#Thanks again <3
tangledinink · 5 months
Will Swannie miss his wings? He’s been like that for about a year now, he probably gotten use to the wings and the pain in his calves/legs…would Donnie get like….phantom pain or something because of the missing wings? Would he in some way try to get them back or have a reminder of them? Will Donnie even try or want to dance again?
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donnie doesn't usually dance on pointe anymore-- it was a rare occasion pre-curse, and now post, the physical demand is typically too much for him to handle. but when your little brother knows levitation magic, anything is possible for a special occasion.
generally speaking, though?
there's no way he's ever gonna want to stop dancing.
[ swanatello ] [ prev ] [ fin! ]
and... that's it! that's the end!
... well, the end of the main storyline, anyway! the end of the story for swannie that i wanted to tell. the au will still be around! <3 swanatello has pretty much always been built on the asks i've received about it, and i still have more tucked away in my hoard that i intend to get to at some point or another as little bonus side stories, and my askbox is always open as well...! and on that note--
thank y'all so, so much for your support on this magickal girl journey. i NEVER expected to get the amount of love or attention that i did for my silly little donniesona that was based on a pun, but i had so much fun with this comic and am so grateful to y'all <3 like i said, this entire au was really powered by the amount of asks i received about him and his story, and it was really such a fantastic experience for me all around. not including any non-canon crossover content, this comic is approximately 965 pages long! definitely wasn't my plan when i doodled him for the first time as a goof, haha.
thanks, gang. <3 i hope you enjoyed the ride, too.
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hellsite-proteins · 1 month
hi everyone! i know this isn't the kind of post you followed me for, but i am starting to Overthink Things, and i was hoping i have a big enough following that i could crowdsource some answers.
i'm looking into masters programs, and part of what i am stuck on is where i want to go. i'm canadian, and i have lived in the same big city my whole life (which i love), but i am also considering other parts of the country.
my more specific concern that i would really appreciate some help with is about what the vibe is like as far as trans acceptance? where i live isn't perfect, but its pretty good and i'm really lucky to be here! i know moving to a new city would already be very overwhelming, and i don't want this to be another added complication.
if anyone has insights about a particular city or school i would greatly appreciate it <33 thanks so much in advance, and more peptonominations will be posted again soon!!
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heartfullofleeches · 7 months
Mr devil, I just wanna say thank you for all the weird requests me (and other anons) have put you through, and I really hope that you’re okay and doing well. It’s okay to feel like shit, and if you feel like you need help then it’s always okay to ask for it. I’m not saying to get some help I’m just saying that we love you 🫶
I appreciate it, chief. My brain is mush but I'm starting to do more things to improve. Writing is one of the biggest outlets I have for the things I go through and having people actually like the thing I put out into the worlds helps too. I don't know where I'd be without these silly bastards in my head and I can't thank you guys enough for loving them as well <3
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Commission done for @ego-osbourne of their character, Caspian! This was so fun to do, I missed rendering extreme red liquids <3
Thank you for commissioning me!
Like my work? Check out my kofi!
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artharakka · 1 year
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🌙🌷 Commission for @maddieide 🌼🌕
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the-sun-and-the-sea · 1 month
a compliment: mia you are such a sweet doll!! you’re seriously so supportive and i’m so grateful for it! silly fact that i know i’ve already shared, but you were basically a celebrity to me before we became friends!! i remember telling my friend ‘omg THE odesta blog followed me!’ <3
Omg Lily I love you thank you for this sweet message <3 also I’m honored to have been like a celebrity in your mind haha
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Self-rec time! What are your favorite five fics that you've written and why? After replying to this ask, feel free pass on to five other writers to spread the love. 💗
Thank you for the ask, Sally <3 Here are five of my fics. I dug deep for some of them.
Jester (1180 words, T, Maedhros & Maglor, Maedhros & Fingon, implied Maedhros/Fingon)
A five-year-old fic! One of the few older fics of mine that I can still reread. Maedhros and two conversations he has in the aftermath of the death of two kings.
Your Name (709 words, T, Maedhros & Fingon)
Began as a stand alone and can still be read as such, though technically it's the first fic in a series, which is still unfinished. A little angsty, twisty thing.
Bitter (2310 words, G, Maedhros & Fingon)
Three meals Maedhros and Fingon share. It's not a bitter fic.
Monomachy (1147 words, M, Maedhros/Fingon, Character Death)
This one's pretty consistently among my favorite fics of mine. What can I say? I love it when they kill each other.
Where the Shadows Are (8158 words, M, Maedhros/Fingon, Fingon & Gil-galad, Cirdan & Gil-galad, Elrond & Gil-Galad)
Maedhros and Fingon love each other and make each other unhappy. Gil-galad origin story.
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tacticalgrandma · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤️
Thank you so, so much!! Going to try to hit five different fandoms here too:
BG3 - To The Red
This was my first time writing Orin and my first time writing an OC, and I had a lot of fun with both. I got to set up the main dynamic and arc I wanted for Dread, and get in some of my wish fulfillment for Orin.
2. Destiny - Impossibilities
I love the back-from-the-dead knight/would-unmake-the-world-for-you-but-still-commitmentphobic wizard parallels with O14 and Marasjur, and I love writing Mara being stupid neurotic. Also a commenter pegged me as aro/ace from how I wrote the ending and that makes me so happy.
3. FE3H - Fences
Claude/Yuri makes so much sense and I'm so sad they have like, one in canon interaction. Also got to work in my hc for why Claude gives Dimitri Failnaught, but not Edelgard.
4. Arcane - Paint the Lily
My first meljayvik fic and what linked me up with the other Melvengers... love you all we ride this fall. Also always love spoiling my selfless-and-has-trouble-asking-for-help faves.
5. Apex Legends - If Not for Me
I am completely out of the loop on Apex and the Valklobalore love triangle was already a mess even before I tuned out, but I wrote this at the start of it all and the one thing I remember liking from that plot was Wraith and Anita's friendship. I think she and Valk would get along well too and wishing them all some cogent writing and/or polyamory in the future.
I'm not sure who all has been tagged in this already but: @talesandfluff @siyurikspakvariisis @black-rose4 @mitobites @patron-saints - have at it if you're in the mood!
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schtroumpf-a-lunettes · 2 months
8, 10, 13? :3c
Thanks for da ask ^_^
8. Now for the platonic side, what are your favorite friendships?
I'm not too sure... I like approaching canon less on an individualised ship or friendship basis and more of like... a zoomed out view of overall cohesion/sociology of the village or individual smurfs (focusing more on the individual smurfs themselves as opposed to the dynamics that exist between them and other smurfs). If that makes sense. I like the idea of Smurfette & Vanity friendship. I love the one-sided friendship that Sassette extends to Gargamel so much too it gets to me...
The thing about the smurfs (and a big cushy comfortable appeal of it) is that there's just a general sense of camaraderie among everyone which is really sweet and nice. They have a lot of good will amongst each other so they'd all consider themselves friends with everyone else, so I like thinking of them in those equalised bonds kind of sense and don't focus on the unique nature of different bonds a whole lot. Like obviously there are kind of established duos like Handy and Hefty and stuff like that but yeah. And obviously there isn't a sense of automatic "camaraderie" ALL of the time... obviously there's hostility and disagreements and fights sometimes. But the status quo is always skewered towards friendliness. And some smurfs are obviously less popular than others (lol) but you get what I mean... there's still (supposed to be) some sense of friendship extended nonetheless.
So yeah not much of a substantial answer more just me talking about my specific approach. not to say that I don't think about the nature of some of the specific friendships sometimes of course! But off the top of my head I can't automatically pinpoint favourite friendships.
10. If you were a smurf, what do you think your name would be?
HAHA okay so back in my DeviantART days I did make a smurfsona called Bookbinder Smurf/Bookbinderette (the latter formation SMH AAA but I was like. 14. okay guys. Also the whole -ette thing was so extremely common back then). I am well and truly not much of a self-insert person it's just not a concept I really do or one that appeals to me much, though I support my self-insert-ing friends 100% in their endeavours and love seeing the stuff they come up with. BUT. Making sonas was just so commonplace/"expected" back in the deviantart era so I was influenced by that at the time. And also, there were a bunch of people who made sonas to selfship with Brainy which I personally was not interested in doing, so I thought it would be a nice change of pace to have a sona who isn't shipped with Brainy but is just like. his assistant or whatever. dbsdhsdjds aaaaaa. The name "Bookbinder Smurf" is because they would like... help take care of Brainy's books because it's extremely common for his books to incur damage in the show. So this sona would like help "fix up" the books and protect them and stuff (even though I have no actual bookbinding skills irl LOL). And I thought it was a bit funny/interesting to have Brainy the self-appointed assistant have a self-appointed assistant of his own. He'd like the veneer of Officiality that would give him for sure.
(An IRL friend of mine like lightheartedly bullied me about Bookbinder Smurf omgggg and this was like. years and years later when I'd forgotten about the sona and then my friend found it and just. omg)
As for the present day, I really got no idea! It's just something I haven't really thought about at all. My place in relation to canon remains, as is often the case, comfortably outside of it! XD All power to self-inserters though again like I said. I really love seeing the stuff a lot of my friends come up with. But yeah it's just not my general personal approach, really.
13. What are your lore/worldbuilding headcanons?
Yesss this is something I really enjoy, looking at the smurfs as a Species, a Society, their history and how did they get here etc etc! So, I published an incomplete draft of a fic a while back, The Law of Murphy, which I still intend to return to and improve/finish when I can, that starts getting into some of this stuff. But it's important to note that I was very much inspired by other content/fics that exist out there. Well, I have one specific fic in mind - the one called "Brainy's Glasses" which does its own worldbuilding/explanations about smurfs and their history which really inspired me, but I still kind of sought to adjust to something different for my own thoughts/ideas.
One idea proposed by the fic Brainy's Glasses (for anyone reading this, if you're not aware, this fic was NOT written by me lol but I love it) which I thought was really cool was the notion that Baby Smurf's magical abilities are actually the default state for all smurf babies to exist in... The idea is, there was a time where baby smurfs would just... land in the forest at random; there was no designated village for them to land in - so the new baby smurfs would need to fend for themselves and would mostly grow up solitary, so they would have a lot of magic when being a vulnerable baby in order to protect themselves from danger, and then that magic would fade as they got older as they learned new/different skills in order to protect themselves and survive.
(The fic had an explanation for why this didn't happen for all the smurfs in the village to not have had that magic growing up btw, it all tied together neatly enough. And also gave a backstory for Brainy's poor eyesight too - hence the fic title "Brainy's Glasses"! I recommend anyone reading this to check out that fic if they're curious enough, it's a good read ^_^)
Now, there are pros and cons to a headcanon like that - if you use it outside of the context of that specific fic, then like... you'd still have to "explain" why e.g. all of the smurfs didn't have Baby's abilities when they were young, since they don't seem to have (if you want to be canon compliant). And it also detracts from the notion that Baby is Special(TM). And I like to believe that Baby just happens to be a really really Special Guy for any number of possible reasons. So it's a fun headcanon to consider but yeah I don't necessarily "adopt" it for the canon itself.
But let's look at another headcanon that "Brainy's Glasses" story gifted me with - the notion that smurfs, back in a time when they were mainly solitary creatures that grew up fending for themselves, generally just had the name "Smurf" because if they weren't in contact/communication with other smurfs, there was no real need to distinguish.
I took that notion and modified it for the story draft of The Law of Murphy. So here are some possible headcanons/ideas about smurf society/history that I (began/want to) explore in that fic:
Smurfs used to live collectively in a village historically, just like in the "present day" of the show canon. But they were a lot more "closed off" from the outside world and insular back then, and more suspicious/"hostile" to outsiders/places outside the village compared to the "present day" canon.
Every single smurf used to uniformly be called "Smurf". No modifiers. Everyone would be treated interchangeably - they still recognise each other to like, be individual beings, but that individuality simply isn't deemed important to them or matter a whole lot. Everyone's just called "Smurf" because that's all they really like, need to get by with. Also, everyone dresses identically - no outfit modifiers. Uniformity. Except for the village leader who does wear a different colour akin to present-day canon.
Over time, modifiers to names would get very slowly introduced... but it still wouldn't be a smurf's official name. So instead of "hey, Smurf, come help me with this" it might become "hey, happy Smurf, come help me with this" (where "happy" does not denote a name or an expected default/standard state of being, but rather, merely the present state of being - a smurf who just happens to be cheerful and be in a good mood at that present moment). This would kind of be necessary, because if everyone is called Smurf, if you were to only say "Hey Smurf, can you help me with this?" every smurf in hearing distance may think you were talking about them. If you instead say "Hey, Smurf in a particularly good mood, can you help me with this?" or "Hey, Smurf holding a hammer right now, can you help me with this?" then only that specific smurf knows to respond.
This would evolve into a kind of pseudo-name... like... "happy Smurf" might become a smurf's default point of reference if they are in a good mood often enough to get referred to in that way. Still not an official name, they still might get referred to in different ways, or as just "Smurf" but nonetheless.
This would just keep becoming more commonplace until official names become the norm, like in the cartoon
All of this is inspired by comics lore and how things kinda work(ed) in the comics, with the comics having been in a later transition stage to having regular names, but still seemingly in an "earlier" stage compared to 80s cartoon lore in terms of their approach to names vs "basic way to distinguish one smurf from another, but not necessarily an official Name per se" (language obviously place a role here too I think, just the structure of French in the comics vs English in the 80s cartoon)
Same thing with outfits. Everyone (except Papa) dressed the same in the beginning of the smurf comics, but that changed over time. (Even Brainy didn't have his iconic glasses at first). So yeah, this was me taking inspiration from smurf comics and applying it to like headcanons for smurf history for the show.
Additional worldbuilding/lore headcanons/thoughts:
I've spoken about this before on this blog, but: Smurfs used to have absolutely no concept of gender whatsoever. When they had some interaction with humans, the humans assumed the smurfs were all male and gendered them with he/him accordingly etc. Smurfs, still without any concept of gender, weren't even aware of how they were being perceived/gendered, having a concept they didn't have applied to them by outsiders, so they couldn't exactly "correct" the humans if they never realised the misconception in the first place.
They accept (and adopt) he/him pronouns as default (and from their perspective, genderless) as influenced by the humans. So when they interact with other humans in future, they will readily use he/him, but both parties having a different understanding - smurfs still have no concept of what gender is despite use of the pronouns, while humans' assumption that they have a concept of gender and are all male is reinforced by the smurfs' use of he/him pronouns among themselves.
Over time, smurfs and smurf society comes to be slightly more influenced by outsider humans, and learns about (and adopts) the human concept of gender. Because they have all been using he/him for so long at this point, and the humans have been gendering them all as male for so long, they simply naturalise/"assume" the notion that they are all male. (I know pronouns are not gendered and not necessarily a marker of gender - anyone of any gender can use any pronoun - but the correlation of "he/him" with "male" is a driving force behind the naturalisation of "maleness" in smurf society, because of human influence/perception).
By the time of the 80s cartoon shows' generation, human concepts of gender have been very naturalised/adopted.
Smurfs used to use smurflanguage a lot more heavily. This is influenced (somewhat) by comic canon and such too - smurfs can talk in a way that's not understood by humans (they just conveniently don't most of the time because the human readers of the comic/watchers of the show need to be able to understand them lol). So I'm gonna assume in the Past when there was less influence from humans their language was a lot more heavy on the use of "smurf"! And they lost it quite a bit over time.
There's more that I like to think about, and am still trying to figure out, but I did write quite a lot already, so... :3.
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perfectday1972 · 5 months
tagged by @stopmakingsensse, thanks angel!
shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and list the first 10 songs that play, then tag 10 people.
nothing matters by the last dinner party
fool by adrianne lenker
coffee by chappell roan
faithless love by linda ronstadt
cardinal by kasey musgraves
spaghettii by beyoncé
so sick of dreaming by maggie rogers
symptom of life by willow
you're supposed to be feeling good by emmylou harris
right back to it by waxahatchee & mj lenderman
tagging: @emergingghost / @herediteary / @sarabyfleetwoodmacmp3 / @leoaries / @hotelgalifornia / @truetaurus / @orangesmybeloved / @melolontha / @theemilkdud / @watchingthecredits
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l3viat8an · 4 months
Just wanted to say I love your posts and I'm glad your back :]
(I'm excited to have more material on the boys to simp over)
Awhwhdjs thank you so much <333 I’m so happy to be back ‘n have a bit more free time to work on posts again!!!
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rayjeff · 5 months
Hey!! I just wanna say I LOVE your Hazbin art, especially your Alastor redesign I am in love with it!! Especially the granny glasses and the ponytail they're PERFECT ahsbsidbsj
Ik it says in your f&q that it's okay to use your art as a pfp with credit, so I am, but I just wanna make sure this is enough? Or if you'd rather I do something else too I don't wanna step on any toes lol
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Looking at him just brings me great joy I need you to know that, it's Wonderful
But yeah if you'd rather I do more/something else please let me know!! I know credit is really important to artists and I don't wanna screw it up
Awwww It's so sweet of you!! Thank you so much! My heart melts when i hear that someone looks at my art this way 🥺💖💖
AND OF COURSE!! I always appreciate any form of giving me credit! It's perfect the way it is! :]
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may12324 · 1 year
hi!!! I wanted to let you know that i got my order a few days ago and when i opened it i GASPED they are so stunning in person and i'm so happy!!!!!! I love your work, you are so talented and I can't wait to get some more prints when your shop is open again!! <3 (also is there any place i can leave a product review since your website won't be open for a while?)
thank you! That makes me so happy they arrived safe and that they are being enjoyed <3 <3 <3
I only have my store open for the month- so when it's no open the website is simply dormant. So there isn't anywhere concrete you can leave a review, but I appreciative nonetheless <3
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steveseddie · 1 month
striking out for wip weekend? 👀
hiiii sorry for the delay but i guess this is technically still wip weekend just- a different weekend lmao
thank you for sending this <3
here’s the snippet
Eddie snorts. “Our dear King Steve doesn’t need a sandwich,” he argues, propping his chin in his hand, his lips pursed as he thinks. “What he needs is a stroke to his ego.”
Robin narrows her eyes at him. “That better not be code for something gross, Munson.”
“Dude, no-” He squeaks, blushing at the implication of Eddie stroking Steve in any way. “I just mean he needs to ask someone out and have them say yes.”
wip weekend
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crazy-minded-girl · 8 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers 💛💛💛
Hey!! Thanks for the ask my beloved mutual 🥰🥰🥰
My cat. She may be annoying some times, but I love her to death 🐈😻
2. Coffee. I love my coffe a little too much actually ☕
3. My friends. I love when I meet up with them and we have a blast every time 💕💕
4. Music 🎶🎶 If I could listen to music 24/7/365 without any interruptions, I would. Eveything's better when you're blasting your favorite music
5. Anything related to the Käärijä and Joker Out fandom. I love and apppreciate the community we've created here, and even though I don't really talk to people here, I love all of you 🫶
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the-sun-and-the-sea · 2 months
A fact about your favorite of the D4 victors series!
Hi thanks for the ask!
This is kind of about two fics but it’s one fact haha. So in Before the Storm Callie says she can’t bring herself to make cookies yet because it feels like a waste of time and resources, and she’s not used to doing anything just because she wants to (hello Career indoctrination). When we meet her in The Tour after Annie wins, she is making cookies and offers annie some. So yay for Callie!
I don’t really have a favorite fic in the series but I think Callie is my favorite oc victor, I love exploring her thoughts!
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