#force healing is cool
base-and-co · 9 months
i had the idea for this one-shot for a week now and we're merely hours away from Ahsoka's finale, so might as well drop it right now
Voices of the Force
The world around him was swirling in bloodstained madness, pulling him both sides and making him scream in unison with the voice of his enemy, who was biting on his name, as a loth-wolf on a prey.
Ezra was turning inside out, his worn out skin taking place of his broken bones and his very soul desperately trying to escape this cage of blue chaos he unleashed. His vision was veiled by sheer curtain of pain and tears, his ears could not hear anything but his pumping heart and voice of Thrawn, burning inside his mind an everlasting mark.
Force was the only thing he could rely on right now.
Oh, how much he wanted to become one with it right now.
But something was telling him he couldn't.
Not yet.
"EZRA BRIDGER!" Thrawn roared, his wrath seen by Ezra for the first time. He stumbled, feeling the pressure of hyperspace eating them both alive, and let go. Door opened, stormtroopers instantly poured in just to be taken out hy purgils' tentacles and the storm of glass shards. Ezra grabbed a blaster and drew one of the helmets with the Force. He needed to breathe. His lungs were giving up and needed help. His blood was streaming down his ribcage and thigh, staining his clothes and the floors. Ezra wanted to give in, because it was so easy.
He just needed to close his eyes and let go and it all would be over. But something was not letting him do that.
Ezra could feel his legs betraying him, and he backed off, falling onto one of the tentacles. It felt cold yet familiar - he knew he could trust purgils, even if they were dragging him across space alongside his enemy.
"Help me," Ezra whispered, his voice barely audible. He wanted to give up so badly, he wanted to lay down and let soft mist of nothingness devour him completely, he wanted his pain to stop. Tentacle gently hugged him, lifted his body and lowered him behind the doors. Ezra couldn't feel his left arm yet he rose it to channel the Force. The doors were shut, last scream out of Trawn's mouth died behind them.
Ezra leaned on the wall, his breath still supported by the helmet, and heavily stumbled on his shaking legs. He needed to go right now. Where? He had no idea.
Back? To the others?
Well, this path was closed for good.
There was no one but him, his everlasting pain and the Force.
Ezra slipped on his own blood, and flopped on the floor, so tired and scared he didn't even scream.
"Kanan..." he called, trying to grasp on anything but finding nothingness welcoming him with open embrace. "Kanan..."
Ahsoka said, Kanan became part of the cosmic Force. Ezra would be part of it as well, but... It felt so unfair. Not for him, no. Ezra learned his lesson and found the moment he was needed the most, just like his master. But for the Specters...
Ezra swallowed hardly, his throat splitting at the seams, and tried to grip the wall, leaving a bloody handmark.
"Kanan..." he whimpered, like a little boy. Why must've it been so unfair?! "I can't..."
Ezra felt tears falling down his face and could not differentiate it from blood.
Ezra squeezed his palm on his injured side and tried to push himself up. He needed to go, but it was so hard...
"I can't," Ezra cried in strangled voice, feeling how last sparks of life were on their way to leave him. "I want to, but I can't."
"YOU MUST, BOY," Ezra could not recognize the voice. It was low and stern, but Ezra could feel worry behind it. "USE THE FORCE. SURVIVE."
"Force..." Ezra leaned on the wall once more, his breathing getting shallower every second. The Force was around him, dancing in some crazy waltz, ready to take him in its peaceful embrace.
"Pull the glass out of your wound," it was another voice Ezra didn't hear before. It was of a woman, calm and comforting. Ezra closed his eyes, his eyelids heavy as a thousand mountains, and tried to focus on his body.
He was in one piece still, but he could feel blood leaving his body swiftly. Glass cuts, on his arms and his legs, one right on his side, where blood was leaking heavily, and burn on his left shoulder. It was so much. It was too much to handle alone.
"You're not alone, my child," Ezra wanted to cry and collapse in the arms of whoever's voice it was. It was soothing, yet it needed him to fight still.
"USE THE FORCE," the low voice repeated, a bit softer this time, as a mentor, who was finally warming up to their student.
Ezra gathered the strength he had left and opened his palm, letting the Force course through his very being, channeling to the point in his side where pain was the sharpest. Something was off there, something alien was piercing his muscle, tearing deeper inside his body. And when he got a Force grip, he pulled.
His scream must've shaken the whole Chimera and if it wasn't for purgils, this agonizing scream itself would tear the ship apart.
"STAY AWAKE," low voice bit, and Ezra coughed on hot air in his helmet, feeling sharp tears of pain streaming down his face.
"Stop it," it sounded awfully like Hera. Ezra gritted his teeth, trying to grip the thought, have something good to think about aside from this pain that was tearing his insides out. "You're doing great, Ezra. Just a little more."
Ezra didn't even think about how in the Force the voice knew his name. All his senses were drowning in burning pain, only his grip became stronger and stronger until the glass finally left his body, opening new way for blood to escape as well.
"Listen," voice begged, and Ezra tried his best not to fall into cold pitch black slumber calling him with a promise of rest. "Ezra, you need to close the wound. Pull the sides together and let them close."
"How..." Ezra managed to breathe out, his mind becoming more and more clouded. Echo of his thoughts was deafening, it was harder and harder to keep his focus. It was all he had left.
"The Force, my boy," Ezra could swear he felt a gentle touch on his cheek, reminding him of his mother so much he wanted to lean into it and cry his lungs out. "The Force is strong in you. Let us help. Let it flow through you."
He gulped, blood in his mouth as well, and let the feeling of the Force sweep him. It was so acutely sharp, Ezra could swear he saw someone's dark skin, someone's gentle smile, he could feel someone direct his hands.
Pain was blinding. Well, a jedi didn't need his eye sight. They had the Force.
Ezra felt like he was sewing a torn cloth back together, except the cloth being himself. It was maddening and he was absolutely sure he could not do it alone. But he wasn't.
"Good job, Ezra," he could hear smile in the voice. His breathing was getting deeper, calmer. "You are very brave, my boy, and very strong."
Ezra shook his head slightly.
"It's not... Over yet..." he whispered, helmet still muting his voice.
"I know," the voice whispered again. Ezra opened his eyes, his visor covered with his own blood. "But you will be alright. Caleb taught you well."
"Kanan," Ezra breathed out once more, letting his head hit the wall behind his back.
"MOVE, YOUNG BRIDGER," low voice was there again, and Ezra had a strange willing to smirk on hearing it. "IT IS NOT YOUR TIME YET. YOU MUST MOVE ONWARD."
"Give me a break," Ezra whispered, trying to recollect control over his beaten up body. "Just a couple more moments."
"I will," he nodded lightly. "Just you stop yelling in my ear."
Ezra could swear he heard a light chuckle.
"Remember, Ezra," he opened his eyes, and pushed himself up. "You are not alone. Even if you can't see or hear it."
"I know," he leaned on the wall, breathing heavily. "Force unites us. Tell Kanan I'll be fine."
Ezra swallowed, closing his eyes. Force around him was calming down. It felt like it was moving away, slowly and lazily, like a gentle tide, leaving him on the shore.
"Thank you," he breathed out, before taking the first step and slowly moving down the corridor.
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foxcort · 10 months
sometimes i think about how the acotar books could've been a great way to show that "love doesn't heal trauma" rather than whatever points sjm was trying to make about abusive relationships and sa. instead of tamlin being abusive, she could've written that feylin's individual traumas kept them from reaching out to each other. or that feyre felt suffocated by the perfect, idyllic and alive spring court when she felt the opposite on the inside. or that tamlin felt overwhelmed by the sudden influx of responsibilities as he's trying to rid himself of the nightmares from utm. they try to make it work. they try to replicate some of the dates and dances from book #1 but there's an almost tangible shadow over their relationship now. and maybe one day feyre sees a memorial for andras or a likeness to one of the high fae living in the spring court to one of the high fae she killed utm, and has a panic attack. and this serves as the catalyst that severs feylin's relationship and reveals that yes, their love broke a curse, their love saved prythian but it couldn't (and shouldn't) heal them.
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sunsetzer · 3 months
On one hand, I want a final fantasy 6 remake, because the game is criminally underrated and the amount of fan content (which is all absolutely fantastic btw) is Not Enough for my neurodivergent, hyperfixating brain.
On the other hand, that would inevitably encourage more people to join the fandom, which would be great, except it seems these days the bigger a fandom gets the more toxic it becomes, and I really like what we have going on over here in our little corner. We all just love the game and its characters and nobody fights about who should and shouldn't date who or who you shouldn't like because they're ~problematique~. Nobody's trying to make one ship morally better than another, nobody's calling anyone names or threatening to doxx people who don't agree with their opinions. It's so peaceful and I love that for us. We're just vibing. Moisturized. Unbothered. In our lane. Flourishing.
#as someone who was in an extremely toxic and chaotic fandom and lowkey still traumatized#to the point where I'm afraid to mention which fandom it was/what my ship was#i have to say#i genuinely love it here#i was nervous at first sharing my ships and headcanons but everyone is so chill i was worried for nothing#thank you to everyone I've interacted with who has made this fandom a healing experience for me#i shudder to think about what some of the people i interacted with in a previous fandom would do with ff6#probably would take edgar's flirting at face value and call him problematic for objectifying women#instead of considering the narrative and what we know about him and the way he actually treats women#my man drinks loving and respecting women juice he's not a creep#or that weird moment with relm that admittedly made me double take before i realized what he meant#theyd have a whole campaign against him lmfao#bc those people boil characters alive until they're just a formless pile of tropes and stereotypes#and seem to disregard all positive aspects of a character they don't like which is fine#but then they go and try to force other people to think like they do and ugh#theres a lot of silly moments in the game and aspects of these characters that make them well rounded and realistically flawed at times#and i fear that would get lost in the chaos if the floodgates opened after a remake#maybe im just jaded lmao#im jaded and i have anxiety so im always thinking about The Worst Case Scenario#the collective positive spirit of the dwellers in this fandom might actually foster a positive space if more people were to come in#ff6#my post#i was gonna say maybe this is bc we're mostly adults#but that falls flat when i remember how some of the most toxic and immature people in some fandoms are grown ass adults#who bully each other and younger fans#and some of the most mature and cool people were actually younger#maybe ff6 fans are just built different lmao#also idk how old anyone else actually is there might be teenagers here i just don't think about it a lot
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mochapanda · 4 months
kabru is like one the most interesting well developed kind and sweet characters in dungeon meshi and yet every post is either him wanting to kill laios or shipping him with laios i fucking hate it here so much
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oh-meow-swirls · 1 month
it's kind of weird to me that they didn't bother releasing sushi and tempura internationally at all but at the same time i'm kinda glad they didn't cuz like. yo-kai watch was financially failing in the west by the time 3 released. i feel like if they had released sushi and tempura the franchise would've completely tanked before we got sukiyaki which would've sucked. honestly if anything i feel like it's more surprising that we got all three versions of 2 instead of them just releasing psychic specters but tbf i think yo-kai watch was doing well in the west when 2 released. 2 is just inexplicably what killed the franchise despite being a masterpiece-
#puppy rambles#yo-kai watch#yw3#yw2#idk. i have a lot of thoughts on this stuff#still upset i didn't find out 3 released in america until a while after it did :/ could've gotten a physical copy if i'd found out earlier#but alas. i'm just stuck with a boring digital version. i mean the digital versions of yo-kai watch games are better but like. still#i never got maginyan in blasters even though i could've. the code or whatever was on the receipt but my mom bought it for me#from the nintendo website. and i don't think she checked it and i don't think i found out that was where it was until a bit after i got it-#i did get machonyan and jibanyan t/komasan t's codes entered though so i can get them on any playthrough now#unless i put the sd card in another 3ds since apparently it's system-based instead of sd card based??? which is really stupid#but you can probably bypass that with cfw and i do plan on modding my 3ds eventually#it'll just be a process cuz i don't have an sd card slot on my computer and idk if my moms would be willing to help#so i'll probably have to get a separate sd card reader or whatever. which i do think my moms would be okay with i mean#it's my system and they're cool with piracy lfskdjfjkfsdkljfd-#my moms are so cool <3 i just wish i could get them interested in yo-kai watch but they don't seem to care lfskdjfkjsfdjlksfd-#they determined the battle system doesn't sound fun but i might've just described it badly#i mean tbf. it is very annoying sometimes. especially when my healer just will not heal the other yo-kai#''DO YOUR FUCKING JOB TATTLECAST STOP LOAFING'' -me playing 2#that being said if 1's switch port ever releases in america i am totally playing it on the tv#i WILL force my moms to watch me play funni ghost game whether they like it or not /lh#if we do ever get 1's switch port i hope they make it a collection of some kind with 2 and 3 remasters too i would buy that in a heartbeat#i mean obviously i will buy any american-released yo-kai watch stuff in a heartbeat aside from maaaaaybe y-school heroes#(i'm sorry y-school heroes fans i just cannot get into it. from concept alone it sounds like i would not enjoy it)#maybe sangokushi too if we ever get that but i feel like we probably won't#idk if the franchise it's a crossover with is popular enough in america for that#i hope we get more english yo-kai watch content once ghost craft releases. kinda feel like it's testing the waters tbh#i know it's seemingly just a spiritual successor but still#i do hope that it being a spiritual successor doesn't mean yo-kai watch is over. i doubt that it will since like#punipuni still gets semi-frequent updates
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mantisgodsdomain · 1 year
Out of all of the BF softlocks out there, our personal favorite is Kabbu's Sisyphean Nightmare, in which giving a Kabbu with -2 attack HP Core and then entering The Beast's fight in Chapter 5 will force you into a scenario where it is impossible for The Beast to kill Kabbu and it is impossible for Kabbu to kill The Beast, and they are forced to fight forever over Vi and Leif's bodies until either the battery on your platform of choice burns out or you turn the game off.
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goldiipond · 8 months
something i really really like about ray and isabella's relationship is that ray is never expected to forgive her at the end. it makes sense that the younger kids would all forgive her after she used her position to help them in the return to gracefield because at the end of the day, she raised them in a warm and nurturing environment and did truly love them. ray didn't really get that same treatment though.
im sure ray's feelings about her at the end are complicated to say the least, he understands the horrifying position she had been in since she was 12 and probably relates to that at least a little bit. i like the way he tells her to get over it and come to the human world with them because if he couldn't use death as a way out, he definitely wasn't going to let her do it. (this would have been much more impactful if she didn't proceed to die anyway a little later on but. gently pushes that aside <3)
i don't really think ray's 'no one is holding any grudges' line necessarily means he forgave her though? the kids know that the sisters are all victims of a horribly abusive and oppressive system, and none of them are going to hold that against them even if some can't bring themselves to forgive them for whatever personal reasons. in ray's case specifically as a victim of abuse, i do not think he owes isabella anything. it was the system that forced isabella to raise children for the farm or face death, but her actions against ray specifically were her own, and he has every right to feel a little differently about her because of that.
kill the trope of characters forgiving abusive family members because 'they had no choice'/'they're still family' give me more ray 'i know you were hurt deeply by things beyond your control but that doesn't excuse the pain you caused me' tpn <3
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kimbapisnotsushi · 10 months
i know i preach suspension of disbelief but what the fuck is going on in tsurune
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toxapex-lore · 10 months
One thing I keep constantly going over in my head is Sotis’ ability and moveset… I know for certain he has Oblivion Wing, that’s a given, and he starts out with Defeatist due to his personality…
However I’m not sure what ability that changes to when he finally grows more confident in himself - at the minute it’s Moxie, but I could make an excellent in universe reasoning for Soul Heart, but there’s probably also other good abilities for him to have that fit story wise…
That also leads to a moveset issue - his attack and special attack stats (actually an average of Yveltal and Decidueye’s!) are EXTREMELY similar, meaning he’s essentially a mixed attacker… except Moxie and Soul Heart would sway him to specialise in physical or special attack, respectively.
Yeah, there’s a lot of options I could go for, and I just genuinely don’t know which one is best…
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the-hawks-rye · 1 year
i know it's been said a gazillion times and said more eloquently than me but god the amount of missed potential in the sequel trilogy. thinking about how anakin became a villain because he felt he had no other choice (and the tragedy being that he always had a choice, and his character arc concluding with him deciding to stand up for what's right by saving luke), meanwhile kylo grew up surrounded by a loving family full of positive role models and chose evil knowingly because he craved power for power's sake. kylo idolizing the tragic figure of darth vader all the while burning the world around him. there was so much you could do with that but instead they had to sacrifice rey's character to make the movies about her fixing the genocidal white boy who never wanted to be saved
#rereading tfa junior novel...#tfa wasn't perfect but it really did set up a lot of interesting stuff! that never got proper attention (if it did at all)!#mitch rambles#sw#sw negativity#and of course the nature vs nurture with kylo vs finn. why the hell did they never get a rematch after tfa. like that would have so good#having finn now on solid footing knowing that this (the fate of the galaxy) is worth fighting for and his now realized self#kicking kylo's pathetic ass into the next galaxy#also why tf did rey get force healing in tros when finn was ren's (characterized by destruction) narrative foil#like i know it's sidelining finn bc racism and making rey super special and powerful in lieu of actual characterization & bc they didn't#actually care about the story they were telling but y'know. 'why' best conveys my bafflement with the thematic flops situation#anyway back to kylo. u could have him tentatively going lightside-ish at the end of the final movie bc star wars redemption themes and all#but you'd have to have him very very very clearly giving up power (or accepting a forced loss of it) for it to work! like themes 101 people#like 'oh i did a bad thing by killing my dad :(' cool but are we gonna address the root cause of why you did that? (or your other crimes)#it's bc he was representative of how morals still had some power over you and u hated that because u need to be stronger than anything else#i don't think any of this ground-shaking breakthroughs like your room full of writers couldn't work out any of that. does nobody know what#a theme is? people were payed big money to make those movies??? (this is not about set/sound/costuming/etc you did great)#*sigh*#store wore posting
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marcirose · 2 years
Ray’s force ghost shows up and pretty much tells Allison to move on and heal, but she still doesn’t and in the end, she gets him and Claire back without learning a god damn thing.
I dunno about y’all but that leaves such a bitter taste in my mouth.
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sugar-konpeito · 2 years
Do guardians in Sailor Moon have specific classifications to describe what *type* of guardian they are? Like what abilities they can have and what purpose they serve in their system or the universe as a whole? 
I don’t think so, but it’d be really helpful if there was!
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been talking to myself for a whole hour while washing the dishes about inquisitor stakh and honestly i think thats pretty hot of me<3
#literally though i think thats such a cool concept#idk how to elaborate in small words#but just#the whole deal about him heing stripped from all the physical things that tie him to the town#and being sent to be trained by the powers that be. leaving his friends and his own town behind#him being so easily manipulated yet so angry at the very system that molds him#how useless he would find himself to be upon reencountering the plague without isidors teachings#even through all that has been passed down and taught to him by the powers that be#the dawning realization that he was sent to the very place he was born in to meet an unfathomably cruel fate#being so sturbborn and jealous he would proudly let be molded by an outside force#aching to show his own past self. childhood friends and very town how he has grown to be knowledgeable and worthy of praise#because oh boy does he crave it#seeing burakh after such a long time#seeing that through artemys actions he in fact was never actually going to be enough to heal the town back into its state of tranquility#he was never meant to heal this town#because the all the knowledge to be cultivated about it through isidor was now lost to time after his death#all the power that is sacred and necessary to saving his hometown was never really in his hands#being ripped so early from the core of his own development as a citizen of the town made him useless in a such desperately native situation#not being able to take attention and pride if not coupled with jealous#hoping so dearly to prove all the people he loves wrong#yearning for attention and the proud eyes of his friends that would gaze upon him once returning triumphantly as their only savior#not handleing the fact that he was never going to be one#not to lara. not to artemy. not to bad grief. and much less isidor (who he had not the chance to meet and much less learn from properly)#having to see artemy as struggling as one can scramble through his problems and come out of it all alive#having to gaze upon such a man that also abandoned the town and his steppe pratices yet still was so readily accepted by the town#the jealous of giving up agency over his life. his emotions. only to be better than others and still be rendered utterly useless#jealousy**#finding that lara is far worse than when he had parted#(as described in pathologic 2 they seemed to be quite close. thus theorizing that her depression be lessened by his presence)#being made so impersonal to his own roots to such a degree that the conflict stirring within his chest about the system only grows larger
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averagemrfox · 2 years
Btw everyone say thank you to Aabria for building a shit brick house of a wizard
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claire-starsword · 4 months
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Apparently i'm not immune to consumerism when it means "school supplies cooler than anything i had back in my day"
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pseudowho · 4 months
Fire and Iron
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Forced to stay the night with Nanami Kento, the town's blacksmith, after tending to his wounds, you find yourself smouldering in his irresistible flame.
Warnings: 18+, fluff and smut, loss of virginity
Your boots cracked through the ice-topped slurry puddles scattering the mud path in the village. The shawl bundled over your shoulders was not enough, and the biting cold wind whipped your cloak back, stripping its usefulness off your shivering shoulders.
Townsfolk waved to you, nodding, smiling; greetings for a familiar face, many of them grateful for your travels to their icy town over the years, lacking even a basic healer of their own, let alone one so talented.
Passing by the blacksmith's hut on your way, you paused out the front, feeling the heat bellowing forth like dragon's breath. You tipped your head back, the smell of ash and steel filling your nose. As you paused, moments after, so did the clang of hammer on anvil.
You opened your eyes, stinging in the brutal cold and smoke. You, once more, like a hundred times before, had caught the eye of the blacksmith. He, whose name you did not know. He, who looked but never touched. He, to whom you had passed so many thousands of hours of your life, and his life to you, through gaze alone.
Stood proud at the anvil, shadowing the forge like the door to hell behind him, his broad shoulders wore only an open-chested white linen shirt, and a thick brown leather apron. With his ashy blond hair, and the lines of his face filled with soot, he was ageless and unknowable. He looked to you, his sharp face quiet and impassive; expression always somewhere between fury and tranquility.
Your lips parted once, as if to speak, and it jumped the blacksmith to life. With a barely perceptible nod, and a grunt, he swung his hammer back, brought down in beautiful accuracy, shaping smouldering steel. The clang rung through you, your chest jolting with a short gasp, and you collected yourself, stepping onwards. You were sure you could feel his cool gaze through the back of your head.
Another patient; another healed. Another grateful family; another life prolonged. The days were short now, and as you stepped out of the house of rough-hewn wood and stone, the forest pines were bathed in dying light, netting the low winter sun above the horizon. It was a punishing journey home, on foot, and the horses were long since put to bed.
The blacksmith's hut held its own sunset, the forge open but unattended. You heard stamps, heavy feet and cursing. You paused in the burst of warmth, illuminated, listening. Curiosity carried your feet into the hut, the heavy wet hem of your skirts collecting ashes, absorbing the blacksmith's domain.
"Are you...are you alright?" You called, uncertain, "Sir?" The footsteps, the swearing, had stopped. You stepped further in, feeling the forge belch at you, almost excruciatingly hot now.
"Get away from there!" The bark, deep and commanding, made you squeak and stumble. Darting through the side door, the blacksmith looped one thick arm round your waist before you fell towards the forge, effortlessly lifting you round, his back to the furnace, his face in shadow.
He was close; close enough that you could smell the soft sweat, the tang of fire and metal. He hissed as your hands dropped to his forearm, and you felt a cold dripping cloth draped over it.
"Do you often wander into places uninvited?" He snipped at you. You recognised the cadence in his low voice-- pain.
"I-- ...you're hurt," you insisted, voice barely above a whisper. Looking up, your eyes tried to gauge his unreadable face in the gloom. You felt him huff, warm air across your cheeks. His arm loosened, releasing you. As he stepped back, turning away to close the forge, you saw the blacksmith's mountainous shoulders tense, twitching.
"It's nothing," he retaliated, brisk. You stepped forwards again, placing a soft hand on his shoulder. At first, he flinched, then begrudgingly allowed you to turn him, and lift the damp rag covering his forearm. A thick welting burn, running the length of his forearm, lay weeping and angry on his skin, already nicked with so many little scars. You heard his teeth grit as the air hit his wound.
"Nothing," you scoffed, "this needs dressing. Let me help you." You felt him flinch beneath your hands, hesitant. He felt his skin prickle under yours, finding such curious pleasure in your touch alongside his pain. Your beseeching eyes took him the rest of the way, and he found himself accepting you.
"I...not here," the blacksmith toned, his eyes flitting to the town around him, "if they believe me injured, I'll lose business." You nodded, rummaging in your overburdened satchel, until he took you gently by the hand.
"My home," he began, hesitant, your hand so soft and small in his broad calloused palm, "you'll...you are welcome. It is clean. Quiet. I...I will not harm you. I promise."
Aware of his size and strength, aware of the air of mystery surrounding him amongst the townsfolk, the blacksmith was quick to reassure you. Your eyes softened, and his thumb brushed lightly over your knuckles at your words, electricity crackling up your arm.
"I know you won't," you assured. The briefest smile graced his severe face when you offered your name. You felt it warm you from the belly downwards. As he pulled encouragingly on your fingers, leaving the forge to die naturally with the approaching nightfall, you were led through the back of the hut, seeing a newly revealed sprawling cabin of wood and stone, at the edge of the forest. You felt the first kiss of snow upon your cheek.
"Nanami Kento," the blacksmith replied, welcoming you over the threshold. You smiled up at him, taking in his home; barely lit, at first, until he struck a lantern to life. You placed your bag upon a table, rummaging for salves as Kento began to build the fire, skilled and efficient.
You basked in the homely room; autumnal tapestries lining the walls, skin rugs on the floor and furs on the chairs, hanging herbs above a countertop, circled with hung skillets and pans. You relaxed easily into the sincerity of Kento's welcome. A frigid wind slapped the windows, rattling the door.
Before long, an enormous cast iron pot boiled with water, and you knelt before Kento, appraising his wound in the orange glow. Cleaning your hands, wetting a rag with clean water, you moved to clean the ash from his arm before pausing.
"This will hurt," you apologised, looking up to him. Kento's heart stuttered; how many hours had he spent, imagining those sweet eyes, those gentle fingers? Too long. Too many words unspoken over too many years. He was not used to such tenderness.
"I am used to pain," he hushed, smooth and barely audible above the crackle of flame, "my job has certain...hazards, after all." You hummed, swiping the cloth gently, removing dirt and debris.
"Still," you hummed, "I don't like to hurt a friend." Kento chuckled, and you felt yourself blush from hairline to toes at the rich mirth of it.
"We are...friends, are we?" His voice was low and conspiratorial, and you felt it stir a hunger deep within you. You smiled back, mulish as you dabbed salve onto his burn. His knees were parted, with you knelt between them, and your elbows rested on the thick muscle of his thighs. You felt safe, warm, held.
"All those years, passing back and forth," you sighed, teasing, "and not one hello? Just lots of nods," your stomach swooped as Kento laughed again, "and our friendship is just that. An accumulation of nods."
"Would we have stopped at 'hello'?" Kento retaliated. He caught the brief pause in your bandaging, before you continued. You spoke, uncertain again.
"Well," you hummed, testing the water, "offer me one now...and we shall see where it goes." Looking up, you gasped to find your face just inches from Kento's. He smiled at you, his eyes flicking briefly to your lips and back up again.
"Hello," he whispered, quiet and mischievous, "and thank you."
Your breath fluttered out; Kento could feel it against his lips, beckoning him.
"I...it's getting late," you started, and Kento blinked out of his reverie, glancing to the inky black outside his windows, "I should go."
Kento grasped your fingers once more, rising with you as he stood, your shawl shushing against his chest, barely covered by his soft linen shirt. Kento hummed, sounding grave, stepping to the other side of the room.
"It is night," he said, hands cupped around his eyes as he squinted out of the windows, "and the woods are barely safe in the day. I...I cannot allow you to travel. Alone, in the snow. You must stay."
His tone broached no argument, yet still you tried, packing your bag, your cheeks aflame.
"I...it isn't..." you stuttered, and Kento turned to you, chin inclined to the floor, one fine eyebrow raised. You took a deep breath, certain that if you didn't leave now, you may fall too deeply into Kento's insistent heat. Yet...you knew he was right. The path was treacherous. The snow would take you before the dawn.
"Would you like a bath?" Kento offered, turned away to save you your blushes; a gentleman.
"I-- please don't go to any trouble--" Kento swiftly ignored you, beginning to grasp the enormous iron pot, lifting it with stunning ease. His voice didn't even hitch.
"It's no trouble. I bathe every night. You can go before me." Kento carried the pan, stepping behind a folding wooden screen, and you followed him as if to argue, watching him begin to fill an enormous copper bathtub. Your hands shook as you began to remove your shawl, still blushing, so briefly overwhelmed before squashing it down.
Kento glanced up at you, pausing as he poured hot water, "This will take me some time," he said, apologetic, "please make yourself comfortable. I'll call for you."
You nodded, clearing your throat, hands twisting in your removed shawl. Kento chastised himself for admiring the soft curve of your breasts into your waist, the hidden delight of the swelling of your hips beneath your heavy skirts. He did not see how the steam rose fast, dampening his white shirt, how you could see all the way to his navel as he leaned over the bath. Neither of you knew how the other stirred within.
As you walked the length of the room, your fingertips brushing tapestries and grazing over warm furs, your curiosity drew you to a wide, flat trinket box, inlaid with mother of pearl, the colours an aurora in the rolling firelight. You stroked the box just once, before lifting the lid.
Your eyes crinkled immediately with joy at the treasures within; the box was full of lovingly crafted necklaces of gold, silver, pearl and gem, the chains finer and softer than any you had ever seen. You did not feel Kento approach as you admired them.
"I'd like for you to choose one," he offered, sincere, as you spun to face him. He raised his hands placatingly, a smile at the edge of his mouth, "not in lieu of payment, of course. A gift, I...made them with no real aim as to who should receive them."
"You made these?" You gaped, unable to fathom how such enormous hands crafted such intricate delights, "Kento, I-- they're beautiful, I couldn't possibly..."
If Kento had held any reservation, after hearing his name tumble from your lips, he was filled with the burning certainty that the jewellery should be for you, and you alone. His hand closed over yours as you moved to shut the box.
"Please," he breathed, so close, "choose one, or I shall give you them all." Swallowing, your hand hovered over a fine chain of silver and emerald, your fingertips brushing the gem. Kento hummed his approval, before picking it up, his calloused fingers all softness and grace.
"My favourite, too," he rumbled, brushing your hair off the nape of your neck as he clipped the necklace into place. You shivered at the feeling of his fingers on your neck, and almost ran as he whispered beside your ear, "Your bath is ready."
Stripping behind the wooden screen, hearing Kento amble around the room beyond, you sighed as the hot water enveloped you. Washing yourself with a soft sponge, cleaning off the grime of the day, your hand wandered absentmindedly downwards, fingertips grazing through your folds, naturally moving to relieve yourself of the building tension--
"I've left you a shirt." Your hand darted upwards with a guilty splash, Kento's voice only meters away behind the screen.
"Thank-- thank you," you squeaked, blushing, before climbing out, so naked apart from your exquisite new necklace. Drying on a soft towel, your hand hesitated over the shirt draped over the screen, before pulling it on over damp skin. It reached down your thighs, but left little else to the imagination.
Kento remained outwardly stoic, unreadable, averting his gaze as you crept out, arms holding yourself and squashing your breasts together, the colour of your nipples as faint as a ghost under the white linen shirt. He cleared his throat, coughing lightly before skirting past to the bath. You felt heat creep up your neck at the gossamer hush of his clothes hitting the floor, the shifting water as he stepped in, the way he sighed in relief, almost as if--
"I shall sleep in the chair tonight," Kento said, slow and considered, "and you shall have my bed." You felt indignation roll within you.
"Don't be ridiculous," you scolded, "you're injured, and this is your home--"
'-- and you are my guest," he grumbled.
"I won't allow it," you insisted, almost forgetting yourself as you approached the wooden screen, "I'll put some furs on the floor and--"
"You believe I would let you sleep on the floor?" He growled, furious at your suggestion, "I should rather you have me share the bed with you over that--"
"Fine. Then we shall share the bed. And there will be no more argument." You clapped a hand over your mouth as the words tumbled forth, unbidden. Mortified by your own suggestion, you removed your hand to speak again.
Kento stepped round from behind the screen, his towel draped lazily round his waist. You gaped up at him, stunned. He was...younger than you thought, his blond hair now soft and floppy, the ash removed from the lines in his face, taking ten years off him. You faced him, his towering form, the practiced rolls, peaks and planes of muscle belonging to a working man, his forearms so thick--
"Then...we should get to bed," Kento insisted, stepping past you, through a doorway to his bedroom, where you heard him rummaging for clothes, "it is late and I am up with the lark."
You hesitated where you stood, feeling your heartbeat between your legs, desperately curious, but paralysed.
"I don't bite," Kento called out, and you gulped down the sounds of soft fabric dropping over his body, still crippled with indecision and embracing yourself as he stepped out to put out the fire. You were lost momentarily in darkness before he stepped to you, the lantern between you, a beacon in the dark. You felt his hand close around your fingers again. You heard him whisper.
"It will become cold quickly, now the fire has died. Come. Stay warm."
You allowed yourself to be led to Kento's bedroom, hypnotised by the small swinging lantern. Kento led your hand downwards, placing it to the edge of the bed for you to feel your way, your fingers gliding through soft fur and cool sheets. With shaking hands, you crawled across to the head of the bed. Kento waited for you, flipping down the sheets, flipping them back up to your chin as you both slipped between them.
You heard nil but your own heartbeat. Kento faced you, the torch light embering behind him leaving him only just visible as your eyes adjusted to the light. The sheets had not yet warmed from your bodies, and you shivered. You felt Kento shift beside you.
"You...are cold," he stated as if in question. You remained quiet, gripping your hands to your chest lest they reach out for him.
"I'm...I'll warm up. Soon," you reassured yourself as much as him. You heard one doubtful grunt from him. Five minutes passed, and still, Kento felt you shiver against the sheets. Pulling a fur up to your chins, he felt prickles up his legs as one of your feet reached hesitantly out to touch him. He felt rather than heard you sigh.
"So warm," you whispered, your little voice soft with comfort in the dark. Kento's breath caught in his chest, feeling his cock twitch inside his soft trousers.
"Do you...need me?" He offered. He felt your other foot reach out in answer, cold toes wiggling against the downy hair on his leg. He felt a dangerous, needy arousal thread through him.
Reaching out his uninjured arm, he hooked it round your waist, chuckling as you squeaked when he pressed against you. You hummed in pleasure at the heat rolling off him, basking in his warmth, forgetting your awkwardness for a moment. Kento and you lay intertwined like that, with you softening like butter in his arms.
After a few minutes, you shifted against him, about to drift off to sleep. Kento must have been near sleep as well, groaning into your hair as you shifted, reflexively clinging you closer to him. Your bottom, completely bare with his shirt shifted up your body, pressed back to his groin. His clothed cock was hard and barely restrained in his loose trousers, and pressed between your thighs.
You felt a jolt run through you, feeling a warm trickle of arousal, so alien to you, seep out between your thighs. Kento almost saw stars as it dampened the trousers over his cockhead, and he frowned, his forehead pressed to your shoulder blade in apology and embarrassment.
"I-- I'm sorry, I--...it's been so long...since I've felt a woman-- shit, I'm--" Kento rested his nose against your neck, unable to stop himself from ghosting his lips there. You dropped your head back to him, and he growled in appreciation, nuzzling your neck, feeling your thighs clamp around the tip of his cock, your arousal seeping through his trousers and mixing with his own.
"I've never--" you whispered, blushing furiously, drunk on the feeling of his body against yours, feeling so curiously empty and aching to be filled. Kento understood immediately, and moved to pull back.
"No!" You squeaked, holding onto his arm, pushing yourself back to chase him along the bed, "Please, I-- I want--...you. I want you." Your words sat heavy in the air. Kento shifted behind you, at war with himself.
"You don't know what you're asking," he growled, fighting against you to remove his arm, "I am no boy."
"And I'm no girl, nor stupid," you reassured, "I'm not ignorant."
In an instant, Kento moved above you, on all fours, his arms caging you in, corseting you to his bed. He stared down at you, enormous chest heaving, eyes roving down your body, quickly intoxicated by your peaked nipples, beneath his shirt, the hem of it barely covering your sex, still feeling your arousal dampening his cock.
He leaned down, nestling his mouth against your neck again, tongue flicking out, tasting you. He felt you still under his lips, just a little mouse, in the jaws of a bear.
"And yet, all that knowledge is just academic, until you're crying out that my cock is too big for you," he growled, warning you away, barely able to stop himself. He felt you squirm beneath him, his head swimming with you. He was lost, then, to your tiny whisper in the gloom.
"Show me-- please." Kento shuddered, a drop of pre-cum seeping out of his cock, soaking through his trousers and your-- his-- shirt, to dampen your belly. You shivered, desperate to know Kento biblically, desperate for this fabled ecstasy.
Kento raised his mouth from your neck, reading your eyes, seeing such certainty in them. Tangling his fingers with yours beneath the sheets, he pressed the length of his body down against you as he kissed you, his other hand framing your jaw, gently encouraging it open to slide his tongue against yours. Your soft little moan was like music to his ears.
Kissing you deeply, learning your voice and your mouth, letting you learn the peaks and planes of his body with your free hand, Kento kept your other hand plaited with his own, fearful of leaving you to take this journey alone.
He felt himself shudder with the unbridled privilege of being able to worship you, jealously grateful that you had not been left to some boy. He was overwhelmed by the need to set your standards high at the first hurdle.
"Let me taste you," he murmured into your mouth, and you hesitated, unsure of what he meant. Swiping his thumb across your palm, Kento's mouth ventured downwards, sucking the skin of your neck, nipping before soothing the skin with his tongue, feeling you become pliable, supple as water. His fingers danced over the laces holding your shirt together, giving you opportunity to stop him, before untying them, freeing your breasts.
Laying his tongue flat over one nipple, Kento allowed it to curve to the shape of you, to know you, before drawing it into his mouth, sucking on your nipple while his hand toyed with and kneaded the other. He revelled in your whines, a high, keening mewl as you arched off the bed into his mouth. You felt his licks and sucks, curiously, between your legs, and you could not help but buck up against him.
Kento grunted at the feeling of your pussy pressing against his thigh, and moved one hand down to hold your hips still.
"Slow down-- let me show you," he ordered, gentle in his insistence. You trembled under his fingertips, your hips settling back to the bed. He rumbled his approval, rolling your nipple under his tongue again until you sighed, breathy and ecstatic, "Good girl."
In reward, his mouth continued to trail downwards, and your eyes fluttered closed, one hand coming to rest on the back of his head, your fingernails scratching through his damp hair. Kento shivered at the sensation, feeling his cock leap against his thigh.
When his mouth reached your mound, you squeaked out in alarm, flipping the blankets down to see Kento, illuminated in the orange light.
"What are you-- your mouth, Kento--" Kento's eyes crinkled up at you, and two arms came to loop round the top of your thighs, pulling you down the bed towards him, your shirt being rucked up against the drag of the mattress to completely expose your glistening pussy to him.
Maintaining eye contact with you, you trembled with anticipation as Kento poked his tongue out into a point, first grazing your folds, before stroking from side to side to ease in between them. The sound that broke out from you as his tongue stroked over your clit, hot and wet, was one Kento masturbated to for years to come.
You felt as though you had been lifted from earth and dropped amongst the clouds as he licked at you, sucking, stroking, tasting, the pleasure so otherworldly compared to what your own hand could achieve, that you felt yourself being rushed towards your peak at speed.
Twisting and squirming against his mouth, you reflexively tried to pull your pussy away from Kento's attentions. His arms tightened around the tops of your thighs, growling into you, pulling you back as you tried to scoot away. Your hand tugged at his hair as you arched, whimpering, coated in a fine sweat. As Kento groaned into your cunt, you watched his hips roll and hump against the bed, the sight alone enough to send your orgasm crashing through you, and you worshipped his name in a long, keening cry.
Kento let his laps and sucks become softer, languid, letting you float through the haze of your pleasure. Nuzzling at you, tasting you as you trailed lazy blissful fingers through his hair, Kento planted soft kisses to your inner thigh.
Moving back up, stroking his nose against your neck, Kento felt your hand move down his shoulders and back, before coming round to ghost over the front of his trousers. Kento shuddered, kneeling above you to remove his shirt, skin prickling with the need to feel yours against his own.
Gazing down at you, his eyes like whiskey in the flickering light, he grazed a palm from in between your breasts, down to the hem of your shirt, pulling it up over your head in one swift tug, exposing you completely to him.
Your hand still trailed over his groin as he knelt, and you were captivated, obsessed with the shape, weight and length of his cock in your hands, blissfully unaware of what you were doing to him. As you grasped the lace at the front of his trousers, undoing it, and squeezing the head of his cock between your fingers, Kento moaned, ragged, leaning one hand sideways to support himself.
"Fuck-- I haven't-- not for so long," he moaned, low and husky, feeling your inexperienced fingers explore his cock and balls in a way that felt almost abusively naive. As your thumb glided beneath his foreskin, collecting the wetness of his pre-cum, exploring his slit, Kento hissed, panting and grabbing your hand.
You broke out of your reverie, blushing with mortification, tears pricking in your eyes as you began to apologise. Kento interrupted, shushing you, one hand still gripping your fingers around his cock, the other coming up to cup your face, his thumb swiping across your cheek.
"Not you," he huffed, stroking your cheek, smiling down at you with fevered eyes, "me, it's-- I-- I'll cum in your hand if you carry on." Your eyes glimmered, hungry to see how he looked as you pleasured him, and you moved yourself, leaning close, squeezing him again beneath his own hand, and he cried out in pleasure. You felt another drip of his arousal across your fingers, and you gulped, your tongue darting out across your lips.
As you lowered yourself to his lap, Kento's eyebrows raised in shock, and desperate awe, as you licked the weeping cockhead sticking out from your joined enclosed hands.
A low rumble ebbed through Kento, his eyes suddenly dark and hungry as he looked down at you, wordlessly using your hand inside his own, to pump the length of his cock. Feeling the intoxicating glide of soft skin over woody hardness, you let him use your hand to masturbate himself as you took the head of his cock into your mouth, licking, tasting the musty pre-cum there.
Every instinct screamed at Kento to chase his orgasm, to press your head further down his cock so he could use your little hand to jack off into your mouth, and he felt overwhelmed by the innocent licks and sucks you gave him, eyes cast upwards to see what effect they had on him. Kento moaned desperately, twisting on his haunches, fingers in turn tangling into your hair and coming away, clenching and unclenching at speed.
He felt the approaching rush of divine ecstasy, thrumming up his back in waves, his balls tightening up against the base of his cock--
Snapping, Kento pulled your hand and mouth off him, heaving you up the bed and back onto the pillows, before pinning you down with his body, panting into your neck, trying not to spill his seed over your belly. You were thrilled, ecstatic with Kento's pleasure, eager to see more of it.
You crept your hips up to his, trying to ease his cock into you. Kento huffed, his hand shooting down to press your hips down again.
"--going to kill me-- I swear-- no idea...you have no idea what you're doing to me--" Kento panted, quaking above you, one forearm planted above your head. As his peak ebbed away, Kento plaited his hand with your own again, above your head. He felt his cockhead resting against the smooth resistance of your entrance, and he suddenly felt so responsible for you.
"I don't want to hurt you," he huffed, aware he was bigger than average, but knowing from the fevered look in your eyes that he could not dissuade you-- not that he wanted to, at this point, his cock throbbing with urgent need.
"Please," you begged, "please." You felt Kento's hips press forwards into your soaking wet heat, feeling a slight sting as it met resistance. Kento rested his nose to yours, his eyes still feverish, his body still smelling of iron and ash and smoke.
"On one condition," he pressed, authoritative as his cockhead pressed deeper against your stinging resistance, breaking past thin membrane, gripping your thigh up to his hip as you trembled, biting your lip, tears in your eyes as you nodded-- anything, you thought, anything.
"Marry me," he whispered against your lips, and you squeaked as you felt a twang of pain, his cock suddenly nestled deeply inside you. Kento rocked his hips gently, shushing you, soothing you, his thumb stroking your palm. Not moving, just holding you as you adjusted to feeling so full, Kento waited for an answer.
"Y--yes...yes," you mewled, and Kento growled his approval against your neck, slowly pulling out of you before rutting back into your wet, tender pussy again, so intimate and deep that you cried out for him.
Kento rolled his hips, like a boat on the waves, whispering into you, certain he wouldn't last long; "First-- I'll cum inside you-- then I'll treat you like a queen...haaah...for the rest of my days."
You clung to Kento, lost in the ecstasy of him plowing into you, delighted by his rumbling groans in your ears, blissfully proud of being able to make such an unflappable man fall apart inside you. When his grip on your hip faltered, his shaking hand dropping to stroke quick little circles around your clit, Kento growled and bit into your neck to feel you rock your hips upwards to meet his own.
The sting almost completely eased, you felt quick pangs of pleasure, rising with every beat of your fast little heart, completely carried along by the eroticism of Kento's frantic groans and mumbles into your ear.
"My love I-- you feel so good...so good...god, I need to cum, need you to cum I-- aahhhh, fuck--" Kento felt your pussy clench around him, and he came inside you as you drank down his moans, fascinated by how they matched up with the bounding twitch of his cock, how his hips juddered into you involuntarily, how his face contorted, jaw clenched, somewhere between rage and serenity.
You were famished, starved of him, immediately desperate for more, and you felt him crumple into you, caging you in, shoulders heaving and spent. Kento chuckled as you peppered him with kisses, gripping your thighs round him and rolling him over so you lay above him, straddling him as his cock softened within you.
With his chin on his chest to look down to you, and a lazy lopsided smile across his face, Kento played idly with your hair, stroking your nose, your cheeks. He proudly fingered the beautiful necklace, resting against your breasts, squashed and plush against him.
"You meant it?" He asked, eager, concerned.
You hummed in delight, pressing a tender kiss to his chest as you nodded; "You had me at 'hello'."
Would the anon who requested Blacksmith!Kento PLEASE STAND UP so I can credit you for breaking my brain.
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