#professional psychic
mysicselise · 1 year
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mjtwinflamesoul · 9 days
Twin Flame Insights from the 1st Expert Worldwide
Back from my Baby Break :)
Dear Readers I am back from a longer break due to pregnancy and having a baby, and working a lot on TV and for clients worldwide to help especially with Twin Flame Soul matters. I also travel and do complex spiritual works which take time and effort, which is the reason why I cannot always blog anymore. I have built a whole library of information since 11-11-2011 on this blog and you can always…
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thefatfeministwitch · 2 months
Episode 111 - Magical Mediumship with Melissa St. Hilaire
Hello again witches, seekers, and friends, and welcome to The Fat Feminist Witch Podcast! Today I’m joined by professional psychic medium and witch Melissa St. Hilaire and we’re talking all about her work, her magical life, and her new book 30 Real Signs from the Afterlife! Get the book at ⁠Amazon.ca⁠ or ⁠Amazon.com⁠. You can find Melissa at her website ⁠americanwitch13.com⁠, on instagram as…
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tarotreaderblue · 1 year
Exciting news!
Yesterday I got offered an online psychic position with Mediumchat!
I'm so excited to start this new journey!
Today I will be going back to working on my Fool's Journey series and my Upright Arcana Meaning series. Stay tuned to see more!
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charmwasjess · 6 months
send help, I went to a punk show last night an hour away from my house on a school night
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astramachina · 6 months
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i have deleted my twitter account i am free now
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spacepunksupreme · 11 months
I’ve been reading this Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD novel that I found sitting in someone’s trash (lol) on a walk a little while ago. And I’m like halfway through it but I still cannot stop thinking about this description of Fury from the second chapter
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his surprisingly supple body ???
the writer was like damn, gotta remind my target audience of teenage boys how unexpectedly pliant and soft-to-the-touch Nick Fury’s body is while he straps himself into a fighter jet, that’s so integral to this scene where he’s just getting into a fighter jet, also of course his lucious hair
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arrowpunk · 14 days
It's really weird being in this like free college program for under-served young adults, and having to take a professional development/financial literacy class, that really frames things like 'well if you just worked harder/worked smarter/did everything right then you wouldn't have any problems financially' when like. This program is specifically aimed at people who are below the poverty line, and are unable to get a job working a living wage.
Like it is. Incredibly bold of them to look at this room of burnt out, impoverished young adults, some of whom are disabled, and many of whom have very unstable housing situations, and tell them that if they just tried harder they really wouldn't have these problems. And oh aren't you all so lucky you're in this free program, wow don't kids these days have it sooooo easy.
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figfiggyfigure · 1 month
But she hears what I cannot.
But I thrive where she does not
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clicheantagonist · 1 month
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nikiabella · 2 months
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We have to remember to breathe.
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thewoodbine · 2 years
🌿Professional Tarot Readings Open🧹
As some of you may know, in the past I offered online readings which grew to enough popularity that I was able to get hired at the largest occult store in my state as a professional tarot reader. Recently I have moved though, and would like to continue my practice. This has led me to this decision to begin offering my tarot readings out online again! (I’m so excited as I really missed this part of my practice).
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What To Expect: An engaging and interpersonal exchange in which I take your query and spread selection and provide a reading and insight. Following the reading I am open to questions and discussion, drawing from over a decade of occult experience and study. My personal expertise are in dream work, folk magic, love/romance, and spirit work but I’m open to any and all sorts of questions. Don’t be afraid to get weird with it, no judgement here. (Except for the cards say, that’s on them of course).
How To Order: Simply email [email protected] with your query letting me know you’d like a reading, and I will send you some follow up information. The reading will arrive 1-3 days after payment.
- $1 Pendulum Yes/No, I know this isn’t technically tarot but I wanted to offer a budget option for my broke baddies xoxo
- $15 Flat Rate for a 3 card spread with images and discussion, and an additional $3 for every bonus card you may request to be added after that for further clarity. (Please note this is 50% cheaper than what my in-person rate was but I know times be tough out here and Tumblr has been my home for years now. <3 ) ALL QUESTIONS ACCEPTED
- $30 Celtic Cross: The Mac Daddy of all tarot spreads, a classic, and VERY popular for people who don’t have a specific question in mind, have never had a reading before, or just generally want a full life-scope kind of reading
- $40 Lovers Reading: A truly massive spread that will tell you everything you could ever possibly want to know about you and your special someone (known or unknown). It’s pricey because these readings can sometimes take me hours to go card by card and lay it all out. It’s also very popular so in person I would charge even more than this because it could be so exhausting to do them back to back.
- $50 Custom Spread: Sometimes what has been done before just doesn’t cut it. Upon request I will not just read the spread for you, but I will also send you a custom guide so that you can replicate and learn this spread for yourself.
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doodle17 · 3 months
i wanna hear more ab your raz age up (mostly so I can draw ours together sffbgnv)
Ohgh I'm always willing to talk about him more I've been thinking so much about him recently, especially with how he reacts when he comes to the realization that being a Psychonaut is a lot more paper work than he would have expected it to be.
After being in the field for roughly 18+ years the awe and wonder of being a Psychonaut has eventually lost its charm. He still wouldn't be any other place though, since it is, in fact, his dream job still (to some extent) and he feels like after being there for so long he's stuck with it. He's always so buried in paperwork, always trying to sort it out in his dorm room (which at this point has become a den full of mountains made of files and inevitable papercuts)
Sure once he finally gets a mission to go on he can actually stretch his legs and do something somewhat entertaining, but even the mission work has gotten repetitive. Like, yeah alright we get it you want to take over the world, can you just skip to the part where you tell us where the bomb is please.
The downright repetition of it all has taken a toll on his childlike sense of adventure, and all the little things keep getting more and more mildly annoying by the day. When he was around 22 he decided to go to college in an attempt to break away from it for just a little bit, and that's where he and Chloe became acquainted.
Because of the predictability of it all, he's become quite fluent in snark and sarcasm, and while he still upholds the professional demeanor and performance he's always had since he was younger, he also tends to act quite nonchalant in what would be quite dire situations to most regular people. Usually shrugging off or rolling his eyes to all the empty threats the villains tend make. He's a younger sibling as well, so of course he knows a thing or two about how to push buttons and get into mischief and get away with it. While hes not as much of a wild card as Bobby or Lili, he tries to use these skills to his advantage to try and bring back some kind of thrill into his work.
All in all, he's tired. He still manages to have fun, but he's tired. Unless he can find a good case or mystery to keep him occupied for a while, he'll be sitting in his dorm sifting through paperwork while going through a pack of cigarettes. The boredom man... It wasn't until he started his counselor job at Whispering Rock that things started to get a little more interesting
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clonerightsagenda · 11 months
Given Stroud trashed the place in another series, I wonder what happened to the British Museum in L&Co. That place has got to be turbo haunted. Did people panic and burn it down? Did they go through the expense of encasing every artifact in silver glass and now they've got stolen artifacts and stolen spirits on display? Is the whole area cordoned off? (In which case Marissa definitely re-stole everything and tossed it into her hell portal for a double dose of imperialism.) If they returned everything, most of the haunting would probably stop, but would even a massive vengeful ghost infestation convince the British to return the shit they stole? Doubtful. They'd probably fall back on the old 'they don't have proper storage facilities' chestnut except for ghost control instead of artifact preservation.
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orchid-merryweather · 4 months
Ending an email in "Thank you :3" to inflict psychic damage on my opponent (classmate)
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gideonisms · 1 year
What would be your advice when people actually are treating you differently and it's not just your anxiety?
Bare minimum performance of social expectations based on what you observe from those people. Maybe act a bit cheerfully absent minded or dense, it covers many social sins. Don't indicate you know they're being weird, waste of time. INSTEAD put most of your energy into doing stuff you actually enjoy + finding people who treat you like a person. There's not really a shortcut imo. Just gotta vet the people you're genuine around and then be frighteningly genuine around them. Nearly everyone does this, the rituals can just be different based on the social group and my advice is to find a social group where the rituals suck less
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