lame2882 · 2 years
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“His statue stands on the deserted island. Alone, but beautiful.”
Lil bit of environment art for Foranon. This is a statue of Lochland, a memorial after he had to be sealed away. I don’t do a lot of environment art, but I was really happy with this one.
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moiraiinesedai · 2 years
Salutations! If you do requests can you please give us some gifs of Sophie from “Death on the Nile”. If you don’t enjoy your day!
hey, anon! i don’t, but is there a specific scene you’re interested in? i can’t promise i’ll have it up immediately (work 😅), but i’ll tag it as #forAnon once I do!
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sarah-emiliya · 3 years
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*Rue* a private Anon Request. Hope you like her, your DL Link is in the Msg :) And yes im able to add the Elven Ears :D
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devakaia · 5 years
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lavenderbones22 · 6 years
Birthday Surprise - Ben Hardy
Summary: It's Ben's girlfriend's birthday and he can't wait to give her a special present.
Requested: 'Idk if you do kink smuts or stuff like that, but can you do an imagine where it's your birthday and after your party at the club ben says that he has his last surprise and he gets so kinky like "call me daddy" and he tie you up and puts like ice cream or something like that on your body while you're blindfolded?'
Word Count: 3640 
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A/N This is what I imagine Ben wearing in this. Let’s pretend this is him with you behind him walking outside of the club. hehe. gif credit to @benhardyispretty loving your page hun! x
I couldn't feel my feet in the sky high heels I was wearing. They were very high but they were even more expensive.
Christian Louboutin.
Ben had got them for me for my birthday and I nearly screamed loud enough to burst his ear drums when he handed me the bag this morning.
"I was going to wrap them but I thought it looked so much better in the bag than any shitty wrapping I would do," he laughed nervously.
I'd proceeded to bowl him over to the ground when I pulled the red bottom's out of their box. They were the most perfect shoes I'd wanted for ages now.
"You'll get the rest later tonight," he said with a cheeky grin.
I smiled to myself at the memory from this morning as I made my way through the club. My boyfriend was the greatest. Speaking of which, where the heck was he? I took a sip of my amaretto sour and looked around the packed venue. It was my absolute favourite drink that I insisted on drinking throughout all of tonight. Except for tequila shots, yep, amaretto sour cocktails and tequila shots were my jam for tonight.
"Seen Ben?" I snaked my arm around Rami's waist. He was standing in line at the bar and the only one from our group of friends I could find.
Since Ben had been filming Bohemian Rhapsody he had become really good friends with all of his cast mates which in turn meant I became good friends with them all also. They had wrapped filming a week ago and as well as it being a celebration of my birth, they considered tonight a celebration of all their hard work too.
I never liked to share my birthday celebrations but I supposed this was a good enough reason.
"Last I saw he was heading that way with Gwil," Rami pointed to our left out where the beer garden was. I thanked him with a kiss on the cheek and sauntered off in search of Ben.
When I found him he was skulling a pint of beer, along with Joe. They had Gwil, Lucy and a few of our other friends cheering them on.
"What the hell," I mumbled to myself, laughing at the sight in front of me. Ben slammed his pint down before Joe, standing up with his hands in the air and yelling out that Joe owed him fifty pound. People were looking at them, some laughing, others shaking their heads. Joe was immediately at it with the excuses. 'Ben got a head start' and 'I don't measure my manhood by the time it takes for me to skull a beer.'
I was giggling while I tried to light my cigarette and walk up to the table they were seated at, my boyfriend's eyes spotting me and lighting up.
"There's my birthday girl!"
He was still yelling loudly.
Okay, he was wasted.
"Here I am!" I took a puff of my fag, blowing out the smoke before Ben pulled me to him and pressed his lips onto mine.
"Love you," he spoke against my lips.
"Love you more."
He sat back down and pulled me onto his lap where we shared my cigarette. His hand was wrapped around my lower back, softly stroking the top of my bare thigh. Along with my shoes being new, my dress was too. A short, silver silk dress with slits up the side that Ben couldn't get enough of.
"I cannot wait to get you out of this later," he spoke thickly against my ear, nibbling at my earlobe right after. It sent shivers down my spine and I couldn't help but moan. I knew Ben nearly better than I knew myself which meant that I was pretty sure he had some things up his sleeve to keep our night going once we got home.
My arm was wrapped around his neck, moving up occasionally to run through his hair and along his recently shaved sides. I loved his new hairstyle. It made me so hot for him.
I leaned down and kissed his sharp jawline.
"Calm down horn dogs!" Joe's thick American accent pulled me away from my lover, his displeased face making me giggle. "Don't need to see you two making babies. I'm drunk, but not drunk enough to forget that!"
"Oh shush it mate, you're just jealous!" Ben spat jokingly.
"Yes! Yes Ben I am and I certainly don't appreciate your girlfriend here waving you in front of my face like she's been doing all night!"
Joe looked at me. "And don't you think I haven't noticed missy!" His face was as straight as an arrow and as much as I was trying to play along and act serious, I just couldn't, he was too funny. I broke out into laughter. This was why they were actors and I was not.
"See and now she's laughing at my misfortune. Poor form my dear," he shook his head, eventually looking up and blowing me a kiss.
"How 'bout we go dance!?" Lucy suggested, standing up and holding her hand out for me. I took her invitation and looked back at Ben who audibly groaned when I left his lap.
"Coming?" I asked him.
He smirked. "Yep. Just about."
I rolled my eyes, choosing to ignore his innuendo and followed Lucy back into the club and onto the middle of the dance floor.
The music was blaring through the relatively small place. It was past midnight now and everybody in the venue was absolutely wrecked. Myself included. Lucy and I had been dancing for a few songs now and I half expected Ben to have found me already but he hadn't.
Lucy's hazy eyes smiled at me as she twirled me around. A completely inappropriate dance move for the ASAP Rocky song that was playing but we were too drunk and having too much fun to care.
"I need those hips grinding up against me right now," Ben's deep voice radiated through me, even with the consuming sounds of the music around us. It was always that way whenever he was nearby. Whether it be his voice, his footsteps or the way that he smelled, I was always hyper sensitive to him.
"Well you were no where to be found," I retorted, turning around in his arms that were wrapped around my neck.
"I'm here now," he smirked, cupping my chin and pulling my lips to his. He tasted like beer and cigarettes, my mouth becoming the same as our tongues intertwined. My hands on his waist gripped tight at the brown leather jacket he was wearing. God, I needed him to fuck me so bad. "I have one last birthday surprise for you when we get home."
I groaned, knowing without a doubt that the surprise he was insinuating would be sexual. I let my head fall against his muscular chest.
"When is an appropriate time to leave my own birthday party?" I spoke titillatingly against his plump lips, shaded a deeper pink from clashing with mine. Also, probably my lipstick.
"Your birthday, your rules baby," he responded casually. "But can I suggest we make it soon, I'm already hard as hell."
I accidentally moaned out loud at the thought of his hard cock right there only separated by his jeans and my dress. Pulling him closer, I pushed myself into him, easily feeling just how hard he was.
"Alright, lets go." I couldn't take it anymore. So grabbing Ben's hand I said goodbye to Lucy and Rami who were dancing right next to us and went out back to say goodbye to the rest of our group. Other than the final 'happy birthday's' being thrown my way and the 'see you later's', we were barraged by the knowing looks of just why it was that we were leaving so soon. 1am was relatively early I supposed although I considered it a decent time to leave.
"They all knew we were going home to fuck," Ben laughed as we headed out of the club and into the cold air of London. "And I'm definitely not ashamed of that fact!" He added.
"Neither am I! Besides, birthday sex is some of the best sex one can have!"
"Cheers to that babygirl!" He pulled me back into his warmth while we waited for our Uber. "But not now because I need to get you home, out of that dress and onto my cock as soon as humanly possible."
It took fifteen minutes from when we were stood on the footpath outside the club until I was lying wanting and naked on our bed.
"Hurry uppppp," I grumbled at Ben while he was rummaging through something in the wardrobe.
"Hold tight darlin', just getting some things!" His voice was teasing and like I had suspected, he was up to something.
Suddenly he appeared out of the wardrobe, his hands behind his back with some things obviously in them.
"So remember a few weeks ago we were watching that fifty shades movie..."
"Oh Ben..." I laughed nervously. "If you plan to hang me from chains or make me do some fucking weird shit I swear-"
"No babe," he interrupted me. "Nothing' like that I promise. Just a few things I thought we could have fun with."
He walked closer to me and I watched him very carefully. He was shirtless, his muscles making me drool in the dim light that we had illuminating the bedroom. "Close your eyes," he said.
I did as told, nervous butterflies raging in my stomach. It wasn't that I was actually nervous or didn't trust Ben, it was more nervous anticipation; what was about to happen.
I felt him slip a blindfold over my eyes and tie it at the back. I giggled, this was fun already.
"You look so hot when you can't see anything," Ben commented. "I need you to sit up a little,"he helped me move and shuffled me further up the bed. I heard some fumbling of his pants, thankful they were finally coming off.  But instead of hearing them drop and feeling him hovering over the top of me, I felt leather being tied around my wrists.
"Put your arms above your head baby and lie back," his rough hands (that had become rougher recently due to playing the drums) bound my wrists with the leather belt and tied them to the headboard.
We'd tied each other up before so that was nothing new. The blindfold though, we'd never done that and in all honesty I couldn't believe we hadn't; it was thrilling. That paired with the bound wrists, I knew that I was in for a hell of a time.
"Get comfy my love, I'll be right back!" His voice was deeper, sexier, hungrier when I was lacking a sense and it only made me want him so much more. I heard his footsteps leave the room and walk down the hall. I was already feeling exhilarated and I wondered what else he had planned.
He returned moments later not saying a word and I could hear him begin to take the rest of his clothes off. All that sounded the room was the slight wind against the window and my heavy breaths of anticipation.
"You ready baby?" His voice made me jump, not expecting him to speak at that moment.
We both laughed.
"Yep, let's get this show on the road!"
Chuckling lowly, I heard his footsteps approach the bed. He stopped for a moment and it sounded like he had something else in his hands that he was fiddling with. "Ben?"
"Right here!" He assured me.
Seconds later I felt his side of the bed dip and I could sense him above my midsection.
"This might be cold," he warned me and before I had a chance to respond I heard the unmistakable sound of whipped cream coming out of the bottle.
I squeaked when I felt the cold sensation of what I guessed was the cream around my left nipple. I squirmed as best I could with my arms bound to the headboard, giggling continually as he went on and did the same to my other nipple.
"Fuck yeah," he practically moaned. I could imagine him leaning above me, pupils dilated fully with desire as he soaked me in with his eyes. "So fucking sexy."
"It's so cold!" I bit my lip feeling more turned on by the second as I got used to the feeling of the cold cream on my nipples. I could also feel myself becoming extremely wet.
"Hold on a second, I got an idea!" I felt Ben's weight leave the bed and heard him rummaging around the room once more. Not a minute later his weight was back on the bed but this time more towards the end, closer to where my feet were.
"Ben, what are you doing?"
"Taking a photo," he answered without missing a beat.
"Christ, really?"
"Yes really. I'll keep these for when I'm off next filming somewhere," I heard the click of the polaroid camera and the sound of the picture printing. "Besides, I have been meaning to update the wank bank and this is perfect baby!" He laughed.
"For fuck sake!" I kicked what I think was his thigh playfully and rolled my eyes underneath the blindfold. "You are disgusting."
"Not disgusting my love, just a horny guy who has an incredibly sexy girlfriend."
After a few more photos, Ben put the camera down (I assumed) and started spraying more cream onto my body. My belly button, both of my hipbones and the spot I was most excited about, my pussy.
"Fuck," I moaned when the coldness of the cream hit the warmth of my wetness. It was the most perfection juxtaposition of feelings.
After a few more photos (I sure as hell hoped nobody ever found them), Ben leaned down and kissed me passionately. It was the first point of the night where I wished I was able to put my arms around him. His lips moved from mine down to my neck, biting and sucking as he continued his journey. Goosebumps alined my body as his kisses became more heated. Licking along my collarbone demandingly and leaving soft kisses along the top of my breasts.
When his mouth wrapped around my nipple, I shivered. "Fuck," I moaned, tilting my head back further into the pillow. He closed his mouth around it entirely and sucked it clean. The feeling literally sent electric shocks throughout my entire body, collecting right in my pussy. It felt so fucking good.
He repeated the process on the other nipple while he massaged my other breast. "Do you like it," he whispered gruffly.
"I fucking love it," I murmured. Once again, I wanted more than anything to run my hands through his blonde locks while he ravished me like this. But he made sure that wasn't going to happen. Not tonight.
"I can tell you do," I knew he was smiling by the way he spoke. He kissed each of my nipples, both of them fully hard from the attention he had been giving them.
He then moved down to my belly button, licking down my sternum whilst on his way. I shivered again, more violently this time while he licked the cold, sugary cream out of my belly button and then each hipbone. His fingers dropped down to my crotch and he ran two through my wet centre. "You're so wet baby...so fuckin' wet...I love it."
I grinned widely and moaned. I was seriously loving every second of this and he hadn't even properly started.
He was up at my face again, fingers still moving about in my pussy, purposely avoiding my clit. Cheeky shit. "I've been thinking about this all day," he whispered against my lips, placing a soft kiss against them before advancing back.
He ran his lips down my neck, over my breasts and my belly before finally reaching his rightful place between my legs. "Spread them, baby," he mumbled, hands on the inside of each thigh as I moved them apart for him. He didn't even need to ask, don't know why he did. Oh right, I couldn't see.
Since I couldn't use my hands to run over his back, I used my feet instead. Moving them up over his shoulders and over his silky skin while he ran his tongue through my pussy. I pulled on the belt binding me and felt my legs jerk. I was already a huge fan of being eaten out but this, holy shit, this was on another level.
"Fuckkkkk," I practically screamed, Ben laid a hand on my belly to keep me in place while he ate me out like a starved man. "Ben," I moaned.
He looked up from where he was, finger replacing his tongue on my clit for a second. "Not tonight," he spoke seriously. I knew what he meant, we did this every so often.
"Sorry daddy," I apologised innocently. A smirk and a wink and he was back licking between my folds.
"Oh my god," I moaned loudly. "Fuck daddy, it feels so good," I cried. My wrists were starting to hurt in the bind because of all the pulling but it really did just heighten everything I was currently feeling.
"Feeling good?" He mumbled against me.
"Yes," I breathed, the vibration of his words creating yet another incredible feeling.
I heard him grab the can and spray more of the cream onto my clit, giggling as the coldness shocked me once more but that quickly turned into a moan when he licked and sucked it right off.
My toes were digging into his shoulders, arms pulling roughly against the belt holding them there, Ben was going at it a million miles an hour and I was about to cum. "Be-I mean daddy, fuck, I'm about to come!"
"Come on baby, come for daddy!" He coaxed me, now inserting two fingers into me and fucking me with them while he continued to beat away at my clit.
"Fuckkkkk," I moaned loudly. "Oh my god!" He removed his fingers and ran his hands up the back of my thighs, lifting me off the bed slightly and pushing me further into his mouth. The change in position triggered me and I came hard into his mouth. Lapping me up I started to giggle at the over sensitised feeling as I was coming back down from my high.
"Fuck me already daddy, I need you," I begged, licking my lips at what I knew was quite a sight in front of me. Ben... red faced, sweat beads glistening on his forehead and chest, out of breath with me all over his lips. He chuckled and climbed up my body, kissing me aggressively and I could taste myself on his tongue mixed with the sugary sweetness of the cream.
"You're being such a good girl for daddy I might take off your blindfold, let me see those pretty eyes," his words were husky, full of sex. I was so fucking turned on it was beyond right now.
I bit my bottom lip and nodded while Ben slipped the blindfold off and I nearly cried when I could finally see his beautiful face.
"I love you," he said sweetly, breaking the dominant character he was playing for the night.
"I love you," I repeated back to him softly.
With a last kiss to my lips, he pinned me down to the pillows, nudging my legs apart once more and directed himself into me.
We groaned loudly in sync. Relief after so much hype and anticipation all night; we were connected.
He leaned his forehead against mine when he'd pushed in all the way, easy with how wet I was and the remnants of the whipped cream. Our eyes were locked and he started to move. A groan, a struggle of my hands that were still bound; this felt too good. I knew I was going to come again pretty soon and I guessed Ben was in the same situation. He had one hand supporting himself right next to my shoulder and the other running up the side of my heated body while he rammed into me like there was no tomorrow.
"I'm gonna come again daddy," I warned him, wrapping my legs around his lower waist and resting my feet on his butt. He kissed me again as he kept thrusting, the squelch of where we connected only fuelling each of our desire.
"Do it, come for daddy," he encouraged me for the second time that night, his voice so strained and deep it kinda shocked me. Pushing into me a few more times I fell off the edge, groaning and writhing underneath Ben's weight, the muscles in my legs spasming and twitching as I fell back down to earth.
Ben kept fucking me through my orgasm relentlessly trying to reach his end. "Fuck," he groaned over and over as his thrusts became messier and less rhythmic. One thing I could credit the movie to was how his new found drum skills made him a better lover. The rhythm he could keep when he was fucking me these days was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. I always had at least two orgasms every time we fucked.
I moved my legs higher up his waist so he could go deeper, which he did and a few seconds later he slowed down, dropping his head against my chest as he came hard as hell into me. His breaths were ragged and he chuckled as he lifted his head and kissed me.
"Fuck, I love you," he smiled and placed his hand on my cheek as we made out for a few seconds.
"Love you daddy," I purred.
"I think we need to use sugar during sex more often," he mumbled, peppering my face with kisses. "Happy birthday princess."
TAG LIST : @galileoqueen-mama-mia , @fuckinghurricanesoul , @spidreling , @screaminggalileochickenwrites , @softbenhardy , @meraki--mei , @mortifiedmoon , @ziggysstarrdust , @tanya-is-dead
Enjoy my lovelies and make sure to let me know what you think! Also, inbox is still open so send through any suggestions of what you wanna read! xo
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the ships thing
ships that I ship and absolutely will post
ships I don't ship but do like
juvia x meredy
ships that I'll post upon request
ships I'll post if they're in a submission
rufus x orga
ships I won't/can't post because I don't know the characters well enough right now
rufus x orga
ships I will not post
if you can think of any ships I haven't mentioned, tell me and I'll tell you where they go 💕
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para tu, curious Anon.
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mashumiwu · 5 years
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[7:30pm] Just as you were about to turn off your phone, it buzzed. You looked at your lockscreen to see the cute contact name of your boyfriend, Haechan, or as in your contactname for him, "Sunshine Haechan❤". You immediately unlocked your phone to read his message. He sent you a selfie of him at his concert in Japan with that caption "NCTzen's love aren't the same as yours❤" which made you smile and think about how much you really miss him and how you wish he comes home early. (Drabble for anon tysm for requesting❤)
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kaitlynnic · 7 years
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articleone · 6 years
To the Anons that continue to compare and tear down the women that are (and aren't) in my life: I hope this brings you some form of satisfaction & answers that you’ve been looking for. Because it won't bring you peace, it won't provide you answers about the definition of beauty and it won't bring you closure for whatever you’re searching for. You’ve come to the wrong woman for that.  I am bold, I am confident and I am strong. As are the women around me.
Continuing to send me anonymous messages about my ex and who you think I may or may not be dating, does not bring joy to your life. If it does, its masked by self doubt and insecurities of your own. Look to them and answer them for yourself, because sending messages behind a screen won't provide those answers for you. It just won't, they are falsified. 
The women I surround myself with are beautiful, I can tell you this with my eyes closed. This particular woman, yes; she's mine. But her soul surpasses anything you could ever compare. Her kindness, the gentleness in her voice, the stories in her eyes, the beauty in her body; the tenderness she shares in her patience, the way she moves so humbly and her brave sense of humor. The way each of her laughs tell a story. I know all of these things without looking at her in a superficial manner.
The most we can ever ask for in life is peace and to understand the true depth of happiness. I am on the path to obtaining and understanding both of those things. But your actions reflect, that you are not. 
I mean it with sincerity when I ask you to take a look at what your desired outcome is and what it is you’re truly looking for. You won't find it behind the anonymity of screen; I promise.
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tarotwithaura · 6 years
When will I get married? -A
You’ll get married in 11 years.
Want a reading like this one? Drop a question in my ask box.
What a more in depth and private reading? Message me for details.
Dove LaVeau is a 1st degree Wiccan Priestess with a degree from Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary in Wiccan Ministry. She’s been reading cards professionally for 5 years. And has had oracular abilities her entire life.
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lame2882 · 2 years
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I don’t post a lot of my fanon stuff here, but I really like this design so I’m changing that.
I’ve posted Lochland before, but don’t really talk about how he was originally a Legend of Zelda fan character. He’s an ancient and bitter spirit of a past hero that accompanies a different hero fan OC.
Of course, this whole thing is an au to the canon Legend of Zelda universe. The canon timeline is confusing af and I’m not dealing with that. So if I continue to post about my fanon Zelda universe, don’t expect things to line up with canon 100%
Okay, now for the character himself
Lochland is an incarnation that came before Majora’s Mask. The reason why his name is Lochland and not the usual Link is because of… well, Lochland wasn’t meant to be the hero in the first place. In my au, heroes are predetermined before they are born. Their spirits are handcrafted by the goddesses and are reincarnated just in time to stop Ganon. However, Ganon managed to catch the goddesses off guard, making it impossible for them to send a hero in time. So instead, the goddesses put the hero’s soul into a mortal who was already of age to defeat Ganon, and that mortal just so happened to be Lochland. The reason as to why he was chosen will be discussed in a later post, I’m sure.
Anyway, as the hero, he fought in the war against Ganon as the general of the Hylian Army. He took a lot of injuries in battle, losing his foot and ear being one of them.
In the end, he defeats Ganon but is cursed by the demon king’s final breath. A curse that trapped him with every future incarnation of the hero.
As a spirit, he watches every hero after him relive his worst traumas, maybe even becoming more traumatized than him. And he watches them do horrific things at such young ages. It hurts him and makes him grow bitter. Bitter towards the goddesses that he believed forced them into this vicious cycle. And in retaliation, he tries to keep the future heroes from completing their duty… which becomes a problem for the goddesses and Hyrule.
And that’s all I have to say about this little au for now! I’ll probably post things from both Foranon and this Zelda AU from now on. I hope you like them :]
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myheartportal · 7 years
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Fall is perfect for family and champagne 🍾
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sarah-emiliya · 4 years
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My Triplets..Noah, Tristan and Lilly :)
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For you Anon, sry fot the Delay but im ill atm. So im not much here.
Picture 1: My Triplets, Picture2: Lilly, Picture 3: Tom ( Noahs Crush)
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higher-frequencies · 5 years
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This is for you anon
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