#for each other oh my god I can't also this skin description is so cool too and not depressing
nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
Weekly Roundup: prompts
Alice reluctantly enters a political marriage with May Riddell Archelot when funds begin to run low and Riddell tries to prevent getting married off to an unwanted suitor. She and Riddell have to keep up the facade of a romantic relationship to keep up their mutual goals despite their mutual dislike and find those feelings slowly becoming more real.
Kara no Kyoukai
With the knowledge that Mikiya is the Ryougi family accountant now, please some boss/employee role play between Shiki/Mikiya
Melty Blood
Considering (as far as I'm aware) we never see it in canon, a fic about Sion and Satsuki meeting and forming the Back Alley Alliance would be cool
Alternate Ending for Fragments: Elza adopts Ayaka, Misaya and Aro, all are a family of choice, Manaka can stay in hell.
Fate/Stay Night
Artoria has an insane head game. Lancelot knows. He kinda wishes he didn’t, but he does.
Sexual assault tw, “Considering they’re the result of my being raped by fraud by own sister and we then fucking killed each other, I’m think I’m being remarkably civil.”
Smut, okay. what if like due to a long time being incarnate and maintaining a less active lifestyle, rider medusa has definitely gained some weight in particular, her already voluptuous body has gained some truly lewd proportions in her fat ass and thick thighs. and sakura is very, VERY appreciative of this. rider is somewhat embarrassed but certainly enjoying the attention from sakura. sakura/rider, lots of ass worship and lascivious description of rider's big, round, plump behind
I would love to read about genderbent Kariya Matou. I think her motives would be the same, but her interactions with the rest of the cast would be different. Her anger about the treatment of Sakura and resentment towards Zouken/Tokiomi would come from a place of how how Magi treat women in their family. It would also be nice to see Berserker Lancelot break from his madness to treat her nicely. (Worms may or may not be included).
Prisma Illya
Gorgon install shirou during heaven's feel. well it's gonna be impossible for dark sakura to do any kind of damage to him while he's currently over 20 stories tall. and to make things worse for rin , shirou's been getting some intrusive thoughts from gorgon herself ; and said intrusive thoughts can be summed up as "just eat those red idiots for mana" and "why not just crush that brat & run off with artoria?"
Gawain is living it up as a swingin’ bachelor…until Dame Ragnell gets summoned. Then he hard switches to “happily married man” and somehow get’s laid MORE. This confuses the hell out of everyone who 1. Doesn’t know them personally, or 2. Never read the story of how they got together, since Ragnell appears ugly as sin (and is at best curt) to anyone she doesn’t completely trust. Loophole; she’s never heard of Barghest, but being “Gawain” she counts and can see past the illusion. Reaction up to u.
Smut, Astolfo being the world’s biggest switch and loving every minute of it. One minute they’re being pegged in a ball gag, the next they’re reaming out an ass write their foot on someone’s head.
so Chloe's whole... thing... is "justified" in-universe as she needs magic to stay stable, so she gets it by doing... that. Ergo, I want to see something where she's summoned in Chaldea and thus hooked up to a stable magic supply, so she doesn't have to do that anymore and gets to actually Process and maybe just Be A Kid instead.
Smut, You know, Mash is horny on main for her queen, nothing special about it. So when they're on the beach and Morgan asks her a little help to put sunscreen on her shoulders, Mash tries. She really really really tries not to think anything dirty but she can't help since she's touching so casually MORGAN'S BARE SKIN AND IT'S SO SOFT AND SMOOTH AND – “Thank you, my knight.” “Oh god please I need you in my pants right now.”
Sitonai is in the Body of Illya as we know, her profile indicating a good relationship with Shirou that is most likely from either the Fate or Heavens Feel route. Archer is a Shirou from a timeline similar to the route where he and Saber bond never developed to the point as the true Fate route, and among all shirous in chaldea he has the best relationship with Illya, given they lived together. All that is to say: Fate Grand Order: Illya Route, i need it pleass
Ishtar doing her best to find a way to cure or suppress Barghest’s curse…for selfish, horny reasons. Barghest is actually right in the overlap point of Ishtar and Rin’s strike zones: adorkable, eager to please, built like a brick supermodel, hung like a bear. It’s just that neither of them are into guro.
Summer Yu Mei Ren and Cu form a deep, entirely platonic bond over shared interests (read: killing things with cursed spears/camping), and Ritsuka has to reassure her that no, having a male friend is not the same thing as cheating on her husband.
Smut, Oberon and Jalter fuck. Everyone calls it the whitest boning anyone's ever seen
Smut, Melusine gets lovingly railed beach side by a group of girls, some have dicks, some don't, all that matters is that Melusine is getting the loving she deserves
Smut, I want to see Medb getting lovingly impregnated by the reader.
Gudako: *sees summer Lancelot's FA* Gudako: *turns to Mash* Gudako: "I'm sorry Mash but I have to fuck your dad"
morgan castoria or oberon get stuck watching a live action 10000000 page slow burn mutual pining fic set in novum chaldea and possibly have to restrain themselves from just going up and telling the two idiots whoever they are that their feelings are fucking mutual moron i can see it with my faerie eyes please just get together so i can live my life without reading your mind as you wax rhapsodic about this bitch's smile and sulk because you think they dont like you
Smut, Gawain/Barghest smut with Gawain fighting for his life to not get eaten for as long as he can while motorboating Baggie’s giant boobs
loli tw, One more inspired by cleaning up old Interludes: in David’s, he confirms he’s “a lure for giants.” Let’s see how this legendary horndog handles being simultaneously pursued by Gorgon, Kingprotea and Bunyan. (He would pick Kingprotea, like a sane person, if he had any choice. Gorgon is involved. He does not have any choice.)
Smut, Guda finally gets used to the fairy eyes Morgan Castoria and Oberon have, proceeds to start using it to telepathically dirty talk
i feel like everyone missed that cnoc/knocknarea and castoria had their fateful first meeting when castoria was 11 years old, i want something about this... i feel its very funny that cnoc basically decided her rival/girlcrush/best friend would be this weird little girl
Smut, unsanitary, Castoria discovering 1) what human periods are and 2) that she has a huge fucking kink for drinking period blood.
Smut, I think that somebody should fuck Goredolf. I don't care who and I don't care how, but it should be done lovingly. The man deserves it, goddammit!
Smut, Gilgamesh fucks Koshyanka up the ass. She then manifests a strap-on that’s also a gun and returns the favor. Somehow, Gil is still topping the second time.
Castoria and Caster Gilgamesh hook up impulsively and click together shockingly well, so they actually start a serious relationship. They keep it secret from everyone primarily because CasGil knows his Archer self would use it as an excuse to harass Saber again, and that would likely domino into disaster. Castoria is sick to the teeth of lying though, and Gil doesn’t like it either; they’re both REALLY good at it, but it still sucks. How will they cope? Will it all end in tears?
Smut, Yakudou trio fucking around engaging in Looney tunes hijinks leading into actual fucking
Shuten reviews various types of alcohol from all over the world.
Nursery Rhyme and Oberon have a discussion about the nature of stories and whether they truly are for the reader or not They don't have to agree, but just… something about the two living stories interacting feels… right. bonus points if, while they cant stand each other they still seem to value each other because of their natures as Living stories.
It's clear that the stress of everyday life is getting to Ritsuka (sleep deprivation, stressed all the time, depressed half the time as well). So some of their closest servants (who is up to the author) barge into Goredolf's room and demand "GIVE MASTER A BREAK!!".
After summoning the Fae of the Round and being asked to give an oral summary of the events of LB6, Guda simply responds with "Fuck Aurora". Without thinking, Melusine shouts "I TRIED DAMN IT" before realizing what she said. What happens next is up to the author but something comedic would be very appreciated.
Paracelsus' potion has an accidental side effect - effect is totally up to the author!
Kadoc, Mash, and Yu Meiren hang out, as the three (debatably) surviving members of Team A currently working for Novum Chaldea.
Gudao constantly lies to everyone around Chaldea, lies about how willing he is to work with evil servants, lies about liking the more annoying servants, etc. all to make sure that Chaldea is kept running. When they finally summon Castoria, they take it as an excuse to tell the truth about how they feel because they know there’s no point in lying to her.
Gudako has weird dreams, thats just how it goes. But lately her dreams have become much weirder, she can't remember much of it, but in them she seems to be talking to someone and recounting some sort of story, she can make out some characteristics, such as orange hair and light skin, but sometimes it seems like they have white hair and dark skin, but no matter what she can never remember their face, or their voice or even what they say, it feels like that person didn't exist and the dream itself is an illusion. So one day she asks da vinci to use one of her inventions to look inside her mind and see whats happening
Smut, Completely heterosexual smut involving Mordred and Hyde. ... I never said it was CIS smut, though - Mordred is a trans man and Hyde is a trans woman.
Concept: Morgan and Aesc(Tonelico?) Kick start Mash's new Saberface Harem. Platonic or smutty doesn't matter.
Guda actually became a beast of humanity awhile ago but it's only come up just now
King Hassan receives head Interpret it however you want
it is revealed via faerie eyes that the seemingly all loving endlessly patient master of chaldea CAN hate but its almost entirely focused towards columbus
Gudako, typically the giver of headpats, now gets to be received headpats for the first time.
the newest summer singularity is going to the beach that makes you old
fran 🤝Baobhan Sith having a younger version of your parent get summoned ,and holy fuck are they dorky.
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abyssalhuntersnerd · 2 years
Chuzenji, Gladiia's official artist has posted a new illustration!
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Source and please check them out on Twitter!
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glitterge1pen · 3 years
The Eternal And Inherit Romanticism Of An Apple Orchard
Keigo Takami x reader, sfw, fluff, word count 1,331
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“This seems unessacey”
Keigo says flipping the edge of the oversized straw hat with his fingers. The staff had given one to him at the entrance counter.  He had forgotten sunscreen and it was the best they could offer.
“Take it off then, get sunburn,”
You say parting the leaves and dangling branches of the trees. The grass path you were following was supposed to lead you to the apple trees. Your skin could feel each beat of the sun, it was so hot it felt like all the trees and plants were buzzing.
Still the orchard was mesmerising. The crab apple trees that you were walking through hadn't grown fruit yet, but the pink and white flowers had blossomed. Petals drifted down from the wind on the breeze. All the scenery was lush and vibrant, the sections and rows of different apples seemed endless and vast.
“When you said you wanted to go to an apple orchard, I thought you were joking,”
Keigo said, miserable and struggling in the heat.
“I had been joking, but then you agreed,”
You said trying to tease him a little. This is when the rows of crab apples stopped, the path opening onto an alleyway of grass. From there it was the slightly taller trunks of the other apple trees. These trees were dotted with red, yellow, and green bursts of fruit. Everything felt so alive it was invigorating. Keigo went to sit down right at the edge of the lines of trees but you pulled at his wrist before he could sit down all the way.
“These apples better be fuckng perfect,”
He had a smile on his face as you lured him deeper into the orchard. Once you could no longer see where the trees began or ended you stopped. Keigo was the one to place the blanket, you were the one to unpack the bag. You handed him the water first, the ice rattling as you did so.
“Thank god,”
He said as he began to gulp the water down. The two of you had packed lunches but before you could hand him his food he told you to wait.
“I told you, it has to be perfect”
Keigo and you began gently moving through the branches, trying to find a perfect apple. Your hands tracing the lines of the bark, thinking that if you had come a few days later the ground would be covered in apple mush. You're thankful for the time you have and are more determined to help Keigo find his perfect apple.
“Hey, about that one?”
Keigo asks you, waving you over to a neighboring tree. You stand shoulder to shoulder with him, following the point of his finger to the desired fruit. It doesn't even look real. It looks like a drawing of an apple, tempting red with the faintest yellow shine. Like a gameboy, or chunk of bread, you assume that it would fit perfectly into your hands. As if it had lived its life to be picked and eaten by you.
Keigo reached his arms over and above you, his shirt lifting and the skin of his midriff briefly brushing against you. His fingers could not reach the apple. You bit the inside of your lip, trying not to laugh, seeing if he would try again. He did. Once again the apple was too high on the branch. You feel a gust of wind of his wings opening, but he quickly retreats in on himself. The thicket overwhelming the space, leaving him no room to spread his wings. With no words Keigo hunches over on his knees, removing the hat from his head, like a knight holding a blade over his chest. He looks at you expectantly.
“What are you doing?”
You ask him, squinting with question.
“Waiting for you? Get on my back?”
“What? No? You are not giving me a piggyback ride”
“Do you think I can't pick you up? What do you think I do for a living?”
This was true, Keigo had to be physically strong. It was the most basic part of his job description. Still as you hoist your right leg over the base of his neck there is an anxious feeling in your stomach. He lets out a sharp grunt as he launches back onto his own legs. You wobble a bit, your thighs trying to steady the core of your body.
“See, I’m fine, now get the apple”
You extend your arm out to the top of the tree where the apple dangles. But Keigo is still too far away. When he steps forward it throws you off balance, your hands tangle in his hair as you try to not fall over. Stretching your arm, the flesh of the apple bounces against your fingers. Finally you are able to snap the fruit from its stem.
“Here, hold on”
Kiego says as he slowly lowers himself down onto the grass. You keep one hand on his shoulder, and the other on top of his head. When his knees touch the ground one of his hands comes to help guide your leg off of him. Standing on your own feet again you find it hard to look him in the eyes again, putting your focus on the apple instead.
"Now that," Keigo says pointing to the red fruit, "is an apple"
You toss it back and forth between your hands, pretending to assess its nature before handing it to Keigo. He does similar. Rotating it in his palm, giving it a throw to the air. He presses his lips against it aggressively.
"Do you want the first bite?"
He asks you, holding the apple to your mouth.
"No, you found it, you get the first bite"
Keigo shakes his head.
"But this was your idea, plus you're the one who got it from the tree"
"You literally held me up so that I could grab it"
Keigo rolls his heads to the side, like what he is going to say next is something he shouldn't say directly to you.
"Let's take the first bite together"
Keigo once again puts the apple to your mouth, this time closer to your lips. His fingers tapping against the sturdy surface of the fruit. His own nose brushing the apple as he looks upon you. As you meet his stare you find it too deep to look away. Looking away would be saying you didn't want to bite the apple. You did. But it felt dangerous to admit this to Keigo.
So you say nothing. You move the tip of your nose to the apple, copying Keigo's gesture. The edges of his mouth pull to a grin, when you see his small smile you can't help but do the same. Keigo pokes his teeth onto the top of the apple, not breaking the red skin. You follow suit simply placing your teeth on the apple. You move first and slowly. Sinking your teeth into the apple but only a little.
There is the softest crunch, the littlest drop of water from the apples insides leak onto Keigo's fingers. You hold his gaze still, in sync as both of you slide your teeth down the exterior of the apple. The fruit was sweet and left a sting of tart juice on your tongue. You pull away from Keigo to chew and swallow.
"Oh shit it's actually good,"
Kiego says, already taking another bite. He lays down on the blanket, one arm propping his head up. You lay next to him. Bits of sunlight filtering through the leaves of the trees. Warm patches of light that were cooled by the breeze. With each wave of wind the roar of the trees felt consuming. You closed your eyes, letting the sounds of the orchard fill you. The buzz of bees, the rustle of leaves, somewhere in the distance you could hear the rush of water.
"Hey you want a slice?"
You open your eyes, Keigo is there over you, holding the apple and easily cutting it with one of his feathers.
“Wait, why didn't you just use a feather to get the apple?”
“Because I wanted to carry you on my shoulders?”
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
A/N:  Originally Keigo was going to magically just have on of those cans of dulce de leche, and was going to open it via stabbing it with a pocket knife, but like??? Why would he have a pocket knife??? THEN I wanted him to have honey sticks and eats those but I couldnt really think of anything interesting with that. Also have been really into apples lately so sorry about that I guess. 
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evergreen-lyricist · 3 years
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#like i promise u poseidon would be like 'u know what. i haven't checked on the baby seals lately i should do that' he won't get annoyed w u
My Top Posts in 2021
hello nice to meet you! thanks for the spam likes, that was nice to come back to, and im very excited to get to know your blog! 💛
oh hi!!!!! thank u, it was my pleasure. n it just so happens that u already know me a bit...... for it is i, the mjeted anon!!!!! i finally made a lil blog of my own. and im excited to get to know each other too!!!💜💜
4 notes • Posted 2021-08-21 12:19:00 GMT
trick or treat!
hi cass!! (whispers: what's ur costume) *holds out candy bowl* have a treat!! take a few, i have plenty!! happy halloween!!😊
6 notes • Posted 2021-11-01 01:13:27 GMT
Silk Week 2021 (@silkweek)
Day 1: Recommendations
for day one, when trying to come up with Silk-related recs, i immediately thought of this work:
this fic holds a place of honor in my heart. i was wandering down a lonely road with my little ace!Cindy headcanon that i considered canon for myself & to spite d*n slott, when @lilradridinghood dropped this gem on ao3!! and suddenly i am not alone. it's still, to my knowledge, the only fic with ace!Cindy, and even though i aim to change that in the near future, it's so nice knowing i won't be alone in that tag😊
anyway, that's all i have for day 1!! tune in tomorrow for some cool art by me!!💜
8 notes • Posted 2021-09-27 00:29:43 GMT
one thing i really really love about hellenic polytheism, especially as a former xtian, is that the religion itself is based on kharis, or forming relationships with the gods.
and the relationships are a two-way street; you can't just ask for things from the gods all the time & never thank them or give offerings, but the gods shouldn't ask things of you constantly without a little help, guidance, or gifts/blessings/etc.
the idea that the whole point of worship is to strengthen your bond with your deities instead of just expecting immediate love & reverence is so refreshing. i don't have to constantly affirm that lady hestia is the Best Ever (even though she is), i shouldn't follow whatever i think the gods say without using my own judgment (it's not always gonna make sense right away but It Will), and i don't have to fear them in order to be a good worshiper. the relationships are built on mutual love & respect just like all good relationships should be.
in conclusion: i love my deities & cannot believe i'm lucky enough to have artemis as my (metaphorical) big sister😊😊
13 notes • Posted 2021-10-18 20:16:18 GMT
Silk Week 2021 (@silkweek)
Day 2: Love & Connection
for today's theme, i decided to draw one of my favorite headcanons: ace!Cindy. i've headcanoned Cindy as asexual for almost as long as i've known about her. even though it contradicts.... *certain pieces of canon* this headcanon is near & dear to my heart, in no small part because i am also ace & Korean-American. so, without further ado, here's the art:
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[image description: Hand-drawn art of Cindy Moon in her Silk costume. She has short black hair and tan skin. She is posing with one hand on her hip & the other raised in a peace sign gesture. Her costume has black sleeves & legs with white zigzag details on the shoulders & hips. The bodice of the costume is white with a spiderweb pattern in maroon, with a maroon 's' shape in the center of the web. Her index & middle fingers are maroon as well, & her feet have white slipper shapes on them. She is wearing a maroon facemask that covers from her nose to her chin. Cindy has the asexual flag (striped in the colors black, grey, white, & purple) tied around her neck like a cape. It is flowing in the wind, flaring out to the right. Her eyes are closed & turned up at the corners in a happy way. end description.]
22 notes • Posted 2021-09-28 01:46:19 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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ccinagalaxyfaraway · 4 years
Oh my gosh I can't stop thinking about that chapter in "i take from you everything you allow" where Wolffe asks Plo if he's got a light for his cigarette and Plo just lights it with freaking force lightning. Could you do write a sequel to that or an extension of that scene? It's one of my favorite chapters in that fic
So that took a little longer than expected, but at last:
cigarettes and cilantro
from [ lit ]
Jedi die as easily as anyone else. 
The thought echoes in Wolffe’s mind. Jedi are not infallible. Shoot one, and he will fall over dead just like a trooper. There were so many bodies. He’d heard Generals Windu and Yoda speaking. One hundred eighty dead on the sands - and if they died like men, what else had he been taught that was a lie?
He throws his bucket onto his bunk. It rolls to a stop on top of his pillow, wobbling like a grave marker. He snarls and turns away from the macabre scene. 
His hands won’t stop shaking. They’re going to give him a Jedi. The vode have been called to action, and they’re going to give him a fragile, mortal Jedi who is not at all an invincible god, and he is going to watch his Jedi die on some battlefield because they die, that’s what they do, and Wolffe is only a man. He’s only a man, and his shaking mortal hands won’t stop shaking, damn the little gods.
He paces laps around the room. He wants to run, but outside the rest of his brothers are celebrating their first action in ten long waterlogged years, and he doesn’t want to spoil their mood, even if they are all deluded and he’s the only one who sees things as they really are. The restless energy crawls under his skin. He needs something, anything to make it stop. 
Bacara’s got that ARC vod who brings contraband in from off-world training exercises. The damn things smell like shit, but he swears they’re good for his nerves. It takes a few minutes to pick open Bacara’s footlocker and a few seconds to fish out the little paper box of cigarettes. The first breath burns, but he keeps at it and soon enough the tremors stop. 
It’s not quite enough to get rid of his sense of impending doom, but he thinks that nothing can do that anymore. They’re all living on borrowed time. There’s a blaster shot out there with his name on it, and it’s just a matter of when it finds him. 
There’s 576 troopers under his command, and 10 of them are still alive because their general is a reckless maniac. Plo Koon was supposed to be a nice, sensible High Councilor, not a walking mir’shupurla or’dinii like the 501st got, or a paklalatla diplomat like the 212th’s. 
Plo Koon is somehow even worse, because he goes about with his bad ideas and his silver tongue cheerfully. As if life is a game of cards in which he is the dealer rigging the results, and he won’t stop smiling about it. All that osik about Jedi serenity and wisdom was exactly that; Wolffe has yet to talk to a single vod whose jetti is as advertised. 
That alone would be enough to drive Wolffe to drink, except - 
Well, the whole jetti thing aside, he’s practically the picture of mandokar. He’s stubborn and an unholy terror on the battlefield, and so very pleased to be alive. If Jango could see him - well, he’d probably try to kill him, but if Jango heard his description, he’d approve wholeheartedly. And to say nothing of his loyalty; if any CC had allowed such a maneuver and risked their priority asset for troopers who really should have known better, there would be hell to pay. But the man took one look at the situation and went off to save his men simply because they were alive and needed the help.
The part of Wolffe that is predisposed to falling for people with mandokar is already bracing for impact. The part of him responsible for protecting his charge is getting ready to pickle his own liver. Since there’s not a drop of alcohol in sight, both parts are going to have to settle for chain-smoking. 
He’s got his own cigs now. Still crappy whatever’s-cheapest-and-available, but they get the job done. His standards, though low, do exist; he isn’t interested in cutting his already short lifespan materially shorter with death sticks. Bacara is a more understanding vod than, say, Fox, and didn’t kick up much of a fuss once his shit was replaced; now they swap complaints about their latest smokes. This one tastes even more like tar than usual and burns too quick.
He discards the remains of the cig and fishes out the next. A trooper - one of the lucky ones now singing the General’s praises - walks by.
“You okay, sir?” he asks.
“Just fine,” Wolffe grumbles, thumbing the wheel on his lighter for a spark. The shiny pauses.
“He’s really something, isn’t he?” he says. “The General. They said the Jedi were good, but I don’t think I really believed it. But he came back for us.”
“He did,” says Wolffe. “Don’t make him do it again,” he says, and takes a long drag. 
His General uses Force lightning, and he uses it to light cigarettes. If that isn’t a frivolous use of the Force, Wolffe doesn’t know what is. He should probably be more concerned than he is, but the calming effect of the tobacco has already settled in. 
He keeps going back to the moment Plo stepped in close, like a challenge, like an invitation, and the urge to get him up against the wall and make him show something other than his cool composure. There must be something under his facade of unshakable calm. He doesn’t have hair to pull, but his fussy, excessively draped robes would provide as good a handhold as anything. He’d resist, of course; the fight would be part of the fun, but they’ve already established that Wolffe is the better between them at hand-to-hand. Wolffe would win in the end.
They’d start with their usual exchange, short, sharp jabs to test one another’s guard, and then longer flurries as they warmed up. Wolffe would allow Plo to press forward, would draw him in slowly, gradually, until he was in throwing range. Plo would notice and fall back, and their dance would continue. And then Plo would tire, as he did without the Force, and he would slow, and maybe the first few times he lingered in range too long Wolffe would be lenient and allow him to escape, sliding just out of reach. But at the edge of his endurance, Wolffe would catch him and haul him down to the ground, hold him wrists to the dirt, pinned by Wolffe’s weight. And he’d lean in, their breaths mixing, and -
Ah, fuck. The cigarette has burned almost all the way down in the time that he’s been dreaming. He takes a last drag and shakes himself loose of the fantasy. It’s never going to happen anyway. 
He’s sitting outside watching the stars and the arm of the galaxy in the night sky. There’s nothing left to do for the night. Everything’s tucked in and the captains can take care of whatever petty issues might arise. He’s got himself an honest-to-gods night off, and he knows exactly what he’s going to do with it. 
Plo settles beside him, his robes brushing quietly against the grass, and obligingly provides a spark when Wolffe holds out a cig. The smoke curls unpleasantly in the air and Plo leans away, nose wrinkling behind his mask. It’s not especially poisonous to him; it just gets caught in the rebreather and takes forever to cycle out. Still he comes to join Wolffe when he has nothing to do except burn a pack. 
“The benefits outweigh the drawbacks,” he says when Wolffe asks. “I’d accept your company however it is offered.” He lies stretched out on the ground, head so close to Wolffe’s hip, one clawed hand resting at the hollow where his ribs end, the other absently spinning a flower that smells like cold. 
“You could ask me to stop,” says Wolffe. It’s just a pastime; he doesn’t get cravings. His hands don’t shake for lack of nicotine. But - why not indulge a little when tomorrow and its consequences may never come? Will likely never come, even, the way the war is going. 
Plo hums instead of giving an answer. “I think, when we return to the ship, I should like to plant a garden.”
“Oh?” There’s not very much room that hasn’t already been claimed. A corner in the bay area that used to be for shuttles. Maybe he could clear out a spot by the engines. Plants liked heat, right? 
Plo hums again. “I have not tasted kand in many years. It grows poorly away from Dorin.”
Wolffe resists the urge to comment. Dorin doesn’t share any of its creations well, present company included. In fact, Wolffe is convinced present company might have a few more working brain cells had he not convinced the Sages to convince General Windu to bring him to Coruscant. But Plo continues as though he can’t feel the sarcasm coming off Wolffe in waves. 
“It’s a shrub, you see. Maintaining the necessary environment through the first nonproductive seasons makes it an unattractive option for commercial off-world growers. Only a few attempts have been made, even by the Agri-Corp.”
“Seems like you might be better off trying something else,” says Wolffe. “Seems like a lot of work for something that you might never see.”
“Perhaps,” says Plo, and then he takes off on another tangent. 
He’s thinking about tomorrow and all the days that come after, and he’s thinking about what being happy feels like, and mostly he’s thinking about Plo, because he can have Plo if he wants and he knows it, and he’ll take Plo even if he might lose him later, and the losing will hurt more than anything else ever could, but the not having is even worse. And each moment of having makes the possible Plo-less future even more terrifying, but also moves the future where he gets to keep Plo closer into reach, and that’s worth it, isn’t it? To have and to hold, and to keep reaching for the future that he wants. 
He’s thinking and Plo is coming to him, and he’s got a cigarette between his fingers, the last of the box. He bends it in half and bins it unlit. 
“Not to your taste?” Plo asks, falling into step behind him.
“Nah,” says Wolffe. “Think I’ve found something better.”
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ticklikeabomb · 6 years
The Language of Limbo - Part 1
Pairing : Chris Evans x Plus Size Reader ; Marvel Cast x Plus Size Reader
Warnings : Language ; Masturbation 18+
Word Count : 3.9k
A/N : For the ones that don’t know my writing style -> sorry for the grammar mistakes and typos, English is not my first language. Hope you still like it 😊
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"Thank you Y/N. That would be enough. We will discuss it among us and eventually let you know about our decision in a couple of days", told you the casting director. You nodded with a smile, "Of course and thank you for receiving me." You grabbed your purse and jacket that were resting at the chair in the corner of the room and said goodbye before exiting it. Feeling the warmth of the sun, once you got out, caress your skin made you smile in contentment. You took your phone out, turned it on and immediately texted your best friend Aaron-Taylor Johnson, telling him you found that the audition went well and told him to greet the girls and send your regards to his wife, Sam.
You and Aaron met when you were both teenagers and started acting at the same time. Contrary to you, he got immediate calls for big productions such as Kick Ass and began his carrier, while you acted in different independent movies and as an extra.  You got a call once to star in a movie alongside your best friend and there's where you met Sam. She not only became one of your friends but also Aaron's wife. Before he met Sam, speculations about you two dating became recurrent but it was all false. Sure he was an amazing and good looking guy but your relationship was purely platonic. He knew you more than anyone and you could trust him with everything, always having each others backs.
Three days later, you got a call from your agent telling you that you had a meeting with the casting director regarding the audition and you scribbled the adress of the meeting point down. "But did he say anything?", you asked intrigued. Your agent's voice replied, "No, just that you had to be there at 2pm." You scratched your neck and continued, "But did he sound happy or was his voice inclining more to the no side? Like can you just tell me if you think that it was enough to get the part?" She sighed and tried to calm you down. "He sounded normal, calm. No indication of yes or no. Don't worry I'm sure you nailed it."
"For what is it anyway? The only description of the character was : Looking female in her mid-twenties. What kind of description is that?", you laughed. You heard her laugh on the other side and could clearly imagine her shaking her head. "I can't tell any further details, only that it's for a big company who likes to keep things secret." "Yeah clearly. Anyway, I'll be there on time. Thank you for everything", you replied and said goodbye.
Today was the day you had the famous meeting. Being one of the hottest days in Los Angeles you decided to wear a fluid black trousers along with a simple white shirt. Completing your look, you wore a little amount of makeup and your hair in your favorite hairstyle. You could qualify your look as casual but you still looked professional enough for the meeting. You still had an hour before the meeting and instead of staying at home, pacing back and forth, you decided to leave early and walk to the nearest Starbucks. You ordered yourself a well deserved ice tea in order to cool down and checked for what felt like the millionth time your emails and social media. Seeing that you had approximatively 40 minutes left, you took the nearest cab and drove to the address given to you by your agent.  
With wide eyes you asked the driver if you were at the right place and he affirmed you that you were. After paying the cab, you walked in awe to the big mansion in front of you and nervously rang the bell. One of what seemed to be the house butler opened up and you introduced yourself, "Hello, my name is Y/N Y/L/N. I'm supposed to meet Mr.Stewart at 2pm." The man smiled and let you inside. "Of course, Miss Y/L/N. You're early, can I serve you something to drink?" You shook your head declining it, telling him you already had something earlier before thanking him. "Follow me please", he continued. You did so and ended up in the backyard, if you could call that a backyard. The balcon was twice as big as your small apartment. "Wow", you breathed out,mesmerized by the beauty in front of you. The deep blue color of the pool adding to the breathtaking scenery in front of you. You turned around and noticed you stood there by yourself. You didn't mind because you were so enthralled by the view, it bringing somehow a sense of peace in you.
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Your awestruck state was cut short when you heard noise behind you. The buttler entered the backyard followed by a woman around your age. She looked like the fantasy provided by cinema and magazines : Blonde, blue eyes, long legs with a toned fit body, dressed in a tight fitting white dress. You couldn't deny that you felt a little self-conscious at the presence of such a beautiful person but you decided to shrug that thought off, focusing on you and what you had to offer. You greeted her, not without missing her little look going over you, alongside her tight smile. "Hello", she replied back. You both decided to take a seat at the couches displayed in front of the pool and sat in silence. After a couple of minutes she engaged conversation. "What's your name?" You told her and asked hers. "I'm Rebecca." "Nice to meet you Rebecca", you replied with a small smile. You didn't know why but your gut told you to keep your answers shorts. Something about her made you tense. "So what are you here for? You're here for a job interview as a maid or something?"
"Actually, I was called to meet Mr.Stewart to talk about the audition I passed a few days ago." She scoffed, "Hmm interesting." You frowned a little not really knowing what she meant by that and it was your turn to ask her why she was there. "Oh I auditioned for that big part and am waiting for the confirmation. I'm sure I will get it. I mean, look at me. Anyway, what was the character you auditioned for?", she replied confidently. "There wasn't much information. Just that they were looking for a female in her mid-twenties." Out of nowhere she laughed loudly, tears brimming her eyes. "What?", you asked, feeling suddenly uncomfortable. "It's a joke right?", she said. Seeing your confused look, her laughter stopped and with piercing eyes she declared, "You can forget about that part." Taken aback by her hostile tone you told her, "Excuse me?"
"You heard me. That part is mine ! You have absolutely no chance against me. Look at you and look at me, there is no second thought about it. If I were you, I would leave now before it gets embarrassing for you", she finally showed her true face. A couple of years ago, comments like that would leave you down for days, weeks even but today you weren't the same. You accepted yourself entirely and if the others didn't then it was to bad for them. You swallowed hard before replying with a firm tone, "We'll see." Your confidence caught her off-guard and when she was about to respond to you with another sneaky comment, footsteps were heard. "Hello ladies. Thank you for meeting me here in this beautiful environment."
"I figure that you got some time to get to know each other and figured out that you both auditioned for the same part." You both nodded. "After visioning your parts with the person behind the project, we decided to choose the one that sold it the best and caught our attention by her amazing performance." You heart was beating frantically, nervous at the outcome and even more, after Rebecca's behavior. "We decided to keep Y/N", he finally cut short to the suspense. Rebecca next to you gasped and gave you a look full of hatred, while you were trying to comprehend what was happening. "For real?", you stuttered in shock. Mr. Stewart chuckled and confirmed that they chose you. He turned to Rebecca, "I'm sorry Rebecca. Your audition was good but it wasn't enough. Still keep up and I'm sure we'll see each other sometime in the future." She fake smiled and thanked him before walking up to you and "congratulating you" with a hug. "Don't celebrate too soon. You will not see the last of me", she spat in your ear, a cold shiver running through your whole body. She smirked before leaving the place. You tried to collect yourself in front of the casting director while her voice filled with hatred resonated in your ears.  
You grabbed Mr Stewart's hand and shook it enthusiastically. "Thank you so much." He shook his head with a wide smile and replied, "You don't need to thank me. You did amazingly." You couldn't stop smiling, finally moving a little more forward with your carrier. You looked back at the landscape in front of you and couldn't stop your curiosity. "I don't want to overstep but do you live here? It's beautiful." You heard him chuckle and step beside you, his gaze also focused on the scenery. "No but I wish. It is indeed mesmerizing. It's funny that you ask though because we're going to shot a scene for the movie here." Your eyes lit up and you turned towards him. "Really?", to which he nodded. "That's amazing. I can't wait."
"Hmm, I have a feeling that what I'm about to reveal you next will leave you ecstatic." You heart began to beat faster at his announcement, the tension rising at each passing second. "Do you want to know?", he teased. "Yes of course." "Well, you're about to star in Marvel's next Avengers movie." You froze on the spot, eyes wide and mouth agape. "Oh God I think I lost her", he laughed. You cleared your throat and let out a nervous chuckle. "I'm sorry but did you just said Marvel, like in MARVEL??" He laughed even more at your question and confirmed. "Yes, Marvel like in Captain America, Iron Man and all the others. Let me tell you that Kevin and I believe that you will fit perfectly in the Universe and for the character you will portray. I'm really excited to see it."
"Wow, this is crazy. I…I don't know what to say. Thank you so much for this huge opportunity and I'm so excited, you have no idea. I love the Marvel Universe and this is like a dream come true." His bright smile matched yours and he patted your shoulder, congratulating you. "We know you're close with Aaron-Taylor Johnson and even if he was part of Marvel, we would appreciate if you wouldn't tell anyone about it. It's not official yet and I'm sure you can understand that confidentiality is the Studios priority number one." You nodded in understanding, "Of course, my lips will be sealed." "Perfect. Here let's talk further details while enjoying a fresh cocktail, what do you say?" You agreed and followed him inside. You both were served and began discussing about what your character was like, your schedule (beginning and end of the shooting) and everything regarding the production. " Am I really going to meet all of these great actors?", you mumbled more to yourself but the casting director heard it and chuckled slowly. "Yes you are", he commented. You bit your lip in order to stop the goofy grin that was about to escape and felt anticipation and excitement fill your bones. You were not only be part of an amazing journey but will meet a lot of actors that inspired you in pursuing an acting career. But what was really messing up with you was the fact that you would meet your all time celebrity crush, the one and only Chris Evans. From the moment you saw him in the movie 'Cellular' a couple of years ago, the man had your heart. Your face heat up and heart beat faster thinking about having him standing in front of you.
"Finally but not least, here's the script. Again secrecy at all costs." You nodded again, putting on your best professional face and replied, " Nothing will leak from me, you have my word." "Great…well I think that was all for me and I'll see you with the others at the first table read in 3 months. In the meantime, get over the script, embody the character's personality and follow the scheduled workout plan and everything will be fine." He stood up and you did the same. "I will and thank you again. As soon as I'm home I'll start right away." You shook his hand again and left the mansion, cheeks hurting from smiling the whole time. "Wow", you breathed out, your eyes tearing a little because of the overwhelming feeling that you were feeling. That was exactly why you choose acting, to embody a variety of characters, to change the game and being in Marvel as one of the first plus size female superheros, was a game changing in the industry. The pressure was high and you were willing to give everything you got to achieve and create something unique and refreshing.
The first thing you did as soon you arrived home was to take a shower and remove your makeup. After that, you went through your closet in order to see if you had something fitting for the fighting and rehearsal workouts. "Hmm, shit I have to hit the stores tomorrow", you spoke out loud.  Once you've got your things settled and a small meal ready, you grabbed a plate and sat on the couch with the script. You took a deep breath. Still not believing you auditioned for Marvel and actually got the part, you opened the first page. "Here we go".
Your heart was pumping like crazy once seeing all the names of your future co-workers. When your eyes landed on Elizabeth Olson you couldn't help the smile appear on your face, happy to know at least one person privately. You and Elizabeth had worked together alongside Aaron in the movie Godzilla. You had a small part but being best friend with Aaron, you got to hang out more often with Elizabeth than the others and became acquaintances. You put yourself into work and started by underlining all of your character's dialogue. After a good two hour, you realized that your character had a big part in the movie and felt excitement along fear creep up inside you. "Holy shit", you whispered shocked.  
Your character was supposed to be a new inhuman found by Sam Wilson. You were happy about it because in your opinion Anthony Mackie was underrated and needed more recognition as the Falcon. Thanks to your abilities, you could duplicate/triple your persona and it would come in handy during fights. "Awesome", you said. When you read that the character you would play had Steve Rogers as love interest, you almost chocked on your saliva. You giggled nervously and mumbled to yourself, "Ha how convenient. I have a crush on Evans and she on Rogers. Great." "Oh shit that means I will have scenes only with him", you continued once realizing what it meant. You face-palmed yourself and felt how your cheeks were burning. "Well this is going to be fun", you thought after finishing reading the entire script and deciding that it was time to go to bed.
2 Days Later
Today was your first day of the fighting rehearsals. Dressed with black sweatpants and a large t-shirt you looked around for the room indicated in your schedule. "Can I help you?", you heard a masculine voice speak up next to you. You lifted your head up and were struck by the man's handsome face. "Yes, I'm looking for Room 9, I'm supposed to meet the stunt coordinator in charge", you told him. "I was on my way there, follow me", he said with a smile. You walked next to him to the room. "I'm Mason by the way", he commented while presenting his hand to you. You took it and shook it a little to greet him, "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N." "Pleasure's all mine", he replied back. You were surprised by his kindness but didn't question any further. You finally arrived and joined the small group that was already gathered around. "You must be Y/N Y/LN/?", spoke up another man. You confirmed and he began, "Great, I'm John and the production's stunt coordinator. I will assign you your coach for the duration of your fighting program." You nodded and your body shivered lightly with excitement. He went through his list and finally called out, "Mason !"
You slowly gasped. 'Shit how am I suppose to focus', you thought once realizing that the hot and cute guy you met earlier would be your coach. He came up at you with a wide smile, "It seems that we'll see each other frequently." You chuckled and looked around you and saw that the coordinator had left you already. "Well I guess you're stuck with the big girl hein…sorry", you told him. You really had no idea why you were apologizing and immediately felt bad at yourself for being that stupid. 'Ok gotta step up your confidence game', you mentally mumbled and bit your lip in frustration. "It's absolutely no problem and you shouldn't apologize, you know. I'm happy they paired me with you, it's gonna be fun."
You smiled at him, mentally thanking him for being so cute and he motioned you to sit at the mattress at the corner of the room, isolating yourselves from the rest of the group. "Before we start, I just need to know a few things about you." You nodded and replied, "Yes of course, no problem." "Do you have any physical struggle or did you had a surgery that could impact the workout?" You shook your head and told him you didn't. "Are you comfortable with doing gymnastics or with highs?", he continued. He noticed your body tense. "I'll have to admit that I'm kinda afraid of highs", you chuckled and he joined you. "Alright, we'll have to work on that", he commented politely. "Concerning gymnastics, I'm also not a fan. But I understand that with a movie such as 'Avengers' there will be gym stunts/moves involved, so I will try to give my best."
"Can I ask you why you don't like it, if it's not too straightforward?", he asked more focused. You swallowed hardly and revealed, "When I was in high school, there was a moment where the teacher decided to do gymnastics and…god, it's so embarrassing. One of the basic moves was to do the forward roll but somehow I couldn't do it. I was petrified to do it. I was afraid to hurt myself and he kept pushing me but I just couldn't until the moment where I tried it and heard my neck crack and it scared the hell out of me. I began to cry but he wouldn't care and called me to join the rest of the class to do another move. So…yeah, I don't really appreciate gymnastics that much. It's stupid but when you're young and something like that happens it kinda stays with you."
He nodded and reached your hand, squeezing it a little. "Hey don't worry I won't force you into doing something that you're not comfortable with. I will create other cool moves for you. What I'm interested about, is that you mentioned you were 'afraid to hurt yourself'. Is that still the case?" You looked at him deeply in the eyes and clenched your teeth in order to not let your emotions take over. He didn't need to hear you say it out loud, he knew you still were. He stood up and you did the same. "Alright, let's start with some warm-up exercises." You nodded and the training began. An hour later, both of you decided to take a small break and you instantly launched on your bottle of water. "You should wear more fitting clothes", he exclaimed. "Excuse me?", you asked not really understanding why. He chuckled and took a gulp of his own bottle. "Your workout clothes. They're too large, it will bother you once we start rehearsing on the fighting choreography. You should invest in more tight fitting clothes and besides, it will help you to get comfortable for your suit later." "Oh…ok", was the only thing you managed to reply. He gave you that small smile again and declared, "Let's start with the funny business", before indicating you the stance you had to take in order to block out a potential enemy.
After a 4 hour training session, John the Marvel coordinator called it a day and you sighed in relief. You saw Mason quickly get his things. "Sorry that I'm in a rush like this but I have an important meeting", he defended himself while packing. You chuckled and replied, "Oh don't worry. You don't own me any explanation. It was nice meeting you and to have you as my coach. I'll see you tomorrow right?", you told him. "I'm glad too and yes, we'll see each other tomorrow." You nodded and wished him goodnight before exiting the room and walk back to your car. You rode home completely wrecked. You opened your apartment's door and passed your living room, the couch tempting you but decided to not succumb and immediately take a shower before falling asleep on it. You stood outside your shower, waiting for the temperature to get to your liking before stepping inside and let the water splash your sore and sweaty body. You hummed in contentment at the first wave on you and sat on the shower's floor, enjoying the peaceful moment. You reached out to the shampoo and squirted a fair amount of it on your hair, your nails massaging your skull perfectly. A smile popped on your face when you remembered the scene of the movie Easy A, in which Emma Stone was singing a song she initially hated in the shower. You washed off the shampoo and your body was next. You were washing the water off below your waist and felt your breath shorten once the pressured water hit your womanhood.
Not thinking more into it, you directed the shower head above your clit and let the pressure do the rest. You were slowly building up the tension by rolling your hips, immediately enjoying the relaxing feeling it provided you. Closing your eyes to focus on the pleasurable sensation, you moaned and spread your legs further. "Ahh fuck", your moans becoming louder with each of your thrusts. It took you a few more minutes before you were reaching your high, your head thrown back in ecstasy. You were a panting mess and breathed out a small 'Fuck' before laughing, still in the bliss of your orgasm. You got out of the shower, not bothering in drying your hair and put on a pair of panties before crashing down on your bed and falling asleep instantly, thrilled of the journey ahead of you.
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*montage made by me but images -> credit to owners*
PERMANENT TAG LIST : @arrowswithwifi @poetic-pixie @theshortegg @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @prettybubblesintheair @yafriendlyfangirl @marshmallow-witch @ms-cellanies @the-feckless-wonder @cfisher290 @thefangirltheycallviolet @river-fics @lilulo-12 @fanfictionrecommendations-com @spetzerfehn @angieptt @wayward-timetravel-collecter @ashley17jacobs @lokithedancingqueen @wildsoul1221 @introvertedsin @robertconradjr @francezka10 @titty-teetee
SERIES TAG LIST : @halee-bear @sanellv @alwaysenjoythelifeyoulive @teatimewithhiddles @mooniessuniverse
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