#for people who say it’s an AOT clone
genericpuff · 2 years
What’s your opinion on the titans designs in lo
i swear to christ i was watching attack on titan when i read this question and did a double take like holy shit am i gonna get to gush about AOT????
okay but to answer the ACTUAL question, I actually have um... some interesting takes on them.
First off, for starters. Helios. Pretty neat. I know he's just yellow Zeus but he's big and he's sassy and I wish we could see more of him.
Kronos was cool until RS turned him into an MCU villain.
Gaia I'm sort of indifferent on... she really doesn't have any sort of real role in the story beyond being some Avatar McGuffin. Her original design was badass but then ofc, as all things go in LO, RS dumbed her design down and now she looks just like another Persephone clone.
Rhea was great when she first appeared but, again, Persephone clone. I don't like the recent retcon/establishment that the fertility goddesses need to experience love to have their powers used because it casts some fucked up implications (beyond the obvious) when she begged Zeus to find Metis and "use her powers no matter the cost". If I had known at the time that was gonna turn into "Zeus had a relationship with Metis" I would have been a bit more like... yikes, Rhea.
And then there's Metis... oh boy, do I have some takes about Metis. Very personal ones.
So here's the thing. Metis is the name of the Greek god, yes. But it's... it's not what comes up when you search "Metis" on its own. Because there ALSO exists an Indigenous group of people in Canada called 'Métis'. And LO Metis' design is-
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sigh yeah.
Now I know I'm gonna get people who are saying I'm "reading too much into it" but y'all. I'm Mi'kmaq. The Métis people come from the same regions my own ancestors do, my own family pretty much shares blood and land with them. I promise you, I'm not pulling any of this out of my ass, Metis' design stood out to me as soon as I saw it because her outfit really resembles the fringe that you find EVERYWHERE in Indigenous clothing, like we fucking LOVE FRINGE LOL (I've got a cape/poncho thing with loads of fringe that I whip out for special occasions) And the wings resemble a lot of the 'finger feathers' you see in Mi'kmaq, Maliseet, Cree, and yes, Métis art.
phew sorry I know Hephaestus is also drawn with a similar skin tone and Metis starts to veer off into flanderized colors with the bright orange like every other character in this comic, but it's just like... not a great combination.)
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(*edit because I forgot to add: it also REALLY REALLY REALLY DOESN'T HELP that Metis is the ONLY TITAN designed with non-neon colors. Like, she's been explicitly drawn with darker orange/reddish tones that are OFTEN AFFILIATED WITH INDIGENOUS PEOPLE. THE SLUR 'REDSKIN' EXISTS FOR A REASON-
phew sorry I know Hephaestus is also drawn with a similar skin tone and Metis starts to veer off into flanderized colors with the bright orange like every other character in this comic, but it's just like... not a great combination. The more human-like skin tone is sorta just the cherry on top.)
So... yeah. Take that with what you will. I'm not necessarily accusing RS of anything (because Metis being drawn like a Métis woman is like, the least of LO's problems) but at BEST she's just got some REAL shit Googling skills or like... didn't think anyone would notice? 😂
Either way that's... that's my (*probably biased) take on Metis. At the very least it does result in her having a way more interesting design than the others (who are basically just big color-swapped versions of Hades and Persephone) but IDK if that's a good thing when that design is in the hands of RS. She ruined Metis in the most recent episodes which is kinda lowkey even more insulting LMAO
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Thinking about how underrated this show is. It went under my radar for so long and when I finally took the time to watch it, I wasn’t disappointed.
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frxggie · 4 years
So I hear u don’t get requests... WELL IM ABOUT TO CHANGE THAT 😤
I saw another artist write about this and loved it so I wanna see how you write about it! Female y/n is the UA traitor and Bakugou, Todoroki, and Midoriya find out that she is during a mission/rescue against the LOV. Y/n and the boys have a crush on each other so y/n was forced into being the traitor (I’m just trying to give ideas hehe) Maybe an idea to help you would be they corner her and and she’s forced to remove her mask?? I hope this can help you haha 👀👄👀
AAAHHH THANK YOU I LOVE YOU! ofc i’ll do that :D
-fem reader
-you’ve been “missing” for a bit, but it’s because you had been kidnapped and manipulated into being the traitor
- quirk: Weapon- you can make any weapon of your choice appear and your body itself is kind of a weapon meaning that when you’re hit it’s harder to hurt you/ when you hit someone else it hurts them more (idk kind of like the warhammer titan from aot) (yes i reused this quirk from my clone story)
You were seated at the bar in the LOV hideout. You sighed, knowing the heroes had planned an attack for that day. You shivered as your mind brought you back to the day you were kidnapped. 
Dabi had been torturing you for information for hours now. The pain was so unbearably great that you could barely keep your eyes open. After he had rattled all the information he could get out of you, the LOV left you chained up in a rather uncomfortable chair, limp and injured. You could hear the whispering about something, but never one had you imagined what they would ask next.
“Join us.” Shigaraki said, cupping your face to make you look up at him.
“Yes.. you’ve already betrayed them for your own sake anyway.. giving up all their precious information to ensure your own safety.”
“T-They’ll understand.. won’t they?”
“No. They’ll probably chain you up and interrogate you- then accuse you of being a traitor. Just join us- embrace it fully. No matter what, your hands are dirty now. They won’t allow you to stay at U.A.”
“T-They won’t..?”
“No.. so join us.”
You were interrupted from your thoughts when Shigaraki slammed something down in front of you. 
“The heroes attack soon. Get in your gear.”
You nodded and sulked off to the bathroom to change.
You had just finished adjusting your hair and mask when you heard a loud bang.
They’re here..
You stepped out of the bathroom, having already made weapons so they wouldn’t recognize your quirk. You saw that the LOV had already pounced on them. You rushed into the fight and began hitting people with the oversized hammer you had created. 
You were about to knock out one of the pros, but you hesitated, realizing that this meant you could never go back to being a hero.
That hesitation cost you the fight. You suddenly felt something cold, so you looked down. Your legs were incased in ice. 
Shit.. Is that..?
You looked behind you, trying to see if there was a way out, only to find you had been backed into a corner. You turned to see three familiar faces walking towards you. 
To your absolute horror, you saw your friends, Bakugou, Todoroki, and Midoryia walking towards you. You began to struggle against the ice, hoping it would give way and break, but it was no use. 
“Who are you? We’ve never seen you with the LOV before.” said Midoryia, looking you up and down.
“Yeah dumbass, show yourself. Take off the damn mask.”
You shook your head. You couldn’t talk because they’d recognize your voice instantly. 
What the fuck do I do?
Todoroki was the one who initially got fed up and took off your mask.  He yanked it off and all three of them gasped.
“Y-Y/N?! WHAT THE HELL YOU ASSHOLE?!” yelled Bakugou.
“Y-Y/n.. No! No it can’t be- did they make you do this??” Midoryia said, a tear streaming down his face
“Y/n.. Why?” Todoroki said. His usually monotone voice was dripping with pain.
“T-They made me.. please.. I’m sorry..” 
The three of them scowled at you and walked off to join the rest of the pro heroes. You couldn’t make out what they were saying, but a couple of the pros looked towards you.
You tried to ask for help, but they just looked away.
God dammit...
Eventually, the LOV drove the heroes off, all of them running back the way they came.
Shigaraki and Dabi walked over to you.
“A-Are you mad I got discovered?”
“No. What were you supposed to do? They had you cornered.” Shigaraki said.
Dabi melted the ice for you and you looked up at the two men.
“Now, little Y/n.. join us for real. They saw you, didn’t listen to you, and didn’t save you, despite having the chance. They don’t care.”
You scowled.
“You guys are right.. I’ll join you. And we’ll end hero society. Because all they are is a bunch of fucking cowards!”
“Good girl. Welcome to the league, Y/n.”
“Thank you for having me.” you said with an evil smirk on your face.
Being a hero was a bullshit dream anyway. At least these people actually wanted you.
i hope i did this right!! thank you for the request! i love you :)
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flyingraijin · 3 years
okay I’m very courious about:
- tell me about a funny story or something
- tell me about your favourite band/artist/album/song
- (just if you want I’d like to hear your opinion about a stupid private and very long story… lol)
now my favourites
- your top anime/tv shows/movies
- fuck marry kill: round 1. bakugou, shinso, sero round 2. kirishima, kaminari, todoroki
Oooooo okay
- Tell me about a funny story or something
Uhhh all the funny stories I have are about one of my best friends, so I’ll tell one of those. 
So a number of years back, we were all at school and sitting in a geography class together. And my geography teacher (who was an absolute pessimist and really loved scaring us with all these stories about how the world is ending soon and we’re all gonna die and whatnot) was once again ranting about how human are destroying the planet and everything we know and love is going to be destroyed soon (all valid, of course). 
And so, he happened to mention the hole in the ozone layer, which at the time was what everyone was worried about. And when my friend heard this, they looked up, all concerned and worried, and went “Wait, there’s a hole in our atmosphere?” 
And so naturally everyone in the geography class went “In the ozone layer, yes.”
And bearing in mind, this friend I’m talking about is academically brilliant and one of the smartest people I know (which makes this story even funnier), they just stared around at the rest of us and then said, absolutely dead serious and still very concerned, “But then, won’t we all float out?”
We all absolutely lost it and then myself and a few other friends had to very gently, very kindly, explain to this person that that was not how the ozone layer worked and we weren’t going to float out. 
We’ve never let them live it down. 
- Tell me about your favourite band/artist/album/song
I have maaaaany many favourites so I'll just do a few but;
My favourite band since I was very young has always been Gorillaz, some of my favourite artists are Tame Impala and SZA, my favourite album of all time is Plastic Beach by Gorrillaz, but right now it's probably Ctrl by SZA (bc I've had it on repeat while I write) and my favourite song right now is either "Back In School " by Mother Mother or "Come A Little Closer" by Cage The Elephant.
- Yes, I would very much like to give an opinion on a stupid private and very long story :)
- Your top anime/TV shows/movies
Oh goodness.
My top anime of all time is Attack On Titan (just from the perspective of someone who loves stories, AOT will always be the gold standard for me).
My top TV Shows are probably Arcane, Clone Wars (yes that dumb kids cartoon) and then Euphoria.
My favourite movies of all time are Fantatsix Mr. Fox, Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse and The Breakfast Club.
- Fuck, marry, kill
Round 1: Bakugou Shinso, Sero
Aaaaaagh are you trying to kill me???
I'm gonna have to say fuck Sero, marry Bakugou and kill Shinso although it causes me much pain to have to choose between any of them.
Round 2: Kirishima, Kaminari, Todoroki
Damn, you really wanna hurt me huh?
I guess fuck Kaminari, marry Kirishima, kill Todoroki
Anon/Honesty Hour
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Very rarely do I try to defend the writing of the prequels and the choices that were made but two thinks really annoy me when people talk about Attack Of The Clones Anakin.
1. His dialogue
2. The Sand People.
Now what I am about to write is about what those two things were TRYING to convey but were executed very poorly in the film.
The Dialogue:
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Yes. I could QUITE LITERALLY put every single second he’s on screen in here, but I’m recovering from a car wreck and I don’t feel like putting that much time into it.
Look, this dialogue is AWFUL. It’s TERRIBLE. And it’s SUPPOSED TO BE.
Anakin has absolutely no social skills at all. He’s never had to have any before and he’s never learned how to talk to people. Like think about it. He was a slave until he was nine years old and then he got raised by the Jedi Order. As a slave his willing interactions with other people were slim to none and he probably learned how to talk from people who came in and out of Watto’s shop who were probably not the best people. He had friends and he had his mom, but did he ever really hang out in a normal social setting?
No! And the Jedi Order also aren’t known for their people skills as we’ve seen throughout the prequels and the clone wars. And it’s not like Anakin’s heard pick up lines from Yoda or Mace. Also he’s been told multiple times not to show any emotions ever at all by the Jedi Order because it can lead to horrific dark things (which like arguably it does In Anakin’s case) so yeah of COURSE when he starts wigging out about Padmé his stupid boy brain goes EXTRA ——— because he’s got so much to worry about trying to keep himself in check and he can’t because of how impulsive he is.
HOWEVER this dialogue is very cringey and it should’ve been written way better, but I think it’s important to keep in mind Anakin’s dialogue was written to convey these things. It was just poorly executed and the vision for the dialogue was never explored as well as it could be, much like the rest of this film.
And it’s the same thing with the sand people.
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This scene was supposed to execute things that I mentioned above it was just so so poorly done. They are trying to foreshadow Anakin’s fall to the dark side, while also demonstrating the flaws of the Jedi’s no attachment rules. I personally think it was meant to show the dangers of constantly being told not to feel (a big problem with men in real life society) and also how unstable Anakin was when his emotions get the better of him. It was just the most extreme scenario the writers could think of it and it went too far.
All in all, I think Attack of the Clones did TRY to illustrate Anakin as an individual but it was horrifically executed. And I think making fun of those scenes are valid because they are so poorly written. But I feel like no one ever goes into why Anakin is the way he is in AOT. They just look at the memes and stop there and never try to figure out why Anakin says and does the things he does?
It’s also the issue I kind of have with TCW Anakin. I think TCW Anakin was written much better, but he kind of lost that awkward boyish way about him too quickly. Like yeah, if he was building up to it more that would’ve been fine, and I don’t really have any issues with Anakin’s arcs (except for the Cl*vis and Slaves of the Republic arcs) but I just feel like a week after Geonosis Mr. “I don’t like sand” was suddenly the cool sauve action hero. But again, I love TCW so 🤷‍♀️😂
I’m just sayin I think people should just at least talk about what the writers were trying to achieve if they’re going to make SERIOUS posts about shitting on AOT Anakin’s writing. Like no one I feel like does an analysis of what they were TRYING (and failing) to do.
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foxydivaxx · 5 years
Septette for the Dead Prince Chapter 8: Turn Back The Pendulum
This will shed some light on Aogiri’s past. Trigger warning: rape mention
“T-There is something that has been disturbing me for the past couple years and I feel it is time to get it off my chest. The boys are also part of this as well.”
The Titans stare at the rest of Aogiri who all nod and get up. “I guess there is no other way around this,” says Kaneki.
“Yeah but is it really advisable that you do what it is I think you are about to do?” asks Lelouch.
Dick has a confused look on his face. “What do you mean?”
“Well....Eren here is going to show you what it is that we are talking about. However, a little heads up. This ain’t for the fainthearted.” Ichigo warns.
“No worries. We are all used to stuff,” says Rachel. The other Titans shoot her confused glances. Eren simply sighs. This is perhaps the hardest decision that he has had to make. Well not just him, the entire group as well as they all went back and forth on it several times and only recently decided to finally tell the Titans. The only question now is how would they take it?
“Right, let’s go,” says Eren. He then closes his eyes and using his powers, teleports them to a now deserted island with ancient Greek and Viking ruins.
“Wait...did you just...” says Garfield. Eren smiles a bit. “Yup. I teleported us here.” It was then that Sick began to realize something. “Just like your AOT character...”
Eren chuckles softly. “Yeah but Attack on Titan only told the world only half of the truth, the truth the others wanted to hear. That is why I brought you all here. To explain the truth to you.”
Rachel then gasps. “So that story is true!! All that stuff happened...” Eren then looks down and nods. “Yes. The monster being portrayed there was me. But like I said, there is more. This place I brought us to is the ruins of the land once called Eldia.”
The Titans gasped. “Oh my....” Lelouch nods. “About 3000 years ago, this land was given to Queen Makaria better known as Carla Jaeger years ago by Lord Hades as a wedding gift after she married Prince Adrian of Athens, Eren’s father who became the first King of Eldia.”
The gang then see what appeared to be past ghosts of several key figures, including Eren’s parents. Eren smiles sadly once he sees the vision of his baby self. Dick and Kory notice this and each takes one of his hands, a gesture that deeply warmed his heart.
“The nine of us were Eren’s bodyguards and best friends and also his cousins for all of us save for 3 were children of the Muses,” says Rin. “Also we were princes from different Kingdoms too.” says Natsu.
“Which says a lot about your talents,” says Rose. The boys grinned as they watched their younger selves run around, singing, dancing and just have fun.
“However, a dark shadow hung over us and that dark shadow was none other than Melinoe, Eren’s aunt and Queen Makaria’s sister.” said Natsu.
“The witch was jealous that her sister was more popular than she was and decided to destroy whatever happiness she had by first having her husband killed and plunging them into war and darkness and hurt Eren the Crown Prince.”
“Wait....but I thought Zeke was the older sibling.” Says Rose. “Nah. Eren is the true firstborn.”
Eren looks down, tears flowing down his eyes as he watches the witch kill his father in front of his young inexperienced self.
“I....I was forced to become King on that day but...I failed...plus....t-that witch did something terrible to me.”
The gang was horrified by what they saw next. Prior to Eldia’s destruction, the evil witch tortured and defiled the poor Prince. Days later, The Kingdom of Eldia is set ablaze as Viking warriors similar to the ones that enslaved Ymir Fritz years later, laid waste to the entire Kingdom and massacred thousands.
Rachel was in tears as she saw this, prompting Garfield to comfort her whilst Jason, Conner and Rose are disgusted by this.
Aogiri’s past selves led by Eren head to battle whilst Armin, Jean, and Connie; the three boys that would eventually walk out of the group stayed in the Palace to protect the Princesses with Zeke.
“The three traitors that walked out of the group were also traitors as they slaughtered Eren’s siblings,” says Rin.
Everyone grimaced when they saw Jean, Connie and Armin stab and kill Eren’s siblings. “Those bastards!!” says Dick.
Back on the battlefield, Melinoe and Makaria engage in one last duel. “I will make you pay for what you did to my husband you witch!!” Makaria yelled as her sword clashes with her sister’s.
Melinoe simply cackles. “It is too late!!” She sends her sister’s sword flying and without hesitation, she stabs her sister straight in the heart, killing her.
“NO!!!” Eren’s ancient self screams and drops to his knees, tears in his eyes.
Dick and Kory both show concern for Eren who simply looks away.
The evil witch then heads off to the Temple of Hades to carry out one more diabolical act. “Now that those fools are out of the way, might as well steal the power of Father dearest from here.”
“Not so fast!!”
She whips around to see Eren and his friends stand in front of her. “Ah!! If it isn’t the cowardly Prince and his friends.”
“He is not a coward!!” Lelouch shouts back at her, his eyes glowing red with anger. Eren simply shoots a death glare at her. “Less talk, more action.” Without hesitation, they proceed to attack.
Natsu shoots a fire blast whilst Naruto sends a pool of water at her but the witch teleports out of the way. Ichigo and Izuku come down, trying to hit her with lightning and wind blasts but she blocks it and throws both boys aside.
Luffy punches the earth beneath him and kicks some rocks at her which again she blocks whilst Rin tries using a light attack but it fails and she sends him flying with a dark magical blast and also kicks Luffy in the gut.
Lelouch and Kaneki charge towards the witch, Lelouch trying to freeze her whilst Kaneki tries to use his telepathy. Unfortunately for them, the woman stops their attacks and uses her telepathy to send them flying back, causing them to hit the others.
“Now where is the Prince?” she asked. Before she could say anything, she gasps and coughs out blood as Eren stabs her. “It’s over witch.” he says.
She smirks evilly. “Or is it?!” Unfortunately for Eren, the one that he stabbed was just a fske clone. The real deal shows up and proceeds to use all of her magical powers to not only kill the boys but also to destroy what was left of Eldia, sacrificing even her soldiers.
“What a monster.” says Kory.
“Are you satisfied?” Melinoe turns around to see her mother Persephone. She then panics. “I...I THOUGHT I KILLED YOU!!”
“You didn’t. You did however destroyed the rest of Olympus including your own father because of your greed.”
“What?! How is it possible for anyone to destroy Hades?!” said Rachel. “Only the witch would know.”
“You gave away my birthright to that bratty sister of mine!!” she argued. “And for your sins, I hereby cast you to the dark pits of Tartarus!!” Melinoe screams as she is teleported to Tartarus.
“That child went overboard. Even Ares at his worst won’t go this far.” Persephone turns around to see Hecate. “Nice to see you Lady Hecate.” she says with a bow.
The Goddess sighed. “We have one heck of a mess to clean up.” She then turns to Eren’s corpse.
“If she hadn’t attacked, that boy would have grown to be great. Not because of any prophecy but rather because he was born into this world.”
“There would still be war and conflict and corruption in this world.” says Persephone. “A reflection or the politics of the gods. It is just how life itself is. Something so complex even we the gods do not often understand it.” Says Hecate.
“And in the midst of such darkness, there shall be light.” Persephone adds. The elder goddess nods. “I believe that we should allow the children to decide their destiny once we begin anew.” And with that, everyone gets reincarnated once again.
Meanwhile in Tartarus, the evil Melinoe struggles to break free from her chains. Angered that the gods somehow managed to ruin her plans, she utters a very terrifying curse. 
“Mark my words Makaria!! You and your people shall never know peace!! The Eldians shall be destroyed by one of your children!!! And another shall be so hated that the world shall mark him as a demon regardless of his good deeds!!”
“Holy shit!” says Jason. Rachel gasped. “Now I really want to punch the shit out of that bitch when I see her!!” says Conner.
“All nine of us were separated through time and space and thrown into different worlds until that great Eldian War where Eren sacrificed himself by playing a demonic character which went against his morales. Something I can relate to because I did a similar thing too.” says Lelouch.
“Let’s be honest. All nine of us were forced to play demons for the sake of saving humanity because the worlds we were raised in brought out our inner darkness.” says Ichigo. “I am shocked that the gods did not punish us.” says Rin. “They kind of did by making Eren go on a 12 Labours journey as atonement once he got reincarnated in this current world and us being the loyal boys that we are, we went along for the ride.” says Izuku.
Eren simply hugs Dick and breaks down in tears. Dick pulls him closer and hugs him tight with Kory joining in for support. “It’s ok Eren. You will regain your happiness again.” 
“Is it me or are the cowards a bunch of cowards?” says Conner. “Yeah why do all the demigods have to suffer for them?” says Rose. “Melinoe somehow scared the shit out of them but she isn’t supposed to....”
“Unless some other god or powerful being on that same level is aiding her behind the scenes but who?” says Natsu. “There is only guy that I could think of and he is someone we collectively hate.” says Eren.
The mysterious man he speaks of is ironically locked in a secret meeting with Melinoe in a secret lab. “So those children have recovered their memories huh?” says the man. Melinoe simply sighs. “Unfortunately.” He nods. “I see. Still they better be prepared for they will not know what is about to hit them for I have a secret weapon .” he says, pointing at a tube that had the body of a certain young Amazon.
Notice the powers that they all have. Which Kpop group does this remind you all of?
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