#forever emerald
birdhouse14 · 1 year
Missing them hours I s'pose
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embers-archive · 10 months
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The 4 dsmp duos that I will never emotionally recover from
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genevawren38 · 3 months
Phil picturing Techno standing behind Chay during the enderpookie battle and giving him tips based on knowing Phil's battle stance and styles after eras of fighting together....well I was thinking of writing something like that eventually but now that you just canonized it 👀
[Like an hour 20ish into today's VOD March 4, 2024]
Edit: Apparently he helped shield the duckling boy from injuries, trying to find a clip now bit haven't had any luck yet.
[Clip from Twitter & transcript courtesy of @foryouthegays ]
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aquickstart · 6 months
ok sure i'll talk about farleigh start. i'll talk about his tragedy of never being enough as it were and then having to deal with fucking oliver. sure. disclaimer: it's about class (and race) and the horrible reality of the rich. the horrible reality of living as farleigh.
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another disclaimer: i'm white! and poc definitely pick up on everything i'm talking about here as it is, and better. i was and am specifically interested in farleigh vs. oliver but it's impossible to examine without considering race. definitely let me know if anything abt this sucks!
farleigh and oliver are similar. it's annoying because every intruder that is not himself is annoying, partly because felix's attention swaying from farleigh is dangerous; there is always a threat of being discarded, even if no precedent existed. the potential is terrifying.
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but you'd think he's seen this before, every summer (if venetia is telling the truth) or at least often enough to learn to recognize it fast, so he should know this will pass. part of it is i think still the deep anxiety, and i think he hated every boy that was there before, and it is sort of routine.
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but definitely a huge factor in farleigh's annoyance is the fact that he's a biracial (black for cattons, that's all they see) man in a white rich household. he's alert and exhausted all the time. of course he's angry at oliver, regardless of whether he's the first to crash at saltburn for the summer or the fifty-first.
but the important thing is this.
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farleigh is very jealous of and angry and pissed at oliver because farleigh sees all the similarities between them. outsider, in financial trouble, whatever it is, in need of cattons; and yet oliver is preferred. and farleigh seems to be the only one to really consider it. felix does not pick up on the hint when farleigh brings up the birthday party vs. his mother. felix's clumsy "different or... anything like that" is as much about race as it is about class, of course. the "we've done all that we can" bit is felix absolving himself of guilt because surely they had, surely the mysterious collective cattons that he's not really part of had tried all they could do. to him, farleigh is different from oliver, because farleigh has been helped. felix is rich and white and twofold uncomfortable with farleigh, even if he's nice about it, even if he genuinely enjoys his company; he doesn't look too close at farleigh because he feels too guilty to come too close. and farleigh can't do anything about it. he can't nice himself into it. the fucking tragedy of him is that he's never enough in the world of the ultra-rich white, even if (especially because!) he's born into it.
farleigh is very pissed at oliver because farleigh also sees all the differences between them. you know who can be nice poor white enough to fit in? fucking oliver. felix says "just be yourself, they'll love you" when oliver first moves in. farleigh was also probably told the same thing, and felix also probably believed that farleigh could just be himself, but even if the cattons were magically not racist at all (impossible), it wouldn't make a difference to farleigh. he would still self-censor, keep in check, be in dangerous waters (because racism is not just about the individual, but about the system). we see that he'd won himself leeway by years of trial and error by the way he speaks to the family, but it's still within the boundaries of acceptable, built by the cattons. he's part of them because they allow it, and farleigh is very, very aware.
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the annoying thing is oliver can be himself. like, truly, genuinely, he can just be. and farleigh can't help but envy that.
as a side note, oliver is obviously jealous of farleigh in the beginning as well, because regardless of the reality of farleigh's situation, he was born into it, and hence, at least in oliver's mind, has his position solidified. oliver's whole thing is unquenchable thirst and hunger for whatever and everything the cattons have (including themselves!). he wishes to have been a catton from birth. to oliver, at first, there's nothing farleigh can really do to lose it. and until he figures out the cattons completely, he can't help but envy that.
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but i think farleigh senses something different about oliver early on. at least on the level of the text, we have "you're almost passing [for] a real, human boy", which is so important because farleigh is the first to point out oliver's weirdness. the next to do so is venetia in the bath scene calling him a freak, but it's too late. farleigh is too early.
and i like to think he clocks oliver too early because he sees the jagged edges that he recognizes in himself. i think that one other thing that farleigh envies is oliver's freedom to let go. freedom to let go is very similar to freedom to be, but not quite the same.
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to be is about perception: farleigh knows he cannot fall out of line, but would like to, and oliver does not have to worry about it at all (i mean, he does, because oliver also performs for felix, but farleigh doesn't know that).
to let go is about the self: farleigh is too scared to even want what oliver eventually does, to even consider the possibility. oliver can let himself want. oliver can let himself act. oliver just can do things and want things. i'm not sure farleigh can.
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and so in this scene, when oliver's wants and actions have landed him nowhere with farleigh, felix, venetia, the cattons, of course farleigh gloats. he can let himself do that, because if the cattons are slowly discarding him, farleigh can allow himself this one small victory. he's relieved because despite the dangerous similarities, oliver is, thankfully, not really the same as farleigh, right?
but like. this movie is a love letter to all things gothic. oliver is a white man. he prevails. the brief performance that oliver put on did eventually end up more effective than farleigh's lifetime of constraint. my heart fucking breaks for him to be honest.
the issue that remains is the fact of farleigh's survival. i like to think that oliver came to respect him. oliver is smart, but farleigh is clever. he picks up on everything oliver does (to refer back to the karaoke scene, farleigh immediately retaliates in the cleverest way, in the moment), and he's the only one to do so consistently (venetia, again, for example, comes close, but too late; oliver doesn't like that, there's nothing to work with). hence, stay with me for a little longer, the paradox: farleigh survives because he was never enough for the cattons, but he is very worthy of oliver's attention. in his own freaky way, oliver wants him. look at that.
so. farleigh. farleigh might come back. he always comes back. and i think oliver wants to try harder next time.
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k-wame · 6 months
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Barry Keoghan & Jacob Elordi at 'Saltburn' Première at The Theatre at ACE Hotel in Los Angeles, California, 14.11.2023
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bubvy · 7 months
Twt doodles 19
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missycolorful · 7 days
Dono: Techno was here in spirit after all.
Phil: Yeah, he always has been.
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midnightmarev · 1 month
I had a vision.
Young Cellbit finds his way to the arctic where Phil and Techno live and as soon as he sees Techno and Techno sees him out in the forest, the boy just fucking chomps down on Techno's right arm. Despite his sharp teeth, he doesn't do any damage cuz piglin and piglin hybrid skin is so tough and hard to break. Techno just looks at this little kid who latched himself onto his arm with his teeth.
Techno's like, "uh, pls don't do that? Let go?" shaking his arm slightly and Cell just chomps down harder on Techno's arm. Techno shrugs, hiding his arm back into his cape, and thus also Cellbit, and goes back home where he calls for Phil.
Phil's like, "hi m8, what's up?" and Techno goes, completely deadfaced, "I need your help," which makes Phil tilt his head in confusion like the birb he is.
Techno then reveals his arm, stretching it out so Cell's eye level with Phil. "The feral orphan child won't let go," he says, still completely deadfaced, to which Cellbit just chomps down harder again.
Phil, of course, finds this super hilarious and starts cackling, wiping away some tears of mirth from his eyes. This naturally earns him a glare from his friend.
"Get it off me, Phil," Techno says, shaking his arm, a hint of confused desperation leaking into his monotone voice.
Phil's laugh teeters off but is still very present in his voice. "Okay, okay m8, I got it." He then takes a steadying breath before speaking to Cellbit. "Hi m8, could you please let go of Techno's arm?" Another chomp. "You're just gonna end up hurting yourself before you break his skin." A glare.
Phil taps at his chin in thought before he looks slightly above Cellbit's head and his eyes land on a discarded and broken shield in the snow.
"You know… we get a lot of nasty uninvited hybrid hunters knocking on our door all the time. How about instead of you trying to eat Techno's arm, you get to snack on them instead?" Phil's smile is a mischievous one and Techno just raises an eyebrow, arm still outstretched and unmoving.
Cellbit thinks this over, chomps down one last time on Techno's arm, just to see if not this time he would break skin, and then pouts when he still can't. Then he lets go and falls down into the snow where he just sits like the child he is and looks up at Phil expectantly.
Techno lets out a sigh of relief with a quick "oh thank god" under his breath as his arm drops from no longer having a child attached to it by the teeth. He also very deliberately steps out of Cellbit's reach, making Phil chuckle again.
Cellbit's thoughts are just "that's a dad, must do what he says because he's getting me lotta food," and Phil's allowed to pick the kid up without him trying to bite him, much to Techno's dismay and disbelief.
They now have a slightly feral guard dog child running around eating hybrid hunters.
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miodiodavinci · 11 months
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the latest in a long line of D&D characters ! ! ! please meet outis, my archaic warforged paladin ! ! ! they were originally built to find patterns in chaos and help guide travelers through hazardous places where rules are few and far between, though a recent expedition gone awry seems to have put an end to its career
even still, they're still on a journey to some place far, far away, though no one seems to know where—least of all outis w
doodle of how we usually end up drawing them in the ms paint session notes below the cut w
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saintwrld · 1 year
Come my way
hbcu!Shuri x reader x hbcu!Emerald Haywood
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summary: in which you’re a cheerleader and the school’s most popular duo decided to shoot their shot with a little twist at the end.
inspired by: bad to me by wizkid
warnings: slight cussing (it’s barely there), HEAVY teasing, stud!shuri, nervous ass reader, surprise at the end 🤭
taglist: @pinkwright @locoforshuri @axailslink @cuddl3s4shur1 @ventingfanfics @verachii @inmyheadimobsessed @generallysapphic @shuriszn @thevenusianleo @zayswriting @haechvn @percsane @risingoftime @rxcently @ziayamikaelson @blackgirlfariy @ogbells16 @n7cje @mbakuetshurisprincess @hetr0ph0bic @heejayy @heartsforjojo @shuriszn @letitias-fav @quintessencewrites @queenofsimpsblog @shinsousliya @vixentheplanet @mrsudakuu @mocha-aya
dividers: @firefly-graphics
a/n: it’s a late ass Valentines drabble but this is for all my baes!! I hope you enjoy this and the little surprise. just know that i can’t write smut for shit (gotta practice) so that’s why there isn’t any really in this one shot. @verachii your request is coming up soon bae! ok enjoy!
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"Could I get some help with my bow?" You said, holding your bow out in defeat. Your hair was just not co operating today.
"You don't have to wear the bow, girl. It's optional plus you gotta show your middle part buss down, i ain't lay that shit for nothing!" Your teammate, Faith, exclaimed. Her makeup was already done and she was ready to go. It didn't seem like that for some of your other teammates as they were gossiping and barely getting ready.
Riri came in, slamming her gym bag on the bench behind her, sitting down afterwards and holding her head in her hands.
"What's up with you?" You asked, looking at your friend through the mirror. "So, I'm tryna rehearse the choreo with Amara but it's not fucking working because she over there squealin like a damn pig!"
You chuckle a little at your best friend's words, seeing her angrily tie up her sneakers. "Was it because of one of the football players? Didn't he cheat?" You asked, applying a coat of clear lipgloss and finishing your makeup.
"He did but that ain't the point. She fangirling over two people that are apparently attending the match and I swear I couldn't get a word in." Riri rolled her eyes for the nth time that afternoon.
"But you got your steps down though, right? Me, you and y/n were put in the front for a reason. If the rest of the team fucks up then it's on them." Faith expressed, making Riri nod her head at the previous question.
Before you could speak, the coach came in and gathered the team around, specifically side eying the others who weren't ready yet.
"Now imma need all of you to show up and show out tonight. When Beyoncé play, you get to strutting and make me proud. You gotta get out there in 30 minutes so to those that ain't ready, hurry up." Coach exclaimed, making everyone walk away and finish up.
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As you and the other cheerleaders stood by the underground field entrance waiting for your cue, you could hear students piling in along with music playing loudly. You heard people wanting to get food from the stalls which were next to the field, reminding you to eat after this.
Coach gave you the cue to go out and stand in your places in front of the large crowd. "Is it me or did the whole campus show up because damn." You saw Riri observing the crowd, shocked by the turn up.
"It's Casey Lu's party tonight for valentines and she invited everybody and they mama so people just decided to come here before going there." Faith informed you guys as you were walking closer to the field. "Ain't she that rich girl that everybody knows?" You ask and Faith nods. "Ole girl said she got Ice Spice coming so you know everybody gone be there. Including us." Faith smiled at you two and you both looked bewildered at her last sentence.
"Inclu-" you cut yourself off when everyone stopped in their spots, with you front and centre. You looked into the crowd and saw almost everyone turn their heads towards the pair that just walked in. The seemingly popular pair quickly scanned the crowd for seats, finding two open spots which were right in front of you.
Unable to take your eyes off of them, you were forced to because you heard Amara squeal from behind. "Oh my god, it's them." She said barely under a whisper but she was loud enough that you and Riri could hear. Looking over at the pair, you saw how their eyes were looking through the cheer team and eventually land on you.
Your breath hitched as they made eye contact with you, smirking and dapping each other up in a subtle way. Before you could even comprehend any thoughts, you heard the intro to 'America has a problem' by Beyoncé. Immediately your focus was executing the steps perfectly.
After the electrifying performance that you all had put on, the crowd gave the cheer team a standing ovation with whistles and cheers flying through the air. You kept a bright smile on your face despite breathing like you ran through a marathon. Your eyes focused on the pair seated on the bleachers who were, once again, staring you down, definitely giving you more butterflies than the first time.
Throughout the game, the cheer team had to do small congratulatory cheers for their school team after every two wins which was exhausting because your school had won the game, beating the rival opponents by celebrating in their faces.
By the time the game is done, the crowd was still buzzing through the summer evening, many of them flocking towards the food stalls. You would join them but you had to change out of your uniform and make it to your dorm to change for the party. Looking over to the two empty seats that were in front, you noticed the pair was gone and as you looked around, they were nowhere to be found.
"With the way we ate today, I'm surprised we aren't in the netflix show." Faith said, making you smile about how the crowd reacted to something you choreographed. Because of your amazing performance, coach gave y'all a week to rest and to be ready when it's time to get back.
Taking off your shoes, you looked in the mirror and saw that your makeup was still intact but you wanted to touch up a little in the dorm. Hearing your teammate's voices get louder on the other side of the lockers, you tried to not listen but they were still loud.
"Yeah girl, I saw them! Make me wanna forget about my own boyfriend!" One voice giggled. Many other voices agreed with them then cackling. You didn't even realise you were done changing until Faith tapped your shoulder. "You ready? We gotta shower then I gotta fix up our hair." She called and you nodded. You walked out with her and Riri, saying bye to your other teammates who all responded back.
It took at least two and a half hours for all of you to get ready, seeing as the party only started at eleven and it was ten thirty. "Do y'all know the address?" You asked, typing on your phone to find info at the party. You finished taking pictures in your bathroom and your two friends looked at you in awe.
"Damn, I did a good ass job like? You better get hoes today!" Faith cheered as she recorded you, Riri walking in at the right moment with you and Faith hyping her up. "Our outfits are so cute . We're serving face." You said, applying lipgloss once again.
"Only the best for ice spice." Riri smiled as she hyped you and Faith up this time.
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The three of you entered the enormous house with free access since cheerleaders and football players get in for free. The slight smell of weed and different kinds of perfume filled the air, with the capacity of the house shocking you. There were people everywhere. You made your way through the crowds towards the large kitchen with everyone looking at you three, feeling the attention on you but it quickly went away as the dj switched the music to 'jimmy crooks' by drake and 21 savage.
Faith assured you and Riri to join the dancing crowd while she got your drinks because she knew that this song was one of your favourites. As the rap music was slowly getting into afrobeats, you and Riri would get closer in the crowd with Faith eventually joining you two. 
You had felt eyes on you majority of the night but nothing malicious like. You hadn't taken the time to look for whoever is staring at you. The pair had shrugged off every other woman who wanted a chance with either one of them. Emerald and Shuri watched you dance with barely any alcohol in your system, taking in your beauty and zoning out from the party surrounding them.
This wouldn't exactly be the first time they would share someone. However there was just something about you that drew the two women to you without even knowing your name, with you they don't even want to mess with other people at that point.
Due to the beats of 'bad to me' by wizkid booming through the speakers, Shuri stood up from the couch and signaled to Emerald that she'll be back and hopefully with you. She danced her way through the crowd to stand near you and Riri. Faith and Riri were damn near falling over and were laughing all the way. They said to you that they're getting more drinks as the song started.
Now this was your song. You began dancing, not really caring if anyone joins you. The beats of the song were progressively getting slower and slower as the song transitioned to 22 by jayo. From hearing this song on social media, you knew to whine your waist to the beat as well to the lyrics. You felt a presence behind you, steadying your waist without touching you with them going with the flow of your waist.
The person’s scent radiated from their body, making you feel like you’re falling into a trance. You sneakily bring your hand behind you for the person to at least touch you. You placed their hand on you back and continued dancing. You hadn’t noticed the lingering stares of everyone around you, hyping you and this mysterious person behind you. You felt their hand grip on your waist, bringing your upper body towards theirs for your back to press against their chest.
They swiftly turned you around to face them and it was as if your breath had been taken away from your lungs. Looking into her dark eyes, you noticed them turn even darker under the red and white led lights. The beautiful stranger smirked at you, causing you to slightly clench your legs.
She removed her hand from your waist and replaced it with her hand, her other reaching up to hold your chin. Examining her face, it was as if it was sculpted into perfection. Seeing how your eyes were desperately trying to not make contact with hers, Shuri gave you a low smile whilst looking elsewhere, near the couches. You noticed gold peeking through and you realised that she was wearing grills on her bottom teeth, making her look even sexier than when you first saw her.
Keeping her head in the direction she was looking at, she pulled you with her, with you immediately noticing that people parted as she walked by them. Who the hell was she?
Flicking your hair behind you as you eventually reach the couches, you stopped and stared at what’s right in front of you. The second one of the duo was manspreading, staring at you as she blew out smoke in her mouth. She too had a little smirk on her face as she watched you get nervous.
Noticing her outfit which was a black tank top with what looked to be black oversized low rise jeans paired with Jordan 4’s. Her chains were dainty and small but the rings on her fingers made up for her jewellery. Her hair was curly and short, framing her face so beautifully.
Feeling your body being guided towards the other person by your waist, you stop right in front of her open legs and she took your hand, making you sit on her crotch. Holding you in place, her cold yet soft hands slid onto your waist. The one you had been dancing with looked you in the eyes this time from a higher angle now that you were sitting down.
Her outfit was simple yet so captivating to you. She wore a black Nike tech tracksuit with panda dunks. Her neck showcased a Cuban link with a shiny watch adorning her wrist and a Cartier love bracelet on the other. Her hair was curly up top with shaved sides. Her eyes stare into yours as your heartbeat increases.
You’re quite literally stuck in the middle of these two beautiful women. You could feel the second one sit up and place you nicely on her lap as she adjusts herself.
“Now tell me, ma. What’s your name?” She muttered into your ear with a beautiful accent, almost sounding southern.
“Y/n.” You stammered, barely keeping it together. Your body was eagerly calling for the both of them, not sure how long you were going to survive.
“Y/n…” The one in front of you repeats in such a sultry tone. Placing your hands on both legs of the other woman’s legs, you shift your body a little for comfort, causing her to groan behind you.
“What about you two? What are y’all’s names?” You asked, feeling the grip on your waist become a little tighter. “My name’s Shuri, mama.” Shuri began, diverting her eyes to the woman you’re sitting on.
“I’m Emerald and I’m sure it sounds amazing comin out you. Whatcha think, Shuri?” Em introduced herself then turning her head to Shuri.
Shuri could barely answer the question. She could see how introducing themselves had taken a toll on you. She could see every shiver move everytime Emerald moved her hands from your waist to your thighs. You were slowly becoming undone and they have barely touched you.
Your gaze hadn’t been on Shuri, seeing as you were staring at nothing as an attempt to calm you down. Her hand had reached for your face once again, making you look up at her in the eye.
“Mami, I want you to listen to me, aight?” You nodded. “Let’s go celebrate Valentine’s at my hotel, yeah? just the three of us.” She spoke and her grills were peaking through. It also didn’t help that Shuri’s hand let go of your jaw and landed on your thigh and Emerald was giving you subtle neck kisses.
You nod at a quick pace, almost giving yourself whiplash. “You wanna go tell your friends that you’ll see them later?” Emerald whispered to you as you nodded. Shuri helped you up, holding your hand as you guided her through the crowd looking for your friends.
You found them in the middle of the dance floor, eventually finding you through the crowd and saw you with someone. Faith gasped when she saw who you were standing with. Riri just cheered you on and you went back to Emerald who was waiting for you two.
“Now, let’s go show you how we wanna celebrate Valentine’s with you, mama.”
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You walked in your dorm room limping and trying to hold all your luxury shopping bags. After a rather long night of the three of you pleasuring each other, Shuri and Emerald had promised to give you gifts for Valentine’s Day, seeing how they only courted you as the last hour of the day was coming to an end.
The two women had helped you carry the other bags into your dorm room, placing everything next to your bed. You give thank you kisses which then turned into a heavy make out session, leaving you with more hickies than last night.
Faith and Riri waltzed into your room, hoping you’d be awake or at least there for your daily coffee run. Finding you asleep with multiple hickies and shopping bags on the floor, the two looked at each other with looks that said “I told you so.”
“When is a good time to tell her that they’re succubi and that they’re bonded for life?” Faith asked as she looked at your sleeping figure.
“Girl what?” Riri reacted, giving Faith a raised eyebrow. “Yeah. They’re immortals.” She said as if it wasn’t a big deal.
“I was just being me and going through some old ass books about folklore and myths in the library. Obviously, shit like that is supposed to be fake but clearly not. Those two have been in newspapers and books from the 16th century. They got the same tattoo on their hip to prove it.”
“The fuck? And what about y/n? What’ll happen to her?” Riri asked, a concerned expression on her face.
“They’ll eventually turn her into one of them. They don’t seem like the bad ones so I think we’re good.” Faith nodded.
“So how old are they? They look near our age.”
“Probably in their 20s physically.” She said, not knowing that the two beautiful women had disappeared into the mirror, hearing Faith reveal their secret.
“Now what?! We don’t need her finding out now!” Emerald stressed. Shuri was trying to keep her cool and be calm. “It’s cool, we can erase their memories of this conversation and destroy that book. Anything to protect our princess.”
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the supernatural wave for Shuri is so cool so i decided to join in. @generallysapphic inspired me with this because of vampire!shuri so thank you my love!
and thank you @vargskelegore for creating the wonder that is hbcu shuri! 🫶🏽
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talos-stims · 6 months
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c!emeraldduo stimboard for me 🫶
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crepusculum-rattus · 1 year
sorry i thought about phil slowly gaining weight in the arctic while living with techno and almost started crying :’)
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waltricia · 21 days
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noxachi · 2 years
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for you, the world
Technotober Day 12: Emeralds (promptlist by @/JUZA4N on twt)
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brieflykay · 1 year
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There was a point where I deleted all of my DSMP related art for personal reasons... But I feel like with things ending I should repost some of my old pieces to celebrate something that impacted me so greatly and meant so much.
Goodbye, DSMP.
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k-wame · 5 months
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CAREY MULLIGAN as "POOR DEAR" PAMELA ↳ Saltburn (2023) dir. Emerald Fennell
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