#for her reiner is more than just a love interest
keischreiber · 6 months
Talking to @levi-ackerman-ds about how Kristina would be absolutely horrified the first time she sees Zeke being milked of his Spinal Fluid.
It's not enough that Marley is using children and the Eldians for their stupid war; she has to suffer seeing the first Eldian friend she made go through this spinal fluid extraction just so that the Eldians can be weaponized.
Leaves a bitter taste in her mouth that she can't do anything about it. Well, not right now at least. Not alone.
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jjkeremika · 10 months
AoT men confess their love for you
i.e., how i think they’d tell you they love you
reader x Eren, Jean, Armin, Reiner, Porco, Erwin, Levi, Zeke, Bertoldt
*unspecified gender reader*
Eren - blurts it out during sex and you can’t convince me otherwise
You and Eren weren’t really dating, per se… more like… hooking up behind your best friend’s back. The fact that Mikasa was his sister and your best friend was enough to keep both your urges at bay for a few months, but when she left for summer camp and he stayed behind, leaving just you two to keep each other company… well… things took on a life of their own.
So for the whole summer you and Eren gallivanted around the districts over, going on unlabelled dates and hiding from those (Armin, Jean) who just might tell Mikasa about the tryst, because maybe telling her was just too fast or too complicated for the easy and noncommittal situationship.
Which felt like exactly that… until you were bouncing on his cock in the back of his car, his mouth attached to your neck and your fingers curled in his hair. He thrusted upwards, evoking a loud moan from you, when Eren suddenly blurted out, “I think I love you,” with a hearty breath, his hips never stuttering as he kept the motion, his mouth compensating for the words by pressing to your neck.
Maybe it was time to call your best friend.
Jean - it slips out and he tries to deflect it but you already knew
You met Jean during volunteer community service, where you and the awkwardly-tall brunette would leisurely walk around the districts and collect litter. The first day everyone was set off in pairs, you two randomly assigned to wander the same district, and you both actively decided to group together every time after that.
Your conversations were rarely of any importance, mostly letting it serve as either a way to pass time or to express feelings and opinions about people the other doesn't know. At first, he talked an awfully lot about some woman who you weren't sure from his stories if she even knew he existed. Over the months of service together, he stopped bringing her up and started talking about this other person of interest instead.
His cheeks and ears turned bright pink whenever you'd ask about how he met this person, usually providing some vague and nondeterministic answer that honestly left you more confused than before. Some stuttered-out answers and a few too-similar-to-your-own interests later, you had a deep suspicion and debated how to delve it out of him.
It wasn't very hard. One week before the holiday break you two were wandering around, discussing future plans with friends and family for the upcoming holiday. "Are you excited for the break?" you asked, nudging his side with your elbow. "Huh?" he responded curiously, "Oh, I... Yeah, I guess." You snorted in response, "Sounds like it. C'mon, the holiday is a time for being with your love ones! Isn't that exciting?"
"But I only see them not on break, during volunteerin--" It was almost like he'd forgotten who he was speaking to, and his entire face erupted in various shades of pinks and reds, maybe even a light purple from the lack of breathing. He was internally kicking himself, berating himself for being so loose and stupid around you, for always struggling to think around you. He was oblivious to the smile on your face. "I, uh, because, I... love volunteering... so much."
Armin - tells you he's in love with you because you've changed his life (he’s poetic without meaning to be)
Armin was unusual from other men you’ve dated. Height aside, he was very in touch with his emotions, intelligent, and capable; but he tormented himself with baseless insecurities and unfounded truths until all of his perks were equally weighed down by his shortcomings. He’d bring himself down until he was impossibly low, until his opinion of himself couldn’t get lower.
He was depressed when you first met, his friends warning you that maybe it was beyond you, that it wasn’t your responsibility anyway. You knew that, of course, but it was Armin, and it’s difficult to watch sunshine be forced behind endless seas of clouds. So you’d remind him as much as possible to be kinder to himself, to speak to himself positively since he’s the only one who he will spend forever with.
It wasn’t a surprise when your relationship advanced; the effort and care you put in him nurtured feelings beyond friendship. The warmth spread inside him like a wildfire from a lit match in dry brush, and he found himself favoring you over any form of logic or reason.
It was a random weekday when he pulled you aside, trying to make time for a brief 5 minute date between lessons. He seemed nervous, which wasn’t necessarily odd, but he’d become significantly more comfortable around you over the years. “I, uh,” he started unsurely, hesitantly, “You mean so much to me. I can't imagine this life without you. I..." He crossed his forearm over his stomach as he anchored his shaky hand on the inside of his other arm's elbow, holding it tightly to stop his body from shaking as he angelically stared into your eyes. "I’m in love with you. And I don’t mean that poetically or sexually or theoretically or logically or figuratively or ideologically or any of that. I mean it literally. I am in love with you.”
Reiner - tried to act like he didn’t care but he was really invested in your response
You had been casually dating around when you first met Reiner, the tall bulky blond with the bordering-arrogant demeanor having approached you at the bar while your date was in the bathroom. He had a confident smirk plastered across his cheeks as he said, “You know, my wallet has been itching to buy the most stunning person in this room a drink, and, well, I think I’ve found them.”
It shouldn’t have worked but you’d had a few drinks already and a new heat burned in your abdomen and he was significantly more attractive than your current date, so you accepted his invitation to buy you a new drink and take the seat. A second first date of the night, completed with a quick fuck in the bathroom and at home.
Your relationship progressed smoothly from then on, with a heavy positive emphasis in the bedroom. And while neither of you ever clarified the relationship and asked if it was official, your eyes and lips and privates were so glued to each other there was no peripheral for any one else. Which was why, while Reiner never explicitly stated how he felt for you aside from daily comments--"My god, baby, you are so sexy,"; "Mmf, you make me feel too fucking good, darlin', fuck,"; "Sexiest person alive, yeah. you already know I'm speaking about you and your smart sexy ass,"--you were never really that worried anyway.
So when you two were laying on your backs in the bed, side-by-side, chest heaving to catch your breaths, and the words slipped from his mouth post-coitus, "Fuck, darlin', I love you," you were shocked, and a, "What did you say?" slipped from your mouth before you could process. He bit the inside of his lip and felt a nervous weightlessness erupt in his stomach. Reiner shrugged and sat upright, blocking his face from your view with his back. "Huh? Didn't hear me?" Reiner asked, forcing his voice to remain confident and steady, and turned to look at you briefly before stirring to stand up. He shrugged, the inside of his cheek rough and chewed up like a dog-toy. "I just said I love you. It's not a... big deal."
Porco - says it like a joke so you aren’t totally sure if he means it
Galliard was your best guy friend, joining you anywhere you didn’t want to go alone and cracking jokes to lighten the mood. He was really good at that, making you laugh, and he couldn’t deny that the sound was like music to his ears, magical notes strung together to create the most beautiful song he’d ever heard.
It was exactly because of how close you two were that both of you feared doing exactly what you wanted the other to do—make the first move. And because it was the other one, every flirty touch or suggestive comments were stripped of all intention, because there’s just no way the best friend would ever be into them too. Instead, it was personally replaced with sarcastic or playful undertones and purposeful reminders of feelings that didn’t exist.
You had convinced him to go to the lake with you, which your friends conveniently bailed on so that it really was just you two. Porco had hopped into your kayak from the dock, taking you by surprise and fearing a capsize. “Porco!” you screamed, giggling, holding onto the edge of the kayak, “What’s wrong with your own kayak? Desperately trying to get close to me?”
You watched the adam’s apple bob in his throat as he swallowed intently, like he was carefully choosing when to breathe and what to say. “Haha, yeah,” he settled on, forcing himself to chuckle lightly, his voice littered with nuanced feelings he couldn’t bring himself to say confidently, “because I’m definitely in love with you…” You noticed Porco’s lack of eye contact, that he was now looking far off into the distance. “Or something like that,” he joked nervously, wiping his sweaty palms against his thighs as he sat down behind you, hoping you couldn’t see through his charade.
Erwin (age gap) - planned it out but everything didn’t go to plan
After six months together, Erwin already knew how strongly he felt towards you. You were everything he could’ve hoped for and everything he’d waited for. He already knew he wanted you as his future spouse (eventually, he knew you weren’t ready to marry). And so he wanted the moment he told you how he felt to be special to you, to be as special as you were to him.
Erwin had your six-month anniversary date planned out to the T: first, a leisurely walk around the park; second, a quick stop at a couple of your favorite shops nearby to browse and buy you a gift (or gifts, really, he’d buy whatever you wanted); third, stop in at the new bistro you’ve been dying to try—“Ooh, Winnie, look, look! We have to go there!”; fourth, walk around and watch the stars until your feet were sore and he could carry you home.
A sudden rainstorm ruined the walk, forcing both of you to run for cover under some trees for quite some time until it passed. Once the rain finally stopped, it was too close to the dinner reservation time to stop in at the shops, and he shuttled you to the bistro. You were both sat next to a loud family with screaming children, barely able to hear the other speak the entire time, staring at each other with morose smiles while munching on mediocre food. The stars hid behind thick dark clouds as you both walked home, and Erwin felt too defeated to ask to carry you because you were finally enjoying that brisk walk.
At your doorstep, when he profusely apologized for ruining your anniversary date—“Ernie, seriously? Stop apologizing! You can’t control the weather! And the restaurant was my idea anyway.” The frown lines on his face deepened and twisted in morose. “No, that’s not…” he sighed, upset that nothing had gone to plan, “I wanted everything to be the perfect night for my perfect person, a wonderful night solely for the one I love…” he added in a whisper, “…and I messed it all up.”
Inviting him felt like the only way to reverse his thoughts, to make him realize that, despite everything he considered so wrong, it was all so correctly wrong to you it may as well have been perfect.
Levi - thinks it should be obvious since he’s still with you
It was about subtlety when dating Levi. At least, that’s what you’d figured out in the year you’ve been together. His face was relatively expressionless, so you’d learned to read his body language, but you honestly worried you’d never be fluent, because you still questioned the presence or validity of his feelings for you on some days.
He said it once, that he felt deeply for you on the day he asked you out. He repeated it on your six-month anniversary, when you asked if he still felt that way and he answered with a monotoned, “Well, yeah. Obviously. I thought it was implied since we’re together and all.”
Your favorite version of him was when he was sleepy, when he was too tired to keep his protective walls up, because he was cuddly and cozy and craved nothing but your presence and warmth and actively showered you with soft kisses.
It was when his guard was down like this that you asked him, on your one-year, if he still felt the same—shielding the fear of his answer by joking that you’ll ask him every six months—and he rolled his eyes playfully and chuckled, wrapping his arm tighter around you, kissing your cheek, and muttering, “Yes, love, and I’ll give you the same answer six months, six years, and six centuries from now.”
Zeke - writes you a love letter (unlike armin he tries to be poetic)
Zeke was into you well before you even started to reciprocate those feelings. There was something so enigmatic about you, a light airy aura that made him feel buoyant, that unchained him from the burden of his father’s wants and wishes. In his eyes, you saved him.
For a debt he felt he could never repay, he always brought you flowers and sweets and gifts; he wrote long poems detailing that your beauty was beyond all beholders, that you put the sun to shame, that you were the spark to start his supernova; he sent you good morning beautiful and sweet dreams baby texts, hoping you started and ended your day with a smile.
After a couple months of exclusive dating, he wrote you a love letter, expressing the extent of what you meant to him—the burning shape of you etched permanently in his heart—, handing it to you with a deep red stretched across his face and asking you to read it privately, to share it with no one.
My dearest beloved, I write as I know my tongue will fail me, reminiscent of all previous attempts where my lips part and only whimsy air escapes. Remember those moments, my dear? How you'd don a concerned expression and question me in my flustered state. Oh, how futile the intention feels when my spiritual body abandons me, rendering my physical body utterly useless in translation as my stoic invulnerability precedes me. Oh, how I yearn for you the way broken skin stitches itself back together, the way fibers of a wire stretch to hold on, to come together and remain as one. Oh, how you complete me the manner punctuation consummates these phrases, embedding the lines with a flourish no words could elicit. All your self-proclaimed flaws are null to the universe, your soul culminating as the true embodiment of pure perfection with flavorful cracks in the profile, cracks that you've offered to my pitiful soul, pristine ledges to hold on to as humanity crumbles from your grace. Oh, how if what you provide me with is god-like pity, how I want nothing more than for that bliss to fuel my burning heart, to further engulf my being with this feverish love, to only be quenched by your will.
Bertoldt - he’s shy, so his friends tell you for him
Look, really, no offense to Bertoldt, but, well, he never said a word. Which, like, what the hell? You could tell—or rather, you were pretty sure—he was into you by the way he tensed up when you were around, by the longing glances he’d cast your direction when you were nearby.
Holding conversations was difficult in an endearing way, because he was shy—painfully shy—around you, making small comments with a smile and pink cheeks, stuttering out small compliments and avoiding eye contact like he’d crossed a line (honestly you wished he’d crossed more).
You were starting to lose hope after months of talking led to little improvements, him still awkward around you, still not telling you how he really feels, if he likes you in that way. And like, how could you really be sure that he did if his hints were shit?
One day you receive a video message from Reiner, in it depicting Bertoldt and Porco sitting on a leather couch and talking—well, Porco wasn’t. Bertoldt was talking. A lot. About you. Talking about how you make him so nervous he freezes, how he finds you so attractive his body doesn’t know how to react, how he gets goosebumps on his neck at just the sound of your voice, how the secret love he had for you took up so much volume in his throat he couldn’t even speak or breathe near you.
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hanjisungslag · 4 months
attack on titan headcanons #11
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synopsis: when aot characters get drunk🍺
characters involved: eren, mikasa, armin, jean, connie, sasha reiner, bertolt, annie, levi, erwin and hange
notes: exams are finally over and its SUMMAA so i switched up my theme, rip coquette hanjisungslag u will b missed x
☆ eren jaeger
loves a strong bow and a corona on a warm summers day x
is a lightweight
one beer and he is off his rocker
gets hyper in several different ways, happy, giggly, angry etc.
passed out by 22:00
☆ mikasa ackerman
she’s a cider girlie!!
loves a remodelling & kopparberg (strawberry & lime and mixed fruits specifically)
tries some people’s gins and vodkas and it ain’t for her
she’s a lightweight too
she’s so shocked how hard it hits her
she’s a lot more chatty and giggly
goes red in the cheeks > <
☆ armin arlert
he tries beer. doesn’t like san miguel. hates stella.
will take a corona on a sunny day though…
but he likes a cider!
he looovveesss any fruity drinks
he’s not a lightweight or heavyweight, good middle ground
gets sooo chatty
the type of drunk to info dump on you / talk about their special interests
☆ jean kirsten
drinks mostly everything. strongbow, cider, maybe be cheeky and have a rum!
also tequila tbh
he’s a bit of a lightweight tbh
but he refuses to admit it 😭
he’s a chill drunk, he’ll sit and chat and drink
but bro is RAVENOUS like he will eat a fuckin buffet and a half afterwards.
spends more money on food than actual drink
☆ sasha braus
her, ymir and historia deffo get some refreshing, fruity pitchers between em all.
they’re literally just girls… 😖
she’s a lightweight duhhh!!
she’s 100% busting a move on the dance floor
there’s also a liability.
and she is that liability. she is constantly running off
☆ connie springer
he gets sooo drunk
like i’m talking running away with sasha, doing karaoke, dancing, chatting to EVERYONEE
THE no 1. yapper when drunk
by the end of the night he was 10 new best friends, invited to three weddings and several after parties.
he’s deffo the one who ends up being sick but he’s so ready to drink afterwards😭(don’t let him)
☆ reiner braun
he starts off with ‘man’ drinks like san miguel, stella etc.
HOWEVAA i know this man loves a voddy and coke and gin.
i just know when this man is pissed and wants another one he is getting his bloody pink gin
he’s rizzing people up sooo hard like reiner stawp 😜
he’s so sweet and pookie when drunk like he’s just chatting and hugging all his friends
☆ bertolt hoover
actually loves a san miguel
everyone’s so surprised by this?
he’s also a heavyweight
he’s tall ok, more of him to get drunk
when he’s drunk HES A TALKERR
it’s like it’s all been built up and now he’s exploding with words and conversations
deffo says way too much for his liking and regrets it deeply in the morning.
expect an apology message in the morning (even tho he has nothing to apologise for, bless)
☆ annie leonhart
heavy weight
this girl is on vodkas with lemonade hmk x
when she’s drunk she’s soo red
she’ll find someone to just sit and chill with
doesn’t want to embarrass herself or bring attention to herself.
she’s so funny when she’s drunk
pulls out ALL the stops when it comes to jokes
she’s always giggling at everyone doing some dumb shit
☆ levi ackerman
heavy weight!
he doesn’t drink much anyways
but if he is, its whiskey or tia maria in some coffee
he’s usually the one watching everyone, not getting too drunk
making sure no one is dead x
but he always ends up tipsy at the least
although he’s supposed to be baby sitting
he cant help but slightly smirking at anything anyone says.
☆ erwin smith
heavy weight once again
doesn’t like to get too drunk
he’s an old man now cmon
my man is drinking wine like merlot, pino, etc
he’s so elegant when drinking
but by the end of the night his hair is messed up baddd
he says loads of stuff and regrets it.
obviously it’s nothing too extreme but just him being silly
gets super sleepy though. wine drunk 🙁
☆ hange zoë
literally adores shots
just goes crazy on them tbh
after an hour, they’re buying shots for EVERYOONNNEEE
definitely broke by the end of the night.
has to start giving themselves a limit every time they go out
ANYWAYS an absolute party animal
hitting up the clubs
hitting the DANCE FLOOR DUH!
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I’ve been thinking lately about how much the ‘curse of Ymir’ really does affect the psyche of each of the nine shifters and how it impacts the ending of the story.
Up until the end of Season 3/Chapter 87-88, the reader and the viewer have no idea that the shifters have a limited amount of time to live. They seem to possess this god-like power and they can rejuvenate and survive almost any injury. They seem unstoppable.
This is what motivates Erwin to create a plan to take one of the nine shifter powers with the serum- having another Titan in your arsenal would make a difference in winning the war.
But what the Paradisians don’t know is how holding the power of the Nine just perpetuates a cycle of violence and cruelty. It’s a curse as much as it is a power. No matter how brilliant or grand your scope is for what you can do with this near limitless power, you have to contend with the fact that you will only have thirteen years to do it.
This revelation to me is the what colors the entire last arc of the story leading into and after the time skip.
For Zeke, it amps up the level of desperation he has for accomplishing the euthanization plan- relying on Eren was still a variable that was largely unpredictable, and he trusted him more than he probably would have if he weren’t running out of time.
Going back further in the story, it retroactively explains why Ymir (of the cadet corps) would go back with Reiner and Bertholdt at all- a seemingly nonsensical choice when it seems she has something to live for in her relationship with Krista/Historia. But Ymir knows she has little time left. She has no future. So she chooses to surrender.
For Annie, it shows her desperation to get back to her father, a man who showed her very little affection, and yet if she could just make it back maybe she could live at least a year or two with him and make at least one happy memory with the man who raised her to kill.
Armin, I honestly feel the most for, because what he and everyone else thought of as his salvation, was actually just saddling him with a curse. And heaps of responsibility to try and be grateful for it. He went from a character with a singular and wholesome conviction, to someone wracked with guilt and forced to solve the world’s problems with limited time and resources.
In Reiner’s case, I actually think the fact that he knows he is going to die is the only thing actually keeping him alive in the tail end of the story. He wants so badly to face retribution for his deeds, and he can only find the strength to keep towing the line because he knows his violent demise is guaranteed.
Characters like Pieck and Bertholdt seem to accept their lot in life- but deal with this internally and develop their own sense of morals despite it- albeit in different ways and in Pieck’s case with a shade of pessimism. Falco and Marcel stand out as a characters who see the farce for what it is- but still want to subject themselves to it in order to prevent someone they love from suffering through it in their place.
Eren, though, it’s easy to see how discovering he has already lived more of his life in powerless ignorance than what he has left is what ultimately causes the collapse in his character. Combine that with the way that he sees ‘future memories’ and doesn’t see any future beyond his own, and suddenly you have a naturally impulsive and violent person living in the most fatalistic reality ever. It makes perfect sense that his fall from grace is near immediate and precipitous.
What difference does all that power make if all it means is that you become a tool for destruction with no future? That you will be forced to curse someone else so that this cruel power will continue to exist? That is the true legacy of Ymir and the Eldian Empire- you can have near limitless power, but you will never have true control over your own life.
And it makes for such interesting discussions and questions about power and mortality and agency- and all the seemingly ‘correct’ and ‘incorrect’ ways to respond to their dilemma.
Anyway, it is always ‘thinking about the moral quandary of the titan shifters’ hours around here…
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sonamytrash · 6 months
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Just friends, right?
Just a Levi × reader fluff, some of the gang catch a glimpse of Levis softer side.
Warnings: Suggestive themes, fem reader deacribed, semi public displays of affection, Christa is a fangirl, the aot characters ship levi x reader.
The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting an amber hue across the landscape as the scouts had the opportunity to have an evening of rest and relaxation following a day of training. Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Sasha, Connie, Jean, Ymir, Reiner, and Christa were gathered on a hill overlooking the stables, watching as you tended to the horses. The gentle sway of your hips and rhythmic movement as you worked were almost hypnotic, drawing the group's gaze like moths to a flame. Their eyes followed your every movement, even as they engaged in idle conversation about their day's training. It was then that they noticed Levi approaching you from across the field, his stride purposeful and determined.
Ymir and Christa exchanged knowing glances as they all observed the exchange between you both.
"There they go again," Ymir snickers, nodding in the direction of the two figures. "I swear, it's like they can't keep their hands off each other."
"Hey, Ymir," Sasha began, trying to gauge her friends reaction. "You think Levi and y/n are...?"
"He's probably just going to ask her about her day," Armin ventured, trying not to encourage any gossip. But even as he spoke, a blush crept up onto his cheeks. "I mean, they're just friends, right?"
Jean raised his eyebrow at Armin. "When has the captain ever asked anyone about their day?."
Ymir smirked, her eyes fixed on you and Levi. "Oh, come on, Armin. You're supposed to be smart, you know better than that." She said, teasing the innocent blonde.
Christa cleared her throat, a fond smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "It's sweet, really," she mused. "But, they're definitely more than friends. She is the first person he goes to see after a mission."
"Probably to make up for lost time." Ymir replies with a sly smile. "If you know what I mean."
Armin's cheeks flushed redder as he glanced over at the two of you, Ymirs comment making his imagination run wild.
Eren, on the other hand, was still confused. "Wait, what do you mean, 'they're more than friends?" he asked, his brow furrowing. He turned to face Ymir as she continued to watch you both with interest.
"Oh, come on, Eren," Reiner teased. "You can't tell me you haven't noticed the way they look at each other. It's obvious they're more than just friends."
Jean couldn't help but sigh with a jealous frown, watching as you and Levi spoke. "Yeah, but what does she see in him?" he muttered under his breath. "She is such a beautiful, intelligent, and kind woman." He rests his head in his hand, "and he's such a grumpy, short, old man." He says with a pout playing on his lips.
As if on cue, you let out a girlish giggle in response to something Levi had said. The group collectively sucked in a breath, their eyes wide with surprise. "I guess she doesn't mind his grumpy old man act," Reiner remarked with a chuckle.
"You mean like, in love?" Connie cut in, his voice a mix of curiosity and disbelief. A little slow to the conversation.
"I think they are," Mikasa said quietly, a small blush painted accross her cheeks.
The group fell silent as they watched you both converse, your bodies comfortably close together. Suddenly, you lean in closer to Levi, your lips brushing his ear as you whispered something that made the usually stoic man blush.
The gesture was so intimate, so familiar, that it left the group speechless. Even from a distance, they could see Levi's cheeks flush red as his eyes meet yours. You seemed to revel in the effect you were having on him, teasing him with your eyes and the gentle brush of your fingers against his arm.
"Oh my god, Captain Levi is blushing." Christa squeeled her eyes wide with excitement, propping herself onto her knees. "Do you think they're going to kiss!? I mean, they're totally in love, and I just know they're going to kiss right now!" she gushed, her cheeks flushing a deep shade of pink.
"He's never like this," Reiner mused, studying Levi's face. "I mean, I've seen him angry, and I've seen him determined, but this... this is something else entirely." The others nodded in agreement, their attention fixed on you both as you conversed.
Ymir nudged Armin, her grin widening, "See? I told you."
As if to prove her point, Levi leaned in even closer, his hand moving up to rest on your hip, the gesture bold and possessive. The others couldn't help but hold their breath as they watched, transfixed by the scene unfolding before them. Sasha, her cheeks flushed a deep red, whispered, "I didn't know Levi had it in him." Reiner chuckled, "Neither did I."
Connie whistled lowly, impressed by the display of affection. "Who knew Levi was such a romantic?" He muttered under his breath. Eren snorted, his cheeks flushed pink. "Oh, come on. You don't think they're really...?" His voice trailed off, his gaze fixed on the couple before them. Ymir laughed, "Oh, they're definitely doing more than just talking," she assured him.
The group watched as Levi pulled back slightly, his hands moving up to cup your face. You leaned into his touch, your eyes fluttering shut as he brushed a stray hair behind your ear.
Christa covers her face, blushing furiously. "They're so cute together," she squeels, watching you both with a dreamy expression. "It's like they're the only two people in the world right now.".
Sasha glanced over at Ymir, a mischievous grin playing at the corners of her lips. "So, Ymir," she said, her voice low and teasing, "what do you think they're like in the bedroom?."
"I bet they go at it like a couple of alley cats every night behind closed doors." Ymir smirks.
When your lips finally met, the group let out a collective gasp, their eyes wide with wonder. As they watched Levis hand travel lower, cupping your behind before pulling you against him, causing you to let out a soft moan.
Armin stands up, blushing furiously. "I think that's enough for one evening!." He exclaims, waving his arms frantically to obscure the groups view. "But it's just getting good!" Sasha protests, trying to move him aside.
"I agree with Armin. If the captain finds out we were watching..." His face turns deathly pale. "He'll kill us."
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
this was the eren and reiner fic with a the different ending. i felt like it wasn’t what y’all wanted so i changed it, but if you’re interested in reading it here it is🤷🏽‍♀️
caller blocked
“ian ready for no relationship.” the excuse of excuses. the words that were always thrown your way after you’d try to convince your little “fling” that you wanted to be more. eren stood up, zipping his pants before grabbing his hoodie and heading out your dorm room. your situation was…complicated. well not really. you grew very attached to this man, looking for him at parties, going to every single one of his games, giving him your notes so he wouldn’t fail and get kicked off the team, and letting him fuck you whenever he wanted.
you were practically dating. or that’s what you thought. eren seen you as just another pretty little thing to keep his grades up and his dick wet. using you constantly while labeling it at love to keep you coming back for more. “b-but why ren?” eren dropped his shoulders, sighing before he walked back to you and raised your chin with his fingers. “you know the rules pretty. cant be tied down worrying about a girl during the season. when all of this craziness is over then we can work sum out.”
a smile bloomed on your face as you looked at eren in complete adoration. you couldn’t wait for the season to end so you could finally be with the man you love. your friends seen you as a complete idiot, and they had no problem trying to shut down your delusions. “girl what don’t you get? as soon as the season ends he gon drop you like a bad habit.” “yea he’s lying to you baby.”
you shook your friend as your friends annie and sasha tried to speak some sense into you. “he wouldn’t do that to me. h-he lo-” “he doesn’t love you and m’gonna prove it.” before you could reply annie pulls out her phone, clicking historias instagram story to show you what she posted in her close friends. there eren was, laying his head on her stomach with his arms wrapped around her as the rest of his body laid snug between her legs. the caption reading ‘pussy put his ass to sleep🤣’.
your eyes instantly welled with tears as you watched eren, your eren be with someone else the same way he’d be with you. annie was contemplating telling you for awhile. hoping that you’d come to your senses on your own without having to get hurt, but she just couldn’t hold it in anymore. “why would he-” “because historias dumber than a bag of rocks and she doesn’t mind sucking and fucking a dick that’s been in half the campus.” sasha spit.
annie wiped your tears with a napkin from her purse before standing up with you on the quad bench. “fuck him furreal. there’s so many guys that have been tryna get at you, but you’ve been oblivious to them because of eren.” you nodded your head, acting as if you were agreeing but you were really heartbroken. the three of you said your goodbyes and you went back to your room. tears flooded your pillowcase as you thought about what you had just witnessed.
you were being played, but you weren’t about to just let it go. deciding that one day you’ll get your revenge, but right now you wanted nothing to do with him. weeks went by since you’ve last talked to eren. he wasn’t suspicious of it since he’d usually only talk to you when he needed something anyways. covering up his actions with “practice” to keep you from pestering him.
as annie said, a lot of guys have tried to get at you and instead of shooting them down like you usually did, you gave one a chance. you and reiner have gotten pretty close over the last few weeks. texting almost everyday, eating lunch together, and sharing your favorite books with each other in the library as you studied. he was sweet and charming.
always paying for your lunch no matter how many times you’ve tried to return the favor, walking you all the way to your dorm after a particularly late study sesh, and holding your hand when the two of you would cross the street. he mostly did that for his enjoyment, but you didn’t mind.
the two of you weren’t dating, but many people thought you were, given that one was barely seen without the other. “where’s your boo suge.” sasha would say when you finally hung out with your girls after three long weeks. “hush uppp. we just talking.” annie, sasha, and pieck busted out laughing before pieck leaked some information to you.
“girl you know we seen you getting your back blown out in the back of his jeep right?” your hands flew to your mouth as you gasped in shock. “yupp. saw him pulling your hair and allat right in our dorm parking lot.” sasha said as you covered your face in embarrassment before mumbling into your hands. “ooouuu yall so nosey i could strangle all three of you right now.” annie scoffed as she pulled your arms from your face.
“you think we’re dumb? you’ve been ditching us every chance you got. and when you do decide to finally hang out with us for a little, you come with a bunch hickies and a pimp walk.” all of you laughed at her last comment. rolling your eyes before checking your phone. speak of the devil.
‘got everything ready for movie night!’
‘waiting on you now mama💛’
you looked up from your phone, instantly getting pissed looks from your friends. “don’t even say nun. go be wit your man. enjoy it too because this weekend you all OURS. you hear me?” you giggled as you stood from your spot on sasha’s beanbag chair. “i hear youuu. love yallll!!” each of your friends replied with “love you toos” before you left to go spend time with reiner.
“aight i got nightmare on elm street and i got fri-” “princess and the frog” reiner chuckled as you looked up at him. sitting on his bed in nothing but his t shirt that you changed into as soon as you got there. “we watched that last time princess. you said you’d let me switch it up.” pink lip jutting out in a pout at he looked at you with sad eyes.
you laughed, watching this huge man with black ink dancing around his arms and chest being such a softy for you. his sweatpants hanging low on his hips as he situated himself under you on the bed. “okay then coco. i love un poco locoooo” a groan flew from his lips as he rolled his eyes at your choices. “no more disney. if i hear another song ima rip my ears off.”
the two of you ended up settling on john wick, but that didn’t really matter since it was thirty minutes into the movie where you found yourself plopping up and down on his thick dick. big veiny hand holding the back of your neck while his other arm was squeezing your ass. “how ya feeling princess.”
your moans flew directly into reiners ear as your hands gripped the pillow next to his head. “s-so good papa. real good.” his pace slowed as he started putting more of his inches into you. your hands flew to his hair, stroking and pulling his blonde crown with your eyes closed tightly. “that’s what i like to hear. love making my pretty girl feel good.” you were so out of it you didn’t even notice that reiners hand was no longer on your ass. instead he was texting your ex fling on your phone.
ren ren💚
‘yo. you up?’
he seen the name pop up and instantly got heated, knowing what he’s done to you. he grabbed the device without thinking as he made quick work to delete his number before replying.
‘yea what’s up?’
‘miss you mama🤧’
‘let me pull up on you’
‘the nerve of this guy’ reiner thought as a quick idea came up into his head. he quickened his strokes, laying the phone on the bed as the phone dialed erens number. “o-o-ooouuu rei you feel so good.” a smirk crept onto his face. “i feel good pretty girl?” you nodded your head, whining after you felt a hard slap to your ass. the sound bouncing off the walls as his one hand took up lots of space on your asscheek.
“use those words mama. like when you talk t’me.”
“y-you feel so g-good daddyyyy” reiner looked up at you in adoration before connecting his lips with yours in a sloppy kiss. smacking sounds ringing loud in the air as he practically devoured you. reiner glanced back at the phone to see that eren had hung up, a bunch of texts popping up as he scrolled through each of them.
‘wyd y/n?’
‘man you so lame for that fr’
‘how you just gon give my pussy away like that?’
‘he never gon be able to fuck you like i do’
‘cmon baby don’t pass up a relationship with me for braun…’
‘i swear i’ll never text historia again’
‘she could never amount to you ong baby’
‘text me back y/n :(‘
‘at least still study with me…historia’s so dumb i’ll get kicked off the team fasho’
*caller blocked*
reiner threw your phone to the side before laying you on you your back. pulling out of you before moving his head towards your pussy. his pink lips wrapped around your clit before licking up and down your middle. “all mine right baby?” his green eyes met your brown ones. the two of you staring deeply into each other before you nodded you head slowly.
“all yours”
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bastart13 · 4 months
What's the game you're making? What's the premise?
Love and Legends is a fantasy isekai dating sim, originally written for and produced for the Lovestruck app. The app shut down a few years ago, and though the game is archived in videos here (x) I wanted to give remaking it a shot.
The premise is that one day, the MC has just got out of work, only to be struck by lightning and teleported to a fantasy world of knights, elves, fairies... and evil queens. And turns out she looks just like the evil queen, the one killed three years prior. People in the world either want her in a dungeon or to restart war as their despotic overlord and she has to learn to navigate the world, chosing someone to stay by her side.
There are seven love interests:
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Lord Reiner Wolfson - A second-born son of the former leader of his domain, forced to become leader after his family died fighting the Witch Queen. A kind, considerate leader with a love of bad jokes, prepared to but the weight of the world on his shoulders to protect what remains of his loved ones.
Altea Bellerose - A young, gifted wizard who's devoted most of her life to refining her art and fighting for justice. She's deeply curious, quick-witted, and determined to prove herself against those who might dismiss her.
Prince Iseul Idreis - An elven prince with a family history with Reiner's, who served him in war and now takes time to enjoy the peacetime. Laid-back and sharp-tongued, he seems to take nothing too seriously but cares deeply for his friends.
Saerys - The last known demon after the Witch Queen launched a brutal extermination of his people. Isolated and marked, he struggles to find his place in the world. As much as he loves and trusts his allies, he does not believe he has a place among them.
Sir August Falke - Reiner's most loyal knight and fiercely protective of their won peace. He does not allow any threat to pass, even if it leaves him a little uptight. Taking care of his beloved noble steed, Wyndsor Royale, shows off a softer side to him.
General Helena Klein - The Witch Queen's general, former lover, and apprentice, Helena's gift with magic breaks bounds. Though she has a long, dark history of pain, even when she thought it might be love, she hopes for a way to escape.
General Alain Richter - The Witch Queen's longest-standing general and oldest friend, he followed her down an evil path, sowing pain whenever she commanded it, he wants nothing more than to return to a time where he and his love find peace together.
The writing is overall very impressive, with a strong sense of character chemistry and dialogue. There's a lot of variety between the characters and routes, each following a unique story with variations on the world's lore. The MC is a surprisingly strong character in her own right, allowing interesting dynamics between her and the love interests rather than a default.
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rivangel · 1 year
i think what Ymir Fritz was after her whole life (and afterlife) was true love. or at least proof of it.
(read ch122 for her full backstory (which is a masterclass in visual storytelling and storytelling in general) but...)
we don't learn a single thing about Ymir as a person beyond that she seems to long for love from the time she was a child.
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also, she more than anyone (in the aot universe) knows endless, merciless suffering. from a very young age she knew the world was cruel.
that’s the reason in my mind that - after getting the power of the Titans - she didn’t rebel against the king. she didn’t run away. she did whatever the king asked of her because for once in her life she was wanted. even in this completely backwards and transactional way, all Ymir knows of love is this, even though it’s just slavery at its core.
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so the king got married to her and she had her three daughters, who Ymir doesn't find love in either. it seems her children are more proof of her enslavement. Ymir doesn't even find that true love she wants in her own daughters. she's still miserable.
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13 years after she got the power, there’s an attempt on the king’s life, without hesitation she protects him. she, effectively, is willing to face certain death to that end.
so we establish this. to Ymir, love = self-sacrifice.
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i feel that Ymir finally reaches the end of her ability to "love" the king. this is her breaking point. her final misery among a thousand other miseries she's accepted from him.
she isn't loved. she was willing to give her life, and yet he doesn't love her.
after this rejection, she doesn’t heal herself. we know that in order to use the Titan powers, you have to have a goal (the way Eren learned to transform in The Spoon Incident and later, Reiner doing something similar to Ymir). but she was finished.
Ymir had the power to manufacture a dimension without life or death. the paths. and would spend 2,000 years there doing what she always did and obeying her “king” - the Eldian with the Founding Titan. she wouldn't serve her king directly anymore, but enslavement is Ymir's only definition of love, so that's what she will continue to do.
until she observes a true display of true love.
now (and this is interesting) this is where the concept of the Ackermans come in. i explain in this, this, and this post the Ackermans and the Ackerbond, which is important for understanding this post.
so first, why Mikasa? why would she specifically be the one to free Ymir?
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at the time the chapter came out, people criticized Isayama and Eren not knowing how Mikasa was the key the giving Ymir peace. but think about it. Eren doesn't know the depths of Ymir's heart, true. he also got the same exact omnipotence Ymir had thanks to (1) possessing the Founding Titan and (2) effectively having royal blood thanks to the way he enslaved Zeke. Eren has the same exact knowledge that Uri or Frieda had.
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but of course, Eren wasn’t BUILT to be god. he has no right to it. Grisha gave him the Founding Titan and he forced Zeke to use his royal blood. Eren says that he started experiencing the past, present, and future all at the same time. of course he wouldn’t know why it’s Mikasa.
what we do know is that the timeline of aot is linear, and can’t be changed. i talk more about that in my Eren character analysis.
the person to ultimately give Ymir peace was going to be Mikasa no matter what. how?
1: being an Ackerman means possessing Titan powers while being a human. would that not also mean that an Ackerman has a special connection to Ymir?
it's different from being a Titan shifter. the potential to awaken their Titan-like powers are their birthright.
2: I linked above my thoughts on the “Ackerbond”. but in a nutshell, Ackermans have the best of both worlds. made to be obedient “Titan-like” tools to protect the king. to be the strongest slaves. while also possessing the best trait of a human being, and that’s the ability to love (as Isayama conveys in aot). so a major trait in Ackermans, i think, is this enhanced ability and propensity to love one special person.
what’s so striking about this from what would be Ymir’s point of view is that, like her, Ackermans have the traits of a Titan like she did, but Ackermans CHOOSE who they are “enslaved” to. it’s not slavery at all. what a shock that must be to someone like Ymir, I mean right?
Levi and Mikasa have their respective moment of “a display of true love” towards their lieges in the series. i want to compare.
Erwin and Levi.
to be succinct, Levi shouldered the weight of Erwin’s sins. [i talk about it more here and in the second half of this post here]. Erwin puts not his life in Levi’s hands, but what comes after. someone putting their trust in their other even in the face of certain death, certain grief, is a major display of true love. (as Isayama conveys in aot that is.)
then, both despite and because of Levi’s love for Erwin, he was strong enough to end his suffering. to let him rest, even though he had the choice to bring him back. that is a major display of true love.
Erwin and Levi both sacrifice aspects of themselves for the other.
what do Levi’s and Mikasa’s moment both have in common?
the willingness to share the weight of their liege’s sins, their darkness, their shortcomings, their most vulnerable sides. that's unconditional love.
But Mikasa’s moment is even more special to Ymir.
Eren’s sins are obviously much more grievous and unforgivable than Erwin’s. that speaks more to how much value Mikasa’s “display of true love” has objectively. and, Mikasa wasn't able to "bring Eren back". (besides obvious plot reasons).
even though it was certain that Eren wasn’t going to be forgiven, that he would have to die, Mikasa’s love never wavered.
both despite and because of Mikasa’s love for Eren, she would be the one strong enough to end his suffering.
Mikasa and Eren both sacrifice aspects of themselves for the other.
Ymir had no one willing or strong enough to end her suffering.
Ymir believes true love is love enduring even in the face of certain grief through mutual sacrifice.
and that’s why she is seen smiling when Mikasa kills Eren. with that, Ymir is finally at peace.
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lovelywritinglady · 4 months
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Strangers (Part.2)
Reiner Braun xfem!reader
Three years later and you finally meet him again. But this time as strangers. Will you reconcile?
Angst, mentions of trauma and death. Reiner has low self worth. Talk of suicide, blood, and violence. Fluff, happy ending…
Reiner’s Pov
It’s been three years to the day since the day I lost her. Every moment I’ve spent has been filled with memories of her. Her scent, touch, and voice fill me with sadness and regret. I need to see her, but she’s so far from me now. The future is so unpredictable now and war has been upon Marley for some time. I wonder what’s she’s doing. What she looks like now and how beautiful she’s gotten.
I stared at the sea, the very one that separates us. Wishing she were here to see what I see. Wishing I were holding her hand here, making her laugh, telling her jokes. But I’m not, and she’s not here. I’m scared I’ll never be able to see her again or hear her sweet voice calling my name.
“Damn it all.” I sighed breathing in the salty sea air. I was trying not to think of her anymore as I could feel tears beginning creep.
I began walking along the docs admiring the markets and people around me. I had no where in particular to go as it was my day off, which was rare. There were so many people out today and I found myself accidentally bumping into a few. My head was fuzzy as I tried to push my emotions back once more. I wasn’t looking where I was going this time and bumped into someone and made them fall to the ground. My thoughts came back to me and I focused on the person I accidentally shoved.
“I’m so sorry are you okay.” I said frantically not looking at their face still. I grabbed their hand as I pulled them up. I locked eyes with them and suddenly the whole world stopped. The very air from my lungs had left me and the tears that I was trying so desperately to hold back were starting to fall. As the very person I have needed, loved, and desired was right in front of me and I had just bumped into her.
Your pov
One hour earlier…
We finally docked onto Marley dressed as ordinary people because if even one person caught wind that there were enemies on this island, then all hell would break loose. Truthfully, the only reason we were here was to see the other side of the sea. For me, I came to see him. I needed to, my whole body craved it. I hate him, at least I think I do. I love him, but I know that I shouldn’t. Or should I?
Once we left the boat, we were each given time to explore. Levi instructed us to all meet by the woods by sundown as that’s where we’d be staying. He also suggested to go in pairs, but I was on a mission, one more important than anything else. I needed answers and I needed them from him. One hour later I somehow made it to a market filled with people and things I’d never seen before.
“Damn it all.” I sighed walking through a large crowd.
Despite my mission, I was simply awestruck by these people. Many of different faces than I had seen on my island. They were beautiful and it felt nice seeing so many happy people together. I thought about him walking through these very streets. Had he come here often? Was he even interested in markets? What was he doing now? All of those thought plagued my mine and made me feel hazy. Something shiny caught my eye and I turned to look at it from a distance. However, much to my bad luck, I wasn’t paying attention and got thrown off my feet by what felt like a ox.
“Ouch.” I whispered feeling the wind leaving my lungs slightly.
“I’m so sorry are you okay?” The rather familiar voice spoke out in concern.
And just as I was about to respond the figure grabbed my hand and began pulling me to my feet. Once I was balanced, I looked up. Shock waves shot through my body as the very persons I had sought out was right in front of me. The person I loved more than anything was right in front of me more handsome than he was when I lost him…
Reiner pov
“Y/n.” I whispered. “Are you real?” I asked not truly believing the breathtaking sight in front of me.
“I hope so.” She responded giving me a smile.
“Hi.” I said awkwardly 
“Hi.” She whispered
“How… how are you?” I asked her after a few moments of simply staring at the woman I loved.
“Relieved.” She replied as a year left her eye.
“Me too.” I admitted. “Y/n, you’re so beautiful.” I whispered breathlessly losing myself in her magical eyes.
“Thank you.” She whimpered as more tears left her.
“Here, please.” I told her as I reached into my coat pocket, taking out a clean handkerchief and handing it to her. As I did, our hands brushed slightly making me let go of a breath that I didn’t even realize I was holding.
“Oh thank you.” She said quickly as she wiped her tears.
“Wanna go somewhere more private?” I asked her hoping she’d say yes.
“Yeah, as long as you don’t try anything mister.” Y/n joked chuckling a bit as I laughed too.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you.” I joked back.
“I hope so.” She spoke in a hushed whisper and I could tell she meant to say that to herself so I didn’t respond back.
“I have a good spot on the beach that should be pretty private.” I told her.
“Do you take all of your girls there?” She joked nudging my shoulder slightly. I missed this. I missed her. I just hope that I can find the perfect words to say to her.
“Nah, just you.” I replied seriously looking at her for a moment as we walked side my side to the beach.
“Good.” She smiled
After a few moments of walking and small talk, we made it to my spot. I helped her down to this small cave that most locals didn’t bother going to as it wasn’t as exciting as the rest of Marley. It was a peaceful little cave that was about 6 feet wide and 10 feet long. At the very end of it, you could see the water rising and falling. The sounds of the waves crashing echoed through the spot making a private conversation possible.
“It’s beautiful here. Good spot there Reiner.” She complimented looking around the sea cave. “As beautiful as it is, I need to speak to you about not so pretty things. But I think you know that.” She told me seriously looking straight into my eyes.
“I agree. What do you want to speak about. I promise to tell you anything you’d like to know.” I reassured her.
“Who are you?” She asked simply.
No one’s pov
“My name is Reiner Braun. I’m a warrior of Marley and I’m the holder of the armored titan.” Reiner replied seriously as he stood to the wall of the cave.
“Is see. Who else are you?” You questioned him trying to assess him.
Reiner stilled for a moment trying to decipher the right words to say and what you meant in that very moment.
‘Who am I?’ Reiner thought to himself
The two of you sat in silence for what felt like an eternity, but was really just a few minutes. Reiner had forced himself into an internal conflict with himself at your question. He hasn’t really given who he really was much thought for a long time. He thought he knew, he thought that after the battle at Wall Maria, that he knew who he was. However, with you standing right in front of him after so many years apart, he began questioning everything once again. He took a deep breath letting the salty sea air fill his lungs. He then looked into your eyes giving you a pained, but loving look as the words he needed finally came to him.
“Y/n… I’m not just Reiner Braun, Warrior of Marley. I’m also…” Reiner paused for a moment. “I’m also a man so desperately and completely still and utterly in love with the woman who stands in front of me. And with everything that I have and everything that I am. I’m so sorry for everything that I put you through on your island. For every death, every shitty memory you have because of me, for all of the people I’ve hurt. All I want is to die because of it I know I deserve to suffer for all f the shit I pot you and everyone else through. But I’m not sorry for falling in love with you. For wanting to be with you and for all of the years that I’ve spent missing you.” Reiner admitted as he began sobbing at all of the memories that he had.
“Reiner…” you sighed fresh tears beginning to spill. You couldn’t think of what to say as the confession that you wanted to hear but weren’t sure you are going to receive was just announced by him.
All you could do in that very moment was warp yourself around him. All you could think was to hold him. Your anger was overlooked my your intense love for this man, for Reiner Braun. You held him so tightly against you not wanting to let him slip away once again. You felt him stiffen slightly but hold you just as tightly. You felt him nuzzle into your hair.
“Oh Y/n, baby, I’m so sorry. I love you.” He spoke desperately feeling free that he was able to tell you the words he’s been waiting years to finally say once more.
“I missed you.” You admitted feeling anxious about saying it back but knowing you needed to. You turned your head up looking into his honey colored eyes and finally spoke the words that you were needing to say. “I love you too. I never stopped.” You told him still holding onto his muscular body.
“Good.” He whispered giving your forehead a affectionate kiss.
“You really hurt me though Reiner and despite the years apart, I’m still hurt.” You said feeling the pain you had felt for the last three years come back however a little less this time.
“I know, and I understand if it will take you time. Just know that I’ll wait as long as you want because you’re worth everything y/n.” Reiner says holding you against him once more.
“Thank you, I think I might have to go soon. But please let me stay here for a little while longer.” You pleated.
“Darling, you can stay here until time itself comes to an end.” Reiner spoke seriously
“Good, because I never want this feeling to end. And I promise you will see me again.” You said kissing his chest.
“I’m looking forward to it, Y/n…”
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Thank you so much for reading💜This is the last part of this. Although I might and a prequel to this short series about how these two met and how they feel in love.
Please click here to see what I’ll write for and HERE for my master list.
Please feel free to like, comment,follow, request, and reblog.
•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•
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azurlily · 1 year
Have a good read.
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Day 4 of 31 of the yandere month May challenge. These TWO yanderes clash in personality and in action. As always DARK FUCKING THEMES
No explanation needed, it's in the title.
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Yandere!Annie Leonhart and Yandere!Pieck Finger HEADCANNONS SFW AND NSFW
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Wow, just wow, how the flying fuck did you fuck up this badly.
You live in Paradis, you grew up with a set of rose colored glasses on your eyes. You were just a child when the colossal titan appeared. That's when your path was made, your path to not only Annie, but Pieck too.
You joined the military training corps and met Annie. You were the only one who was genuinely interested in being friends with Annie. You weren't Beretoldt or Reiner, who were there put of obligation, nor were you scared of her. Okay, maybe a little bit.
Annie killed Marco. She killed him simply because he asked you out. That was enough means to kill him without hesitation.
You trusted Annie with all your heart. When she told you she was the female titan, though. You thought she was learning how to joke, and this was a bad, bad joke.
Things took a turn for the worse when she was captured by the scouts. You were one of the first to be investigated, you lied and said you didn't know. You said Annie seemed normal, and you didn't believe she'd ever be a monster.
Years went by, and it hurt. It hurt to lose someone so close to you, someone you trusted with all your being. Over time though, you slowly got used to it. Got used to the pain of missing her.
You joined the scouts at some point and started working along side Mikasa. You and her became somewhat a pair. Things were good, I mean not really, but you get it.
When you heard Annie was released from her shell, you were one of the first to actually talk to her. Your fear as well as anger that she left you, it was a lot to take it. You love Annie dearly, even if she did hurt you in a way.
Annie clung to you like never before, she practically refused to leave you. She considered herself to not be on a side, unless it was yours. Annie fights for you, and only you.
She would start hiding random things like knifes on her. In case she had to deal with someone for you. She's more than willing to deal with her long time Mikasa problem...
You met Pieck at Marley. You met her when things went south with Eren and everyone was regrouping. Pieck had this voice, it made you feel calm. You didn't tense up as much, you felt safe around her. It was odd.
You felt safe around Annie, but never like this. Never in such a way. You felt like you could trust Pieck, her sweet smile. Her brown eyes always watching over you.
You didn't realise she was conditioning you. She wanted to use to being around her more, being around her eyes and falling into them. She and Annie spent more and more time with you. Their psychotic behavior showing more and more.
You'd wake up and feel someone staring at you. You'd look around and see Pieck sleeping in her titan form...except she wasn't asleep. She was wide awake and was watching you, she saw you move and closed her eyes.
Annie and Pieck took shifts on taking care of you, as well as slowly isolating you from everyone else.
"Pieck, I understand, bit patients is key!"
"Annie if I have to wait any longer, ik going to kill her without hesitation! How dare Mikasa touch her!"
Piecks titan form almost killing Mikasa because she hugged you.
Yep. She, without hesitation transformed, and almost ate Mikasa alive.
Pieck was stopped and knocked out, she didn't seem too happy. Annie on the other hand seemed quite please with the result of this: Mikass leaving you the hell alone, and practically refusing to even look at you.
You noticed in the time everyone was wary of Pieck, Annie and her seemed to be getting along better than before. Much, much, much better.
It was one that started it all. Pieck and Annie had come to a mutual agreement, they would share you. In exchange, you wouldn't love anyone else. You only needed the two of them anyway.
It had been a few weeks and everyone had slowly brushed off the incident. That was until the three of you disappeared. In the middle of the night, all the food, water, weapons, and supplies had disappeared. So had you, Pieck, and Annie.
Most feared the worst, that someone(a yeagerist) had come and taken you three and the supplies. While it was a fair assumption, it was dead wrong.
Pieck and Annie had been planning this for weeks. From the day Pieck attacked Mikasa to the day you all dissapeared.
Annie knew if she attacked Mikasa would have cut her down. The obvious choice was Pieck. Now where would you three go? Hm?
Easy. They were still in Marley territory, and Pieck had done enough missions to know her way around. She knew a small abandoned village near a lake- perfect place to hide away from the world.
The two knew that the world was going to end, and they couldn't stop it. So they did what they could, while they could.
You had woken up in a warm bed, in a pair of warm arms, Annie's arms. You looked around, you assumed that camp had been moved, but when Annie wouldn't let you leave her side. You got suspicious.
"Listen, everyone else is out, there is no point in doing all of this. You need rest, you've been working hard. Go. To. Sleep."
The last part wasn't a suggestion, she was giving you a command. While she hoped you'd take it, if not...it would become Piecks problem. While Annie is good at dealing punishments, she isn't good at. . . non-sexual ones.
Pieck on the other hand can play the role of the angry mother. Teaching her dumb child a lesson. Pieck is the worst of the two, she's mean and she knows it. She has a motherly vibe and uses your weakness to it to her advantage.
You fought her until you finally got out of Annies grip. You ran out only to see no one else around, you were alone. With two very, very psychotic girls.
Annie ran out to take you back it, and that's when you heard it. You turned to see Pieck in her titan form, glaring down at you two. She looked a lot scarier like that, considering she could eat you at any moment.
"Please go back inside."
That all you needed to hear. You ran in. Once you saw the smoke and watched Annie and Pieck walk in, you knew what had happened. What you didn't know, is that this was going to go on until you three died.
And I don't mean from Eren. He was stopped, these two girl. Nothing can stop them.
It took about a few months to see just how crazy they really are. Pieck will kill anyone and anything on sight, she goes fishing in her titan form. Annie cooks, and cleans, she's also the one keeping the knives hidden. Wether to keep her and Pieck safe from you, or to keep you safe from an angry Pieck.
Annie does sexual punishments, as well as mental punishments. She makes you think eveyone threw you away, that they didn't care, and that you were meaningless. Pieck deal the physical punishments, you'd be surprised the strength she has when you piss her off. It usually consists of her holding you in her arms as you cry; dragging a knife against your skin. She doesn't care if you cry out for help from Annie. It wont do much.
"Please don't cry, it only hurts if you move, angel. Please don't move."
You always do though, you get scared and jump. The knife sinks deep into your skin. You cry in pain and Pieck hushes you, tells you to breath and talks you through the pain.
It takes time for you to live them, if you ever do. They know what they're doing is wrong, and mad, and horrible, not that they care. They love seeing you, just seeing you has endorphins rushing through them.
You have night where you cry, you lay down and cry and think about your friends and family. Those are the only nights they leave you alone, they let you be by yourself. Be in your own mind, because they know what it's like to lose so many. They both know you deserve the right to grieve, for however long it takes.
In the end, both girls will find a way in the bed, snuggling up to you. You sniffle against them, and wonder if this is a neverending nightmare.
"Shh, shh, I know, I know you miss them. It'll all be okay, Annie nor I will leave you. Ever."
"Piecks right, we know were not the lover's you need, but were the best you got currently. We will always be here for you."
Annie secretly enjoys seeing you cry in her arms, it let's her know your trust her enough to be weak around her. Pieck likes it because she's secretly a freaky sadist...
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Completely different people. In bed you see(depending on your preferences) the best/worst sides of them. Annie is, rough, and mean(a brat), and a bottom sometimes, and did I mention can go for over 6 rounds!? Pieck is a sadist mommy dom, hard top, kinkier than all hell, and she can go for about 7 maybe 8 rounds.
Both girls have a lot of pent up sexual energy, so while they were sleeping with eachother for a while.(after you three "dissapeared"). That doesn't mean they dont still want you. No in fact, it makes it much worse because they want all of you.
Unless you give them permission though, they wont do it. They'll look at you, think about you, even moan your name while sleeping with eachother. They never touch you until you're ready.
Although once your ready, be ready because they do not stop for a long, long time. At first they're both scared, they think you'll back out or push them away if they're too rough.
They don't wont to hurt you unless necessary...or unless it feels good. Cough cough Pieck.
They're so sweet with you the first night, Annie ate you out while Pieck held you through it, and rubbed you clit. She kissed you all over, and your neck was covered in marks. Both girls truly tried their hardest when it came to not scaring you, they really did!
Over time you started to see their kinkier sides come out. One night Pieck pulled on your hair and made you beg to eat her out, you did as commanded. She was in so much bliss she didn't even see the tears forming in your eyes as she pulled on your hair.
She was apologizing for days after that one.
Annie slipped up one night when she thought you weren't giving her enough attention. She grabbed your throat and told you to give her your love and not just Pieck, or else. She ment it. She started biting your neck and giving you large marks that sure as hell weren't just hickeys.
She felt so bad she was the one begging later. Begging for you to forgive her that is.
There have been times where it's only you and Annie or you and Pieck. The girls do act differently because they don't have to share in those moments. Annie is more bratty, usually she's "corrected" by Pieck. Pieck is rougher, more times than not Annie has to remind her to calm down.
Both have a long possessive streak. They went into a nearby town with you once and saw some girls staring at you. All you remember from that night is blood, the smell of metal, and the taste of Pieck and Annie's tounges in your mouth.
"Mm, so good for me. My little angel, you need all of mommy's love and attention, huh?"
"Pretty thing, you're going to look prettier with my markings on you. We can even show Pieck later."
They have fucked you over a dead body at least once. They find it fun, and you're being fucked so well, you dont even notice.
When you finally tell them you want to see the real side of them in bed, they were both sceptical. They were afraid you run and hide, they were afraid that the work they'd dont would go to waste. You assured them, or you tried to at least.
Finally the two agree. That night was on of the best you'd ever had.
Annie had been repeatedly trying to scratch and bote your throat, she'd do it purposely and sometimes she'd do it subconsciously. She pinned you to the bed and had a momentary fight on who was first to eat you.
Pieck won. She ate you better than she ever has before. Instead of all the gentle teasing from before, now she'd grab your hips and practically force your pussy against her face. She licks, and bites, and nips, and sucks. She does everything differently, she's hard, and rough, and seeing you cry from overstimulation puts her so close to her edge.
You pull on her hair and scratch at her head. You begged for her to slow down, all she'd do is give you a sweet smile and go back to destroying your poor pussy. When she finally decided that she was done, you had to tap out for the night. There was no way you could continue after that.
You watched the two girls have a couple goes a it before coming to lay down with you. A few nights later Annie pounces on you, she gives you a sharp glare. She was mad she didn't get her turn last time, and mad at you for not giving her the time to play with you.
When it comes to eating you out Annie is much meaner than Pieck. She teases you, tests the water, she wants to see how long she can drag things out. She'll listen to you whine, and cry, and beg her to eat your pussy. You'll beg saying you're aching, and you need it, but it doesn't matter. Annie let's you cum, when she believes you deserve it.
She of course at some point does finally give in. She makes things feels better than they ever have before. You have on multiple occasions cried because of how hard you came from her tounge.
Annie and Pieck are such great lovers. They love making you feel good, but they also know moderation. They help calm you down, help you breath through it all.
Aftercare is something else with those two. One is scared to even touch you(Pieck), and the other is still riled up and has a hard time thinking properly(Annie). Pieck always worries you hate her when you're done, she thinks her sadistic tendencies hurt you. Shes has and will cry over it. Annie can barely focus on her surroundings. She either watching you waiting for you to move, or she's angry. With herself of course.
Annie is angry that you might not like it. She's just as afraid as Pieck. She is better at hiding it, yandere!Annie is more emotional and scary at times. This is because she can't control herself around you. She needs you, that includes your body.
Please let them love you. Both girls have gone through literal hell, they need someone, you, they need you. Please be there for them.
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DONT EVER SAY I DON'T SPOIL YALL!!! I DO DAMMIT! Anyway I really enjoyed writing this one. It was one if my personal favorites. Please of you are interested in commissions go look at THIS PAGE. (Just click the words). Have a good day/night.
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pancake-breakfast · 1 month
For as much as I love the series now, Attack on Titan was a bit of a hard sell for me. Through much of the first season, I kept asking myself why I should bother to invest in a series with such a high death count and such a bleak outlook for the characters. And, when you're near the beginning, it does seem like this anime might just be following a lot of typical shonen tropes. You have the brave-and-determined dumbass, the stoic badass, the nerdy friend, the love interest, the rival, etc. etc.
But while AoT uses this as a starting place, it doesn't stay there. If your main character is a dumbass, he doesn't get to be the lovable dumbass who has everything magically work out around him. His dumbassery has consequences. People might still love him. Things might still work out. But if they do, it's in spite of him and not because of him, and they don't work out nearly as well as they would have if he hadn't been a dumbass.
One of the scenes that better illustrates this is in second season, when Eren and Ymir are captured by Reiner and Berthold and they're all talking in the tree. Eren takes stock of the situation and thinks to himself, "Ok, in order to get through this with the best outcome, I need to plan my actions, bide my time, and not let my emotions get the better of me."
A minute later, he's raging and trying to headbutt Reiner out of the tree while Ymir facepalms and decides her own goals will be better met if she sides with Reiner and Berthold.
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Eren's not acting out of character here. He might have decided in the moment that he's gonna try to approach this situation more calmly and thoughtfully than he generally does, but because "raging dumbass" is his default at this point in the story, that part of his character doesn't just spontaneously evaporate so he can become Amazing Hero Guy(TM). Since he's NEVER actually acted in such a calm and calculated way before, making that sort of change is going to take time and practice. (Or straight-up trauma, but that's another post entirely.)
And because he isn't able to make the best decision in the moment, Ymir hesitates to side with him, thus making the whole rescue attempt by the Scouts and their allies MUCH more bloody.
Similarly, the unfolding of Levi's character helps us see how much more than a trope he is. At first, he seems like he'll be that cold, cool, distant commander guy who doesn't play by the rules, but then, no. He's got more nuance than that by a long shot. Because if he *was* that cold, cool, distant leader guy, he wouldn't be a very good leader, and if he couldn't follow orders, he would never be given his own command.
You can't gain the loyalty from your subordinates just by being good at what you do. You have to pay attention to them. Levi isn't loved by the fandom just because he's a badass, but because he's intuitive and insightful about both people and situations. One could argue that no one else cares more for their subordinates than Levi. And that sort of behavior from real-world leaders wins over hearts far more than being a badass rebel.
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I could go on, because practically every character in this series has the nuance necessary to give them depth and believability that isn't demanded of shonen series. These characters could have all just been tropes, but they aren't. They have to go through the same learning processes that real-world people do. They have to find ways to relate to others just the same as everyone else. And when they fail to do that, or don't do it on the right timeline, there are consequences.
Recognizing that the series was more about consequences than about any given character being right or wrong by default was what really allowed me to buy into it. And I'm glad I did, because it's been a wild ride.
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justauthoring · 11 months
the bond - chapter eleven.
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*bond: a relationship between people or groups based on shared feelings, interests, or experiences.
word count: 6177
based off of: 2x09, 2x10, 2x11 & 2x12
a/n: finaleeeeeee of seasonnnnn twoooooooo
tag list: @ernyaeger - @luvelyxp - @urfictional - @decaffeinatedtealover - @ange-lica-3 - @midzuumi - @leiriswhore - @urfictional - @frasheliza - @echothy​ - @usernamehere91​ - @happygirl5798​ - @dwarfnip​ - let me know if you’d like to be added!
The sound of your horses racing through the forest is loud, pounding through your ears as you strain to focus, fingers gripping the reins of your horse tightly–enough that your knuckles have turned white and the muscles in your fingers ache. But you don’t let up, your body tilts forward to keep the pace of your horse fast and so that you don’t stray behind the others. The exhaustion of the past few days is creeping up on you, but you refuse to let it win.
Not now.
You needed to talk to Reiner and Bertholdt yourself, you needed to know why and most importantly, you needed to get Ymir and Eren back.
“Hey, Mikasa!”
It’s Hannes calling for Mikasa, and you know for a fact that she can hear him. She’s quite a far bit ahead of everyone else, a little more desperate than anyone and far more determined. You understand why–but it’s hard to ignore the fact that she’s blatantly disregarding orders given to you all in her drive to save Eren. 
Hannes is able to reach Mikasa, falling next to her as you glance ahead, eyeing the back of their heads, noticing the way Mikasa finally seems to register Hannes, a gasp of surprise leaving her lips as she glances back at him.
“Stop pushing so hard,” he advises, “you’re drifting near the vanguard. It’ll ruin the whole formation. I know how you feel, but… didn’t I tell you? Eren won’t get taken away without putting up a fight. Don’t you agree?”
Feeling your nails dig into the palm of your hand, you let a small smile slip onto your lips.
Hannes was right, even if he wasn’t talking to you. You like to think you know Eren, even if not as much as Armin or Mikasa did–you felt the two of you understood each other in ways maybe others didn’t. You understood his drive to kill the Titans, you understood his desperation to join the Scouts when you all were training. Most importantly, you knew that if there’s one thing Eren would never do it was give up.
And he certainly wouldn’t let Reiner and Bertholdt crush his spirit like that.
He wouldn’t let them win.
“So,” Hannes continues, “it’s up to us to stay calm and be there when he needs us. Just like we did back then.”
Your eyes flicker to the back of Mikasa’s head, trying to think about what she must be feeling now. It was obvious to anyone with a brain that she was in love with Eren (and you’d argue, the same went for him, but Eren would never admit to it). You couldn’t imagine what it’d feel like to know the person you cared so deeply about has been taken by people you thought were your friends… not knowing if he was okay, where he was, when you’d see him again…
As if on instinct, your eyes flicker to your right, gaze drifting across Jean next to you. It’s unconscious, you barely realize you’re looking at him before you blink, snapping your head back ahead of yourself, feeling your cheeks warm, just faintly, despite yourself.
You’d looked at him without thought, your head had moved on your own, the thought of how you’d feel if it was Jean and not Eren… and how that had scared you so bad you didn’t even want to think about it.
It comes a slow, startling realization that you think you understand Mikasa a little bit better in that moment – because if it was Jean who was the Attack Titan, and it was Jean that had been taken by Reiner and Bertholdt, you think you’d be out of your mind with worry. You’re not sure when your feelings for him grew to be so strong, strong enough you don’t even really know how to describe them–or rather, are too scared–but they’re there and it’s striking enough that you realized you’d do anything to make sure Jean stayed out of harm's way.
“Straight ahead! There’s a light ahead!”
Lips parting, you raise your head, following the direction Armin’s pointing at. The light is gone, but you have no doubt about Armin’s words – if there was a light, that means…
“It’s the light that appears when a Titan transforms!”
“Then we’re just in time,” Commander Erwin mumbles, before his back straightens and you watch as his face hardens with determination. “Soldiers, disperse! We believe the enemy has already transformed! Locate Eren and recover him!”
You turn left with Jean and Connie, trying to ignore the racing of your heart as you race forward.
A scream catches your attention, head turning to the right as you watch one of the Military Police get grabbed by the surrounding Titans, crying out for help, but nobody can do a damn thing as the Titan opens its mouth and rips him in half. Frowning, you watch as the blood comes spurting out, body tensing and muscles freezing at the sight, before slowing your head turns forward, swallowing thickly.
“Another one of the Police!” Jean cries.
“Battle is not our objective!” Erwin cuts in, voice carrying over the crowd. “Prioritize recovery and retreat!
With a single nod, more to yourself than anyone else, you stand from your horse and click your ODM gear into action, zooming through the forest, feeling the rush of the wind blow through your hair, keeping a clear eye out as you maneuver your way through. You’re looking for any sign of Reiner and Bertholdt, and more importantly, Eren and Ymir. You didn’t have very much time left, everyone knew that, so every moment was of the essence. Saving your friends was the most important thing.
A sudden bellowing scream cuts through your thoughts, loud enough to feel the trees rumble as you zip through, and enough to make you feel like it’s shaking you yourself.
That was…
“A titan’s scream!”
“It came from ahead!”
Never faltering, you race forward, eyes peeled for a single sight of the Titan – you couldn’t let it get past you, especially if it was Reiner or Bertholdt. You don’t you’d miss it, it was more of a case of if you’d be able to stop them or not. This might be your only opportunity to find Eren and Ymir.
You zip through a foliage of trees, and when you come out the other end, your eyes widen at the sight of a Titan right across from you. Only, it’s not just any Titan; it’s not the Armored or the Colossal, and it’s not Eren’s Attack Titan either–it’s Ymir’s! You’d recognize it anywhere. You still remember clearly when she’d leapt off that castle, in a fit of bravery, could still hear Krista’s cry for her as she shifted into a Titan and fought off every Titan that had had you surrounded.
A cry catches your attention, gaze snapping to your left where you see one of the Scouts preparing for an attack. Instantly, you rush forward, Connie who’d been beside you getting the same idea as he cries out for him to wait, the both of you landing on either side of her Titan.
“Don’t attack!” You bellow, voice screeching as you hold your hands out before yourself.
“This is Ymir,” Connie explains for you, “she’s the one they took! In Titan form!”
“Please just wait!” You add when you see the look of uncertainty on the Scout’s face, him shuffling in the spot, as if unsure whether he should trust you both or not.
“Hey, Ymir!” Connie calls to her, “why are you the only one here?!”
She doesn’t answer, just simply turns her head.
Your eyes widen at her silence, turning to her; “where’s Eren?! What about Reiner? Bertholdt?!”
In the next second, Jean catches up, landing on the tree to your left. Your eyes fall on him, and he gazed back at you confused.
“So that’s Ymir?” Armin asks.
Mikasa shakes her head; “did she turn into a Titan and fight with Reiner?!”
“Ymir?” Jean calls in disbelief, “did you get away from Reiner?! Where are they?!”
You turn back to Ymir, lips left parted. There’s something… something wrong. Why isn’t she saying anything? Why isn’t she doing anything?
Why is she alone?
“Tell us anything, Ymir!”
Her head turns, left, then right, she’s looking for something.
“Hey, say something already!” Connie cries, frustration bleeding into his tone as he moves to land on her head, harshly kicking at her. “Hey, ugly! We’re in a hurry!”
But she just continues to glance around–looking at everybody one by one.
When her eyes turn to you, you shake your head.
Something’s not right.
It’s Krista. A quick glance behind you tells you she’s making her way here fast, and instantly, Ymir turns in  the direction of her voice.
“Thank goodness!” Krista smiles softly, “you’re all right!”
In the next second, Ymir’s leaping off the tree next to you, nearly crashing into you as you lean back, narrowly missing her shoulder into your head, and as you turn your head, disbelief floods through you when she… eats Krista.
“No way…”
“She ate Krista!”
She’s racing forward, not with a single care towards any of you, getting further and further away.
“Don’t just stand there!” Jean calls out, racing forward, “chase her!”
Blinking, you follow his lead not a second later, zipping forward with a single click of your omni gear. This is your chance, whatever was happening with Ymir, you… know she’d never hurt Krista. Something was wrong, something happened. If you reached her maybe you’d finally get some answers.
You’d have to.
“She’s fast!” You bellow, glancing back at Mikasa and Armin, “we’re losing her!”
“Why would Ymir do that?” Mikasa calls out, confused.
“I can’t be the only one who could’ve guessed it would turn out this way!” Jean argues.
“Yeah!” Armin agrees, “she’s clearly hostile to us now! Looks like she’s cooperating with Reiner! She lured us right in!”
“But Krista!” You cry, pulling their eyes on you briefly. “She would never hurt Krista!”
And nobody says anything, because nobody knows anything anymore.
A bright light stuns you, causing everyone to pause, landing on the trees, unable to see anything before a loud thud hits the ground, rumbling all the way up to the trees, and a blink later and suddenly–it’s the Armored Titan!
It’s Reiner.
A small figure follows after him. You squint your eyes to confirm it’s Bertholdt, but on the back of him… strapped to him, it’s… it’s Eren!
Bertholdt lands on Reiner’s back, Ymir still in her Titan form following not a second later, whilst Reiner never stops. Never falters.
Getting further and further away.
“Oh, no! Eren’s being taken away!”
You all stay there, watching in disbelief.
“Don’t stop!” A new voice cries, pulling your attention behind you, only for your eyes to fall on Hannes. He comes to a stop behind all of you, voice bellowing; “get on your horse and chase!”
It’s all it takes.
Everyone moves without hesitation, not wasting a second or uttering any words as you all get onto your horses, racing in the direction Reiner had gone.
You were getting Eren back, no matter what.
Reiner is a lot slower than Ymir. he doesn’t have the speed or the litheness to race ahead like she had.
Slowly, you can see yourselves gaining up on him.
“He’s not fast enough to escape! We’ll catch up!”
“This time,” Mikasa speaks up, voice low and you’re not sure if she’s speaking so much to herself or everyone else. “I won’t hesitate. I’ll kill them both, I swear! And if Ymir gets in my way, she’s asking for it, too. No matter what it takes… I will!”
Glancing ahead of yourself, you frown.
Landing next to Jean, you swallow thickly, glancing down at Bertholdt who has yet to notice any of you.
“Quit it, Eren!” He cries, face pressed against the back of Reiner’s Titan form. “Don’t struggle!”
“Good luck with that, Bertholdt,” Jean calls out, pulling Bertholdt’s attention on him and thus, everyone else, his eyes widening in disbelief at the sight of everyone surrounding him. “It’s impossible to get him to calm down. He’s the most irritating guy there is! I know better than anyone! I hate him as much as you do. So let’s beat him up together.” And slowly, as his face falls, before he adds; “why don’t you come out of there?”
“Bertholdt!” Mikasa bellows, voice pitching as she glares down at him, sword held threateningly before her. “Give him back!”
“Hey…” Connie speaks up, voice wavering as he glances down at his hands. You turn to him, frowning, as he still wants to believe that this is all one big misunderstanding. “You’re kidding, right? Bertholdt? Reiner? This whole time… you kept quiet and deceived us? That’s so cruel!”
“You guys!” Sasha finishes, “Tell us it’s all a lie!”
Biting your lip, you shuffle forward, meeting Bertholdt’s gaze with something you hadn’t thought was left – hope. You’d seen it yourself, watched them turn even if you hadn’t heard what they said. The proof had been there, plain for you to see, but maybe… maybe it was just one big misunderstanding.
“It has to be,” you cry, feeling your vision blur as you let yourself fall, “this can’t be real, right?”
Bertholdt doesn’t say anything.
Reiner keeps running.
“Hey, hey, hey…” Jean calls, shaking his head. “You think you can just keep running away? That’s not gonna happen! For three years, didn’t we sleep under the same roof as comrades through thick and thin? Bertholdt… your odd sleeping positions were truly an art form. After a while, we all looked forward each morning to seeing your pose… and tried using it to predict the weather. But you… to think you, the invader… could sleep like a log… right next to your victims…”
Jean’s head falls, a curse leaving his lips as you lean forward, shaking your head; “we worked together for three years! We laughed and joked… and complained about how hard it was… together! So, please…”
Hands clenching shut, you feel yourself give in, a small sob breaking past your lips.
“Was everything just a lie?” Connie utters, eyes wide, disbelief still flooding through him. “Remember we talked about surviving this together? And that we’d grow old, and someday we’d all go out for drinks together? Was everything… all a lie? Was it?!” Connie screams, frustrated by Bertholdt’s lack of response. “You guys… what were you guys thinking this whole time?”
“What’s it even matter anymore?” Mikasa cuts in, and you turn to her, lips left parted in disbelief. “Just focus on cutting open his neck. If you hesitate for a moment, we won’t be able to get Eren back. They are enemies of humanity. That’s all there is to know.”
You meet her gaze, and you want to argue… but you can’t.
“T-Tell me who!” Bertholdt suddenly screams, eyes flickering to him in disbelief. “Who the hell would want to kill people by their own choice?!”
Shoulders falling, you feel frozen in place.
“Who the hell would like doing this sort of thing?! Do you think I wanted to do this?! People hate and despise us… we’ve done such terrible things, we deserve to die. Things we’ll never be able to take back… But… we just… couldn’t come to terms with our sins.” He’s crying, you realize, somewhere along the way – there are tears streaming down his cheeks. “The only time we had some respite… was when we pretended to be soldiers. That’s not a lie! Connie! Jean! Y/N! It’s true we may have deceived everyone, but it’s not all a lie! We really considered you comrades!”
“Neither of us have any right to even apologize. But… someone… Please… someone, please… Someone find us!”
Silence follows for a moment. You don’t know what to say.
“Bertholdt,” Mikasa mumbles, “give Eren back.”
“It’s no use,” he whispers, “I can’t. Someone has to be the one to do it. Someone has to be the one to stain their hands with blood.”
“You guys! Get away from there!”
It’s Hannes. Screaming at you all. But why…
Following where Connie is pointing, your eyes widen.
It’s a hoard of Titans heading right for you and Commander Erwin is leading them.
“You guys! Jump and get out of there!”
You follow without another second of hesitation, turning in the same direction as Jean, Connie and Sasha, landing on your horse as your head turns, eyes widening as Reiner turns, bracing his shoulder as he barrels his way through the Titans. He only makes it two steps before he’s surrounded, Titans climbing their way over him, knocking him to his knees.
“What the hell,” Jean utters, “is this Hell?”
“No,” Erwin bellows, racing forward and past all of you. “But it will be. All soldiers, charge! The fate of humanity will be determined at this very moment! There is no future where humanity can inhabit these lands without Eren! We recover Eren and immediately retreat!”
He turns his body towards you all, bracing his right arm across his chest, saluting in Scouts honour.
“Give your hearts!”
He takes off, sword held before him.
Mikasa then takes the initiative, racing forward instantly after Erwin and your eyes fall on her in momentary disbelief before you realize–this is it.
This is your last chance.
Kicking at your horse, you race forward in the next second.
Because of the Titans surrounding him, Reiner is forced to remove his hand which had acted as a barrier around Bertholdt and Eren, providing the opportunity you’ve all been waiting for.
It’s just all the Titans…
Your eyes follow Erwin as he races past you, watching with disbelief as he races forward almost with no fear, only for your eyes to widen in disbelief as a Titan comes barelling towards him, it’s mouth wrapping directly around his right arm and lunging forward. It takes Erwin with it, stumbling forward as Erwin is carried off by the arm, every single soldiers attention following his body with a mixture of disbelief and fear
“Commander Erwin!”
“Advance!” Erwin screams, despite the Titan holding him by the arm leading him off, despite the blood that flows around him, despite the fact that his arm is now being bitten by a Titan, his determination never wavers. His goal never changes. “Eren is just ahead! Advance!” 
That’s all it takes. Despite the disbelief, everyone’s resolve is hardened then, the realization of what he and everyone else is sacrificing reminding you of why you’re all there. You grip your reins tightly in your hands, kicking off as you race towards the herd of Titans. There’s screams that follow, cries of pain, people being grabbed, stomped, but you don’t let it stop you, don’t let yourself get lost, you refuse for this to be your final moment.
Mikasa breaks through first, not wasting a second as she leaves her horse, heading straight for Bertholdt and Reiner. She’s able to reach the former, him just narrowly missing her hit as he dodges, flipping the two of them around, and your eyes widen when you see the Titan looming behind her, hand stretched out towards her.
She’s grabbed in the next second, the hand of the Titan wrapping around her as it squeezes, pulling a cry of pain from her lips. You move to help her, but a body zips by you before you can, and a single blink in its direction tells you the body is Jean, crying out for Mikasa; “let go of her, you piece of shit!”
He reaches the Titan in time, effectively slicing the back of it’s neck so that it lets go of Mikasa. She’s able to catch herself, but your eyes flicker to Jean who’s stumbling about, having lost his balance in his rush to aid Mikass. Clicking your ODM gear, you race forward, weaving your way around a Titan that lunges towards you, just managing to grab Jean before he crashes to the ground, arms wounding around his waist as the both of you hit the ground with a loud thud, a cry leaving your lips in response. 
It takes the both of you a moment to land, skidding across the ground, before you finally stop, breathless as you try to ignore the way your heart is pounding against your chest.
“Are you okay?” You turn to Jean without a second of hesitation, wild, concerned eyes falling to him as he stares back at you in disbelief. “Are you hurt anywhere?”
Slowly, he shakes his head; “no, no… thanks to you.”
Relieved, your shoulders fall, the momentary fear that had flooded your body fading as you glance around, just realizing what a vulnerable spot the two of you are in.
“Is your gear broken? Does it still work?”
Eyes widening, Jean shifts, glancing at his gear and you watch him carefully, before he shakes his head; “no… it’s still good. I just lost my balance.”
You nod, standing up. “We have to get off the ground before–”
Turning, you follow the direction Jean’s pointing, eyes widening when you see Eren flying down towards the ground, Bertholdt nowhere near him, only for Mikasa to catch up before he crashes into the ground head first.
A smile curls onto your lips – that was it! You had Eren!
“All soldiers, retreat!”
Turning to Jean, you meet his gaze, nodding.
You couldn’t retreat yet – Reiner, still in his armored Titan form, had started throwing the Titans that had swarmed him off of him and towards everyone. Mikasa and Eren had been left stranded without ODM gear, and you and Jean had regrouped with Armin to try and reach them and provide backup. It was hard to focus on what was happening, and part of you is not even sure if you’re heading in the right direction towards Eren and Mikasa, not to mention you and Jean had gotten separated from Armin moments prior and you weren’t even sure where the rest of your comrades were.
It had all, quite simply, turned to chaos.
One second you’re racing towards Eren, Mikasa and Hannes and then you notice a shadow falls over you.
You notice it too late. It’s flying over your head, soaring above you, and then just as your eyes lower, falling ahead of you, you realize–
But it’s too late. He doesn’t hear you, and even if he had, he’s not able to react in time. The Titan’s body comes soaring into him, knocking him straight off his horse with enough momentum it sends him spinning, before he harshly crashes into the ground, body twisting unnaturally. Something painful twists inside you, your breath getting caught in the back of your throat as you watch blood come flying from his nose and the cry of pain that leaves his lips.
When his body falls, limp and unconscious, you move without thinking. His name leaves your lips in a desperate cry, abandoning your horse as it goes racing the other direction at the sight of all the Titan’s surrounding you. You skid to a stop in front of Jean, burning your knees but you hardly care as you gather him in your arms, heart pounding madly against your chest, turning him over so you can look at his face.
“Jean,” you cry, voice pitching, “wake up! Jean!”
But he doesn’t. Of course he doesn’t – he’d smacked his head hard enough on the ground, you’d watched it happen, he probably has a concussion. Maybe something worse. Feeling your eyes water, you brush your fingers across the blood pooling from his nose, fear striking you, before a distant groan catches your attention and you glance up.
There’s a Titan heading straight your way.
Glancing around, you try to look for someone–anyone that can help you. When you’d both gotten separated from Armin earlier due to a previous near collision, you’re not sure what direction he’d ended up going in. It was just as possible he was stuck somewhere stranded himself. And you haven’t seen Connie or Eren or any of them since you first saw Mikasa grab Eren. You had no idea where any of them were.
And there wasn’t a single scout in sight.
Let alone your horses — they’d ran off the second you left because of everything happening.
The Titan’s growing closer by the second–if you don’t figure something out it will attack you. It will…
No. You refuse to let that happen.
Pulling Jean up by his arms, you get to your feet, dragging him with you to the nearest tree. You let yourself fall against the trunk of it with a huff, falling to your knees as you pull Jean closer to you, trying to keep him as least vulnerable as you can, an arm wrapped securely around his chest as you pull your blades out with your free hand, held protectively in front of you as the Titan gets closer and closer.
It’s pathetic, really. For someone who had ranked so high in training, you felt utterly and completely useless in this moment. But you refused to leave Jean. He needed your help or else he’d die, and you refused to let that happen–you’d give yourself up first before you ever let a Titan grab hold of him.
So, desperately, pitiful cries leave your lips as you wave the sword in front of yourself, trying to keep the Titan at bay in any way you can.
But it’s getting more and more hopeless by the second. Other Titans grow closer, swarming around you as you press your back desperately against the tree, your grip on Jean tightening as the terror makes everything freeze.
You feel like you're ten years old again, watching the Titan’s destroy everything you’ve ever known.
Blade dropping, you wrap your other arm around Jean, pulling him closer as you press your head against the crook of his neck and shoulder. The Titan that had first swarmed you leans in close, smiling wide and eyes crazed as it looms closer and closer, and you stare back at it in fear, realizing this is it.
This is the end.
You’ll never see your home again.
You’ll never get revenge for your mother.
For Ms. Schneider.
You’ll never find your father.
You’re going to die here, utterly and completely helpless, without even being able to save Jean’s life.
The Titan’s mouth opens and your body tenses, bracing yourself as you press your head into Jean’s neck, angling your body so it’s the first thing the Titan grabs, unable to stop the whimper that slips past your lips, waiting.
Waiting for your death.
But nothing ever happens.
A moment passes, it feels like eternity, before you slowly peel your eyes open, unsure, only to see the Titan facing the other way. Like its attention has completely lost its focus on you. 
A second later and it’s running off, the opposite direction, getting further and further away from you.
Body startling, you sit up as Jean moves in your arms, shifting slightly. You watch as he slowly flickers his eyes open, blinking, dazed, and his vision is distant, hazy as he tries to register what’s happening. Your hands move to grip his cheeks, pulling his gaze on you as you hover over him.
“It’s okay,” you whisper gently, “I've got you. You’re okay.”
His face twists in pain, and your lips part to say something more, positive he’s not even aware of what’s happening around him, before;
Raising your head, you’re more than relieved to see Armin racing towards you, an extra horse in tow. Slowly shifting Jean, you move so you’re standing, grabbing hold of the horse just as Armin reaches you.
“What happened?” Armin breathes, glancing from you to Jean in concern. 
“Jean got knocked off his horse and he’s hurt,” you explain with a shake of your head as Armin jumps off his horse, moving towards Jean. “We were surrounded and I didn’t know what to do. I thought we were about to be eaten but then…” and you trail off; mainly cause you’re not even sure what happened.
Armin nods; “I think it was Eren,” he explains as you climb onto your horse, moving to help settle Jean behind you.
Armin meets your gaze; “I think he was controlling the Titans.”
You want to say more, but there isn’t time. This was your chance to retreat, and thanks to Armin, you and Jean weren’t stranded. Wrapping Jean’s arms around your waist, you let him lean his waist against you, making sure he’s stable behind you before grabbing your reins, sending one last Armin’s way, before kicking off.
But not without sending one last glance behind you in the direction that Titan had run.
You still couldn’t believe what Section Commander Hange was suggesting.
After the expedition for the retrieval of Eren Jaeger and Ymir, with the success of only retrieving Eren, everyone had been left in dire sorts. Namely, and specifically for you and your friends, you all were reeling from the betrayal you’d all suffered from three people you’d thought had been close comrades and people you could trust. Having to hear about Annie from a nameless Survey Corps and then to witness with your own eyes as both Bertholdt and Reiner betrayed you all, it had almost been too much to bear. The goal of saving Eren and Ymir had provided the necessary distraction and the sight of seeing Jean alive and well had been encouraging enough to put your entire focus on the mission – it had allowed you to push away your hurt and feelings and focus on the task at hand.
But now? There was nothing distracting you. You’d been assigned cleaning duties that morning, and honestly, you were finding it hard to keep yourself on task without letting your mind wander. The betrayal, Ymir leaving with Reiner and Bertholdt… and now this? The possibility of the Titan’s, the same Titan’s you’d sworn to eradicate and have been actively killing since you’d joined the Survey Corps (and even before that), were actually people?
That’s what Hange believed.
That’s what she told Connie – that it was very likely that the people from his village, including his mother, father and siblings, had all been turned into Titan’s.
The same Titan’s you’d all just killed trying to rescue Eren.
Everything felt different. It was one thing to know that people could transform into Titans, like Eren or Annie, and a different thing to think people were being turned into mindless Titans… that you’d murdered.
You just couldn’t fathom it and every part of you hoped it wasn’t true – but realistically, in the back of your head, it felt like it was. At this point it was no longer logical to argue for sound logic – if anything, everything you’ve experienced has taught you that nothing is the way it should be.
A knock on the door pulls you away from your thoughts, head slowly glancing over your shoulder towards the door of the room you’d been cleaning lips parting in surprise when you realize it’s Jean.
Despite his fall, he’d been pretty unscathed–just a mild concussion. A few days of rest and he was okay, and ready to join you and the rest of your friends on the mission that was being set up for Eren to plug up Wall Maria and of course, trace down Bertholdt and Reiner. You were relieved he wasn’t too hurt, nothing more than a few scrapes and bruises to show for it, and so the sight of him manages to bring a smile to your lips – despite everything – turning to face him before making your way over to him.
His eyes meet yours, and his lips part, as if to say something before hesitating. Your eyes widen momentarily when a soft blush floods his cheeks, before he’s tucking his chin into his neck and glancing away from you; “I understand you were the one who helped me after I got knocked off my horse.”
Eyes widening, that hadn’t been what you were expecting him to say. If anything, you had expected your topic of conversation to be around Hange’s theory as it seemed that’s what anyone (those who knew) were talking about nowadays. Also, you hadn’t told Jean that you’d been the one to help him given how dazed he’d been when he’d regained consciousness. It just hadn’t seemed important, so… mildly confused, your head tilts; “who…?”
“Armin told me,” he explains, rubbing at the back of his neck. “Stressed that I should thank you and that he was really worried when he found you and me.”
“Oh,” you flush slightly, glancing at your feet. Of course Armin had been the one to say something – you could only imagine what you’d looked like to Armin when he found you. Seconds prior to that, you’d thought you were going to die, so you figure you’d looked rather worse for wear and that was putting it mildly. “It’s not a big deal. I wouldn’t leave you behind no matter what, and thanks to Eren, we made it out alive.”
“Still,” Jean stresses, pulling your gaze on him with a blink. “Thank you. You could’ve died. And that’s twice you’ve saved my life now.”
Biting your lip, you’re unable to stop yourself from the small smile that curls on your lips. You shuffle on your feet, fiddling with your fingers as you tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear, shaking your head. “It’s no problem, Jean. I… I don’t want to see you get hurt or… anything bad to happen to you for that matter either.”
Tentatively, you meet his gaze, the air thickening as a bout of awkwardness floods the room. It was quite vulnerable what you’d confessed, but honestly, you couldn’t be bothered to care at this moment – you two had nearly died. He might as well know the truth. Who knows when your life might be threatened like that again. Or his… which is a thought you don’t even want to give attention to.
“O-Oh,” he breathes, shoulders faltering as silence falls over the two of you. Then, a moment later, he gathers the courage to speak. “Me neither. I–I–! I don’t want anything bad to happen to you either,” he confesses and you can't deny the way it makes your heart start and your stomach to erupt into butterflies. “I was really worried when I heard what was happening to you… And-!! And the rest of our friends of course!” It’s added as an afterthought, his words stumbling slightly as he turns to you.
You falter slightly at that, swallowing thickly. “Me too,” you nod, “with you and um, Eren and Mikasa and everyone.”
There’s a pause, both of you unable to deny the disappointment that floods you both at the mention of your friends – something in any other circumstance wouldn’t, of course, disappoint you. You just… liked the thought of Jean being concerned for you. 
Thinking of you.
It was weird and oddly selfish, but you’d hoped Jean would express the same kind of focused attention on you that you’d been trying to give him.
But it’s clear he wasn’t. At least not in the way you wanted him too. It was enough he’d come to thank you, when in reality he didn’t have to. Regardless of anything, it was sweet.
“Well, I should…” you trail when a moment of neither of you saying anything passes, gesturing over your shoulder, “...finish.”
Jean starts at that, taking a step back; “of course, I’ll let you finish. But… I'll see you at dinner?”
“Yeah,” you nod without hesitation, mustering up a smile, “see you then.”
He steps back, offering a small wave that you reciprocate with a small one of your own and a smile, before letting the door shut softly behind you. Pressing your back against the door, you press a hand to your chest, feeling the way your heart patters madly against your chest, pumping loudly as your skin feels hot and your body feels tingly.
God, just what was wrong with you?
Why did Jean make you feel that way?
And why couldn’t you get rid of this disappointment that he hadn’t expressed his emotions in a way you’d hoped?
You were friends. But not the only two. Of course he’d been concerned for everyone else – it was silly of you to think he’d only ever be concerned for you.
But, still, your mind screams – it wasn’t that he hadn’t been only concerned for you, and rather that you hoped that in some way, maybe he’d thought of you a little more than the rest. Gods knows he’d been on your mind the entire time the two of you had been separated… and you’d hoped he’d felt the same.
It seems you’d been wrong.
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moonspirit · 3 months
What do u think Annie’s eating habits are like? We know she loves sweet food but what else
Is she a picky eater? Maybe due to being force fed during her training to get more powers.
Does she have trust issues around food?
Is the reason she likes sweet food due bitter things reminding her off the things she had to eat
Side note and a trigger warning for this part but does she have any disordered eating due to how she views her body. From a young age she had an extremely sexulized Titan and could this have affected her?
Hi anon!
Interesting topic tho! I have some thoughts on this, but whether or not they make any sense is beyond me xD
So the reason I have for why she likes sweets so much is because I hc that sugar was probably a hard to get commodity in Liberio. I don't have much of a base when I say this, nor do I remember if anything about daily life in Liberio was ever expanded upon in the manga, but to me, sugar sounds like something that would've cost a lot of money, something we know ordinary Eldian people in the internment zone didn't have much of. I like to think that sugar was bought and saved for the really important occasions like birthdays and weddings, and to get your hands on a sweet treat was considered something special. For fic purposes, I also imagined up an instance where Annie (already a warrior candidate) found herself staring into the windows of a bakery, drawn by the delicious smells and colours of fresh pastries, only to be shooed away from the vicinity by a military officer. That once she and the others successfully became shifters, she had her first taste of a cookie or a cake and she'd have liked more if only her father noticed she liked them and cared to get her some now that he was an honorary Marleyan (but he never did). That on Paradis, she had her first "free" taste of a donut with nobody to admonish her, and cried in her bed because it tasted so good and she could go and buy more and nobody would refuse her.
Also, the sugar gives her an instant dopamine hit lmao. Annie being the sad girl she was, would've found solace in the burst of happiness that eating a slice of cake gave her without having to rely on people-connections for it. Sugar = easy comfort.
Other than sweets tho, I don't hc her as too much of a picky eater. Only normal amount. There's probably some stuff she doesn't like, for example very spicy and pungent food, but except for those preferences, she likely eats most everything without a problem. (some veggies she's not too fond of (maybe peas?) stealthily travel on their own to Armin's plate).
Oh, for some reason, I really like the idea of Annie becoming very attached to chilled mangoes in the summers! (it's me, I'm attached to chilled mangoes in the summers)
Coming to the experiments conducted on her as a warrior tho. Again, personal opinion, but I think it would have more to do with how the thing she was made to eat "looked" rather than just tasted. Zeke's spinal fluid, for example, presented to her either as a murky liquid or as a chunk of his nape (ew T^T) could've brought her to gag on sight alone. Similarly Reiner's hardening ability could've been dished out to her in any number of ways beginning with the hardening "serum" (like the one in the Reiss underground) or as an actual part of Reiner's body (ew again T^T). Other experiments we don't know of could've also taken any form of gruesome appearance. And in all of these, the two most traumatic components that Annie faced were 1. The disgusting appearance of the "food", and 2. The fact that she was force-fed them against her will.
In that regard, I've always felt that she'd absolutely hate being forced to eat anything she doesn't want to. Let's say, even actual healthy harmless food, but if she's not hungry and some well-meaning person tries to *make* her eat, it's not going to go across well.
And now.... for the Disordered eating (TW).
Hmmm, can't say I've ever made a connection between the appearance of her titan and her eating habits tbh. Annie to me seems like a person who's *fond* of eating, especially sweet and sugary stuff and for different reasons as I've stated above. The fact that her titan is the only one that is explicitly sexed in such a way is definitely curious, and its been the subject of debate for years now. However the FT is held in high regard for its abilities and agility (all of which depend on Annie's skill alone), and as such, is considered a high performance machine, likely even by Annie herself. A war machine, a weapon. Having to always stay a step ahead of the enemy in terms of speed, lethality and effectiveness, I think what Annie would've been most worried about is her usefulness and efficiency rather than the shape of her body particularly. That said, I do think Annie would be uncomfortable not exercising or keeping herself in top form in shape at all times, even post-rumbling, since those are routines drilled into her from a very young age and not sticking to them makes her antsy.
I hope that answered all your questions :3!
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reinerswarrior · 11 months
Can I request a Reiner smut drabble where you go from friends to lovers, and Reiner had been in love with you for a long time and struggling with it and his pervy thoughts, but then one night after you get your heart broken he finally makes you his…
Love Comes Again
Omg yes, Anon! I love this idea and I struggled so hard with trying to keep it a drabble and not changing it to a full fledged one shot because I loved this idea. This was my first ever request ever, so I put my all into this and kept it a drabble, But yet put as much as I could into it. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this!
Warnings- Smut,Masturbation,Reiner Braun simpyness Imagine entering the Cadet Corps unknowing that you would strike up a relationship with the cadet now lovingly known as Horse face. You were really happy with him and you thought he was happy with you because he would treat you like a princess, much to the amusement of your comrades except one. Reiner Braun, The bull headed heartthrob of the Corps. He wasnt happy in the slightest because he wanted you...He wanted you ever since he had heard you announce your name to Shadis. Just the way you carried yourself and the way you didnt let anyone affect you...He admired it and he wanted you...Bad Imagine There were countless nights of just him and his hand, fucking his fist and covering his knuckles with the guilty pleasure as he rasps your name under his breath under the sheets of his bunk bed. He would watch Jean lean over to kiss you, watch while the other cadet would push you against the wall when he thought he was being sneaky. Reiner wanted to be him...he wanted to be in you. Imagine staying in a relationship with Jean till you begin noticing that there were less and less days of having intimate times with him..He starts talking to you less and less. Imagine Reiner finding you in the loft of the stables with your nose stuffed and tears running down your cheeks as you tell him that you found Jean in Mikasa's room stealing some of her clothes and how you ended the relationship then and there Imagine the blonde wrapping his strong arms around you and wiping your tears away and before both of you know, hes spilling right then and there how he had felt about you and how jealous he was of Jean the whole time and your response is nothing more than ecstatic, for you had always had a thing for the blonde but you felt like he wasnt even interested in someone like you. Imagine hunching over with tears running down your face and your mouth parted as cries leave your lips while the blonde finally took what he wanted after you let him, your nails running down the wood of the loft as you hear those raspy grunts and groans above you as well as the sweaty body of his against your back while the slapping of his heavy balls clap against your skin. Imagine the absolutely beautiful whimpers that man would utter during his climax while he fills your hole up with a fresh batch of his seed and he stays firmly planted against you, plugging you up with his pulsing cock as he murmurs in your ear the filthiest things "Ive wanted to do this for so long...Bet it was better than a-anything HE could give you...Let me show how a real man treats his woman"
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Hi Pam!
Hope you're doing well, and thank you for your ‘on the path that led me to you’! 🫂This story is really engaging and interesting to follow, to see your input into canon events, that perfectly fits into the lore and fills a lot of "missing" scenes.
As you've expressed that you would love to have some fluff aside stories Post-canon... Oh well, you know, I'm absolutely weak against AruAni domestic fluff. feat Ambassadors Family.
And I was thinking, if I may ask you to have some small continuation of your other wonderful oneshot, "to save what we have"? Take all the creative freedom you have, just something related to this particular story and some aftermath.
Thank you in advance, take care and wish you all the best :3
Anna!! Thanks so much for the prompt- sorry it took a while to respond! I was very much looking forwarding to writing this, just needed to think of a scenario to put them in. I definitely tried to lean into the ‘domestic’ and ‘family’ aspects of it.
I am grateful you requested this, because I have been finding myself wanting to return to this story/era so much lately 🥰
The story is posted under the cut- I will get around to posting to AO3 soon hopefully.
“Stop squirming- hold still…” Annie said, glancing up and eyeing Armin where his arm was extended towards her across the table. She pressed the sterile cotton ball with tweezers into the wound across her husband’s forearm. The bullet had carved a clear trail through the flesh right above his wrist- and despite his grumbling she was determined to be diligent about cleaning and redressing it every day.
Armin peered over at her from where he was reading the newspaper. She eyed him carefully, pressing the alcohol soaked cotton back into the deepest section of his wound. He hissed a little through his teeth.
“I know you’re making faces behind that newspaper.” She murmured, leaning closer to inspect her handiwork.
“No I’m not…” Armin muttered back, shaking the paper straight where it had started to droop at the top.
“Yes he is.” Pieck chimed in with her sing-song voice. She was mixing flour into dough at the kitchen counter next to the table. Reiner chuckled with laughter, the bacon in the pan he was flipping over sizzling.
Annie found she appreciated the smell of the cooking meat- she had always enjoyed sweet things for breakfast, which Pieck was obliging with her cinnamon roll recipe- but lately she had been craving salty and savory foods.
Maybe their baby would prefer those kinds of foods, she thought absently as she smiled to herself, passing her free hand over the swell of her stomach.
They had been in the safe house for a week- giving the authorities time to search for the extremists’ base of operations. They were being incredibly thorough at Armin’s insistence. The captain of the guard had ensured them that his men wouldn’t rest until the rot had been cut out.
She knew there was likely to be political fallout from this- the night of the gala was important for a lot of reasons and it represented the results of years of work for the ambassadors and other world leaders allied with their cause. For the event to be cut short so violently would have consequences and potentially undo some of their hard-won progress.
But she couldn’t be concerned about the world right now. She could only be concerned about her world. And right now that was Armin, the child growing inside her, and the four other ambassadors she had come to think of as allies, then friends, and more recently as family.
And all was relatively right with her world at the moment. Armin, despite his grimacing, would heal from his injury with nothing more than a scar. Her friends were resting and enjoying their private time together after so many weeks in the public eye.
And for herself… she was coming to terms with her pregnancy all over again now that everyone knew about it.
She wasn’t feeling as sick as she had a few weeks ago. And despite the more visible changes to her body that had alarmed her at first, two weeks ago was the first time she had felt her child move and it had been so quietly thrilling that it was all she could do not to reveal their secret right in the droll policy meeting they were sitting in.
Armin had spent that night petting and doting on her, transfixed by the growing bump and talking to their baby. She had been a little embarrassed of the extra attention at first, but to see the hopeful smile that lit up his eyes… it made her remember why she had agreed to do this with him in the first place.
She wanted to give him something special- something to make up for all of the things he had lost. Even if it was scary, even if the symptoms weren’t easy. She had taken so much from the world… lives and hopes and futures. But now she could create it herself just by loving him. It didn’t seem real. It didn’t seem possible. Her? After everything?
At the same time, though, thanks to Armin she had learned to accept all sorts of things she didn’t think she deserved.
She finished cleaning the wound and tying off the gauze, smoothing her thumb across the cotton as she delicately held his wrist. Armin placed the newspaper to the side, smiling knowingly at her with the upturned corner of his lips, before sliding his arm from her soft grip and rising out of the chair to come and stand behind her.
She had been bent over the table, and she hadn’t realized how slumped and poor her posture had been until she sat back, feeling Armin begin to massage her shoulders. She leaned her head back for him to press a kiss on her forehead, and she closed her eyes, smiling as she stretched her feet out in front of her beneath the table. She found herself resting her hands atop her protruding stomach. She hummed contentedly as her husband continued kneading the tense muscles around her neck.
She opened one eye at the sound of Reiner chuckling. He waved his tongs over at her, and she raised a brow at him. “Never thought I’d see the day when Annie was pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen.” She frowned a bit, and Armin scoffed good-naturedly behind her.
She closed her eyes again, pressing her hand on her lower belly where her child was moving and kicking. “I’m not the one frying bacon in a frilly apron.” She said back nonchalantly, and she heard Pieck’s snicker as she continued to whisk her batter.
“I’m not about to have grease splatter on my shirt…” He defended glumly, turning back towards the stove top.
Armin leaned in to give her another kiss on the cheek before he knelt down next to her chair, placing his hands delicately next to hers where their child was moving. “How is our squish this morning?”
Annie snorted a bit at his newest nickname for their child. ‘Squish’ had caught on last week, replacing ‘little bean’ in the rotation of terms of endearment. She grabbed his hand, pressing it on her side right below her ribs.
“Active.” She said with a sigh, but the contentment in her voice bled through anyway.
“That’s good… maybe they’ll decide it’s better to be active in the morning than at night.” He added, his eyes lighting up with that infectious enthusiasm.
“How would the baby know what time it is anyway?” Pieck wondered aloud.
Armin straightened a bit to look at her, and Annie could sense from his expression that he was mentally flipping through a catalogue of books he’d read about prenatal development. He read them aloud to her at night sometimes, while she curled into his chest and tried her best not to nod off.
“At a certain stage, they can hear voices and respond to light… I imagine the baby knows when it’s dark and quiet it may be nighttime. Not the concept of night, of course, that’s absurd but… the sensation of it maybe?” He posited and Annie bit her lip to keep from smiling at the inquisitive look on his face that she knew so well.
“Voices, huh? Think the baby might recognize my voice?” Reiner asks.
“That’s not an invitation to talk more.” Annie teased with a glare.
“When are you going to start acting kind and motherly?” Reiner teased back with a shake of his head.
“I could stand to be a lot nicer to you if you would hurry up with that bacon.” She said adjusting in the chair as she crossed her arms.
“Since when did you start wanting meat for breakfast?” Pieck said, starting to roll out the dough with a rolling pin. She turned to Annie with a little pout, and Annie rolled her eyes.
She glanced over at Armin, a teasing grin on her face. “It’s what our squish wants, I guess.”
Armin smiled back at her, pressing a quick kiss to her middle before standing. He crossed over to help Pieck roll the dough into spirals and coat them with cinnamon sugar.
Annie busied herself with packing up the first aid kit for a moment, before all four of their heads turned at the sound of the door opening from the back of the house and heavy footsteps coming towards them.
She furrowed her brows when Jean and Connie practically tripped over themselves entering the kitchen, piling armloads of shopping bags on the table.
“What’s all this? I thought you were just meeting with the dignitaries in our place this morning.” Armin asked, swiveling around to face them and fix them with his own puzzled expression.
“We did- but then we passed by a marketplace on our way back and-“ Jean started.
“And we found the greatest stuff for Baby Arlert!” Connie spurted out, diving into one of the bags and pulling out a tiny quilted blanket.
Armin laughed, rubbing at his temples with one hand as she shook his head at him. Connie only continued to dig out more items from the bag as Jean jostled it back and forth between them- arguing that he wasn’t giving anyone enough time to appreciate the purchases.
Annie bit her lip, reaching out with one hand to touch a small stuffed rabbit. It had silken ears and a frilly ribbon tied around it’s neck. It’s button eyes and nose glistened under the light. She rubbed one of it’s floppy ears between her fingers.
She wasn’t really paying attention to the teasing and good-natured griping around her, as Pieck and Reiner continued to pester Jean for his out of control shopping habits, and Jean continued to pester Connie for trying to take credit for the gifts.
Instead, she ran her fingertips across a tiny smocked sleeping frock that was laid out on the table, before holding it up by the sleeves.
It was so small. Her baby was going to be so small. She tried to imagine a minuscule little person, with blonde hair and blue eyes filling out the little garment.
She felt tears brimming in her eyes, and before she knew it she was sniffling. Had her father ever dressed her in something precious like this? Had she ever been treated like a soft small child who was wanted and loved?
But their baby would have that. Their baby would have Armin as a father. Their baby would have so many people who cared for them.
“Annie? Are you alright?” Jean’s voice cut through her thoughts, and she realized that a tear had slipped down onto her cheek.
She startled a bit, looking over at Armin’s concerned face. She bit her lip, blushing a bit as she smoothed the frock out carefully with her palms on the table in front of her. “It’s just… so small.” She said finally.
“Of course it is, it’s for you and Armin’s baby.” Connie joked and Jean elbowed him lightly.
She felt Armin tucking her hair behind her ear lightly, standing behind her as she continued to trace the delicate embroidery on the hem with her fingertip, blinking back tears and sniffling.
When she finally looked up at him, she found herself standing up to tuck herself into his arms as he pet soothing circles into her back. She laid her head on his shoulder and clutched his sweater in her hands as he laughed a little in his chest.
“Yes, Annie. Our baby will be small and soft and little.” He said, his voice low.
She sighed, slackening a bit. She knew there were a million other words said to her in that simple phrase. About how their baby would be grow up in a world where it was safe to be small and soft and little. About how they were all working to make the world a better place for them to grow up in- but no one was working harder than Armin himself.
She turned to face Jean and Connie again, Armin’s arm still wrapped around her shoulder, and gave them both a small appreciative smile.
“Small and soft and spoiled more like- how much did you spend on all of this, Jean?” Pieck teased, dusting her hands off on her skirt as she finished slipping the cinnamon rolls into the oven.
“It doesn’t matter how much I spent.” He said crossing his arms petulantly.
“Are you trying to win some sort of contest for the favorite uncle before the kid’s even born?” Reiner asked, placing the bacon he’d finished preparing on a plate as he turned off the burner.
“There’s no such contest- but if there were I wouldn’t be worried about competition from you or Connie.” Jean said.
Reiner harrumphed a bit to himself, but sidled on the other side of the table to place the plate of bacon down in front of Annie’s chair.
She let out a relieved sigh, sinking heavily back into the chair as Armin let out a laugh. She was already shoving a strip of bacon into her mouth before she even sat down. It smelled so good, after all, and she had waited so long to eat it.
Reiner crossed his arms at Jean, giving him a self-satisfied smirk. “See, I’m giving the baby what it really wants.”
“This is very sweet of you all, but please don’t turn this into some kind of twisted made up pecking order.” Armin said, his voice already sounding disappointed and tired, his hands hanging at his sides.
Annie smiled to herself as she continued helping herself to the food, each of her friends around her pulling out a chair to sit down and continuing to discuss the baby, and the gifts, and their petty grievances laced with love and familiarity.
She slipped her hand into Armin’s when he settled into the chair next to the left of hers. She traced her thumb lightly over the gauze again as she glanced down at his hand before looking up to his face. His eyes were wrinkled with laughter as Connie held up the frock underneath his chin and Pieck plopped a tiny bonnet on his head.
It warmed her heart to know how easy it was for him to smile. A week ago they had almost lost everything. She had lost sleep over it a couple nights, remembering... dreaming of a different outcome. But all she had to do was reach for him in her sleep, his hand finding the slope of her stomach as he pulled her towards his chest to hold her close. To hold them close.
All was well… in her world. And despite how hard it was to imagine being any happier than this, she knew it could only get better from here.
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lostcauses-noregrets · 10 months
SnK Final Episode thoughts
A few thoughts about the final episode of SnK now the dust has started to settle.  Although it was the anime that first got me into the series, I’m really a manga first kinda fan, I enjoy the anime, but it’s always been a nice addition for me.  Also, while I was very ambivalent about the ending of the manga and had a LOT of things to say about it at the time, I’ve more or less made my peace with it.  All of which is to say that I went into the final episode without any particular expectations. I was excited to see the series draw to a close, hoped they wouldn’t mess up Levi’s ending, and was curious to see the much touted changes. 
I have to say, I really enjoyed it. The action sequences around the Attack Titan were breathtaking and the rumbling was genuinely horrifying. The pacing was good and it felt a lot shorter than the 90 minute running time. The voice acting was fabulous; Yuki Kaji, Yui Ishikawa, Marina Inoue and Hiroshi Kamiya really knocked it out of the park. 
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Jean and Connie were really touching.  I loved the way that they kept harking back to what it meant to be a Scout.  Reiner was fabulous too. I had a lot more sympathy for him by the end of the episode than I’ve had throughout the series.  The expression on his face when Jean said they were all Scouts was really moving. Pieck is my best girl, as always, but I’m afraid I still haven’t warmed to Annie, I guess I never will.  Gabi seemed to be a lot less prominent than I remembered from the manga, but her scenes with Falco and Levi were great.  It’s no secret that I’ve never been fond of Armin, however I thought he came across really well in the episode.  His conversation with Zeke in paths made a lot more sense and was actually really touching,  Kudos to Marina Inoue for her amazing voice acting. 
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Levi was perfect in every single frame.  You really got the impression that he was fighting with every last fibre of his being, despite his catastrophic injuries, and of course he never forgot his vow to Erwin.  The moment when he finally killed Zeke was *chef’s kiss*.
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Levi’s final salute was absolutely devastating. I completely choked up watching the subbed episode on CR, even though I’d already seen the raw and had been capping the scene all day.  The final image of Erwin and the Wings of Freedom fading into the mist had me in pieces.  The choice of theDOGS as the soundtrack for this scene just added to the pathos as Erwin’s character song, Hope of Mankind, is an arrangement of this track.  
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The change to Levi’s ending was very unexpected, but I really liked it.  I’d always wondered how that city at the end of the manga survived unscathed.  It seemed more realistic to see Levi, Onyankopon, Gabi and Falco in the refugee encampment.  It’s also fully in keeping with Levi’s compassionate character for him to be contributing to the reconstruction efforts, and of course it all ties in with what we’ve seen of Bad Boy. (It’s also pretty much exactly how I imagined Levi’s post war life in The Permanence of the Young Men.)  Seeing Levi handing out sweets to children who bear such a close resemblance to Ramzi and Halil was really touching.  I’ve seen some people complaining that the lollipop scene was a jarring note of humour that seemed out of place, but I didn’t see it like that.  I interpreted it as Levi remembering children like Ramzi, and perhaps even recalling the trauma of his own childhood.  I’ve seen some interesting discussion on twitter linking Levi’s reaction to the clown in Marley to the few sketchy panels of Bad Boy and suggesting that rather than being pissed at being mistaken for a child, Levi was triggered by something traumatic that happened in his own childhood. Isayama rarely draws anything unintentionally, so we’ll have to wait and see. 
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Having said all that...much as I enjoyed the episode, it didn’t change my opinion of the ending (which you can read here if you’re a real glutton for punishment).  I really appreciated the change to Armin’s dialogue when he confronted Eren in Paths.  The scene in the manga where he thanks Eren for becoming a mass murderer for their sakes still leaves a bad taste, so that change was greatly appreciated. I also liked the fact that Armin said they wouldn’t be the heroes Eren wanted them to be, though in actual fact this is the role they take on. The fact that Armin and the others were so quick to forgive Eren still really sticks in my craw, if anything, it was even more jarring in the anime after seeing how hard they had fought to stop him.  The same goes for Armin telling Mikasa to find a good place for Eren to rest quietly.  I’m sorry, but I’m not sure Eren deserves to rest in peace. 
Eren himself was pathetic in every sense of the word, just as he is in the manga, but I think he explains his fucked up rationale a bit more clearly in the anime.  I have seen some criticism that Eren is a poor villain because he lacks any coherent ideology, other than some vague nonsensical notion of “freedom”, but that’s the whole point. Eren isn’t a tragic villain or an evil genius with a masterplan, he really is just a kid who had too much power and didn’t know what to do with it.  
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There’s nothing I can really say about Mikasa, she was as dignified and tragic as she is in the manga.  However I thought the connection between the Founder Ymir and Mikasa was, if anything, even more obscure in the anime.  I can’t help wondering what anime only fans make of it. I’m also not sure I liked the way the anime handled the extra scenes at the end. It was quite clever to include them as the credits rolled, but it did rather lessen their impact. I think I’d have preferred to see them full screen. 
I know there’s been a lot of criticism with the way MAPPA animated the characters, particularly in comparison to JJK, but tbh I have little patience with that.  With the notable exception of Levi, SnK has never been a pretty boy anime so the comparison to JJK seems misplaced.  Although I will always prefer WIT’s style, I think MAPPA did a good job of incorporating some of Isayama’s art style in the animation, particularly the exaggerated facial expressions he sometimes draws. 
And finally on to that scene with Erwin.  The level of outrage at the way Erwin was drawn in the scene where Levi recalls his vow was quite something.  I have several Anons in my inbox claiming that MAPPA have a deliberate anti-Erwin bias, which is nonsense.  Admittedly MAPPA’s Erwin does suffer in comparison with WIT’s season 3 Erwin who was magnificent, however even WIT didn’t manage to draw Erwin consistently.  I think some fans have been quick to forget just how wonky Erwin sometimes looked in earlier seasons of the anime.  Also as I said in this post, it’s important to remember that Levi is in the depths of despair when he remembers Erwin at this point, as he has convinced himself that he has failed him.  Erwin always looks beautiful and serene when Levi remembers him; this is the one exception. The bleak expression on Erwin’s face is a reflection of Levi’s state of mind, not some hidden agenda on MAPPA’s part.  If we’d had soft shoujo Erwin in this scene, it wouldn’t really have conveyed Levi’s despair. The fact that we did get a close-up of the most beautiful soft shoujo Erwin at the end is hopefully enough to appease the critics. 
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So thems my thoughts. If you’ve had the patience to read to the end of this ramble, thank you.  However you look at it, it's been a wild ride and I'm very grateful to have been along for the trip. One last word for people who are concerned the fandom will die now the season has ended. Don't worry, it won't. It will change, but change is inevitable in fandoms. However the characters and story that Isayama has created are easily compelling enough to capture fans for years to come.
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