#for a second I was worried that you left Hajime out!
sassycheesecake · 9 months
The stadium is bursting with life and energy, people are ready to watch the long awaited game between Argentine and Japan‘s national volleyball team.
You came over to watch your husband play against his high school rivals, it’s been a dream of his ever since he left Japan.
Currently, you’re having a big heart attack, since you only turned around for a second to buy some onigiri snacks for you and your son, to find out said four-year old was just gone.
Panic flows through your veins along with adrenaline, you’re looking for that little brunette boy everywhere, when you remember that Mathéo has probably gone to look for his father.
Luckily at that time, Hajime Iwaizumi, 27-year old Athletic Trainer is currently helping Team Japan stretch for warm up when a heard a familiar voice of a child calling his name.
When the former Ace turns around in confusion, he sees Oikawa’s son, running towards him with big excitement in his dark brown orbs.
'Mathéo surely is a solid copy of his father.' Iwaizumi thinks as he greets his godchild.
"Mathéo, why are you by yourself? Where is your mum or your father?" The brunette crouches down as he looks around in concern to look for you or his best friend.
When you spot your son with Iwaizumi, you breathe out a big sigh of relief but you have to scold your son for pulling a stunt like that.
When the Athletic Trainer hears you, he is relieved that you found him and your son. But he is also happy to see you again, last time he visited you and Oikawa was almost over a year ago.
"Mathéo! Don’t do that again, I was looking everywhere for you! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" You scold the young boy and he looks incredibly guilty, almost ready to cry when he hears that you were so worried.
"I am sorry, mama. I just saw uncle Hajime and I wanted to say hello."
You sigh, feeling bad but also relieved that he is okay.
"I know but don’t run away from me again. Be glad it’s me scolding you and not your father."
"Yes, mama. I'm very sorry." Mathéo looks to the floor for a second, before looking at the Japanese players again, watching them with amazement and a big gleam in his eyes.
When you get up again from your crouched position, Iwaizumi notices something about you.
Your belly is having a small bump again.
"Has Shittykawa really knocked you up again?" He snickers a bit and raises a brow at you in amusement.
"Please don’t remind me, I had a moment of weakness with those eyes of his. Besides, Mathéo really wished for a sibling. He is already four years old. Can you believe that?" You look at your son in amazement and love, he looks exactly like his father, except that he has a very quiet personality, more like yours.
"How far along are you?" Iwaizumi interrupts your thoughts, looking at you with a smile, folding his arms.
"13 weeks now, Tōru really hopes for a girl this time." You grin at the brunette rubbing your stomach a bit.
"You shouldn’t run though, it’s not good for you during your early pregnancy." Still ever the concerned mother duck, Iwaizumi scolds you a bit.
"I know, I know, I was just in a huge panic mode, because I couldn’t find him." You sigh with a smile.
Iwaizumi smiles at you yet again and unbeknownst to you, a few players stopped their warm up, watching the interaction between you and their Athletic Trainer.
"I didn’t know Iwaizumi had a family." Hakuba states.
"Damn, she’s super hot. Too bad she is married ta our Athletic Trainer." Atsumu wiped a towel across his face, his brown eyes still captivated by the woman.
Hinata hears his teammates talking and looks over and sees Iwaizumi and a beautiful, breathtaking woman standing next to him, talking and laughing. For some reason you look very familiar but he can’t remember exactly where he has seen your face before.
All of sudden, you depart from Iwaizumi and the young boy who was watching the Japanese team, comes up to you to hold your hand.
When you turn a bit to see the players, you spot Hinata, giving him a bashful smile and a small wave at him, walking to the sides to look for your husband and his team.
Hinata can’t help but feel like you look extremely familiar, that young boy really reminds him of a certain brown-haired Setter that was once and honestly still is Kageyama‘s archenemy.
Iwaizumi turns back to the group and sees that some of the players are giving him weird looks.
"What?" He asks harshly into the round.
"Since when do you have a wife and a kid??" Suna frowns.
"What are you talking about?" Iwaizumi frowns back in confusion.
"The goddess of beauty itself that was just standin' next ta ya a minute ago." Atsumu clarifies.
"Also, I don’t know if you noticed but the kid looks nothing like you." Kageyama adds as well.
Iwaizumi finally understands but can’t help himself to be ticked off by Kageyama‘s last comment.
"Because she’s not? You have known me for what?Almost four months? You ever seen a ring on me or that woman visiting me at work? She is only a very good friend of mine. She used to be Aoba Johsai’s manager." The Athletic Trainer explains.
"That’s why she looked familiar! Her name is (Y/L/N) (Y/F/N) isn’t it?" Hinata is very excited and hopes to talk to you again, after meeting you in Brazil with Oikawa together almost 6 years ago.
"Well, believe it or not, it’s actually Oikawa (Y/N) now."
Another voice chimes in, the sentence carried with pride and smugness.
Some of the players tense up and almost growl at the sight of Argentine‘s official Setter walking up with an agonizing smirk.
"Nice to see you again Shōyō. Hope you and the suckers behind you are ready to lose." Oikawa just loves to rile people up, seeing the reactions of them are always a blast for him.
"The fuck did ya just say-" Atsumu growls and is ready to physically fight the opponent Setter when they hear that exciting voice again.
"Papa!" At the sound of his son‘s voice, Oikawa immediately turns around with a big smile.
Little steps run towards the brunette and Oikawa bends down to his son‘s height to catch him.
Standing up again to his full height, Mathéo smiles widely with closed eyes as he hugs his father‘s neck.
"Mathéo, this is Shōyō Hinata, your pa played with him in Rio when he visited the city. Can you say 'hi'?"
Mathéo turns to the orange-haired Wing Spiker for a second and immediately hides his face in his father‘s neck.
"Sorry about that, got my dashing looks but his mother‘s shy personality." Oikawa chuckles a bit, patting his son lightly on the back.
Hinata walks a bit closer to Oikawa‘s son, being extremely good with kids.
"Mathéo, do you also want to play volleyball when you grow up like your papa?"
Mathéo turns again to look at the orange-haired Opposite Hitter and hides his face partly to look at Hinata while being attached to his father.
"I do." Mathéo whispers out, still wary of the stranger.
"Maybe later on, you can show Shōyō how good you can receive already." Oikawa suggests to his son and he slowly comes out of his shy shell and nods enthusiastically at his father’s words.
"After of course, your amazingly talented dad has beat every single player. Especially Kageyama or the blonde idiot that only ranked second place in Japan‘s best Setter." Oikawa‘s pointy finger booped the tip of Mathéo‘s nose and the little boy squeals in delight.
"Mama said you shouldn’t say those words. They’re mean." Mathéo's face changes immediately again and he scolds his father, who in return just scoffs lightly at the words.
"Mijo, I am just telling you the truth, watch the game and you‘ll see what I mean."
"Okay papa!"
Oikawa farewells Hinata and wishes him good luck.
When the Setter seeks out his wife, he sees her standing by the sides, talking to some of his teammates.
Making his way towards her, he feels a great amount of pride flowing through his system. He’s got a family now and he is ready to show the world what he’s got.
Unbeknownst to Oikawa, lots of looks of glowering eyes follow the Argentinian Setter‘s movements, getting riled up by his words, they are ready to fight.
Let the battle begin.
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jesswritesthat · 2 months
Oikawa Tōru: Doubt
Fandom: Haikyuu!! — [ Masterlist ]
Summary: ~0.9k, fluff
• You never minded Oikawas fans, but one in particular gets a little too confident.
Warnings: None
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Dating one of the most beautiful people to have ever graced the halls of Aoba-Johsai was no easy task, and by the gods, sometimes you’d jokingly highlight that you wished it was Iwaizumi Hajime. However, your heart was defective and had fallen for his best friend instead - who forever agrees with wishing for Iwaizumi himself. The namesake irritably stating you were idiotically perfect for each other.
You’d been together for some time and not once had Oikawa Tōru done anything for you to doubt his love or loyalty. It was in the soft smiles he’d give you, or the looks that spoke a conversation, it was in the playful jokes, and the thoughtless touches when he was excited. Volleyball was a massive part of his life you understood, and it took up a lot of his time, but never were you forgotten.
An open invite was always presented for his practices, for his out of school training, and for his games - and always were you given the choice to go. Though he would over-dramatically whine if you declined, he wouldn’t hold it against you and instead insist you have fun without him (assuring you it’d be more fun if he was there obviously).
Tōru greeted you before and after every game you attended with Seijoh, and he made sure to find his way to your classroom to see you every school day. His team knew who you were and would treat you as one of their own, they’d playfully mock his mistakes if ever they arose and support you if he was absent. There was never a reason to doubt him and he made sure of that, and even if your relationship was common knowledge, there were some who doubted.
Today was one of those days. This girl was undeniably attractive, and you’d hold no ill will under regular circumstances considering you’d seen her in the cluster of Seijoh fans frequently enough. You’d grown accustomed to others flirting with Oikawa and even confessing to him on occasion, it came as a side affect to his natural charm and handsome looks, he was also receptive toward his fans which made him all the more approachable.
Like most she’d touched his bicep, laughed a little too hard at his jokes, and approached him when presented the opportunity. Until today, where such fan behaviour involved you rather than your boyfriend.
“Have you seen Oikawa-san yet Saki? He should be out by now!” One of her friends commented, the trio looking around the reception for him.
Admittedly it wasn’t your place butting in to their conversation, and maybe that was why this Saki girl had spoken so ‘confidently’, but you only intended to provide an answer for their qualms.
“He said he’d be out in a second so shouldn’t be much longer.” Came your polite tone, placing your phone back into your pocket after relaying your recent message.
The trio of fans looked to you, one tilting their head with a welcoming smile.
“Ah (L/n), you’re his partner right? Thanks!”
When you nodded in response, both to her question and as a silent ‘you’re welcome’, this Saki girl suddenly spun to meet your gaze with hands on her hips.
"Oh are you gonna tell me to stay away from your man?"
It caught you completely off guard, one of her friends smirked whilst the other (who’d greeted you previously) seemed surprised much like yourself. Unfortunely for Saki, you weren’t about to start doubting him now.
"Well if I had to do that, then he wouldn't be my man."
"I guess you've got nothing to worry abou—" Saki narrowed her eyes to a cruel glare that’d actually concern you if you cared enough, but you didn’t get another second to consider when a flash of aqua crossed your vision and you were tackled by such a force it left you stumbling for balance (still embraced in his arms).
"BABY DID YOU SEE ME?!" Tōru excitedly yelled upon entry, immediately racing into your standing figure. Naturally he had no intention of slowing down expecting you to catch him, and with a brief imbalance you always did, reciprocating his adoring smile.
“Yeah, you were amazing Tōru. Those service aces in the first match? Flawless!”
“Well of course~ I couldn’t disappoint (Y/n)-chan.” A kiss to your lips. “You okay if I greet the fans?”
“Mhm, go ahead. I’ll meet you outside.” You gently clasped his chin with your fingers, simply admiring him. “My man is inspiring.”
When walking away your fingers slipped from his skin with a flourish, your words ensuring his eyes remained on you until you were out of sight.
“And so is my lovely (Y/n)-chan.” Then he turned to his fans with a peace sign, a dangerous glance briefly landing on Saki, before returning to normal. “Thank you all for coming today, and for your support!”
“Oikawa can we have a picture?!”
“Please can you sign my journal?”
Dating Oikawa Tōru was difficult, but it was worth your while by a long shot. No matter how many fans or distractions he had, he always made his way back to you - for that, you were forever grateful.
“Hey (Y/n)-chan, thanks for waiting. You wanna get dinner with Iwa-chan and I to celebrate?” A familiar hand placed on the small of your back and his real breathtaking smile worn only because of you.
“Sure, thanks Tōru.”
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love-anddeepression · 23 days
White Lily-Umemiya Hajime
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a/n:This is actually so shit im so sorry, it was supposed to be something else but it became this. please comment and reblog if you like it i love feedback :3
Fluffity Fluff, ume being clueless and whipped, tsubaki and hiragi are besties i love them sm
It was cold, when you'd first met him. He must've been around fifteen, flung to the ground after a brawl. He had seen you in his peripheral, his vision was blurry.
Like a movie scene, you had entered his line of view, the sun shining behind you as you knelt down beside him, holding his head up and saying something he couldn't hear.
He woke up in his bed later. Sensei was sitting on a chair to his right, and to his left, you. The both of you were chatting animatedly and Sensei was soothing your worry, In fact, it was quite normal for Umemiya to come back to the institution beaten up and bloody.
He coughed and your gaze fell on him, your eyes widening, "You're alright!" you exclaimed.
'You have a goal', his mind provided, he couldn't be distracted by frivolous things like partners and love.
But gosh, you were so pretty. You were the prettiest girl he'd ever seen.
Your wide eyes sparkled when he smiled, "I am, aren't I. Thanks to you."
Sensei huffed, "Damn right, Ume. She shouted for help until one of the girls ran back here to get me. She was about to carry you on her shoulders."
Now his eyes widened, and he looked at you in surprise.
"Please, as if I would be able to carry him. He's really strong." you scoffed.
Ume had been called strong by many people, and it was a fact that he had accepted. He needed to be strong to change Furin.
So why in hell was he feeling so warm, all of a sudden?
He looked down, focusing on the pattern of his blanket. Bruised knuckles brushing against the soft wool.
"I am glad you're okay." you smile, "And thank you for having me, sir." you nod at the smiling scruffy-haired blonde opposite you, "I'll take my leave."
"Wait!" the words fall out of his mouth before he knows what he's going to say next.
You turn around and he freezes. He freezes like a little rabbit.
"Uhm." he looks away, a deep flush on his cheeks. He doesn't see Sensei trying not to laugh, "I don't even know your name! How will I see you again?"
You laugh, and it's like wind chimes. You give him your name and it sounds like it belongs in his lips.
'That is so cheesy', his fifteen year old brain mocks, 'What is wrong with you?'
"I'll see you in town, Umemiya-kun."
The next day, the boy looks for you like a panting deer in search for water.
When he finds you and you smile at him, he realizes two things.
He likes you :D
Shit. He likes you.
He kisses you on his sixteenth birthday a day after you hand him a potted flower and a handwritten letter.
"Take care of it, Ume!" you had said on the messy, dirty rooftop of Furin, "It holds my feelings for you." The flower is a white-lily to match his hair and the letter smells of your perfume that he has grown to love.
He races to you after he reads the letter, a letter that says nothing about your feelings for him, but contains all the hopes you have for him.
'I hope you achieve everything you desire' He runs down the steps, two at a time, his hand burning as he scraps it on the rusty railing.
'I hope you never lose the fight in you. The resolve I admire so much.' his lungs burn, he's always hated running, but he presses on.
'I hope that you know that you are loved by so many.' he can see you from one of the windows, waving goodbye to Hiragi at the gate.
'I will never forget you as long as I live.'
"Wait!" he shouts again, like the younger boy on the bed, desperate to know you.
You turn again, your eyebrows raised at his panting form.
"Wait, " he groans, god he hates running, "Give me a second." he coughs and you giggle.
Hiragi slowly backs away with an eyeroll, he doesn't hide the small smirk on his face.
A moment later, Umemiya takes your hand in his, "I, uh. Your letter."
"Yes? Did you read it?"
He nods frantically, "Thank you. For everything."
You tilt your head, "Do you know what White Lilies stand for?"
He clears his throat, "Um, not really?" he winces.
"THEY STAND FOR LOVE, YOU IDIOT!" Tsubaki shouts, Hiragi standing next to him, covering his face in embarrasment.
He looks to you, his eyes a little wide.
You smile at Tsubaki and he winks at you.
"You love me?"
You look away, "I have, for a while. And-"
Whatever words you're about to say never come to light because Umemiya holds your face in his hands and brings your lips to his. Goal be damned, he was a fool for ever thinking that love was frivolous. Fool, his mind cackles, how could this ever be stupid? How can your hands in his hair be stupid? how can your smile when he pulls away be stupid?
It is love that makes him live, he realizes, Love for the town, for the people, for you. It makes every punch worth it.
Umemiya plants the white-lily you gave him. There are still white lilies, two years later, along with your favorite flower, planted side by side in the garden he grew on Furin's rooftop.
He tends to them in the mornings along with Sugishita and he takes a picture and sends it to you.
"I can't wait! Sugishita!" he exclaims as the younger boy nods, his eyes sparkling. He looks up to you as well, you are always so kind to him.
"It's our two-year anniversary!"
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pholla-jm · 3 months
Notice Me
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IMAGINE: NOTICE ME ~ IWAIZUMI X READER GENRE: FLUFF cw: some pining. not proof read. ************
Iwaizumi never had any fangirls. Or rather he didn't bother to check if he had any fangirls. He already knew that all the girls there were for his childhood friend, Oikawa. So why bother to even spare a glance at the girls? 
Well, if he did. He would notice that there was one person cheering for him. One person was always waiting to congratulate him after his game was over. However, he always walked away not even noticing the (h/c) haired person.
However, this person was determined to gain his attention. To let him know that they were cheering him on. To let him know that he was as good a player as his famous team mate.
It was another game. Another victory. Another failed attempt to get his attention. All you wanted was for him to notice her. 
However, you had a plan this time. You were going to wait for him to come out of the gym to stop and congratulate him. 
You waited for him to step out the front of the gym, no matter how long it took. 
However, as more time passed by, your hope to see him started to diminish. Was there another exit that you weren't aware of? Probably, with your luck. 
With a defeated sigh, you sat on the concrete steps, left to wallow in your failure. 
'Why can't he just notice me?'
The sound of shoes slapped against the concrete. You didn't look up though. Figuring it was just another person, getting ready to go home. 
There was a heavy sigh, not one from you though. It was deeper and heavier. More male like. 
"Oikawa already left." 
Your eyes widen hearing that voice. In a quick second you whipped her head towards the direction of the voice. 
Your hopes were immediately brought up seeing the dark haired ace. 
Your heart immediately started beating faster and you immediately got flustered. You didn't know you were going to react this way, and it was rather embarrassing. 
You immediately stand up to face him. You had to look up at him. Not because of his height, but because he was two steps above her. 
"N-no. I'm not here for him. I'm here for you!" 
An eyebrow raised hearing your words. He wasn't used to someone waiting for him. Especially someone as pretty as you. 
"I wanted to give this to you." You say pulling a single white rose out of her bag. You started to get nervous as you held the rose towards him. You started to worry; was this too much? Does he even like roses? 
"I also wanted to let you know that you're doing amazing! And that I will always be cheering for you at every game. Keep up the good work!" 
A bright blush now covered his face. He definitely wasn't expecting this. A pretty person cheering for him and giving him a flower. It was like his brain stopped working. He pulled himself together and grabbed the flower from your smaller hands. 
"I'm Iwaizumi Hajime, by the way." 
"I'm (l/n)(y/n)!" 
Iwaizumi gave you a smile. Even your name was pretty- he thought.
"Can I walk you home?" He asks without even thinking. 
Your eyes widen at his question, a blush forming on your face. You weren't expecting that offer. All you were expecting was for you to cheer him on. You didn't know how to respond to his question. 
Iwaizumi could feel the uneasiness radiating off of you in waves; and it started to make him a little bit nervous. 
"I... I mean. I feel it's my responsibility. You did wait for me to come out after all. I would hate for you to walk home by yourself so late." 
You calm your heart down before nodding your head. You were still a bit nervous. I mean, you were about to walk home with someone you adored very much. 
"I would like that very much. Thank you."
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nan0ka · 3 months
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summary. imagine getting sick. it's the worst day of your life, but also not that bad
content. highschool au, fluff, slowburn, childhood friends to lovers, umemiya may seem ooc, little angst.
wordcount. 2.57k
❨📁❩ ← previous. ❨🗂️❩ → masterlist. ❨📁❩ → next.
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 THE chirping of birds woke you up as you slowly opened your eyes. And the first thing you felt, was dizziness. The tiredness in your body was so strong, you couldn't even move one muscle. It's like being tied to bed. You groaned and shut your eyes again, not feeling too well. As you opened your eyes for the second time everything was blurry. You hate it. You hate being half blind. You hate being tied to bed.
But seems like you caught a cold. Or worse, fever. It's so hot under your blanket and the wet towel over your forehead was also warm. It's also cold. Very cold. And at the same time it's so hot. You knitted your eyebrows slightly at this unpleasant feeling. Right now, you felt helpless. Helpless enough that you want to break down again and cry. But you can't even cry properly.
If you're being honest. This must be the worst experience ever. Worst day ever. Your mouth and throat feels like a dry desert. However, you don't even know where your bottle of water is. You can't even move. How are you going to drink? Are you going to die? By being too dehydrated? This is the worst experience ever. "W-Wa...er." you can't even say the word water right. You're going insane.
"H-Ha- me." your eyes began to burn again as you wanted to toss and turn around, yet you don't have any power to. The last word you're going to say in this life is definitely Hajime.
You're going to die.
It took all your efforts to turn your head to the side and first thing you noticed were flowers in a vase on top of your nightstand. You're pretty sure you did not put those outstanding flowers in such a hideous-looking vase. Suddenly the door was slammed open and you watched how your childhood friend comes through your door with a beautiful pink apron.
"Oh, [name]-chan is already awake!" he smiles brightly and walked towards your bed. "I cooked your favorite, Okayu!" It wasn't your favorite, but you quite like it.
With that he placed the dish on your nightstand and sat on the edge of your bed. "How are you feeling?" Umemiya asked while gently laying his hand against your forehead. "Hmm... You still have high fever. But luckily, your fever reduced!" he helps you sit up by putting his arm under your back before making sure you're sitting comfortable. "You should get more often sick, then I can take care of you!"
"..." you glared at him. Actually- you tried. It's still hard for you, because you're a sick person right now. If you weren't, then you'd definitely punch him.
"I'm just kidding!" he chuckled jokingly. He wasn't joking.
You panted heavily while using your arm as a support to sit up. It felt like your body has no bones and would only consist of organs and meat. You could easily puke out everything you've eaten the past days. "I should let you sleep more, shouldn't I?" his voice was laced with worry. "But you haven't eaten yesterday. You slept through the day. What should I do?"
"...water." a single word left your lips and your mouth was dry again.
"Yeah, you're right!" he nods his head motivated and grabbed the bottle of water next to your bed before opening it and helping you drink.
Never in your seventeen years of living have you drunk your water so quickly. You coughed as soon as the bottle left your lips. He chuckled and patted your back gently. And it got worse, because your stomach began to growl. Now you really can die out of embarrassment. "Wanna eat?" he asked enthusiastic and smiled brightly. His great cooking isn't going to waste before it's getting cold!
"Mhm..." you nodded weakly and leaned against the wall.
As he took the spoon into his hand, your eyes wandered to the dish. Okayu was an easy dish to make. You only need to simmer the rice in a pot with water until it disintegrates. And because the rice is tender, soft, and easily digestible, it is considered a healing food in Japan. You typically serve okayu to people who are recovering from sickness. "You love okayu, right?" he asked.
Quietly, you hummed and then opened your mouth to welcome the spoon he was holding. "I did everything the recipe told me to do." he explained, while you listend. The warm and comforting rice that should soothe the body and restore energy tasted not good. Gosh. Now you're crying again. You felt the tears building up at the corner in your eyes as you narrowed them slightly.
"[name]?!" his eyes widened and he immediately placed it to the side. "Why are you crying? Is it that good?"
It's actually quite unsavory. And you're crying because it's that bad. Not even you can create such outrageous dish and you couldn't even cook properly without looking at the instructions every second. "It's... bad." you muttered, the tears are flowing, gliding down your rosy cheeks. "R-Really... bad." you never imagined you would cry because of food. But here you are, looking down at the rice porridge.
"Oh. I should've tasted first!" now you're giving him a reason to cry with you as he sulked slightly. "Go to sleep while I'll cook something better, okay?"
Umemiya really looked upset about his own dish as he stood up quickly to walk out of the room, only for you to reach out for him, grabbing his shirt successfully. If you move one more muscle, you really are going to die. You breathed out. "It's so bad... that it's good again." you're just saying nonsense. It's bad. Bad bad. No one can save it anymore.
He stood still, looking at you. And not even a second passed as his face lit up. "It's not that bad, right?!" he beamed, sitting down on tue edge of your bed again while holding the spoon up again. Oh it's hard for you to say anything bad again. Even though it's your honest opinion. He began to feed you again with a spoon full of Okayu.
You're so tired and it felt like you're going to die. But it's fine, because you're full. Full of his very 'delicious' dish. And to your surprise, you didn't feel as weak as before. It works like magic, doesn't it? Medicine always tastes bad, so you suppose it's not that bad. "How did it even end up that bad? What happend?" he asked, getting you out of your thoughts, as placed the bowl on your nightstand.
"Needed ideas to draw." you gave him a short explanation, closing your eyes tiredly.
"And then?" seems like it wasn't enough.
"Found a bunny on a small hill. When I got a picture..." you paused and breathed out. It's even tiring to talk. "I stood up, slipped and rolled down. Lost my camera."
At that he frowned. "You lost the camera? Isn't very special to you?" he looked pretty worried.
"It is. But I won't risk it to get it..." you layed down on your bed again. "Camera hanging on that one branch."
"But the pictures... You really wanna give up?" he sulked. "You didn't even send me our picture!"
"Yeah yeah, you baby." you coughed a bit. "Let's talk about it later. I wanna sleep."
"Aww!" he smiles again and he covers you with your blanket, getting your face closer. "Goodnight kisses to sleep better?"
"No, get away from me before you also catch a cold."
"I don't mind getting sick if I can kiss you." he forms his lips to kiss lips, only for you to push him away with your hand against his face.
"Good night. Or noon. I don't know what to say." he glanced down to you, leaning the weight of his head against your hand. "Don't die on me and get better, yeah? We're going to have so much fun the next days. As an apology for not taking care of you." this time, his smile was rather sadder than the others as he grabbed your wrist gently, placing soft kisses on your palm down to your inner wrist.
"Yeah, yeah..." you rolled your eyes and turned your head away, letting him hold your hand a bit longer. How does your face even get redder? You already have fever, now it's getting hotter and hotter.
The grip around your wrist gets tighter, not enough to hurt you in any way.
"...thank you for taking care of me right now. I'm not sure what would have happend to me if you weren't there—" you coughed again. This is killing you.
"Oh, [name]. You wouldn't want to know what would happen to me if you aren't here anymore." he chuckles. "I probably would have gone insane by now. And that would be one of the less serious things."
"You think way too much of me."
"No, no. I think too little of you."
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
 Despite the tiredness in your body, you stayed awake the whole time. You silently eyed the cloudy sky until the shining, warm sun swapped places with the calm, quiet moon. There was no way you could fall asleep after Umemiya walked out of your bedroom. You listened how he washed the dishes, without breaking anything to your luck, cleaned your apartment and then opening the door and leaving you alone in your room.
You thought he would make a quick shopping or visit kotoha to also check up on her or maybe greet the town— You don't know. During the time he was out, you layed on your bed with eyes wide open to watch the sky, not noticing it was night already. Your window was also open, letting the cold breeze of wind float around the room while you searched comfort under your blanket.
'It's getting lonely.' is the only thought that's lingering in your mind. 'Why do I even care? I'm most of the time alone.' you sighed and closed your eyes, trying your hardest to fall asleep. 'Hajime won't come again, right? He doesn't even have keys.' you yawned. A slight smile forms on your lips. You do miss his company. He's the only thing that's loud in your life. But you don't mind, because sometimes you're bored of the quiet life.
And he makes everyday exciting.
Suddenly, you heard someone having trouble putting the keys in the door. They even had trouble taking of their shoes, what a funny burglar. You turned your head to the open door and waited for the next sound. The person sneaked around your apartment and when they reached your door, you turned your head as fast as possible and as quietly as possible. They peeked in, you think.
"Awh... I had hopes to wish her good night."
Ah. It was Umemiya.
"I'm awake, dummy." you whispered and faced his direction again. "Where were you?"
If only you could see him. It's so dark. And a bit creepy. The moonlight only shines down on your side of the room while the other half was dark. You heard his steps how he came closer and the first thing you saw, was a familiar camera in his hands. Your eyes widened at that. "Did you... Did you searched for the camera as you left?" now you were speechless as you stared him in shock.
"Yeah! And I found it! Actually, I already knew where it was. I only tried to climb up the small hill. Scratch that. The hill wasn't small at all." he showed you his brightest smile.
Even though the moon is out and shines down at the both of you now, his smile resembles the sun, blinding your vision slightly. You avoided his smile, as your gaze went down as soon as you noticed his dirty cheek. Oh. His shirt was a bit ripped. His usual slicked-back, white hair was messy. And his clothes were stained with soil. "...how many tries did it take you?" you asked in a soft whisper voice.
"Hmm, don't know. Maybe over twenty." it definitely was over thirty— fourty times.
"Why?" you let out an exasperated sigh and shut your eyes, needing a while to process his not so smart actions.
"Uh, because you hold it dear to you?"
Your eyes immediately opened again as you looked at him again, speechless once again. He never fails to make you speechless. "Didn't I told you it isn't worth to risk it, or did I forget to tell you? Just look at you." you shook your head in disagreement. "You're all dirty and your clothes are ragged up." you furrowed your eyebrows in frustration. Even if you're sick, you can't take off your eyes of him.
"But it's still a small price to pay."
"Yes. You have a lot of memories on it. And pictures of me. You can draw them instead of searching motives to paint." he smiles again and sat down on the floor, not daring to touch your bed, knowing you hate germs.
"..." you stared at him and sighed once again. You have no more things to discuss with him.
"Can I get the picture now as a reward?"
"Of course... I intended to send you those photos anyway."
"Nice!" he beams.
You turned your whole body to him and looked made room for him and lift the blanket, offering him to lay down beside you. While he was staring. The longer he stared, the more uncomfortable you got. "Come on. My arm is getting tired." you whispered impatiently and furrowed your eyebrows. Your cheeks fired up a bit. You're glad you have a weak fever. Otherwise he would notice it.
"I'm dirty."
"And? You got the camera... for me. And..." you trailed off. "And i'm a bit cold, okay? Now hurry up."
Not wasting another second he begins to grin, taking off his jacket before crawling into your bed beside you. "You're the sweetest, [name]! I kinda hope you get more often sick! Then I can take care of you again and maybe sleep beside you for the night." he told you excited, his blue eyes are shining. "I don't mind! I could even stay by your side everyday. You know how boring my life is without you?"
Oh he doesn't know how boring your life would be.
"Uh-huh." you hummed, closing your eyes. Maybe now you can sleep.
"Let's take care of your flowers tomorrow, okay? I haven't seen them for like years!" he rambles. Not again.
"Yes, yes..." you nodded at the sound of his voice.
Even though he's a little loud, you can fall asleep anytime. Without a single worry. Why? Maybe because you felt safe around him. You don't know.
"I saw the paintings you drew. Love 'em. Can I have some?"
You turned your back to him, your ears got warm.
"Can I hug you?" he chuckles.
"If you sleep now." you sighed, slightly embarrassed.
"Okay, I promise." his arms wrapped around your waist.
"Can we do this more often?"
"You just promised me to sleep."
"Sorry. I'm so happy. I'll shut my mouth now. Good night."
You're going to die because of embarrassment. What are you thinking?
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- NAN0KA [ june 28th, 2024 ]
I honestly think umemiya can cook. but ngl the thought that he makes horrible dishes, makes my day.
the 12-episode shojo romance anime checklist:
- ml / fl getting sick ✓
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
Wendy! How do you think the Bonten gang would react to their wife telling them not to come home because both her and the babies have the stomach flu?
I will commence the headcanons!
Sick, Sick, Sicker: Manjiro Sano/Sanzu Haruchiyo/Kakucho Hitto/Hajime Kokonoi/Takeomi Akashi/Kanji Mochizuki/Ran Haitani/ Rindou Haitani x Fem!Reader
wc: 335
tw: fluff
Manjiro Sano would look at his phone, contemplate sleeping another night on the couch in his office, then send Sanzu to look after you.
Sanzu Haruchiyo is on the phone with you, repeating some directions he found about helping with the symptoms, even though he feels really uneasy about leaving you with the babies. He chooses to observe the scene through the house cameras.
Kakucho Hitto wouldn't miss a beat leaving a Bonten meeting to take care of you. No questions asked. But when you locked him out and left him to figure something else out, he'll make sure you get medication and food delivered whenever, however.
Hajime Kokonoi would ensure you had a nurse to care for you and the kids while he remained at the headquarters. He'd call every hour just to make sure things are going well, but would be anxious to get back to his family as soon as possible.
Kanji Mochizuki isn't fucking around with a stomach flu. He'll find a way to get you to the hospital and have every single doctor check you out on threat of being turned into fish food.
Takeomi Akashi is anxious, to say the least. He's guilty because he passed it on to his family, but more upset that he'll miss the fantastic dinners you used to make. His signature lasagna is not as good as it used to be.
Ran Haitani is virtually unphased but worries secretly. He checks his phone every so often to make sure you don't need anything, but remains as stoic as ever when asked why he's sleeping in his office and not in the comfort of his home
Rindou Haitani would argue with his brother for .02 seconds before hopping in the car, ready to risk it all to make sure his wife and kiddos don't die alone. Rindou can't stand being away from you anyways, so it just makes more sense for him to "work from home". (Which is just him playing nurse to the family.)
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fuckitupfelix · 1 month
DONT WORRY ABOUT IT BRO ITS ALL GOOD!!! IM GONNA COOK WITH THIS ONE TO MAKE UP FOR IT 🙏🙏 actually writing now hope this doesn't turn out bad..
hit it til it breaks...?
iwaizumi hajime x male reader
word count: 1k
iwaizumi's noticed that his boyfriend, seijoh's libero, hasn't been doing his best.
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iwaizumi has seen what pushing yourself past your limits can do to you. he's seen how oikawa always strived to be the best he could, sometimes pushing himself beyond exhaustion. it takes a huge toll on your body, so iwa promised himself he'd take care of himself, and it's not exactly a secret. he pushed everyone to do the same.
so it surprised iwaizumi when he noticed (name) acting different in the past few weeks. they were all very subtle changes; he would buy coffee in the morning more often, was a bit slower with receives, and a little more tired than he usually used to be.
he was pushing himself.
that's what iwaizumi thought initially. he's seen the signs in oikawa enough times to know the aftermath of straining yourself and making your body work overtime. he decides to wait a bit, see if (name) would mention anything by himself. he didn't.
"iwaaaa," (name) called, leaning over iwaizumi's desk. "can i borrow your homework answers?"
iwaizumi raised an eyebrow at that. "you didn't get time finish it last night?" he asked, pulling out the papers. he noticed his boyfriend's hesitation before he took the papers.
"nah, only got through half of it before i went to bed. my mom had me run errands after school. y'know, groceries 'n stuff." (name) said causally. he hunched over iwaizumi's desk to quickly write down the rest of his answers before passing the worksheets back to him. "thanks!"
"yeah, no problem. . . by the way—" but (name) had left before he could ask his question.
later that day, during practice, the team was doing a spiking drill. (name)'s receives were all flawless, but iwaizumi noticed the slight stiffness of his movements. how he grit his teeth for a spike that wasn't particularly hard to get. how his feet left the ground half a second too late. how his breathing grew ragged faster than usual.
'maybe im overthinking things,' and so he shook the thoughts away. he's used to having to deal with oikawa's bullshit. maybe its made him paranoid.
he went to spike, moving fluidly. the ball went a bit of a distance away from (name)'s direction— almost halfway across the court— but he still went for it. that's when it happened.
(name) reached, pushing himself to make contact with the ball, willing himself to. and he did. he sent it up nicely— a beautiful arc straight to the net. but his body had already exhausted itself. it was too much. his face contorted in pain as he felt his leg spasm. his body slammed against the floor, his shoulder connecting with the wood panels in an odd way. his body tumbled over itself like a ragdoll. (name) just laid there.
iwaizumi darted over to (name), eyes blown wide with panic. as gently as he could, he grabbed his shoulders, lifting him up. his grip was still tight.
"(name)? (name), are you okay?" he asked, sweat dripping from his forehead onto (name).
(name)'s eyes opened, face morphing into a frown. "yeah, shit. . . sorry," he mumbled. he tried to push himself to stand, but let out a sharp groan, falling back down to the floor.
the sound of shoes squeaking against the gym floors was faded as (name) and iwaizumi sat together in the club room. (name)'s leg was propped up on one of the chairs.
'how did this happen?'
sure, (name) was pushing himself more than usual, but that was because the inter-high preliminaries were right around the corner! he had to do his best so the team could go to nationals!
"hey." iwaizumi's voice drew (name) out of his thoughts. ". . . why didn't you stop?" he asked.
". . .what?"
"you were pushing yourself too hard, your body couldn't keep up, and now you can barely move your legs. why didn't you take a break?"
(name) tensed up at iwa's words. he frowned. "because i needed to do better. i needed more practice. i need to be better—"
"is this really better to you?" iwaizumi cut him off. (name) flinched at the volume. iwaizumi was pissed. "seriously, tell me. do you think pushing yourself this far helping anyone? we all need practice, but without breaks, you're doing more harm than good!"
"i know that!" (name) snaps. he glared down at the floor. his head was spinning and his legs were throbbing and he could feel his face grow hot, tears brimming in his eyes.
"i know it was stupid, i know i should have paid attention, i'm sorry. i just wanted us to do better! i wanted us to win." (name) managed. god, he knew he sounded pathetic, the way his throat closed up on him, making him sound all whiney. he rubbed the tears away with the back of his hands, his face scrunched up.
iwaizumi wasn't expecting that. he walks over, sitting next to his boyfriend. he wraps an arm around his shoulder, bringing (name) in to rest his head on his chest.
"hey, hey, it's okay," iwaizumi mumbled. he wasn't great at comforting people. he ran his hand along (name)'s back, rubbing circles. "c'mon. can you stand properly? i'm taking you home."
"what? come on, iwa, just give me a minute, i-i can make it for the rest of practice—"
"(name)." iwaizumi said sternly. "what you need is rest. you don't need to overexert your body anymore. and, you're banned from any type of practice until you get better." he adds.
"what?" (name) sputtered. "that's not fair!"
"of course it is, dumbass!" iwaizumi huffed, crossing his arms. "if you try to play volleyball injured, it'll get worse and take longer to heal. seriously. i don't like seeing you hurt," he adds, quieter that time.
a small smile grew on (name)'s face at that. "fine, but only cause i don't want you worrying," he chuckled. he leaned over to plant a small kiss on iwaizumi's cheek.
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". . . okay, now help me up? please?"
AAAAJFHHH i hope that was okay (⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)!!! it was kind of angsty idk if you wanted that. . . lmk if i need to fix anything!!! requests are still open btw!!
divider by @/plutism !!
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danganronpafan777 · 7 months
for the Carrie Ask how will Utsuro,Kizuna,Mitch,Nikei,Emma and Hajime react to blood prank on there Girlfriend by the bullies and witness her getting attack by her own mother
Carrie Ask part 3! Or 4, I honestly can’t remember-
I might not be able to post for a week or two, because I’m going on a class trip for a week, and gotta pack. Hope you guys understand, and enjoy!
Hajime Makunouchi:
He cheered the loudest by far when you won the title on Prom Queen. He was just so proud of you!!
He definitely wanted to pick you up and spin you around, but at the same time he was worried he might ruin your moment. In his eyes, you were practically glowing! (The one time he doesn't wear his sunglasses-)
Hajime recalls the first time he had won a boxing match, and how everyone had clapped for him. After being abandoned and left for dead, that kind of attention was eye opening, and he couldn't be happier that you were getting your own moment to shine.
When you're lighting up the room in one moment and become drenched in blood the next, he remains still in shock. He's frozen for a few seconds, but is immediately brought out of his trance as you let out so much as a sniffle.
Hajime isn't one to get violent, but he still yells at the bullies for what they did, before picking you up and storming out of the school. He assures you that even with the blood, you still look beautiful, and if there was anything you wanted to do to make up for what happened, he'd be happy to do it.
His face dropped when you asked him to drop you off at your mother's. She disliked him, but still treated you way worse. Giving you control of the music, Hajime takes the slowest route to your house, comforting you and trying to make your night somewhat better on the way.
Like a gentleman, he walks you to the door, but something in his gut tells him to stay with you. He didn't question it, knowing your mother probably wouldn't take well the fact that you were covered in blood. The feeling of impending doom remained even as you were in a completely different room. Hajime decided to trust his gut, trying to start a conversation with your mother to stay longer, but the knife is already in her hands.
Without thinking, he gets in front of you, and the knife slashes across his arm. Lifting his other hand, he knocks the knife out of her arm and it's over as fast as it began. He didn't mean to knock her out, but as a boxer, his strength surpassed that of your entire bloodline combined.
He still holds her down, and tells you to head back to his car and call the police. Hajime brushes off any attempt you have to treat him, mostly because he's still shaken up, and also because the pig's blood was still on you and he didn't want his wound to get infected from it.
The second your mother is placed in the police car out of your sight, and his wound is disinfected, Hajime doesn't hesitate to run over and hold you. He's still in a state of shock, unable to believe everything that happened tonight so suddenly... but you were okay. That was enough for him.
"It's okay, Y/n... I've got you...Everything's going to be okay. You're safe..."
You were shaking, but he whispered words of comfort. He doesn't want to leave your side, and if he wasn't sure enough already, he was now: Just as you had promised him, he would never abandon you.
Emma Magorobi:
She purposefully dressed down, as she wanted the night to be about you. She had to apply a bit of makeup to not be recognized, but still kept her contacts and hair for the security it gave her.
Instead, Emma insisted on giving you her most glamorous jewelry, and would help you pick out a dress if you asked. During the dance, she was approached by a few people who claimed she looked familiar, but being an actress, she could easily talk her way out of it. 
As the Prom Queen crown was placed on your head, she happily clapped and smiled, but her eyes glistened with unshed tears of joy for you. Emma wanted nothing more than to walk up the stage and kiss you right there.
So you can imagine her fury as a group of bullies dumped a bucket of blood on you, turning the highlight of your night into a joke and laughing as you cried. She delivers a heavy slap to the leader of the bullies, before turning her attention to you. 
Even her puns couldn't make you laugh. She called for her limo to pick the two of you up, and made a silent show of revealing her true identity as a crowd appeared in awe. She didn't care. These people intentionally hurt you. 
She offers for you to spend the night at her mansion, she'd run you a rose petal bath to clean up, and the two of you could have a candlelit dinner. If you didn't like that, she'd be happy with snuggling up to you with some popcorn watching some of her films!
Emma felt a sense of dread when you requested to go back to your mother's. That woman just... reminded her so much of her biological father. She might not be using you as an ashtray, but she wasn't treating you like a person either. 
But with what you just went through, she couldn't leave you alone, especially when, in her eyes, she did nothing to stop this from happening. 
Emma tried to get along with your mother, she really did, but by god that woman was insufferable. She has tried acting out more personas than she could count. It didn't matter how polite she was, that woman still claimed that you both were influenced by the devil for liking other girls.
The second your mother touches the knife, her mind already goes to the worst. It was that same feeling whenever her father would take a final puff of a cigarette. Her nails are digging into her arms, and she's trying to hold herself together, but the moment your mother runs at you, she can't stop screaming. 
Filled with a rush of fear and adrenaline, she shoves your mother away from you, and ends up knocking her out cold. The rest of the night is a blur, and the ghostly sensation of her flesh burning haunts her. 
She's apologizing to her father, crying and begging him to give her more time, before you're able to wake her up. You held Emma close, the two of you were still at the police station, unable to go to Emma's place thanks to the paparazzi and press desperate to know the night's events. But that was okay. You had each other. And until the police would rip you apart to get your witness statements, that was exactly where you'd stay.
"Y/n... I love you so much dear..."
Mitch Higa:
He's so proud of you, and it's impossible for him not to smile at how happy you look. As much as he loved attention and the satisfaction of rejecting your bullies' requests for autographs, he was happy to see you have your own moment to shine. God knew you deserved it.
He thought to himself that he'd destroy anyone who gave you hell on your special night, but he didn't think it would actually happen. One moment you're the star of the dance, and the next, you're covered in blood and everyone is laughing. 
Mitch doesn't waste a second, delivering a sucker punch to the bullies’ leader, and kicking the punch bowl to rain over the girl bullies' expensive dresses. People were recording and he was probably going to go viral over this, but fuck it. 
It takes a lot to pull him away from the fight, and his pride doesn't allow him to admit defeat. The only way you talk him out of sending the kids to the hospital is by telling him that he could be arrested, which wouldn't look good for his record and hopes of being a professional soccer player.
It takes a while to convince him to drop you back off with your mother, as he won't stop telling you that she would only make your night worse. Mitch offers to take you out to dinner somewhere, but you point out the two of you were covered in blood.
Even when he's at your mom's place, he is still silently fuming at the events from the night, trying to discreetly hide that fact from you. When your own mother pulls a knife on you, the rage only grows, and he yells for you to run. 
There's so many thoughts running through his head that he's not thinking clearly. Mitch watches you get away and almost gets stabbed himself, but being an athlete meant he was able to disarm her rather fast. 
He locks her in a room in the house, only letting go of the door when the police arrive. After that, he doesn't let go of you. He doesn't have any more anger and annoyed comments to make. He was just so scared and exhausted. 
Mitch would beg you to spend the night at his place. He just needed to see you, and wouldn't let you out of his sight. He withdrew himself from the public eye for a bit, which turned some heads, especially after the video of the prank and aftermath went viral, but he didn't care. 
The two of you needed time to recover, and he'd do everything he could to make a better night for you.
Nikei Yomiuri:
When you won Prom Queen, he was smiling so wide that his mouth hurt-
Nikei was already brainstorming an article to brag about how amazing you were to spite your bullies, but when he turned to smirk at them, he realized they were smiling almost as wide as he was
He tries to brush it off, but he already knew that something's wrong.
For the first few moments, Nikei was in complete shock. He didn't say anything, he didn't think, he didn't even breathe.
But then he did again, and every breath he took was used to scream obscenities at everyone and everything except for you. You'll have to forcefully drag him out of the school's gynasium, and pry him off whoever planned this prank. Nikei's not very strong, but he still gets some hits in before you pull him away.
Even when the two of you are miles away from the school, he's still muttering about shoving their dogshit faces into a blender. 
(In reality, he'll pull an all nighter to write articles to ruin their reputations, claiming,
 "It's not slander or defamation if it's right!")
Nikei does NOT want to see your mother, who was obsessive even for him. However, he couldn't just leave you after what you experienced, and he feels a bit bad for not trying to cheer you up. He was still pissed, but he knew that didn't give him an excuse to ignore you.
His attempts to converse with your mother just make everything more awkward. Of course, when your mother pulls a knife on you, everything goes haywire. Nikei insists that the high pitched girly screaming was from you,
He grabs you a runs, knocking over a candle while trying to pull out his phone. He tells you to keep running as the house is set ablaze, and he frantically calls the police. 
Nikei... doesn't know where to go from there. The two of you cling to each other for dear life, and he's never been more glad to get pig blood smeared all over his suit. It's disgusting, but a reminder that you're safe.
He ultimately decides to take you to Emma's and call the rest of Void, who would protect you like the family you now were. No matter what happens, the woman who called herself your mother would never see you again.
Kizuna Tomori:
Of course you'd be crowned queen, you were her girlfriend after all and you were gorgeous!
She was a bit jealous, but seeing you light up and nearly cry tears of joy made her evening better. She wasn't usually kind to her competition, but she loved you, and seeing you happy made her feel better in ways she couldn't explain. 
Together, you two would rule this dance and wow the crowd! She thought to herself, imagining the two of you dancing together with your bullies dumbfounded. Kizuna grinned and wanted to see the look on those bastards faces.
...But why were they grinning, too?
By the time she saw the bucket, it was already too late. You're crying, and she's cursing them all out. One of the teachers has to forcefully pull her off of the head bully, her nails digging into his skin. She's still seething with rage, flipping them all off as she puts her other hand on your shoulder and leads you out. 
Kizuna wants to comfort you, but she doesn't really know how. She's still angrily muttering to herself in the car, and wants to take you anywhere except your house. She offers for you to spend the night at her place, knowing her mother probably wouldn't mind, but you refuse, telling her that you just wanted to go home in a tone that made her heart ache.
Still slightly shaking, but not nearly as much as you, she hesitantly agrees to take you home.
Your mother hated Kizuna with a passion, and didn't even allow her to enter your house. She was disgusted by your girlfriend’s revealing clothing, and even when you assured her that she was past her man-manipulating behavior, she still forbid you from dating her. 
Now, with Kizuna in a dress more revealing then ever, bringing your blood covered self into the house, your mother was about to attack her, thinking of her as the devil. Before she could lay a hand on your girlfriend, you stood up for her, claiming that none of it was her fault. 
Your mother thought the devil was taking over you, and your girlfriend was nothing but a succubus servant. Kizuna knew your mother was delusional, and refrained from saying it to your face, but when your own mother pulled a knife on you, she screamed bloody murder. 
You take a few slashes for her, and Kizuna grabs your arm and runs away with you for the second time that night. The two of you make it to her car, and she's shaking too much to start it. She can't believe what you much be feeling right now, and she's never been this scared...
She gives you her phone and yells for you to call the police as she drives away, but you're crying too much to do anything. She feels so frustrated... so mad about the way this night turned out.
When the two of you arrive at her house, she pounds on the door in tears, and Kizuna's mother can only look at the two of you in confusion. You were covered in blood, shaking and crying, while Kizuna, still holding onto you, collapses into her mother's arms sobbing for the first time in years.
Even after your mother is arrested, and your clothes have been changed, neither of you can stop crying, still clinging to each other for dear life and praying the other will never let go.
When you were crowned queen of the dance, he felt more emotions than he had felt in a while...
Why? His luck probably played some part of it, as his luck always made dates with you better, but.... Something about the smile on your face and your genuine excitement made butterflies appear in his stomach 
....Was he smiling too?
For a few moments, it felt like it was just the two of you there, and this world that had only ever used him for his luck seemed just a bit brighter. Utsuro hated parties, crowds, loud music, and attention, but tonight was the happiest he ever saw you, and one of the times he felt... fulfilled.
He didn't expect the prank in the slightest, as his luck should've at least made the bucket completely miss you. He steps back a bit in shock, his first thought being that he hoped you didn't think he willed this to happen.
As your classmates started mocking you, his shock turned to a feeling he could only describe as anger. It was odd.... He didn't usually feel like this towards people, but you and Akane were the only people he had in his life that loved him
He wills for every person who bullied you to get what they deserve. Whether it was getting them expelled from school or getting hit in the head with the bucket they used. 
He flinched when you put your hand on his shoulder, quietly asking if the two of you could leave. Utsuro looked back at the bullies, who were still laughing and high-fiving over ruining your night 
He's never had to take matters into his own hands before, but maybe tonight wouldn't be a bad time to start. He tells you to wait outside before grabbing the glass punch bowl and smashing it over the lead bully's head
His divine luck finally started to take effect when the bully tripped while chasing him, his body tripping his other friends and leading them to fall onto tables and decor. Watching the whole spectacle, Utsuro joined you outside and softly held your hand. 
You leaned on him, putting your head on his shoulder. He was quiet when you cried a bit, and obliged when you asked him to bring you home. He was too occupied with the sudden and strange absence of his divine luck to even remember your terrible mother.
Utsuro didn't want to leave you, as you were one of the best things to happen to him. But your mother? The way she worshipped him triggered some bad memories, but when he went to leave, a gust of wind slammed the door shut, and a terrible storm occurred outside. 
So not only did his divine luck refuse to save his S/o from a cruel prank, it also trapped him inside with his S/o's mother as you went to wash the blood off. 
He leaned against the wall with his eyes closed, zoning out and just wanting the two of you to leave this night behind you. He didn't know how long he was like that, just wanting to ignore your mother, and somehow use his luck to make tonight better (Cause he had no idea how to do it himself)
Then he heard the screaming. 
It was one of the first times Utsuro felt his heart drop. He started to run up the stairs, but he didn't need to, as you fell down them right in front of him, blood pouring from your back.
He put his hand over the wound, looking up to see your mother smiling, bloody knife in hand. Why was this happening? Why did he feel... so scared? 
He hadn't felt this way since he realized the truth behind his own parents... and for this to happen to you tonight of all times. 
You began to crawl, telling him to run. He could only look back down at you, your wound already beginning to heal, and shake his head. Utsuro pulls you up, his shoulder supporting your weight,  pulling you out of the house as your mother tripped down the stairs. 
The entire building was set aflame the moment the two of you stepped out, curtesy of both Utsuro's luck and the dozens of candles littering the house. 
He pulled your sobbing form to himself, still in a form of shock from the whole ordeal.
The two of you sat in front of the wreckage of your former home for a while. What started as one of the best nights either of you had ended in total chaos, Utsuro feeling more in a single night then he felt in years. He held you close.
Neither of you had anywhere to go. He wouldn't usually worry about shelter, but with his luck running haywire, he didn't know what to think. Akane was the only person he could think of for help. 
"Utsuro...I'm so sorry..."
"....Don't be."
"Everything...the dance, my mom..."
He shook his head, "...I'm still here."
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sassycheesecake · 1 year
A/N: I saw this earlier today and Iwa-chan first popped into my mind. Have fun reading lol.
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Warnings: slightly suggestive
Genre: fluff
You’re just doing the dishes on a normal Tuesday afternoon, when your phone rings.
Setting aside the plate you were just scrubbing down, you dry your hands with the kitchen towel on the counter before grabbing your vibrating phone.
You don’t recognize the number that’s calling you, so you frown in confusion before swiping your lock screen to answer it.
“Hello, this is (Y/N) speaking.“
“Good afternoon, am I speaking to the spouse of Lieutenant Iwaizumi Hajime?“
You feel your heart drop in your stomach, already fearing the worst: death, accident, arrest, murder, sudden enlistment,…
You gulp down with a heavy heart and answer back.
“Y-Yes, this is them.“
“Hello this is Captain Shimazaki speaking. I am calling to inform you that your spouse Lieutenant Iwaizumi Hajime came into work with a bruise on his neck. Actually multiple dark bruises along his neck.” He stops to cough awkwardly. “Although he looked pretty satisfied and happy this morning, please move your love marks down, so they can’t be seen when in uniform.“
You can feel your face heat up a thousand degrees, utterly embarrassed and wishing to sink 500 feet into the ground to disappear.
“U-Uhm s-sure, I will remember that for next time.“
For next time? Could you have worded that any worse?
“Appreciate it. Have a good day.“
“You as well, goodbye.“
You hang up simultaneously and put your phone down on the counter, leaning both hands on the cool graphite stone to actually process what just happened.
Too much distracted in your thoughts, you don’t even hear the front door unlock.
“Hey baby, I am home.“ Iwaizumi loudly greets you as he steps inside your shared home.
Taking his shoes off and putting them neatly by the door, he waits for your greeting back but receives nothing.
He saw your car in the driveway, so you have to be home.
“(Y/N)?“ The brunette calls out again, this time a little bit louder.
His rough voice finally snaps you out of your trance and you turn to look at him and the first thing you notice are the scattered hickeys along his neck.
Iwaizumi‘s face melts into concern, as he takes in your face. You look like you‘ve seen a ghost because your eyes widen in horror as you stare at your husband.
“Babe, what's wrong? You are as pale as a sheet of paper.“ With deep worry in his voice, he quickly approaches you and puts his warm hands around your face to grasp it gently.
“Uhm.“ You don’t know how to start this conversation.
“Well, your uh… I guess your boss called me earlier, basically saying I should tone it down a notch with uh… my marks on you.“
Iwaizumi takes a few seconds after hearing your words and all of sudden he bursts out laughing.
Slightly jumping at his sudden reaction, you are now even more confused.
“Gosh, this day keeps getting better and better. First I got to make love to my beautiful partner last night and this morning and then had a great day at work and now you’re telling me that you’re the one who should calm down with your marks on me?“ He keeps on laughing and steps closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and gently pushing you against the counter.
He leans in and slightly growls in your ear.
“Good thing they can’t see all those markings I left on you last night.“
Something hard starts to press against your stomach.
“Hajime, you can’t be serious.“
You can feel him pressing rough kisses against your neck, occasionally giving you bites and licks that make you swoon and melt on the spot.
“Come on, mark me up some more. Want to show everyone how sexy and seductive my drop dead gorgeous spouse can be.“
You give in and let him carry you bridal style to your bedroom, both of you leaving marks on each other and both of you so exhausted that Iwaizumi and you call in sick for the next day.
@rukia-uchiha-98 @wake-uptoreality @nerd-of-karasuno
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sleepingpillscosmos · 9 months
MISTLETOE — hajime iwaizumi
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pairing: hajime iwaizumi x fem!reader.
warnings/content: fake dating. mention of alcohol. hanamaki gets wasted. bullied oikawa. suggestive towards the end. suggestive comments.
wc: 2k.
a/n: so this is my present for my secret santa, @lou-struck, for the secret santa event held by @enchantedforest-network. I hope you'll enjoy your present, this fic helped me getting out of my writer's block <3
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"Are you ready?" Iwaizumi asked from the living room as he grabbed both your coats while waiting for you. You didn't answer but appeared in the room in all your beauty, all dressed up, with your hair and makeup done, you looked flawless.
Iwaizumi was left speechless. He already saw you like this multiple times, but this time it was different. You looked different. Your dark red dress was perfect for you, it wrapped your body just in the right way, highlighting all your curves. Your makeup was really simple, but he thought it suited you perfectly. And your hair looked perfect, soft and shiny. He thought you were perfect. Maybe it was just the Christmas air, but he had to take a deep breath to destabilise his heartbeat.
"What? Cat got your tongue?" your sarcastic comment made him come back to normal. He rolled his eyes and approached you to help you put on your coat so that you could finally leave the house.
Tonight you were celebrating Christmas eve with your high school friends, Matsukawa, Hanamaki and, last but not least, Oikawa. It was a long time since you last saw each other, everyone had their own life and unfortunately your schedules didn't line up, especially Oikawa's, who was always out of the continent. But now you were all in town for the holidays, so you took this opportunity to spend some time together, just like old times.
You all decided to have dinner together at Issei and Hanamaki's shared apartment then spend the night there.
You both entered Iwa's car, you put on your seatbelt as he started the engine to drive off, directed to your friend's apartment.
"You didn't forget anything, right?" he asked, never taking his eyes off the road. "Yeah, all I need for tonight is in my bag and all the presents are in the second one"
"Did you bring my present too?" he grinned after asking you. He knew that you couldn't contain your excitement when you bought a gift for someone, ending up saying what you bought after three days at most. But this year you made a promise not to tell anyone, especially Iwa.
"Yes, but I'm not telling you, so stop teasing me." he hummed in response, trying to hide the little smile that was starting to appear on his face.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you. We'll probably have to share a bed this night." he gave you a quick apologetic smile before turning his face back to the road, "I can always sleep on the floor if it makes you uncomfortable"
"Don't worry it's fine, I'm not letting you sleep on the floor with this cold. Plus we already shared a bed." yes, it's true, but not entirely. You shared a bed before, in your high school years, but you were also sharing it with your other friends when you did a sleepover, all cramped up in one bed.
Iwaizumi parked in front of your friend's house. You got out of the car and grabbed your bags as Iwa did the same before going to ring the bell.
You took the elevator to reach the right floor since you were too lazy to take the stairs.
"I'm really sorry" Iwaizumi sighed. You gave him a puzzled look.
"About this situation. I didn't expect this to last this long" he looked really sorry, but you gave him a sincere smile. "It's okay Haji'"
The said situation was your relationship, or better, your fake relationship. It all started when he was at training with his team. They were slacking off, continuing to talk about their love life instead of doing their exercises, and Iwaizumi was starting to get fed up. Every time he "interrupted" them, they would tease him, saying that he was mad only because he had no love life. After what was probably the tenth time, he admitted that he had, in fact, a love life and that he was happily dating a girl.
He expected that they would forget about his statement in a couple of days or so. But, somehow, this news reached Oikawa, who called him a couple of hours later. He was literally screaming because how dare Iwaizumi not tell him about this, he even started crying.
Iwa was pissed off, but he thought that the story would finish there. But the day after you stormed into his apartment, asking him why Oikawa talked your ear off about your nonexistent relationship and how he was deeply hurt by the fact that he discovered it from someone else. In that moment Iwaizumi had wished that the floor had swallowed him, but unfortunately it wasn't possible.
You talked about it and decided to fake it for about a week or so, to let everyone's excitement die down. But at the end of that period, Oikawa showed up in front of Iwaizumi's door. He was so excited and happy for you both that neither of you had the heart to tell him the truth.
And now you were here, after about six months, in an elevator, on your way to celebrate Christmas eve with your friends, as a couple.
The elevator's door opened and you found your friends' door already open.
"Guys!" Hanamaki exclaimed when you both approached the door, "You're late, we thought you weren't coming!" he said as he hugged both of you before helping you with your bags.
Once you entered the apartment you left your shoes at the entrance and Maki gave you a quick tour of his house then he led you to the kitchen, where your other friends were cooking dinner. Or, better, where Issei was cooking dinner while Oikawa was whining about no one knows what.
"Oh here it is! My favourite couple!" Tōru dramatically said as he opened his arms, waiting for your hug. You wasted no time and hugged him immediately, even if he was a total pain in the ass he was your best friend, and you really missed him. Iwa was a bit reluctant, but Tōru gave him no choice as he practically jumped in his arms.
When dinner was ready, you helped Issei take everything to the table, where your other three friends were sitting, waiting for the food while talking about their day.
The dinner went perfectly, everyone was happy to be there all together after so long. You talked about everything and anything. You recalled old times, when you and Issei would convince Hanamaki to drink more than he could take, ending up having to take care of him. Or when you and Iwa bullied Tōru at every training, just because you loved seeing his dramatic ass all pissed and offended. Or when you, Makki and Issei wanted to skip school and Iwa always found you and dragged you to school, somehow he always knew when you were about to do something stupid. Your high school years were wonderful, you five were inseparable.
Then after high school everything changed. Tōru was always out of the country, Hanamaki and Issei had their own life just as you and Hajime. You didn't spend much time together, the only one you saw nearly every day was Hajime since you worked for the same team, him as an athletic trainer and you as a physiotherapist. But when you hang out together like this, everything seemed to go back to when you were sixteen.
Time flew by, all the presents were opened and all the wine was finished. Makki was collapsed on the couch and Issei helped him stand up to take him to his room. The three of you remaining decided to follow them, you and Hajime in the guest room while Tōru on the couch.
"If you need to change I can wait outside" he said, already reaching for the door handle, but you stopped him. "Don't worry, I just have to put on my pyjama"
He looked at you, searching for any sign of discomfort, then he hesitantly nodded. You turned around and took off your shirt to change, once you were finished you turned back, just in time to see Hajime's back as he put on his shirt. You couldn't deny that he was attractive, really attractive. I mean he was gorgeous, his body looked like it was sculpted and he acted like a true gentleman. He was perfect, even if he didn't think so. Maybe it was the wine thinking for you, or your teenage self who had the biggest crush for him.
"You okay?" he asked, concerned when he saw you spacing out, it snapped you out of your trance. "Yeah, sure" you laughed nervously looking everywhere but at him, embarrassed because you got caught daydreaming.
Something caught your eye just above Iwa, you had to try really hard not to burst out laughing at your other friends' stupidity. You approached him, leaving little to no space between your bodies. He looked at you confused, then he looked above him when you pointed to the ceiling with your finger. He scoffed as realisation hit him.
There, above both your heads, there was a sprig of mistletoe, roughly attached to the ceiling with two pieces of tape by your stupid friends. You didn't know how it was still hanging there.
"They are so stupid" he sighed, shaking his head, and you nodded, smiling at the gesture of your friends. Yes, they were stupid, but it was kinda sweet.
"So?" you asked, "Don't you know about the tradition?" your smile grew even larger.
"Yes, I know, but we don't have to do it if you don't want to. After all nobody's watching, so we don't have to fake" he said looking directly at you, with a blush creeping on his face.
"Do you want to, Hajime?" you moved your gaze on his lips for a second, hoping that he would get the hint. Iwaizumi gulped before nodding, his face even redder than before.
"Then do it" he wasted no time and gently cupped your cheek, meeting you halfway to kiss you.
It wasn't the first time you two kissed. But it was the first time you did it alone, without other people watching. This was your real first kiss, and it was magical.
It started off slow, with one of his hands on your cheek and the other at the nape of your neck, to keep your head in place, one of your hands was grabbing his wrist while the other was on his waist. Iwa really wanted to deepen the kiss, he waited for this moment since the day he met you, but he didn't want to make you uncomfortable or scare you. You sensed his hesitation, so you took the lead. You deepened the kiss while moving his hands, just above your butt, before lacing your arms around his neck.
He took the hint, and after some seconds he lifted you by moving his hands behind your thighs. He gently placed you on the bed, with his body between your legs. He hovered over you, supporting his weight with his arms to not crush you.
Maybe this situation wasn't so bad after all...
"God guys, we put that mistletoe to make you kiss, not to make you procreate a whole bunch of children" Tōru said as you and Iwa entered the kitchen, Issei and Makki chuckled as they shared a knowing look.
"Oh shut up, you're just envious because you don't get bitches" Iwa said not even looking at him as he grabbed two mugs for the both of you to pour some coffee.
"What? That's not true! I get a whole lot of bitches! Even more than the three of you combined!" and with that, Oikawa started a never ending speech about how many girls he gets, why he's better than them and who knows what, you all learned to switch your ears off and nod every now and then when he started to whine like this, just to avoid a headache.
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network: @enchantedforest-network.
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love-anddeepression · 25 days
Scary when you shout-Umemiya Hajime
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One thing about being the partner of the leader of the Furin is that when you’re out in the streets, you’re never alone.
Ume, bless his sweet heart, worried endlessly about you. His sweet, soft spoken angel, who hated conflict. True enough, you did hate conflict.
He made sure at least one person was shadowing you or escorting you anywhere, but most of the time he himself would be by your side, hand around your waist and a smile on his face.
It was a lovely evening, and you’d both been having a coffee over at Pothos, with Kotoha rolling her eyes at his cheesiness and smiling sweetly at you.
After that, Ume had taken you to his favourite bookstore and helped you pick out a book to read with him. He grinned excitedly when you kissed pecked his cheek over and over in gratitude.
Ume thought you were the literal incarnation of sunlight. Though soft spoken and gentle, you were so bubbly and positive and always making everyone feel at ease. It was why he’d fallen for you. It was alsowhy he was so insanely protective of you. Your goodness didn’t deserve to be taken advantage of, and he’d be damned if he let anyone hurt you.
It was on the way back from the bookstore, he’d left you for a second to talk to one of the patrolling groups on the other end of the street, when you heard a shrill whistle in your direction.
You almost got whiplash with how fast you snapped to look in the direction of the asshole. Some leather-clad punk was staring at you with a sly smirk.
“Wanna man to show you a good time?” he winked and your eyes widened.
Since you were looking at the man, you didn’t see your boyfriend slowly turn to see what the fuck was happening.
“Shut the fuck up, you second rate cowboy-wannabe bitch. You look like you’re a six year old dressed up for halloween.” you glared at the man who’s smirk dropped.
“The hell did you say, bitch?” he raised his voice.
“You heard exactly what i said, second rate fuckass!” you shouted, “Go the fuck home and leave me alone.”
He began walking over, a snarl leaving his mouth. But before he could reach you, you felt a comforting presence behind you. The man froze, his eyes now as big as saucers.
“You’re with him?” he exclaimed, dumbfounded.
“ None of your fucking business, I said fuck off, bitch!” you shout again and Umes hand pats your shoulder.
The man grumbles, looking behind you and then scurries away like a scared rabbit.
You turn around to see Ume staring at you, his eyebrows raised.
“You’re scary when you’re angry, baby.” he shivered and you giggled, the fight from before dissipating in you as you lean into his embrace, “I’ve never heard you swear. I was so shocked I actually froze.”
“Look behind me.” he murmurs and you look past his shoulder to see about five to six Furin guys stare at you nervously.
You wave and their eyes widen before they wave back hesitantly.
“They seem scared.”
“Of you.” Ume nuzzles your head, “I’m so proud of you, I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
“Eh.” you shrug, “I’m just glad I’m with you now.”
“Please never ever shout at me, ever. I’d actually die.” he pouts.
You plant a swift kiss to his pouty lips, after which a pretty rosy blush settles on his cheeks as his hides his face in his hands, struggling to say anything while you laugh.
“Pretty boy, you’re too sweet. I’d never raise my voice at you.”
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hanmaitani · 3 months
Life Lately
PAIRING - Oikawa Tooru x Reader WC - 1.0K GENRE - Angst SYNOPSIS - life lately looks a lot like containing yourself to your room. like voluntary solitary isolation's the right thing to do.
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A week and a half.
It had been a week and a half since Tooru had broken up with you.
Only a week and a half.
And only 4 days since you'd said goodbye to the house you'd lived in together.
You sniffled a little bit at the memories and pulled your blanket up to your chin as you stared at the window of your small room.
A small knock on the door made you turn your head slightly to look at the piece of wood. Like you would suddenly develop x-ray vision and see the figure on the other side without having to get up.
"y/n? You awake?" You bit your lip ad stayed quiet at the sound of Toshiko's voice.
You felt bad. She was being nice enough to let you drag a good amount of your things into her spare room for the time being. Refusing to even let you pay a portion of the rent.
"I just haven't seen you in a few days." She sounded worried but you couldn't bring yourself to call back. Instead, you swallowed hard and shifted, pulling the blanket fully over your head as you curled into yourself.
You'd spent the first day at her apartment being extremely productive. You'd set up your room, gotten a huge assignment turned in for school finally. You'd put in paperwork requests for an apartment with another friend.
And then you'd gone to bed and barely gotten out of it since.
There had been no response about the apartment. About the assignment. About the job you were waiting for. Everything was quiet. And so you were too.
You'd left your self-isolated room for the bathroom and that was it. And only when you knew Toshiko wasn't home or was already shut up in her own room.
You listened to the sound of Toshiko's sigh as she walked away from the door. You let out a sigh of your own.
There was a feeling of irritation against your leg and you swiped your hand across the sheet only to catch some crumbs from chips you'd eaten earlier. You let out a quiet, dry laugh, disappointment lacing the sound, and shook your head.
The clock on your phone screen read 7am.
You only buried your head back into the pillows again. Not that it did you any good.
You'd been awake for at least 8 hours, occasionally scrolling through social medias and spacing out. Staring at the wall and then the ceiling and then the window.
You really did hate yourself when you got like this. Containing yourself to your room.
But you'd convinced yourself that no one wanted to see you like this. Not even yourself. With bags under your constantly glassy eyes.
You could be happy for a moment. Every now and then. Forgetting what had happened and laughing. And then in two seconds it could feel like a switch went off in your brain. Like you were his with a brick of reality.
Voluntary solitary isolation had to be the right way to go about it. To keep my friends from suffering through watching me go through this.
It was no different than anything else, you told yourself. You would find a way to heal on your own and then at some point you would be okay enough that your friends wouldn't notice.
After what felt like only a few minutes of playing with the piece of jewelry that used to symbolize you and Tooru's relationship, a ringing drew your attention.
You glanced at your phone again. The clack read 11am.
You swallowed nervously as you say Hajime's name dance across your screen.
You sat up, coughing to clear your throat. Desperate to try and make it sound like this wasn't the first time you'd used your voice in a few days. And then you answered the call.
"Hey, Haji." You winced at the hoarseness of your own voice but Hajime seemed to ignore it.
"Hey, y/n, I just wanted to check in with you. No one's heard from you in a couple days." You laughed softly in response, a half-hearted sound trying to soothe his nerves as you heard him hold back a sigh.
"Don't worry, Haji," you glanced around your room. There were a few cups and dishes next to your bed, the only ones you had in this apartment. Ones you'd refused to get up long enough to put away. "I've just been trying to catch up on some school work." You lied straight through your teeth.
If he knew that you were lying, he didn’t say anything. Let you lie to him about what you’d been doing holed up in your room alone.
"Y/n, you know that just because we're friends with Oikawa," the sound of his name sent a pang through your heart, "it doesn't mean that we're not here for you." He let out another sigh. "Y/n we care and wanna help if we can."
You stared at the pile of clothes in the basket that you’d brought over from your last place. You’d gotten ambitious during your one day of productivity and washed it all, attempting to wash off any trace of him, any trace of the heartbreak.
They’d been sitting there since.
"Don't worry, Haji, really." You would get to it soon, fold it all up and hang it up nicely. "I just need a little bit of time and I'll be all good."
After years of knowing you, it only took a few seconds of conversation for him to know when he would be getting nowhere with you. "If you're sure?" He hesitated, not wanting to give up on me quite yet. "Would it hurt to get out for just a night?" He tried to push one last time.
The words were right on the tip of your tongue again, "Don't worry, Haji." I winced at the meaning behind my half-hearted assurance.
Don't worry, I'm sure that it'll be any day now that I decide I've served my time and I let myself out.
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a/n thanks for coming to the free therapy of fictionalizing my irl breakup experiences. yes this actually happened. partially based on an unreleased song by @/leannafirestone on tiktok
TAGLIST - OPEN @all-in-the-fandoms @pearl-blue-musings @winniethepooh-lover
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komaedailoveyou · 10 months
Florist!Nagito x Reader — Like a flower craves for the light of the sun.
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#. — an unfinished fanfic so far, more chapters tba in the future!
#. contents! — f!reader , slight komahina, slight chiakixreader, angst with a happy ending, alternate universe, no deaths or violence, depictions of BPD, smut, but, a LOT further into the fic, slowburn, nagito is a florist, reader is socially inept.
#. word count! — 3.8k .
#. <
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" Are you sure you're fine with this? I mean, you've never lived alone like this in years, Nagito. " Hajimes gaze flickered over to his friend who was currently sat in the front seat of his car, his hands perched in his lap, his grip on the wheel tightened, before he went back to focusing on the road, he wasn't the best at expressing it, however he was worried for his friend.
" Oh, Hajime! No need to worry over little old me... I've been meaning to get out of your hair for weeks now! " Nagito smiled softly, looking over at the now-focusing Hajime, he studied his face for a second, he wasn't sure if he looked angry or not, his eyes didn't look all too happy, but, then again, it wasn't his place to comment on it.
Chiaki, who was sat in the back of the car, behind Nagito, looked up from her switch which she had been playing on, she was more of a listener in their conversations, but she spoke up, her voice was quiet, and unenthusiastic, but the two knew she was unable to do more, and it wasn't her fault. " You're pretty far from your shop though...How will you get there from.." She leant forward between their gaps in seats, trying to read where the location on the satnav said, but she couldn't make it out. She hadn't worn her contacts today, and her vision wasn't the greatest from all the screen staring she did, especially at later hours when even the sun wasn't out to help them " your new apartment?"
Nagito shook his head, letting out a short chuckle. " You guys are worrying far too much about me! Trust me, I've looked at many places, and this one was the best one. I'll catch the train over to the flower shop, simple as that. " Nagito tried to ease the tension which was building up in the small vehicle.
" I wish you'd told me before...you know! A week ago! " Hajime commented, passive aggressiveness seeping into his words as he stopped at a traffic light, now looking to make eye contact with Nagito now. " If you're not one hundred percent completely sure, we can turn the car around, You can keep staying at my place, it's really not a big deal to me." Hajime and Chiaki both knew he meant more than not a big deal, he meant to say he would want Nagito to stay, Chiaki sighed to herself, Hajime really had to get better at this kind of thing.
" I'm serious about going, I have to be independent at some point, I promise, I'll still visit on the holidays, so you won't die of loneliness! " He spoke in a joking manor, not sensing the serious tone in Hajime's voice.
Without even a beat passing, Hajime replied " You better. " he took a breath. " You know it-"
" Focus on the road Hajime. " Chiaki looked up at the green light in-front of him, and the three of them remained silent until the engine of the car stopped, just Chiaki's fingers hitting her controls and the dumb pop song quietly playing on the radio.
They arrived outside of the block of the apartments, and they looked up at them, Nagito had a suitcase in hand with all the essentials he knew that he would need to live, the other two were empty handed as Chiaki left her console in the back of the car, hidden under a blanket, just in-case.
"...It's big. " Hajime commented
" Its big. " Nagito confirmed, repeating his words. He couldn't deny he was a little afraid of being all on his own, but another part of him was glad that he'd finally taken a step out into the rest of his life after so long, this felt like a new chapter, or at least a new paragraph, he didn't read all too much, not enough to link that metaphor to his situation. He took a deep breath. " I guess that means I'll have plenty of nice neighbours to look after me then, huh? No need to worry guys!" He hummed.
" I mean...I wasn't *that* worried..." Chiaki mumbled, she thought Nagito was a nice friend but she knew she could just text him whenever, plus, she didn't live with him, or see him constantly, so she wasn't exactly in distraught, she was more there as an emotional support for Hajime.
" Don't go depending on everybody else there, they might kick you out. " Hajime tried his best to joke, he...deep down knew he wouldn't complain if that were to happened, as horrible as that sounded. " Remember, I'm always just a call away, So is Chiaki. " The girl flashed a thumbs up as he brought her into it, probably just so that he didn't seem to desperate.
" Well! The building isn't going anywhere, no matter how much we look at it, so, I should probably go in now, thank you for-"
" We can walk you to your room! Just to make sure you don't get lost. " Hajime cut him off.
" That's so kind of you, As long as I wouldn't be inconveniencing you, then..." Hajime would've told him he was never an inconvenience, however, he knew that Nagito just wouldn't believe him, he tried his best to convince Nagito over the years, but, his words just weren't enough for him.
Chiaki reached her hand into the pocket of Hajime's jacket and pulled out his car keys, Hajime tensed up slightly, he hadn't expected to feel Chiaki so close to him, so when he did, it was just a little bit of a shock. " You can feel free....I'd rather wait in the car..." Chiaki unlocked it, and walked towards it with short steps.
" Bye Nagito, I'll remember to text. " She put up her hand and waved for a second, before ducking into the car, Nagito smiled and waved back, he hadn't the time to respond before the girl had already hidden inside of the car, she just wasn't good with goodbyes, although, Hajime was on the other side of the spectrum of not being good with goodbyes.
" Are you sure she actually even wanted to come? " Nagito laughed, turning back to Hajime.
" Of course she did! You're her friend as much as mine!" Hajime frowned a little at him, he knew how much Chiaki cared, even if it was a little less than him.
" alright, alright! " He took a step towards the main entrance of the apartments, looking back as the wheels of his suitcase clacked against the floor, taking Hajime out of his thoughts. " Let's get going, yeah? " he said, as Hajime walked forward uncertainly, this was really it. He wasn't dying or anything, but, it still felt like a bit of him was about to become a lot more unreachable than before, it was just a big change which he most certainly hadn't prepared for, he just kind of assumed Nagito wasn't going to move out at all, maybe he was more naïve than he had thought.
Nagito walked into the apartments, he had received the key two days ago, he would be on the fifth floor, in room 505, he dug his hand into his trousers, where the key was, and he played with it as he walked, making a jingling sound. Since he didn't plan on walking up all of those stairs with his suitcase, he decided he'd take the elevator. He'd just hope it wasn't broken.
He pressed the button on the side of it, and waited for it to come down to the ground floor, where he and Hajime stood in an awkward silence. He'd thought that Hajime was acting a little odd, but, he wasn't sure if commenting on such a thing would be in his place.
There was a DING! as the elevator doors opened, Nagito and Hajime were about to walk in, however, somebody walked out, they were very fast paces, as if they really had somewhere to be, They awkwardly squeezed between the two men, and made their way out, Nagito looked at them for a split second before turning, and stepping into the elevator, with Hajime at his side. He pressed the little "5" icon on the panel inside, and the elevator begun to move.
"....If you ever get bored of this place, my doors always open. " Hajime lowered his voice, he didn't want to seem like he was pressuring him.
" I appreciate it, you can visit whenever you'd like as well, although, my couch may not be as comfy. " Nagito replied, in almost the same tone, with a smile.
The elevator doors opened, and Nagito stepped out first, Hajime was slightly behind him, despite knowing he would be the fifth door along, Nagito still read every number on the front of the doors as he passed by them, or, maybe it was just he felt like he needed something to look at, so that his nerves didn't eat him alive. Hajime had gone back to being quiet as they both walked towards room 505.
Before he could even count the seconds, they were both stood in-front of it, Hajime wanted ever so badly to convince Nagito to just stay with him, but, he knew that Nagito had made up his mind, and there was nothing he could do in this situation which would change that, and he hated it.
Nagito put the key into the door, unlocking it, before turning to Hajime for a final time. " Thank you for walking me here, and, Thanks for letting me stay with you for so long, Now I wont be there to bother you anymore, so don't worry! " He smiled, like he was happy, like he felt relieved that he thought he was freeing Hajime of a weight, but Hajime felt the opposite.
" Whatever you say. I'll miss you. I can come and help you unpack if you'd like..?" He offered him, he must have sounded a little pathetic, but that was the least of his current problems.
Nagito shook his head. " Chiakis waiting for you, I don't want to be holding you up, besides, I'll be okay, please, don't fret over me. " Nagito asked, like it was a request, but Hajime knew he couldn't just free himself of the worry which he was feeling.
" Alright...um, goodbye, Nagito. " Hajime said, swallowing the lump forming in his throat, he was not about to cry right now. He stepped forward, and wrapped his arms around Nagito, caging his arms in, so Nagito couldn't even return the hug to him, he just wanted to hold him before he left.
After far too long of a hug time, Hajime let go, and after a few more pleasantries, he started to walk back to the elevator. He looked back over his shoulder, and Nagito was just closing the door after stepping inside.
He was right, he really ought to get back to the car, and go back home.
Nagito looked around his brand new apartment. It was pretty nice, he thought. The living room and kitchen were combined together, but the overall space for them was pretty big, there was a table in the back third, and a sofa in the more forward third, with a TV facing it, in the middle, there was a door to the bathroom, where there was shower attached over a bath tub, and a door to a bedroom, which had one bed, a set of drawers, and a wardrobe. The kitchen had two main countertops, an oven, a microwave, a dishwasher, and also a washing machine, even thought that wasn't a kitchen appliance, it still fit in there.
Nagito put his suitcase down, and went to sit on the couch, he sank down a little bit on it, but, he couldn't have expected the best furnishings in the world, he was just happy with what he got. He had drawn in a long breath, and looked around the room, it wasn't spacious, yet, it didn't feel homely. It just felt like a room. He knew over time that would change, as he got used to it, as he made his own special touches to it, but, it made him feel rather strange. He had wanted to be on his own, to feel like he was the one finally in control of his own life, to not be constantly calling for somebody whenever something went wrong .... he wanted that chance, to not be worthless, just for once in his life. Yet, all he found now, was that he was missing the homeliness of Hajime's house, the warmth, the smell of cinnamon, the way the house hugged him whenever he walked into it. He had taken all of that for granted, god he was just awful wasn't he?
He tied his hair up into a ponytail, before standing up, and clapping his hands together lightly. He needed to start unpacking, then maybe he would feel better, or at least he would be too preoccupied to be busy being a stain.
He dropped to the floor, unzipping his suitcase, and he started to take out his belongings. This wouldn't take that long, as he didn't have much stuff, for Nagito, it didn't take much for him to live, he was a very simple guy. First, he went to the bedroom, as that's where most of his stuff would be going. He first focused on hanging hid clothes up in his wardrobe, as that would take a bit of time, he had quite a few variants of flower shirts, which were a little ugly, but, Nagito saw the charm in them, Ugly didn't mean bad, it just meant unconventional. Nothing was really ugly, Nagito thought. Nagito slept shirtless, but he put his pyjama pants underneath his pillowcase, so he could put them on later. Then he set a hairbrush, some perfume, and an alarm clock on the desk next to his bed, that, and a little plush cat which Chiaki had gifted him when Hajime wasn't looking, just before she'd left. He made sure to set his alarm to 6:30AM, so he'd have enough time to wake up, get ready, eat, and then head out for work with enough time for him to a little lenient if anything were ever to come up.
Inside of the drawers, he put in his socks, his boxers, and any other miscellaneous clothing items which didn't fit inside of his wardrobe, and before he knew it, he was finished with a whole room! Next he went to the kitchen area ... he didn't have much to put there, besides some detergent, and some soap, as well as oven-gloves, a few pans, and two trays, three plates, as he didn't think he'd make anymore friends than the two he already had, and some cutlery. He hadn't brought any food with him, however, he planned to go out and buy some food after he was finished with setting up his apartment. What he did bring, was a vase! He was going to think overnight on what flowers he should bring for this new living space. Hajime had a pollen allergy, so he wasn't able to have any flowers there, so he was overjoyed that now he could display some wherever he pleased. He placed it in the centre of the table.
Next, he went to the bathroom, where he put down some more soap, his hair and body washes, his towels, his toothbrush and toothpaste, and a bottle of bleach, as well as some more perfume.
His suitcase was practically empty at that point, and around an hour had passed, Nagito wasn't the type of person who would rush around if he really didn't need to. He stretched his arms up above his head, before dropping them back down. He was aware he had barely gotten inside, but, he was feeling rather peckish now, He was restless, so, he decided that now he would go out and shop for food to stock up his cupboards, then get adjusted to his new living area later on! Truth be told, now that he had already unpacked, he was a little bored. He just didn't have anything to do there, it was just a new home, the overall excitement dies off pretty quickly.
Nagito grabbed a few shopping bags, and made sure he looked good enough to be seen by members of the public, before taking his first step out of his new apartment. He walked back down the hallway, and to the elevator, looking at it, and sighing, of course this had happened.
In the slim time that he was able to get into his room, and sort things out, the elevator had miraculously broken, which meant, from now on, he would have to take the stairs.
The day had been going pretty well for you, up until your assistant, Peko, had called you to tell you that you didn't have enough material for the dresses which would need to be finished in two days, you'd thought you were just about done with them, just needed to do the finishing touches, but no, life can never be that simple for you, can it? You have this motto, totally never heard before, that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, not just in the fashion world, but just in general in your life, you always seemed to have the worst luck imaginable in every given circumstance, you tried your best to stay positive about it, but god, sometimes it was difficult.
Luckily, in the area which you lived, there was a shop where all of the materials you needed were sold, unless they were hyper-expensive, then you'd have to order them online, as you don't live in a bourgeoisie area, hell, you'd hate it if you did.
You weren't some world famous fashion designer, you just made clothes, and the clothes sold, you didn't have some massively big name, but you made enough money to keep on pursuing your passion, even if you weren't rich enough to quit and move away to some honeypot site. Like you'd want to do that anyway, even if you weren't the best, you generally enjoyed creating fashion, and getting your own art there, it filled you with a joy you hadn't found in many things, if it was your calling, that one thing for you, you weren't completely certain of, as of yet, you didn't feel like you had a thing, just like, you were pretty good at it.
You were wearing a maxi skirt and a blouse out to go to the shops, you were just about to get into your lounging clothes until the call, but now you were walking down the street, walking quickly, but making sure you didn't bump into anybody. You didn't know many of the locals well, but it were better to not start off on the wrong foot, if you had to start off on any. You were quite a shut-in, you just stayed in and created, other than that, you didn't really have a reason to leave, unless you had to meet with somebody, which didn't happen all that much.
You were in and out of the shop in a matter of minutes, you knew where everything in there was, so you could just grab your materials, pay for them, and get out, you didn't like to be in stores for too long, this was mainly because they made you feel awfully claustrophobic, and you really weren't a fan of that, even on less busy days, it made you feel slightly iffy.
Upon exiting, you looked up, and saw that the stars were out, greeting you, it was already pretty late, you would most likely have to pull an all nighter, after realising this, you sighed. Fashion could be cruel sometimes, more often than not.
If you had more time, you would've happily cast your gaze up into the beauty of the moon for a bit longer, but unfortunately you were pulled away from her grasp.
You started to walk away from the shop, back to where you lived, meandering through the people who passed you by, whenever you did happen to pass one, you always got caught up, wondering what in their own life led up to this very moment, it made you grateful for being able to live, weirdly enough.
You got caught up in the idea of getting caught up, because when sewing, you never had the time to think, as you had to focus fully on the task at hand, so when you were outside, you were more prone to getting pulled into the world of your marvellous brain. Or, that's what your mother called it, you'd definitely not say that.
In-fact, you were so caught up, you hadn't even realised that you'd walked straight into somebody. You cursed to yourself, god, you were so unlucky, of course this would have to happen to you. You looked down at the floor for a second, a tad embarrassed, before looking up to see who you'd collided with, you had already stepped back away from them upon the sudden contact, but you couldn't help but gasp as you saw who you'd bumped into.
You could've sworn you had just accidentally ran into an angel, you had never seen a boy so pretty. You couldn't take your eyes from him as you tried to cough out an apology, despite the situation, you had already been horrible and talking to people to begin with, which was part of the reason why you loved your current job.
He had the prettiest white hair, his skin pale to match, and he just looked absolutely perfect, like he were a wax model, and not a real human being. A surge of inspiration was running through your bloodstream, a muse.
You had only just seen him, but you were certain, you had never seen anybody like him in your life, not even in any cartoons, or animated shows. You weren't sure if maybe this was some cruel dream, if he wasn't actually a real person or not, but you didn't have the time to be worrying over such a trivial matter.
Your eyes met his green ones, he looked surprised, you were staring at him rather intently without even realising, god, you must've looked so stupid.
" I'm so sorry, I should've been looking where I was going.." You finally managed to squeak out, you had to keep your cool. " I really need to get going, though, if I ever see you again um...- I'll pay you back! I promise!"
You hadn't given the taller man the chance to reply as you skirted around him, quickly walking off. You wished you had managed to hold s longer conversation with whoever that was, but your work really was a more pressing issue, and anyway, you doubted you'd ever actually see him again.
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nan0ka · 2 months
Heeeeeyyyy can't wait for the next chapter!!!!! Ume so lovely 😭🫶
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summary. a little dance in the rain, isn't that the most romantic? but you can't dance. and neither can he.
content. highschool au, fluff, slowburn, childhood friends to lovers, umemiya may seem ooc, little angst.
wordcount. 3.2k words.
author's note. how can I not update if a lovely reader asked for it? <3 btw this story is also online on watty ( and it has 12 chaps ). my name on wattpad is the same »-NAN0KA«.
❨📁❩ ← previous. ❨🗂️❩ → masterlist. ❨📁❩ → next.
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One drop of water lead to the next one. And then it multiplied to thousands of water drops. The clouds were crying once again. But it's nice. It felt pleasant. You leaned against the bed frame and simply closed your eyes, listening to the rain landing on your window, sliding down easily. The nightsky still shines with the moon, accompanied by the stars. A rather breathtaking sight.
“I never craved attention, until I tasted of yours.”
Not a second passed and you opened your eyes, almost immediately. You had a picture of him clearly in mind. A face, you've never seen in those seven years with him. Knitted eyebrows in jealousy, you assume. It matched his downturned, stunning blue eyes. But it was an ugly emotion for such a pretty face. Still, you're sure. Sure you saw a face no one has ever seen before.
The time you closed your eyes was the moment you could imagine the scene again. How he pulled you in for hug. Your arms around his well-built torso. His hand gently caressed the back of your head, following the strands of your hair to the tip. His warmth engulfed you into it's depths. His familiar yet odorous scent reached your nose. The thin fabrics of your uniform and his separates your bodies.
Your ears felt hot. Really hot. What's wrong with you? These past days are getting more difficult to live like a normal person. Suddenly someone hastily rang your doorbell, which lead to you flinching by the unexpected sound. You breathed out, calming down your heart before you stood up from your bed and hurriedly made your way to the door. The rang didn't even stop once.
"I'm coming, i'm coming!" you exclaimed, your hand around the handle before pushing the door open.
Only to be greeted by your white haired friend. Your eyes widened as they followed the water drop gliding down to his chin, eventually falling off the tip. It looked like he had been drenched in water. Maybe he was. But you looked behind him, just to see that the once calm rain, rained harder. You don't need to puzzle long enough to understand why he was soaked in water.
"Hajime, are you insane?" were the only words that left your lips once you regained your voice after a minute or two of speechlessness.
"Don't think so." he answered. He meant it serious. But then his usual loopy smile returned.
"Come in." you forced him into your apartment by grabbing the wet sleeve of his jacket. "It's raining and night. Why would you only wear this..?"
A chuckle left his lips. It sounded rather like an amused one. As he stepped out again. "I just wanted to see you." he explained, ready to leave again. "I thought you would go out and find your inspiration to draw— Long story short, I was worried you'd try something stupid again and get hurt ahahaha..." he rubbed his neck, his laughter trailed off as he smiled at you so happily.
You would never understand what's going on in his mind.
"Look what I drew." he took out a sheet of paper, folded in two. "If you need inspiration, then just ask me. This is just an ugly doodle. Don't judge me please, I'm still learning. Oh! And when you're done, then show me!"
Speechless, you took the piece of paper. "I'm assuming you're leaving again?" you raised an eyebrow. "You'd get sick if you leave now. Don't you live a little further away? To think you walked from there to here. You're silly, Hajime." you didn't open the note, not yet. "You're staying here. You can even sleep over. But you're not going out until the rain stops." you grabbed onto his wrist with your free hand.
With that being said, you pulled him into your apartment again with a firm voice, no room objection. "Wait here for a second, I'll get you a towel and some clothes." you turned your back to him and ran into your bathroom, then rushed into your room to search for your biggest pullover, shirt and comfortable pants. After finding something you immediately made your way back to Umemiya.
There he stands. With that brightest smile stretched on to his lips. The dim light over your heads let his features shine. Sometimes, you forget how pretty his eyes are. Or that little slit over his left eyebrow. His mouth is a pale pink. And his nose is cute. He's stunning. You don't wonder why he's popular with the ladies. You're surprised he hasn't had a girlfriend yet. Really shocking, right?
"Here." you handed him the towel first. "You can change in the bathroom. Want some hot tea?"
"I feel like a nuisance." he chuckled once again. Ah. His voice sounds pleasant. And every time he laughs, it felt like he's blessed by nature itself. "Yes, please..."
"Maybe because you are one? Now change in the bathroom before you get sick." you rolled your eyes.
"Yes, ma'am."
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
 "[name], I searched for a reason to see you." he said randomly as he placed his elbow on the table to lean his head against his palm for support.
"I figured." you sipped your tea quietly and layed your leg over the other one while maintaining eye contact.
"How?" his little smile grew with every second passing. He's in delighted to see you sitting across him.
At that question, you only raised an eyebrow before sighing out with closed eyes. "Maybe because I know you." you opened your [e/c] eyes again to look at his face. He isn't shocked. He's still happy. "It's crazy. Crazy how you would still walk here to my place just to see me, even though it's raining that hard." you tilted your head to the side and lightly knitted your eyebrows in confusion.
"So, am I the first one?" he asked. Why does that even matter?
"Mhm. Why do you care?" now it was your turn to ask.
"Because..." he paused before searching for a reason. "Don't know. But does it sound greedy if I told you that I want to be your first's?"
"First's what?"
"Silly question for smart woman." he holds up one finger, his expression is serious. You can't take him serious at all. "First one to write a song for you. First one to learn something for you. First one to draw you. I don't know— just first's."
For a moment, you can just stare. And then you opened your mouth. No sound leaves your throat. So you fall silent again. "Oh!" he gasped before quickly getting his phone out. "How could I forget! I wanted to show you my phone case." he turned around his phone before showing you a picture. Oh. It's the where he gently pressed his lips against your forehead. But you never send him that picture.
Did he stole your camera? You stared at him, while he still smiled, probably not even knowing what he did wrong to make you feel embarrassed. You don't even think he has some shame when it comes to love or something like that. "Woops." you muttered, 'accidentally' kicking leg under the table. But he continued to smile. His smile didn't even falter one bit. He knows what he's doing.
Even if Umemiya Hajime doesn't seem like someone who teases their partner or friend, he actually would. He definitely would. He's indeed a sly one, you can tell. Does it feed his ego if he sees you blushing or flustered? You breathed out, a little frustrated, while your gaze was fixated on the phone case. You must admit, this photo was pretty cute in your eyes. But you won't say that out loud.
It was quiet. A comfortable silence. Was it the atmosphere or was it the moon shining through the window? All you heard was the rain hitting the window. You lifted your eyes from the phone case and looked outside. It doesn't look like the rain will stop anytime soon. As a matter of fact, it looked like it would rain all night. Then your eyes went to the clock, which hung on the wall.
"Let's dance."
As soon as those words left his lips, you immediately turned to him again, pretty dumbfounded. What? "Here? Right now?" you blinked, tilting your head slightly to the side as you furrowed your eyebrows. This man never fails to make you speechless, sometimes even amazed. "You're joking, right? Or is this one of your mood swings again?" you want to laugh. He never has mood swings. Okay, that was a lie now.
"If not now, when?" he sulked. This old child.
"Yeah, no. Forget this idea real quick." you sighed. "You don't even dance."
"For you, I will."
"I know you would. But I wouldn't. I can't even dance, Hajime. And I'd constantly step on your toes." you shook your head dismissive about that idea. "And I'd rather not dance here."
"How about we dance in the rain?"
"To get sick again? No, thank you." you sighed once again. This man would never give up. Once he has an idea he wants to do, it'll never get out of his head again. You just know.
"Promise, it will be fun! It's a one time thing, you know!" seems like he's really convinced by that idea.
"Sure, sure." you clicked your tongue.
"Oh, how about you just stand on my feet while I guide you!" his face lit up.
"I'm too heavy for you."
"Are you doubting my strength?"
Now he had a point.
"To make sure I heard you correctly, you want to dance with me? Even though you and I can't dance? In the rain? And you want me to stand on your toes while dancing?" you summarized.
"Why do you only have the most terrible ideas?"
"Hey! It's not that terrible!" he pouted.
"Why do you have such ideas in mind?" you groaned before nodding. "Okay, let's do it."
Not one second passed as he stood up with a beaming aura. "I knew you couldn't resist my charms!" he grinned, you could only deadpan. "Let's go." Umemiya walked to your side before giving you a hand. You stared at it, thinking again if it's a good idea or not. You breathed before slowly reaching out for his hand and placing yours on top of his, so he can pull you up to your feet.
As soon as you stood, he turned his back to you and began to spring out of the apartment. "W-Why so fast?!" your eyes widened, you almost missed to grab the keys that are at the entrance as he quickly opened the door. You slammed it shut, not having enough time to close the door gently, so the neighbors won't complain. "H-Hajime, slow down!" you cried out, still surprised by the pace.
"Umemiya Hajime!"
He stopped. Almost tripping over the air. He looked back with an apologetic smile while you breathed out. The two of you are standing in the stairwell, about to run down the stairs. Well he was about to while you stopped. At that rate you probably would have stumbled. "I'm sorry, I got excited ahahaha..." he apologized with a closed-eye smile. "Please don't get mad at me for..."
"For?.." you trailed off and knitted your eyebrows in confusion.
Well, for a short while. Umemiya approached you from the side before taking you bridal-style, his one arm behind your back and the other under your knees. "—For this!" he laughed and began to run down the stairs with you in his arms while you shut your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck. Why was he so excited about the dance in the rain?
"I'm gonna kill you one day!" you shouted. When was the last time you yelled?
"Then I'd be happily ever after!" he answers.
"Not funny!"
"But I'm not joking!"
He jumped down the last three flights of stairs, stopped in his tracks to let you down on the floor again. You let out a shaky breath and held onto his arm. You couldn't deny, Umemiya is a bit of a crazy guy. But his kind and outgoing personality hides this face. Sometimes he just comes up with the stupidest ideas and make them come true. How does the saying go? It's the thought that counts.
"We're steps away from our goal. Come one." he whispered excited. Our goal? He meant his goal.
"Change of mind. I'm not doing this."
You watched the heavy rain horrified. But before you can turn away, Umemiya took your hand and rubbed soothingly the back of it with his thumb. "Naw... Look how close we are." he points to the rain that was near you. The only thing that covers your head are the stairs over you. "Haven't you told me once that you love the rain?" he questioned, averting his eyes from the rain.
"I do. I love the rain. But I hate getting wet." you closed your eyes.
Suddenly—he just pulled you with him with ease, walking towards the rain. "I should've never let you into my apartment." you wanted cry. Well you did. On the inside. He set a foot on the wet floor, turning to you with a smile. Your sleeve is getting wet, while you stayed under the 'roof'. "I will regret this." you muttered and followed him. "But I also would regret not joining you."
"Yay!" he cheered.
Umemiya lead you a little further before stopping and turning to you. "Now..." he paused, letting your hand go. His left arm was behind his back and he offered his right one, while his left foot was infront of the other. He faked a cough. "May I invite you to a dance, m'lady?" he asked and bowed down. Suddenly, you both were nobles in an empty ballroom, wasting your time for a little dance.
A sigh escaped your lips as you role played with him. "It would be my pleasure, my lord." you followed in suit, pretending to wear a dress as you bowed down with a hand placed on top of your chest. You gave him your hand, a sign that he can look up now. And he did. But he was still bowing as he gently pressed his lips against the back of the wet hand. Your cheeks were painted in a cute reddish color.
"If I may..." he whispered and stood straight again, his intertwined his right hand with your left one, while putting the other hand behind your lower back.
The rain was the music. It hit your body softly, your hair is getting wet and sticks on your face while your pyjama stuck onto your body like a second skin. It feels weird. And it irritates you a little. But you can manage, you guess. It's not bad, because you're not the only one getting wet. And maybe even sick later on. Your right hand finds itself on his shoulder again as you slowly stepped on his feet.
"I'm sorry..." you apologized quietly.
"No need to apologize, m'lady." he smiled.
"Drop me and you're dead."
"Language." he chuckled amused. "I would never dare to intentionally let you fall. I couldn't afford to dirty your »dress« with mud, my lady."
With that, he easily took a steep  forward. Then to the right. Making a little spin. Taking steps back. Moving so effortlessly around like you weighed nothing. But with every step you were afraid that he would loosen his grip around you. You closed your eyes. One long lunging step backwards again with the right foot, just to draw the left foot back to close the distance.
Umemiya Hajime was actually good in dancing. Did he learn beforehand? Or what did he do to be so skilled? Did he drink some kind of dancing potion? In this heavy rain too. Actually—you forgot for a while that it was raining as he moved around in circles. You opened your eyes again and stared up to him. "Having fun?" he asked, breaking the silence between you.
Slowly but surely, you nodded. It wasn't that bad. Only because he could dance. Because he could guide you while doing so. And he was good at it. "Could you step off my foot for a moment?" he whispered and took a step to the left again. "Just for a moment please." he plead. "Trust me. I'll show you something." and he smiles at you. How could you say no? He knew you couldn't when he smiled at you like that.
"Asshole." you cursed again, putting your trust into him. You quickly got onto the floor, trying to follow his steps.
But not for long as he placed his hands around your waist, just to lift you up and spin a round. "Since when did you learn how to dance?" you asked and were on his foot again, finding space on his shoulder again. "I thought you couldn't dance. I think I've been lied to my whole life." yeah, you probably were. He doesn't look surprised by the question.
"I learned just for you. I hoped you'd ask me one day, yet the day never came, so I took matters in my own hand." he explained with a cheeky grin. "And when I sat there on your chair, I had the need to dance in the rain with you."
"You learned how to dance for me?" you blinked.
"Am I the first one?"
"That relieves me. That was actually also my goal. I was pretty worried."
The longer you stared at him, the harder it was to surpass your laugh. "Pfft—" oh it slipped. You began to laugh as he still danced. The rain became lighter. "You were worried that you wouldn't be the first one to learn how to dance for me?" you asked. It sounds silly. But you guess, silly is his second lastname. It must be. You couldn't help but to laugh at the fact again. "Y-You're strange..." you stuttered slightly.
"I know. But I think i'm only being strange when i'm with you." he sweatdropped. "That's what Hiragi said! Still, i'm not that strange."
"Sure, you aren't." you rolled your eyes jokingly, a smile formed on your lips. "If I get sick because of this, you need to take care of me again, understood?"
"Yes yes, m'lady."
He stared at you again. The smile on your lips suited you perfectly. If only you smiled more. In this moment, he could die happily. You're smiling, because of him. And even laughing. He deserves an oscar for this. "Gosh... You're so beautiful." before you could react, he stopped to wrap his arms around you, burying his face into your neck, just to breath your scent in.
"I never thought I'd get this attached." he whispered. "Thank you for making me happy every day."
You stayed silent. Not even one noise left your lips. Even though it was raining heavy and you're wet all over the body, your throat was dry.
"My love... You worth every drop of it."
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- NAN0KA [ july 18th, 2024 ]
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rishiguro · 1 year
16; “WHO ARE YOU?”
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you were relieved when you found out that iwaizumi’s surgery went well. you could feel a weight lifting off your shoulder when he texted you and an even bigger one when he told you that they managed to remove some parts of his pancreas without any major complications.
however, it has certainly taken a toll on him. iwaizumi was incredibly tired lately, constantly nodding off for minutes and sometimes even hours while you visited. you weren’t particularly bothered by it, instead you simply opted to continue studying by his side, not really wanting to have him wake up alone.
“i’m tired” iwaizumi’s voice was drowsy, looking at you with droopy eyes.
you hummed smiling. “you can sleep,” you assured him, “you need it”
“i don’t wan’ to leave you alone,” he protested with slurred words, shaking his head. “you came here, i can’t jus’ sleep”
“you can barely talk, hajime,” you countered, brushing your fingers through his hair, to which he hummed contend while trying to protest further.
you chuckled at his mumbling, enjoying the sleepy state of his, you own cheeks flushing. “it’s alright,” you grinned at him, caressing his upper arm softly. iwaizumi hummed, his eyes already closed as he was fighting himself to not drift to away. you leaned closer, pressing a kiss on his temple. “go sleep”
“just for a couple minutes,” he yawned, too tired to fight himself longer, practically sinking into the hospital mattress. it was only a matter of moments until he snored softly.
after giving him one last fond look you turned to your bag and pulled out a notebook, immediately starting to immerse yourself in your studies.
you don’t know how much time has passed when you looked up to see iwaizumi still sleeping soundly. by now you felt a bit drowsy yourself, your lower back hurting from the uncomfortable position you contorted your body into when you started studying.
your eyes quickly glanced on your phone, scanning over the few notifications from your friends. deciding to give yourself a break, you picked your mobile up and answered the messages, engaging in various conversations.
the sound of loud and cheery chatter in front of the room’s door distracted you from your notebook, head shooting up as you furrowed your eyebrows.
soon after the white door opened and three people stepped into the room.
“hello iwa-ch—“ the cheery voice stopped as soon as the person noticed you in the room, eyes immediately making contact with yours. “who are you?”
“oh, hi,” you casually replied, looking at each one of them directly. the three guys were definitely the same age as iwaizumi, one with lighter brown hair and a beautiful tan on himself, the one on the left with thick eyebrows and dark hair and the on the the right with bright, pinkish hair. all of them seemed rather confused and surprised as they stepped in, definitely not expecting someone in the room other than the man sleeping on the bed. “you should be quiet,“ you chided, “he fell asleep again. are you hajime’s friends?”
“yes” the tall man in the middle — the same one that spoke as the three entered the room — said, narrowing his eyes at you. he examined you for a second before speaking again. “and you are (y/l/n)?”
out of curtesy you stood up from your chair before affirming the question. “i am, nice to meet you”
you smiled at them, a gesture that all of them returned. “likewise”
silence settled over you all, you sitting back down on your chair as the three men found a chair — or any kind of stable surface — to sit on while they introduced themselves to you.
“he fell asleep about an hour ago, i think,” you broke the silence, looking at iwaizumi’s sleeping figure, “he’s been doing that a lot lately”
“he told us that might happen,” matsukawa spoke, “before that he did nod off during conversations with us too while we were texting. made us worry way too much for our own good”
hanamaki laughed as oikawa added to the memory. “i almost got security called on me because i just bolted down the hall” he raised his arm, scratching the back of his neck as he saw the way you were holding back a grin. the man rolled his eyes. “not my smartest move, i know”
the four of you exchanged some pleasantries in the following minutes, engaging in a light-hearted conversation before you decided that it would be probably best if you were to leave. iwaizumi was still soundly asleep and he wouldn’t be alone if he would wake up, so that eased your mind. additionally, you wouldn’t be able to study anyways and you certainly didn’t want to intrude in the friends’ conversations and antics.
“sorry, i should probably go now that you guys are here. usually i leave before you arrive,” you said, putting your already closed notebooks back into your bag.
hanamaki perked up, leaning his upper body towards you in interest. “how often are you here?”
“well, often. whenever i have the time, i suppose,” you thought out loud, shrugging, before you turned to iwaizumi. you smiled fondly at him. “although he doesn’t like it”
“of course he doesn’t, he’s an idiot,” matsukawa hummed.
“but he’s glad that you’re here,” oikawa added, turning his head to the sleeping iwaizumi immediately after with an almost panicked expression. “don’t tell him i told you that”
you grinned and shook your head as you got up from your chair, shouldering your bag. “don’t worry, i won’t. it was nice meeting you, oikawa, hanamaki, matsukawa” you looked at each one of them as you said your goodbyes, waving at the three young men before walking towards the door. “see you around sometime”
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/ɛvəˈnɛs(ə)nt,iːvəˈnɛs(ə)nt/ — “soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing.”
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taglist: @ninjamomo @not-another-ackerman @midnight-drives-with-sunarin @bloombb @jewlmin @tia827 @namyari @fuckyouwhotookmyname
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haunted-xander · 2 years
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Monaca hasn't left the pod room since Monokuma appeared in the simulation. She refuses to talk to anyone and only eats when Chiaki is the one to deliver the food. Otherwise, she spends her time hovering over Nagito's pod.
After months of being left to her own devices, Chiaki finally decided to do something and forced Monaca to get some proper rest, and dragged her over to the hotel. She resisted the entire way there, but once her back hit the bed she was out like a light.
She slept for a long time. The next day, she kept laying in bed, far too tired and sore from bending her back leaning over the pod for days on end. She still refused to talk to anyone, but she accepted food more easily and actually played on the 3DS Chiaki had given her.
Even though Monaca had been moved to her own cottage, the pod room was rarely empty. Hajime spent a considerable amount of time doing everything in his power to make Nagito wake up, barely sparing a minute for breaks or meals.
Hajime was the only one on the room when a hiss came from the only used pod still in the room. He rushed over and stood close by, prepared to greet the last of the group to wake. The hatch opened and Nagito slowly opened his eyes. His gaze was hazy for a few seconds, before recognition sparked and he focused entirely on Hajime.
"Hey, can you hear me?" Hajime wanted to make sure he was fully aware before saying anything else. "Ahh, Izuru Kamukura... No, you're... Hajime Hinata... right?" Nagito's voice was rough from misuse, but still held the same soft and breathy feel it always did. He raised his left hand up, silently asking Hajime for help getting up. Without hesitation, Hajime grabbed it and dragged Nagito up until he was sitting up. "They're both me."
"I suppose I should thank you for waking me up? I knew you'd make it to the lowest stratum- I believed in you." Nagito slowly looked up as he talked. "How are the others?" Seeing that he was the same as usual, Hajime smiled. "You're the last one out." At having the others well-being confirmed, Nagito smiled gently. "I'm glad."
"Ah, speaking off... I need to tell them you're awake. Monaca has been worried sick over you, you know. She's been hovering over your pod constantly, Nanami only managed to drag her out a few days ago." At the mention of Monaca, Nagito's face shifted to surprise. "...Monaca-san has been worried...? For... me?"
"Yeah. I'm sure she'll want to see you as soon as possible. I'll send a text to Nanami and she'll bring Monaca here, how does that sound? I doubt you want to be alone right now." Hajime had already brought out his phone and started typing as he spoke. "They'll be here soon."
Just as he finished speaking, the door was slammed open and Monaca wheeled herself over to Nagito as fast as she could. "...B-big Bro...? You're awake? Really, really awake? You... you..." Her voice wavered as tears gathered in her eyes. "You... big... MEANIE!!! You left Monaca all alone! You were supposed to be with Monaca all the time, but you didn't! You liar! Liar liar liar! Don't ever scare Monaca like that again! You're not allowed! Not allowed not allowed not allowed!!!!"
Monaca launched herself into Nagito's arms as she continued to cry out all her frustrations. From a short distance, Hajime and Chiaki stood and watched the tear-filled reunion, happy to finally have everyone back. "...It's a relief to have Komaeda-kun finally back. He was alseep for so long... I had almost began to lose hope." Hajime put his arm on her shoulder. "...Yeah, I get that. I knew he'd wake up eventually, though. It's Komaeda, you know? Things are never easy with this guy, but they tend to work out. One way or another."
Chiaki focused her attention back to Nagito and Monaca, noting that the crying had quieted down to small sobs. The little girl looked tired, but refused to fall asleep just yet. "...Hey hey, Komaeda-kun. We should probably get you moved into one of the cottages now. The pod can't be very comfortable, and we need to do a proper check-up, too."
"And we need to figure out what to do about the hand. You can't keep it, but removing it will be difficult. ...Souda and I will have to prepare a prosthetic replacement too." While Monaca kept her face buried in Nagito's stomach, the man in question turned his attention back to Hajime and Chiaki, smiling at them. "...I don't understand why you'd go so far from someone like me but... I... appreciate it."
"Don't talk like that. You're our friend too, of course we'd do all of this for you." Hajime had an expression that implied something beyond just 'friends', but maybe he was just too embarassed to say it.
Chiaki looked forward to the peaceful times to come.
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