#for both the warlock and the cleric it’s SO good omg <3
thedeadthree · 11 months
tis my birthday today !!!!!!!! 🌸💕
oh my god i am 24 today oh my GOD
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greenteaanon · 2 years
Dungeon Master Reader
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Summary: You get Somehow Isekaid with your player party of 3 to a game you also love playing Genshin Impact.
GN!reader, semi imposter AU, also Semi Self Aware AU.
Part 1 > Part 2
No one read the tags
When suddenly someone who bares a resemblance to a familiar character ran up to you. “HALT IMPOSTERS, YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR IMPERSONATING THE GLORIOUS ONES” You all looked at each other. “Man that’s Bullshit” Angel said, that’s the 1st time she cursed in person.
"Psst Psst" Angel kept whispering to you. You look at her with a face that says 'What?'. She goes and whispers "What if sneak us away from here" her binder starts glowing. You pull out a d20 dice from your pocket which you always conveniently had from last session before you got Isekaid. "Roll for Stealth, you need a 10 or higher" you whisper back. She rolled it discreetly in her palm. "A nine with my modifier of 1 makes a 10" she looks at you with hope in her eyes. Your binder and hers glowed green.
Both of you see a distressed soldier looking worried. You grabbed the boys attention and you all huddled closer just enough so it doesn't look suspicious but all of you can hear your whisper. "The guards that are cornering us are distracted. Angel what do you do" everyone looked at her with anticipation she was going in her Tippy toes looking for an land mark. "I...uh....lead you to a waypoint east of where we are" Angel looked towards the small blue glow behind a tree it was a waypoint indeed where there was a abandoned camp.
Eyes are on you now "Ok you do that....." Angel starts leading the way. When Ben stepped on a branch "—bitch the sound of the snapping branch is covered by the sound of nature around" you all turn back to look at the guards and start watching if they notice. Once you were far enough, you all ran to the waypoint. Tired. Is what you felt but omg did it feel nice being free again.
"What do we do now?" Jake asks. "Well...We let the Binder decide i guess" you open it up to the page of the story. Alot of scratched out parts of the story you could make out some of them. "Reach the temple—" "—Blood" "—Weirded out"
"So do we try to find this temple thingy" Ben said. "If we wanted to go to the temple thing we would've just stayed put" Angel said. But you chimed to say "What if we reach the temple figure out what's happening then end this? Sounds good?" Hesistently they agree. And that was a stupid idea. A Cleric, A Wizard, A warlock, and And a sorcerer. This was not the best idea.
Somehow all of you snuck inside, safely, without alerting anyone. Gigantic stained glass of a group of 4, one up in the sky, one in the land, one in the water, and one in the stars. Silently walking through you made eye contact with a painting of someone holding a floating prism, weird. It felt familiar. Further inspecting the area you found 4 podiums and other paintings that also felt familiar.
Walking around more you found what looks to be a "throne" room but what makes this different is because the 4 thrones are sorrounding a fairly large table. "Like a DND table, Cool!" Ben said running his fingers through the engravings.
When you guys suddenly heard marching "Bro What do we do now?" Jake nudged you to get your attention. You hold out your binder, "We fight in DND Style"
As a army walked in with an entorouge of vision holders and the gaurds you have escaped from chained, and People who looked like you? Walked in!"
"What the fu—" You were stunned when the person who looked like you spoke "So this is where you filthy imposters went!" You well the other version of you snarled.
"First of all Rude, Second thing, Let's settle this." You opened your binder started glowing as well as you dice. A maniacal grin was on their face. They had their staff out.
"Alright Dear Dungeon Master, your cue" Angel handed you her and the others character sheets. You looked back at them and reversed to get behind them. "As the final battle will the true identity be revealed, who is the one truly worth of the throne? Roll for initiative!"
Your clones and the other people were strugglingg cause they couldn't move as you guys threw your dices up, "12!" 10!" 7!" "14!"
"Jake you're up!" "Permission to use fireball on my clone?" "You're gonna need a 15 to pass!" He immediately starts rolling "5! With a modifier of 2"
Needless to say he was upset about it he missed. It was your turn next when you saw a peice of paper slip. Your homebrew mimic, a mutated version of the original mimics, but they gained the ability to mimic humans but not the original human's personality.
"Guys! Don't rely on your sheild! They're My home brew mimics!"
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Last Night's Epic D&D Session
I was writing a whole post about the D&D campaign we just finished last night. OMG, it was so amazing. The post was stupid long though because the whole story is actually made up of several campaigns and it honestly way too convoluted to just explain.
So, here's just the epic session we had last night, with as brief of explanations as I can make them.
The party was going to fight a necromancer. We thought it was this giantess, but it turned out to actually be Arcturia, a very dangerous lich from Undermountain who we'd tangled with before.
Arcturia revealed to the party that using a wish she managed to escape Undermountain years ago for a short time in her original human form and bore a child, but had to leave that child with the father because the wish was only able to give her a very limited time away.
That child? My character. Syllana. A half-elf paladin of vengeance. Formerly a hexblade warlock wielding a blade Arcturia had created to lure her to Undermountain. She became a paladin of vengeance after learning her patron hadn't been the soul of the elven wizard Talenel who'd inhabited the blade, but the lich.
She then swore vengeance against Arcturia. It was a whole thing. Some of it had to do with the elven wizard who'd become her first and best friend and like kind-of crush.
Syllana had come into the campaign as a good character and events and deaths had been breaking her down. Right before facing down the necromancer, she'd watched a construct murder the commander of the Waterdavian army who she'd sort of fallen in love with/had co-dependent relationship after they'd both lost the people they thought were their true loves.
It was a THING. And the last thing she said to him before he ran at the giant construct to be a distraction for them was that she hated him for doing it.
Needless to say, Syllana was not okay mentally. She was done watching the people she loves die. So, when evil lich lady told her that she was her mom, promised to show her how to make sure death never took anyone she loved again, AND showed her that she'd freed Talenel and given him back his body...Syllana broke her oath and begged the party to leave.
I knew this was going to happen.
Silver Viking is the DM and he'd come to me with the idea of making Syllana the final boss nearly a year ago and I'd really loved the idea. So, we'd begun seeding in the elements that would foreshadow it. I'd played Syllana like I had been, a woman at her wits end, afraid more people would die and she couldn't save them.
To say the party was shocked would be an understatement. The only other female in the party--a dear friend of mine--shed legit tears when Syllana broke her oath.
Viking and I had supposed the battle would have one of two outcomes. Either the party would kill Syllana or Syllana would kill them. The good ending was the party killing Syllana.
As it often happens in D&D, whatever you think is going to happen...you're wrong.
True to what we supposed, the party refused to attack Syllana even though she was fighting to kill. Instead, they focused their attacks on the Lich, and undead death cleric, and the eleven wizard, Talenel.
The dice DID NOT favor Viking last night. In a hail mary, the undead cleric pickpocketed the deck of many things that the other paladin in the party was carrying.
Now this wasn't just any deck of many things. This wasn't a full deck and out of the fifteen cards, only three of them could be considered "good".
Undead cleric draws 3 cards and Viking reveals them in the order they were drawn:
The Moon You gain 1d3 wishes. Viking rolled a one. Bad news for the heroes...right?
Balance The one who draws it has a total alignment switch. The evil undead death cleric suddenly becomes GOOD!
Flames A powerful devil becomes an enemy and seeks to destroy the one who drew the card.
Now, this undead death cleric wasn't really just any death cleric. She was actually a half of a former character of mine. Interestingly, a character I was planning to bring back after Syllana died.
VERY long story short, this former character, Lirael, had become separated from the evil half of herself after being shot by a weapon that was supposed to kill a god. And said god/whatever Gunther is, had ALSO become separated from half of himself and thus began his low-key obsession with Lirael and hers with him.
Interestingly, when evil Lirael alignment shifted, her better half ALSO did. Which caused Gunther to come investigate and whisk undead Lirael away because he's been searching for her. However, right before she's whisked away, she makes her wish.
Viking let team heroes make the wish. He told me I could since technically Lirael is my character, but at that point it was two in the morning, I am not a night owl, I was on my second cup of coffee, I was more than a little punch drunk, and I was honestly incapable of switching to Lirael's mind.
The party wished for the utter destruction of Acturia's phylactery and her death. It was much better worded than I'm making it sound. I don't recall exactly how they worded it, but at our table, wishes have to be worded JUST SO or Viking will 100% use some fae logic and find a loophole. Whatever they came up with, it was solid.
Arcturia DIED and Syllana just broke. The Talenel--who really didn't want to fight them but would do anything for Syllana--convinces the party's time wizard (who has literally never been quite so cool as he was this session...like serious MVP stuff!) to erase the memory that Arcturia was Syllana's mom and when Syllana beats the wisdom saving throw, time wizard uses convergent future to force the modify memory to work.
I should mention we're level 14.
So, Syllana and Talenel were saved!
Now, Syllana is still NOT OKAY. Even without the memory of her parentage and oath break (they convinced her she was cursed), she's still very depressed. But this was honestly, the best ending that we certainly never thought would happen.
After the fight, we decided to finish Syllana's story to the end. So, Talenel takes Syllana away to recuperate, rest, and get some therapy. It takes years before she even feels slightly "normal" again, but she has nightmares about Undermountain for the rest of her life. She never adventures again and periodically both she and Talenel have to go back to Waterdeep because Undermountain poisons everyone who goes inside in a way that beckons them to its vicinity for the rest of their lives.
And that's Syllana's story.
It's bittersweet because I've been playing Syllana for about two years now. She's my baby and in spite of all our planning, the random chaos of D&D gave her a better ending than the one I had planned.
Stuff like this is why I love playing D&D. I'm very lucky, I know. I've been playing D&D since high school and I've been at bad tables. But the group we have now...man, they're fantastic. Awesome at the roleplay, clever with the combat, just really amazing people who are here to tell a good story and last night we told an epic one!
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merrigelblogs · 3 years
what can you tell us about your DND characters? Who's your favorite? Which one you think is the prettiest? The strongest one? That kind of stuff
Anon you are a beautiful, wonderful person to indulge me with this question (text wall beneath the cut ehehe)
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AVELINE is a stoic pirate sharpshooter with a goofy, caring heart and a secret that I've been keeping IRL for the 3+ years I've been playing her, which is Absolutely killing me! She's BUFF AS HELL and DEFFO my strongest kiddo, she can and WILL bench you (I also think she's probably my prettiest LMAO, I was aiming to make someone hot when I was designing her)
TEMERITY is a chaotic lesbian artificer and business-owning girlboss and she's EXTREMELY FUN TO PLAY (mostly bc I've been playing miss Serious Business With No Magic Up There and thus it's SUPER FUN to switch gears and fire off ridiculous spells for shenanigans!!) She's the most socially adept of my characters, you have no choice but to be her friend!!
KIERAN was my first character, a halfling druid whom I will love forever. He was a farmboy who ran away from home at a young age to be gay and learn magic, and he's also like. Truly the only reason I learned to draw dudes. (Also, thanks to a joke I made with my friends in like... A PRACTICE SESSION BEFORE WE TRIED PLAYING DND FOR THE FIRST TIME, he's an entire stoner lmfao) He's my most "I'm going to make a character who will do whatever I would wanna do in this game" character and I have no regrets
DANDY was a warlock I played in a short-lived scifi campaign and I wish I coulda played him more because MAANNN WARLOCKS ARE FUN... He's a fun-loving friendly star guy who's a Huge Coward about any kind of danger, and he let me do a lot of fun worldbuilding to like, figure out How He Worked since... He's literally just my novakid character from starbound, but I've never gotten deep enough into starbound to know anything about them sdjlkfjksfdljk,, he's my most lore-friendly character
HIRO is a cleric I haven't played yet, made for a post-apocalyptic dead mall campaign my buddy's been spinning up! He grew up alone in a gamestop, his religion is video games, and now he's gonna be out in the dangerous real world with no real survival knowledge beyond Do Not Dig Directly Down. He's an idiot and I love him so much already! He's my most min-maxed character, his int/wis are both 18 and HIS STRENGTH IS FUCKING 2 AND I SO WANNA PLAY HIS BROKEN LITTLE ASS
MICKEY is a bard I made for an 80s campaign that never really got off the ground, and is the result of a college freshman discovering a magical keytar and thinking they're the new protagonist of life! An absolute mess, fatally overconfident, and man I'd still love to play them someday LMFAO... They're my most Neon character
ARC isn't actually a PC bc they would be ENTIRELY BUSTED as one, but they're an NPC from the goofy campaign I'm currently running that I've gotten stupidly attached to (hint: it's bc they're the one my girlfriend picked to romance). They run a magical goods shop, they sound like my best impression of Garfield the Deals Warlock, they're a greedy asshole, nobody knows their name or what they look like or what they ARE, and I love inflicting them on the party! They only got a canon name/face/backstory when a PC decided to fuck them, and they're (secretly) my true prettiest character
Thank you again for giving me an excuse to make this wall of text omg, and I will answer questions about these dudes/dnd in general uuhhh always, forever!!
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hawkesvarric · 4 years
ok ok before I have to go clean my apartment and get ready for work tomorrow ;n; here’s my faves from the new Tasha’s subclasses!!! bc I am very excited for them!!! manifesting for 2021 that I get to be a player in a regular game and try them out myself~
Artificer - Battle Smith!! they’re all fun though, I love the homunculus servant + replicating magical items.
Barbarian - Path of the Beast is just everything to me. adds a lot of flavor to rages beyond just “rawr I’m angery.” I’m obsessed with Wild Magic in all its forms, but I do wish the subclass actually allowed you to cast. even fighter gets a casting subclass, you know? :/
Bard - eh. you can’t even make magic items with Creation and Eloquence is just okay? not really my type of thing. 
Cleric - Order domain is really fun, you’re sort of paladin-y but combine that with cleric abilities? Sexy. I love Twilight in aesthetic/vibes, but the subclass itself is a bit lacking. 
Druid - Circle of Stars!!! not just bc it’s STARS lol I really love the starry form ability and how it gets even more powerful later on. it doesn’t beat out Shepherd as my favorite circle, but damn does it come close. Spores is also very good and Wildfire is too though I feel like only focusing on one element is a bit meh.
Fighter - PSI WARRIOR I AM OBSESSED!!!! I am rolling up one as we speak. RIP to those who think fighter is a boring class, but I’m different. <3 I like Rune Knight a lot, but the giant thing I wish was more optional? I get why they added it, but maybe you’re running a game where runes aren’t made by the giants and then it’d be weird to have those abilities, you know?
Monk - Way of Mercy. there is literally nothing about it I do not like. it is everything I have ever wanted out of the monk class which was already my favorite class to begin with, so like???? I’m in love. Astral Self is interesting too, not normally my sort of thing, but I think they made it functionally better and it has a lot of neat abilities.
Paladin - FINALLY some good fucking food! Paladin’s my least favorite class, so WOTC had their work cut out for them making me care, and boy did they deliver. while Watcher is a bit campaign dependent (if you’re not running a game w extraplanar threats then like RIP), but GOD those vibes. and Oath of Glory is just so goddamn sexy even though I wished they kept calling it Oath of Heroism like in the UA. whatever, I love both a lot. 
Ranger - nothing beats out Gloom Stalker IMO, they really peaked w that one. Swarmkeeper’s interesting in theory, but it’s kinda weak. I do like the fix they introduced for Beast Master though, that’s nice.
Rogue - Phantom is just so sexy. I’ve already rolled one, my girl Iridessa whom I am obsessed with, and look at those damn abilities. ty WOTC for the excellent meal. Soulknife is also so fucking sexy. I love them both.
Sorcerer - them new metamagic options though 👀 Clockwork Soul’s so interesting omg, but I gotta give it to Aberrant Mind. just an absolutely batshit powerful but weird af sorcerer is everything to me.
Warlock - I think both patrons are just a bit lacking, but I have to go w Genie bc A it really coincidentally fits in w my campaign I’m running for my friends hehe but more importantly B I am obsessed w limited wish!!!!! that is so GOOD!!!!
Wizard - Order of Scribes is SO good, wow! it’s everything I’ve ever wanted from wizard!!! Bladesinging is interesting, but if I wanted to go more combat heavy, I wouldn’t go wizard lol so to me I’m not super into it. I’d much rather have a sentient spellbook.
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