What is Andrew Dobson's full bibliography? As in, published works with ISBN numbers?
I don’t think I have the full list, but I can give you at least a few of them.
Formera Vol 1 - ISBN-10 0979787467/ISBN-13 978-0979787461
Formera Vol 2 - ISBN-10 1934985074/ISBN-13 978-1934985076
The Adventures of Alex ze Pirate - 9781442146457 (ISBN10: 1442146451)
The Adventures of Alex ze Pirate - Life At Sea - ISBN-10 1460995066/ISBN-13 978-1460995068
Pattty Vol 1 - (ISBN10: 1411639626)
Aside from those, there was an anthology he put out called “Andy’s Hat”, he was one of the stories featured in “Alterna Tales #4”, and “The Adventures of Percy Philips”. There’s also a few old short stories he reposted on Gumroad, but those were distal downloads only.
Out of all of them, I think you can find used copies of Formera floating around online easiest. And I’m pretty certain at least one of the Alex ze Pirate comics is fully archived online.
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shalnor · 10 months
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Silly doodles from today, Formera in both. Onorvi in the top image and Moonfanaria in the bottom on the left.
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chic-a-gigot · 1 year
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La Mode illustrée, no. 29, 21 juillet 1912, Paris. Les nouvelles fleurs en tissu. Louise Villas. No. 1. — Rose en ruban. (Contour de la fleur: 40 centimètres.) No. 2. — Rose en taffetas. (Contour: 13 centimètres.) No. 3. — Rose pompon. (Contour: 6 centimètres.) No. 4. — Pavot. (Contour: 27 centimètres.) Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
No. 1. — Rose en ruban.
Exécution. — Tailler une rondelle de mousseline à patron de 6 centimètres de diamètre. Se procurer du ruban de faille très souple de deux jolis tons de rose. Le plus foncé réservé pour le cœur de la fleur. Il faut 1 mètre 30 de chaque teinte sur une largeur de 6 centimètres. Froncer ensuite le bas du ruban en réduisant la longueur à 40 centimètres au plus.
Pour simuler les pétaies il suffit de "pincer" le ruban de distance en distance en fixant les plis par un point. Les premiers pétales sont formés à 10 centimètres de distance (prise à la lisière du ruban), puis on augmente progressivement jusqu'à 18 centimètres pour les plus grands pétales.
Ceci fait, on commence par coudre au centre de la rondelle l'extrémité froncée du ruban foncé, puis l'on tourne en colimaçon en cousant le ruban. La jonction des deux teintes est invisible, puisqu'elle s'opère sous un pétale. Une fois la fleur terminée on repousse intérieurement la rondelle de mousseline, afin de produire une cavité qui donne du relief à la fleur. Ajouter une tige avec feuillage artificiel.
Cut a round of patterned muslin 6 centimeters in diameter. Get some very flexible faille ribbon in two pretty shades of pink. The darkest reserved for the heart of the flower. It takes 1.3 meters of each shade over a width of 6 centimeters. Then gather the bottom of the ribbon, reducing the length to 40 centimeters at most.
To simulate the petals it is enough to "pinch" the ribbon from distance to distance by fixing the folds with a point. The first petals are formed 10 centimeters apart (taken from the edge of the ribbon), then gradually increase to 18 centimeters for the largest petals.
This done, we start by sewing the gathered end of the dark ribbon in the center of the washer, then we turn in a spiral by sewing the ribbon. The junction of the two shades is invisible, since it takes place under a petal. Once the flower is finished, the muslin disc is pushed back inside, in order to produce a cavity which gives relief to the flower. Add a stem with artificial foliage.
No. 2. — Rose en taffetas.
Ce genre de fleur est destiné aux garnitures de robes, employées en bouquets pour retenir les plis d'une draperie, ou rangées sur le devant des corsages en guise de boucle de ceinture.
Chaque rose se compose d'un cœur et de cinq pétales. Le cœur se fait avec un biais de tissu replié. Il a une longueur de 12 centimètres sur une largeur de 5, centimètres, ce qui donne 2 centimètres 1/2 une fois replié.
Commencer à fixer le fil à l'extrémité d'un des bords supérieurs mis en double, descendre en biais en comptant les points jusqu'au bord inférieur, remonter en formant le même nombre de points et continuer ces zigzags sur toute la longueur du biais. Tirer fortement le fil. Rouler cette petite ruche qui formera des pointes chiffonnées, la lier par le pied, et couper le surplus du tissu. Ses pétales sont des carrés de toile de soie ayant 10 centimètres de largeur pour les deux premiers, 12 centimètres pour les trois autres, cinq pétales étant nécessaires pour faire ces roses. Après les avoir taillés, on les ploie en "mouchoir" et l'on passe un fil allant d'un angle à un autre, en prononçant plus ou moins la courbe du côté de la pointe du milieu suivant le relief que l'on désire obtenir. La pointe qui reste au milieu doit être ensuite supprimée.
Tirer sur le fil sans trop serrer et arrêter solidement. Procéder de cette façon pour chaque pétale. Les monter ensuite autour du cœur en commençant par les plus petits.
Les feuilles s'obtiennent aussi avec avec un carré de tissu. On les reploie également en mouchoir. Mais ici on coupe l'étoffe de façon à former deux triangles, ce qui fait deux feuilles par carré.
Reployer ensuite le triangle. Faire une couture partant du sommet jusqu'au bas. Retourner ce cornet. Le côté pointu simule le haut de la feuille. Le bas froncé très serré forme des plis imitant les nervures. Chaque feuille se fixe ensuite sous la rose qui doit rester assez plate.
Each rose consists of a heart and five petals. The heart is made with a folded fabric bias. It is 12 centimeters long by 5 centimeters wide, which gives 2.5 centimeters when folded.
Begin to fasten the thread at the end of one of the upper edges doubled, go down on the bias by counting the stitches to the lower edge, go up by forming the same number of stitches and continue these zigzags over the entire length of the bias. Pull the thread strongly. Roll up this little ruffle which will form crumpled points, tie it by the foot, and cut off the excess fabric. Its petals are squares of silk canvas, 10 centimeters wide for the first two, 12 centimeters for the other three, five petals being necessary to make these roses. After having cut them, we fold them in a "handkerchief" and we pass a wire going from one angle to another, by pronouncing more or less the curve on the side of the point of the medium according to the relief which we desire. The tip that remains in the middle must then be removed.
Pull the thread without tightening too much and stop firmly. Proceed in this way for each petal. Then mount them around the heart, starting with the smallest ones.
The leaves are also obtained with a square of fabric. They are also folded into a handkerchief. But here we cut the fabric so as to form two triangles, which makes two sheets per square.
Then fold the triangle back. Sew a seam from top to bottom. Return this cone. The pointed side simulates the top of the leaf. The very tight gathered bottom forms pleats imitating the ribs. Each leaf then attaches under the rose which must remain fairly flat.
No. 3. — Roses pompon.
Destinées soit à un chapeau, soit comme bouquet de corsage.
Ces roses se font en toile de soie de deux tons avec feuillage artificiel. On procède pour les faire comme pour les précédentes, avec cette différence que les dimensions en sont très réduites. Le cœur est taillé sur une longueur de 12 centimètres sur 3 centimètres de largeur. Les zigzags sont beaucoup plus petits et on adapte ce cœur à une tige de laiton qui sert de monture à la fleur. Les pétales, au nombre de six, se cousent un à un. Les premiers carrés ont 4 centimètres 1/2 de largeur, les autres 5 centimètres 1/2. Procéder comme pour le précédent modèle, en enveloppant bien le cœur de façon à ce que la fleur ne soit pas trop épanouie. Enfiler les fils de laiton dans des tubes de caoutchouc et terminer par quelques feuillages.
Intended either for a hat or as a corsage.
These roses are made of two-tone silk canvas with artificial foliage. We proceed to make them as for the previous ones, with this difference that the dimensions are very small. The heart is cut over a length of 12 centimeters by 3 centimeters wide. The zigzags are much smaller and this heart is adapted to a brass rod which serves as a mount for the flower. The petals, six in number, are sewn together one by one. The first squares are 4.5 centimeters wide, the others 5.5 centimeters. Proceed as for the previous model, wrapping the heart well so that the flower does not bloom too much. Thread the brass wires into rubber tubes and finish with some foliage.
No. 4. — Pavot.
Pour faire cette jolie fleur on emploie du ruban à picots qui existe en de charmants coloris souvent ombrés, ce qui permet dans la largeur de trouver deux fleurs d'un ton différent. Il faut environ 75 centimètres de ruban sur une largeur de 12 centimètres pour faire deux fleurs, soit 6 centimètres de largeur pour chaque fleur.
Diviser en cinq parties ces 75 centimètres. Les séparer. Froncer le bas de chaque bande en partant du picot et en décrivant une courbe comme pour les roses. Abattre ensuite les pointes qui restent de chaque côté. Serrer fortement le fil et arrèter.
L'armature du cœur consiste en un bouton quelconque de 1 centimètre de diamètre ou d'une simple rondelle de carton rembourrée d'ouate, que l'on adapte à un fil de laiton. Recouvrir ensuite cette armature avec une sphère de toile de soie vert pâle en la fronçant autour de la tige.
Passer des fils noirs en les entrecroisant sur toute la surface du cœur. Adapter autour une petite ruchette ayant 1/2 centimètre de hauteur et faite comme il à été dit pour les cœurs des roses. Presser fortement les plis afin d'imiter les pistils et coudre autour du cœur. Employer du taffetas ou de la toile de soie noire, gros bleu, violet ou un ton changeant très foncé. Une fois le coin terminé, placer les pétales autour en les chevauchant l'un sur l'autre. Terminer par une branche de feuillage.
On peut tout aussi bien employer du ruban sans picots; et ces fluers, exécutées en rouge, imitent à s'y méprendre les coquelicots des champs.
To make this pretty flower we use spiked ribbon which exists in charming colors often shaded, which allows in the width to find two flowers of a different tone. It takes about 75 centimeters of ribbon over a width of 12 centimeters to make two flowers, or 6 centimeters in width for each flower.
Divide these 75 centimeters into five parts. Separate them. Gather the bottom of each strip starting from the picot and describing a curve as for the roses. Then cut down the remaining tips on each side. Tighten the thread strongly and stop.
The frame of the heart consists of any button 1 centimeter in diameter or a simple round piece of cardboard stuffed with wadding, which is fitted to a brass wire. Then cover this frame with a sphere of pale green silk fabric by gathering it around the stem.
Pass black threads criss-crossing them over the entire surface of the heart. Adapt around a small hive 1/2 centimeter high and made as it was said for the hearts of the roses. Firmly press the folds to imitate the pistils and sew around the heart. Use taffeta or silk black, deep blue, purple or a very dark changing tone. Once the corner is finished, place the petals around it, overlapping them one on top of the other. Finish with a branch of foliage.
You can just as well use ribbon without pins; and these flowers, executed in red, imitate field poppies unmistakably.
Louise Villas
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Meinu Henshu Dobson! The abandoned magical girl thing....
When it comes to his “original” work, such as Formera, Alex ze Pirate, Percy Phillips etc. I think that Dobson always had these two (of many) main flaws work against him.
His ideas were too generic for his own good. I am not necessarily against a “generic” idea for a story, as we live in a time where almost every tale has been told countless times or the basics and tropes of certain genres are more than well known to a lot of us. Sonic Frontiers e.g. has been called by some a “Breath of the Wild” knock off with typical Sonic game plot elements, but that doesn’t change the fact it was (at least to me) a lot of fun.
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However, there is a thing as being “too generic”, which to me is when your story not only follows in the footstep of something already well known, but lacks even more personality than you would think at first. The reason why something like that can happen, is because the creator may not spend enough time to establish elements of their work, that can help make certain characters, the basic plot etc. stand out a bit. Such as personality traits, the goals of the main characters, the rules by which the world functions. And this in turn happens often, because past an initial pitch idea, they do not really flesh things out, thinking they can figure more details out down the line. In Dobson’s work this shows to me e.g. a lot in Formera, where the main character meets along the line a discount hippie version of Muten Roshi that does not play any relevance past his 5-6 pages of screentime, the leads lack personality, the idea feels a lot like a proto-Isekai (preteen magically transported to another realm) from the time BEFORE the genre became more well known in the 2010s and we don’t even get a lot of story behind the world of Formera itself. Or Percy Phillips, who really is just a knock off version of the worst traits people associated with Sherlock Holmes past 1918 and who even compares his own archenemy straight to Moriarity. Pretty much all of these works lacked a certain “spark” of individuality and were not fleshed out enough when he began to work on them. And I am not saying, that if you want to create a story, you need to know every miniscule detail already two days after you had the initial idea. Many great stories can develop some of their greatest moments along the way. But you need to have some basic concept for things as themes, main characters and tone kinda in your mind, while also not being afraid to flesh things out.
Dobson never really went through with a lot of his stuff As much as I hate a badly told story and I want certain shows/comics/books/whatever just to end, I hate the idea of an “abrupt” ending even more. Even if a story is undoubtedly shit, I kinda want to see its’ creator manage to at least bring it to a proper end story wise, instead of someone pulling the plug and leaving it at whatever point it was by then without resolving its main plot or giving answers to certain things in them. So you shouldn’t be surprised, that Dobson’s “storydriven” comics really annoy me, seeing how a lot of them were just unceremoniously put into never ending hiatus by him. Simply because they did not turn into hits that made him instantly famous online. A behavior, that to me always signified just how much Dobson cared more about himself, than the actual work and characters he created.
Because of these flaws, whenever Dobson hinted on the idea that he was going to publish something new or that he had something in mind he wanted to try out, me and many other people just rolled our eyes, knowing that it won’t likely come ever out. Or that if it did, it would be more generic than white bread with vegan butter and be over after four weeks of no one caring much for it online.
And yet, Dobson managed to surprise me and other people in 2018 when he posted that thing, showing how he was even beyond the point of having only “generic” ideas.
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This post to me just recks of desperation to stay relevant, while also showing how little he understands the very thing he wants to talk about.
I will admit, I am not very familiar with the magical girl genre overall. Part of it is, because there is so much to it and that it had been in something of a flux when it comes to things such as tone and intend over the last 15+ years alone.
However, I do know the following: The magical girl genre is essentially an invention of the 20th century, that has its roots likely in the 50s and 60s. At least Osamu Tezuka’s “Princess Knight” and things like the 60s western tv show “Bewitched” seemed to have quite a bit of an impact in the 60s and 70s for people in Japan to not only create stories with female characters in the lead, but also give them magic powers to fight bad guys. Even back then the genre being in a steady flux, as some shows were selling themselves of their rather cutesy design for the heroins, had the main character just have silly but fun adventures, while others focused more on action to also attract boys, at times even creating rather “raunchy” content for the time being. Examples of all of that would be shows like Magical Princess Minky Momo, Majokko Meg-Chan and Cutey Honey.
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However, it wasn’t until the first anime adaptation of Sailor Moon hit the airwaves in 1992, that the Magical Girl genre became a worldwide phenomenon.
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Now to be fair, Sailor Moon did not invent all common tropes already associated with the genre (such as magical sidekicks, characters, aging up when turning into their hero personas, tomboyish designs, action, the power of friendship or love motivating others to stop the bad guys…) but it did popularize the “monster of the week” structure, the concept of a team of heroines fighting together instead of just one lead character, the increasing escalation of conflict within a specific story arc and so on for a general audience. Making the anime a smash hit, that others decided to copy. Some of them doing so successfully while also establishing their own identity along the way (such as the Pretty Cure franchise), while others… not so much.
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One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is total GARBAGE!
Overall, the magical genre has been separated in 4 major camps as of now: a. the classical genre of cute girls fighting against evil and having silly adventures or fighting the monster of the week, mostly functioning as coming of age stories (such as Card Captor Sakura)
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b. The more action oriented approach as codified by something like Pretty Cure and in the west would e.g. be determined by She-Ra or Ladybug to some degree
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c. The “parody”, often times playing with expectations for comedic results (Magical Girl Ore)
d. The “deconstruction” like “Magica Madoka”. Shows and stories that look at the otherwise positively presented concept of a magical girl story and will turn it around by focusing on existential horror, the grim reality of young girls and kids forced to fight against evil or are just plain violent shlock that tries to present itself as “more meaningful” than it actually is. And btw, I do not hate darker takes on rather light subjects, but I just think the medium of anime had been kinda overrun by it in the last 10 years.
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Again, I myself am not really following the genre that much. I watched Sailor Moon when I was younger, I heard of some of those deconstructions over the years (but have no intend of really watching them) and frankly, I may give PrettyCure a bit of a second try after watching at least a cute anniversary movie of the show recently at a convention.
But even if it is not entirely my cup of tea, I do get to some degree how they work. What makes them popular with the audience, the tones that work and don’t, what tropes to expect from a certain show at times depending on which camp it is from etc.
As such, I also get that if you want to make a story within the genre, you need to have a bit more in mind to it than just “It’s about magical girls fighting evil”
Cause there are a shitton of ways how this can be done.
It is like saying “I want to make an American like superhero story”, ignoring the fact that this does not specify enough what you are aiming for. Like, do you want it to be in tone more like a golden age comic, a child friendly cartoon or a modern comic? Is your main character going to have inherit superpowers or gain them? Does he or she even have powers or are they relying on gadgets? Are their villains normal people, superpowered freaks or cosmic horrors? What the heck do you want to go for!
This is a question, that is more than justified in this post.
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Cause here is the deal: aside of it having a talking animal companion, transformation sequences and a school setting to it (which in itself is a mild surprise, considering Dobson’s hatred for institutions of education) he has literally not thought about anything. And even what he has isn’t just barebones, it is bone scratches.
“My story shall be set in a school”. Great. What kind of school? Elementary? High School? College? Waldorf School? Private Academy? Is the main character supposed to be an actress going to a film school and uses her education and acting skills to at times trick the monsters during fights?
Talking animal companion… so, regular animal that gets the power to talk via magic by accident like Spike the Dog in the Equestria Girls specials, or was it already born with the ability?
But it is the part where he asks the people reading that post “but what about weapons, magical items, vilains etc.?” that really drives me nuts, even just as some idiot who at times pitches ideas for fanfictions. Because this right there? This is what Dobson, as the creator of the story, should truly come up with. The “meat” on the bone” so to speak. The thing separating his work from the rest.
The reason I say that, is the following: To me, every story is build on the following “pillars”: Premise, (basic) World Building, character, progression.
Premise being what the story is about, summed up in like one or two sentences. Character defining who the main leads are and what basic personality traits and goal define them, world building determining e.g. in what time period the plot is set, important locations and so on, while progression shows us where the plot is heading post the initial starting point. These pillars also work in a constant tandem with each other, meaning e.g. that with the plot progression, characters can change in personality, that the world building and premise becomes more complex etc.
And the thing is, based on this post alone, I have no idea what it is Dobson wants to sell to us. He doesn’t give us a name for a lead character, he doesn’t give us a basic premise and the fact he hasn’t thought even the most basic idea for villains and weapons makes it more than obvious, that he has no “world building” ideas either. His “pitch” for a story is less than a note made on a napkin.
See, you can love or hate Sailor Moon and Ladybug as much as you want (I know I have not really a positive opinion on the later) but even if they’ve made shit up along the way, they knew what they were or are going for.
With Sailor Moon e.g. it is easily established, that the main character named Usagi is a clumsy, rather whinny school girl living in Tokyo, who has the power to turn into Sailor Moon, a guardian of the light who has to save earth from Queen Beryl of the Dark Kingdom. The idea of her fellow senshis having powers mostly based around elements, while being named after planets of our solar system is also established quickly as a theme, as is e.g. that the villains are named after minerals. And no, I am not making a Steven Universe joke now.
Action to save the world against the power of darkness by trusting in your friends.... Meanwhile for Ladybug, the story is set in Paris conflict is centered around Ladybug and CatNoir fighting Hawkmoth, who wants their Miraculouses to change reality with a wish. The respective powers of the heroes and villains are established quickly, as is the main “civilian” conflict of Marinette having a crush on Adrien, both not knowing that the other is part of the hero theme. All while the “action” is centered on Hawkmoth creating new monsters of the week by corrupting civilians, who need to be freed of an Akuma, while in Sailor Moon the monsters were either already existing demonic minions of the bad guy, artificially created via objects or civilians who had been corrupted without the villain having to monologue first or waiting for them to be in a bad mood.
...vs romance. Though to be fair, the movie does a way better job at making me care for these two thirsty preteens than five seasons of Thomas Astruc's thing
But Dobson’s post… it lacks everything hinting on him having even a broad idea of what he wants to do.
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Just to dissect the post even further:
First paragraph, Dobson says he wants to make a short magical girl series. Define short. The average Pretty Cure season needs around 52 episodes to wrap up its plot, Magica Madoka did the same in 12 episodes and one movie (edit: I know it was thre movies, but two of them are just compilation movies, so that doesn’t count much in my opinion). Sailor Moon’s first major story arc in anime consisted of 41 episodes, Miraculous meanwhile needed over 130 episodes and two specials to finally wrap up the abysmal Hawkmoth “arc”.
Already, if you don’t want to overwork yourself with the idea, you are better off actually setting up parameters yourself, instead of asking others what they think you should do. Not to forget, up until that point in time, Dobson had not really created much for years. SYAC comics aside, he was only doing work on rather awkward Ladybug fan comics and worked in “secret” on Cabin’s Rest. So the expectations he could even do with that idea was lower than his Patreon income. And to be frank, even “short” magical girl stories I know like Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne or Card Captor Sakura needed around 7-12 volumes of like 200+ pages per volume to wrap their stories up. Dobson meanwhile had not once in his life published even a third volume to any of his stuff.
Second paragraph, essentially asking for others to come up with the ideas. I mean sure, he rather asks for average trope a reader wants to see instead of others to automatically give him all the character designs etc. But it is still a bad move.
As stated earlier, there are different camps of magical girl series, so it can be already hard to define what counts as “average”. I mean, it all depends on how far the creator, rather than the audience wants to go. Magica Madoka is a completely different Behemoth than Sailor Moon, and Sailor Moon itself, despite its own repetative elements was still darker than lets say Ladybug is. I mean, at least Sailor Moon did not romanticize abusive parents and characters, the main lead was not a crepy stalker and characters could die in it.
Third paragraph, as stated further above, confirming he has no idea what to even go for. Cause if he had even the slightest idea, he may already have in mind something for the villains and heroes, that would fit in the “mood” of the story he wants to tell.
Fuck me, he can’t even think of basic powers. Like okay, don’t just outright look at Ladybug and copy the powersets there. But come on. Just open up a Pokemon gaming guide while blindfolded, put your finger on any random page describing a move and then make that move a superpower. All you have to do then is think of a scenario in which whatever power it is, even if it is otherwise a sucker, would work. Even if it is just for the sake of comedic effect. 
Like honestly, some idea I have: How about a team of magical girls that have powers correlating to figures of Greek mythology. Give one the ability to foresee the future like the great Cassandra, give one character the powers of Demeter, meaning she can summon plants, another one is a great Hunter like Artemis, one is a wise leader who can up with great strategies like Athena…
Dang, I think I just came up with way more of an “original” idea than Dobson.
And let’s be real here: Thinking up basic shit is at times not that hard. It is finetuning those ideas, that is.
How can anyone working in the creative fields, a person who actually went to college to study animation and how to draw comic, have failed to catch up on such basic concepts behind storytelling? I know kindergarden kids who are able to catch up on it, just by having watched more than one cartoon over their young life.
Then again, THIS right here is the advice he has given once in term of how to "write" a story.
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Terry Pratchett's ghost: What a wanker!
And finally, anything and all suggestions are welcome? Yeah, I press X for doubt here.
After all, Dobson was never really what I would consider the most open person to anything that was not really within his comfort zone. So I think that if anyone had for example suggested him to create a gay male character as a villain or supporting character or that he should have taken a page from something like the Magical Girl Raising Project, he would have likely just blocked that person and thrown a fit about how people have corrupted something as pure and innocent as the magical girl genre.
In doing so ignoring, that he had done the same with his rather creepy Ladybug fancomics
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You know... for KIDS!
In addition to that, there is also to be considered, that if he had listened to too many ideas and suggestions, he would have been unable to really create something decent anyway. You know, too many cooks, throwing in everything and the kitchen sink… that sort of logic.
But let us be real here: This “thing” whatever it was supposed to be in Dobson’s head, was never going to materialize anyway. After all, when was the last time up till then, that Dobson actually bothered to create something “new” all by himself, instead of simply doing a fan comic or using SYAC as platform to whine how bad nerds are? Plus, considering the timeframe he started to post it (around the same time he started making Ladybug comic strips that got popular on tumblr and instagramm, though at times not by his own doing), it is obvious he only tried to jump on the bandwagon that was Miraculous Ladybug. His “favorite” little cartoon at the time, that ironically has earned a lot of criticism over the recent years, to the point people reevaluate how good of a magical girl show it really is compared to either the classics or new stuff coming out.
The bottom line is, Dobson tried to generate some sort of hype for something he wanted to do, without even having a basic idea of what it was supposed to be, that he wanted to create. And in posting this, the only thing he really did was show to the rest of the world, that as a cartoonist, he didn’t even grasp something so basic, My little Pony: Friendship is Magic and the Owl House actually got it.
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Kneel before your queens!
Well, that is a lot. However, I do not want to end just on a “bitter” note with this entry. Instead, I want to ask some of you, to prove to me that you may be a little more imaginative than Dobson, by perhaps posting to me some ideas you may have for a magical girl inspired story or character. Not even something too complicated, just whatever you think would be fun, dark, interesting and so on. I promise, I am not going to steal your ideas for my own gain. All I want to see, is if the rest of the world there has a few more ideas, than a professional cartoonist.
And in turn, I think I will try and flesh my own “pitch” from a few paragraphes above out a bit, if you like.
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worgenbreath · 9 months
Moon x Onorvi x Formera 💜💛🖤
Happy little family
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Il est traditionnel de commencer une nouvelle année avec des prédictions...
Je m'avance à en faire trois pour 2024!
1. Donald J. Trump sera réélu Président des États-Unis le mardi 5 novembre 2024;
2. L'Intelligence artificielle s'installera au centre de notre vie quotidienne pour devenir totalement incontournable;
3. Le travail à domicile continuera de dominer la vie économique et les espaces à bureaux devront changer de vocation.
Il est évident que l'élection de Donald Trump, si elle se réalise, ne sera pas active avant janvier de 2025, mais l'échiquier politique prendra toute sa forme en 2024, et ce pour influencer la politique mondiale jusqu'en 2030, soit jusqu'à la fin de la présente décennie.
Selon-moi, le monde sera polarisé plus que jamais en 2024 et après. Le pouvoir sur la planète sera divisé en quatre grandes parties, chacune incontournable.
On peut présumer que Vladimir Poutine sera le Président de la Russie jusqu'en 2030 et pour cette raison, la Russie et la Chine avec leurs alliés d'un bord deviendront les plus influentes; les États-Unis repliés sur eux-même formeront le deuxième pôle, tandis que l'Europe formera un troisième pôle mondial. Il restera ensuite un quatrième pôle politique, isolé des trois autres, mais significatif en puissance militaire, soit celui des pays comme l'Iran, la Corée du Nord et ses alliés.
Israel devra s'accrocher à l'un des pouvoirs de la planète, car aucune survie ne sera possible en dehors des quatre pôles mondiaux.
Pour la prochaine année, en ce qui concerne le Canada, la popularité grandissante de Pierre Poilièvre ramène la possibilité à venir d’un style de gouvernance à la Stephen Harper, après l’élection d’octobre 2025, si Justin Trudeau attend à la date limite d’une élection canadienne. Rappelons qu'il est minoritaire et que sa survie dépend entièrement de l'appui du NPD.
Au Québec, François Legault n’a pas à déclencher d’élection générale avant octobre 2026, soit pas avant trois ans. Il faudra voir si les autres partis deviennent d’ici là des alternatives viables, ce qui n’est pas le cas présentement malgré la très forte baisse de popularité de Legault et la grande popularité de Paul St-Pierre Plamondon. La popularité de Plamondon est cependant trop en avance de l'élection, car les Québécois votent généralement selon le climat politique qui précède l'année avant le vote. Plamondon me fait penser à Mario Dumont en 2007 alors que les sondages le projetaient premier ministre, mais qui avait échoué, de justesse, malgré ses 41 sièges face à Jean Charest qui avait remporté 48 sièges de député. L'handicap de Plamondon, qui a une personnalité très attachante, sera la séparation du Québec, un but politique qui n' a jamais été accepté par la majorité des Québécois.
C'est évidemment à suivre, et je me trompe, parfois...
Pour le moment en ce 1er janvier, je vous souhaite à toutes et tous une bonne année 2024! Beaucoup d’amour, et surtout le bonheur de vivre!
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kachmedcom · 1 year
La guérison par le toucher: l'efficacité du massage shiatsu
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 Introduction:  Le massage shiatsu, un art thérapeutique d'origine japonaise, ouvre une voie vers la guérison en rééquilibrant l'énergie vitale du corps. En s'inspirant des principes ancestraux de la médecine chinoise, cette méthode utilise des pressions manuelles précises pour stimuler la circulation énergétique. Dans cette dissertation, nous explorerons les multiples aspects du massage shiatsu qui en font une approche efficace pour se soigner.  Développement:  Le massage shiatsu agit sur différents niveaux pour favoriser le processus de guérison. Tout d'abord, il induit une profonde relaxation du corps et de l'esprit, apaisant ainsi le stress et l'anxiété. Étant donné que le stress chronique est souvent à l'origine de nombreux problèmes de santé, le shiatsu contribue à rétablir l'équilibre émotionnel, créant ainsi un environnement propice à la guérison.  En outre, cette technique de massage stimule la circulation sanguine et lymphatique, favorisant l'élimination des toxines et l'apport de nutriments essentiels aux cellules. Cette amélioration de la circulation favorise la régénération des tissus et accélère le processus de guérison des blessures et des maladies.  De plus, le shiatsu agit sur les méridiens énergétiques du corps, qui sont les canaux par lesquels l'énergie circule. En rééquilibrant le flux énergétique, le massage shiatsu rétablit l'harmonie interne, soulageant ainsi divers troubles physiques et émotionnels tels que les douleurs dorsales, les migraines, les troubles digestifs, les problèmes de sommeil, et bien d'autres encore.  Par ailleurs, le shiatsu peut être une excellente complémentarité aux traitements médicaux traditionnels. Il renforce leur efficacité en stimulant la réponse du système immunitaire et en réduisant les effets secondaires indésirables de certains médicaments.  Enfin, le massage shiatsu encourage la prise de conscience du corps et de ses besoins. En développant une meilleure écoute de soi, il permet d'identifier les déséquilibres énergétiques et d'adopter des habitudes de vie plus saines. Cette approche holistique du bien-être contribue à maintenir une santé optimale à long terme.  Conclusion:  Le massage shiatsu se révèle être une méthode thérapeutique efficace pour se soigner. Par le biais de la relaxation profonde, de l'amélioration de la circulation, du rétablissement de l'équilibre énergétique et du renforcement du système immunitaire, il favorise la guérison globale. En complément des traitements médicaux conventionnels, le shiatsu accélère le processus de guérison et améliore la qualité de vie. En adoptant cette approche holistique du bien-être, chacun peut prendre en main sa santé et favoriser son épanouissement à long terme.  Formation:  Une formation qui vous formera à la pratique du shiatsu dans laquelle vous découvrirez la théorie et la pratique grâce à de nombreux exercices.  Vous étudierez à votre rythme, en pratiquant chez vous ou en déplacement, en fonction de votre emploi du temps, de votre rythme de vie et de votre temps libre. À l’issue des onze modules, un examen final validera votre certification de praticien en massage shiatsu.  En vous lançant dans ce métier passionnant et enrichissant de praticien en massage shiatsu, vous améliorerez également votre propre santé en nourrissant votre corps et votre esprit de nouvelles connaissances.  Et quelle satisfaction vous aurez de voir tant de gens se transformer grâce à vous !  Oui, je veux me lancer !
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jloisse · 2 years
«Envoyer des chars en Ukraine, c’est la Troisième Guerre mondiale»: Biden en mars 2022
«Comprenez bien, et ne vous faites pas d'illusions», expliquait Joe aux journalistes le 11 mars 2022, deux semaines après l’intervention russe dans le Donbass.
«L’idée que nous allons envoyer du matériel offensif et envoyer des avions, des chars et des trains avec des pilotes américains et des équipages américains... ça veut dire la Troisième Guerre mondiale», avait-il affirmé.
Le 25 janvier 2023, Biden a annoncé l’envoi de 31 chars Abrams en Ukraine, soit «l’équivalent d'un bataillon ukrainien.», afin d’«augmenter les capacités» du régime de Kiev à atteindre «ses objectifs stratégiques»
Et comme ces délicats Abrams sont «extrêmement complexes à piloter et à entretenir», le Pentagone fournira toutes les pièces de rechange et l’équipement nécessaires» et formera les troupes ukrainiennes.
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chezveronalice · 14 days
grappe de raisin
Grappe de raisin
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Une idée proposé par Christine sur le groupe de facebook bricolage des tout-petits de 0 à 3 ans. MERCI à elle car j'ai adoré son partage qui est fait avec des boites d'œufs. J'ai donc créé un support qui peut proposer plusieurs possibilités comme : -  je vous conseille d'imprimer sur une feuille un peu épaisse - collage de gommettes pour les raisins - peinture au bouchon pour les raisins - Peinture aux doigts pour les feuilles vertes - ou comme le propose Christine peinture vertes pour les feuilles au doigts ou autre technique, on colle un bâton pour la tige de la grappe, ensuite avec une boite d'œuf qui formera la grappe on peint et on colle au pistolet à colle. Vous appréciez mes partages ?? cliquer sur la pub, c'est une belle façon de me dire MERCI j'ai volontairement fait plus claire la feuille afin que lorsque l'enfant peint en vert les contours soient plus discret. Pour télécharger le fichier pdf cliquez sur l'image ci-dessous.
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voici des exemples de réalisation : N'hésitez pas à venir nous rejoindre sur le groupe de bricolage et activités pour les tout-petits et partager vos réalisations avec mes gabarits que je rajouterai sur le site avec votre prénom. à très vite Veronalice Read the full article
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christophe76460 · 28 days
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Il te délivrera dans six afflictions, et, à la septième, le mal ne te touchera point. {Job 5:19}
Eliphaz, en ceci, dit la vérité selon Dieu. Nous pouvons avoir autant d’afflictions qu’il y a de jours de travail dans la semaine, mais le Dieu qui nous a aidés pendant ces six jours, agita encore jusqu’à ce que notre délivrance soit complète. Nous nous reposerons avec lui et en lui pendant notre sabbat. La succession rapide de nos maux est une de nos plus rudes épreuves de la foi. A peine sommes-nous relevés d’un coup reçu, qu’en survient un autre, puis un nouveau, jusqu’à ce que nous commencions à chanceler. Mais la succession également rapide des délivrances est alors une cause de réjouissances, et le son rendu par l’enclume sous le marteau de l’affliction formera finalement une douce harmonie à la gloire de notre Dieu.
Il se peut qu’en ce jour nous n’ayons aucun repos, et que sept afflictions nous fondent dessus, mais « à la septième, nous est-il dit, le mal ne te touchera plus. » Le mal rugira peut-être autour de nous, mais il sera tenu à distance et ne nous atteindra pas. Son haleine brûlante pourra nous oppresser, mais son doigt ne se posera pas même sur nous. Nos reins seront ceints de manière à supporter les six et les sept afflictions que le Seigneur permettra pour nous, mais la frayeur ne sera que pour ceux qui n’ont ni Père, ni Sauveur, ni Saint-Esprit.
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Holy shit, one of his worst comics has to be the shit he tried to get sold in stores. Formera especially, that shit is visually offensive. No character is drawn consistently, the characters look like themselves but their hair and clothes will be drawn with more bangs to less bangs, going from collar to no collar on the shirt. How the hell can someone who went to school, for drawing of all things, draw something so ass?
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You know, I actually own both volumes of Formera. Found them online for cheap a few years back.
I keep meaning to scan and upload them online, but I lack a home scanner and the time to go somewhere and scan two books.
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shalnor · 1 year
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Tried toned paper for the first time with my night elf Druid formera
I used gouache and Prisma colors!
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chic-a-gigot · 11 months
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Le Petit écho de la mode, no. 44, vol. 20, 30 octobre 1898, Paris. 1. Corsage de bal ou de dîner. Collier Cyrano. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
No. 1. Parmi les dernières créations parues pour la saison des bals, nous avons choisi, dans le nombre, un charmant collier, dit "Esclavage," dont la simplicité et le bon goût nous ont séduit. Il est en perles fines de moyenne grosseur et mesure l m 76de long; le fermoir, un vrai bijou, représente une marguerite, avec perle fine entourée de simili-brillants; les personnes qui ne mettront pas de fleur au corsage laisseront voir ce fermoir qui formera une garniture charmante, surtout s'il retient une draperie ou un papillon de dentelle.
Le prix modeste de ce collier le met à la portée de toutes les bourses; son prix est de 7 fr. 95, franco par la poste.
Corsage de bal ou de dîner, composé d’une doublure ajustée, voilée de mousseline de soie et garni de deux draperies de velours retenues sur la poitrine par un bouquet de fleur. Ceinture de velours, manche froncée laissant voir le bras.
No. 1. Among the latest creations published for the ball season, we chose, among the number, a charming necklace, called "Esclavage," whose simplicity and good taste seduced us. It is made of medium-sized fine pearls and measures 1.76 m long; the clasp, a real jewel, represents a daisy, with a fine pearl surrounded by imitation diamonds; People who do not put a flower on the bodice will leave this clasp visible which will form a charming decoration, especially if it holds a drapery or a lace butterfly.
The modest price of this necklace puts it within the reach of all budgets; its price is 7 fr. 95, free by post.
Ball or dinner bodice, composed of a fitted lining, veiled in silk muslin and garnished with two velvet draperies held on the chest by a bouquet of flowers. Velvet belt, gathered sleeve revealing the arm.
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soyouareandrewdobson · 11 months
why dobson hate quiet?
Two words: Virtue signaling. Spontaneously explained, I am honestly a bit uncertain on how the timeline played out, but sometime in 2013/14 Dobson heard of Quiet's design (when the game was still in development and not for release till 2015) and got all pissy. We all know the "sexist crap" panel. I assume he hated it because he was on full on Anita Sarkeesian support mode back then and any woman showing more than her shoulders was automatically enough to go full conservative on others.
Something, something, the game objectified Quiet. Yeah, fuck off, Dobson. Just because the girl had sexier tits than him. Plus I read Formera. He objectified his females in it more than Kojima ever did Quiet
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latribune · 1 month
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yes-bernie-stuff · 1 month
◀ 20 AOÛT ▶ Les Trésors De La Foi
Dans six détresses, il te délivrera; et dans sept, le mal ne te touchera point Job 5:19
Délivrance sans limite
Eliphaz, en ceci, dit la vérité selon Dieu. Nous pouvons avoir autant d'afflictions qu'il y a de jours de travail dans la semaine, mais le Dieu qui nous a aidés pendant ces six jours, agita encore jusqu'à ce que notre délivrance soit complète. Nous nous reposerons avec lui et en lui pendant notre sabbat. La succession rapide de nos maux est une de nos plus rudes épreuves de la foi. A peine sommes-nous relevés d'un coup reçu, qu'en survient un autre, puis un nouveau, jusqu'à ce que nous commencions à chanceler. Mais la succession également rapide des délivrances est alors une cause de réjouissances, et le son rendu par l'enclume sous le marteau de l'affliction formera finalement une douce harmonie à la gloire de notre Dieu. Il se peut qu'en ce jour nous n'ayons aucun repos, et que sept afflictions nous fondent dessus, mais "à la septième, nous est-il dit, le mal ne te touchera plus." Le mal rugira peutêtre autour de nous, mais il sera tenu à distance et ne nous atteindra pas. Son haleine brûlante pourra nous oppresser, mais son doigt ne se posera pas même sur nous. Nos reins seront ceints de manière à supporter les six et les sept afflictions que le Seigneur permettra pour nous, mais la frayeur ne sera que pour ceux qui n'ont ni Père, ni Sauveur, ni Saint-Esprit. - Lire plus ici :
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