#for eg. if i see art piece that i really like and there's “no artist”
rayjeff · 5 months
Hey!! I just wanna say I LOVE your Hazbin art, especially your Alastor redesign I am in love with it!! Especially the granny glasses and the ponytail they're PERFECT ahsbsidbsj
Ik it says in your f&q that it's okay to use your art as a pfp with credit, so I am, but I just wanna make sure this is enough? Or if you'd rather I do something else too I don't wanna step on any toes lol
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Looking at him just brings me great joy I need you to know that, it's Wonderful
But yeah if you'd rather I do more/something else please let me know!! I know credit is really important to artists and I don't wanna screw it up
Awwww It's so sweet of you!! Thank you so much! My heart melts when i hear that someone looks at my art this way 🥺💖💖
AND OF COURSE!! I always appreciate any form of giving me credit! It's perfect the way it is! :]
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ive said this before but so much of what Retvrn Freaks glorify in early modern european art are just components inherent to the mediums being used at the time as opposed to like. an example of heightened skill that has been supposedly Lost in these degenerate times.... oil paint just looks like that. its very tonal and rich and even an artist with mediocre rendering skills will have their rendering skills improved by painting in oil. old oil paintings took years to complete not because the artists doing them were very skilled but because oil takes months to dry and they built up subtle washes over dried paint. tracing was also commonly utilized during that time period, and artists also often had small armies of apprentices who would do the hard work for them with no credit. these huge highly tonal oil paintings become significantly less impressive when you actually learn about their context.
#this isnt to like. diss or hate on oil painters or even all art made in europe during that time period#there are lots of great artists from that time period#but i also dont think that sort of art is more valuable than any other artistic movement#and i think posing these two very culturally european mediums as like the Pinnacle of art is stupid#another issue which isnt really to do with what im talking about here is like cultural ideals surrounding art...#if youre educated in a western tradition youre sort of encouraged to idolize realism and its associated artistic skills#eg: (anatomical accuracy - rendering skills - perspective)#and then favor mediums which lend better to those ideals. and then when you look at art from other cultural traditions#where the focus may have been on something different like color or symbol or narrative over realism you sort of see them as “lesser”#or theres the assumption that the artists who made those pieces were worse at art or unable to make highly realistic pieces#which is of course nonsense and also often racist (eg. colonizers in west africa assuming there must have been a greek colony#there because they found realistic statues and couldnt understand how people who currently made more stylized art could have made them)#but you even see this in popular assumption about european art pre-enlightenment too#like all those memes making fun of medieval manuscript faces. they drew like that because the narrative was more important than the realism#because the artists drawing them were basically illustrating bible stories#medium at hand also has a big hand to play here. art made for woodcut is gonna look different to art made for fabric#and oil paints arent uniquely european but they arent as widespread as clay or textile
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lost-wishing-official · 4 months
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“i’m tired of you being mean to yourself and pretending it’s to be kind to others. you just want to suffer.”
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what is lost☆wishing?
lost☆wishing is a fan-made unit set within the project sekai universe. it features four members who have come together to send a message through the medium of song. their music tends to have dark tones to it, and some notable artists you’ll see are kikuo, maretu, and such similar creators.
what is this account for?
this account is an ask blog! you can send asks to the group members or to one of the mods! it will help us over at the mod team curate and fine-tune the stories and characters, while it will hopefully pique the interest of a few of you!
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the members
hotaru kazuko [ 蛍和子 ] — she / it / neos
— the leader. 17. class 2-B at kamiyama high school.
kaixan [ カイズン ] — they / he / neos
— the vocalist. 17. takes online classes.
ono ryōko [ 小野涼子 ] — she / her
— the composer. 17. class 3-A at kamiyama high school.
shisōka kumo [ 思想家の雲 ] — he / they
— the lyricist. 18. class 2-B at kamiyama high school.
a group formed from the depths of despair. one picks up the shattered pieces of a former life, and the others follow behind to find their own meaning in their music.
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what can i ask?
you can ask almost anything! depending on the question and the character you ask, though, i can’t promise the answer will be entirely truthful. we do request that there are no asks that change a character (eg. magic anons), but that’s about our only rule! we delete asks if we feel uncomfortable answering them.
you can also send asks to the vocaloids! just as a note — miku in her lost☆wishing form is meant to have an uncanny valley feel, and may have unreality triggers. all will be tagged appropirately.
what will you post aside from asks?
we’ll post event information, art for the group, and maybe even some cards! you’ll have to stick around and see for yourself.
who are the mods?
i’m mod kanade, and i wrote this whole intro post (as well as doing the edits for the icon and banner). i’ll tag my posts with #☆ mod 🦋
my main blog is @orphic-execution! i talk a lot about kumo on there. i use they/him pronouns on this blog! i am the owner of kumo as an OC, so i’ll be answering any questions for him :3
— 🦋 —
i'm mod mona. my posts will be tagged with #☆ mod 💎.
i created ryoko ono and will be answering questions pertaining to her. i use all neopronouns as well at they/them and it/it's on this blog.
— 💎 —
Hello , Im Mod Yuki , They/Fae! , Main blog is @azuresystem
Creator of Lost Wishing Kaito and other side characters! , I'll mostly be answering questions about them!
Multi-Mod post will be signed off with ❄️
— ❄️ —
wei are mod s.c.! wei are not tagging individual headmates for comfort and because of our system structure, but wei are plural and are really grateful and excited to have the opportunity to be able to participate in a blog like this! wei will be using tone tags a lot for ourselves :3
our main blog is @softie-system! we talk a lot about activism and our fandoms on there. wei use any pronouns other than he or she collectively. wei created and thus will be answering questions for kaixan! (all /gen and /pos)
—🌈 —
i'm mod viridian. our character is kazuko hotaru and we will be answering all questions pertaining to her.
our main is @zephyrine-tale, and we use she/lyric pronouns.
— 🍃 —
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what’s your tagging system?
#☆ mod 🦋 — posts made or answered by mod kanade
#☆ mod 💎 — posts made or answered by mod mona
#☆ mod ❄️ — posts made or answered by mod yuki
#☆ mod 🌈 — posts made or answered by mod s.c.
#☆ mod 🍃 — posts made or answered by mod viridian
#speaking with [name] — asks related to that character
#lost☆wishing events — posts related to focus & group events for the unit
#lost☆wishing art — cards and general art for the unit
#cw [thing] — trigger tag
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have fun :3
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Something interesting as a sex-repulsed ace is that I'm much less repulsed when it's in an art gallery (found out today). Maybe it could be because it warned and said it had explicit art and adult themes - going in is consenting to it - and the experience of going to an art gallery is much more peaceful than being on the internet bombarded with sex - sex everywhere - sex joke - suggestive comment - the horniest shit imaginable - sex drawing, instead it's like you're free to look away instead of having it flung onto your dash, and you're free to look if you're comfortable. Instead of having the constant stream rushing at you that you have to slog through to find the content you're actually here for, you can just wander at your own pace, miss out anything if you need, see from afar before you get too close. The photo of 2 men doing a sexual act isn't swarming you, it's just a thing that's there. The S&M biker sexually whipping a man? Really good drawing, inking that makes me really want to try traditional (don't know whether it was traditional or digital but it was still really good inking). I guess it's like it just exists without the world and people going "HEY! SEX SEX SEX!! LOOK AT IT!!!" and you can look at it and then move on to more art (and get your heart broken by a moving piece about autism). I guess there's also something about how on the internet, art is limited to pixels, so it doesn't look as good as in real life (but there could also be something about how you go to different places/websites for different things (eg: I go on Tumblr wanting blorbo and fandom stuff, and I go on Instagram wanting art, appreciating it even when it's a fandom I don't care about)). It might also be because I'm in Artist Mode, not consumer mode, bodies are cool anatomy and collections of muscle, instead of "why is everyone so horny over this character when I just want normal stuff".
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fazedlight · 5 months
Fandom creators tag game
Thank you @waytooinvested and @fabulousglitch for the tag!
1. What sort of content do you create, and what is the thing you’ve made that you’re most proud of?
Proudest fic - There are a few I tend to choose from, but right now it's Even Though You're Kryptonian
Fanvid - My Rise vid
2. What fandom(s) do you create for?
Supercorp. (And a very tiny amount of Dansen and soon Rojarias.)
3. What is your current favourite ship (or brotp if you prefer), and how controversial is it?
Supercorp!! I don't think it's a controversial ship, lol.
4. For your answer to question 3, are they canon?
They are to me 😌
5. What was your first fandom, and how old were you?
My first obsession (and still greatest love) was Xena. I started watching the show a few episodes into season 1, when I was 6 years old. It was very formative.
That said, I didn't really get involved in any fandom communities until Supercorp (in early 2022).
6. What is your most unhinged fandom creation to date?
I don't think I get super unhinged, but as a pilot I did like creating this dumb incorrect quote.
7. Do you remember what started you off creating fandom content, and if so, what was it?
I was getting frustrated at not being able to find certain types of fics, and it struck me that... I was allowed to write my own.
8. Do you let people you know in real life see your fandom creations?
Yup! My partner read my first two fics in support, and several of my IRL friends have read at least one of my fics because I didn't have the good sense to keep that information to myself when I was getting started. It's mortifying lol. But my friends are very cool people.
9. How do you feel about fanworks of fanworks? Has anyone ever made something based on a thing you made?
Fanworks of fanworks are amazing!!! I've been incredibly lucky to have that happen three times (post), and gotten asked for permission for a different continuation and a podfic that may eventually happen.
10. What feeling do you most often try to evoke with your creations?
Angst. Longing. Bits of compassion too.
11. Has someone ever paid your work a compliment (in any form) that has stuck with you, and what was it?
I love each and every one of my commenters ❤️
Honestly, the compliments that stick with me most are "I came back to reread this" or "this idea is still living rent-free in my head" type comments. I think that's what all writers and artists want - to feel that their art lasted in someone's mind beyond the first time seeing it.
12. What’s your favourite thing someone else has made that you’ve seen in the last 24 hours (and link it if you can find it again!)
Technically it was more than 24hrs ago but this art by @awaitingrain is so fucking cute!!
13. Give a small sneak preview of something you’re working on right now (eg a couple of sentences of fic from a WIP, a gif set theme, a small piece of a larger picture, whatever you feel happy to share)
I have a ficlet (that's getting out of control), here's a snippet:
Lena was cozying into the warmth of Kara’s body, when Lena spoke. “I’m thinking of visiting my mother’s house soon,” she said shyly. “I want to find out more about her. Where I came from.”
“That sounds lovely,” Kara said softly.
“Do you want to come with me?” Lena asked.
Kara hesitated.
14. Have you ever seen/read anything made by the person who tagged you? If so, what was it and what was your favourite thing about it? (pick a favourite if there are several)
Both of them are on my reading list 👀
15. Do you leave comments on fandom works, and if so how would you describe your comment style?
Some of my comments are very simple, some of my comments are very long. I've tried to get more consistent about commenting ever since starting to write, because I know how important it is. Unfortunately, I also read a lot less now that I'm writing more.
16. How many works in progress do you currently have? Will you finish them all?
I have 5 WIPs! I'm very confident I'll finish them all.
17. what’s the longest it’s ever taken you to finish a fandom project?
I guess my worldkiller Kara fic took a bit over 3 months, though part of that was spacing with the Supercorp Big Bang.
I tend to write fast. One of the things I'm actually trying to do is slow down to fill out the story a bit more.
18. Describe the thing you made most recently in a way that is technically true, but also completely misleading. Link the thing if it’s published!
Lena has a bad day in the lab (Clockwork).
19. Do you ever engage with fanworks for a fandom you’re not in? Which one(s) and how did you get into it?
I totally engage in fanart from other fandoms that cross my dashboard, particularly korrasami. I don't tend to read fanfic of stuff I haven't engaged in, though.
20. Recommend a fan work from your fandom to your followers
This fanvid is probably my favorite in the entire fandom.
Suggested tag list, but there are no rules here, follow your heart.
A mutual you have never actually spoken to but think seems cool - oh there are so many of these!! I am tagging @mssirey who I don't think I've had a proper convo with yet
The most recent person whose content you engaged with (eg read a fic, reblogged art, whatever form you feel best fits) - @thealieninhiding (though by the time I finish this very long post it might be someone else lol)
Someone whose content you saw via tags/reblogs and you followed them because of it - @jadedloverart!
Someone in your fandom that you think makes cool things - @ekingston
Someone in a different fandom that you think makes cool things - tagging @thatonebirdwrites who makes korrasami stuff too
Someone you always tag on things like this - I'm not sure there's someone I always tag but I'll pick @nottawriter as one of the people I frequently tag when I do these things
Someone you have never tagged before - @rebellionbear have I tagged you before?? you are cool so I am tagging you!
Someone you would like to get to know better - @femslashhistorian
Someone who makes art you like - @awaitingrain along with others above!
Someone who writes fics you like - @luthordamnvers along with others above!
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bananonbinary · 1 year
the main argument I've heard made wrt the IP thing and AI art is that the AI can only ever combine works from other artists. it has no creative input other than combining works that already exist; which, personally, i would be fine with if it was just being trained on work in the public domain and work from people who consented to be included, but these bots are scraping art from literally everywhere on the web with *very* few opportunities to opt out. even a human artist that's heavily inspired by other creators adds something of their own to the mix, it's kind of impossible *not* to unless you're literally tracing someone else's design, but AI is using art taken from other creators And Nothing Else, which when combined with the fact you can ask it to produce art "in the style of X" gets a lot of artists very mad
that feels like a very esoteric complaint though. how does one measure "creative input," and why does the actual method it uses to create not count? if you can't actually point to a bit of AI art like "thats my OC it clearly lifted that from this painting i did" then it's clearly done SOMETHING transformative. what has it actually stolen? the knowledge that your work exists, somewhere?
as far as i understand it, the main practical reason for "intellectual property" to exist as a legal concept, is to prevent someone from harming someone else's livelihood or reputation by claiming the work as their own. parody and free use are allowed only so far as they are sufficiently different from the source work. but these AIs...don't claim credit for the source works. they don't reproduce the source works anywhere at all. and what they create IS pretty transformative, even if it's in a soulless robot kinda way. it can't really be considered to be "taking away" from sales etc of the original works that exist, because it doesn't actually look like any one of them at all. I think even if I, a human, DID create "here's a collage of tiny pieces of shit i found on deviantart" it would still be considered fair use, but the connection between anything in the data sets and the actual art the AIs produce is much, much more tenuous than that.
I think any way that it could hurt an artist that you could define would also just cover competing artists in general. Even if an AI created a picture of, say, a tree In The Style Of Artist (let's call them Phil), it still wouldn't ACTUALLY be the same as the tree Phil would draw, it would just kinda look similar. and anyone who wanted a tree by Phil would know that this wasn't one, and wasn't worth their time. Phil could draw their own tree, and still sell it, and the AI would only really compete with that among Phil fans if it actually tried to claim that its version WAS by Phil.
This is sort of my main hesitation for the IP argument. we here in fandom spaces exist in a grey area of intellectual property, where EVERYTHING is "in the style of" or "based on" existing properties. if we try to legislate those very conceptual qualities, instead of actual concrete "look this was literally my image it made i published it two years ago," then our spaces will cease to exist.
again, that's not to say there's zero valid complaints about AI art. i definitely see the problem with corporations trying to replace human labor with them because the humans wanted better working conditions. (this is a larger problem imo where any progress in the workplace is stagnated because it will inevitably be used as an excuse to fire people instead of give them less work). and a friend explained to me why it's fairly offensive at the very least to try and bring AI art into what was clearly a space to celebrate the process of making art (eg, contests, writers groups and websites, etc). i just don't think this specific argument is a good path to go down.
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genderfluiddipshit · 4 months
Introduction Post (should've done this when I joined lol)
ABOUT ME: Call me: Ceph, Malice/Mal or Hade, i don't really care (you can call me by my handle too!) Sign: Libra sun, cancer rising, cancer moon Bday: 10/11 (mm/yy) Sexuality/Gender: see this post More info: see my carrd!! link at the bottom :3 ~~~~~ I do commissions! If you'd like one, see the website at the bottom of this post or in my bio! Current open slots: 3/3 ~~~~~ DNI LIST/I WILL BLOCK U IF YOU ARE ANY OF THESE:
the basics (no homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, ableism, etc)
You are OLDER than 25 or YOUNGER than 15. (exceptions for people i know well and irl moots)
You support All/Blue Lives Matter.
You think mental illness is something to: Mock, make fun of, imitate, make a trend, or blame on medicine (eg vaccines cause autism)
You think pronouns are a trend/dumb ("pronouns in bio? cringe" my brother in christ they are essential to most languages)
You harass me over the Midnight situation. I will read your comments, possibly respond, and then block you.
a mix of sfw and nsfw (will always have community labels, i can create a tag for my stuffs if needed :3)
hyperfixation brainrot (Current brainrot is ULTRAKILL)
art (duh)
#hade's eye candy -> general art
#hade's special babies -> oc/cofront content
#hade's hot honey -> spicy art (by me)
A PIECE OF ADVICE: ~ If you plan to appreciate an artist's work, REBLOGS DO MORE THAN LIKES!!! Reblogs actually get shit out there, so while likes are appreciated, reblogs are just as valuable! (and easy, might I add)
I love being there for my friends and moots, so if you would like to suggest things to make my blog a safe space, tell me or ask me!
Commissions: https://hadescommissionconsole.carrd.co/ Personal Carrd: https://hadesspot.carrd.co/ Twitter (for speaking the truth) (the truth is dick) (tumblr dont like the truth): https://x.com/gndrfluiddipsht Satan Ultrakill RP Blog: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/sangria-glass ~~~~~ Crust Jacket (blinkies):
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yellowvixen · 1 year
Hi um so I have a small question you don't need to answer but do you have any advice for new artist
hello!! first of all thank you for asking me, it means a lot!! sorry for leaving this for a few days too, i wrote this all up and then forgot to post is djgjfhsg
so, this is probably annoying advice you've heard before but genuinely? practice!!! try to draw every day, even if it's just for a little bit. also, draw from life! even if your own style is more cartoony (or you want to start drawing cartoons), drawing from life helps develop your hand eye coordination and will help you actually draw what you see in your mind. if you have any art galleries or museums nearby, take a pad of paper and a pencil along and draw the paintings and statues. if you can't do that, hell even get a bowl of fruit and draw that! if you're really set on drawing people then take a selfie! a pic with your friends! it's not cheating to draw from photos, real people move around too much to draw sometimes lol. if you want to develop your own style, look around and see what you like about others! for use of practice, copying art can be fine as long as you don't claim it as your own and if you want to post is then ask permission
another useful thing is to watch process videos! that way you get to see exactly how other artists do what they do. eg how is the line art done- one quick stroke or many short strokes? pay attention to colours too, lighting and shading is weird! shadows aren't just black, one colour can look completely different depending on its surrounding colours and stuff like that.
if btw, i completely misunderstood and you're a new artist to tumblr, not a new artist in general (although if you're asking here, you might be both), my advice for that is to tag your art properly! timings don't really matter (if you're really pressed you can schedule your posts- i do that lol) but tags allow other people to find your art! make sure your tags are relevant: the piece of media, the characters, the ship name if applicable. don't tag characters that aren't in the drawing! other good tags to include are stuff like "art", "artists on tumblr", "fanart" etc. it's also a good idea to have your own art tag, this can be as simple as "my art" (it won't get mixed up with other people using that tag, as searching on your own blog won't include posts on other's blogs) or something more specific like mine which is "vixenart" lol
i hope this will be even a little bit helpful for you :] but remember i am just one person with my opinions! you don't need to follow my advice at all, it's just from my own experience and what has helped me over the years, everyone's different!
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wyrtig · 1 year
(same anon as before) No prob, I'll just post what I wanted to talk about here.
I'm trying to write a fic with KvZ as the focus and you depict him so well with your art, I kinda want to ask for your opinion on him and Genshin and their relationship (huge GnKnt shipper here) just to get a different perspective and more depth into what you think of them. I love how you portray them both and I'd appreciate hearing what you think.
Also as an amateur artist, if you could give me any art tips about drawing like you do, especially with all the symbolism and metaphors, I'd really appreciate it.
That's all, thanks, and sorry if I bothered you!
Thank you! But you give me too much credit. I’ve mostly just drawn variations of the two standing in the dark [gestures to img below]. Admittedly, I haven’t thought too deeply about their relationship beyond Klimt’s mental decline (and how that affected the people around him) and their final duel. But if it’s anything, I view them both as impulsive and emotional. I don’t really have a solid opinion on the matter of their marital status. Sorry, I just enjoy seeing guys who are doomed by the narrative be self destructive and tear their lives apart 🤷‍♂️
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As for art tips— I don’t know how experienced you are, but regardless of skill level, you should have a good grasp on the fundamentals (eg: values, proportion, perspective, line quality, etc.). Once you have a handle on the basics, drawing from life, doing master copies, photo studies, etc. helps further develop and hone your skills.
I don’t have any good resources explaining things, but search around; there's plenty of free art learning resources online. I’ve heard good things about Proko on youtube. It's also good to look at artists of different styles, mediums, and eras. That way, you can learn from analysing their techniques and you can develop a style of your own.
A small word of advice— if you're still a beginner, don't get too caught up on the details and on complex techniques. Those things will come in due time (or if you want to push yourself, but I don't really recommend force. you should enjoy creating art). Beautifully rendered art with unintentional poor proportions and composition sticks out like a sore thumb (unless you don't mind, then you do you).
Explaining my creative process is tough since most of it just kind of happens, so I’m sorry if this comes out incomprehensible. For me, when it comes to symbolism, it’s basically analysing the character and what situation you want them in and honing in on specific ideas. Let’s use these pieces for example:
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Kazuma has an association with snakes because his family crest represents snake eyes. Here, I’m using the snake to symbolise his hatred, which stems from his father's death. On the left, he wields it. He's seemingly calm and under control. The snake is ready to strike. To the right, his hatred spirals and nearly consumes him. It's the demon inside him 🤓
Besides the obvious of what happens in their story, some things you can draw from is how a character presents themselves, perspectives, occupation, hobbies, personal effects, cultural/religious/societal/etc. background, conflicts, era/location, etc. But other than that, symbolism can be incorporated in smaller, subtler ways, like the way someone holds a bottle, how an article of clothing is worn, and the like. Watching movies/tv, reading comics, and other media helps. Pay attention to how the director/author frames and lights things 👍
(side note: karuma is a recurring symbol in tgaac)
Not sure if anything I wrote here is of help, but yeah
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Guess who came into existence on this fine day! Thisssss girlllll! I’m 10 out of 10 baby! 
But no in all seriousness you guys, while technically birthday’s are supposed to be about the b-day person. This year I just can’t do that, so. 
@socksandbuttons my bestie, my dear, thank you for sticking by me for so many years. Guys she met me when I was 17, I’m 22 now. That’s so hard to believe, Thank you for standing by me Alex, throughout the years. Thank you for being one of my rocks through Covid. Honestly if I didn’t have you egging me on with art and story ideas I have no idea where I be right now. (Hugs) Honestly guys I would not be as good of an artist or writer if I did not have her. Thank you for letting me join you in your journey with making the UnderRem Au. It’s been a honor to laugh, cry, yell, celebrate and vent to each other. And just honestly being one of my best friends, despite how strange and weird I can be....Thank you, I love you Alex. 
@midnight-the-goth-artist girly, girly! Thank you for bringing me so much fun, and imagination into my life, and giving me a opportunity to add to your world. Honestly when someone younger comes to me and ask for guidance, or friendship I do not take that lightly. Thank you for letting me be a character mentor for you even if it is in a fictional world. You are so sweet, and every piece of art you bestow upon me I cherish. Your such a sweetheart and are so talented I can’t wait to watch you grow even more. (Hugs) 
Now for my new people! 
@silvercaptain24, I know we’re just getting to know each other a bit better, but thank you so much for your support. You’re one of the first people who commented on my fanfic, which gave me the motivation I needed! You’re so talented and I can see you’re going to go far! You’re doing amazing! 
@socialc1imb YOU! You’re on this list because I still can not thank you enough for the Drunken Sailor Fanart! It is still my screensaver, and also I wanna thank you for willing listen to my rambles. Either in your ask or in your post tags. I love twawb’s au and thank you for seeing some ideas I share as good idea’s. You’re really cool and talented, and its such a honor to be in the fandom with you. 
@squigglywindy​ my beloved (HUGS) Thank you for just looking at me and going. “You like Wind?’” “Yes? You like Wind?” “Yes...Cool We’re friends now!” “Okay?” New friends, but still friends, also thank you for making me feel included. Honestly both you and Silver have. I’ve always struggled making friends. In real life, and online. It’s been pretty hard for me to find my place in the fandom, and among mutuals, but you made it so much easier so thank you! 
And finally to the rest of my Hurricane family, and my fellow Mutuals and Friends. Thank you for sticking by me and supporting me! For my old follower you know how I started and how I’ve grown and I hope I make this year another year for you to keep watching. 
I love you in the way, a online creator with respectable boundaries should. 
God bless you, 
2000/Toon ❤️
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qeyond · 1 year
Blog is 18+
Note this is a side blog so if you ever get a reply from some weirdo named @sucktacular, it's just me lol.
My art: #q art
Personal posts/rambles: #qeyond sucks
Music related head-canons: #q music
(archived Ko-Fi info below, currently not drawing but will let yall know when I get back into it <3)
For a limited time, if you send a min. $5 (usd) or $20+ (usd) donation I will draw you any Death Note related prompt you'd like! More info under the cut.
Min. $5 donation:
1-2 char max
Max waist length
Clean lines
Black & white lines
Chibi or non-chibi (artists choice)
$20+ donation:
1-3 char max
Max full body
Clean lines
Shading and/or coloring
Your choice of line colors (b&w, gradient, or flat color)
Your choice of chibi or non-chibi
NO: Visual NSFW (unsure? no harm in asking!), backgrounds.
YES: Gore/blood/death/killing, weed, clothed butts, text-based nsfw (eg. character says something saucy to another)
If you're unsure, there's no harm at all in asking!
Include note with donation of prompt you'd like OR send here (Tumblr) with kofi info.
MUST be Death Note related (original series, LABB, A-Kira, musical, drama, movies, fic-based, etc.) Please note I have NOT seen the musical/drama yet so more detail in those prompts will help me bring it to life!
$20+ prompts: I will allow Wammy House OC's! You gotta give me visual ref or lots of written details tho lol. Links are welcome.
Min. $5 prompts vary in quality.
Everyone gets a bounding box (square/rectangle background)
If I really like your prompt I might make it a full body, allow more characters, color/shade, or add backgrounds/detailed items!
I'm very bias of course so prompts with Beyond Birthday or B + Naomi Misora may get those extra details I mentioned.
May try new techniques with prompts, but basic style will be the same.
Note that I say "shading and/or coloring" cuz I actually like to shade more than color even tho it takes longer, so just keep that in mind for whatever it's worth lol.
Finished pieces will be posted here and I'll tag you if you include your Tumblr handle.
You're more than welcome to use finished art as a profile picture or banner on Tumblr or other sites, just please include credit back to me.
Please DO NOT repost my art. I may be lenient on this rule, especially if it was YOUR paid prompt, but please ask before hand. I have Twitter and Instagram, but I'm not as active. Feel free to ask me to upload if I haven't already so you can share on those sites. :3
Please DO NOT edit or filter my art. :( If you wanna color my line art feel free to ask!
You CAN reference my art/concepts for fanfics or your own art, but please DO NOT trace. :( You obviously don't need to credit me for using concepts, that's up to you, but I'd always love to see what you made! :D
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glassedplanets · 2 years
Tumblr media
template source!
jan | feb | mar | apr | may | jun | july | aug | sep | oct | nov | dec
this year i read a ton of art books, so i'll drop a big list + reflections under the cut:
i'll split these up into art books and instructional books, though there are a few that did a bit of both.
art books:
the art of heikala
the art of loish
beautiful scenes from a fantasy world
mysterious scenes from a parallel world
a sky longing for memories: the art of makoto shinkai
expedition sketchbook
windows to worlds: the art of devin elle kurtz
reverie: the art of sybilline meynet
the man who leapt through film
instructional books:
framed perspective vol. 1 & 2 by marcos mateu-mestre
master the art of speed painting
sketching from the imagination
sketching from the imagination: characters
sketching from the imagination: storytelling
beyond art fundamentals
figure drawing for artists
that's actually more than i thought, lmao. standouts for me were a sky longing for memories, windows to worlds, master the art of speed painting, and figure drawing for artists -- each of these offered some really valuable insight for me and helped me think about something in a different way. i got all these via library and at this point i'm worried that i've exhausted the catalogs of every library i have access to :/
i've only ever taken one art class in my life and it wasn't a really great experience, plus i'm not great at teaching myself things, so finally reaching for instructional books about art this year felt like a big leap and i'm glad that i took it. i also watched some of the drawclass VODs that are up on youtube and started looking for resources like studies and sketches from artists i like. idk, i guess it's kind of been about demystifying the process for me. there's a lot of stuff i've been doing the long way round for years and years or not doing at all because i didn't know that you were "allowed" to take a shortcut, or that it was even possible (eg. foliage brushes).
this year was pretty wobbly in terms of how happy i was with the art i made and how much of it i made, particularly bc Life Happened in august and just has not stopped, and i know that i felt really bad and unhappy with art for a big chunk of the year -- but now that i'm past that, i can see that i've improved a lot in a lot of the ways in which i've been wanting to improve. you know what's nuts? i only started actively drawing backgrounds for every piece last year. now i can't imagine not doing something for a background.
i think i also gnawed through a lot of... idk, shame? inadequacy? some yucky feeling i had about tagging my art for tumblr search. i think it's partially that we're all back on this hell site and i just don't care about showing my ass anymore. whatever. y'all either get to see my fucking anime Poasting or unfollow/mute/block/whatever, i don't really give a shit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the art goals i set for myself at the start of the year were to try making a short comic more than once, which i did! twice, actually, though i didn't post one of them. that's ok. i don't remember if this was a goal, but i submitted art to a digital zine this year too! i need to check if i can post it yet actually... lmao. and i joined a fandom event as an artist, which i'm really excited for. i haven't done a fandom event since 2013 and i've never done one as an artist.
my art goals for 2023 are to do thumbnails for most of the big pieces that i draw, and to draw people interacting physically with each other when i draw 2+ in one piece. that'll be tough since i honestly enjoy the subtlety of Two Guys Standing Next To Each Other but it's an area i want to improve in.
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ectonurites · 3 years
How come do you think Bruno Redondo avoids a lot of the criticism that Taylor gets, when he could realistically be blamed for a decent amount of it as well (the Batgirl suit, the meme sight gags, how Babs is drawn in general)?
Taylor's writing is a mess, but at this point they're basically a linked creative team. Is it because his art is that good, or do you think it's mainly because Taylor is bad at twitter?
I mean when the new Batgirl design dropped in particular I definitely did see people sending criticism towards both of them for it. That’s kinda been the one incident where I actively saw that.
I think in general it’s because we tend to assume that writers have a lot more control over the base ideas that get put in a comic. The artist obviously contributes, comics are a collaborative thing, but since we’re not there behind the scenes to see how certain decisions come to be… I think we all just tend to associate the final calls and decision making with the writer.
And honestly, I think we tend to do this because DC often promotes things by writer more than by artist. Which is something many artists will rightfully criticize! Like, hell, when they announced the new Riddler: Year One comic on twitter the other day, it wasn’t until 5 hours after the initial tweet (after backlash) that they even listed who was doing the art… despite making the announcement with a piece of the art. So I really do think this tendency many of us have to blame the writer first is like… something that’s been in ways curated by how DC talks about and promotes it’s own content.
Then I do also think Taylor’s behavior on social media specifically plays a role here, because even other writers also writing Babs who get criticism… don’t get into the same kind of interactions Taylor does because they don’t end up engaging and egging it on the same way. The way Taylor responds to stuff exacerbates the situation, and puts more attention on him.
Also since… we’re discussing this sort of thing anyways, frankly I think the people most overlooked here that should also be held responsible for things we dislike? Editorial! They have a lot of impact in the whole process! And like while I do know who the editor on Nightwing is because I personally keep on top of those things… I’d be willing to bet most people keeping up with the book couldn’t name who the editor is off the top of their head the way they can name Taylor and Redondo.
Taylor being annoying on social media makes him an easy person to throw all the blame on, but I do definitely think there’s multiple people who should be brought up when criticizing a comic because these books are collaborative works.
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tutuandscoot · 3 years
Ok so I know I’m a few days late on the 4CC stuff (i only just finished watching) but I need to say this:
Green/Parsons are doing what PC have been trying to do for the last 7 years.
Keep reading for a (hopefully I’ll keep this brief) explanation.
Side note: this is coming from the POV of a dancer that trained in high level and fulltime ballet for 15 years) danced professionally for 3 years in ballet companies, Had a contemporary production choreographed around me in my final year of school by an ex QB (Queensland ballet) and SDC (Sydney dance company) dancer/ choreographer, was accepted into the NDT (Nederlands dans theatre) [the most prestigious contemporary dance company in the world] affiliate school in The Hague, and the first production I did under my paid contract with WAB (West Australian ballet) I was the principal dancer in a piece choreographed on me by an NDT dancer and choreographer-which had never happened in the WAB company’s 60+ year history- a freshman getting a principal role. I say NONE OF THIS to brag- I say it as someone who has worked and trained in the industry that is now taking a hold in ice dance so I just say it to back up my point with facts from the work I know, (also, I am completely in agreement that art is subjective, there is no ‘right’ and ‘wrong’).
Firstly: the RD.
(I hate Janet Jackson) but this has the same class and presentation level that VM’s Prince had. It flowed the whole way through, it had a distinct style, very musical, interesting choreography. I didn’t see the distinction between the dancing and the skating. Their performance level needs to develop, I feel they would have a bit of trouble captivating an entire arena, but that will grow.
Ok but really we are here to talk about the FD.
I was planning on writing an oped sort of thing titled: ‘The Problem with PC’ (not as people, just their impact on ID) But I feel I will end up writing most of what I wanted to say in that post here. But I’ll do it in a way that compares to a current ID team, and also inevitably bring VM into the conversation too.
Gr/Pa’s FD:
Flattering costumes.
Stunning music- not overused and actually went somewhere. Similar to the RD. They had a style, or more specifically a ‘motif’ and built around it. It flowed, they used rise and fall in the music to make highlights- not just skating on one level the whole time. They were not over expressing the music with their faces. They expressed through movement (which for fucks sake is what dance is) They actually DANCED not just skated and waved their arms around. They didn’t do what they think or have seen dancers do an put it on ice, they took the essence, the inspiration of dance and put it on ice. They were doing ‘the thing’ everyone says pc do (but they do not do well or cohesively) which is just be two dancers existing in space, intertwining with one another. With pc it’s like they are skating two different programs, they might be doing the same steps and physically take up a similar space, but you in no way feel they are truely connected to the same moment in time. Commentators have said that the music PC choose and the way they ‘perform’ it really carries an audience. I don’t feel that way. The music they choose (eg, MS, to build a home) is moving music on its own. (And also not to mention has been sooooo over used that for a dancer watching it is not gonna be artistically comparable to anything else seen to those pieces of music). In Gr/Pa you don’t see the skating and dancing as two separate activities. In PC all I see is skating. Which bothers me because they are the highest scoring team in the world in a sport called ICE DANCE. I don’t feel like PC are good dancers, I feel their skating coordination doesn’t translate to dance. This is where VM excelled- skating requires different coordination to floor dancing- and u could see it when we saw VM dance off ice, but they were able to seamlessly blend dance with skating. I have never viewed PC as Ice dancers, truly just watered down pairs skaters. Especially coz they cry boo hoo when the set rhythm is announced (16/17 we’re afraid the try hip hop so they went with swing which they didn’t even do that well. and 17/18 “I can’t roll my hips on ice poor me”) Dance is about expressing emotion through movement. It’s not about picking some chello/ piano music in a minor key, putting on and angsty face for 4 mins and throwing your self at your partner. Gr/Pa appeared as two equal entities, not appearing to be different genders even -that wasn’t necessary to the story- they moved equally and in complementary motions, with equal performance quality.
What pc want to be is contemporary dancers on ice. That’s it. They don’t want to be well rounded and truly fulfill the requirements and true tradition of the sport.
What pc have brought to ice dance (which would not have been possible without the likes of VM’s ‘Valse Triste’, ‘The Great Gig in the Sky’, and to an extent Mahler- these thin, lean themes that do not exist as a mechanism for the audience, but for the skaters to immerse themselves in) is a style and theme taken straight out of the high level competitive dance world, which started around 2011/12. It is like all things. A phase. A concept/style that became popular in dance. Now ice dance, and in both fields has been rewarded because it appears ‘modern’ and ‘forward thinking’.
One of the things I admire most about VM is they were trend setters who never set a trend. That’s what will make them stand out years from now. No one could copy their style even if they wanted to, both because they never let themselves settle, and were so unique in their approach to the sport and art they could never be replicated. All we see now are 15 pc teams in one competition.
Essentially, from my experience in dance, I know exactly what pc have tried to do. But it’s not coming off how they think it is. It’s in a similar way to how I hate when teams try to do legit ballet steps in ice skates. It doesn’t work. You can’t just pick similar music to dancers, where similar costumes, and put on (what you think) is a similar expression and go out there and call yourselves ‘innovative’. And it’s not coming off as genuine.
Pc ushered in this “style” and the community around ID and the overriding bodies have determined it to be ‘the only winning style’ everyone will (has) start doing it to be in medal contention. But what was once a ‘pc’s style’ is now an almost everyone thing.. and there’s going to be teams that will (and have) come along, during their rein even, that do it a lot better. Because they have a better understanding, respect for dance as an art, respect for their sport and are more talented than pc. They are just the only ones who can’t see it.
Gr/Pa are clearly a team that are understanding the memo. Good luck to them.
I’m done for now. Congrats if you got this far.
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sledgefuweek · 3 years
Each year we take a close look at the prompts for Sledgefu Week, for those who may be stuck for ideas or not quite sure about what the prompts could entail. Below the readmore are all seven prompts, as well as a short write-up exploring what they mean and some ideas to help get the creative juices going. Enjoy!!
This is a really popular and well-known fanfic trope that I feel probably needs little explanation, but I’ll write a little bit about it anyway! It essentially covers fic where one character is ill and the other cares for them -- it could encompass any kind of illness at all, (including chronic illnesses) and there’s a lot of room to get creative with it. You can go for angst, hurt/comfort, or fluff: it’s just a really good general prompt that I think works nicely to kick the week off!
It suits for Sledgefu pretty well, considering Snafu’s canon mild hypochondria, as well as the fact that Eugene’s dad is a doctor. It could be fun to lean into it: make Eugene play doctor for an actually-sick Snafu, and it could be just as fun to subvert it! There’s really endless options for canon fic: shrapnel wounds turned bad, heat-sickness, seasickness, illness from bad food or bad water or any kind of tropical disease you can think of (malaria is a big one!). You could make one of them (or both) a medic; you could genderswap them and write the gay field nurse fic this fandom sorely needs. And of course if you choose to branch out into modern AU you can begin to think of what might afflict them outside of a war setting: has Eugene been working too much and come down with a cold? Are they hungover, and need mutual care (and lots of takeout)? A lot of the time sickfic focuses on one character doing the comforting and the other character feeling unwell, but there’s nothing to say they can’t both be feeling shitty! I think we say this every year but there’s really no rules at all, you do whatever you feel inspired to do. With Sickfic, just be mindful to tag anything that others might be affected by eg. vomiting, blood, needles, etc.
I feel like Tarot is pretty well-known to the Sledgefu fandom, or at least to those who like to write Snafu or his family a little witchy. In case you just have a vague idea of what Tarot actually is and what its purpose or origins are, I’ll explain it as concisely as I can! Tarot decks started life in Europe as playing cards, but eventually began to be used for divination. It’s made up of four suits, or the Minor Arcana, (Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles) as well as a twenty-two card Major Arcana (the imagery of which you’re probably very familiar with). Commonly, tarot decks and tarot reading is used as a means of communicating with the higher self, deities, or with the universe. They can be used as a way to see the future, answer questions, or to give/receive advice. There are different ways of reading them too, depending on how one lays out the cards: I don’t want to make this too wordy, but if you’re curious I encourage you to check out this site to learn more!
For writers, there’s a lot of places this prompt could take you! Probably the most obvious will be fortune teller fic; a classic. Lean into Snafu’s Louisiana roots and have him telling fortunes in the depths of the French Quarter, or go against the grain and have Eugene reading cards and palms and tea leaves as a practice passed down through his family. Or maybe more casual: modern AU Sledgefu flirting through amateur tarot readings with a deck picked up from a junk shop. If you read Tarot and have a connection to it, you can express that through writing! It’s a pretty open-ended prompt, especially if you consider some of the meanings of the cards; you could even write a story inspired by that! The Hermit: Snafu withdrawing, leaving Eugene on the train to spend the next few months in solitude, working through things. The Moon: Snafu and Eugene hitting a rough patch, hiding things from each other. The opportunities really become endless once you start taking the readings of the cards into account! And for visual artists, this must be such a fun prompt: I feel like it’s so a visually rich, whether you’re re-drawing the cards to encompass Snafu and Eugene within them, or making a collage based around some of the things mentioned above: fortune tellers shops, witches cottages, etc.
Every Sledgefu Week we tend to have a couple prompts that are a little more open to interpretation, and this year’s ‘Trinket’ is one of those. It might be difficult to try and think of something to base a whole fic or piece of art around, but we really encourage you to let your imagination run wild! There’s already some great trinkets in the show itself: Eugene’s ring, the lighter that Gunny Haney gave him, Snafu’s stolen gold teeth, or their dog tags. Think of small, special objects that you might have: what imbues them with comfort or meaning? What makes you love them? You could have Eugene giving Snafu his ring, or have Eugene musing over war and death and loss while smoking a cigarette lit by his lighter. If you’re into Modern AUs, how could these objects carry through to modern day? Once you start thinking about it, the ideas start rolling in. Feel free to invent special trinkets for them: or maybe trinkets that they hate and want to get rid of, trinkets that remind them of bad times. Trinkets that remind them of each other, or family, or war. So much meaning can be held in the things we own, and I think it’s such a lovely concept to explore!
So this prompt was born from the sheer number of suggestions we had for various movie, TV, and book AUs. We didn’t want to put them all to the poll and risk a lot of you feeling disappointed over the one you wanted not being selected, so thought it’d work best to condense them into a ‘Crossover’ prompt so everyone could do whatever they liked. So this is a very very broad one! It would be impossible for me to really go through the prompt and highlight some things that you could do for it, because you can really do anything you want to! Anything! It encompasses movies, video games, TV, books, musicals... if something tells a story, you can do a crossover. So if there’s ever been a film/book/etc. AU you wanted to do for Sledgefu Week but couldn’t quite get it to match the prompts, now is the time!
A pretty self explanatory prompt, and one that I think can appeal to people who prefer canonverse and those who like modern AU too! Do you want to send Snafu and Eugene on the holiday of their dreams, or are they gonna be bickering in a gas station over who gets control of the map? Is Snafu gonna drive across a couple states to surprise Eugene by visiting? Is Eugene gonna do the same? There’s a lot of scenarios you can apply to the backdrop of them vacationing, and a lot of emotional journeys you can take them through! And for the canonverse crowd, you have the extra addition of letting them go have fun on an R&R, or taking a road trip post-war, visiting 1950s Paris... you can really do whatever you like!
This was another prompt like ‘Crossover’ that came from a lot of various suggestions that all boiled down to a similar thing: different historical events or periods. So like Crossover, I won’t linger too long on it (this post is long enough already) except just to say again: do whatever you’re inspired to do! There’s no rules here, you could even take everyone out of the Pacific and put them over in Germany: give them a different experience of war. In fact, you can do that with any war if you wanted to! Wanna do a M*A*S*H AU but made something else for Crossover? You could do it here! Want to put them in the 1920s? You got it. In the 1850s? Yeehaw, they’re cowboys now. 1969, Summer of Love? 1600s, make Snafu a prince? Literally the world is your oyster!
Past Sledgefu Week prompts have included things that could come under the horror umbrella (Supernatural, for example) but didn’t necessarily have to be made 'horrific’. For the ‘Horror’ prompt this year, we want to see frightening! Disquieting, uncomfortable; creations that either cross over with existing horror franchises, or lean on horrific things you come up with yourself. Horror movies, or TV shows, or books or podcasts or pieces of art all seek to elicit a sense of fear: this can be done by tapping into common phobias, or nightmares, those things which are universally and almost instinctively scary. We want to see things which lean into that, in whatever way you want to do it! 
I’m no horror media expert (not by a long shot) but the opportunities for this prompt are really vast simply because horror has so many subgenres to work with. You could go gothic horror; Dracula, Frankenstein, Wuthering Heights (a personal favourite AU -- Eugene soaked out on the moors, searching for Heathcliff-Snafu? Divine). Or you could go to the opposite end of the spectrum: Jennifer’s Body AU, Final Girl AU -- there’s no set way to do horror, in fact you could even bring horror into canonverse if you don’t like AUs. Think the Terror: some unknown beast lurking beyond the borders of their camp on Pavuvu, or Okinawa. Or you could even take the prompt entirely literally and explore the horrors of war and the toll it takes on them both. Please don’t feel stuck into needing to do Scary: horror is about fear and revulsion and dread, and these feelings don’t necessarily need to come from a haunting! (This is also a prompt ripe for monsterfucking, just FYI).
                                                - - - - - - - - - -
So that’s the prompts for this year! They’re all really really great, and have a lot of potential to make some fantastic stuff :~) And to reiterate something I said right at the start, there are no rules here! I think every year we normally get at least one person unsure whether their idea will be okay for the prompt they’d like to make it for, so I just wanna say here: don’t second-guess yourself! As long as it can be linked back to the prompt in some way or another (can literally be the vaguest way possible) you’ll be absolutely fine. We don’t vet submissions at all, especially not for their content relating to the prompts. All we ask is that you remember to stay respectful in what you’re writing, and when the time comes to post it, you tag and warn appropriately :~)
On the subject of writing respectfully, we’d like to just take a moment to link the document on mindful writing re: race and gender that was made last year. Please take a look at it, even if you read it last year! It’s always good to keep these things at the front of your mind, as fandom is a community sport and we want to keep it fun and safe for everyone involved! So thank you if you’ve made it this far through this whole post, check out the doc, and enjoy the rest of the run-up to Sledgefu Week!
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collisiondiscourse · 3 years
Hi!! I wanna compliment artists’s work more specifically than just going oh wow that looks awesome!! But I don’t know what to say? Do you think you could scribble down some key things artists would like pointed out in their art and to be complimented on? (Eg. Lineart? Background detail?) Thank u!!! ^x^
hello!! sorry for answering this ask so late dear!
honestly, you can compliment artists in any way as long as its genuine imo? if you mean like in depth compliments/criticism, i guess its easy to just summarize it into these questions:
what do you notice first?
what do you love most?
what does it make you feel?
Art in and of itself is a very varied thing. I cant really say what criteria there is to judge art by, but i guess the things you mentioned above like lineart and background detail are all applicable! If you notice the way the color pops, compliment the vibrant colors. if you notice the way light bounces off of skin in the drawing, compliment the lighting! same thing goes for stuff like composition and anatomy, etc etc.
Every artist almost always has a certain thing about their style that makes them fundamentally different from other people!
As an artist though, I think the biggest compliments to me are less 'practical' or technical and more of how it makes you feel as a person.
Usually, when people make art, they make it for a purpose. They make it in order to make the audience feel or think a certain way. Even shitpost-y slice of life comics are meant to make you feel comfortable or like you can relate to it. When I post art, usually I love to hear about how it makes people feel.
Art, in part, is about emotions. Artists 'succeed' when they are able to impart those emotions to the viewer. When you see an artist who makes a beautiful and extravagant piece of a person on the edge of a building for example--perhaps they'd want to hear about how it makes you feel thrilled or in suspense. Same thing goes for other emotions like melancholy, or surprise, or shock, or anger, or even thirstiness.
The feeling of your art being able to evoke such strong emotions in a person... honestly there's no more satisfying or toe-curling feeling out there imo.
Hope this answered your ask!
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