#Grass village lady
just-jae · 1 year
Eyo- So this is why I love OG Naruto
CW: Cursing.
Random projectile vomiting what I love about the first part of Naruto. Mostly from memory (so like, a decade+ ago) I decided to play the the Chunin Exams Arc while writing this to refresh my memory bc honestly, even though I dipped after tasting Shippuden and don't even care to aknowledge Boruto (even if it's good, i don't care) the fact that Part 1 is still so enjoyable shows how it's virtues were in that it actually executed, not just in what it promised. I'll probably be editing this as I rewatch-- like, apparently Choji and Neji also have arm wraps :,V
The theme around hard work. It wasn't a "Work hard to earn a comfy life/ those at the top deserve it" theme it was a "Go after what you love, be passionate, be persistent, build upon yourself to overcome obstacles," kind of hard-work theme. It encouraged chasing your passions and applying yourself to challenges. There was value in just doing that, even if you failed. The meaning and value in your life was tied to your own efforts and decisions, not your status or position in a heirarchy or social conscience.
Positive Father Figures: Forget that Naruto punches his dad in Shippuden. In the first episode, Iruka emotionally adopts Naruto after opening up to him and allowing himself to relate to Naruto as a fellow human being who was suffering and responding to that suffering in similar ways to himself. Before, he pretended not to understand Naruto for the sake of "evil demon kid" narratives and ignoring his own grief. Iruka scraggling Naruto's hair like a big bro/dad wasn't just a bonding moment; it was a found family moment. When Naruto hugs Iruka in the Forest of death, you can tell he adores that kid and is ready to sign the adoption papers.
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One of Naruto's icon characters is Ichiraku, the ramen guy who basically serves as Naruto's Grandad. He fills this kid with soup ramen near-every damn day. He's probably why Naruto loves ramen so much.
The spooky, nature-y understones and setting: Giant dark forests, thematic, nature-inspired ninja techniques, the spooky music, the semi-traditional japanese instruments in the sound track (flutes, drums, lutes, etc.) It's got electric guitar too but the traditional texture of the music made it earthy and cultrally touching in the same way that Avatar: The last Air Bender's natural and spiritual eastern inspiration colored it's visual and audial aesthetic. The "HUH"s and "HUAH"' in the background music added so much bomastic, earthy energy, I LOVED hearing them. I'm telling you there's a healthy reason why I like screaming/yelling/hollering. I haven't articulated it yet, but Naruto's soundtrack scratch that itch well.
Horror: Naruto is one of the few anime I've seen with undertones of horror, without being a horror genre show especially for an action-oriented shonen inspired by feudal-age folklore hybrid with modern aesthetics like military vests and tvs. The realistic visual tone that Naruto leans toward compared to modern anime only helps this and makes how dark it gets believable when you consider how culturally and morally grey the base populations are. Sometimes the cultural vices are the main drive in a character's backstory, like Gaara, who's village was crumbling after betrayal and unreliable leadership reinforced the trust and connection issues that left him alone on a raft in hostile waters with the boogie man as his raftmate to where he couldn't even fathom caring for someone else. Bc of this, him being fucking insane, while Naruto wasn't made sense. It felt like the worlds they were in naturally led to the horrors.
Smarts and thoughtfulness being used to win battles. Earlier in the show, things weren't so flashy, not even elite ninjas were shown doing anything nearly as wild as what happens in the second and following parts. The limits of these abilities left room for the characters to use their heads to not only work around their limits but use them to their advantage to bamboozle and have some kind of chance even against physically stronger opponents.
The significance of jutsu also felt more thematic and narrative in nature. The First Hokage's super power was growing giant trees with his chakra.
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Which not only suggests he created the very forest Konoha resides in, but also pointed to his approach to leadership, which was giving himself and his clan to stegnthen and lift everyone else up, not just through mixing blood with other clans but through building stregnth and resikience through connections and mutual care.
Much better than the brightest, fastest, most destructive energy bomb or powerup.
Look at the reaper death seal justsu and tell me that wasn't more terrifying than the tentails. Imagine how scared someone is using that jutsu. A demon ghost lady is gonna use your soul as a glove to grab someone else's soul, eat it, and then take you with her... him? It/they-- qhost.
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Which leads me to another thing- vulnerability coupled with power. The imagery of the reaper death seal, reainforced a sense of vulnerability that is necessary for the power the user gains.
Gaara's insomnia and dangerously narrow buffer between him and Shukaku lead to him spazzing out in pain whenever something triggers an episode of whatever-the-fuck. Leaving him in a a state of disarray and uselessness.
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He was supposed to be the nuke that destroyed Konoha but was too busy chasing after anyone who had a chance of beating him up. And then freaking out over hugs. His invulnerable body came with a trade off of a vulnerable and volitile psyche.
Even Zabuza only survived Kakashi because Haku incapacitated him with needles to his neck and then took care of him afterward.
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The conversation between the 1st 2nd and 4th Hokage's was like. "Yo it's my bros!" "Hey bro. Sorry bro." "Bro i don't wanna fight you. But this is so cool. I miss you bro." "me too bro."
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Now more character-specific stuff:
Rock Lee is my all-time favorite character. Not only is he the embodiment of part 1's major theme, but I just loved his design and voice acting (the green bodysuit could be awkward at times, but everything else is just pure "That's my son look at him go" vibes).
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It's a simplistic, agile, adorable character. Pure serotonin. The way his hair flipped around when he fought was great, the (OMO) face, the scrawly, lanky body that moved a little too sharp bc he was legit always ready to explode-- just great. Rock Lee is so pasionate and just loves living. I got the sense that he isn't training just to prove ppl wrong. He loves the ninja arts, and learns to love taijutsu for its own sake not just for the sake of other's approval or besting someone in combat.
Kakashi Hatake was like the reassuring character. His calm and focused approach to conflicts and danger were a nice balance to everyone else's bamboozlement and dramatic/passionate personalities. Kakashi also comes off as a reality check sort of character. He's the one who makes team seven realize the mortality of ninjas via a monument echoing real-life monuments dedicated to fallen soldiers and victims of war/terrorism. You can tell that he cares about ninja as people despite his laid-back demeanor, and expects his team to understand the importance of respect for fellow ninja. His experiance with the inner workings of Konoha also make him more realistic and aware of the world's greyness. He knows how politically corrupt things are and wants his students to hold on to their morality instead of tossing it away to follow orders.
Zabuza- was not just eye candy-- okay Zabuza was 99% eye candy for me (looked a bit starved but-- damn Kishimoto knew what he was doing with that one)
Zabuza's situation of being emotionally dishonest with himself ties back to the whole vulberability associated with power thing. His cold world veiw ablut using and being used made it more obvious that he and Haku genuinely cared for eachother bc they acted in ways that didn't fit that narrative. This big, sharktoothed "Demon of the mist" having a soft spot that also had a soft spot for him was like 🥺
Tenten's affinity for weapon-weilding was legitimately cool and gave me mechanic vibes. They could have been so creative with that. But for now it's just sitting on its hands. I also just love her character design. She got those BUNS.
The Sand Siblings were my favorite team. They were scary as hell. Gaara was just danger personified. He was bloodthisty with a power that enabled it. Carrying around a gourd that reeked of blood-- like-- Garra was one of the horrors of the forest of death and the way he act and the way his siblings talk about him suggested he was chaotic and couldn't nessecarily be trust to keep to the plan. And I loved that he was this tiny scrawny thing with no eyebrows and eyeliner panda/racoon eyes. Some of his expressions were like- EXPRESSIONS dude.
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He used have more expressions than 😐 and 😑. He was unintentionally adorable-- you can tell he was meant to look creepy and otherly but came out a little critter. His hair wasn't even meant to be red, that was an animation error. Like, a character even calls him a runt, Kiba's like "Oh no he's too small to be picking fights, run little dude" so he's canonically a little guy. Littler than normal.
Let me tell you, when I was scrubbing through the episodes (bc they spend so much time wasting time on nothing) my eyes would hook on a thumbnail of Gaara, and it'd be 2 seconds of him not reacting to something, and it'd be worth it everytime. Instant serotonin.
Seeing the smallest, most baby-faced member of the group, who looks even tinier with a giant gourd go:
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Is just wild. At least for Naruto. And the fear in the other characters is just- a lot. He's not animated in a cuetsey way either. Like, he's not a loli character. He's a little eldritch horror. And I love that he's not infantilized or cutyfied by the creator for being tiny.
Kankuro was also pretty spooky. Not only did his technique look painful as a papercut, but his main puppet (Crow?) somehow managed to give off body-horror vibes.
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They really milked it's spookyness by emphasizing the mechanical side of it (the clicking and the way it jerked) and its use of poisoned everything to make even the tiniest nicks a big deal.
Temari was the power house, aesthetically. Like, it's not even a girl-power thing. She just has shoulder-snapper posture. Her eyes , are this dark blue that I've rarely seen in a character design. She's got big sis vibes (bc she IS the big sis). Like, she's gorgeous.
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And her explosive hair went well with her chaotic wind specialty. She just fucks the entire landscape up with the goddamned air dude.
Orochimaru as himself is a creep, at least later on-- mostly bc so much of his character is spent obsessing over a little boy's body- obv. this was meant to be creepy, but it's like, pedo creepy, not spider on the wall/ posessed doll creepy. His introduction as the Grass lady, and this slippery immoral scientist who wanted to catalyze a war was a great time He felt like a force of nature.
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I dont have Grass Lady photos yet but this is the next best thing lmao. As the mysterious grass village lady, he was HORRIFIC. I really wish she and her team had been real characters instead of just a skin for Orochimaru to hide in. The way she's introduced is exactly the reason why ninja are traditionally thought of as practicing dark, evil arts. Bc they did dark, evil, spooky shit like pulling at their eyelids and being gross with their tongues. The organs and spooky singing in the background, the predator/prey theme, knowing about Naruto's seal when (at this point) so few others did. On top of that, ya'll gotta know that I'm a sucker for those conical sedge/ coolie hats. The fact that Grass LAdy had a long face and droopy eyes made it all the better. Like, how many other feminine characters have those features? All the character designs of the Grass Village team and the relation of grass to snakes and big hats was pretty neat imo.
Kiba Inuzuka honestly seems like he was inspired by Princess Monoke, which is pretty neat on its own, but i honestly don't feel like Kiba really fits into a ninja village. He's loud and bombastic and rarely uses clever or sneaky tricks. It's just brute strength and prey drive. Which isn't to say he shouldn't be in Naruto, but that maybe he could have been from a different village? Or just not necesarily a ninja. Idk. I love that he's this wild-child who's entire theme is dog.
If a dog were a dude.
If only they were good at drawing dogs though.
Hinata was one of those characters I didn't realize I identified with. A LOT. If Rock Lee is who I aspired to be, Hinata was who I actually was. Not just in demeanor (I too skalked around in a jacket no matter the weather) but also in circumstance. Struggling with comparing yourself to others, or others resenting you for the way you're treated (I was the baby of the family) or constantly dealing with people who think they're better or scold you for poor performance, being pushed into something you didn't even really care for. It was all very relatable, and I didn't even realize it at the time.
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The fact that they were willing to give her those "ugly" veins left an impression on me too. Bc, that was her kickass look. It wasn't cute, and she didn't have a delicate, pretty style of fighting. Even though she got beat up she really threw hands in a way that felt realistic. Homegirl was just tryna get by despite being surrounded by assholes, and the moment she stood up to Neji, who was in the middle of phsychologically manipulating her into an anxiety attack (not a literal attack but same energy) was like 🥳. I can respect that. Even though she lost, it really felt like Neji learned there'll at least be trouble if he tries that shit again.
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Shino was another favorite (I'm gonna end up going through every character at this rate). Especially with his english dub actor. For much the same reasons as Kakashi. Shino was reliable and cool headed. He didn't strut power or look to intimidate anyone, he just paid attention and tended to his bugs-- which, the fact that he cares for and works with a bunch of bugs is oddly endearing. It's like meeting a cat person who's just really good with cats but doesn't gush over them. He comes off as sensitive, but not obsessive.
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His angry-neutral design is pretty neat too. Big Soundwave vibes.
Sakura's wake-up call is honestly pretty iconic. She was a bratty character who realized her flaws on her own instead of being told "Hey, be better you goof", She reflected on how she's been up until the moment when it was all on her and she was eating dirt. Sakura getting serious and learning to be proactive, now that she didn't have anyone as a crutch or a scapegoat, was a pretty awesome moment. And even though The show could have done more with her in that regard, I still appreciate that they went there. Watching Sakura with empathy (especially now that we as a society aren't starving for strong female characters like we used to be) makes me notice how realistic her nievety and dependance is. And also how funny she is at times. Even Ino realizing having that wakeup call like "Bro I'm being stupid, I can't let this girl die over a crush". It even feels like their feud isn't just about a crush but just social insecurity. Sakura used to be shy until she met Ino. Ino enouraged her to be proud up until attention started to be drawn away from her toward Sakura. This also suggested that Ino actually did look down on Sakura and was using her to feel better about herself. Sakura outgrowing Ino put her in a position of facing her own flaws or reframing Sakura as an enemy who didn't deserve to be loved.
And when the reason they were enemies (Sasuke) no longer justified being a dickhead (letting Sakura fucking die) Ino not only had to face her own inadequacy but allow herself to care for Sakura again, from a more genuine place.
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I wish they had done more with that, but the fact that they did that in the first place was iconic. There's nothing like having to learn that the world you were raised in is not reality. Breaking out of a sheltered and shallow worlveiw is its own struggle. Its a learning curve, and it leaves you emotionally and socially unprepared when you thought you finally had everything figured out. Sometimes people hold on to bratty behavior bc they think their only other option is getting bullied and hating themselves. Sakura's snootiness comes off just makeshift confidence she learned from assholes. She didn't look down on Naruto bc she interacted with Naruto, she looked down on him bc that's what she's been taught to do about people like Naruto. The whole village was like that. Which is realistic. We just aren't told nearly as much of her perspective as other characters, but her learning how her words impact people, and how dishonest she is about her own competence is worth exploring.
The themes in Naruto were pretty nuanced-- even if the character's dialogue was exposition hell (they spend so much time verbally explaining things that dont need to be explained in such a longwinded manner), they were human condition themes, not just a power fantasy or a romance, or a black and white, good and evil conflict. Ninjas are already pretty shady, with Naruto being the most overtly good character in the show. Everyone else's morality (beside's Lee) is questionable at one point or another-- in fact I think even Lee was introduced as an intimidating upperclassmen. It feels true to life that regular people are actually pretty mean and flawed, which makes Naruto's themes hit harder bc you know it's not just one special character going through a special time, making friends with other 100% good people. Its life. Its people dealing with life. Like, these assholes love and hate eachother at the same time all the time. Some of Naruto's friends did some morally questionable shit. Like Shikamaru pretending to be asleep during the attack on Konoha. We still love the guy, but, get the fuck up dude.
Looking back, this just makes me realize that I've always had an interest in thematic/psychological horror and character realism. I can't stand gore/torture, but spooky grass women that infect you with curses, cursed puppets that spazz and split their faces open, and tiny murderous gremlins who nearly give people heart attacks just bc they thought he was gonna do something, being my favorite characters of Naruto is pretty telling.
Add the inky, Hidden Rain water Clones to the list too.
Iruka needs to get a pen. Reaper needs more soul spagetti and Naruto needs to give back SOME of Garra's personality. Just a little. Let him be a little bit of a little bitch.
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milkiedimitrescu · 2 years
Lady Dimitrescu's endless meadow dream? Or a nightmare...
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Tried doing a little fanart again of Alcina but added a large sprinkle of dreamcore to it. I just wanted to know what dreamcore would look like with Alcina tbh
If y'all want lore of this sure:
She just basically went to sleep and woke up in a flower meadow and can't find a way out so she follow's the butterflies because once she looked at one, all the butterflies flew in the same direction. When she saw where they went, it was next too and on top of a door in the middle of nowhere and when she opened the door, of course all the butterflies flew away but the door shined a white light so she went in. Guess what happened, people.
She woke up. In her bed. Progressing what just happened and continued her daily routine.
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starsofang · 3 months
pirate poly!141 x f!reader tw: NSFW, MDNI, violence, death (minor characters), bits of gore, 141 are mean pirates, kidnapping
When a group of unhinged pirates invade your small village, you're whisked away from your peaceful home and thrown on to a voyage out at sea. Forced to obtain a new role as their medic, you have no choice but to accept your fate as you join their forces and aid them in their treacherous travels.
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The village was tranquil as you stepped through it, bare feet threading through the soft grass, hands wrapped around the handle of a woven basket. It was peaceful, as it always was, without the souls of townsfolk to burden you. They didn’t dare bother you with the witness of elders around, keeping any torment to themselves until nightfall when the small vendor shops had closed up for the evening and the old folk returned to their homes.
You basked in the warm summer rays that shined down on you as you walked past the various shops. Really, they were far from any real shops, only showcasing simple merchant carts with limited supply for the village to gather, but it was a small village, and everything you needed was for mere survival. You weren’t a greedy woman, and you were plenty grateful.
Stepping up to one of the merchants, you offered a polite smile to the older woman sitting behind it, bowing your head in greeting.
“Hello, Mary,” you addressed, and she perked up from where she stood, occupied with counting together the sum of coins she’d earned throughout the day. She reflected her own smile to you, standing a bit taller. A wrinkled hand lifted to brush strands of her gray hair that had blown astray in the light breeze, revealing her radiance.
“Afternoon, dove,” she greeted in return. “What’s on the agenda for today?”
“Just need a few more herbs, is all,” you shrugged, shifting your eyes away from hers to pick around her cart. Mary always had plenty on hand, and usually snuck you a few extras when you weren’t looking.
“Ah, I see. Well, you know the routine, dove. Feel free to pick as many as you need,” she encouraged. You smiled graciously, collecting a small variety of herbs and plants to place in your basket.
It was a different decision every week, seeing as you often performed trial and error with them in the comfort of your home. Despite many in your village disagreeing with your efforts, you were attempting to learn more about medicines. The village was in desperate need of a proper healer, and a female one at that. The male in current practice was much too biased and reckless, though you were sure to get a mouthful if you were to express the concern.
So, you took it upon yourself. Living in the village rather than out on the mainland, it wasn’t a simple teaching. Resources and education were much more difficult to come by, and it wasn’t deemed necessary information for women to have. It was exactly the reason why you were seen as a bit of an enigmatic outcast to all – all except Mary, of course. Perhaps she simply pitied you.
“This will be all for me, Mary,” you declared, setting the basket on top of her cart. Reaching for the small pouch that rested comfortably on your hip, you dug through it, collecting a few bronze coins and setting them in the old woman’s frail hand.
Mary accepted, placing the coins in her own pouch and throwing you a kind smile. “You sure, dove? Nothing else I can do for you?”
“I’m sure,” you confirmed with a nod. “Still in the experimentation phase, I fear.”
“You’ll get there,” she assured, clasping one of your hands between both of hers and giving it an encouraging shake before releasing. “Perhaps I’ll come visit you one of these days. An old lady like myself could use a few tweaks.”
This elicited a light laugh from you, shaking your head as you grasped the basket. “You look as healthy as a babe, Mary. But yes, please do. You know my door is always open for you.”
The two of you said your sweet farewells before you set off down the grassy trail once again. You passed the other merchants, who didn’t welcome you with the same kindness Mary had, but didn’t scare you away with shrewdness either. It was a typical routine, at this point, for others to look down on you. A woman, unwilling to marry and bear children and instead, studying medicine. A true scandal, some might say.
The walk back to your home was done so without issue, but when your humble abode came into sight, tucked away on the farther side of the village for more private practice, the faces of recognizable men came into view. This was just as frequent as the judgeful side eyes you received, but much more inconvenient.
“Afternoon, dove,” one of the men greeted with a slimy smile, the nickname the village had given you slipping off of his tongue like rotted poison. Dove, a name of something so beautiful, given out of mere pettiness. You were free like a bird, yet you should’ve been confined to your cage. Something pretty to look at, but proving no use. “Never quite got back to me about my courtship.”
Right. You had ignored it on purpose. Though deemed as strange and grotesque by the townspeople, this particular man hadn’t quite gotten the hint. Lucius was his name, fitting, seeing as he was as close to the devil as they came. Conceited and boastful with no decency of leaving you be.
He was awfully determined in wanting to fix you, to make you the housewife everybody expected you to be, just like the other village women. It was common practice, seeing as women didn’t do much other than simply that. While some were quite content with that lifestyle, you sought out more. You didn’t want to be chained down to a simple man who had nothing but arrogance to offer, nor a man you weren’t in love with.
“Yes, that’s quite right,” you confirmed dryly, stepping up to your home. He blocked the doorway, barricading you from entering.
“It’s quite rude for a lady to reject,” he interjected, a devilish smile plastered on his face. You blinked up at him with a look of indifference. “I am only asking for an answer.”
“I believe I’ve told you no plenty of times,” you sighed, adjusting the basket on your hip. “I am simply not interested.”
He sucked his teeth together, glowering down at you from where he stood. It was clear he wasn’t pleased with the answer, but unfortunately for him, it was all he was going to get. You were solid with your decision, and god forbid you did change your mind on being a wife and mother, it would not be with him.
“Can’t change your mind at all, dove?” he asked in fake sweetness, reaching for your hand that wasn’t holding the basket. He took it in his grip, much too tight for your liking. “Perhaps I can help change it if you give me one night.”
You scowled at his underlying tone, pulling your hand from his grasp and resting it on the knob of your door. You pushed it open, stepping inside before turning to him. “Please do not humor me with such indications. I am not interested, nor will I change my mind.”
Abruptly closing the door on him, you settled inside of your home, breathing a low sigh of relief. You could hear his faint chuckles with the other men present, their footsteps soft against the grass as they took their leave. He never took things too far, such as forcing his way into your home or worse, forcing himself on you, but you feared that day may come the longer you rejected his advances.
You set your basket on your desk, slouching down in the old chair you’d spend days upon days occupied in. Your journal sat open with ink scattered on the pages in your scribbled handwriting, brief sketches drawn about of the varying herbs you worked tirelessly on. Above you, jars lined the shelves with fading labels, filled with makeshift medicines of all kinds.
With the village and its people now out of sight and out of mind, you resumed your studies with the fresh herbs, focusing on what your heart truly desired.
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You don’t remember falling asleep. It had been hours of you with a pen in your hand, jotting down useful notes for your studies, and it was no surprise you had succumbed to exhaustion at the comfort of your desk. Your cot in the corner of the room was more a stranger than anything, but with the sight of moonlight still pouring in through your small windows, you debated on moving over to it so you could resume.
Standing from your desk, you rubbed the sleepiness crusting over your eyes, a yawn threatening to tug through your throat. Just as you began your short trek to your bed, a slight tinge of orange caught your eye, peeking in through your window. It was faint, barely knowledgeable.
Curiosity got the best of you, and through your hazy state, you tugged open the front door of your small cottage, daring to see what was outside. The orange grew brighter in view now that the door opening had allowed more light to pool in, and when you rubbed at your eyes once more, you recognized it as fire.
Fire, burning fiercely in the night, eating away at your village. The sounds of terrified screams and chaotic madness became abundantly clear when you stepped outside. It made your blood run cold. All hairs on your body stood straight in warning, beckoning you to return inside, to hide.
As much as you wanted to listen, the first thing to vacate your mind was Mary. In the brush of flames, you needed to know if she was alright, if she had gotten to safety before the angry fire had broken into her own home. Where most of the townsfolk treated you as a mere joke, Mary was the one who had given you kindness when needed.
Your feet moved in a rush to sprint towards the village, the grass damp from the midnight dew and sticking to your soles. The closer you came towards the heart of the village, the louder things grew. It was blood-curling, hearing booming voices bark various orders while others shouted in petrified fear. Mary’s house was on the other side of the village, and in an act of triumph, you aimed for it.
The heat of the flames became more apparent as you closed in on the town center. Townsfolk that you had grown with since a baby were in a frenzy, some bloodied, some weeping. They looked like they had gone through the pits of hell and crawled their way out, only to be inches away from being dragged back in again.
There was no explanation for why the men of your village were wearing the crimson color of fresh blood, or why some were laying in broken heaps on the ground. They were in agony, shrieking in deafening decibels. The healer in you wanted to stop everything you were doing to aid them, but the child in you wanted to reach Mary first.
You did what your heart wanted and ran for Mary.
Approaching her house, the flames had not yet approached. It wasn’t burned to ash, nor was it in shambles. Instead, one large man had Mary in their hold by each of her arms as she attempted to fight him off while another ransacked her home.
“Mary!” you shouted, helpless. The man’s head whipped in the direction of your voice, cruel eyes narrowing in on you. Mary joined him, fearful eyes catching yours.
The sight of the men was foreign to you, but you’d recognize heartless monsters such as them anywhere. They were mere stories shared between the village, often used to scare the children away from the sea for their own protection. The village was so small, nobody had ever worried about the stories happening to them.
Pirates. Cruel, greedy, malicious. Like dogs off a leash, bearing sharp teeth and frothing at the mouth. They raided innocent villages for their supply, leaving it in disarray once they got what they wanted. Sick bastards who deserved punishment, yet slipped away in the roaring waves of the sea before it could be handed to them.
“Let go of her,” you pleaded with the pirate, hands clasped together. You knew you couldn’t fight him off, even if you tried. Mary was just as powerless as you, and old age was starting to catch up to her. She was fragile, and with the way he was handling her, you feared she’d get harmed.
The mysterious pirate continued to stare at you with an unreadable expression. He grunted in annoyance, loosening his grip on Mary but not quite releasing. It did nothing to comfort you, and that feeling grew tenfold when the other pirate stepped out of Mary’s home, locking in on you.
“Grab tha’ one, will ye, Gaz?” the one holding Mary huffed, gesturing towards you with a nod of his head. The other, Gaz, nodded in return, sauntering up to you like death on wheels. You needed to run, to escape, but he was too quick. Before you knew it, Gaz’s arms had wrapped around your waist, hauling you over his shoulder like a doll.
Flailing in his embrace did nothing. His grip was firm, arm locked on to you impossibly tight, and the punches you threw to his back seemed almost comical to him.
“Find anythin’?” the other asked Gaz. Gaz shook his head, releasing a frustrated exhale.
As chaos ensued around you, the two men began dragging you and Mary along towards the heart of the village where you were moments ago. Gaz’s grip loosened on you, before he dropped you to the damp ground carelessly. You landed with a huff, soreness soaring through your back.
Looking around, you realized that many of the townsfolk were in the same condition. Lined up besides one another, pleading for their lives, weeping with ugly snot running from their noses. Mary was beside you, shaken but unharmed from the looks of it. She stared at you with heart wrenching fright, and you wished you could’ve told her things would be okay.
But they weren’t. The village was set ablaze, its people lined up like prisoners with a group of pirates looming over them like reapers prepared for death. The peace from this afternoon had vanished, and there would be no return. Things would be forever different, if they spared your lives.
Gaz and the other pirate stood side by side as they looked over the townsfolk. Another was beside them, face distorted by a ghastly mask that resembled a skull. It sent shivers down your spine. It was as if you truly were looking death in the eye.
A fourth pirate stepped forward, eyes that should’ve been considered kind instead staring down every last villager with heated observation. He was silent as he paced slowly, hands behind his back, the fire casting a doomful glow upon his face.
“My name is Captain Price,” he introduced. His voice was booming with authority. “If you do not wish to aid us, then we do not wish to aid you. The choice is yours.”
Sweat beaded your hairline from both the flames of fire scorching around you, and the anxiety that spiked inside of you. Your eyes locked in on the Captain, watching his every movement, noting the way he stood tall and proud, showcasing the true power he held. The villagers and you were helpless against him and his crew, and he was ensuring that it was obvious.
“We seek a medic. If you cannot provide that to us, then you are of no use to me,” he explained, pausing his pacing. He took in the sight of every grim face. Once he landed on you, you shivered, looking away in a panic. “I will ask you once. Who is your medic?”
Deafening silence filled the air apart from the flickering flames that threatened to consume us whole. Nobody dared to speak a word, nor did they look away from Price. It was as if time had stopped and everybody froze.
Price sniffed, glancing around the villagers. Though he seemed collected in his behavior, you could recognize the impatience from the way his lip twitched and his shoulders tensed.
“The Captain asked you lot a question,” Gaz sneered in defense. Price spared him a glance before returning focus. Still, nobody spoke for the next few moments.
It wasn’t until Price’s hand drifted to his waist, hand coming to rest on a handgun that the air shifted into one of unease. The sight of it made you sick to the stomach. Handguns were a specialty only the wealthy or military could acquire. They were rare and expensive, a luxury to some, but deadly. One click, and your soul was taken right from your body.
Price grasped the handgun, holding it in his hand as if it were a toy. He stepped up to the line of villagers, peering down at them like useless pigs. The sight of the gun had women quivering in fear, tears streaming down their rosy cheeks. The men were men no more, stripped away of their masculinity and replaced with little boys, unable to protect their kin and fulfill their duty as defenders.
The gun was raised, threat building with every inch. The barrel pointed right at the horror-stricken face of the very man who intruded on your home earlier – Lucius. Gone was the cocky mockery of a man, replaced with a whimpering boy who feared death just as much as another. He was shaking, shoulders slouched in attempts to appear small.
“We will try this again,” Price demanded. The cold barrel pressed to the temple of Lucius’ head and you could do nothing but sit and watch, unsure of what to feel. Sure, he kept a sour taste in your mouth simply from being. But to wish death on him for being a hindrance was distasteful. “Who is your medic?”
Lucius wouldn’t possibly rat you out. He was a selfish man who took what he wanted, but surely, he wouldn’t. He wasn’t that cruel.
The coward’s shaky hand lifted to point in your direction. It felt as if he were throwing a sharp dagger at you, the way he exposed the occupation you’d been so meticulously working hard towards.
Eyes shifted towards you, sending an ice cold burst through your veins. They were prodding, dissecting you from head to toe as if you were an experiment for them to test on. It was unsettling, sinking your heart down to the pits of your stomach.
“You’re the medic?” Price questioned. He hadn’t lowered his weapon, keeping it firm against Lucius’ skull, but his attention had shifted to you. His eyes weren’t warm and kind like they were shaped out to be, but rather cold, glossed over with hardened hostility.
“I–” You swallowed. “I am merely a medic in practice. I am not a professional, I do not know proper teachings–”
“Ghost,” he interrupted, whipping his head to look at the masked man. Ghost was a brute of a man, a shadow that would’ve been consumed by the night if not for the illuminating glow coming from the village in flames. “Take her so she can gather her things. She’s coming with us.”
Dread struck you right to the core. You wanted to beg for them to leave you be, to explain that you weren’t what they wanted. You didn’t want to be stripped from your home and tossed onto a ship with no clue of where your next destination was. These men were dangerous, seeping pure rancor and poisoning the very ground you laid on. Leaving with them was a death sentence.
Ghost said nothing, and even if he did, you wouldn’t have been able to hear it from the subtle weeping from villagers beside you. His strides were long as he approached you, and without warning, his rough hand grasped your elbow, hauling you to your feet. The force startled you, throwing you off balance but his grip was tight enough to keep you grounded.
As you were dragged away towards the direction of your home, you could hear an uproar of cries. Terror struck the village once more and you could do nothing but accept fate for what it was. You wanted to turn your head to see what was becoming of your people, but you were scared. Scared of what you may see, scared of what Ghost will do if you look.
You kept your gaze forward, legs moving quickly to match the heavy pace of Ghost, guiding the lion into your den.
Arriving at your home, you were hit with the realization that it would be the last time entering it. Your hard work would vanish, the space you made into your security blanket would be destroyed, burned to ash once the flames settled. It tore your heart to bits.
“Hurry up,” Ghost gruffed, his voice gravelly and hoarse. Just like Price, it was assertive, leaving no room for discussion.
You made haste to pack your essentials into a flimsy satchel. It wouldn’t be able to fit much, and you could only pray they would at least provide you with bare necessities on your voyage to hell. In your satchel went your journal, the cluttered jars of experimental medicines, your favorite quill, and a daring change of clothes. If Ghost thought you to remain alive long enough to have the opportunity to redress, he didn’t express it.
“That all?” he huffed, and when you nodded, he seized your arm again. “Let’s go.”
The sight of your home became a distant memory the farther you went from it. Already your body was pleading to go back, to curl up in bed and pretend that all of this was a sick dream. You regretted not making your cot of more use, sleeping in that damned wooden chair instead.
By the time you arrived back at the town center, it was like witnessing purgatory itself. Bloodshed with the bodies of your people laid across the ground like animals tossed aside. Useless and unworthy, that was how these pirates treated them. Though your people had never been kind to you, this was a fate you would never have wished upon them.
Their faces were unrecognizable as you took them in. Some burned, some beaten so bloody their faces had swelled into ugly monsters, some slain. The sight of the deceased made you want to vomit, bile piling in your throat and threatening to expel out.
Your eyes frantically searched for Mary, aching to know if they had given her mercy. She was a frail woman, withering with her age. She was innocent.
You couldn’t find her familiar face, and you weren’t sure whether to feel relieved or dreadful.
The three other pirates were standing around one another. They were unphased by the actions they had bestowed upon the village, as if it was another simple day. It unnerved you, rattling your bones with burrowing fear. When they noticed the return of you and their crewmate, they wasted no time in guiding you off to the small port in which their ship had been docked.
It was large, wood tainted with brown so dark it could’ve been black. It blended in with the abyss of the sea, which you realized was entirely the point. Unnoticed and concealed.
Ghost didn’t let go of you as he helped you on to the ship, nor did he release once your bare feet connected with the wood. It was just as restricting as before, causing a light pulse to form in your bicep where he held you.
“Take her to the chambers until we figure out the next step,” Price ordered Ghost, nodding his head in the direction of raggedy doors. You could only imagine what lies behind them, waiting for you.
Ghost grunted in response, tugging you with him and having you stumble on your own two feet. The wood was rough and sharp on your soles, slicing tiny splinters into your skin. Shoes weren’t needed in your village unless it was winter, and even then, the grass was always enough to consume them in warmth. Now, you were regretting not owning a pair.
“In you go,” Ghost uttered once he had the door pulled open, shoving you down a small flight of stairs towards the lower section of the ship. It was dingy and unlit, the only light seeping in being the moonlight from a tiny window.
Once inside, you recognized your new home as a cell. Barred and caged in, being tossed inside carelessly. There was nothing but a cot and a bucket to relieve yourself. It was completely empty and void of comfort.
Ghost shut the cell door, locking it with an annoyed grunt. You hadn’t even noticed him pull out the set of keys to open it for you, nor had you noticed when he locked you in. You watched as he thrusted the keys in his back pocket, the only evidence of its presence being the small glint of metal from the moon’s light.
“Wait!” you cried out when he turned to leave. You scrambled on the cell floor, hands wrapping around the cold bars. He paused his walk, throwing you a look of disinterest. “You can’t just leave me in here!”
Ghost snorted in what you dared to say amusement. “Don’t get your knickers in a twist, princess. You’ll be of use soon enough.”
Ignoring your pleas, he stepped up the stairs and returned to the main deck, shutting the door and leaving you utterly alone. Silence filled the air apart from the calming waves of the sea, though it did nothing to soothe you. You were helpless, deprived of any form of escape.
You spent what felt like hours on the floor of your cell, weeping into your own hands, silently praying to a God to release you. When nobody came to your rescue, you knew it was far too late for a miracle. This would be your new life, your new home, for as long as they kept you alive.
Part of you wished they would’ve just killed you instead.
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llamagoddessofficial · 6 months
Bro you actually got me wanting to marry farm sans 😭 he's so out of my league though. What a man. I like that the whole community wants them to get together too, sans is one of their boys, they gotta have his back and hype him up a little!! I just know there's a monster in town who's offered to plan the wedding for sans, and old ladies love gossiping and playing matchmaker if left to their own devices
"dangit. you found my hiding place before i did."
You jumped, glancing up and over your shoulder, distracted from staring out into the dark. But you relaxed once you saw who it was.
"Ah, sorry." You didn't actually want to move. You immediately felt better for Sans being there, even despite the events that had just transpired, some of your wound-up stress leaking away. "I can go find a new place to cower from socialising,"
"nah, this is fine." Sans sat down on the step, right beside you, letting out a relaxed sigh. He held out a glass of monster champagne to you - you (obviously) accepted. "s'more than enough room for two."
He was right. The beautiful little veranda was spacious enough for a whole party of people. It just so happened that the party had retreated indoors, now that night had fallen. From your spot sat on the edge of the veranda, you could faintly see the lights of the rest of the village, the muffled murmur of the dinner party going on in the house behind you not quite enough to mask the sound of the wind rustling the grass.
You fiddled with the glass. Sans' knee was almost touching yours. He smelled warm, comforting.
"Nice party." You mumbled.
Sans leant back slightly. "yeah. dinner is always good when felinus is hosting."
"Don't tell anyone I said this, but it's much nicer than Theodore's."
"i know he's a dolphin. but still don't get why he only served seafood."
You looked at him, and those pretty green eyelights focused onto you.
"So... are you also running away from the matchmaking?"
Sans' smile dropped - then he let out a somewhat pained noise, leaning forward and putting his skull in his hands. You couldn't help but giggle.
"m'so sorry," he groaned. The tension in the air had eased now that you'd finally broached the subject.
"It's fine. Really." You nudged him with your elbow. "It's just old ladies having a laugh. It's probably the most entertainment they've had in a long time."
He rubbed his face. "i know, i know. i just... stars, they're so pushy. it's mortifying watchin' them corner you like that."
You recalled the slight jump of fear you'd had when a cohort of delighted elderly bunnies had seemingly materialised out of thin air in the party to determinedly tell you it was such a shame a 'delightful human like you' was single. They then heavily reiterated how single Sans was, how much he clearly liked you, and what a 'lovely young man' he was.
"They can be strong-willed. That's for sure."
Sans sat up, but seemingly couldn't look at you. "i don't want you to feel some typa way about me because of them."
"... Some way?"
"i know yer anxious to fit into the community." He picked at the fraying sleeves of his knitted blue sweatshirt. "i don't want you to feel... like you have to date me, if you want to be accepted. you can date who you want. or not date. or whatever. i dunno,"
Oh. Your heart fluttered in your chest a little. "I don't feel like that at all."
He eventually looked at you, sheepish. "you sure?"
"Yeah." You waved your hand, eager to cheer him up. "They can be a bit pushy, sure. But it's all in good fun, right? It's not like they're chasing us into a church with shotguns. The worst they've done is very obviously set us up as dance partners at the festival."
A wave of relief seemed to pass over him. "or get us walkin' opposite ways 'round the market so we'll bump into each other."
"Besides." You smiled. "If they like me enough to try to set me up with someone they know, must mean I'm 'in'. So I'm all sorted on the community infiltration front."
He softened even more, nudging your knee with his. "that's true. they love ya. they'll like ya whether or not they've harassed you into datin' me."
"Not like I'd need to be harassed into that anyway."
Sans seemed to realise what you'd said before you did. His eyelights, in an instant, were double their usual size
"... what'd you say?" He was staring at you.
... You could feel the heat creeping over your face, neck and ears. Your mouth had instantly glued itself shut. You didn't answer his question - you just stared at your untouched champagne glass.
Both of you jumped, this time, you felt the cold champagne splash out of the glass and onto your hand as you dropped it entirely. When the two of you turned around, Papyrus seemed just as startled by your reactions as you were to him; he was stood just outside the door, car keys in his hand.
"P-Papyrus!" "bro,"
Papyrus, immediately, gave you and Sans a shifty look. But he quickly covered it up again.
You and Sans quickly stood, bolt upright, at the same time.
"i'll go say goodbye to everyone. you two get the car backed out."
"Sure. Sure,"
Before you could say anything else to him, Sans had hurried past his brother, back into the house. Papyrus watched him head inside with visible confusion written across his face.
"... HUMAN," Papyrus glanced at you. "WHAT DID MY BROTHER SAY TO YOU?"
"Uh, I'll..." You fiddled with your hair. "I'll, m, I'll tell you in the car."
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nanamiscocksleeve · 2 months
A Sheath for a Sword
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Warnings: MDNI, Crack fic, crude language, PIV sex, dirty talking, slight foursome A/N: This isn't an actual WIP, I just got a silly idea and wrote it out. Hardly took any time at all. Kind of a Victorian era goofy, crack fic. Not in y/n format, just felt right doing it in third person. Not proofread. Image credit Masson on Shutterstock
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A young woman is crawling weakly through a field. The feeling of thirst claws at her body. It's been 3 months since she's had cock. 3 whole months and she's starving.
In a desperate bid to satisfy her hunger, she left her village, only to be overcome by her own weaknesses now on her knees, crying out in desperation.
"Cock...a bit of cock...anyone please...so thirsty..." Her labored movements drain her of the little energy she had, and she rests her head on the grass, panting, feeling her body succumbing to her basic needs. So this is how it ends, she thinks to herself. With a dry cunt and no prospects in sight.
She feels her thoughts becoming less cohesive, eyes becoming heavy and breathing shallow. She closes her eyes and waits for her ultimate end.
Unbeknownst to her, a merry order of knights were nearby and they had heard her pathetic cries of thirst. They march towards her aid, a trio of tall, strapping, gentlemen.
"The poor thing," murmurs Sir Geto The Long.
"Indeed," agrees Sir Gojo The Strong.
"I hope she'll recover," says Sir Nanami The Dauntless.
"Let's rouse her and see how she responds." Sir Geto rolls her onto her back and begins to pull up the various layers of skirts beneath her dress before he finally reaches the small strip of linen covering her pussy. He pulls it off and gasps in shock.
"I do say...look at it's state!"
Sir Gojo and Sir Nanami gather closer to see and they almost gasp in horror.
"I've never seen a cunt so dry!"
"Poor thing must be starving."
"She might have come from one of those old villages, the ones that took all the young men off to war!"
"She has traveled great lengths and gone without. We should put in our best efforts to revive her."
Sir Geto nods, gathering saliva onto his tongue. "I shall give it my best hawk tuah." With that, he brings as much as he can onto the dried pussy lips, spreading it onto her parched folds to offer relief.
The woman stirs, feeling something pleasantly lapping at her cunt, then shivers as her corset is undone and removed along with her chemise. Her eyes open a fraction, then she gasps as she sees two handsome men suckling on her titties, her poor, deprived titties, which would have been as dry as her cunt had it not been for the help of the salve the apothecary had made for her.
She clears her throat to get their attention. Sir Gojo releases her nipple, looking at her in apology.
"I'm sorry my lady, I hope you don't mind. You did look like you were in need of aid."
"I was. was looking for relief and must have passed out in the field." She gasps as she feels a tug on the womanly pearl between her legs. "Oh my! When I started on this journey, I was hoping to find at least one man to fill my venus cavern. I was never expecting 3! May I know your names, kind sirs?"
"Sir Gojo Satoru the strong." The white-haired knight introduces himself.
Nanami who had been licking her nipple this whole time lets go with a wet pop. "And I am Sir Nanami Kento The Dauntless."
"He never backs down from anything. Never met a dame he hasn't satisfied, no matter how difficult she might be. Leaves the wildcats purring like house kittens by the time he's done!" Sir Gojo explains with a bark of laughter.
"And the chivalrous man between your legs restoring moisture to your cunt is Sir Geto The Long." Sir Gojo points the covered shape between her legs.
"Oh...long indeed, I can feel his tongue covering me all the way from the rosebud to the kitty cave!" she giggles and sighs as she feels her thirst ebbing away.
"That's not the only reason we call him that. You'll find out soon enough."
"Are you comfortable with us providing you with this assistance in a field my lady? We had no chance to ask since your condition was dire and you were unconscious. Would you prefer a room and a bed?" Sir Nanami asks as he tweaks her nipple with his calloused fingertips.
"Oh lord, no," she chuckles. "Outside is fine it's thrilling actually."
"Excellent! Well, we shall carry on. Please do not hesitate to cry out in pleasure when you have been thoroughly satisfied."
The woman lays back and lets them lick all her unused parts, feeling strength and vitality flowing back into her body with each flick and tickle. Sir Geto was doing an excellent job of bringing her withered petals back into health and she felt her moisture cavern growing even more wet in preparation for a meat sausage.
She cries out as her first orgasm in three months hits her, the noise echoing across the empty field, and Sir Geto emerges from underneath her clothes, grinning. She blushes as she sees his face, just as handsome as the other two that had been playing with her teats.
"I think I brought it back to life," sir Geto says confidently. "Would you like me to fill your glistening glove of love? Or would you prefer someone else?"
She considers, then admits. "I want Sir Gojo The Strong to break my abstinence."
"Yes my lady," Sir Gojo says with a grin. "Let me fuck thy fair maiden. And bring unto her a climax." With that he flips her back onto her hands and knees and begins to undo his armor. She makes small talk with the other 2 knights since removing armor single-handedly is no easy task. Sir Nanami and Sir Geto take turns lapping at her cave of wonders and pulling her breast pebbles to keep her moistened.
"In short, I thought I was going to die without ever experiencing cock again!" she was saying by the time Sir Gojo finished undressing.
"Quite fascinating my lady," he says, grabbing her hips and positioning them, before pushing his impressive flesh sword into her meat sandwich. She moans like a cat in heat, the exquisite feeling of cock filling her being. It was like being reborn, his erection bringing life back to her starved pussy like rain onto a drought-wrecked farm.
She groans and moans and giggles and sighs, enjoying the fucking of her pussy. "I would so enjoy a cock in my mouth as well sirs," she says looking at Sir Geto and Sir Nanami who begin to remove their own armor. Her eyes widen as she sees their forms.
"Now I understand why you're Sir Geto The Long," she says, measuring his dick with her fingers. "And Sir Nanami! Dauntless indeed! I would be too with that kind of sausage!" she looks at the veiny, glorious, monster cock on Sir Nanami's body.
"Well, feed me gentlemen."
Sir Nanami lets her taste him first, and she sucks him with enthusiasm, feeling her body grow stronger. Sir Geto plays with her nipples as he waits for one of her holes to get free. It takes quite an effort but she manages to get Sir Nanami to a climax, the salty cream from his cock sliding down her throat, an elixir to all her problems. At the same time, Sir Gojo also blesses her wet cunt with his cum, adding much-needed substances to her previously decrepit pussy.
Without wasting time, Sir Geto plunges into her as soon as Sir Gojo is finished. Cross-eyed and happier than she'd been in 3 months, the woman pants, tongue hanging out of her mouth in ecstasy.
"People talked about dry spells before. I thought they were lying. I thought it couldn't possibly be this bad," she explains between each gasp of air.
"Oh no, dry spells are not to be taken lightly. In fact, during the last one, they designated fuck bucks - young men with good vigor, to serve the women during the last war. But the crown's budget has become restricted with this war so they were unable to procure any fuckable men." Sir Nanami explains as he and Sir Gojo help each other with their armor, waiting for Sir Geto to finish.
Sir Geto growls like an animal, then plays with her clit, bringing her to her third orgasm and gives her another generous helping of seed to restore her parched lands.
She sighs in satisfaction. "Thank you Sirs. I really may have died here today."
"Tis no trouble at all my lady." They help her dress. "Would you like to come with us?"
"With you? Where?"
"We take our own quests and wander the lands keeping peace. Surely, you do not wish to go back to your cock deprived village?"
The woman considers, then shakes her head at the horrible prospect. "Indeed, no."
"Then ride with us. We will keep your cunt full, your belly fed, and your tits well suckled. Once our questing has ended you may wed us even."
"Wed? All of you?" The woman looks thrilled at the thought.
"Yes. All 3 of us. If it please you."
"It does!" She goes over to Sir Nanami who helps her onto his horse.
"Then off we go. For more adventures to cum!"
And they all ride away into the sunset.
@Aether-seawolf @Actuallysaiyan @Makingtimemine @snwvie
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darkbluekies · 2 years
Catch the queen
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yandere!king OC x fem reader
Summary: you're fleeing the evil king and hide in the village, hoping to blend in before you can run away for real. Edmund loses his mind and decides to lure you out with fire.
Warnings: yandere, arson, knives, harassment, drunk men, isolation, behading, corpses, a bit of Stockholm symdrome, hints of abuse, name calling
Word count: 4k.
Edmund’s arms are like suffocating cages. Everytime his hands touch you, you lose the ability to breathe. His kisses feel like fire and burn your skin every time they press against you. You can’t take it anymore. You don’t want to be his pretty doll. 
You have nothing planned, but you know that you need to be quiet and run the fastest you possibly can. 
Quietly, you get out of his arms. They’re difficult to bend off of you, but finally, they loosen up. You’re careful not to step on any creaky floor planks as you try to dress yourself. Covering yourself in a dark blue cloak and your body in a warm dress is normally a hard task, but near impossible now that you have to look over your shoulder and try to make your trembling hands cooperate. You grab your dagger, a gift from Edmund. He wants you to be able to protect yourself if he’s ever away from you. 
Edmund twists and turns in bed. He never stays still unless he holds you in his arms. You have to get out of here before he realizes that you're no longer in his embrace. Guards are walking through the mighty corridors, but you do your best to avoid them all and sink into dark corners when they pass by. Heart beating loudly in your ears. A part of you regrets ever trying to leave. They’ll notice you soon enough and then you’ll have to get down on your bare knees and beg forgiveness from Edmund. He’ll revel in it and you can’t stand seeing that satisfied smirk on his face when he once again gets what he wants. 
Finally. Finally, you manage to leave the castle. A fresh breeze hits your face. WIthout looking back, you run. But where? The forest is deep and dangerous at night. Thieves hide where to get away from the royal knights. If they noticed you, you'd be their hostage. Edmund would get you back to every price and you'd be right back where you started. You have to blend in to get away. You have to go to the village. 
It’s late at night and you doubt that anyone is up to help you. No lights are shining in the windows and all doors are locked. The streets are as empty as the grave. You pull the cloak closer to your body. What should you do? It’s not safe to be out on the countryside roads during the night. You can’t leave the village in the middle of the night and even if you do, the chances of your legs giving up before you reach another is too big to take. 
You run through the dark alleyways, looking for somewhere to spend the night. Tomorrow morning when the sun rises, you’ll move on. It’s dangerous to stay in the same kingdom as Edmund. He’ll find you too quickly. 
You find a barn where you decide to spend the night. Carefully, you lay down in the hay and grass, making yourself comfortable. You shiver at the cold air and hug yourself to keep yourself warm. It takes an hour until you finally fall asleep. 
Drunken male voices wake you up a while later. 
“Oh, look at this”, one slurs. “A woman. Let’s have some fun.”
You freeze and reach for the dagger Edmund’s given you, ready to go to attack. 
“What’s a pretty lady doing here?” another one asks, sounding just as drunk. He hiccups. “Did we get a blessing? Oh, we’re so lucky.”
You hurry up from your hiding place and try to make a run for it, but the two men grab you. 
“Don’t leave yet”, they purr drunkenly. “We’re not done yet.”
You breathe out in stress and give the men deadly glares. Something clears up in their dull eyes. 
“Holy shit, it’s the queen!” one of them gasps. 
They’ll have to let you go now, you think. 
“We’re really lucky then”, the other one says. 
You sigh and squeeze your eyes shut. Quickly, you kick the man in front of you and stab the one behind you with your dagger, leaving it behind. The two of them grunt and fall down on the dirty floor. You run for your life out of the barn and into the dark village. The men run behind you and you know that you have to get away before they find you again. You duck into someone’s backyard and hide behind a bush. The two men run past you. You gulp. Is this how things will be from now on? You sniffle and hide your face in your cloak’s sleeve. 
“Why are you crying?” a tiny voice asks. 
You look up and see a little boy hugging a teddy bear. He’s standing in front of you. You hadn’t seen him, he blends into the night air. 
“I’m scared” you whisper and force a smile. “Do you live here?”
The boy nods.
“I’m sorry for trespassing. I needed to hide from those bad men who followed me.”
“Are you really the queen?”
“Why aren’t you in the castle?”
You wipe your tears carefully. 
“I’m playing hide and seek with the king”, you whisper. “I can’t let him find me or he’ll win.”
“I can help you!”
You smile slightly and caress the little boy’s cheek. 
“I can’t let you get involved”, you sniffle. “The king is a sore loser, he’ll be mad if someone helps me. He’ll think I’m cheating.”
In more ways than one. 
“I’m not a sore loser!” the boy smiles. 
“That’s good”, you say. “Edmund could learn from you.”
“I want to be king one day!”
“I think you should be one. You seem like a smart king.”
“Leon, who are you talking to?” a female voice asks from the back door. “You should be sleeping!”
“Mom, mom! The queen is here!”
“Leon, don’t lie-”
You stand up and the woman gasps. She’s wearing a brown, cheap dress with her head in a messy bun. 
“Y-Your majesty!” she stutters and bows. “Leon, go inside.”
The little boy runs past his mother and leaves you with his mother. The woman hurries over to you. 
“Your majesty, why are you here?” she asks. “Are you alright?”
“I’m … I’m hiding”, you whisper. “I have to get away from here.”
“Do you need anything? Can I get you something? Are you hungry?”
You can feel your stomach rumble slightly and nod shyly. The woman smiles and nods at the back door. 
“Come here, I’ll get you something to eat.”
You follow the woman into the little house and into an even smaller kitchen. She walks over to the stove and starts to prepare something that smells like childhood. In a few minutes she places a bowl of hot porridge on the table in front of you. You take a spoonful.
“I apologize if it’s bad”, she says nervously. “I know that you’re used to high class dishes.”
“No, I like it. It reminds me of my mothers cooking. I miss that.”
Leon runs over to the table. You pet his hair with a smile. The woman sends him to bed. 
“Why are you up?” you ask the mother. “It’s late …”
“I know”, she sighs sadly. “But I get so worried when my husband is out and about. I can’t go to sleep before he’s home. It seems to disrupt Leon too. He insists on staying up with me, but I’d rather not have him see his father’s state.”
“How old is he?”
“He’s adorable.”
“My queen, can you tell me why you’re out hiding? Has something happened?” She shakes her head. “Forgive me for asking. I shouldn’t.”
“It’s okay. It’s just … some things. All you need to know is that I have to get away from here.”
“Where are you going?”
“I don’t know, I’m not sure yet. Away from here. I can’t go to my parents either. I don’t know where I should go. But I’ll figure it out. In time.”
“Stay here for the night. We’ll figure something out tomorrow.”
“Thank you, you’re too kind.”
Despite the woman’s kindness, you have a hard time falling asleep. What will Edmund think when he wakes up? What will he do?
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The bed feels oddly cold for the both of you to be here. He feels around after you, but can’t feel another body. Quickly, he opens his eyes and looks around. Where are you?
“Y/N?” he asks. “Where are you?”
No answer. He gets up from the bed quicker than a cat getting scared. 
“Y/N, answer me!” he says, growing nervous. “Don’t hide!”
When he doesn’t get an answer again, he freezes. You haven’t escaped, have you? He’d like to think that you know better. Edmund barges up from his bed and out into the mighty corridors. He shouts at the guards to collect the knights and prepare his horse. He’ll find you. And if you refuse to show, or if someone is hiding you … they'll feel his wrath. His plan will make sure you never dare to go against him like this ever again. 
With no trace and no idea where you could be hiding, they decide to do the most practical thing in this situation. They ride into the village, gaining all of the people's attention.The king stops his horse right by his secretary’s and looks over the crowd that has gathered to see what has made the king come down to them. You’re none of the spectators. The king’s secretary holds up a piece of paper and a megaphone-looking thing in front of his face to make sure that everyone will hear him. 
“Tonight, the queen ran away from the castle!” the secretary says loudly. “We suspect that she is hiding among you somewhere and that one of you is shielding her. If you don’t give her back in an hour, we will burn this village to the ground in our hunt for his wife. Now the king would like to say a few words.”
He backs away, letting Edmund take the spotlight.
"Y/N, you better come out!" Edmund shouts with a gaze running among the crowd. “Don't be stupid and sacrifice so many innocent lives just because you are afraid! You don't have to be afraid, my queen! I will never hurt you! You can trust me! We belong together and it’s about time you accept that!” He turns to his secretary and lowers his voice. “I’m going to kill the one hiding her from me.”
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You can’t hear him, you have no idea of what he’s planning. You’re sleeping soundly in the bed you’ve gotten. When you wake up, it’s too late.
“Wait, what’s going on?” you ask as you see people run past the window.
You can see a layer of thick, black smoke covering the sky. A flame is spreading among the houses. 
“We have to leave!” the woman shouts and picks up Leon in her arms. “Your majesty, come with us, we’ll shield you!”
You follow her out into the chaos. People are screaming and crying and running for their lives. You get pushed left to right as the big crowd flees. Heat is hitting you in the face in an uncomfortable manner. It’s hard to breathe. 
“Knights!” Leon gasps in awe. “And the king!”
You freeze and turn around, seeing the royal horses. You can glimpse Edward on his white lady. Without a second doubt, you move closer into the overpacked crowd. You look around, seeing the two men from yesterday. 
“There’s the whore!” they shout. 
You look at the little boy in his mothers arms and gulp. 
“I have to go”, you say quickly to them and caress Leon’s head. “I’ll find you later. Now you have to hurry!”
“Are you sure, your majesty?” the mother asks. 
You nod and give them a push in the other direction. “Hurry!”
They leave. You start to run in another direction before the men can catch up to you. You run into a less packed alleyway. They corner you against a burning wall.
“You fucking bitch”, one of them hisses and presses your dagger against your neck. “You don’t shove your knife into me and think you can get away with it! I don’t care who the fuck you are, I’ll make sure you never dare to try to do this again!”
“This fire is your fault, you fucking bitch”, the other growls. “You’ve ruined our entire livelihood! You’re so fucking selfish.”
You kick the man in front of you between his legs and run. The other man trips over his friend, giving you a bit of an advantage. You end up on an empty street. You stop when you see the white horse a few meters in front of you. You want to run, but the mere sight of him makes you paralyzed.
“W-What have you done?” you gasp. “Look around!”
“I had to get you to show yourself one way or another”, he says calmly. “No one told me where you were. I gave them an hour to give you to me or I’d burn down their little village.” He shrugs. “Yet they didn’t … so all of this are the consequences of trying to hide you from me. It’s not my fault the peasants disobeyed me.”
Tears start to run down your cheeks. Is all of this your fault? If only you had known about his idiotic idea, you could have stopped it. 
Edmund jumps down from his horse and opens his arms. 
“Come here, my love”, he says softly. “You have nowhere to run. Why don’t you just do yourself a favor and return to me?  You can’t hide from me in the end. Be a good girl, alright?”
“I’m scared, Edmund”, you admit through your sobs. You’re not sure what you’re more afraid of — him or the men following you.
“I know, my love, I know.” He gulps. “Come into my arms. I’ll protect you. I’ll make sure that everything will be okay, alright?”
You hesitate. It’s so tempting to run into his arms and let him take control again. These have been a couple of terrifying hours and you don’t want them to continue. You want a roof over your head again and the safety of having your necessities met again. Staying out on the street won’t be safe.
“It won’t matter where you go, I’ll always find you”, Edmund continues. “Your righteous place is with me. You have to understand that. We married — you belong to me by law. You can’t just run away from me like this. Come here, my queen, let me hold you.”
An immense exhaustion creeps into your body. You’ve been in survival mode for hours by now, your fight is over, you can’t win against Edmund. You look around. If you stay here any longer, you’ll start to burn and people will get even more hurt. All of this is your fault. Everyone will blame you for this. You won’t be safe here. All you want is to relax and have someone else take care of everything … but Edmund’s not a good person. If you go back, he’ll punish you. But maybe that’s better than having an entire village after you, wanting you dead for burning down their houses? You look over to Edmund, at his soft, loving eyes. You run over to him, into his strong arms. He wraps his arms around you tightly and you sob into his shoulder. If everyone hates you for the fire … you know that he will still be on your side. He’ll always be by your side.
“Don’t cry, my love, it hurts me so”, he whispers into your ear and holds you tightly. “Everything will be okay now.” He pulls back, cups your cheeks frantically and gives your lips a desperate kiss. He presses his own against yours, moving faster than you can keep up with. “Fuck, I always feel like a drunken man when I’m with you.”
Speaking of drunken men, your fan club is back. You look over your shoulder with a small whimper. However, you’re not as scared anymore. Not when you have the king’s strong arms wrapped around you. Edmund notices something. 
“Y/N, why do they have your dagger?” he asks suspiciously as his grip on you tightens. 
You press yourself close to him without thinking and he clenches his jaw before tightening his arms around you in a protective manner. 
“Don’t worry, my dear”, he says coldly. “I’ll kill them for touching you.”
He pulls out his sword as his knights ride over. 
“Make sure Y/N doesn’t leave”, he says and gives you to the closest knight. “I’m going to take care of these men.”
Edmund runs after the two men with his sword raised. The knight who holds you helps you up on Edmund’s horse. 
“Your majesty”, he says. “We need to move out of here before the fire traps us. I’ll lead your horse.”
You hug the white horse’s neck as the knights lead you through the destroyed village, out of the danger zone. You can’t watch it. 
Edmund’s soon back. The two men are in chains and led by some knights. Edmund holds your dagger in his hands before placing it together with his sword. 
“Are you hurt, my love?” he asks worriedly and stands by the horse. “You have a mark on your throat. Did they try to hurt you?”
You nod slowly. Edmund turns to the two men with his own fire burning in his eyes. 
“How fucking dare you think that you could touch my wife?!” he growls and slaps one of them as hard as he can. “You fucking left a mark on my wife!”
He spits at their feet before walking back to his horse and jumps up in front of you. He forces your hands to hug his waist. You rest your cheek on his back to hide your crying face. Edmund caresses your intertwined hands over his stomach and rides over to his knights.
“Don’t cry, my dear”, he whispers softly over his shoulder. “You’re safe now.” He turns to his knights and his voice goes cold. “I got what I came for. Let’s go back.”
“What about the village, your majesty?” a knight asks. 
“Pour some water on it.”
Without saying anything more, the king rides away. He holds one of his hands over yours to comfort your sobs. He lifts one of your hands to his lips and gives it kisses. 
“You’ve must been so scared among all of those horrible, horrible people”, he says over his shoulder. “Don’t worry though, Y/N, you’re never going out into the real world again. Never again, you hear me?”
You nod against his shoulder. You’re not sure that the people would even want you back into their village after this. 
He stops the horse out on the castle’s front yard and helps you down by your waist. Some maids run out to meet you and Edmund hesitates giving you to them. 
“Give her a bath”, he demands. “I can only imagine all the fleas and bacterias she has gotten. She smells like smoke. When she’s done, take her into our chamber and make sure she stays there. I’ll talk to her later.”
He gives you to the maids who pull you inside the castle and gives you the hottest bath you’ve ever encountered. You’re sure your skin is melting off. They dress you in the finest of silk and lead you to your shared chamber. You sit down in the bed, waiting for Edmund to come back. He enters the room thirty minutes later.
“I’m not going to let you off the hook”, he says and pulls up his sleeves. 
“I won’t run away again, Edmund, I promise”, you whine in fear. “Please-”
“Shh, darling, I don’t think you have the right to shout at me. Not after the hell you’ve put me through. You should be happy that I don’t behead you together with the two dogs who thought they could touch what's mine!” He runs his veiny hand through his dark hair. “I’m going to give you two punishments. One, watch the beheading-”
“I refuse-”
“Shut up, Y/N. Two, you are going to spend three days in the tower with me.”
The tower is like the dungeons just without the rats and prisoners. You gulps.
“You’re going to learn how much of the things you have here is thanks to me, my love”, Edmund says. “Every piece of clothing you own, every day you spend under my roof, every bite of food you get … is thanks to me. When I’m not there, you have nothing and you get chased by disgusting men like those two in the dungeons. After our little vacation to the tower, you’ll understand. Get up, we have a beheading to watch.”
He pulls you with him to the balcony with a cramping hold. The two men are put on display out on the castle’s front yard and they’re facing you. Edmund stands beside you like a stone. 
“Please don’t!” one of the men shouts in desperation. “Please, we’re sorry!”
“Sorry, my ass”, you mutter. 
Edmund chuckles and kisses your temple. 
“Your majesty, please, you met my son!” one of them shouts. “Leon!”
You frown, feelings suddenly shifting. Leon …
“Please, don’t deprive him of a father!”
“Edmund …”, you whisper sadly. 
“He was going to deprive me of a wife”, Edmund answers coldly. “He’s going to die.”
“But he has a son, Edmund! I know he’s an asshole, but-”
“Do you want him to set an example for his son, hm? Do you want him to treat his wife the way he treated you?”
You think of the nice lady who helped you and her adorable little son. You’ve given them enough problems. If you let this man go back to them … 
“You’re right”, you whisper firmly. “Kill them.”
“That’s my girl.”
Edmund shouts for the guards to end the men's pathetic lives. You watch with hate in your eyes. Leon and his mother will never hurt again and they’ll not be able to harass any more girls in the village. 
“Now we don’t have to worry about them anymore, my dear”, Edmund says when the corpses get pulled off the ground. “Let’s go to the tower now.”
“So you can indoctrinate me?” you mutter sarcastically. 
He pulls you by the arm with him through the castle’s mighty corridors. He walks behind you up the spiral stone stairs to the tower’s little room. If you stop or slow down, he gives you a small push. 
“Move those little legs for me, pretty”, he encourages you. “We’re not there yet.”
“But there’s so many stairs”, you complain.
“You ran all the way down to the village with those legs, you can walk a couple of stairs.”
You reach the rounded room in what feels like an hour. You sink down into a sitting position on the old, wooden floor. Edmund chuckles at you. 
“You need to grow some muscles, my dear”, he says and then frowns. “Or don’t. The weaker you are, the less I have to worry about you running away again.”
You look around in the room, noticing that it’s completely empty. 
“As you can see”, Edmund says and closes the wooden plugs over the window. “There is nothing here. If you want to be comfortable and not sit on the floor, you’ll have to sit in my lap. If you want food, you’ll have to ask me so I can get it for you and if you’re cold, you’ll have to cuddle up to me. Any questions?”
You’re about to give him a sassy remark, but hold back. It won’t end well for you if you do. 
“Good girl”, Edmund smirks and sneaks his arms around your waist. “Now let’s enjoy each other's company, hm?”
This will be the death of you.
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persefolli · 2 years
𝐇𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐢𝐞.
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐐𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬, 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @myheartfollower, @laylasbunbunny, @destinylb, @deadgirl02
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Today was a beautiful day, clear skies and salty air lingered over Awa’atlu and every day you thanked Tonowari for letting you stay in this paradise you called home. Tonowari and Jake wasted no time in making you Tsahik after you accepted their confessions. You married and performed tsaheylu with Tonowari, then eloped with Jake, with Tonowari as a ‘witness’. 
The Metkayina praised the relationship between the three of you, stating that the village will become more powerful with the three most powerful clan members running it. “Hey ladies, I’m gonna go get some hunting done today.” You peeked into the marui pod where the Metkayina weaved baskets and buckets. Your fellow weavers nodded and shooed you off to go hunt for dinner you would prepare for both Tonowari and Jake tonight.
You hadn't seen them all day, knowing that they had important duties to tend to. But you had very exciting news to tell them, and you wanted to do it in private, over dinner
You bolted into the forest, letting some warriors know about your whereabouts if anything happens. You got a great distance away from the reef, where some animals were sure to pop out. “What are we feeling? Viperwolf? Kentrocapa? Or maybe some….fish.” You spoke  out loud to yourself….and your unborn child.
A few beats of silence and you chuckled, “Yeah we've had fish too much these past few days.” You began sniffing, tracking the scent of a nearby creature that you were bound to kill. Slowly walking over the damp grass, you found a viperwolf. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. You drew your bow, and focused right on the lone wolf that was eating some strange item in the ground. Before you could release your arrow, a shuffle in the bushes managed to scare the poor wolf off.
Your ears perked up, and you turned to face the rustling bushes, “Jake?” You smiled, expecting your lover to emerge from the bushes.
Instead, a taller, short-haired na’vi in tactical gear stepped out from the bushes. You knew he wasn't from around here, and the four fingered hand told you he was no real na’vi. You backed up, slightly losing your footing. “You’re not Jake.”
 “Let's make this easy for both of us, peach.” He pulled out an orange band and began inching closer to you.
You swiftly grabbed your bow, drawing it back and releasing it, missing him by a long shot. At this rate he was too close for you to pull out another arrow, so you did what first came to mind. 
“HELP!” You turned around and began to sprint, but he was bigger, and faster. He managed to tackle you to the ground and slap one side of the band on your wrist. “Hold still!” He grunted, struggling to slap the other side of the band on you. “JAKE! MA JAKE!” You screamed, hoping your lover was already on his way towards you, but that chance was slim. He turned you around to face him, as soon as you met his eyes you hissed, leaning up and biting his forearm. “Son of a-” Your eyes widened seeing the large rock in his hand. 
“Have you guys seen Y/n today?” Jake walked into the weaving marui pod.
“She said she was going hunting in the forest earlier today.” One of the Metkayina  members responded. 
Jake hummed and walked out the pod, keeping his head on a swivel looking for you. Something didn't feel right, in his gut. He had just gotten back from the forest, and you weren't there. Even your scent seemed to fade the deeper he went into the forest. He walked to find Tonowari, who was in another pod talking to some warriors about new trading policies with other reef clans. Jake stood in the doorway and silently motioned two fingers towards him indicating they needed to talk.
“Have you seen Y/n today?” 
“No, I assume she's weaving, yes?”
“No. They said she went hunting.”
“Well maybe she's in the forest.”
“I just came from the forest and she wasn't there. Her scent went cold.”
“Hm.” Tonowari nodded. “Maybe she went fishing instead.”
“Yeah….Fishing.” Jake agreed.
The both of them exchanged a look, a calm flowing between them. Their expressions didn't show it, but their senses spiked right in that moment. They didn't want to alarm one another, but they both knew that something was indeed wrong.
“I'll just wait…for a little while.” Jake walked off. 
“Yes…she’ll show up eventually.” 
Was Jake gonna wait? Of course not. He found his skimwing and immediately went diving in the reef, looking amongst the other metkayina for you. The longer he searched the more panicked he became. The last thing he wanted to do was look beyond the reef, because only Eywa knew what could've gotten ahold of you out there.
On the other side of the reef,  Tonowari was diving and asking his clan members if they’d seen you. He became increasingly angry with each “No, I haven't seen Y/n.”
Tonowari was usually level headed, but knowing you were gone with no clue where you went made his mind run wild. He loved you so, almost to the point of obsession, and your absence made his nerves grow hot. He looked, and looked until the eclipse got closer.
The sky grew dark, and he finally met up with Jake in the middle of the reef, panting. “I can’t find her. No one has seen her Jake!” 
“I couldn't find a trace of her, I even went beyond the reef.” Jake responded.
Just as he went silent, the static on his earpiece went off. “Can-hear-Corporal?”  He managed to hear bits and pieces of the voice from the other side.
“Corporal.” He muttered. There was only one person who called him that.
“Gather the best warriors and meet me at the edge of the reef, now!” Jake yelled at his best friend and went towards the reef border, where the signal became clearer. “Corporal, if you can hear me, know that I have something you want.” Quaritch said on the earpiece. In the background he heard a very faint moaning noise, very, very quiet.
“DAMN!” Jake slapped the waterbed, and the skimwing screeched, feeling the rage of it’s rider.”
Quaritch had a tight grip on your braid. Even though you were already bound up, he still took pride in torturing you.  He yanked your braid every once in a while, and held a knife to your throat when you wouldn't quiet down. You were still dazed from him knocking you out with a rock earlier. Your throat was scratchy, and your cheeks were wet with tears. “Please Eywa please.” You muttered. “Tono- Ja- AH!” You cried out as Quaritch yanked your head back again.
“Eywa, won't save you!”
“Please! Please let me go, I'll give you anything you want.”
“No, I'll get what I want, peaches. Your husband, Jake.Sully.” He said with venom. “He won't leave his wife and baby to die will he?”
“If you hurt us they will kill you!” You snapped back.
Quaritch turned you to face him and placed a harsh slap across your cheek. You cried out as he raised his hand again, but a gunshot stopped the slap from landing again. The two of you looked to see Jake and Tonowari approaching, with a large group a metkayina warriors. You began tugging at your restraints, crying in relief seeing your two lovers again. 
Jake used the scope of his gun to search for you. He quickly spotted you, and frowned seeing you jerk against the boat railing. “Mawey.” He whispered. “Mawey.” As if he was in your ear, you stopped tugging, and looked at him expectantly.
“He has her.” 
Tonowari let out a loud yell, hissing and gripping his spear tight. “Let me see.” He reached out for the gun Jake had. He spotted you, seeing a blood trail stemming from your head, and the bruised cheek which was starting to swell. Tonowari slammed the gun back into Jake’s chest, hissing and snarling. “He must die!”
“Tonowari, this may be a trap we have to-”
“He will die.” He repeated. Jake noticed the darkness in Tonowari’s expression. He would have to move fast if he didn’t want Tonowari putting you in possible danger.
“Sully.” Quaritch snarled into the earpiece. “You for her. No funny business. We have you surrounded.”
Seven more boats began speeding towards Jake and the rest of the Metkayina, surrounding them. You looked, and saw one avatar, and about 4 humans on each boat. This should be light work for the two of them, right?
“Let's not waste any more time than we have to.” Quaritch taunted.
Jake and Tonowari sat in place, deliberating their options. Jake could sacrifice himself, if that meant you would come out safe, but there was no way you or Tonowari would allow that. Jake could attack the ships, but you were held at gunpoint, no way he would make it to you before the trigger was pulled.
Quaritch suddenly raised his hand and smacked you again, making sure you cried out loud enough for the two warriors to hear. Tonowari snapped his head towards Jake and began yelling. “Jake you have 5 seconds to make a decision or I swear to Eywa nobody is getting out of this alive!” 
Jake furrowed his eyebrows, finally giving in to his partner's rage.  “I'll go alone. Retreat to the reef.”  
“Re.Treat.” Jake said, slower, bowing his head slightly. This time, Tonowari caught the hint. 
“Hyah!” He hooted out, the Metkayina warriors started turning around and disappearing into the water. Jake pulled his gun aside, and slowly began approaching the boat, seeing the damage on your face more clearly now. 
“No. Jake.” You said breathlessly as he came to the edge of the boat He climbed on, coming face to face with Quaritch. “Jake.” You looked at him with watery eyes. Your breathing became unstable as you realized what was gonna happen next. 
“No..No take me! Don’t you want him to suffer? Take me instead!” 
Jake looked at you and hissed, shutting you up immediately. 
Quartich paid no attention to your begging, but took out another restraining strap. “Let her go.” Jake said, slapping one end of the restraint on his wrist. Quaritch seemed satisfied, finally taking out his knife and cutting one side of the restraint off. Jake winced, but managed to clasp the other restraint on his other wrist, resulting in you being cut free.
“Now that wasn’t so hard wasn’t it?”
You stood, looking between Jake and Quaritch. Jake nodded towards the skimwing, telling you to scram, with his eyes. You shook your head, refusing to leave him. Jake kept averting his eyes to the skimwing, but you being stubborn as you were didn’t catch on. You slowly began backing up to the edge of the boat, hitting the railing. 
Suddenly Jake swung, hitting Quaritch in the jaw. 
Everything happened so fast.
Guns began blazing. Metkayina warriors shot out the water piercing humans with their spears. Jake jumped onto the boat railing, into the water; and Tonowari shot out the water and grabbed you, pulling you right back into the ocean with him. 
This happened all at the same time. 
You held on to Tonowari tightly as the current in the water almost managed to throw you off the side of his skimwing. The two of you began to move upward again, breaking the water barrier. You watched as Tonowari yelled with pure rage, lifting  his spear and impaling an avatar with one swift movement. The two of you dove back into the sea, the water current pushing the half dead avatar further on Tonowari’s spear. 
The skimwing slowed down, ultimately rising and stopping on the ocean bed. The boats that now surrounded you were on fire, sinking, with arrow-struck corpses piled on top. The avatar stuck on Tonowaris spear began gasping, spitting up blood and looking at the two of you with pure fear in his eyes.
Tonowari tilted his head, watching the avatar convulse on the spear. “Tonowari?” You called out, but he was gone, his eyes seemed soulless. You held onto the side of the skimwing, floating in the water, watching Tonowari slowly push out his spear and angle it towards the mouth of his skimwing. “T-”
In an instant, the skimwing twisted its head and opened its mouth, chomping down, and completely decapitating the avatar. You watched the corpse of the avatar slide off of the spear, and into the water.
Tonowari had never, never shown this side of himself before. You didn't even think he was capable of doing something like this. You discreetly wrapped your hand around, grabbing his braid. You wanted to know how angry he was, to feel his rage. Maybe even to have him feel your fear, so he can snap out of this. You connected your braid to his, and a jolt of heat ran though your body. 
You gasped, feeling the intensity of his rage. It mixed with the adrenaline running through your body, becoming too much, before you fell unconscious.
Eyes fluttering open, you saw Tonowari, softly dabbing a rag all over your face. You looked down and saw your legs and torso were wrapped in large, damp leaves. Your eyes trailed to the side, where your braid was connected to Tonowari’s. His face was molded in a deep frown, and only now did you notice the underlying feeling of sadness.
“Wari.” You reached for his hand. “Why-”
“I needed to feel your pain.” He curtly said, almost embarrassed. 
“You didn’t have to-”
“I did!” He hissed. “I should have protected you. The baby.”
You gasped, forgetting that with tsaheylu, he felt everything. Jake entered the pod with more medical supplies, sighing in relief once he saw you awake and alert. “Thank Eywa. Y/n…” He scrambled to sit next to you, taking your other hand. The three of you sat in silence. Uncomfortable silence. 
“I was gonna tell you guys.” You broke the silence. “I was gonna make a nice dinner and present you with the beads I made. But he pinned me down and knocked me out.” Tears began to slip from your eyes. “I didn’t mean to cause all of this.”
“Hey, this is my fault, I should've known Quaritch would come back.” Jake sighed. 
“I'm sorry you had to find out from him.” You said sourly,  placing your hand on your stomach.
“I knew before he got you.” Tonowari admitted. nodded, confirming he knew as well. “How did-”
“When we cuddled that one night, and did tsaheylu, I felt something different. Like a tickle in the stomach.” He explained. “But I kept…bonding with you after you fell asleep, just out of curiosity.” Tonowari finally began smiling, tears welling in his eyes. “Then I felt it. I felt our child.”
You smiled and squeezed their hands. The two exchanged a look, and you felt the room fill with tension again.
“We killed Quaritch.” Jake blurted.
You widened your eyes and looked at Tonowari. He shamefully looked away
“He was too big of a threat, we made sure that if he did manage to survive us, he would drown in the deepest part of the sea.” Jake said.
“Ma Wari, Jake. Why are you sad?”
Their expressions changed, looking at each other confused. “You saved my life, you saved the reef. Why are you upset?”
“I scared you, Y/n.” Tonowari said sternly. “I saw you pass out- I felt your fear…I didn't want you to forever remember me in that way. I don’t want my Tsahik to be afraid of me.”
You scoffed, and ran your hand down your face. “Ma Wari. I was afraid your rage would consume you. I know you would never hurt me. Knowing you would…kill for me makes me feel…”
Tonowari searched your eyes as you hummed trying to find the perfect way to say 
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alexdelray1 · 10 months
Could you possibly write hcs for Mizu with a girlfriend who's a traveling medic? The two meet on multiple occasions as the s/o just runs into Mizu time and time again after she's been roughed up while fighting and tends to her wounds...despite some protests
Mizu Headcannons.
It was a surprise for you to meet Mizu.
During your travels, you met a lot of people who wanted to be left alone and did not want any relationships.
Mizu was no exception. One day you landed in a village where there were several wounded after a barbarian attack. Which was strange. Normally, after such actions, 80% of the village was murdered, corpses were lying at the doors of the houses and only fire came from the village.
One of the people you treated told you that they were saved by some samurai with strange glasses and a big hat.
You wanted to see if he was okay, so you went to the brothel where someone told you he was.
When you found him there, you were surprised.
There were no prostitutes or even sake with him, which was unusual. Most of the samurai you saw or treated were dogs for ladies, but you dismissed that thought.
You asked him if he had any wounds and he just shook his head.
You also thanked him for cutting your job short, but he only did.
"I don't need your thanks. Something like that was only one twentieth of what I do."
You wanted to go, but you noticed that he had a wound in his chest. You started persuading him to show it to you, and only after 20 minutes of nagging him did he agree, but emphasized that he hoped you would respect medical confidentiality.
When you took off his upper clothes, you saw his breasts. This surprised you a bit, but you were a professional, so you just bandaged the wound and somehow ended up sleeping with her.
Shocking, but yeah, she's hot and you're okay, so it worked out somehow.
Over the next few months, you met in various places and villages.
Each such meeting ended with an adventure in bed, on the grass, or where simply no one could see you. After some time, you realized that you were probably meant to be together, so you started dating.
One day you met again, only that Mizu was in a terrible condition, but for some reason she didn't want help, so you forced her, saying that if she didn't, she would get infected and she wouldn't be able to move at all.
She agreed, but she was still grumbling.
"I only agreed because I don't want to lie uselessly in the snow… And maybe also because you look good."
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Baba Yaga rocked up to the village of Smartass and parked her house in the middle of a public park.
The house kicked over a “no walking on the grass” sign with one chicken leg as it sat down. A nearby stroller glared at the house with stinging disapproval and it responded by winking (which it accomplished by closing one window shutter with a belligerent clatter).
The witch gave the house a fond pat on the side, and left it a handful of bricks as a snack. It pecked at them happily; a nearby dog fled as it saw how beak-sharp its door was.
Baba Yaga approached the local school and knocked on the door cheerfully.
The headmaster rushed out to meet her.
“Ah, mistress Yaga. How lovely to see you! I assume you're here for your yearly tithe of children?”
The witch nodded ominously.
“Wonderful.” The man was sweating like a glass of cold milk on a hot day; chilled but with the promise of rancidness. “We have assembled a gaggle of our most annoying brats for your stewpot.”
The first child was led out. As was tradition, Baba Yaga received them in private.
“Hi, I'm Olga but my friends call me Ollie.” said the child. “So you're gonna eat me, yeah?”
“Yes, Ollie.” The witch then cackled witchily.
“Cool cool. Very grimmcore. Love your vibe.”
If Baba Yaga was perturbed by the child's chipperness, she did not show it.
“Would you like a Weather's Original, Ollie?” she offered a packet to the child. “You know, before I marinade and slow cook you?”
The child reaches into the packet.
“Hey lady, this Werthers packet is full of bones. Finger bones, I think.”
“Very observant! Are you gonna be a good kid and eat what you're offered?”
The child shrugged and popped a hard boiled bone into their mouth.
“Hey lady, your house looks like it's rampaging through the park.”
“It must have finished its bricks early.”
“I like that your house is also a chicken.
“Thanks, I grew it myself.”
“Did you know that chickens can see in a huge range of colours?” said the child. “Like, Ultraviolet and shit.”
“Your teachers must be proud of you.”
“My teachers are pissmongers. Schools are obedience factories. I learned in the library.” Ollie finished crunching through the bone sweet. “Did you know that witches are so magical that their words distort reality? You can see it with a spectrograph - spells are one colour, prophecies are another, and deep truths are full rainbow Disney nonsense.”
“What are you getting at?”
“You're not gonna eat me.”
"You sure? I'm pretty hungry and you're snack size."
“Your house is a chicken. It can see weird colours. You left it a snack because you knew it'd get antsy if it saw the colour of what you're saying. It's going buckwild, so it doesn't like it. You're not telling the truth. This whole witchy TikTok “check out my easy one pot recipe for child stew” bit is a nonsense.”
Baba Yaga grinned and showed rows and rows of teeth like a shark.
“Pretty bold assumption, kid. Given if you're wrong, you get ate.”
“Not really.” replied the witch's apprentice. “I can tell you're lying because your house is moving.”
Witches! Puns! Weird jokes! Bird facts! I'm playing the hits here.
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mixelation · 7 months
more (a)synchronicity. the meetcute <3
ummm okay so one thing to remember is that minato has met tori TWICE and simply does not remember her because he hasn't realized she's the main character. but she remembers him. not fondly.
There was a platoon of Kumo-nin squatting in a small riverside village. Minato killed them, as part of his general orders to keep enemy ninja out of the smaller countries as much as possible. He also found that getting on civilians’ good sides made his life easier. If he was lucky, they’d tell him some info and offer him food and lodging. 
He killed the first three Kumo-nin almost instantly when they came out of a home to confront him. The fourth and fifth took a couple minutes to hunt down, as all the villagers ran around and screamed and fled into their houses. The seventh had taken an old lady hostage in her own home, which was just pathetic. Minato caught the old lady as the Kumo-nin’s body fell. 
“Hey,” he said, putting her back on her feet. She was shaking, and he had no idea if that was just an old lady thing or she was upset. He smiled his most harmless and disarming smile at her. “Are you alright?”
He didn’t hear her answer— which didn’t really matter, because no one looked into his nicest smile and didn’t think they were okay— because someone stepped into the doorway. 
Like most of the homes in the village, this woman’s house was a single room. The Kumo-nin had darted in here at random and left the front door open. Minato turned, expecting to see a village leader or warrior. That’s usually who came and talked to him, before he could properly trot out his charm. Civilians were often terrified of ninja, especially in the small countries where they could be attacked or displaced by their wars at any moment. 
It wasn’t a leader or a fighter in the doorway though. It was a young woman, who watched him with curious dark eyes. Her dark hair was pulled back tightly, and the only thing that seemed slightly remarkable about her was that her frayed dress was an uncommon style to this area. 
“Hi,” Minato said brightly, friendly as can be. “Um— I just saved your grandmother here from those nasty ninja...”
“She’s not my grandmother,” the woman replied. She leaned against the doorframe, casual as could be. “But thanks, I guess. You’re not a nasty ninja too?”
“I’m a ninja,” Minato confirmed. He winked performatively at her. “But I’m not nasty. I’m from Konoha.”
She snorted, unimpressed. Well. He supposed his charm couldn’t work on everyone. 
The old lady was still shaking terribly. Minato helped her into the big plush chair she had at the foot of her bed. As he did this, an older man he’d bet was the village leader appeared at the doorway, and the woman explained, in a surprisingly bored drawl, he was Konoha and that he’d killed all seven Kumo-nin. 
The seventh one’s body was still in the middle of the room. Minato stepped over it to greet the leader. 
“Is everyone alright?” he asked first. The leader boggled back at him. The woman just raised her eyebrows. 
The leader had barely acknowledged her. Minato was drawing a blank for what her role might be. Not important, not impressed by ninja, even charming helpful ninja… Village weirdo?
“I’m Minato, a Jounin of Konoha,” he introduced himself, jabbing his thumb at his headband. “Those ninja that were harassing you were Kumo. As your ally, I’m happy to—”
“Konoha isn’t our ally,” the woman said, eyes meeting his. A tiny smirk crossed her face. “You’re on the Grass side of the river. The Kumo-nin were our allies.”
Minato had known this. He introduced himself as an ally to basically all civilians in the smaller countries, to help with his friendly persona and promote Konoha’s image. People rarely called him out, because during this war, ninja were almost uniformly horrible to civilians outside of their homelands. A lone handsome and friendly Konoha-nin was almost always anyone’s preference, even if their country was technically at war with Konoha. 
“Also— why do ninja always talk like we have no idea what their hitai-ate mean?” the woman asked.
Well. It had never occurred to Minato that people in a backwater town might be well-versed in ninja customs. 
“Reina…” the village leader said, shooting the woman a warning look. Then he turned back to Minato. “The Kumo-nin were stealing our food, disrupting our work, and harassing our women. We’re thankful you got rid of them.”
Minato smiled. Reina rolled her eyes and walked away. 
The leader went on to say that he would happily host Minato for the night as thanks, but he would have to report the attack to Kumo. He apologized that the message would likely reach the nearest administrative camp quickly, only giving Minato a few days to vacate the area before they were alerted. 
“It’s okay,” Minato said cheekily. “I’m fast.”
The village buzzed to life after that. The Kumo-nin bodies were moved, rolled in cloth and lined up in the shade of the town square in case Kumo wanted them. Villagers rushed about, checking on friends and family. The old lady’s actual grandson bowed deeply to Minato in thanks. 
Minato sat on the edge of the bone-dry fountain in the middle of the square, watching all this. The villagers seemed a little jittery around him— eyeing him in evident fear whenever one scuttled past— so he didn’t want to do anything that might scare them. It was boring, but he obediently sat still and tried not to bounce his leg too much all day long. 
The village leader’s wife came over and introduced herself, and then offered Minato with some onigiri to snack on. He asked about the old lady and was assured she was fine. 
“I wouldn’t mind,” Minato said, turning up the charm as he accepted the riceballs, “chatting with you and your husband about anything interesting going on around here.”
“Around here…?” the wife said. “The most interesting thing is you.”
She smiled bashfully. Ah, well. At least his charms were working on someone. 
“No other ninja?” Minato pressed. 
“Oh,” the wife said. “Well, I’ll ask around. My husband will surely tell you more at dinner.”
She left. 
The sun lowered in the sky, and the village calmed. Reina sauntered over to him. 
“You look bored,” she said. “Do you want to do something useful?”
“Sure?” Minato replied, half-convinced she was going to tell him to go clean something.
“Don’t worry,” she said, and finally offered him a real smile. “It’s interesting.”
Minato hopped to his feet. 
Reina led him through the village, seemingly completely unbothered to have a ninja at her back. Civilians were like that, he guessed. It was weird, but it wasn’t suspicious. He watched the bun at the back of her head loosen ever so slightly with every step as she marched down the main road. 
(Improperly tied hair… also a very weird civilian thing.)
“There’s a ninja paper down in the river,” she explained as she walked. “I noticed it a few days ago. I guess the Kumo-nin put it there, but I don’t know why.”
“Ninja paper?” Minato asked.
She turned slightly to look at him with one eye as she walked. 
“You know the… special paper.” She drew a few random circles in the air with her finger for him. “With the squiggles?”
That was, actually, potentially, extremely interesting. It could be evidence left by their mysterious fuinjutsu user. It could be the final clue Minato needed to find them. 
Or, more likely, given the mystery fuinjutsu user tended to paint or carve onto natural objects, it was just one of the Kumo-nin’s fishing traps. But it could be a clue. 
They passed the border of the village, and the cobblestone street turned to a packed dirt path. Minato quickened his step slightly to walk next to Reina. 
“Is it doing anything?” he asked. 
She gave him a look. “Doing anything…? Don’t they just explode if you step on them?”
Not doing anything then, okay. So she just thought it was a safety hazard she’d need another ninja to get rid of. 
“You said it was in the river?” he prompted instead. 
“Yeah, it’s in the water,” she said. “It’s like… um…” She made a few hand gestures which were meaningless to Minato, and then had the grace to look embarrassed. “Well, you’ll see.”
The path rose over a slight hill, and then they could see the river down below. It wasn’t very big or impressive here, but a lot of trade traffic would come through here in peace times. The banks were manmade stone walkways, to aid with the horses than sometimes lead boats. 
“It’s up there,” Rein said, pointing. She stepped off the path to make a more direct route across the grass down to the riverside. “I marked it so I could find it again.”
They walked maybe thirty minutes. Minato didn’t mind. The breeze was nice, and this area of the country was all open fields, meaning he could see down the river for what felt like miles. It would be sunset soon, and the sun was already glinting off the water in pretty ways. He still preferred the shade of Fire Country’s forests, but it was nice to be able to see so far every once in a while. 
He did try to talk to Reina, as they walked. She didn’t seem like she had much to say about the maybe-seal she was walking him to, but a good shinobi was always fishing for information. 
She seemed cagey at first, but with some light, half-joking flirtations that made her make unimpressed faces at him, he got her to open up about her life. She complained the village had nothing to do and that she had to walk to another town if she even wanted to buy a book. When he asked why she didn’t leave, she looked at him like he was stupid. 
He was almost starting to take those looks personally. 
“Because I have no money, and ninja are shooting fireballs at each other all over the place,” she said. Then she looked away, kicking a pebble down the embankment and into the river. “Plus someone has to raise my little brother.”
At some point, Reina’s bun loosened to the point where she had to take it down. 
“Ugh,” she said, pulling the tie and then shaking out her hair. “Did you know war can make hair tie shortages?”
She held up a deformed elastic tie for him, as if making some sort of point. 
“Why don’t you just… use a ribbon?” he tried. He knew Kushina liked the elastic ones because she was always complaining about snapping them, but Kotone had only ever used cloth ties. 
Reina stared at him like the thought had never occurred to her. Minato smiled uncertainly back. She was a village girl. Surely she knew about traditional hair ties? Or pins? What were hair pins for? He’d picked them out of lovers’ hair before. They must have been doing something. 
Minato suddenly felt like he’d only ever known two women in his entire life. 
“Your hair is curly,” he observed, and then immediately felt deeply stupid. 
“Oh,” Reina said, a hand resting where her hair fell over her shoulder. It was quite long too, although not as long as Kushina’s. It was also clearly tangled and unwashed. “Well, right now it’s more like a mess…”
“I think it’s pretty,” Minato said, flashing his best, most charismatic smile at her. “It suits you.”
He wasn’t even lying. It really did make her look like the village weirdo, suiting her perfectly. 
She turned away, her cheeks clearly pink. 
Ha! Gotcha, Minato thought. Finally. 
They came to the right part of the river a few minutes later. Reina had stacked up a tower of flat river stones right at the edge of the embankment. Minato stood next to the tower and peered down into the river. It was only maybe knee-deep at the edge, and the water was clear enough that he could easily make out every stone at the bottom. 
“It’s further out,” Reina said, pointing. 
Minato watched her over his shoulder as he stepped out onto the water, waiting for her look of wonder as she realized what he was doing. Instead, she just sort of smiled blithely at him and squatted next to the rock tower. Minato felt bizarrely disappointed. 
What are you expecting, Namikaze? Minato chided himself as he plodded out across the river. What had he become, that his ego needed him to be able to impress this random civilian woman? She’s just the village weirdo. Who cares if she doesn’t think you’re charming?
He spotted the “ninja paper” soon after. It was a standard tag tied to a kunai wedged in the rocks below, waving gently in the current. Minato squatted, squinting down at it. He couldn’t make out the actual seal on the tag, but it was the wrong shape for an exploding tag. 
“Well?” Reina called. “Aren’t you going to go get it?”
He turned his face to look at her. One of her hands was absentmindedly tracing a pattern over the top rock of the tower. She was watching him eagerly, more eager than she’d been all day. 
“Go on,” she said, a nearly flirtatious tease in her voice. “Dive down and get it, Konoha.”
“No,” Minato said slowly. Something was wrong. “It could be a trap. Reina, how did you see it all the way out here?”
He stood fully. His hand twitched at his side, itching for a kunai. But— no— she was a civilian. He didn’t want to scare her until he was certain. He could still get info out of her village, and he’d make that job a lot harder for himself if he freaked out their weirdo. 
“The ninja tag,” he said. “How did you find it?”
“Oh,” Reina said, blinking at him in what seemed like full understanding. 
Then her little smirk was back, sure of herself in a way that almost looked dangerous. The setting sun glinted in her hair, caught in her curls and turning them almost red. She pushed the rock tower over, the stones plopping into the water. 
Minato did not react immediately, because she was just a civilian tossing some rocks in the river. But then, suddenly, he was underwater, and the water was boiling. 
The pain kept him from reacting immediately. Every inch of his skin lit up in pain. There was a force sucking him down, preventing him from moving his limbs and escaping the way his brain was demanding. He squeezed his eyes shut to protect them and grabbed mentally for any Hiraishin marker. He had no idea where the one he picked was— his brain was confused and screaming at him about the pain and he couldn’t tell which way was up or down. 
Then he was on land, cold air on his blistering skin. He took a deep, calming breath. Everything hurt, but now it hurt in a way he was more accustomed to. He could focus. He was in an empty field. The civilian woman had tricked him— had— had— he had no idea what she’d done. He didn’t know anything that could make that happen, except maybe a very creative and pissed off Kiri-nin. 
He teleported to the Konoha hospital next. Leaving a marker there had seemed like a convenient idea to him when he’d done it, but he’d left the marker in the room he’d been staying in when he’d made the decision. The nurse currently in there screamed. 
He got immediate medical treatment, though. 
Kushina came to visit him on the second day of his hospitalization, and he succeeded in not crying in front of her. She succeeded in holding back on making fun of him for being a light shade of pink. 
“Stupid,” Kushina told him from her seat by his bed. “You’re lucky you didn’t boil your eyes out of your head.”
He’d gotten out quick enough he’d done no permanent damage to himself, at least not with Konoha’s medical intervention, his medic-nin had said. He hadn’t corrected her that any damage done to his person would have been inflicted by a random civilian woman. The report he was going to have to write on this would be embarrassing enough. 
If he’d been in the water much longer, he'd have been at risk for boiling his organs, including his brain, which not even Tsunade-hime could undo. He was certain this would have happened if he’d listened to Reina and dived for the tag. If he’d floundered for a minute more, he’d be literally coked. 
“I think it was the fuinjutsu user,” Minato explained to Kushina, after he’d filled her in on the whole story. Talking hurt, because he’d damaged almost all of his skin. “The village weirdo must have… figured out how to use the seal, or they taught her how, or something.”
“All that in one little seal, though?” Kushina asked. Her brow was furrowed, like she was trying to figure out a puzzle. 
“It’s not impossible,” Minato said, but Kushina looked doubtful. 
He was inclined to believe her doubt. Jiraiya liked to brag that Minato was a fuinjutsu master, but the only thing he had on Kushina was more experience in space-time fuinjutsu. If she disagreed with him on anything else, well, she was probably right. 
“How have you been?” Minato asked. Kushina puffed up her cheeks and exhaled. 
“I spent ten hours yesterday decoding a report,” she said. “I swear to every god there is, training genin was better than this—”
Minato relaxed back into the lumpy hospital pillow to listen to her rant. Kushina had recently switched to a purely office role for a pay bump, and because she wanted a break from training “brats” up to be battlefield ready. She’d thought she’d be spending all her time on fuinjutsu development, but she was frequently being saddled with administrative odd jobs. This was, to Minato’s understanding, just something that happened now due to the war. More and more able bodied shinobi were being sent out, and so there were fewer people to do the gruntwork at home. 
“If you're bored,” Kushina said, suddenly brightening up. “You can decode reports, and I can go back to trying to figure out a water purification seal that also fits in a canteen.”
She came back later in the evening with a convenience store bento (which was vastly superior to Minato’s hospital dinner) and a stack of coded reports. 
“Have fun!” she cooed. 
Minato thought about just not doing the work, with the excuse that he had burns on over 90% of his body. But… he was bored. 
Needless to say, when he was finally released a week later, he was itching to do something, even if he’d been warned off anything but “light” exercise. Interrogating a civilian would be light, wouldn’t it?
At least one of his markers was still in the village in Grass Country, left on one of the kunai he’d used in his initial attack. He dressed in his uniform, double checked his weapons, and went in. 
He landed on a table, which groaned and shifted under his weight. A man with a Kumo hitai-ate was two feet away from him, and he let out a sad muted scream of surprise. Minato slit his throat before he could properly finish his yell. 
There were two other shinobi in the room, but they were both dead a second later. 
Minato took a moment to assess the situation. The room matched the same style of single-room home as the village, so he probably was actually there. The rickety table held all three kunai he’d left behind: one of his Hiraishin ones, and two standard issue ones. There was also a scroll unraveled, where someone had evidently taken notes on the incident where he’d killed seven Kumo-nin.
Annoying, he thought, lips thinning. If Kumo was using their brains, they’d have sent more than these shinobi. Minato spun a kunai in his fingers a couple times, preparing for a fight. This still counted as light exercise, right?
In the next ten or so minutes, he combed the village and hunted down and killed a grand total of fourteen more Kumo-nin. His heart rate was barely elevated by the end of it. No way his medic would be mad at him. 
When none of the villages came out to speak to him, he went to the house of the village leader and knocked on the door. 
“I need to speak to Reina, please,” he said. As an afterthought, he smiled. 
“She’s gone,” the leader said, clearly nervous. 
Minato raised his eyebrows. “You really don’t want to be lying to me,” he said. 
“N-no,” the leader said, putting his hands up defensively. “She really is gone. We thought she left with you.”
Minato narrowed his eyes. “A young woman just disappeared with a ninja, and you didn’t follow up?”
“I…” The leader was fidgeting now. “I apologize if she offended you. She’s not one of us. None of us know who she is or where she came from. If she did anything, it doesn’t have anything to do with us.”
Minato stared. What the fuck?
“P-please,” the leader said. “Kumo is already fining us for the other shinobi you killed. We can’t afford—”
“Tell me more about Reina,” Minato pressed. 
He didn’t care about the leader’s cowering or begging that he just leave them alone. He was done trying to charm and play nice; he’d already killed too many ninja in this village. No amount of smiling and happy words would redeem him, and he was feeling too impatient for that today anyway. 
Reina, apparently, had shown up only a few days before the Kumo-nin, claiming to be a distant relative of a recently deceased elderly man, sent to clear out his things. She’d presented his death certificate as proof. She’d been living in the man’s home and hadn’t spoken much to anyone. Everything she’d said about her life in the village to him had been a bald-faced lie. 
“Anyone can get a death certificate,” Minato said. “That’s not proof. Why did you trust her?”
The village leader was clearly upset. His voice shook as he spoke. 
“We didn’t… we didn’t think like that…” 
Oh good, so the whole town had just believed her story with zero follow up questions. 
The village leader seemed to realize how little MInato thought of him. He tried, “She was useful. She wasn’t afraid to speak to the ninja for us. We never questioned her.”
Minato asked some more questions, but the leader had nothing else to share. Minato made him show him the old man’s home. When he told the leader he no longer needed him, the man ran from him. 
Minato searched the house. For a place she was supposedly cleaning out for several weeks, there were still a lot of things left behind, to the point that it was unclear if Reina had taken anything at all. Minato found no valuables, so either she’d taken them, or the man had none to begin with. She had… eaten all of his nonperishable food?
There were a couple of items of women’s clothing tossed into a laundry basket, and a mug decorated with cutesy cartoon crabs on the table that Minato doubted had belonged to the old man. There were still a few sips of coffee in the mug. Minato poured out the coffee and stored the mug and the clothes in a scroll. 
He went down to the river next. It only took a few minutes at ninja speed, but with the stone tower now gone, it took him a while to relocate the site where she’d attempted to boil him alive. He spotted the kunai eventually, still wedged into the bed of the river and sporting a tag. 
Minato was hesitant to stick his hand back in the water, even if it was now a completely normal temperature. He’d taken a fire poker from the old man’s home, and he used it to hook the kunai and pull it up. The water wasn’t deep; he probably could have stood up if he hadn’t been busy being boiled. 
The seal on the kunai’s tag was nonsense. It literally did nothing but move chakra around inside of it. That was, it would do nothing but move chakra around if it had any chakra in it at all. 
Minato walked back to shore and sat on the stone embankment, feeling completely flummoxed. The tag was completely nonfunctional. 
So, Reina was some sort of run-of-the-mill conartist, but he didn’t understand what her goal had been, or how it connected to the mystery fuinjutsu user. Maybe the Kumo-nin occupying the town had disrupted her plan? But who had made the boiling trap, and how had she known how to activate it? The mystery fuinjutsu user had a history of helping civilians. Had they told Reina she could use it on the Kumo-nin, and instead she’d decided to use it on Minato?
He turned that last idea around in his brain for a while. Setting a death trap for ninja was pretty consistent with the mystery fuinjutsu user’s MO. But seven ninja was more than they usually went after. They did not seem to care about confronting high-ranking ninja, but they usually isolated ninja before acting; for whatever reason, they were opposed to facing multiple opponents. Besides, Minato could not see how this trap would even work on seven people. 
And how had the trap worked at all?
Minato sat cross legged on the embankment and closed his eyes, focusing on replaying the moment in his mind. 
He thought of Reina, in her out of place dress that was out of place because she was. He remembered her coaxing him to dive, and then her face when he’d asked her how she’d found it. 
She hadn’t been afraid. He thought about her eyes, wide with understanding, her lips slightly parted. That wasn’t the face of a woman realizing she’d been caught in her own trap. That was her realizing she’d won. 
She won, Minato realized. She’d won the second he hadn’t drawn a weapon, and she’d known it. She’d known exactly how the trap worked, and exactly how ninja worked. She couldn’t be as fast a ninja, but she knew how to take advantage of a moment of hesitation. 
No, she won before that, Minato decided. She’d won when she’d gotten him on the water and told him to dive. If he’d not found her suspicious, he might have dived, or he’d be distracted getting the kunai, and she would have activated the trap and maybe killed him. If he’d found her suspicious, she could choose not to activate the trap, and he would have pulled up a useless kunai and left her alone. The worst that would have happened is that he’d found out she’d made up a brother for some reason, but he’d have no reason to be personally offended over that.
But instead of any of those options, he’d found her suspicious and then hesitated like a damn fool, and she’d recognized her opening. 
He thought about her triumphant smirk, about how her curls had framed her face, how the sun had lit her eyes up a warm brown. 
Then she’d dumped her rocks in the river. 
Minato pushed down his nervousness over the water and stepped in, picking up rock after rock along the riverside. 
An hour later, he had four rocks with half-faded seals painted on them. 
This was a really creative but nasty trap, he had to say. This would have killed most ninja. 
It was... almost exciting. He hadn't lost to anyone in forever.
He got out his storage scroll to add the rocks to the things from the house. It was dangerous to seal a seal into another seal, but the chakra on the rocks was long faded. They wouldn’t be boiling anyone alive. 
He frowned at the rocks as he put them away one by one, mentally cataloging his first impressions of them. 
Even if Reina was given the trap by the mystery fuinjutsu user, why had she been so confident about how it worked? It was clear now that she was comfortable around ninja and had probably worked with them before, but… 
On a hunch, he unsealed the mug. He turned it over in his hands. Cartoon crabs marched around it in rings, and every few crabs was a heart. 
Village weirdo, Minato thought, almost affectionately. Then he flipped the mug over. 
On the bottom, drawn in a practiced hand, was a seal to keep the mug warm. 
Ah, he thought.
Reina was the mystery fuinjutsu user. 
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vinomino · 1 month
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Great Prey Get Eaten
Amber eyes; too sharp, you bleed out. [A tale of coupling with an oni.]
Featuring: Takiishi.C x f!reader
Contents: NSFW MDNI, historical au, Oni!Takiishi x human!reader, death, assault&attemtped murder(not by Takiishi), Endo tried to kill rdr once, angst, unprotected sex, blood, biting, gorey descriptions, monsterfucking(?), creampie
WC: 3.6K
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Humane, adj. Having or showing compassion or benevolence.
The ladle clacks as you rest it on the little saucer. Breakfast is plated on the table, you walk towards the master bedroom– Takiishi’s bedroom. One knock. Two knocks. Three knocks. No response, so you reckon he’s still sleeping. The hinge rattles as you slide the door open, poking your head in, a sleeping form is under the blanket. Red ombre hair sprawled out on the futon. Stepping in, you head straight to the shutters and push them open, revealing the engawa* and garden.
Sunlight streams in. “Takiishi, it’s morning.” You head over to the irori*, the sunken hearth, the surface is now cool to the touch. He sits up and you can hear him rustling about, turning around you see that his black nemaki* is open and has slid down, exposing half of his toned torso. His hair is in disarray and his cat-like eyes zero in on you. Immediately, you focus back on the hearth, fiddling with the ashes. Without a word, he gets up and strides out of the room. He’s headed to the dining table, you don’t need to ask.  
It’s been almost two years since you started living with Takiishi. 
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A young stranded child who was taken in by a man who expected nothing in return. That man became your father and took care of you, but then he started ailing and quickly passed away. Shortly, a drought and famine hit the village. The crops were wilting and the newly planted ones refused to sprout. Everyone was restless and began whispering behind closed doors. 
In this village, lived an Oni– a demon. At the estate where the last chief resided, it made that place its dwelling. They murmur that the oni must be upset– seeking revenge. To quell its anger, they collectively agreed that a gift would be needed. If what they offer could subdue the oni’s rage, they would be willing to do anything. Food? Gold? Land? Or a human? 
One of the older ladies clasped your hands in hers, “Dear, would you be willing to go ask the Oni?” She smiles at you, but her underlying intent seeps its way out. A group of bodies surround the two of you. They mutter to each other. She still hasn’t been wedded. It should be fine if she dies. No one is going to miss her anyway. No one in this village cared if you made it back alive– no, they wanted you to be the sacrifice. If you didn’t agree, would they drag you into the mountains? You had nowhere else to go. With a shaky smile, you respond, “Alright, I’ll do it.” 
Deep down, you were hoping the Oni would kill you the moment it saw you. Nobody would miss you and you’d be with your father. A branch snaps beneath your foot as you ascend towards the estate. Going empty-handed, there was no reason to bring anything to your death. The trees clear away, revealing a gateway. Vines are scribbled on the walls. Digging your nails into your palm, you enter the Oni’s house. Glancing around, the grass was a bit overgrown– the place hadn’t been tended to in a long time. A low voice slices through the air. 
“Who are you?” 
Snapping your head to the right of the engawa, there sat a man smoking a kiseru* pipe. Dressed in an all-black kimono. Long bright red hair with the ends a lighter more yellowy color– it resembled the burning sun. You can pick up the scent of tobacco burning. He was so beautiful, that you almost mistook him for a god instead.
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Takiishi sits across the table, your knees dig into the cushion as you raise your chopsticks. It clicks along the side of the ceramic as you try to catch the last rice grain. Glancing up, he’s raising the rim of his bowl to his lips to drink the soup. Takiishi was an enigma, he was supposed to be a demon, and yet he sits here sharing a peaceful breakfast with you. Takiishi wasn’t human, you know this because he has sharp claws for nails, fangs for teeth, and slit pupils for eyes. You’re lucky he took a liking to you. In exchange for your life, you help him with his daily needs. Your eyes travel to his fingers, the color on his nails is starting to fade. 
“Should I dye your nails again?” 
He doesn’t up at you, “Alright.” 
Enough time has passed to allow you to pick up on his likes and dislikes. Which he has a lot of. Takiishi doesn’t like bones in his fish, he likes jewelry, he doesn’t like skin on his apples, and he likes his nails colored. You take it upon yourself to paint his nails and trim his hair every so often. Takiishi gave you a place to live. In return, you took up all the housework. You did the cooking, washing, cleaning, and tended to the garden. If there was anything you didn’t know, you could ask him and he’d tell you. Sometimes you question how he’s lived until you came along.  When you first entered the house, it was dirty, and dust packed into every corner. 
Uncapping the container, you take the colored mixture of beeswax, gelatin, and egg whites and apply it to his nails. Taking a wet cloth, you hold his hand, cleaning up his cuticles. Takiishii stays silent, watching you meticulously work. His hands were soft and smooth, they always were, the first time you painted his nails, your fingers kept trembling. But he didn’t yell at you, instead, he told you to calm down and you could resume the task the following day. Tales including demons often mention that they have a propensity for murder and violence, but you never saw Takiishi act that way. 
“I’m finished.” You let go of his hands, he raises them to inspect your artwork. A deep dark red, after a few hours it’ll stain and leave its color. 
“Looks good.” A blunt response, he gets up and heads into the halls. 
When he leaves, you get up and start cleaning the table. Placing the last dish down to dry, you wipe your hands on a cloth. 
“Who’s this?” An unknown man’s face is shoved up close to yours. You yelp and flinch backward. 
“Aw, you scared her!” Another male enters the room, he’s widely grinning. “Don’t be scared! My name’s Shakushi Chihiro and he’s Tarumi Seitaro!” In the blink of an eye, he’s right in front of you. Nose to nose. Shakushi gets grabbed by the back of his collar, “Hey, she’s Takiishi’s.” Endo Yamato. “Why are you guys standing here, go bring the stuff in,” Endo instructs the two other men who follow his order and go outside to lug bags. As they do that, the tatted man turns towards you. “Here’s this week’s groceries,” he laughs, “you know, I’m glad you’re here. Takiishi’s a real mess.” You nod, Endo’s the one who brings in supplies and food, he does so without fail every week. You’re not fully sure if Endo’s a human, but what you do know is that he faithfully serves Takiishi, almost to the point of worship. 
Shakushi and Tarumi wave to you and depart, leaving Endo and you alone. Endo hums and chews on a piece of dango, wiggling the wooden stick in his fingers. He notices you staring, “Oh! Do you want some?” Endo then proceeds to hold it out to you, there was only one piece left. “If you don’t mind…” you accept, taking the stick from him. He grins as you do. 
“What are you two doing?” The both of you turn around and see Takiishi in the doorway. 
“Takiishi! How have you been?” Endo gushes, and his cheeks turn a slight red. “Came by to drop stuff off— you’re still as beautiful as ever.” His blue eyes shine as he continues to look at Takiishi, who ignores him. Takiishi catches sight of the dango in your hand, “Where did you get that?” He knows you couldn’t have gotten it yourself, since he had forbidden you from leaving the estate grounds. “Endo gave it to me.” You reply, looking at him with curiosity. With a few steps, Takiishi’s in front of you, he snatches the stick out of your hands and bites the last piece of dough off. He tosses the empty stick away and leaves the kitchen, Endo follows behind him. “There’s a lot I wanna tell you!” You hear Endo speak from down the hall. Endo was also a mystery to you. 
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“Who the hell are you?” Endo’s hand tightens around your throat, threatening to break your airpipe. You kick your legs trying to find the ground, your eyes feel like they’re about to bulge out of your head from the lack of oxygen. Tears slither down your cheeks as you try to speak. The man stares at you with a deadpanned expression, he never planned on hearing your response in the first place. When your arms start to feel weak, you crash into the floor. Air rushes into your lungs as you hurriedly gasp. Endo had been thrown a few feet away from you. 
“Hey.” You raise your eyes to see Takiishi crouched in front of you. His pupils contract as he accesses your condition, the bruise on your neck actively starts to darken. The pounding in your head continues as choke on your sobs, you’re not fully conscious when Takiishi tugs you by the arm into his chest and pats your head. The last thing you remembered was the scent of blood. You woke up in your bed and Takiishi told you that Endo would never harm you again. 
When you saw Endo again, he apologized. You know it was fake. 
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In the garden, you tend to the vines of grapes. Plucking a purple orb, you pop it into your mouth. It’s not as sweet, it should take a couple more weeks to fully ripen. A rustle comes from a nearby bush and out pops a rabbit. Small, dainty, and fluffy. Cute. Its pearly black eyes look at you before it turns and hops back into the leaves. You tread towards the bush and bend to find where it went. 
“She’s still alive.” You snap your head to where the voice came from. A group of villagers had ascended the mountain. Some held gardening tools. “Why are you still alive?!” You step back as they proceed towards where you stood. Your soul rattles inside you and a bitter taste blossoms on your taste buds. 
“Why are you here?” Your tone wavered, they were all too scared to come here themselves, so they sent you. Each pair of eyes held animosity, it made your skin crawl. Your nerves are set on fire as they don’t answer your question.
We’re still suffering because of you!
You were supposed to appease the Oni.
It’s all your fault that we’re still dying!
Why did my son have to die instead of you?! 
How can you live knowing we, who raised you, are struggling?!
Suddenly, a man rushes to grab your wrist. You know him, he’s the brother of the man who took you in. “You’re an Oni too, aren’t you?! You killed my brother!” 
“Stop it– let go of me!” You rip your wrist free, clutching it. “If you don’t leave, you’re all going to die.” A baseless threat since you’re still not sure what Takiishi thinks of the villagers or if he even thinks about them. But the threat worked, they stopped in their tracks and glanced amongst themselves, until a voice shouted, “We’re all going to die anyways if we don’t kill her!” You don’t waste any time on turning and running away, they were going to martyr you. 
Kill her. Kill her. Kill her. Kill her. Kill her. Kill her. Kill her. Kill her. 
You can now see the house. Sweat forms on your skin as you feel the villagers trying to catch you. “Takiishi!” You pray that he can hear you and just maybe, come to your rescue. Unfortunately, you stumble on a rock, and that split second allows someone to grab your clothes. You crash down onto the rocks, scrapping your chin and palms. Hold her down! She has to die! Death to the evil!
Panic pours out of your core and into every pore. “Stop!” They heed no mind, pining your arms and legs down. You watch them place the wooden stake right above your chest– your heart. “Stop— don’t—!”
“How dare you make my place a pigsty.” You feel the weight above you vanish, the man gets sent flying. Tilting your head up, you can see Takiishi and Endo. 
“A bunch of filthy humans.” Endo sneers, he had the same expression on his face back when he was about to break your neck in two. 
“It’s the demons!” Half of the villagers run to flee down the mountain while the other half run to attack the two Onis. 
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Snapping awake, you shoot upright and glance around. You’re in your bedroom, tucked into your futon. “Takiishi?” You spot the man standing against the wall. “What–” You were going to ask what happened after you passed out, but you see the blood on his kimono when the moon tilts, light moving to expose him to your vision. Scrambling out of bed, you tug at his kimono, “Are you hurt?!” He had to have fought the villagers. The man doesn’t move, allowing you to pull his clothing apart. You freeze when you see his pristine skin, without a single blemish. You let go of the opening of his kimono, finally breathing when you know he’s not injured. Your palms are unsoiled, Takiishi must’ve healed you. “What are you thinking about?” He places a finger under your chin to lift your head. 
Takiishi was the second person in your life to treat you kindly. The only person alive who cares for you. He allowed you to have seconds– something you could never have before, he never yelled when you broke a dish– only telling you that it was fine. Takiishi was the light you had found again after losing your father. You didn’t care if he wasn’t human– if anything everyone in the village was less human than he was. You don’t know this ache. 
“I–I won’t have anything– if you abandon me– if you throw me away,” your throat clenches up. “I caused such a mess…I–” a sniffle ruffles your nose. “I’m sorry–so, so, please don’t kick me out. You’re all I have left–” By now, you’re full-on crying; wet cheeks, snot clogging your nostrils, and hiccuping. He drops his hand, “I’m not going to kick you out.” 
At first, it was a whim, the deathly boring days stretched out. A human girl stumbles into his den, already prepared to die. For a being whose instinct is hunger, he was too much of a cynic to understand, but he found it amusing that the humans sacrificed one of their own to stop something he had no control over. Takiishi thought you might entertain him, so he decided to warm you, feed you and care of you— since you now belong to him. Unlike him, you were diligent, the reason for the improvement in his quality of life. So, he began to watch you closely. 
He grew a desire to devour you, he didn’t know where to put these feelings. Takiishi wanted your blood, your bones, your organs, everything that bound you together. He harbored something beyond love, beyond reason. His pupils dilate as he watches you cry, he questions if human tears are actually salty. The gaze he had for you, was one a predator had to its prey— it’s grotesque– it made him ill if he didn’t eat you right at this moment. 
You dig the heels of your palms into the socket of your eyes until you see stars, trying to stop yourself from flowing out. The rain beats against the roof, clawing at the shutters.
With a dark voice, he spoke. “Why don’t you warm my bed tonight?” 
His face portrayed that he was being serious— Takiishi was always direct with what he wanted. 
“Takiishi–” He cuts you off, pulling you down on his lap as his mouth meets yours. Your fists tighten at the fabric hanging off his shoulders. He led the kiss– the fiery dance he invited you to. The futon crumpled underneath the two of you tangled together. Your eyes flutter open when you taste something metallic– blood. His sharp fangs had nipped your lip, causing blood to trickle out. Takiishi sticks his tongue out and laps it up. 
“You still haven’t told me your name.” 
That’s right, you only told him your family name. When you first met him, you felt no need to tell him your given name, trying to place a wall between Takiishi and you. In return, he didn’t tell you his first name either. The wall is long gone, so you tell him your name, the one your father gave you when he found you alone and hugging your knees. Takiishi repeats it, your name sounds foreign like it belongs to someone else, and you’ve forgotten the last time anybody called you by that name. 
“What’s yours?” 
“Chika, Takiishi Chika.” 
Those two syllables rolled off your tongue smoothly, “Chika.” 
He brings his hand to the back of your head to push you down, to meld and sear his lips to yours. The metallic taste is long gone as he lays you on your back. Takiishi steadies himself above you, his hair cascades down, tickling your cheek. He slips a hand under your kimono, sliding his palm upwards along the bare skin of your thigh. “I’ll take you now.” 
Laying inertly underneath him naked, you moan out painfully when he presses the tip of his cock into you. He catches your hand, pinning it underneath his, pressing his fingertip to fit into yours. The stretch was unbearable, spearing you wide open. “Breathe. I’ll be gentle.” Takiishi stills himself, and you suck in a large breath at his word. “Chika–” You twitch when he rubs at your swollen clit, sending your nerves haywire. You shed tears when you peel your eyes open, finding his amber ones, you raise your hand to tuck his hair behind his ear. Knuckles caress his chiseled jawline. You’d go to hell with him– to the deepest pits, to the hottest fires. 
Takiishi pushes his hips, burying himself into you, all the way to the hilt. He lets out a breathy exhale. Your bottom lip trembles as he leans down to lick the liquid off the corner of your eyes. He was correct, it was salty. “Chika, you can move.” You sigh out, the sensation of being stuffed up has melted you. He nods, pulling out, leaving only the tip catching onto the entrance of your hole before he thrusts all of himself in at one go. You gasp, sucking your ribcage in, and throw your head back, but your eyes are still on him. Studying the way his brows furrow together and sweat glistens on his forehead, you want to burn it into your memories. 
“Chika, hah!” You tremble, whispering his name like a fervent prayer. Takiishi curses, he said he’d be gentle, but he doesn’t care anymore. You practically scream when he picks up the pace, making your breasts bounce. He needs to be closer— to unzip you open and crawl inside. Your spine arches off the sheets when he hits your sweet spot. “There?” He angles himself to hit it with every thrust, “Your pussy spasms when I thrust here.” The corner of his lips curled up, you couldn’t say it was a pure smile because it felt monstrous. He dips his head to capture your nipple in his mouth. “Ch–Chika–” You choke on what he’s giving you— the pleasure that wrecks your body.
He was strangling you, gently like the rain dripping outside and you’re letting him. “Mmm— feels weird…” You’re rapidly approaching your peak, Takiishi wraps his arms around you. “Cum as much as you want.” He murmurs directly into your ear. If he was a human, he could’ve met you earlier, cried and laughed alongside you, and embraced you without this desire. He can’t describe it— this frantic hunger. 
Clenching down on his cock, your gummy walls push out a white cream, it forms a ring around his base. Takiishi grips your hips— he’s going to fill you up, cum into your pussy. You feel him throb inside you. 
The skin above your womb burns and you peer down to see a mark forming. “With this, you fully belong to me,” he digs his claws into your flesh, enough that tiny blood droplets form. “Only I can satisfy you— you won’t be able to live without me.” 
“Where would I go?” You’re smiling so much that your tears blur your eyesight. “I love you, Chika.” It was a curse and a blessing at the same time. 
A sharp bite into your supple neck, he licks at the wound. Savoring the taste of you. “Say it again.” You do. I love you, Chika. “Again.” You repeat that sentence until it’s all you can say. His cock fucks your cunt into remembering it. Your heart was beating in your head. Your heart was beating everywhere— in your knees, legs, toes, shoulders, arms, hands, and fingertips. No wonder you were shaking against him. All you can see is red, orange, and yellow— all you can see is Takiishi Chika. Your nails press into his biceps. Pretty soon, you’ll break and cum again. 
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“Father, you should be resting in bed.” You step towards the stumbling man, wrapping your arms around his own to steady him. You were very small when he took you into his home, but now you almost stood taller than him.
“Child, I want you to marry someone who truly loves you. When I die, leave this place. Go wherever the wind takes you. That man is not here.” 
He looks at you with soft eyes, placing his wrinkled hand over yours. The world was vast, enchanting, and free. You laugh, one that makes your insides seize up, “I’ll do as you say, but don’t leave me so soon.” 
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Takiishi isn’t humane— he isn’t human. He’s incapable of having and offering compassion— mercy. He laughs, a cacophony of hollow sounds. Takiishi’s devouring you, like brute cannibal— eating your flesh right off the bones. Crunch.
Notes:  Irori- Sunken hearth fired with charcoal Nemaki- Nightwear  Engawa- Edging strip located outside the building, resembling a porch Kiseru- A Japanese smoking pipe
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infamous-light · 12 days
You Belong to Me Ch. 9
Alcina Dimitrescu x F! Reader
Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch. 7 Ch. 8
AO3: You Belong to Me
Summary: Lady Dimitrescu's obsession knows no bounds as she becomes increasingly possessive over you. Will you succumb to her dark embrace, or find a way to break free before it's too late?
Word Count: 3.2K
Warnings: Yandere, possessive/obsessive behavior
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You pushed through the thick underbrush, heart pounding in your chest.
The forest around you was eerily still. No birds chirped, no insects buzzed – only the sound of your labored breathing and the squelch of slush beneath your feet filled the silence. It was unnatural, this quietness, and it pressed down on you, making the weight of your fear heavier with each step.
The trees seemed to close in on you, their twisted branches reaching out like skeletal fingers, as if to ensnare you and keep you trapped here. A cold, dampness clung to the air, seeping into your skin, and with it came an overwhelming sense of dread. Goosebumps prickled across your flesh despite the adrenaline surging through your veins. You couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching you, lurking just beyond the veil of trees, waiting for the moment you would falter. But you pressed on, driven by the need to escape. To get far away from that wretched castle.
Then, through the dense weave of trunks and branches, you glimpsed a clearing up ahead.
Relief flooded through you as the forest began to thin and you could finally see the open sky beyond the tree line. The cool, crisp air felt less suffocating now, and the oppressive silence began to lift.
In the clearing sat a small, weathered house on the outskirts of your home village, its stone chimney puffing out light wisps of smoke that curled lazily into the blue afternoon sky. At the front of the house stood an older man, his worn face partially obscured by the shadow of his wide-brimmed hat. His shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, revealing strong, sinewy forearms as he swung his axe in a steady, rhythmic arc. Each strike landed with a deep, satisfying thud, splitting the logs on the chopping block cleanly in two. Nearby, a woman stood beside a clothesline, pinning up a white bedsheet.
As you came into view, their eyes snapped onto you.
Confusion flickered across their faces before swiftly morphing into alarm. The man’s swing faltered, his grip loosening on the handle as if it suddenly weighed too much. The heavy axe slipped from his fingers and thudded into the dirt, forgotten. The woman froze mid-motion, her hands hovering over the clothesline, the pins dangling uselessly in her grip. Both stared at you, their mouths slightly parted, wide-eyed and silent. The color drained from their faces, as though seeing you was something beyond unexpected – something wrong.
You tore your gaze away, the weight of their stares pressing heavily against your back as you bolted past them.
You soon caught the scent of smoke – thick and sharp, laced with the earthy richness of soil and burning wood. You were close now. The village chimneys had to be just beyond the next hill. The ache in your legs barely registered anymore as the familiar rooftops of your home village finally came into view.
You slowed to a normal pace as you entered the village center.
The cobblestone path beneath your feet was just as you remembered it, worn smooth from years of footfall, with tufts of grass sprouting between the cracks like stubborn survivors. The familiar cottages lined the road, their thatched roofs and weathered wooden walls still standing strong against the passage of time. Despite everything you had been through, this place was untouched, like it’s been frozen in time since the day you were taken three months ago.
Your eyes flickered from house to house, catching glimpses of villagers going about their daily lives. Everything appeared normal: a young woman scrubbed clothes in a wooden basin, her hands working rigorously, though they paused mid-scrub as she caught sight of you. Her mouth parted in silent surprise, eyes widening as if she couldn't quite believe what she was seeing. Further down, an elderly man who had been tending to his small garden straightened, his wrinkled face going slack with shock as his eyes met yours. Children playing and chasing one another in the center stopped their game once they saw you as well, their laughter dying as they stood frozen, wide-eyed, and confused.
One by one, they all turned to stare at you.
The rhythm of the village came to a standstill. The clatter of daily life – the scrape of tools, the splash of water, the murmur of voices – faded into an eerie silence. Whispered conversations replaced them, soft and hushed.
You could feel their disbelief, their fear – how could you be here?
You, who had been dragged away in the dead of night, taken to Castle Dimitrescu, a place no one returned from. And yet here you were, standing in front of them, unmistakably alive.
Their eyes burned through you. It wasn’t just your face they studied, but the clothes you wore. The servant’s uniform clung to your skin like a foreign presence, its fine, embroidered fabric so out of place in your home village. It would be the most luxurious thing these people had ever seen. It only heightened the gap between you and them. You were one of them once, but now? Now you were something else, something apart.
The whispers grew louder, more frantic, the air thick with suspicion and curiosity.
You had to get a move on.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you pushed through the narrow roads, heading toward your parents' home. You kept your head down, the uniform pulling tighter with each movement.
Your footsteps echoed dully on the cobblestones as the sight of your home grew closer. It was just as you remembered it: the sturdy wooden walls, worn with age, still bore the same cracks from long-forgotten storms. Even the shutters hung slightly askew, paint peeling just like they had years ago.
You stopped for a moment, swallowing hard as you gazed at your home.
How will your parents react to seeing you?
You had been gone for so long, they must have feared the worst. The thought gnawed at you, twisting your stomach with worry, but you needed to see them again. You needed them to know that you were still alive; the guilt of missing this chance would haunt you if you didn't take it.
With a deep breath, you squared your shoulders and approached the front door. You raised a trembling hand, feeling the cold metal of the door handle underneath your fingertips. You pushed the door open. The familiar creak of the hinges sent a wave of bittersweet nostalgia through you. You paused for a moment just inside, listening to the quiet rustle of movement in the next room.
Then you heard it – a voice. Your mother’s voice, soft and soothing, humming one of the many lullabies she used to sing to you as a child. The sound was so achingly familiar that it almost brought tears to your eyes. You let out a heavy exhale and closed the door behind you. Slowly, you made your way to the back of the house. As you reached the kitchen, you saw her. Your mother, standing at the table, her hands covered in flour as she kneaded dough. Her hair was streaked greyer than you remember, but her face was the same – kind and full of warmth.
When she looked up and her eyes met yours, a look of shock and disbelief crossed her face. The dough slipped from her fingers, falling forgotten onto the table as she took in the sight of you standing there. For a long, breathless moment, the world seemed to stop spinning.
Then, without a word, she stumbled forward, her arms reaching out in an urgent, desperate motion. When she finally closed the distance between you, she enveloped you in a fierce embrace. Her arms wrapped around you with such intensity that it was almost painful, but you didn’t care. You clung to her as if she was the only thing anchoring you to this world.
“I thought I’d lost you forever.” Your mother whispered, her voice cracking with emotion.
You couldn’t find the words to reply. All you could do was hold your mother close.
You buried your face into her shoulder, inhaling her comforting scent, a blend of lavender and vanilla. Her hands shook as she stroked your hair, still murmuring words you could barely make out. You’re not even sure what she’s saying – just that it was full of relief.
Suddenly, a creak echoed from down the hallway. You both turned toward the sound. Your father stepped into view, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
“What’s going on? I thought I heard-”
His voice trailed off as he took in the sight of the two of you huddled together. For a moment, he simply stared, as if he couldn’t trust what he was seeing. His brows knit together in confusion, his mouth parting slightly as he struggled to grasp the reality before him. Your mother quickly wiped away the tears that glistened on her cheeks, trying to regain her composure.
“It’s alright,” she said, her voice steadier now but still thick with emotion. “She’s here. She’s really here.”
Your father’s gaze remained locked on you, but his voice cracked, barely above a whisper. “Is it…?” He took a tentative step closer, his hand gripping the doorframe for support, as if he might collapse if he let go. “It can’t be.”
“It’s me, papa,” you managed to say, your voice wavering despite your best efforts to stay strong. “I’m here.”
Your father’s resolve crumbled at your words. He immediately closed the distance and before you knew it, he wrapped you in his arms. The hug was tight, more desperate than your mother’s, as if he feared that if he let go, you might vanish again. His chest shook against yours, and you could feel the warmth of his tears seeping into your shoulder.
“I missed you so much.” He choked on the words.
Your mother, still hovering close, reached out to take your hand. “We never stopped thinking about you, not for a single day. We always hoped that you would come back to us.”
You couldn’t hold back anymore. All the fear, the pain, the darkness that’s haunted you since you were brought to the castle, it all welled up and spilled over in a flood of tears. You leaned into them both, letting the weight of everything you’ve carried finally lift, even if just for a moment. It’s not gone – not by a long shot – but standing here between your parents, you felt something you haven’t felt since the day you were forcibly taken; love.
Your father pulled back slightly, his hands gripping your shoulders. His brows furrowed deeply, concern and confusion etched into every line of his face.
“How did you even manage to escape?”
You took a shaky breath, your heart still racing from the memory.
“I had some help,” you murmured, swallowing the lump in your throat. The faces of Catalina and the maid who gave you the note flashed in your mind briefly. “One of the staff slipped me a note... told me where the main house key was hidden. I just had to wait for the right moment when I didn't have the Lady's or her daughter’s attention on me.”
Your father leaned forward, his voice low and edged with worry. “Will they come looking for you?”
A cold shiver slithered down your spine as you knew the answer to that question all too well. You nodded slowly.
“They will.” You admitted, swallowing against the tightness in your throat.
Your father's face darkened as he clenched his jaw with determination. “We’ll protect you. Whatever it takes, we’ll keep you safe here. We could hide you.”
You knew he meant it – he would stand between you and any threat – but you also knew what Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters were capable of. The lengths the lady would go to in order to retrieve what she considered “hers” were beyond their understanding. The thought of her daughters descending on your village, tearing through homes and lives, made your stomach churn.
Your fists clenched, nails digging into your palms as you stared at the worn floorboards beneath your feet. Every ounce of your being longed to stay with your parents, to hold onto the comfort and safety of home, but you knew, deep down, that staying here would only invite more danger. You finally shook your head.
“No, I can’t let you do that.” You said, your voice firmer than you expected.
Your father’s stern expression softened, though his resolve remained unshaken. “We’re not giving up on you. You just came back to us.” His voice wavered slightly near the end.
Your mother's hand tightened around your own. “We can’t stand by and watch you face this alone.”
“I know,” you said solemnly. “But if I stay here, you’ll all be in danger, including the others, and I can’t risk that. It’s the only way to keep you safe.” You could feel the burn of tears welling up behind your eyes, but you blinked them back. “I just needed to see you two again.”
Your parents exchanged worried glances with each other, a silent conversation passing between them. For a moment, you thought your father might try to stop you, pull you into an embrace, and refuse to let you go. But instead, his hand slowly dropped, defeated. “Okay,” he sighed, his voice heavy with resignation. “You know we’ll always be here for you.”
You offered a tight smile, one that barely masked the knot tightening in your chest. You hugged them both again, lingering a bit longer, memorizing their warmth as if it might be the last time you’d feel it. As you stepped back, you noticed the fear in your mother’s eyes.
“Please stay safe.” Your mother pleaded.
“I’ll be careful.” You promised, squeezing her hand tightly in yours.
She gave a small nod, her eyes still clouded with worry. “Let me at least pack you some extra layers and food before you go.” She insisted.
Without waiting for a response, she was already walking down the hallway. You turned your attention back to your father. His gaze was heavy with all the unsaid things hanging between you: warnings, well-meaning advice, and unspoken fears. He then turned and moved to a drawer near the living room. He pulled out a worn, steel revolver, its cold metal reflecting the soft light. The gun had seen better days, its surface scarred by time and use.
With a solemn expression, he walked back over to you.
“Take this,” he said, holding the revolver out to you. “Just… make sure you don’t take unnecessary risks. And remember, no matter what happens, we’re here for you.”
You could see the pain in his eyes, the fear of losing you that he struggled to hide.
“I promise, papa.” You replied as you accepted the revolver, tucking it under your waistband. You wished you could offer your father more comfort.
Your mother returned a minute later, carrying a large duffel bag and your thick jacket. Her eyes were red-rimmed and glistening. The sight made your heart ache even more.
“Everything you might need is in here,” she said softly, her voice trembling despite her efforts to stay strong. “Clothes, some food, and a few personal items. I put in that quilt too. I know it’s bulky, but-” Her voice broke slightly, and she bit her lip so hard that it turned a stark, painful white.
You reached for the thick jacket, feeling its comforting weight as you pulled it on. You then took the duffel bag from her and slung it over your shoulder.
“Thank you, mama.” You said, trying to keep your voice steady despite the lump forming in your throat.
She reached out with trembling fingers, brushing a stray lock of hair from your face. You stepped forward and hugged them one last time, your arms wrapping around them as tightly as you could. When you finally pulled away, the heaviness in your chest felt like a leaden anchor, dragging you down even as you turned to leave.
“I love you.” Your voice cracked.
“We love you too.” Your father said softly.
He wrapped an arm around your mother’s shoulder and drew her in close. His eyes shone with unshed tears, mirroring the anguish in your mother’s gaze.
You finally stepped out of the house, the cool evening air brushing against your skin. The sky above was a deepening shade of indigo, with the first stars starting to pierce through the twilight.
With one final, lingering glance back, you saw your parents standing by the doorway, watching you wander off. The sight was almost too much to bear. You fought to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over. You took a deep breath and began to make your way toward the tree line.
Most villagers had retreated indoors by now. Only a few remained outside, giving you odd stares as you passed them. You quickened your pace, feeling the weight of their gazes on the back of your head.
The trees ahead loomed larger with every step. The air was crisp, tinged with the scent of pine and frost, each breath forming fleeting clouds that dissipated almost immediately.
As you trudged through the forest, the idea of leaving the village altogether flickered in your mind. You imagined escaping to somewhere far from the horrors of Castle Dimitrescu. Yet, that thought was immediately squashed down. You knew that was too risky due to the Lycans that prowled around the outskirts of the forest.
No one had ever made it past them. Stories told of those who had tried over the past few decades had vanished without a trace. Never to be seen again. Their fates were as much a part of the forest’s lore as the whispering wind through the trees.
A deep sigh escaped your lips, mingling with the cold air. The darkness was creeping in, casting an ominous veil over the forest. Finding shelter had to be your foremost concern now.
You wandered on in a daze, your sense of time slipping away like sand through your fingers.
As the trees seemed to blur together, you spotted an old, gnarled tree standing apart from the others.
In the shadow of the tree, you noticed something strange – a faint outline, a hollow space nestled within the roots and vines. The entrance was partially obscured, concealed by the overgrowth that clung to the ancient bark, yet it was wide enough for you to slip through. With a cautious glance around, you crouched low and carefully maneuvered your way inside. The air within was musty but cool. You found a relatively clean patch of earth amidst the clutter of roots and twigs and settled yourself down.
With a sigh of relief, you placed your bag on the ground and leaned back against the rough bark of the tree. Its coarse texture against your back was oddly grounding. You tilted your head backward and exhaled slowly, allowing your eyes to flutter closed.
A sense of peace settled over you as you allowed yourself to rest, even if just for a little while.
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spicyicetea · 1 year
My dearest soulmate
So some people wanted a Ganondorf version of my Calamity!reader so I'm finally writing it, enjoy.
An old proverb. Oral legend passed down through the Gerudo families for centuries. Their king, who is only born every century, and his fated love. Many reject this as the truth. Their desire for the king to be free to conquer Hyrule is so strong that they hide the legend. One slip up is all it took for all that work to come undone.
"What did you say?" The King's voice boomed, demanding and harsh.
The servant quivered in fear as her friend stepped forward to explain.
"We were just speaking about an old story we heard from our mothers as children my king. Our apologies for angering you."
"What story? The beginning was similar to an old legend I have read about, this may be the end of what I desire to learn!" He grins, staring down at them.
The shortest woman gulped and began to recite the story as she remembered it,
"Once every 100 years, a king will be born into the Gerudo royal family. He shall bring forth an era of change and power to the Gerudo people. This legendary king will fall victim to a knight chosen by the Sword that seals the darkness. A cycle of pain that can only be broken through union of the king and the Lady of Calamity."
"Lady of Calamity? I haven't yet heard this part of my legend." "Yes... this has been ignored as the Gerudo people of the past could never find her and assumed she didn't exist."
"Well, if she is what I require to win, than we shall find her. Prepare the army, we do not sleep until that woman is found!" The King yelled, walking off to arm himself.
It was a normal day for the young elven woman. The dark bubbling malice followed her feet padding along the grass through the forest. Her home. She had no choice but to hide from the village people she once regarded as family who exiled her once her powers had emerged. An ancient legend caused her to be thrown to the wolves by her former friends, although it did mean she would avoid execution. Words uttered by Hylians of old had doomed her to a life of solitary suffering unless she succumbed to the fate the world had set for her. But, she would never. Why in the world would she throw herself into the arms of pure and utter evil. Ganondorf. Her soulmate.
Although she had never met him, obviously, the tales of the crimes he had committed against her kind made her fear the man. She herself knew she was far from weak, the malice that follows her beck and call protects her well enough. Yet, she was apparently, his win condition for his atrocities. Just because her people betrayed her, doesn't mean she will betray them.
A dense unsettling air settled over the forest. Y/N felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as she glanced around the trees cautiously. An arrow whizzed by her face and she jumped back, falling down as a heavy foot was brought down on her chest.
"Stay down Hylian!" The Gerudo woman commanded. "We look for the Lady of Calamity, have you heard that name? Many say she's as tall as us Gerudo and as strong as a Lynel."
Y/N felt her breath catch in her throat. Perhaps she could hide who she was by lying and going along with the rumors they had heard. Yes, that's a great way to escape!
"Ah, yes! She resides in a nearby village. She protects them from monster attacks." She said hurried in a soft voice.
The Gerudo woman nodded and removed her foot from Y/N's chest. She sat up and held the aching ribs, the pain soon dissipating from fear. An intense wave of nausea overcame her as a strange smell filled her nose. The hot desert sand, Warm Saffina oil and a faint dizzying musk. Her vision shook as she lent down, wiping sweat from her brow.
On the other side of the thick treeline the Gerudo King was having a similar struggle. His head became clouded with the strange pounding of his heart, echoing through his body. The fresh scent of the forest was pierced by a sinful sweet smell. Every step he took, following the scent made him feel as if he was going to collapse. His warriors followed him as he made his way past the trees, staring directly at the meek woman on the floor.
"Lord Ganondorf, are you alright?"
"Stay away," The woman groaned. "I haven't fought for so long to lose to you now, you beast."
"Do not speak to the King like that," One of the warriors yelled, but was silenced as Ganondorf chuckled.
"Look at me woman, where is she?"
"where is who? I do not know the woman you seek! Leave me be!" She growls, ripping at the grass beneath her hands to stay calm.
Ganondorf just chuckles darkly, standing over the woman.
"I know she is here, my wife, my queen to be. Now where does she hide?"
"Nowhere! I live alone in these woods, I do not know the woman you seek. I have never seen a single woman around these parts as tall as any of you!" She declared in rush.
"You're lying, I can sense her!" The King yelled yanking her up by her arm to finally look at him.
The moments their eyes locked he could feel himself fall apart. Her lashes shielded most of her eyes from his gaze, yet the iris' he could see filled him with a strange sensation. Y/N felt her knees buckle and immediately fall apart as he grabbed her, a dull heat drumming where he had made contact, as well as forming deep knots in her abdomen. Her lips parted as she panted, a strange heat settling over the two despite the chill winds in the forest. Ganondorf felt his body begin to hunger for the small woman, noticing the malice prepared to catch her should he drop her. Although, he didn't plan to. Lust. That described the immense, powerful sensation that was taking over his mind. An unstoppable, violent desire to part her thighs and control her small form. His people would worship her, similar to how he already did. She stared up at him in fear, his mind still caught in a trance.
"Ganondorf?" She muttered, worried he would kill her then and there.
The small whimpers just inspired more sinful desires. For her to scream his name into the cold desert nights to consummate their marriage, only his body heat to warm her small, fragile form. Months later for her to have the Gerudo guards at her beck and call as she relaxed in their bed, plump with his young. Years later small red-headed children running around her legs as she carried their youngest child, greeting him back from a battle. Yes, it was all perfect. He would conquer Hyrule for her. For his wife.
I hope you sinners enjoyed that, I know I did. I'm gonna tag those who I saw asking for it so they get notifs. If you like this then go check out my other pieces of writing! Thanks and bye!
Tagged: @professor-petty @simp-erman @kujogoofzeus
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13as07 · 2 months
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Motherhood #2
(Kakashi Hatake)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Pasta69]
Requested by: fireflyglori
Word Count: 3,744
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Mentions of Blood
A wave of nausea hits me the instant I walk through the curtains of the Ichiraku Ramen shop. Instinctually, my hand jumps up, pushing my nose closed and covering my mouth in hopes of keeping down the sick feeling. Despite the churning of my stomach, I can't help but smile, the fitness report in my pocket burning a hole through my clothing.
     "Lady Hatake!" Naruto yells, somehow balancing on his stool despite squirming on it. His hand is thrown up in the air, waving wildly like the five steps separating us is an ocean instead of a couple boards of wood. "Welcome home! We've missed you!" He adds with a huge grin on his face, showing off the whiteness of his teeth.
     "Shut up, Naruto," Sasuke grumbles, sparing me a glance before pretending to focus on his menu. For once, Sakura isn't wrapped up in the moodiness of her crush, her excitement of my return shown in the constant shift of her weight and the burning look she's sending her Sensei.
     Kakashi's eye is on me, head slightly turned as he looks me over. Even with one of his eyes covered, not a single thing ever sneaks past him. Not like I'm trying to hide my queasiness. The paleness of my skin and the sweat covering my forehead, like it has every morning for the two weeks of my mission, is an endless and pointless thing to try and hide. "Hello," he mutters, on his feet and heading toward me as soon as his once-over is done.
     "Hello," I echo, the word coming out bubbling because of my still pinched nose.
     A hand is on my waist, another pressed to my forehead when my husband gets to me, the gears in his head turning as he checks my temperature. I'm sure the common illnesses of the Hidden Grass Village are rolling through his thoughts. "You look ill. Did you go to your post-deployment physical?"
     "I did, yes," I murmur, snaking my fingers under the sleeves of his vest, clinging to the material as I avoid looking at my husband's face. I was hoping to share the news when we're home, alone, but at the rate his anxiety is climbing I don't think I'll get to. "It's non-contagious and was contracted on Leaf Village territory." Technically, not a lie, but very misleading.
     Kakashi's eye squints, glancing over me again as he thinks over the explanation. "Cancer?" He whispers, tone even despite the deepness that comes with a disease like that.
     "No. Why is that the first thing you think of?"
     He shrugs his shoulders, both hands squeezing my waist now. "It's usually the sorest lemon on the tree when it comes to my life."
     "I don't have cancer."
     "Are you sure?"
     "I'm sure."
     Another squint and once-over comes before my husband's mouth snaps open again. "I want to see your fitness report."
"No," I hum, pulling myself out of his hold. "You can look it over when we get home."
"I want to see it."
"I said no," I repeat myself, sliding into the empty stool next to Naruto. The fuzz-ball connects himself to me, his arms around my shoulders as he buries his head into my neck, rambling on about their recent D-ranked missions among the village.
"I wasn't asking, Love," Kakashi grumbles, a hiss hidden under his words. "I want to read it, now," he adds, his hand held out, impatient fingers waving to further tempt me into giving him the report.
"You don't have to be so rude, Sensei," Sakura butts in, trying to lecture her teacher.
Kakashi doesn't acknowledge her, refusing to budge until I give in. We stare at each other for a few moments, testing to see who'll give in first. As expected, I give in before he does, digging through my pocket for the folded-up packet. "Thank you," he utters, snatching the sheets from me before I can change my mind.
"Way to ruin the surprise for yourself," I grumble, rolling my eyes at the demanding man.
Kakashi busies himself looking over the report, my focus is on the menu Naruto abandoned, and his students hold their breaths, carefully watching their Sensei read over the packet of information.
After two page flips, I tune into my husband as well, turning my head to watch his reaction. The moment his eye slides over the pregnancy test result line is marked by a small "hmph" clogging his throat. The packet is tipped down, his eye glancing at me before snapping the sheets straight. I carefully watch as he skims the line a few more times, a soft pink slowly starting to taint the tips of his ears and the edge of his mask.
Another glance is thrown my way before Kakashi pushes up his headband, exposing the sharingan that makes up his other eye. A smile curls on my lips as he keeps rereading the line, his chest pumping a bit faster each time.
"Kakashi Sensei?" Sasuke asks, breaking the silence first, a sore look on his face as he carefully examines his teacher. "Are you okay?"
"Oh my, it really is... cancer," Sakura hesitates for a moment, whispering the last word as her hand covers her mouth, tears already welling in her eyes.
"It's not cancer. My wife is fine, great even," Kakashi corrects, tugging his headband back down. "You three go ahead and order lunch. The Mrs and I are going to go on a walk. We'll be right back," he orders with a closed-eye smile covering his features, sadly chasing away the pink that was dusting his skin.
     Before I know it, my husband's hand is knotted in mine, pulling me to my feet and out of the restaurant. The hushed conspiracies of his students echo behind our steps, growing quieter the further away we get. Kakashi doesn't tug me away for long, only trailing me around the side of the building. "You're pregnant," he whispers, gently pushing me against the wall, letting the shadows of the alleyway hide us.
The chill from the bricks stabs through my shirt, attacking my spine. The cold doesn't last for long, quickly chased away by my husband's body heat. Kakashi presses himself against me, head in my neck, arms wrapping around me, and his legs tangling with mine. "You're pregnant," he repeats, the soft words feathering over the skin of my throat. "You're going to be a mom."
"And you're going to be a dad."
"You're bloated," Sasuke grumbles, his nose scrunched as his eyes aim at my stomach, pointing out the slight swell of my belly. I've gained about three pounds during the past four weeks, the preview of the weight gain my second-trimester promises. Of course, all the weight is collecting around my stomach, hence the bloating comment.
     "Good morning, Sasuke," I greet, trying to blink the tiredness out of my eyes. The knock at the door woke me up this morning, my second wake-up call of the day. Kakashi rolling out of bed to get ready was the first. He only left an hour ago, half of which I managed to fall back to sleep during. "Kakashi isn't here, he already left for the day. I think he's helping Gai - "
     "I know," the child cuts me off, his tone snappy and his eyes rolling. "He told me to come sit with you until Gai and him are done with whatever mission the Hokage sent them on. He rambled about some doctor's appointment and told me to remind you he'd make sure he'd be back for it."
     Yesterday I noticed some spotting, nothing more than three or four droplets, but he didn't care. As soon as the word 'blood' left my mouth, he was already out the door and on his way to the clinic, insisting I should get a checkup 'just in case'. Thirty minutes and a very flustered Kakashi later, and I have an appointment set for two-thirty today.
     "You don't have to sit with me until he gets back, that would be like," I pause for a second, flicking my eyes toward the clock on the wall. Eight forty-two. "Five hours or so. I'll be fine by myself."
     Sasuke looks unamused as he cranes his neck, finally looking at my face instead of my small belly bulge. "Sensei promised to show me a new jutsu if I stayed with you. I'm staying."
     "Fine," I mutter, my hands rubbing at my eyes as I walk away, leaving the door open for the irritation to let himself into the house. "I'm going to make myself some breakfast. Have you eaten yet? Do you want something to eat?" I question him, turning down the hallway to head into the kitchen.
     "You didn't already eat?" He asks, eyeing the colorful decorations of the room, mostly courtesy of Gai.
     "No, the knocking woke me up actually."
     "If you didn't eat yet, why are you so bloated?" He asks with the same bored look as usual, this time paired with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.
     "I'm not bloated," I carefully say, swinging the fridge open and scanning the shelves for something that doesn't sound or smell repulsive. My eyes settle on the jar of pickles, my stomach purring in agreement. It's not too bad to have pickles for breakfast, right? As long as I eat something it should be fine.
     "So, what? You're just getting fat?"
     "Something like that," I grumble, making up my mind about breakfast. Pickles and peanut butter. It sounds gross but also sounds like the best food imaginable at the moment. I tug the jar out of the fridge, swinging the door closed before digging through the cabinets for the peanut butter jar.
     "You'd look ugly fat," Sasuke butts in again, sliding into a chair at the table.
     "Well you look ugly now so I guess it won't hurt too much, hm?"
     Disbelief crosses the kid's face, a ting of guilt eating at my heart. At least until Sasuke turns his nose up at me, or maybe my choice of breakfast. Despite his disgust, he doesn't move away when I settle into the chair next to him, my weird food choice and a fork in tow.
     My mouth almost waters as I unscrew the lids, fishing out a pickle with my fork before dipping it into the peanut butter. "That looks gross," Sasuke grumbles, scrunching his nose again. "How are you eating that?"
     "It's my Lady's top craving at the moment," Pakkun butts in, the small dog finally trudging out of the bedroom to join me and our guest. His nails click against the wood of the floorboards, stopping once he's beside me. "I wish to sit in your lap," the pug requests, his front paws digging into my thigh.
     "Can you wait until I'm done eating?" I ask around a mouthful of perfectly mixed smoothness and acid. Pakkun wasn't lying when he said this is my favorite craving. I've eaten it at least once a day for the past week.
     "No," he deadpans, gently scratching at my pajama pants. "I want to check the baby's heartbeat."
     "You just slept on my stomach. I promise nothing has happened in the five minutes we've been apart."
     "Pick me up, My Lady."
     "The baby?" Sasuke asks, pulling me out of the conversation with my husband's dog.
     "Shit, you're not supposed to know that yet," I grumble, snapping another chunk off the pickle hanging on my fork. "Don't tell anyone."
"I won't," he whispers, snapping his head away from me. We sit in silence for a while, Sasuke not so discreetly inching his chair closer to mine. "You're going to get fat."
"So fucking fat," I joke, softly giggling at the sigh he lets out.
     "Shut up, Naruto, you don't even know how to read." The pug in my arms chuckles at Sasuke's complaining, his small body shaking and his fur rubbing against my skin.
     "I know how to read. It's a requirement to pass the academy. I just don't know why you're reading a cookbook. Trying to be a chief Sasuke, huh? Decided the shinobi life is too difficult for you?"
     "In your dreams. I just wanted to... learn about pasta," the Uchiha mumbles, glancing back down at his book.
     "Well, I think hobbies are wonderful, especially cooking," I butt in, sending the flustered boy a wink. Sakura might be Kakashi's favorite and Naruto is Iruka's, but Sasuke is mine. Extra now with the hidden pregnancy book wrapped in the cover papers of a recipe book.
     "Lady Hatake!" Naruto cheers, jump-starting his steps so he can run the small distance between us.
     Pakkun jumps out of my arms, landing on the ground and ducking for cover before Naruto slams into me, making me stumble back a couple of steps. Instantly, Kakashi's and Sasuke's heads snap toward me, both shooting death-threatening glares at the blonde.
     "Naruto - " Kakashi starts, hurrying forward, beelining straight at us.
     "What are you doing?!" Sasuke yelps, jumping up and lunging at his squad mate. The boys stumble to the ground, Naruto trying to buck and push his teammate off of him. "You're so careless, Naruto! What if you would have hurt Lady Hatake? You have to be careful with her. You can't be running around all Willy Nilly, knocking into her left and right!"
     "Maybe you forgot but Mrs. Hatake is a shinobi too, Sasuke. Don't tell me you think she's weaker than us just because she's a girl. That's really messed up."
     "Whatever," the moody boy grumbles, finally getting off his squad mate. Sasuke spares me a glance, a quick once over before grumbling again, this time to himself as he settles back down with his book.
     "Hey," Kakashi says when he lands in front of me, his voice airy in an attempt to maintain his calmness. "Are you okay? Naruto didn't bump into you too hard, did he? Does anything feel off?" Questions spill like water from my husband, his hand on my lower stomach as he interrogates me. His eye scorches over me as well, looking for any obvious signs of distress or discomfort, neither of which he finds.
     "We're all good."
     "All good. You're all good. They're good. We're good," my husband whispers to himself, rubbing his palm softly and slowly over my stomach to try and soothe himself. "Maybe we should schedule another appointment, just in case."
"I just had an appointment yesterday. It was a small bump, barely even that. You worry too much."
"I don't worry too much," Kakashi grumbles, dropping into a squat, both hands cupping my belly now. "I just want to make sure nothing happens to my beautiful wife or our precious bundle of joy."
"Nothing is going to happen. We're fine," I repeat, resting my hands on top of his. "I already put in my temporary leave and we got a clear report from the doctors yesterday. I'm fine, they're fine, you're fine."
"You're fine, the baby is fine, I'm fine, we're all fine," Kakashi repeats, smoothing his hands back and forth before leaning forward, brushing a masked kiss to the center of my belly.
"The baby?" Naruto asks, causing my husband to pause mid-kiss.
"Shit," Kakashi whispers before jerking away from me, straightening himself to his full height. Slowly, he turns away from me to face his student. "Mrs. Hatake is... well, she's pregnant but - "
     "You're pregnant?!" Naruto interrupts, completely ignoring his Sensei to focus on me. He steps around his teacher, eyes sparkling as they focus on me. "Is it a boy or a girl? When is the baby supposed to be born? Can I touch your belly? Are they going to be a shinobi like you guys? Does Sakura know? How about Sasuke? You didn't tell him before you told me, did you? Does - "
     "That's enough questions," my husband butts in, wrapping his hand around Naruto's mouth to stop his never-ending flow of questions. "All that you need to know right now is that we're expecting and that we don't want people to know yet. So, keep it a secret, okay?" Naruto nods in agreement, eyes blown out as he stares up at Kakashi. "Good," he murmurs, finally letting go of his student.
     "Can I just - "
     Naruto huffs at his Sensei's ruling, finally letting go of the situation and turning back to pestering Sasuke.
     Slowly, Pakkun pokes his head out of his hiding spot, softly chuckling at us. "At this rate, your secret isn't going to be a secret much longer."
     "What's he talking about?"
     I shoot a glare at the dog, which only deepens his chuckling and makes my face heat up. "So, yesterday while Sasuke was sitting with me, your dog might have let the whole baby news slip," I softly explain, a weary smile resting on my lips as I look up at my husband.
     "Well, if Pakkun hadn't told Sasuke yesterday he would have found out today so I suppose it was unavoidable."
     "You did tell Sasuke first!" Naruto shrieks, amping up another round of The Egos between the two students.
     "Oh dear, here we go again," Kakashi grumbles to himself, pecking a kiss on my temple before he marches away from me, getting ready to intervene between the boys.
     I roll my eyes at the situation, bending down to snatch the pug back into my arms. "You and your master's big mouths," I tease the dog, nuzzling my nose against his head.
     "The big mouths that are going to convince you to go to another appointment."
     "I'm not going to another checkup. The baby is fine, you two just worry too much," I groan, waving at the three boys before turning on my heels and starting the short walk home.
     "This is dumb," I grumble, arms crossed over my chest as I slouch in the waiting room chair.
"It's not dumb, it's a precaution," Kakashi corrects, most of his focus on filling out my paperwork for me. "It doesn't hurt to be sure, especially with your recent spotting."
"There's nothing wrong. Naruto barely bumped into me and I've felt completely fine since then."
"You did get up a lot last night."
"Because I had to pee and then I got too hot, not because of Naruto's excitement," I hiss, snapping my head toward my husband. "A bed with you, Mr. Personal Heater, eight dogs, and Heater Jr gets a little warm at night."
     "I'll get us some fans. Or maybe one of those personal cooling units. I'll stop and get some popsicles until then too. That should help keep you chilled until I get stuff figured out," Kakashi mutters, more to himself than me. Mr. Cool remaining calm even during my hissy fit.
     Guilt claws at my chest as my husband keeps rambling, coming up with different ideas to cool me off at night. How'd I get so lucky? How'd I manage to have Kakashi as a life partner? A man who lets my anger simmer and instantly tries to fix the issue for me?
     "Mr. Hatake?" Someone calls, causing both of us to shift our focus toward the sound. An older blonde lady is standing in the waiting room, six or seven steps away from us. Her green eyes are locked on us, the color instantly reminding me of Kakashi's student. "What are you doing here?"
     "My wife needs to see a doctor, why else would someone be at the hospital, Mrs. Haruno?" Kakashi asks, keeping his tone and features light, but the underlining statement - please leave - still shines through. He always gets like this when he believes I'm hurt, even worse when I am actually hurt. Overprotective when it comes to - even lack of - threats, including his student's mother.
"What happened to Mrs. Hatake? Is she already?" A lighter voice comes, paired with a flash of pale pink behind the woman in front of us.
As Kakashi's eyes fall down, mine snap to the side, watching the panic wipe off his face as soon as it flashes across it. "Oh, Sakura, how are you?"
"I'm fine, Sensei, but what's wrong with your wife? Is it really..." The child falls quiet, eyes flickering around as she takes a few steps closer to my husband. "Cancer?" She whispers, cupping her hands around her mouth to try and muffle the word.
"No. No, no, no, Mrs. Hatake doesn't have cancer," he answers, hands waving around and a soft pink coating the tips of his ears. My husband is growing more flustered by the moment and I can't help but enjoy the scene unfolding.
"Are you sure?" Sakura asks, pulling back a bit as her eyes squint, glancing over her Sensei in search of answers. "You've been acting off since she got back from her mission. You got all weird and quiet after reading her physical. Then you bribed Sasuke into sitting with her. Plus, this morning Naruto told me we didn't have training because you were freaking out about taking her to the doctor yesterday. Definitely seems like your wife is dying."
"She's not dying," Kakashi rushes out, sitting on the edge of his seat now, the heat reaching the edge of his mask. "The opposite, actually. There's nothing to worry about."
"What's the opposite of dying?"
It takes a second, but a smile rests on the face of Sakura's Mom, the older woman sending me a knowing look. My husband sucks in a breath, holding it as he stares at his student. "I don't know," he whispers, holding eye contact with her like he's been cornered by a bear and is worried it'll strike if he moves.
"Oh my," Sakura whispers, her eyes flickering between the two of us. "Is she...? Is your wife...? She's going to have a baby, isn't she?"
A hiss breath spills from my husband, his hands jumping up and decking under his headband to rub at his eyes. "So much for keeping the gift of your motherhood a secret," he whispers, dropping his hands away from me and looking at me with as much of a loopy smile as possible with his mask on.
"I was right!" Sakura cheers, a toothy grin on her face as she claps her hands.
"Ya, you're right," I agree with her, shaking my head at my stressed husband and his excited student. "I'm having a baby."
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paintedstories · 1 year
Y/n was tired of being stuck in the castle, Only being known as the king and queen’s daughter. She wanted to experience the world, So she snuck into the village and met hwang hyunjin, Local troublemaker and peasant. Kinda a jack and rose plot where they don’t like each other at first, but y/n keeps going into the village and they eventually fall for each other, Hyunjin sneaks into the castle during a party and they fuck each other in her room trying not to alert the guards. And also hyunjin being like a huge perv towards reader but in a charming way😭😭
pleaseeee I NEED THIS from ur beautiful mind🙏🏽💕💕
♥: Thank you for the request and kind words! 💋💌
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⚠: cussing ; weapons; almost caught up s3x ⚠: This is an AU meaning the SKZ band does not exist, and Hyun-Jin does not know any of the members. ⚠: Reader is a female 🚺 She/Her ⚠: Peasant Hwang Hyun-Jin x Royal reader ⚠: SMUT ⚠: Master list 📃 halter*= the design of the top of the dress(go search it up it'll help visualise better)
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"Fuck it, I'm done with all this bull-shit," the Daughter of the golden king said to herself, she hated being perfect in the peasant's eye, hated being the pretty image of her mother gold and father golden, hatred was a small word for the sentiment she felt for her family, whom wanted to marry her for money. Dreadful washer life to say the least.
While looking outside the beautiful floral decorated garden an idea came up to her beautiful head, which everyone thought was all but mischief, only innocence could be seen through her eyes, which was a good advantage in the big castle when she had to lie her way out.
And this is how she is in this situation, lying to her father about going to sleep faster than usual and pleading with him to let her leave before the royal dinner, is not like it was something special, just her, her mother, and her father.
Fortunately, he agreed, as she tried to contain the excitement in her eyes she got the front of the dress in her hands and rapidly walked to her room, chuckling slightly when her dad ordered her to walk like a lady.
Closing the door to her room and getting the gown that she had with her own "incapable" regal hands made so she will look like the other peasants. Putting her hair in a messy ponytail and getting the leather shoes she made so the fit will be a total success she looked in the elegant golden framed mirror to see herself, unrecognizable she thought with a smirk. Finally, she will see the world, finally!
Climbing from her beautifully decorated window full of drawings she made of flowers and happy couples who found love by destiny not by the force of family she smiled and jumped on the branch from the big old tree from her childhood that stayed in front of her window as a welcome to escape the prison her golden family called the perfect home and finally be free, for a little while sadly.
Looking down from the tree while making the dress shorter by folding it in a spiral mode and knotting it at the front she jumped on the next tree and the final one that had the branch thick enough to go and jump from the tip on the big stone made barrier that kept her away from the world for so long.
the click of her leather shoes was heart on the rounded stones from the so called unbreakable golden fence.
Her hopes were almost taken away when she saw how far the imperial village was, but seeing a horse-drawn carriage, fortunately, by a peasant and not one of the guards, she jumped on the dirt path and walked rapidly to the peasant while fixing her dress and asked the very kind old man if he could leave her in the center of the village.
the man smiled and gestured for her to go and sit next to him, the man looked kind had blue eyes and a crispy-looking beard, he was bald and had a sun hat that was made of dried hard leaves, the traditional, and in the carriage was dried grass.
They talked and she asked where he was from, she found out he lives in the out-gate of the village but he had work in the center, that's why he accepted to let her come with him.
She found out that he had a beautiful wife and unfortunately event of her miscarriage, but they still hoped and prayed to god to give them a child. She was happy that the first person she meet was so kind, and on the 30 minutes of her listening to the poor man talking about his life, she silently prayed for all the happiness to come to him, when they arrived she hugged him and left the man shocked and smiling as she waved to him and ran to the deeps of the center, where all the people where.
Then she saw a guy with long black hair and dirty white clothes steal from a lady that was paying attention to three singers in the middle, the angry girl ran after him screaming.
"Hey you coward come back, stop stealing!" she screamed after him and when he turned on his track to look at the screaming girl he got annoyed and angry, who was she to scream after him!?! he just glared at her and showed her the middle finger while he kept running, thinking he will lose her and eat the sweet he stole from that hag, little did he know that she was trained and she had the stamina of a soldier. when he thought he lost her he turned to look behind him while jogging and saw that she was still running after him.
"What THE FUCK! WOMAN, STOP FOLLOWING ME" he screamed while he continued to run and slowly start to gasp for air, realizing that he was going nowhere he jumped onto wooden casks, but when his foot touched the cask he flew on the floor, as they were empty and very old, meaning, very fragile.
She watched as he fell on his ass grunting and rubbing his back, she then rush walked to him and punched him in the face. "what was that for?!" he screamed while rubbing the part of his face where she punched him. "for being a coward thief and not getting a job like normal humans and living in poverty because you're lazy and a coward" she repeated the word coward to him twice because of the anger she felt, she hated cowards, and hated thief's even more!
"How can you live like this!" she screamed at him. He truly didn't know the answer himself, for a second you could see the pain in his eyes as he registers the harsh words of the girl.
"fuck off, you don't know anything... stupid woman" he pushed her off of him and then handed her a hand to get up and she, unfortunately, accepted, when she got up half a meter he let her hand go and she fell with a squeak, cute, he thought before shaking bis head and smirking while gesturing to her that now she could trust him by grabbing his hand but he did not grab it, instead she swatted his hand away with anger "fucking peasant" she muttered under her breath while getting up and leaving the boy dumbfounded.
she started walking away from him, mumbling to herself while patting the hem of her dress and sleeves.
but he wasn't having none of her stubborn attitude and with his long feet slowly walked to her, with a mischievous smirk.
"you're new here, never seen such a stubborn lady around here," he said while grabbing her by the waist. Swatting his hand away and walking further ahead without responding to him. He just shrugged his shoulders and walked ahead, feeling annoyed about the girl not being like the others.
Y/n decided to ignore the boy, as she said in her mind.
"he is not worth enough to deal with, I have to see other things than talk with a thief" and she continued her adventure through the village, for another 1 hour and a quarter when she came back to the castle fortunately with the same man as when she left, she found out he goes to the village every day. "perfect," she thought, she will sneak out and go with the man.
for the past three days, Y/n kept sneaking out, of course, her family thought it was weird how all of a sudden she was happy, but glad she was they did not disturb her with unanswerable questions.
as the day's passed of the beautiful girl sneaking out of the palace in the village, sometimes (quite often) meeting with the handsome boy, whose name was Hwang Hyun-Jin, she found out after an unfortunate encounter of him bumping into her the 100th time, she could confidently say, he became more and more annoying, she hated him and knew he hated her too, always pinching her waist or taking a bit of her hair and yanking it. He was the dear devil.
it was the 35th day of her sneaking out, keeping track of her sneakings was always good, of course very well hidden under a plank of wood of her floor.
the sneaking went as it always went, no one said, saw, or discovered anything, or she thought so.
but while being in the village, walking without any thought where, she started thinking about tomorrow's party, again needing to act as the perfect spoiled princess, glad could say she was that only royals would be, but as fast as she entered her thoughts a rather someone or a one rather annoying Hwang interrupted her thoughts. "Oh hello ~ There princess" he purred in her neck as he circled her, how did he know?! she thought scared but without showing an expression.
"Come on Princess, I've known from our first encounter, knew something was different with you," he said while sneaking his arm around her shoulder making her feel trapped. "and what if I am?!" she said annoyed. "nothing, nothing, just curious what a spoiled princess would want to do around here" rolling her eyes she swatted his hand away and went back to the man who she saw was going to his horse carriage and hoped in with a huff after of course greeting the old man.
Laughing slightly the man made the horses start walking and in no time she was at the back of the palace after he left she started climbing on her spot, but little did she know that a certain someone was watching her.
and as fast as that, the next day came and everyone was on alert to get ready, themself and the party.
and as the days always pass, the party came too, after the dinner, where she should have been, she could excuse herself in her room, as always, only the face, nothing more, only a pretty face.
Walking towards her room in the annoyingly long hall while huffing she finally arrived in her room and after closing the door and lighting a candle as it was getting dark she heard shuffling from her window when she turned to look around she almost screamed but the stranger slapped his hand accidentally too hard around her mouth while turning her around with her back to his chest.
"shh princess, we don't want anyone hearing us now do we?" he said, his breath tickling her neck sending shudders down her spine. "what, do you want?"
she manages to mutter after removing his hand from her mouth. "Oh, nothing sweetheart, I just, came here to get a taste from the mysterious girl" he smirked behind her while he kept holding the scared aroused girl in his strong grip, making her feel trapped.
He took her breath away when she was thrown into her bed by the man, and started kissing her hungrily, he told himself that if she wouldn't kiss him bake he would leave her, but she started kissing him and grabbing his hair.
When the girl started moaning, he knew he could continue.
Smirking into the kiss he motioned to her that he wanted her Halter, when she nodded he removed it and started kissing her chest making her whimper, slowly sliding down to grab the corset and untie it from behind her after making her stand in a sitting position and freeing her from the dress.
Seeing her naked body made him even more hungered by the girl. Kissing her softly on the lips then going down to her chest and tummy like a starved man, making you whimper and shakily call his name. "shh, sweetheart, don't let them hear you" he smirked while moving his hand down to your undergarments making your legs close. "no need to close your legs on me, I desire to see all of you, my dove" he said then slowly entered her making her whimper. " I love you my dove, every since- ngh fuck- I saw you" Her eyes widened, and cummed instantly after hearing him confess to her, he started pounding into her harder after feeling her clench on him and hearing her heavenly moans, few more thrusts and he got out cumming on her stomach while his eyes rolled to the back of his head and whimpered then let half of his weight fall on your body.
"mistress is everything alright, I heard a moan of pain."
"oh n-no Brunhilde I just stumbled my toe to the leg of the bed, haha you know how clumsy I get when I'm tired, no need to check on me, you can leave, and tell the others not to disturb me as I'm going to my much-needed slumber!* she said trying o sound normal. only if her maid knew what happened. fortunately the maid left, leaving the two alone.
"so mistress what are we?" he said with a smirk moving his face at the crock of her neck and kissing her while leaving a hickey at the back of her neck not visible when having her hair down.
"I don't know, my father would never let me marry you..." she said with sadness in her voice and eyes.
he hugged her back to his chest and kissed her naked shoulder while moving his left hand soothingly on her waist up to her underboob and down to her ass.
"lets run" he said with devotion in his voice.
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OH my god hi love!!
I'm sorry for responding so late but I loved the ask so much that I had to remake it 3 times haha.
If you liked it please reblog, it helps a lot ♥
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escespace · 26 days
Merthur prompt
Or rather, a long concept that has been going around in my head since I saw a tiktok but that I don't have the energy or time to write:
The king who seeks his warlock, the warlock who seeks his king. Two halves trying to become a whole again through two parallel growth journeys and a convergence between duty and hope.
Merlin pretends to be heading for Camelot but he definitely isn't going there. I mean, IT'S THE KINGDOM KNOWN FOR ROAST BUNNY ON FIRE SEASONED WITH SORCERERS (he loved his mother but is that woman out of her mind?!)... However, he understands why she came up with the idea and agrees that his magical outbursts are becoming harder to conceal, so he wants to seek help (other than that of an ex-sorcerer who remains under the command of the chief butcher of his kind). He wants to find druids but he knows it will be a difficult journey, druids never stay in one place long enough and they distrust outsiders. Either way, he's already made up his mind and he never backs down when he does that.
Meanwhile Arthur's taking Morris to Gaius because the idiot moved at the last minute while he was practicing throwing knives.And it's totally his fault and not Arthur's. How dare him doubt the ability of his prince? Ha! As if Arthur could fail.
He knows he's going to be late for the banquet and his father will look at him in that way he does and well, it better not be that late, right? So he takes other routes and somehow ends up near where that magnificent entertainment is staying, that Morgana kept talking about but that he didn't listen to at all...
He hears the commotion in one of the rooms and ends up stopping a crime and finds evidence of a possible assassination attempt on the royal family. More or less, Arthur stops the whole fiasco with Lady Helen before it happens.
While they take her to the dungeons to burn her the next morning, she growls, attacks and curses the Pendragon ancestors... Above all, that night Arthur does not stop listening to her again and again claiming for the life of her son, burned that same morning :
«It wasn't Him, it was my magic, it wasn't Him »
And for the first time in his life Arthur asked himself a question related to magic...
Weeks go by and for Merlin things may not be going the way he thought they would. He has been living on just one meal a day and sometimes manages to pick up work in passing villages in exchange for lodging for a couple of nights; but mostly he tries to stay in the woods. It's not that he know much about living off the wild, but He has been through tough times before, not big deal, and for some reason there's something very comforting about being constantly surrounded by nature too.
Almost any discomfort would be acceptable if it weren't for the freaking unicorn that never stops following him. And aren't they supposed to be a sign of good fortune or something? Then why has it been the cause of all his calamities so far? First the overestimated horse tore one of his shirts while dragging him across the grass, and it's not like he's in a position to lack of anything without having money and with the cold nights he usually faces. Then the animal he fought with him until push him into a river whose watercourse rolled him around like a lady's garment during the wash. The last encounter ended when I lead Merlin towards some bandits Merlin did what he could. He knocked most of them down, causing branches to fall on them and their feet to get caught in roots. But one managed to get close enough to knock him until leaving him confounded, then the others who were not so bruised joined in the beating and Merlin could do nothing.
Intense emotions, deep reflections on his identity and self-worth until he is finally saved by an blonde woman. The lady said at most three words and all the bandits fell asleep.
An exchange of words that I can't come up with but ends with the woman telling him that she didn't do it for free, that he should pay with her neckerchief. Merlin doesn't understand but he's hurt and tired so he no protest
(Pause to say that in defense of the unicorn, he was just looking to steer Merlin in the direction of his destiny coughcoughArthurcoughcough, and Merlin didn't make it easy for him)
Days later the thing with Valiant and nobody suspects anything, nobody is there to save the ass of our favorite brat. But a Old lady follows him around like a duck all morning treating him like a adorable and helpful young man (much as a grandma style) until he bends to accept a ☆favor☆, yes that one... You and I know where she got it, Arthur doesn't and he doesn't know how unique and special that little piece of cloth can be.
No one sees anything strange in this favor because the old woman gave it to him in a very public place and everyone assumes that the prince is just being chivalrous
But the scarf ends up being what protects Arthur from Valiant's shield just because I say so and the magic of fiction stories and Merlin and his neckerchiefs have a special connection so its essence or whatever is still there
The story would extend to the first encounters between Merlin and the druids, Merlin and his father (a meeting before time to give them their due quality time and badass moments). He having the opportunity to forge his own identity and an independent path. On the other hand, Arthur discovering aspects of magic on his own to create his own criteria and value system. HE COULD EVEN BE THE FIRST TO TALK TO THE GREAT DEAGON!!!!
Forget that, Arthur is definitely the first to talk to the great dragon and learn of the prophecy. And listening to how it sounds, without many details and as critical as only Kilgharrah can be, plus the fact that he is only told about a certain Emrys and not about if is a wizard or witch or sorcerer or him or her...he comes to the same conclusion as us: That Emrys is his other half, "SHE" IS HIS SOULMATE... Oh man when they meet...
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