#found an old doodle perfect to answer an old ask with
larabar · 5 months
barry the quokka can see ghosts as his power, it's cannon
they remain friends even after that. they deserve to remain friends
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besties fr
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the moon spawn au has me by the throat, please tell me about it. Feel free to rant, I will read it if you do. Also feel free not to answer!
Everytime someone asked me/noticed/or even look at stuff about my au i go ajsjsjsjsjsjjshdjsjjsjdjejs, i will be putting it under the cut incase I got on the dashboard of someone who doesn't want to scroll through a whole wall! (an extra one year old doodle for you)
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In order to keep myself from exploding i will put in one section and explained some stuff because I dont know where to start
The protectiveness of Moonstone, more stuff to do with Cassandra.
(Note that i will call the Moonstone, the rock She/it, you can call her whatever i just use this)
One thing to be clear Moonstone doesnt like Cass, no not one bit. Like previous posts i mentioned that Its constantly and slowly draining away Cassandra's energy and therefore life, that's how desperate Moonstone is to get away.
But! She likes Varian! Why? Well Varian is a perfect holder to her, he's in a state of panic and is easy to influence, and he's quick, and has a good relationship with the Sundrop! That's all she needs! She's keeping this one!
So it became protective, of its host, because if this one dies then it'll never reunite with its sun. Time to fix plot holes!
Plot hole number one: How did Varian stay alive, wandering for weeks, cold, alone in a forest?
Moonstone drains the life around her to gain energy, keep em going, she's like Varian's life support, or more accurately his own version of adrenaline. There's probably a trail of dead plants, birds and animals in their path.
Plot hole number two: where is Zhan Tiri! And Cassandra!
Cassie's injured and later on arrested when Rapunzel and the gang found her while looking for the missing alchemist. She's unconscious the whole time, woke up in a special cell because Rapunzel doesn't want to put her in the dungeons.
Zhan Tiri stuck close to Cass, she's not completely useless yet! If things get out of hands then possession is the way to go(also Zhan Tiri cant stay near Varian for more than 5 seconds without alerting the Moonstone and blasted away by the sheer power of "DONT TOUCH THE CHILD")
Plot hole number three: what happened after Varian found his way back?
Previous post! Sun managed to soothe the Moon temporarily. And right afterward Varian regains his consciousness, looks around, looks at himself, his bloody hand and then faints.
I like to keep the classic cartoon humor breaks.
They can't remove the Moonstone out of his hand, and it goes crazy whenever Rapunzel is not near. Still gotta use a lost incantation to calm it down. Now where to find it...
And how did black rocks sprout directly from Varian's body?
Under his clothes there's a thin layer of black rock armor . He cant control it, the Moonstone just does whatever she wants, even when Varian is used to the Moon powers he still cant control it.
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helmarok · 2 months
hrmmm lukas headcanons
he's 18 in season 1 and 28 in season 2
short king, 5'4"
he's bisexual and poly. he's got two hands one for jesse and one for petra
him and aiden/maya/gill were all raised together by his grandma, the other 3 being adopted. everyone would ask lukas why he sticks with those assholes, and it's because they're his family, and they grew up together and it would hurt to break off from them and it DID hurt when aiden decided to cut him out.
bro loves baking as a hobby. everyone loves his cookies. aiden too but he never admits it and always says something's wrong with them but would eat half the batch every time without fail
he's a cat guy, but also a horse girl. his old horse was named reba, she went missing when the witherstorm hit. he kept the black horse he rode from the witherstorm on and named her dolly.
very good at archery because i decided the ocelots are a hunting group, not primarily builders though they are good at it. his melee combat though... yikes. in sky city when he meets aiden in the throne room, he's almost immediately taken down.
not a big fan of loud or busy environments. after moving from the treehouse to beacontown, he tried to live with petra and jesse for a while but didn't like the city life and moved.
he HATES the cold! no amount of layers can save this man. that's another reason why he moved away from beacontown. it's too far up north for him.
lukas kinda like the therapist of the group cause he's the most mentally stable and best at feelings and best at handling them and overall he is just comically perfect idk what to say. he doesn't like it when people hold everything in and explode because that's kinda what happened with aiden. this puts him at odds with petra in season 2.
he wears a really gay cowboy belt with an ocelot on it. also walks around in cowboy boots.
definitely has an ocelot fursona that he has many doodles and lore of in his little journal. he has also doodled the whole order fursonas: jesse a pig, petra a wolf, axel a creeper, olivia a sheep, and ivor a bat. if anyone asked him what their fursona would be, he has an answer. but the only people who know this information are jesse and petra who accidentally found it looking for another book and he made them promise not to tell anyone.
lukas is real easy to become friends with so he became closest with ivor before anyone else in the order. this is partially because they share an interest in history and old legends and reading and nerd stuff like that. sometimes they just chill and discuss these nerd things over tea.
big fan of country music and classic rock
you're not gonna believe this but his favorite drink is a nice warm glass of milk
lukas was the closest thing petra had to a friend before the order came to be, so he always had discounted deals when it came to rare items. once in a blue moon, she'd even give him something cool for free as her way of saying she likes having him around without actually saying it.
he's very humble, and even when the order is drowning in riches and the hall is decorated with gold and diamonds and everyone has fancy enchanted armor and tools, this dude is still running around in iron pauldrons and still got a set of iron tools. his bow isn't even enchanted, despite petra begging him to let her put something on it since she enchanted everyone else's stuff.
i think he has a book series that's like minecraft warrior cats. like his biggest book is obviously the one on the witherstorm but his cat books are definitely a renowned series with fans all over the world. and he tooootally didn't base some of the characters after his friends...
i have more but this is just off the top of my head so maybe i'll make another post one day
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 10 months
I was bored, so... The Gardener theory! I've scrolled all the fairy au posts down to the start bc not all of the y/n posts have gardener tag, and now I can say exactly. From the very beginning ppl wanted to make a y/n fairy, then somebody offered to make a y/n human, and then it growed to the idea of a gardener/naturalist (sorry no link I accidently closed the browser window and I don't want to scroll down again ''ToT). Next post was the reference of y/n as we know them now. Also, there was some lore hints, and I figured out it could be important.
1. The Gardener is related to Nan theory. (all the info is from this post) We had a gardener grandmother, "You seemed to have inherited your 3rd great grandmother's green thumb". Is it Nan??? It is possible! Now, hear me out- "Inheriting this old house"? Nan's one?? She bequeathed her house to her grandchildren! Still no info where do we have this house from though "The grounds are perfect for growing all sorts of plants". These 'all sort of plants' grew in the Nan's garden, too "you live on the outskirts of a beautiful forest, surrounded by fields". Not sure where was Nan's house standing, but I remember she had to ride (a bike? still can't remember) to get to the closest town. Also, in the latest ask about is the gardener related to Nan Meg answered she can't say it directly, and said "But the clues are out there". HERE'S THE CLUES I LISTED GUYS HOW CAN'T YOU-
2. Moon and Lunar are in danger and Sun don't know where they are theory. Let's get back to the beginning again. Somebody asked if y/n was a child and they found the boys after the eclipse (sorry no link again) and OH BOY THIS IS GONNA BE FUN- And back to the reference. "But one day, after the events of a solar eclipse and a sudden forest fire, your life is about to change as you make the most unexpected of friends." SOLAR F*CKING ECLIPSE. HIM. So, now we know that the veil will be open one day, and that the fairy Voldemort is gonna have some fun. Moving forward, this post. "But I have a couple of more stories in the AU to get through first. Including the start of yours, the Gardener". So, the start of our story will be without Eclipse And finally, this newer post. On the doodle in the right lower corner Sun is quite battered and injured. The theory is he's the only one of the fairies who managed to escape the forest fire, and the lunar fairies are still in there. Also, he has Moon's sword, idk why- Most likely, the gardener offered Sun help. "This should help while you recover." About "Don't worry, we'll find him" doodle. Why him? Not them? We know exactly that Lunar is also around by this time. So, hear me out- Sun may think Moon is dead, and he's referring only to Lunar. That could explain why does he have his sword. He can't feel his brother currently, maybe he's in coma or the distance is too big. So, here was my theories.
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shemeiart · 9 months
👪🌋🪤 for xan? 👀
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? Does your oc have any siblings?
Fun thing with Xan is, he was not "born". He was created by Iblis (my friend @indusfera oc) - his dad (and mom, and you know what, he is too powerful to be bothered about pronouns) so that's his only lets say... "Real" family, no siblings aswell. Xan was created to be first of his kind, the perfect being to guide and help people but... Well, let's just say because he was first, Iblis had no experience in creating something perfect and Xan is VERY FAR from being one. Still, he is a good boy more or less so Iblis now came to terms with the whole situation (for veery long he was furious Xan was not what he PLANNED him to be, but hey, he is better now and the two have more or less good relationship). His actual family (current RP) are his friends (found family my beloved) with whom he lives and he would do absolutely anything for them. They are all @indusfera and my oc's and they are well... Colorful bunch of people haha. Maybe I will talk about them more if someone will ask about them ;u;
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Yeah I had to put this doodle here, Xan was terrible to Iblis but to be fair Iblis was terrible parent aswell (I mean, he lost Xan very early after his creation so GOOD JOB, only after years he found him and Xan was NOT at all happy to go back home). Also, Iblis appearance here is VEERY old and most likely to be redesigned by @indusfera someday shoutout to you my bro -3-
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? Is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
Xan is very impulsive creature, that's the thing I have to say immediately. He is definetly not a calm person if it comes to any discussions and he will absolutely punch you in your face if you are threatening his friends or straight up saying shit about them. He is that white pikmin gif I saw recently and perfectly shows his attitude.
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Also fuck the police, eat the rich and help those who can't fight for their own (or help those who are actively fighting for their rights, he is queer as hell) - this is what he stands for and if you are not, then prepare for some fists B) He can keep his emotions at bay but this is only for some time, he will explode later surely.
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🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? A loved one in danger? A promise of something they are always searching for?
His own stupidity I would say xD He is both super smart and extremely dumb if it comes to certain situations. He have literally no self perserverance instinct because he can't die. Well, he CAN die, but he will regenerate over time and get back up. Most of the times when he was in danger was for his friends, family or other people where he wanted to help or wasn't waiting for any other help and wanted to deal with the problem himself. Again, he is very impulsive. There were also other situations where he was… Well. Too dumb to realize he is in fact in danger.
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I think that will be it for those asks! Thank you for this opportunity to throw more Xan on my Tumblr : D
I also encourage anyone interested about him to send me an ask - I would gladly answer or let Xan answer with additonal doodles, why the heck not, they are super fun!
You can also check Xan on my Toyhou.se (but be warned, there is lots of 18+ content there ranging from gore to more spicy stuff!)
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skyllion-uwu · 1 year
all right i read ur pinned again to decide on a chat for the ask game and came upon ur ocs
Jaxon has a neat name, can ya do the ask thing for him?
favorite thing about them
Xe's one of the first OCs I made that wasn't a fan OC so xe's got a special place in my heart. Xir design hasn't even changed very much because it's so iconic to me, so that's one of my favorite things. I also like that xe's very caring and kind to others
least favorite thing about them
Jaxon can hyperfocus a lot and miss the big picture. For example, xe keeps focusing on trying to make things perfect which contributes to the existence of the timeloops and xe doesn't notice how everyone else is being affected
favorite line
This is an old quote from when I was originally writing xir story as a series of short stories, "Jaxon woke up in a world on fire, eyes burning with smoke and tears." This was usually the opening line of each story AND it was the concluding line of "Loop 0". "Loop 0" was basically a prologue that would've been published towards the end of the series so it ending with that signifies the start of the loops
In terms of spoken lines, there's this exchange from the same story. Charles is no longer British so it wouldn't go exactly like this. It's the first time Jaxon speaks up against Charles instead of going with everything so it's a very important moment for xim but xe doesn't even remember it
Charles jumped up. "What in the bloody hell are you doing?!"
Jaxon stared Charles in the eye. "Starting over.”
Bailey and Jaxon!! Bailey's the only other survivor Jaxon found in the town xe originally woke up, and while she initially doesn't go off with xim, over a few loops she starts to remember who xe is subconsciously and begins to trust xim enough to start leaving town with xim at the beginning
Not really a pairing because there's three of them, but Jaxon is canonically in a polyam triad with Robin and Holmes! Depending on the loop xe only dates one or the other, but the definitive end result is they're a triad
Charles and Jaxon. Okay they are definitely implied to be a thing in the past but Jaxon's become a very different person than xe used to be and Charles is extremely possessive and I know if this story ever got popular people would ship them but they're not supposed to be together IT'S ABOUT MOVING ON FROM MISTAKES AND LEARNING TO BE IMPERFECT BECAUSE IF YOU STAY FOCUSED ON WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN YOU'LL NEVER LIVE LIFE TO ITS FULLEST IF JAXON AND CHARLES GOT BACK TOGETHER THE MESSAGE WOULD BE LOST DO YOU GET WHAT I'M SAYI-
random headcanon
I guess it's not really a headcanon since xe's my character but Jaxon's favorite food is cookie dough because it's the first thing xe ever ate
unpopular opinion
I don't know if I can answer this one since xe's my OC and I haven't heard any opinions on xim that I can disagree with
song i associate with them
I have a whole playlist for xim teehee But "Dream Sweet in Sea Major" and "Dirty Imbecile" are probably the songs I most associate with xim
favorite picture of them
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This doodle of xim and xir partners. Xe's in the middle with Robin on the left and Holmes on the right!
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☹️hi i dont usually do this thing where i ask for art/thoughts on things but ive had a super bad day and i was just curious as to what your take on your wounded-on-krypton Kara would be doing with Lena if she hadn't of come out as Supergirl but they still met and fell in love- would Kara just be floating around Lena's apartment during quarantine listening to Lena read books and making her gf tea's and flying out to get her her supplies so Lena would stay safe from getting sick? I really love your art.
aww, I'm sorry u had a bad day, I made a little doodle and tried writing a little story for it as well that should answear your queastion about my scarred!Kara and her relationship with Lena if she didn’t became Supergirl (tho I'm not a writer, so its quality might not be the best)  hopefully it will make u feel even just a little bit better
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The first time she met Lena, Kara was going to L-Corp to get a prosthetic replacement from their new Cybernetic Futures program since she kind of destroyed her old one.
Okay, she definitely destroyed her old one, but to be fair, who knew kicking a cement boulder with a prosthetic leg made from human metals but with the force of an angry and very frustrated superpowered being would destroy said metal leg. Really, who could've predicted that?
Walking into the building with warm coffee in hand proved to be more difficult than Kara hoped, her busted prosthetic making her wobble every two steps since she didn't have a spare she could wear - this was the spare - and the slippery tiled floor didn't help. Making her way to the elevator she kept glancing down focusing on her steps, this meant she didn't notice when a woman absorbed in her phone walked straight into her path. On instinct, she relaxed her body as to not harm the human she collided with, unfortunately, that meant she lost her barely-there, to begin with, balance and was sent sprawling onto the floor and her coffee splashing straight at the woman's shirt. Perfect. Just what she needed today.
She had an apology already forming on her lips when she looked up and for the first time noticed the woman, no, the goddess she bumped into. Her hair was black, but when it caught the light it shone deep chestnut brown and cascading down her back, her skin was pale and looked so soft Kara found herself wanting to touch it, her fingers twitching at her sides. The woman's eyes were green, though her right eye seemed to be two shades lighter, more gray than green. She wasn't looking at her currently occupied with taking in the state of her clothes. And Rao, her clothes. The outfit was that of a businesswoman, high heels ready to kill, dark burgundy slacks with a matching suit jacket, loose black tie, and a white shirt. A white shirt that was now covered in Kara's coffee. Oh no. She needed to fix this, like, immediately. The best place to start is with an apology, right?
Lena was having a pretty normal day, all things considered. She should have known her days are never normal. She woke up early, ate a small breakfast, and went to work. There she had meetings with investors from 8 to 11, some paperwork to sign, a small meeting with the head of R&D at 12, and now she finally had enough time to take a break and maybe grab some lunch. With a certain sandwich place in mind, she made her way down to the ground floor and, while answering some last-minute e-mail made her way to the exit of the building.
Before she could even make it halfway to the wide double door, she felt something surprisingly solid and at the same time very wobbly bump into her, and then a sudden warmth and wetness on her chest. Looking down at herself confirmed what she already suspected, someone, spilled coffee on her. Thankfully it was only warm and not scalding hot the last thing she needed right now was dealing with coffee-induced burns. Making sure her shirt was the only thing damaged in the incident, Lena paid no mind to the person who bumped into her, that is until a very apologetic voice started talking to her. From the floor. Looking away from her ruined shirt, she took in the person frantically trying to apologize for spilling coffee on her, at least that's what she thinks the woman was trying to do, seeing as at his point she was rambling a mile a minute.
The woman on the floor looked young, probably around the same age as Lena herself, she had blond wavy hair gathered in a messy ponytail and hidden behind cute square-framed glasses, the bluest eyes she has ever seen. There was a burn scar covering most of the left side of her face and neck and more peeking out from under her shirt. Her left leg ended right below the knee, and the prosthetic she was wearing looked like someone put it under an industrial press and then tried to put it back into shape with a hammer. She was wearing blue sneakers, jean shorts, and a yellow tank top with tiny rainbow dinosaurs on it that gave her an unobscured view of the rippling muscles in her arms as she gesticulated wildly still rambling out something resembling an apology.
Taking it all in Lena came to one conclusion. She's cute. And so with warm coffee drying on her chest and a beautiful woman at her feet, really what else was there for Lena to do other than ask the blonde out on a date.
They moved in together after a year of dating. Alex asked if they were sure, but there wasn't a doubt in their minds that this was what they wanted. It felt right. And they were glad for this decision since a few months later, they and most of the world's population were confined to their homes.
Days in quarantine were spent working from home on their laptops with their legs entwined together and sharing a blanket out of the view of the cameras. When they weren't working they were finding new ways to entertain themselves. Slowly making their way through the classics of fantasy and sci-fi literature, with Kara floating them above the couch and Lena laying on top of her chest reading aloud from her Kindle was how they were spending most of the evenings. During the weekends when there was less work, Lena tried to teach Kara how to bake - with mixed results - and Kara made it her mission to recreate as many childhood experiences Lena missed out on living with the Luthors as possible. Her blanket fort wasn't the most structurally sound, but it sure was cozy. Movie nights were a nightly routine, and cooking dinner together became the most sacred daily ritual neither of them dared or wanted to skip. Weekly game nights through zoom were initiated almost immediately after lockdown and to no one's surprise, Lena and Alex's competitiveness did not lessen with the development of not being in the same room. If anything it became worse. Bets about how long will it take for the two of them to start fighting and accusing each other of cheating were as much a tradition as game nights itself. Most days though were spent working and lounging together with Kara occasionally flying out to pick up supplies they needed. And when one day Kara flew through the balcony with two cats and a dog saying there wasn't enough space in shelters, who was Lena to refuse those cute puppy eyes (it didn't hurt that the dog and cats were adorable as well).
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trash-wombat · 3 years
modern music isn’t trash, i guess
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Summary: You and Steve talk about stuff and listen to music
Warnings: none
A/N: Platonic pairing, think older brother/ father figure. It’s short, im still trying to figure out my writing style. Don’t really listen to Harry Styles but I enjoyed Fine Line and I thought the cover looked neat :)
You always loved when it rained; it was the perfect atmosphere for listening to music and doing absolutely nothing else. You flipped through your small collection of vinyl records, and chose your current favorite. Picking up a blanket and your sketchbook, you padded out of your room and down the hallway. It was quiet enough to hear your own footsteps - a welcome quiet, compared to the chaos of being an Avenger.
You rounded a corner and approached your favorite place in the entire building. The third floor common room was unofficially claimed by Bucky and Steve, but they never minded you hanging out there.  It was spacious but cozy, with a large bookshelf, a vintage sofa set, and most importantly -  an authentic 1940s record player.  You knelt in front of it, and carefully put the disc into place. You adjusted the settings to your liking, then settled onto the carpet in front of the coffee table and cocooned yourself into your blanket. The light patter of rain and familiar music formed a comforting lullaby, and you soon found yourself nodding off to sleep. 
That is, until you heard footsteps. 
“Hey, kiddo. Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up,” Steve said, lowering his voice.
“It’s ok,” you yawned, ”I wasn’t even asleep”. Steve shot an amused glance at you before grabbing a worn looking book and sitting in an armchair.
“Whatcha listening to?” he asked.
“Nothing, I can turn it off if it’s annoying”, you said, half getting up.  Your friends used to complain about your music taste being obnoxious - you doubted a hundred year old man would be interested.
“No, don’t worry about it. I’m curious what the kids are listening to these days.” He pulled out a pair of reading glasses you were pretty sure he didn’t need, and polished them on his shirt. “What’s this noise called anyways?” he said with mock distaste.
You told him the name of the artist.
“Ah, never heard of them...” he replied, before shifting his focus back on his book.
Unable to fall back to sleep, you opened your sketchbook and started a little doodle for each song that played. Every now and then Steve would ask about an instrument he didn’t recognize, or the meaning of a lyric. Each time, your answers grew longer and more detailed; eventually you were providing an unprompted commentary on each track, excited to share the knowledge you’d deemed useless before.
When the entire album had played through, Steve took one of his from the bookshelf.  
“You ever heard of Glen Miller?” he asked.
You shook your head. “Nope. What kinda music does he play?”
“I can’t describe it really. It was real popular during the war...” he paused for a moment, like he was concentrating on something.   “I don’t know. Just listen to it, you’ll get it.”
No wonder it was popular.  Hearing the first few notes made you want to take your worries of the shelf and dance them all away. You were tired though, so you just tapped your foot instead.
As the bright swing music played, Steve shared his own commentary - a memory, a favorite phrase, a slang term that had long since gone out of use.  You spent the rest of the afternoon trading old stories and lighthearted jokes, and by the time you were called for dinner you had both gained a new respect for each other’s music tastes.  
“So you do like my music then!” you said in exaggerated surprise as you folded your blanket into a lopsided rectangle.
“I said it was interesting, that’s not the same thing,” he responded jokingly.
“You totally liked it. We’re listening to Adele next.”
“Alright fine, if you insist,” he said, raising his hands in defeat.  “Let's go before the food gets cold, eh?” 
“Sure thing,” you replied, following him out of the room and towards a delicious smelling meal.
That’s it, I would edit it more but it’s been in my drafts for like two weeks, I just wanted to finish something.  I’ll probably do more at some point. Hope you enjoyed :)
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Lena let out an undignified squeak as she grabbed hold of the bookshelf beside her in an effort to not land on her face.
“I’m so sorry! Are you okay?”
Lena turned, wiggling her foot back into her heels properly, before freezing, eyes widening at the caped figure now scrambling to her feet.
An array of books and magazines were spread out on the floor, presumably the culprit of her latest near death experience. It was as though National City’s newly revealed superhero had been sitting in between the bookshelves on the library floor… studying?
Lena clutched the cheesy romance novel she had been too busy reading to her chest as Supergirl looked at her in concern.
Lena’s brain finally restarted and she cleared her throat, straightening her blazer. “Yes. I’m fine. Thank you.”
“You’re sure you’re not hurt?” Supergirl was wringing the edge of her cape in her fingers, looking far too nervous for someone who was suspected to be the strongest being on Earth by several sapphic blogs that Lena most definitely did not read.
“I’m fine.” She reached out to put a hand on Supergirl’s forearm in an impulse comfort gesture. “I promise.”
Supergirl seemed to relax slightly, some of the tension seeping from her shoulders. She held out a hand. “I’m Kara.”
Any tension that had left her immediately returned tenfold, eyes widening in panic as she froze.
Lena bit back a smile and took Kara’s hand, shaking it despite Kara’s lack of movement. “Lena. And don’t worry - your secret’s safe with me.”
Kara deflated, running a hand through her hair. “Alex is going to kill me.”
Lena laughed and patted Kara’s bicep (definitely the strongest being on Earth). “Maybe you should stop saying names now.”
Kara grimaced. “Oops.” She looked like she was about to say something else but stopped and looked at Lena again. “Wait… are you Lena Luthor?”
Lena straightened up, careful mask falling into place to try to hide the way her heart sped up and her throat constricted. “Yes.”
But before she could launch into her speech about how she was different from the rest of her family and only wanted to help, Kara lit up, crouching down to shuffle through her piles of literature until she came up with an issue of a science magazine from a few years ago.
“I just read your article about sustainable building and how we can introduce cost-effective eco-friendly measures to construction to reduce the damage done to the environment and promote a symbiotic relationship with nature.”
Lena blinked.
Kara almost poked herself in the eye before redirecting the movement to brush a strand of hair behind her ear. “Sorry, I just thought it was really interesting. You’re probably tired of people asking you about your work.”
Lena’s eyebrows rose. “No I… I don’t mind.”
Kara smiled and Lena found her heart racing for an entirely different reason. She redirected her attention to the books scattered on the floor.
“So what’s National City’s resident superhero doing studying civil engineering, first aid and… veterinary science on the floor of the library?”
Kara blushed and knelt down to start scooping up all her things. “Sorry - I know I should have been at a desk I just got carried away.”
The pile of books was up to Kara’s eyebrows when she stood up and Lena laughed, taking the top third of them from her. “And I shouldn’t have been reading and walking. But that doesn’t answer my question.”
Supergirl shrugged, toeing at the worn carpet with her red boots. “I’m new at the whole superhero thing. I don’t know where to freeze breath a building to hold it up or how to save someone who’s got water in their lungs from almost drowning. The other day I rescued a snake from a tree and tried to wrap it up in my cape to keep it warm and the owner told me ‘thanks, but reptiles are cold-blooded so they don’t warm up like that.’” She pouted at Lena. “The owner was a ten year old.”
Lena bit back a smile. “So you’re trying to learn how to be a better superhero?”
She shrugged and bit her lip. “I just don’t want to mess up.”
Lena considered her for a moment. “You know, I happen to have degrees in a few different kinds of engineering. And I made everyone at L-corp, including myself, take a first aid course when I took over.”
Kara looked as though she was trying to contain her hopeful expression. It wasn’t working very well, although that probably wasn’t surprising since her motto was ‘hope, help, and compassion for all.’
Kara bounced on her toes excitedly. “Would you help?”
Lena grinned and gestured to the left with her head. “Come on, I know which desk is the best in the library.”
It became somewhat of a routine after that. Every Saturday, Lena would go to the library as normal, pick out a new cheesy romance novel for the week and some kind of thick science book to hide it underneath, and then meet Supergirl in the back corner of the library, at the desk hidden behind the spare computers from the 90s where no one would find them.
Kara would normally already be there, pouring over texts and making notes in coloured pens and highlighters. Lena had bought her a rainbow of folders and dividers for each of the aspects of superheroing she was trying to improve in, and they had spent one very unproductive but fun day labelling and decorating them. They were now covered in random doodles, squiggly multicoloured patterns, and stickers that Kara had found in a rotating rack by the front desk, immediately claiming were essential for her learning.
During the week, Lena would keep an eye on any news of Supergirl, getting some strange looks from Jess when she walked into her office to see Lena cheering as Kara did something they’d worked on together. At the weekend she would listen to Kara excitedly retell those same events until the librarian came over to shush them. She seemed to be the only person in National city that wasn’t completely charmed by Supergirl, and it always led to half an hour of Kara pouting and asking Lena why the librarian didn’t like her.
It was a few weeks before Lena got there first. She frowned, checking the surrounding isles of books for any caped figures but they were all empty as usual.
She sat at their desk and opened up the book she had randomly grabbed off a shelf, putting her latest romance novel inside it to covertly read. It was called ‘Lost and Found: A Love Story’, the back of it claiming it was about a woman who ‘drops her scarf at a train station but ends up finding something much more meaningful in the woman she bumps into at the lost and found.’ It was exactly as awful as it sounded.
Kara bounded up to the table about 20 minutes later, a coffee cup in each hand and a satchel slung over her shoulder that made her cape bunch up awkwardly. She beamed at Lena and set a coffee down in front of her.
“Guess what I just did.”
Lena slammed the books shut inside each other, scrambling to put her arms over them and rest her chin in her hand casually. “What?”
Kara either didn’t notice or didn’t care, rounding the desk and putting her bag down on it with a grin. “I laservisioned the supports of a broken crane back together using some metal from a billboard and now it’s totally fine for use again.”
Lena’s eyebrows rose. “What happened to the crane in the first place?”
Kara’s cheeks heated and she looked away, rubbing the back of her neck as she mumbled, “I may have flown into it a little bit.”
She scowled at Lena as Lena started laughing but it was undermined by the way her lips tugged up.
“Oh!” Kara lit up and started rifling through her bag. “I brought you this.”
She held out a book with a bright smile. Lena’s eyes widened as she looked down at the cover of what was very clearly another cheesy romance.
“It’s my favourite love story. It’s a bit like the one you’re reading at the moment but better, in my opinion. I thought you might like it.”
“What?” Lena scoffed. “I wasn’t reading a romance. I was reading…” she glanced over to check what book she had picked up, internally filling with regret as she read the title, but she had already committed to the facade. “The rhyming dictionary.”
Kara was very clearly trying not to laugh. “Ok. Well I’ll just leave this one here. And in case you didn’t know,” she leaned closer to Lena’s ear as she climbed into her seat, and whispered, “I have x-ray vision.”
Lena blushed, refusing to look at Kara’s smug grin. She cleared her throat and moved her books off to the side, along with the one Kara had put down, as casually as possible, and attempted to change the subject.
“So you remembered about weight distribution in support structures?”
Kara paused in taking folders and notes out her bag to turn to Lena excitedly, rambling on about her save, gesturing wildly with her hands.
Lena picked up her coffee as she listened with a soft smile, absentmindedly taking a sip.
She frowned down at the cup. “Is this my usual?”
Kara paused in her rambling. “Yeah. Does it not taste right?”
Lena shook her head, staring back down at her perfect coffee, cheeks heating at the heart drawn in latte art that Kara probably didn’t even have anything to do with. “No I just… I didn’t know you knew my order.”
Kara grinned, raising an eyebrow (Lena should never have taught her how to do that). “Perhaps you’re not as elusive as you think, Lena Luthor.”
Lena arrived at the library one Saturday to find Supergirl staring at the front doors like she might set light to them any moment.
“What’s wrong Supergirl? Lose a fight with a door handle?”
Kara turned to her with a pout, pointing at a sign hanging on the other side of the glass. It read ‘Library closed until 23rd due to water damage. Apologies for the inconvenience.’
Lena sighed.
“Where am I going to get my books for this week, Lena? I’m never going to understand civil engineering without them.”
Lena bit the inside of her cheek, the rational part of her brain at war with the part that was helpless to the superhero’s pout. It had to be one of her superpowers because Lena would never admit she was actually soft.
She tore her gaze away, trying to seem casual. “I actually have some engineering textbooks at my apartment. I guess you could borrow them if you wanted.”
Lena squeaked as Supergirl crushed her in a bear hug, lifting her a few inches off the ground. “Thank you thank you thank you!”
Lena laughed, trying to turn it inconspicuously into a cough when a passerby gave a slightly shocked and confused look at the sight of a Luthor and a Super laughing on the library steps. Kara dropped her back to her feet, stepping back with a sheepish smile.
“Sorry, I got excited.”
Lena shook her head with a smile. She turned to go but as she went to gesture for Kara to follow, her hand caught against Kara’s. Her brain misfired and decided in the split second where her index finger hooked onto Kara’s pinkie that the best course of action was to commit to it and simply hold hands. In an attempt to make it seem less affectionate and more practical, she walked off quickly, dragging Kara along in the direction of her apartment.
She could feel Kara’s smile like rays of sun behind her. At least her hair was down to cover up the heat that was creeping up the back of her neck.
Her apartment was only a few minutes from the library. She had to slap Kara’s hand away from the elevator buttons before she pressed them all, marveling at how many floors there were.
“So this is where you live?” Kara looked around the hallway, panicking when she snapped a leaf off of a decorative plant, while Lena unlocked the penthouse door.
Lena pretended not to see her discreetly dropping the leaf into the plant pot but raised an eyebrow at her. “No, Supergirl. I just decided we should come and stare at this random person’s door.”
Kara ignored her, walking past into her apartment and looking down at the city below through the large floor to ceiling windows. “Nice view. I should take you flying sometime - it’s even better from up in the clouds, especially at night.”
Lena closed the front door, trying not to think about romantic flights and being cradled in strong arms. “I’ll go get the textbooks.”
She moved towards her home office, Kara trailing behind in interest. The engineering textbooks were over in the left corner and she scanned the alphabetised section for the ones she wanted.
Kara ran her fingers over the spines of books until Lena was done. She smirked at Lena, letting her hand trail teasingly down the bookshelf before she left. Lena blushed as she realised why. Kara had found her fiction section, over half the books in which were very clearly a certain genre.
Lena groaned and followed her out.
They spent the entire afternoon on the floor around Lena’s coffee table, going through the textbooks, laughing over Kara’s constant puns, and eating the seemingly endless supply of snacks Kara produced from her bag. It wasn’t until the sun had started to set that Lena realised how long they’d spent simply telling jokes and stories.
It was alarmingly easy to just be around Kara. Strangely, Lena didn’t think she minded.
Lena frowned as someone knocked on her door. It was a Saturday morning and she was just about to leave to meet Supergirl at the library.
She only grew more confused as she opened the door to see a fluffy white cloud panting happily at her and squirming in her direction. A head poked out from behind it, looking just as happy.
“Lena, hi! Sorry to just turn up but the mean librarian lady threw me out because apparently you aren’t allowed to play fetch in the library.”
Lena stared at the woman currently holding a large puppy in front of her, familiar blonde curls pinned back and glasses slipping down her nose. “…Kara?”
Kara blinked at her for a moment before she seemed to realise. “Oh! Right. Sorry - this is what I look like normally. When I’m not being Supergirl I mean. Alex said I wasn’t allowed to wear the suit all the time because it had to be washed.”
Lena nodded slowly, trying to reconcile the image of this Kara with Supergirl and to not think too hard about the implications of Kara being comfortable enough around her to show her her civilian identity. “Right. Why do you have a dog?”
Kara lit up. “I saved an animal shelter from a fire and they let me adopt this guy. Isn’t he adorable?”
Lena looked at the matching faces of excitement. “Very cute. But why is he here?”
Kara shrugged. “Well I couldn’t leave him after I’d just adopted him so I thought he could join us for our study session?”
Lena crossed her arms and Kara pouted. It was somewhat undermined by the puppy licking her face and making her giggle but Lena was still helpless to resist.
“Ok but he better not mess up any of my stuff.”
“Yes!” Kara grinned, wiggling the puppy excitedly, his ears flopping about.
Kara kissed her cheek on her way into the apartment and Lena’s heart skipped a beat. The puppy licked her in an attempt to join in but even that didn’t stop the way her heart raced.
They settled on the couch, facing each other as Lena quizzed Kara with flashcards. The puppy alternated between curling up in Kara’s lap and zooming around Lena’s living room, falling over his own paws.
“Ok, last one. How do you treat a sprain?”
“Ice it with my freezebreath, wrap it so it’s compressed but not cutting off circulation, keep it elevated.”
Lena grinned proudly. “That’s it! Done.”
Kara threw her hands in the air in delight, squealing as she propelled herself forwards to tackle Lena to the couch. She pulled back just as quickly, pushing up to brace herself over Lena.
“Sorry. I got excited.”
All the breath had deserted Lena’s lungs and she stared up at Kara. A light flush rose on Kara’s cheeks, pale pink against the deep blue of her eyes, bringing out the freckles that dusted her skin.
The flashcards slipped from Lena’s grasp as she surged up to meet Kara’s lips. Kara’s arms almost buckled but she caught herself. And then she was kissing back.
Lena’s hands slid up Kara’s back, practically pulling Kara down on top of her.
They were both breathing hard when they pulled apart, eyes closed and foreheads rested together.
Kara was smiling softly down at her when she finally opened her eyes. She had shifted to hold herself up on one hand and one elbow, her free hand gently stroking back Lena’s hair.
She looked like she was about to say something when she did a double take over the armrest of the couch behind Lena and her soft look turned into a wince. “What was it you said about the puppy not messing up any of your stuff?”
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pastelpaperplanes · 3 years
You mostly draw Megatron with Crusade in his Cybertronian look but in your canons it was said that while carrying the spark Megs wore his Marauder look. Did Megatron changed bodies or is the Canon changed?
yes! haha so hmm let’s see. So far up until A Little Too Familiar I have tossed Crusade into my Crackship AU—because with the Cybertron’s future AU with a whole lot of my other sparklings, ones that have considered backstories, they wouldn’t exist because of Shamus and Envoy!—and yes in the Crack AU, Megan does sport his Marauder Upgrade.
I’m still 1000% open to keeping Crusade as like,,a cameo for the Crack AU but I will say I’m getting far too attached to their character to better NOT explore them more in a more intricate backstory kind of sense! Many of the asks I’ve answered previously about Crusade’s personality and future are still canon—with the exemption that Crusade has a far more present/loving relationship with their Carrier, who as a literal helicopter parent is near suffocating in his protectiveness and efforts to keep his sparkling away from the hands and influence of the Autobots, even if that means locking them away on the Nemesis far too much to be healthy, and lying straight to their face, and others, about their origins.
Since the TFN 2021 S4 kickoff script reading I’ve been leaning towards guess what—a whole other AU that continues RIGHT after that point, much like where the CF AU would—only certain rescission within the timeline have been changed leading to, in some relationships, a vastly different setting for a next generation! (No, I don’t think I’d create a whole ton of other sparklings in place, for example a planned Strika/Lugnut kiddo wouldn’t happen for obvious reasons, nor would Shmaus or Envoy exist!! Who would remain, THAT I will figure out later down the line.) So Megatron is not in his Marauder form, Optimus is named Magnus, Jazz is with team Prime/Ninja Corps, Sentinel is still a dick figures, Prowl is still dead and so forth.
What I have planned is sort of like where the Deceptions sport a retreat after their bust on Earth when attempting to take over the central line of techno organic energon. The Cons faced losses, high command was scrambled and still very much injured from their cruel, and unusual keeping within Trypticon, heavy sacrifices turned out to NOT reap greater rewards, and the troops are still starving—and starving, scared mecha are far more dangerous than angry ones.
Optimus is still coming to terms that he is due to lead Cybertron, under the title of Optimus Magnus as soon as he’s back, whether he likes it or not as the front lines are still very much on edge with the evermore increasingly violent rouge Con raids.
I made some commentary on the reading as a whole which was PHENOMENAL and I’m still riding the high that is the fanTASTIC work that was put into is, like god. There was a brief but hilarious moment from Rattletrap where he attempted to sell off a crudely photoshopped Megop photograph as dirt—a part of me thought it would be even MORE hilarious if said photo was actually, used and Op was left sputtering after a double take going like how did they find that. HOW.
My poor, poor fanfic loving heart got going on of course the What if the Enemies Were Fraternizing Throughout the Whole of The Show, Morals be Damned in Those Stolen Moments Because I Like YOU For Some Reason trope. Wow is me, be still my beating HEART. It did not stop—so I made another AU :D yayyyyy
Basically the creation of Crusade follows along in this timeline in that sense. They were a product of one too many lonely nights in some far off abandoned cave that never could quite seem to end with a civil conversation, let alone spark apprehension from the other when it came to going toe to toe of the battlefield for the sake of their Causes. A Comfort without Strings relationship, even if they did come to grow fond of each other, not that they’d ever admit it—a confession, in a sense, would only hurt both parties knowing that the two would never give up their motivations in the ‘impossible ‘case that said feelings were mutual.
From the looks of it, the Autobots did not once tend to the Deceptions during their stay at Trypticon. Megs still sported bare struts and tattered armor up to his escape—it would be believable that medics never once ran scans, let alone were ordered to get anywhere near the high command. With already being in such poor shape, battered, humiliated, starved, violated (those minicons?? homage to Trepan??? yikessssss) and sedated—it would be believable that Megatron wouldn’t pay notice to a small flutter in his spark amongst all the pain and anxiety, at least until he finally could gather his bearings under the lockdown of his temporary fortress stuck on Earth.
Megatron, knowing he was alone, now extremely vulnerable, heavily outnumbered and out favored by his remaining struggling troops, called upon his definitely not most favorite sub team to cower behind—the DJD, to meet his blaring distress beacon.
Tarn and his crew, with the help of the rest of high command’s signal dampeners, are able to as covertly as possible—minus the world sweeper size of the Peaceful Tyranny and the paralyzing droning on of the Empyrean Suite that Tarn just loves so dearly—made it off planet save for a few bumps and bruises from the small force of Team Prime. The High & Mighty Megatron was no where to be seen in the action. Probably off in a hurry to lick his wounds in retreat after getting his ass handed to him, many assumed, but Nickel knew better. Tarn knew better. Something was terribly wrong in order to resort to a ‘cowardly’ extraction and evasion mission.
You can see where I’m going w this—so anyways YES that is the general gist of where this AU kicks off!!! Megs and Op, particularly Megs, got unlucky on their last night together—eventually all leading to the introduction of the previously secretive back up weapon that was the DJD. Coming to the rescue of their Fearless, All Powerful, and Resilient Leader?? A strange, but instantly understandable measure to resort to once Megatron reveals himself as a carrying mech, the beholder of a true heir and a testament to the resilience that is the Deceptions though the terrible reign the Autobots have held against them through the eons.
I’ll go into why he keeps Crusade on a tight leash and Op out of the loop entirely for as long as he possibly could—and how the rest of Megaton’s troops behaved around this clearly, half blooded Con sparkling their leader doted on— later!
Needless to say, Crusade’s reputation from the moment they were born was tottering on a fine line between that of pitiable condolences for their leader, and that of true Decepticon pride knowing that the one to lead them to glory some day is none other than one of the Autobots’ very own descendants.
Hope that kinda better explains things! I like Meg’s Cybertronian design, it’s sleek, it’s sexy, it’s easier to draw, and since S4 gave us a fresher design to admire of Optimus, why not have the same for his other half!
YEAHH. so new AU :D AYOOOO I’ll tag this timeline/future mentionings of Crusade and their journey as Cybertron’s Legacy AU
extremely stupid doodle under the cut! I can’t get over the duality of Old Written vs New Written Crusade ahhh 💀💀
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I found a horrifically perfect tik tok audio for these two oml
Swapping Megatron stories!
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demonslayedher · 3 years
"Grandpa Kokushibo" AU
This started as a simple little joke in those Muichiro doodles. And then it was just supposed to be a simple little drabble. A simple little Crack Fic. But next thing you know...
“You… you are my descendent…”
Six flaring eyes loomed over Tokito, the two in the middle etched with writing. Upper Moon… One…
“Those eyes…”
Having been so locked on the demon’s eyes, he didn’t realize at first that it was talking about his own. “…huh…?”
“…They’re red… a sign… a Kakushaku-no-Ko… you have… potential…”
“Become… a demon…”
“…huh………. Huh!?”
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With little recourse to convince the demon to leave like he might attempt with a bear or a boar, Tokito brought the demon home. “Sweetheart? I, uh… a relative of mine is visiting.”
His wife, whose complexion was lovely even without the luxuries of make-up, smiled up sweetly from where she knelt, with their two young sons asleep on the futon before her. “You still have family? What happy news---”
The demon, Kokushibo, bowed lowly so that he could fit inside the door. “Good evening,” he said.
“…G…Good evening,” she gawked, her soft green eyes wide and locked. “A… a pleasure to meet you.”
“The pleasure… is mine.”
“Uh, so, it seems this is my great-grandfather of sorts. A great many ‘greats.’ A few centuries’ worth of ‘greats.’ What a coincidence that we’ve just run into each other.”
“It’s no… coincidence. I have… always been searching… for Sun Breath users…”
Tokito smiled with his face like puddy. “Sun Breath? What’s that?”
“…to kill them…”
Tokito and his wife shared a “ghh!!” as their throats tightened.
“I did not expect… to find the remains of the Tsugikuni Clan… out here… in this… dump…”
“I, uh, I sort of recall that name being way back in the family. But on the wrong side of the war, you know? We haven’t been a warrior clan since the start of Edo times.”
“A pity… but… no matter… you will have… a greater master to serve…”
“Um! Uh! Would you like to meet your grandsons?”
“Honey, what are you—”
Six eyes widened. “Grandsons?”
“I have twin boys! I’m busy raising them, I don’t have any time for swordsmanship, haha! All I know how to do is swing an ax.”
“Heirs… are important… they’ll do no good… as children… You,” he looked to Tokito’s wife, whose eyes were swirling trying to follow his gaze. “You do it. You raise them. I’ll… train my descendent…”
“You may have… the ability… to attain the Breath… of the Sun…”
“D---di---di—didn’t you say you were going to kill S-S-Sun Breath users?”
“Why would I… kill my descendent…?”
Tokito was doing his best, but he was hitting his limits for how many more surprises he could take that evening. “Listen, I… I only want what’s best for my family. I want to watch my sons grow up, and teach them how to live a simple life out here in nature. Ancestor or not, we want nothing to do with demons.”
“My dear,” his wife said, some surprised admiration in her tone.
“I have to ask you to leave.”
“I cannot.”
“You will take ‘no’ for an answer!”
“I cannot,” Kokushibo stressed. “The sun is rising. Sunlight… will kill me…”
“…ah… oh. That’s a problem.”
“I’ll remain… here…”
“I’m sorry, I can’t have you do that. You’re a demon, and—”
“Defy me… and I will kill your family.”
“---GHH!” the Tokito couple swallowed harder.
----- The boys woke up to find a demon quietly sitting cross-legged in the corner. Yuichiro cried, Muichiro stared. Tokito didn’t want to scare them, however rightfully they should be, so he smiled and introduced the demon as their grandfather. Kokushibo politely bowed his head. The boys were quickly accepting. In his heart, Tokito cried and begged the forgiveness of his religious parents for not teaching them a proper distaste for evil.
In a battle of will, Tokito would be easily outmatched. But for however many years Kokushibo had on him, he didn’t seem like a quick thinker. Tokito might be able to beat him in a battle of wits. He had an ability that was sure to ward Kokushibo off, if only he could wield it with the right timing.
“If you leave me no choice, Grandfather, then I guess I must learn this Sun Breathing swordsmanship you keep talking about! Maybe you’re right, maybe I do have potential! I’d like to think all my practice cutting down trees makes me adept with a blade,” he smiled, his hands proudly at his hips. “Will you take a look this evening?”
“Yes… I eagerly await… seeing your potential… my descendent…”
Tokito grinned. He couldn’t wait either. In the meantime, Yuichiro and Muichiro spent the daylight hours at either side of the unusual houseguest.
“Grandpa, you have flames on your face. Do those hurt?”
“They do not…”
“You have as many eyes as a bug. Why do you have so many eyes?”
“Because… I am… a demon…”
“It looks gross. With all those eyes, can’t you see it looks gross?”
“I can see… a great many things…”
“Why are there eyes on your sword? Can your sword see?”
“My sword is made with… my blood… its eyes… are my eyes…”
“Is your sword a bug?”
“What’s its name?”
“Your tongues… are young.”
When evening fell, Tokito put his plan into action. It took no special effort on his part, all he had to do was trust himself.
“Yahh! Yaahh!” he yelled as he swung his ax. “Yaah! Yar! Yagh! Yuh!! Ya—AHHH!” he spun around and fell down, nearly lopping off his own arm. Perfect!
All of Kokushibo’s eyes, even the ones down his sword were blazing on him, and he waited for Kokushibo’s reaction. There was no fooling those eyes, which made Tokito’s plan all the better.
That demon would know!
“You are very…”
Precisely! This would chase that pesky demon off, wouldn’t it?
“I can see… it will take… many years… to train you…”
The centuries had made Kokushibo resilient to setback, and time flowed at a different pace for him. “Become a demon now… and you will have… all the time you need… to attain… Sun Breathing…”
“Now, now wait!” Tokito waved his arms. He had taken the full next day to get his wits rounded back up, while Kokushibo resided indoors again patiently allowing the curious bos to poke the eyes of his sword, proving to them he was too powerful to be harmed by their tiny fingers. Yuichiro contemplated poking Kokushibo in one of the eyes on his face, but he hesitated when all six were focused on him, and he cried and buried his face behind his hands. “Wait. Wait. You can wait, can’t you?”
“Wait… for what?”
“If it’s inevitable that I have to become a demon, can’t you wait for me to be a human longer?”
“What good is there… in being human?”
“I want to watch my boys grow up!”
“I am a demon… I see them… perfectly fine.”
“Well, I mean, but, no, I mean, like, out there, having a normal family life with them. Working in the mountains, coming home, making food.”
“A human body… is weak… and will starve… without food… A waste… of time… to constantly…. work… for… Your body… will grow old… and frail… Become a demon… and these concerns… will vanish…”
“You—you make a compelling argument, Grandfather. But being human is good too!”
“How… is being human… better… than being… a demon?”
“I, well… is… isn’t it weird to learn Sun Breathing if I can’t see the sun?”
The demon’s eyes, every last one of them, went wide. Tokito had him! “You’re… right…” he said, stunned.
“Haha, oh, Grandfather! It’s been so long since you’ve seen it that you must had forgotten about it! All the creatures of this world are meant to be touched by the sun’s rays, it’s the natural way of things. It’s a blessing.”
“Sun Breathing… may require… practice… under the sun…”
“Haha, it may take a while, but I guess I’ll have to do my best on my own.”
“I will… train you… at night… and by day… you will train… under the sun…”
The arrangement seemed to be working a while. Whether Tokito trained during the day or not (he did not), his progress was slow. His wife had come to get accustomed to the situation, knowing she had to make the best of it until the demon hopefully got bored and left. Having the boys so entertained during the day helped her get a lot of extra work done around the house.
“Grandfather,” she addressed him. “We got a great catch for dinner tonight, look at the size of this fish! What part of the fish is your favorite? I’ll serve that part for you.”
“Demons… do not eat… fish…”
“Oh, how rude of us. What would better suit your tastes?”
“Demons… do not consume… human food… we would… vomit it…”
“Ahhh… oh. Well, we can’t have that.”
“Grandpa. Grandpa,” Muichiro tugged at his hakama. “Then what do demons eat?”
Muichiro stared, and after what felt like a long time in human experience, his face flushed and his eyes welled with tears. Yuichiro pinched his cheek. “Don’t cry, stupid. He’s only teasing you.”
“…oh,” Muichiro, red-faced and cheek still stretched smiled with relief.
Their mother, meanwhile, was blanched white, the fish still flopping around in her stiff hands.
“You’re not… making much… progress… could it be… you’re not… practicing… in daylight…?”
“Ah, ahhhh, yes, I’m afraid not,” Tokito sweated profusely. “That… that’s just part of being human. There’s so much work to do all day and then I have to sleep through so much of the night. I may never learn swordsmanship at this rate, hahaha!”
“Then hurry… and become a dem—”
“S-Sure must had been nice to be in a samurai clan back in your day, huh? Servants to do all the tedious chores and stuff so you could focus and train! May, maybe it’d be nice to hear some stories about when you were growing up! The boys would love to know their family history too, I’m sure!”
“…what chores…?”
“Oh, haha, oh, Grandfather! Did you not even know what chores were? What a charmed life—”
“What chores?” he stressed.
“Uhh---well---chopping trees, mostly.”
“Your ax… hand it to me…”
“Uhh… yes, sir.”
“I will chop your trees… so you… may advance… in your training…”
“Ye… yes, sir.”
They had an excess of very high-quality wood on a regular basis. It sold so well on Tokito’s occasional trips into town that he found himself with more money than he ever had in his life. “Use it… to buy food…” Kokushibo instructed him. “Nourish your family… with it… buy warmer clothes… save your labor…”
Tokito had been raised being told that demons were evil, but he began to question that. They were all part of a world beyond humans, populated by Buddhas and Tengu and foxes, who was to say that their nature was entirely evil?
All at once, one night after months of the demon’s constant presence, he disappeared. Tokito and his wife cried with relief, and Tokito vowed to use the gifts the supernatural ancestor bestowed on them to raise his family well, and to never forget humility in the face of things outside their human experience.
But then he came back the following night.
“G-Grandfather,” he trembled. “Y-y-you’re back.”
“I went out… to feed. Now… continue… your practice…”
Inside, his wife cried on behalf of them both, for Tokito was too scared to anything but obey.
Two years went by. With no choice, Tokito could not help that his swordsmanship improved. “Hhm,” Kokushibo nodded with approval. “Soon… I shall… find you a sword… no longer… a wooden one…”
“Aw, you don’t need to trouble yourself, Grandfather!”
“It is… no trouble… to steal one…”
“Well, what I mean is, I’m still so clumsy! Hahaha! Sure would be a waste of effort to kill myself by accident, wouldn’t it?”
“Hmm… you are right…”
“I will… make you a demon first…”
“No! No, wait! I’ll keep practicing, I’ll keep practicing! Let’s hold off on a real sword until I’m ready!”
“You are… delaying… the inevitable…”
“And you are exceedingly patient, Grandfather!”
“That person… is not… so patient… he watches… and tells me… to hurry… and be done… with you…”
“Ghh!” he gulped as he went pale. He should never had forgotten his humility facing that which was outside human experience.
“Gra-a-a-a-nd-paaaa!” came a voice at the door of the hut. “Come fold origami with us!”
“I would… rather play Go…” the demon answered as he turned around and answered the summons.
“Go is boring!”
“You will… appreciate it when you are older…”
His wits. Tokito had to keep thinking with his wits.
Another year went by. Kokushibo remained outwardly patient, but once again made mention of ‘that person.’
“He has… more tasks for me… than to be here… tonight… I will grant you his blood…”
“Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!” Tokito raised his voice at him. This was it. He had to enact his next plan. “What are all these ‘tasks’ anyway? You still take plenty of time away to be a hitman, what else could he possibly have you do?”
Kokushibo answered very simply. “Look for… the blue… spider lily.”
“Ha! Spider lilies aren’t blue, everyone knows that,” sneered Yuichiro.
“The spider lilies are all dead,” said Muichiro. “It’s winter.”
If Kokushibo had twelve eyebrows, he would had raised them in their direction. “I… see… winter… of course… they must… be seasonal…”
“Are you senile, Grandpa? Of course they’re seasonal. They only grow in autumn.”
“You see big patches of them all of a sudden!”
“Autumn… of course… how could I… had forgotten…”
“That’s to be expected, don’t be so hard on yourself, Grandfather,” Tokito’s wife sweetly smiled to him. “They’re a daytime flower, it must be so long since you’ve seen them.”
“Daytime… yes… of course… they’re under… the sun… no wonder… it’s been… impossible… for demons… for a thousand… years… that person’s… blood… is swelling… within me… with… frustration…”
With the rising tenseness in Kokushibo’s voice, Tokito’s muscle sprung with their own tension. “N-no wonder! How sad! How sad that demons can’t go under the sun! I hope I never—”
“That person… will give you… more time. For you… must search… in the daytime…”
“Ghh…” he swallowed. “Y… yes, sir.”
“That’s stupid,” said Yuichiro. “You’re not going to find any in winter.”
“Yes… it’s stupid. You will… search next autumn… and train… until then… and…”
“Play… Go… with me. These rascals… have no… appreciation for… Go…”
“It’s boring, Grandpa!”
“I’m trying, I can’t remember all the rules!”
“Let’s play Shogi instead!”
“Fine… lay the board… let’s play Shogi…”
Two more years passed. Tokito had reprieve from his training during the autumns to search for the blue spider lilies, and one untimely fall in those searches gave him a much longer reprieve from training. His leg was badly broken, and he spent most of the winter bedridden.
“Haha… I’m still so clumsy…” he laughed, covering up that he also wanted to cry.
“And now we have to do all your work,” grumbled Yuichiro.
“Are you still in pain, Dear?”
“A… a lot, yes…”
“Become… a demon…”
“N-no! I’m still so clumsy, I haven’t mastered any of the Sun Breath yet!”
“I don’t want Daddy to get hurt anymore,” Muichiro said with tear-stained eyes. “Next autumn, I’ll go look for the flowers instead.”
“Ghh!” Tokito and his wife looked to him, helpless to tell their son to stop.
“Very good… a good child…” Kokushibo patted his head. “You will… be useful… to that person… too…”
It had to stop. Tokito needed to hurry and eliminate this demon, for the sake of his family.
The following autumn, his leg still bothered him. On most days it was fine, but when it rained or when he climbed too stiff of an incline, the pain kept coming back. He could not use it as any excuse to skip his training, though, for Kokushibo would use that as an excuse to rip him from his humanity.
He kept up the training, as well as ventured out through the mountains to search, and ventured down the mountain periodically to sell the wood that Kokushibo cut. On one of those trips into town, he overheard the gossip.
“I heard it was demons.”
He froze to the spot and listened. He knew it wasn’t Kokushibo, for he was careful not to cause any incidents that would inconvenience the Tokito family—a strange thing that Tokito was sorry for being grateful for. But, perhaps if an incident had occurred closer to them, he’d have heard the following gossip sooner.
“The Demon Slayers are sure to catch it.”
“Demon Slayers?”
“Swordsmen with the sun in their blades, they fight with Breaths to take those monsters down.”
Breaths! Like Sun Breathing!
“Um!” he butted in. “How can I find these Demon Slayers?”
“How? We don’t know. Do you have a demon on your hands, Tokito?”
“…Ghh!... N… No…” he bit his lip and rolled his eyes back to avoid looking at them as he lied.
Maybe there was someone out there who could help him. But how would he find them without raising Kokushibo’s suspicion? The stress made it hard for him to sleep and gave him headaches. His could not risk any talk of this at home, but his sweet wife could see how it pained him, and she whispered with a light cough to let her and the boys take care of searching for the blue spider lilies.
His wife fell ill. A common thing, for humans.
“I’m sorry, Grandfather. For now while I’m still human, I still have human responsibilities to my family. I need to find medicine for her. I’ll be back after I go fetch a herb that will help.”
“You know not where… to find… the blue spider lily… but know… the location… of… a little… herb…?”
“Yes. I’ll be right back.”
“It’s… raining…”
“I know exactly where it is.”
“Where… is it…”
“It grows on the side of a cliff near here.”
“You… know… of plants… on a cliff… but not… the blue… spider lilies…? You… wreak… of… a liar…”
Tokito ran cold.
“And… to think… someone… as… clumsy… as you… would… try… in this… weather…? You…”
This was not the time for everything to crash and fail. His wife’s lungs were in a bad state, if Kokushibo were to do something to him now—
“…are… more… idiotic than I thought… stay here… my… stupid descendent. No wonder… you take… so long to progress…”
The demon very soon returned, unbothered by how his clothes and hair left dripping wet pools throughout their home. He did not know which herb it was so he had cleaned the cliffs of them, allowing Tokito to sort through and pick out the ones that would help. Tokito made them into a medicine to treat his wife, and while it eased her coughing over the following day, she was still in a worrisome state. Kokushibo rolled all six eyes before leaving again that night, returning very close to dawn with his hands full of medicines. “Something… in these… ought to do it…”
It took a little careful trial and error, but a few of them turned out to be very effective, and she soon made a complete recovery.
And now, Tokito had a debt to pay.
He made progress in Sun Breathing. Something was breaking through, making sense in his muscles. Kokushibo watched all the more silently with each night. They both had the sense that there was a change coming soon. Tokito was on the last of his wits.
The time Kokushibo spent around his sons, influencing them… it likewise had to end.
“Grandfather,” he asked, his forehead against his thumbs. “Where do we go once I can no longer be in the sun?”
“You can reside here… as long as that person… allows you to… you want… to watch over your sons… do you not…?”
“I don’t know that much about demons. But if I become one, they’ll be in danger, won’t they?”
“…I will make certain… no harm… will come to your family…”
Tokito closed his eyes with a sigh. “Thank you.”
“Of the two of them… Muichiro… may also… be of use… to that person…”
“Ghh!” his whole chest tightened as much as his throat.
He had let this go on too long. How could he find them? How could he find the Demon Slayers? How could he do without ‘that person’ knowing?
----- The sun! Whatever action he took, it had to be under the protection of the sun!
“Tokito, good to see you!”
“It’s been months!”
“You had us worried.”
And humans! There was a strength in humans he couldn’t forget, and must always find himself humbled by. Anything he could ever accomplish on his own was so small, but with the help of more people! “Thank you for keeping us in mind! My wife fell ill a while, but she’s recovered now.”
“Psst. Are you still, you know?”
“You know?” another one asked, biting her lip and rolling her eyes back a second. “You know?”
“Ah… ah!! Yes!”
“Not to worry, lad,” an old man patted his shoulder. “Your family’s fallen on hard times, and that’s a shame. We’ve spread word of your family, and it’ll reach the right ears soon.” With a grin, the old lady next to him pointed to a crow flying overhead.
“Ahhh!” his eyes watered, and he bowed so low his face nearly hit his knees. “Thank you so much!”
“Hold your head up, young man. Do your roots proud!”
Yes. Even if his roots were Kokushibo, he could not allow himself to lose his humanity. There was still hope!
Tokito had to protect his family. This Breath had a power, a power strong enough to make ‘that person’ want to rid the world of anyone who could use it. Maybe it was ungrateful to hone it as a gift to his eventual rescuers, a weapon that they might use.
A weapon they might use against Kokushibo, the ancestor who had spent years teaching it to him.
After a long day of training in the rays of the sun and well into the night, Tokito returned to his home, already dark inside. Muichiro and Yuichiro were wrapped up in their futon and using Kokushibo’s knees for pillows. All six of his eyes opened slowly, focused solely on Tokito. “You’ve… grown much stronger… it’s time soon… for a sword…”
A knock came at the door. “That’s odd,” his wife blinked her big green eyes to it. They were not used to visitors.
“I’ll get it!!” Tokito shouted with a smile and bounded over to it. Their cry for help had been answered! It had to be buff, strong swordsmen, ready to rescue them and eliminate the demon—
He pulled wide the door, and against the light, there was the silhouette of two small children, and a demure lady in a traveling kimono.
No, this was wrong. Something was wrong. There was something special about these people, but they were not the Demon Slayers he waited for. As his breath tightened, the woman searched his face with growing concern. One of the children at her side looked inside the house, starting first on the woman with the big green eyes, and then the two identical children with long hair, staring back at the door while their Go board was illuminated by the outside light, and then to the dark corner of the house, where a demon sat and stared back.
“Ubu… ya… shi… ki?”
(((And then, the author who only wanted to write a short crack fic, put the fic away, scared by the evil she had unleashed.)))
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wank127 · 3 years
sorry in advance if i’m spamming your notifications /gen!
i just remembered that denki existed and i’m craving [neurodivergent] headcanons and your blog kinda has a lot of good reblogs n posts of that so-
you’re not spamming at all, in fact i didn’t even see this till now since i don’t normally get any asks ! (thanks for the ask btw <3) i hope you enjoy !!
neurodivergent denki headcannons !
disclaimer: i, myself, am currently in the process of getting diagnosed with adhd/autism/whatever it is (i’m not self diagnosing but i did get 8/10 on an autism assessment given to me by a doctor so that must say something) so this is a wee bit of me projecting. my intentions for this post are not to offend anyone in the nd community nor spread any miss information. please correct me if i make any mistakes ! and apologies for it being so long i’m still trying to figure out the ‘read more’ thing !! now ! onto the head cannons !!
he has MAJOR sensory issues and issues with bad textures
his main ones are foods that are a mix between solid or liquid, like a soup that’s meant to be smooth but isn’t or like very wet bread, anything sticky and that one inside of a hoodie feel, like the one wear it’s like fleece but it feels like plastic and somehow creamy and just BLUGNXJSK y’know?
he has that not right kind of thing(iykyk) where he has to say a word/phrase again till it feels right, or touch the desk again, or hit the back of foot again to make it right
it gets really frustrating sometimes
he surprisingly likes velvet, fun to play with, cool to drag your finger around on
he has very bad memory problems
like really bad
they cause him to breakdown every time he has a test cause everything he tried to study was just,, gone,, no where to be found
he opens up to present mic about it and he’s a big help, gives him extra time for testing, helps him with study techniques, gives him more reminders, etc etc
mic and him are like that student-english teacher duo
(no bc they’re the same person just different sizes please)
he struggles with reading a lot too, he knows there’s words but his brain just won’t recognize what they are
word soup
his main special interests/hyperfixations are old english literature, true crime/psychology/criminal stuff, literally anything to do with art and physics(electricity stuff)
he has other ones like cars and how to annoy bakugo to the brink of tears
his most common stims are happy flappy hands, putting his hand into a thumbs up and squeezing, rocking back and forth and swinging his legs about
his like calm down stim is humming, having some form of pressure(weighted blanket !!) and rocking a little bit
he gets overwhelmed by questions a lot
like if he’s not prepared to answer one and he gets asked TWO he’ll just go ‘nope’
he’s nonverbal sometimes, especially when he gets overwhelmed
he zones out and daydreams for like,,, 70% of the day
his favorite texture for food is something like mash potatoes, like a doughy texture, one that just sits right in the mouth
(potato waffles are his go to food (british thing but they’re so good))
just enough chew but not too much, not too wet not too dry
speaking of dry food,, he hates it. dry biscuits(cookies) are a no go if he doesn’t have a bunch of water/juice with him, he also just doesn’t like hot drinks
he’s god fuckinh amazing at art, like painting, drawing, sketching, everything
he’s so good at it
he ‘doodles’ in all of his school work and books, most of the time it’s of aizawa or present mic (or,, *cough*his crush*cough*) and they’re super accurate
when he goes to sleep he has to have a small tea light candle lit, his over the ear headphones on and playing asmr and a hoodie (comfort hoodie, gifted to him by kiri) with the hood up and pressure on his feet(like just his blanket covering them is fine)
no other set up is allowed
he uses fidget (simple dimple pop) and sensory toys
they got taken away from him in class one time, he almost cried it was so sad
so much rage
when he was younger he used to scream bloody murder when he had to put on sunscreen (same boo)
refused to wear it until his parents got him a spray on sunscreen (it was just like an oil/water based sunscreen that just,, wasn’t sticky, it was perfect) he still uses it to this day
he loves music, so much
it’s so cool
so many playlists
has like ten different ones that he made just for long car drives
like all the sounds and noises just make his brain so happy
he likes bo burnham cause he has very good lyrics and sounds that make him wanna share them with everyone so they can be happy too (especially ‘sexting’ , ‘oh bo’,’ words words words’, ’rant’, the kanye one, ‘we think we know you’, ‘channel 5 news: the musical’ and ‘bezos’ 1&2)
(omg channel 5 news is so good)
his number is 5
he’s kinda scared to do good in school bc his rank in class will go up and what if it lands on an ugly number??
he’s quite unintentionally restrictive with his food
he just forgets to eat or that he’s hungry
he’s working on it tho dw !
his accents are like typical british/english, australian and southern american
pop out at random times
like he’ll ask present mic to repeat the page number as a southern bell little lady
had a vocal stim that was opra singing “milly rock pick it up”
lil jon vocal stim
his room is very messy and cluttered from all the failed hobbies and things he just forgot about
expect him to cook but DO NOT expect him to clean up afterwards
like iida will walk into the dorm kitchen in the morning and find this huge mess thinking someone broke in
and kiri is like: oh ig denki was hungry i wonder if he has leftovers
okay i think i’m gonna end this one here lol it’s getting kinda long ! i hope you liked it ! <3
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A Surrealistic Life (Adrenaline Junkie Part 17)
Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 4     Part 5     Part 6     Part 7     Part 8     Part 9     Part 10     Part 11     Part 12     Part 13     Part 14     Part 15     Part 16
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: swearing, derealization, depression, grief, blood, mentions of death, nightmares, panic attacks
Word count: 3,385
                                          ✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
You cried in Philza’s arms for hours on end until you couldn’t cry anymore. Your head was left pounding and your throat scratchy from the loud crying, but you didn’t care. Nothing mattered anymore, without Arthur you were nothing. The past two and a half years just- just didn’t exist. Your mind was still reeling, the words ‘will you always be with me?’ echoing through your mind constantly filling you with guilt. 
With one last shuddering inhale, you separated yourself from Philza and wiped at the tears that had long since dried on your face. His eyes, vigilant as ever, scanned your form looking for any sign of distress. In his eyes, you saw pity and grief. This angered you, you didn’t need his pity; you were long past the point of pitiful glances. Well, you were, he wasn’t. 
You purse your lips as you watch his eyes flick between your wing and where your other wing was supposed to be. Sorrow flashes in his eyes before he looks back at you with a small, painfully fake smile. With one hand, he gently pushes your shoulder down back onto the bed and stands up. 
“I’ll be back, you get some rest.” 
With the slightest hint of a nod, you watched as he lingered in the doorway before hesitantly walking out of your room. After he left your room, you locked the door behind him. That door remained locked for weeks on end, every knock or attempt at conversation was never answered by you. Their words were nothing but background noise in the back of your mind. 
Instead of responding, you would lay in bed staring at the ceiling with unfocused eyes thinking about nothing but everything you’ve lost. Only occasionally you would leave your room to attend to your most basic needs when you were sure that everybody was asleep or out of the house. 
The days meshed together as your thoughts consume you in a whirlwind of unorganized messes. Several times, you’ve worked yourself into panic attacks and paranoia filled spiraling because you didn’t know what was real anymore. 
Being left alone with your thoughts was something that you always avoided by constantly tinkering with contraptions, your thoughts wandered off to places that greatly disturbed you. But now, you let those thoughts wash over you without a care. Your dreams reflected this; they were plagued with images of Arthur looking up at you with large puppy dog eyes and a large smile before he would be sucked into darkness screaming for you to help him, to do anything, but you were always glued in place leaving you to watch helplessly as he left you over and over again. 
Another common one you would have is Arthur getting lost in a bellowing snowstorm in the dead of night. You would be wandering through thick snow calling his name until you would come across a small, pale hand peeking out of an abnormal lump of snow; dread would always fill you during those dreams, it was a parent’s worst nightmare to lose their child.
Other dreams, though very rare, would be pleasant; whether they were about you and Arthur whistling a small tune as you both invented something or a small picnic on the cliff laughing freely into the air, you would always wake up in the mornings prepared to greet him and cook breakfast with him. It wasn’t until you moved your right arm and found that it had limited mobility that you realized that everything was a dream.
You hated those dreams, they always gave you a false sense of hope that everything was okay. Nothing is okay, absolutely nothing. 
You refused to believe that… whatever was going on didn’t happen; Philza had said that the last few years had been fake, something that your mind had made up as some form of coping mechanism, but who’s to say that this isn’t a hallucination as well? Both your experiences felt completely different from each other, this reality could be the hallucination for all you knew. 
The only thing on your mind was how you needed to get back to Arthur in any possible way you could. If Arthur didn’t exist in this reality, you didn’t want to be in it. You need him and he needs you, you didn’t want to imagine a reality without him. If you got yourself into this by dying, perhaps that was your ticket back to him. Perhaps there was a way to reverse this. 
You were going to get your son back, and you were going to die trying. 
Until then, you just have to wait out your family. They’d just stop you in the end and you couldn’t have that. You’d have to put on an act that you were perfectly fine and that would entail inventing everything over again, but you were fine with that; if you made it once, you can make it again. 
With a newfound sense of purpose, you searched your closet for your old cloak but then you remembered you got your cloak weeks after your first death. Groaning to yourself, you settled for your old bomber jacket. The slits in the back of it wouldn’t cover your nub, so you awkwardly tucked it underneath the fabric of the cloth. It shot pain down your spine, but you shook it off; the pain was something you could handle, you’ve had worse. 
Without another thought, you quietly left your room with only one destination in mind. 
You softly padded down the basement stairs towards your workshop. When you arrived at the bottom of the stairs, you paused and looked around. The walls that were once covered with sloppy sketches and words written in two different handwritings, both equally as messy and rushed, were barren for the most part; you forgot that the walls were painted an off white color. Your filing cabinets were gone, replaced with cardboard boxes containing old clothes and toys with thick layers of dust sitting peacefully on top of them. The crafting table sat in the corner of the room wasn’t worn, in fact it looked brand new, not a scratch could be seen on the surface. 
Everything was wrong. 
You numbly walked over to your desk and picked up the paper that laid on it, holding it up to the light. It was the first draft to your TNT launcher. The sight of the crude, minimal sketches made you cringe, it was far too messy; you had no idea how you could make out what your sloppy handwriting pointed to or what materials were supposed to go where. 
You dropped the paper and let it flutter to the floor without a care. Your eyes flickered over the desk and eyed the notebook sitting on top of a stack of spare papers. A spark of hope ignited inside of you, this was the notebook Arthur so often doodled in with different ideas of what could be invented. 
You snatched it and flipped the front cover over with haste. A wide smile stretched your lips when you caught sight of the small handwriting that littered the page. It was yours, but you had given it to Arthur so that he could learn and copy from your early years. It was perfect for a blueprint template, neat and organized. 
However as you flipped through the book, your smile dropped and the little hope that flared in your chest was snuffed out. You stared at the blank page as frustration built up inside of you. Before you knew it, you threw the notebook at the opposite wall as hard as you could. You were left standing in the middle of the cold basement with your chest heaving and your teeth gritted. 
Everything was so wrong. So, so wrong. 
You heard footsteps thunder down the stairs before they came to a stop behind you. Hesitant footsteps made their way over to you, you didn’t even have to turn around to know who it was. 
“(Y/n)? Is everything-”
“Nothing is okay, Tommy,” you gritted out, “absolutely nothing about this is okay.” 
He said nothing as he walked around you and put his hand on your clenched fist, his fingers curling around yours and opening your hand. Your palm stung slightly as you glanced down at it. Four small, crescent shaped cuts were imprinted on your skin slowly starting to glisten with blood. 
Huffing, you ripped your hand out of his grasp and glanced at his face. You caught yourself doing a double take as you saw just how innocent he looked. No sign of hidden pain in his shining blue eyes, no scars littering his skin, and the bags that once made him look years older was nonexistent. He was your annoying, gremlin of a little brother again. He was Tommy again. 
You watched as his eyebrows furrowed and his head tilted slightly, “why are you looking at me like that?” 
“No reason,” you breathed out before you shook your head trying to rid your mind of your frustrations, “no reason at all…”
He awkwardly coughed and nodded slightly, “right…”  
You cleared your throat and glanced off to the side at the book laying on the floor. Tommy’s eyes followed where you were looking and went to pick it up. You felt a twinge in your heart as he started to flip through it much like you did earlier. He looked up at you with furrowed brows, “why’d you throw this? What’d the book do to you?” He jokingly asked you. 
“It didn’t do anything and that’s the problem,” you mumbled out before you snatched the book out of his hands and tossed it into the trash can. 
“Why are you acting so weird? I know you just died and all, but you never let that notebook out of your sight and now you’re just tossing it into the bin!” Tommy fished it out of the trash can and haphazardly placed it back onto your desk on top of the stack of unused paper. You could feel your eye twitch at it’s placement before you threw it away again. 
“Leave it there, I don’t want it. I won’t need it anymore anyways,” you murmured under your breath. 
“Why wouldn’t you need it- wait, don’t tell me you’re quitting working with redstone. Cuz I’ll have you know that you’re going to be the best goddamned inventor this gods forsaken world has ever known and-”
“I’m not going to quit,” you interrupted him, “trust me, I’ll need whatever I can make. I just… don’t need it anymore, I already know exactly what I need to make.” I can’t stand the sight of Arthur’s notebook so empty and blank your mind supplied yourself. 
He tilted his head slightly, “even without the bluepri-”
“Even without the blueprints,” you curtly nodded and automatically turned to look at the bulletin board hanging above your desk only to sigh when you once again saw that it was barren. “I made these things thousands of times before, I know what I’m doing,” your gaze zeroed in on the half finished blueprint for your automatic crossbow, “I’ll just make them again.” 
Tommy once again looked at you with furrowed brows and inquisitive eyes, you could just see the curiosity and confusion swimming around in his baby blue orbs, “what do you mean, you literally only have one prototype of everything on here.” 
“You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you, so just drop it.” You hadn’t meant to snap at him like that, but the frustration was just too overwhelming to ignore. Just as you could see him start to get dejected from the corner of your eye, you made quick work of changing the subject.
“You know, I could hear what you said when I wasn’t awake. I really appreciated the music, it was a nice change of pace.”
He tensed before his eyes were drawn to the empty space over your shoulder. His breath hitched slightly as a sorrowful look appeared in his eyes. Looking back at you, he grabbed your shoulder and pulled you into a tight hug. You didn’t struggle against him despite your frustrations, you knew he needed you right now. You could still remember how broken he was when you were unconscious. The way his lip wobbled slightly before he hugged you reminded you of Arthur. 
You gently hugged him back and wrapped your wing around him. He gripped you tighter, his breath shuddering as wetness started to hit your head. You said nothing as you started to hum and run your fingers along his back tracing out patterns without a particular one in mind. 
Eventually, he pulled away from you and chuckled sardonically, wiping his tears away with a fist, “you’re the one who died and I’m the one being comforted. Gods, it’s pathetic.” 
“It’s okay to feel emotions, Tommy. You should never bottle them up, it sounded like you needed a good hug anyways. I’m happy to give you that,” you softly told him.  
He said nothing as he crossed his arms and shifted on his feet, avoiding your gaze. For a moment, your tall brother was replaced by a short, red haired boy wearing that same expression. You purse your lips in thought, your previous frustrations completely gone and replaced with an urge to comfort him or at least distract him. Though a deep sadness dragged your body down at the thought of Arthur, Tommy just reminded you too much of him. It was eerily uncanny in your opinion.
Ideas swarmed your head as you thought back to how you comforted Arthur when he fell down. Besides talking to him, you would always teach him something; knowledge to Arthur is- was like a sponge absorbing water. It gave him a distraction to whatever got him down, maybe that would work for Tommy as well. 
Wordlessly, you walked over to your desk and gestured for him to follow you. You plopped him into your office chair and pulled one of the cardboard boxes up to the desk. In the process, you grabbed your gloves, goggles, and everything you would need to set up a simple timed piston. The smallest spark of happiness flashed inside you as you saw that your resources were fully stocked. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Well, Tommy, I’m going to show you how to set up one of my favorite redstone mechanisms. Put these on,” you handed him the gloves and goggles and watched as he put them on. The goggles were a bit small on him, but besides that, everything fit him. 
“Now, you’re going to want to…”
Hours passed as you both worked together on the contraption. Slowly, you could see Tommy loosening up and making more jokes, successfully distracted. However, you didn’t expect yourself to follow suit. Laughter came easier to you whenever Tommy would joke around, your troubles long forgotten. 
It took a little longer than you were used to, but eventually Tommy started to follow along with the precision you’d expect from a beginner. Slowly but surely, with many mistakes along the way, there was a working piston system sitting on the desk. 
Tommy triumphantly laughed into the air as he watched the pistons work in tandem with one another. You laughed alongside him and ruffled his hair, “nice job, Artie! I knew you could do it!” 
Tommy completely stopped and looked at you in confusion, “‘Artie’? Who’s that?” 
You completely froze in place, you hadn’t meant to call him Artie. He was Tommy, he was your blond little brother, not your ginger son. Tommy was his own person, he was Tommy, not Arthur. You mentally scolded yourself for constantly mixing the two up. 
“Artie is- well, he’s just… Arthur is my old friend,” you stammered out after tripping over your words clumsily. Tommy couldn’t find out about Arthur, nobody could. That’d just ruin your plan. 
He snorted, “sure, ‘old friend’. You know, if Dad finds out that you’re dating someone he’d ground you for life.” 
“I’d never date anybody, you know that,” you scolded him with your nose wrinkled in disgust. “He’s just an old friend and you remind me of him.”
“Well, old friend or not, he sounds amazing if I remind you of him!”
You smiled sadly as your mind flashed to images of Arthur at various points in his life, “he really was, you would’ve loved him, Tommy. He might’ve been the best person I’ve ever met.” 
“Why don’t you tell me about him? I can preen your wings-” Tommy abruptly stopped himself and looked like he’d just accidentally kicked a puppy, looking at you with wide eyes and red tinted cheeks. 
Just as he started opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water, you chuckled at his expression, “you’re fine, Tommy. It’s just going to take some time for you to get used to this,” you shifted your wing and cringed at the uncomfortable feeling. You haven’t preened your wings since before you left for the cave nearly two months ago, and your wing was a mess of bent and loose feathers. “I’d… actually like a good preening, are you sure you know how to do it?” 
“Please,” he scoffed before pushing you to sit down in your desk chair, “I’ve seen you and Dad do it to each other thousands of times, I think I know what I’m doing.” 
“That isn’t how that- you know what? Just go ahead. Make sure you get any loose feathers and straighten them out,” you stretched your wing out and hoped for the best. Tommy surprisingly did a decent job of straightening out feathers, he just had to work on distinguishing loose feathers from intact feathers (you were now missing a couple of smaller feathers). 
The entire time, you were telling him how amazing your boy was. Sure, you might’ve overexaggerated just a little bit, but Arthur was certainly someone that deserved the praise. That kid was something else, truly a prodigy at both redstone and compassion. Leaving out the fact that Arthur was your adopted son and that he was ten years old was a little hard, but you managed to avoid that. 
You could tell that Tommy knew something was different about you, but you guessed that he just assumed the changes were because of your death and not because you were technically two and a half years older than you physically are. 
When he was done, you looked at your wing and you were pleasantly surprised at how well he did; sure there were a few loose feathers and they were partially crooked, but you could tell that Tommy did his best with them. 
“Thanks, Toms,” you smiled at him after you tucked your wing back in, “I really appreciate you doing that, it was starting to bother me.”
“It’s no problem,” he puffed out his chest in pride, “I told you I knew what I was doing.” 
“And I’m sorry for ever doubting you. Who knows, maybe Dad’ll let you do his wings next.” 
“Oh gods no,” Tommy shuddered slightly, “his are massive and he has two of them! If doing yours took me an hour and a half, I’d hate to see how long it’d take me to do his.” 
You cringed, remembering the last time you preened his wings. Though you were experienced, it had taken you two full hours for each wing. “Yeah, his wings are huge. Gods, I hope my wing doesn’t get to be that size.” Though they grew to be nowhere near Philza’s wingspan when you were in that reality, you weren’t sure if yours was going to be larger or smaller than what they were. 
Just as Tommy was about to open his mouth to respond to you, Wilbur’s voice echoed down the stairwell, “Tommy, dinnertime!” 
“Well c’mon then, let’s go. I’ll race you there,” was all Tommy said to you before he bolted up the stairs with a booming laugh, skipping every third step. You could feel your heart stop when he almost tripped on one of the stairs because he skipped too many. Rushing after him, you shouted at him, “Tommy, walk! You’re going to break your neck if you keep running up and down the stairs!”
                                         ✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
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comfortwriting · 3 years
Call Out My Name - F.W.
Fred Weasley X Reader imagine inspired by the song ‘Call Out My Name’ by The Weeknd.
Part 2 , Part 3
A/N: Your Feedback will be greatly appreciated! 
About: Fred is constantly in a ‘on and off’ toxic relationship and he uses the reader when he is lonely, overtime she falls in love with him but because she isn’t Fred’s girl - she has no choice but to walk away.
Themes: Heartbreak, unrequited love, sadness, longing.
Warnings: indication of smut, raw feelings of worthlessness, depression and anger.
Staring out of the train window trying to think of something to doodle in your notebook you couldn’t help but feel over the moon that you were going home for the summer, you had never felt like this before and you hated that you did - but after years of being strung along by someone and not being able to stay away from them - this feeling was bittersweet, hell, everything you had gone through was now nothing but bittersweet memories you just wanted to forget, almost like it never happened.
You fell in love with Fred slowly but the more time you spent with him you fell head over heels for him. This whole fiasco - whatever it was you had with Fred started three years ago, your first time spending the summer at The Burrow. Fred’s on and off girlfriend split up with him for the first time, Fred became withdrawn, not wanting to take part in his usual pranks or plan any new inventions with his brother George. At first, you believed that Fred wanted you around because he valued your friendship (a budding romance) and because you made him happy, but overtime you realised that this wasn’t the case at all - unfortunately you were just a stepping stone for him, someone to use when he couldn’t get what he wanted from the ‘love of his life’. 
You put your head in your hands and sighed deeply, the tears slowly pricking at your eyes, slouching in your seat you covered your house scarf (the one that Fred bought you) over your eyes, the memories flashing back to you like they happened yesterday.
We found each other I helped you out of a broken place You gave me comfort But falling for you was my mistake
Fred sat in his bed, his eyes red and puffy from all of the crying “I don’t know what to do, she doesn’t want me anymore” seeing him in such a state made your heartache, you had never seen him like this before - you were used to him bouncing around, always laughing and getting up to no good, not crying in bed too sad to be himself.
You sat on his bed and stroked his short hair that had been cut a few weeks ago “It’s going to be okay” you smiled at him softly “I know it might be too much to ask but why don’t we go for a walk? Get away from all the noise in this house, just this once.” you encouraged him.  
Fred contemplated your offer for a moment and then nodded “I can do that” he smiled, slowly getting out of bed. What started off as ‘just this once’ turned into routine - you and Fred going for stupidly long walks every morning you were at the burrow. 
Remembering the first time your hands brushed up against one another used to make the butterflies in your stomach soar but now all it does is hurt worse than before - rain now pattering down on the window.
Within months you and Fred did everything together, morning walks, quidditch in the afternoon basking in the warmth and orange glow of the sun, and then in the evenings you two would sneak downstairs whilst everyone lay asleep in bed.
“Hey Y/N” Fred whispered through the crack in the door, trying not to wake everyone up “fancy popping on one of those muggle horror movies you keep telling dad about?” 
You turned over, the landing light shining in your eyes and smirked at Fred, mirroring him “go on then.” 
Clutching your chest you could feel the pain of this memory hit you like a tonne of bricks, taking deep breaths you tried so hard to bring yourself back into the present moment... on the way home... leaving Hogwarts...but it didn’t work, like a leaf in the wind you were pushed back in relieving what you just wanted to forget.
The old and scratchy patchwork blanket sat over you and Fred, out of the corner of your eye you caught Fred glancing at you and smiling to himself. Turning to face him you asked what was so funny “nothing” he replied, yet he leaned in closer, his nose almost touching yours. Giving in, the two of you shared your first kiss and you could’ve sworn you felt sparks igniting within you. 
You brushed your fingers over your soft lonely lips reminiscing more of the memories that popped into your head as if they were being played on film. 
A few evenings later you and Fred were on the same sofa, covered by the same scratchy old patchwork blanket in the dead of night, yet this time instead this kiss lead to something much more, instead of sparks simply just igniting, burst into the biggest and most beautiful firework as you and Fred shared such an intimate moment together.
George had to admit that although he felt left out, he couldn’t deny how much happier Fred became when you were around - he started being himself again; pranking Ron and annoying Percy like it was going out of fashion.
But you had no idea that whatever you had with Fred would turn into the most intense rollercoaster ride you had ever been on.
I put you on top, I put you on top I claimed you so proud and openly
For the first time in your life you put another person before you and you deemed such an act ‘worth it’ at the time because you made mistakes out of your pure love for Fred, but you realised all you were doing was burning yourself out to keep Fred alight. Instead of getting perfect grades, you found yourself in enough detentions for everyone in your house.
In your mind Fred was yours, your boyfriend and he made you feel on top of the world and all you wanted to do was share your feelings and relationship to the world. Every Saturday morning you would be sat waiting at the Quidditch pitch to cheer on Fred, regardless whether it was a match or just practice.
You would write to your family and friends, telling them all about the soft haired troublemaker who swept you off your feet. “Looks like you’ve got another letter” George mentioned one morning over breakfast, your owl swooping up ahead delivering a reply. 
You smiled widely and nodded “Of course I do!” you giggled “My parents can’t wait to meet Fred this Christmas!”
George’s face dropped at your excitement, he cleared his throat awkwardly “I’m really sorry Y/N but did Fred tell you?” he asked, giving you a deep look of sympathy. 
You scowled and shook your head wondering what would get in the way of your perfect plans “tell me what?” 
George stayed silent for a moment but he tried his best to let you down gently “He’s back in contact with his ex, they’re working things out.”
And when times were rough, when times were rough I made sure I held you close to me
And for the second time, Fred came crying into your arms looking like he had been torn apart “She doesn’t think it’s going to work out, she said that it’s not the right time” you held him in your arms, cuddling on the sofa in the common room, rubbing his back with one hand and stroking his now long shoulder length hair with the other, you reassured him. 
“It’s going to be okay Freddie, you got yourself back on track last time and you’re capable of going it again sweetheart” you reminded him “you’ve got me and George, remember.” 
Within the months that came after, you two were inseparable once again, going to Hogsmeade on the weekends raiding Honeydukes and sharing a butterbeer or two in the Three Broomsticks but as always and like George predicted, once Fred’s girl came back into the picture, he dropped you again. 
You managed to break from your flashbacks for a moment, removing the scarf from your face. Checking your watch you had another hour or so until you would be arriving at Kings Cross Station, you slumped back down in your seat and doodled broken hearts and tears onto your open love letters to Fred, now hidden in your notebook.
So call out my name (call out my name) Call out my name when I kiss you so gently I want you to stay (I want you to stay) I want you to stay, even though you don't want me
“Well from the sounds of things you’re not in a serious relationship” you mentioned to Fred, taking off your muddy robes. George shook his head at you almost telling you off but you were both getting frustrated, the only difference is that you didn’t want to keep quiet anymore. 
“Not yet but I’m waiting for her” Fred said eagerly removing his robes too, George could feel the tension in the air and went to the common room.
“So what about us?” you asked bravely, your heart begging to hear what it wanted most. 
Allowing the last of your confidence that Fred had wiped away overtime, you walked towards him and cupped his face, kissing him softly, trying to convince him that you were the one worth waiting for but no matter what, deep down in your heart you knew Fred was thinking about her.
Fred kissed back and chuckled “us?” he flashed you a confused look “we’re the same as we’ve ever been, as we’ll always be” you felt crushed, this wasn’t the answer you were hoping for (and you now owed George all of your exploding bonbons) but you accepted your fate and left to find George so you could cry in his arms. 
“He never truly wanted me, did he?” You asked George, tears running down your cheeks. 
George shook his head “It’s always been about her Y/N, I’m sorry” you hugged George and cried into his chest whilst he held you.
“why can’t I be Fred’s girl?” 
Torturing yourself beyond repair you couldn’t stay away from Fred, no matter how hard you tried. You still found yourself supporting him at Quidditch, helping him study, you even engaged in conversation with him about his girl, how amazing she was and how happy she made him. You knew if he had the chance Fred would transform you into her if a single project came down to it.
Girl, why can't you wait? (Why can't you wait, baby?) Girl, why can't you wait 'til I fall out of love? Won't you call out my name? (Call out my name) Girl, call out my name, and I'll be on my way
Clutching your date and dancing lazily to the music you stared at Fred having the time of his life with the girl of his dreams on his arm, beaming up at him. You hoped this ball and your date would help you find a new spark and create new fireworks yet with every opportunity to do so all you did was wish for Fred, stare at him and act as if he were to realise you were the one with any coming moment - but it didn’t happen yet, it would never happen. You kept wishing over and over in your head for Fred to turn around, meet your gaze and to become blinded by your beauty when you had another admirer trying to break down your cold persona. 
I said I didn't feel nothing baby, but I lied I almost cut a piece of myself for your life Guess I was just another pit stop 'Til you made up your mind You just wasted my time
“Are you sure you don’t mind?” Fred asked, taking a bite out of his toast “Mum and dad are really keen to meet her and she’s never been able to visit over the summer before and with everyone else there we just wouldn’t have the room.”
The two of you continued to walk towards the castle, George following not far behind.
Fred was now inviting his girlfriend to stay with him at the burrow this summer, something you had always done up until this very moment - this was the moment you realised that everything had been a lie, Fred never cared, he never loved you, he had just used you each and every time the love of his life got bored, only to drop you as soon as she wanted him back. 
“Yeah it’s fine, I understand completely” you lied, feeling anger, despair and insecure like you had never before “I’ll just see you at the shop once the ball gets rolling.” Earlier in the year Fred offered you a job to help out with him and George at the shop, placing your own career plan at the ministry on hold.
“Oh bugger” Fred stopped his tracks looking a bit stressed “that's another thing i forgot to mention, we won’t be needing you to help out anymore as-”
“she’s helping out instead” you cut Fred off, finally reaching your breaking point you ran away from Fred and went to your dorm, packing your trunk. 
You're on top, I put you on top I claimed you so proud and openly, babe And when times were rough, when times were rough I made sure I held you close to me
“Are you seriously running back to him after what he did?” 
“He isn’t like that! you don’t understand, you can’t judge him - you don’t even know him!”
So call out my name (call out my name, baby) So call out my name when I kiss you So gently, I want you to stay (I want you to stay) I want you to stay even though you don't want me Girl, why can't you wait? (Girl, why can't you wait 'til I) Girl, why can't you wait 'til I fall out of loving? Babe, call out my name (say call out my name, baby) Girl, call out my name, and I'll be on my way, girl I'll be on my
Jolting awake the train came to a stop, you had finally arrived at the station. Taking a deep breath you picked up your trunk and notebook, getting off the train your scarf slipped off but you were too busy trying to spot your parents to notice. This was it, no more Hogwarts, you didn’t want to look back.
Feeling faint you ran into the toilets, throwing up the last of your pumpkin juice from the ride home, you stared at yourself in the mirror, washing your hands and splashing your face.
“Why can’t I be Fred’s girl?” You asked yourself.
On my way, all the way On my way, all the way, ooh On my way, on my way, on my way On my way, on my way, on my way (On my)
Reaching the exit of the station you spotted The Weasleys, welcoming Fred’s new girlfriend into a tight hug with delighted expressions on their faces. You looked to George and he gave a sad smile, he wanted to say goodbye but even that would be too painful for you to handle; after all, you weren’t just losing Fred, you were losing George, Molly and the rest of the family you loved so much.
Before you could turn around and continue to look for your family, Fred noticed you, he stopped for a moment and waved, holding your scarf up in his hands and shaking it. 
You wanted more than anything to run to Fred and collect it but instead you didn’t wave back or smile, you shook your head and spun on your heel, acting as if he were never there at all. 
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luckyasfuck · 3 years
maybe i just wanna be yours [k. bakugou]
A CAMBOY AU SERIES - PARTS 1, 2, [3], 4, 5
pairing // katsuki x female reader
tw // cussing, smut
warnings for this part // (kinda?) mutual masturbation
theme // enemies to lovers au, camboy!katsu au, college student!katsu and reader au, no quirk au
keys // y/n, l/n, h/c
words // 1.8k
a/n // pt. 4 will be written at 100 likes and posted at 5-10 reblogs :). i’m glad ya’ll are enjoying it, send criticism and/or ideas in my inbox.
previous part I masterlist
y/n’s head was no longer cloudy.
it scared her at first,  her twitter username and bio must have gave it all away. part of her hoped that katsuki wouldn’t notice the notification, and if he did, well she hopes he’d be too dumb or oblivious to know it was her. but of course, bakugou fucking katsuki wasn’t like that. y/n would know, especially when she woke up him following her back.
fucking son of a bitch.
it was very obvious that it was katsuki. from his voice during lives to his demeanor with his posts: reserved. it was a bitch to think about, no matter what y/n did it was all that occupied her mind. she was aware of the comments she had left on his last live, her other hand too busy pumping her fingers in and out of her pussy to make more than two. that’s what bothered her. not only did she get off to her rival of all people, she did it twice. twice!
she thought about it the whole morning as she reached UA. a person came from behind and bumped her shoulder, rushing to the group of people crowding the main gate. y/n knotted her eyebrows, her mind was too all over the place to know what they could have been fussing about.
the crowd completely blocked the gate and she sighed, opting to take another route until someone grabbed her arm. thinking it was a teacher or a student, she turned around with a smile.
what the fuck.
katsuki stood there gripping her arm and her heart dropped. she yanks his hand away and glared at him, goddamn if looks could kill katsuki would’ve made it to heaven right about now. she stared at him with so much intensity, it almost looked like she was gonna go crazy over the fact that he stopped her, let alone even touch her.
fuck, that’s hot. katsuki gulped and mentally slapped himself after the thought. “don’t let the teachers see you-” he whispered, looking around. y/n sighed, “too late.” she looked behind him where their Biology professor stood with a smile.
“good morning, kids! i’m glad i found you two together, which is um... quite new, don’t you think?” the old woman greeted. katsuki rolled his eyes before facing her, standing beside y/n.
the h/c-haired girl didn’t like being near him at all, he had this weird aura and she didn’t know what his intentions were at all. and him approaching her for the first time without being forced by a professor after the shenanigans of last night? way too timed to be a coincidence, though she wishes it was. 
“if you don’t know yet, our school’s competing with others schools with this little competition our school made.” the old woman got straight to the point. “the competition is that weekly for this month, a duo would take a quiz on a specific subject together. the subject changes every week and the questions get harder and harder! the 5 duos with the lowest scores are eliminated. it’s said on the board right there!” she pointed to where the students crowded.
“um, okay...? why are you telling us this then?” y/n questioned, adjusting her grip on her bag as the professor smiled again whilst katsuki breathed out a loud sigh. 
“i want you both to be the duo that represents our school!”
“miss-” katsuki started, but got cut off. “don’t you think we’re the worst duo for this? i mean,” y/n laughed sarcastically. “you know we hate each other, everyone fucking knows tha-”
“language, miss l/n.” the professor’s sternly scolded and y/n flinches a bit at the change of mood. “yes, ma’am.” the younger girl looked down on her shoes. “i think it’s a good opportunity for the two of you,” the old woman pointed to the two students. “to get along. you two are really gifted, and i don’t want our school to lose this or get humiliated just because you two have beef with each other for reasons unknown.”
y/n was sweating under her jacket and she gulped as the woman walked away, letting them know her decision was final. katsuki breathed out a deep sigh, face-palming. “what are we gonna do now? knowing that bitch, she’ll tell everyone we said yes.”
y/n didn’t bother to argue with the blonde, she knew he was right. the crowd near the gate starts to disappear and she leaves without responding to katsuki. she doesn’t know where the fuck he got the confidence to talk to her so casually. more like she wished she didn’t know.
she knew that he knew.
and he knew that she knew too. 
so simple yet so complicated.
class dragged out and y/n hasn’t spared a single glance at katsuki. she’s done this almost everyday since she met him, so it was easy to do. if only he’d stop staring into her soul, knowing she can see him in the corner of her eye. 
katsuki’s always liked to stare, though he had nothing to stare at. and now he does, even he doesn’t like how much he’s staring. he’d snap out of it, curse himself and y/n too while he’s at it, then get caught in a daze while staring at her again. 
multiple teachers approached them and individually asked them about the competition, their answers were the same the whole time, a bland “yeah, we’re competing as the duo.”
the students sat in their last class, blabbering around and not caring anymore. it was the last class, after all. they were tired and wanted to go home, but of course, they can’t. at least not yet. y/n didn’t feel like listening, she was tired too. doodling in her notebook, her heart drops when the professor calls her name. fuck, i don’t know the answe-
“oh. and mister bakugou too. i think it’s for the competition, the principal wants you two.” the old male lets out an intrigued hum. “don’t you guys hate each other?” y/n and katsuki walked out the room silently, filling the room with embarrassment on the professors side. 
the female walked on the other end of the corridor, she didn’t like katsuki at all. his mere presence makes her gag, and she knows it’s the same for him too. that’s why they opted to stay as far away from each other as possible.
the ash blonde walks into the principal’s office with y/n hot on his trail. “take a seat.” the principal said, not looking up from his paperwork. “listen, you two. i heard a lot from teachers about how you compete with each other, but the both of you are the smartest duo here. all i want is for you two to study together and pass the quizzes as best as you can. you don’t even have to get along! and your grades will be perfect A+’s for the whole month, and if you win, maybe i’ll extend to a month more.”
y/n and katsuki’s eyes widened at the offer, it was so tempting. and education always came first before pride anyway. “fine, i’ll do it.” y/n was the first to speak while katsuki just nodded his head.
“it’s settled then.”
[ timeskip ]
y/n plopped down on her bed. the two of them got sent home early and were forced to share socials with each other. they were also granted permission to use the library whenever they wanted, and were given the schedule to study together from their last two classes until whenever they liked. and before going their separate ways, she told katsuki to text her a plan if he had one.
her phone dings and she automatically assumed it was him. and it was. just... a little more lewd. definitely not what she was expecting.
y/n cussed, “since when the fuck did i let this stupid fucking site give me notifications?” katsuki’s heavy breathing and occasional grunts boomed through her speaker and she hurried to click off it, until her eyes landed on his cock.
from what seemed like it, he had already cum once, the white liquid dripping from his slit down his lenght. y/n can’t seem to tear her eyes from the way he stroked his cock, so gentle yet so rushed, so... satisfying.
she shakes her head and kicks herself out of her absurd train of thoughts, thumb hovering over the ‘X’ on the top left of the site. “have you joined the live, pretty face?” she flinches when she heard his raspy voice, thighs unconciously rubbing together and panties already soaked. 
“i hope you have, fuck. been thinking about you all day, mhmm~ why don’t you drop your little comments for me?” she could practically hear the smirk in his words, and it irritated her. but fuck, if he wasn’t so attractive. his perfectly sculpted body, his voice, and that pretty cock. it was that fucking cock.
“are you touching yourself, pretty face? you better. this live’s all for you.” katsuki moaned out, stroking himself faster. y/n watched as the chat went crazy, all of them confessing their sins to him like he was some sort of God.
and maybe he was, cause she found herself running a finger through her wet folds as she watched the camboy play with his tip. she shoves a finger inside, moaning with him before moving in and out parallel to his strokes. 
katsuki comes again, his strokes coming to a half. he pants before smirking, “pretty face, lookie here.” he shows a fleshlight to the camera, his tip prodding at the toys entrance. y/n slowly adds another finger as he sunk the toy down onto his cock, both of them moaning.
they both fuck themselves into oblivion while thinking of each other, katsuki’s hips violently fucking into the toy as he hissed, “fuck, i bet your pussy feels a lot better.” y/n felt her cunt clench around her finger at the statement as she started to rub her clit as well. 
she orgasms a little bit before katsuki shot his load into the toy, both their movements halting as they tried to catch their breath. she types in a comment before finally exiting the site, feeling slightly disgusted of what she just did. she shudders and opts on taking a shower before napping.
“you dirty little thing.”
katsuki felt his cock twitch at y/n’s comment. he ended the live right after, knowing she probably left already. the notifications for money he hoarded sat heavy on his account and he smiled, cleaning himself up after. the image of her with her legs open, her fingers buried deep in her cunt and her moaning uncontrollably was all that filled katsuki’s brain.
and he fucking hates it. he hates how much power the desires of his cock had over him when he was horny.
and the only desire his cock had was her.
next part I masterlist
@princesspeach-00 @tamakisropebunny @bakugous-mamas @ll379333 @j1-914 @gazelle-des-pres @trashpandainahat @dickinson-67 @victoriaestein @amelie-chan @your-worst-obsession [ cannot tag last two ]
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eusuntgratie · 3 years
Nobody knows about Dylan's secret Instagram account. bilinski420 is anonymous with a generic Stiles headshot he found on his phone as its profile pic and a blank bio. He doodles around on Instagram, checking up on what everyone's doing, following a few fan pages, seeing what the latest rumours are, actively liking everything Taylor Swift has ever posted, and oh -
Well, there's Hoechlin.
For a man who doesn't post much content of himself, there sure is more than enough being posted about him. Dylan's feed is a mess of Swiftie conspiracy theories and his former co-star, in various states of undress and with various degrees of chest hair.
It's been ten years and Dylan still feels like that awkward nineteen year old who looked at Hoechlin and wanted.
He still wants, is the thing. A teenage crush it may have been, but it's matured like fine wine, into something shockingly undeniable.
He double taps another post to like it and scrolls down.
And nearly swallows his tongue.
He's used to Hoechlin's chest, the ridiculous muscles and the way they'd grease him up for Teen Wolf, but they'd always made him wax, at least until season four and they'd barely shared any scenes so it wasn't like Dylan had been able to just... perve on the scenery.
But this is a... gym selfie? A shirtless gym selfie. And indecently short shorts. Hoechlin's smiling like he's proud of himself, and damn right, he should be, because - guh.
Dylan doesn't reply to posts. He likes them and moves on. But. But - oh, what the hell, he's anonymous and he's only human.
bilinkski420 commented SIR.
He doesn't think anything more of it as he closes out of the app (not before screenshotting it, not that the fans will ever let that post disappear from memory). He gets off in the shower to thoughts of running fingers through coarse black chest hair, rubbing his cheek against wiry thighs and - and it's fine, it's fine. Maybe he needs to get laid, but it's fine.
He goes to bed, and really, that should be the end of it.
Spoiler alert: it's not.
His phone pings at some god awful hour which can only mean disaster. He groans and reaches for it and blinking bleary eyes tries to unlock it.
He has a WhatsApp message from Hoechlin.
Fuck. Okay, they do talk, but mostly in the group chat. Their last private conversation is dated three months ago.
Hoech: I saw you liked my post.
Dylan's stomach does something he didn't know it could do, sort of flips and sinks in on itself all at once.
He hates whoever came up with the idea for read receipts, and then sees Hoechlin's typing again.
Hoech: I liked the comment you left too.
Which - this has to be a cruel prank. Dylan stares at his phone. Then stares at it some more. Hoechlin is still online, waiting. Dylan doesn't dare tap out a single message.
An image comes through.
It's Hoechlin sprawled out on his bed, wearing nothing but his stupid I'm-very-manly-I-workout underwear, which just makes his thighs look obscene, actually, and Hoechlin's looking at the camera like he's looking into Dylan's soul and oh god.
Hoech: Yeah?
Dylan bites his bottom lip. Yeah, he types back hesitantly, and sends it.
A video call starts ringing through. He answers, still half asleep, adrenaline and excitement warring inside of him.
Hoechlin's face pops up at a slightly awkward angle and he's so him that Dylan can't help but smile. He's terrified, but Hoechlin puts him at ease. That smile. It could launch a thousand ships.
"Hey Dyl," Hoechlin says. "Sorry, I forgot it was early for you."
"It's okay," Dylan says. "How - how did you know?"
He needs to know. Hoechlin's beautiful and smart and funny, but he's not like, a detective, right? There's no way he could have known one anonymous account was Dylan.
"MTV never released the photo you're using as your profile pic. You asked for it. Said it made your nose look cute, which, it does. But it's not on Google. Everything's on Google, Dyl, but not that. It's okay," Hoechlin says, eyes scanning Dylan's face, looking for what? Hurt? Anger? Fear? "It's really okay. I'm not upset. Kinda flattered. Kinda wondering - been wondering for a while, actually. Whether you meant it. The likes, and then - well," Hoechlin chuckles. "Your comment. Felt kinda like maybe you had some feelings about the photo."
"I did, I mean, I do," Dylan says. "God, I do." He closes his eyes, and then opens them again. "If I was a fan, I'd be the kind of fan you should be crossing the street to avoid, and possibly calling the cops too. I'm pretty obsessed with you. Hoech, you're - you know. You have to know. Don't make me spell out how perfect you are this early in the morning. I'm compromised."
"I'm compromised too," Hoechlin says, and Dylan tries to breathe. It feels like his lungs are too tight. "Been trying to get you out of my head for years. Thought I could get it out of my system, but I can't. You're in there. Want to touch you. Just - think about it sometimes and don't know why we never tried that. Seems like we should have."
"You wanted that? Want that?" Dylan whispers. Hoechlin tilts his head. God, he's so perfect.
"Really do," Hoechlin replies.
"Fuck, you have no idea what you do to me," Dylan says. "How quick can you get on a plane?"
"Not quick enough, but I could make it work, if you wanted me to," Hoechlin says.
"Please," Dylan isn't above begging, so he begs.
"Please?" Hoechlin teases.
"Please, sir," Dylan says, and watches Hoechlin's eyes go dark even through the shitty resolution of the camera.
"I'll look at flights," Hoechlin says.
"Okay," Dylan says, disbelieving.
"Means I need to hang up the call now though," Hoechlin points out. He absently runs a hand up his chest and Dylan follows the movement.
"Is this real?" Dylan asks, and Hoechlin chuckles, face going all squinty and adorable.
"Yeah, baby, I think it is," Hoechlin says.
"You should go - flights, and that."
"See you soon," Hoechlin says, and the screen goes back to their conversation. Dylan, ridiculously, misses him.
Twenty minutes later, Hoechlin sends through a screenshot of a ticket confirmation. It leaves in an hour.
This is real.
Dylan can't quite believe it.
His phone shows a notification that Hoechlin has added a new Instagram story. He taps through to it.
It's just text, white on a blue background:
Ever think you're about to have a really good day?
Dylan smiles, and taps out a reply.
It gets marked as read.
(And yeah, he has a really, really good day.)
this is?!? So wonderful? The chest hair thirst? GYM SELFIE?!? THIGH THIRST? so much thirst but so sweet? Ahhhhhhhh
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