#for mulder the truth is what he lives for
lucy-moderatz · 2 months
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carefulfears · 1 year
scully whispering “oh my god” in paper hearts when roche tells mulder that he just wants to see his face when he finds samantha’s body is one of the most affective small moments of the series. scully so rarely lets anything slip, so rarely speaks from a place of emotion rather than rationality, so rarely doesn’t have her words carefully chosen when she does.
but it’s just SO CRUEL!!! it’s just so cruel. and all mulder can do is sit there silently. it’s scully that jumps up and screams. i love the way she goes over to the door and just opens it and stands there, waits firmly for mulder to quietly follow her. she just gets him out of there without directing a single word towards him.
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actual-changeling · 1 month
no cause Mulder was alone in that basement office for a while, maybe even two to three years depending on when exactly Diana left him.
there was no one to talk to, no one to keep him company, no one visiting him, no one wanting anything to do with him outside of making fun of him or trying to shut him down.
the days he must have spent without saying a single word out loud. Mulder must have been so fucking lonely during that time.
he does his research on her, he reads her thesis and memorizes it to the point where he can quote it back to her word for word years later, all the while telling himself she will be a spy and nothing else.
and yet.
she walked into his office with bright eyes and an even brighter smile, and suddenly there was light everywhere. another person living and breathing beside him, someone to talk to and joke with, someone who didn't look at him with pity or mockery.
someone who made his mission their mission, someone who told him she wants to find out the truth, no matter what it ends up being, someone who didn't ridicule his theories and explanations.
someone who stepped in front of him to defend him and held people at gunpoint to get him back, to make sure he's safe. someone whom he can touch, someone who will reciprocate his bids for attention and affection, someone who runs her hands through his hair and offers comfort even when he doesn't know how to ask for it; especially when he doesn't know how to ask for it.
suddenly, Mulder was wanted, and he couldn't help but want her in return.
for the very first time in his life, someone saw him and did not leave.
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randomfoggytiger · 19 days
Fight the Future Hallway, In-Depth (Part III): "No, Something Stung Me"
Resolution made, Scully quietly ruminates over ideas, raising an eyebrow when one sticks. Steeling herself for her own first undisguised overture, she closes her eyes and swiftly pulls back to face Mulder.
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Mulder remains frozen in place, face hardened, afraid her withdrawal is his anticipated rejection. As Scully cups the back of his head and crushes her mouth to his forehead, his eyes immediately close: emotionally overwhelmed.
Prolonging the kiss, Scully presses her lips harder, scrunching her face and eyebrows in an attempt to translate the ardor of her devotion and awe and gratitude and love.
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Mulder flexes his mouth and clenches his jaw, understanding her gesture, feeling its depths, and holding back a responding wave of emotion. When she finally separates, his jaw and lips remain tightly clenched.
Leaning her head against his, Scully attempts to center herself-- them-- with a slow, purposeful, breathy release.
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Mulder’s eyes pop open at her exhale, an idea of his own taking shape; and closes them again briefly while his hands plunge forward for purchase on the back of her head.
Both pull back in sync; and Scully studies his face freely for the first time-- no pretenses between them, unashamed of the tear still clinging to her cheek.
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The feeling of being precious to him, of seeing the proof of it in his eyes, nearly overwhelms her in a different teary direction; and she looks away to tamp down a giddy surge of joy. Turning back, her eyes glance at the one thing Mulder hasn't given her: his mouth.
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Her expression drops slightly, becoming more serious as she weighs his present confession against his past retreats-- purposeful or not-- from more serious or passionate subjects (his sneer at her "date" in The Jersey Devil, his attempts to lighten the bent of her maternal considerations in Home, his idealized worship of doomed soulmates in The Field Where I Died, his blind run after monsters and initial avoidance of her cancer topic in Detour.) She looks back up from these unspoken observations… and finds Mulder openly eyeing her with want.
Scully freezes, shifting between his eyes in shock. What she sees is the truth; and, when his expression doesn't change, she slowly moves in a little closer.
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Mulder’s eyes are hooded and tender, bearing his soul to Scully as he never has to a living soul-- to the one and only person who accepted his brokenness long ago, who trusts and believes in him regardless, and who, consequently, makes him wholly beautiful.
He is handing her his heart, complete.
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His partner's undeniable, brazen reciprocation of his heartfelt confessions have stripped away the last of his halting considerations. Mulder begins to slowly pull her in, zeroing in on and maintaining laser-focus with her eyes for any signs of hesitation or rejection.
Scully, feeling his reciprocal move towards her, nearly loses control of her smile again; but lets it shine through her eyes as she keeps them locked onto his. Her eyebrows scrunch and her mouth tightens, powerful emotions tightening her chest: not only is she ready, she’s been hoping for this moment.  
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Mulder continues to inch slowly forward, and she smooths out her face to further encourage him, getting lost in the moment as it continues to progress. 
He blinks, still moving at a snail’s pace, waiting and waiting and waiting for her to back away or tell him to stop. Expecting it. 
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When she doesn’t he covers more ground, caressing her cheekbone as another small test before the kill shot. He gives her one last chance, catching her eye; and when she glances away only to look directly at his lips, they both prepare for his descent: Mulder closes his eyes, while Scully waits until completely certain he will follow-through.
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Then the bee stings, and she startles away. 
Scully launches to the side-- “Ow!”-- while Mulder almost topples onto her, eyes still closed. He snaps back to reality as she clutches at the back of her neck, staring down at her hand in confusion before drawing away, misreading her quick reaction as the last minute rejection he’d been expecting. Again, he closes his eyes-- this time in chagrin-- and opens his mouth in disappointment and embarrassment.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers.   
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“No,” Scully assures, indignant at the interruption, confused as she identifies its cause. "Something stung me."
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Mulder takes in her reassurance; and as the rational part of his brain kicks in, he pulls his hand away from her neck, not wanting to get hurt by whatever injured Scully.
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Scully extracts her unexpected passenger, staring at it, puzzled.
He examines it, too; then peels back her shirt collar to inspect the damage on her neck.
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Risk assessment over, Mulder intuits, “He must got in your shirt.”
Disappointment and resignation pour from his voice as he rubs her neck and cradles her head, working his way back through the last minute mentally. Mulder's already accepted her assurance; but now has to process (and live with) the interruption of their first kiss.
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And, of course: “Mulder…?”
“Something’s wrong.” 
Something's wrong, indeed.
Thanks for reading~
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deathsbestgirl · 6 months
just thinking about how one of the first real choices scully made was joining the fbi, and then staying with mulder. and people within the show are always questioning those choices, disapproving them, dismissing it as rebellion. and then (some of) fandom goes so far as to say she could do better, that he's holding her back & ruining her life. as if she doesn't make the choice over & over again. as if she doesn't care about their cause. as if she doesn't have personal investment in the x files. as if she didn't choose him because of his passion, and compassion. as if she doesn't also love humanity. as if she isn't also a huge nerd who doesn't get along with many people or let anyone else close. as if mulder isn't the only person she trusts! as if scully doesn't hang on every word he says. as if he doesn't adore her? as if he wouldn't die for her? live for her?
like that's just insane behavior. so what if she didn't climb the ladder? scully decided in episode three that that wasn't important to her. she cares about victims & justice & protecting people from predators. she's a pathologist, she speaks for the dead, she wants the truth. she's there, just like he is!!
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thursdayinspace · 21 days
So many feelings about Mulder’s emotional journey and how it affects his relationship with Scully from early on over iwtb to the revival, related to this post and everything @deathsbestgirl says about the parallels between the scenes. In "Detour," we see Scully coming to his room with wine and cheese and he promptly runs off without even telling her what he's doing. In "Plus One" in the revival, he waits for her behind a closed motel room door. He makes the offer for more this time around. It's her choice what to do with it.
In "Detour," when Scully comes to his room offering to spend a nice evening together, just the two of them, Mulder really isn't ready. He has so much on his mind and so many things keeping him from being with her. A lot of that is down to the fact that his -- their -- search for "the truth" takes up so much of his life. He knows how he feels about her, but acting on it would be a tectonic shift in their lives. And sometimes he also is simply too caught up in his quest to notice. Sometimes, maybe, he takes her for granted. In any case, it's too much. He can't risk what they have because there is so much at stake. Their search for truths, but also his heart.
Then there's Mulder in iwtb who has no idea what to do with himself. He knows he loves her and he wants to be with her, but he also gets so caught up in the work after being cut off from the world for so long. He's directionless, lost, torn between all the things he wants, just looking for anything to hold onto that will give his life meaning. In "Detour," he has a purpose, and he knows she's with him on that. In iwtb he has no purpose at all and something is not quite right with their relationship, which is all he has (which is also part of the problem). He's in nowhere-land and just looking for something, anything. He has no idea what he wants apart from wanting her, but being someone's partner is not enough of an identity for anyone. He has nothing that defines him.
In the revival, he knows what he wants. The work is undeniably important to him, but what he wants is a life with her, in which they can both be their own people too. From his intense, focused drive in the early years over his directionless despair and depression in iwtb we get a Mulder in the revival who is settled, secure in his goals and needs, even if it hurts. He has accepted his pain too. He knows. And he will wait. He doesn't pursue the fixing of their relationship frantically like he used to do with his search for answers. He's there, he's hers, and she can take him up on that when she's ready. And if she's never ready, he's still hers. The way he loves her is so gentle and calm, even in the moments where it becomes apparent how desperately in love he still is with her. But he makes the offer, and when she comes to him, he's there, waiting. And the important part is: he can do that because he has a place in the world. He knows who he is. He no longer carries the entire weight of the world on his shoulders, and he's also no longer floating in space. He doesn't have all the answers. He still wants them, but the search doesn't define him in the way it used to. Neither does his relationship with her.
In ftf he tells her that she made him a whole person. I'm not sure he was able to fully grasp the meaning of that at that point, but that doesn't make it any less true. She helped him keep his course and not give up. He could keep going because he wasn't alone and because she challenged him. But he needed something to be challenged on. He exists in extremes in the earlier years and in iwtb. In the revival, he has found a middle ground and he has found patience and the ability to stand still. To wait. To not be all or nothing anymore. We still see him doubting himself and his beliefs, wavering, being insecure, and we see her being there for him when that happens. He's still Mulder, and he still needs to Believe. But now he's become the one with the wine and cheese. It's there for her whenever she wants it.
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television-overload · 4 months
chance encounter
an X-Files Fanfic
Read on AO3
Summary: "Six months after becoming fugitives from the US government, Mulder and Scully have a chance encounter with someone that is very important to them."
Word Count: 6,556
Tag List (let me know if you want taken off or added!): @today-in-fic @agent-troi @baronessblixen @captainsolocide @cutemothman @edierone @enigmaticxbee @figureofdismay @frogsmulder @hippocampouts @invidiosa @mulderscully @perpetually-weirdening @randomfoggytiger @skelavender @slippinmickeys @teenie-xf @whovianderson
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It was him.
There was no way to explain how he knew, but he did.
The little baby sitting in the puddle deep water at the end of the pool was William.
His hands, still chubby like they had been in his infancy, splashed excitedly, and Mulder could hear his squeals of delight over the sounds of the other children playing. An electric yellow swim shirt paired with a dinosaur-patterned bucket hat kept him shielded from the hot California sun, and he wore striped yellow and blue swimming trunks.
Mulder thought he'd never seen a swimsuit so small.
What were the odds that of all the places they could have traveled to, he was here?
They'd been on the road for 6 months, stopping at unremarkable motels and campgrounds all the way, never staying in one place for more than a few days at a time. It was a fluke they were even here at all.
Perhaps fate.
The hotel was certainly a step up from their usual accommodations, but Mulder had insisted. It was their anniversary, he said. Anniversary of what, Scully wasn't sure. The progression from coworkers to friends to lovers happened so gradually that it was hard to pin down a particularly important date for anything. But he wanted to celebrate, to find a brief reprieve from living in darkness, so they splurged a little on this modest, if slightly run-down, hotel by the ocean.
Where their son and his new family just happened to be vacationing.
He'd be lying if he said he hadn't thought about this possibility. In those nights where Scully was extra quiet, eager to fall asleep at the end of a long day, of course he'd lay awake and think, what if.
What if we found him? What if we saw our son again? What would we do?
The idea was so far-fetched that he hardly gave it any real consideration. His thoughts ranged from “steal him back, take him with us” to “pretend you never saw him and flee town.”
The urge to do the latter was strong. It was not safe here. They'd given him up for this very reason, what would be the point if their being here got him injured or worse? Was it really worth the risk to William? To Scully?
His next thought was 'Should I tell her?' Should he tell Scully he'd seen him? Would she want to see him too, even if from a distance?
The loss of their son had broken her heart. Broken his too, but not in the same way. She had spent months with him, almost a year, only to be forced to give him away with little time to prepare.
He knew she felt the loss like a phantom limb. Even all these months later, she still awoke with his name on her lips, panic written on her face as she looked around for him. It drove a stake through his heart every time, yet part of him felt he deserved it after leaving her to deal with it herself.
He watched the boy.
He'd only come out here to enjoy the sun, sit on one of the loungers for an hour or so while Scully took a nap in their room. It was a much more comfortable bed than they've had in a long time, though that wasn't saying much.
He hadn't bargained on having his whole world tipped upside down in the short time they were apart.
As stressful as it was, life on the road lended itself to relatively simple decisions. Fast food or canned? Motel or campground? Will you drive, or should I?
This was different.
Should he tell Scully?
The thought of keeping this from her made him feel sick. He couldn't do that.
Then again, would it hurt more to know? Ignorance is bliss, they say.
Mulder had never believed that, though.
The Truth, with a capital T, was the one thing that connected him and Scully. Though their beliefs and methods differed, they valued the Truth above all else. That was what drew them together. That was what propelled them forward, even now.
She had to know. She had to know her son was here, even if knowing might hurt.
She could make the decision for herself, whether she wanted to see him or get as far away from here as possible. It might be the last decision she makes as a mother, who would he be to keep that from her?
She might never forgive him.
Swallowing back emotion, Mulder stood to his feet, trying not to draw attention to himself as he made his retreat. His sunglasses thankfully hid the redness of his eyes, a small mercy in this endlessly unfair life.
He stole one last glance back at William. There was a chance this was the last time he'd ever see his son, his baby boy. If this was it, he'd treasure this moment for the rest of his life.
A woman dropped down beside William, showing him how to cup the water in his hands and throw it.
'A quick learner,' Mulder thought, watching as he gleefully tossed small handfuls of water in the air, giggling as it rained back down on him.
Okay. He could do this.
Find Scully. Tell Scully. Find Scully.
He rushed into the moldy-smelling hallway of the hotel, not bothering to take the elevator up to their floor. Instead, he took the stairs two at a time, finding himself out of breath by the time he reached the 4th floor.
He nodded politely at a passing family decked out in beach gear, not wanting to draw suspicion. Once they were gone, he gave a quick rhythmic knock on the door to let Scully know it was him, then slipped his key card into the slot to unlock it.
The room was still dark, the curtains drawn tight to block out the midday sun, and he could hear soft breaths coming from the lump on the bed.
His heart twisted involuntarily as it so often did when he looked at her.
“Scully,” he whispered, approaching the bed. “Honey, wake up.” He settled on the side of the bed, placing a gentle hand atop her shoulder and jostling her just so.
“Mm,” she hummed, curling into her pillow. A good nap, then. That was nice, at least.
He shook her again, saying her name a little louder. “Scully, you need to get up.”
This time her eyes opened, sensing the serious undertone to his words. He could tell she was waiting for bad news, for him to tell her they needed to leave again. Wanting to put her worries at ease, he tried to smile.
“What is it?” she asked, blinking at him in confusion.
“Uh—” he hadn't gotten this far in planning what to say. But she was waiting for him now, so he needed to say something quick. “Scully, I saw some people outside...”
“Government people?” she asked, sitting up suddenly, ready to start packing.
“No, not the government,” he said, placing his hands on her shoulders soothingly. “Scully—it's William.”
He could see the moment his words hit her. She blinked, like she might think she was still dreaming, but she saw the truth in his eyes. Her expression shifted.
He wasn't sure what reaction he expected, but his first guess wouldn't have been anger.
“Did you know he would be here?” she asked, her voice laced with hurt and betrayal. “Mulder, I told you not to look into it! Why—Why would you...”
“I didn't know,” he promised, begging the tears in his eyes to keep from falling. He clasped her hands in his, pulling them from their grip on the fabric of his shirt. “Scully, I swear I didn't know. I was just out at the pool, and—”
“You're sure it's him?”
His heart broke looking at her. Equal parts hope and dread, she didn't deserve this.
“Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure.”
She let out a shuddering breath.
“What do you think about that coincidence, huh?” he said, hoping to lighten the mood.
She shook her head.
“Mulder, we can't see him. It's not safe, it's not—”
“I know.” He didn't like interrupting her, but he didn't want her worrying unnecessarily about things she shouldn't. They had enough of that already, these days. If she didn’t think it was a good idea, he’d be okay with that. “We can leave, if you want. I just thought you should know.”
Her blue eyes met his, brimming with unshed tears.
“Is—Is he…?”
“He's beautiful, Scully,” Mulder answered her unspoken question. “He looks happy.”
She choked out a sob, and he immediately enveloped her in his arms, holding onto her tightly. She clutched at him like a life raft, and he ran his hand over her back in comforting circles, murmuring soft words into her ear.
“What do you want to do?” Mulder asked, knowing that time was ticking, and the little family might not stay out there much longer.
Scully sniffed.
“We could—we could go see him,” she said uncertainly, looking at him to decipher his thoughts on the matter. “From a distance.”
Mulder nodded, then stood, helping her to her feet.
“I'm with you,” he reminded her, grasping her hands tightly in his. “It'll be okay.”
With an arm slung around her shoulders, he led her out the door, this time opting to take the elevator down to the ground floor. Scully seemed nervous, almost frightened, and he didn't blame her. He tried to picture how he would feel if their positions were switched, and he couldn't imagine that he'd take it very well. Eventually, they reached the glass doors leading out to the outdoor pool, pausing for a moment.
“They can't see us,” Scully warned, looking anxious and ready to bolt, but she was glued to his side and scarcely able to move without his guidance. He nodded and took her hand, leading her out to a couple chairs in the corner, hopefully obscured enough by the shadow of the fence that they wouldn’t be seen. That bright neon shirt was still there, easy to spot, and Mulder felt tears rising to his throat again. This was the first time they had all three been in the same vicinity since those first few days when he was born.
He squeezed her hand, checking one last time to make sure she was okay. She searched his eyes, trusting him wholeheartedly, and he was certain he had never loved her more.
“Over there,” he said in a low whisper. “With the little hat on.”
Scully followed his line of sight, gasping when her eyes settled on the playful baby in the water.
What followed next was a sob, and he quickly lost his battle with the tears that stubbornly refused to go away. He wrapped his arms around Scully, offering her what solace he could, while his own chin wobbled miserably.
She alternated between sneaking glances at her son and crying into his shirt collar, muttering “Mulder,” desperately as he rocked her back and forth, his hand smoothing out her hair for her comfort as much as his own.
He couldn’t watch anymore. Seeing her like that... it made it hard to stay strong, but he needed to be. For her. He closed his eyes, pleading with the universe never to give her this kind of pain ever again.
When he opened them again, his stomach dropped to the floor.
The woman he'd seen earlier was looking at them, her eyebrows pinched in concern.
He cursed under his breath, his arms tightening around Scully. She was in no state to leave. The best they could do was avoid eye contact and keep to themselves.
But it looked like that wouldn't be enough.
The woman, William's adoptive mother, whispered something to the man she was with, nodding in their direction. His concerned face matched hers, and he nodded. With a sickening lurch, Mulder realized she was getting out of the water, wrapping herself in a towel and heading toward them.
It was too late. They'd been made.
“Scully,” he said, alarm creeping into his voice. She only had a moment's warning before the woman was there, glancing down at them with a worried frown.
“Is she alright?” William's mother asked, empathy oozing from her.
Mulder hurried to compose himself, knowing Scully was a lost cause at this point. It would be on him to get them out of this.
“She's fine, sorry,” he managed to speak, wracking his brain for a believable excuse. Best to stick close to the truth. “We—We can't have children, so—” he nodded toward their son, hoping she could fill in the blanks.
Looking behind her at the boy in the water, her face eased into one of understanding.
“Oh, I know how that feels,” she said, smiling consolingly. “Our son over there is adopted. Every day we thank God for blessing us with him. He's our little miracle.”
Scully grips him tighter, barely restraining a mournful wail. His heart sinks, knowing this interaction isn't going well at all.
He presses a desperate kiss to her hair, wishing he'd never exposed her to this pain. Wishing they were alone in the confines of their hotel room or car so she could let it all out without arousing suspicion. Wishing this woman, as kind-hearted and friendly as she seemed to be, would leave them alone.
“Are you sure she's okay?” she asked Mulder, brows furrowing again.
His hand rubbed up and down Scully's shoulder, and he nodded. “She will be. This is—hard for her.”
“Okay,” the woman said, not sounding fully convinced. “Let me know if there's anything I can do. Like I said, I've been where she is.”
“Thank you,” Mulder choked out, eyes flitting about, looking for their escape.
Through the gate. Through the hotel. Down to the beach.
“Oh, sorry,” William's mother spoke, turning back instead of leaving. “I never introduced myself. My name is—”
“No!” Scully stopped her, looking suddenly panicked and alert.
The woman startled at the outburst, jumping back slightly.
“Mulder, we can't know,” Scully said, looking pleadingly at him. “We can't know anything, we can't!”
“It's okay,” he said softly, coaxing her back from the edges of a total breakdown. “It's okay.” He looked back up at William's mom, smiling an unconvincing smile. “I think we'd really better get going. It was nice talking to you,” he said as he helped Scully to her feet. “Come on, hon, back to our room.”
It was hard to move quickly with Scully desperately clinging to him, but it wasn't the first time they'd been in this position. Once they got back inside, he'd run her a nice warm bath and apologize over and over for everything he'd ever done to hurt her.
They just. Had to. Get. Through—
He froze.
“You're—You're his parents, aren't you? The ones who gave him up?”
Ice water filled his veins. He could feel Scully shaking like a leaf under his arm.
“We really should be going—” he tried, refusing to turn back around.
Her voice was closer now. “You are. I—there's so many things I've wished I could ask you. At least let me thank you. Please.”
Against his better judgement, he risked a glance back.
“Mulder, we have to go,” Scully begged, now standing on her own and pulling him by the hand. His feet were rooted to the ground, unable to take a single step forward or back.
“Just wait a minute, Scully,” he said, his brain running a mile a minute to calculate the amount of danger each potential course of action held.
He met the woman's eyes, serious.
“Look, this is not easy for her. For us. Our situation right now is—” his eyes scanned around for anything out of place, “We—We really shouldn't be talking to you.”
The woman stepped closer still, a pleading expression on her face.
“It was a closed adoption, I know. But—”
“I'm sorry. We can't.”
Scully looked exhausted, frightened, and sick all at once. Every second they stood there chipped away at her, the anxiety sinking deeper and deeper into her skin.
“You're right about one thing,” Mulder conceded, glancing over at his son and drinking in his unconcerned, innocent features.
The next words nearly choked him with sorrow.
“He is a miracle.”
They were meant to be parting words, a reminder to this woman to never take what she has for granted, but before he could move, a hand landed on his forearm, effectively stopping him.
“We'll let you see him,” the woman offered desperately, near tears herself. “Please. Just a few moments.”
And with that on the table, Mulder was torn.
On the one hand, this woman had offered them something invaluable: a chance to say goodbye, something they hadn't been able to do properly the first time.
On the other hand, it would be selfish. To put their son and his new family in danger simply because they got caught in a moment of weakness... it was unfathomable. He couldn't be responsible for more suffering. He didn't think he could bear it.
“Please?” the woman said again, squeezing his arm.
He had a decision to make. Glancing once more at Scully's crumpled face, he caught sight of the slightest hint of hope. A barely-there gleam that he'd tear down earth and heaven for the chance to brighten.
His decision was made for him.
Cursing his lack of willpower, he turned suddenly to meet the woman's eyes.
“Not here,” he whispered sternly, pointing in her direction. “Give us half an hour, then come to room 409.”
“409,” the woman repeated, nodding. “We will.”
Mulder hardened his jaw, giving one final nod before collecting Scully and hurrying off into the building without another glance back.
“This is dangerous, Mulder,” Scully said worriedly as they passed through the hall, though he knew deep down she was relieved that she might get to see her son again. He only hoped that this risk would be worth it, that they'd be able to find some semblance of peace here and leave feeling less like a part of them was missing when all this was over.
As soon as they entered their room, Scully broke down.
“Oh my god, Mulder,” she gasped, crouching low to the ground and covering her face with her hands.
He immediately dropped to his knees to help her up, ushering her over to their bed.
“Did you see him? He's gotten so big.” Tears streamed down her cheeks, a mix of happy and sad, and though he'd known Scully and her nonverbal cues for so long, he still wasn't quite sure what she needed right now.
“Yeah, I saw him, Scully,” he answered, pulling her into his lap and rocking her gently.
“Do you think they'll really come?” she asked, hopeful, but hesitant.
“We need to be prepared in case they don't,” he answered realistically, thinking of an entire squad of police cars surrounding the hotel with their flashing lights and sirens. “I can pack up the toiletries, you got the suitcase?”
She nodded, grateful to have something physical to do.
Mulder checked his watch. Twenty-five minutes. If they didn't come in twenty-five minutes, it was time to get out of dodge.
“I love you,” he said, pressing a kiss to her forehead, and then her lips. “I love you, Scully.”
“I love you too,” she answered, breathing deeply to calm herself. Checking one last time to make sure she was okay, he nodded and released her, each to their own assignments to ensure they were ready to make a quick escape if need be.
As the minutes passed, they became restless. They watched the clock, counting down the seconds until they should have arrived.
Their cutoff time came and went. Mulder was about to call it and give the signal to run, already gathering bags and suitcases, but the subtle knock on their door stopped him in his tracks. He held up a finger to his lips, gesturing for Scully to stay quiet while he checked the peep hole.
The sight before him caused his shoulders to slump in relief.
“It's them?” Scully asked hopefully, reading his body language.
He gave a cautious smile back, then unlocked the deadbolt and opened the door.
There they were, William’s adoptive parents.
And William.
It nearly took his breath away. 
This close. They were this close to him, after thinking they’d never see him again. He felt like a dehydrated man in a desert stumbling upon an oasis when he was sure he was going to die.
“Hi,” the woman said, looking more uncertain now that they weren’t out in the open. Her husband looked similarly guarded, but they were here, that was all that mattered.
“Uh, come in,” Mulder said, finding his voice.
He stepped aside to allow them entrance, and Scully immediately stood from her seat on the edge of the bed, wringing her hands in front of her.
“I promise we’re not here to take him,” he assured them, closing the door behind them. “As much as we wish we could.”
Once the door was secure, he went to stand by Scully, placing a hand on her back.
“We were just passing through, I couldn’t believe it when I saw him sitting there in the pool.”
The woman nodded, still a little tense, but wanting to believe him.
“Small world,” her husband said, standing protectively next to his wife and child.
Mulder nodded.
“Look, there’s not much information we can give you. For his safety and yours, this is the way it had to be.”
“I always wondered where he came from,” the woman said. “I thought maybe a teen mom, or someone who just couldn't take care of him, but, you—”
“He was always wanted,” Scully spoke, finally able to speak for herself. Her voice came out strained, gasping for air between words. “I prayed for him for so long.”
Mulder's hand found hers, giving it a squeeze to lend her some of his strength.
“He was our miracle.”
The woman looked down, saddened by this news.
“But you were right,” Scully continued, steadying her voice. “We couldn't take care of him. Our life—it isn't stable enough for a child right now. It might never be again. So, I gave him up.”
“Didn't you have a family member who could have taken him? A friend?” the man asked. “Why a closed adoption?”
Scully shook her head, looking down at her feet. How she had wished she could have sent William to live with Bill and Tara, maybe even Charlie. But it wouldn’t have been enough. It would have only endangered more people she cared about.
“That's something we can't disclose,” Mulder answered for her. “But someday, when he asks, I want him to know...” He breathed, summoning the strength to form the words. “I want him to know that we loved him... so much.” With each breath he took, tears filled his eyes, clogging his throat until he wasn't able to speak anymore.
They would always love him, for as long as they lived. Giving him up wasn't going to change that.
“Well,” William's new mom said through tear filled eyes. “I can't tell you how much it means to us to have him.” Scully bowed her head, nodding along with a steady stream of tears. “I promise to take good care of him. He'll be safe and happy with us.”
“Thank you,” Scully whispered, unable to look the man and woman in the eyes.
“We've been worried about him,” Mulder admitted, “hoping he was alright...” He checked in with Scully, reading her like he was so good at doing, before deciding it was safe to speak for them both. “I think, seeing that he is... is a huge weight lifted off our shoulders.”
Scully gave a nod in agreement, looking up at Mulder with something of a promise. A promise that they would be okay, eventually.
“I can't imagine what you must have gone through,” the woman said. “But we are so thankful. He—I don't suppose you want to know his name?”
“No,” Scully said quickly. “I—we can't. I couldn't handle the temptation.”
The temptation to track him down, just for the chance to see him again.  That was a dream that could never be.
“What did you call him?” the woman asked, and Mulder squeezed Scully's hand again, letting her know it was okay. It was a common enough name, there couldn’t be any harm in telling her the truth.
“William,” she answered. “His name was William.”
To hear it spoken aloud after all this time was a relief. It had been almost taboo the past six months, too painful a word to be uttered. But now, there was something freeing about letting his name hang in the air.
Letting go, Mulder realized. They had to let him go.
“Well...” the woman began again, smiling at them reassuringly. “William is such a bright and curious child. He loves building towers out of blocks and throwing things at it to knock it down. He—He has this stuffed fox he takes everywhere. They're practically inseparable. His first word was 'mama'. He likes watching baseball and hockey with his dad. He—He's everything we could have hoped for, and more. So, thank you. Thank you for making such a beautiful child for us to love.” Her eyes shone with happiness, the kind which Scully wondered if she’d ever felt. “I knew you had to be remarkable people, because he's a remarkable child.”
“And now we know where he gets those lips and that hair from,” the father added, lightening the mood as much as possible, under the circumstances. “He's covered in sunscreen, must be your genes,” he said, nodding at Scully with a smile. And wonder of wonders, she laughed, a sudden, unexpected thing, and leaned into Mulder's side.
“We should let you go,” Mulder said after a moment, hating that it had to be done. “We'll need to be heading out soon.”
“To where?”
“We can't tell you that.”
Will's adoptive father's eyes met those of his biological one, and a look of understanding passed between them.
Adjusting her hold on William, the woman spoke, glancing between them as she did.
“I wouldn't feel right if I didn't give you a moment with him.”
Scully's head snapped to attention.
“You've already sacrificed so much,” she continued, “And I trust you. You're doing what's best for—for William. I know you have his best interests at heart.”
Mulder wished, wished, wished he could honestly say it was in William's best interests to be with him and Scully... but it wasn't. The truth of their reality was such that it could never be. Not through any fault of their own as parents—but because of external forces working against them, desperate to tear them apart and leave them with nothing.
But they had failed.
Because what they had was more than nothing. They had each other. And though they would have to live with the knowledge that a part of them was missing, maybe after today they would be able to make peace with what they do have. To live life to the fullest given the circumstances they've been forced to survive in.
In truth, he hadn't felt this hopeful about the future since the moment Scully first placed his son in his arms. There was still a mountain of hardships to surmount, but it didn't seem quite as impossible as before. And it was all thanks to a chance encounter with their son, at the precise moment they needed him most.
“We'll leave you be,” Will's mother spoke, checking with her husband to make sure he agreed. “If you need us, we'll be downstairs having some coffee.”
Scully's brows slanted in worry. “You don't have to go, it's okay,” she said, wanting to stop them.
“You deserve some time alone,” the woman said kindly, shaking her head. “I can see how much you need it, dear.”
Scully's chin wobbled, dangerously close to another round of tears.
And then she was coming toward them, William perched on her hip. She deposited him right into Scully's disbelieving arms, and Mulder immediately felt his throat close, the sight one he'd seen almost every night in the most heart wrenching of his dreams.
This was what he'd hoped to come home to after his time in the desert. This was what kept him sane between bouts of torture in a prison cell. To see it now was equal parts fulfilling and painful.
“I can give you something, a guarantee we won't run off with him,” he choked out, working to free his wrist from his moderately expensive watch. William's dad reached a hand out and stopped him.
“We trust you,” he said with a sad smile. “We'll be back in an hour. Please, take all the time you need.”
And with that, they left the room.
As soon as they were gone, Scully's head dropped to rest against the strawberry blond locks of their son, and she let out a sob.
“William,” she breathed, pressing her lips to his head. He seemed unfazed, and part of Mulder wondered if he still remembered her. If deep down, he knew this was the woman who had once fed him from her own body, sung him to sleep in an off-tune melody, soothed him when he had nightmares...
It wasn't outside the realm of possibility.
The same couldn't be said for him, however.
“I can't believe this, Mulder,” Scully cried, her tears falling into his downy-soft hair. Mulder led her back to the bed, sitting beside her with their son on her lap. “Did you hear what they said? He's so much like you, watching sports on TV, knocking his blocks down... He'll be throwing pencils at the ceiling in no time.”
That brought a small smile to his face, and he leaned to his right to press a kiss to Scully's forehead, his hand falling into place on their son's back.
William leaned away, taking in the new faces with a curious tilt to his head.
“Hey, bud,” Mulder said, offering him a finger to hold. For all the time he'd spent thinking of what he'd say to his kid if given the chance, he was coming up short now that he was face-to-face with the reality. “I missed you so much,” he managed to say, “And look how much you've grown!”
William reached out, holding his hands up in front of him, and Mulder's heart leapt. Glancing at Scully for permission, he slid his hands under his arms, lifting him to his chest and nuzzling him close.
“Oh, Scully,” he said, beginning to cry again, feeling the weight of William on his chest, real and tangible. “Sometimes I thought it was all a dream. But we have a son.”
It was hard to think of him out in the world, when he was hardly more than an idea. But now—he had face to put to the name, a personality to remember. He had a son.
She nodded, watching them with a watery smile. He pulled back just to look at him again, to memorize those chubby cheeks and the way he smelled. The precise shape of his eyes, their color, still the same as his mother's.
“I'm so glad we stayed here, Mulder,” Scully whispered. “To think I tried to talk you out of it...”
“Fate was working its magic, Scully,” he said, cutting her off. “This was meant to be.”
For the next hour, they played on the floor together, using Mulder's keys as a toy to hold William's attention. He was walking now, and took turns toddling between them, excitedly holding the TV remote in one hand and squealing when they praised him for successfully making it without tripping or falling.
For a while, they could almost forget this wasn't real. That they weren’t on borrowed time, already risking things they shouldn't be for this blissful moment of being a family.
Mulder got to see Scully as a mother. She saw him as a father. Finally, they had the chance to step into those roles, feeling fulfilled in ways they never could have imagined. It went far beyond any truth that once lay hidden in the X-Files. Nothing in that office of theirs could have given them purpose like this. Only each other, and the life that was formed out of the love that was sparked right there in the basement of the Hoover building so many years ago.
Mulder had always wondered how it would sound to hear the words “da da da” come from a child's mouth, and to know they meant him. Though his babbling wasn't intentional, merely a repetition of the same syllables “da” and “ma” over and over again, he was soaking it in. Committing it to memory. Praying—because only something like this could drive a man like him to prayer—that his son would think about him. Would think about his mother. That he'd grow to know and understand and appreciate the heartache they suffered at giving him away.
That maybe he'd love them too, despite never knowing them.
And maybe.
One day, they'd see each other again.
It was getting late. Scully could tell it was past William's bedtime. She laid him on their bed, and laid down beside him on her stomach, content just to look at him and be near him for however much time they had left.
Mulder joined her on the other side, resting a hand on top of William's gently rising and falling belly.
“I love him more than I ever knew was possible,” he whispered, and noticed as Scully wiped away a tear.
“It hurts, knowing we have to say goodbye.”
Mulder nodded, reaching a hand over William to rub circles on Scully's back.
“But not as much as it hurt before.”
Mulder remembered how Scully screamed, when he first found her in that dirty, abandoned house in Georgia.
“Don't take my baby. Please don't take my baby.”
It was different now.
This time, it was on their own terms. Their curiosities were satisfied, the things they always would have wondered about.
Who he resembled more. What his voice sounded like. His smile and his laugh when he was happy. The way he scrunched his face when he wasn't.
But above all else: would he be okay?
And now that they knew without a doubt that he was? They could let him go.
As much as any parent could let go of a piece of their soul, their own flesh and blood.
He would always be a part of them. They would always wish things could have gone differently. But at least now, Mulder had had a chance to say goodbye. At least Scully wasn't being forced to leave him with little warning, worrying that she was abandoning him to an unknown fate.
A blanket of peace fell over this humble, outdated hotel room. And for the last few minutes they would spend as parents together, Mulder and Scully counted themselves lucky. For this time was a gift, far more than they could have ever hoped to receive.
The same knock from earlier sounded, and a heavy feeling settled in Mulder's chest. He dragged himself away from the bed, while Scully lifted the sleeping William into her arms and held him close.
“How did he do?” their son's mother asked, looking perfectly at ease in a way that calmed and reassured him.
“Great,” Mulder answered. “He—He's perfect.”
The time had come. Scully knew it too. They'd already stayed longer than they should have. He knew there was a long night of driving through pitch darkness ahead of them, and he really, really didn't want to go.
But he had to do what was right for his son. That was all he ever wanted to do, as a father. He just didn't want to be the one to break Scully's heart all over again.
“I guess this is it,” Scully said, sounding calmer than he would have expected. He knew her, though, and he could see the emotions brewing beneath the surface.
It would be a tearful night for both of them.
“Thank you for taking care of him,” she said to William's new mom, stepping fatefully toward her. But before she could pass him over, she paused, looking down at him for the last time in her own arms. “William?” she spoke, her voice strained. “Mommy loves you.”
“Daddy loves you too, baby boy,” Mulder said, never having referred to himself as such before, but wanting to know how it felt.
He cupped the sleeping child's head, pressing a kiss to his cheek, and then another, not able to convince himself that each would be the last.
“I'm so sorry, William. Be good for your mom and dad, okay?”
Scully leaned against him, her strength beginning to wane.
“Goodbye,” she said, kissing him desperately all over, playing with his socked foot and each of his tiny fingers. “I want to believe I will see you again someday.”
As they passed him over, together this time, William's new parents smiled tearfully.
“If—If he suddenly gains an interest in Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster,” Mulder began in a worried, cautionary tone, “just buy him some picture books. He'll be okay.”
Though it easily could have been a joke, no one laughed. In fact, the man and woman nodded, taking his advice to heart. He felt better knowing their son would be accepted, no matter who he grew up to be. The child of the FBI's most unwanted was sure to be a bit of a loner.
“And tell him he'll grow into his nose. Sort of,” he added, this time eliciting a small smile from Scully.
“I promise, we'll tell him every day how loved he is,” the woman vowed. “I'm glad we met you.”
“I'd call it a God-given miracle,” the man said, and he reached out a hand to Mulder to shake. “Stay safe,” he said, then catching sight of Scully's necklace. “We'll be praying for you.”
She nodded, unable to speak.
Mulder's arms suddenly felt empty. He could see Scully felt the same, wrapping hers around her own torso just for something to hold. He enveloped her in an embrace, holding tight to keep both her and himself from chasing after them.
“Bye,” the woman said over her shoulder, her worried eyes unwilling to turn away from the sad couple they'd met. She gave a small, consoling smile, and lifted William's pudgy hand to wave goodbye.
Mulder and Scully waved half-heartedly in return, smiling as genuinely as they could, and watched as they disappeared through the door.
Once they were gone, Scully turned into Mulder's chest and held tight. His cheek rested on top of her head, and they swayed, silent but for the sound of the ocean nearby.
“We're gonna be okay,” Scully said at last. “Mulder—”
She looked up at him, meeting his eyes with sincerity and love.
“We're gonna be okay.”
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precedex-files · 5 months
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@xxsksxxx commented the above.
I don’t disagree with it, despite my position that “Existence” would have been an ideal end to the original Mulder and Scully storyline. I think that as long as Mulder and Scully are alive they are always out there looking for the truth. But part of that is also recruiting others on that quest. Mulder does that to Scully during the series, and together they get Skinner invested. By the end they pass the torch to Doggett and Reyes. The Apollo 11 keychain is symbolic of this and the fact that no one gets there alone. Mulder gifts it to Scully, who in turn passes it to Doggett. (As an aside, I thought it was weird for Doggett to give it to Leyla Harrison so quickly, but I realize that by doing this they are giving the Apollo 11 keychain to us, the audience. That we are part of the team that made the show a success.)
I don’t see the rather simple and domestic ending of “Existence” as mutually exclusive from the search for the truth. I see it as a resting point for our weary heroes, who certainly deserve it. We all know that Mulder can’t ever give up and that Scully will always choose to follow. Besides, the darkness does have a way of finding them. So whatever new conspiracy needs uncovering they will always be ready to jump in and help down the line. All the stuff that happened post-Existence could still happen. William could still be under threat, alien super soldiers could still need stopping, colonization could still be thwarted, they could still hunt down pedo-Priests and human medical experiments, all of the revival could still bring them back to the FBI. Existence would just have been a good, clear demarcation of Mulder and Scully stepping aside for a little while. Also it is heavily implied by the ending that the real truth to be found in everything is love - of family, both the ones we are born into and the ones we choose.
I liken this all to what they did in the most recent Doctor Who. David Tennant’s bi-generation into himself and Ncuti Gatwa’s 15th Doctor effectively passes the torch on to Gatwa. DT goes on to live an idyllic life with Donna, which he deserves. But we all know that the Doctor would never shy away from where ever he or she is needed. So when the time comes and it is necessary (for ratings lol) to pull DT’s Doctor from that life, you know the Doctor will answer the call. And so will Mulder and Scully.
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that--funny--feeling · 4 months
CSM and how the lies destroyed the Mulder family: a headcanon
I have a complicated and maybe personal image of CSM that to me makes more sense than whatever they tried to do with his character (since they changed minds so many times).
The focal points of his character are his envy, obsession with control and inability to love.
I think he really envied what Mulder Sr. had with his family, even before Fox and Samantha were born. He had a wife who loved him and above all he did his same job (more or less) but that hadn't turned him evil or selfless. I like to think of William Mulder Sr. as a decent and kind person, at least when he was younger.
Obviously, his life wasn't perfect and he and Teena probably fought a lot because of the secrecy of his work. I think that was the real first struggle about the truth that the Mulder family had (1°). Bill couldn't be honest with his wife about what he was doing and that created a distance. CSM may have taken advantage of this situation, growing closer to Teena maybe while Bill wasn't there for her.
Deep down in the headcanon tunnel from now on, I like to think Teena and CSM didn't have an affair but just a one night thing. Teena probably never forgave herself for that night and never told Bill about it (2°). Bill never asked, but understood what happened (3°).
At this point, CSM wants to have a relationship with her, but she refuses him and just wants to forget what happened. He's insistent and she starts hating him.
Soon after, Teena and Bill's relationship gets better and Fox comes into this world. Now. I'm not sure what to believe (pun intended) on CSM's being his father. Because, in this logic, he could but so could Bill. Surely CSM thought to be Fox's father and thought to have rights on him, no matter what Teena could say about it.
CSM marries Cassandra, they have Jeffrey, he tries to have what Mulder Sr. has but doesn't work. He can't love. His wife starts hating him, his son is a delusion for him. In the meanwhile, Samantha Mulder is born.
When the time of the abductions is closer, Bill and Teena get to choose which one of their children to "sacrifice" (4°). They painfully indicate Fox, because he's older and stronger, but CSM don't even give them the luxury of the choice. Fox is his son, so Samantha will go. That's the moment where the Mulder family irremediably shutters. Teena divorces Bill and Fox will never know anything about this from his family (5°).
Maybe after the abductees' return, CSM goes to Teena, offering her a possible life with him (this could be why he took Samantha and she wasn't returned). She doesn't believe him and swears to never talk to him again.
Samantha starts living with CSM, he has now what Mulder Sr. had, but again, he can't love. She understands that he constantly lies to her and hates him, so she quickly becames useless to him and he uses her for experiments.
His fixation on the Mulders keeps going, because he thinks Fox is his son, but above all because he likes him as a person. He challenges him, has a goal, a conviction, doesn't care what the others think about him. Maybe he thinks they are similar and that's why he sometimes protects him. But again, he doesn't know what love is, so if there's something more important, he's ready to sacrifice him.
He thinks he knows Mulder and tries to get him on his side more than once, but he fails. Mulder was loved and is loved, he knows what love means, he's kind and decent, even more than his father William.
He thinks he knows Scully because of his own past, but he understands nothing about her or their relationship, because it's the complete opposite of what he's ever experienced. ("You'd die for Mulder but you won't allow yourself to love him" he says to Scully in En Ami, while they're already in a relationship.) And he lies, lies, lies, the thing that made him advance in his life. At the cost of love.
What could really have saved the Mulder family, was the truth, that will become Fox's reason of life. If Teena told Bill about her moment of weekness, if he ever asked her instead of acting like nothing ever happened, there could have been hope. Hope to forgive, to go on. But what they did was the opposite, letting Fox enter in these net of lies. Hiding everything from him "for his own good". But that's not what he wanted and accepted ("The truth will save you, Scully. I think it'll save both of us").
My TXF posts and videos.
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baronessblixen · 8 months
Today's prompt: 30. "Are you with me?"
Fluff(?) post "Je Souhaite": Mulder wants to know what Scully's wishes would have been (wc: 831)
Tagging @today-in-fic @xffictober2023
Fictober Day 10: Wishes
At first, he thinks she's asleep. He can't blame her for falling asleep watching Caddyshack. She's leaning heavily against him, head on his shoulder and hand over his heart. He's been secretly calling it the 'Scully position'. They end up like this on planes (no complaints) and now frequently in the mornings (again, no complaints). She sighs, and he realizes she isn't asleep at all, and just very, very quiet.
"Are you with me?" he asks.
"Where else would I be?" She leans her head back to look at him.
"You seem miles away."
"I'm watching your movie."
"It's not my movie. And I thought you didn't like it."
"I don't," she says with a chuckle. "I was just- I was thinking."
"At this time of day?" He feigns shock, making her laugh. "What were you thinking?"
"Did you really wish for world peace? Why?"
"Unlike you," he says, touching the tip of her nose, "I wasn't thinking. I thought that would solve everything. There are no easy solutions. It's like you said. Maybe our time here is to achieve all that. However, I fear humankind has a bad track record when it comes to peace. Let alone world peace."
"You tried anyway." He shrugs.
"You know me. Hey, what would you have wished for?"
"Mulder, you've seen what those wishes could do."
"It's just for fun. Come on. If there were no strings attached, what would you wish for?" She stares back at him, contemplating it. His heart inexplicably hammers in his chest. She may be fairly happy now, with him, but what if she wishes she could be somewhere else, be with somebody else?
"There are always strings."
"Just pretend, Scully," he says, daring her with a grin.
"Well," she says, moving away from him and putting her legs under her. Now they look like they're two kids at a sleepover, playing make-believe. She taps her finger against her lips, thinking. He watches her, mesmerized.
When he wished for world peace, and Scully wasn't there, it was as if his greatest nightmare had come true. He doesn't want to think about it anymore. He wished his last wish. At least out loud. He has a few he keeps to himself, close to his heart. There's one wish - no, hope - and that's being here like this with Scully. Spending the evening together cuddling, and watching movies. He never wanted to get out of the car. But maybe every once in a while they can take a break. Like this.
"I can't think of anything."
"Nothing?" he asks, moving closer. He knows she's only telling half the truth. She doesn't walk around, her arms wide open, wishing for the improbable. That's him. But he knows her and he can see it her eyes, The glimmers of hope and want.
"You don't wish for me to shut up?"
"No," she says with a smile, touching his cheek where his stubble is coming through. "I already told you, didn't I? I'm happy."
"You said fairly happy."
"Are we doing semantics now?" He knows what her greatest wish is. The one she's afraid to speak out loud. She's done it once before and it didn't work out. He almost wished it for her. Almost made it his last wish. I want Scully to have a child. But there were so many variables and so many ways he could have fucked that up. Now, no one can mess with Jenn anymore and she gets to be her own person, and maybe even get her own happy ending. Either way, she gets to live her life.
"You don't have to say it," he says, nodding more to himself. "I know. I know what you wish for and I do too." Her expression crumbles, a piece of sadness falling away. These days, she lets him see her vulnerability. She no longer hides it from him and he couldn't be more thankful.
He never wants to see Scully sad. Never. But now he gets to comfort her because she lets him in. Sometimes he has to climb her walls, but once he's there, she never pushes him away. It has been months since the failed IVF. They've carved a new path for themselves, but he knows that sometimes she's still looking back, wondering what could have been.
"Mulder, I-"
"You're fairly happy. I know. And I'll take it. That is, if you still want... me."
"Do you think I'd watch Caddyshack with just anyone?" She closes the distance between them, planting herself in his lap.
"I am happy," she repeats. "Here with you."
"Even when I make you watch Caddyshack."
"Even then. Even if you made me watch Plan 9 From Outer Space again."
"That's a classic, Scully. You get to choose the movie next time. Unless you-"
"You know what? I do wish for you to shut up now." She grabs his head with both hands and draws his face closer, kissing him like there's no tomorrow.
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lesbianmarrow · 9 days
if chris carter doesnt believe in mulder scully romance then whyyyyyyy is he having them hold hands and say shit like "the inextricable relationships in our lives that are neither accidental nor somehow in our control" and "the truth i've been searching for? the truth is in you" does he think i'm stupid. am i stupid. what's happening
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carefulfears · 9 months
sometimes i think about how different their lives could have been if scully was never abducted. but then, i think that her abduction was inevitable the first moment she walked into that basement office. they were always doomed.
that's what makes ascension so effective as an episode: it's a race to stop something that cannot be stopped. this show drops mulder right back in the night he never escaped, listening to the person closest to him scream his name for help. and then it tells him: fix it. get there in time. you're not a kid anymore.
but the central tragedy of the x-files is that you cannot go back and you do not have the power to change and mulder spends his entire life searching for something that he will never ever find, trying to save people that he will never ever save. samantha has been dead from the beginning. there is no truth. "i've been chasing monsters with a butterfly net." (there is no other end to this story.)
ascension drops mulder into the night he never escaped, tells him "fix it," and then proves: there's nothing to be done. what if scully didn't scan the chip? barry could've been given her address. we don't know that's how he found her. what if mulder hadn't trusted krycek? he would've hit the truck. what if the cop had looked in the trunk? what if the tram had been working? what if mulder hadn't stopped to pick up the necklace?
you can run it a million different ways, he always walks up that mountain just two minutes too late. there is no other end to this story.
ascension isn't really about scully, you never hear her speak. it's about mulder and duane barry. both ascending, both trying to rewrite history. barry is desperate to not be the one taken, to be free. mulder is desperate to not be the one left behind. both trying to avoid living their worst night over and over and over. but ultimately, they are both little more than "microscopic cogs in the catastrophic plan," and there is no man with the red right hand. (x)
scully's abduction changes everything. every single shift and downfall and tragedy of the rest of the series can be traced back to it. it's why season one is a time capsule. she will never be that curious and fresh and open again. he will never be that excited and joyful and trusting. they spend the rest of their lives wanting to be back in that graveyard in bellefleur, over that hill in idaho, wide-eyed and awe-struck. and they never will be again.
and no matter which way you run it (just like no matter which way you run november 27th 1973), it can't be fixed.
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mytardisisparked · 12 days
Almost Enough
As Scully faces the end of her battle with cancer, she writes a letter.
Read on AO3
I don’t want to write this letter. It’s not the first that I have written, as you well know, but those were letters I never intended for you to actually see. I no longer feel any kind of certainty that this one will remain unread.
I probably shouldn’t have told you that. I see the way you search my face during your visits to make sure that I am still fighting, that I still have hope. I am still fighting, and I will continue doing so, but I know, deep in my heart, that this is a losing battle. I see it in the doctors’ eyes. I hear it in my mother’s voice. I feel it in the treatments they flood into my veins. 
And yet, I still feel hope in the way you hold my hand. In the way you press your lips to my knuckles and forehead. In the way your eyes still hold mine so steadily, even as my family and my care team struggle to maintain eye contact.
I know I look like Death. Her icy visage has become mine; it has sunken in my eyes and cheeks and paled me to the point of ghastliness. It has taken the shine from my hair and left me bruised and weak. I no longer look like myself. I don’t expect anyone to feel comfortable around me. But still, you hold my thin hand and smile into my deathly face and kiss my hollow cheeks. 
Regardless, if you are reading this letter, none of that matters. This letter is only to be sent to you if I am gone. 
I know you believe in ghosts. I still don't, really, but I hope I haunt you all the same, in the right ways. I hope there is a small voice within your conscience that sounds like mine, telling you not to throw yourself to the wolves. I hope it warns you of when your passions are edging you towards something dangerous. I hope it protects you when I can't.
Every night, when you inevitably look up at the stars and wonder what might be looking back at you, I hope you know that I am there. I will always be there. You do not need to search for me. You do not need to chase the truth of where I have gone and who took me. 
Death has taken me, but I am always with you. Within you. Around you. I am the soft light cast by the lamps in your apartment. I am the sugar in the iced tea you drink on long trips. I am hanging on the wall behind our desk. I am tucked away in the filing cabinets between the pages of medical reports and autopsy diagrams. I am reflected in the glasses you wear when your head aches from reading. I am loaded into the gun that you rarely ever fire outside of the range. 
Please be careful, Mulder. Please don’t chase every shadow by yourself. Please find a way to live on and live well. 
Go get dinner with The Lone Gunmen. Go tell my mother another funny story from a case. Go meet new friends and love them in that wholehearted way you always do. 
And please, above all else, know that I have loved you.
Her fingers shook as she folded the letter into thirds, tucking it away into an envelope. She swiped a finger under her tired eyes before reaching to the stand beside the hospital bed for her pen. 
She was halfway through writing his name on the front in big, swooping, slightly shaking letters when she heard his voice outside her door.
Quickly, she stuffed the envelope and letter under the comforter, putting a smile on her face and hoping that the dark circles under her eyes would be enough to hide her earlier tears. 
He walked in with his usual smile and a bag of what smelled like pastries in his hand. 
“Morning, Scully.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek. She folded her hands in her lap to keep from fidgeting with the concealed letter. 
“I brought you something.” He smiled widely, brightly. It colored the pale walls of the hospital room as he reached into the bag and pulled out a huge, chocolate donut.
The smile on her face became genuine. “I don’t think I’m allowed to have those.”
“Actually,” Mulder pulled the serving tray table over to her bed and laid a napkin out on it with all the gusto and grace of a proper English butler, “I spoke with your doctor. It took some bribery - and, maybe, a little shaking down - but he said you can have this donut as long as you split it with me.” He laid the donut on the napkin and took out a plastic knife, cutting it in half.
She tilted her head at him, fondness washing over her. “Mulder, are you lying?”
He looked up, his gaze solid, unwavering. “No. I wouldn’t do anything to put your health further at risk.”
She swallowed hard as he turned his attention back to the donut, cutting her half into smaller bites. After a moment, she reached out and took his hand.
It was sticky from the glaze, but warm. He was always warm. He looked back up at her, a question in his eyes that soon faded into understanding. His lips drew into a soft, almost-smile and he squeezed her hand.
Under the sheets, she gripped the letter tightly, its cool pages and hard edges digging into her palm and fingers. It wasn’t enough. How could mere words ever be enough?
She squeezed his hand harder and hoped he would feel everything there that the letter did not contain. Her fingers tried to will an imprint of this memory into his skin and mind that would last longer than her own life. 
He lifted her hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to her knuckles without looking away, and she felt certain that he would not forget. 
It would almost be enough.
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actual-changeling · 7 days
any moment now
a season 5-ish ficlet that just kinda. spilled out of me while trying to write something else. pretty much just very emotional angsty hurt/comfort
content warnings for discussion of the cancer arc & mulder-typical suicidality
tagging @today-in-fic
Look, she didn't mean to keep it from him, and she never lied because he never asked, and maybe she would have if he had. Maybe she wouldn't have. Is it still a lie if the truth behind it is the same?
She's fine. She is truly, completely fine, except for the moments when she looks at him and sees a gun pressed to his temple. except for when she passes out on the plane and wakes up with her head on his shoulder, his arms around her, and she wants to fall out of the sky.
Immortality isn't not dying; it's finding a moment worth living in and then never leaving, and that is the crux of the problem, isn't it? The "never leaving". The "finding a moment worth dying for".
Worth dying in.
She knows how to die now, and it doesn't scare her anymore, but it scares him, and she is scared of his fear. So, sure, she is afraid of dying and of what will survive, and for how long. There is no moment without him, and she knows he won't hesitate, just like he didn't hesitate trapped in a hospital room. Crumbling on the floor of his childhood home.
Crying next to her in the middle of the night, kneeling and twisting his sorrow into a prayer, and God did not hear him, but she did.
Some days, she wants to leave behind their guns and run away. She wants to take his hand and make sure he holds hers, always, never a weapon. Never something that might kill him, but she might kill him too, and she cannot tell if she's the gun or the bullet or the finger pulling the trigger.
If she really wants to stop him from following her, knowing there is nothing left to find alone.
An hour until we land, and she closes her eyes again and doesn't move. Neither of them moves anymore, they're done dancing. His lips are in her hair, and every turbulence is a spark of hope. They're burning up or dreaming that they are, or maybe this is her kneeling next to him with no prayers left.
They could fall out of the sky, and he would still put himself between her and the world, no matter how futile. He always will, unless the world is inside of her and killing her on its way out. He tried to dig up the truth marking her for death, having found it just to wish he had never started searching at all, pleading with nothing to allow him to take her place.
Her not him, him not her, and they keep wrapping the same ribbon around their hands—standing in front of the desk that is their altar, the office turned sacred ground turned graveyard dirt.
Let me save you on my way to the grave, as if they aren't going to be buried in the same coffin, the same earth. Not a moment worth dying for, but a person, a life imagined and lived over and over and over. Maybe this is the time they got it right. Maybe they always have. Maybe that's their immortality, a shared life worth dying in.
Any moment now, she thinks, and he thinks, and she takes his hand, even though it's not the flying that scares her anymore.
It's the landing.
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randomfoggytiger · 7 months
Gethsemane, Bill Scully Apologia, and Maggie the Emergency Contact
Dialogue and Play-By-Play Analysis:
Bill: "I picked up the phone when they called Mom. I thought you could use a change of clothes."
Scully: "Thank you... where's Mom?"
Believing her cancer is still a secret, Scully automatically places Bill's importance below her mother, wanting to talk freely with Maggie (without Bill.) Bill sees and understands this; and is hurt that she still won't open up to him despite being here, now, for her. As of yet, he doesn't act on that hurt.
Bill: "I didn't tell Mom what happened...."
Scully: "...But I'm okay. Luckily."
Bill: "You're not okay, Dana."
Scully: "I told Mom not to tell you."
Bill: "Why?"
Scully: "Because it's very personal. Because I don't want sympathy."
For all of the just criticism against Bill later in this arc, here he is holding back his anger (an expression of his hurt) and listening, really listening to his sister. He keeps quiet, giving Scully room to fully explain herself; and even sympathetically locks eyes, giving her his full attention.
Another thing of note: he is staring at Scully with the exact look of sympathy she wanted to avoid. Mulder and Maggie know her enough to acquiesce to her "I'm fine"s; but Bill is her life-long peer, and siblings can't hide truths from each other as effectively as they can their parents or partners.
"You think you can cure yourself."
Bill realizes that his sister never told her own family-- him-- about her cancer because she does, even now, believe she can cure herself. He's stunned, shocked, even appalled; and that leaks into his voice, coming across as judgmental.
Scully doesn't deny it, caught; and sighs, frustrated, that he divined and overly-simplified something she hadn't expressed to anyone and probably would not have been able to without a beautiful speech prepared ahead of time.
"Mom tells me that you've gotten worse. That your cancer's gone into your bloodstream."
This explains why Maggie told Bill in the first place: she cracked under the strain Dana's edict of secrecy put her under, watching her daughter slowly die without any apparent attempts to circumvent that death or even to bond over their shared tragedy. Bill became her only recourse... and Bill spilled the beans (as he does, again, in A Christmas Carol.)
Scully is shaken by his bluntness, unable to shy away from the truth spoken so baldly to her face.
"What are you doing at work getting knocked down? Beaten up? What are you trying to prove-- that you're going to go down fighting?"
Scully: "Now, c'mon Bill--"
Scully is deferring back to an old sibling dynamic: Bill misunderstanding, or only understanding enough to feel she's acting out of turn; and her attempting to draw him away from his preconceived notions. In this case, however, he's right; and she's avoiding the truth of that (subconsciously.)
Bill stops her by slapping down the clothes, getting her full attention.
"Y'know what Mom is going through? Why do you think I didn't tell her when they called?"
"What should be doing?"
Bill: "We have a responsibility-- not just to ourselves, but to the people in our lives."
And he's absolutely correct here: Scully has been so focused on work and its promise of a cure that she's forgotten to give space to those suffering alongside her.
"Just, just because I haven't bared my soul to you or to Father McCue or to God, it doesn't mean I'm not responsible to those important to me."
Here Scully reveals she thought emotional distance and soldiering on was her way of protecting her loved ones from her burdens, providing them strength in the face of her worsening health. In reality, it worsened their fears and burdens; and furthered their isolation... except for, ironically, Mulder, who wasn't ready to face the implications of her impending death, anyway.
"To who? This guy Mulder? But where is he, Dana? Where is he through all this?"
Bill is less right here: from his perspective, Dana has (once again) wrapped herself up with a man whose authority and work ethic supersedes Bill's love and concern for his sister-- another in the pattern of their late father and Daniel Waterston and Jack Willis. Bill isn't stupid: his above reproach also reveals he knows Mulder knows about Scully's cancer; and the fact that her partner did and still left her alone to deal with it to "pursue his career" while Bill hasn't been able to be there to support her at all eats away at him, makes him hate the man. (And still he's civil when he meets Mulder, even talks with him in terms he believes a workaholic will understand-- "Let's keep the work away from here"-- only getting rough when he misinterprets Mulder's blank face in response-- "Let her die with dignity.")
Despite being wrong here, Bill still hits the mark; because Mulder did wander off on a quest. But Scully can't argue for Mulder without betraying her own reticence, her own need to keep Mulder in the dark for Mulder's sake-- because that would betray her feelings in a way that she doesn't want to discuss with Bill, especially after Mulder has consistently dodged that serious conversation for years now. So, she picks up her clothes and ends the conversation.
In-Depth Analysis
Maggie Was Scully's Emergency Contact
The hospital called Maggie when Scully was rushed in, unconscious; and while this doesn't outright disprove the theory Mulder might also be an emergency contact, it certainly fits in with the pattern of him being called to the hospital and let into Scully's room by Maggie and not the other way around (i.e. One Breath and Wetwired.) Furthermore, Mulder isn't alerted (that I know of) to a missed call from the hospital after his return to civilization, meaning the hospital didn't notify him at all.
Bill the Bully?
Is Bill a despicable figure? Most definitely... in a deleted Memento Mori scene-- which is why I think they cut it. Though his words are brusque, even cruel in their blunt honesty, Bill, apart from that scene, doesn't seem to willfully inflict or weaponize guilt against his sister, wielding it only as a reminder of how much her family is left out of her life, how much they want to be there for her and don't understand why she won't let them in. It's a fundamental difference in how they approach life; and both are forceful about their insistence on doing things their own way.
Scully is used to being everyone's source of strength (Maggie places her on a pedestal even above her brothers in Memento Mori), which hinders her from opening up or betraying her weakness. Being "the strong one" for so long turned into a fear of failing others; but this reticence has the opposite effect, ostracizing and distancing her family (and Mulder) in her struggles to keep them unaffected. Their divide grows as the years go on (though it seems an equilibrium of sorts has been reached after Emily, since she mentions them fondly in How the Ghosts Stole Christmas and indirectly in Millennium.)
Bill Is Right (in This Instance)
On its face, Bill's speech is unrelenting and out of left field... but is it, really?
Bill is told about his sister's cancer only when it has become irredeemably terminal. He arrives on land, either before or after Maggie's revelation, and finds the rest of the family ignorant and his mother having to shoulder that burden, alone, because his sister refused to let her tell anyone else the news-- meaning, Maggie has been suffering in silence the entire cancer arc, trying to abide by her daughter's terms for space and silence on the topic. However, Scully's definitive terminal diagnosis broke her; and Maggie, having no one to turn to support because Dana still refused to talk about it, finally confessed to her priest and reached out to her son for strength. Bill sees how hard this has been on her and tries to alleviate that burden by adopting his sister's methods: keeping Maggie in the dark as much as possible. It honors what he knows to be his sister's wishes and his mother's fears.
In this scene Bill is absolutely in the right. He and his sister, while not incredibly close, have no ill will between them; and he finds out that not only has she been slowly dying for months and sworn their mother to secrecy but she also still refused to tell him, even when he dropped everything to bail her and Maggie out with this act of kindness. This is wrong-- it is-- and his speech rebuking his sister is as deserved as Scully's are to Mulder whenever he acts only in stubborn self-interest.
Bill is hurt, Bill is grieved; and Bill drives that home, peeling back his sister's denial by exposing her true intent: "You think you can cure yourself." The ludicrous nature of her expectations-- cure incurable cancer and never tell a soul so she won't have to 'suffer' the shame or embarrassment of their sympathy or pity-- galls him; and he's right. It's Scully's struggle and her burden; but it's not just her struggle or burden: her family and loved ones are losing her, too, and that pain is just as powerfully frightening. Bill wants more from her than an immovable pillar of strength-- and that's a good thing. Maggie needed her to be "the strong one", and Mulder needed her to keep fighting; but Bill just wanted his sister to tell him the truth and let him in.
A last note: Bill grew up with Dana-- he knows her propensity to get lost in father figures and demanding authorities. He probably sees Mulder as another Daniel Waterston or Jack Willis, an extension of her undisguised adoration for their late father. He's naturally protective (as we see in Redux II, though grossly misplaced) and thinks Scully is losing that stability in herself the more engrossed she becomes in her work (ex. Gethsemane-Redux II and A Christmas Carol.) These fears and concerns are expressed in overbearing finger-wagging and anger rather than communication, a (sadly) common affliction in a family growing a more distant with time and lives necessarily apart.
Scully Believed She Could Cure Herself
Since Memento Mori, Scully's modus operandi has been to avoid, avoid, avoid the topic of her cancer (and the death of her father, her abduction, etc.) The following cases rarely touched on her illness unless she had a concerning diagnosis or needed further treatment, i.e. Zero Sum and Elegy. Radiation was likely ruled out as ineffective since the skirmish with Dr. Scanlon (and was a drain of her valuable energy and health without any chance of helping, regardless); so, Scully probably opted for more obscure treatments, buying time while she and Mulder chipped away at their work.
In the back of her mind, she believed, truly, that she wouldn't die: that her cancer could be tucked away from her family and cured before Bill or the others ever found out. As we know, Maggie bore the brunt of her daughter's edict of silence alone, finally caving when the cancer reached Scully's bloodstream. When Bill waits for an explanation-- staring at his sister's defiance and stubbornness and pure conviction that she's fine and that the family shouldn't be worried about her at all-- he figures out her blind expectation and avoidance-bordering-on-denial and says, appalled: "You think you can cure yourself." Scully dips her head, exposed and embarrassed.
The beginning of Gethsemane proves Scully was still denial: "my dying wish" she professes on the one hand only to reject the priest and shake her head at Bill with the other. No, Scully did not expect to die alone without her family there. When Bill demands, "We have a responsibility-- not just to ourselves, but to the people in our lives", she parries, "Just because I don't bare my soul to you or to Father McCue or to God." Scully thought she was doing her duty by keeping her loved ones in her thoughts while carrying out her solitary battle. When Bill strips her of her further excuses-- "Who? To this guy Mulder?"-- it peels back her hyper-focused perspective, reminding Scully that it's not just her and Mulder fighting the world.
She did her family and Mulder and herself a disservice by pushing them all away to "protect them", as she realizes in Redux II: being "strong" stripped them of the ability to support each other and was damaging in the long run. In this, Bill is undeniably correct. However, where Bill is wrong is that he doesn't see that Scully believes in Mulder's ability to save her, that by following him she is doing what is best for herself.
Her partner's fervor and hope give her strength; and his inability to break under defeat keeps her fighting even in her darkest hours (and does end up saving her life.) Scully put such faith in Mulder and his abilities and his theories that she kept council only with herself (as much as possible) to keep him going, to keep the weight off his shoulders (and her mother's and her family's) so that they could move forward as a well-oiled machine, ready to snatch the cure whenever they got their hands on it. And Mulder did get his hands on it... and then it failed.
She's dying; but it's not until the cure fails that the dam breaks: everything Scully had been fearing comes rushing out of her. She gives in, crying to her mother about her crumbling lack of faith-- because the miracle cure didn't work, because her months of waiting and hoping in private were all for naught, because she's going to die and there's no possible way to escape. But it's also freeing: she can own her fear, hold onto her mother, clutch Mulder's hand, cry with the priest, finally lean into and start to heal from the weights she's been holding on her back, alone.
And she prays: death is near.
Scully Wanted to Please Bill, Too
As she told Ed Jerse in Never Again, "There are other fathers."
The ouroboros twirls on and on in her personal life, goading her to both make a stand for herself and to placate Bill's expected reactions. In this situation, she did deserve his anger; however, this dynamic continues to play out in Redux II and A Christmas Carol, separate circumstances that are outside Bill's scope of understanding or perspective. After each confrontation, her brother always backs off and begrudgingly acquiesces his sister's boundaries; but it's easy to see why he clings to his late father's behaviors-- viewing them as the only way his sister will confide in him-- and why Scully automatically responds to-- albeit with more guilt than openness-- and rejects his methods.
It's an aspect of their relationship that fell to the wayside as the series barreled onward; but there are hints of resignation on his part after the events of Emily unfolded the way they did (silent support in the courthouse and true remorse in the church.) Scully, however, is locked in grief and unwilling to open back up, yet. We're never shown on-screen what happens next; but he seems to have caused her no further problems in spite of her professional and personal scares in the future (including almost being burned alive, an unexpected trip to Antarctica, job demotion, and getting gut shot all within the span of a few months.) Perhaps he gave her up for loss, perhaps he stayed close but distant, perhaps he withdrew from the drama all together. We'll never know; and, ultimately, it's up to individual interpretation.
This scene sets up the hinge upon which the cancer arc (and any future Scully family drama) twists and turns.
I don't believe Bill is bad, or even malevolent: he, like any other person in a family strained with distance and death, doesn't seem to blame Scully entirely or for long; and only wishes to get through to her somehow. We saw him bully her as a child but we also saw him gift and teach her how to use a bb gun. Scully, meanwhile, balks at and softens over Bill's bluster and overstepping, always effectively putting him in his place after courteously listening to his opinion. We saw her yell and shove him as a child but we also saw her gleefully play alongside he and Charlie.
In conclusion: like all sibling relationships, there are headbutts and there are fights; but it seems, at least by their conversation here and succeeding ones in the future, that any hitch or bump in the road is smoothed over, ironed out, or fixed before it becomes permanent. Bill makes excellent points that Scully takes into consideration, changing her future dealings with Maggie and Bill and even Mulder (namely, her willingness to open up in Detour); and Bill, having said his peace, supports his sister in her decisions the rest of this arc and later in S5.
That we know about.
Thank you for reading~
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deathsbestgirl · 5 months
Pls, talk about how M and S where physically attracted to each other from the get Go. Thanks
oh man, i think they really are. but they're so interesting because they don't exactly care? i've said before they don't prioritize sex, or even romantic relationships. it really builds the tension between them (and for us) until it's unbearable. it colors so many of their interactions (and interactions with other people).
like. the pilot. mulder is ready to distrust scully, completely. he tries to be off-putting. he lets her know he believes her to be a spy. scully knows who he is, she's excited for a field assignment, but not exactly thrilled with what they want her to do. she isn't considered an open mind, but personally i think that's patently false. she just relies a lot on facts and science because they make her feel comfortable, safe. but she really thrives when she steps out of her comfort zone, and mulder is the reason she gets to do that.
they gaze at each other from the moment their eyes meet. to me, it's a soul recognition neither was prepared for. it's palpable. gentle & probing at first.
they immediately go head to head with their knowledge & beliefs & theories. and they enjoy it. they just like each other so much. it's the start of a dance they'll do for the rest of their lives. it's a challenge, but it's one they've craved their whole lives & never found until each other.
looks are noticed first, but what really gets them is the other's mind. they're both so attracted to other's mind. they spend their days learning the other. the paths their minds take, what makes the other tick, what makes the other crack a smile. it ends up being their compassion & dedication to the truth, the respect & authenticity, their honor & integrity. their goodness. that gets to them. their shared values, even if their methods are different. it's what moves their connection beyond attraction, turning it into its own presence.
mulder lets scully in when she exposes her vulnerability, a willingness to believe even if she fights it every step of the way.
like. not a single look they share in the pilot is uncaring or indifferent. skeptical, careful sometimes, yes. but they're all intense & heated, focused, underlined with attraction they feel & don't yet understand. attraction they won't explore in the ways they might have in the past.
after the motel room, he starts guiding her out of rooms, putting his hand gently on her back. and the touching only picks up between them. scully is always pulling him back, tethering him, trying to care for him. she never forgets the conversation in his motel room. his surprise, his openness, his pain. how caring & gentle he was, not daring or even considering taking advantage she probably would have willingly given him. (if not for their past experiences with relationships in professional settings lol)
the more they prioritize the work & their partnership, the more they come to trust only each other...they eliminate the possibility of ever being with someone else meaningfully. they don't know it at the beginning, but they make the choice over and over again.
(scully LOVES her job, you guys. she loves what she does with mulder, loves working with him & his brilliant mind, loves the adrenaline & danger, loves the crazy science she gets to see & do, loves speaking for the dead and being in the victims' side. and in a way, it's really all because of him. she followed him for his belief in the truth & his compassion for forgotten people, she stays because she believes in him. and everyday that's a miracle to mulder, though he would never call it that.)
mulder is territorial of scully by the time we get to squeeze, and she wants him to be. she says it then pulls back, believing she's being presumptive. i love that moment because mulder doesn't let her dismiss it. he tells her of course he is and plays with her necklace. he's flirty & intimate and he talks about their work, the only thing he cares about and he's been willingly taking her along, and this time she took him along.
mulder let her into his work in the pilot, the most personal part of his life. every case is a date even if he doesn't say it — barring maybe the ones that are deeply personal or dangerous, but scully is still there every step of the way. she bares witness and she helps him, she desperately tries to tell him what no one else ever has. stop looking for your sister. but he can't and she never really expected him to, all she can do is follow him and help him find his answers...when he's ready.
keeping boundaries only amps up their attraction. mulder is always in her personal bubble. sometimes it flusters scully — fox mulder's attention focused on you is always intense & meaningful, overwhelming & intoxicating. usually she just accepts it and enjoys it. he loves doing it to her. she never rejects him, so he never stops. never. and she really does bask in it. it becomes a habit, their norm.
they show off in their debates. mulder loves when she talks science, almost bludgeoning him with her logic & knowledge. even when he's just trying to have those late night talks with thoughts you don't share with just anyone. he loves who she is and doesn't want her to be any other way. he loves when she's tells him he's wrong. he wouldn't change a thing (despite his occasional frustration at her disbelief).
(all his flirty quips are real, but not serious.)
and scully, she's the only one allowed to tell him he's crazy (which he also loves, because she stays). she will defend her mulder & his theories to anyone else, she proves what she can (and if she happens to disprove his theory, it only helps him to refine it and sends them down a new path). when he stops believing, she tries so hard to reignite it. she's afraid to believe, but she depends on his belief.
mulder + scully are the only people who can keep up with each other — even when she thinks she's lagging behind & holding him back, that's never really true. it takes her a long time to verbalize it, and it takes him a while to figure out she needs (craves) his validation. to him, scully doesn't need anything from anyone but he wants to give her everything, whatever she will allow. he tries to desperately to be the shoulder she leans on and show her it's okay to be vulnerable. something he can tell she struggles with, despite what happened in the pilot. she values it so much in him and suppresses it so much in herself.
he honors her vulnerability in the pilot, he's gentle with her in beyond the sea (until she scares the daylights out of him), in lazarus her prioritizes her grieving over the truth. when she's abducted, he wears her cross around his neck. he asks her mom about her, tries to help maggie keep her faith. in firewalker he cradles her face, so similar to beyond the sea. in irresistible he tilts her chin up and holds her as she sobs into his chest, so similar to the pilot when she rushes into his arms. and on and on. he always fights like hell for her whenever she needs help.
all of this only makes their attraction more intense, and more scary. the easiest way to get to mulder is through scully. and all of the crazy things scully does are for mulder.
the attraction is always there. bubbling under the surface, making the room crackle. making others uncomfortable just being in the same room with them. it's always intimate & private. something no one else is invited to, making others intruders.
it's why they're mistaken for a couple most of their partnership. it's why missy yells at mulder in one breath, urging him to go to scully. they don't look at each other like simple coworkers or friends, they don't talk about each other like merely colleagues.
i am so so sorry, this is not how i intended it to come out so here are some pictures:
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