waldensblog · 1 year
Grisha: “General, we have news of the Lantsov Prince”
The Darkling: “Good, good, what is it?”
Grisha: “He is throwing an engagement party”
The Darkling: “Now, of all times? Who is he marrying anyway?”
Grisha: “The Sun summoner, General”
The Darkling: “...”
Grisha: “Sir?”
The Darkling: “Leave”
Grisha: *excuses self*
The Darkling: “Fuck’s sake, Alina, I’ve already tried becoming consort to a Lantsov prince in the past it doesn’t solve anything.”
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gastertalkpoints · 1 year
Are any of you like, the bad version of yourself?
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UT Gaster:
“✋︎ ⧫︎♒︎♓︎■︎🙵 ◻︎♏︎❒︎♒︎♋︎◻︎⬧︎ ⬥︎♏︎ ⬧︎♒︎□︎◆︎●︎♎︎■︎🕯︎⧫︎ ♍︎□︎❍︎❍︎♏︎■︎⧫︎"
(I think perhaps we shouldn’t comment)”
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bizlybebo · 1 month
drwaing is so fun i have forggoten how to feel natural human emotions and also hav not eaten a full meal in 8 hour
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sapphickx · 2 years
some hermie theories/predictions
because he was barely present in the last episode and he is still super blorbo-fied in my brain here are some of my predictions on this little weirdo:
After going through few more batman villain characters the teens/maybe specifically normal will call him out for all the method acting bullshit and through some means convince hermie to stop constantly method acting. So then for like the first time both us and the characters see what the actual hermie is like, and this is like some grade a angst potential. I’m talking like; hermie constantly acting like other characters because he thinks his own personality sucks / has no real personality. Not knowing who he really is. Just some nice identity crisis shit. Can also be a parallel to Normal’s arc, cus we love parallels in this household, also it would be cute for them to bond over
At some point in the campaign our boy is doodler-ized. we know the doodler can easily controll/manipulate people who are over obsessed with something. and hermie seems pretty obsessed with perfectly embodying fictional characters. So maybe the doodler could fuck his mind up and all the teens will have to deal with that. At that point it’s up to them whether they fight/kill him, banish him, or try to save him. we know that doodler-ized people can be saved if they’re convince that the thing they’re obsessed with is wrong/not worth it. So maybe they convince him that being himself is more important than any role. again, some nice identity angst but with eldritch horror this time. bonus points if he and normal’s relationship is a lil more developed and normal can be the one to get through to hermie (i know “saved by the power of love” is corny but gotdamit i like corny!)
hermie is revealed to be somehow connected to the s1 dads/ s2 dads / doodler / willy / anything else already established in universe. Maybe he’s somehow from the forggoten realms? Maybe he’s some kind of chaotic creation of the doodler? oh god what if he’s somehow related to scam / mark likely, it’s sounds kinda stupid but he does give likely vibes sometimes. Idk something similar to the Paeden reveal from S1. I feel like anthony likes / is good at doing crazy reveals like that so maybe that will happen with hermie.
and finally maybe... he’s just like a comic relief npc guy? like me and a lot of other fans like him but compared to paeden he doesnt have the super strong instant connections to the rest of the team. which is pretty expected since paeden was a funny lil guy who the dads and audience instantly fell in love with and wanted to keep. so maybe... hermie might just stay a joke character. maybe he wont develop, and eventually he’ll leave the group or get killed. idk this is kind of a pessimistic view, knowing anthony i’m sure he’ll find some way to emotionally devastate us with hermie eventually. i would love to see hermie develop and do some introspective shit, but it’s all up to anthony (who’s already got a lot to do) and the teens interest in the character.
Anyways, just felt like writing a bunch about hermie my weird boy hermie. if any of these happen then uuhhhh... im big brain smart cool girl idk. 
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slugbumm · 6 months
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trying to stay active with nothing to show, been busy :) but haven't forggoten,, yet,,,
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turquruby · 10 months
Best Buddies
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And yep. A little request from a friend on my telegram Channel lol
(I have an au too and it's called 'the forggotens. My oc and Bendy are best friends there)
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katebshope · 2 years
all i want to know is if dragon ball has courage enough to make a female character be a protagonist and strong af.
Chi-chi was resumed to be at home
Videl is now a martial arts teacher, which is cool, but can they show us she is fighting again? she was incredible in dbz
N18 is almost forggoten
and Buma its just the scientist, which i adore bc she’s perfect.
What i mean is, all these great female characters were so good and now we see so little of them.
Now we have Pan and Bra, and i wish they were explored more. I really want to see Pan being badass such as her mother and becoming a super sayajin just like her dad.
and i know Pan is just a little kid, but Gohan was little too when they started to show us how strong he is. i believe so much that Pan is really strong!
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her-pale-shadow · 1 year
T-thamks for the masturbation check cuz I had totally almost forggoten to do it now!
Hope you've had plenty of your hot sweaty times today as well 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
😘😘😘 You're welcome. I should remind my followers to masturbate more often, I'd hate to think they weren't doing it enough.
And I had a Lot of hot sweaty times yesterday, way more than I planned to 😇😇
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ask-joachim-armster · 21 days
Joachim, do you know about the Forggoten One?
Joachim: Forgotten One… Ah, that’s what people called this unfortunate man-made «demon»?
I don’t know much about him. It seems that once upon a time he was human and served the Bernhard family, but for some reason he betrayed them and… I’m sure the old bastard had a hand in creating this «demon». He simultaneously took revenge and enjoyed another game, watching how people could not cope with the monster they created.
This Forgotten One has been rotting in a dungeon for centuries… Ha, he and I are somewhat similar to each other! But I kept my sanity, got out of captivity and enjoy freedom… I had to put an end to his miserable existence. I admit, the battle with this «demon» was much more difficult than the battle with the old worm.
Oh, and it took several years to get rid of his remains and all those nasty maggots...
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joculine · 4 months
i may have forggoten how to queue things. what of it.
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entheundead · 4 months
G - god/goddess/deity, F - father, M - mother. This is from the same dreamwritten book from my last post. Bone apple tea.
M: Goddess, please, Goddess. Please... G: Please, speak. What is it you wish to learn? F: Our child has fallen ill and, and, and no doctors know how to treat her. Please, Goddess, help her. G: You ask of me to save a life? You do realise I don't want to meddle with your mortal affairs. Death or life, undeath or rebirth, they are mine to control. I give you, mortals, knowledge to do as you wish, I do not give you any other kind of service. M: We are willing to put our lives for your research and experiments, and knowledge, just, please, we beg of You, save our child. G: Fine, I'll cure your child of this illness. And to be clear, I don't need your lives for my research anymore. You hold nothing new. You are stagnant beings that I alone am trying to fix, you should put some effort into it as well. M and F: Thank You, Goddess. We are- G: Shut. I do not need your gratitude, I want your improvement. Weak, fragile, stagnant flesh. Eons have gone by since Him and He is far better than any of you. Disappointing and disgusting. F: Please, Goddess, we are nothing more than humans, we are nothing compared to how powe- G: Powerful, knowledgable and everything nice. Yes, those ingredients to create me. I know, I've heard it all. However, you are right, you are nothing. In the grand schemes of mine, you all can be redone to fit my needs. But never fear, never worry, never doubt, for the small things matter to make the big things true. You will be perfect. I will MAKE you perfect. You will be Him and you can't deny what I can do and what I will do. Now to fix up that little version of you both.
M: My child! Can you hear me? How are you feeling? G: There. Your child's alive and well. More than well, but not well enough. F: Thank You, Goddess. You are truly the greatest of everything. We can't thank You enough, we don't have anything that can be of value to You. G: Yes, yes, gratitude. You are welcome. That is true, you have nothing to offer me that I might need. Neither does your mind, soul or body have anything I haven't done everything with already. What a shame. Can't think of anything. Guess the only thing I can ask of you... M: Yes, Goddess, we will accept anything. F: Our lives and existence belong to You. We thank You for saving our child, so we will do anything to pay off our debt. G: Gods, these people. I was going to ask you to read an encyclopedia on history of ancient Greece or something on the lines of that, since you all have seemingly forggoten it due to the worship of me. Annoyance, truly. But now... Hear me. You will help me with an experiment I have not done since The Conquest Millennia you all are so familiar with. F: OF COURSE, ANYTHING TO APPEASE YOU, GODDESS. G: Right. M: If I may, Goddess, what sort of experiment have You done during The Conquest Millennia? F: Goddess, forgive us, we mean no disrespect- G: It's fine. You wish to learn and that is why I'm here. During the so called "Conquest Millennia", I was experimenting with the creation of belief and change of body structure. Some beings alter their bodies to fit what they believe in, wether the belief be religious, philosophical or none of those. Did I answer your question? M: Yes, thank You, Goddess. I am grateful for You to teach me. G: Excellent, hopefully that's not a lie. You'll do the same thing, but I won't do anything this time around. I'll put you on some distant planet with a civilisation and I'll have you spread your belief of me. I recall you humans altering those prisons of yours to be more free with metal. Try that. And don't fear, you'll be just as safe as you are here. If needed you can take your daughter there as well. F: Of course, understood. We will do this right away. If I may, how long do we continue this for? G: That is a good question. I'd prefer a couple dozen millennia, but that is a bit cruel for the current me. You can do it for a decade, a couple, a generation or more. It's up to you. M: We will do everything to carry our bloodline to Your desired times. G: Please, don't torture yourselves for silly thing. You'll be there not just to pay the price, but to learn of literally otherworldy beings and their cultures. You'll grow. You will improve. You will be closer to what He was. Understand? F: Thank You, Goddess. M: Thank You, Goddess. G: Humans and their obsessions. Fine, You are welcome. You can take your leave. Ensure to grow.
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witcchdoctor · 6 months
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redraw from an art i made like 2 years ago? i sadly couldnt find the old drawing but i saw that one reference and i remembered about it lol
Gwenpool is probably one of the characters ive drawn the most and i had her so forggoten lmao
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whitetickle-sl · 1 year
out of charecter oppinion
 aMy Opinions on Race swapping? This accoutn focuses primarily on tickle torture not rewriting history or stories in the name of inclusiveness when in all honesty that doesn’t realy do a good job of representing other races to me in the first place. In many cases you might have a forggoten charecter of color of the side that you could easily use instead and give them more need spot light but instead you seek to simply de white charecters that were origanal white and many cases even remove representation of red heads and other groups of people when the black population already has alot of possitive representation in media as is.
So as for me honestly that whole trend could only be used by me if I was to have say the new black washed or Asian washed charecters tickle torturing the origanal white counterparts and that be an interesting idea but other than that I realy got nothing for you there.
Now there is alternate history to consider , because I’m not about changing actualy History but rather considering alternate histories, like what if this sort of thing happened. Like what if the Black saves rose up and over threw their southern masters, or what if the Brittish never shut down the Translatlantic slave trades and the African kingdoms that had benifitted from selling blask slaves to the west world had defeated the brittish and started to expand to selling white slaves? and Irish people were slaves back then, they were taken against their will and made into endentures servents but technicaly that didn’t mean you were always garantied freedom because the same happened to the Black slaves later on until releasing slaves became illegal. But what if Irish Slaves got sold into Africa or some how amde their even far east? and yeah I’m not making this stuff up either,it’s in legit history, they just don’t teach about that in schools.
Now the thing is I’m not gonna focus to much on telling you about the antiwhite narrative to much because I got my own narrative and white supressing theme I’m trying to do here for the sake of the fantasy, So I basicly got my own agenda. So if you want to go on and keep race swapping white charecters then you do you, but unless your coming to me with white lees getting tickle tortured by diverse ticklers then you got nothing I can use here.
I mean I suppose if your not gonna bitch about a white and black version of the same person being next to one another that’s something you could try. By the way I’ve heard some people have been bullying other people for drawing charecters that were origanaly white as they used to be before getting race swapped. Dont’ do that! unless you want to create more division don’t bully people for drawing charecters the way they want to, especialy if they were origanaly a certain skin tone. You  would not be happy be happy if you were bullied for  drawing a white washed charecter as black or asian, so you should not do that to someone who draws a race swapped charecter as white. It’s not becoming, it’s not inclusive, it’s offensive, hateful biggoted, entitled, close minded and it’s not going to help the new colored versions any further. and keep in mind there are non white people who even prefer these charecters in there origanal ethnicity and still relates to them despite the skin color differance. at the end of the day, We’re all still human.. Well look what you made me do, you got me Martin luthoring, which I’m not against I’m actual a huge fan of Martin Luthor King but still, I have a theme to uphold. I’m not supposed to be  supporting white people I’m supposed to be painting a bullseye on their tickle spots so that they can be subjected to ticklish agony. I’m supposed to be pushing tickle White people propoganda as a kink trope, not preaching about tolerance and stuff.... don’t get me wrong Tolerance is good, but I’m suposed to be talking about people in straight jackets , giggling into ball gags and tears streaming down their cheeks while being called Oppressive to their faces. and that’s gonna be the plan for now on in the future.
So I don’t want to hear no argueing or hate in the comment section. You want to come at me come at me with tickle torture as this account was intended or else don’t wastee your breath trying to talk down to me because I won’t listen to haters anyways. Punish me the right way as a Giggle Milkee. Do that and then you can preach all you  want
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Its not a situation i can win. Its easier to blame me for being sensitive and have expectations than a person they've known for at least a decade to be an asshole.
I only "won" because i got an status upgrade and became a nepo, if not i'd be erased already and long forggoten
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cosmik-homo · 2 years
God. I think? there might be something earlier im not remembering but I think my first tumblr url wayy back in 2015 was, well. one of those urls i chose for fandom reasons but were not immediately clear to people not me, in that. Forggoten-Friends. for donna reasons. and now it came back in the ass to bite me i guess (<- needs to be up for work in 7 hours but will probably sit around being sad about Jamie)
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hingd · 3 years
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Shots in the crypt
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