#for more see letterboxd review idk
do u have any sam rockwell films you'd recommend….
i've downloaded: moon (seen before) box of moonlight confessions of a dangerous mind everybody's fine galaxy quest (seen before) matchstick men (seen before) seven psychopaths (seen before) snow angels three billboards (seen before) mr right (looks so fucking silly i cant wait for this one)
trying very hard to download better living through chemistry and piccadilly jim but torrent sites r failing me
also i saw he's gonna be in another yet untitled martin mcdonagh film with oscar isaac and christopher walken… slay
i really liked mr right it was VERY silly but he and anna have such good chemistry in it
one i'd really recommend is Laggies! he plays a very tired very hot single dad and he and kiera knightly are extremely sexy together because they are sam rockwell and kiera knightly
The Way Way Back was cute, it's a coming of age film where babygirl plays a lifeguard at a water park who takes this kid under his wing for the summer and teaches him to give less of a fuck, he and maya rudolph flirt a lot and steve carell and toni collette are in it, also here are some choice reviews from letterboxd
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let's see ummmmm oh Jojo Rabbit was great! i know a lot of people hate it but they're wrong (if you don't like it you're so correct and valid in your opinion), sam's really really excellent in it and he's blind in one eye and i have a big thing for that (he does play a nazi (who's gay for alfie allen and i assume just gay in general but mostly for alfie allen) which i do not have a thing for)
he stars in Choke as a sex addict which is a novel by chuck palahniuk and in the film adaptation sam plays a sex addict, it is not a good movie but sam rockwell does play a sex addict in this, the sex addict movie in which sam rockwell stars
admittedly there are a lot i haven't seen, here are a few that are on my list but aren't on yours:
- Fosse/Verdon (actually a mini series) where he plays the titular bob fosse and gets to show off his very real dancing skills, i've heard michelle williams is also amazing in it
- The Green Mile, based off the stephen king novel, where he plays a murdering psychopath
- The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (I just know he's in it idk what he does)
- The Winning Season, it looks cute, he plays the coach of a girls basketball team
- Richard Jewell, which had one of my favorite trailers I've ever seen, I believe he plays Richard Jewell's lawyer
i genuinely cannot recommend Blue Iguana EXCEPT for sam rockwell being in it, it is a terrible film, however according to letterboxd he and ben schwartz are making another film together so fingers crossed for that
there's so many more things he's been in but he should be in more things in fact i have a contract right here that says 'sam rockwell will be in everything i watch' but i can't get him to sign it no matter how many times i ambush him or break into his home
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bereft-of-frogs · 3 months
friday update!
we are reaching the end of my vacation week which is both good (I miss my routine and my own apartment) and sad (I have to go back to work and no longer have all day just to write)
(finished) The Great Transition - Nick Fuller Goggins : Not quite as good as Station Eleven but...surprisingly decent for a book doing stuff I normally find annoying.
(in-progress) Kill Show: A True Crime Novel - Daniel Sweren-Becker : Look I LOVE trying to recreate found footage in literature. House of Leaves, S...I'm not sure this one is doing it for me. I wish there was something more than just the interview transcripts, which he has room for. Like at one point there have been quotes from a journalist and a professor, instead of doing the same interview block quote, he could have put in excerpts from articles/dissertations, we could have had more narration and description that way. It's just a little flat with it all being the same and also I'm not sure he has enough distinct character voices to justify it all exclusively being interview quotes. I feel like you need really good, unique character voices to exclusively do transcript quotes. And there are other issues I feel like he didn't think through, like I still don't really know how old the brother is supposed to be in relation to the main missing girl because it's not in the character intro and no one's mentioned it. But I'm not super far in, I'm going to stick with it to see if it gets better.
(in-progress) Jaw Bone - Monica Ojeda: Also only a little ways in, intriguing though, I like this one much better than Kill Show so far.
Lord of the Rings reread: I did fall a little bit behind by a couple chapters this week, but! We're onto the last book of Return of the King.
(phone book) Into the Dark - Claudia Gray: haven't had to read on my phone much this week since I've been on vacation, but the High Republic reread continues!
watching (tv):
*vibrates* Yellowjackets (Paramount+/Showtime): oh my GOD I have been wanting to watch this for years and I finally did, binged all two seasons this week. (Minus two episodes I have left to watch, so no season finale spoilers yet!) Yellowjackets. What is there to say? It's great, you all knew it was great, I was late to this party. There's like a venn diagram you could make between this show, NBC's Hannibal, and Black Spot/Zone Blanche but I can't articulate it yet. It's just got everything to appeal to me specifically: spooky forest settings, plane crashes, cannibalism, antler gods, murder, not one but two cults. It's great, extremely on brand for me, Shauna is my poor little meow meow, Melanie Lynskey should play more cannibals, murderers and warlords, she does it so well.
watching (film):
Pearl / X (2022) (double feature): Is it an unpopular opinion that I like X better? I'm also a bit late to this party but I feel like I remember people being like 'oh X is fine but Pearl is so good!' (Confirmed by looking at their comparative Letterboxd scores.) I just think X had a more interesting time period setting, better ensemble cast, better cinematography...which I think make sense given my understanding was X was the film they were originally making, and then they added on Pearl as an origin story project while they were working on X. It felt like more thought was put into X. Also, the 'Don't Fear the Reaper' scene was great. It seems like most of the reviews just comment on Mia Goth's performance as a highlight but like...it's just a lot of yelling and then a very long monologue and then the end credits. Idk, I think X just worked better as a whole, with the ensemble cast.
Bodies Bodies Bodies (2023): This movie was so funny, probably my favorite ending/explanation to a 'wow everyone went from no murder to yes murder really fast' film I've ever seen. I also just love Lee Pace. Lee Pace sabre-ing a bottle of champagne. That is all.
there is no video game update because I have no mobile video game consoles so they are all at my apartment and I am not there, and since I had to leave early Friday instead of my original plan (Sunday) I didn't get to do anything before I left
craft update: slow sweater progress, so close to linking up the armholes and no longer having to purl, so close...
writing to-do list update:
I didn't end up working a ton on oneshots or 'omens' because...
I did it! I got up through chapter 6 on the longfic tentatively titled 'the station'. that's about the halfway point in chapter count, and I've been doing a pretty good job keeping the lengths even and hovering around 5k so far. It's 33k words now so I expect the final word count to be around 65-70k? Thereabouts? Which will be my longest Star Wars fic by quite a lot, even counting adding up the two pieces of the dark ocean duology. But since I'm only at the halfway point, maybe I shouldn't get ahead of myself. It's so much. I love it. I'm terrified it's secretly bad. But it's probably fine haha, I'm actually feeling pretty good about the plot I'm using to string together a bunch of self-indulgent angst, which really, what is fanfiction if not finding a suitable plot to tie together self-indulgent scenes, angst or otherwise?
list for the upcoming week:
I still have to extract my dogsitting fee aka do all of my laundry
got a couple social events over the weekend
pack up and head back to the city sunday
I'm considering doing a probably ill-advised chaos rearranging of my room when I get home unless reason and logic kicks back in and stops me
go back to work (boo)
also clean whole apartment throughout the week because I have eclipse guests
eep somehow acquire eclipse glasses yikes I put this one off
keep chipping away chapter-by-chapter on this fic. I'm just getting to the action, which is both fun because a bunch of things are coming to a head and terrible because oh god writing action scenes is so hard
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philcollinsenjoyer · 6 months
hiii auguste i already said merry christmas on messages but i didn't have enough whimsy i think... so merry christmas!!! ☃️☃️☃️☃️ hope it was excellent hope you enjoyed the new doctor who with ncuti gatwa and the beatles :)) oh we didn't watch le père noël est une ordure!! remember when we watched the narnia movies that was crazy... sorry they're just on my mind. to watching more movies together in 2024!
hellloooooo tee and merry vhristmas to you too again!!!!! it was great and i didn"t get to see the beatles doctor who yet but i'm so excited for it it's crazy <33 we didn't but tbh idk if we would have liked it after peeking at the letterboxd reviews lol... and i miss watching narnia with you so bad we had so much fun..... hope we get to do it a hundred more times in 2024 as well
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lmaowh-at · 6 months
Uh oh um. So I gotta say that I'm not that much of a cinephile or a hater when it comes to movies because I watch the vast majority of them with friends and that improves my watching experience greatly. That being said I think I do have 5 movies that I have beef with (might be controversial)
1. Starting off with BATTLE ROYALE (2000) I don't care this movie sucks and I have a personal vendetta against it. I was 15 years old, watching and overanalysing squid game because I liked it, enjoying life, when my dad came to me and started full on SHITTING on the squid and saying how it SUCKS BALLS AND ASS and that it's a CHEAP COPY OF BATTLE ROYALE and that he's disappointed in me because I'm such a smart girl and I'm enjoying such a trash show. So I was really angry because wtf he tore my hyperfixation apart and so I watched battle royale out of spite and God......... I did not enjoy it in the slightest and I still harvest nothing but negative feelings towards it. From what I can remember the characters were Nothing, the action was disappointing, the point was made 10 minutes in and the rest was filled with nonsense. I don't care for the themes of this movie and I don't want to make sense of them. I was just angry at my dad for saying I'm stupid and then directing me to a movie that doesn't even have a single character with a compelling motivation that i care about and shoves relationship talk in the middle without it being rewarding in the slightest.
2. Queen Margot 1994. Sorry I'm trying to enjoy the story without incest porn in the middle but this movie doesn't let me
3. Thor the dark world... Thor is my favourite avenger and ragnarok is my favourite mcu movie so I don't like the direction of this one very much. I just think that Thor and Jane don't work in the first two movies and basing Thors entire motivation on her when the relationship is not very compelling in the first place is not a good recipe for a movie. Loki felt much more like the main character and I already forgot who the villain and what the plot was. Ragnarok is the only good Thor movie 😔
4. Ummmm red white and royal blue??? Idk I went into it thinking it would be at least funny but it was so shallow and cliche and had the most overused gay archetypes and character arcs and the politics were funny in how they sucked and the main couple just reminded me of Charles and Navarre for some reason and it made me very sad and angry because they had NO CHEMISTRY WHATSOEVER!!!! And. Yea. That's it I guess
5. Ok this is gonna be veryyyy controversial but I did not like the ragad movie at all for the simple reason that I do not see how ragad can be performed in a different medium. Stoppard may have directed it but Roth and Oldmas performances were so unenthusiastic and it lacked what made the actual play so great. I don't know. Maybe I'm missing something but I really don't like this movie and this letterboxd review really sums it up for me
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sangfielle · 1 year
10 + 20 + 27 for the game qs :+)
also! just read your nimona review and you're 100% right! i truly dont know who that movie was for!
10. A console and/or handheld you’ve never played but would like to try
the playtation... ive never had a console in my life and i hear theres some games like "bloodborne" on that one
20. A boss you think is really cool
the warrior from bl2... not even necessarily for the fight itself its just so atmospheric and fun. one of the more memorable boss fights ive ever done. also hes a puppy
27. A game you love the atmosphere of
dh2/doto... i'm just such a big fan of karnaca and it feels so much more alive than dh1 did.
also thank u lol apparently it was for a LOT of ppl both on letterboxd and this site so maybe were the idiots. idk what any of them r seeing in it though
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sevicia · 1 year
Ok I really liked it but the people on Letterboxd going "damn horny old people are scary I didn't wanna see that" are kinda pissing me off. Maybe not pissing me off really more like. confusing me. Cause like in the movie it's said again & again how Pearl went coo coo nut crazy over not being / feeling attractive / wanted / sexy anymore & OBVIOUSLY when you're young & probably even when you're old IDK I'm 19, you're not gonna find much much older people attractive much less wanna see them fuck but isn't that the POINT...... like you sat thru all 106 minutes of a movie where the killer is an OLD WOMAN who went CRAZY over BEAUTY & your takeaway was "man... old people are gross" I'm not asking you to fuck the next 80 yr old you see... but idk perhaps it is not that deep (I want it to be) & I'm being crazy but like the fact that old women don't feel attractive -> feel worthless is incredibly sad 2 me & it should be to you too.
Yknow what I'm 1000% reading too much into it & taking it too seriously but wtv. Dante's review of X: Really liked it, gator death was awesome, I liked the themes or something IDK I'm not smart about this stuff & I'm going to watch Pearl now. a kissaroo from me 2 U
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mooodyblue · 9 months
It’s weird because the trailer wants to paint Elvis as a monster while I’ve read some Letterboxd reviews and other lesser known reviews that say he actually isn’t portrayed as a monster and his portrayal is more complicated, heck a few even said it didn’t have as much Elvis bashing as they expected. What is the truth? I think the movie will definitely show Elvis being an asshole but it would be great if it underwhelms the Twitter crowd
tbh we rly won't know if nothing until the movie comes out so ....idk. we'll see what happens. i'm prepared but also not LOL
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snellymain · 1 year
Why do you like Mineta?/genq Also has anyone ever questioned you for why you liked the "problematic" characters or pairings in a fandom?
uh oh
Funnily enough I think for the most part I like Mineta because I'm just not that into BNHA, meaning I don't take it very seriously when I watch it, so I don't find him THAT out of place. There's a couple Mineta scenes that had me almost in tears of laughter when I first saw them I just think he's a silly guy;;
When he explained his quirk to Deku + Tsu and was like "I can place balls on things :D..." and there was a long silence before he just started crying so fucking loud out of nowhere KILLED me i think about it so much
His whole training under mount lady was very funny to me and how he said all women were demons and then immediately got over it idk he makes me laugh. Just a shitty little teenage boy. My son
According to my LetterBoxd review of Two Heroes: extra stars for mineta climbing up to the among us vent and just chanting "haremharemharemharemharemharem"
I WILL SPECIFY BEFORE SOMEONE GETS MY ASS- I do in fact loathe the the low-hanging fruit of "spy on the girls bath," "haha momo's boobies," "I can't wait to see this 6 year old when she grows up," or just general sexual harassment and straight up groping is like. Hashtag Not Funny and Just Weird + Cringe, but also I'm kinda unphased by it because I'm SO used to that in anime that it's like ok whatever. sure buddy. If I personally liked BNHA better and were more attached to some of the serious characters I'm sure it'd bother me a lot more and I would hate him too, but alas.
His dynamic in the class also steadily gets funnier to me because he just gets less and less reactions. everyone is just eternally putting up with him forever. I don't know how much anything changes from like season 4 and up (or especially anything in the manga) because I'm behind but ykno.
As for your second question I laughed VERY audibly because I fully respect the notion that you think anyone could possibly go anywhere in any fandom space without being questioned or just straight up attacked for liking the problematic aspects of media. I will not elaborate on this too much because :) but it's something people used to get on my ass for a LOT back when I was newer to fandoms, but I think over time they gave up and I started caring less which is SO nice on the brain.
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
ok! so i finally rewatched the secret garden last night for the first time in like three years. and i rewatched it in 2020 for the first time since i was a kid and when i watched it THEN i was like huh there is something Off about this movie but i can’t quite articulate what i’m thinking. presumably this is a vibe i’ve gotten from that movie my whole life considering it was never a huge favorite despite the Aesthetic or whatever. like so many people love this movie and knowing me you’d expect me to be one of them but i’m not. um also i must preface this with the disclaimer that i did not read the book except that i did but i didn’t. so no i didn’t. i had like an abridged version or something for kids idk. that seems weird in hindsight considering the secret garden is already for kids but idk i didn’t write it i didn’t even buy it i was like seven my mom gave it to me because i was a little girl who liked flowers and reading. so i did read the book. except that i didn’t. anyway that doesn’t even matter because that was so long ago. but i saw the movie last night so i’m just gonna talk about the movie because no one to my knowledge has ever really complained that the book and movie are vastly different anyway so who cares. so basically everyone likes it because like. bitter little girl protagonist and well. the titular secret garden. and like aesthetics i guess. i ALSO love those elements, my problem stems from other areas of the story. small tangent i saw the CRINGIEST letterboxd review for this movie where the person was like oh i wish i could see this movie again with the eyes of an ignorant child who doesn’t know about ableism yet and i could just love it uncritically for it’s aesthetic…. and they used all this annoying flowery language and i was like ohhhh my godddd shut up!!! like some of us understood even as children that there was something deeply Off about this story’s portrayal of disability but a) i don’t think that’s something to necessarily brag about. and b) it’s literally useless to explain to ppl like this that not all children are stupid idiots with no social awareness just because THEY as children were stupid idiots with no social awareness. anyway whatever, so like yeah there’s the ableism but that’s not even my problem. like sure we could call it problematic that this child has like. either been gaslit into thinking he’s dying by his father and servants who want to protect him. or WAS actually diseased and dying and fresh air cured him. i’m not certain how i’m meant to interpret that plotline, i assume the first one because it makes more sense, but it’s not like explicitly clarified so i’m not sure. anyway we could talk all day about that being problematic but like who cares. sorry that sounded dismissive. i mean like, we all KNOW it’s bad. so like no one is going to have any revelations i mean. like no one is out there romanticizing the secret garden thinking wow my disabled child who uses a wheelchair because he has cerebral palsy just needs to get some fresh air and sun and he’ll miraculously be cured!! like no one. is thinking that. that’s not something we need to like worry about. MY thing is that mary is the protagonist but also like. not the main character, and THAT’S what bothers ME. because we think of this story as being a little girl’s story of like healing and growing and becoming a better kinder person. but essentially all her character growth happens to service her weird incestuous cousin. like she becomes kinder so she can help “fix” him essentially. she brings him and his father together and then her cousin tells her he wants her to marry him because he views her as his property. and they’re like eleven. and yeah he’ll grow out of it it’s not like in any way implied that HAPPENS it’s just like. the fact that this whole time she’s viewing him as a potential friend and family member who she can help and put her energy into doing something positive for another person, and he’s viewing her as property. like he thinks it’s her JOB to help him. he doesn’t see the depth within her.
this post is so long tumblr made me start a new paragraph because i hit a limit. wow. anyway we keep talking! like i know that it’s well written in that way and the original book probably does touch on some of this critique of colin’s patriarchal privilege and his shallow view of mary, but i just know that most of the audience isn’t thinking about this. like they’re watching this movie and it’s like. cool garden! and what. we’re just not talking about how much we hate colin. because i fucking hate colin. she should have let him die idc!! and like the only way he becomes a better person or recognizes his privileges is through mary teaching him and fixing him and pouring all her energy into his life so HE improves in both body and mind and he gives NOTHING back to her. the story just places this little girl in this ridiculous mothering role and it just doesn’t sit right with me. i’m not trying to call it problematic or anything because like i do understand the themes at play. helping her cousin and tending the garden and letting herself nurture something instead of destroying it is huge for her as a character and it helps her let go of a lot of the anger and resentment she’s had towards the world and everyone in it her whole life due to being neglected as a child. and i adore her i really do. i just wish that she had someone taking care of HER as opposed to her having to find meaning and purpose in her life through taking care of others idk.
anyway that’s my piece <3 i wish people saw the secret garden as more than just an aesthetic movie about a garden because i really do think this story is worth actually viewing critically, and seeing it through this naive lens of Ooh Cool Garden! is just such a disservice to both the story and yourself tbh. um i still don’t like it but on this rewatch i did come to appreciate it more than i ever have. a little princess is still better though. ok xoxo peace and love on planet earth i’m sorry for how long this is i just have a lot of thoughts and things to say and i LOVE stream of consciousness posting. ok bye <3
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snowmuttgetsweird · 1 year
Wow it's been a minute since I did anything on Tumblr.
If it's not clear, I'm SnowMuttBarks and SnowMuttHowls from the Twitter dot com.
I kinda miss being able to talk about whatever I feel like at the time. Since Twitter is kinda my "place of business", I can't really be that open cause I can't say anything there that would discourage followers. Like, they come for the porn, not my ramblings about what media I enjoy or my own weird kinks, right? This way, the parts of me no one else wants to interact with can be partitioned off to a separate space for anyone who cares/is interested.
So if you wanna learn more about me but don't necessarily want to go through the trouble of talking to me/asking me directly... Welcome I guess! Expect to see me talk about:
Video games!
Card games!
Sad boy stuff! (lots of this)
TMI / Kink stuff! (lots of this too)
... and much, much more!
I might do reviews of stuff, link to my letterboxd, post deck lists, post semi-competitive Pokemon teams, whine and cry about how sad and lonely I am, or talk about my balls! Who knows?! I don't!
Oh and I'll probably mention art stuff occasionally too, idk.
Let's get weird!
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svankmajerbaby · 2 years
im still thinking about watching border 2018 yesterday and how my brother bailed during the sex scene bc he said it was "too messed up" when i Know hes seen a lot more fucked up stuff in game of thrones or whatever....... and all those reviews on letterboxd and even by big reputable reviewers online fixating on the ugliness of tina/reva and vore........ why are you so disgusted by ugliness. why do you think the movie is insensitive by showing that when, to me, it just showed people being themselves. its partly a judgement of these reviewers partly a real questioning of my own perspective. bc u get used to the way they look, just like you get used to anything really in a movie. its the same as with idk seeing zoe saldanha having sex with the other guy in avatar or when she was all green in that marvel movie and kissing chris pratt. why did this movie and specifically one scene thats part of a larger more interesting whole unsettle people so much. its not cronenberg its not alien its not even that fucked up looking...... the movie literally deals with some of the worst things in existence and people focus on the ugliness. instead of even the alienation that the ugliness causes. why is everything so fucked up what happened that these people couldnt empathize with these very human characters
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archivehotties · 1 month
immaculate - 3.5/5
i decided i'm gonna do more in depth movie reviews here (let's see how long that lasts LMAO), i used to do longer reviews on my letterboxd but idk doesn't seem as fitting? i can insert other photo stuff here so i'd rather here then. also spoilers ahead fucking duh
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i watched immaculate tonight! my thoughts before this movie were 1, i love sydney sweeney but for a hot minute right now i felt like she wasn't being taken seriously. euphoria was one of my favorite shows and i loved her in the first season, but since then it felt like people were overly sexualizing her and not taking her seriously as an actor which blows bc she's honestly talented! and can show real emotional depth!!! so i really wanted her to hone that into a full blown artsy kind of horror movie because, as i saw in the movie, she's very scream-queen worthy.
i will admit i am very biased to religious horror. is it because i was raised catholic Yes. is it because i like looking at the pretty gold colors because catholicism is really good at making things look badass Yes as well. have i rewatched wendigoon's long video explanation of dante's inferno over and over Yes absolutely. Regardless!!!! this is just a bias i need to address to the readers beforehand before any of u fucking yank my chain
i did not expect to be as into this movie as i thought i was gonna be, honest to god i went in thinking this was probably gonna be disappointing and sydney probably didn't get a good enough writer and it was gonna be as boring as idk the nun movie in the conjuring franchise. just jumpscares. the writing was honestly not that bad though, though i will say that sydney kind of fell off her mark sometimes. especially at the start it kind of didn't feel as authentic as i wanted, but maybe that's because it felt weird to hear her euphoria high american accent while she was surrounded by italian nuns and priests. some of the creepy elements felt kinda cheesy like oh wow the creepy patient says she can never leave womp womp. like find something more interesting to say.
cinematography soooo good. really liked it, also i am again biased to italy because i love italy and it's my dream vacation place. there were some shots that were framed sooo good like when she goes to confession, the ending scene in particular was really good. i really like the choice of it not being filmed from the usual third person pov and it being from the baby's (?) or just it being right below sydney and she is just yelling her fucking heart out with blood all over her face. so good. i was smiling and clapping good for u girl!!!!!!!!!!
i also liked that it was done in chapters so they went like per trimester of the baby, it was really fun to see in that way. i liked the themes, it didn't feel like a Fake church u know? again i compare it to the nun movie from the conjuring series where it's like ... it doesn't feel like they got dressed up in nun outfits. they're just ... nuns. doesn't feel like a set, which is good.
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a concern again i had for this movie was that it was gonna be too jumpscare-y-- at some times it was, but honestly that's too be expected. i really liked the idea of her having to escape from the convent over and over again and just how creepy the other people in the church were, though i will admit the "we tried to make the next savior and i'm a mad scientist" bit was a little ... meh. i'd prefer if they leaned into that whole secret cult thing they had going on. or if it was a carrie/rosemary's baby moment where she was carrying the devil's baby.
another concern i had was, looping back to what i said about sydney, i had watched the trailer beforehand and i was scared it was gonna oversexualize her because soo many of the shots they chose were like centered around her body? which i mean makes sense now that i know the plot, but it didn't feel sexualized at all, which makes me happy :) sydney has lots of potential !
thematically and in cinematography sense, it reminded me a lot of the vvitch. just like eerie and creepy and dark. and the endings too were shot in similar ways. additionally i also like that she killed every one of the major leaders in the end, that was fun.
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overall was it the best horror movie i've ever seen? no. definitely not. was it a fun watch yes! would i watch it again, sure. though i do look away when the gory bits happen, but that's normal with horror. i hope sydney sweeney does more horror, and i mean like a24 style. i'd love for her to be in a movie with mia goth or anya taylor joy or something.
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girltomboy · 4 months
Sooo um Talk To Me was first of all incredibly difficult to find online. Like, I had to watch it with subtitles in my native language, which is not always ideal, but the fact that I couldn't find a single working link to watch it with English subs? Concerning. And the movie itself was pretty good, it focused more on the psychological state/s of the protagonist rather than explaining the events objectively, which I like in a horror movie. It's been a while since I've seen a good unreliable narrator. I thought it was a bit too dramatic at times, like I kind of hated how almost everyone in this movie was a fucking asshole? Is it an Australian thing? And also the demon/limbo thing was unnecessary, idk. Like what's up with this trope, I've been seeing it a lot in recent horrors. But other than these details I thought the movie was great, and I liked the ending. An unforgivable aspect of this experience, however, is the fact that I ended up opening Letterboxd because of it, and once again was made aware of how that site is where joy and humor go to die. Just the rock bottom of the trenches. My mistake for accidentally reading 2 reviews. Not the movie's fault 🙏
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tervioza · 4 months
watched poor things 1/10 men are attracted to young girls cause they are pervs weve been over this. idk the director but id bet its a man ok. mentally 6yo is having sex with an adult lots of it for the shock factor its meant to be satirical yadayada to get across that men are pedos. OK why is she portrayed as enjoying the sex being obsessed with it to that extent why is her mental state not changed at all by the sexual exploitation why is that not explored ar all in that parabole of a movie.
we can see her loosing her “innocence” which is higlighted by the stylistic choices regarding color and background and none of it explores such a big underlying issue as her sexual trauma? if anything the sex scenes are made more erotic and mature. attempts at portraying the sw industry as violent complex socioeconomic issue fall so flat 😂 read some letterboxd reviews and im not surprised people are glorifying sex work calling them whore lightheartedly the pacing and writing of the movie definitely influenced that kind of reception.
in short a rllt heartbreakinf story that couldve been adapted well but it wasnt ❤️
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tailsrevane · 1 year
[movie review] d&d: wrath of the dragon god (2005)
liiiiiiiiiiike. okay. here’s the thing.
this movie and the 2000 theatrically-released movie are probably not actually all that far apart in terms of quality? though, good gods, can we just stop for a minute and reflect on how genuinely pathetic it is that a theatrically-released movie is roughly comparable to its tv movie (direct-to-video in some markets) sequel?
the thing is, i remember being a kid sitting next to the kids i played d&d with just unbelievably hyped to see it brought to life in a movie. and then… not seeing that. the way i found out that wrath of the dragon god were even a thing was when i was a more active letterboxd user i was doing a cult movie challenge and there was a category for scifi original movies i was looking a list of them & came across this and said, “wait, what? there’s a sequel to the bad d&d movie? and it was a scifi original movie???”
before i continue talking about how these two, y’know, slightly different experiences impact my opinion of the respective movies attached to them, let me just pause here for a second and say… yeah, until recently d&d was an on-again/off-again thing for me. i think it’s rather decisively planted itself in the “on-again” zone over the course of the past year or so as i’ve become a more confident fan and (more importantly) player. but still. i was playing a 3.5 edition campaign when this movie came out and i had no idea it was a thing? i just think it’s worth taking a moment to recognize what a massive failure of marketing that was, even for a scifi original movie.
so, yeah, i found out about it fully a decade after the fact. so when it came time to watch a movie for the scifi original movies category in that challenge, i had to regrettably avert my attention from the bad tornado and/or werewolf movies i had imagined were gonna be the winners (wait has there ever been a movie about both tornadoes and werewolves that sounds metal as fuck), and the sheer curiosity i had about this fucking movie cannot possibly done anything but favors for it.
it still sucks ass, though. is the thing.
like, look. i don’t think it’s worth my time or yours for me to tear into this movie considering the scale (or lack thereof) of the thing. suffice it to say the script is awful and the most charitable thing i can say about any aspect of the production is “it’s possible they were genuinely doing their best with the resources they had? maybe?”
instead of getting into all of that boring shit, i want to talk about the one aspect of this movie about which i have unambiguously positive things to say. and that’s that between the two d&d movies i’ve seen as of this writing (i never got around to seeing the third one a few years ago), this one has the only good character in either one. and that’s lux, the party’s barbarian.
like, look, i don’t have any illusions about what happened with this character. they even give her one of those eyeroll-inducing “omg the party’s muscle is a girl???”-type introductions that immediately had me on high alert for Strong Female Character syndrome the first time i saw this. and i’m sure they woulda gotten around to damseling her or otherwise doing something dumb to undercut her at some point if they had had the time & resources, but the thing is they didn’t? so she’s in the movie just enough to only ever be depicted as a totally competent warrior? and it’s just glorious.
(it’s obviously entirely possible that i’m being overly pessimistic here and this woulda been the case even if they had more time to fuck it up, but idk, it just hasn’t been my experience that the same writing that gives us “omg the barbarian is a girl???” also gives us treating that character with the same respect it would treat a male character in her place.)
so, yeah. this movie has exactly one (1) thing going for it, which is one (1) more than its predecessor did. congratulations, i guess? this still seems like a lot of trouble to go to just to help your girlfriend change her character’s class from wizard to cleric, though. like, i get that it’s more rewarding to roleplay that shit out, but seriously.
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sapphodera · 1 year
Rules: tag some people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the questions below!
Ty @euryalex for tagging me :))))
Last song: As You Like from the Yakuza 0 soundtrack. It’s a bop.
Three ships: I’ve been playing the Yakuza games a lot lately, so I’ve had Majima x Kiryu on my mind even though it’s more of a crack ship to me than a serious thing. And even though I don’t see their relationship as romantic I just finished Yakuza 2 and Majima and Makoto broke my heart. I can’t think of a third one lmao.
Currently reading: Emma by Jane Austen. My uncle got me the annotated version though so it’s this roughly 900 page unwieldy paperback. Liking it so far though!
Last movie: I watched Casablanca with my dad and liked it but then I got mad looking at reviews on letterboxd bc someone complained about Humphrey Bogart’s character being “neutral” even though he literally shoots a nazi in the movie
Craving: Mac and cheese 🧀 I’m gonna make some for lunch
Idk who to tag so if you see this consider yourself tagged!!
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