#for the wedding <33333
mxiize · 6 months
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@crystalmagpie447 I’ve never been so nervous to post somethi-
Marriage??? 😇😇🥺🥺🥺🥺
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jopzer · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Roy Kent/Jamie Tartt Characters: Roy Kent, Jamie Tartt Additional Tags: Eloping, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Fluff and Smut Summary:
It's a secret to keep, just the two of them. His engagement ring feels heavy on his finger; warm and secure.
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millenniumringg · 25 days
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good evening cornered enjoyers may I interest you in some mario odyssey au doodles
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hearts-hunger · 1 year
thinking about doing danny's rhinestones for him and having to remind him not to smile and him saying “but i'm looking at you! how do you expect me not to smile when i'm looking at you?”
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romulussy · 1 year
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i’m going to have the time of my life i can feel it
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ari !! ari i hope u are doing so so amazing n vibing and living ur best life, i feel like i haven’t been interacting as much these days so i wanted to stop by n say hi!! :] and hmmm ive yet to read your best friend’s brother fic but it made me wanna think of an unrequited love between best friend!satoru and you where satoru is the one down horrendous instead (and perhaps you’re already spoken for.. mayb with sugu…. this is totally not ari-specific bait) i would love to hear your thoughts on our special little loverboy not being loved back in the ways he wants so bad )): 🫶🏼 side note if i think abt this pining bestie!gojo too much i get so sad i fear he’d never get over that crush on you even if you were already married to someone else… 💔💔💔💔
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LOGAN !!!!! ^ this is me @ you rn……. i am kissing you and biting you gently <33333
I’M DOING PRETTY WELL… flowers r starting to bloom over here which is so nice !!! i’m just kind of waiting for summer ….. i have so many fic ideas that i wanna get to but not enough time :’3 not to mention my neglected tbr………
bUT overall i’m doing well!!! i hope it’s the same for you!!!!! it’s so sweet of u to drop by sniffle…. but pls don’t ever feel pressured to !! i saw that post you made a couple days ago n pls just know there’s never any pressure or obligation for you to interact often and stuff!!!! i’m always happy to speak to you whenever, so there’s never any rush <33 (i totally get it too… i’m pretty sure i have the online status thing turned off which takes off a lot of that pressure so!! i recommend doing that if you haven’t already <33)
BUT OKOK. onto the good stuff!!!! logan…. this probably doesn’t come as too much of a surprise considering the fic i posted but . i rlly love the unrequited love trope!!! >:3 i used to be the biggest sucker for hanahaki aus…. still am……. i need to write smth on it at some point bc i think it’s one of the best things ever created (and it’s perfect for toru let’s be real… the flower symbolism)….. SO. scenarios like this are very appealing to me!! and with bestie!satoru too…….. i have many thoughts >:33 let’s see how long i manage to stay coherent hehe
FIRST OF ALL. the ari specific bait…… you little weasel (affectionate) OK BUT . the fact that it’s Suguru in Particular changes a lot i think. i’ll circle back to that later tho trust 🙏
okay so. overall!! and i’d love to know your thoughts on this logan….. i firmly believe that satoru is the type to love one single person for the rest of his life. he never moves on from them. once someone has earned his love and nestled their way into his heart they’re there to stay. (and i’d argue that it’s kinda supported by canon yk… satoru hanging on to his memories of youth/suguru no matter how much time passes :’3)… so!! yeah!!! i definitely think he’d stay in love with his bestie forever, even if he knew fully well his feelings wouldn’t be returned. that’s just my take though!!!
i thinkkkk the tricky part is just. how satoru feels about it. a part of me wants to say that he handles it decently, that he’s happy just to be around you… but i think it’s also natural for him to feel a little empty about it all. bc he truly is!! a loverboy!!! deep down he yearns so badly for intimacy :(((( satoru is just such a pro at isolating himself and i think it gets worse in this kind of scenario. he loves you but does keep a certain distance i think…. to make it easier for himself and also so he doesn’t mess anything up for you. but he can never keep himself away for too long……
ok so we’re circling back to sugu now. i think satoru would handle the situation a lot better if suguru and you were together. my stsg-infested brain just can’t imagine an au where he isn’t at least a little bit in love with suguru…. and i think seeing two people he loves and trusts with all his heart be together doesn’t bother him nearly as much as it would have if you were with a random third party. there’s this One quote i like from . um….. a voice actor. of a character. in… ohshc 👉👈 AND I JUST THINK IT FITS IN THIS SCENARIO OK…….. :’3
I think Kyoya is very much in love with Tamaki and with Haruhi. He’s very much in love with the both of them. And I think it matures to a point where he would much prefer to see the both of them together than him with either one. Because they make more sense together than he makes with anybody else.
i think that’s sort of how he’d feel!!! there’s a kind of maturity there that satoru has imo. and since he’s so close to both of you, he doesn’t have to worry about being pushed out of your life (which might be his biggest worry in a scenario where you’re together with a random third party)…… so. yeah!!! would it be angsty? yes ofc. but i rlly do see satoru as a mature character, and also often selfless!!! he just respects you and your choices so much :(((
……….. what i will say. is that if you happened to get together with someone who didn’t treat you well. he would Shut That Shit Down instantly <3333 we love angry protective satoru !!!!!!!!
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kala-mies · 9 months
Didn't expect to get hit in the feels with "I'm glad we were written in the same story" and then it being immediadly followed by Chip wanting to marry Igneous
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sampilled · 2 months
paper bag by fiona apple playing while I'm in urban outfitters <333 trying and failing to find a cute dress that will fit me <33333 they really want me to kill myself :)
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menacevenice · 5 months
☀️ and 🧦 for the screenshot meme
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domesticccccc 🧦
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i haven't done the hot country one, but i will at some point just that i really wanted to see soma all domestic with raha and stinien
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plasmablush · 2 years
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Since they never had a real wedding, Venessa and Akira went all out on a vow renewal ceremony 💞
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supernovasimplicity · 2 years
I just want to say that I’m madly in love with you (you know, as far as mutuals on tumblr can be in love), every time I see you on my dashboard I’m like ohhh there’s my favorite! Giggling and kicking my feet! I don’t know why, I don’t think we even have that many fandoms in common or anything. You just seem like such a sweet soul and I think you are awesome
I didn't even want to publish this because it might be the nicest ask i've ever gotten and I want to keep it to look at forever :((((
I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAYYYY this is so sweet of you and i'm really glad we're mutuals <3 And thank you for continuing to follow me even though we don't have many fandoms in common! That is dedication <3
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Ngl im still thinking about how gorgeous that wedding was. Omg her dressssssssssssss!!!!! Prettiest. Dress. I've. Ever. Seen. Omg i can't even.
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kashmirichaiwithmehr · 2 months
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carmine lilac charcoal steel x10000000!! (i’m proposing with a blue raspberry ring pop btw)
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spi i love u forever we are kissing we r so getting married i am eating the blue raspberry ring pop :( so u have to get me another ring i prommy i wont eat it this time (< lying) 💕💕💕
tell me why you follow me!
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Random Tyler and Sarah headcanon: Tyler was there at Sarah's wedding but not as a quest, as the cook. And when he saw Sarah's dress, he did tell her she looked beautiful but also in his most respectful way say that he hated the dress because she wasn't smiling in it therefore it was ugly and boring ( we love and Stan Sarah's happiness on this account )
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And Sarah makes a joke about how if she'd been in charge of her wedding dress she would've found one that matched her personality. Only, it wasn't a joke at all.
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akutagawa, ready to end his just-friendship situation with atsushi and ask him out finally: i have a big question to ask
atsushi, ready to end his just-dating relationship with akutagawa and marry him finally: omg!! yes <33333
akutagawa, relieved: i am glad we are on the same page
atsushi, giddy, already planning their wedding: me too <33
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