#for me it's obviously jaden
puzzlevision · 2 years
Jaden Yuki 🤝 Jayden Shiba
Both (almost) having a similar first name, having a Japanese surname and associated with the color red
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dark-elf-writes · 3 months
Demigod Delivery Man Percy running into Sam and Dean in the middle of a monster hunt because the person the monster is hunting is the demigod Percy is supposed to pick up
Percy shows up, hits a monster with his car, jumps out, stabs it worth a sword that was just a pen, then kind of blinks at the Winchesters.
“You’re not the kid I was here to pick up.” It’s an obvious thing to say but still Percy can’t help it. They had been clearly hunting the monster which meant they could see the monster which made them probably demigods or related to one.
“Your sword is a pen.” One of them, the shorter one with the familiar elfin features he had come to associate with children of Hermes.
“That monster turned to dust.” The taller one, Percy had to squint but he wasn’t seeing any obvious demigod features which could mean he was a mortal… or could mean his mortal parent’s genes just pulled through better, said.
Well, at least they were all stating the obvious.
Percy glanced back into the car, not entirely surprised to see two new bags waiting for him in the back. He snorted when he saw the Snow White and Frozen patterns on them.
“Look I still have a kid to find, should be about twelve, red hair, like books—“
“Wait Jaden? The kid the monster was coming after?”
“Right, them. I… well I know their mom and know somewhere safe for kids like us.”
The taller one blinked. “Like you?”
“And like you and your brother, apparently.” Percy reached through the back window of the car and pulled out the new bags tossing them to the two men who were still staring at him. It probably didnt help that Percy then scowled up at the sky, “They are older than thirteen!”
There was a rumble of thunder, and Percy sighed.
“Look I’m sure you have transportation, if you want answers then follow me. We’re heading for New York. The bags are yours to keep either way they should have some helpful supplies. Your da— Someone obviously thought you could use them.”
Percy was going to strangle Hermes when he saw him next. Or maybe he could get George and Martha to go laser mode on him… That was probably more rats that he could afford.
Both of the men looked at each other then at Percy.
“We’ll follow,” The shorter one said. “If you try any funny business with us to the kid…”
“Trust me, I would have far worse than you coming after me. Do you need a lift back to your car? I have drinks. Snacks too.”
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gx-gameon · 4 months
Since it was mentioned in a few posts that Seto was not informed of Banner's death, I can only imagine how he reacts to the FULL LIST of people that need to be replaced. Jaden: Yeah, so the janitor, a security guard, and the secondary nurse were actually Shadow Riders-slash-Duel Spirits, our Alchemy teacher-slash-Occult history teacher and head of Slifer Red was a Shadow Rider too and he was in a homunculus body so I might be having nightmares from finding his mummified corpse, oh and the Superintendent was the leader of the Shadow Riders and was in this weird life support system before he got young and swole so yeah you need to replace a lot of people. Seto: **trying to figure out how he's going to replace 5 positions over the course of a summer because they need to be good duelists too** Joey: ...I'll check with Mai to see if she's still in touch with Valon and his crew. Vivian too; they were close in the tag battle circuit. Yugi: Thank you Joey. I'll see if Bakura wants to replace Banner. I'm sure he would love to teach children about the Dark Arts.
You are correct. Seto sits Jaden down and is like okay the head of your dorm is dead. Who else is gone? *Insert your whole conversation here* Seto breaks something. That’s so many people to higher.
And you’re so right Bakura with his occult deck would be all over teaching children about the Dark Arts. He’s offended he wasn’t the first choice.
And I love Joey being like “we know people! Competent people!”
I was thinking about (and I can’t take full credit for this because I saw it floating around like 6ish years ago) Joey taking over as the head of the Slifer Dorms. Who beater than the king of the underdogs, who has the most growth in his series, to take the Slifer’s and raise them up. He’s the third best duelist in the world he’s got the credentials for it.
But I don’t think I can do it in this au because you know Joey would hear “there’s and evil cult in school grounds brainwashing people to join it” and he go, “not this crap again” as he struts across campus to handle this. Jaden and his gaggle of friends following behind thinking “omg we’re going to see Joy Wheeler duel!” And it turns into “omg we’re watching Joey Wheeler physically beat cult leader!” Joey, and exclent duelist and could win said I’m doing what I should have done the first time, and beats the crap out of Sartorius.
Sartorius: “ah Mr. Wheeler have you come for a duel” think he’s about to get Joey under his control.
Joey: rolling up his sleeves “not quite”
So ya Joey can’t be then head of Slifer dorm because season 2 would not happen or it would be greatly altered. Aster Phoenix shows up talking trash and trying to duel Jaden, ya no uncle Joey I mean Professor Wheeler said no.
They blow Jaden’s identity in a week because Joey watches Jaden win a duel and yells “that’s my nephew!!!!” Everyone looks at him “I mean my student!!!!” Everyone knows but Jaden and jeoy keep acting like they don’t.
Honestly this might have to be an au of my own au or I’ll make a new cannon where Joey is in charge of Slifer dorm from season 2 onwards (in a world where it’s cannon Jaden maybe??)
But the idea of Mai, Valon, Raphael, Vivian or Rebecca coming to teach is very fun.
It makes me want to add more of the cast in
Obviously Bakura is the occult teacher (wild that’s a job)
Maybe Serenity comes to work as the nurse (going into medicine after her eye surgery)
Duke teaches game making (an actual track the kids at duel academy can take)
Mai takes over the girl dorms and force them to allow more girls in (why are all girls automatically Obelisk? Do they only let in the best of the best girls and the mediocre boys can get in? You can’t convince me Mindy and Jasmine are the “best of the best” honestly I need someone to give me the enrollment rules for this school. Because I feel most of obelisk blue bought their way in and then there is everyone else. The red and blue uniforms being made girl and boy uniforms in 5Ds makes way more sense then what ever enrollment and ranking system is going on in Gx)
Also I’ve always loved Valon and Raphael and having them come in as security guards or something could be hilarious because the students are used the the security being pseudo military. Someone breaks the rules in season 2 and are expecting the military security but instead these three jacked bickers show up at their door. Because those three are not wearing any uniform.
I don’t know if any of this will be cannon but having Serenity on campus would actually be really fun. I wish we had more of her in cannon and her being the nurse puts her in an “active role” for season 3
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
Jaden and Yuya are now my favorite dynamic of all time, and now that I’m being shown the similarities I’m wondering if it’s really just a coincidence GX and Arc-V are my absolute favorites out of all the Yugioh series this is insane 👀
Hehe. Gladly <3
(Uh. This got long so it's going beneath the cut for the sake of people's dashboards)
Well, first off, there's just a lot of similarities between Zarc (the original Zarc, before he split into the Yu-bois) and Jaden. Both can talk to duel spirits, both start out chipper and are driven to the edge by grief, both split into various personas/people (Jaden with himself and the supreme king, Zarc obviously into the Yu-bois), both fuse with their ace monster(s), and both carry the title of "Supreme King". Most interesting, to me at least, is how both shape a lot of their identities around what they think people want from them.
Zarc was content to be an amazing duelist, but felt pressured to put on a good show, to be more brutal. Jaden, more subtly, constructs most of his personality off being easygoing, chill, and carefree, because he internalized that his emotions are dangerous, and people would rather deal with happy Jaden than the emotional disregulation mess that he actually is.
And both of them, when they get overwhelmed, adopt a mentality of "Well, the world might as well burn with me."
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Jaden, rather than feel his grief, locks off his own trauma behind a brick wall and goes on smiling. Yuya, rather than deal with his dads disappearance, does the same.
I'd also like it noted that supreme king Jaden and supreme king Yuya have yellow eyes.
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And some teal/orange eye asymmetry
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Honestly, even dragon form Yuya and the Supreme Kings armor have similar silhouettes.
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Mostly its in the spikes on the shoulders and elbows, and the fact that Zarc Yuya forms a weird chestplate (and that this is the same art team and visual style)
Another thing I get hung up on is that both Jaden and Yuri have super poly. In GX, Jaden had to go through an entire arc of misery to get that card, and Yuri just? Has it?
So my little headcanon, is that in the original timeline, before the dimensions were split, Zarc had the spirit of The Supreme King, able to command duel monsters and wield The Gentle Dark. Unfortunately for everyone, he got a teensy bit traumatized before he could enact his destiny of defeating The Light Of Destruction. Using his powers, he fused with his dragons, nearly destroyed the world, etc, etc. When he split, the Supreme King couldn't just split into four the same way the rest of his soul could, and so while the dimensions split, the past was rewritten to attach the power to a different soul, with a different guardian to boot. Similar to how the timeline got all borked to set everything back to a late nineties world of duel monsters.
Which would make Yuya 1/4 of an alternate universe version of Jaden. And I think there's a lot of fun to be had with that idea :)
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flanaganfilm · 2 years
Hey Mike Flanagan! My name is Jaden Benenfeld and I am a huge fan of your work. I am in college right now studying film production so hopefully one day I can work on one of your films. Okay so I have always wanted a fun nick name and I feel like you could come up with a great one for me. Thank you haha!
Let's open it up to the general public - we're gonna need people to vote to figure this out but I think you have a few immediately obvious options: 1) "Jaben". I know, seems too obvious, and you could spell it cool like "Ja-Ben" but it may seem just too clean. I don't know though, probably the best option. People who've known you for a long time will only have to change one letter, and new people will marvel at how cleanly your first and last names fit together.
2) "BenJay". Just a reverse of option one. It's not necessarily uncool to be this close to "Benji", which is obviously a cool name, but it may wander too close to "Bengay", and while pain relieving cream is very useful it does conjure up a specific and potentially unpleasant scent.
3) "J.B." I know, it's a bit lazy writing, even if you spell it out ("Jaybee") but it's what would happen to you if you were a member of a boy band.
4) "Feldster". Out of left field? Yes. But this is what would happen to you if you were a supporting character in an AMERICAN PIE sequel.
5) "K-watt". And you never, ever explain it.
6) "Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All". Tougher to commit to socially, but a downright stupendous reference that will ingratiate you to the right people. If people get the reference, befriend them immediately.
Vote in the comments
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theboogierat · 2 days
tfw when ur strawman fails
If you've found this post, I don't need to introduce Leasebound to you.
Instead, we're going to talk about the fandom.
Leasebound's fandom has a sort of Lemony-Snicket-esque schism, with Rusty's intended audience and (hilariously) the exact opposite. I've seen both sides of the Leasebound audience, and I've noticed something interesting.
...nobody hates Blaire.
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Okay, that's a HELL of a sentence to make, and very exaggerated. I've seen 'Blaire unenjoyers' and other people treating Blaire like the Eric Cartman of Leasebound, it's an eye-catching statement that makes people read more of the text post.
But I wouldn't call it wrong, I'd give it a 'hyperbolic.'
Even on the side of Rusty's intended audience, Blaire isn't loathed. I've seen many enjoyers of Blaire who either talk about how much they went her to talk gender to them, so to say. On the flipside, the worst interpretation of Blaire is a misogynist who pushes her activism on other people, which is more or less her canon intent.
But if Blaire was as bad as Rusty Hearts portrayed her, I don't think we'd see so much art of Blaire. In fact, I put down a poll, and Blaire pretty much took the #1 spot for the 'character with the most fanart' almost instantly, beating out characters such as Jaden (who took silver), Riley, and Violet. And it pretty much sticks! I've seen a lot of Blaire fanart from the Leasebound tag on both sides! I've seen a lot of Blaire discussion and discourse on both sides, either about the possibility of a redemption arc, a rewrite, thirsting over her, etc.
So...we can pretty much say Blaire is a bad strawman.
Strawmen are supposed to be one-note characters the main cast is supposed to be more interesting than and can fight with no pushback. Blaire is massively popular across the board in the Leasebound fandom, has discussions about her that are multi-layered, and has wonderful fanart from people that really like her.
Done. That's all.
But we're not done. We need to keep talking.
Rusty Leasebound is very good at some things. Her chapter focusing on Shez had emotional, gut-wrenching art, and there is a definite appealing quality to the way she draws things.
Some things, atleast.
But Rusty is not a great writer. There's tons of other essays and an entire discord server that can point all the flaws in her story out enough to write an epic worthy of the Mahabharata. Leasebound has largely forgotten what it is to be a mouthpiece for her political opinions, its characters are one-note and one-dimensional, she focuses on the wrong things at the wrong time, and many more that will make my fingers cry as I type this. But I want to focus of Rusty's tendencies to tell, not show.
Blaire is not evil. She's not even Maleficent or Ursula or Cruella evil. And she's no Makima either. Blaire is just a woman passionate about her beliefs, and makes the mistake of pushing them on other people. That's not evil, that's a flaw. Women cannot be perfect all the time.
But we're meant to believe she is evil. In this panel of the Actor!AU, we are TOLD by Rusty that Blaire is meant to be evil.
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Blaire isn't evil! Come back to me when she puts a living creature in a blender, or something!
While the statement is understandable, you're using it in the wrong way! Because there is no reason for the casual Leasebound reader to ever believe Blaire is evil, the way you portray her!
(Yes, casual Leasebound readers exist. Quinty's one.)
And there's multiple occasions of this 'tell, don't show' narrative Rusty keeps pushing.
For example: Meriam.
Meriam is told to be the protective, strong mother, but I'm not sure that's entirely the case.
Meriam has serious flaws in her parenting that is never acknowledged. Shez was made to basically worry for her siblings at a young age, which sounds horrible for a young girl.
(side note: criticism of the comic has often lead to more interesting, and realistic plotlines for leasebound to include.)
She's obviously traumatised, and it shows in her parenting. When she shuns out Rissa and her boyfriend; that's not good! If Rissa wants her family by her side, she won't get it because she's marrying a man. Meriam always keeps Shez on the pedestal like she's Luisa from Encanto. Nobody asks how's Shez. Someone help Shez.
And there's so much more!
We get snippets of Riley, a MAIN CHARACTER'S backstory from one-off panels and dialouges, but we heard the majority of it from Rusty in the comment section, Rusty confirming fan speculation, the cast page, non-canon panels, etc. Nothing in the main story!
And that just makes Riley...really boring. The most interesting part of Riley is Blaire right now, and that's REALLY bad, considering we're supposed to dislike Blaire.
Here are some more examples of Rusty telling, not showing:
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Various statuses of offscreen characters:
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Blaire and many others of Rusty's characters have fallen into one of her biggest writing flaws' clutches, but it's interesting as to how fan perception and works have essentially made one of the most three-dimensional characters of the comic, aside from Jaden. And that's one of the main problems with Leasebound.
I want to end this with an open letter. I don't know if she'll read it, but if you do:
Listen to criticism, and find out what's wrong with your comic. Tune in to different parts of the fandom, even when you don't agree with them. At the heart of the war, we all share one thing: reading your comic. Don't take that for granted; many amazing, better written comics would love to have the attention you have. Your art is good. I enjoy reading Leasebound when it's about the characters, not how we're supposed to percieve them. You have something; harness it before it goes away! And at the rate Leasebound is going- it might go away really fast.
Thank you for reading. I don't have anything else to say.
Hey, remember when a radfem accidentally reblogged a post by a non-radfem-
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yakultii · 6 months
@alwayschasingrainbows hi hi thank you sm for all the questions <33 I appreciate u sm ik u accidentally asked on my main but I’m gonna answer them here :))) also thank you for sending ur own answers too I loved reading them and learning more about you and found them super interesting!!!!! <3
1. What is your favourite childhood movie and why?
Strangely I’d never been big on movies or tv as a kid or even now (I want to get more into it now but my adhd still says no) my mum even told me that when I was young she could sit my brothers in front of the tv to be entertained but not me, I’d lose interest hella quickly… probs the first time I got into anything tv related was when I was 10-12 and was invested in the drama of the tv series “dance academy” on abc3 Ive actually met the producer! other than that I didn’t mind a reality show as a kid but then most of that wore off after I studied media in school and we went as live audience to “reality” shows and I realised how set up everything was and couldn’t care less afterward -
If I had to pick any movie that I loved and that still strangely brings me some sort of comfort.. it would have to be the 2010 Jaden Smith Version of Karate Kid ahahaha idk why (well I kinda do there’s lots of reasons but then I’d go on another whole tangent so I won’t) I was like 11 when it came out so I think that can count :) I can weirdly watch it over and over whereas most other movies I watch once and never again.
2. Do you have a favourite book or book series and why?
I talked about this in some previous posts on here but my fav book of all time is “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine” by Gail Honeyman !!!!! I also am very passionate about “The uncaged sky: my 804 days in an Iranian Prison” by Kylie Moore-Gilbert (the audiobook version narrated by Kylie herself) and fav wholesome series has gotta be the Heartstopper graphic novels!!!! AHAHA again I could go on and on and on about why I love them all individually as they are all VERY DIFFERENT from each other, but I’ll literally be writing like 3 giant essays so I’ll stop myself now!! I will say, while it’s important we consume and love media that we don’t relate to to broaden our perspectives of life, it’s obviously easy to consume and love media that we see a small part of ourselves in and think this has a lot to do with why I love these so much!
3. The colour that makes you happy
Probably a dark green which reminds me of the rainforest:))))
4. Your favourite cereal?
I honestly don’t eat cereal and never really have :,) cereals were kinda demonised in my house as a child (almond mum tings?) but then eventually they weren’t anymore but I never rlly enjoyed their taste - this is such a sad answer but probably Kelloggs sultans bran LMAO. I haven’t had it for years but I rlly don’t mind it … I think it’s probably very different to American cereals cause it’s not sweet … one time I went to an American food store here in Aus and everything I tried taste like pure sugar and hurt my stomach so bad LOL never again I’m hoping and praying that Americans have other food options not featured in this store 😭 cos I understand some of it as a one off dessert but like everyday breakfast omg noooo I hope ur stomachs are ok
5. Your favourite gemstone?
I’m ngl I don’t have a super passionate answer about this one off the top of my head (sorry I’m such a boring person!!) I think they’re all so pretty!!! I gave them a google to try decide which I like most but it’s impossible .. I think I love any of the blue ones!! I’ll tell you one thing I rlly don’t love the yellow topaz cos I’m born in Nov and I see it on everything and I swear it’s the worst one imo like liteeally any other one I love! But I can still appreciate it ig :,)
6. Any activity you liked as a child and do you still like it now?
My biggest pain as a child was athletics!!!! I used to be competitive in 100m, 200m, long jump and triple jump :) sadly I no longer do athletics or compete but my passion for running/competitiveness lived on and by 15 I ran my first half marathon.. but from 17 onwards I got quite sick and was unable to run (minus a few little months of getting back into it over the yrs only to have to stop again) and now I’m 24 and finally getting back into it again.. kinda.. cos my health is still kinda shit but I’ll go for a lot shorter runs a couple times a week and hoping and praying my health gets better so I can proper get back into it.. not to compete anymore just for myself cos it’s one of the only things in this life that brings me joy :) I’ve also always loved taking photos although I’m not professional or anything it’s just been a fun little hobby I guess.. I have a few diff cameras but in currently trying (failing) to save for this new different one.. just waiting for my uni scholarship money this tri bc I’m too unwell to use it to go on a holiday atm I’m gonna use it to buy this camera I’ve been wanting oop :,) I’m a much bigger a fan of film photography over digital but the camera I’m planning on buying is kinda a combo of both eg. It produces images of a similar vibe to film photography but is actually digital so u don’t have to worry about wasting film :) it’s also a point and shoot, super small and can be taken anywhere which is much better than my current digital camera which is bulky and has a million settings idk how to use lol.
7. Have you ever read Lucy Maud Montgomery books?
I was about to say no I’ve never heard of her but then I googled it and saw Anne of Green Gables which I read when I was like literally 8… and as I’ve said in a previous post I never remember what I’ve read even if I read it two minutes ago bc adhd tings but I always remember how it made me feel - and I remember really enjoying it! Maybe I should give it a reread cause I barely remember what it was about :,) as for the rest of her books I don’t think I’ve read any! I love so much that you have a fandom page omgggg I wish I was that passionate about something !!!! PLS PLS give me recommendations if someone were only to read 1 of her books .. okay maybe 2 for now!!!!! I might actually give them a read :)))
Thank you thank you again for all ur kinds words I hope u have the most amazing day/night <33333 I appreciate u a lot!
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aberooski · 11 months
My friend is trying to get me to watch GX, and they really like stormshipping. I’m just barely starting the series, but I want to understand the appeal of these two. So… take this as a chance to ramble about why you love them, I guess?
OOOOOH!!! 👀👀👀👀
Okay first of all, yes! Totally watch it! It's so silly and fun but also filled with The Horrors. It's flawed and all as most things are, but it's my favorite!
BUT STORMSHIPPING TIIIIIME!!! Let's see if I can do this with as few spoilers as possible aksksk
Those two are everything to me 😭 my roman empire, if you will.
Stormshipping is your classic introvert/extrovert, golden retriever/black cat, emo kid/theater kid, summer/winter, sun/moon type of pairing, for one, which is delightful. They compliment each other so well, and with just how MUCH subtext and stuff, and literally so much to analyze about them like that that we get considering how little the amount of screen time they have together is, there's no heterosexual explanation for like 90% of their interactions. And there's the complimentary parallels and associations and things like that. For example, Light and Darkness, they do have that parallel in what they're corrupted by against their wills. (Also the fact that Chazz has Light and Darkness Dragon as his ace card in the manga and he and Atticus totally represent it in the anime but shhhhhhhhhhhhh 🤫) also can't really delve as deep into that without talking about some major plot shit so
And it kinda as always, comes down to what those two are to each other.
As a blanket sentiment, they're best friends. But Atticus is the only person Chazz is shown to be genuinely comfortable around and willingly vulnerable and open with. Chazz comes to him when he has problems, he confides in him, he seeks him out when he needs to be vulnerable for a moment. I think he also gravitates towards Atticus at first, obviously because he wants his help to try and get a date with Alexis seeing as he's her brother and all, but I think also because his own brothers were so awful and abusive and didn't truly care about him. Most people don't, actually. But Atticus takes a genuine vested interest in him and legitimately cares about him and that's not something Chazz is used to. Not to say the squad doesn't care about him, they do, but not in the same way Atticus does. I think he starts out as a sort of surrogate big brother figure for him in the way Jaden is for Syrus for kinda similar reasons seeing that Zane was an abusive and really bad brother to Syrus for many years as well. But this isn't about them 😜
Atticus is also a mentor figure for him, that goes into the Japanese version, where Chazz actually calls him "master" and I mean 🤨 there are other words you could use buddy but okay you do you 😏
Atticus takes care of Chazz. He looks after him and is a kind hand and a shoulder and a steady rock when he needs it. By the end Chazz is the person other than Alexis that Atticus is closest to and is the most important to him. But also Chazz's friendship is very healing for Atticus. Their friendship is significant and is healing for both of them.
They both have a lot of trauma and baggage to varying degrees, and like I said Chazz isn't used to having someone genuinely care about him because of his abusive brothers and having to put on a facade and hide his authentic self as a means of being able to meet their impossible expectations of him and being able to handle the pressure any way he can. Atticus is probably the only person who's ever truly seen the real, genuine, vulnerable Chazz. He's basically the only one who makes him genuinely smile too honestly and that hits. Atticus is the first person he genuinely accepts as his friend and accepts love and care from too. He's comfortable with him, he feels safe with him. He feels cared for and loved with him.
And for Atticus, Chazz is the closest friend he's had in a long time. He was good friends with Zane before his disappearance the year prior, but because he missed so much he doesn't graduate with Zane so he's not around and with what happens with Zane after graduation, yeah they're not nearly as close or as good of friends as they used to be. And when Atticus returns, well he suffers a lot. He's so physically and mentally affected by what happened to him that I personally believe his entire personality and his quirks and eccentricities, as genuine and authentic as they are, have become a coping mechanism. And Atticus takes care of anyone and everyone but himself. So when he realizes how Chazz has all this trauma and baggage like he does, albeit to an entirely different degree and of different circumstances, he takes him under his wing and devotes himself to looking after him and kinda coaching him through life in a way. He helps him try to get a date with Alexis when he asks him for help, but personally I think Atticus set him up to fail there but in a loving way. Alexis doesn't like him like that and I also think Chazz is honestly confused about the nature of his feelings about her. I think Atticus sets him up for failure in that situation and I think he does it to so she can reject him, which she does very kindly I might add, and he can move on and learn and grow as a person and develop more emotional intelligence from it because of how stifled he is in that way because of his brothers.
Also going back to how Chazz's friendship is significant and important for Atticus, another reason for that is because Chazz is the only person other than Alexis he's that close to now. He has a friend to confide in and share his own feelings and innermost thoughts with that isn't his now fiercely protective little sister. There are things he can't talk to her about and things he can't go to her for and confide in her with because she'll worry and he can't do that to her. He can't make her worry about him again. And Chazz is so easy for him to talk to. Atticus is a social butterfly and and extrovert unlike Chazz, he has no problems with talking to people and being open about things, but we only ever see him actually do that with Chazz. They have private moments and they confide in each other and they look out for one another. Atticus is also protective of Chazz in his own little ways too as he is with Alexis.
Atticus protects and cherishes everyone he cares for but none more so than Chazz and Alexis. They are his world. His everything. His reason. His.
Also the fact that when you looks into all the GX media, the dub, the sub, the manga, everything. Across it they each are associated with a weather phenomenon. One of Atticus's titles across the manga and the sub is Blizzard Prince. Which makes sense seeing as his Japanese name "Fubuki" literally means "blizzard". And as we all know, Manjoume Thunder. They are each associated with a type of storm which in my opinion, is why they are stormshipping. And long those lines, I associate each of them with a season. Atticus's season is summer, for obvious reasons, and Chazz's seas to me has always been winter. And I made these associations before I ever connected these two dots here. Atticus is associated with blizzards. A winter storm. And Chazz is associated with thunderstorms. Which generally speaking, are summer storms.
They are each associated with the storm that corresponds with the other's season.
That blew my mind when I finally connected those dots, literally destroyed my mind.
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Leaning more on Chazz than Alexis when he's a little fucked up 👀
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ONLY Atticus would picture him smiling like that. Only Atticus COULD picture him smiling like that because nobody else has ever SEEN it before.
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There is no heterosexual explanation for this shot being from Chazz's POV.
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Also the 0 heterosexual explanation shot is like right before this and that scene happens in the dead ass middle of the day and there were tons of people around. They waited until sunset when people had left the beach for the day to have this private conversation. So Chazz and Atty were probably hanging out together for a while already before this. Like they could've just gone somewhere else and had this conversation right away, but no. They WAITED. Maybe for a few HOURS. To have this conversation ON THE BEACH. ALONE. AT S U N S E T. O K A Y 😭
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yetanotherrpfinder · 7 months
Hi! I’d like to do some rp!
My pairings are MxM or MxF!
18+ only
I have one oc, and I have it posted on my profile. Check him out there and heres the link if your to lazy to find it there (don’t worry me too!😜)
Some things:
- I only play submissive roles, I don’t feel comfortable being a dom, sorry!
- If anything triggers you during a roleplay please let me know and I’ll avoid that.
- Mature themes are 100% welcome.
- I usually write in paragraphs with “ for speaking. Length depends on the amount of information given to me.
I enjoy a lot of dark themes in relation to smut and also just in general. There will be a lot of darker topics when roleplaying with my character, Jaden is a drug addict and also struggles a lot with mental illnesses that make him seem ‘insane.’
- poly relationship (where you can play multiple characters in a relationship with mine, I don’t have any other ocs😅)
- a relationship but where theres a significant power difference between mine and your oc. Obviously being with my oc would bring for a more interesting dynamic but what if your oc completely controlled mine however he could? Like a free use situation.
- Manipulated. A scenario where maybe our ocs become roommates or meet somehow, and your oc would manipulate mine into being in a relationship. My oc is vulnerable and easily manipulated, so he thinks nothings wrong.
- A stockholm syndrome type plot. Basically my oc is kidnapped or in a noncon situation and becomes attached to your oc who did the wrongdoing, and falls for him despite his manipulation.
- another kidnapping type plot, where our ocs meet and maybe yours roofied mine, and when under the influence my oc is very easy to trick into going along with whatever yours says.
- another where its just a very toxic relationship and whatever that could entail.
I made them very vague, so we can change up whatever! They’re just a couple of course if you’re not interested in these we can come up with anything else.
Theres more on my pinned post on my profile for information. Like this or message me and I’ll message you back to figure out plots etc!
A picture of Jaden for a teaser:
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Liek if interested!
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rubberduckyrye · 7 months
Hey I noticed you seem to be on a Danganronpa kick so I just wanna mention a concept I’ve always wanted to see with Kokichi because I think it would be very interesting
Despair disease where kokichi can only lie. I’ve seen a few despair disease aus where kokichi can no longer lie but I don’t think I’ve seen one where he can only lie.
Kokichi only being able to tell lies is seemingly just how he always is and in a way he’s on his home turf. The rest of his class would likely still find him the same amount of nuisance as usual.
Yet, especially with the idea that kokichi flip flops between lies and truths to distort both further and further, the lack of being able to say any truth makes the thin line between his truth and lies more noticeable.
And it’d have a fun general ‘arc’ when despair disease starts progressing. At first he’d continue on as usual since he lies so often missing the truth is hard to notice.
as his sickness continues it likely the more perceptive of the class would notice that what Kokichi doesn’t say or even the opposite of what he says can be deduced as a truth. This would mean kokichi would have to use his lies to divert from the truth but it would be a delicate balance of making sure what he lies about is what he wants them to know. (Ie: if he doesn’t want people to know he hates the killing game he can’t just say “I love this killing game!”) He’d have to divert with insults for those who are more hot headed and may briefly forget that he’s lying or even “compliments”I think he’d call Kaito! “Not at all naive! You can stop the killing game with friendship! Never ever stupid!”
As his symptoms get worse his lies would become less well constructed but it is hard to appreciate the information since obviously he’d be pretty sick and delirious.
If it is in a killing game setting it’d also be a funny gag if some students assume kokichi is still sick even after discovering a body because he continues being obnoxious before he leaves to his own investigations.
Oh anon, you do not understand. My Danganronpa phase never ended. It's always been here, it just took a nap.
This is a really interesting and creative idea! I'd love to read a fic about it tbh, so many times I've seen people give Kokichi the Honesty disease and it's very sad.
(Okay but Kaito getting the Honesty/specifically the Emotional Honesty disease? Flawless. Love to see it.)
For me personally, I actually tend to give Kokichi the same disease I would give my OC, Jaden--the Obedience Disease. For Kokichi especially, I think to lose any and all control over yourself would be devastating. I think personally, the Despair disease should cause the most despair to the individual to have it--and what can be more despair inducing for a liar who's natural born talent leads him to being in control of every situation to suddenly be out of control of even his own body?
Also fun fact: Kurochi, Kokichi's elder twin brother in the AU I'm working on? His disease would be the Hateful Disease, I think that's what it was named? Anyway, he spouts horrible and vile things to people--the more he actually likes a person, the more vile he gets.
You can imagine then, the horrible combination Rochi's "Hateful Disease" makes with Kokichi's "Obedience Disease".
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dnd-writes · 2 months
Do you think there's a reason why the Loossemble girls didn't join the others in Modhaus? I mean, it's pretty obvious that Modhaus was giving them an option to join the company after the lawsuits are concluded.
I mean, obviously there is a reason as to why the girls didn't all go to the same company, I think the most plausible reason is difference in vision, some members want to do things this way which doesn't really align with what Modhaus does. Another reason that people speculate has to do with Jaden Jeong. The yyxy members got pretty rough treatment in the pre-debut days (afair) which is why when none of them went to Modhaus, people speculated that it had something to do with that.
I think the former possible reason is really more likely because both Modhaus and CTD ENM have shown/said some stuff regarding putting all of Loona back together. Modhaus has JJ who obviously would want all 12 together and CTD ENM's logo used to be 12 dots with the Loossemble members' colors shaded in (also I'm pretty sure that CTD ENM's CEO worked with JJ before). Then lastly there's Chuu who, at one of her concerts, expressed that she wants to perform with the other members again on stage then made some snarky comment shading BBC which leads me to believe that there's still things being sorted out behind the scenes. (That means OT12 reunion is actually possible in the distant future and not just copium)
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moonlit-orchid · 1 year
I’m curious to know your thoughts on Yuma x Tori.
Honestly I'm not the biggest fan of this ship. It just seems a bit forced on the viewers, if you know what I mean. There would be important duels and in the middle it would cut to JUST Tori calling Yuma's name and it was like... TOO obvious she liked him. And it honestly got kind of annoying at times too. Plus, I think they didn't handle Tori as a character super well too; as she was literally added into scenarios she didn't need to be in, and her crush was just completely one sided and established too early in the serious and too obviously to mark out as "Here is the Love Interest TM".
Also her dynamic with Yuma suits a more sibling relationship too, because a lot of the time she does act like a sister and he definitely seems to have more of a brotherly behaviour to her. You could argue that Yuya and Zuzu have the same thing, but the difference is that their relationship was a genuine part of the plot, from what I've seen anyway, and it sort of grew mutually in a sense. With Tori and Yuma there isn't much growth, and Tori just has a crush on Yuma but also acts like a sister to him.
It's a bit like how I don't like Jaden and Alexis as a ship. Jaden's an idiot who didn't even know what a FIANCE was. As a HIGH SCHOOLER. Alexis is intelligent and has more Big Sister vibes, her crushing on Jaden feels off in a way. Tori and Yuma are a bit like that. With Yusei and Akiza the two, especially Yusei, just cared about each other in such a sweet way, especially in season 1, and the romance aspect wasn't immediately established and Akiza's crush was only hinted at a bit, and honestly that makes it sweeter in my opinion, where they grow closer as friends and then slowly fall in love, because then it's like real in a way, and so I geniunely ship them (also the two never date they just get married at once ok i refuse any other interpretation)
On the other hand I can totally get why Yuma and Tori can be seen as a cute couple because they do have some geniunely cute moments, and I could lowkey see Yuma and Tori together but like years and years later. Right now, though, they're more like friends and psuedo-siblings to me. I think that if they just started out without romance from Tori and the two just grew closer over the series and THEN Tori starts loving Yuma I feel like I would have liked the ship more.
The one thing I will ALWAYS give Tori props for was that as soon as she confessed she IMMEDIATELY went "let's go help Astral". In the sub she says something like "lets get back what's most important to you". And I love that she ACKNOWLEDGED that she herself isn't Yuma's priority. Astral is and always will be Yuma's priority, Astral is the one Yuma cares about the most (whether it's platonically or not I'll let you decide what you like :) ). And she was HAPPY to do it. She wasn't even bittersweet about it, the entire scene she was just so happy and excited because Yuma was finally truly happy again, and I just love that about her, that she was happy if Yuma was happy even if it's not what she wants for herself. That's genuine love right there.
So tl/dr: it has the potential to be cute but the show's execution was way too obvious and unnecessary but the ending of it was cute and maybe i'd ship their future selves. They needed more growth and heartfelt moments to make me want to ship it and less of random zoom ins on Tori crying Yuma's name in duels (there were other people who were supposed to care for Yuma too right there!)
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gx-gameon · 4 months
Since Atem is sticking around, some of his personality traits have probably rubbed off on Jaden. I would not be surprised if Jaden starts saying 'The Door to Darkness has been Opened' when he defeats villains, especially the Shadow Riders.
At first Yugi is exasperated because of everything Jaden could have picked up from Atem, it was that old line. It then becomes his worst nightmare hearing it being said by the Supreme King.
Oh I’m sure Jaden picks up a lot of things from the DM crew. Especially phrases and mannerisms.
‘The Door to Darkness has been Opened’ I believe is something Atem only says durning shadow games and in season 0? (Correct me if I’m wrong) I doubt he would bring up season 0 around Jaden, since he’s a child.
However I also don’t think the world is completely peaceful between DSOD and Gx season 1. Danger seems to come for the top duelist in the world. And while Atem defeating Zorc and returning to afterlife was suppose to be the ‘end of the shadow games’ it’s obviously not.
I’m not saying Atem could or would start shadow games. Without the puzzle he’s lacking quite a bit of power and the Millennium Items helped enhance a persons magic. But I’m sure he’s won some dangerous duels since. Which leads to reminiscing over old victories and I’m sure Joey to Tristian would say it to him in a teasing way. Leading to little Jaden asking what the phrase means.
(I don’t think the DM cast gets into shadow games again until Gx starts but there are still crazy people and organizations out there.
So when the shadow games start at Duel academy it’s something he says to himself a mumble under his breath as he remembers all the duels he’s seen before and the stories he’s heard from Atem and the others. He’s pretty good at recognizing shadow magic (which is why he knows titan is a fake and he also knows the moment their game becomes real)
When he calls home and tells them about a shadow game he might even start it with that phrase
“and then the door to darkness opened up.”
“Jaden please tell me you did not duel in a shadow game.”
“That’s not what I said. I said the door to darkness opened up.”
“It’s the same thing!”
Yugi is exasperated with his boy because out of all the things he could have picked up from Atem…it’s this? But he’s more upset that his son is playing shadow games in the first place.
But when the Supreme King arrives and initiates his duels with that phrase…. The DM cast knows the Supreme King is Jaden. They know that phrase. And it’s horrifying to hear it directed towards them or their allies.
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
Hi yes I need you to know that your analysis on Jaden and Yusei (June 16, 2022, idk if you’ve done multiple on them but that’s the one I’m talking about) is the realest thing I have EVER read and you’re so right and you should say it MUCH louder that is the greatest take op it’s amazing and I’m screaming /pos
Jaden is my favorite character like,,,, ever, and you have nailed him I’m going bonkers
Another thing, I love your Groupchat AU but you have made me become aware that there is???? Another???? YGO show????? I was like who on God’s Green Earth is Yudias and then Google attacked me with information. I still remember. When Vrains was new. To me Vrains is still new. It came out 6 years ago. I feel old. I am not okay. I have yet to acknowledge the existence of Sevens and will continue to do so with Go Rush. Oh I got off-topic, whoops-
Anyways, love your Groupchat AU but I saw the one part with the Eldritch language that Jaden and Yuya are both fluent in and I humbly request more of their dynamic???
I had an epiphany last night, they’re so similar I’m actually losing my mind. All I can think about is that one audio of Batman and that girl on the swings and it’s like “They got their weapon, I got cheated out of my childhood” “I know what that’s like.” “You do don’t you?” Tell me that’s not them I am dying /pos
Much love <3
Oh my gosh, thank you! <3
Jaden and Yusei, my beloved blorbit. The painfully monstrous and the painfully human. The narrative foils of all time. Jaden Yuki, the creatchur autism boi of all time. <3 I need to write about them more.
I know what you mean about the new shows. I'm still a ways off from watching them, but I still want to remember they exist but keep forgetting. What do you means vrains is six years old??? (<- was not even a yugioh fan when vrains was airing) You're telling me there's probably going to be new one after that??? That the days start coming and they don't stop coming?????
Shoutouts to the sevens and go rush fans. They are the mightiest of soldiers. I know nothing about their shows but I'm hesitantly penciling them into the groupchat au anyways because I have seen maybe three clips but I know this funny little alien guy is near and dear to my heart.
Obviously there's a bit of a shift between Vrains and the Sevens era, being made for new audiences, a little tone shifting (which we LOVE, because any franchise that stays the same forever is no bueno.) and that makes it easy to group the first six shows into one group. But I also think there's a fascinating dialogue between shows 1-3 and shows 4-6. I didn't realize it until I was a good way into Arc-V, but each of the second trilogy protagonists sorta reflects the first three.
With Yuma and Yugi, it's very purposeful, a stated "return to form" with the chipper kid and his ghost companion who lives in his special necklace. And when I was gushing over Yusei in 5Ds, I got a lot of people saying "Man, you're going to love Yusaku." They're both the rbf hacker protags who fight the government. Lots to love.
But Jaden and Yuya????? Did not imagine I would come out of Arc-V going "omg they're foils. They're the same story through a different lens. They need to TALK to eachother and bond over their shared experiences."
Even leaving out my pet theory of "Zarc Was An Incarnation Of Jaden In The Original Timeline", they're just so. *clenches fist* The childhood trauma of being a weird kids and masking with an overly bubbly personality only to learn the great anger they've been trying to hide is powerful enough to rip apart reality and they're secretly harbingers of destruction.
By the end of GX, I think Jaden has wonderfully come to term with that. By the end of Arc-V, I think Yuya hasn't.
Their dynamic in the gc AU is very much to me Yuya is still struggling with Z-arc stuff, but not saying anything about it because that'd be weird, so he just kinda frets about it until he hits a breaking point and Jaden gets to offer his advice on dealing with all this.
I am so interested in exploring this that it actually got me started writing fic again,,, which I haven't done in like a year, so wish me luck. I'll keep y'all updated :)
Angst aside, they're also just. One braincell between them. Theatre kid and guy who has never once acted natural in his entire life. Kid making a scene at a Waffle House while his friend slowly eats the entire menu and offers suggestions. Jaden is a pokemon fan and Yuya is a kingdom hearts girlie, I've decided this, and they takes turns infodumping to each other. Jaden summons duel spirits so Yuya can ride around on Hiphippo even when he's not dueling. They trade funny things they've heard their dragons say. They're eldritch and inhuman and best friends, your honor.
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Johan Andersen for the "Give Me a Character" image?
Jesse Anderson/Johan Andersen:
How I feel about them: blorbo, babygirl, malewife, a himbo, a twink, my baby. Johan is my beloved and I adore him. He has blue hair and pronouns and if the south wasn’t such a weird place I would move there to get that accent. i am So Normal about this man. gay awakening fr. He is so gender and has no gender. I love him. (A side note: I hc him as transmasc because a. voiced by a woman in sub and b. blue hair and pronouns. Likely had a huge crisis about that after the whole Yubel thing.)
All the people I ship with them romantically: Jaden and Jim, mostly. have Dabbled in jessXzane but I don’t like that one as much. Obviously Spiritshipping is my favorite :P but Cowboyshipping is a close second
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Jesse and Atticus. I can see them having lil sleepovers, painting each others nails with facemasks on and gossiping. Atticus definitely dyes Jesse’s hair for him.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Took away from Jaden’s/Judai’s relationship with Syrus, and consequently we didn’t really get to see Syrus and Jaden and Zane grow as friends and brothers. I would have liked to see some more focus on that. (This coming from an anti-syrus bitch. I would have loved to see Syrus and Zane grow as bros.)
One thing I wish had happened with this character in canon: shoves Judai and Johan’s heads together now kiss
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khaleesiofalicante · 10 months
Dani hellooo!
Okay so life had been pretty hectic lately but I've finally been given a break-that lasts until tomorrow but still a break. So I got around reading Joan's and Cami's chapter and what do you know, I absolutely loved them! And Cami, she is in fact a bitch but it suits her so we love her. So many things I have to say, my notes app got filled up again so this will be long😅
So you're telling us, Theia, who is referred to as the nicest person ever saw a Latina/Desi (bad) bitch and a French asshole and went MINE? That's very sexy of her. Honestly who can blame her, Cami and Lance for the win
Not saying I need to see the scene where Kincaid used the phrase Regine taught him to Arthur but ummm I kinda do, I bet he was blushing the while time. So cutee
Regine's crush on Kincaid feels very suss, like she doesn't actually know him so she has a crush on the idea of this warrior and not on the actual person
Okay, I thought Theia was distant from Regine(as it was mentioned in Joan's chapter) because of the way she treated Lance but apparently that's not the case?
I think I kinda ship Joan and Regine, but Régine said she's straight and I want to be respectful to her sexuality so I'll contain my fangirlirng over them
Kinda irrelevant but this came to me when I was reading it: David/Arthur/Lance/Regine French nicknames for Max/Kincaid/Theia/Joan: Mon ange/Mon nounours/Mon belle fleur/Mon soldat-chevalerie ( the last two were my addition yes I'm delulu)
Did everyone find out about Lance getting hurt? How did they react-besides Joan(curious about Rafael/Theia, especially Rafe because I'm sure he would want to be there for his nephew but he couldn't)
Theia's thoughts to Lance becoming a whore? Is she trying stuff with other people too? Also, why did Lance become a whore? I feel he's very similar to TLND Max at this point
Love Cami for not believing that Lance can hurt Idris. How are the movie nights between the cousins going? Please tell me they still have those
"They’ll turn on each other. They’ll turn on you. You wait and watch.” :feels like a thing that will happen when Kyle and Victoria find out about everything
I have a bad feeling that Theia won't become Inquisitor or Cami won't become consul and I hate it
The more Rafael is forced to support the Idris Patrol the more scared I get -you know how sometimes you say something and someone you don't like or respect agrees with you and you kinda ask yourself if maybe you're wrong? I feel like that's Rafael right now- at least I think he should be concerned for agreeing with Kyle when it comes to the Idris Patrol
Alec calling David a Lightwood Bane, supporting him and putting bigoted baby shadowhunters in their place-what a bad bitch, he is the real GOAT
Also what's with Régine trash talking about the residents of the New York Institute to everyone, including Joan and Cami? They are family? What even?
Regine was spying on Joan-nice
Okay theory about what David is hiding (because I believe he is hiding something): David wants to become immortal so Max never becomes Other Max or David is practicing necromancy (because they joked about it and now I'm scared-a joke is never just an innocent joke when you're concerned)
Okay IALS related but I had to because the thought made me laugh: When Jaden was voted sexiest man alive, some people said that Max was way sexier. I want to imagine David would've liked and reposted all of those tweets (from a fake account obviously)
Okay so I saw the David was more likely to cheat and I have to ask- do you mean he would cheat on other people with Max or cheat on Max with other people- even if it's people who look/act like him? Because I can see the first one happening but the second not so much and I'm kinda curious what you think
Also I kinda miss TLND Mavid so I reread some chapters and a thought came to me: how do you think their first fight would go after they got together? Would Max be scared that David will leave him?
Okay I'm done, told you this would be long. Anyways, how are you? Hope you're finishing up with all the projects and finally have some time off to relax and do things you enjoyy🌷
PS: Here's a tik tok of Lewis being Lewis that I'm sure was created by David
Not me responding to this ask as a 'reward' after a hard day of work (my weirdness is quite unique yes).
Theia likes the baddies. Pass it on. Also, she is a blackthorn. Of course, she is attracted to unhinged behaviour.
That phrase is in Arthur's chapter and I'd like to think it was very cute indeed hehe.
She also likes him because she thinks he will 'avenge' her father...
Theia was mad. But not for long. I think it's mentioned somewhere that Theia is too nice to people. So, I guess she forgave Regine for being a lil bitch.
Joan and Regine give me major sapphic feels. But I shall keep it to myself...for now.
I love the bonus pet names. I might borrow them 👀
Lance actually didn't get hurt. He can't get hurt because he has demons protecting him. The only people who can physically hurt Lance are Kincaid and Lance himself. And maybe Lucifer idk. As for their reaction, I'm sure Theia must have felt really scared, but also sad about not being able to reach out. As for Rafael, it's mostly guilt and helplessness 🥹
Theia is a little heartbroken about Lance 'moving on'. She is not dating/sleeping with anyone. She's in too deep oof. As for Lance, we'll talk more about his whore phase later.
I regret to inform you that movie nights are almost nonexistent now. Like once a year or so. Even then it's very awkward. We have all the entire LB fam getting together in magnus' chapter so we'll some stuff then...
i am anticipayshaun 😬
I am not anticipayshaun 😭
I think Rafael is definitely concerned about agreeing with Kyle - and the Council. But that is, alas, the tricky thing about running a democratic government. He has to agree with the majority.
Idk what kind of drugs Regine is on but she is trashtalking without care lmao.
Once again, idk what Regine is doing. Petition for Antoine to check on his sister.
But I love jokes 🥺 I can tell you that David is indeed hiding a secret. But I won't tell you what 😘
This unhinged whore, like LH himself, likes unhinged tweets from his real account (Can you imagine the chaos? I doubt it happened. BUT STILL)
This is an essay question. But i can see him cheating either way. It falls under "you always get what you want" and "you are greedy" narratives we see around David. I don't think it's cheating for the sake of sex or whatever. I'm sure he'll have a "reason" behind it. But I can see him cheating on Max. Think of what's going on with Other Max. There is a complete lack of guilt from his side...
This is SO weird, Vicky! Because I was literally thinking about it over the weekend. As in, about their first fight. I think it would be over something very pointless. But Max's separation anxiety would 100% act up and there will be a lot of angst and then a lot of fluff and reassurance. Oof. Great minds think alike.
I've officially written to all my clients and said "I'm on vacay after dec 15" but now the question is how many of these assholes are actually going to listen and respect that 🫠
I'm sorry you've been having a hectic time too! PETITION FOR US TO ALL GO ON VACAYS IMMEDIATELY. I hope you are doing some self-care stuff (like me answering your asks lol).
Hearing from you always makes me smile and gives me serotonin 💙
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