#for somebody I barley know…
prinxesspxppy · 2 years
I want them to like me..
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lazycats-stuff · 9 months
Hi, this is my first time asking here I really love your work and also the whole reason me going into the DC fandom really... Anyway, back to my request can you do like a fluffy interaction with the batfamily when child (male or gn) reader told them that they had a "boyfriend" at school.
Not entirely sure if this is really you're cup of tea and if not you can ignore it.
Oh this is my cup of tea, don't worry. And I got you into DC fandom? I hope you like the fandom so far.
Summary: (Y/N) is slowly growing up. Bruce and the others can't handle it.
Warnings: fluff, Bruce and everyone is emotional, just pure fluff everyone, Titus makes an appearance
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The family has been going through a rather tough time recently. (Y/N) has started going to kindergarten and they couldn't see him for almost the entire day. Bruce knew it was important that (Y/N) starts socializing with children his age.
Bruce knew that is was important for (Y/N) to do it and he needs to get over all the child sicknesses. Such as chicken pox and some others. It would build his immunity system and make him stronger. And it was difficult the first day.
Everyone was emotional that first day. All of them barley kept it together as they walked (Y/N) to the kindergarten, more so to the place where he would be spending time until he needs to go to elementary school.
(Y/N) was nervous at first, but Bruce assured him how they would be back to get him back. The brothers all said goodbye and nearly broke down when (Y/N) left and everyone, including Alfred broke down in the car.
" He is growing up so quickly. " Jason said as he was wiping his eyes, trying not to cry fully.
" I know. " Dick said, not even keeping his cool anymore. Bruce and Damian didn't cry, but they were definitely sad about the fact that they couldn't see their brother anyone. Tim was just quiet as he sniffed quietly and Alfred simply looked ahead, outright refusing to cry.
Everyone went on with their days and once they were done with work or school, they would pick up (Y/N). (Y/N) was happy to his family once more and he just wanted a hug from his dad.
And he wanted to be carried by his dad. It was their tradition after all. Soon, Bruce had to update the list of people who could pick him up and included everyone in the family, besides Damian. The kindergarten policy made it clear that you needed to present ID every time you want to pick him up.
Bruce had to admit, he was impressed with the sheer security of the kindergarten and the way that they made sure that nobody unauthorized or somebody who had more sinister motives could get in. Thankfully.
(Y/N) has been going for a few months and he liked it very much. He has made a few friends and Bruce couldn't be happier. (Y/N)'s brother's were happy too. (Y/N) was happy, liked going there and had fun.
What more could they ask for? Nothing more.
As long as their brother is happy, so are they.
It was all going to be fine.
Well, that fine turned into pure confusion when (Y/N) was home. It was a Saturday. (Y/N) and the family was having a family night and (Y/N) was watching a movie in his father's lap, enjoying the contact from his father. Bruce covered his son in a blanket, making sure it was warm. It has started snowing a few hours ago and it was perfect.
More importantly, it was peaceful.
Until (Y/N) started to speak.
It was all fine.
" I forgot to tell you something! " (Y/N) declared as he sat up upright. Bruce glanced at (Y/N) and hummed at him, showing him that he had his attention.
" I have a boyfriend! "
Those four words made Bruce's head spin and he swears he hears that he has heard something crash in the kitchen. Jason spat out his water, coughing the rest of it out. Dick wept and Damian froze. Tim blinked a few times.
What the hell?!
" I'm sorry, what do you mean by that? " Bruce asked as he got some of his composure back. (Y/N) smiled widely and Bruce had to make sure he didn't fall down.
" I have a boyfriend! We hold hands and do everything together! " (Y/N) said loudly and Dick wept louder. Jason took a deep breath and Damian blinked a few times. Tim just drank his coffee. Nope. He is too pumped with caffeine to even think about it.
" What's wrong with Dick? " (Y/N) asked, looking at his brother who was weeping. Jason gave Dick a hug and Dick was mumbling the words so quickly and grow up. In not really particular order actually.
" Nothing (Y/N), you know how he gets emotional. " Bruce explained and (Y/N) let out a little huh. Bruce wanted to cry really, but he couldn't. His son was growing up too soon, but growing up is normal.
It's going to happen eventually.
Sooner rather than later.
" Come here. " Dick said as he wiped his eyes. He stood up and took (Y/N) into his arms, hugging him. His brother can't grow up. No. It's completely wrong and not- No.
(Y/N) can't grow up. No.
(Y/N) was confused as to why Dick would cry. Why? Is he sad? Why would be sad?
" Why are you said Dick? " (Y/N) asked and Dick finally found it in himself to chuckle. He gave (Y/N) a kiss on the cheek.
" I'm not sad baby bird. "
" Then why are you crying? When you are sad, you cry. " (Y/N) stated and Dick shook his head fondly.
" Sometimes, when you are so happy, you are so overwhelmed with happiness that you just start crying. " Dick explained and (Y/N) let out a little oh, leaning his head on Dick's shoulder.
Dick sighed as he sat down on the couch and Alfred finally made his way into the the living room.
" Master Bruce, did I hear correctly? Master (Y/N) has a boyfriend? " Alfred asked, clearly not wanting to believe it. His youngest grandson has a boyfriend?
" Yes, (Y/N) has a boyfriend. " Bruce confirmed and Alfred sighed quietly, pinching the bridge of his nose. His grandson will send him to his grave. Early grave, mind you.
Jason sighed as he wanted Dick to hand (Y/N) over to him. His brother can't have a boyfriend now. He is a baby in his eyes and he can't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend for that matter until he is about 30.
That is a reasonable age to have a boyfriend. Right?
" Should I open up the scotch? " Alfred asked and Bruce smiled at the suggestion.
" Later Alfred. "
" As you wish master Bruce. "
" Dad? " (Y/N) asked from Jason's arms and Bruce felt something warm in his heart.
" Yes? "
" Can we go out to play in the snow? Pretty please. " (Y/N) asked and Bruce nodded in agreement.
" Of course we can. But you need to make sure that you are warm. You can't get a cold can you? " Bruce said as he picked (Y/N) up from Jason and (Y/N) let out a little hurray.
" He is too pure for this world. " Damian said once (Y/N) and Bruce left the room to bundle up. and there was something that everyone could agree on. Even Jason and Damian could agree on that phrase.
Titus wagged his tail as he whined for Damian to open the door to the garden. Damian did so and Titus started playing in the snow. It was weird to see such a black mass in the white snow.
Titus almost looked like a demon and then that image was gone when (Y/N) ran over to Titus. Titus was very happy, tail wagging like mad, but still remained calm and gentle with his little brother. Bruce watched as (Y/N) ran around, making angels and throwing snowballs at Bruce.
Titus would also run for snowballs that the two would make, considering that they couldn't find his tennis balls to throw. He was confused at the way the would disappear, but still came back for more.
" Maybe we have overreacted. " Dick said and everyone agreed in a certain way. (Y/N) is a child and he probably doesn't know the meaning of the word. But they know that sooner or later they will have an actual boyfriend on their hands.
Hopefully that will never happen. Hopefully.
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vainvenus · 6 months
you could do a second part of the ff "eli x reader" (cobra Kai) in which Eli is targeted by Kyler (in the library as in the series) and the reader does something about it (like protect him and kiss him in front of everyone because Kyler has said “I don't know how -reader- I manage to kiss you). the first part was so cute🥹 sorry for my english it's not my language🫶🏻😭
⌲;꒰ Favorite Boy in the Valley. ꒱ ꒰ Pt.2 ꒱
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Pairing :: Eli Moskowitz x Fem!Reader
Synopsis :: Kyler comes back to continue ridiculing Eli but luckily you're there
Includings :: Includings - S1!Eli no Hawk, established relationship, bullying, harassment, crying, cursing, threats, lots of PDA and just lots of fluff, short but sweet
An :: I'm so glad you liked the other one! I hope you like this one too ^^
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Since your talk with Eli things had been back to normal and just the way you had loved it.
Your movie nights continued, he started walking you to and from classes again and he didn't mind PDA as much. He held your hands in the hallway and accepted any kisses you gave to him despite the looks the two of you would sometimes get.
He started to care a little less what others were thinking of him after your talk. He realized that as long as he had you, it didn't really matter because that others thought.
Which was why he was open to picking back up your after school study dates in the library, offering to help you study and work on some of your late work in the library after school even though you kept getting distracted.
You had barley made a dent in getting your work done when you had got up, saying that you needed a snack break.
"You want anything, hun?" You asked as you grabbed a few dollars from your purse and he had thought for a second as he wrote down the correct answer instead of yours.
"Skittles, and after this can you please focus? I want you to pass this class so can-"
You had placed a small kiss on his cheek, pulling away and smiling at his face which was starting to grow a faint shade of pink.
"The sour ones?" You asked, referring to his choice of candy and he had nodded quietly, looking back down at the paper.
You hummed, leaving the library and Eli had smiled down at the paper as he continued to correct you mistakes. He knew you were at least trying, math wasn't everybody's strong suite.
"I thought freaks left the school strictly at three."
His body tensed up at the familiar voice, his grip tightening around the mechanical pencil in his palm.
He kept his eyes on the page, hoping that if he ignored the boy for long enough he would grow bored and go torture somebody else.
"Yo, we're talking to you, freak." One of Kyler's friends hissed, slamming one of the textbooks shut, the slam echoing throughout the library which earned him a harsh glare from a couple of the students.
Of course, none of them cared care. Kyler walked over and grabbed Eli by his face and forced him to look up at him.
"Jesus Christ. I still don't get it." He shook his head as he stared the other boy down with a harsh glare. "Just how does she manage to kiss you without puking."
There it was again.
He felt tears pricking his eyes, his vision growing glossy as he tried to blink them away and he heard Kyler snickering in front of him.
"Are you crying? Stop being such a little bitch." Kyler let go of Eli's face, making sure to push his head back a bit as he did so with a smug smile.
"She's dating a freak and a crybaby? How low are her standards?" His friends snickered as Kyler titled his head with a narrowed gaze. He opened his mouth to speak again but a voice spoke up.
"Why are you guys talking to my boyfriend?"
They had turned their heads to you as you were holding a few snacks and a bottle of water. You placed them on the table beside your stuff as you looked at the three.
"Hello? I asked a question, so don't stand there and look stupid." You repeated, looking directly at Kyler who crossed his arms over his chest.
"We were just talking-"
"About what exactly?" You interrupted with furrowed brows, barely giving any of them a chance to muster up a response as you looked over to Eli.
"What'd they say?" You asked, trying to make your voice a bit softer since your were talking to Eli but your frustration was obvious through your tone.
He muttered something you didn't quite catch so you leaned a bit closer. "A bit louder for me, please."
He glanced away, wiping the corners of his eyes with his sleeve. "Just the same stuff as last time..look, it's not really a problem. Can we just lea-"
You had cut him off as you leaned forward to place a kiss on his lips, your lipgloss leaving a glossy residue.
And for good measure you had placed another one right on his scar with a small smile.
"We're not going anywhere. They can leave." You stated, turning your attention back to the three with raised eyebrows as you noticed they were still standing there.
"Can you guys hear? Get lost already, Jesus Christ. It's like you have nothing better to do." You rolled your eyes, waving the group goodbye.
It seemed that Kyler's two friends got the hint as they muttered something under their breaths and walked away.
"I just don't think I'll ever get it." Kyler scoffed, shaking his head as he stared at the two of you in disgust.
You shrugged your shoulders. "It's not for you to get, obviously. Why don't you worry about your own relationship that's falling apart?"
He scowled at you, narrowing his gaze into a glare before muttering; "Freaks." under his breath and turning on his heel but you heard it.
You stood back up from your seat much to the dismay of Eli who was urging you to sit back down so the two of you could finish studying.
"Say that again?"
"I said-"
Eli wasn't fast enough as you swung your fist at Kyler, hitting him straight in the nose. His hands flew up to cover it as he squeezed his eyes shut, tears pricking in the corner.
"You bitch! You probably broke my fucking nose!"
"Good." You scoffed, shaking your fist and squeezing it a bit and Eli had started to pack up your things before the librarian could ask what was going on.
As the two of you walked out of the library he noticed you wincing slightly as you touched your knuckles.
"I'll ice it when we get to my house." He reassured you as he grabbed your non dominant hand to hold it so you would stop poking at the other.
You smiled, placing a kiss on the back of his hand. "Aw, you're the best."
"Well, you did punch Kyler for me. I think you're the best." He hummed, copying your movements and placing a kiss on the back of your palm.
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xostarr · 1 month
Just For Me
✧ FEATURING: Baji x fem! reader
✧ WARNINGS: smut, degradation, cheating, breading
✧ PROMPT: no prompt
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“You're wet.”
“No I'm not, Keisuke.”
“Then what's this?”
You were wet - so fucking wet. Your folds glistened as Baji ran a hand through them, your fluids dripping down the insides of your thighs and down onto his wrist… but if Baji asked you weren’t wet. The fluids coming from your body were simply a misunderstanding. They were not because of him and they were not for him. Your body belonged to someone else. You weren’t for Baji… no matter how much you wanted to be.
“Do you get this wet for him or is this just for me?”
You're shaking your head as he speaks, silently begging him to stop as he swipes two fingers over your entrance, but you both know you don’t really want him to stop. If you did you’d do a hell of a lot more than shake your head. In fact, if you really didn’t want him to do this, you wouldn't have invited him over for dinner in the first place. After all, you both knew damn well it wasn’t just dinner you wanted when you called him out of the blue, practically begging him to come to your home.
“Stop shaking your head. You know it's true. You want my fingers inside ya’ so bad. You’re needy like that, aren’t ya, slut?”
“No, Keisuke! I don-”
You wanted to argue, to tell Baji that you weren’t needy and that you didn’t want him, that you belonged to your husband and you would wait however long you needed to for him to come home… but you couldn’t. Baji’s fingers were inside of you before you could even manage to get one sentence out and suddenly your tune was changing.
“Ahh, not so talkative now, huh? What? You still want me to stop? You still want me to go home?”
You wanted to say ‘yes’, to send him on his way before the guilt and regret of your actions could set in, but the way his fingers were shifting inside of you, stretching your hole in a way you had been craving for the weeks your husband had been gone, had you doing just the opposite.
“N-No, Kei. Stay. P-Please stay.”
“Only if you answer my question.”
You were dripping, legs shivering and shaking as the tip of his middle finger hit and rubbed that spot deep inside of you that you could never seem to reach on your own. Your mind was going blank, your body going numb. The last thing on your mind were Baji’s stupid questions and queries. His teasing was of no concern to you… at least, it wasn’t - not until you were suddenly empty.
“God, such a needy bitch, aren’t you? Don’t whimper like that. Just answer the question.”
Baji was quick to lift you from your seat, throwing your plate onto the floor, out of the way as he shoved your chest down onto the table, leaving your ass up in the air for Baji to fondle with one hand as he unzipped his pants with the other.
“You aren’t getting this until you answer, and I know just how bad you want it.” Baji said, releasing his cock from the confines of his pants and laying it on the curve of your ass, smacking it against your skin, showing you just how hard he had gotten for you as he asked once again, “So, do you get this fucking wet for him or just for me, baby?”
Baji didn’t have to ask for a third time. This time you answered and you answered honestly, because the moment Baji’s hard cock lined up at your entrance between your wet folds, the moment you felt the weight of his tip pushing against you, stretching your entrance to adapt to his girth you stopped caring what your husband would think, you stopped thinking about what he would say if he saw you now… you stopped thinking at all. All that was on your mind was just how truly right Baji was. You were needy and lonely and wet and you did want somebody to fuck you… not just somebody. You wanted Baji to fuck you.
“Just for you, Baji. Only for you. Please.”
“Please what, pretty? What do you want from me?”
You barley got the words ‘fuck me’ out of your lips before the entirty of Baji’s length was deep inside of you, shifting and stiring up your insides as it carved out a path to your cervix. You felt full - fuller than you ever had. Baji could tell by the way your hands grasped tightly at the table cloth. He could tell by just how still you were standing, like you were afraid it would hurt to move.
“Damn, does he ever even fuck you? You’re- Damn, you’re the tightest I’ve ever had.”
And he means it when he says it. Good god, Baji can barely move his cock. Pulling an inch out and pushing it back in is a challenge, but one he is more than willing to accept, because you feel so damn good, and warm, and wet. Baji can audibly hear the sounds your body is making as he makes his way in and out of you, loosening you up bit by bit, inch by inch.
“That's it. That's better, baby. Loosen up for me. Let me make you cum.”
You should have been sad, full of regret and shame. You should have hated yourself. You should have been begging Baji to leave. You should have been calling your husband and begging for his forgiveness. Instead all you could do was beg for Baji’s cock, eye watering and tears dripping down onto the dinner you had cooked for another man.
“K-Keep going… Please! I-I’m gonna cum!”
God, you couldn’t help it. Baji was so much longer than your husband, hitting all the spots deep inside of you that you didn’t even know needed to be touched. He pounded into you harder and faster than your husband ever had or ever could, too, causing you to moan and whine loud enough for all the neighbors to hear - neighbors that knew your husband wasn’t home, who knew it couldn’t be the man you had married making you feel so good, but you didn’t care. Baji was all you cared about right now.
“I’m close. You gonna let me cum inside ya’? Gonna let me knock you up before your damn fucking husband ever could?”
You should have said ‘no’. You should have shoved him off of you, but instead you pulled him closer, rotating your body to face Baji and letting your lips hit his as his orgasm hit him like a truck. And you didn’t regret it - not when you begged him to cum inside of you in between sloppy kisses, not when you felt his load erupt inside of you, not when you tightened around him, milking him for every drop of cum he had - not even when he pulled out and you watched as his cum dripped from your hole onto the cold hard-wood floor.
“God damn… I hope your husband goes out of town more often, don’t you?”
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2024 © all works belong to xostarr. do not repost my work anywhere else.
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KinktoberDay 2:Bo X Innocent!reader
Bulge, corruption kink, spanking
!18 Plus minors don’t interact!
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Preview: trying to set up a nice little date Bo can’t help but to fuck you in the gas station basement.
Also I wrote this pretty quickly so sorry for any errors or that sort of stuff lol
Warnings: Okay guys this is a nasty one, spanking, dirty talk, slightly ditzy reader, innocent reader if you find that uncomfortable click away, tit job, cum play, f!oral, m!oral???, reader is on the curvier side
It started off innocent enough just you running around the house in a nice pink sundress finishing up the chores so you could surprise Bo with a little picnic to relax him. Placing the last plate in the cupboard you started packing up the things for your picnic before making your way to the gas station excited to surprise your boyfriend, who you knew had been working his tale off all morning.
Finally reaching the station, Bo heard the bell from the door ding alerting him to somebody’s presence. With a sigh he wondered who could have stumbled into town as he rolled out from beneath his truck.
“Sorry but we’re closed.” He started getting up from the roller wiping his hands with a rag he had set close to his side.
“Come back in…” he continued until he abruptly stopped at the sight before him
You, looking so cute with that soft smile beaming up at him, looking all innocent, but he knew that was a fucking lie. Looking over your body he could tell the way your breasts busted up over the dress showing your cleavage for anybody to see, your thighs spilling out over the thigh high socks, and don’t get him started over how the dress barley hit your mid thigh.
He felt his pants tightening at the mere sight of you.
“Sorry to interrupt baby, just thought we could go for a picnic.” You said so innocently showing him the basket
He looked at the basket then to you, your eyes showing no Intent that this was some sort of ruse just so he could fuck you raw, no he knew better than that. Your pretty little head wouldn’t think of those ungodly things, too innocent to even imagine what you’re doing to his cock right now.
With a smirk Bo walked up to you grabbing the basket and placing it onto the hood of his truck.
“You know what baby doll, that sounds great but how about you help me with a little chore before that, hm?”
You tilted your head in confusion, Bo cursed himself for the way his cock twitched at the sight.
“But, I did all the chores Bo.”
“I know darlin’ but it’ll be real quick then we can have that nice picnic you planned alright?” He said wrapping his arm around your shoulder
You perked up “Alright, if it’ll be real quick I guess I can help.”
Bo chuckled to himself noting the devilish intent he had “Good girl.”
Making your way to the basement you looked around at the messy area, wondering if it needed to be cleaned a little before leaving.
“Do you need me to clean the room before we go?” You asked not looking at Bo who stood behind you
Clicking the lock on the door Bo made his way behind you, pressing you against him, the bulge from his pants pressing against you making him moan.
“No darlin’ I’m gonna have you clean somethin’ else.”
Turning you around he pushed you to your knees, a gasp escaping your lips at the sudden maneuver not understanding what he wanted until you saw the bulge of his cock right in front of you. Bo gripped his cock above the fabric, slowly pumping the hard member over his jeans.
“Come on babygirl I know you can help me with this, right?”
You nodded scooting closer, his hand leaving his cock, looking up at him your tongue rolled out of your mouth licking against the fabric going up and down over his bulge. Bo groaned at the sight feeling his pre cum leak from the tip.
“Come on, take it out.”
Pulling away you unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, pulling them down until you saw his hard on in his boxers, A blush lit up your cheeks at the sight of it right in front of you.
“Come on baby, you sucked my cock before I know you can do it again. No need to be so flustered.” He caressed your cheeks to reassure you
Biting your lip you looked back down at his cock, it took everything in Bo not to just say fuck it and have his way with you, not caring about how much you cry and moan for him to slow down. Gently you took his boxers pulling them down till his cock sprung free, tentatively you placed your gentle hands around his cock starting to slowly pump up and down one hand at the base the other near the tip.
A sigh left Bo’s lips loving the feel of his cock being pumped, the sound of his precum slicking with each pump. He couldn’t hold back the low moan that escaped his chest once he felt your tongue give his tip a lick, keeping an eye on you he watched as you looked up at him whilst giving the tip of his cock tiny kitten licks.
“Fuuuuck, you’re going to ruin me baby girl.”
Looking down lower he noticed your voluptuous breasts popping from your dress and smirked catching an idea.
Pulling your hands away, you looked at him confused
“What did I do wrong?” You asked pulling from his tip
He shook his head “Nothing baby, I have another idea. Sit back.”
Doing as your told you leaned back on your haunches, waiting for your next order.
“Bunch up your dress.”
Eyes wide you shook your head “No, Bo that’s too indecent.”
Grabbing your chin he directed your face back to him “It’s only you and me here sweets, you can trust me right?”
Pouting you shook your head yes, starting to pull the dress up.
“Good girl.” He complimented pumping his cock as he watched
Pulling the dress up you stopped above your hips, but Bo nodded
“higher” he ordered
You obeyed pulling it higher until he told you to stop just below your breasts. Turning to the side Bo grabbed a fold out chair placing it right in front of you, sitting himself down on it.
“Come here.”
Scooting closer to him Bo took his cock shoving it under the bunched up dress, before pushing it up between your breasts he let a wad of spit drip onto your cleavage watching as the liquid ran over your breasts into the space between them. Pressing further up Bo groaned feeling your tits press against his aching cock until the tip popped out the top.
“Push them together, open your mouth.”
Moving your hands you squeezed your breasts together the heat in your cheeks rising as you opened your mouth.
“Good girl.”
Pulling his cock down Bo moved it in and out of your breast the wad of spit and pre cum slicking you up nicely. Every time he pushed back up the tip slipped into your mouth, earning him that cute expression he loved so much, Wide eyes with that tint of pink at your cheeks, he wasn’t going to last long with you looking like that.
He groaned watching as he slipped inside your mouth coming out with a pop every time,
“Fuck baby doll, like that, please, fuck! Lick my cock like a good girl.”
Understanding what he wanted you started circling his twitching tip with each thrust he gave.
“Just like that, Christ, I’m not gonna last long with your tits pressing against me like that and your fucking tongue.” He groaned giving a particular thrust
Smirking down at you he started going faster “I’m gonna paint that pretty little face of yours and those big tits with my cum.” He growled hearing the slap of his balls against his fist at the base of his cock.
“Please…Bo.” You murmured out in between each thrust
Bo groaned hearing you beg, throwing his head back he let out a guttural groan slamming his cock up all the way twitching as cum spurted all over your face and breasts.
Heaving a few breathes Bo finally pulled out from your breasts, watching as you looked down at the seed all over your chest feeling it run down your cheeks. Using two fingers you watched as you scooped two finger fulls of the cum off your face before giving it a lick. You couldn’t help but feel your pussy pulse at the taste of his cum, delving your fingers into your mouth sucking his seed off your fingers.
“Holy shit.” Bo moaned breathlessly feeling his cock starting to get hard again.
Looking up at him you removed your fingers
“Sorry Bo, you just taste really good.” You apologized
He just looked down at you, pupils blown wide with lust.
“Get on the bed.” He ordered
Getting up quickly you crawled onto the bed, showing off your ass in the tiny dress, A swift slap made you yelp as the spot reddened in pain.
“Bo..” you scolded glaring at him behind you
Another slap reverberated across your skin making your ass jiggle.
“Hurry up baby, your ass is looking really delicious right now.” He growled letting out a soft chuckle
Pouting you turned around laying on your back, glaring at him with your arms crossed.
“Oh come on y/n, all mad cause I slapped your sexy ass?” He commented crawling onto the bed
You let out a humph sound, turning your head away, Bo smirked at the response.
“Looks like I gotta make it up to you then.”
Crawling lower Bo flipped your dress up revealing your cute underwear, pink with a frilled outline, licking his lips he pressed his tongue against the wet spot at the front of your panties. A gasp left your lips eyes darting down to see Bo between your legs his nose brushing against you, sniffing your essence, groaning from the delicious scent.
“Fuck baby, I thought you were too innocent for stuff like this.” He pulled your panties to the side looking up at you with his devilish eyes as he pushed a finger into your dripping core “but it looks to me like you’re just a little whore.”
You shook your head trying to cover your face in embarrassment “I’m not a whore!” You complained
“Oh yeah? Then you won’t mind me having a quick taste, hm?”
At that he pressed his tongue against your pulsing clit flicking it up and down as his finger pumped inside of you. Your breathing became labored hand darting to Bo’s hair out of instinct the other gripping his sheets. Bo smiled looking up at you between your legs, pumping a little faster into your cunt.
Pulling away from your clit he watched his finger pumping in and out, licking his lips tasting your sweet nectar on them, he looked back at you.
“Think you can take another finger darlin’?”
You refused to look at him making him chuckle, eyes going to your breasts again.
“Pull out your tits and play with them while I finger fuck your tight pussy.”
Your cheeks had to be ten shades of red at this point but none the less you did as told pulling out your breasts from the top of your dress. Bo groaned at the look of your pert nipples, noticing how horny you were.
Looking back down at your pussy he slowly started to push another finger in “mmm I’m going to break you princess” he growled curling both fingers up inside you.
Moving your hand from Bo’s hair both of them got placed upon your breasts fingers tweaking the nipples as Bo sucked at your clit again.
“Bo..” you moaned out feeling your legs shake from pleasure
He felt you gushing around his fingers your liquid running down his palm, his tongue danced around your clit forcing your head to press against the pillow as your hips moved up into his mouth. You felt the vibrations of his laugh as he allowed you to move against him, feeling how your pussy clenched around his fingers that now pistoned inside of you.
“Bo! Please! I’m gunna…”
before you could finish your hips thrusted up into him, thick thighs shaking as you closed around him suffocating him with your thighs.
Chest heaving you undid yourself from around his head laying numb against the sheets, your thighs trembling with the quake of your last orgasm. Pulling his fingers from you Bo crawled up your body, finally catching his eyes you finally realized what happened.
“Oh god! I’m so sorry Bo! I wasn’t thinking I…”
Suddenly his lips crashed into yours his tongue pushing its way into your mouth, closing your eyes you kissed back.
Distracting you his hand gripped his now weeping cock, angling it right up against your hole. A sharp gasp left your lips at the feeling of him shoving his cock inside you, pulling from your lips Bo pressed his forehead against yours.
“Sorry baby, I couldn’t resist fucking you.” He pulled back sitting on his knees and grabbing your hips “couldn’t resist trying to break you.”
Pulling out he slammed his hips back into yours, a moan quivered from your lips as the thought came to you.
This wasn’t going to be quick. He was going to fuck you all night. But for some reason you didn’t mind that, besides secretly you wanted him to ruin you in this tiny dress.
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lumibuns-blog · 1 year
A little Gojo angst to fluff
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You knew what happened, everyone knew, you just couldn't believe it. You had gone on that mission with those two, why had things turned out this way?
Geto had done the unimaginable, he had seemed to be declining in these past months, but brushed you off when you asked.
You were just a second year, you didn't think you should pry into the matters of your seniors who knew him much better than you. But you couldn't keep up that act when you saw him.
Gojo was slumped over on a less used stairway with his head in his hands, he looked so drained, it seemed he was barley breathing.
You quietly sat down next to him, gently placing a hand on his back.
He looked up at you, his eyes were red, the skin around them dry and dark.
You couldn't help but pull him into a hug, you had no idea of the strong bond between Gojo and Geto, you just couldn't stand seeing someone you cared about so deeply so incredibly devoid.
"You- you don't need to be-" he stammered
"I know" you whispered "but I want to, I know what it's like to loose someone" you choked up, thinking about you departed friend Haibara "I know it's not the same, but please, don't go through this alone"
"I just don't understand why-why-he would ever" he held back tears, biting his lower lip
"Let's go to my dorm it's just down the stairs" you suggested knowing it was hard for him to open up and that this stairwell echoed.
He nodded and you gently led him by the hand to your dorm where you sat next to him on your small couch. You could tell he was trying hard to stay cool.
"You don't need to be the strongest, not right now, just-just be Gojo right now"
His eyes shown as he looked at you before he broke down. You gently rubbed his back. You knew Geto was struggling but part of you couldn't help but be angry at not only him but the society that drove him to do this.
His voice, suddenly much stronger, sounded "Satouru"
"You can just- please call me Satouru"
"Ok" you smiled "Satouru-"
"I promise you don't need to say anything" he muttered, practically reading your mind "just stay here"
"I'm not going anywhere" you promised
You stayed with him for at least an hour just holding him as he held his head on your shoulder.
Suddenly he spoke "are you strong?"
"Umm well" you chuckled "I can hold myself, I mean I haven't died yet"
"Will you help me"
"With what?"
"Yeah of course, but I don't think someone like me could help someone like you with training" you smiled
"Not me, you" he smirked "I want you to be stronger so you can help me"
"Help you with what?"
"I want to make things better, so what happened to him- to Suguru- doesn't have to happen again"
You smiled, it seemed he had his spunk back, you had always admired his dedication.
"Sure" you beamed "whatever ya need"
Satouru smiled, a seemingly out of place tint of red on his cheeks.
"Good, now come with me, there's somebody I need to pick up" he grabbed your hand and pulled you with him
You had no idea the position you had just gotten yourself into, but if it meant being closer to him, you couldn't really complain.
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misspanicdead · 2 years
When Eddie is little they play this game.
It starts late one night, when Eddie is supposed to be asleep, tucked up in the bed that used to be Wayne's but is now solely Eddie's. There's a freak thunderstorm that wakes him, and he wanders his way into the living room and into Wayne's lap.
It's still early in their relationship, Eddie still trying to feel Wayne out- figure out how much he really cares, how safe Eddie truly is here. So, wrapped up in a blanket, head tucked against Wayne's chest, Eddie asks "would you still love me if i slept here tonight?" Voice barley audible over a crack of unexpected thunder.
It continues from there. Eddie asking random little questions at odd times. A "would you still love me if i turned purple?" at bedtime. A "would you still love me if i ate all the cheerios?" at the grocery store. Even one very memorable "would you still love me if i was a worm?" on a rainy day- he'd stopped midsplash in a puddle to ask Wayne that one, face scrunched up in seriousness.
Every time, without fail, Wayne always answers that yes, he will still love Eddie, even then.
Even as Eddie gets older and the questions get more serious, Wayne's answer never wavers.
When he comes home from work one morning to find Eddie sitting on the couch awkwardly, hands trapped behind his back, trying his level best to look casual, and asks "if i almost got busted tonight and needed you to pick the lock on some handcuffs, would you still love me?" Eddie's smile is impish, shy, but there's real fear sitting in his eyes. Wayne sighs, gets a drink, and works on setting his nephew free.
(It takes nearly an hour and three bobby pins, but Wayne still gives the kid a gruff "yes" before kissing his hair and going off to bed.)
"Would you still love me if i didn't graduate again?" Eddie asks, voice scratchy and eyes red rimmed. There's a bag sitting by his feet, overflowing with Eddie's things, like his boy is expecting Wayne to kick him out for this.
"I'll always love you, kid. And this will always be your home," he says, picking up the bag and dragging it back to Eddie's room where it belongs.
..."Would you still love me if i was gay?" It's barley a whisper, shaky and tear filled. Eddie's sitting on the far end of the couch, like he's afraid he might need some distance here and that simply won't do. Wayne stands- knee cracking painfully- and sits down next to his boy. Wraps an arm around him and pulls him into his side. He still fits like he did when he was seven.
"You listen here, and you listen good," Wayne says, "There is nothing that you could ever do or be that would make me stop loving you. Not a single damn thing."
"What if i, like, murdered somebody?" Eddie jokes wetly. Tears are starting to spill down his cheeks and Wayne knows that he's seconds away from sobbing.
Wayne sighs. "Shit, I'd probably help you hide the body." A laugh bursts out of Eddie and then they're off, laughter quickly turning into tears. Wayne holds him through it, letting a few tears of his own drip into Eddie's unruly hair.
Wayne thinks about this when he's sitting on his porch steps, smoking a cigarette and waiting for the cops to come. A dead girl lying on his living room floor behind him.
Eddie is gentle. Sweet. That just isn't in his nature to do. And Wayne knows that. Will fight tooth and nail to prove that, to find where his boy is.
Because just like he always said, he still loves Eddie.
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heejayy · 1 year
I Don’t Wanna Be Loved
Warning • shower sex, praising, cunnilingus, fingering, riri a lil mean in this but she falls in love in the end
Genre • smut, a smidge of fluff at the end (it’s not an Ary fic if I don’t add fluff)
Pairing • Riri x Black Fem! Reader
WC: 3.0K
Music Rec: Quickie - Miguel
A/n: LISTEN don’t jump me!!! The smut part beat MY ASS that’s why it took so long to write and I still don’t like it 💀🤚🏾.
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You and Riri started this entire "friends with benefits" thing early on in your friendship, and you both felt an instant attraction to each other. It wasn't long after you moved into her apartment as her roommate that she caught a thing for you, and hooking up became the norm. It wasn't until you two started acting too couple like that it started to feel real. She would lavish you with affection and presents, you truly felt like you were her girl, until she would bring other girls around or you saw her chatting to one.
You learned Riri liked to have options but her hopping from girl to girl so quick would make your heart sink to your stomach. You can’t help it but you do this shit to yourself.
She was just talking to some chick on the phone and now she's buried between your thighs eating you out like her last meal. You couldn't bear to let yourself enjoy it because your mind kept racing over who she'd run to after she was done with you. Riri must've noticed something was wrong with you since she looked up at you with a puzzled expression.
“Yo what’s wrong ma? You not feelin’ it?” You blinked rapidly pushing those thoughts far away.
“Oh uh no it feels good.” She rolled her eyes fully sitting up wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, “you’re awfully quiet then” she joked.
You chuckled nervously “I’m sorry I just- nvm.”
“Nah baby tell me what’s up?” There she go making you feel all important “well I was just thinking about us…Riri what are we?” Fuck, as soon as those words left your mouth you regretted it. She sighed looking off, you could tell she was starting to get annoyed.
“Look y/n I told you before we just fuck that’s it, we can’t be catching feelings I-“ she was interrupted by her phone dinging, she checked it and took in a sharp breath.
“Look I gotta go I’ll be back later tonight ight” you rolled your eyes pushing her hands off you “ight” she gave you side look before hopping off your bed. You heard some rummaging next door in her room before she left the apartment slamming the door.
You groaned frustrated wanting to punch something “Fuck!”
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“Ight so you catching feeling for her right?” You nodded sipping on your iced coffee “ok the best way to get over someone is to get under somebody else! Boom problem solved” your friend Angel cheered acting like she solved world hunger.
“Angel you know how I am I barley can order my own food without stuttering, you think I’m gonna find someone to fuck that quickly?” She shrugged rolling her eyes.
“Listen I have a list for you I’ll send you their instas, they’ll be at the party tonight so please please go! Show Riri what she’s missing out on” you sighed sitting back in your chair. On one hand you wanted to make Riri jealous and on the other you just wanted to crawl in bed and be left alone.
“Listen boo just think about it.” She was kinda of right, Riri had a plethora of women she’d fuck around with and you had none.
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After going home from the café, you considered it and realized Angel is correct; it's time for you to have some options as well. You put on a black little dress, matching black shoes, and a throw jacket in case you got cold. Before leaving your room, you examined your reflection one last time. When you felt satisfied you left.
“Aye where you going?” you heard Riri’s voice echo through the hall of your apartment.
“Out to Rj’s house party” she eyed you up and down, she said nothing but her eyes spoke for her.
“You need me to take you?” You shook your head no “nah I’m good” before you turned to walk out the door you noticed how her facial expression changed. She looked pissed but it was quickly covered by one of her famous nonchalant shrugs.
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"CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!" As you made your way into the backyard, the chants from those around you became louder. You were starting to feel overwhelmed and irritated, and you were ready to go home. You were all alone at the crowded ass party and Angel was no where to be found.
“Lost?” A curious voice questioned from behind you, you turned to see Rj leaning against the frame of the glass slide door.
“Nah I’m kinda just ready to go” she furrowed her eyebrows “well damn is it that bad?” Feeling a little bad and embarrassed you shook you head “no I’m sorry if I offended you i- I’m just not the party type.”
She nodded pushing herself off the door frame making her way over to you “well if you’re not a party girl why’d you come?” You stayed silent thinking about an answer.
You sure as hell wasn’t going to tell her you came just to make a girl jealous who wasn’t even your girlfriend “I don’t know just wanted to change things up, but I kinda regret it” she chuckled shaking her head.
“Well if you’re not doing anything you wanna dance?” You turn to look at her with a grin “sure.”
Rj grinned as she took your hand in hers and led you to the living room, pulling your hips back and dancing to the beat. Being touched by someone other than Riri felt almost scandalous. While you weren't as buzzed as she was, you interlaced your hands with hers, slowly slipping them up your body as you leaned your head on her chest. You swayed to the music, pressing your ass against her. You felt
“I’m not gon’ lie you baby you turnin me on right now” you let out a giggle feeling her breath hit your ear. You smoothly turned around and wrapped your hands around her neck.
“So do something bout it then” taking that as a permission she grabbed you and took you upstairs. She swiftly walked down a hallway pulling you behind her completely ignoring the other couples pressed against the wall making out. She brought you to what you assumed was her bedroom and locked the door.
“You can relax and have a seat pretty girl I’m not gon pounce on you” she chuckled plopping on her bed. You giggle nervously taking a seat beside her, as soon as you sat down she grabbed your face smashing your lips together. It was rough and messy, something you weren’t used to. While mid kiss you felt her bite your lip, you groaned in pain pulling back but she didn’t let you go.
“Mmm wait Rj chill” you could barely breathe she was smothering you. Her being so forceful so fast turned you off, you started pushing against her chest but she wouldn’t let up.
“Rj i said stop damn!” she let go of you with an annoyed and confused face.
“What’s yo problem?”
“The problem is you’re being too fuckin’ rough” she rolled her eyes smacking her lips.
“Fuck outta here if you don’t like that shit” you looked at her appalled and scoffed.
“Nigga you ain’t shit” you snatched your phone and hand bag off her bed, before walking to the door you heard her mutter “upity bitch” you weren’t going to say anything but that small comment pushed you over the edge.
“I know damn well you not talking, you ain’t shit and yo party aint shit. If I wanted someone to bite my fucking face off I’d make out with a fucking dog. Fuck you!”
Now beyond irritated you slammed the door and made your way down stairs, you couldn’t give a less shit if you were leaving alone. You only wanted to be with one person right now and that was Riri. You waited outside the party anxiously pacing the front lawn waiting for her to pick up.
“Yo wassup…”
“Kidding I can’t come to the phone right now I’m busy” You slammed the red button after grumbling at her stupid ass voicemail. You sat on the porch and sobbed, not out of sadness, but out of frustration. You simply desired to return home and sleep.
After roughly fifteen minutes, you called an Uber, and the ride home was calm and tranquil, just what you wanted. You arrived in front of your building and got out, exhausted after the events of the night, you just wanted to take a shower and go to bed. You grabbed your keys from your handbag and entered the dark flat, but you were stopped by violent moans.
“FUUUUUCK RI!! Right there!” You rolled your eyes kicking off your heels. You did not have the patience to deal with this shit tonight, you threw your purse in the counter and stomped to Riri’s room. You banged on the with every ounce of energy you had left “please shut the fuck up I’m tired and I don’t wanna hear y’all fuckin.”
Your outburst was met with silence, good. Before you walked off Riri room door swung open revealing a pissed off Ri.
“Yo what the fuck is your problem?”
“I don’t wanna hear this shit tonight please kick her out or be quiet.”
Riri could tell something was wrong with you because of your disheveled appearance, dried mascara on your cheeks, and quivering voice; she sighed and rolled her eyes, turning to the girl who was covering her naked body with a sheet and whispered, "Get out."
“You’re really gonna kick me-“
“I said get the fuck out!” She groaned grabbing her things and strutting out the room. You sighed uttering a ‘thank you’ before walking to your room and closing your door.
With a huff, you plopped on your bed, stretched out with your eyes closed, unable to move one inch. It felt good to just let your body relax, but your time was cut short by a tap on the door.
"Can I come in?" She asked, peering in, and you sighed and nodded. Riri entered your room slowly, as if she hadn't been in here a million times. She laid alongside you, with her hands resting on her belling in stillness.
“What wrong mama?” You didn’t answer, “Don’t give me that silent treatment shit” again you didn’t answer.
“Y/n/n don’t piss me off-“ you groaned long and loud cutting her off “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“The party was trash?” You scoffed “beyond.” She chuckled “tell me bout it princess,” you sat up and sighed for the ump-tenth time tonight.
"Well, I arrived at the party with Angel, but she left in less than five minutes, probably to get her back blown out somewhere," she laughed at your comment, "but anyhow, I wandered around drinking here and there for about an hour and a half, and when I was about to leave, Rj found me. We talked for a while before starting to dance, and then-" there was a brief moment of silence, you took a second to contemplate telling her you made out with Rj.
“Then what?” She asked noticing your hesitation.
“Well um me and Rj left the party and went to her room I was bit tipsy earlier so we started to make out” hearing that made Riri’s body stiffen.
“I couldn’t dare go further she was too rough and it was like kissing a wet dog with its tongue out ” she laughed a little too hard at your description “you’re such a dumb ass but I thought you liked it rough?” She said tilting her head.
“Well yeah but I only like it when you’re rough, she didn’t have a clue what she was doing.” She let out another chuckle, “awe my sweet clueless angel, everyone can’t please you like I do.”
You two were now resting in your elbows facing each other, face inches apart from each other. Your eyes flickered down to her soft plumps one and back up to her eyes. They held a dark lustrous look as she leaned in, your lips brushed against each other before you pulled back.
“What? What’s wrong?” You bit the inside of your cheek “you just had your little toy over and you think you’re about to kiss me with that mouth? No thank you” she smacked her lips moving back.
“So what do you suggest i do?”
You plastered a grin on your face “go shower nasty.”
“Well you need a shower too I’m not the only who’s been fuckin people tonight-“
“Correction! We didn’t fuck we made out” she shrug hopping off the bed “same thing.” Figuring she wasn’t wrong you got off the bed trailing behind her. It wouldn’t be too bad to wash the stench of spit and vodka off you.
In the bathroom, you both undressed, but not without her eyeing you down. Feeling a little shy, you hurriedly undressed and stepped in the shower. You put the water on as hot as it could go and stood under the steaming water, letting it trickle down your back. Just as you were beginning to relax, you felt two hands grab your waist and lips, kissing you on the back. You whimpered as you felt her fingertips run between your thighs. Her fingers glided between your folds, teasing your clit, and you heard a faint chuckle.
“Ri I said sh-shower first” She ignored you continuing to play between your legs.
"You this wet for me?" You didn't respond to her because your thoughts were jumbled and you couldn't focus on the sensation of her stroking circles into your clit "I asked you a question, answer me," you immediately nodded.
"Good girl," she said as she drew her hands away from you and pushed you up against the tile wall. Her gaze locked on yours as she began to kiss down your neck, sucking your skin between her teeth and leaving small bite marks, which took you by surprise normally she refuses to leave in marks on you. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, enjoying the sensation "mmm ri."
Her hands returned between your legs, and she glided between your folds, softly entering you. Her fingers curled up against that area you need her the most.
"Fuuuck riri" While her fingers occupied your cunt, she took one of your breasts in her mouth and sucked on your nipple as her teeth lightly grazed it. The longer her fingers worked on you, the more intense your orgasm.
"Look at you, all fucked out just from my fingers, is this all it takes?"
“Ri you make me feel so good” you whined leaning your head against the wall.
“You look so pretty like this” you were close. Hands gripping the walls along with Riri’s shoulders.
“I- I wanna cum please let me cum.” Riri grins as she continues to pump in and out, placing her thumb on your clit again. Your eyes roll back of your head as your toes tingle with warmth. You can feel the nerves around your clit tightening and the muscles inside you begin to clench around her fingers. Your thighs trembled feeling your release so close you could taste it.
“Fuck I’m- nnhghhh ri!”
“There you go, such a good little slut for me” your moans echoed off the bathroom walls as you came undone on her fingers.
“Good girl, now suck” she cooed stuffing her cum covered fingered into your mouth. You sucked them clean as her fingers gagged you a bit.
After you came down from your high you two figured the shower wasn’t a good place to continue, you migrated to the bed and continued. Your legs were now entangled with one another as you, her on top and you below her. She had this loving look in her eye as she cupped your face stroking your cheek. You’ve never seen her look at you like this before.
As she continued to rub her soaking cunt against yours, she threw threw her head back letting out a throaty moan. The feeling of your clits bumping against each other drove you mad.
“You look so beautiful like this you know that?” She complimented leaning down as she took your lips in her. Her kisses were rough but never sloppy she took her time with you, kissing you like her life depended on it.
Her hands kneaded your thighs gripping them with every thrust, she let out the most angelic moans as she chased her high “Mmh you hear that shit? fuck that pussy sound good baby.”
All you could do was let out incoherent mumbles under her, just the way she liked it. A few more thrust and she was done, her moans became higher and thighs trembling as she kept going “fuck fuck fuuuuck!”
She held you down and finished riding out her high, she looked so beautiful coming undone on top of you. Breast bouncing with each movement with her mouth hanging open in pleasure. Her hips stuttered a little then she came to a full stop she left a weak kiss on your lips and laid beside you.
You pulled the covers over you turning to your side to face her, she glanced over to you and chuckled your eyes were drooping getting ready to close.
“Come here pretty” you tiredly slid over to her and laid on her bare chest, she left a kiss on forehead and held you close.
“You’re my one and only you hear me?” You hummed too tired to answer.
Her whispering “I love you” was the last thing you heard before falling asleep.
A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed my first Riri fic! 💜💜
Taglist 💌 : @locoforshuri @6-noir @saintwrld @vampzxi @ihearttish @cafehyunji @sapphicvqmpires @yamsthoughts @shuriszn @inmyheadimobsessed @shurismainbxtch @oceean @shurislover @siqueth @shurisbathwater @zayswriting
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Riri’s Masterlist
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marvelmaniac715 · 9 months
I don’t know if it’s because it’s 1 am right now but I am very sad about Ruth Fleming and I’m gonna talk about it, you can’t stop me:
I’m also a theatre kid - I’ve been taking acting classes since the age of eight - so I recognise the pure joy and triumph in Ruth’s eyes as she performs ‘Just For Once’, finally taking a starring role, but also the wistful sadness because she will never be able to properly play the role (Lauren Lopez is an incredible actress). She is so happy, possibly the happiest she’s ever been - she’s free from the bullying and is able to indulge in her greatest dream for just a moment. And the dream is more than just the chance to perform. It’s joked about throughout the show that Ruth is horny and wants to get with someone, but the context is so much sadder. Ruth is incredibly lonely, even telemarketers won’t talk to her - she just wants somebody to touch her, to love her. In her song, her crowning glory, she can imagine a suburban life, glorifying the struggles of a middle-aged mother because she will never have even this, and she knows it. People don’t ever leave Hatchetfield, and if they do they never return. Ruth is seen as weird, and reputations are everything in Hatchetfield. By the time Ruth graduates, nobody will want to date her if they knew her in high school. Nobody will ever start a family with Ruth, so she throws herself into her performance with so much passion and desperate hope, because at heart she is still a child, barely eighteen, and children dream of love. Then, Max boos her, just as Ruth is happiest. He mocks her with theatrical terms, turning what she loves into another way to bully her, to cow her into submission. Ruth Fleming dies as she lived - alone. Then, what happens after she dies? The police mention Ruth’s demise to Grace and from what I remember, the girl barley reacts. Then, in the final mention of Ruth, Grace makes a joke as she asks Peter if his cell plan covers calls to Hell because “she’s bisexual and dead, where else would she be?” Ruth is seen as a joke even in her last moments. Unwept, unmourned. Her best friend died before she did and she never got a chance to truly mourn. Who will pray for Ruth now she’s gone? Certainly not Peter and Steph, not with Grace’s looming insanity to worry about. Ruth Fleming is played as a joke, but she is a truly tragic character, and more people need to acknowledge this.
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divinelolita · 1 year
i wanna laugh and i wanna laugh rn😪
its been so long(literally a few days) since i sent smthhh
ill boost u bae dw
mk so the whole band(um seperate fic duh) with a bf who be freakishly nice n shit(i feel like ivd sent this bf dont expose me if i did) like if a band member accidentally hit him in the face he would say sorry and say some dumb shit like "im so sorry i shouldn't have been in the way of your elbow. " like what💀💀
or if someone was trying to confess or smth he'd be like "i really don't want to hurt you but no." maybe even as a band memeber is right next to them
and arguments with this mf is probably hell like if it was a band members fault he would accidentally make them think it wasn't and it was his(sometimes its on purpose but they figure it out later) OFC these r examples use what u want🧍🏾
teehee i have an essay to write but ummmmm that doesn't matter rn 😇 uhh also if it's bad sorry idk what's going on with me
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・He's so confused how you can be nice all the time
・He really does try to be nice but he just snaps sometimes omg 💀
・He wonders when your breaking point is
・Like if he turns around carrying something and wacks your fucking face he's so confused why you're not YELLING at him
"Yeah and then- *WHACK* -OH SHIT M/N I'M SO SORRY ARE YOU OKAY?! -"
"No, no Bill I'm fine! It didn't hurt that much."
・He just stares at you with his jaw dropped low, slowly nodding to himself
・Or like if he knocks something over and you apologize for it
(I've done that so many times...)
・Reassures you it's not your problem 🤞
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・nahh you got him FUCKED UP bae.
・He doesn't understand how you can be so nice, I feel like he's a brutally honest mf 💀
・If your in public and somebody is being rude to you and you're just kinda standing there, still staying calm???
・He's just looking at your features trying to find ONE small piece of anger or frustration
・I feel like y'all are couple opposites.
・Like he'd obviously have a soft spot for you 🤗 but he doesn't see the reason to be nice to others when he knows it's not his fault
・Arguments with him oh my god...
・If you keep apologizing and saying it's your fault he eventually sits next to you to comfort you, assuring you everything's okay.
"It's not your fault, M/N. I promise.."
・You'd somehow warm him up a bit, he barley notices himself becoming more kind and carefree.
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・was his color green or blue omg i can't remember
・He's...so confused.
・Like if he accidentally smacks you with his elbow and you aren't crying or cursing
"I'm okay! It just stung for a second haha..!"
・He gets you but he doesn't.
・He just can't see himself being so giddy and happy and nice.
・Anger turns into confusion in arguments, why are you so mad at yourself?
・Loves you so fucking much though, always reminding you that you are amazing and didn't do anything wrong.
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・He understands you so much oh my god, he just loves you even more now.
・He'd also try to keep you from blaming yourself.
・Like if he knocks something over and you apologize.
"Oh shit I'm sorry I should have moved it-"
"No honey you're fine, I should've looked where I was going.."
・Very slightly confused on how you never snap, how you always keep calm
・He wishes he could be like you bae 💔💔
・In arguments he just tries to calm himself and you down, actually sitting down and talking about how you both feel
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🏑Everything has changed 🏑
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Pairing: Sydney Crosby x Single mom Cherrie
Word count : 6.7k
Summary: falling in love can come as easily as breathing sometimes . The right person can be the one who holds the door open for you .
'And all I've seen
Since eighteen hours ago
Is green eyes and freckles and your smile
In the back of my mind making me feel like'
Sydney didn't know what was coming over him as he froze by the apartment complex door , barely blinking , barely breathing as he watched her brush past him.
Mumbling a small, shy , sorry as she cradled a small baby to her chest . Not even looking up at him as he held the door open for her , arching his arm up high on the doorframe so she could duck underneath it, not even thinking to move himself completely . Feeling like he had been stuck in a daze , as though somebody had cast a spell over him.
She glanced briefly over her shoulder at him, still stood there holding the door like a damn fool. Eyes wide and chest still, struck on her , swallowing as he dazedly watched as she flashed him the most prettiest smile he had ever seen.
"Thank you." She mumbled to him gratefully , arms full. And Sidney recognised that the baby must have been her own, the same head of hair and the biggest bambi eyes looking around over her shoulder , then straight at him too.
He didn't know what to do or what to think , barley managing to mutter a quick "it's alright." Before she was gone. And he could finally breathe.
Letting out a small groan of humiliation as he let the door close shut again, rubbing the palm of his hand over his face as he replayed each split second of their encounter in his head.
Cringing in mortification to himself at how stupid he must have looked to her then, frozen still , unable to move and practically forcing her to duck underneath his arm instead of just stepping aside for her like a normal person.
He swallowed thickly , felt the rapid beating of his heart and cursed beneath his breath. Wondering if he was coming down with something because what else could explain his strange behaviour ? If his friends could have seen him then, he would have been getting chirped on for life after that display.
So he sees a pretty girl and suddenly he can't fucking speak? He was a grown ass man for gods sake! What the hell was wrong with him? He wondered embarrassed as he quickly hurried back up to his apartment .
Shaking his head to himself because this was not how he wanted his new nigh out to meet him at all. Not only was he a sweaty mess from the gym, he had also acted like some hormonal teenager that couldn't talk to girls at all. Hell knows what she thought of him now
The rest of that night all he could think about was her, wondering what her story was. Wondering why a beautiful , young woman would be moving into an apartment on her own with a baby. Wondering if she was married, it somebody loved her . Barely believing that a woman that beautiful could be single , I mean, that smile ...
She had took more breath out of him than all the times he was getting bodied slammed in ice by a grown man  , and that was not normal at all.
He placed his hand over his chest and his frown deepened , his stomach twisting as he replayed her shy smile in the back of his mind, exhaling uneasily.
Met the new girl next door. He text his friend slowly , still feeling strange in ways that he just couldn't , and wouldn't , explain to his friends.
Oh yeah? She hot? He texted back.
Sydney paused , fingers hovering over the screen of his phone before hesitantly typing
She had dimples man. He sighed , stressed.
Oh? Where?
Sydney rolled his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips.
On her face asshole. She Has a smile like the sun.
Ah man. His friend knowingly typed back and Sydney Could just picture his smirk through the screen. You're fucked.
Completely. Sydney agreed. Sighing , hands over his eyes. Because when he woke up the next day and went about his day, eighteen hours later and her smile was still all could think about
'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello"
And your eyes look like comin' home
All I know is a simple name
And everything has changed'
Sydney finally got to officially meet the girl that he had been practically obsessing mentally about that very next weekend.
When he was once again getting home late from a game , she was there by her front door. The little baby balancing on her hip, crying a little as she struggled to get the keys into the lock properly . Clearing tired ands stressed out as she sushed her baby softly , rocking side to side in attempt to soothe him.
Sydney took a deep breath To gather his confidence as he felt his stomach twist again, cautiously approaching them before his mind could convince him that it was a bad idea.
He cleared his throat , then winced A little as he watched her nearly jump out of her skin at the sight of him suddenly appearing beside her.
"Sorry! Sorry!" He hurriedly apologised , cheeks flushing with colour as he offered her a smile that he hoped showed that he wasn't a threat.
"I'm Sydney." He then blurted out before he could just continue to awkwardly stare at her and freak her out some more.
Seeing the way that she was looking at him, brows furrowed and shoulders tense, gripping her baby tighter in her arms. He winced again "your neighbour. I held the door open for you last week." He felt the need to explain some more, feeling the heat spread from his cheeks to his ears now.
And he felt so fucking thankful that he hadn't offered to host hus friends for beers at his place because If they are to witness the way he was behaving now, they would never let him hear the end of it.
It was humiliating and Sydney didn't understand why he was behaving like this at all.
Her face softened a little then as she saw just how nervous him scaring her had made him, letting out a small giggle as she offered him another one of her smiles.
Sydney felt goosebumps break out across his skin.
"I remember you." She said quietly , relaxing now that she realised just who had crept up on her.
She looked at him sweatpants and hoodie, his wet hair and frowned a little "is it raining out? I was just out and it wasn't.." she wondered out loud. Mother instincts kicking in at the thought of him wandering around in the cold with his wet hair freely.
Sydney chuckled a little, rubbing his fingers through his hair. "Nah. I had a shower after the game." He said . Then he saw her confused look and his eyes widened in disbelief .
"What game?" She asked him curiously , wondering if he was some type of rugby player. He was buff enough to be one but his face was far too pretty.
Sydney looked at her in shock, blinking in astonishment because this was a first. He felt a little dizzy.
"You don't know who I am?" He blurted out. Then cringed at how entitled that sounded.
Fuck me. He mentally complained. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I being so...uncool? He wondered to himself in embarrassment.
Thankfully she just let out a small Confused laugh and shook her head a little . Rocking her gurgling baby a little more in her arms as he wiggled about restlessly .
"No? I don't know you do I?" She winced at the thought while eyeing him up and down, scanning her memory for his face and coming up blank . Hoping to god that he wasn't some ex hookup from her wild college days or something.
She was a wild child before life had crashed down on her ass and forced her to grow up and face the consequences of drinking every night to the point where she apparently thought that she was allergic to rubber. But alas. That was the past and this was now.
And she had a ridiculously handsome man as her new neighbour , smiling down at her like she was his Christmas gift come early.
"You do not." He breathed out , grinning now.
Eyes flickering down to the baby in her arms, his little head now facing him as he blinked his big eyes up at him curiously . Syd he  his face soften at how adorable he was.
"And who's this little man playing where's Waldo?" He teased , motioning towards his red and white striped jumpsuit and hat. He looked cute as hell, there was no denying it. That baby had hit the genetic genes with her as his mother .
She rolled her eyes at him playfully , stroking the top of her baby's head affectionately. "This is benny. And those are his pyjamas since it is nearly midnight." She pointedly told him, smiling up at him. In awe by just how attractive he was.
Sydney smiled , reaching out to gently tap bennys little nose. Chuckling when he giggled , all high pitched and cute.
He awed softly . Enamoured by the both of them then.
"And do I get to know mammas name too?" He wondered a little nervously . Glancing over at her again, giving her a hopeful smile, heart pounding in his chest as he crossed his fingers behind his back.
She looked at him for a look moment . Taking in his flushed cheeks  and nervous smile. The way he wouldn't stop fidgeting on his feet , shoving his hands into the pocket of his sweatpants .
The longer she took to answer him, clearly expecting her not to, the more anxious he visibly got, Having already decided in his head that she was way out of league anyways .
She felt the familiar butterflies ravish across her chest and down to her stomach , fighting back a defeated sigh.
It'll happen when you least expect it. Her grandmother used to always tell her when she asked her about falling in love.
You probably won't even want it and then bam! Some stupid man will walk casually into your life and wreck all your plans . And you'll just know .
It'll be easy. and it will be sweet. Don't trust any of that 'love hurts nonsense honey.' She used to tell her fondly , like the wise woman she was. 'Love isn't like that That at all. Love is supposed to feel like coming home . Like everything has changed."
So she took a deep breath and told him gently "it's cherrie. It's Nice to meet you Sydney." Reaching out her free hand for him to shake, giving him this one chance.
And he took it.
He wrapped his fingers around her own and felt his skin burning , gently shaking her hand with his. Lingering there for a moment longer than he should as he looked into her pretty eyes, sighing a little As he did so.
"It's nice to meet you too Cherrie." He told her , having never said a more honest thing in his life.
And as Cherrie watched Sydney turn away from her to carefully take bennys tiny hand in his own, shaking it gently with a smile on his face. She just knew that her grandmother was smirking down at her knowingly , a 'I told you so' look on her beautiful face.
"And it's nice to meet you too little man." Sydney muttered , gently nudging his chubby cheeks before straightening up again. Giving Cherrie another glance "hopefully we'll get to bump into each other more often?" He hoped. Eyes glistening like daylight .
Cherrie just smiled and Sydney knew then that everything had changed.
'All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday
Is everything has changed'
It turned out that Sydney did a lot more than bumping into them after that night . Almost like he planned it. (He did).
The very next morning he was up at the crack ass Of dawn , excited and pumped , having his confused assistant get him a load of baby merchandise from their team catalogue . Ignoring her startled look and worried questions of 'did you get someone pregnant and not tell us Sydney?!'.
Instead he was grinning widely when she opened up the door, yawning cutely and looking behind confused As he silently held up a tiny Crosby jersey for her to see. Excitement  written across his face.
Hyped up on coffee and hope and nerves, his confidence was at a all time high . and he hadn't Given himself a second to overthink a single thing before he was at her front door . Not even thinking , just doing what felt right.
"Look how cute this is." He stated proudly , grinning as he looked down at his name on the jersey . Turning it around for her to see.
With messy hair, just a oversized tshirt dried with baby food on. Face puffy from sleep , she was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen as he watched her yawn again. Squinting at the jersey in his hand in tired confusion.
Blinking slowly , she sniffled . Barely there.
"Crosby? Who's that?" She mumbled out tiredly , rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Stepping away from the door to head back over to the high chair where little benny was sat, impatiently waiting to be fed.
Sydney didn't hesitate to wander in straight after her , an arm full of baby clothes coming with him . All penguins and Crosby. Giddy with this new feeling inside of him, refusing to even question it.
"My name." He simply answered her. Grinning down at Benny who started clapping his hands and holding his breath in excitement , squirming in his chair as soon as he caught sight of him.
Sydney laughed "breathe little man!" He said in amusement as he took a seat at the table beside his high chair . Not even thinking to ask, completely missing the incredulous look on cherries face as she watched him settle right in like he had always been there.
"I know I'm amazing but come on.." he chuckled , gently stroking the curls on top of his little head. Shaking his head fondly at him, heart feeling soft .
"He's gonna be the coolest little dude wearing this." He then turned to face Cherrie again , nodding towards the clothes proudly .
Still confused and shocked and tired , she scratched at her forehead warily . Blinking at him slowly as she tried to catch up "football?" She muttered. Carefully lifting one of the tiny jerseys up to look at it , not a sports fan at all.
She could name messi and neymar and that was about it. She had a baby to take care of after all, no time for sport games.
Sports had never interested her. Maybe some of the players in college when she was in her hoe era but that was about as far as her knowledge went . How to blow a football player underneath the bleachers in less than five minutes . That she knew.
Sydney Crosby? She did not. Alright, she bit her lip gently as she looked at him, sat at her table in Nike shorts and a tight tshirt , looking like he belonged in the front page of GQ. She wouldn't mind being a hoe for him at all.
Teenage Cherrie could be foaming at the mouth. Adult Cherrie was just wondering why such a hot man was sat at her table , bringing her baby clothes and smiling up at her like she was something special.
"Hockey." He corrected her in amusement . Picking up the tiny bottle of baby food and the little spoon, he gathered some of the mushed food onto it.
Before pausing just before he could feed benny, cheeks flushing As he glanced back over at her. "I can feed him? Sorry...I didn't ask." He muttered embarrassed that he had gotten caught up in it all.
She didn't know him after all . But he wanted her to. and he wanted to know her, he wanted to know everything.
Cherrie just smiled , heart softening as she looked at him nervously fidget in his seat. His eyes wide and apologetic as he looked up at her.
She knew what was happening and god was she scared. She's had been burned before after all. A single mother in her early twenties told everyone all about that, but she was trying not to let one guys cruelness affect another, Especially not one as handsome and kind as Sydney seemed to be.
So fighting off the instinct to push him away and physically recoil from men entirely , she gave him a smile and relaxed .
"Sure. As long as you don't mind getting pudding all over you." She simply said .
Sydney just chuckled as he carefully fed benny a spoonful, grinning in Awe as he watched the little baby hum and wiggle in his seat As he practically tried to chomp the plastic spoon out of his hand.
"I don't mind." He muttered continuing to happily feed him. Then he remembered what he had promised himself to do and took a deep breath.
I can do this. He encouraged himself firmly. I'll regret it forever if I don't at least try. He then tried to reason with himself but the words failed to come out.
"Cherrie?" He finally called over to her. Watching as she poured herself a cup of coffee , leaning against the counter to face him when he said her name .
"Yeah?" She hummed. Curious .
He hesitated , then finally exhaled "you prefer going out for dinner or staying in?" He asked her as casually as he could manage to while feeling like he was going to have heart failure .
She frowned slightly in confusion. Tilting her head a little at him as she answered "staying in. Baby's and restaurants just don't end well."
Sydney nodded his head , giving her a grin. "Pizza?" He asked her. Wiping bennys mouth with his bib gently once he was done feeding him.
Cherrie paused, cup raised to her lips as she looked at him hesitantly . Wondering if he was really suggesting what she thought he was.
"Sydney..." she sighed. Nervously fidgeting with her cup as she watched his smile drop when she didn't say yes. But she felt the need to warn him. "I'm a mother." As though he didn't already know that.
Sydney frowned back at her , confused. "And I'm a hockey player?" He replied back blinking "what's that got to do with pizza?"
She gave him a look "you know what I mean." She said a little annoyed . Used to guys running for the hills as soon as they Realised that benny was in fact hers. "You won't just be having pizza with me. You'll be having pizza with benny too." She told him matter of factly. Expecting him to take it back and agree with her.
But Sydney had laughed and shrugged his shoulders with a grin. "Sounds good. Do they even do baby pizza?" He wondered out loud casually . As though his heart wasn't threatening to leave his rib cage then.
Cherrie just shook her head with a small smile tugging at her lips. Giving in With a defeated little huff because what else could she do?
"There is not."
He nodded again , pulling up the Crosby jersey again. "He's gotta wear this gem for pizza night." He stated. Grinning at her boyishly .
Cherrie just sighed because her grandma was right.
She did know.
'And all my walls
Stood tall painted blue
But I'll take 'em down, take 'em down
And open up the door for you'
But it wasn't always easy and Sydney had never expected it to be all sunshine and rainbows because that wasn't how real life was .
He had come to learn that She was as beautiful as she was stubborn but by then Sydney had learned to just roll with it. Because he knew that she needed a solid presence there for her when she got all knitted up like this, knew that he needed to stay calm and factual with her.
She was used to silly , stupid boys that were easy to push away. Insecure men that didn't know how to handle a woman like her, but Sydney was determined to prove to her that he was nothing like them at all.
And he thought that he had been doing a pretty great job at it so far.
He had made sure that she knew just how much he wanted to be around her, everything really had changed for him . And so quickly it had become that Sydney could barely bare to be away from her or benny for very long at all .
They were quickly becoming his whole world and Sydney wasn't going to let anybody ruin that.
So when they were out on a rare night out together at some bar her friends had been bugging her to go to, benny at his grandmas for the night.
Sydney Could only watch in confusion as Cherrie suddenly went tense beside him and then pulled her body away from him, making his arm fall down to his side from where it had been placed comfortably around her shoulders for most of the night.
Holding her purse in his other hand, he frowned warily to himself as he watched her straighten up with a odd look on her pretty face just as a woman walked over to them.
There was a moment where the woman just looked Cherrie up and down, eyes widening before she let out a loud laugh.
"Oh my god!" She gasped , grinning at her like they were best friends . "is that really you Cherrie? You've changed so much.." the way she said it didn't sound so nice either.
Sydney tensed up , his frown deepening as he silently stood to the side and just watched. Not wanting to step in , knowing by now that she hated being coddled and that she got embarrassed whenever he stepped in before .
So this time, he just stayed silent because she had pulled away from him. and it stung . But he knew her boundaries and knew what her body language meant by now.
"Yeah." Cherrie muttered, clutching onto her drink in her hands tightly . Swallowing drily when she noticed Maxine eye the drink in her hand with a smirk on her face.
"Still a party girl then? The baby not take you away from your wildness huh?" She laughed , clearly judging her.
And Sydney kind of wanted to grab that drink and throw it in her bitch face but unfortunately that would be assault .
Cherrie didn't answer so Maxine took it upon herself to continue on despite the uncomfortable look on cherries face , Sydney tried to gently place his hands on cherries waist in support so that she knew he was there, but she shrugged him off, not even looking at him.
He inhaled silently then , telling himself not to take it personal. She was clearly upset , she would tell him why she was acting like this when she was ready.
"I can't believe you actually went through with it! All the girls were placing bets on which footballers baby it was! Was it Harrison's? You two were always fucking around between classes.." she smirked at her meanly .
Cherrie swallowed , skin prickling as Maxine brought up all of her past shame right in front of Sydney who knew nothing about it. Because she didn't want him to know what a wildcard she had Been before benny came and settled her down.
She had been the definition of a whore and she knew it. She had been easy , she had been the party girl.
The girl that everybody wanted to get with and most of them she let hit it too, because she was lonely and desperate for attention back then. Mix in alcohol and daddy issues and she was your average college girl who was trying to find love in all the wrong places.
But she was better now. She was grown up and she didn't just sleep with anybody anymore. She hasn't been with anybody since bennys dad , and Sydney had been the only man that she had been with since then.
But she didn't want him to know about it because she was scared. What if he thought differently of her after finding out what a party girl she had been? Her body count was way more than his, there was no doubt about it.
Would he think that she was easy and that he didn't want a girl that had been around the block a dozen times?
What if he didn't want her anymore?
The thought of losing him because of what an idiot she had been when she was younger made her want to dump him before he could dump her.
She didn't want Sydney to have the power to break her heart, her heart and thoughts were going rapid with panic and fear. Irrationality mixed with hard liquor not Helping her at all. It was like all common sense had went out the window and she froze up .
"No. No. I-he-" she stammered , blinking back the stinging in her eyes. Feeling like her throat was closing as she looked at maxines mean smirk , knowing exactly what she was doing.
And Cherrie hated that she knew exactly why Maxine was doing this. Because Cherrie had been a horrible person as a teenager , boy crazy and the queen B. She had went a little power crazy and let the popularity ruin her for a while .
And cherrie couldn't even get angry at Maxine for acting this way because mostly she felt ashamed that the past was always going to follow her everywhere.
Because Maxine hated her simply because her boyfriend had dumped her for Cherrie when they were eighteen , because every boy in their class had wanted her then. And Cherrie hadn't cared at all about how the girl felt, too busy sucking faces in front of her with her boyfriend , without a single care in the world.
She had been a bitch. There was no denying it.
But it was different now. Everything has changed and now the only man she wanted was stood beside her, hearing what a whore she had been before benny. And it scared her and she hated it.
"Actually he's mine." Sydney butted in blandly , hearing enough.
Seeing the way that Cherrie had frozen up and seeing the tears cloud her pretty eyes had Him stepping up, taking her hand in his own no matter how hard she tried to tug it away.
He held on stronger . He wasn't going anywhere . And neither was she. They were a team now, they could face the world together.
He wasn't going to let her be spoken To like this. She didn't deserve it. And he wasn't going to let it happen.
The past was the past and in his opinion it should stay there. Not go be brought up in some club years later when everything had changed.
"And we were busy so.." he gave her a clearly fake smile. Steering Cherrie away, not giving the frowning Maxine another glance.
Instead he turned to face Cherrie, sighing when she pushed him away and stomped out of the bar like her ass was on fire , Sydney hot in her heels. Not letting Her get very far at all.
"Fuck off Sydney." She snapped. Overwhelmed , drunk and upset . Convinced that he wasn't going to love her now.
Sydney shook his head in frustration , not understanding why she was acting like this now.
Just wanting to make her feel better .
"No." He ground out firmly "you're going to tell me what's going on! Why are you snapping at me? I didn't do anything!" He stated annoyed .
She just scoffed , spinning around to glare tearfully at him. "No. But you're going to! Now you know what a fucking slut I was! You can't tell me that you're happy with me now!" She pushed at him roughly , sniffling . Beyond upset.
He scoffed at her. Rolling his eyes. "no I'm not happy . You're right." Seeing her face crumble, clearly not catching his sarcasm , he sighed loudly .
"I'm not happy because you're not Cherrie! I don't care what you were like in fucking college. You think that I think that you got benny by being some saint?" He sarcastically responded . Gently grabbing her wrist to pull her closer , not letting her storm off.
They were going to work this out, Right here and right now.
She looked up at him, blinking away the tears . sniffling emotionally .
"you don't care?" She couldn't believe it. She would care. She was a mess.
Sydeny just laughed at her in disbelief. Eyes scanning her beautiful face as though she was joking , shaking his head at her fondly .
"are you kidding me?" He squished her face between his hands , puckering up her lips for him , quickly leaning down to steal a quick but firm kiss, laughing at the startled squeak she let out as he did so.
"the only thing I care about is you now. And let me ask you- are you the same girl that you were back then?" He asked her seriously. Already knowing the answer.
She frowned at him , looking at him all upset and pouty . "No. I'm Not." She mumbled grumpily . Leaning onto his chest as his arms came up to rest around her back, biting back a grin at her poutiness. The same pout that benny wore whenever he wasn't allowed anymore ice cream.
He rose a brow at her smugly , "exactly. And that's all I care about. You want to fuck anyone but me?" He then casually asked her already knowing the answer to that question too . Confident in her and him and who they were together .
He trusted her and he knew that she trusted him too. It was all going to be just fine.
She paused, then blushed, then shook her head a little bashfully .
"No. You know I don't. I just want you Syd ." She whispered. It was a promise.
He leaned down and gently nudged their noses together , feeling happy when she finally let out a soft giggle. Leaning into him fully , letting him comfort her.
Wrapping his arms around her fondly , he gave her a strong squeeze. So filled with love for her that it hurt . He wanted to kill anybody that even bought a tear to her ear. That woman, her shitty ex boyfriend and that pizza shop that had put pineapple on her pizza despite her asking them not to.
That was love. Hope. Protectiveness and happiness he knew what he wanted in life and his future was standing right in front of him, puckering her lips up for another kiss.
He kissed her again ".And I want you. It's as simple As that. I didn't know you then but I know you now alright?" He told her clearly , making her understand how serious he was about this, about her .
"And I love you for who you are. All the good and all the bad. You can call yourself a problem but you're my problem now alright? Are we clear?" He muttered down to her seriously , tilting your her chin between his fingers so he could meet her eyes. Keeping her gaze on him.
Smiling to himself contently when she quickly nodded her head, cheeks flushed as she squirmed at his demanding tone and held him closer. Trusting him completely .
"Crystal." She agreed without any hesitation  . The weight being lifted of her shoulder .
"Can we go home?" She then asked him softly. Just wanting to be with him .
Sydeny smiled down at her and kissed the top her head a dozen times, Heart feeling full because he finally had her walls crashing down for him. Getting the whole story instead of just the pages in her messy book.
And he still loved her. Nothing was going to change that.
Everything had changed for the better . His sun was never going down. His daylight was never fading .
'And all I feel
In my stomach is butterflies
The beautiful kind, makin' up for lost time
Takin' flight, makin' me feel like'
"So it's serious then?" His friend inhaled sharply in disbelief . The two men stood side by side in a corner of a fancy room as they stared down at a glass case of fancy diamond rings .
Sydeny chuckling a little as he carefully picked up a emerald cut ring , titling it to the light As he envisioned it on her slim finger .
"What gave you that clue?" He joked. More than Amused by his reaction.
His friend just shot him a look, still in shock. "I just can't Believe it man! I mean- shit-marriage is a big deal! What if in a few years you hate her? Then what?!" He rambled , worried.
Sydney couldn't have laughed any harder if he tried.
"Trust me man, I couldn't hate her ever. She could run me over with my own car and I'd still tell her it wasn't her fault. She's the one." He simply responded . Believing it with everything in him.
"I can't believe it." His friend repeated , sighing loudly . Shaking his head in disbelief .
"You. Married. Plus that means you'll be bennys step dad too. That's serious." He said. As though he didn't already know, like he hasn't planned it all through .
From day one, he knew what he wanted as soon as he saw her smile at him while he held the door open for her. And he hadn't  even knew her name then, but he knew.
Sydney just rolled his eyes "that's the whole point. This is as serious as I am about her and benny.  I love that little man and he loves me. He's the next Crosby. Hopefully the next baby will be as perfect as he is." He stated without thinking , still looking at the rings.  Not paying any kind to the prices.
His friend place a hand on his chest , exhaling heavily. "Man. I feel like I'm dreaming. Plus she's so out of your league! How did you even bag her?" He laughed at him in disbelief.
He had met Cherrie on several occasions and he couldn't believe that she was  his girlfriend .
She looked like a supermodel but she was the sweetest and funniest woman that he had ever met. and watching her tiny ass put Sydney in his place was hilarious , and watching sydeny run about after her and moon over her whenever they were on the road was just as insane to him too.
His mr hockey had become mr hockey and Cherrie and benny now. It was strange to witness but he was happy for Sydney because he had never seen his friend so fucking happy before .
"Food and wine." Sydeny muttered , face lightening up as he held up the perfect ring. The butterflies swarming in his stomach , making up for lost time.
And Sydney knew that it was going to be forever because it had always felt like he had known her forever . His love for her was as easy as breathing. All he wanted to do was make her happy , because seeing her smile because of him made him just as happy too.
It really was that simple. and well, happy wife happy life right?
Now he just needed to make her his wife now. So he could annoy her with that catchy phrase.
He couldn't wait.
'All I know is a new found grace
All my days, I'll know your face
All I know since yesterday
Is everything has changed'
Cherrie was sat in the sand digging up sand castles , listening to benny giggle and whisper with Sydney with a smile on her face. Lifting up her head from the sand, she grinned over at them playfully .
Heart feeling full as she watched them, seeing benny in his Sydney shirt , matching with Sydney right down to his swimming trunks .
"What are you two gossiping about?" She called over to them in amusement.
Sydney gave benny a look and the nearly three year old started stumbling over to her , a large shell in his hand. and she sat up, thinking that her son was about to show her his findings from the beach hunting that He and Sydney had been on. Collecting shells for them to paint once they got home.
"Just about how good you look right now. You've got that sun kissed glow." Sydney told her as he slowly walked over , ruffling bennys messy hair . The toddler giggling and beaming up at him as he did so.
He winked at him , gently kneeling down on one knee beside him. Wrapping a arm loosely around his waist so he didn't topple down in the sand, keeping him upright.
Cherrie Thought nothing about his position , just him supporting benny. She reached over to give him a soft kiss , giggling a little as she pulled away.
"I think you're lying." She whispered
Playfully , looking down at benny with a smile.
"what did silly Syd really say?" She tickled his small stomach making him shriek with laughter
Sydney quickly took the shell from his hand before he could drop it , and while she was distracted , he turned it over on the palm of his hand.
Benny now sitting beside him crossed legged while he stayed there in front of her on one knee.
"Syddy wants to marry mommy!" He giggled out, pointing at him with a toothless grin on his little face.
Laughing along with him, she turned her head to see what he was pointing at and froze up. Eyes going wide as she looked at Sydney, on one knee, holding out a shell in the palm of his hand, tears in his eyes too as he smiled at her softly , patiently.
"What'd ya say babe? Want to marry me?" His voice shook as he held out his hand for her to see inside the shell.
She looked down into it and saw a beautiful diamond ring .
She inhaled sharply and looked up at him in shock, mouth dropping open. "Holy shit!" She exclaimed. Laughing loudly , hand cupping her mouth as she looked between the ring and him over and over again.
Sydney laughed too , fondly . Shaking  his head at her with a amused grin "so it that a yes? Because I really love you and I really , really want to be your husband. If you'll let me.." he told her softly. Meaning each word .
Cherrie was speechless . Then benny giggled and nudged het impatiently "let him. He's gonna get me
ice cream." He told her like that was all that mattered. To him it did.
Cherrie bust into tears and threw her arms around Sydney's neck , Sydney laughing loudly as he clutched onto her just as hard .
His own tears falling down his face as he lifted her hand and slid the ring in her finger before they could lose it in the sand. The sight of his ring on her finger made them cry harder.
"I love you so much! Of course I'll marry you syd! Holy shit!" She giggled into his neck , sniffling . Overwhelmed with love for him. Because everything had changed , for the better this time.
Sydney caught bennys confused and worried look over her shoulder, the toddler making grabby hands at him . Tears filling his eyes just because they were crying too.
"Awe." He laughed emotionally while pulling benny into the cuddle too, squeezing him to him and kissing the top of his little head.
"You happy bud?" He echoed . Kissing cherries head too while she cried into his chest making him laugh.
Benny nodded his head , hugging him around his neck . "Ice cream?" He mumbled hopefully. Oblivious.
Sydney snorted "ice cream. After mommy's done crying." He told him in amusement , patting the love of his life's back as she continued to sob tears of happiness into his chest.
Take that Maxine. She thought gleefully. Who's laughing now?
Everything had changed.
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leehoney0 · 1 year
Female reader . Suggestive . Blood warning!
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Vampire reader who see’s Ethan for the first time in one of her classes,memorized by the cute little innocent look in his eyes
Vampire reader who thinks she’s has to have him,she can smell such a sweet scent coming off of him,you don’t know he’s a killer but I mean what were you!
Vampire reader who gets close to him in class,acting all sweet,making him get all nervous from you being so close to him
Vampire reader asking him out on a date,getting his number too call him to set a date,he doesn’t know your intentions of wanting to suck on his blood but that’s alright.
Vampire reader shocked to see a message from Ethan first,giggling from his message,I mean he was so sweet you didn’t even know if you could eat from him
Vampire reader who goes shopping for her date,shocked once she’s in the store that’s she’s going all out from somebody she’s just gonna eat from and ghost.
Vampire reader deciding that’s she’s already here,she might as well buy something for her date with Ethan I mean who doesn’t like shopping!
Vampire reader who walks to the date spot they were planning on meeting at! Feeling sick from the walk I mean you hadn’t eaten since two weeks ago and it was slowly starting to catch up to you
Vampire reader who decides that she need to eat off of Ethan’s if she want to survive another week,Ethan who looks so happy you showed up to yours date
Vampire reader smiling up at him,grabbing onto his arm,he wraps his arm softly around her waist,he seems just as excited as you for this date maybe due to him not gettin much anyways!
Vampire reader who can’t eat for much,getting Ethan concerned for why she can’t eat that much I mean blood was your main source of food but he didn’t know that
Vampire reader taking a few bites to make Ethan happy not knowing she’s dying to take a bite out of him,Ethan smiling at her as he enjoys the restaurant they went too!
Vampire reader when getting up from their seats who falls into his arms from the fatigue,Ethan who gets worried and makes you sit back down worried something is wrong
Vampire reader who tells Ethan a lie,that she was soooo excited for the date she barley slept,his face warming up from your lie asking if you wanted to head to his house to take a nap
Vampire reader who smiling ear to ear that she gets to have him all alone for her little time,him taking you to his dorm,making you wait in his room while he grabs you a cup of water
Vampire reader walking into Ethan’s room,slightly confused that theirs this smell of blood coming from the closet,I mean your sense were heightened for a reason
Vampire reader who pushed it off I mean maybe he got into a fight or had a nose bleed and hasn’t yet washed his clothes,you did have some strength in you!
Vampire reader who hears Ethan come back into his room closing the door behind him,you wished he’d lock it by hey he didn’t know why you were truly here anyways
Vampire reader who makes Ethan sit beside her on his bed,clearly smelling him sweating,you haven’t even touched him and he was already getting nervous
Vampire reader who lays her hand on his thigh,seeing goosebumps form on his arm from your touch,you were a little colder than most.
Vampire reader who goes so close to his face you could see his pores,Ethan’s face warming up from you touching his cheek.closely leaning into him
Vampire reader who stares at his face as he closes his eyes seeing his eyelashes shake a little from the excitement that your going to kiss him
Vampire reader as she sinking her teeth straight into Ethan’s neck,drowning in the sweet taste of his blood,holding so tight onto his shirt you might rip it
Vampire reader who starts shaking from the pleasure she’s getting just from sucking his blood,Ethan can barley let out a word so dazed from the pleasure himself
Vampire reader loosing herself,that Ethan’s has to grab her by the arms to hold her back,her dazed complexion makes Ethan so hard that you can feel it though his jeans
Vampire reader mouth slightly open blood dripping from the corner,breathing so hard.you want to sink back in but Ethan’s hold on you is so strong,does he work out?
Vampire reader who doesn’t notice Ethan wiping her mouth from the blood,his cheeks glowing read.you smile at him shocked he didn’t push you off automatically and run
Vampire reader moving to kiss him,the taste of blood flooding into Ethan’s mouth,he retorts back from the bitter taste but counting to kiss you deeper
Vampire reader who moves back from the kiss,looking down Ethan’s neck,seeing he still has blood on his neck,going down to lick it up
Vampire reader who feels Ethan’s shudder from the licking,slightly whimpering from the kisses you’re giving him,softly grinding into you
Vampire reader who whispers into his neck on how sweet he taste,feeling his heavy breath on your neck,he grabs you by your shirt
Vampire reader who is shocked as she’s pushed onto her back by her shy boy Ethan,smiling from how cute he looks on top of you,
Vampire reader who grabs onto Ethan as he began to kiss down her neck,nibbling on your neck the same as he did too you,giggling from his action
Vampire reader who bites his lips not enough to pierce them,just slightly bruising them,gosh how did you crave more of his blood,if other vampires got to him they would suck him dry
Vampire reader to pecks his lips,Ethan’s staring straight into your eyes,you decide you can’t let anyone have him,going to hug him tightly
“Be my boyfriend”
Vampire reader deciding that she needs him apart of her life even if he doesn’t understand why or she’s a little confused on how much his closet smells like blood I mean maybe he was like you
Vampire reader who doesn’t know Ethan’s a murder and maybe he also doesn’t know your one too! But that didn’t matter too you,all you wanted was for him to be all yours!
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Got inspired by a Spotify playlist,that’s it also wrote this in like an hour so enjoy! Might write them again for some head-canons
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iwanty0uu · 1 year
“𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑃𝑢𝑚 𝑃𝑢𝑚 𝑁𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑠 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑆ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟“~𝓁ℯ𝓁ℯ ✧˚ · . ✧˚ · . ✧˚ · .
A day had passed since you met connie in the auditorium of your physics class, and since you didnt have that class everyday, you decided it would be the best spend time in the library getting a head start on a paper. Your fingers quickly moved along your purple keyboard, eyes focused on the screen making sure to not accidentally delete the second page of your assignment. You were good at focusing but the bald boy wouldn’t stop crossing your mind. “hm” you thought to yourself while picking at the piece of paper with his number on it. It took everything in you to not give in and text him last night, but you stayed strong. Your focus shifted back on your paper determined to finish at least three pages as you thought of treating yourself to Starbucks and catching up on your favorite game, the Sims. “I wonder how he’s holding up in class without me” ..
~ he wasn’t holding up at all actually.
Connie grew restless shifting uncomfortably in his seat waiting for you to enter the large metal auditorium doors, he expected a brown head held up high, looking right at him with big eyes that could easily hypnotize anyone, but instead, he was met with the beady rat eyes of a bald, barley blonde old man. His grey tuxedo was made with that itchy string like material, and his black bow tie sat tightly around his fat red neck. He looked as old as time, and the wrinkles on his face made his lizard like face, made it no prettier. Disappointed, Connie continued to reminisce about yesterday. It was too soon to start missing someone he barley communicated with, he just met you and shared more words on paper with you than he did using his mouth. He couldn’t help but regret not searching you down like a hound yesterday when he had the chance.Not making his situation any better, his friends noticed how antsy Connie was and Connie could already smell their lame ass jokes. “Damn connie, you whipped over a girl you just met? You think you alecia keys or something” Jean asked, opening a Poland spring water bottle and putting it to his lips, when he was suddenly met with a fist in his stomach, causing him to choke. “Bro don’t piss me off, circus pony lookin ass, you just mad cus she noticed me and not your long headed ass.” he said mugging Jean who had tears running down his face, holding his stomach from from the pain now doubling over on his chair.” Well fuck you too” he said slapping the back of Connie’s head, the sound echoed through the room making the brunette girl laugh.
“Sasha i know your big ass not laughing” connie said turning around abruptly “my fault gang” a deadpan looked shot across her face as she put her hands up,“no need to be mean best friend” she said patting his shoulder gently. “Somebody pissed in his Henny this morning” Eren mumbled while finishing the last of his brownie. “You taking edibles at 10 in the morning…did you even drink tea?” “ why so sassy bro? we didn’t tell your girlfriend to skip class” A dark skin boy said putting his pre-rolled blunt in the Calvin Klein pouch that rested over his shoulder. “whatever man..” Connie was stressed, and school was no help, everything reminded him of you, he thought every girl with the same orange purse you had on yesterday could have been you, and scanned every room he entered for your black curls, the deep coconut infused scent of vanilla he noticed when you sat in front of him seemed to be everywhere, he smelled it so much that he thought he was going crazy. So when his friend group mentioned a kickback they were throwing, just for some close friends, he hoped desperately that you would be there. After all it was his life long best friend Sasha’s idea, and she did it because she hasn’t seen connie so strung on a girl in years..literally since his freshman year of high school, and what type of friend would she be if she didn’t use her stalking skills to get her friend the girl of his dreams?
She walked into the library holding her phone and computer, sitting next to a girl with grey leggings and a black essentials hoodie. Her nike socks were stretched a over her ankles,bringing out her Military style retro Jordans.
Her puff was slightly covered by her hoodie while the top still peeked out,and her head rested on her arms on the table, it would be awkward to sit directly next to a sleeping person, so she mindfully placed a chair across from her, began to work. “okay, so mystery girl probably lives in the dorms, imma check the residents list first” she mumbled to herself as the familiar scent of coconut and vanilla swarmed her nose. She furrowed her brows as she lowered the computer screen in front of her, which dimmed the light on her brightened face, the sleeping girl sat up and stretched, picking up the paper on the table and placing it into her pocket. “is that her?” Sasha didn’t have time to question herself, but she did question the girl. “Um excuse me?” she said softly, “I’m sorry if i woke you up but like..aren’t you the pretty girl from my physics class yesterday?” as you stopped packing yourself up and looked at her you remembered the brown haired girl who waved to you ,“you didn’t wake me up girl” you smiled, face stretching as a yawn crept out. “oh shit yea i remember youuu whats your insta i wanna be friends” you said pulling your phone out happily. “damn i love her already” Sasha thought to herself almost forgetting about the link up, “Oh! my friends and I are having a kickback later, and i wanted you to come, ill text you the details okay boo?” Your face lit up quickly and you mentally screamed, you had been waiting for this moment for what felt like your whole life, and trusted the girl even though you didn’t know her name, so it wasn’t a surprise that you showed up in your best “i put dat shit on” outfit.
Walking into the house, the heavy scent of weed filled your nose, “damn i hope i don’t smell like an eighth after i leave this shit” you texted your best friend Serenity who laughed at your remark. Your light blue jean skirt hugged your waist and barley covered your ass, as the tied black and white, printed baby tee revealed the curve in your back slightly. Your brand new dior converse glistened as it reflected against the light, your small silver Telfar stood pretty around your chest, separating your breasts. Your curly hair was in the same puff from earlier and silver jewelry adorned your ears,neck, nose, arms, and belly button, you love you some jewelry. Greeted by the brunette, which you now know as Sasha, the rest of the crew said their hellos and you made your way to Connie who was occupied talking to some dudes. Eyes looking up, tongue still on the half rolled blunt, a smile didn’t even creep on his face,it flew naturally into its rightful place. He stood up walking to you, spliff in hand and now all perfectly rolled up. His excitement got ahead of him, he didn’t want to seem desperate which he was, so he pretended to dust of his jeans and slow his pace. “Wassup y/n” he said giving you a side hug, “hey connie” you said taking in his scent, he smelled so sexy, your panties dropped right then and there. “i heard Sasha invited you?” he asked as he motioned for you to follow him,”you drink?” he asked pointing towards the Smirnoff pack resting in the cooler. You grabbed one and leaned on the kitchen counter, heart racing in your chest.
You both talked for what seemed like an hour, mingling with the main group and then finding your way back to connie, you weren’t wasted but felt a buzz from the alcohol and weed, making you a little more impulsive than usual. “hey connie, can i call you con?” you asked innocently, the look in your eye made his body stiffen “of course” he said softly, as soft as he possibly could, you looked so delicate and gentle, and was surprised when your staring contest was forced to an end as you stepped closer to him, tugging on his shirt slightly to reach his level, and kissed him. The taste or alcohol mixed with the sweet vanilla taste of your lipgloss, the kiss deepened as his tongue swiftly moved against your bottom lip asking for an entrance, you felt like only you two were in your own universe. Sasha nudged her friend Mikasa who looked up over the kitchen counter and at your make-out session. “Sasha you need to make this fucker pay you for your elite services” she giggles dapping Sasha up. You slyly pulled away from the kiss getting all shy, and stated quietly “ i want a little more privacy..can we do this somewhere else?” You hoped to go all the way for the first time with Connie, but the reminder of the pudge that sat in front of you almost made you change your mind. You simply decided that if he really liked you, he would deal with all of you, even the parts that you disliked. So as you hesitantly followed connie to an empty room, you sucked up all your fear and hoped for the best.
The night was everything but over.
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katherinakaina · 1 year
Did you notice that Olgimskys are trying to kill the Bachelor from day one?
Maybe you did. I'm not that smart, it took me a while. I did think that morgue situation on day 4 is weird, but I dismissed it. But then I was thinking about day 1 quest beast like fugitive and it hit me.
So, day 1.
Small Vlad asks a scientist to kill a guy. That doesn't make any sense. What I think is going on is Vlad wants you to go and try to talk to the butcher. Vlad acts as suspicious as possible so the detective Batchelor is like, aha! if I want to know what really happened with Isidor and the Termitary, I need to interrogate this fugitive, I'm so smart. This is why you don't even have an option to tell Aspity 'step aside, I will kill this butcher', you have a choice between letting him go or insisting on talking to him. And when you meet him you can talk to him, which doesn't go well. Which is exactly Vlad's plan - to kill the Bachelor.
Day 2.
Small Vlad wants the Bachelor to leave. He's the only character, who's not involved in Eva's quest, who talks to Daniil about leaving the Town and suggest you talk to his father about it. Big Vlad also wants Bachelor to disappear of course. You can be killed in the end of this quest too, but that's not intentional, I think. The Olgimskys would be content with Bachelor just running away. Too bad.
Day 3.
Small Vlad directs the Bachelor to the house with three (was it three?) butchers to be beaten to death. And it's not even Simon's body. Who's body is it? Are those guys Artemy's friends helping him with something? Maybe. But I think the entire situation was fabricated by Vlad. The butchers were hired for the job. And even if not, if they just happened to be there, that means Vlad used this setup to get rid of the Bachelor yet again.
Day 4.
Okay, how many people does it take to kill this guy? He has a fucking gun, it's not fair. 7? Let's try 7.
And they succeed. I don't think there's a person who beat the Barley's lair with the first attempt.
Now you can go to Barley through Saburov's quest. But it's Grief who sends you there. And on the same day in Changeling's route we discover that Grief works for Big Vlad. But even if this would fail, Vlad made sure to send Daniil to his death anyway. The Barley's lair is the supposed morgue, which you must inspect on your main quest. Vlad sends you there to die. And he 100% knows about the bandits, again, he works with Grief.
You could go further but I think it's enough to make the case.
The question is, why? Why so early?
Well, one possible answer is that it's just good business practice to kill the doctor before the epidemic. Think all the hatred from conservatives towards Fauci for instance.
But the more likely option is that Capella told them to. In the same way that Alexander is constantly trying to get rid of the Haruspex because of Katerina's prophecy. Katerina herself is not on board, but the men in power are using her warnings to crack down on somebody they just don't like. Capella maybe made some unfortunate remarks about how this big city snake is going to destroy our traditional way of life and that was enough for the Vlads.
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diefxrguns · 2 years
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✯pairings- erwin smith x afab!reader
✯a/n- might be some mistakes, apologies. Do not share on tiktok without my permission. not glamourising pedophilia, Y/N is 18
✯synopsis- your teacher develops strong feelings for a specific girl in his classroom
✯ c/w- smut, teacher x student relationship. choking, spanking, and more- not comfortable? dont read.
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"teacher's pet, if I'm so "special. Why am I a secret?" ✧
Your eyes couldn't concentrate on the board infront of you, never in your life have you felt this way for somebody.
Despite all the love letters from boys in your class and offers to go out on dates, boys your age-just didn't do it for you. Ya know.
There was always something about older fellows, but not to old. Maybe 25-35 since you were 18. It was appropriate after all- well for some people atleast.
Your mother would die if she saw the things that kept you up at night, on your laptop a stash of porn videos. All in the same category of porn. You had a thing for manthers, not the creepy pedophilic one's. The men who are like 30 with 20 year old girlfriends. Sounds normal right.
So when your new teacher entered the classroom, you almost fell out of your seat. His arms, his hair, everything about this man was just so fucking sexy.
He wore a blue button up shirt, that was long sleeved, but the sleeves were rolled up a bit- revealing his toned forearms. His pants were black and his blonde hair was combed back.
He had to be in his early 30's, but my God did he look so delicious.
He's an English, History and Biology teacher so he would be teaching you English and History, since those are the classes you had.
He started off by introducing himself, and went straight to work. Instructing the class to open their books on page 116. He got down to business, you could tell he was one- track minded.
His voice was so deep and demanding, but somewhat calm and smooth. He explained the work diligently. Making sure everyone understood the English lesson- before dismissing the class and closing the whiteboard marker.
As the days passed you did nothing but gawk at him, in classes you barley even payed attention. And oh- he knew you weren't listening. How your pretty eyes just stared into space, he knew exactly what you were looking at. He's way smarter then he looks.
There was one particular day, after class. You were looking at him the whole time, and he knew- but it bugged him because exams were coming up and you never took notes once. He knew your grades were sky high, and he didn't want you to fail your examinations. So he called you after class.
" Miss Y/N, please stay behind and take a seat" he said, as you were on your way out the classroom.
" Yes" you said in timid voice because of how shy and slightly intimidated you were
The older man sat on a chair opposite you, his back hunched and his elbows on his knees, he removed his glasses and looked you directly in the eye
" You're not paying attention, you think I don't know, you think I don't see how much you're looking into space during my lessons"
" Mr Smith, I'm really sorry " you said with fake sympathy, in all honesty you didn't give a fuck about his lessons. He's eye candy- who wouldn't look at him.
"Your results went from 93 to 50, your practice test results where lower then I expected. A five star student, became mediocre over night. I advise you tell me what's on your mind Y/N" he said straightening his posture and leaning back, never breaking eye contact with you
" Mr Smith, I've just been distracted lately, ya know, Like something is really troubling me". What you just said was true, something was bugging you. Everytime this fine ass man opens his mouth, breathes or even looks your way you cream your pants, leaving a stain on your lacey panties. That's the real problem.
" Ah, I see. Well, as your teacher I suppose you need to trust me with whatever it is you're going through. You need to get it out of your system so we can work through this" he said
" Well, I...um, i- I got dumped by my ex boyfriend and.. well he, he really hurt me. Its bothered me alot" you lied through your teeth, you never had a boyfriend. You just said that so that Erwin could feel sorry for you.
Immediately Erwin stood up and knelt down to your level, holding your hand gently. In this moment your heart was racing, you didn't know how to react.
What the fuck was actually going on here? Your teacher( crush) was kneeling down holding your hand, this was to much to handle.
" Y/N, I need you to not focus on other boys ok- they're a waste of time, I need you to think about bigger things. Like college and a husband maybe? You need a man that's going to take care of you, love you..."
Your chest was rising up and down as you took intense breathes, he was so close to you. His warmth was radiating off his big body onto your smaller one.
" After school I'll take you to my place, so that I can prepare you for upcoming examinations... Sound ok?" He asked as he stood up fixing his tie and getting his things
" ye-yes, it sounds awesome" you said standing up in a hurry and giving your teacher a big smile.
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Everyday afterschool Erwin took you to his home.
He lived in a very spacious house, it was small but modern and fancy. A two story home with two bedrooms and two bathrooms.
He had two cats aswell, a grey one and a white one. Grey one named Oscar and the white one named Bunny.
His home smelled like vanilla and sandalwood, it was clean with grey and white accents. He obviously lived alone, but damn how can such a handsome and astound man be single.
He sat you at the dining room table with your books and tutored you, and helped you make notes for your exams.
He spent three hours after school tutoring you.
You were beyond grateful for this opportunity, because it made you and Erwin closer.
Even though you never really spoke about personal things, subconsciously your souls were somewhat aligned. Almost like you had a connection that you couldn't explain or describe, you just felt comfortable around each other.
A little to comfortable
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After examinations, you stopped going to Erwin's home. There was no need afterall, I mean he stopped tutoring you because exams were over.
In all honesty you missed it, you missed him. So one afternoon you went to his house to give him some treats, just to say thank you.
You knocked on his door, patiently waiting for him to open it
And in that very moment your heart shattered, the pain you felt when the door opened, only to be greeted by an older women, her late 20's to be precise. Her ginger/ strawberry blonde hair was wavy and shiny. And her body was curvaceous and slim
Her nails painted red, she wore a tight black dress and heels, with pearls around her neck- and the cherry on top of the cake, was the 24K diamond ring she wore on her ring finger, indicating she is married.
Your face went red, not with anger. But with sadness, you felt like a fucking idiot. Falling for you teacher.
" Oh hello dear, you must be Erwin's student, please come inside. He must be thrilled to see you" she said, in a nice tone of voice as she let you inside
" Erwin! Honey, your student is here to see you" she yelled for her " husband" as she told you to sit and offered you a cup of tea
" Oh my, Y/N. This is rather unexpected. Why have you come?" Erwin asked as he dried his hair, obviously he just came out the shower.
You tried to swallow the lump in your throat, your eyes were visibly watery indicating you were about to burst into tears.
But you had to suck it up, and pretend like nothing was wrong
" I..I um- I brought you some gifts, just to say thank you for helping me with studying" you said handing him the gift bag
A smile appeared on Erwin's face as he opened the bag filled with chocolates, and sweets . But at the bottom of the gift bag was a letter, expressing your feelings to Erwin- and how you really felt about him.
He opened the letter silently, and reading it rather quickly before clenching his jaw, his smile faded into a puzzling expression. And he looked at you for a mere second before sitting on the barstool next to you.
His wife still making tea for the both of you including herself.
" So Y/N isn't it? How is school treating you?" She asked sitting across from you and Erwin.
" Well... Its, it's, it's great actually. Thanks to Mr Smith, your husband." You said, in a fake- nice tone of voice.
She didn't catch on to your obvious sarcasm but Erwin knew exactly how you felt about her, as said before he's smarter then he looks.
" Oh well, Erwin here isn't my husband, not yet. He's actually my fiance, we're getting married...soon I suppose" she said giving you a smile and sipping on her tea.
" That's wonderful news" you said sipping the tea.
Erwin sat in silence, drinking his tea and staring elsewhere, not daring to make eye contact with you or his fiance.
" Oh my, I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Mari Dawk" she said flashing you another smile.
" You see Smith and I met in our military days, he just caught my eye, he was one with the ladies too. She said waffling on about how her and Erwin met and how they got together. But in all honesty you weren't listening, frankly you didn't care, you were to hurt to listen to these stories.
She talked to much, but she was extremely friendly. You could see why Erwin was engaged to her, Mari would make a wonderful mother.
A few minutes passed and it was time for you to leave. You couldn't spend more time in this house, with Erwin and this woman.
So you said your goodbyes and offered to clean up.
"Can I help with anything, washing my mug?" You asked Mari
" No that won't be necessary Y/N, go home and get some rest it's late " said Erwin in a monotone voice.
You shut the door behind you and made your way home...
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A few days passed and your behaviour changed drastically, you barely ate and you no longer enjoyed your usual habits.
You were on a break so you never saw Erwin.
When school was back on, you payed attention in class and actually wrote notes. He noticed your change in attitude towards him.
You no longer smiled at him when you entered to classroom, you no longer greeted him or said goodbye.
It was like you changed...
When the history lesson was over, you were the last student to pack your bag. Getting ready to leave, when Erwin closed the classroom door, locking it
" Why did you lock the door? I need to go home it's afterschool" you said in a cold tone of voice, not looking at him once, packing your textbooks into your backpack.
" Y/N, please stop this little act you're doing. You think I don't what you're up to? " Erwin said standing with his hands in his pockets, a few steps away from you.
" I don't care, if you don't mind I'd like to leave Mr Smith. I don't have time for this. If it isn't about schoolwork I'm not interested" you said
" The letter you wrote to me, well... It made me emotional Y/N" he said stepping closer and closer to you, only inches away
At this point you felt so broken and drained, it wasn't exactly his fault. How was he supposed to know you liked him and besides it's his life, he can't just dump his fiance for you.
" Mr Smith, I appreciate everything you've done. I'm sorry for that letter, I wasn't in the right head space. I just had a small crush, it was nothing serious. Please go back home to your wife and forget everything. " You said tears threatening to spill from your eyes as those words were so hard to say.
You couldn't lie anymore, you loved Erwin Smith. His smile, the way he comforted you and motivated you. His kindness, his leadership, his empathy. Everything about him lured you in. You still had feelings for him, you tried ignoring them and ignoring him. But truthfully you were hooked like a worm on a fishing rod.
As you were about to walk past him, he grabbed your arm. Forcing you back to him, his arm was strong. At this point you couldn't break free from his hold, even if you tried.
He held your waist, and placed a hand on your back rubbing it gently.
Things were getting out of hand, luckily there were no surveillance in his classroom.
" Y/N, I know I hurt you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for leading you on. Truthfully I knew you liked me, I knew from day one. And I liked you too. Not in a daughter way, I like you romantically, I don't have feelings for Mari anymore. She cheated on me with one of my friends, and she came back. The only reason I let her back into my life was because my morals were telling me, that loving you is wrong. " The blonde man said with pain in his voice, he was being serious, he was genuine.
A passionate kiss was placed upon your pink lips as Erwin held you tightly in his arms.
Your hands made their way to his neck, rubbing the back of his neck slowly. Enjoying the kiss.
Erwin began to move his hands from your waist to your ass, lifting up your skirt as he squeezed your cheeks.
He broke away from the kiss
" Do I have your consent Y/N?" He asked as he looked you dead in the eye waiting for you to respond
" Yes, yes you have my consent" you said.
He kissed you even more, before bending you over his desk. Only to pull your panties down
" hmm, won't you look at that hey. All wet for me already, I haven't even touched this pussy yet"
He began rubbing your folds gently, making you whimper from every touch.
Erwin flipped you over, you sat on his large desk with you legs spread for him to see.
He unbuttoned your school shirt and threw it elsewhere.
And unclipped your bra, letting your pretty breasts drop.
He couldn't believe it, the sight of your pretty body, made him so fucking hard.
He gave you a kiss before flipping you back over again and kneeling down to your pussy. His tongue flicked across your already- wet folds, earning moans from you everytime.
He eventually inserted his cock into your pussy, fucking you slowly at first. Gradually he fucked you even faster, causing you to moan loudly.
Echo's could be heard throughout the empty classroom, as well as moans and pants.
The both of you came a few times, before deciding it'll be best to leave the school, before you both got caught doing your lewd activities.
And after cleaning up the classroom and getting dressed, Erwin grabbed you and kissed you once again
The words " I love you" falling from his lips
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heartzzluvv · 5 months
☆ Things i’m manifesting ☆
☆ telekinesis
I feel like it would be really cool to have telekinesis, Ive always doubted the accounts on tiktok of people doing telekinesis but SHIII since anythings possible i might aswell manifest something ive always wanted!!
☆ winning a lottery
My mom needs this SOOO bad bruh!! This will help all our struggling.
☆ desired Friend group.
I have a specific friend group scripted aswell, idky but ive just been falling off with my friends like i have barley any friends left .
☆ Having A marks in every subject no matter what without studying
no becs does this even need an explanation? LIKE WHO WOULDNT WANT THIS? Ive been falling off, my grades are horrifying.
☆ photographic memory
Ive always wanted this && found this cool. Ive always found it cool how in “Alice in borderland” how he was able to always remember stuff, it was like a dreammm!
☆ Having pretty privilege.
No explanation.
☆ Desired scenarios to happen
No explanation.
☆ knowing human physiology , being able to read anybody just by their looks, moves,etc,
IVE ALWAYS WANTED TO LEARN MORE ABOUT PHYSIOLOGY! Like ive always found the whole topic cool. But when i found out about human physiology? I WAS SOO INVESTED! i have to wait to get the books, so why bother just make my 2D a reality.
☆ Revising WHOLLEEE family.
Mainly my birth dad since i havent met him, but my point stands
☆ Able to shift instantly on commands.
No explanation.
☆ Can breath and see underwater.
No explanation.
☆ ideal swimsuit
theres these super cute swimsuits that are like 30Million dollars for each piece and im like WTFFF so im just gonna wait for it to come to me
☆ meeting amazing people
I havent scripted anything about these amazing people, so im just gonna let it come unexpectedly!
☆ Going on an trip to disney cruise
No explanation.
☆ ability to see who is the good person (if you see green aura around a person that means he’s a good person and if you see a red aura around a person that means he's a Bad person).
Ive always wanted to be aware if somebody is bad or not, not like anybodys gonna listen to my ruling, but atleast I know.
☆ desired body&& face
No explanation
☆ healing power
No explanation
☆ Manifesting a genie that grants you unlimited wishes
Because what? ive always felt deep down that ts was possible.
☆ meeting future me
Because i wanna know how ill be in the future PERIODT
☆ Ability to see into the future.
No explanation
☆ a yacht
my family is dirt poor , so this would be so cool and mean sm to me idk
☆ mom randomly getting a loaddd of money
my moms poor
☆ being fluent in french and spanish
☆ not feeling any pain
No explanation
☆ able to see peoples auras
No explanation
☆ all animals love me
Cause it would be so cool for a bird to not scatter like they normally do when they see people
☆ an adorable kitten
My mom said no pets but idgaf
☆ a pendant that you can put on your stuffed animals or pets that allows you to understand and talk to them!
IVE ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW WHAT MY PETS SAY!! Like i wonder if my cat just goes like “get tf away from me you ugly ass bitch”😍
☆ infinite money card
it would be so hard to explain
☆ getting a fairy friend , Whose name is magical && looks like tiana
basic name but idc. i really want that cute fairy.
☆ my mom being less strict
She wont let me date or dye my hair . OR GET A SEPTUM.
☆ all piercings heal fast
im supposed to get a belly, industrial, snake bites & septum. so ofc
☆ blowing up on tumblr
A DREAMMM FR!! but im not in a rush nd idm watching my acc slowly grow.
☆ learning more about LOA
I wonder if LOA works like this. like can i just manifest to manifest?? LMAO
word to manifest all - “Cinnamon roll”
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