#for as long as I've been working on it in bits and pieces it's not actually a cohesive whole with a plot or anything
forcedhesitation · 2 months
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*wheeze* slowly, but surely, working on art of them all
#bg3#myart#wip#I want to make every tav/companion pairing I have a dedicated. fancy piece.#these started with a concept for a wyll drawing that was very...storybook! inspired.#I would have been done all the linework for these two pieces by now had my weekend gone better :/#I was violently unwell for...about a week and a half? chronic illness bullshit. had started to feel better friday of last week...#...unfortunately fate had it that the weekend ended up being particularly stressful. so the pain returned anew.#it was. somewhat better today. but still not enough for me to really be productive in my free time :(#I will try to complete the linework tomorrow if all goes well. I really would like to start colouring them!#I have delightful colour schemes chosen...#gale/illamin piece has already been sketched in a notebook. once I finish these two- I will begin lining theirs!#illamin's connects to cadence's because they're intertwined like that. but I have yet to finish planning out cadence's piece.#I've gone back and forth on who I should romance with him...the thing with any of the companions is that they are all written to be-#-immensely compatible with each other. so writing a tav FOR a specific companion is a bit hard. often the tav could fit with any of them.#hell. I'm STILL working out details of jantar and corydalis' story & characters. because I can't be normal about this.#that aside- I DO have other. finished pieces...finally.#well. I had some long before... but I didn't want to post them because I wasn't happy with them.#so I went and finished new stuff that I DO like.#4. technically 5 drawings. all horror/horror adjacent in theme.#my extremely detailed hux painting is also NEARLY done. after months upon months of work.#and I continue to slowly chip away at the big scifi themed dbd piece I've had in progress.#I really never run out of things to draw and it's a bit torturous because I never have the time or energy to draw everything...
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pastafossa · 1 year
Hey I just wanted to ask a writer question. I really admire your writing and the amount of work and dedication you put into your stories and characters. You are one of my favourite authors ever. I have been wanting to get into writing and I was wondering how you flesh out your characters? For example you have a character that you’ve thought out, do you have a template that you fill in? Or just write a whole bunch of points about the character in a Google doc? I know that question might not make the most sense but I have a few characters that I’ve given quirks and backstories in my mind but I have no idea how to transfer them onto paper? Like Jane from TRT, is there just a big template or doc where you randomly put points into or some other type of organization? I know it’s not an easy thing to answer on text or even something you might not want to answer but even one sentence of advice is much appreciated :) Thank you so much for everything! I appreciate you. I will also put this into the ask thingy if you want to answer on there instead of PM 😁
I've managed to hammer this out in bits and pieces over the moments I've been more coherent so I think I'll make sense. First, thank you so, so, so much! I honestly love these characters so I'm always happy to hear someone likes it, even if I enjoy the work! 😭
Second - I do in fact have a template in doc form that I use to keep things organized! It's one I've been using since I took a novel writing course years ago by a published author, and in one particular class we went over character development, which is where I learned the template. The way I was taught (and the way I develop major characters) - first, even before filling in the template, I figure out their archetype(s). What story role are they filling? Who will they be a foil for? I like to think of those as your foundation, because every character is an archetype of some kind, and you can use that to build them up. To use Jane as an example, she's an antihero archetype, yes, but I've also pulled elements from: the Unscrupulous Hero, the Sympathetic Murderer, the Combat Pragmatist, and the Ineffectual Loner. Compared to Matt's hero archetype, she's the Lancer. Archetypes can help you if you're struggling to build up from the bottom.
Once I have the archetype, I start filling in the Major Character/Hero template, which roughly looks like this (if you don't fill it all right away, that's fine, because there's a step after this to fill it in the rest of the way). I like this one because I feel like it covers VERY important things that a lot of online character profiles skip, and has much less of a focus on looks (which I find way less important from a writing perspective):
Name: Age: Family History: Career: Physical Description: (include things like scars, notable or unusual features) Preferred Style of Clothing: (instead of listing brands, try to instead describe their style of clothing as it relates to their character - ex: Jane wears upper-end pantsuits in muted colors when meeting clients, because they carry a strong emphasis on professionalism; when hunting things down, she wears what is practical over anything to do with aesthetic) Goal: (every character should have one; what are they trying to do?) Motivation: (WHY do they want that goal?) Big Secret: (if it were Jane, it'd be what happened in Los Angeles; so what are they hiding? Keeping to themselves?) Self-image: (How do they see themselves? Are they confident and secure? Insecure and depressed?) Internal Conflict: (what are they struggling with?) Game: (What's some little game they enjoy?) Pet: (if applicable) Temptation: (what's aaaalways going to lure them in?) Vehicle: (if applicable; alternatively, how do they prefer to get around?) What makes them unique: (our fake post-apocalyptic character we made as a class had his teeth sharpened into points to scare people; Jane is often fidgeting with threads; just anything that stands out) How do they speak: (do they speak very precisely? Use lots of slang? Do they have an accent?) Quote: (What quote sums them up, or what quote do they relate to most? I have an entire folder of these for Jane tbh, and some for Ciro as well) Lesson Learned: (All characters should grow in some way, rather than stagnating. So how do they grow? What do they learn through the story?)
Now, this is something I was encouraged to do after the template, and also something I was already doing on my own. Once you have the template as finished as you feel comfortable with, you might feel like you need to develop the character a little further to fill in the rest, or solidify what you already have. The way you can do that? Write something short with this character. It doesn't have to be anything you need to post; it can be based on a short scene, based on a prompt, things like that. I like dumping them into: humorous scenarios, angsty scenarios, and Action Oriented (TM) scenes. Those really help you get into the meat of the character (aka: how they react to teasing/flirting/jokes; how they react to strong emotion; how they react in situations that might cause panic). Basically, it's your way of introducing yourself to them and becoming more comfortable writing them, because often a character might act a certain way in a cold, rigid template, but behave entirely differently once you drop them into a scene. Alternatively, you might get to writing and realize you need to make an adjustment so that they have better chemistry with the other characters. Writing a new character's a dance, and you're both going to step on each other's toes in the beginning, but once you learn how they move, it gets easier. And it helps them develop and grow as you learn about them!
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cicadagaze · 1 year
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a redraw of a piece from 2015. always liked the idea that firestar visited smudge after his death.
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January 31, 2015 - February 4, 2023
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drawnaghht · 4 months
Yuichi Usagi + SRTUC reflist + overview
ok, so, REPOST, because the og post won't let me edit it..... (deleting the other post later) I've noticed some common ideas online abt Usagi and his show/world and thought I'd make a list of references for folks who haven't seen the show, but would maybe like to know more. Mostly this is like a small rundown of what happens in the series, but maybe this'll help also with writing/drawing the characters. lol this accidentally became too long again with over 3K words >___>;;
(you can visit my srtuc posts masterlist for other references and fun tidbits, observations, interview links etc)
More under the cut!
Yuichi Usagi is obsessed with becoming a samurai. He is shown reading a comic about his own ancestor, Miyamoto Usagi (the protagonist of the Usagi Yojimbo comic irl, which is what the show is loosely based on). We can assume there are more comics about his ancestor and other family lore.
He is a bit reckless and prone to accidents and distraction. He also fantasizes a lot about fighting and being a cool samurai.
Like his ancestor, he has a pet lizard, Spot! Spot looks a bit like a weird cross between a tiny dinosaur and a regular green lizard (like in the comics), but is basically Usagi's only friend to confide in at the farm. Spot acts a lot like a pet or dog would. Tokage (lit. lizards) are very common in this world.
Before his 16th birthday, Usagi lives with his auntie on their family farm, but after messing up a farmbotto and getting into an argument with her, he decides it's better to leave to Neo Edo, to become a real samurai.
He plans to do this by riding on his Ki-cycle, an energy-powered tri-wheeled motorbike (it has a battery-pack)
His auntie agrees, because even tho she has trained him in sword-fighting and combat, that's all she had and Usagi needs a real swordmaster, a true sensei who will teach him when to not use a sword. (boy is a little bit sword-happy)
Usagi's auntie has a missing left ear-half and left leg (from some unknown wars only mentioned in passing)
His auntie gives him her own sword, Edgewing, which she made with her own grandfather. It has a red scabbard and a purple pommel - a crystal with a butterfly inside it. She calls this the Omurasaki, a "family heirloom" from Miyamoto Usagi himself (this will become important later), citing that it has brough her good luck despite the missing ear and leg.
Arriving in the city, Usagi is completely awe-struck and foregoes all caution, showing us how distracted he gets and has to be saved by Spot from on-coming traffic. This is his first time seeing Ki-stone powered cars, trolleys or streets.
Usagi decides to visit the Ki-Stone temple, a place where he fantasizes the Ki-Stone will give him some sort sort of power (he is 16). This is a show-only element, but seems to be based on elements in Senso, a stand-alone book in UY, which predates the WhereWhen crossover with the IDW turtles, but happens after WhereWhen. No spoilers but the show lifts a few crucial ideas from this stand-alone comic.
Usagi is not a yokai, but he is obsessed with yokai, who in his world have been a myth and children's tales for 1000 years. Usagi is well-versed in many yokai myths because of his obsession with his "yokai hunter samurai ancestor" and can tell at a glance who or what a type of yokai is.
in truth, yokai were locked away by his ancestor from the Edo era, Miyamoto Usagi, who is a well-known traitor because of this incident, which involved. Usagi does not know this at first and the 1st season deals with him uncovering the reasons why his ancestor was branded a traitor.
Because of this, Usagi is immediately looked at with disdain or avoided, because he is the only white rabbit to appear in Neo Edo in a long time and that makes him stick out.
On his way to the Ki-Stone temple, he accidentally bothers and angers 3 people: Gen, Kitsune and Chizu. They all wanna beat him up for his transgressions but over the first 4 episodes, they bond over hi-jinks and become close friends after Usagi is arrested when exiting the Ki-Stone temple.
Him, Gen and Kitsune also anger the Mogura gang, styles to look sorta like 1970s yakuza, but also like 1950s greasers (they will show up in the series for a few more key moments). This is when Usagi shows his quick thinking by jamming Edgewing's end-cap into a crumbling ceiling and saving the group from the gang.
After this tunnel fight, Kitsune discovers a shiny green egg with metal scales and decides to keep it in hopes of earning some money with it (her puppet has been destroyed in the tunnel-slide caused by Usagi) This egg will come up again later.
Dropping the last name Usagi introduces himself as Usagi to Kitsune, but Gen is still mad at him and they give chase.
Somehow the three of them arrive at the Ki-Stone temple thru the tunnel network, angering Chizu, and the three newer characters gang up on Usagi until they're stopped by Tetsujin, guardian of the Ki-Stone, a Kaikishi warrior. (This will become an oft-used term in the show - we can assume, it's basically meant for all who become a guardian warrior of the Ki-Stone)
Usagi gets distracted and even while Tetsujin is warning him, touches the Ki-Stone, showing us some foreshadowing for the next 19 episodes.
Because of his relation to Miyamoto Usagi, Usagi releases the yokai who have been trapped for 10 decades.
Unlike Tetsujin, Usagi does not become a ghost-like person, but he does sputter out for a moment while he sees his own ancestor and a bunch of other images ghost over his mind.
Usagi basically starts to have visions of Miyamoto Usagi each time he touches the Ki-Stone. Each time he comes in contact becomes gradually more painful.
Tetsujin "is transmuted into another state of being" - so he's basically a ghost, but science-reasons that he's just on another plane of existence now (which... is sorta what ghosts are lol)
The last to be released is Kagehito (lit. "shadow person"), who immediately clocks Usagi as his ancestor Miyamoto Usagi (this will become a common occurence in his life now) and proceeds to threaten him for the 1000-year imprisonment.
Realizing this is in-fact, some random rabbit and not the guy who trapped him, he throws Usagi from 3 stories or so and flies away through the hole on top of the Ki-Stone temple. Usagi survives this drop and calls the incident awesome.
Basically, this guy is really excited to fight yokai.
Over the next 3+ episodes, he learns that actually, yokai are not all bad and most of them are sorta benign, if not outwardly friendly. Over the show you will see the friend-crew and other citizens get used to these friendlier yokai.
The Ki-Stone gives Usagi a change at having a mystical weapon, only given to Kaikishi warriors like Tetsujin was.
Because he is distracted again, he picks a yoyo as it sticks out to him on the big shelf. No take-backsies from the Ki-Stone, she seals the shelf and he is left with this yoyo. Quickly recovering from this shock of not getting a sword, Usagi gets used to having a different weapon.
The yoyo is magnetic, and also glows and hovers a bit when near yokai. It can be used to capture or lead yokai.
Exiting to outside commotion, this group of 5 find that the shogun of Neo Edo, Lord Kogane, has come to arrest the trouble-maker (remember how the citizens looked all disappointed when he arrived in Neo Edo?)
Lord Kogane arrests him after Usagi proudly names himself the descendant of Miyamoto Usagi. Here Usagi also finds out his ancestor is a historically well-known traitor, even a 1000 years later.
These 3 strangers who wanted to clobber him, take pity and go to covertly save him from the jailhouse. Both Gen and Chizu surprised that the other 2 are also there. there's a lot of fun banter between them.
Meanwhile, Usagi gets told the tale about how his ancestor is not the hero he thought he was and killed the shogun from 1000 years ago. Usagi gets depressed and thinks he's gonna live in that jail in-definitely. Until he notices, the yoyo is magnetic, decides he's gonna clear his ancestors name (biggest Miyamoto Usagi defender alive lol) and escapes the jail through hi-jinks and beating up the cop.
Gen and Kitsune have located his cell, Gen breaks the wall as Usagi's just made his cell-escape and he immediately offers friendship and hugs.
Usagi finds more uses for the kaikishi yoyo, when fighting Karasu-Tengu (based on real myth yokai, the crow-headed demi-gods who sometimes trained samurai...) who also at first thinks he's Miyamoto Usagi. He survives the fight due to his auntie's teachings, some skill and sheer dumb luck, capturing her sword and releasing his new friends. She backs off because she has no beef with this new random rabbit.
The Shogun still wants to arrest them after saving his life from Karasu-Tengu, but they somehow extort him to become his Yokai fighters instead (he needed clean-up in his personal museum)
Chizu has an interesting backstory which is already apparent from her first appearance and is slowly uncovered and dissected over episodes 2-6. It's further expanded upon in season 2 as she becomes the leader of the Neko Ninja gang.
Lady Fuwa is the leader of the Neko Ninja crew, and also the person who kidnapped Chizu from an orphanage (although, it's only implied, so she could have also been kidnapped from a real home)
From episode 3 onwards, we get glimpses of Gen's backstory as well. We also meet Gen's twin little sister, Toshiko, who left to join the circus after their family home was taken by the shogun to be city property, turned into a "museum". A subplot of this is Toshiko buying the mansion back from Lord Kogane, and the Murakami estate becomes home for their group.
In the process of fighting yokai at the museum, Gen's horn gets cut off.
In episode 4, Usagi and Kitsune leave the mansion to find a replacement horn for Gen. Outside they discover a bounty has been put on Usagi's head and Usagi and Kitsune get knocked out by the Mogura gang thanks to Usagi's recklessness.
Chizu also arrives there, to scare off the Mogura.
However, another gang, The Bat Squadron, has also come to collect the bounty and the leader of the Mogura, Chikabuma, leaves his knife with Usagi, who fights the admiral of the bat squadron. (Chikabuma will feature again later on...)
Overwhelmed by the fight (there's only him and Kitsune, with Chizu flying around in a stolen hovercraft), they're saved by Gen busting the fight with some common sense (the bat squadron would also get arrested by the city police...)
Re-arrested by Lord Kogane, Usagi uncovers that the Shogun's hat was posessed, posessing the Lord in return, and makes a deal with the hat-yokai and the shogun and earns enough trust for people to believe that there are yokai out again.
Obsessed with not being a third-rate crew next to the other two, Chikabuma makes a deal with Kagehito, to help him uncover some lost craft or ship. Over the season, because they were chased away by the Bat Squadron the Mogura crew helps Kagehito.
Kitsune does not really have a backstory-proper like Gen and Chizu, so you can sort of give her your own version or headcanons. What we do know:
She's highly adept at puppeteering (she's introduced as a scammer-puppet-actor, with a dancing O-dokuro puppet)
She is very good at stealing (but still gets caught by Usagi twice)
She mostly uses her fans for self-defense
her S2 fans can disappear and re-appear at will.
Assuming it's more than a reference to comics-Kitsune, she probably can actually dance herself too
Before meeting the other three, she slept on the streets and is used to making traps to help her avoid capture.
Her and Chizu are both orphans. Gen and Usagi had parents, but lost them at some point before the series began.
She hates being alone, which can be seen how much she wants to be friends with Usagi, Chizu and Gen, but also has trust issues, with how she reacts to Chizu's betrayal.
She has some sort of queer undertones going on with Chizu, and seeing how there's an openly gay writer on the show team, it's not out of the question that these undertones and subtext are intentional. Go wild with this info!
In episode 5, Usagi has located Karasu-Tengu and challenged her to a spar because he wants the best sensei. Karasu-Tengu agrees to teach him if he captures 3 urban yokai. This has a really cool plot-line over the next 3-4 episodes which leads to Chizu and Usagi basically adopting a little sister, Hana ("flower").
Over the next 2-3 episodes, Usagi succeeds in capturing 2 of the urban yokai, Destruction and Distraction (also overcoming some of his own bad tendencies haha)
Gen and Kitsune take Usagi to the game arcade for the first time
Somehow they encounter Hakai, the desctruction yokai, posessing a construction-botto. Usagi has been trying to discourage the others from helping so far, so sure he could capture them on his own, but after getting battered and captured, agrees to their help.
Chizu tries to keep the crew away from the Ki-Stone temple to no avail (with an addition of, I'm sorry, but frankly hilarious haunting of Lady Fuwa as the full moon)
Usagi receives another vision, confirming that Miyamoto Usagi did kill the shogun then.
Chizu is revelead as a Neko Ninja spy, but betrays her ninja crew
Chizu has become really attached to Kitsune, Usagi and Gen, so she sees them as her true family now
She has a lot to make up for, especially to Kitsune, but they basically make up while Gen and Usagi are capturing Sakuran, the deception yokai.
He does not succeed capturing the 3rd urban yokai "Deception", but instead find one of the Neko Ninja dojo trainees, Hana. Hana tells them that her friend Kana pretends to be her so she can avoid doing all the assassination and fighting training.
The 3rd yokai has befriended Hana and after hearing Hana's please, Usagi decides it is wrong to capture this one. They visit the Ki-Stone temple instead to show the kids the Ki-Stone and so that Usagi can say his goodbyes to Tetsujin.
The Murakami siblings discover that one of the yokai who has stayed behind, has posessed their old Ashi-basha, a fancier kind of car, which they associate with the better times with their family.
Chikabuma and his gang have helped Kagehito uncover his space-ship and he reveals his plan to wipe out all life
Usagi takes Hana to live with his Auntie and having given up his samurai dream, asks to live there too. But wait!
Hana's friend Kana was actually Karasu-Tengu in disguise, tesing Usagi on his earnestness to learn, because the skills she teaches can become more than lethal (basically, Usagi would eventually have supernatural abilities in the sword, if he continues)
Because of the promise of everything being destroyed, Chikabuma goes to warn Usagi and his friends, who go looking for Usagi at his farm with the Ashi-basha.
Usagi receives his training and spends 2 seasons on a magical mountain where time passes weirdly and not at all. When he arrives back in Neo Edo, it's night-time, instead of evening.
His family and friends are fighting O-Dokuro, who's been spying for Usagi to leave (his mystic yoyo being the only thing able to stop O-Dokuro), and came to the farm looking for a fight because of his pride as a yokai warrior.
Because of this training Usagi now defeats the Bat Squadron with ease, with help from Chikabuma.
The rest of the orphan crew + auntie have arrived at the Ki-Stone temple, they fight the Neko Ninja, with Lady Fuwa gaining the upper hand with numbers.
Usagi arrives and defeats the Neko Ninja forces (ngl, I personally thought this fight scene could have been better, but, it also gets the point across pretty clearly that Usagi has become a cut above the rest now)
all the while, Kagehito and Tetsujin (juiced up by the Ki-Stone), have been having an all-out battle at the temple
Usagi and crew chase after Kagehito at the bottom of the temple stairs, letting Usagi take the reigns in capturing him, but Kagehito breaks Usagi's yoyo. Usagi gets sad about this and so...
Kagehito succeeds in his plan to attach the "Clavis" device onto the Ki-Stone and she opens up a big portal in the sky.
Kagehito is freed and reveals that he was under the control of the Makkine, which the sky butterfly is a harbinger of. When the portal opens, a big monster will first arrive, with hundrends of warbotto.
Usagi leaps at the Clavis, trying to remove it from the Ki-Stone and has another vision, of what really happened 1000 years ago.
Everyone else sees this vision too this time! Miyamoto Usagi's name is cleared.
Usagi notes that she must have shown this for a reason and needs a missing piece, which has been lost for a thousand years.
Usagi realizes that Omurasaki is actually the missing piece of the Ki-Stone, attached to Edgewing, which he gave to his auntie earlier after the Neko Ninja fight.
At Gen's mansion, Lady Fuwa has been stalking after Hana and auntie as well and when Usagi arrives, threatens Hana's life, but the yokai save her.
They stop the Clavis from further infecting the Ki-Stone and the big hole in the sky closes up, replaced by a bright energy-butterfly.
Usagi's yoyo is repaired by the Ki-Stone as thanks for saving her and he puts the dying Kagehito back in her in the hopes of saving him.
In the 2nd season, Gen, Chizu and Kitsune also get their own personal Kaikishi weapons!
A big butterfly looms over the temple for the rest of the 2nd season and everyone mostly hand-waves it as "solved problem"
The Ki-Stone is silent in S2 and doesn't speak to Tetsujin anymore.
The 2nd season it's mentioned a few times that the Ki-Stone always being "on" makes it really really bright in both day and night in N-E.
Usagi being as self-important as he sees himself after the season 1 finale, feels jealous of his friends getting cooler kaikishi weapons and decides, "he'll be their sensei". Hilarity ensues.
The Bat Squadron kidnaps the shogun, because they want him to shut down the Ki-Stone Usagi trusts his friends to fight properly with their new weapons.
After going to eat, Kitsune discovers that the small green egg she discovered in the mogura tunnels after meeting Usagi, is actually alive. she names it Kiyoko.
this egg becomes like an adopted sister and will feature a lot in this season (by namesake, she's basically a reference to comics-Kitsune's adopted sister, a young girl also trained as a thief by UY Kitsune)
It's revealed in ep 2 that Usagi's ears are at least partially prehensile??? (he can lift and move them separately to grasp and throw Kiyoko) I just thought this was a funny detail, but must have been fun to board for the pre-production crew.
The orphan crew take some time off playing at the arcade again, but are attacked again by O-dokuro, who wants to get rid of yokai fighters once and for all (lot of fun fights in this ep, Usagi's yoyo gets stuck in a gacha machine because of O-Dokuro)
After the fight and collecting all of O-Dokuro's bones besides his head, Usagi allows him to live with them
They basically domesticate him in skull-form 😂 he befriends the kids visiting at the Murakami residence and Kitsune starts to feel like it's a real family.
Chizu and Kitsune save the other Neko Ninja kids. (ep 3)
Chizu challenges Lady Fuwa to a duel, defeating her fair and square and becoming the next Lady of the dojo.
As a result of this, she shares her time between the dojo and Kaikishi warrior duties, so the team's attention is sorta split between no yokai to fight and some looming danger they don't know yet.
The makkine warbotto are back. They keep 3D-printing themselves at the Sakura part where Usagi and Karasu-Tengu sparred in S1.
The crew retrieve the orb where Kagehito's people are trapped in some form of forced stasis.
They find out the Clavis (the creepy red thing) is so attached to the Ki-Stone, they might as well be one
cutting the Clavis would cut the connection to the other dimension
The only thing that can cut the Ki-Stone is Miyamoto Usagi's own sword, which cut the piece (Omurasaki) 1000 years prior.
They retrieve Miyamoto Usagi's sword, Willow Branch (with no sign of Young Willow, his wakizashi). We're given a backstory about the sword being lost with a family servant, who went on to search for it his whole life after losing it in the midst of some battle.
The whole episode about retrieving the sowrd is fun, I rec it.
Kitsune gets to pilot a big mecha built by Tetsujin (a defensebotto)
Cutting the Clavis off would also mean losing the connection to Kagehito's people, so Usagi bides his time.
He meditates on the sword and meets his ancestor face-to-face, getting to actually speak to Miyamoto Usagi and learn from him (it's funny, plz watch it)
The Neko Ninja crew betrays Chizu, save for one (Fumiko), the rest joining back with Lady Fuwa
Fumiko also escapes the situation, and Chizu is left alone to fight Fuwa, but Fumiko returns with Kitsune and her giant botto, scaring away Fuwa and her ninja
Kiyoko is revealed to be a makkine warmachine, but as she puts it, she's a "learning machine" and learned so much from Kitsune and the others, she doesn't want to forma a super mega biomech with the other biomechs around Neo Edo.
roll out-on-town sibling sequence as Kitsune and Kiyoko go around town doing fun stuff and scaring the city folk (lol)
the makkine warbotto find the other warmachine eggs and we're shown that they can reset them (one of them had learned from Chikabuma's personality), Kiyoko gets upset at after accidentally hurting Kitsune and escapes the mansion crying, seeing how the others are afraid of her
She's caught by the warbotto and after a big fight, she is connected with the other biomechs, over-riding her personality
More makkine warbotto and wawrmachines start coming through because the bat-squadron decided to sap the Ki-Stone from energy…… the last 2 eps deal with Usagi and the orphan crew + the Bat Squadron and Mogura crew dealing with this outfall!
Kiyoko is revealed to have over-ridden the big bio-mechs personality herself, bc Kitsune's personality is basically too big to be over-ridden and she learned from her.
Dividing the teams into three, they defeat the aliens, save Kagehito's people and Usagi finally cuts the Clavis off the Ki-Stone for good. Fuwa and the Neko Ninja help a little too.
(Gen with Nochi and Kagehito going after the supreme commander through the dimension portal, Kitsune, Kiyoko, O-Dokuro and Karasu-Tengu defending the city from the warbotto and mega-biomechs and Usagi and Tetsujin + later Fuwa and Chizu at the temple)
they seemingly destroy the makkine for good (as evidenced by Kiyoko also dropping dead with the rest of the warmachines and warbotto + the big explosion in the sky)
they get to keep Kiyoko alive via Ki-Stone battery.
Although the Bats take the credit, the shogun agrees to shut down the city's lights for the night, revealing the night sky for the first time since the Ki-Stone was almost shut down by the Clavis in S1. Usagi spies on this ceremony, reacting to Admiral Nochi being awarded.
Despite this, he sits happily with his friends at the end of the episode, saying they've earned this and that this sky and his friends are all he needs. (leaving the series at a nice open but conclusive ending)
Hope this helps! Happy writing and drawing!
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The problem with kirapika is that they were cooking fine dining and then shoved everything in grease and toasted it in an air fryer at the last possible minute. If they had just done what everything was building up to, it would have ATE.
(Your kirapika rant has me just about vibrating in excitement for waffleverse. Ur gonna cook the fine dining we deserve and I will be there, seated.)
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astrxealis · 10 months
okay rambles but i started creatively writing in like ... 5th grade? and. oh god just a little encouragement to anyone looking to get into writing or insecure or whatnot, but HELLS, maybe it's to he expected with my (obviously) very young age and inexperience with writing then, but my writing was really. yeah. Yeah. but then i'm what... a lot older now, obviously, and my writing has gotten leagues better. i'm probably not a good example for this bcs childhood years development stuff are different etc etc BUT practicing writing more and whatnot really does go a long way :]
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#my writing in 2020 is a lot different than my writing now even! especially so compared to my writing from 2010s#reading a lot of media is also really important :] i always read a lot of books BUT i only started to really read poetry since the pandemic#which were uh basically my early teenage years so idk if i'm a good example for this bcs childhood brain development and stuff (???)#BUT STILL ..... playing games like ffxiv and being really invested in the lore and writing + reading more poems and being fascinated with#more authors and pieces of literature + expanding my general vocabulary knowledge whatnot ... it all really goes a long way!#oh man i'm pretty proud of myself actually. i do love my writing. as imperfect (as all things are) it is.#i had a lot of Pauses with writing throughout my uhh relatively short life thus far since i'm NOT yet an adult and all aha but yeah!#so bless ffxiv again for bringing back my writing spirit... and other medias and whatever <3#rn i have to thank bg3 for bringing back my Creative Spirit bcs i've been writing a lot more again and having/working on my creative ideas!!#okay i just wanted to ramble a bit lol ^_^ there!#idk my being a writer is very important to me. and my journey as one too.#i want to make a book one day! most feasibly would be to make a collection of short stories :] a bit similar to 'm is for magic' maybe bcs#i grew up with that lol neil gaiman i adore you <3#i have a very special original world in my head but i am a little selfish and want to keep them all to myself... oops. or who knows!#anyway i have a lot of ideas and i adore writing and literature sooo much <3#anyway. okay. leaving it here.#cheering on every writer author whatever out there !!! unless you're a sucky person of course yuck bigots but yeah ^^ <3#huge writing inspo for me is uhhhhhhhh. thinking#ffxiv! does ffxiv count. esp drk quests. and shb as a whole. and then... edgar allan poe? neil gaiman? yeah?#can't remember anyone else good gods but i love vivid and imaginative storytelling and writing descriptively :] a bit of prose but also#quite simple in its eloquence (???) unsure honestly oh gods anyway BYE rambles over apollo signing off beep boop AGHHHHH (screams)
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locria-writes · 2 years
i...i think i did it guys...i made a male lead who isn't a toxic heap of trash with rancid vibes, and he's not completely unhinged and insane!!!
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it's paste where he shouldn't be o'clock. sir you had to parkour to the top of the fridge and then across all my cabinets to get there. why.
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rubberbandballqueen · 11 months
hmm i have like, 500-600 taiwan dollars leftover in a tin from the last time i visited relatives... i wonder what would happen if i just handed it to my little cousins like. "yep. here is gift. have fun."
#i heard them trying to sound out 'eidelweiss' on the piano so i've also been thinking of giving them this little music box i bought#a while back that plays eidelweiss. put it in little box with money and letter that is like. 'hello. cousin cares about you.'#'but cousin is awkward and has bad hearing and speaking skills. anyway here's some money and a music box for you.'#i checked n it's like the equivalent of almost 20 usd so like. that's an appropriate gift for nine-year-olds i think#today at work i was cutting glow sticks in half for our craft and i was not wearing any gloves so i got minor chemical burns <3#like part of the skin on my thumb n pointer finger got bleached so i went around n showed alllll the kids#like. 'hey. check out my chemical burn. this is why we wouldn't let you guys cut open the glow sticks yourselves.'#'because it will do This to you if you touch them too long. this is why we had you wash your hands when you finished.'#n some of them were like 'just wash it off' n i was like. 'it is a chemical burn. it is on my skin.'#at least i Think it was a chemical burn but i mean it was very minor (makes sense bc it's just glow sticks) so the skin's flaked off by now#similar happens when i touch my hair bleach w/o gloves so i'm Pretty Sure it was chemical burns#we had a table of kids who were speaking cn to each other so at some point i pieced together they didn't seem to pay attn. bc low en skills#anyway i broke my own rule abt no phones at work to look up 'chemical burns' in cn for them bc although they know i speak Some cn#(by giving them minor instructions for the glow stick craft) i was like. 'chemical burns... how to say....'#apparently they are mostly from taiwan which is fun i love it when i Don't receive microaggressions for writing in traditional c':#today's my only camp shift for the week tho... one of my coworkers died last week so i told my boss i could pick up his camp shifts#if no one else had but apparently i'd go over hours this week... feelsbad man. it's summer + we're always understaffed#so there's gonna be a point when the front desk worker is gonna be covering the camps for a little bit which is. i feel bad ahaha#the worm speaks
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sybright · 9 months
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 2 years
After Each Midnight Begins A New Day
Extra #13 - Mo Xuanyu and Lan Jingyi
[Listen, real question: What do I start calling these things that I write in this universe that aren't actually extras for the main fic? I call them all extras because that's what I started out writing alongside the main fic, but this is just straight up a different fic in the same universe, only very tangentially related to the main work. Is it still an extra? What is this??]
[P.S. This is completely self-indulgent fluff and Gender Feelings that I started writing last spring but never actually posted. Am I projecting so hard on Mo Xuanyu I essentially created a brand new character? Lol yeah, and many thanks to MXTX for not fleshing him out much at all in canon. He's free real estate.]
Jinlintai is about as gaudy as Jingyi had expected it to be, just judging based on Jin Ling’s usual wardrobe and his haughty attitude that he still hasn’t managed to drop around them completely even after years of friendship.
He climbs the stairs of the tower with Zizhen and Sizhui making suitably impressed noises on either side of him. He nearly breaks their act when he meets Zizhen’s eyes and starts snickering at the disbelieving look he finds there (‘oh gods it’s even worse than we pictured’ his eyes scream and Jingyi knows his are screaming back ‘I know I know I know!!!’) but thankfully they’re saved by Sizhui stepping neatly on his foot with that serene smile of his still on his lips.
“Be kind,” Sizhui murmurs under his breath, too low for Jin Ling to overhear, and Jingyi shares an eyeroll with Zizhen. The day those two admit that they like each other is going to be the day all four of their lives get so much easier, honestly.
Thankfully when they reach the top they’re quickly swept into a receiving pavilion to be officially greeted by Jin Zongzhu and Madam Jin, the two of them clearly happy to have the three of them visiting. It’s a lovely welcome, and the moment the official greetings are over Jin Ling’s siblings are just as clingy and wild as their friend had warned them. It’s funny though, and the children are clearly happy so Jingyi doesn’t mind one bit. Jin Fei, at least, is clearly looking forward to having other people close to his age to hang out with besides Jin Ling, and Lan Jingyi suspects the twins are going to be equally as interested in spending time with them as new sparring partners if nothing else.
Jingyi is a little embarrassed when it takes him a few days to realize that there’s one member of the family who’s notoriously absent any time they’re all gathered in the same place.
“Hey-“ he finally says a few days into the visit, “Where’s your weird uncle you’re always whining about?”
“Yu-shushu? He’s uh…He’s busy,” Jin Ling deflects very poorly. Really, they’ll need to work on sharpening up his lying skills but for now it’s more fun to torment him, which is how he finds an excuse to grab Zizhen so they can both sit on their stupid best friend while Wen Sizhui laughs at their antics. 
For all his teasing and cajoling when Jin Ling had said he was inviting his friends to Jinlintai for a few weeks, Mo Xuanyu is actually really happy for his nephew. Of course Jin Ling and his siblings are all fond of each other, and their enormous but ridiculously close family is pretty much a built-in friend group, but Mo Xuanyu is still proud of Jin Ling for going out into the world and making successful and fulfilling connections in the other sects.
And he knows Jin Ling probably didn’t really mean anything by asking Mo Xuanyu to hold off on meeting them. He’s much like Jin Zixuan in that way, back when he had been younger - talking first and only thinking about implications once the words are already out. Mo Xuanyu is as willing to be generous with Jin Ling as he was with Jin Zixuan so many years ago, fumbling his way through trying to comfort him, trying to be a good brother, trying to show him he cared about him.
He’s willing to give Jin Ling the benefit of the doubt and assume that his request has more to do with him not wanting Mo Xuanyu’s feelings to be hurt by his friends’ potentially negative reactions to meeting him, rather than embarrassment at having his friends see him related to someone like Mo Xuanyu.
He knows he’s eccentric, is the thing. And that it’s perfectly fine and normal as long as it’s just the family around, or when Jin Zixuan lets him tell off asshole sect leaders who think they have a right to dictate how he acts in his own home because he makes them uncomfortable.
But Jin Ling is easily embarrassed, easily flustered, and Mo Xuanyu is pretty sure he wants to impress his guests (mostly because he’s pretty sure Jin Ling has a crush on at least one of these new friends of his, judging by how often the name ‘Wen Sizhui’ gets dropped). 
Well, he amends, they’re not really new. Jin Ling had first met them years ago in Cloud Recesses when it was his turn for the summer lectures, but this is the first time any of them are coming here to Jinlintai rather than just meeting each other out on their night hunts or whenever Jin Ling travels with Jin Zixuan for sect business. So: new to seeing Jinlintai, new to meeting the family - new to meeting him, and he knows he’s a lot to take in.
He doesn’t judge Jin Ling for asking him to hide for a little bit, at least until his friends are more settled and they don’t have to worry about the boys becoming..overwhelmed by the force of his personality.
In the end, though, when he does meet them it’s entirely by accident and not his fault, Jin Ling, get over it.
He’s busy doing his favorite thing to keep himself entertained when everyone else is busy : he’s escorting little Jin Ye through Jinlintai wherever she wants to go and treating her like a princess. She’s the only one of her siblings still young enough not to be annoyed by his antics, to still find him absolutely delightful like her siblings once had, and he loves spending time with her in return, knowing that she’ll always appreciate it. He knows his family and the servants appreciate it too, that he keeps her out of trouble and in doing so keeps himself out from under their feet as well. Everybody wins that way, and Mo Xuanyu, for all the noise he makes about not wanting children of his own (which is true), loves spoiling his youngest niece as much as humanly possible.
This afternoon, he’s kneeling with her in one of the public peony gardens intently watching her watch a bug crawling across one of the closed buds of a Sparks Amidst Snow. They’ve been here for a while, which means his lap is already full of some of the choicest early blooms - according to Jin Ye’s impeccable taste - to take back to Jiang Yanli whenever it’s time to return inside.
He looks up from Jin Ye’s concentrated little face - reluctantly - at the sound of a burst of laughter and he smiles to see Jin Ling horsing around with his friends. They’re easy to identify even just based on what he knows of their names and the clothing standards of their clans, and so he knows when it’s Lan Jingyi in his soft blues and distinctive headband who gives Jin Ling a rough shove that almost sends him toppling into the flowers, and when Wen Sizhui in his red and white is the one who rescues him at the last moment with a hand under his elbow while Jin Ling splutters his indignation. It’s Ouyang Zizhen, in his deep jewel blues and purples, who spots Mo Xuanyu first, kneeling there amongst the flowers with a hand on Jin Ye’s back to steady her as she totters to her feet to follow the bug from one flower to the next. He offers a nod and an uncertain smile, wary of Jin Ling’s desire that he not meet his friends too soon, and is prepared to duck his head again and continue with his own business when the Ouyang boy calls out to him.
“Stop it you idiots! We apologize for the disruption, guniang,” Ouyang Zizhen calls and Mo Xuanyu blinks in surprise when he looks up and realizes the boy is bowing to him, and then his face splits into a delighted grin at being addressed as such even as Jin Ling coughs on a laugh and tries poorly to hide it.
“What’s the matter with you?” Lan Jingyi snaps and Mo Xuanyu muffles a laugh of his own into his sleeve at the sharpness in his voice that’s so biting he wonders for a second if he got the names wrong in his head - he’s never heard a Lan talk like that, and he’s met plenty of them over the years.
“Yu-shushu,” Jin Ling calls wearily with a pained look on his face. Calling out to him is no doubt more of a correction of Ouyang Zizhen’s assumption of his title and status rather than any actual desire to address him in this particular moment, and Mo Xuanyu has the pleasure of watching three comically identical looks of surprise cross his friends’ faces. Ouyang Zizhen looks particularly stricken, and so it’s to him that Mo Xuanyu directs a reassuring nod.
“Hello,” he calls with a wave - and then, because he can’t help being a little shit sometimes, he adds, “Hi LingLing, long time no see. Can I finally have the honor of meeting your boyfriends?” just to see his nephew splutter and his friends blush so brightly it makes him laugh all over again.
“What are you doing out here?” Jin Ling snaps. Mo Xuanyu waves a lazy hand in his direction, dismissive as he turns his attention back to Jin Ye.
“I can go anywhere I want to, A-Ling. And my favorite person in this entire world is very determinedly chasing a bug, so I’m watching with rapt attention to make sure I don’t miss a moment of the action.”
“You’re so weird, Yu-shushu,” Jin Ling grumbles with a huff as he straightens his robes and flicks his sleeves behind his back in a gesture he absolutely learned from Jin Zixuan - Mo Xuanyu makes a mental note to tease his brother about it at the next opportunity.
“Someone in this family needs to be. I’m hoping if I spend enough time with Xiao-Ye at this age I can corrupt her into being the next black sheep to carry on my legacy,” he laughs as Jin Ye darts up and runs to another patch of the flower beds to point excitedly at a peony in full bloom.
“Shushu!!” she cries and he smiles as he gets smoothly to his feet, the cut flowers she’s already chosen clutched carefully in his hand in a loose bouquet.
“A beautiful choice yet again, Xiao-Ye, your mother will love it,” he praises as he bends to snip the stem with a small knife from his sleeve and add the flower to his handful. When he straightens again and turns around he’s nonplussed to find Jin Ling and his friends still standing there - normally Jin Ling storms off at the first opportunity when Mo Xuanyu has irritated him. “Oh. Yes?” he prompts, confused.
“You said you wanted to meet them so come over here and meet them!” Jin Ling snaps and Mo Xuanyu slowly raises a darkened eyebrow at him. He doesn’t often pull rank on Jin Ling, not seriously, but honestly...after a week and a half of being mostly shepherded to the private areas of Jinlintai to make things easier on his nephew and his friends, and then having his afternoon with his niece interrupted by their presence anyway, he’s not really in the mood to get ordered around, he doesn’t care if Jin Ling is embarrassed. And for all that they were once classmates before Mo Xuanyu decided not to seriously pursue cultivation, he is still older, both in years and generation, technically speaking. And they have company - important company.
Jin Ling at least has the good sense to look abashed and, perhaps, a touch guilty. It’s for that reason alone that Mo Xuanyu decides not to point out that he had wanted to meet Jin Ling’s friends along with the rest of the family when the boys had arrived over a week ago, not as an afterthought, as an accident, caught by surprise in the gardens when their visit is already well underway. Like he’s not as important as the rest of the family. Like he doesn’t deserve the same respect, eccentric or not.
“Come on Xiao-Ye, let’s go tell LingLing how horrible his manners are,” Mo Xuanyu ‘whispers’ plenty loudly enough to be heard by their audience as he holds his free hand out for the toddler to take. He carefully helps her pick her way through the flowers to the path and then he measures his steps to make sure he doesn’t outpace her before he comes to a stop in front of the quartet to offer a perfectly executed curtsy in response to the three visitors’ bows. He watches Jin Ling’s face go red but he thankfully has enough tact not to comment.
The thing is, Jin Ling isn’t ever really there on the extremely rare occasions when Mo Xuanyu pulls out his real manners. The manners and etiquette he had shyly asked Qin Su to teach him once she had come to Jinlintai, just as he was beginning to accept that he wasn’t going to be like the rest of the boys his age. He knows how to bow properly, his sword in his hands. He knows how to walk through the world like he owns it, like the rest of the Jin men do. But he also knows how to own it the way his sisters do - how to be soft and proper but with steel in his eyes. How to be a walking contradiction for the world to rail against every single day of his life, and do it with his head held high. His decision to act like he doesn’t know it most days is just that - a decision, a choice. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t actually know how.
(He frequently teases Jin Ling about his youth in comparison to his own age, and while it is usually a joke, he still hopes that one day Jin Ling will be able to look back on it through the lens of experience and realize that, for Mo Xuanyu, the gaps in their experiences and the way he’s been forced to grow up ahead of his time where Jin Ling has not have been blindingly obvious since the first day they met.)
“Mo-gongzi,” Jin Ling’s friends chorus and he offers them all a wide grin.
“So respectful! Let me take guesses with your names, I’m sure I can get them right,” he says with a playful hum, ignoring Jin Ling’s impatient shuffling. “Ouyang-gongzi,” he starts with Ouyang Zizhen, offering him a polite curtsy that the boy is apparently still too embarrassed to acknowledge. “Wen-gongzi,” to Wen Sizhui with another curtsy (Wen Sizhui offers him the sweetest smile Mo Xuanyu has ever seen on someone who’s not either of his sisters and his heart melts a little - if anyone can soften Jin Ling’s too-sharp edges, it’s going to be that boy). “Lan-gongzi,” he finishes with one more curtsy for Lan Jingyi, who’s just staring at him, wide-eyed with blatant curiosity even as he returns the curtsy with a quick sketch of a bow.
Well. Curiosity is better than the outright disdain he tends to get from the older generations.
He glances down when there’s a tug on the skirts of his robes and he laughs in delight to see Jin Ye pouting up at him imperiously. He instantly turns to her and offers her the deepest curtsy he can, bowing so low she can reach up to tap her fingers at the ornaments tinkling softly in his hair.
“And of course, this humble one could never forget! The beloved Xiao-Ye, the little treasure of Lanling,” he says with a dramatic flourish that makes her giggle as he straightens up again, her hand finding his instantly when he reaches down to her.
“Mo-gongzi, we were just on our way to spar with Jin-er-gongzi, Jin-guniang, and Jin-er-guniang,” Wen Sizhui supplies when he faces them again and Mo Xuanyu is unsurprised to find his voice is as soft as his smile. “Would you like to join us?”
“Oh that’s very sweet of you to ask,” Mo Xuanyu laughs as Jin Ling makes a sound like a dying animal. “Hush, LingLing, your friends are being nice to your poor Yu-shushu, let me enjoy it! You never invite me to watch your sparring.”
“Because you show up anyway if you want to!”
“That’s neither here nor there - it’s nice to be asked sometimes,” he sniffs. “But as it happens I have to take Jin Ye into the nursery for her nap and then I have letters I’d like to write, so I’ll have to join you some other time. I’m interested to see your different clan styles though, so I will definitely watch one day during your stay here.”
“Do you have training with a sword too?” Lan Jingyi suddenly pipes up in a rush and Mo Xuanyu tips his head a bit to the side as he looks at him with a playful smirk on his rouged lips.
“I’ve had lots of different types of training,” he teases. “Today I’m practicing my flower arranging for the Little Treasure. Tomorrow maybe I’ll remember my old sword forms. Ask me again at the afternoon meal and I may agree to participate. If you’ll excuse me.”
He offers another curtsy and then he turns to head back inside, pausing only to bend and lift Jin Ye onto his hip with careful hands so he can walk as quickly as he wants to. He hears conversation break out behind him before he’s even inside, but he doesn’t listen. Let them talk.
He delivers Jin Ye to the servants in the nursery with a kiss to her forehead and an extracted promise that she’ll be good and then he goes to find Jiang Yanli, flowers in hand.
“Ah, Li-jie, here you are,” he says happily when he finds her a few minutes later on the path that leads to the main part of the tower from the family residences.
“A-Yu,” she greets warmly, instantly reaching out for his arm, which he loops through hers easily, both of them folding their hands demurely over their sternums. “How is your day?”
“Wonderful. Xiao-Ye has been showing me that her taste in flowers is still unmatched,” he smiles as he holds the flowers out to Jiang Yanli with a flourish for her to take with her free hand. “She wants you to put them on your writing desk.”
“Oh I’ll be happy to! They’re beautiful, thank you.”
They walk in silence for a few long moments before he gathers up the courage to say, “While I was in the gardens I met A-Ling and his friends,”  though it still comes out with a hint of hesitation. Jiang Yanli’s arm goes stiff in his for a moment before she relaxes with what seems like an effort.
“Were they kind?”
“The young masters are very polite, it was a pleasure to finally meet them.”
“Was A-Ling?”
Mo Xuanyu clears his throat and doesn’t answer, but that’s answer enough. He hears Jiang Yanli take a deep breath in through her nose and let it out slowly.
“I don’t understand this new problem,” she admits as they turn a corner to walk slowly along the perimeter of a shady, currently unused courtyard, empty but for someone sweeping the stone clean on the other side. “You’ve been a part of the children’s lives since you were a child yourself, he’s never had this issue before.”
“I embarrass him.”
“A-Ling is so much like A-Cheng - his pride is easily turned against him and that means plenty of things embarrass him. That’s no excuse for him to treat you like this.”
“Li-jie…” he starts, his voice quiet, timid in a way it almost never is anymore. “Do you think the children respect me? I mean..truly respect me as their uncle, the way they respect Yao-ge, or Su-jie as their aunt?”
Jiang Yanli stops in her tracks to turn to him and Mo Xuanyu unlinks his arm from hers to face her as well, to meet her scrutinizing gaze with a vulnerable one of his own.
“Why do you ask?”
“I know I bother them,” he starts, his chest feeling fluttery and hollow in a way that doesn’t bode well. “I know..none of the rest of them are quite ready to have to make their peace with the way I’m thought of in the public eye just yet but..but A-Fei and A-Yan and A-Yu are nearly ready; A-Fei has already gone to Cloud Recesses for his lectures, and the twins will be ready for the next lecture season if they want to go. They’ll all make friends from other sects just like A-Ling has, they’ll bring them here as guests eventually. What if none of the children want their friends to know I’m related to them? What if they’re all ashamed of me like A-Ling is?”
“Oh A-Yu...” Jiang Yanli murmurs sympathetically and somehow that’s what pushes the feeling in his chest outward, the shiver of it turning into a trembling in his hands and stinging in his eyes that he furiously blinks away.
“The children may love me, Li-jie, but sometimes...I don’t think they like me very much. I’m just..I’m so different.”
“Shhh it’s okay, come here,” she soothes, pulling him in for a hug and he collapses gratefully into her arms with trembling and quiet sniffles that he’s trying to stifle.
When he had first come to Jinlintai - actually, when he had first met Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli back in Mo village - he had immediately been drawn to his sister-in-law. She’s steady and warm like his mother had been while she had been alive. She had loved him with her whole heart from the moment he was brought to Jinlintai, even when he got comfortable enough to be himself and the other children became wary of him and his wild nature, the way he grinned too widely, laughed too loudly, raised chaos everywhere he could simply for the hell of it. He’s calmed down in recent years somewhat, become marginally more acceptable, but Jiang Yanli had loved him from the instant they had met and he had been a young boy afraid of disappointing his mother, and she had been the young Madam of a Great Sect and a pregnant mother of four, doing her best to fulfill her roles with grace and poise.
He had always yearned for a big sister, and he had found everything he had ever dreamt of in Jiang Yanli’s soothing presence. Of all of his family, she - along with Qin Su, later - has never once made him feel like he was too much to handle, too strange to love, or to like. He’s older now, more assured in himself (usually), but he knows that he wouldn’t be at this point if not for her constant, gentle nature, the way she had nurtured his behaviors, his choices, to help lead him to who he is now.
Her support as a sister has been an invaluable part of his life, and he’s reminded of it for the millionth time now as she hugs him tightly and rubs his back in slow, soothing circles like she had when he had been a boy and he’d just lost his mother to a swift fever that had swept through their village.
“Hush, A-Yu, shh. The children love you,” she murmurs quietly. “I love you, as does A-Su, and A-Xuan, and A-Yao, and all of our extended family too. Our family wouldn’t be complete without you in it, A-Yu. You belong with us, we wouldn’t have you be anywhere or anyone else.”
Mo Xuanyu huddles closer and squeezes his eyes shut as tears drip from his lashes - he’s careful not to let them drip onto Jiang Yanli’s clothes, stained black as the tears are with the kohl painted around his eyes and dusted in his lashes. Her robes are a pale gold-trimmed lavender today, his tears would only ruin them.
“The children -”
“Know their Yu-shushu adores them,” Jiang Yanli cuts him off to soothe. “Children go through phases where they’re beginning to learn and think for themselves, and sometimes they lose their way while they test their new boundaries. I can talk to them if you’d like me to, make sure they know that the casual way you show your love for them isn’t an invitation to disrespect you.”
Mo Xuanyu considers telling her not to worry about it, but..he can’t escape the mental image of being pushed to the background as the children grow, shunted aside because he doesn’t fit their idea of what they want their family to look like to people they want to impress. Even little Xiao-Ye will one day be old enough to possibly push him away like that no matter how much they adore each other now, and the thought breaks his heart. His family is all he has in the world - he doesn’t want to lose them because they’re ashamed to know him.
“Please,” he says instead, then. The children always listen to Jiang Yanli - as they should, she’s a wonderful mother. If she tells them to respect him, they will. If she tells them to be gentle with him for a while as he finds his feet again after this newest blow to his confidence, they will. He can trust her.
“Alright,” she hums, as easily as if they had just agreed that clouds are white. “I’ll talk to them, and I’ll begin with A-Ling. Do you want to help me decide how he should make this up to you?”
“No! No, that’s okay,” he protests as he finally straightens up to wipe at his cheeks. Jiang Yanli tuts and pulls a handkerchief from her sleeve to dab gently under his eyes, cleaning the smears of his makeup. “I...I trust you and A-Xuan to take care of it.”
“Okay. Come on, let’s go get you cleaned up, hm? You’ve smudged your kohl.”
He nods and follows along at her side as they turn back to the family pavilions and his nerves settle further as he realizes they’re heading for Qin Su’s rooms. She opens the door just as they reach the steps and Mo Xuanyu offers her a watery smile.
“Su-jie,” he wheedles with a pout to see her smile. “Mean boys have ruined my makeup again.”
“Oh dear,” she says gently, playing along - unfortunately his makeup getting ruined was a common occurrence when he began wearing it, and he had frequently come to Qin Su both for comfort and for her help in reapplying. “Come inside, come on. We’ll make you even more beautiful than before.”
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This is the piece (and the sketch) I was talking about yesterday in the tags of that one other drawing in my previous reblog
#I hate twitter. It's impossible to find anything and it's impossible to use it as an archive#I *knew* the time around which these drawings were posted by the artist#and yet I had to spend over half an hour scrolling down their twitter media page to find it#ALL FOR NOTHING#Because (and it has happened a lot of times to me on twitter‚ even in my own account) after a certain point back in time#Twitter won't show you more stuff. As if anything too old had been deleted. But it hasn't! It's just unreachable unless you have a link#Or you find a retweet#I remembered I had liked these posts in my personal account where I don't have a lot of things and that's why I was able to find them#But it's infuriating how twitter works#I'm not an artist so idk but it's truly beyond me why artists use it as main media to post their works#It's impossible to find anything if you don't happen to see a retweet‚ follow the artist or twitter suggest the tweet to you#And it's impossible to look for anything after a week if the person is a bit active on twitter#Even worse to go back a decent amount of time because things just disappear for no reason. The tweets are not deleted so why#How can it work this way? How can it work so bad? And it's not even Musk. This happened way before him. It's always been wonky this way#Anyway... I don't even want to say how long I spent yesterday looking for these pieces but here they are haha#Several people liked the other one I reblogged so I wanted to share them#Oh another thing twitter does that I hate is that it dislikes stuff. I go into my likes and even though they are in my likes page‚#most posts have the heart of having liked it removed. I go to someone's twitter and see a piece of theirs#I *know* I've liked and retweeted and the retweet symbol is marked but not the liked#Thus far I've not lost anything that I'm aware of but I don't trust this at all#I talk too much#I should probably delete this later
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jackgoodfellow · 1 year
More WIPs from a project that was supposed to be a quick joke and is now A Whole Thing!
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Here is a preliminary Hikari, and Samo's big brother! He has also escaped his genre, and he is not aware that most of the things he says sound incredibly threatening! Although only Hikari seems to notice anyway. (Luckily for Hikari, he really is a nice guy!)
@adamofingolstadt - a Hikari for you! 😊
#wips#i escaped my genre#once I finish these pieces I will post them with full image descriptions#original characters#the brother character has the same issue as tatsu from way of the house husband. he's a sweet guy who always sounds like a murderer!#Ya know for the last 2 years or so I have been pouring my heart and soul into a graphic novel (link to drafts in my blog description;#I've been told they are fun to read!) but somehow I have posted less art from that than I have for this! 😅 at least as far as tumblr goes.#There's a bunch on ao3. all this is quite alright tho - Silly side projects are actually absolutely vital to keep my love of art alive#and in the long run it will actually help me build the skills and passion I need to finish my novel!#I'm just hoping i have the juice to finish all this stuff in the next week so I can get back to the novel#but I am ultimately subject to whatever the ADHD decides. I hope if I take a break from this that I do come back to finish my other pieces#I am getting faster though. I drew both of these pieces in one day and also have time to work on the comic.#today was a wildly productive day. tomorrow I am going to concentrate on being a vegetable. 😤#I must respect my body's rare gift of productivity by offering it rest and care.#I may change hikari's design a little bit but I think it's looking pretty good. added the ear piercings bc of the wonderful fan art I got!#honestly the fan art may be better than what I've made here - the bat with nails and the hands were SO good
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solarisposting · 2 years
yes long covid stole most of my hobbies for the timebeing but now i'm regularly going to the park with my boyfriend to kick a soccer ball around, juggle, etc. or do two-person volleyball sort-of-games and it's some of the most fun i've had in ages. so long covid is a loser and a bitch who forgot to take away sports from someone who hasn't played em in any fashion since college. lmao moron i'm getting stronger and getting some stamina and my lung capacity's gonna benefit so i can probably run again eventually too. fuckin failure
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ii-zi · 2 years
sister tested positive last Friday & my father+me are symptomatic lol had a kitten fall ill for several days and literally just yesterday got better made 2 notebooks out of scraps + started painting mini painting in those tongue pushing wooden stick thingies as PT bc my hands are getting worse ever day but I've been lucky overall bc of a slight decrease of other like. Symptoms. Oh also my mother is Literally gaslighting me like she's outright stated multiple times already that I'm making up having been sick for months bc it's impossible and I'm crazy like. ????????????
#quick update lol it's not like i /have/ to be active here but it feels weird being offline and not even saying a word..#for some reason???? I've been doing so much gift wrapping?? i have no money to get gifts lol but like. other ppls gifts#ik not everyone has hand issues like i do but i like making the gifts easy to unwrap for ppl w motor skills issues jfjdjf my favorite is#the string to rip it open without struggling. something i struggle picking up the string tho but i don't have#ribbons :/ so gotta make do w what i do have jdkejg#been thinking abt putting like a little piece of wood or something easier to grab 🤔 like those accesible zippers i really like the design#been Obsessed w mini personal projects lately??? like for a week straight working on random mini projects til 5-6am lol#and out of the blue yesterday (or two days ago??? idk i just found out that it's already friday n almost had a panic attack LMAO) i#started like. looking back at personal long term projects that are still v much in the brainstorming phase and#actually got to do a bit of work for one???? i love typing lol i hadn't in quite a while bc using computers hurts my hands a lot but#i really missed it JSJSJS#my house is a pigsty im sleeping like so many hours a day and only have enough time for a single meal so only have#energy to sit and do nothing 😭 but the cats are alright 🙏#I'll have to do a fuckton of cleaning in the next two weeks tho bc im going back to classes fml#and my sister never arranged my therapy session that her therapist asked her to bc she's procrastinating on it 🥳 I'll die ill and insane#OH I've had coffee three times this last week and didn't destroy my stomach!!!!!!!!
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drewzelle · 1 month
preemptive apology to everyone following this blog, I'm doing one of my "go through my likes to add tags/queue all the art I've been saving up" ...there's so much one piece 😅
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