#for dark roots omg i'm crying
BRO IS IT JUST ME BUT I WANT TO DRY HUMP RIN SO BAD OMG. Pls make one 😭. Why the hell Rin thighs look so ehem,... Attractive. I'm so concerned of what effect Rin had on me 😬
i can assure you, you’re definitely not the only one; those training suits simultaneously leave nothing to the imagination and have my imagination racing,,, like how
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It started out as an innocent little peck in passing, just wanting to show your boyfriend a little love as he relaxed on your shared bed. Apparently Rin needed a bit more of a pick-me-up though after a gruelling day of practice, so he latches his arms around your waist to pull you onto the mattress with him.
Between the heavy kisses that turn more heated by the second and Rin’s hand settling at the small of your back while the other angles your face to his liking, who could blame you for the rising need churning in your stomach? Especially when your boyfriend lets out a deep groan when you pull at his dark roots?
Without so much as a second thought, your hips start rocking over the taut muscles; tentative at first, until the material of his sweats pressed against you just right and you break the kiss to moan against his spit-slicked lips.
“Feeling a little needy, darling?” He’s not trying to tease you, you know that but the way the words roll so smoothly off his tongue has you grinding down harder. You almost manage to suppress your whimper at the big hands splaying on your hips, fingers digging into the plush of your ass as Rin helps you move along his thigh. “It’s okay, baby. Does that feel good?”
Cerulean eyes study the way you bite your lip and your brows knit together as you grab onto his shoulders for support to keep you upright. The muscles in his arms flex as he encourages you to keep rolling your hips into him despite the sporadic twitch of your thighs.
“Fuck, Rin, I—“ you breathe into the air of your bedroom as your legs close around his.
“Need a little more help, huh?” One of his hands leaves your backside to press the pad of his fingers into your most sensitive spot and your whole body jerks at the bolt it sends up your spine. If your underwear wasn’t ruined before, it certainly is now and even more so with what you feel is to come.
Rin’s voice sounds a lot clearer with his lips right next to your ear despite the the low whisper in which he speaks “I know you’re close, so be good and tell me who has you acting this needy when you cum for me, alright?”
With the fervorous nod of your head, he presses down just a little harder while simultaneously jolting his leg up, making you topple over the edge with a cry of his name, your fingers digging into the skin of his shoulders and leaving little crescents behind.
Before you can completely calm down, you feel your world spinning and you find yourself on your back looking up into your boyfriend’s lidded eyes. Letting your hips go in favour of pushing up your thighs and spreading your legs for him, you watch him settle between them, his clothed cock resting against your soaked underwear.
Throwing your head back into the pillows at the overstimulation as you feel his throbbing cock grind along your sensitive core, twitching helplessly in his hold. A mean little laugh brings your attention back to Rin, who’s fixed you with a raised brow.
“What? You didn’t think you’re the only one who deserves a turn, did you? Or are you really that spoiled?”
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jedipoodoo · 5 months
Hi 👋!!! Omg I love your writing and stories ❤️, they always make me smile, and I absolutely loved the Crosshair werewolf au story. I was just wondering if I could request one with Hunter x fem reader and he’s nervous about how she feels about his new appearances, but she still loves him. If you are busy or if you don’t want to write it, you can just discard this request.
Hi! 👋👋👋 Thank you for your sweet words! I did get busy, as you can probably tell, but the thought of this request consumed my every waking moment. @giganonyx I know you'll enjoy this one!
Hunter's Moon (Werewolf! Hunter x GN!Reader)
Notes: Werewolf au, insecure Hunter, established relationship, Dividers by @djarrex.
Warnings: wolf fighting, blood and injuries, a wolf (not Hunter) tries to eat the reader.
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"Where's Hunter going?" you asked. You just barely managed to spot the red of his bandana before he disappeared into the woods. The sun had just set, why was he going exploring now?
"He said he had a headache and was going to release some of his pent-up stress. He warned me not to wait up," Tech recited almost boredly.
You were more than slightly miffed that your boyfriend told your brother what he was up to, but not you. You grabbed one of your first aid bags and tossed in a few first aid essentials before marching down the ramp with a singular focus.
"I would not recommend following him!" Tech warned hastily.
"It's too dark out, he needs to come back!" You misinterpreted Tech's warning, and a few moments later you were enveloped on all sides by the trees.
There was a dirt path, covered by more and more grass the farther you went, but by watching Hunter in his element you'd learned enough to tell when his tracks took a sharp turn off the path and into the ever-darkening woods.
"What-?" You shook your head to clear your thoughts and followed his trail.
"Hunter, come back here!" You demanded, shouting into the woods.
As you rounded a large tree trunk, Hunter stood before you. You smacked against his chest and he grasped your arms, shaking you.
"Why didn't you stay on the ship?" He asked. He sounded, nervous, more terrified than angry.
"You're hurt," As if that was an answer to his question. You reached for his forehead, but he jerked away, as if you might burn him.
"I'm fine, I deal with this all the time."
"Then let me help you-" You reached into the bag for painkillers and bacta.
"You can't help me!" He screamed. His grip on your arms were starting to bruise.
Before you could snap at him for shouting at you, Hunter turned pale. He looked up at the sky, where the full moon was just beginning to peek over the distant mountains,
"You have to run," he rasped, unable to look away from the hypnotizing white light, "Get back to the ship, now."
You gulped nervously, "Hunter, what's going on?"
But Hunter couldn't answer. He'd let go of your arms and shoved you away, leaving tiny tears in the material of your sleeves. He stumbled just a few steps away, and when you tried to approach him and help him back to his feet, he screamed. It was a mix of pain and a battle cry, like he'd done this before and knew it would hurt, but was determined to make it through this anyway.
Hunter bent over, coughing on something in his throat like he was about to throw up. He'd told you to run, but you stayed stuck where you were, rooted to the spot as you watched in horrified fascination.
You thought it might be his hair growing longer, but it was hair growing out of his shoulders and down his arms, a rich reddish-black like his curls. A cracking noise echoed through the woods as his bones bent all out of shape, rearranging themselves in his arms and legs while a large tail grew out of the base of his spine.
Then, silence.
Hunter was bent over on all fours, his new body shaking as he took deep breaths to mitigate the pain he'd just endured.
"Hunter," You gasped. He was at least twice as big as he normally was, covered in fur, and his face elongated into a narrow snout with tall, pointed ears. He would have been completely unrecognizable if you hadn't watched his transformation yourself.
When you spoke his name, he looked up at you, slowly blinking his large, yellow eyes. He growled softly, a warning. You backed away slowly. If this wolf that had taken over Hunter, what would it do to you?
You turned and ran.
Was it stupid to run? Yes, even before he turned into a giant predator, Hunter was much faster than you and you knew it. But what else could you do? No wonder Tech wanted you to stay on the ship when you went running after Hunter.
But where was the ship? Each of the gangly-limbed trees looked identical to the next, and the shadows covering the forest were thick, even with the help of the full moon.
When you looked back over your shoulder to see if Hunter was following you, you were plowed over onto your back, looking right up at the jaw of another wolf.
This wolf was brown, with its right eye and ear missing, replaced by a terrifying jagged white scar. You chest heaved as you struggled to breathe, and the strange wolf bared it's teeth, drool dripping from its lips as it leaned in closer.
It's breath smelled of blood and raw meat, and your nose wrinkled on its own. The wolf's jaws opened wide to take a bite and you closed your eyes, unable to help the whimper in your throat.
Out of nowhere, The wolf that was about to bite your head off was wrestled to the ground. It yowled in surprise as Hunter's dark form pinned it to the ground.
You knew you should run, but you were frozen in terror. The strange wolf with the scar was smaller than Hunter, but just as vicious. It swiped a paw across Hunter's snout. Hunter's head jerked to the side, and you saw something dark drip off the tip of his nose and into the grass.
He snarled, and the scarred wolf barked back in challenge. It leaped at him, and Hunter swiped at its neck. The scarred wolf appeared to relish the challenge, the injury had made this personal now. He wrestled with hunter, forcing both of them onto their hind legs as their front paws grappled for the upper hand. they were a dark silhouette of jagged fur, their teeth and claws glistening in the moonlight.
The scarred wolf managed to get the upper hand. He bit into Hunter's exposed neck and threw him to the ground, where he lay still.
"Hunter?" You whimpered.
The scarred wolf looked at you and licked its lips.
"Hunter, get up!" you begged.
The wolf jumped at you again.
"Hunter!" You screamed. The scarred wolf got its teeth around your ankle and bit down. You heard the sickening crack of bone before you could feel the pain shooting up your leg. Your breath was ripped from your lungs, and your whole body froze as you tried to figure out what to do.
It was like watching a holofilm, or something happen to someone else. The wolf tugged on your leg again, trying to tear your leg off, or at least bring you closer to where he could get a bite of something meatier.
All you could do was lie there, waiting for something to happen and praying that it would be over soon. You should have listened to Tech. You should have listened to Hunter, and you didn't even get to say good-bye to him.
You closed your eyes, waiting for it to be over, but then there was a snarl. The tugging on your leg disappeared, but the pain was still there. You opened your eyes, blinking away the tears to see what was going on.
Hunter was on his feet again, and with his whole body weight, he threw the wolf against a tree, and then placed himself squarely between you and the wolf. While the wolf stopped to catch his breath, Hunter moved to stand over you, forming an odd, furry tent as he planted his legs on all sides of you. You could feel the growl reverberating in your bones as Hunter gave the wolf one final warning. If he tried that again, he wouldn't last the night.
The scarred wolf stood, calculating for a moment, then turned and ran off into the trees with its tail between its legs.
Hunter was breathing heavily, staring after the other wolf. He stood over you, legs and body tense and defensive. You looked up at him, noticing the scars torn across his snout and neck, and gently reached out to comfort him.
He inhaled sharply as you placed your hand on the side of his snout.
"Shh, shhh," You whispered, slowly reaching into your pocket for the tube of bacta. You scooted closer, dragging your broken leg behind you.
"It's okay, I'm just gonna help you here," You spoke softly, calmly, trying not to make any sudden moves while you applied the bacta to the angry red lines.
Hunter whimpered at the slight sting, but he didn't flinch away.
"Good boy," You cooed. It felt ridiculous saying that, knowing that this was Hunter you were talking to, but it felt appropriate. A dog was a dog, even if they were bigger than you. You pondered briefly if Hunter was the one in control inside the wolf's mind, or if something more animalistic took charge during this transformation.
Either way, the moment you put away the bacta, Hunter rubbed his head against your shoulder. It nearly knocked you over, but you recovered quickly.
"You're welcome," You said, "And thank you."
You dug your fingers into the fur behind his ears, trying to give him the scratches dogs always enjoyed. He made a sound that could almost be a chuckle if it were more human.
Tears stung at your eyes, and when wolf-Hunter tried to look at your face, you buried it in the thick fur at his neck. You wrapped your arms around him, holding tightly as the adrenaline faded, leaving nothing but fear and terror in its wake.
You shook with sobs, struggling to keep your breathing even, and focused on the huffs and puffs from Hunter's big wet nose that cascaded down your back. Hunter's snout rested against your spine for some comforting pressure. Even as a wolf, he remembered his calming techniques.
With you arms still around his neck, Hunter gently lowered himself to lay on the grass. You could feel the powerful muscles in his legs as he curled them around you, like a big furry blanket.
You whimpered as he nudged your leg, and Wolf-Hunter studied your injury with interest.
"I guess that needs some bacta too, huh?" You sniffled lamely. You didn't have anything to set it with, but you could do that in the morning once the ship found you. for now, you lathered what was left of your bacta onto your wounds, until finally wolf-Hunter was satisfied.
He lowered his head to your chest, forcing you to lay back in (what would be) his arms. He shook out his tail, finally laying it across your lap as a makeshift blanket.
You dug your fingers into his fur again, scratching those hard-to-reach spots to keep your hands busy.
"Can you help me find the ship?" You asked.
Hunter huffed.
You sighed. "Yeah, I guess I can't really go anywhere at the moment."
Hunter crooned, leaning deeper into the scratches.
"Will you stay with me?" You whispered, "Keep me safe?"
He made a huffing noise that reminded you of Tech's signature "I thought it was obvious".
You buried your face in his fur again. "Thanks, Hunter."
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You woke up with the sun shining in your eyes. Not the best rude awakening, but you felt more rested than you had in years. And then the throbbing in your ankle set back in.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow-" you hissed under your breath. You fidgeted, trying to get comfortable, but two distinctly human arms tightened their grip around you.
Your face flushed with heat as you recognized the skeletal tattoo on the left arm that was holding you, keeping you pressed against a firm chest at your back.
The fleeting idea came to you to try and wriggle out of his grasp before he woke up in order to avoid an awkward conversation, but with your broken ankle, you knew that wasn't going to happen.
The next best thing to do was just to rip the band-aid off.
"Hunter?" You gently nudged his arm, then his ribs, and even poked his cheek. all recieved varying levels of reaction.
"Hunter, we're lost in the middle of the woods."
"And it sounds like your siblings are trying to find us."
Finally, Hunter groaned, pressing his face into the back of your neck. He flexed his muscles, one by one, to try and stretch himself out, but he kept his arms around you.
"Mornin'" He yawned.
It was then that he realized he had been spooning you all night.
On the bright side, you were still fully clothed, and he still had his pants. But not very much of them. The rest of his clothes had been torn in last night's little "adventure"
"Are you alright?" He sat up immediately, taking your face in his hands as he checked you over, making his way down your body until he caught sight of your mangled foot.
"Osik did I do that to you?" he didn't even wait for an answer, muttering curse words under his breath.
"No-no, Hunter that wasn't you," You touched his arm as softly as you could manage, but he still flinched, "It was something else, another wolf."
"Another-?" Hunter glanced at your ankle again, then gave a sigh of relief. He pulled you back into his arms, kissing the crown of your head as he held you.
"I'd never be able to forgive myself if I ever hurt you like that."
You wrapped your arms around him tightly. "I know that you would never hurt me, Hunt," You whispered.
Hunter picked up on the hesitation in your voice.
"You deserve an explanation," He said, resting his forehead against yours. You kept your arms around him tightly, as if the wolf from last night might emerge from the trees and rip you from his arms. But Hunter held you tightly on his lap as if he would never let you go.
"It started during the clone wars. I got cursed when I accidentally stumbled upon a Nightsister's grave while we were scouting the planet Dathomir. Whenever we're on a planet during a full moon, well, you saw what happened."
You nodded as Hunter's hands made their way up and down your spine in soothing motions, helping you relax deeper into his arms.
"As you can probably tell, I've never been able to fully control what happens when I transform, and I've never really remembered what happened after I transform back. All I know is what my brothers have told me when I wake up in the morning, and not all of it is pretty."
"Okay," you said softly, "But why keep it a secret?"
"Because I know you," Hunter said. He took your face in his hands again, "I know that you'd pull some kind of stunt like you did last night to try and "save me from myself" or whatever. But I could never risk losing you like that."
You mustered all the energy that you could this early in the morning to slug him in the shoulder.
"And did you ever think that I might be able to help you?"
Hunter smiled sheepishly, unable to look you in the eye.
You laughed softly, and pulled him in for a kiss. Hunter relaxed against you, gently caressing your hair so that your wild locks moved out of the way. There was a different kind of transformation that occured whenever you kissed him like this, the kind deep inside that made his chest swell with courage, and his heart beat stronger. He felt like he could take on the whole galaxy, wolves and all, so long as you were in his arms.
A bit farther away now, you heard Omega and Wrecker calling your names. Hunter unceremoniously broke off the kiss and gave you an apologetic smile.
"We should get that set before it tries to heal itself," He nodded to your leg.
Knowing what was coming, you wrapped your arms around his neck and braced your body for the pain, but that didn't stop everything from hurting whenever your leg was jostled even the slightest bit.
"Easy, cyare," He cooed, his voice low against your ear, "We'll take it nice and slow."
Just like how you had managed to calm his wolf-form last night, Hunter's words now had a soothing effect on you. With every step that brought you closer to the Marauder, you were able to relax a little bit more.
But you couldn't resist playing with fire.
"You know, I think your wolf-form might have had a crush on me."
"Oh did he now?" Hunter smirked, his grip on you tightening ever so slightly.
"Well, he'll have to get in line."
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I just finished the Daredevil TV Series and I cannot recommend it enough.
Forgive my rambling, I'm still processing everything.
~I don't know that I've ever been so invested in a show. It has everything!! I was crying, laughing, gasping and sometimes nearly screaming throughout the series. I honestly forgot that it was Marvel because the tone was so different from other MCU projects. It is very dark and gritty and has a heavy focus on the state of humanity.
~There is so much characterization, to the point that I even found myself rooting for the "villains" in some scenes. There is no distinct "black and white" or "right and wrong"; the show thrives off of exploring the grey areas and motivations of each individual character.
~The acting! OMG the acting!! Every single actor was incredible. You could tell that everybody was dedicated and had a clear understanding of their characters.
~I am in love with the soundtrack. I could not bring myself to skip the intro, solely because I enjoyed the theme so much.
~There is so much whump and Matt Murdock is constantly in pain either physically or emotionally, so the whump side of me was extremely satisfied.
~As a Christian that struggles from depression, season three struck me hard. Charlie Cox portrayed the guilt and hardship that comes from faith with such care and accuracy. It made the finale all the more impactful.
~The 👏 symbolism 👏. As somebody that loves to focus on symbolism in works of fiction, this series has it all. The religious symbolism, parallels between character arcs, and reoccurring messages were incredible. (i.e. The scenes with Matt fighting Dex who was dressed as Daredevil were genius.) I could go on about all of them forever, but I won't.
I went into the series because I saw a few gifs on tumblr and wanted to check it out. I did not expect to leave with a new blorbo that I would protect with my life. I seriously hope that his new series coming up does his character justice.
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STARS Fic Recommendations
a few of my all time favorites that i can read and re-read a million times and still love it
because these need to be shared with the world
Hotel California (Ateez) by @mint-yooxgi
good lawd have mercy this it literally the best fic i've ever read. i can go and on about this i LOVE JT SO MUCH . the characters and the plot and the and the and the - LITERALLY THE BEST . im in love with the way every single character is written and i love them so much and i've shed SOOOO MANY TEARS. you will not regret reading, i can promise
You Are My Queen Now (Beomgyu+Taehyun) by @wildernessuntothemselves
WROO WRRO MEEEOOOOW GOOD JESUS WHAT IS THIS ???? so well written and so good in general it literally transports me and i get SO into it. it gets pretty dark so read the warnings but all of it is dealt with so well that i don't even CARE. i go from rooting for beom to rooting for taehyun aT LEAST SEVEN times per chapter
Better Than Me? (bf san+wooyoung+yunho+hwa)One AND Two by @yoongimingyu
i can only explain this one way and it's with this meme:
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Himbo Soobin by @r-kived
guys my age (jungkook) by @kooktrash
i don't even like BTS a lot but wowie . this one is one of my favs in the age gap genre because it's so realistically displayed - and the lead up until he gives in is SOOOOOO HDKWVFLQV
Turbulence (Ateez) by @seonghwaholic
not a lot has happened in the first few chapters but i can FEEEEEL how good this is getting like-- i've never been super excited for updates on fics but i'm always checking for more. it's so good and getting better with every WORD
Games In The Dark (hongjoong) by @mineogi
i'm going to hell. i love demon hongjoong so much it's not even funny. this ain't funny but i'm giggling like a manic every time i read this story. i rarely like horror stories with smut but SWEET MUFFINS THIS IS THE BEST
Dangerous Game (namjoon) by @chaoticpuff17
S P A C E B O Y (hyunjin) by @kokobussy
Spit play w/ wooyoung by @cvpitvno
this one is new but i'd be lying if i said i haven't read it at least three times already . can only explain my emotions as : BDOQBFOQBWOW WHAT HAHA OMG WHOFBWQL . y'know ?
ANYTHING BY @koqabear but specially these two :
Know Your Place (huening kai)
punching walls, screaming, running laps, crying
Hey Emo Boy! (beomgyu)
yelling, whining, floating, sliding dramatically down the wall
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Might come off as a tad selfish here hehe but
SDV/SVE characters knowing the farmer is having period cramps, but they have absolutely no clue on how to help them. They remembered the farmer loves eating, so they searched on the internet and see the first thing that popped up: dark chocolate helps in relieving period cramps. So they got a bunch of chocolate from Pierre's and showed up at the door -
To find the farmer sobbing EVEN HARDER at the sight of the chocolates in their hands because they're allergic to chocolate and they're sad why did you bring me stuff I can't eat I'm already miserable and you bring me this??? 😭
I feel your pain, dear anon. I have a similar story, but with citrus :(
I only made a few characters, I hope you don't mind. If you want others feel free to ask again.
Also, I did not understand exactly what relationship the Farmer and characters are in, so I did it differently. Hope you like it and thanks for asking! 🫶
Oh Yoba... Baby, Sam's so sorry!
He didn't want the Farmer to get even more upset. No, please don't cry or Sam will cry too.
They love eating, and Sam though it was the best solution... Omg, baby please 🥺
Fuck that damn chocolate! The poor fellow immediately searches the Internet for what else can be from food to relieve cramps BESIDES chocolate.
Oh, bananas and blueberries. Bingo!
Sam rips the chocolate out of his beautiful s/o's hands at the speed of light, throws it in the trash, and runs back to the store for fruits and berries.
Luckily, Farmer wasn't allergic to it, and Sam made her a tasty and healthy smoothie. This helped the Farmer, they no longer cries, and Sam with a blanket and hugs goes to the Farmer on the sofa.
The young musician ran so fast that he managed to get a little hungry, but he won’t go into the trash for that chocolate. Besides, the hugs from his s/o are so cozy that he doesn’t want to get up soon.
Oh man, she understands the Farmer very well. Sometimes her own menstrual pains are so unbearable that she already breaks down on everyone.
But she has a solution to her problems that she wants to offer the Farmer - dark chocolate, which her dad always gives her when she gets her period. She will also give them some, plus it is delicious!
Oh, is Farmer allergic to chocolate? Oops... Sheesh.
Ok, no need to be upset, Abby will come up with something else. Damn, where is her smartphone?!
While Abby was trying to find information in a panic, Caroline, upon learning about the Farmer's problem, also reminded her that in addition to the chocolate her father gives her, she always brews fresh green tea, the leaves that are grown in their sunroom.
"Mom, you are a genius!"
Abby, Caroline and the Farmer have a threesome tea party in the kitchen. The homemade green tea was amazing and really helped Farmer with spasms. Abigail is very pleased because her friend is no longer sad. And Caroline noted that the three of them had a pleasant time drinking tea and chatting.
That was very tactless of him, wasn't it?
Lance was embarrassed. The Farmer is his partner, the love of his life, and he forgot about his loved one's allergies.
The sight of an even more upset Farmer hurt Lance more than any monster he had to fight.
But the adventurer did not lose his composure, and was determined to correct his mistake.
With a wave of his hand, he made all the elite dark chocolate disappear into the air, and told the surprised Farmer that he would be back in a minute, and also disappeared after casting the spell.
As promised, Lance returned in a minute, with ginger root, tea leaves, and vegetables to prepare for the Farmer.
After an incredibly quick dinner (not without the help of magic), Lance offered food to his partner, kissed the Farmer gently and asked if they needed anything else.
He understands that menstrual cramps can be very painful, so he is not offended when the Farmer begins to act up and cry.
But after a healthy meal full of magnesium and vitamins, as well as care from their spouse, the Farmer and the evening felt much better.
The real mystery was where all the chocolate went. But it will forever remain an unsolved.
Searching, searching, sear- Oh, there it is! "Dark chocolate contains antioxidants and magnesium, a mineral that has been shown to help relieve the following symptoms of PMS: bloating, fatigue, depression, and irritability."
Maru searched the Internet for about half an hour to find out what kind of dark chocolate with cocoa content is the most useful and will help the Farmer with spasms.
She found it. Perfect! Now she just need buy this particular chocolate in Pierre's store and return to her s/o.
Maru was a little confused as to why the Farmer got even more upset at the sight of the chocolate.
And she felt like a complete fool when the Farmer told her the reason. What's the point of her being an engineering genius if she couldn't account for her partner being allergic to chocolate?!
At least a fruit salad with apricots and plums will not let her down. These fruits will also help, as will chocolate. Maru this time asked the Farmer if they were allergic to them too.
The fruit salad turned out to be a good decision, but Maru is still upset that she miscalculated and made such a mistake that makes her loved one sad.
But the Farmer gave her a kiss and gratitude for the care and love she gave them, so that Maru's expression relaxed, and a soft smile broke out on her face.
Poor Farmer! Olivia experienced similar spasms in her youth, and the constant stress of her job at Joja only made it worse.
Yoga was a great way to reduce the manifestations of period cramps, but Olivia did not stop only at the exercises, but also changed her diet: vegetables, fruits, salmon fish, there were many options.
Dark chocolate was one of the foods that worked best for her, so she bought some expensive chocolate bars for the Farmer.
"Here, sweetie! This will help you, plus it's a luxurious dark chocolate, you won't find in regular stores and it's very delicious!"
"What, allergies? Oh, goodness..."
Olivia didn't lose her composure even when she saw the Farmer cry at the sight of the chocolate. There is no problem that cannot be solved.
Fortunately, there were plenty of other foodstuffs in her house.
Salad with salmon, avocado and walnut - healthy and tasty - came to the aid of the Farmer!
Olivia really knows how to cook well.
The Farmer apologized for crying over the chocolate, but Olivia insists they don't need to apologize. After all, the Farmer is her close friend, and she perfectly understands their situation.
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Babe i missed you tooo😭😭
lifes been complicated lately but I have been doing well!
so let's rant
I'm an artist girl, though I've never been good at painting, (I'm a sketchy gal 🙃) in my school I now have a professor who ONLY does paint assignments, and idk I guess I've found my appreciation for painting again
here comes the other part of this, I was (and still am high-key) a bangchan girly, although
I now have a deep-rooted obsession with hyunjin
like im a writer and an artist and i can confirm hyune was written by a woman ☝️
im simping im on the floor deluluing
like can you imagine a PAINTING DATE????? 🫠🫠🫠🫠
on a balcony in france enjoying not some fancy meal just like either homemade or take out or even pizza while sitting together with a soft music playlist on cuddling close to each other and admiring the Eiffel tower at night time, whilst the buzzing of the cars and people still out on a cold summers night finish or starting their shifts at work...
..if anyone ever needs any delulu images and i'll be here, my hopeless romantic ass if FULL of em' 😬✌️
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Okay but I get you though !!! I am a Seungmin girly (I don't think anyone is surprised by this anymore) but HYUNJIN ?! WTF SIR ?!
A painting date would be so cute omg 😭 and he just gives off romance vibes. He would just be such a romantic boyfriend and I 😭😭😭
The way he would take so many pictures of dates you two went on so he could paint them. Trying to make it look as beautiful as the day you both were there, but he just can't. And he realizes it was only beautiful because you were there.
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baekhvuns · 9 months
No ok let me explain, this is so embarassing, I have a small shelf where I keep my phone, and unfortunately it's near the bathtub, like it's on the wall where the bathtub is and I'm usually very careful and I usually decide on all my songs beforehand and keep it there BUT THT DAY IDK MAYBE IT WAS CUZ I WAS SICK? BUT I SAT IN THE BATHTUB WHILE SEARCHING THE SONG AND IT SLIPPED FRM MY HANDS (I like dangerous things ig?)
Yes, I found the song. "My everything" played as i held the half alive body of my phone in my hand but it survived. Credits to the song man! But my mom scolded me so much 😭 and everyone teamed up on me, talk about being the youngest! But my dad and i ate mid night snacks as i rambled on abt how it wasn't my fault (it was) 😁
OMG YES ANONS COME BACK WERE LONELY it's actually so cute how we've created a small family like saur happy!!! 🙌
And I just read secretary's escape. 26 episodes, done in one day. do i want you to write hwa like seungjo? Yes. Will I enjoy if he was written like tht? Yes, yes I will. I'll enjoy...every. bit. of. it.
Bcz I'm smitten, I'm in too deep, I'm gone, I'm not even here baby, I'm a hallucination. Such an impact....who's making this a drama? Oh and I had a whole reaction on it, like I wrote every little thing I felt and I will share it, mind you. So you better be prepared!!
I literally have it saved as "webtoon annotation" 😭😭
U were right, I've come back to my my roots. WAIT THT ONE SONG THT GOES "BABY IM YOURS, BABY IM YOURS" :0 NO WONDER! I LOVE EVERY E2L U WRITE! U told me abt ur formula 😭 I caught on it, how first we meet hwa, then we fight, loads of it but nothing serious just bickering, and among all tht we don't even realise we fall in love, then either yn or hwa fucks up, and we kinda go back to stage 2 but this time...very serious. And then someone b/w us has to apologize and we finally let the other person in (Bcz of Kai ofc, tht man never comes to play).
The whole transition to fall from summer rlly makes my throat act up fr fr. Wait u had a sore throat too? It's like tht for everyone, I was just sitting studying on my desk then i felt something stingy in my throat and i thought maybe it was cuz I was quite for too long...but then i realised it hurt to swallow and i, in fact had caught a cold 😔 so sad. I hope u take care of yourselves too.
I better sleep, it's like 1, here or mum will scold me again saying how I don't rest when I hv to. HOW DO I EXPLAIN IT TO HER THT MANHWA'S ARE IMP 😭. anyways I'll manage gn ❤️❤️
this all i have to say to the bathtub story
LMFAOOOO UR RIGHT WHY DOES EVERYONE GANG UP ON THE YOUNGEST STOP THATS SO CUTE 😭😭😭 PEAK MEMORY MOMENT im imaging you two, it’s late night, it’s dark and the only thing that’s lit up is both y’all’s body by the fridge’s light and you guys are just snacking up while you explain to your dad and he pretends to listen 😭😭
RIGHT PLS ANONS COME BACK LEMME SEE UR FACES right!! it’s like a small little town in baekhvunsland i hope y’all rmr u have to pay ur rent and that is by coming into my inbox 🔫 some of u are mad over due 🔫
OMFBBFKWJDKW U READ IT FBNWNFKD CRYING SCREAMING no bc. listen to me. i have a hwa ceo fic ok. he’s a very intimidating boss in it. and it kinda fits him and seungjo’s character
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crying this is from last year 😭😭
that is my exact reaction. u get me. im all ears anytime babes
YES THAT EXACT SONG FJQNDKW ITS SO I SAW A VIDEO ON IT SAYING “imagine this plays as the enemies pin each other” and my mind said mr and mrs park. LMFAOOOO NOT U EXPOSING LIKE THIS FJWKDJWK KAI WILL FORVER BE MENTIONED IN MY FICS I AINT LETTING THAT FUCKER LEAVE he’s the therapist for readers and the yn ngl he’s coming over and he’s rover
right!! there’s a weird thing in the air these days, yes i did!!! i have a runny nose atm, rainy seasons and thunderstorms are arriving in my city 😭😭 IT HURT TO SWALLO GIRL WHEJ U ACCIDENTALLY WAKE UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT AND SWALLOW AND YOURE DYING BC IT SCRATCHES i also swallowed in my sleep and i felt the pain in my dream ,,, im much better now thank u!!! pls take care of yourself and your god damn phone plis
LMFAOOOO it’s one over here for me fbwmbfsm readings webtoons ☺️☺️☺️
omg you’ve read the remarried empress right? navier’s brother is so 🫠 HOW. HOW.
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storytimewithnova · 10 months
Someday Z.O.M.B.I.E.S
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this is cute and Fluff I have posted alot of angst
Sho is Bokuto's female setter akaashi never joined tbe volleyball team he joined the Literature club actually he is the president of the literature club this also sparked his Fascination in manga edition There has always been rumors going round that sho and bokuto were dating they never confirmed or denied it until on day in the GC
Hey Hey hey author Chan I will say this now there won't be many reactions so move too lazy to find a profile pictures or can't think of anything clever okay on to the story
In the owl house GC or so they thought
Sho:🎶Oh La, la, la, la, la Oh, yeah🎶
Konoha:Shona wth Can't you start a conversation like a normal person
Yukie:who says we were normal
Bokuto:🎶I know it might be crazy But did you hear the story?🎶
Referring to the rumours is going around the school
Sho:🎶yeah I think I heard it vaguely🎶
Kawa:ooh tea 🍵👀
Kuroo:what story bro
Bokuto:🎶A setter and a Ace🎶
Sho:🎶Oh, tell me more, boy🎶
Bokuhina:🎶Oh, what could go so wrong With a setter and a Ace🎶
Bokuto:🎶You're from the perfect paradise And I'm living on the darker side🎶
Suga:no cause why is this cute wish someone was this cute with me
Oikawa's thoughts:💭 bitch stop making me level up i love you isn't that enough
Sho:🎶Ooh, I've got a feeling If you get to know me🎶
Bokuto:🎶Right from the start you caught my eye And something inside me came to life🎶
Sho:🎶Ooh, I've got a feeling If you get to know me🎶
Bokuto:🎶if you get to know me🎶
Makki:no because why is this so cute
The first years: that's our Bitch right there
Suna:okay like anyone else living for the first year hype
Everyone: omg yes
Sho:🎶Someday This could be, this could be ordinary🎶
Bokuto:🎶Someday This could be, this could be ordinary🎶
Sho:🎶Someday Could we-🎶
Bokuto:🎶Someday Could we-🎶
Bokuhina:🎶be something extraordinary🎶
Bokuto:🎶You and me side by side🖤🎶
Sho:🎶Yeah, yeah🎶
Sho:🎶Out in the broad daylight🎶
Bokuto:🎶Out in the broad daylight🎶
Sho:🎶If they laugh, we'll say🎶
Bokuto:🎶If they laugh, we'll say We're gonna be someday🎶
Sho:🎶We're gonna be someday💖🎶
Konoha:is this confirming the rumours are true you are together or you are mocking the rumours
Konoha:Yukie calm your Tits will ya
Yukie:I'M CLAM
Sho:🎶We're gonna be someday💕🎶
Bokuto:🎶We're gonna be someday💘🎶
🎶Someday, someday🎶
Bokuto:🎶We're gonna be someday🧡🎶
Sho:🎶We're gonna be someday❣️🎶
Sho:🎶We're gonna be someday💞🎶
a video was sent and it shows sho on court doing her sets and bokuto staring with love awe and lust 😍
Bokuto:🎶Girl, you look delicious Oh, I mean gorgeous🥰🎶
Sho:🎶Well, now you're getting fearless🎶
Bokuto:🎶No, I'm just rooting for us🎶
Sho:🎶If different was a super power We'd be so flawless🎶
Bokuto:🎶We'd be so flawless🎶
Atsumu:i'm not crying some bitch is cutting onions 😭
Suna:no he is crying
Bokuhina:🎶Yeah, we could make these two worlds ours I'm rooting for us🎶
Bokuto:🎶Two lonely hearts meet in the dark Imagine it now they start a spark🎶
Sho:🎶You got my attention What happens next, then?👀🎶
Bokuto:🎶Movies and long walks in the park Hanging out anywhere we want🎶
Sho:🎶I like the way you're thinking I can almost see it🎶
Yachi:no wait because that is cute like i can see them doing that
Sho:🎶Someday This could be, this could be ordinary🎶
Bokuto:🎶Someday This could be, this could be ordinary🎶
yukie was fangirling the middle of the school hall way while read these messages
Bokuto:🎶Someday Could we be something extraordinary?🎶
Sho:🎶Someday Could we be something extraordinary?🎶
Bokuto:🎶You and me side by side Out in the broad daylight🎶
Sho:🎶Out in the broad daylight If they laugh, we'll say🎶
Bokuto:🎶If they laugh, we'll say🎶
Sho:🎶We're gonna be someday🎶
Bokuto:🎶We're gonna be someday🎶
🎶Someday, someday🎶
a video was sent and they could see bokuto had ran to sho's class not caring if his class has finished or not
Kawa:omg this is romantic
Yukie:our class isn't even finished he just bolted
Konoha:that's captain for you
Bokuto bursts through the class room door to sho class room
Sho:🎶So let them talk if they wanna Let them talk if they're gonna We're gonna do what we wanna Let them talk, let them talk If they wanna, they wanna🎶
bell rings 🔔
many students came running out of the class rooms and bokuto looked at sho then help his hand out to her she took it and they started to walk out the room
Sho:🎶Someday This could be, this could be ordinary🎶
Bokuto:🎶Someday This could be, this could be ordinary🎶
Sho:🎶Someday Could we be something extraordinary?🎶
Bokuto:🎶Someday Could we be something extraordinary?🎶
while they were walking people were staring
Bokuto:🎶You and me side by side Out in the broad daylight🎶
bokuto looks at sho putting his hands around her waist and sho smiled
Sho:🎶Out in the broad daylight🎶
Bokuto:🎶If they laugh, we'll say We're gonna be someday🎶
Sho:🎶If they laugh, we'll say We're gonna be someday🎶
Bokuhina:🎶Someday, someday🎶
Bokuto:🎶We're gonna be someday💞🎶
Sho:🎶Someday, someday🎶
Bokuhina:🎶We're gonna be someday🎶🧡/🖤
Suna:jesus christ Atsumu cry me a fucking river why don't Ya
Atsumu:sorry they were so cute that my future team mates y'all
Bokuto:✌🏻 come on baby owl we have a date
Sho:coming love
Konoha:so wait the rumours about you two were true you two are dating
Sho:congrats sherlock you cracked the case yes me Kōtarō are dating and why are we suddenly School gossip
Yukie: because of the way bokuto turned down every guy or girls advances and he is super protective of you and he gets jealous when people talk to you like when atsumu flirted with you i swore i saw him plotting his death
Bokuto:i was just not out loud no one plots murder out Yukie
after they finished their questioning bokuto and sho finally made it to their date and i was finally public that Bokuto and sho are dating yes sho's simps weren't happy but what can they do they just let her be
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pieroulette · 1 year
YES I BOUGHT THE MANGA!!! since i went back to my writer era i needed something to balance my days, not spending all my time writing and crying!! i'm so sorry i'm sending u so many messages haha
-boo anon
OH MY F GOD THE MANGA??!!! JUNJI ITO IS LIKE MY FAV MANGAKA AND MY INSPIRATION FOR DARK FICS SRSLY- 😭😭😭 although i couldn't consume dark stuffs anymore as i have a very low energy 💀💀 BUT IM SO HAPPY FOR U SKJSJS OMG WRITER ERA FOR THE WIN, IM SO ROOTING FOR U BOO 🥺🥺🥺 yes let's balance everything, it takes time but you can do it!! ILL LEND U MY SHOULDER FOR U TO CRY ON THO :(( AND DONT SAY SORRY!! im just beyond happy to talk to u so dw! <3
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moonlightmirrorball · 3 years
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#everytime something new comes out about west side story i make it my personality for the week like i'm so exited omg
My Top Posts in 2021
yall ever wonder if Dana terrace woke up one day like “I’m going to become gen z’s god by making a kids show so gay that not even Disney can play it off”
168 notes • Posted 2021-08-15 00:10:51 GMT
Hey hey! I have a request for you!
Vi x reader, cuz I’m obsessed, and smth angsty but comforting cuz I’m depressed (rhymes are fun :))
Basically, vi is back in the lanes, accidentally runs into the reader and reader starts crying :(
Hope this is alright, drink some water, stay healthy and safe! You are loved!
- Rose
absolutely adore this scenario!
Ugly Crying
Vi x GN! Reader
The Lanes were your home. always had been, and probably always would be. they were the root system that helped you grow, and would continue to help you grow, even if your proverbial plant was withering. and for good reason too. the lanes had never been quite the same after "the incident".
the lanes had never been the same after Vi disappeared.
The good thing about living in the undercity, is that anything goes. And this fact had happened to save my life.
A life in The Lanes was a difficult one. A life in the Lanes almost guaranteed that a child would grow up a criminal and an addict. it was an inescapable fate. I had thought that maybe I was exempt when I’d been taken in by Vander. those had been the best days of my life looking back. I would have trade anything in the world to be sitting around the back room of The Last Drop with Mylo, Clagger, Powder...and Vi. They had been  my family, more than my parents ever had been when they were alive. and just like your parents, they were gone far too soon. 
all good things must come to an end, I suppose. 
The Lanes were always perpetually hot, and tonight was no exception. And I was where I usually spent my evenings, trudging through the streets, looking down, acknowledging no one. If they were worth my time they’d come to me. And they only ever approached me for one reason. They think I have what they want. Money. Sex. Revenge. Shimmer. that’s how it was in the Undercity. It was full of the strongest of the strong and the weakest of the weak. It was almost never worth my time. A rare lucrative payout or enticing offer would sometimes come along. 
I’m an opportunist, no different than those shiny topsiders. the only difference is that I’m willing to get my hands dirty to achieve what I want. The topsiders hired someone else to do their dirty work. Hell, sometimes they hired me. Mine was not a particularly honorable profession, but if it pays the bills.. “Oi it’s your turn” Raunder slaps the table, rattling the empty glasses piled precariously around the too small table. 
“sorry, I zoned out..”  I shook my head, glancing at my card. I don’t really remember the game we’re playing. Nor do I actually care. “I think I’m actually going to head out” 
I braced my hands on the table, standing up. “I didn’t want you to feel bad when you lost anyways.” I drawled, leaving the winning hand face up on the table ignoring the enraged shouts from Raunder. I pushed my way though the Thursday crowd feeling suddenly feeling stifled by the smell of alcohol and smoke. There were too many bodies and too many memories and The Last Drop was so different, so changed, but it still felt exactly the same. It was stifling. I bumped into a slight woman at the pool table, huffing as she spilled her drink on my leg and boot. “Watch it, bitch” she barked at me, turning around to line her pool stick up. I nodded a quick apology to her, and continued trying to push my way out. 
I stumble through the doors gulping down the cool, thin air. I smelled like booze and tobacco and sweat, and my clothes were dirty and home was on the other side of the city. And I don’t know what was in my drink, but my head is fuzzy and my spirits are low, and the wall of the alley is digging into my spine, scraping against the fabric of my shirt as I breathe. I can still hear the roar of people coming out of the last drop, swirling around in my ear canal and worming its way into my mind. I sigh, dragging my dirty hand over my dirty face. “Fuck,” I glance around where I am, noting the group of scrappy teenage boys watching what I was going to do next. There was a brothel nearby that let you stay the night, but I really needed clean clothes. It was a two mile walk, but I'd walked here earlier today and tonight I'd walk back. 
Cause and effect, right? 
I walked with my hands shoved deep in my pockets, watching the sewer rats scurry around  the sidewalk, running on autopilot
“Hey watch where you’re going”
 “You watch where you’re go-” pink hair. Bandaged arms. “Vi?” and there it was. VI. right on her face. I couldn’t tell if this was a dream or a nightmare, but I don’t want it to end. 
 “I thought you were dead, they said you died in the explosion- they all said- and now you’re here and you” I choked back a sob, “and you’re-” Vi was in the same state of disbelief I was, Eyes wide with shock. The hands she’d held in fists for so much of her life went slack at her sides. I said nothing, staring at  her, At Vi, Vi who was alive, and Vi who was here, and Vi who you thought died all those years ago. 
“I’m going to hug you now,” Vi spoke softly, in soothing tones. Like I was some sort of skittish bird. I nodded slowly. And it was there, Tucked into Vi’s body that I finally felt something. And then I felt a lot of things. Disbelief, Anger, Surprise, Anger, Sadness, Anger, Longing, Gratitude, Pain. I liked to think that I’d let go of the events that happened the night of the explosion, and for the most part I have, but losing Vi had been harder than anything else, and I didn’t think I could ever get over it. And yet, here she was. Holding me, as I sank to my knees on the asphalt, heaving heavy painful sobs. I felt Vi start rubbing my back, gently “Hey,” she breathed “It’s okay, I’m here. I’m here, and I’m real” And she was. Vi was here and she was real and she looked different. She was taller and her hair looked...better than it had five years ago. She’d bulked up, and gotten tattoos and her voice was deeper but it was Vi. after all these years. And i didn’t know if I should keep hugging her, or punch her or… I don’t fucking know.
See the full post
171 notes • Posted 2021-12-10 16:23:45 GMT
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Imagine your otp✨
231 notes • Posted 2021-07-15 02:03:00 GMT
She-ra: princess of curse words
Adora will regularly say shit, it’s her favorite word ever. You can usually hear her screaming SHIT in battle or when she stubs her toe, she knows all the shits. Shit (derogatory) shit (affectionate) even shit (neutral)
Glimmer is a big believer in combination curse words. Exhibit a) “fucking shitballs” and “motherfucking bitchass pissbaby” Angela once heard her say that one and she was grounded for a week.
Bow doesn’t like to curse but he has definitely had to tell everyone to shut the fuck up. We don’t talk about that though.
Catra…catra has some words. she knows every curse word there is, and says them regularly. fuck is definitely a favorite though.
Scorpia accidentally said damn once, she had to clean her mouth out with soap.
entrapta says fuck between every single word, especially when she’s exited “and the fucking first ones tech just fucking- *cackle laugh thingy she does*
perfuma tries to stay spiritually positive and pur, but when she snaps she does not hold back. However, purging negativity can improve ones mindset :)
mermista‘s “UGH” are just really long FUCKKKKKs. Definitely calls seahawk manwhore
frostsa is the worst of all of them she rules her own kingdom and says every curse she knows with childish glee
Angella curses behind closed doors “What the fuck am I doing wrong” *sad mom tears*
micah said fuck once when he almost dropped baby glimmer. He blames himself for glimmers cursing problem.
Lonnie curses at Kyle. And also everything else in her line of sight.
Kyle said fuck once to be cool like catra, he cries for a hour afterwards.
double trouble says bitch for theatrical emphasis. “its double trouble, bitch” like adore they are an expert on every type of bitch, affectionate and derogatory.
sea hawk is just like.. “ADVENTURE, BITCH”
(let me know if you want me to do anybody else!)
405 notes • Posted 2021-08-08 03:54:17 GMT
“there’s only one bed”
now I present,
”there’s only one braincell”
596 notes • Posted 2021-07-28 23:55:10 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Hi hi can i request a cake with haikyuu bois??
Pronouns, sexuality: she/her, straight
Appearance: 160cm, dark dirty blonde hair with black roots and I wear a black glasses, love wearing skirts and dresses, eyes colour is really really dark brown which only noticeable if that person is standing 1cm in front of me
Mbti, horoscope: ISFP-T, pisces
Personality: cold to new people but wild and weird around close friends, always act tough and bottle up my feelings but actually very sensitive and cry baby, independent hence I'm always too afraid to ask for help, stubborn and determined, kinda bit tsundere but can get very very clingy in a relationship, hot-headed/short-tempered, don't do well in stressful situation and will try to run away from it but I'm trying to change that, get shy and awkward and cringe at myself easily even if it's just me having a music jamming session all by myself
Hobbies: listen to songs, play video games or watch esport tournaments or pro players stream, sometimes shopping cuz i like fashion related stuffs
Random facts: very picky eater, always rage in video games and scream at my teammate who ruin my game but not to my friends, have a very cliche dream of visiting Musee de Louvre, MOMA, and the Van Gogh Museum in Netherlands, have a weird habit of crunching ice lmaoo
Values I look for in a partner: loyalty, sweet and caring, protective/dominance, able to accpet every part of me because I tend to change myself in a relationship if that means they will like me more
Thank you for answering my request!
🍰 for @lhlj
Romantic Matchup
Bokuto Koutarou
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How yall met
you were a third year who had just decided to become a volleyball manager
So he knew you on that level
But he never actually KNEW you
You always seemed too blunt to conversate with
And you never really asked for help with anything
So he just never really made the effort to talk to you
Then one day he walked into practice and saw you talking to akaashi
Were you smiling?
Omg your laughing now?????
Now that he thinks about it he has never seen you laugh before
After you left he ran up to akaashi
“Akaashi how did you get y/n to talk to you”
Akaashi looked at him like he just asked if the sky was blue
‘Oh you won't believe it, it's almost like i went up to her and just said some words” 😐
We stan sassy akaashi
No way it had always been that easy to talk to you
He decided to test his theory when he saw you struggling to grab the net from the storage closet
“Hey y/n you need some help there?”
Oh hey bokuto yeah if you could help that would be great”
It really HAD been that easy to talk to you
If he'd known how easy it was he would've tried befriending you MONTHS ago!
Well there's no time like the present am i right
He was shocked to see how differently you acted around people you're comfortable with
He always took you as a bit of a shy person
But turns out your even goofier than he was
And you were actually a really interesting person
Like he never knew that you wanted to go to the Netherlands!
And you were just so cool,and funny,and kind and-
Bokuto-san, you have a crush on them”
No way
You were just his friend!
His really pretty friend that he couldn't stop thinking about`
Omg he had a crush on you…
It took him a couple of weeks to find the courage to tell you how he felt
Then one day he offered to walk you home after practice because he wanted to talk to you
So you agreed and started walking
Bokuto seemed off to say the least
Actually now that you think about it
He's been acting pretty weird for about a month or so
“Hey Bo you doing alr-”
“I have a crush on you y/n”
After he registered what he just said his face turned DARK red
“Ok gotta go bye”
“Wait Bo, i like you too”
I beg your pardon
Liked him back?
Omg he could not be happier!
When you walked into the gym hand and hand the next day the whole team was just like
Omg about time 🙄
What they love about you
He loves how independent you are
He truly believes you can do whatever you put your mind to
He does wish you weren't so hesitant to ask for help when you really needed it
He's your boyfriend now!
If you ever need ANYTHING he'll be there for you
So pls pls pls ask him for help when you need it
He loves that your a dreamer
After you told him about your dream to visit places in the Netherlands
Bb boy started saving any extra cash he got in a jar
He will save up for YEARS if it means he can make your dream come true
Omg he LOVES how clingy you can get
We all know this boys love language is physical touch
So whenever you want to cuddle he literally ZOOMS to get pillows blankets and snacks
Yalls cuddle sessions are *chefs kiss*
Favorite things to do together
Honestly he just loves to spend time with you
So anything
Literally anything
You wanna play videogames all day? Bet
You wanna go to the mall all day and shop? Where's his wallet
You just wanna stay home and chill all day? Great! Anything for you
Random Hc
If you so much as make the COMMENT about liking something in the store
Expect it to be in your hands the very next day
He actually was able to save up enough money to take you on your dream trip
You guys both went the summer after you graduated
One time he saw you just eating ice
And he was like “ooh let me try”
The second he put it in his mouth “ouch that's too cold :((((“
Yall have karaoke nights
It's basically you just putting songs on a speaker and jamming out while cooking dinner or sum
Pisces + Virgo
Compatibility 88%
Virgo and Pisces represent the axis of the exaltation and fall of both Venus and Mercury.
This makes them partners with greatest challenges and the greatest potential for love in the entire zodiac.
They need to find a fine balance of rationality and emotions, each one individually and together through their relationship.
In many cases this is not a couple that will last very long, as their mutable quality makes them changeable enough to disregard the entire relationship quickly if they aren’t satisfied.
They need to realize that perfection they seek might not be presented in the form they expect. If they stay together for long enough to understand the benefits of their contact, they might discover that the love between them is the only true love they could find in this lifetime.
Overall Aesthetic
Surreal Dreamer
Sunflower (Rez Orange County)
3 am (HONNE)
Little talks (Of Monsters and Men)
Out of my league (Fitz and the Tantrums)
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katsukis-angel · 3 years
Hi! I saw that ur matchup is open, can I have one with jujutsu kaisen male matchup?
Appearance: 160cm, have a dark dirty blonde hair with black roots and I wear a black glasses, love wearing skirts and dresses, have a very very dark brown eyes which is only noticeable if that person is standing 1cm in front of me and stare right into my soul lmao
Personality: cold to new people but wild and weird around close friends, independent and often too scared to ask for help most of the time, stubborn and determined, always act tough and bottle up my feelings but actually very sensitive and cry baby, hot-headed/short-tempered, kinda bit tsundere but can get very very clingy in a relationship, get shy, awkward and cringe at myself easily even if it's just me having a music jamming session all by myself, I can't handle pressure that good so i tend to run away from stressful situation but I'm trying to change that
Mbti: ISFP-T
Hobby: listen to songs, play video games and watch esport tournaments or streamers streaming, sometimes shopping cuz i like fashion related stuffs
What i look for in a partner: loyalty, sweet and caring, protective/dominance, able to accept every part of me
Love languages: quality time, words of affirmation and act of action
Random facts: very picky eater, always rage in video games and on my mic to scream at teammate who ruin my game but not to my friends, tend to say weird stuff or give weird replies when I'm lacking sleep even though I still can function normally, talk to myself a lot especially when I'm playing video game
I hope these are enough! Thank you for answering my request!!
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Awe no problem lovely, I matched you with Megumi 😌 you would make such adorable babies 🥺 sorry haha!
This is quite funny actually because you’re both little tsunderes lmao. Everyone knows how much you like eachother but you’re too stubborn to say anything. Megumi thinks your the cutest thing to ever exist and always finds himself getting lost in your eyes, he loves when he hears you chatting with yourself, he thinks it’s adorable. Whenever you lose your glasses he manages to find them and softly slips them back onto tour face, not saying anything if your confront his sweet gestures. Sometimes he will walk past Itadoris room and hear you yelling at him whilst playing your video games together and smirks to himself. When you’re together he’s the best bf omg, he’s obviously v dominant in the relationship but is also super sweet and caring with you, he isn’t very intimate in front of others but behind closed doors he will give you so much attention and love 🥺. You guys like playing video games together, you actually taught him a few of your favourites and a lot of date nights consist of playing games or watching your favourite streamers on twitch. He spoils you btw - he hates admitting it but if you ever go shopping and want something he will buy it without hesitation. He likes that you’re clingy, it makes him feel quite loved even if he holds a stoic face, as someone who doesn’t portray loads of emotions he doesn’t mind having a partner that does, it balances the relationship out.
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venusiangguk · 3 years
I dont usually read fics with sad endings, I cant do it.
I'm very much a big baby who believes that love should always prevail 🙌🙌
This was so amazing, so beautifully written, it was so heartbreaking
And I just
I'm all over the place, Idk idk what to say
For team oc or jk
I cant say I'm either, you know what this is it's like
Right people wrong time, they were so in love so painfully so beautifully so but it wasnt enough. It wasnt enough bc they were too immature, they were too busy trying to protect their hearts that they ended up breaking them in the process.
With such an open ending I hope u know that I litrrally thought out 3 endings for this to make my heart happy :/ ( still a big baby)
I really hope that they get the chance to love right, now that they're more mature.
I know jk acted selfish and a dick and he got married and then was asking for so much more from her, even though he took so much.
But he loves her. And she loves him. Maybe its not enough but maybe it can be. It's all on good communication ( where u are oc and jk in ur own painful universe know that I am rooting for u) I know that jk is dick I know but he admitted that he didnt love her, like he loved oc. It wasn't the same, and I still think he deserves love. Whatever I hope they sort their shjt out! I like that it was so open ended !
Okay okay, I think I'm done trying to justify jungkook for the sake of them getting a happy ever after
The way you write is MAGICAL!
That is amazing talent and I juat hope u know that I was so so close to tears ( I cried actually but my mom was infront of me and if she found out I was reading smut my ass would get whooped so it was lowkey crying )
Your metaphors, the flow the everything
I am in love with your everything like
Freaking wow
And months !! Omg thank u sm for working so hard to make me cry no I'm joking but like
Thank you so much?? For writing this and ??? Then posting it for free ??? This was a book and I would by 100 copies ??? Like so freaking good and the cover would be so pretty pink a pink cherry colour
Can u see I get so side tracked
I love how REAL this is u know ?
Not everything always can work out, not even when you wish and depend on it
No matter how hard you hold on somethings are just destined to break , to fall out of your grasp.
And I think u portrayed that so beautifully, through love. I think it can apply to any kind of relation ship too or any aspect of life you know.
U cant expect too much, cant put your heart on the line so far but you cant keep it hidden in the darkness either yk?
Balance balance balance
That's how lessons are learned:/
Omg I really love u
they were too busy trying to protect their hearts that they ended up breaking them in the process
no bc... yeah 😔 oc wouldn’t ask for what she deserved and jk wouldn’t give it, both because they were too scared and being too careful with themselves when they should have been being careful with each other </3
but omg thank you or reading and taking the time to send me such a thorough, long, sweet ask?? it means a lot and i loved reading it !!
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recovering-witch · 7 years
I was wondering if you could help me. I need reasons to recover, seen as I've mentally completely given up. I'm terrified to gain weight and to eat. I don't want to anymore. I don't deserve a good happy life or anything nice in my life if the only things I do is bring people pain and misery. If I'm a painful burden for the people around me, why would I deserve to be happy and deserve to live? I don't want to anymore. Not gain weight, not hurt people, not eat, nothing... I'm sorry
hello there!!!! *”I-cannot-breathe”-type-of-hug* 
Listen. I hope you deep down know this but Im gonna say it in case you’re missing out: you do deserve a good happy life- and you definately do deserve recovery. No ‘buts’, you do. period. Oh, and unless you’re some sort of declared disney villain or something, I highly doubt you were brought to existance to bring pain and misery??? in fact, I bet you bring people so many good stuff you may not even be noticing, bae. And you may feel like you’re a burden but you’re not????? (let me stress this out: YOU ARE NOT) they’re probably worry about you, okay?? from experience, I have been on the other side of trying to help people with mental illnesses and its hard(er than I ever thought it could be)!!! if they sometimes ignore your messages or look tired or disappointed or angry... its probably because they see you suffering and they are mad at themselves because let’s face it: the only person who can save you, is you!! they can be there and support you and buy you cookies and give you hugs but at the end of the day, they cannot love your illness away. and that’s so goddamn frustrating, trust me. if they could like press a bottom that would guarantee you happiness and health and self love they’d push it so hard and fast they’d probably break their finger, I promise. 
now, about the fear of gaining weight and eating. sadly, you cannot skip that step but recovery > your illness. you > your fears. let’s get this straight: you will gain. whether you need to restore or not, you’ll have to learn to eat again, and allow yourself all the food you have been depriving yourself of. you’ll need to let go of whatever arbitrary crazy rules you may have created for yourself and it’s gonna feel like a complete leap of faith, like, shooting in the dark???? ITS GONNA BE HELLA SCARY, I KNOW!!!! but so are roller coasters, and once you’re off of one you get enough perspective to see that it was a hell of a ride and that you were tough after all. you also realize you are not dead, but more alive than ever. that’s what we are striving here with recovery. you’ll see things differently. its a process, of course, and you’ll discover a lot of things (about you, but also about your surroundings), things you couldnt appreciate or notice before because you’ve been sucked into the mental-illness-country. you’re gonna have to work your cute ass off. you are gonna cry a lot and throw many tantrums and if you’re anythign like me, you’d experience this weird regression and act like a 5 year old at the doctor’s office when he/she asks what’s wrong and you immediately look at your mom??? you’ll crave constant reassurance as if it were candy, because you have trained your poor malnourished brain into thinking you need permission to eat (whether you’re hungry or not, you wont dare yourself to ‘just eat’ at first). and it makes sense, since you’ve convinced yourself you “dont need food”, you “dont deserve to eat” and that you “have to burn all the calories” and/or “punish yourself” for you know, trying to stay alive??????? do basic human activities such as have ice cream with your friends???? omg what a sinner, right???? but the thing is: you can do it. oh, and I can give you a billion reasons why you should recover (and if that’s what you really want, message me on or off anon and I’ll do it gladly) but the motivation to recover must come from within. I know its in you. you have to find your own reasons, and I bet you have plenty. but allow yourself to do a deep search. allow yourself to express your feelings, to feel those feelings, to ask for help, to verbalize your fears and worries and conflicts rather than using your ED to let others know you’re struggling. 
I am rooting for you, and I hope you are, too. 
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