#for forgiveness for thinking youre okay
bhaalbabebardlock · 4 months
Me to my friend: I love Astarion so much but durgetash is my roman empire. They will be the death of me 🫣
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soosoosoup · 1 month
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Funk branch au
Au and branch design by @bbc-trolls
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shwarmii · 9 months
i just heard one of my favorite youtubers say this meme out loud in a video and the pronounciation FLOORED ME so now i gotta know:
poll is just "which way do you say it"; tags is "which way is right", assuming your answer to "which way is right" is different to "which way do you say it". or i guess tags are also for uhhhhhh if your answer is complicated and if you wanna explain, if you have a diff way of pronouncing (pls tell meeeee), or whatever else you want, im not your parents, idk
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novakiart · 9 months
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spinneret fun! 🕷️ written by me & nevi
the rest under cut:
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front-facing-pokemon · 11 months
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sarcastic--knight · 7 months
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wearily-confused · 3 months
i wish it was acceptable to ask to dtr friendships
like are we treating this as bfs or acquaintances or talks casually every other month or every day gm and gn or what
like please tell me what amount of energy and care you are willing to reciprocate without pingponging between loving me and not even giving a fuck if i die, just stop with all this hot and cold bs
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rohirric-hunter · 4 months
I'm actually very worried about that questline we don't speak of in the Angle because LotRO is usually so good about faithfully adapting Tolkien's obscure lore that it would be reasonable for someone to play through it and assume that it is also a faithful adaptation of some obscure lore. I mean some people might be clued in by how horrible it is as a quest, but taken at face value it could easily just be a bad story about some perfectly reasonable lore.
I feel like it should have a disclaimer before you accept it, that it alleges things that are straight up false. And also is going to make you feel really gross to play through, but technically that's a different complaint.
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thegreatyin · 4 months
been thinking about star wars a weird amount today so i must clarify for the new folks in the crowd. i am a fan of it against my will. i inherited it like a familial curse. my mom is really really really into it and i grew up with it and KOTOR was the first game i ever played and i would be nowhere near as into it otherwise. star trek is a far more natural interest of mine than i feel star wars ever will be. still love it to bits though
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toytulini · 1 month
saw fanart yesterday that i was ehh on
but it brought me to the conclusion that, if shrek was a lesbian, if shrek was a woman, i think she would be exactly the same as canon movie shrek, actually, and in fact. to the point, she would be so indistinguishable, that i can no longer be convinced that canon movie shrek isnt a he/him lesbian, and im excited to rewatch all the movies through the lens of percieving shrek this way. i think it will be based. excited.
#toy txt post#okay i think this post is sufficiently distanced from dunking on the fanart so i dont have to banish it to the drafts#have you no love in your heart for bald lesbian shrek?#smh turning him into a lesbian should not be that scene in shrek the third where they pluck his brows and put him in a wig#disclainer the fanartist is in their rights to draw whatever they want to draw yadda yadda i know#i simply think the fanartist is wrong ♡ also weird to choose to draw a scene with human fiona. instead of ogre fiona#idk i think i was approaching in slightly worse faith last night when i first saw it and im feeling more forgiving now.#maybe theyve drawn other scenes with ogre fiona and thats just the one that made it on my dash. idk#i did scroll through the shrek the third tag specifically looking for the scene where they dress him and fiona up#and saw the far more unforgivable sin of an edit of shrek with defined abs. far more haunting. no shrek of any gender would ever have abs#fuck i dont even think the human version of shrek that was specifically supposed to he conventionally attractive had fucking abs#i was also being unfair last night in the group chat scoffing at this persons taste in human fiona like why would you not draw like#the badass warrior fiona she was so cool. but thats unfair of me. ppl find beauty everywhere#but also really no ogre fiona? when like a big theme throughout the series is accepting her ogreself as she is and that shes still#beautiful like that?#....im gonna try to find that fanartist and block them so they dont see this post tho i dont want them to feel bad vdjsjdvjsgigdgri#which is why im making a post on my own blog the next day and not interacting with their post
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queenlucythevaliant · 5 months
🪆would love one featuring Russian thoughts on God! ✝️
SO. I could have sworn that I've posted "Avvakum in Pustozyorsk" on this blog before, but I can't seem to find it so here it is.
(For context, this is written in the voice of a 17th century Russian Orthodox priest and religious dissident (an "Old Believer"). Avvakum was sent to the military outpost of Pustozyorsk where he was imprisoned four fourteen years, then eventually burned at the stake. It uses this historical voice to reflect on the religious persecution of the Soviet era. Also, it's fairly long, so I've highlighted my favorite stanzas.)
Avvakum in Pustozyorsk The walls of my church are the ribs round my heart; it seems life and I are soon bound to part. My cross now rises, traced with two fingers. In Pustozyorsk it blazes; its blaze will linger. I’m glorified everywhere, vilified, branded; I have already become the stuff of legend: I was, people say, full of anger and spite; I suffered, I died for the ancient rite. But this popular verdict is ugly nonsense; I hear and reject the implied censure. A rite is nothing – neither wrong nor right; a rite is a trifle in God’s sight. But they attacked our faith and the ways of the past, in all we’d learned as children, and taken to heart. In their holy garments, in their grand hats, with a cold crucifix in their cold hands, in thrall to a terror clutching their souls, they drag us to jails and herd us to scaffolds. We don’t debate doctrine, of books and their age; we don’t debate virtues of fetters and chains. Our dispute is of freedom, and the right to breathe – about our Lord’s will to bind as he please. The healers of souls chastised our bodies; while they schemed and plotted, we ran to the forests. Despite their decrees, we hurled our words out of the lion’s mouth and into the world. We called for vengeance against their sins along with the Lord; we sang poems and hymns. The words of the Lord were claps of thunder. The Church endures; it will never go under. And I, unyielding, reading the Psalter, was brought to the gates of the Andronikov Monastery. I was young; I endured every pain: hunger, beatings, interrogations. A winged angel shut the eyes of the guard, brought me cabbage soup and a hunk of bread. I crossed the threshold – and I walked free. Embracing my exile, I walked to the East. I held services by the Amur River, where I barely survived the winds and blizzards. They branded my cheeks with brands of frost; by a mountain stream they tore out my nostrils. But the path to the Lord goes from jail to jail; the path to the Lord never changes. And all too few, since Jesus’s days, have proved able to bear God’s all-seeing gaze. Nastasia, Nastasia, do not despair; true joy often wears a garment of tears. Whatever temptations may beat in your heart, whatever torments may rip you apart, walk on in peace through a thousand troubles and fear not the snake that bites at your ankles – though not from Eden has this snake crawled; it is an envoy of evil from Satan’s world. Here, birdsong is unknown; here one learns patience and the wisdom of stone. I have seen no colour except lingonberry in fourteen years spent as a prisoner. But this is not madness, nor a waking dream; it is my soul’s fortress, its will and freedom. And now they are leading me far away and in fetters; my yoke is easy, my burden grows lighter. My track is swept clean dusted with silver; I’m climbing to heaven on wings of fire. Through cold and hunger, through grief and fear, towards God, like a dove, I rise from the pyre. O far-away Russia – I give you my vow to return from the sky, forgiving my foes. May I be reviled, and burned at the stake; may my ashes be cast on the mountain wind. There is no fate sweeter, no better end, than to knock, as ash, at the human heart.
--Varlam Shalamov
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tastycitrus · 2 months
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was anyone going to tell me there was a postgame for ranking up to tamer legend where you fight against julia and glare from dawn/dusk or was i just supposed to find out a year after i beat the main game from someone else's screenshot and suffer through a whole lot of grinding and farm quests to get there
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simcardiac-arrested · 10 months
as a russian who doesn't talk to russian people online what the shit is happening there hello
look man i myself have put in the effort to Not talk to online russians for like (checks hand) 7 or so years (of course i’ve met some really great ones but this isn’t about them and they probably know it) but i’m sure the community didn’t change much. actually from the glimpses i see it seems to have gotten worse. don’t even get me startedddddd man
#Like okay first we have the misogynist dudebros. not a category exclusive to online russians but#there are so many it’s fucking crazy. homophobic to hell and back and Will hate on you for no reason#alpha male type mfs who hate women but will still harass them because of course they will#the second category of course is weird unironic fujoshis who are also usually proshippers#and they are either 12 (forgivable) or 25 and the thing is you can NEVER tell. But it’s kind of fucked how#acceptable it is to just straight up fetishize gay men (hell probably not only them) in online russian communities#and listen to me. the secret third category is that there is no third category. Both of these categories are racist#deer was right i have never seen a community more racist or xenophobic than fucking online russians#you draw a character one shade darker than their usual skintone and suddenly you got annoying as fuck russians in your comments going#BRO BURNT IN THE SUNNN 🤣🤣🤣 ENGLISH FANDOM LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE !!! <- in recent times they have taken to blaming the english fandom for#‘wokefying’ their sacred online russian spaces. Of course we can only be woke enough to fetishize gay men. god forbid black people exist#now the actual third category is the online russian tеrf/radfеm community. it seems recent to me but also as i said i have not really#interacted with russian comminity as a whole for a long while. But yea anyways they’re crazy i dont think i have to explain this one#but they’re somehow more evil and miserable than the ones you’re used to#another recent one is the russian twitterians … i’ve only seen glimpses of them as well as i dont use twitter#but you will not believe the shit these mfs try to pull. They try to get you to stop swearing at all bc they find a way to make every#russian swear word offensive. AND they speak fucking … englussian. rusglish. Half of their sentences are just english words written in#russian letters. all the same buzzwords english speaking twitter users like to say!#if you’ve never seen a russian talk about feminization or gatekeeping or being woke or yadda yadda. Well i have#it’s bad. they’re just very very terminally online#and don’t worry the last two categories will also always be racist/xenophobic even if the last one tries to seem Progressive#don’t know if i missed anytning but those are just the Specific Types of annoying asf online russians that i have noticed and have been#observing from a safe distance like a scientist#my point is keep not talking to russian people#cramswering#edit: I FORGOT BUT DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON HOW ONLINE RUSSIANS TREAT TRANS PEOPLE#YOU CANNOT IMAGINE THE WAY THEY REACT TO TRANS HEADCANONS IT’S LIKE THE END OF THE WORLD TO THEM. OR TRANS CHARACTERS#OR GOD FORBID ACTUAL REAL LIFE TRANS PEOPLE. it’s actually quite incredible how bigoted online russians are
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villainsidestep · 2 months
#< i Can confirm cyrus would actually say “im sorry” but the “i didnt know it was you” is implied (@sidesteppostinghours)
🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 thank u cyrus for saying sorry
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devilishdelights · 6 months
could not be mc because if i heard a voice speaking to me i’d just think it’s on me and my brain. like oh no i’m hallucinating voices again haha, makes sense since i’m in this stressful insane situation :)
and then at some other point when it does become unbearable and i realize it’s NOT me id just ask to move to purgatory hall. (would ask diavolo directly and give my reasoning as to why because lucifer is a dickhead and would say no simply because he can)
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lastparty · 1 year
okay sleep after this but idk kendall the night before weaponised connor being neglected and roman being hit against logan, those being the most prescient forms of abuse and the easiest to reach for and he can say he is protecting his siblings. and now he is the one who tells their dying father 'i love you i can't forgive you' and it is about the things logan did to them all, but including and especially him. his whole life shaped by his father and more recently he has been trying to convince himself he doesn't need his father's approval but wanting to hurt him still. i love you i can't forgive you. none of them are free because the trauma is in their blood now, it shows in their immediate and subsequent responses to the death, the ship returns to land the plane returns to land things move on. it's just grief + relief + guilt over the death a dead old man who would have never asked for your forgiveness anyway but now. well. i love you i can't forgive you. but it's okay.
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