#for legal reasons: this was not taken in Yellowstone
kelpeigh · 2 years
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You can avoid this question if it’s too personal, but how do you afford to travel so much? Because I’d love to do what you’re doing.
I get this question a lot and I never know quite how to answer it without a baseline of how much money the person asking has, but I'd say it really comes down to three things. Here comes a novel:
1. Take jobs places you want to be! I spent last summer in Alaska working for the state and my travel was all paid for by my work. I know "get a job" is the most obvious and also challenging advice in the world, but applying for short(er) term work out of your home region can be a really good way to travel. A lot of service jobs in National Parks include lodging as a benefit, for example, and I know a lot of people who have taken jobs as waiters in Yellowstone, for example, and then stay in housing behind the lodges and can spend days off exploring the park. This also goes for seasonal tourist work in places like Alaska and in ski towns in the west, and I know a few people who migrate between seasonal hotel/lift op/bartending/waiting etc. jobs in order to travel. If you have more nature experience or education, tour guiding or field work are also good ways to get paid travel to nature-y places.
2. I consider most of my travel to be very cheap, and here's how I'd say to do that:
Either book things as far in advance as humanly possible (12+ months) or as close to 11pm the night of your stay for the cheapest rates. Often one last refresh of "nearby" motels after 10pm will get you a place around $60/night. If you're doing it this way, flexibility is key, as is the willingness to call it a lost cause and sleep in a tent wherever you can. Book on the same website every time if you can (e.g. Priceline, Booking.com, Hotels.com, etc.) so that you can collect the stamps for your free stay. Freecampsites.net is my absolute go-to for finding camping spots nearby.
Bring a cooler and high-protien food that keeps well so you aren't paying for it in touristy places such as national parks. Peanut butter is a miracle.
Bring a gas can in your trunk for the same reason. Gas markups in parks are insane and minimizing those gas stops will save you so much money.
Buy a National Parks pass if you plan on traveling much, because parks are expensive and often it will get you discounted rates on tours that you don't realize have park entrance fees built into them.
If you're a full-time student, a AAA member, a senior, a military member, etc. ask if there's a discounted rate whenever you can. A lot of student discounts aren't listed! You're not being a bother by asking, and the worst they can say is 'no.' Also, a lot of places with pet fees have discounted pet rates for rescues.
Google coupons/use honey, etc. when booking online to try to find any deals available.
When I'm planning a trip, I like to figure out what the one 'extravagant' thing I want to do is (e.g. a seaplane trip to see bears, etc.) and then book that and plan to cut costs everywhere else. For example, when I go to Iceland, I always spend money on one guided day trip somewhere, and then I stay in a hostel ($20/night), eat energy bars I brought, live out of a single backpack, etc. Packing light saves you a lot of money for plane travel and bag checking, etc.!
3—and this is a much more personal answer—there are a lot of university, state, or federal debt forgiveness programs based on what kind of work you do. I won't be paying any of my student loans back myself because I'll be in the public sector doing environmental work or legal aid, and UChicago is good with its LRAP program.
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momentofmemory · 5 years
fictober - day thirty-one
Prompt #31: “Scared, me?”
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe (Spider-Man/Tom Holland Films, Captain America)
Characters: Peter Parker & Steve Rogers, Michelle Jones (mention)
Words: 2917
Author’s Note: i have been patiently waiting for an opportunity to pair these two all month, and today i happened to see a still from ffh that showed art supplies in peter’s room and just. bam. practically 3k. having also done inktober this month, this serves neatly to combine the two. oh—and this occurs about 4-5 months post endgame.
>>Brooklyn & Queens (don’t throw shade, draw it)
Signing up for Ms. Hart’s Drawing I class is the most singularly idiotic thing Peter’s ever done, and considering he accidentally hitched a ride into space four months ago, that’s saying a lot.
It all started when he found Ben’s old film camera in the storage boxes they’d gotten post-Blip. He’d showed it to MJ—it’s artsy and it’s old, so she was sure to know what to do with it—and she’d looked at him with her usual level of curiosity disguised as ambivalence.
“You know Midtown’s offering a Darkroom Photography class next Fall, right?”
Peter didn’t know that, but once he did it was all he could think about.
He brings it up to his guidance counselor, and while she’s surprised by his interest, she tells him he can fit it into his schedule—but only if he takes the spring semester drawing class to meet the prerequisites.
It’s that fateful decision that leads to him sitting in Yellowstone Park for two hours straight, trying and failing to translate the still life from this morning’s class onto the paper in front of him.
He holds his pencil at arm’s length and tilts it to the side, one eye closed. He’s not entirely sure how that’s supposed to help, but it’s what all the artists in the movies do, so he figures it’s worth a shot.
The image looks just as small and useless as it did before.
(Although to be fair, that might be because it’s a photograph on a 4.7 inch phone screen, and not an actual, full-sized object.)
Peter wishes MJ were here—he’d initially picked the park because MJ said she’d help him figure out lighting, but she’d gotten caught up in some kind of decathlon prep right as they were leaving school. He hasn’t heard a word from her since, so he’s honestly given up on the idea of her coming at this point.
Peter groans and flops back onto the grass, notebook falling onto his chest and arm across his eyes.
“I should have stayed Blipped.”
He’s fully intending on lying there until nature takes over and he’s turned into ant food, when he’s interrupted by an elderly gentleman’s voice.
“You all right there, son?”
“Only questioning my own mortality for want of a stable light source—” Peter halts mid sentence, realizing the voice sounded weirdly familiar.
Peter lowers his arm from his face and finds himself staring into the eyes of none other than Captain Steven G. Rogers himself.
“Holy shi—” Peter nearly punches a hole in the ground with the amount of force he exerts in leaping to his feet. “—shingles. Holy shingles. Sir.”
He only just remembered that one story Mr. Stark used to tell about the language thing, but Captain Rogers just seems amused by his slip up.
“Sorry if I scared you there, Queens.”
There’s a twinkle in his eye that makes Peter wonder if he didn’t do it on purpose, but he feels the need to defend himself either way. “Scared? Me? No no no no, I was just… cold.”
It’s seventy-five degrees in the shade, and Peter’s been sitting directly in the sun since he got here.
He shoves his notebook behind him with his foot and brushes non-existent grass off his jeans. “Um, anyway, what’re you—what’re you doing out here? I mean, not that you need a reason, since it’s a public park and you’re part of the public I guess, I mean you’re like half of the reason the public is even still here, so, uh—”
Cap looks like he’s trying not to laugh, and Peter wishes the ground would swallow him whole if only to get him to stop talking. “—what I mean is that I uh, I didn’t realize you were still hanging around in New York, Captain Rogers. America. Sir.”
He’s not entirely sure what the ex-super soldier’s official designation is these days, but Cap just starts to sit down on the grass, gesturing for Peter to do the same.
“Just Steve is fine,” he says, legs folded cross-legged under him. “Pretty sure Sam’ll kill us both if he hears you referring to anyone but him as Captain America now. He’s pretty taken with the new title.”
“Oh. Yeah.” Peter crosses his own legs and twiddles his thumbs. The politics of legacy heroes must be wild. He makes a note to never let anyone go by Spider-Man except himself.
“So can I… help you?”
Even as Peter asks, he can feel his throat seizing up at the thought. Before Thanos, he’d have given anything to team up with Captain America, but now…
Now, his heart’s accelerating from than just hero worship.
“No, no. Nothing like that.” Steve’s looking at him closely, eyes strangely sharp for the hundred plus year old body they’re staring out of. “Actually, Tony asked me to keep an eye on you.”
Peter looks up in surprise. “Mr. Stark said that?”
“The words he used were a bit stronger, but yes,” Steve says. “Not that he needed to. Even if you’re from a trashy borough like Queens, you’re still a New York boy.”
Peter gasps in horror, tensions forgotten. “You’re literally from Brooklyn! That’s like, infinitely worse!”
“Not according to ExtraSpace.com, which ranks it as the best borough for housing.”
“Whoever taught you how to use the internet should be criminalized, sir.”
“Steve,” he repeats.
“Right. Steve.” The name still feels weighty on Peter’s tongue. “…If I’m Queens, can we make it even and I call you Brooklyn?”
Cap laughs, and Peter barely has time to think oh my god Captain America laughed at one of my jokes before he realizes the man’s nodding towards Peter’s sketchpad. “Tell you what, you can call me Brooklyn so long as you tell me what’s got you longing for death this evening.”
“Uh…” Peter flounders, trying to find a cooler way to say homework. “Just some bottles.”
Not cooler, Peter. Very, very not cooler.
Steve raises his eyebrows.
“By which I mean drawing bottles! Glass, still-life bottles. Totally kosher ones. Not like, alcohol ones.” Peter scrambles for his notebook. “I’m not legal yet.”
To his surprise, though, Steve holds out an open hand. “May I see?”
Peter turns red enough that if he looked in the mirror, he’d probably think he had his costume on. “…Sure?”
Steve takes the notebook from him and starts paging through it, lingering every so often to trace over his lines. Peter watches the other man’s gnarled hand to avoid thinking about the fact that Captain America was looking at his high school level, B graded sketchpad.
What even is his life.
The only benefit from Steve looking at his drawings is that it meant the other man’s eyes weren’t directly on him, and that lends Peter the courage to ask the question that’s been in the back of his mind ever since he first saw Steve’s white hair.
“…Did you really go back?”
Steve’s hand stills over a poorly done rendition of an onion skin. “By go back, I assume you mean ‘stay.’”
Peter’s not sure he hasn’t just walked into a dangerous topic, but he’s never been good at knowing when to stop. “Yeah.”
Steve nods in a way that makes Peter think he’s probably a lot like that, too. “Then yes.”
A young couple walk by a few yards away, but pay them no mind—Peter’s not in his costume, and the general public doesn’t know what happened to Steve. They could easily pass as just an average grandfather and grandson, enjoying a day in the park. Peter’s eyes follow them until he’s sure they’re out of earshot, anyway, then he turns his attention back to Steve.
“So that makes you like…” Peter pauses, quickly running the numbers in his head. “…A hundred and ten? A hundred and eighty if you count the ice?”
The corner of Steve’s mouth twitches up. “Something like that.”
There’s a glint in Steve’s eyes that makes Peter think he might have wildly missed the mark; he stows that tidbit away for later. “Huh. Wow.”
Steve turns another page. “Does your professor know you’re drawing from photographs?”
“Uh, yeah, I guess?” Peter frowns, wondering how Steve could tell. “Does it matter?”
Steve hums, his brow furrowed in thought. “Camera lens aren’t the same as an eye—flattens the shapes differently. It can throw off the lighting, too.”
Peter tilts his head, then looks at his phone, still lying abandoned on the ground. “Oh.”
“Don’t worry.” Steve turns the page. “It’s a disadvantage when drawing, but it’s also the main advantage of actual photography. You can distort the world to fit the message you’re trying to tell.”
“Isn’t that lying?”
“All of art is a lie if you think it’s a direct interpretation of reality, Peter. The truth of art isn’t in always in what it depicts. It’s in how it depicts.”
Even though they’re his own drawings, Peter cranes his neck over Steve’s shoulder to look at his sketchbook. To him, they just look like the average still life. 
He wonders what Steve sees.
“How’d you know so much about art?”
“I was planning on being an art major, before the war,” Steve says. “And then I became one in 1957.”
Peter starts, eyes widening as Steve turns the page and finally reaches the sketches he’d been working on that afternoon. “You…”
He trails off, unsure of how to pursue that without offending the older super. Steve, for his part, says nothing further and just flips back and forth between Peter’s second and fourth failed attempt at the three-bottle composition.
Peter clears his throat. “When you—when you decided to go back. Was it hard?”
“Dr. Mortyn’s decision to grade on the curve was infuriating.”
Peter scowls; frustrated at what he can only assume is Steve being deliberately obtuse. “No, I mean—not being able to… change things.”
If Peter’s honest with himself, he’s both a little confused by and a little jealous of Steve’s decision. Confused, because he can’t imagine walking away from the fight when there’s still so much work to be done, can’t imagine going backwards in time when all he ever wants to do is move forward. But also jealous, because…
Because Peter’s tired, and he’s only been doing this for two years—if he’s tired now, then he can’t imagine how he’ll feel once he’s been doing this for as long as Cap did (if he makes it that long). Because Peter’s watched superheroes fight and die and sacrifice everything, and the memorials he passes in the street make him feel so small and insignificant that when he goes out on patrol, it makes him wonder if anything he’s doing really matters. Because he feels like he’s doing nothing right now but he’s terrified he’s going to be called on to do everything one day, and he’s just not sure he’s enough.
Steve finally reaches the last sketch in the notebook—the one Peter’d been working on before he’d given up on the whole thing. Steve looks at the forms for a long moment, then flips to the back of the book and carefully tears out a blank page.
“Where’s your pencil, Queens?”
“My—” Peter’s not entirely sure Steve isn’t just changing the subject on him, but he scrambles for the writing utensil regardless. He finds it and two more laying a few feet away, and gently blows an ant off the tip of the black one before offering it to Steve.
Steve accepts it, and starts sketching an outline of the composition.
“Your grasp of form is good,” he says, shapes quickly coming to life under his deft fingers. “Your proportions are mostly correct; there’s not too much difficulty on perspective. The composition is already set for you, so that’s no issue.”
He finishes the draft, still unshaded, and hands the sketchpad back to Peter. “So why do you keep redoing the same drawing?”
Peter looks between the sketched lines in Cap’s drawing and his own iterations. “Because they’re not the same?”
“The outlines are. Does the rest matter?”
“Well, yeah. Once you add in the shading…”
Peter flips through all the sketches he’d made today—one, two, five, seven; hundreds of eraser marks on all of them. They’re all wrong, but they’re all wrong just a little differently. One has light sources that seem to defy all the laws of physics, jumping in every which direction. Another has marks that were supposed to be highlights, but wound up being darker than the actual shadows. Still another has values that are so close together the shadows make the image look flatter than even Steve’s quick sketch.
He looks up at Steve. “It makes the final thing totally different.”
Steve smiles in response, and starts filling in his own sketch.
“Local colour is your biggest problem,” he says. “You’re trying to match everything to the colour your eye thinks it’s seeing in the photo—like in this one, where your darkest shadow on the white bottle is still brighter than the lightest highlight on the black bottle.”
“And that’s bad?” Peter frowns, catching his lip between his teeth, and starts his eighth version of the image while Cap continues.
“Not necessarily.” Steve runs the pencil over the edge of one of the bottles, darkening its side. “Shading is always a tricky thing. There’s a lot of things to pay attention to—shadows, highlights, halftones. Local colour. One of the most important rules is making sure your lightest dark is still darker than the darkest light.”
“Is that last one supposed to be a metaphor?”
“It wasn’t intended, but you can certainly take it that way.”
Peter hums in response, and moves on to outlining the second bottle. “So in my drawing, do I just ignore the colour?”
“The original context always matters,” Steve replies. He pauses to point out a discrepancy in one of Peter’s lines before continuing. “Your white bottle is always going to be whiter than the black one overall. But if you’ve got a highlight on both—that highlight’s the same. And if you’ve got a dark shadow on something, don’t be afraid to make it as dark as it needs to be to provide contrast.”
Peter nods, and after a few minutes, finishes his outline and starts shading. Steve offers pointers every so often, and he’s barely a quarter of the way through the first bottle before he can see a marked difference between this sketch and his last one.
“So,” Peter says eventually. “When I asked how you handled not being able to change things…”
Steve pauses, his pencil hovering above the page, and waits for Peter to finish. 
Peter looks down at his drawing and thinks about how it’s exactly the same as all the others, and yet totally different, too.
“…The answer is that you did.”
Steve smiles, the edges of his eyes crinkling, and turns his attention back to his sketch. It’s all the confirmation Peter needs.
The scritch-scratch of pencil on paper fills Peter’s ears as he thinks about that revelation. Whatever Steve did, it can’t have been major—not in the universe-shaping, blatantly obvious kind of way he’s used to Avengers working. He wonders if it was enough.
Peter erases a shadow on the middle bottle he’s decided has gotten too dark, and then glances at Steve, who’s started adding all kinds of textures and details to his own drawing.
It’s clearly the same picture, but the art is something else entirely.
It’s enough.
Peter’s certain Steve has better things to do, but the retired soldier stays with him for another hour, either telling him stories about the Avengers or old school New York, or gently correcting something about his art form. By the time Peter’s done, the sketch isn’t great, per se, but it’s at least good. Steve helps Peter pack his things back up, and then hoists Peter to his feet with a strength that belies his older body.
Steve then hands Peter the drawing he’d made, and Peter almost refuses until he flips it over and sees that Steve’s written a phone number on the back.
“Let me know if you ever need anything, Queens. Including, but not limited to, more art lessons.”
Peter grins from ear to ear. “Thanks, Brooklyn. You too.”
The next morning, Peter turns in a drawing that still looks a little wonky, but it’s so dramatically improved from last time that MJ gives him a halfway impressed thumbs up, and it’s enough to make him take back every disparaging thing he’s said about the class.
That evening, Spider-Man heads out onto the streets with more excitement than he’s had in a long time.
He doesn’t do anything of a particularly groundbreaking nature—nothing that will change the outlines. There’re no aliens, no world-ending weapons, no last minute, jaw dropping rescues.
But there is Mr. Delmar, who needs help repainting the store sign that’s too high for him to reach. There’s a sixth grader, who’s putting up posters for her lost dog until he finds it eleven blocks away. There’s a would-be mugger, who’s had one too many bad days but Spider-Man listens to them all, and then helps him register at a homeless shelter.
It’s nothing so grand as saving the universe. It won’t get him shrines in the streets, or murals on skyscrapers, or even a mention in the paper.
But it’s something: a few more highlights, a little more definition, a bit more right in a world where there’s so much wrong.
And that, Peter decides, is not nothing.
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wisehowell · 7 years
just a lot of questions
got tagged by @teatowelhowell to answer these 92 questions- that’s a lot, btw THE LAST 1. Drink: water 2. Phone Call: one of my best friends to rant about something 3. Text Message: hm oh on sc i was ranting about bts to another best friend 4. Song You Listened To: let’s open spotfiy... coming home by tuen/anki. oh that’s a good song. i don’t think anyone knows it exists, but 5. Time You Cried: heh like i remember i probably hit my toe against something HAVE YOU EVER 6. Dated Someone Twice: lol single life (my parents no let me anyway) 7. Been Cheated On: heh 8. Kissed Someone And Regretted It: heh 9. Lost Someone Special: my grandma :( also three best friends bc we went to different high schools and it was too hard to stay together 10. Been Depressed: uhm no i’m too confident it’s kinda insane but yea 11. Gotten Drunk and Thrown Up: yep, at age fifteen. (altho i’m like 19ish days away from sixteen) LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS 12. teal, green with a hint of blue. not aqua, which is blue with a hint of green. 13. silver (especially if it shimmers) 14. a rich blue IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. Made New Friends: of course! i made about thirty, idk. but i love em all. some graduated high school tho so now i’m sad 16. Fallen Out of Love: what is love 17. Laughed Until You Cried: duhhh 18. Found Out Someone Was Talking About You: nah i’m that “smart, cute girl that’s too loud and follows every rule ever” according to my friends we got no drama 19. Met Someone Who Changed You: my four best friends 20. Found Out Who Your True Friends Are: mhm. for now. but college... 21. Kissed Someone On Your Facebook: do you mean ig or sc bc fb is dead 22. How Many of Your Facebook Friends Do You Know in Real Life: like i have fb no it’s for old people like my parents 23. Do You Have Any Pets: a hermit crab named digger! nickname- diggles 24. Do You Want To Change Your Name: well my name is annoying bc ‘phoebe’ is never in any gift shops and people (guy friends mostly) say it wrong on purpose or spell it wrong. people i’ve known for years spell my name wrong- pheobe. i’d change it to idk what something cool like olivia or kat. 25. What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday: that was a year ago jeez but i think i went to a waterpark 26. What Time Did You Wake Up: 7, altho today was a rarity usually it’s 8ish 27. What Were You Doing at Midnight Last Night: tumblr and anime and sc 28. Name Something You Cannot Wait For: taylor swift’s new album. yes i’m a swiftie. fight me. 29. When Was The Last Time You Saw Your Mother: last night i’m still in bed lol 30. What is One Thing You Wish You Could Change About Your Life: my mom having the job she wants instead of being a librarian. nothing about me tho i’m good. 31. What Are You Listening To Right Now: i paused my music for that other question but okay the same song as before 32. Have You Ever Talked To a Person Named Tom: i know a tommy? but his full name is thomas. 33. Something That Is Getting On Your Nerves: fffffa- i’m not saying 34. Most Visited Website: google 35. Elementary: idk what that is but im assuming you mean primary school? so my favourite memories of primary school was egg-rolling in the park, my first best friend, sandboxes, jumping pig game, the ditch, cleaning fruit baskets, horrible pizza,SITTING ON THE MOTHERFUCKIN BENCHES, the music trolley, the ditch, love tunnel, shirt signing, plimsolls, penguin bar jokes, bringing in an old shirt for art, lunchables, recorder lessons, the shoes from clarkes with the shitty toys in the heel, doughnut socks, the 3d shape bag,PGL/ Residential trips, stuck in the mud, turning the lights off in the toilet, biff and chip, being told we were to big for the play equipment in year 6. (I feel like that was the most british thing I’ve ever written and any americans probably have no fuckin clue what half of these things are)
OKAY BUT I’M KEEPING  WHAT @teatowelhowell PUT BECAUSE as an american i have no idea what this says. like jumping pig game? lol is that like the frog jump game kids do? but pigs are frogs bc maybe there’s no frogs over there? altho i don’t think so. i know what a trolley is from british vlogs. but love tunnel? plimsolls? shoes with toys in the heels? biff and chip? huh? girl your language is confusing. as for my elementary it was pretty and i made a lot of friends but they all went to a diff high school & middle bc of boundaries so i only know like ten people from my elementary in high school. 36. High School: should i tell you? my mascot is shark 37. College/University: hm i wanna go to uc davis or uc something. 38. Hair Colour: brown with goldish highlights that are natural bc my dad used to be completely blond and i guess i got some of that 39. Long Hair or Short Hair: like medium 40. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: no bro just jensen ackles 41. What Do You Like About Yourself: i make friends with literally everyone i love it 42. Piercings: no bc i do year round soccer- for like ten years- so i never had time XD also i know why piercings are popular and how it all started with early us- natives- so idk it seems kinda uncivilized to stick a hole in a body part and put a stone in it. so when i’m done with soccer i don’t think i’ll pierce my ears bc it’s kinda weird to me 43. Blood Type: my parents don’t even know. whatever the most common one is, i’m sure 44. Nickname:(phoebe is pronounced FEEBEE) phoebs, phoebster, fo-e-be, phobe wan kenobi, anne (i give other people nicknames usally) 45. Relationship Status: go away 46. Zodiac Sign: leo. roar. 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: Supernatural, Reign, Once Upon a Time, Sherlock, Arrow, Gravity Falls when it still lived 49. Tattoos: no 50. Right or Left Hand: right FIRST 51. Surgery: i had an extra tooth so i had to get that taken out before it grew in. but i also destroyed my elbow in kinder and had to get stitches? idk if that’s a surgery 52. Piercing: we went over my feelings on them 54. Sport: soccer! did flag football with my soccer team too for two years it was fun but all the guy teams beat us bc we weren’t really trying we were just laughing 55. Vacation: uhm my parents take me a lot of places so idr. uhmmm maybe yellowstone? 56. Pair of Trainers: trainers? uhm are those pants? a bra? oh lol i looked it up. they’re tennis shoes. my first pair were probably just nike. 57. Eating: wtf ? is this like the first time i remember eating? << wisehowell agrees with her. 58. Drinking: i’m not old enough to drink legally so 59. I’m About To: eat breakfast? 60. Listening To: uhm whattt i just said i paused the dang song so same oneee but here i’ll rec you a few artists: BANNERS, LIGHTS, and clairity. (those two are supposed to be caps) 61. Waiting For: school to kill me 62. Want: nothing just my friends 63. Get Married: sure 64. Career: that’s confusing YOUR TYPE 65. Hugs or Kisses: hugs 66. Lips or Eyes: eyes altho i have brown eyes and everyone hates brown eyes so idk man. but i’ve never been complimented on my eyes in my life so i feel rude if i say eyes bc as a lame eyed i know how cruel it is to judge by eye color 67. Shorter or Taller: i’m 5ft flat so everyone is taller than me 68. Older or Younger: idc 70. Nice Arms or Nice Stomach: no 71. Sensitive or Loud: idc 72. Hook Up or Relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or Hesitant: neither bro 74. Kissed a Stranger: no 75. Drank Hard Liquor: no I’M FIFTEEN usa has strict drinking laws okay like yea my uh fun friends get high and drunk but i’m a valedictorian i gotta keep my rep 76. Lost Glasses/Contact Lenses: i have glasses but i would never lose em 77. Turned Someone Down: when someone turns up i’ll let you know how it goes << I’M LAUGHING 78. Sex on First Date: again do i need to say my age 79. Broken Someone’s Heart: some guys had crushes on me and my friends told me that they told them like a year later so i guess i did 80. Had Your Heart Broken: no 81. Been Arrested: no, i luv rules 82. Cried When Someone Died: wth 83. Fallen For a Friend: nah my guy friends are too stupid to love DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84. Yourself: yea 85. Miracles: no god isn’t real 86. Love at First Sight: uh we’ll see 87. Santa Claus: nooo not since i was four 88. Kiss on First Date: why not 89. Angels: no if god isn’t real why are his slaves (i’m kidding, i totally respect the religious community) OTHER… 90. Current Best Friend’s Name: i’ll give the first letters of the four. a, a, c, c. (i’m not kidding for whatever reason most of my close friends have a or c names like i had two old best friends with both a. and another with c) here i’ll tag one. @galaxy-searcher 91. Eye Colour: brown (boooooo) 92. Favourite Movie: idk i don’t pick favs but song of the sea is cute
uhm. i don’t want to tag people bc it’s 92 questions. do it if you want XD
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itwontsurvivemee · 7 years
ok this is random and i don’t want to do hw, basically just my impression of each state from either experience or just what i’ve heard. ALSO THIS IS A JOKE
California - this goes first bc i live here. anyways, according to visit california, everyone is surfing or playing golf or drinking wine. everyone smokes weed, central california isn’t real and apparently bakersfield is satan’s armpit (even tho it had really awesome tacos) no seasons at all. 
Florida - I basically live in Orlando part-time. YOU CAN PADDLEBOARD BY ALLIGATORS?!? guns and gardening exists, lotssssss of billboards talking about god and abortion. churches EVERYWHERE 
New York - is there a state outside of the city? I didn’t know where Albany was for like a million years 
New Jersey - everything is large, the houses are large, the dogs are large and the mosquitoes are large. 
Georgia - ok to be fair i’ve been to one city and it was savannah but it’s liberal and conservative at the same time? the beach sand is hot as fuck wtf. 
Utah - its more than mormons?!?!? it’s actually really pretty but still, lots of churches. 
Colorado - weed is legal here. It’s pretty, a lot of white ppl. 
Maryland - mcdonald's is open till like 1am and everything at dark is shady. i mesh it with dc bc for some reason i remember them together? 
Pennsylvania - ok this state is really nice and pretty and i actually really liked it?its basically made of brick, philadelphia is just BRICK  
Massachusetts: BOSTON IS THE BOMB OK, i love boston but idk more than that. 
Wyoming: it has yellowstone and a shit ton of bison. I got nightmares from the amount of bison 
Idaho: i wanted to move here when i was like 9 bc my parents said i could own a horse if we moved here. 
Montana - idek montana i visited like one national park and it was hot as fuck.
Oregon - EVEN MORE people smoke weed wtf. i’ve never been to portland, its horrible. i heard it has bookstores which is good bc california doesn’t (thats a joke, my hometown doesn’t have bookstores) 
Washington - seattle has a fucking starbucks on every block like chill dude. 
Arizona - HOT. AS. FUCK. 
New Mexico - idk i’ve never been here but santa fe was in a musical song and i think it sounds cool 
Texas - some of my fam lives here? i’ve never been, i here Austin is really cool and everyone owns guns. 
 North Dakota - snow 
South Dakota - idk what the hell is there in south dakota (i also spelled dakota 3 different ways in the past two states wtf) 
Nebraska - corn? 
Kansas - wizard of oz 
Wisconsin - i actually forgot this was a state WHOOPS 
Iowa - this is def corn town 
Missouri - i think of the word misery but im sure its a pretty cool place! 
Louisiana - new orleans seems dope. property brothers does a show here, indians and asians settled here first! 
Mississippi - M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I 
Alabama - idek 
Tennessee - THERE’S A TOWN NAMED AFTER DOLLY PARTON I THINK AND ITS SO WEIRD. it’s actually pretty and there was a tractor in the airport. 
South Carolina - idek  
Virginia -  jamestown colony here? bc i think i visited it, american history is the bomb.com here so is thomas jefferson 
Vermont - honestly seems chill. Bernie Sanders is from here right? i’d move here 
West Virgina - why are there two virginas? 
Delaware - it was the first state right? idek how i know that 
Connecticut - i don’t know how to pronounce this properly tbh 
Rhode Island - ITS SO SMALL 
New Hampshire - idek either like? it seems so cute
Ohio - my parents lived here for like 5-10 years and they loved it. it snows so yikes 
Michigan - my aunts state, i have a baby sweatshirt with U of M’s logo and a stuffed bear AND a regular shirt that i wear. i haven’t even been here but apparently its amazing 
Illinois - C H I C A G O and apparently they don’t like ketchup  
Indiana - ?!?!? 
Hawaii - the most precious state ever, so pretty. didn’t deserve to be taken over by american businessmen 
Wisconsin - did i do this already? is it real? UPDATE: I DID THIS ALREADY omfg 
Oklahoma - it sounds like okara 
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butterflynotes · 5 years
We Rise / Study
Love This work makes use of a love as a theme quite obviously. It represents how people don’t feel complete - alive - without love, some people anyway. It also references the fact that love is both good and bad. The use of the lines “the desolation left in our wake” and “the eternal storm” show a representation of love that is painful, as does the line “feelings left unrequited”.
It references the fact love can be quite violent, despite the beauty and appeal it holds, as well as how it isn’t always returned - which is painful for people.
Insanity Insanity is referenced, but it is not one of the main themes of the poem. The lines “we could not tell / fact from fiction, / fiction from fact” references the legal definition of insanity, which is an inability to tell fantasy from reality.
The reason this is used is to reference the nature of love, so it holds a meaning with that theme, and that it can drive people to insanity - as well as this, it shows how we fantasise about people and fictional characters, sometimes to the point it feels so real we can barely distinguish whether it was or not. The line also holds some reference to false memories.
Destruction This is one of the main themes in the poem, shown throughout every stanza. This refers to our destruction of the world via using up natural resources and creating pollution, as well as the destructive nature of humanity when it comes to relationships.
Consequences This, once again, is not a main theme of the poem. It is referenced clearly only once with the lines “as we wait for / our consequences / during a short reprieve”. A reprieve is defined as a cancellation or postponement of a punishment. It references how we, as humanity, have destroyed the world quite a lot, but never suffered consequences - or at least, those who started it never did.
This reference to a reprieve is that those who cause the problems are often not those who face the consequences. It can also be taken in the light that there are consequences to love and relationships, both good and bad.
Togetherness This is referenced towards the end of the poem. This theme is having a sense of community, standing with others until the end - solidarity between people. It represents that the new generation will be the ones to deal with the consequences of what other generations have done, and that people must stand together as they face it.
The line “we stand together” references this theme in several ways. Not only does it reference the togetherness of love, but the way people stood together after terrorism attacks, like the Manchester terror attack in 2017 and the Parkland high school shooting in February 2018. This line itself represents the strength we have together and that, no matter what, people will come together when it is needed.
Change Change is heavily referenced throughout the poem, but most notably at the end, through the lines “and we step out / of the shadows / and into the light / we rise” which represents that the world is changing. This theme connects to many things in the world changing - for example, the rise of terrorism, the way supervolcanoes are beginning to show more activity, earthquakes in the UK, the way we change our lifestyles to save the environment etc etc.
Those particular lines show how the younger generation is the one stepping up to change things before the consequences can destroy us. It represents the way that people use petitions and the internet to cause change, such as the recent stand against articles 13 and 11 in the EU and demands for gun control in the USA.
Overall Overall, this poem has many themes which reference a lot of ideas and key moments in time, as well as the way the world - both natural and human - is starting to change. It is a message that if we stand together, we can do anything, we just need to try. At the end of the poem, the line ‘we rise’ refers to success - it is the end goal, achievable but we haven’t quite reached it.
So, when I was writing this poem, I was researching a lot in the news for a story I was planning. In particular, I was looking at changes and togetherness. From this research, I thought back to stories about terrorism attacks, both in the UK and USA, as well as the changing geography of the Earth.
An example of this geography being an earthquake swarm in Surrey, England, which is on the middle of a tectonic plate so an earthquake swarm shouldn’t have been possible. As well as this, I came across stories of the rising magma plume beneath New England in the USA, as well as the speculations that Yellowstone could erupt soon.
From there, I found the ideas that people have had to reduce climate change and global warming - such as ways to reduce litter, plastic etc. I had already known about the issues with articles 13 and 11, living in a European country.
Then, I had an idea - to write about the way people came together during these attacks. From here, the theme of love came in, mostly platonic, but also romantic. I was reading and I thought that the theme of love was important, especially when dealing with this things, and that it could bring people together when nothing else could. This inspired me to include pieces about it in the poem.
However, I also wanted to emphasise the fact love could not always help and heal people, that not everything could be romanticised - especially in the wake of what is referred to as a mental health crisis. For this reason, I brought in how it is destructive, particularly to those with unpredictable mindsets, whether due to mental illness or other issues, even if that was never explicitly mentioned.
In the end, as I wrote, I realised that I wasn’t really writing what I wanted to, not completely. So I changed it and I added something not in the original draft: an endgame. Something to achieve, to look forward to - a message of hope, that we could do something about what was happening, even if it took a long time.
Soon after, I finished the poem and added in the last line, which became the title. The reason I chose it as the title was because we still rose after everything that happened, we still kept on living - so I thought that, in the end, the most important thing anyone could say would be that after everything, no matter what happens, we will still rise. We will still change.
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recentnews18-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://shovelnews.com/essay-plan-think-and-dont-be-stupid-in-a-national-park/
Essay | Plan, Think, And Don't Be Stupid In A National Park
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Looking at something along the nature trail other than the geysers, Yellowstone National Park / Rebecca Latson
I recently completed a three-week road trip and move from southeast Texas up to central Washington State. All by my lonesome, in my little, loaded down, Honda Fit (ok, with the help of a moving company to transfer the big stuff later on). En route to Yakima, I visited and photographed five national parks:  Petrified Forest National Park, the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Grand Teton National Park, and Yellowstone National Park. 
During that time, I saw plenty of things resulting from poor planning or simply not thinking on the part of the park visitor. Some things I saw made me roll my eyes, while other things really torqued my jaw (metaphorically). Thus, I felt the need to write about what I saw and to give visitors a little bit of advice on how not to be stupid. I’m pretty sure I’m going to irritate some of you. Nobody likes to be reminded of dumb things they do. At the same time, I’m sure there are many of you out there who will agree with me. I can’t please everybody with my articles.  Note: These observations are my own and thus may not be the opinion of the Traveler.
1)     Footwear
There are many locations within national parks where a wonderful job has been done of creating and maintaining trails suitable for everybody, including people in walkers and wheelchairs. As I write this, I’m thinking of the boardwalks and paved paths in the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park.  Kudos to the NPS for producing these accessible routes to stunning venues. Even people wearing flimsy sandals and jogging shoes can maneuver around without too much issue.
However … there are other trails where people really need to think about their footwear choice.
I’m sure you, yourself, have noticed this. Most of the tour buses disgorging their human cargo don’t apparently delve much into detail regarding the type of shoes their passengers might need to consider when visiting a place far away from metropolitan infrastructure. Having watched the tour buses along the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park, I know that most of those organized tours aren’t going to do more than allow for a 20-minute stop before heading on to the next sight.
Nonetheless, I can’t tell you how many people (primarily from those tours) I saw wearing Keds-type no-traction tennis shoes on the trail.  Yes, I will own up to the fact that most of those particular trails are either paved or really well-maintained, but, at one point while hiking the Fairyland Loop Trail toward Tower Bridge in Bryce Canyon National Park, I saw a line of ladies holding their little umbrellas against the sun, inching carefully down a steep portion of the unpaved trail wearing nothing but no-tread trainers guaranteed to twist an ankle at some point in time.
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It can get a little steep on the Fairyland Loop Trail, Bryce Canyon National Park / Rebecca Latson
Here’s another example. If you’ve ever been to the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park, you’ll know of two small overlooks below the Grand Canyon Lodge. The trail to reach either view is unpaved and uneven in places. You must then take a short series of very uneven steps down to a short paved path to the fenced-in views, where the ground of the view area is rocky and uneven to the point that even I, in my hiking boots, must watch my step so as not to stumble. 
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Quite a view at the North Rim, Grand Canyon National Park / Rebecca Latson
All of this is a preamble to the day I stood at one of those view areas to capture a sunrise shot. I’d set up my tripod and had my eye to the viewfinder. I heard this slow, measured “flip flip” behind me. Turning, I saw a young man wearing flip flops, slowly and carefully wending his way to where I stood. Talk about the surest way to twist an ankle. 
Here’s the deal with flip flops: They have no tread, you have to keep squeezing your toes to keep them on, they have no foot or ankle support on uneven ground (even uneven paved ground), and if you lose one of them down a steep precipice or while standing in a river or the sea (and they are easy to lose), you’ve effectively littered in the park. Ditch the flip flops on a trail, people. Get some hiking shoes or boots. You are not in the city.
2.)     Perfume and Aftershave
When I am out in a national park, I revel in the fragrance of fresh air filled with cedar, fir, pine or sage. My nose thanks me for those sumptuous scents. And then, I pass a woman wearing perfume or a man wearing strong aftershave. These are the people who not only invade my fresh air space, but also can’t smell anything other than their Chanel #5 or Old Spice. In case you are wondering, does self-administered fragrance affect the wildlife? A quick Google search pulled up nothing of note, but perfume and aftershave certainly affect *this* writer.  Leave the perfume and aftershave for your office or an evening out.
3.)     Hats
We all wear hats when visiting a national park. That sun (or rain) beats down on us and we need protection. We need a hat to keep the wind from blowing our tresses into our face; nothing worse than a mouthful of hair, believe me. I wear a hat every time I am out with my camera. But, you need to remember to affix that hat FIRMLY to your head. National parks get windy – really windy – and if you don’t have your hat tied down, it will blow off and litter the park. 
The following images show you the number of hats spoiling portions of hot springs and bacterial mats in Yellowstone National Park. All that natural beauty marred by a clothing item that the wearer should have taken time (and a little thought) to tie down firmly to their head before touring the sights.
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A hat in the bacterial mat, Yellowstone National Park / Rebecca Latson
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A hat at Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park / Rebecca Latson
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A hat near Canary Spring, Yellowstone National Park / Rebecca Latson
4.)      Drive the Damned Speed Limit
The national parks I visited all had a maximum speed limit of 45mph (72 kph), and sometimes, 25mph – 35mph. They do that for a reason. You know, it’s kinda nice to drive that 45mph and admire all the beautiful scenery for which a national park is famous, but a slower speed limit is also for your safety and wildlife safety. I can’t tell you how many times a chipmunk, bunny, or deer (and even a bear, once) crossed the road in front of me. Had I been driving beyond the posted speed limit, that wildlife and my vehicle would have both been toast. I invariably saw people (usually with California license plates), pass me on the narrow road because I was going the posted speed limit and they wanted to apparently drive 65 mph or whatever speed limit du jour of the state in which they reside.
If you want to drive fast, don’t do it in a national park.  Rent some time on a speedway, instead, and get it out of your system.
5.)     Parking
In each of the parks I visited, there are signs all along the roads prohibiting parking in anything other than the designated parking spaces, pullouts, or specific widened road shoulders. Yet, I saw it time and time again – parking anywhere people could pull over after all the legal spaces were taken up. There are a lot of drivers unfamiliar with the route, or just plain poor drivers to begin with. As drivers park their cars or RVs on both sides of the narrow roads, then walk down the roads to the site, they don’t make it any safe for other drivers or walkers. Unfortunately, there are currently not enough rangers out there to enforce the rules. It’s encumbent upon you, the driver, to slow down to 15 mph when passing heavily-congested areas and to PLEASE park only in designated areas.
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Nowhere to park at Grand Prismatic, Yellowstone National Park / Rebecca Latson
6.)     Litter
There are signs all over the place to not litter. And yet, people still do it. I remember sitting on one of those benches curving around Old Faithful near the Old Faithful Lodge and discovering an empty yogurt cup and plastic spoon underneath my seat.  The trash bin was just a few steps away. And yet, the eater of the yogurt was too lazy to get up, walk over, and place the cup in the trash. A robust wind might have blown that empty container off the boardwalk and onto ground beyond the boardwalk where visitors are prohibited from walking. I saw empty cups, cellophane wrappings, and paper receipts marring the bacterial mats and thermal pools. I will grant that perhaps the wind blew some un-secured trash item, but that’s even more reason to THINK and SECURELY stash your trash.
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A paper cup off the boardwalk at Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park / Rebecca Latson
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Paper receipt in a runoff stream, Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park / Rebecca Latson
Oh, and one other thing. Just because your orange peels or banana skins are compostable, that doesn’t mean it’s OK to simply throw them to the side once you are done eating  In a June 19, 2018 online article, Glacier National Park officials warned that while we think of fruit peels as biodegradeable, it really takes them a long time to biodegrade (I believe their word is “rot”) and it’s dangerous for the wildlife.  Litter is litter, folks.  Pack out what you pack in. It’s really not that difficult to bring along a little bag in which to put your used Kleenex, food peels, etc. and then put that little bag in your purse, backpack, or photographer vest pocket.
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Litter the photographer picked up at Yellowstone National Park / Rebecca Latson
I’ll bet you readers have seen some pretty stupid stuff out in the national parks (including people harassing the wildlife … and later getting arrested for it). I’d be interested to know what you’ve witnessed, and I’m sure the Traveler would, too. If you’ve experienced up close and personal the lack of planning, laziness, or unthinking stuff people have done, put that in your commentary below this article. Regardless of the fact that people don’t like to be reminded of their – er – transgressions, I’m hoping they do a better job of remembering those actions the next time they are out enjoying a national park.
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Please, don’t feed the wildlife, Glacier National Park / Rebecca Latson
Source: https://www.nationalparkstraveler.org/2018/08/essay-plan-think-and-dont-be-stupid-national-park
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thad77s40709-blog · 7 years
Travel And also Tourism 5 Of The Planet's Many Uncommon Florals
If you're considering putting in a hardwood floor, there are actually tons of procedures and also pieces of advise you ought to follow prior to you tackle the job. Two thirds, 62 per cent, would like to see even more yellow in their refrigerator, while the study located 30 percent even more individuals associate yellow along with happiness compared to other colours. If you call for copies of concerns just before that meeting, please get in touch with Gary Edwards, Yellowish Monday publisher, e-mail: yellow.monday @ or even phone call (01273) 915637. I have actually got more email list concepts compared to I may hold in my little human brain so I grabbed a batch from 25 yellow legal pads as well as additional pencil lead merely for the celebration. Among the excursions gave at Yellowstone are conventional ones like trainer excursions for wild animals viewing and also additional unusual ones like horseback tours at the same time excursions on llamas. Well inning accordance with Scream and also their published online Facts as well as Statistics they do - as a matter of fact they profess over 80% of UK adults utilize the published organisation directory site. These flags are used in nations like Australia, New Zealand, UK and also Philippines. Jews in Nazi Germany and German-occupied countries were demanded to sew yellow triangles along with the celebrity from David over their apparel. The yellowish webpages have been around because the overdue 1800's and have lately progressed into on the internet directory sites along with conventional printing publications. Psycho therapists recommend that favorable responses from yellow are made up at a very early age through the warmth from sunshine or even the illumination of children toys. Because from its high exposure, yellow was actually specifically valued in the 20th century. If you cherished this post and you would like to receive more facts relating to mountains of mourne tab - click through the up coming web site - kindly take a look at our web-page. Yellow and saffron are also the different colors put on through sadhu, or even roaming divine guys in India. A lot of neighborhood yellow web pages are actually right now easily accessible online as well as are actually likewise formatted to publish directory sites. Yellow dock appreciates wealthy fertile dirt however is going to accept poor soil and likes partial shade. You could also decide to offer your kid a book along with coloring pages about Dora and her backpack. Yellow Sub features a removable leading, cockpit that matches all four Beatles minifigures, four rotating periscopes, 2 spinning propellers as well as a changeable tail, plus a removable display stand. The best common yellow meals coloring in use today is named Tartrazine It is actually an artificial lemon yellow azo dye 55 56 This is also called E amount E102, C.I. 19140, FD&C yellowish 5, acid yellowish 23, meals yellowish 4, as well as trisodium 1-( 4-sulfonatophenyl) -4-( 4-sulfonatophenylazo) -5- pyrazolone-3-carboxylate. The hazardous period creates liver damage, and the jaundice that results is the reason for the title yellow high temperature." Yellow fever is actually additionally classified as a hemorrhagic high temperature-- in the very same category as dengue, Ebola, and some stress from encephalitis-- since this dangerous phase of disease likewise induces a raised danger from bleeding. There are dozens wide arrays, however the ones we are actually very most accustomed to convert from green to yellow as they ripen. This is vital to pick an appropriate promotion companion one of the multitudes of Qatar Telephone directory carriers. The yellowish comes from the yellowish cougar in the coating of upper arms from the Duchy from Linen, founded in 1183-84. Celena, Salena, Salina, Selena, Selene, and Selina are actually Classical dog names that means moon. Yellowish dresses in fashion are actually uncommon, however consistently associated with merriment as well as event. When this concerns choosing steels, white metal and platinum eagle both give a sense from clearness and also brilliance that complements a lovely diamond as well as may match a more modern-day taste, whereas yellow and also reddish gold are taken into consideration extra timeless. In regards to magnificent aesthetic deals with, there's plenty to appreciate in Yellowstone. Nowadays, along with the advancement from innovation you could obtain coloring pages via the World wide web. Most of the smaller sized jobs a yellow belt is actually engageded in can simply escalate into bigger tasks such as developments. The yellow color represents the golden key of the Kingdom of paradise, illustrated in guide of Matthew from the New Testimony, as well as portion of the Papal seal on the banner. The Smooch from Judas (1304-06) by Giotto di Bondone, complied with the Medieval practice of clothing Judas Iscariot in a yellow toga. Due to the qualities from paint pigments as well as use of various shade wheels, artists generally relate to the supplement of yellow as the shade indigo or blue-violet. Due to the fact that folks possess an urgent concern and also need to have to repair this, the a large number from Yellow Pages usage is. The fattest portion of the book is actually where the adds are for unexpected emergency services, like plumbing technicians. You do not need to have a certification to work for yourself in the UK if you are actually independent, yet you can secure a yellow sign up certification to confirm your right to become independent. In Football (football), the referee presents a yellow memory card to indicate that a gamer has actually been formally cautioned considering that they have actually dedicated a filthy or have delayed. When the yellow-green receptor is actually stimulated somewhat much more in comparison to the blue receptor, yellowish is identified. If you reminisce, offices were presently applying paperless services, very early adopters from the Web were actually actually seeking organisations on-line and also anticipating richer information, innovation was actually building at a fast speed permitting the magazine from data faster and extra accurate compared to before, houses across the UK were actually acquiring additional computer systems yearly in comparison to television. Studies show that little ones will certainly cry much more in a yellowish room compared to every other color (assume red light yellow, not butter lotion). That is actually a great enhancement for any type of adolescent who intends to visit The Clique prior to they dedicate to purchasing due to the fact that you could read to 30 webpages from each manual. Under requirements set out by WHICH, any person taking a trip to a country or even area where there is actually a threat of picking up or even spreading out the infection that creates yellow fever needs to have an International Certification from Shot or Prophylaxis (ICVP). Like the sun, too much vivid yellow hurts our eyes and also upsets us. Brilliant yellowishes make our eyes tired. Yet not everyone has the same viewpoint pertaining to the yellow rose particularly in Islamic culture. Yellowish is the shade most related to positive outlook and also enjoyment; that is a shade created to stand out, and also is utilized for entertainment. The proverbs originate from South Western Europe, they are actually increased substantially in the UK. The flowers are readily available coming from Oct to April. Heals Bowel irregularity - Yellow dock is additionally a wonderful agent for healing irregularity due to the fact that this produces mucous and liquids in the GI system. Wrigley is however to take care of the issue from the yellowish Skittles intrusion, however whatever the reason behind it, supporters of the brilliantly colored wonderful delight have actually made one thing crystal clear.
0 notes
touristguidebuzz · 7 years
Airport Sleep Pods Are Providing a Respite for Stranded Passengers
NapCity America's napcabs are part of a growing trend in sleeping pods at airports. NapCity Americas via Bloomberg
Skift Take: Is this the next generation in the evolution of airport hotels?
— Deanna Ting
For decades, a thunderstorm or missed connection meant you might have to sleep in the airport, leaving frustrated travelers with a truly tired dilemma: Is the boarding gate chair-curl worth a try, or is it better just to grab some floor?
Some airports are considering a better way to accommodate unlucky passengers while making some money in the process. At least four companies are angling for space inside terminals for a new generation of sleeping spaces dubbed cabins, capsules, and even pods. One of them, Minute Suites LLC, has retail sleep locations at airports in Atlanta, Dallas-Fort Worth, and Philadelphia, with a Charlotte, N.C., location opening in December. Washington Dulles airport is exploring the concept as well, and aims to have a sleep amenity next year.
Meanwhile, a company dubbed izZzleep opened a sleep capsule warren in the Mexico City airport this summer, with rates from $8 per hour to $34 per night. Yotel Ltd., the London-based mini-hotel operator, operates YotelAir in four European airports, with a Singapore Changi project coming in early 2019. Yotel also hopes to expand into U.S. airports at some point, as does NapCity Americas, which has acquired U.S. rights to Napcabs, a German-based sleep pod company that operates at the Munich airport. As airports are growing and expanding, a lot of them are definitely exploring passenger amenities, said Stephen Rosenfeld, a Florida entrepreneur who formed NapCity Americas in 2014 to operate a version of the “napcabs” found sprinkled across Europe.
And they’re becoming more open to the idea. Yet “rest” as retail has been slow to migrate to airports, despite their decades-old role as host to exhausted air travelers whose plans were derailed by weather, missing flight crews, or malfunctions. Scour some of the world’s key hubs — New York City, Los Angeles, Madrid, Toronto, Zurich — and you’ll find nary a bed available by the hour. The reasons vary, but revenue considerations generally play a large role when it comes to space allotment at major airports. A bar, sit-down restaurant, or McDonald’s will always bring in far more revenue at a busy terminal than an amenity such as a gym or napping pod — and airports generally command a cut of sales.
“One seat in an airport restaurant can generate $20,000 in revenue in a single year,” said Peter Chambers, co-founder of Sleepbox, a Boston-based startup that sells a 45-square-foot cabin for airports, offices, and other locations.
The retail sleep sellers also want to be located inside security checkpoints to help minimize customer hassle. No one wants to deal with long lines or TSA staff more than necessary.
But there are obstacles to the blossoming of this new, personalized hotel industry. Historically, airports have had a symbiotic relationship with nearby lodging that supports crew layovers, convention business — and stranded passengers. Airports may be reluctant to be seen as competing with this ecosystem of accommodations both on the airport grounds and in surrounding areas, many of which have an airport shuttle as a standard feature, said Scott Humphrey, deputy director of the Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport.
Most retail sleep operators would also want a longer-term lease commitment from airports to realize a proper return, said Jo Berrington, a vice president at Yotel, where the average YotelAir stay is about seven hours, with a starting price of around 35 euros ($42) for four hours. She said the company’s ideal airport business size is about 60 to 150 cabins. YotelAir, which has outposts in Amsterdam, Paris, and London’s two largest airports, has had discussions with North American airports but no agreements yet, Berrington said.
Minute Suites says its business is consistent, but that it uses dynamic pricing to adjust for periods of low and high demand. The company evaluates airports with an eye toward international flights and heavy connecting traffic. Rates start at about $32 per hour; an overnight stay at the company’s two DFW Airport locations is about $140, roughly $100 less than a room at the airport’s Hyatt Regency near Terminal C.
“Our business model isn’t just based on delays and cancellations,” said Christopher Glass, a vice president with Minute Suites, which was formed by two ophthalmologists from Iowa, including the daughter of the late television psychologist Dr. Joyce Brothers. “Flight crew members hop in and take a nap. Pilots love it.”
At Washington Dulles, the primary international airport for the nation’s capital, the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority issued a call for proposals last month for “a quiet and comfortable place within the airport to sleep, relax, or work while waiting to board a flight” that could be almost 1,300 square feet and available 24 hours per day, year-round. “The atmosphere should be similar to what a traveler would experience in a small hotel room or similar private area,” the airport said in its pitch to potential operators.
A Design Paradigm Taken Directly From the Sarcophagus
Of course, the idea of tight quarters for a quickie nap or short overnight snooze is hardly a new one, with Japan being the pioneer in the concept of sleep capsules aimed at densely packed urban areas, clubbing locales, and railway stations. In many Asian versions, the sleep pod is the hotel stripped to its basic essential—a mattress and little else—with a design paradigm taken directly from the sarcophagus.
Most of the current designs being pitched to U.S. airports are dramatically larger. “We have a very Americanized model of what there is available overseas,” Glass said. “We as Americans love our space.” The company is planning to double the number of locations by the end of next year but won’t reveal its likely next venues.
Chambers says U.S. airports are rapidly shifting their focus from increasing “dwell time,” or the interval travelers choose to spend in an airport shopping or drinking, to “enhancing” that time. The right mix of amenities, including a clean, quiet, secluded place to rest, is likely to make travelers choose one airport over another when they connect.
“I think that’s why we’re seeing a lot of major airports finding space for all these units,” he said.
The general business model is one of high automation, with a vending-machine approach. Human employees are on duty to clean the cabins once they’re vacated, and at Washington Dulles, officials want the attendant to provide security, too. It was unclear whether such pods would be restricted to one person at a time, though YotelAir models can accommodate families.
These pods aren’t just horizontal rubber rooms: They have televisions, Wi-Fi, mobile phone chargers, and plugs. Minute Suites sells almost 150 items to go with your nap, such as toothbrushes — but many do not. The idea isn’t to replicate a hotel, especially as low overhead is critical to success.
“I don’t claim to be a hotel, I don’t want to be a hotel,” said Rosenfeld, who is working to sign NapCity’s first lease. “We’re here to help the public.” The company will charge $45 for one hour, the minimum stay, and then $20 for every subsequent 30-minute period in its cabin.
“It’s a high-margin business. … The difference is we do need staff,” he said, calling the airport sleep cabin a “micro-luxury, a price that anyone basically can afford.”
After he tackles the airport business, Rosenfeld sees a future home for nap cabins that could be even more lucrative — hospitals.
©2017 Bloomberg L.P. This article was written by Justin Bachman from Bloomberg and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to [email protected].
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rollinbrigittenv8 · 7 years
Airport Sleep Pods are Providing a Respite for Stranded Passengers
NapCity America's napcabs are part of a growing trend in sleeping pods at airports. NapCity Americas via Bloomberg
Skift Take: Is this the next generation in the evolution of airport hotels?
— Deanna Ting
For decades, a thunderstorm or missed connection meant you might have to sleep in the airport, leaving frustrated travelers with a truly tired dilemma: Is the boarding gate chair-curl worth a try, or is it better just to grab some floor?
Some airports are considering a better way to accommodate unlucky passengers while making some money in the process. At least four companies are angling for space inside terminals for a new generation of sleeping spaces dubbed cabins, capsules, and even pods. One of them, Minute Suites LLC, has retail sleep locations at airports in Atlanta, Dallas-Fort Worth, and Philadelphia, with a Charlotte, N.C., location opening in December. Washington Dulles airport is exploring the concept as well, and aims to have a sleep amenity next year.
Meanwhile, a company dubbed izZzleep opened a sleep capsule warren in the Mexico City airport this summer, with rates from $8 per hour to $34 per night. Yotel Ltd., the London-based mini-hotel operator, operates YotelAir in four European airports, with a Singapore Changi project coming in early 2019. Yotel also hopes to expand into U.S. airports at some point, as does NapCity Americas, which has acquired U.S. rights to Napcabs, a German-based sleep pod company that operates at the Munich airport. As airports are growing and expanding, a lot of them are definitely exploring passenger amenities, said Stephen Rosenfeld, a Florida entrepreneur who formed NapCity Americas in 2014 to operate a version of the “napcabs” found sprinkled across Europe.
And they’re becoming more open to the idea. Yet “rest” as retail has been slow to migrate to airports, despite their decades-old role as host to exhausted air travelers whose plans were derailed by weather, missing flight crews, or malfunctions. Scour some of the world’s key hubs — New York City, Los Angeles, Madrid, Toronto, Zurich — and you’ll find nary a bed available by the hour. The reasons vary, but revenue considerations generally play a large role when it comes to space allotment at major airports. A bar, sit-down restaurant, or McDonald’s will always bring in far more revenue at a busy terminal than an amenity such as a gym or napping pod — and airports generally command a cut of sales.
“One seat in an airport restaurant can generate $20,000 in revenue in a single year,” said Peter Chambers, co-founder of Sleepbox, a Boston-based startup that sells a 45-square-foot cabin for airports, offices, and other locations.
The retail sleep sellers also want to be located inside security checkpoints to help minimize customer hassle. No one wants to deal with long lines or TSA staff more than necessary.
But there are obstacles to the blossoming of this new, personalized hotel industry. Historically, airports have had a symbiotic relationship with nearby lodging that supports crew layovers, convention business — and stranded passengers. Airports may be reluctant to be seen as competing with this ecosystem of accommodations both on the airport grounds and in surrounding areas, many of which have an airport shuttle as a standard feature, said Scott Humphrey, deputy director of the Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport.
Most retail sleep operators would also want a longer-term lease commitment from airports to realize a proper return, said Jo Berrington, a vice president at Yotel, where the average YotelAir stay is about seven hours, with a starting price of around 35 euros ($42) for four hours. She said the company’s ideal airport business size is about 60 to 150 cabins. YotelAir, which has outposts in Amsterdam, Paris, and London’s two largest airports, has had discussions with North American airports but no agreements yet, Berrington said.
Minute Suites says its business is consistent, but that it uses dynamic pricing to adjust for periods of low and high demand. The company evaluates airports with an eye toward international flights and heavy connecting traffic. Rates start at about $32 per hour; an overnight stay at the company’s two DFW Airport locations is about $140, roughly $100 less than a room at the airport’s Hyatt Regency near Terminal C.
“Our business model isn’t just based on delays and cancellations,” said Christopher Glass, a vice president with Minute Suites, which was formed by two ophthalmologists from Iowa, including the daughter of the late television psychologist Dr. Joyce Brothers. “Flight crew members hop in and take a nap. Pilots love it.”
At Washington Dulles, the primary international airport for the nation’s capital, the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority issued a call for proposals last month for “a quiet and comfortable place within the airport to sleep, relax, or work while waiting to board a flight” that could be almost 1,300 square feet and available 24 hours per day, year-round. “The atmosphere should be similar to what a traveler would experience in a small hotel room or similar private area,” the airport said in its pitch to potential operators.
A Design Paradigm Taken Directly From the Sarcophagus
Of course, the idea of tight quarters for a quickie nap or short overnight snooze is hardly a new one, with Japan being the pioneer in the concept of sleep capsules aimed at densely packed urban areas, clubbing locales, and railway stations. In many Asian versions, the sleep pod is the hotel stripped to its basic essential—a mattress and little else—with a design paradigm taken directly from the sarcophagus.
Most of the current designs being pitched to U.S. airports are dramatically larger. “We have a very Americanized model of what there is available overseas,” Glass said. “We as Americans love our space.” The company is planning to double the number of locations by the end of next year but won’t reveal its likely next venues.
Chambers says U.S. airports are rapidly shifting their focus from increasing “dwell time,” or the interval travelers choose to spend in an airport shopping or drinking, to “enhancing” that time. The right mix of amenities, including a clean, quiet, secluded place to rest, is likely to make travelers choose one airport over another when they connect.
“I think that’s why we’re seeing a lot of major airports finding space for all these units,” he said.
The general business model is one of high automation, with a vending-machine approach. Human employees are on duty to clean the cabins once they’re vacated, and at Washington Dulles, officials want the attendant to provide security, too. It was unclear whether such pods would be restricted to one person at a time, though YotelAir models can accommodate families.
These pods aren’t just horizontal rubber rooms: They have televisions, Wi-Fi, mobile phone chargers, and plugs. Minute Suites sells almost 150 items to go with your nap, such as toothbrushes — but many do not. The idea isn’t to replicate a hotel, especially as low overhead is critical to success.
“I don’t claim to be a hotel, I don’t want to be a hotel,” said Rosenfeld, who is working to sign NapCity’s first lease. “We’re here to help the public.” The company will charge $45 for one hour, the minimum stay, and then $20 for every subsequent 30-minute period in its cabin.
“It’s a high-margin business. … The difference is we do need staff,” he said, calling the airport sleep cabin a “micro-luxury, a price that anyone basically can afford.”
After he tackles the airport business, Rosenfeld sees a future home for nap cabins that could be even more lucrative — hospitals.
©2017 Bloomberg L.P. This article was written by Justin Bachman from Bloomberg and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to [email protected].
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Future Plot: Syer’s Rebellion -Chapter 8
((Sandra, Pyrrhus, Telemachus  Kitzeh, James, Market Splatoon, and Jane belongs to me
Camille belongs to @inklingleesquidly
Nebula belongs to @agenttwo and @myzzy
Marina and Wish belong to @inklingleesquidly@agenttwo and @myzzy; designs are made by @teamuntyblue  / @ryan-sign-guy
Vix (mentioned) belongs to @teamuntyblue / @ryan-sign-guy
Beaker Jr belongs to @askvincent and @scrushling
Emerald and Sapphire belong to @son-of-joy and @twelvetailedkitsune
Suzy belongs to @son-of-joy
Mysteeri belongs to @dreadangel ))
((Insert opening: https://youtu.be/IBF9XEsnvJI ))
Last time on Syer's Rebellion:
The Revolution has taken a victory in the Western US Theater, taking the battles to the Great Plains in the Central US Theater. Mysteeri has officially defected, joining the Revolution after seeing the true colors or President Howe.
With Camille, Nebula, and Beaker Jr reunited with the party, James and Sandra can focus on heading East. However, Sandra wanted to spend time bonding with her brother as a family, so they decided to get together and make a family recipe that only James knows. In the end, the taste of Ocean Blue Cake brought back memories of their childhood.
Before Abraham, Henri, and Elizabeth leave the Central Theater to escort the Neo Squid Sisters, they had to negotiate with Sandra and James with who's going with who. This was what they settled on: Vix, Marina, Wish went with the Neo Squid Sisters while Emerald, Sapphire, Mysteeri, and Pyrrhus remained with Sandra and James in the Central US Theater. Suzy is permitted by James to go further than the rebellion to survey the East Coast for the Eastern US Theater. (To those wondering about Vix's Galapagos Tortoise, Reve, he's in the San Diego Zoo to keep an eye on.)
While the Neo Squid Sisters and their party kick around in New Orleans for their next gig, Sandra, James, and their party march their way to deliver another cutting blow to Howe's Splat-Coats.
While traveling the plains, Sandra and James found the prairies vast, and most of the ranches that cultivated part it into farmland are reclaimed by nature herself. The buffalos that roam the plains are beautiful to watch, yet they're still hunted just like their ancestors.
No sea-life has ever planned to settle here for several reasons, but President Howe has somehow made that possible. And due to that, settlements -- both legal and illegal -- were formed and reused water sources from the Ogallala Aquifer and the numerous rivers that flow through the Plains. And these new settlements soon adopted the cultures and societies of Native American Tribes with the exception of Howe's Settlements who found these ways of life inferior and savage. Thus, ancient conflicts are reawakened, but they have yet to reignite; the Revolution, most in James's opinion, wanted to right the wrongs made in those ancient conflicts. This was the chance.
The Revolution's army formed in the Central US Theater were on horseback and wagons. Only a few steampunk vehicles were brought to this theater, but James expects those numbers to double once they take a few forts.
Route from Yellowstone National Park to Fort Laramie, United States of America - 12:00 Noon
Sandra's Party is on horseback while the Rebels are being carried in the wagons and steampunk vehicles; only the high ranking officers get to be on horseback. Mysteeri went ahead of the group to scout further while Pyrrhus had a chat with Emerald and Sapphire.
Their destination was a fort that may be considered the seeds of the ancient conflict were sowed and forever changed the Great Plains.
Sandra and James, again, have another family-bonding. Sandra told him what it was like to be the adopted daughter of a Knight of Malta and an Agent with A License to Splat. James told her what it was like to be the apprentice of an architect and inventor. The two shared the culture they experienced with James teaching Sandra a new song.
(( Sandra and James sing in A cappella: https://youtu.be/umiqTzn859c ))
Some of the Rebel officers found this bonding to be distracting for James, but some found it to have positive effects on the rebellion's morale. One officer even mistook Sandra as James's body double or even his wife, and this made James and Sandra laugh.
Fort Laramie - Wyoming, United States of America - 3:35 PM
When the Rebellion arrived at their destination, news spreads that all settlements that follow the ways of the following names of certain tribes are to be relocated to reservations. If they refuse to move, they would be forced to work hard labor near the Black Hills or work as auxiliaries monitored under the Splat-Coats. James has told her of how one violation of a treaty -- which could've been avoided -- started a war that brought a race to its knees in the end. Currently, the Fort is already in ruins, so the Rebellion had to build a camp around it.
James is already eager to send special steampunk inkomatons to send invitations to join the Revolution. He calls these new inkomatons "Jays".
While James made negotiations with the reservations in the north of the Black Hills, Sandra was requested to have the Inktran Sisters, Mysteeri, and Pyrrhus hold a meeting with her. Once Sandra's tent was pitched and a few of her belonging and such were placed, she began the meeting. A table was set by the rebel soldiers for Sandra to draw battle plans on.
"So James told me to prepare some battle plans to take the Hills," Sandra began while placing multiple maps on the table, "And so far, I need to know what you guys can do. Camille and Nebula told me you guys know something about espionage and ninja stuff."
"They really told you that?" Sapphire asked.
"That and that Nebula knows Emerald has a crush on her." Sandra took out some markers and some strategic pieces. "Does Justin know about this?" She's talking about Justinian.
"I... I don't really express it a lot towards Nebula!" Emerald explains with a green blush on her face. "And I know Justinian is in love with her too!"
Sandra sighs and returns to the main topic. "Apologies for that then. Anyway, I may have to split you guys up. The army we raised for this theater is going to split into the smaller armies under the following code names: Thunderbird, Coyote-Stallion, and Peacemaker."
"Any reason for this?" Pyrrhus asked, sharpening his ink sword.
"The steampunk vehicles and foot soldiers have to go on separate roads." Sandra placed a blue metallic strategic piece on two highways to the Black Hills. She then placed blue normal strategic pieces on dirt roads to the Black Hills. "As for the airships, they'll immediately perform air raids on Splat-Coat camps near the hills but not the hill itself. I'm assigning each of you guys to each of these armies. Anyone have a request before I make the assignments?"
Mysteeri raises her hand. "I have a request: The green humboldt and I will join the Thunderbird army to monitor the air raids. If the airships are coming early to the Black Hills, one of Howe's angels might come."
"I have a name, miss," Emerald interrupted, "My name is Emerald."
"My apologies, Emerald," Mysteeri replied.
"James has told me about these 'angels', I'll allow your request." Sandra looks at Sapphire and Pyrrhus. "Sapphire, you're with me. We'll be leading the Peacemaker army, taking a long walk to the Black Hills. That leaves Pyrrhus and James in joining Coyote-Stallion where they'll make raids from the ground."
"I'm sure your brother can teach me something about driving these vehicles." Pyrrhus puts his sword away and takes a closer look at the map.
"Expect the ex-warden, Chris Zorin, to be near the Black Hills," Mysteeri warned, "Him and possibly another goon that President Howe hired to replace me. The Splat-Coats have the same Steampunk tech too."
Soon Pyrrhus confessed something. "Sandra... is there still a chance of sending me down to New Orleans? I want to be with Camille and protect her." He looked to Sapphire. "You would do the same, right?"
Sapphire sighs and nods in agreement, and she then looks down.
"There's a reason I need you two here," Sandra acknowledged, "Sapphire, you know a lot about nature, and I want to see you devoted to protecting it." She looked to Pyrrhus. "And I know you love Camille and probably willing to die for her, so fight the ones bent on harming her. Fight them here!"
Pyrrhus and Sapphire looked at each other.
"And I'm here because I want to protect Nebula, is that right?" Emerald intervened.
"I..... didn't even know you like Nebula," Sandra replied, "I thought you two were just friends."
No one else had anything to say; Sandra nods. She dismisses everyone in the tent so that she can reflect.
((For the rest of this Chapter, Narration is by Sandra Syer))
I know I shouldn't be thinking about Agent 7 and Aunt Circe like this, but I can't help but want to tell them that I found my family. And yes, I know my parents are..... gone..... but I still have my brother. When this Revolution is over, I want to bring my brother home to Seychelles. We're still 14, but we'll try to work things out in our home. And I want to thanks my friend that got me to America to find James: Camille, Nebula, Marina, Wish, Vix, Beaker, Pyrrhus, and Dicorus. If it weren't for their colorful personalities and each of their skills, we wouldn't be here.
During my reflection, my brother came in. He was no longer wearing the steampunk overalls a tricorn cap; instead, he wore a cotton shirt and blue jean along with a military coat. He adjusted his glasses and cleared his through.
"May I come in?" He asked.
I responded, "Yes, you may, James."
James closes some tarps and dims the lights of the lanterns. He made sure our conversation was a private as possible -- no silhouettes and no one watching. He looked over the map, but he didn't seem interested. I understood he wasn't here to see it plans were set.
"How many years has it been when we were separated?" James asked.
I was hesitant to answer, but I had to answer immediately. We're family.
"Only two years," I simply replied.
"It's been that long?" James looked at me with confusion, but then he looked back at the battle plans I've set up. "It feels like more than two years."
I know how that feels, I thought to myself. But despite how long we've been away from each other, I thought my brother was dead during those years. Now that I see him alive, I just want to spend the time lost. So far, we shared songs, we shared our experiences as adopted children, we even shared the friends we've made.
I stepped towards him.
"James, it doesn't matter how many years," I said, "Look what we're doing now."
I didn't know what else to say, so I gave him a hug, comforting him the same way he comforted those many years ago. James sighed and accepted my hug.
That's the brother I knew.
Soon, outside my tent, a trumpet sounded. James told me that meant someone is visiting the camp. We both left the tent and headed straight towards the camp entrance with rebel soldiers following us for security.
At the entrance, the state-of-the-art inkmatons called the Sentries were doing their jobs examining the newcomers. It turns out it was Telemachus -- He's supposed to be my adoptive brother -- and he was armed with the usual hero suit and Agent 3's Hero Splattershot. He's here for someone: me.
0 notes
giveuselife-blog · 8 years
Cell Phone Towers and Mobile Phone Masts - Beacons of Harm
New Post has been published on https://giveuselife.org/cell-phone-towers-and-mobile-phone-masts-beacons-of-harm/
Cell Phone Towers and Mobile Phone Masts - Beacons of Harm
Is it a cactus? A palm tree? A water tower? No! It’s a cell Mobile tower! That’s right! Cell phone towers today are being disguised in subtle ways unheard of just a few years ago. See a grain silo? Or a church steeple? You guessed it. It could very well be a cell phone tower. There’s even a cell phone tower that looks just like a lighthouse…never mind that it’s over two miles from the ocean.
But don’t let the pretty and ingenious disguises fool you. There is a real and present danger lurking behind the mask of these innocent designs.
Why the disguises? Obviously, for aesthetic reasons. The cell phone companies don’t want to make their neighborhood friends upset. They want to blend in. So they blend in while they blast your home and neighborhood with toxic electromagnetic radiation.
Cell phone towers, sometimes called masts, or mobile phone towers, weren’t an issue years ago when they were few and far between. One could often drive miles and miles through the countryside and never see one. They were few in number and were only found in obscure locations and seen only on an occasional hilltop. Today cell phone towers have increased dramatically in number. There are now more than 1.9 million cell phone towers and antenna towers spread throughout the U.S. They are now found in churches, schools, and firehouses as well as being seen on the rooftop of buildings everywhere. Did you know there is even a cell phone tower near Old Faithful in Yellowstone Park? Can’t sleep well at night? It may be that there’s a cell phone tower close by.
Just why would a mobile phone tower be placed on a church, school or firehouse? Why would school boards and churches agree to this? Money. It’s that simple. The mobile phone companies will pay these organizations, and individual property owners, handsomely to install their equipment on their properties. This “rent money” can range from a few hundred dollars a month to several thousand dollars a month. What school district or church couldn’t use the extra money to aid a struggling budget? By “renting” space on an already-constructed building the cell phone industry doesn’t have to purchase land, build a tower or construct a new building. It simply mounts its equipment on a structure that already exists. It’s a win-win deal for the cell phone company and the new ‘landlord.’
Opposition to these cell tower installments used to gone unnoticed and without question. Not so today. Neighborhoods and citizens are becoming vocally opposed. But it’s not the aesthetics that causes residents and property owners to oppose these structures. Communities and citizens are afraid of the potential health effects being caused by this technology as well as the adverse effect on property values.
We Can’t Stop Cell Phone Tower Construction
Unfortunately, there isn’t much one can do to stop the proliferation and continued build out of cell phone towers and structures. Although thought to be legislation about deregulation issues, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (TCA) was really an open invitation for the cell phone industry to place their towers anywhere they wanted. Section 704 of the TCA basically states that local authorities can’t ban the placement of towers in their jurisdictions. The law says: “No State or local government or instrumentality thereof may regulate the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions to the extent that such facilities comply with the Commission’s regulations concerning such emissions.” So legally the local government can’t refuse the construction of a cell phone tower in your neighborhood! Any challenge by local communities could easily end up in federal court. Our lawmakers have basically given the cell phone industry free reign to install these towers wherever they want. And, by the way, the cell phone industry helped write this legislation that our government officials passed as law! The public, therefore, now has no voice and no vote. Is there something wrong with this picture? Why didn’t our public officials represent the people instead of big business? Why would you let the very industry you’re trying to regulate write its own laws?
Does the income outweigh the potential risks? It appears not. Scores of studies and well-respected research have exposed alarming health effects from various forms of cancer to stress. Many experts today are predicting an epidemic in brain cancer soon.
Representatives from the industry are quick to point out the microwaves emitted by cell phone towers are well below federal standards. And indeed they may be. At least on paper. Most towers operate at a power output of 100 watts. However, this isn’t the total wattage of the tower. What they aren’t telling you is that 100 watts are the power per channel. Since one tower may have dozens of channels you can see that the power output could be highly excessive and well beyond 100 watts. It’s a technical loophole. And, of course, who is monitoring the power output from these towers after they are erected? The FCC certainly isn’t. It doesn’t have the manpower or money to properly regulate the millions of towers and antennas now online. And who is to prevent these companies from turning up the wattage when no one is around? Some have reported that many of these towers have already shown power outputs in the 900 to 1000 watt range.
You Can’t Escape The Radiation. It’s Everywhere.
We simply can’t escape the exposure to this radiation. It’s everywhere. There are so many people using cell phones and wireless connections today that you don’t even have to own a cell phone to be exposed. You’re just as exposed as everyone else. Every time someone makes a call from a mobile phone the signal is sent to a cell phone tower. There are so many calls being made by everyone all around us and now there are so many mobile phone towers in operation, that all of us are caught in the crossfire. It’s like second-hand smoke from cigarettes, except that we can’t get away from it. There simply isn’t anywhere to escape.
How Mobile Phone Towers Work
Cell phone towers emit signals in a “flower petal” pattern around the tower. This 360-degree radius around the tower is called a “cell” and this is what the term “cell” in cell phone means. When your phone is in a “cell” you get good reception and when it isn’t in a?”cell” you get poor reception. So, for a cell phone company to provide complete coverage cell phone towers and antenna towers must be positioned all across the country so that the “cells” overlap. You can begin to see what a huge infrastructure needs to be created to provide complete cell phone coverage. That’s why cell phone towers and antenna towers are so prevalent. Furthermore, that’s why these antennas are installed in so many places like rooftops, fire stations, schools, and churches. This is what is necessary for complete coverage.
Studies Show Adverse Health Effects From Cell Phone Towers
If you aren’t sure that cell phone towers and masts are harmful the following study summaries should convince you. Below are listed six studies that have shown significant adverse health effects on people living near cell phone towers. According to Dr. Grahame Blackwell, “these are the only studies known that specifically consider the effects of masts on people. All six studies show clear and significant ill-health effects. There are no known studies relating to health effects of masts that do not show such ill-health effects.”
Santini et al. determined sizable fitness issues in human beings residing inside three hundred meters of a cell cellphone base station or tower. The advice was crafted from the look at that cell smartphone base stations must no longer be located closer than three hundred meters to populated areas. Pathol Biol (Paris) 2002; 50: 369-373. A Netherlands Business enterprise for Implemented Clinical Studies look at entitled, “Results of global Communications Gadget Radio-Frequency Fields On Well Being and Cognitive Feature of Human Subjects With and Without Subjective Proceedings” observed vast Consequences on Nicely being which includes headaches, muscle fatigue, ache, and dizziness from tower emissions Properly beneath the “protection” degree. Gerd, Enrique, Manuel, Ceferino, and Claudio carried out a Spanish look at referred to as “The Microwave Syndrome” and found detrimental health Outcomes from the ones residing close to mobile cellphone base stations. The health Results covered fatigue, a bent towards despair, napping disorders, issue in attention and cardiovascular issues. From an Israeli observe posted in the Global Magazine of Most cancers Prevention, Vol. 1, No. 2, April 2004, Wolf and Wolf said a fourfold boom within the occurrence of Most cancers in humans residing within 350 meters of a cell phone tower in comparison to the Israeli well-known population. They also stated a tenfold growth specifically among girls. within the Naila take a look at from Germany, November 2004, 5 clinical docs collaborated to assess the chance to people residing close to a cell phone tower. The retrospective has a look at became taken from affected person case histories between 1994 and 2004 from people who had lived at some point of the beyond ten years at a distance as much as 400 meters from the tower website. The effects showed that the percentage of newly developed Cancer instances became significantly higher in those patients residing within the 400-meter distance and that the patients became ill on common 8 years in advance. inside the years 1999 to 2004, after 5 years of operation of the transmitting tower, the relative hazard of getting Cancer had trebled for residents of the area in the proximity of the set up as compared to the inhabitants of Naila outside the area. An Austrian take a look at released in May 2005, showed that radiation from a mobile phone tower at a distance of 80 meters reasons vast adjustments of the electric currents within the brains of test Subjects. All take a look at Subjects indicated they felt sick in the course of the radiation and some suggested being significantly sick. Consistent with the scientists doing the examine, this is the primary worldwide proof of widespread changes of the electrical currents in the brain, as measured by way of EEG, by means of a cellular smartphone base station at a distance of 80 meters. Subjects suggested symptoms which include buzzing in the head, tinnitus, palpitations of the heart, lightheadedness, anxiety, shortness of breath, anxiousness, agitation, headache, warmness sensation, and despair. In line with scientists that is the first evidence that electrical circuits in the brain are notably suffering from a mobile phone tower. The distance on this study turned into an insignificant eighty meters.
Two-time Nobel Prize nominee Dr. Gerald Hyland, a physicist, had this to say about mobile phone towers. “Existing safety guidelines for cell phone towers are completely inadequate. Quite justifiably, the public remains skeptical of attempts by governments and industry to reassure them that all is well, particularly given the unethical way in which they often operate symbiotically so as to promote their own vested interests.”
Dr. Bruce Hocking did a study in Syndey, Australia, of children living near TV and FM broadcast towers, which by the way, are very similar to cell phone towers. He found that these children had more than twice the rate of leukemia as children living more than seven miles away from these towers.
Results in yet another recent study conducted on inhabitants living near or under a mobile phone base station antenna yielded the following prevalence of neuropsychiatric complaints: headache (23.5%), memory changes (28.2%), dizziness (18.8%), tremors (9.4%), depressive symptoms (21.7%), and sleep disturbances(23.5%). In this study, the participants were given a neurobehavioral test battery measuring such things as problem-solving, visuomotor speed, attention, and memory. Symptoms of exposed inhabitants were significantly higher than control groups.
Furthermore, Europe’s top environmental watchdog group, European Environment Agency (EEA), is calling for immediate action to reduce exposure to mobile phone masts. EEA suggests action reduce exposure immediately to vulnerable groups such as children.
The development of brain tumors in staff members working in a building in Melbourne, Australia, prompted the closing of the top floors of the building. The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology is housed in the building. Seven staff members were diagnosed with brain tumors and five of the seven worked on the top floor. A cell phone antenna is located on the roof of the building.
The Orange phone company in England is being forced to remove its mast tower on a building in Bristol, England. The removal is a result of a five-year effort by residents and local authorities to have the mast removed. Cancer rates in the building, which has become known internationally as the “Tower of Doom,” have soared to ten times the national average for the 110 residents living there. The two masts sitting on the roof, one owned by Orange and the other by Vodafone, were installed in 1994. Vodafone has refused the remove its mast.
Cell Phone Towers Affect Animals
Animals aren’t exempt from exposure the cell phone tower radiation either. One veterinary school in Hanover, Germany, reports that dairy cows kept in close proximity to a cell phone tower for two years had a reduction in milk production in addition to other health problems including abnormal behavior patterns.
Firefighters Vote To Suspend Cell Tower Construction On Fire Stations
Concerned about the effect that mass have on the nation’s firefighters, The International Association of Fire Fighters voted in 2004 to voice its opposition to cell phone towers and antennas being placed on and around fire stations. They want proof first that there isn’t a safety issue and have asked for a moratorium on further construction and placement of any more towers or antennas on or around firehouses until such a study can be conducted.
What Are These Antennas Doing To Our Kids While They’re In School?’t worth the risk. They should not be subjected to microwave radiation when science has proven there could clearly be devastating effects as outlined in the previously mentioned studies. School boards and parent organizations need to be aware of the inherent dangers from such an exposure. It’s been clearly shown that microwave radiation penetrates the head of a child much easier than that of an adult. This is due to the thinner and softer bones in the head of the child. Skull bones don’t fully harden until about age 22.
How Many Cell Phone Towers Are Near You?
The average person lives within the one-half mile of a cell phone tower. Have you ever wondered how close you live or work to one of these towers? Would it bother you if one were right in your backyard? How many of these towers and antennas do you think there are in your immediate area? Find out by visiting the website http://www.antennasearch.com/. Simply type in your address and you’ll get a listing and a map of all the towers and antennas within a short radius of your address. Like most people, you’ll probably gasp when you see the numbers. These towers are literally everywhere. Hundreds and hundreds of them are probably located within a few miles of your home or office.
Watch The Signal Bars On Your Cell Phone
The signal bars on your cell phone tell you how strong the signal is that are connecting to your cell phone. In other words, the closer you are to a cell phone tower the stronger the signal. The stronger the signal the less power your phone has to use to maintain the connection. A strong signal is indicated by a full set of “bars” showing on your cell phone display. Fewer bars mean a weaker signal. A weaker signal means the cell phone has to work harder to maintain the signal. Consequently, more power is needed to maintain the connection. The more power needed the greater the amount of radiation produced by your phone and the greater exposure to you. So always try to talk in outdoors or in an open space. This allows an easier connection from your cell phone to the nearest cell phone tower. Your phone won’t have to work as hard and less power is used to maintain the signal, which translates, to less radiation exposure for you.
What Can We Do?
Obviously, can’t escape the exposure. We’ve established that fact. So what can we do to minimize the damage?
Here are few ideas: We need to limit our exposure any way possible. Don’t live near a cell phone tower if you have a choice. Don’t buy a home near one even if the price is right. Limit your use of wireless devices. Go back to ‘wired’ connections whenever possible. Maximize your health through proper nutrition and good hydration. Eat foods high in antioxidants and take supplements. Eat organically as much as possible. There is no safe distance to locate away from a mast tower. Obviously, the closer to the tower the greater the exposure risk so do locate as far away as possible. Whenever possible encourage your local government officials to consider transitioning to the use of fiber optic cable. Most of it has already been laid underground. It’s just not being used. There are no masts with fiber optics and the small amount of radiation at the exits can be neutralized with technology now available. Discourage the use of Wi-Fi in schools by meeting with your school officials and school boards. Wi-Fi hotspots are popping up everywhere now. Even whole cities are going wireless with the installation of Wi-Fi. Again, it’s all done through a wireless signal, which is damaging to your health. Don’t let cell phone companies install cell phone antennas on the roofs of schools where your children attend. The radio waves are disruptive to their ability to focus, not to mention the health hazards we’ve already outlined. If you can’t change your current situation there is some hope. There are some intervention devices now available that you can use in your home, school, and office to help lessen the risk of exposure. Some very good cutting-edge technology has been developed that will intervene and help mitigate the damage being done by wireless connections.
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beingmad2017-blog · 8 years
Cell Phone Towers and Mobile Phone Masts - Beacons of Harm
New Post has been published on https://beingmad.org/cell-phone-towers-and-mobile-phone-masts-beacons-of-harm/
Cell Phone Towers and Mobile Phone Masts - Beacons of Harm
Is it a cactus? A palm tree? A water tower? No! It’s a cell Mobile tower! That’s right! Cell phone towers today are being disguised in subtle ways unheard of just a few years ago. See a grain silo? Or a church steeple? You guessed it. It could very well be a cell phone tower. There’s even a cell phone tower that looks just like a lighthouse…never mind that it’s over two miles from the ocean.
But don’t let the pretty and ingenious disguises fool you. There is a real and present danger lurking behind the mask of these innocent designs.
Why the disguises? Obviously, for aesthetic reasons. The cell phone companies don’t want to make their neighborhood friends upset. They want to blend in. So they blend in while they blast your home and neighborhood with toxic electromagnetic radiation.
Cell phone towers, sometimes called masts, or mobile phone towers, weren’t an issue years ago when they were few and far between. One could often drive miles and miles through the countryside and never see one. They were few in number and were only found in obscure locations and seen only on an occasional hilltop. Today cell phone towers have increased dramatically in number. There are now more than 1.9 million cell phone towers and antenna towers spread throughout the U.S. They are now found in churches, schools, and firehouses as well as being seen on the rooftop of buildings everywhere. Did you know there is even a cell phone tower near Old Faithful in Yellowstone Park? Can’t sleep well at night? It may be that there’s a cell phone tower close by.
Just why would a mobile phone tower be placed on a church, school or firehouse? Why would school boards and churches agree to this? Money. It’s that simple. The mobile phone companies will pay these organizations, and individual property owners, handsomely to install their equipment on their properties. This “rent money” can range from a few hundred dollars a month to several thousand dollars a month. What school district or church couldn’t use the extra money to aid a struggling budget? By “renting” space on an already-constructed building the cell phone industry doesn’t have to purchase land, build a tower or construct a new building. It simply mounts its equipment on a structure that already exists. It’s a win-win deal for the cell phone company and the new ‘landlord.’
Opposition to these cell tower installments used to gone unnoticed and without question. Not so today. Neighborhoods and citizens are becoming vocally opposed. But it’s not the aesthetics that causes residents and property owners to oppose these structures. Communities and citizens are afraid of the potential health effects being caused by this technology as well as the adverse effect on property values.
We Can’t Stop Cell Phone Tower Construction
Unfortunately, there isn’t much one can do to stop the proliferation and continued build out of cell phone towers and structures. Although thought to be legislation about deregulation issues, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (TCA) was really an open invitation for the cell phone industry to place their towers anywhere they wanted. Section 704 of the TCA basically states that local authorities can’t ban the placement of towers in their jurisdictions. The law says: “No State or local government or instrumentality thereof may regulate the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions to the extent that such facilities comply with the Commission’s regulations concerning such emissions.” So legally the local government can’t refuse the construction of a cell phone tower in your neighborhood! Any challenge by local communities could easily end up in federal court. Our lawmakers have basically given the cell phone industry free reign to install these towers wherever they want. And, by the way, the cell phone industry helped write this legislation that our government officials passed as law! The public, therefore, now has no voice and no vote. Is there something wrong with this picture? Why didn’t our public officials represent the people instead of big business? Why would you let the very industry you’re trying to regulate write its own laws?
Does the income outweigh the potential risks? It appears not. Scores of studies and well-respected research have exposed alarming health effects from various forms of cancer to stress. Many experts today are predicting an epidemic in brain cancer soon.
Representatives from the industry are quick to point out the microwaves emitted by cell phone towers are well below federal standards. And indeed they may be. At least on paper. Most towers operate at a power output of 100 watts. However, this isn’t the total wattage of the tower. What they aren’t telling you is that 100 watts are the power per channel. Since one tower may have dozens of channels you can see that the power output could be highly excessive and well beyond 100 watts. It’s a technical loophole. And, of course, who is monitoring the power output from these towers after they are erected? The FCC certainly isn’t. It doesn’t have the manpower or money to properly regulate the millions of towers and antennas now online. And who is to prevent these companies from turning up the wattage when no one is around? Some have reported that many of these towers have already shown power outputs in the 900 to 1000 watt range.
  You Can’t Escape The Radiation. It’s Everywhere.
We simply can’t escape the exposure to this radiation. It’s everywhere. There are so many people using cell phones and wireless connections today that you don’t even have to own a cell phone to be exposed. You’re just as exposed as everyone else. Every time someone makes a call from a mobile phone the signal is sent to a cell phone tower. There are so many calls being made by everyone all around us and now there are so many mobile phone towers in operation, that all of us are caught in the crossfire. It’s like second-hand smoke from cigarettes, except that we can’t get away from it. There simply isn’t anywhere to escape.
How Mobile Phone Towers Work
Cell phone towers emit signals in a “flower petal” pattern around the tower. This 360-degree radius around the tower is called a “cell” and this is what the term “cell” in cell phone means. When your phone is in a “cell” you get good reception and when it isn’t in a?”cell” you get poor reception. So, for a cell phone company to provide complete coverage cell phone towers and antenna towers must be positioned all across the country so that the “cells” overlap. You can begin to see what a huge infrastructure needs to be created to provide complete cell phone coverage. That’s why cell phone towers and antenna towers are so prevalent. Furthermore, that’s why these antennas are installed in so many places like rooftops, fire stations, schools, and churches. This is what is necessary for complete coverage.
Studies Show Adverse Health Effects From Cell Phone Towers
If you aren’t sure that cell phone towers and masts are harmful the following study summaries should convince you. Below are listed six studies that have shown significant adverse health effects on people living near cell phone towers. According to Dr. Grahame Blackwell, “these are the only studies known that specifically consider the effects of masts on people. All six studies show clear and significant ill-health effects. There are no known studies relating to health effects of masts that do not show such ill-health effects.”
Santini et al. determined sizable fitness issues in human beings residing inside three hundred meters of a cell cellphone base station or tower. The advice was crafted from the look at that cell smartphone base stations must no longer be located closer than three hundred meters to populated areas. Pathol Biol (Paris) 2002; 50: 369-373. A Netherlands Business enterprise for Implemented Clinical Studies look at entitled, “Results of global Communications Gadget Radio-Frequency Fields On Well Being and Cognitive Feature of Human Subjects With and Without Subjective Proceedings” observed vast Consequences on Nicely being which includes headaches, muscle fatigue, ache, and dizziness from tower emissions Properly beneath the “protection” degree. Gerd, Enrique, Manuel, Ceferino, and Claudio carried out a Spanish look at referred to as “The Microwave Syndrome” and found detrimental health Outcomes from the ones residing close to mobile cellphone base stations. The health Results covered fatigue, a bent towards despair, napping disorders, issue in attention and cardiovascular issues. From an Israeli observe posted in the Global Magazine of Most cancers Prevention, Vol. 1, No. 2, April 2004, Wolf and Wolf said a fourfold boom within the occurrence of Most cancers in humans residing within 350 meters of a cell phone tower in comparison to the Israeli well-known population. They also stated a tenfold growth specifically among girls. within the Naila take a look at from Germany, November 2004, 5 clinical docs collaborated to assess the chance to people residing close to a cell phone tower. The retrospective has a look at became taken from affected person case histories between 1994 and 2004 from people who had lived at some point of the beyond ten years at a distance as much as 400 meters from the tower website. The effects showed that the percentage of newly developed Cancer instances became significantly higher in those patients residing within the 400-meter distance and that the patients became ill on common 8 years in advance. inside the years 1999 to 2004, after 5 years of operation of the transmitting tower, the relative hazard of getting Cancer had trebled for residents of the area in the proximity of the set up as compared to the inhabitants of Naila outside the area. An Austrian take a look at released in May 2005, showed that radiation from a mobile phone tower at a distance of 80 meters reasons vast adjustments of the electric currents within the brains of test Subjects. All take a look at Subjects indicated they felt sick in the course of the radiation and some suggested being significantly sick. Consistent with the scientists doing the examine, this is the primary worldwide proof of widespread changes of the electrical currents in the brain, as measured by way of EEG, by means of a cellular smartphone base station at a distance of 80 meters. Subjects suggested symptoms which include buzzing in the head, tinnitus, palpitations of the heart, lightheadedness, anxiety, shortness of breath, anxiousness, agitation, headache, warmness sensation, and despair. In line with scientists that is the first evidence that electrical circuits in the brain are notably suffering from a mobile phone tower. The distance on this study turned into an insignificant eighty meters.
Two-time Nobel Prize nominee Dr. Gerald Hyland, a physicist, had this to say about mobile phone towers. “Existing safety guidelines for cell phone towers are completely inadequate. Quite justifiably, the public remains skeptical of attempts by governments and industry to reassure them that all is well, particularly given the unethical way in which they often operate symbiotically so as to promote their own vested interests.”
Dr. Bruce Hocking did a study in Syndey, Australia, of children living near TV and FM broadcast towers, which by the way, are very similar to cell phone towers. He found that these children had more than twice the rate of leukemia as children living more than seven miles away from these towers.
Results in yet another recent study conducted on inhabitants living near or under a mobile phone base station antenna yielded the following prevalence of neuropsychiatric complaints: headache (23.5%), memory changes (28.2%), dizziness (18.8%), tremors (9.4%), depressive symptoms (21.7%), and sleep disturbances(23.5%). In this study, the participants were given a neurobehavioral test battery measuring such things as problem-solving, visuomotor speed, attention, and memory. Symptoms of exposed inhabitants were significantly higher than control groups.
Furthermore, Europe’s top environmental watchdog group, European Environment Agency (EEA), is calling for immediate action to reduce exposure to mobile phone masts. EEA suggests action reduce exposure immediately to vulnerable groups such as children.
The development of brain tumors in staff members working in a building in Melbourne, Australia, prompted the closing of the top floors of the building. The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology is housed in the building. Seven staff members were diagnosed with brain tumors and five of the seven worked on the top floor. A cell phone antenna is located on the roof of the building.
The Orange phone company in England is being forced to remove its mast tower on a building in Bristol, England. The removal is a result of a five-year effort by residents and local authorities to have the mast removed. Cancer rates in the building, which has become known internationally as the “Tower of Doom,” have soared to ten times the national average for the 110 residents living there. The two masts sitting on the roof, one owned by Orange and the other by Vodafone, were installed in 1994. Vodafone has refused the remove its mast.
Cell Phone Towers Affect Animals
Animals aren’t exempt from exposure the cell phone tower radiation either. One veterinary school in Hanover, Germany, reports that dairy cows kept in close proximity to a cell phone tower for two years had a reduction in milk production in addition to other health problems including abnormal behavior patterns.
Firefighters Vote To Suspend Cell Tower Construction On Fire Stations
Concerned about the effect that mass have on the nation’s firefighters, The International Association of Fire Fighters voted in 2004 to voice its opposition to cell phone towers and antennas being placed on and around fire stations. They want proof first that there isn’t a safety issue and have asked for a moratorium on further construction and placement of any more towers or antennas on or around firehouses until such a study can be conducted.
What Are These Antennas Doing To Our Kids While They’re In School?’t worth the risk. They should not be subjected to microwave radiation when science has proven there could clearly be devastating effects as outlined in the previously mentioned studies. School boards and parent organizations need to be aware of the inherent dangers from such an exposure. It’s been clearly shown that microwave radiation penetrates the head of a child much easier than that of an adult. This is due to the thinner and softer bones in the head of the child. Skull bones don’t fully harden until about age 22.
How Many Cell Phone Towers Are Near You?
The average person lives within the one-half mile of a cell phone tower. Have you ever wondered how close you live or work to one of these towers? Would it bother you if one were right in your backyard? How many of these towers and antennas do you think there are in your immediate area? Find out by visiting the website http://www.antennasearch.com/. Simply type in your address and you’ll get a listing and a map of all the towers and antennas within a short radius of your address. Like most people, you’ll probably gasp when you see the numbers. These towers are literally everywhere. Hundreds and hundreds of them are probably located within a few miles of your home or office.
Watch The Signal Bars On Your Cell Phone
The signal bars on your cell phone tell you how strong the signal is that are connecting to your cell phone. In other words, the closer you are to a cell phone tower the stronger the signal. The stronger the signal the less power your phone has to use to maintain the connection. A strong signal is indicated by a full set of “bars” showing on your cell phone display. Fewer bars mean a weaker signal. A weaker signal means the cell phone has to work harder to maintain the signal. Consequently, more power is needed to maintain the connection. The more power needed the greater the amount of radiation produced by your phone and the greater exposure to you. So always try to talk in outdoors or in an open space. This allows an easier connection from your cell phone to the nearest cell phone tower. Your phone won’t have to work as hard and less power is used to maintain the signal, which translates, to less radiation exposure for you.
What Can We Do?
Obviously, can’t escape the exposure. We’ve established that fact. So what can we do to minimize the damage?
Here are few ideas: We need to limit our exposure any way possible. Don’t live near a cell phone tower if you have a choice. Don’t buy a home near one even if the price is right. Limit your use of wireless devices. Go back to ‘wired’ connections whenever possible. Maximize your health through proper nutrition and good hydration. Eat foods high in antioxidants and take supplements. Eat organically as much as possible. There is no safe distance to locate away from a mast tower. Obviously, the closer to the tower the greater the exposure risk so do locate as far away as possible. Whenever possible encourage your local government officials to consider transitioning to the use of fiber optic cable. Most of it has already been laid underground. It’s just not being used. There are no masts with fiber optics and the small amount of radiation at the exits can be neutralized with technology now available. Discourage the use of Wi-Fi in schools by meeting with your school officials and school boards. Wi-Fi hotspots are popping up everywhere now. Even whole cities are going wireless with the installation of Wi-Fi. Again, it’s all done through a wireless signal, which is damaging to your health. Don’t let cell phone companies install cell phone antennas on the roofs of schools where your children attend. The radio waves are disruptive to their ability to focus, not to mention the health hazards we’ve already outlined. If you can’t change your current situation there is some hope. There are some intervention devices now available that you can use in your home, school, and office to help lessen the risk of exposure. Some very good cutting-edge technology has been developed that will intervene and help mitigate the damage being done by wireless connections.
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