#for legal reasons I am sorry not sorry
bonefall · 4 months
i think people are calling for a mass extinction event not because disabled people bad/ugly, but because the amount of incest happening is genuinely horrific. that, as well as to a massive amount of cats that bear no significance. if we were talking about a real situation occurring in real life, no one in their right mind would be suggesting this, but this is just the quick and easy way to do it in the context of the books. besides, any method to try to fix this problem is never going to be implemented by the erins because they don't care
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This is a call for a mass extinction event because of the inbreeding and this is what I'm talking about. No, they're not just saying there should be a cutback on unneeded background characters. Asks like yours are a major reason why I am collecting screenshots for a folder.
Do not clown around and try to convince me that I'm not seeing what is clear as day. I'm not talking about people who want a mass extinction event because they want less background nobodies, or because it would be an interesting plot. I'm talking about people who respond to MOONPAW's EXISTENCE with "we need to kill most of ThunderClan"
And by the way, killing off a bunch of cats for a "mass extinction" is the exact OPPOSITE of what would fix this problem. You want to mass slaughter random characters so the pool is even SMALLER than it was when we started?? You want us to go back to the beginning of these problems in TPB, when ThunderClan only introduced four female kits who lived to adulthood who could mother the next generation??? THINK.
(Sorreltail, Ferncloud, Sandstorm, Brightheart)
Why is the vastly more common response "KILL THE ICKY" and not "USE THE BRAND NEW LAW THAT ALLOWS CROSS-CLAN MATE MIGRATION" hmmmmmmmmm????
We need to back up, too. Why do YOU think the amount of incest happening is genuinely horrific? Because what this "deformed icky inbred moonpaw" discourse has taught me is that we seem to have VERY different reasons for reaching our conclusions.
I think it is genuinely horrific because this series with a theme about "legacy" should have better rules about what counts as immediate family, the careless Erins prevent their newcoming cats like Stormcloud and Fernstripe from having time in the spotlight, and clan culture's extreme social control over the lives of the cast is cultlike and needs to be addressed as a harmful thing. OTHERS seem to think it is "genuinely horrific" because ThunderClan might have ugly disabled kids. We are not the same.
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juustozzi · 3 months
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break trio coffee headcanons (because why not):
Kidou kinda gets deeper into hand-brewing, quite to the nerd depths but instead of making it his personality he just enjoys the meticulous preparation process. he probably has an app to follow the flow rate... and of course he has a chemex. in two sizes, most likely. he still does drink all kinds of coffee, but only in the morning, to not overcaffeinate.
Endou doesn't really drink coffee but he likes sweet coffee drinks and coffee flavored things. he has the adhd brain where caffeine makes him sleepy, so he doesn't really get people who use it to energize.
Gouenji doesn't like the coffee flavor that much, and prefers energy drinks for caffeine boost. though, he's the kind of guy who takes a cup if everyone else's having, more for the social experience than the drink itself. I think he enjoys chai a lot more.
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wonkyradio · 5 months
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Made myself a discord icon
Edit: Please do not use this for yourself without permission
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ilumel · 4 months
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i refuse to believe this is a coincidence
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thefloatingwriter · 3 months
sunrise on the reaping is where headcanons go to die.
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im literally shaking and shitting tears right now
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yooils · 1 year
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lightweight . drunk!isagi x reader. fluff. accidental proposal. short blurb + extremely forced plot.
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— ISAGI YOICHI is a lightweight.
it’s a truth acknowledged by everyone close with him, really, with the way he begins his flowery proses after a drink or two– followed by a gradual descent to an emotional wreck; usually accompanied with an abundance of impulsive decisions and a self depreciating monologue of his life.
but in spite of that, he knows how to handle himself 90% of the time. (the remaining 10% is left unmentioned by all, regardless of the copious amounts of black-mail material some of his teammates possess.)
so naturally, the first time you see yoichi have an emotional breakdown in public is during a team get-together! he’s half on his knees with an abnormally flushed complexion; his eyes are starting to water from the reverie he’s found himself in, and his throat is constricted with hiccups. you've been so-called paged by his colleagues– only to find that the emergency they had mentioned afore to be your drunk boyfriend.
“i just want you to know that i love you.” is the first thing that comes out of isagi's mouth when he catches sight of you entering the bar his team had booked for the night.
the collective wolf whistles from his teammates would have portrayed the unfolding scene to be akin to an extremely romantic (read: corny) scene of a movie, if it wasn't for the uncharacteristically delirious look in your boyfriend’s eyes.
“my affections and wishes are unchanged, but one word from you will silence me on this. i just want you to know that i’m pregnant, and you’re the baby. will you marry me?”
(a few feet away, rin spits out his drink, outraged at the sheer blasphemy of one of his favourite books and movies. nagi's recording next to him, half-asleep yet still giggling at his friend's drunken antics.)
you love yoichi too, you really do– but you have to run through the list of things you love about him just to keep yourself from strangling him to the brink of unconsciousness so he stops talking.
– he's cute. he's only a little bit annoying sometimes. he does the laundry properly. he just confessed that he loved you amidst his drunken stupor even though you've never said it to each other directly before in person– and then proposed to you. and he's hot.
finally forfeiting to his boyish, drunken charms (and having had enough public humiliation for today), you find yourself and your extremely drunk boyfriend in the middle of the parking lot; with you holding him by his coat so he doesn’t escape, and him squirming around with airy sounds of discomfort which you had opted to ignore.
isagi’s leaning in close, breath reeking of alcohol and hands fumbling with his seatbelt clumsily.
“psst.. don’t tell anyone, but i’m gonna marry you one day.”
the pause in the car is deafening.
you furrow your eyebrows. he obliviously leans his cheek against the car window, unbothered by the sheer weight that his words had carried.
“wait, you don’t want other people to find out that you’re going to propose to me, so you tell the person you’re actually proposing to?”
his drunk gasp speaks volumes to you. “oh no, did i say that out loud? am i being kidnapped? where am i? is the world finally ending? but i still haven’t told (name) that i loved them…”
(okay, maybe he’s a little more stupid when he’s drunk, but you’ve grown to become a believer in the concept that drunken words are sober thoughts in the last hour. you hope.)
isagi’s eyes melt into something akin pools of sapphire stones under the lamppost-lit light. it’s been your favourite colour from the moment you met him.
“yoichi, why are you sniffing me?”
you amusedly ask, finding minor entertainment in his actions.
he’s half slumped on you by the time you stop the car by his apartment– and you realise that there’s no way of getting out of your vehicle without damaging 1.) your spine 2.) your arms and 3.) his dignity. (which really is already ruined, objectively, from the amount of second-hand embarrassment you’ve faced tonight.
“don’t wanna leave you.. smells like home..” he almost-incoherently mumbles, and you impulsively have half a mind to keep him forever-intoxicated because of how cute, despite tedious he’s become.
as a relatively simple man, isagi has always been subjected to a desire for more; especially when it came to football.
(but you, he thinks, will always be more than enough for him. and he hopes he’s enough for you too, even in his drunken haze, because he doesn’t want to let you out of his grasps for even a second).
the way you stroke his hair has his mind collapsing into a puddle of melted goo even in the air-conditioned car. you’ve rewritten his brain chemistry to make yourself the only pearl in his universe composed of mostly football, and in every life, he would let you break his heart over and over again.
once you realise that he's stopped his drunken ramblings and fumbling, the panic finally kicks in.
"yoichi, are you sleeping? we're still in the car park! i can't get out with you laid on me!"
(the next morning, he apologises after a much needed hangover pill and a reminder of what happened last night, sent to him in the form of a video by nagi.
you don't tell him that you've already seen the ring in his sock drawer.)
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hexados-on-a-string · 28 days
there are 2 reasons why gus should've killed zenoheld in ep 39:
1. he, i assume, would've ended up covered in blood, which is very hot, which means that when he would've returned, spectra would've probably started making out with him immediately, bc personally if the most perfect and prettiest man in the universe killed for me and came home covered in blood i would have lost my mind, and i assume spectra would too (this is the most important reason)
2. zenoheld sucks or smth idk
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hsslilly-blog · 2 months
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i had never drawn a portrait for claire so i took it as an opportunity for Lore Development. so heres her id pic for her drivers license renewal in 2014. looking at you weirdly. do NOT put her behind the wheel. do NOT get in a car with claire swanson if she’s driving. actually maybe don’t get in a car with her at all
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maskednerd · 1 year
Guys. Belos x Papa Titan canon. Belos has the Titan's Heart.
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honeysbunchesofoats · 4 months
WREAK havoc. not reek. reek havoc implies that your stink is so wild that it causes chaos among all those around you
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thatonegeekygirl · 2 months
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what is dean winchester doing in hot chelle rae’s album cover
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dragon-spaghetti · 10 months
How am I meant to sound professional in emails when Stolas and his gay yearning exist
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rebornofstars · 1 month
Silly Game Time: COMPLETE THE PHRASE! "You can always _____, it's always morally correct."
SILLY GAME TIME! i'm so sorry this took forever to answer 😭 how are you doing? you know, if you want to, you can always murder people who have shouty-screamy conversations with their group of 10+ friends on long train rides, it's always morally correct. i know it. and on a totally unrelated note, guess what my train was like today........
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crispycreambacon · 5 months
do you the silly the do YIPPEE
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GIF ID: an animation of the autism/TBH creature blinking. The eyes close separately /End ID
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simmyfrobby · 1 year
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― to: judas iscariot, thérèse naccarato.
Hockey Poetry Post 20/?
(Media: The Kiss of Judas by Giotto, Adam Glanzman, Kiss of Judas by the Master Trecentesco of Sacro Specol, photo credit nowhere to be found but here is the link)
Inspired by this video. Judas/Brad & Jesus/Bergy rant can be found here.
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