#force-free veterinary care
zaryathelaika · 2 months
Kind of annoyed there are no vets available in town who isn't afraid of hunting spitzes, livestock guardian dogs and other similar breeds. Feels like I'm back to the stone age when everyone in town is scared of a Shiba Inu. Then some guy from Germany who practiced in Norway was the first person who knew how to treat our dog without using force, sedation or restraints. He was pretty experienced in handling grumpy spitzes. Zarya is okay with most people as long they're not afraid of her and they ask for consent. But for some reason the vets and vet techs are scared, and she picked up their energy and react accordingly.
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lailoken · 3 months
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I really hate doing this, but earlier today, my puppy Rowland was running outside with his brother when he took a tumble and ended up running straight into an old metal tool of my father-in-law's. The metal caught the flesh on his side in three spots and tore some large and deep gashes in his hide and underlying muscle. Initially, between the blood and the way he was crying and limping, I really thought he had managed to stab himself in the gut, which was a particularly horrifying thought since I was alone in the countryside with no way to get him quick medical help at the time.
After soothing him enough to get a better look at his wounds, I was deeply relieved to see no signs of abdominal perforation, but I was still taken aback by how bad his injuries were and how much he was bleeding. While I waited desperately for my father-in-law to get home and lend me his truck, I gently cleaned Rowland's wounds, and I thank all the gods that I was able to work a successful Blood Stanching charm on him despite the severity of the bleeding. He was already beginning to shiver and drool with nausea, making me think he was starting to go into shock, so I'm not sure how much worse it might have gotten if I hadn't stemmed the flow of bood.
I managed to get him to the vet, where he had to stay for the day being cleaned, treated, and given 15 stitches. He is clearly in a lot of pain and fear, but he should recover fine, which I am beyond grateful for. That being said, though, the veterinary bill was $864 (everything on the itemized invoice below plus an additional $17 for anti-nausea meds that prevent him from throwing up after anesthesia, which could tear his sitches) and while we were able to pull from our savings to pay for this, it's still a rather disheartening financial turn of events. Especially since I've been mostly working free cases the past few weeks, meaning that I've taken in very little money recently. While I trust my spirits to keep our needs met so long as I honor my vows, it would still be nice not to be forced into depleting our life savings.
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I held a raffle once to help fundraise for my older dogs who had started a regimen of expensive pain medications at the time, and I am now considering doing this again. Specifically, I am considering raffling off a handmade wooden stave that I'm currently selling for $200. I was thinking that, since this piece is highly unique and fairly expensive, people might want to enter the raffle for $5 a person (using the link I end up providing) and then the winner would be chosen by a random number generator. Whoever won would end up with a $200 Stave of braided thorny Crabapple wood that was harvested from a 120+ year old tree and sealed with a traditional black Hearth Soot stain, for only $5.
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Of course, a raffle like this would only be of use if enough people think they would actually consider entering the raffle. After all, if only 20 people entered, I would be selling this $200 piece for $100, which wouldn't help me fund this medical care and would actually lose me money overall. As such, I figured I would make poll to help me gauge the viability of this idea, like I did the last time.
Sorry again to be doing this. I hope you can understand. ♡
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highpriestessaset · 8 months
Pick an image: allow your intuition to guide you in your selection.
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NEO 🕶️
Patient, sees the bigger picture or different perspectives, inquisitive, hard-working, looks to long term goals or delayed gratification, adaptable
[How to use:]
These skills help you to see eye to eye with other individuals and species. I see someone who is caring and eager to understand how another maneuvers throughout their life. Where many would be fearful or judgmental, instead, you are curious.
You may be interested in marine biology, veterinary duties, care giving, or anything that allows you to study, interact, care for, or capture the beauty of life- whether it be plants, animals, humans, etc.
It seems like a dream you may have is put on hold due to financial concerns. It feels that a fixed mindset may be at the root of the issue. The message for you says that utilizing a growth mindset will bring you a lot closer to achievement.
(Click here for resource.)
Leader, has a good sense of direction, bold, initiative, innovative, independent, free-spirited, energetic, playful/fun, light-hearted, innocent
[How to use:]
These skills help you to travel or maneuver around situations that may be difficult. It seems like you have your own level of inner peace you are able to maintain by knowing when and how to go at things alone.
You are fully capable of capturing some sort of entrepreneurship or self employment opportunities. There may be some confusion amongst yourself or from outside voices with opinions about what you should do.
The message for you is to release the expectations of others and any you have placed on yourself that limit your options. This may look like going along with a loved one’s vision for you that you may not be passionate about. Whatever those expectations are, in releasing them, you give yourself permission to take a risk on your own idea that can make YOU happy and provide financial security.
Let go of the fear of failure, let go of the “what will they think”, let go of the thoughts that keep you from making any moves at all. Life is a journey of discovery- discovering what we like or don’t like. Even when we discover things we don’t like, that is information that brings us closer to knowing ourselves. Use your superpower of maintaining your inner peace to step away from negativity and simply discover yourself.
Intuitive, intelligent, thoughtful, truth seeking, assertive, advocate, wise, private or reflective (introverted), health conscious
[How to use:]
I see someone fit to be some sort of an educator, speaker, writer, influencer or advocate for a cause. The Star card shows me that you are passionate about freedom and peace.
Someone specific here may be interested in justice/law by advocating for people wrongly incarcerated.
Another specific person here may be interested in advocating for body acceptance and/or health related topics. Sharing your story can be powerful.
The truth speaks for itself. When you communicate, it is important to remove the ego. We can speak on what is true for us but, we cannot force anyone to believe anything. If what you say resonates with another, they will be interested in hearing more from you.
The message here says it is important to remove the ego because at times, it makes it hard for others to listen. Your messages may be powerful but they can only impact those who hear AND receive them. Let go of the need for others to hear and receive your messages WHEN and HOW you want them to. Remember, the truth speaks for itself.
*Readings are for entertainment purposes only.*
-// Blessings 🌺
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Secrets, promises and stolen kisses.
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In the bustling world of university life, Y/N and Jonah's lives are a tapestry of contrasts. Y/N, a humble yet secretly talented vet, and Jonah, with his undeniable popularity, seem to come from different worlds.
Y/N has always kept her profession a secret from university life, wary of people befriending her just for free vet advice, and discounts on operations/vet care. But fate intertwines two different paths when Jonah's dog Bella becomes paralyzed in her hind legs. Frantic and heartbroken, Jonah faces rejection from multiple vets and second opinions who suggested putting Bella to sleep. But Bella wasn’t “just a dog” to Jonah- she didn’t care about how he looked or how popular he was; she only cared about belly rubs and chasing squirrels. She taught him the art of unqualified love. How to give it, how to accept it. She doesn't care if you're rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb. Give her your heart and she’ll give you hers. He was adamant that someone out there could help her, and It was clear in everyone’s eyes that he wasn’t going to give up until he found someone who had the opposite opinion to the one he kept getting. He had become a force of nature—a man on a mission to restore his best friends mobility.
Desperation led him to a vet clinic almost an hour away, where he encounters Y/N.
Jonah’s popularity preceded him at the university campus—the guy who could light up a room with his smile, effortlessly navigating social circles. Y/N, on the other hand, moved with purpose, her steps measured and her gaze focused. She was the vet who slipped through the crowds, her secret hidden behind those warm brown eyes. She only ever had one close friend, Tiffany.
They’d crossed paths countless times—Jonah with his easy charm, Y/N with her quiet competence. The hallways, the coffee shop, the occasional nod during breaks—it was all part of the rhythm of campus life. Neither expected more; their worlds seemed destined to remain parallel, never intersecting. Until now.
Jonah was apprehensive because he assumed he would hear the same tired platitudes as every other veterinarian he visits: “There’s nothing we can do”, “she’s too far gone”, “I think it’s time”, “it wouldn’t be fair to keep her suffering much longer” and so on.
But then blurted out Bella’s story, top to bottom: and Y/N listened, her eyes holding determination, her hands gentle as she examined Bella. She promised hope, and Jonah clung to it. The Paws & Whiskers Veterinary Clinic was Y/N’s sanctuary—a place where barks turned into healing, and the scent of antiseptic mingled with endless miracles.
When he finished, she nodded, her gaze flickering toward Bella and back to Jonah. “I’ll do my best,” she said. “But if it’s okay, I’d like to ask….”
And there it was—the secret. Y/N’s hidden talent, her gift for healing animals. Jonah’s eyes looked into hers knowingly, as if he knew what she was going to say “you’re a vet”, he whispered.
She nodded. “I am. But I’ve kept it quiet. People can be… opportunistic.”
Jonah understood. If word got out, everyone would flock to her, seeking free advice, exploiting her skills. Y/N’s anonymity was her armor, shielding her from the world’s demands. Yet there he was, stood between Bella’s well-being and Y/N’s peace.
“I won’t tell,” he promised. “Your secret is safe with me.”
And so began their pact—the unspoken agreement to protect Y/N’s anonymity. Jonah watched as she worked wonders with Bella, her hands gentle, her determination unwavering. Bella responded, tail wagging, and Jonah marvelled at the young girl behind the vet’s mask.
As days turned into weeks, their interactions shifted. Y/N’s eyes held gratitude, and Jonah’s admiration deepened. They met in quiet corners outside of vet and university hours—the library, the beach, the park—where Bella could strengthen the sensation in her legs and their friendship could bloom. Jonah became a constant presence, their conversations shifting from Bella’s well-being to deeper matters, and Jonah found himself sharing stories he’d never told anyone- conversations flowed effortlessly and Bella’s recovery became their shared secret, a fragile bridge between them. They laughed over coffee had deep talks, and sometimes, their fingers brushed accidentally, sending sparks through the room.
Jonah marvelled at the way Y/N spoke to Bella, her voice soothing and full of love. And when Bella finally stood on her own four legs, tail wagging furiously, Jonah’s heart swelled. Y/N’s eyes sparkled with pride, and he knew he’d fallen—for Bella, yes, but also for the enigmatic, beautiful girl who’d brought hope back into their lives, and he wished so much that he could’ve got to know her sooner.
On one particular evening, the moon hung low, casting a silvery glow on the water. Jonah’s pulse raced as he stood by the lake, as he waiting for y’ns arrival. Y/N’s presence was a magnetic force that pulled him closer. Bella lay nearby, her eyes half-closed, as if sensing the gravity of the moment.
A cool breeze swept across the lake, ruffling Y/N’s hair and sending shivers down Jonah’s spine. He reached for her hand as she arrived, fingers trembling. “Y/N,” he said, voice barely audible, “there’s something I need to tell you.”
Her gaze met his, and he saw it—the vulnerability, the fear of crossing a line. “What is it?” she whispered.
Jonah hesitated. The weight of their connection pressed down on him—the shared secrets, the stolen glances, the way her laughter echoed in his dreams. Y/N wasn’t just anyone; she was the keeper of his heart’s secrets.
“I’ve been thinking,” he began, his thumb tracing circles on her palm. “About us.”
Her eyes widened, and he knew she understood. The tapestry they’d woven—the threads of friendship, the hidden talents, the way Bella had brought them together—it all led to this moment.
“What about us?” Y/N asked, her voice a fragile thread.
Jonah leaned in, his lips brushing against hers. Her heartbeat echoed in the quiet night, a rhythm that matched his own. His fingers trailed from her palm to her cheek, the softness of her skin a revelation. He moved a loose strand of her hair behind her ear, his touch lingering.
“I want this,” he murmured, leaving the rest unspoken.
And so, he kissed her—a gentle press of lips that held the promise of more. Y/N responded, her lips parting, and he pulled her closer. Their breaths mingled, and the world blurred—the moon, the water, the weight of their secrets. He kissed her again, this time trailing down her jawline, tasting the saltiness of her skin. Her neck beckoned, and he pressed his lips there, feeling her pulse against his mouth.
It was a moment suspended in time, where hesitation melted into longing, and the universe conspired to bring two souls together. Jonah lost himself in the taste of Y/N—the sweetness, the warmth—as if he’d been waiting for this kiss since the beginning of time.
He pulled away, both breathless, eyes locked—the universe itself holding its breath. Jonah’s hand still lingered on Y/N’s cheek, and she wondered if he could feel her heartbeat echoing through her skin. Words weren’t necessary; they shared an unspoken understanding—their feelings laid bare in that stolen moment. Y/N’s mind raced: What did this mean? Would it change everything?
They sat side by side, fingers brushing, Bella stirring nearby as if sensing the shift. And then Jonah broke the silence, his voice a tremor: “Y/N, I’ve wanted this for so long.”
Her heart fluttered, and she whispered, “Me too.”
Jonah had reached a point where he couldn't keep his feelings to himself anymore. He was falling head over heels for Y/N, and the only way he could navigate this confusing and exhilarating time was by confiding in his closest friends. "I can't stop thinking about her," he admitted, his voice tinged with a mix of excitement and anxiety.
His friends listened intently, offering advice and support, trying to help him figure out the best way to express his feelings to Y/N without jeopardizing anything and sharing her secrets. “just be straight with her, tell her that you love her”, Matt says.
Meanwhile, Y/N and her best friend were having a heart-to-heart conversation of their own. They had always shared everything, so it was only natural that Y/N would open up about the strange fluttering in her chest whenever she thought about Jonah. But just as she began to articulate her emotions, her friend dropped a bombshell. "I have to tell you something aswell," she said, her eyes downcast. "I have a crush on someone too, his name is Jonah." The revelation hit Y/N like a ton of bricks. She felt a pang of guilt twist in her stomach, realizing that her relationship Jonah could hurt her friend.
The situation left Y/N feeling torn and conflicted. On one hand, her heart yearned for Jonah, and on the other, she couldn't bear the thought of causing pain to her best friend. She wrestled with her emotions, trying to find a way to navigate this delicate situation without damaging her most cherished relationships. The possibilities and topics of conversations with Jonah and her friend had opened up a Pandora's box of emotions, leaving them all at a crossroads where every choice seemed to carry significant consequences.
Y/N’s guilt weighed heavily on her heart after she found out that her friend harbored feelings for Jonah—a crush that had blossomed quietly, like a fragile flower. But Y/N’s own heart had betrayed her, pulling her even more toward Jonah in ways she couldn’t ignore.
Y/N had tried to avoid Jonah for days after this. She took different routes in the hallways, rescheduled her vet consults, and even adjusted the timing of her evening walks to avoid crossing paths with him. It was clear to anyone paying attention that she wss acting out of the ordinary, but Jonah wasn't just anyone. He noticed the subtle shifts in her behaviour and the absence of her usual warmth. Determined to understand what was going on, he made it his mission to find a way to be with her again. Jonah's persistence paid off one afternoon when he managed to catch Y/N alone in a quiet corner of the library. Gently but firmly, pulling her aside and holding her close as he showered her with kisses, each one filled with the affection and longing he had bottled up during their time apart.
The conflict tore at her—the loyalty to her friend versus the undeniable connection with Jonah. She avoided him, not out of indifference, but out of fear. Fear that her actions would wound her friend, unravel their bond, and leave her standing alone in the aftermath. Yet, as Jonah’s lips brushed hers in that quiet library corner, she wondered if love could ever be wrong when it felt so achingly right.
“you have been avoiding me”, he said, taking her hands in his.
Jonah looked down into Y/N's eyes and spoke with a sincerity that left no room for doubt. He assured her that she had done nothing wrong and that his feelings for her had only grown stronger. He reminded her of the countless ways she had brightened his life and made him a better person. Bit by bit, Jonah's words began to heal the wounds Y/N had inflicted upon herself. As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, they both knew that their bond was unbreakable and that together, they could overcome any obstacle.
Jonah pulled away, finally mustering the courage to share his feelings. He looked deeply into her eyes, taking a moment to appreciate the sparkle he had come to adore.
"I love you," he said softly, his voice filled with warmth. Her eyes widened slightly, a mixture of surprise and joy dancing within them.
A tender smile spread across her face as the words sunk in. She leaned in closer, her heart brimming with emotion. The air between them seemed to hum with a newfound energy, a shared understanding that words alone could not convey. Their lips met in a series of gentle kisses, each one more passionate than the last. The world around them faded away, leaving just the two of them in their own private universe.
“I love you too”
I hope you all enjoyed this, any feedback would be appreciated, thankyou 🩷
@megalony @meetmyothersouls @amaretigris @jonahhauer-kingg
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monstercumhrt · 4 months
Listen. I can't speak outside of my profession — people in human medicine, please feel free to chime in — but what I can say is this: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the bane of my existence in veterinary medicine.
You can smell a P. aeruginosa infection from across the room. It's the most distinctive scent. I am the only one in our hospital who volunteers to clean the ears of a patient infected with it, because my sense of smell is so poor... But this bacterium doesn't care — despite it all, it's scent still reaches me, and clings to my scrubs for the entire day. In particularly bad cases, I am barred from taking rooms for the rest of the day, lest I scare the clients away. I can only imagine the Hell that my coworkers must go through.
This is the only time I'll ever say this, but you don't even have to run a cytology to know what it is. But you know what we do run? Cultures. Because this son of a bitch is resistant to EVERYTHING. And it NEVER wants to go away. We have a patient who has had P. aeruginosa otitis externa for years, because it just keeps coming back. This bacterium strikes fear into the heart of every technician and veterinarian in the whole wide world.
And the worst part is? The owners never believe us on the first go. And so they don't come back for continued treatment... Until it returns in full force with a newfound resistance to the one antibiotic that actually worked well. And this infection is painful, beyond belief. There have been times where we've had to use lidocaine, while the patient is sedated -- to even clean the visible portion of the ear canal... Nevermind the inner canal.
I nominate Pseudomonas aeruginosa not because I love the bacterium, but because it's the only bacterium that has Demanded my respect and commanded my fear in such a way.
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thicctails · 1 year
A Merformers x Reader Fanfiction
Chapter 1 ° Shoreline
The worn leather of your car's steering wheel was almost uncomfortably warm beneath your touch, the heat of the sun causing beads of sweat to roll down your neck and dampen your shirt. You wiped at your brow, eyes squinting as you tried to see through the bright glare.
You, in your infinite wisdom, had packed your sunglasses up with all of your other belongings instead of keeping them with you for the week-long drive to your new home. In your defense, you'd been so eager to leave after you'd gotten the confirmation call that you'd basically just grabbed everything and chucked into into your old beat up pickup truck.
Sandwind was a tiny, coastal town that was miles and miles away from any other settlement, it's population in the low hundreds and mostly consisting of elderly folk who wanted somewhere warm to live out their golden years. It was an insignificant blip on a map.
Which is to say that it was perfect for you.
People fucking sucked. If they weren't ignoring you, and they often were, they were either being complete douchebags or trying to get into your pants. Usually both. It didn't matter that you had excelled both academically and in the workplace, you were still seen as just an object or tool by almost everyone. If you were seen at all, that was.
Even when you finally managed to break into your field, veterinary care for aquatic creatures, you'd found yourself struggling to find opportunities to move up the ladder. Your colleagues were uninterested in you, and your old boss had been too interested, which had led to you jumping ship and starting again under someone new. It had hurt like hell to do that; to abandon all the hard work you'd done just because some old creep couldn't keep his hands off you, but it had a silver lining.
Marissa Faireborn was a godsend. She saw your potential, saw how hard you worked and the quality of care you provided to the wildlife that were brought to you, and after a few years of being employed by her, she'd given you the opportunity of a lifetime. A chance to start your own wildlife care clinic, under the condition that you move immediately, handle your own housing situation, and work with a military research team that were currently set up on an island not too far away from the mainland.
You weren't exactly sure what they were researching, but you'd figured that you could ask when you met up with the head researcher in a few days.
The research team had been stationed at the property previously, and Marissa had used her influence to gain the authority to purchase the building after they'd relocated. You'd been given a grant to fund your work, but you'd had to arrange for everything to be bought and set up yourself.
It had been difficult, especially since your now ex partner had thrown you out of your shared apartment after a particularly nasty argument over your job, which had snowballed into a screaming match when he'd let slip that he'd been sleeping with one of your coworkers, forcing you to temporarily move back in with your family, something as unpleasant as stepping into a snakepit.
Needless to say, once you knew that you were good to go, you'd leapt into your old shitbox truck and hit the gas pedal with the speed of a thousand coked-up cheetahs.
Now, free of all the comments about your looks or your weight or any other thing your parents loved to pick at, you found that a smile had begun to tug at the corners of your mouth. You were out. You were finally out. And you were never going back.
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By the time you'd finished unpacking, the sun had lowered from its place in the middle of the sky, now skimming the horizon line as the first shades of pink and orange hues began to appear. The warmth of your skin told you that you had likely gotten a sunburn from hauling boxes back and forth between your truck and the dusty little shack that was your new living space, but that was a small price to pay for the feeling of immense satisfaction and excitement that was currently thrumming through you.
The facility was amazing. The central building consisted of a walk in area at the entrance with a desk and some filling cabinets, a stocked cold storage room for various medications, a regular storage room, a large room in the back with several decently sized aquariums and metal tables, a kitchen/food pantry, washrooms that included showers, and a fenced outdoor area with two large inground pools and one smaller above ground pool.
All of the necessary equipment that you had ordered months ago had been delivered recently, and the mail carrier had even been nice enough to not just dump the packages at the small mailbox located outside the main facility, taking the time to make sure that they were neatly stacked beneath the shelter overhang of the main entrance.
Now, it was up to you to set everything up.
You started with the medicine and various medical supplies that didn't need to be kept cold, dragging box after box into the storage room and organizing the different pill bottles and tools.
You'd purchased a label gun before the move, and were now labelling anything and everything that you could get your grubby little paws on. In the beginning, you'd been completely professional and responsible with your labels, but by the time you'd gotten around to setting up various water pumps, heaters, and monitoring machines hours later, you'd started to act a little bit silly.
There was now a stethoscope named Steve in a drawer, a mug named Bartholomew sat empty next to your much beloved coffee machine, Randy. Sarah the clipboard was held in your hands, helpless to stop you from gluing a pair of googly eyes onto the top of her as you giggled quietly.
Okay, mayyyybe it was time to turn in for the night. This was odd behavior, even for you.
Setting Sarah down on the desk (which sported a little label that said 'Desk') you yawned and cracked your knuckles. You hadn't gotten around to installing a clock yet, so you reached into one of your pant pockets and retrieved your phone. Clicking the power button, you gaped at the time the device displayed.
"It's 2 AM?!" you squeaked, wondering how it had gotten so late without you noticing. You quickly pocketed your phone once more and made a beeline for the door. You were no stranger to staying up late, often times pulling an all-nighter to study or read fanfiction, but you had to actually act like a somewhat put together human being tomorrow, so that wasn't really an option tonight.
You stepped out into the night air, the smell of salt hitting you immediately. The once clear sky had become cloudy, and the very distant rumble of thunder met your ears. A storm was coming, and you had no intention of getting caught out in it.
Skittering across the sand like a seagull honing in on a French Fry in a Walmart parking lot, you quickly dashed towards your shitty little cottage, praying to God that if there were any spiders in here, that you didn't see them until tomorrow. You snagged your phone charger, set an alarm for Stupid o'clock In The Morning, plugged in your phone and crashed onto your shitty, half inflated blowup mattress. Silently agonizing over the back pain you knew would be coming tomorrow, you let your eyes slip shut as sleep claimed you.
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a-d-nox · 1 year
Would you mind telling me what your career hypothesis would be for me based on my natal chart and MC persona chart? 😊
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part 4: career observation (using natal and mc persona)
your mc is in scorpio, so we are looking for its planetary ruler(s). mars and pluto. mars in the 6h and pluto in the 9h.
6h jobs: vet, armed forces, butler/maid/servant, cook, and/or doctor.
9h jobs: travel agent, attorney, philosopher, librarian, clergy, law, professor, foreign affairs, politics, and/or publishing.
noteworthy aspects (tight orbs)
mercury trine mc: career where accuracy and critical nature are necessary. active career - travel, adaptability, etc are all needed. being a figure head / ambassador. writing and documentation is important. needing to read a lot for career. working with contracts or under contract. education is of importance to get into the field. hygiene is key. putting critical listening skills to the test. needing dexterity in line of work. having a hands-on job.
saturn square mc: working with elderly or sickly people. experiencing animosity in one's career. having anxiety at some point in career. easily bored in career - monotony. dealing with death and decay. not being trusted in line of work. working individually from others.
mars square sun: overly ambitious in career; may seem power hungry / arrogant. rumors could have a negative association with the person's name and their personality. having a large ego.
mars trine pluto (both 10h rulers harmoniously aspecting one another): being of high regard in one's field. having a natural talent. being awarded for what they do for a living. having an inspiring career. being "the best" in their work place. having people look up to them. feeling confident - perhaps overly confident.
mc persona
1h stellium: having a career where constant activity is needed. helping the public. superficial care/aid of others. needing morality. being defined by one's work.
3h stellium: covered in pt 2
sun (mc persona's mc ruler) at 28°: need to use and control one's emotion in line of work. needing to have a comforting disposition - picking up on other person's mood. needing a routine or healthy habits in career. working with a fatherly figure. doing the career that they wanted to do as a kid - or basing their career off of someone they looked up to as a child ("i want to be you when i grow up").
moon opposite mc: not being able to keep emotions in check. having trouble adapting to a changing schedule. struggling to see what others are deeming "common sense" or others not understanding what they believe to be "common sense". working around illness.
my guess: veterinary, military, nurse, law, and/or pathology.
hope this helps, kirs10reilly!
p.s. thank you to everyone who participated in my hypothesis of career! i am now no longer taking any more mc persona charts free of charge. if career observations are posted they will be general posts not guided by other people's charts (if you are receiving this post, it's because i am reminding you that i am NO LONGER taking mc/10h ruler persona charts free of charge for career readings via my ask box or dms).
click here for the masterlist
click here for more of nox's hypotheses
want a personal reading? click here to check out my reading options and prices!
© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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head-post · 7 days
Mandatory microchipping for cats comes into force in UK
Millions of cat owners in England could be fined up to £500 if they fail to microchip their cat and register it on a database.
The legislation applies to cats aged 20 weeks and over, but of the estimated nine million domestic cats in the country, up to 2.2 million are still unchipped, according to the charity Cats Protection.
A veterinary procedure to microchip a cat costs between £20 and £30, the charity said.
Around a quarter of owners who had not chipped their cats said it was because their pet does not go outside, while around 14% said it could be identified by its collar, the charity’s research said.
Owners found not to have their pet microchipped will be given 21 days to have it implanted or face a financial penalty. The mandatory scheme is designed to make it easier to reunite lost or stray domestic cats with their owners.
Madison Rogers, head of advocacy, campaigns and government relations for Cats Protection, said:
“Some owners think they are never going to go through the trauma of losing their pet cat, but in the last year 115,000 pet cats in England went missing and never returned home. Cats are nimble and extremely agile and can easily slip out without us noticing. Many lost cats live a frightening life on the streets. No food, no water, no shelter, no veterinary care and constantly at risk of severe injury or death from many hazards such as cars and wild animals. Collars can easily drop off, become damaged so that the address details become unreadable and, if they are not quick release, can become snagged on obstacles like tree branches, causing injuries to the cat. A microchip is safe, stays with your cat for its lifetime and is linked to contact details that are stored safely in a database.”
Nutmeg, a cat belonging to Sandra Sinclair, a teacher from Tooting in south-west London, was found wandering the streets of Ascot in Berkshire, 30 miles from home, after going missing.
The cat was reunited with its family after its microchip was scanned by Cats Protection.
Mrs. Sinclair said only Nutmeg would know how he ended up in Ascot, but added the family were “relieved” he had been microchipped. Alice Potter, cat welfare expert at the RSPCA, said:
“We have seen cats coming into our care who are sadly not microchipped and may never be reunited with their owners. On average, 11% of all cats coming into the RSPCA’s care are still not microchipped. We’ve also rescued cats who have been microchipped but the details haven’t been kept up to date, which is arguably even more frustrating as it means cats spend a long time in our care whilst we fruitlessly try to contact the owner with out-of-date information. However, we’ve also seen countless stories of cats that have been reunited with their owners thanks to a tiny microchip – showing what this change of legislation will achieve for animal welfare.”
Owned cats must be microchipped before reaching 20 weeks of age, with their contact details stored and kept up to date on a pet microchipping database. This includes cats that usually only stay indoors.
Microchipping is not compulsory for free living cats that live with little or no human interaction or dependency, such as farm, feral or community cats. The legal deadline was confirmed in legislation laid in March 2023 giving owners overs a year to comply with the new requirements. 
Read more HERE
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cvt2dvm · 3 months
On Rage and Behavioral Euthanasia:
While I am most definitively against the force free movement's death before discomfort mantra, there are cases that necessitate behavioral euthanasia (BE) the most prominent of these being Canine Rage Syndrome (Rage).
Unlike most behavioral conditions seen in general practice, Canine Rage Syndrome is a genetic neurological disease, rather than a psychological disease, characterized by extreme, often deadly or disfiguring attacks against animals, objects, and people with no known trigger. The dog may go through a preictal phase, and during the outbursts the eyes typically take on a glazed look with dilated pupils, causing the eyes to occassionally appear red in color due to lighting. Dogs may lose control of their bladder bowel and salivary actions during the attack. The outbursts can last anywhere from 30 seconds to 30 minutes, with most lasting 3-5 minutes.
It is most commonly seen in spaniel types, particularly the American Cocker Spaniel, and English Springer Spaniel, and Belgian Malinois but is also seen in Golden Retrievers, Lhasa Apsos, Bull Terriers, Poodles, and Laborador retrievers. Rage Syndrome has been reported in Puppies as young as 6 months, however it most commonly presents for the first time between 1 and 3 years old.
While it's status as a neurologic disorder is not disputed, it's classification as an epileptic or seizure disorder is still under debate in Veterinary circles, particularly in cases that do not respond to antiepileptics. Some dogs with Rage Syndrome may respond to antiepileptics, and management is similar to that of other dangerous dogs, 24/7 muzzling & secure containment, antiepileptics, tranquilizers/sedatives, and SSRIs. However, in cases where patients do not respond to pharmaceutical and management interventions, or when the dog has had an episode resulting in a level 3 or higher bite against either an owner or another animal, behavioral euthanasia is often the only option left. A thorough behavioral, neurological, and physical work up should be done on any suspected Rage case to rule out any other potential factors, and Rage Syndrome is most definitively diagnosed via functional MRI and/or Electroencephalogram (EEG).
Today, I assisted with the B.E. of a 3 year old recently neutered male laborador with a history of "outbursts" before he came to rescue. Once in foster care through the rescue, he attacked a 10 year old child without vocalization or prior warning with a glazed look on his face. The child was not interacting with the dog, he was laying on the floor watching TV, away from the dog's toys and crate. In the clinic he was lovely, sweet and friendly, with no signs of aggression, the volunteers who brought him in got him a Big Mac on his way in.
Such is the paradox of the rage dog. They are often highly sociable, loving, normal dogs until they enter an epileptic fit. Some owners refer to their dog's rage syndrome as a Jekyll and Hyde syndrome because of this. In Belgian Malinois, there is a genetic test for the Poly A22 and DAT-VNTR genes which have been linked to Rage in a recessive pattern but the disease is multifactoral so genetic testing is not 100% proof against it. Research into other at risk dog breeds and their genetic markers is still ongoing.
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sunset-peril · 1 year
Please don't bring any aggressive content to me or my blog
(Otherwise, I'll have to eat your knees :P)
Hello, I'm Sunset-Peril, and this is my lore hole.
I'm a perpetually-tired pre-veterinary Biology student with a love for medicine and birds/marine mammals who's trying to determine where she fits in career-wise and afford everything while bringing honor to the Lord. I don't always do a good job at any of those things, hence the word 'trying'. Currently, I'm studying to get into veterinary school. We'll see what happens from here. I'm naturally a little suspicious/leery of new people due to past experiences. Sometimes I draw but mostly I write. I primarily produce The Legend of Zelda related content and I sometimes I make adoptables. Everything I make is for fun, not for profit. I overuse commas and spend way too long explaining things.
I really like genetics for whatever reason, so my personal Zelda lore does revolve around a genetically modified BotW Link (often identified as Wolfbred Link, Werewolf Link or HFS Link). If genetically modified humans is something that you definitely do not want to run into, you may either block the Hyrule's Final Stand tag or just not interact with me. If you like Hyrule's Final Stand already, but don't want Wolfbred Link's information/character art, then please block "Link Imperial Hyrule"
Basic overview of an FAQ and notes:
Yes, you can make fanfic/fanart/fanwhatever of my fanfiction, lore and original characters. I don't care, just tag/@ me so I can see it. :D I love the things.
No, I will not make the smut
Yes, some material may be sensitive in nature (in a way that's not smut) and will be TW'd accordingly
No, I do not want to roleplay. That's burned me enough times.
I get excited about my headcanons. Sometimes I yell.
Please do not message me unless you are A) a mutual or B) have a business-related matter. Please use the ask box for everything else.
Please do not tag my content as 'LU' or 'Linked Universe'. It's a little demeaning considering how long and hard I've worked on my AU.
Tumblr Masterlist for Hyrule's Final Stand
Hyrule's Final Stand (BotW/AoC/TotK) on Ao3
Special Project Cykes (AA5) on Ao3
Ask box: If you're asking a character, specify who. If you want me to play an ask game or something, give me directions. (Please use the ask box, I would have it disabled if I didn't want you using it)
I do have a Ko-Fi, but it's empty at the moment. I may have free downloads in the future, but there's nothing interesting happening there right now
Important tags for your experience -
Most Common
#hyrule's final stand - Common tag for all content related to my Hyrule's Final Stand AU
#wolfbred line or #wolfbred - A genetically-modified sub-tribe of Hylians in Hyrule's Final Stand. Used whenever the tribe, its lore, or its members are mentioned.
Fanfiction Titles
#trial of the zora armor
#saying goodbye
#wolfbred chronicles
Personal Tags
#sunset's rambles - Rambling
#sunset's rants - Both for actual rants and for opinionated non-rants
#sunset's thought trading - Answered asks
#fanfiction reruns - Self reblogs where I'm reblogging my chapters/fics that were previously posted
All HFS characters have their own personal tags.
~~~~~ Don't go any lower than this, I'm still cleaning up
Story Tags -
*** #special project cykes / #a man named terran - Lore or postings specifically from my AA fanfiction series. The original title was A Man Named Terran, but was changed shortly after the 2nd book was finished. This series heavily deviates from the original Ace Attorney lore post AA4 (Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney) May want to block for - honestly, it's a mess. It's rated M for a reason.
*** #hyrule's final stand - Lore/Posting specifically for my BOTW series. May want to block for - human genetic modification, death and lots of it, unethical shenanigans (both forced and done willingly)
#lullay space princess - Content relating specifically to the short story of the same name
#ashes remain - Content relating specifically to the novel of the same name
#the sound of our silence - Content relating specifically to the novel of the same name
#trial of the zora armor - Content relating specifically to the novel of the same name
#saying goodbye - Content relating specifically to the short story of the same name
#successors - Content relating specifically to the novel of the same name
Character/Location Tags -
*** #venus gyax - Anything pertaining to the character Venus Gyax, an alternate identity of Athena's used during the series Special Project: Cykes. Tagged only when Venus is directly mentioned. The main character in the series and the most canon-deviant.
*** #lazar andrić - Athena/Venus' biological son from Special Project: Cykes
*** #volerò justice - Athena and Apollo's post-SOJ adopted son, Lazar's step-brother
#miss mary ruiz - One of Edgeworth's European business partners in SP:C, a caretaker at the Hope Sanctuary
#hope sanctuary - Anything pertaining to this location in SP:C
*** #euas / #european union asylum system - Anything pertaining to this specific location/name from SP:C
#i'm not clever with names - OC characters where their names don't match the standard naming conventions of their game
#space center family - Related to Athena, Simon, Metis, Aura, etc.
*** #wolfbred line or #wolfbred - Used for characters in Hyrule's Final Stand who either are Wolfbred, related to Wolfbred, or where the Wolfbred are mentioned
*** #Link Imperial Hyrule - HFS Link's tag. Includes his maiden and married names so I don't feel the need to give him two tags
*** #Zelda Esmerelda Hyrule - HFS Zelda's tag. Includes her middle and last name in order to be matchy with Link (TW: This iteration of Zelda was suicidal during some portions of the series, and this kind of content may appear)
#sydnei imperial - posts pertaining to Link's younger sister, Duchess Sydnei Imperial
*** #midna marie imperial - Link and Sydnei's mother. Due to the Plight of the Wolfbred, her tag contains a lot of content warnings, and minors may want to block her tag.
Personal -
#sunset says petty things for no reason - I say petty things for no reason. Replaced by #sunset's rants and not used as often anymore
#sunset's lore hole - Posts specifically about my own original lore. Not used very often anymore, as I've begun using more specific tags
#yambling or #rambling - I'm just running my mouth. Replaced by #sunset's rambles
#my stuff - It's my stuff
#routine reblog - I'm aware that I've already posted/reblogged this but that was a while ago so I'm throwing it back into the matrix (I do this every so often)
I'll come up with more clever stuff as it comes up
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freestrollers · 2 months
Free Dog Food for Low-Income Families
Pets are beloved members of many families, providing companionship, love, and joy. However, for low-income families struggling to make ends meet, the cost of pet care, including food, can present a significant financial burden. Recognizing the importance of ensuring that all pets receive proper nutrition, the government has implemented the MyfreeGovt program, which provides free dog food to eligible low-income families.
Addressing Pet Welfare
Pets play a crucial role in the lives of their owners, offering emotional support and companionship. However, providing for pets can be challenging, particularly for families facing financial hardship. Inadequate access to pet food can compromise the health and well-being of animals, leading to malnutrition, illness, and suffering. By offering free dog food, the MyfreeGovt program aims to ensure that all pets receive the nutrition they need to thrive, regardless of their owners' financial circumstances.
Economic Relief
The cost of pet care, including food, veterinary care, and other essentials, can strain the budgets of low-income families. In some cases, families may be forced to make difficult decisions about prioritizing their own needs over those of their pets. By providing free dog food, the government helps alleviate this financial burden, enabling families to provide for their pets without sacrificing their own well-being. This economic relief supports both pets and their owners, fostering stronger bonds and healthier relationships.
Promoting Responsible Pet Ownership
Access to free dog food not only addresses immediate nutritional needs but also promotes responsible pet ownership. By removing financial barriers to pet care, the MyfreeGovt program encourages families to prioritize the health and well-being of their animals. Providing adequate nutrition can prevent health problems and reduce the likelihood of pets being surrendered to shelters due to inability to afford care. Ultimately, promoting responsible pet ownership benefits both pets and communities by fostering happier, healthier relationships between pets and their owners.
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Collaborative Efforts
The success of the MyfreeGovt program relies on collaboration between government agencies, pet food suppliers, and community organizations. By working together, these stakeholders can identify eligible families, distribute dog food efficiently, and provide support services such as pet care education and access to veterinary care. Community involvement ensures that assistance reaches those who need it most and fosters a culture of compassion and empathy toward animals.
Health and Well-being of Pets
Proper nutrition is essential for the health and well-being of pets, influencing their growth, energy levels, and overall vitality. Inadequate access to nutritious food can lead to a range of health problems, including malnutrition, obesity, and digestive issues. By providing free dog food, the MyfreeGovt program helps ensure that pets receive balanced and nutritious meals, supporting their physical health and longevity. Healthy pets are happier, more energetic, and better able to fulfill their roles as beloved companions to their owners.
Long-Term Impact
Beyond immediate relief, providing free dog food to low-income families has long-term benefits for both pets and communities. By promoting responsible pet ownership and supporting the health and well-being of animals, the MyfreeGovt program contributes to safer, more humane communities. Healthy, well-nourished pets are less likely to pose public health or safety risks, reducing the burden on animal shelters and municipal services. Additionally, strong bonds between pets and their owners promote social cohesion and community resilience.
The MyfreeGovt program represents a compassionate and practical approach to supporting both pets and their owners in low-income families. By providing free dog food, the government helps ensure that all pets receive the nutrition they need to thrive, regardless of their owners' financial circumstances. Through collaboration, education, and a commitment to responsible pet ownership, initiatives like these create healthier, happier communities where both people and pets can flourish.
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lizseyi · 3 months
How To Make Sure You Get A Loan That’s Genuinely Right For You – Cashcompare
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As we have written about extensively in the past here on the CashCompare blog, there are various reasons why you might conceivably seek to take out a loan.
A true “emergency” situation might have come up, such as a need to pay unexpected veterinary bills, or the car that you use for your daily commute failing to start on a morning and requiring repairs. Or you may be yearning to carry out certain home improvements, or to indulge in the escapism of an overseas holiday.
But it’s one matter to get a loan, and it’s another matter to get the right loan. So, let’s take you through the essentials of ensuring the latter.
Firstly… Is Applying for a Loan the Right Choice for You?
This is, of course, a very big question in itself, and it is likely to hinge on a wide range of factors. Those include the specific reason you’re thinking about applying for a loan in the first place, as well as your credit score, and what your longer-term plans are.
Not everyone has the luxury of extending their overdraft slightly, taking out a credit card that allows for interest-free purchases for a certain period of time, or simply asking family or friends for help.
But of course, it is well worth thoroughly investigating such options – or others – before you commit to a loan. After all, even the lowest-risk loan still presents the reality that you will need to ensure timely repayments from the start to finish of the loan term.
While loans can provide necessary financial support, it's important to consider both the benefits and potential risks, such as increased debt and interest obligations.
So, What Steps Can You Take to Ensure You Get the Most Suitable Loan Deal?
The below measures could all go some way to ensuring you put in place a loan agreement that works for you:
Using a Credit Broker or Comparison Site: The fact is, one lender can only present you with whatever one lender can offer you. A credit broker such as CashCompare, on the other hand, can put forward multiple personalized loan quotes from across the market, not forcing you to put all your faith straight away in a single lender. CashCompare is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, ensuring compliance with the highest industry standards.
Only Borrowing the Bare Minimum: The smaller the loan that you take out, the lower the financial risk you will be exposing yourself to when taking out the loan. Short term loans can have very high interest rates, so if you can combine a loan with financial help from family and friends (for example), this will further help to reduce your risk.
Taking Account of Your Credit History: It’s free to check your credit rating online with the UK’s three main credit reference agencies – Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. The credit scores that you are shown as a result of this process, might well greatly inform what decisions you make on seeking out a loan. Keep in mind that different lenders may interpret your credit score differently, affecting your loan terms and interest rates.
It Could Take Just Minutes to Determine Your Options for a Short-Term Loan
Something else that you might appreciate knowing: when you use our online loan request formhere at CashCompare, you will not be under any obligation to accept whatever personalized loan quotes you are presented with from this process. So, this could be a great way to determine what your likely loan options are, considering the broader market rather than just one or two lenders.
As always here at CashCompare, we would urge you to take great care over whatever decision you make. This will enable you to be confident of having made the most financially responsible choice for your own circumstances and needs. At CashCompare, we adhere to responsible lending practices to ensure that our customers are matched with loan offers suitable for their financial circumstances.
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fairlifetransparency · 6 months
Fairlife animal care
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In an period where ethical considerations shape consumer choices, FairLifeTransparency emerges as a lamp of integrity. This composition delves into the core principles that define our commitment to unequaled translucency and ethical treatment of creatures, setting us piecemeal from recent difficulties girding other brands. Fairlife milk 
Our Services 24/7
Fairlife protein 
Fairlife yoghurt
Fairlife animal abuse
Fairlife animal care
Fairlife animal standards
Fairlife abuse
Fairlife corepower
Fairlife scandal
Ethical Sourcing A Pillar of Fair Life Transparency
Stringent Supplier Vetting Process
At FairLife Transparency, our fidelity to ethical practices begins with a scrupulous supplier vetting process. We engage simply with mates who partake our unvarying commitment to ethical treatment and the loftiest norms of beast weal.
Transparent force Chain Tracing Excellence
Our commitment to translucency isn't a bare pledge but a palpable reality. exercising slice- edge blockchain technology, we offer consumers an unbroken trail, allowing them to check and validate every step of our sourcing process.
Animal Welfare enterprise
Cutting- Edge installations
Central to our commitment is our state- of- the- art installations, designed to prioritize the well- being of our creatures. commodious and comfortable living conditions insure a stress-free terrain, setting a new standard for ethical husbandry practices.
Veterinary Oversight Optimal Health as Priority
FairLifeTransparency's on- point veterinary platoon conducts regular health check- ups, icing each beast receives prompt medical attention when necessary. preventative measures are a focus, minimizing interventions and fostering a culture of visionary care.
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pharmanucleus1 · 6 months
Anti-Coccidial Drugs Market : Unlocking Opportunities with Gorwth Insights and Advancements
Anticoccidial Drugs Market Insights 
In April 2019, Creative Diagnostics developed anticoccidial drug assay products to test anticoccidial drug residues in animals. This advancement and awareness of anticoccidial drugs will impact the trend of the anticoccidial drugs market. Growing awareness of animal health and zootonic diseases is expected to increase acceptance of anticoccidial drugs. The rising carnivorous population and reliance on bovine products is expected to be a driving factor for the growth of the anticoccidial drugs market. Additionally, the increase in research and development of veterinary drugs is expected to provide growth opportunities for anticoccidial drugs. 
Click here for full report:
The growth of the global anticoccidial drugs market is expected to be driven by increasing outbreaks of coccidia combined with growing reliance on poultry products. Additionally, stringent government regulations aimed at maintaining livestock health in developed countries are expected to increase the adoption of anticoccidial drugs. Growing expenditure and pet owners' awareness of animal health is expected to be a driving force for the anticoccidial drugs market. 
Conversely, certain government policies restricting the use of anticoccidial antimicrobial drugs in livestock are expected to inhibit the growth of the anticoccidial drugs market. Additionally, the growing demand for antibiotic-free meat has likely impacted the growing trend of the anticoccidial drugs market. 
Anticoccidial Drugs Market Segment Analysis 
By Drug Type 
Ionophore Anticoccidials 
Chemical Derivative Anticoccidials 
Click here fore free sample request:
By Animal Type 
Competitive Key Players 
Bayer Animal Healthcare 
Boehringer Ingelheim 
Ceva Animal Health Inc. 
Elanco Animal Health (a subsidiary of Eli Lilly) 
Zoetis Animal Healthcare 
Vetoquinol SA 
Click here for full report:
Anticoccidial Drugs Market Geographical Analysis 
The global anticoccidial drugs market has been segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East & Africa. Developed countries in North America and Europe are estimated to dominate the global anticoccidiosis drug market due to established veterinary care and active government involvement in farm animal health and management. Asia-Pacific and Latin America countries are expected to register higher CAGR in the global anticoccal drugs market growth due to growing dependence on farm animals and an increasing number of pet owners of the company. In the Middle East and Africa, the unmet need for animal health is expected to be a driver of the anticoccal drugs market in the region. 
Anticoccidial Drugs Market Key Developments 
In 2014, Zoetis announced the reintroduction of Zoamix, a synthetic anticoccidial drug indicated for poultry. 
In February 2015, Zoetis announced the completion of its acquisition of Abbott's animal health business. 
In May 2016, Laboratorios Hipra received European Union approval for the company's coccidiosis vaccine Evalon
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biggemiipitbulls · 6 months
Unveiling the Artistry Behind Elite Pitbull Kennels
In the realm of canine enthusiasts, the term "Pitbull kennels" resonates with a unique blend of passion, responsibility, and artistry. As we delve into the world of these elite breeding grounds, it becomes apparent that behind every well-crafted pedigree is a dedicated breeder committed to raising healthy, happy, and well-socialized Pitbulls.
The Heart of Pitbull Kennels: Passionate Breeding with Purpose
At the core of reputable Pitbull kennels lies a deep passion for the breed and a commitment to preserving its integrity. Responsible breeders prioritize health, temperament, and conformation to breed standards. They carefully select breeding pairs, considering lineage, genetics, and individual characteristics to produce litters that not only meet but exceed expectations.
Ethical Practices in Pitbull Breeding
Responsible breeders are steadfast in their commitment to ethical practices. From prenatal care for expecting mothers to early socialization for puppies, these kennels prioritize the well-being of their four-legged charges. Regular veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, and a meticulous record-keeping system are essential components of maintaining a healthy bloodline.
In this world of conscientious breeding, the focus is on quality rather than quantity. Ethical Pitbull kennels take a stand against overbreeding, ensuring each pup receives the attention and care necessary for a flourishing life. This commitment to responsible breeding contributes significantly to the positive reputation of the Pitbull breed.
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Beyond Genetics: The Art of Canine Upbringing
The journey of a Pitbull from kennel to forever home is marked by a carefully crafted upbringing. Elite kennels understand the importance of early socialization, exposing puppies to various environments, sounds, and people to build a solid foundation for their future temperament.
Furthermore, the artistry extends to training methodologies. Positive reinforcement and force-free training techniques are favored, fostering a bond of trust and respect between the breeder and the dog. This approach not only results in well-behaved pets but also contributes to breaking stereotypes associated with the Pitbull breed.
The Role of Responsible Ownership
While the responsibility of a Pitbull kennel is immense, the onus of responsible ownership falls equally on those who bring these dogs into their homes. Prospective owners should conduct thorough research on the kennel, ensuring it aligns with ethical breeding practices. Beyond that, they must be prepared for the lifelong commitment of caring for a Pitbull, providing love, proper training, and a nurturing environment.
Conclusion: Nurturing Excellence in Every Litter
In the tapestry of canine breeding, Pitbull kennels stand out as artisans, weaving a story of passion, responsibility, and dedication. By embracing ethical practices, prioritizing the health and well-being of their dogs, and fostering responsible ownership, these kennels contribute to the positive image of the Pitbull breed.
As we explore the world behind the kennel doors, it becomes evident that the artistry extends far beyond genetics. It encompasses the love and care poured into each puppy, the commitment to responsible breeding, and the dedication to shaping not just dogs but beloved family members. In the world of Pitbull kennels, excellence is not just a goal; it's a standard upheld with every wagging tail and joyful bark.
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petsshopindelhi · 10 months
Top 10 Pet Shops in Delhi
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For the past two years, the pandemic has forced us to stay at home and manage everything from home alone. It is difficult for pet owners to take care of their babies because pets cannot adapt to human food. Fortunately, there are online pet store that offer great service and deliver products for your pets right to your door. Also, they offer discounts and are committed to providing the best for your pet shops in Delhi India. Here are some of our favorite online pet stores in Delhi NCR that will make pet buying easy.
1. Pets 4 Delhi
Being one of the premier online pet store in Delhi, Pets 4 Delhi For Happy Pets offers a wide range of pet products and accessories. The Pets4Delhi team loves pets a lot and strives to provide only the best Pet Shop in Delhi NCR. They understand the happiness a person feels after receiving a pet and believe that it is their first duty to deliver the product safely to respected parents. They deliver everything related to pets ie food, medicines, toys, clothing products etc. You can also contact them in case of veterinary emergency. The most important thing about them is that they care for animals and have a lot of compassion for them. The services offered here are not expensive and the team is excellent. No doubt this is the best online pet store in Delhi NCR.
2. Super tails
You can visit pets4delhi.co.in. The Supertails team of experts understand and support all things pet related. SuperTails knows the feelings of pet parents and therefore does its best to help and support them. Their vision is to make pet families happy. They offer a variety of services, including food, toys, training and veterinary advice. They can be contacted in an emergency for veterinary assistance. They also breed dogs and cats in a friendly way.
3. Pet Sutra
You can visit their site which is Pet4delhi.co.in. Their goal is to create a healthy environment for pets and provide everything parents need. They carry the best products from the , best pet store in Delhi, and brands because they are animal-friendly. They provide services such as training, grooming, walkers, beauty products, etc., and are very expensive. You can order food and toys for your pets online and have them delivered to your door. They also provide food products for pets such as dogs, cats, hamsters, rabbits, pigs, cockatiels, parakeets, and parrots.
4. Marshalls pet zone
You can go to pets4delhi.co.in. Pet Marshall's main goal is to make pet training easy and hassle-free. They try to make the lives of parents and pets fun and stress-free. They offer pet products such as treats, toys, dog treats, nutrition, accessories, quality dog ​​bedding and clothing, grooming accessories, bath products, shoes, and much more. Also, they offer reasonable product discounts on their website every day. They offer the best Pets collection of pet products in a variety of styles to choose from. You can also contact them for online veterinary services in case of emergency. Get products for dogs, cats, birds, and other animals.
5. Dear pet
You can check out their Dearpet site. to keep the law. They focus on designing and providing the best pets shop in Delhi, Noida. They provide services for rabbits, cats, dogs, and other small animals. In addition, they provide your pet with nutritional products that can help them live a better and healthier life. This online pet store offers 24-hour delivery in the Delhi area, so contact them whenever you like. You can check out their collection of accessories, treatments, and deals on their website. They also provide everything your pet may need. For other products such as clothes, towels, hygiene, snakes, bowls, etc., you must check their offer.
6. Shakehands
Give them a visit on their pets4delhi.co.in. They have been in the pet industry for forty years and have acquired extensive knowledge in this area. They offer various products like pet food, toys, accessories, etc., and also provide useful products and services for pet parents. They understand that pets become a member of our family that we love very much, so their goal is to bring you the best and highest quality products. They offer the products at very affordable prices. The products in their online store are for cats, dogs, birds, fish, pigeons, hamsters, rabbits, and horses. You can check their website for great deals and discounts.
7. Pawsindia
You can visit the site pets4delhi. The mission of Pawsindia is to provide services with unconditional love for the animals. Also, they care about pet parents and want to make this experience enjoyable for them by offering top-notch products. Pawsindia delivers dietary and nutritional food requirements for dogs and cats. They have a wide range of accessories and grooming products for your beloved pets. To get customized and combo packs for your pets at an affordable price, you should check their website. Also, they have the right nutrition-enriched product for all dogs and cats. They make sure that it is easier to contact them for services and convenient to reach them anytime.
8. Petsworld
You can visit Petsworld.in for more information. It offers a variety of products for pets such as dogs, cats, fish, birds, and other small animals. They also provide services such as grooming, training, pet care, etc. The good thing about them is that they can help you find pet friendly hotels. It makes your travel experience with your pet easier and more enjoyable. They have a good delivery, return and cancellation policy that builds trust. Petworld is one of the most popular Top online pet store in Delhi, India. This is because they have been in business since 2005. They believe in providing high quality pet products. They also provide the best advice for your pets and ensure that their needs are met.
9. Only4pets
You can visit pets4delhi.co.in. The good thing about pets 4 delhi is that they also offer adoption advice for selected locations. If you are looking to save an animal or adopt an abandoned animal, you can visit their website. You can also search for NGOs that work to help animals and promote adoption. A person can only contact 4pets if their pet is lost, they will provide full support to help you find your beloved pet.
10. Asiapets
You can visit their site pets4delhi. It is one of the largest online pet stores offering quality products since 2005. They have all the food products for your dog, cat and bird. Their services include providing quality grooming, grooming, training and online veterinary services. You can contact their customer service number for any help or doubt. Additionally, their online veterinary services are available in case of an emergency. All products are available at Asiapets in affordable price range. You can contact them for any advice or recommendations related to treatment or medicine for your animal.
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