda canon interdimensional death games" hc here. Phil has SEEN Foolish kick ASS in a way that wasn't hysteria-driven Bolas rabies.
I'd like to think there's been at least one event or something where they just sat together and gave each other building tips.
The historian part of Phil's brain wants to talk to Foolish about what his Literally Undying ass has seen and lived through. How long has he been alive?? As long as Phil? Longer? He needs to know.
He's not sure where the eternal banana came from and at this point he's too afraid to ask.
Phil thrives on being a bystander of Foolish and Bad's find each other in every universe curse. He's not sure if the last realm before QI started it or if they've crossed paths even More before QI, but boy does he love getting to watch their beef.
See, Foolhalo might find each other in every universe (derogatory), but Phil knows the REAL one is Foolish and Tina finding each other in every universe (affectionate).
Something something Foolish totem something something Phil refusing to use totems when he's home in Hardcore. Is this anything. Someone cook for me I'm too stupid.
Phil is never gonna understand when or how Foolish became "King of the Capys" or why they chose him specifically. He assumes Foolish just hung out with them the most or something.
He barely got to know Vegetta but he just KNOWS he was Foolish's type. Which is wild bc prior to getting government assigned spouses, Phil didn't even think Foolish was fruity. Somehow. Looking back, it actually kinda makes sense to him. From what little he knew of Foolish before QI.
Inversely, Foolish was absolutely STUNNED to know Phil is some flavor of poly let alone fruity at all. Which is hilarious bc Phil is too tunnel-visioned on other things to try hiding that fact. But no, shark man beyond baffled that Phil lowkey adjusted to having a government assigned husband almost instantly. AND became possessive of said husband over time.
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jacksnotmyname · 11 months
What the SBI + Others would dress up as for Halloween
Philza - Biker (leather jacket and all) (he probably had a motorcycle when he wasn’t old and decrepit lmao L imagine being old)
Techno - a princess. (That’s it.)
Wilbur - A vampire if he’s feeling serious (would definitely overdo it with fake blo0d), and an M&M if he isn’t (you know what color + he would put his hair into pigtails for both)
Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo - Those ghosts that are just sheets with sunglasses (would switch out their costumes into cheap masks and double back on their trick or treating to get extra candy)
Michael - Pumpkin (or some other fruit themed children’s costume, preferably with a little hat)
Shroud - a roller skater (mostly so he could wear roller skates on all 8 of his feet) (also an excuse to shoulder check people)
Niki and Jack - Thing 1 & Thing 2 (from the Cat in the Hat) (they definitely argued about who was #1, and of course, Niki won)
Kristin - Dragonfly (or other cool shiny/elegant creature)(I love you mumza)
Quackity - Cowboy (yes, he did bedazzle his hat himself, yes, he is wearing platform boots, and yes, he is paired with Slime and Foolish) (has a toy g*n that shoots silly string)
Slime and Foolish - one of those two person horse costumes (Slime in front, Foolish in back with two coconut shells to clop together like hooves)
James Marriott (yes I’m counting jamesdoesmining, screw you) - Scooby Doo (he thought that they were doing a group costume, was sadly mistaken)
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fulich-bratsxd · 4 months
foolish is the type of king to hide his terminal illness until the very end
he would play off his symptoms like it’s the common cold when in reality he’s dying to an unknown disease that has no cure. multiple doctors have tried to help him but none of their medicines or magic have healed his already deteriorated figure
the only hopes he has is for princess tina to take on his responsibilities when he passes, with queen miyoung and king quackity there along side her
until then though, foolish trudges on and helps where and whenever he can, no matter the distance or difficulty because he’s determined to die a true, faithful, and righteous king
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showf4lls · 1 year
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ʚ ― heart eyes ; foolish gamers
info! headcanons, fluff / gender neutral reader
cw! no CWs
request! foolish having a crush
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⎼ definitely not the type of guy to realize that he has a crush at first. would probably just be all "oh jeez they're so nice and pretty and funny and interesting" and swoon over you all the time but assume that his feelings are platonic
⎼ such a gentleman, always holds doors open for you, knows the sidewalk rule, carries your bags for you, ties your shoes for you
⎼ catches himself staring a lot and just crosses his fingers that you haven't noticed
⎼ likes to research things that you talk about a lot or express interest in, that way he can have an actual conversation with you or ask you questions. but if you just want to infodump to him about your favorite things, he's down for that too
⎼ he likes to schedule intentional one-on-one time with you! like game nights, or walks, or movie marathons
⎼ slowly compiles a mental list of all of your favorites. favorite color, favorite food, favorite coffee shop, favorite season of the year - he's got it all written down somewhere. (i'm not normally about this idea, but foolish genuinely seems like the kind of guy to have a running list of all your favorite things on his phone)
⎼ always lets you sit in the passenger seat when he's driving. yes, you get passenger royalty privileges. he also trusts you enough to put you in charge of aux
⎼ definitely ropes you into doing duolingo with him. y'all compete to see who can get the highest ranking each week
⎼ he loves teaching you how to play new games! especially stuff where he can teach you while he's playing and bust his ass to protect you, like valorant
⎼ if you're okay with touch, i can see him being very subtly physically affectionate. leaning on you when the both of you are listening to a group conversation, fixing your hair, helping you put on your jacket, laying an arm over your shoulders when someone's looking at you in a way that he doesn't like. not in a jealous way or anything, he just doesn't want anyone thinking that you're okay to mess with
⎼ lets you paint his nails and play with his hair when it gets long. if you give him a little braid, he'll keep it in for the rest of the day
⎼ comes running if you've had a bad day, which is when his little list of all your favorites comes in handy. he'll ask how hungry you are and come with either your favorite take-out or your favorite snack food depending on your answer
⎼ overall just a sweetheart. tries to keep your best interest in mind at all times
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natureismynature · 1 year
"Immortal" headcanons for some QSMP characters!
- Angel of Death, favored by the Goddess of Death. He doesn't physically age, wounds heal normally, but he can still die. His body regenerates, but it takes centuries to reform. His scars stay with him even after regeneration.
- Grim Reaper, works under the command of the Goddess of Death. Quite literally cannot die, doesn't age, and his wounds heal really fast. Does not have scars
- Totem of Undying, demigod of the seas and skies. Similar to the other two, he doesn't physically age, his wounds heal fast, but he can still die. He works on a three life system, once he loses three lives, his body resets and so does most of his memories. He has 'death markings' to signify how many times he's died during a lifetime that shows as cracks of green on his skin where his death originated from.
- Immortal soul, favored and blessed by the Goddess of Eternity. He ages and gets wounded like a normal person. He can, of course, die as well. But unlike Philza, whenever he dies, he reincarnates immediately as a baby. He remembers everything from his past lives once he gets old enough to handle all the information.
- Cursed soul, a walking corpse from the underworld. You cannot kill what is already dead. He doesn't age and he can't die, but every single wound that he gets never heals, the pain never goes away either.
- Demigod of chaos and creativity, favored by all the gods. Doesn't age, is 27 forever. He can get severely wounded, but he can't die. His woulds heal fast, but fatal blows take him months to repare.
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melodyfsoul1 · 10 months
I like to head canon that c!Phil & c!Techno, also being immortal beings, sometimes just kinda ran into c!Foolish while travelling. Like Good Omens style, where they werent friends at first, but they were aware of another, and kinda just happened to be at the same place during the same battles, which would later be historic events.
Sometimes they fought on different sides, sometimes they fought together, that theres this mutual respect for the other :D
I also like to think that c!Foolish and Mumza/ aka Lady Death know each other, because q!Foolish's powers being a Totem / the ability to make totems / allowing people to be revived, means he is meddling with Lady Death's realm of responsibilities, but she lets him, because she's fond of humanity. And in the end all the souls will end up with her anyway to be laid to rest, so I think they would work together pretty peacefully :D
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coff3w · 9 months
Tumblr media
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dysany · 3 months
Q!Foolish hc when he's hair is natural blonde, because he's a totem of life and everthing about him used to be gold and white to represent it. But, in the purgatory, he died and feel/saw his friends die so many times that start to make him feel so stressed and it's shows in his apparence. His hair starts to be black, become more and more dark in the Egg's Island events. The gold in your skin is losing its shine more and more. One of his eyes no longer sees like it used to. Eventually, his hair is totally black, his skin becomes palid, and the shade of green in one of his eyes is much lighter than the other
Just saing: q!Foolish used to be so shining in the beging of QSMP, and end it totally different. Can you imagine Leo and Vegetta reaction seeing Foolish after the purgatory?
(Also, I like to imagine that qFoolish went half-blind during the fight in the Egg war, it's very specific but it was probably qFit
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isa-ghost · 6 months
Hey, do you have any Phil & Charlie hcs or perhaps Phil & Foolish?
I'm having such a struggle picking which fucking one to do bc on one hand Foolish probably has more material to work with but on the other I've seen Phil and Charlie interact so much (but like outside of qsmp) that I'd have a way better idea of their dynamic. Charlie Slimecicle log on qsmp more often you talented fuck.
Anyway we're gonna attempt some Phil/Foolish ones. I think they're called Immortals or some shit?? Idr.
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Phil had no fucking clue what Foolish's deal was prior to being paired with him on Bolas. He knew he was a goofy happy-go-lucky and talented guy that?? Maybe had allegiances with the Feds?? Hard to tell?? He thought it was a bit tbh. But Purgatory opened Phil's eyes up and he learned that yeah, he's kinda right to a degree. But there are still layers to Foolish despite how Just Vibing he is.
And holy shit can he TELL Foolish has the capacity to be terrifying. You're telling me an immortal shark-totem hybrid doesn't have the ability to kill a motherfucker violently??? NAH. Phil can tell if enough of the right buttons are pushed, Foolish would snap and tear a bitch to shreds. Likely for Leo.
Phil's not entirely sure he can trust Foolish bc he's so unclear about where his loyalties lie, but Phil CAN tell that Foolish keeps it that way for a reason, and Phil thinks it's smart. Despite not entirely trusting him, he believes Foolish wouldn't like. Sell out his friends for a corn chip, yknow?
Now when you take all the serious out of these two though, THEN it gets interesting. Foolish is one of the islanders that has the easiest time getting Phil to let loose. It's just contagious, Foolish is too silly.
At the same time Phil looks at him and is just like ???? How the fuck does he smile through the horrors like that ???? Like clearly he's aware Situations suck and he's anxious like anyone else so how does he have the willpower to be silly and chill???? Phil envies it. He's too full of anxiety. Survivalist's curse.
Foolish's laugh is pure serotonin to Phil. And kryptonite, Foolish's laugh makes Phil laugh. He can't help it. Motherfucker sounds like a window washer squeegee thing when he's dying.
They have 2 very different flavors of immortality to me and while I don't know how a conversation about it would go bc Foolish is so casual and Phil is so? Not secretive but like. Not nonchalant about it? There's still something there that the ccs should cook on. I'm begging them to, in fact.
Also something about how one of them has deep ties to the air and the other technically has deep ties to the sea. Something about that. Especially when used in like, a serious situation. Like spying on the Federation or some shit. Do you see my vision. Using their inborn abilities to their advantage while in collaboration with each other for the sake of them and their friends. Do you see it.
Phil: Gifting shed feathers to trusted loved ones 🤝🏻 Foolish: Gifting lost shark teeth to trusted loved ones
I don't headcanon Phil as a short king like the entire rest of the fandom apparently does but obviously Foolish is fucking enormous compared to 99% of people, Phil included. If Phil could fly he'd spitefully hover just a little higher than Foolish's full height just to mess with him.
Foolish has no idea if he's some kinda deity or if he's just immortal with some kinda weird totem roots and it drives Phil insane bc the hardcore deities have such a different energy than him yet you're telling him (maybe) both are divinity??
Speaking of the hardcore deities, Phil desperately wants to introduce Foolish to the Ocean Overlord bc they're (maybe) both himbo gods with some sort of tie to the ocean that are just vibing their asses off. (Oh my god wait I'm cooking on that idea. Doozers let's cook together on this).
Phil is jealous that Foolish can still swim, the thing he's deeply connected to (esp with those cosmetic fins he has) but he can't fly, the thing he's deeply connected to. But really it's just that Foolish is lucky bc the Federation would have to horrifically butcher him more or less in order to take away his ability to swim properly. Phil's easier to forcibly contain.
Believe it or not, if a situation arose where it was necessary, Phil would pick Foolish for his team (again) in a heartbeat. He may not be as passionate about fighting as Etoiles, or as ruthless as Fit, but hes powerful nonetheless, a trusted friend, has been in that situation with Phil before, and is a beacon of positivity; excellent for morale. Silly disposition and weird alliances aside, Foolish is an invaluable addition to a team from an objective perspective.
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