#fractal cookie
teethlabyrinth · 2 years
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i’ve drawn a bunch more costumes for some of @arvyos characters in the past few days... “happier ending” for fractal cookie (aka the good, non-vengeance-filled timeline), “deathly apprentice” for choco candy corn cookie (aka the ‘just like big bro’ costume), and “dr. peanut butter cookie” for monster cookie (aka pre-monsterfied monster!)
if you like the look of these, i’m taking commissions~
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clockwayswrites · 8 months
Danny/Duke, Indigo, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
@fractal-thoughts @kayatash Combined these two since the flavors went so well together! Prompt fill #4. Feel free to continue this if you want!
“You’re going to catch a cold.”
A soft smile broke out across Danny’s face as the words drifting across the previously silent roof top.
“No I’m not,” Danny called back.
He listened to the footsteps crunching across the old asphalt roof towards him. They stopped by his head and Danny tilted it back to smile up at Duke. Duke who was trying to look stern but couldn’t seem to help the smile pulling at his lips.
“No, you won’t. Do you know how much I hate you for never getting sick?”
“I do, you said it a lot when you caught that flu that was going around in fall,” Danny said.
He rolled a little to make room on the blanket that he had spread out on the roof of their dorm. Duke huffed, clearly amused, but settled into the spot. Danny rolled back until he was half on top of Duke, who grumbled but wrapped an arm around Danny.
“Why are you out here again?” Duke asked.
Danny rolled his eyes, just like he did every time Duke joined him on the roof. “I’m stargazing.”
“It’s Gotham, you can’t see the stars,” Duke pointed out, just like he did every time.
“I can pretend.”
“Yeah? And what does pretending get you?”
Danny grinned. “Apparently cuddling with my boyfriend for warmth.”
Duke hummed. “Yeah, okay, that’s not a bad deal. Can I play pretend too?”
“You know, I think it’s pretty essential that you do.”
Duke just laughed and Danny leaned in to silence the noise with a kiss.
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barrenclan · 5 months
The dream curse ™️ has fallen on me. It was. I was watching Asphodelpaw and Pinepaw ice skating on a cookie. Then deepdark came in and was like. "I'm so much better than you." And they were like. "Prove it."" He Said "okay" spun toward them while t-posing then face planted And while Pinepaw And Asphodelpaw were laughing deepdark backfliped onto his hooves And tapped asphodelpaw And she fell back through the ice.
This is actually my original draft for Asphodelpaw's death scene. How did you get access to my notes?!?
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My goodness, mysterious armadillo murderer! Administator is a cool name, though.
I hate to break it to you, but a smug weasel with outside knowledge of the story? That's just me.
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Okay this one made me laugh out loud. Do NOT speak to me anymore. Goodbye change the world my final message
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Fractal paws Asphodelkit... that is spooky. I'm glad my weird comic could claim a spot in your brain!
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Hilarious considering that PATFW is like, explicitly set in Nebraska. I wish I could've experienced those voices though.
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This might as well be a dream. That's honestly, really good poetry though?? I'm adding the fanfic tag just for that.
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I love imagining a "Hacksaw who looks more like Ranger" either as an actual coyote with her colors, or a falcon who just has his colors.
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sleepingdeath-light · 11 months
make a mess of him ; 18+
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requested by ; anonymous (23/06/22) & guest (ao3) (20/06/23)
word count ; 953
content ; sexually explicit content, dom/sub dynamics, pegging
fandom ; cookie run
pairing ; licorice cookie x (plus size!) cis female reader
read also on ; ao3
note ; the original request on tumblr was pretty vague so i combined it with a recent ao3 request — i hope that anon doesn’t mind.
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
Licorice always looked so beautiful when he was beneath you: grey hands grasping at the bedsheets above and beside his head, grip so tight that his knuckles were paling and his fingers were trembling; eyes screwed shut and kiss-plumped lips parted in an ‘o’ that you couldn’t help but peck every so often between thrusts, greedily swallowing every moan and gasp that he gave you; legs spread wide and bent at the knees as he tried to gain some sort of leverage against the soft blankets that surrounded you both, his slender thighs, well marked with lipstick stains and blossoming hickeys, trembling and quaking with every stroke of the toy inside of him; sensitive dick throbbing and twitching as pearls of precum leaked out of the head and spilled onto his tense, well-marked stomach. A beautiful mess of a man who didn’t know what to do with himself — thank goodness he had you to take care of him.
Though, if he had the coherence of thought to speak, Licorice would be saying much the same about you. It was obvious from the way his gaze lingered on the swells of your chest and stomach and thighs, how his lips lingered on your softest places for as long as you’d allow, how he’d spend as long as he could kissing and biting and suckling on the plump mounds of your breasts and the pillowy pouch of your stomach. How he could, on days where you’d relent and give him that taste of dominance, spend hours at a time worshipping every curve and dip and swell and edge that made up your figure — caressing and trailing bitten fingernails gently along the fractal stripes of stretch marks with a curiosity that toed the line between innocent and lustful. How he’d massaged and groped and worshipped every inch of your bare form from breasts to stomach to ass to thighs and calves and anything in between, submissive even in his acts of dominance over you.
And it was through these memories that you were able to keep gentle with him: plentiful and generous with the lubricant you used as you lovingly smeared it along your toy and massaged it into the puffy muscles around where he needed you to be; giving and open with your praises and reassurances as you peppered his face and throat and chest with affection and whispered those sweet words against his skin until you felt his pulse peaking and gooseflesh brushed against your lips; patient and slow with your movements when you entered him, giving him all the time in the world to adjust to you and the strap until you were fully sheathed, and even then staying slow and gentle until he was ready for more.
Then, and only then, did you let go and let yourself ruin him — to make him into the writhing, drooling, moaning, twitching mess of a man that he so often became when he was approaching release. When his face was so slick with sweat that his dreads were starting to cling to his forehead and cheeks, and when he was too far gone to even notice the saliva trickling down the sides of his mouth to dampen the pillow beneath him between all of his moans and gasps. When he was too lost to his own pleasure to do anything but cry out for you — for your touch, for your toy, for your voice, for more. Demands that you, of course, complied with the moment you registered them (you were always so good to him).
Pounding harder and faster into his tight little ass until every thrust had his entire body being thrown across the bed, held only in place by your necessarily tight grip on his thighs and his fisting of the sheets close by his head. Punctuating every forward movement with a small amount of praise to get him through, to ground him, even as it all became too much for him and his head started to loll and his pleas became less and less intelligible.
‘Good boy,’ and ‘That’s it,’ and ‘You’re doing so well,’ and ‘You look so beautiful like this,’ spilled from your lips as naturally as an estuary bled into the ocean, coming as naturally as breathing, as you guided him over the edge. Revelling in every whimper and gasp and moan that he gave you until you finally cracked and relinquished your grip on one of his thighs to wrap your dominant hand around his neglected, throbbing dick — he’d more than earned that attention by now and you didn’t like denying him for so long.
And then finally, finally, you were treated to a most welcomed sight; Licorice spiralling over the edge of climax after being given that one last push from you. Oh and what a mess he became: tongue hanging out of his mouth as he panted like a dog and moaned like a whore, something resembling your name escaping him right as he painted your fist and his stomach white; his back arching perfectly off of the bed as his limbs trembled and shook under the force of his climax, thighs difficult to keep a hold of as you continued to slowly fuck and jerk him through his high; his cock, thick and heavy and hot in your hand, continuing to twitch and spurt whilst you worked as best you could to prolong his orgasm, his cum smeared all over your hand and his stomach as he clumsily alternated between bucking up into your fist and pushing his hips back against your own (or, rather, your strap).
He truly was a mess, but he was your mess and you wouldn’t trade him for the world.
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hareofhrair · 1 year
Good Bones
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The first thing you must understand is that God is a body.
You creep within him like microbes. Like mitochondria. Life within life, growing inward in a fractal pattern, you mirror the body that contains you. And like the dense little nucleus coils of information you are, you build cell walls to contain yourselves. Your houses stand, gods in their own right, and shelter the organisms that move through them and give them life. Life within life, bodies within bodies. Which makes God a kind of house. And if he loves us, he loves us in the way you love your gut bacteria. Does God eat probiotic yogurt? I think you must hope that he does, this infinite titan we inhabit. I think you must hope that he takes very good care of himself. And if we hope, we self-aware nuclei, we houses, we gods teeming with universes of infinitesimal life, does the life within us hope? Does God? Does a house?
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Margaret considered herself a healer of houses. There were many who did what she did, buying cheap, neglected properties, fixing them up and selling them on. But she was no cheap house flipper, slapping on a new coat of beige paint and calling it a day. She was a physician, taking battered and ailing homes and making them whole again. Restoring original features, replacing cheap materials with sturdy, long lasting hardwood and brick, teasing out the true character in even the most cookie-cutter suburban stucco box. It wasn’t easy money, oftentimes they barely broke even, but it was her first and truest passion.
Then came the house on Oak street. 
It was supposed to be an investment, a step forward for them. Between the picturesque location and the impressive square footage, it might bring enough profit to finally build that family home they’d dreamed about.  As much satisfaction as Margaret found in turning flop houses into homes, she could not pretend she wouldn't prefer to work on something with a little more substance. Something with good bones. And the house on Oak street had those in spades.
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It was a towering brick colonial, symmetrical and severe, with neat rows of multi-paned windows dressed in tidy little dark blue shutters and a great tree for which the street had been named standing sentinel in the yard, green and gold in the fullness of summer. Even with as long as it had sat empty and abandoned, the quality of the original craftsmanship stood firm against the years. Its steep dark roof, set like a furrowed brow above the tall windows, showed no signs of sagging. Her inspections had revealed no major sources of structural damage. And yet, she thought, as she stood before it, the dust filmed windows looking back at her like cataract milky eyes, there was an unmistakable something to it. An age. A patience. Somewhere in the lines of its facade she saw, or convinced herself she saw, determination. It was a proud house, and though it had fallen on hard times, it would rise again. And Margaret would be the one to help it rise.
The house had been built in the 1700's, and had for many years been a family home. Generations lived and died in its halls, and it sheltered them well. Then some misfortune had struck the family, Margaret wasn't privy to the details. She couldn't know how the air had soured almost overnight. How the petty family dramas those walls had witnessed previously paled in comparison to the fury and despair that came to inhabit them. What happens to a body whose cells hate and fear one another? Who lash out and wound each other? Who rage and weep?
And then the family was gone, and ownership of the home fell to relatives overseas for some years. And then to the bank for some years more. And eventually into the hands of Margaret, who arrived cheerful and smiling with paint and spackle, ready to heal it. She stepped inside, and the door closed soundly behind her.
Margaret did much of the work herself. It saved on expenses, ensured the work was of the quality she expected, and she enjoyed it, laborious as it often was. Some things required a trusted second set of hands or a call to an outside contractor, but she was proud that most of the work had been done personally. She was often alone, just her and the house, as she stripped old wallpaper and tore out moldy wood and cut away mildewed carpet. 
Remodeling is an interesting word. To shape again. We use it to describe gutting a house and refitting it with new features. And also to describe the way bones change their shape after injury. Though the wound is gone, evidence of its presence remains.
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Margaret sometimes spoke to the houses she worked on. She was just talking out loud to herself really, but pretending the house could hear her made the work less lonely.
"There you go," she'd say as she braced a rotting beam and prepared to cut it out and replace it. "That must feel better." And sometimes she fancied she could feel the houses responding. She imagined their gratitude and their relief. For some reason, when she tried to imagine the house on Oak street feeling grateful or relieved, the thought was less than convincing.
She found she didn't like staying there after sun set, though she did so more and more often lately. She found nightmares troubled her more often than she was used to. Nightmares in which she stood in the house on Oak street while acid boiled up from the floorboards and teeth pushed through the crown molding and the rug grew soft and wet as a tongue and hurled her down a hallway as black and deep as a throat.
Many of the symptoms we attribute to haunted houses are in truth symptoms of an ailing body. Un-level floors caused by sinking foundations create feelings of vertigo and unease. Poorly sealed windows and gaps in the baseboards lead to drafts, causing cold spots and doors that open or slam shut on their own. Aging faulty plumbing announces itself by strange knocking in the night. Gas leaks and unshielded electrical wiring manifest visions, shadows lurking in the corners of our eyes, not threatening but desperately warning- Something is wrong. Hauntings are an immune response.
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Margret knew this, and when she felt cold spots in the house on Oak street, she held out her hand for her level and measuring tape, only to find the cold spot had moved in the moment it had taken her to grab them. She measured dutifully anyway, took careful notes.
"Probably the windows," she told the house. "Frames are warped."
It would be tragic to remove the original windows, and she hoped she could find a way to preserve them, but it might be better in the end to replace them entirely with more energy efficient models, if this was to be a functioning, lived in home and not a historical preservation piece.
That night she dreamed she was running through the house, running from something. Every time she tried to shut a door between her and what pursued her, the door grew flimsier. At first it simply would not lock or close, and then it was not a good solid oak door at all but thin hollow-cored MDF. Then it was a half-screen porch door. Then all screen. Then an absurd half door. And then she would give up and flee to the next room, the next door to hide behind. All the while the unknown thing pursuing her grew closer.
The Ship of Theseus is an ancient thought experiment, in which a ship, over many years of regular maintenance, is slowly replaced one piece at a time, until no single piece original to the ship remains. What is a ship but a house at sea? How much of a house must you replace before it ceases to be what it was, and becomes something new? How many organs can you transplant, how many limbs can you sever and stitch back into place, before the body that laid down under your knife is no longer the body that rises after it?
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During the time the house lay in legal limbo, it did still have inhabitants. No house is ever really without them. In the absence of the family, there were rodents. And insects. And vagrants. And angry, destructive children. Margaret found evidence of fires, and crude words in spray paint across the living room walls. To her dismay, even months after beginning this project, she was still finding such evidence. It was a large house, with doors that stuck and whose keys had been lost for decades. It wasn't really surprising to discover rooms she had not even touched yet. She did tend to get very caught up in her work and miss things. She cleaned these rooms too, patting the wall in reassurance.
"Don't worry," she told the house. "We'll get it all fixed up."
That night, she dreamed she was laying on the hallway floor, and the floor rippled beneath her, moving her slowly forwards, headfirst down the hall. Rats and roaches paced beside her like a funeral procession. Her foot snagged on an exposed carpet nail, and she watched it unravel like a knit sweater, her flesh uncoiling, spilling slowly out behind her like spaghetti. It climbed up her body, her calf, her thigh. She felt the wet bag of her torso split and her contents gush and flop out behind her. Still the house dragged her onwards.
Theseus was a hero, who founded Athens and rescued children on a ship that would one day become a paradox. Once, he walked into a maze carrying a skein of thread, which unspooled behind him to mark his way back. At the heart of this maze was a monster. 
"I think I need a break," Margaret told the house, dropping her wallpaper scraping tool and leaning her head against the wall, back aching. "No offense, but you're a lot of work."
She looked towards the window, reminding herself she still needed to call about having those replaced, and saw the oak tree outside, its branches bare against a gray, overcast sky, studded with small green buds. She had been so sure she'd be done with this before Christmas. 
She stood, and stretched, and opened a door, which stuck and shuddered as she pulled on it. Inside was another wall full of graffiti, and the smell of mildew rolled out like a flag unfurling. Margret groaned and took the scraping tool as it was offered to her.
Your bodies depend on microbial life you gather from the world around you. Some of your mitochondria are not grown within you, but moved into you while you were in utero, inherited from your mother. You contain these refugees from another body, another god, the first house to hold you. When life on this planet was single celled, a bacteria with the ability to release energy from oxygen found its way inside another cell. Eaten, or burrowed in on its own, it carved out a place for itself inside. The cell sheltered the bacteria, and the bacteria fed the cell. And from that union rose all eukaryotic life on earth. How do you feed God? How do you feed your houses?
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It's a mistake to think of the maze and the monster as two separate things. The monster lives in the maze as your cells live within you, a holobiont. A lichen. What then does that make Theseus? And you must recognize of course that the monster was never the threat. The monster is not why he needed the thread.
Margret dreamed. She dreamed of walking out into a crisp fall morning. She dreamed of setting fires. She dreamed of scraping her skin away like old wallpaper. 
Margret felt a cold spot. She reached for her level and her tape measure and her notes. She fumbled, dropping the notebook, and muttered a curse at herself and reached back as it was handed to her. She was getting clumsy. She was going to suggest a long vacation once this house was done. Somewhere warm, where she could lay outside in the grass and see the sky. She felt like she'd been staring at these walls forever. She'd promised Julia-
The name rang like a bell in her thoughts and she dropped the notebook again to grab at the wall for support. Julia. Julia. The name reverberated with such urgency, her heart leapt with every repetition. Why was she here alone? She never worked on the houses alone, Julia worried about her too much. She didn't talk to the houses, why would she? When there was supposed to be someone else there to talk to? Where was Julia?
Who had handed her the notebook?
Margaret stood very still, and listened to the shifting of the house, and the breathing of the person standing behind her.
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There is another story, not about Theseus. About Orpheus, and his lover Eurydice, who was dead. He went down into the underworld, into a dark maze, to find her. He did not bring thread. The God of the Dead told Orpheus that Eurydice would follow him out of the underworld, but he must never look back at her until they were both in the world of the living. All the long way home, Orpheus walked, and something walked behind him, breathing in the dark. 
How many days, how many weeks, had they wandered through this house together? How many rooms had they replaced together before the ship changed? When had she last left the maze, and why had she come back?
She came back for Julia.
She walked. She did not run, she did not scream. She walked through the house, back through the endless rooms, each one so lovingly remodeled. She tried to remember the way out of the maze. She wondered if the footsteps behind her were Eurydice, or the Minotaur.
The maze cannot expel the monster. The ship cannot shed its boards. The cell cannot eject the organelle that feeds it. Why would it want to? Why would God evict you?
Why would you leave the house? Why would you leave me?
The procession of rooms is never ending. Margaret turned to the window, tried to keep her hands from shaking as she clawed at the sash. Outside, the oak tree was covered in snow. The window refused to move, stuck. The frame is warped. She meant to call about having them replaced. She looked out at the oak tree, and in the reflection of the glass, the person behind her shifted.
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What you must understand is that God is a body. That a house is a body. That a body is a house for other life, and that makes the house God. And what you have to understand is that illness and injury change the body from the inside out, and once the boards of the ship have been replaced you cannot just put them back in again.
It is not. The same. Ship.
It is not. The same. House.
And what you really, really have to understand is that life on this planet began when one life swallowed another, and kept that life living inside it. Life within life. Bodies within bodies. Do you understand?
In the end, Margaret was right.
The house did have good bones.
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borrelia · 3 months
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if The Spreadsheet says i need to save up 192 tredecillion cookies to buy ten fractal engines, then i will save up 192 tredecillion cookies...
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promiseiwillwrite · 3 months
Come in
Don't just look in the windows.
Don't just engage in the discourse.
Dream with me. About what could be.
About throwing open the gates of the Kingdom, and inviting everyone in.
About having those who would come step into the grove beneath the great tree, onto the soft mosses that cover the stones of the glade, in every color of green, and in every form of fractal.
Come into the Pavillion and sit at the fire behind the forge with us.
Be picked up and Bear Hugged by Kalok, and told horrible stories about eating demons for fun.
Listen to Derrik play the violin in the dark, first classical and complex, and then arching down into the Appalachian double-stops like the folk devil.
Have tea with Rath, in his copper kitchen, full of hanging herbs, and unnamable fragrances, and talk about traveling to the beautiful places in the world.
Hang out in Daemeon's Tree house and work on the Ham Radio with him, and hang upside down while eating cookies.
Practice archery with Ayla while discussing the principles that support Agency, Autonomy and Self Discipline.
But beware, because you might enjoy it. And they might enjoy you.
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Icicle Yeti’s Winter Song - Part 1: Official Patch Notes
All text here is copy/pasted from the official CRK Discord server starting on the next line below the break. Personal commentary is provided in indents like this.
November 22 Update Notice
Greetings from the Kingdom team!
Let’s take a look at the list of new features coming with the November 22 update.
​※ Some portions of this update’s content may change before its release. The finalized changes will be available in the patch notes once the update is complete.
※ The update schedule may change depending on various factors. We’ll let you know the exact schedule in a separate notice.
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- This Icicle Yeti lives alone in the snowy mountains! They sing every day, longing for a friend to call their own… Will their wish come true?
- Follow Icicle Yeti’s heartwarming story in the new Special Episode, “Icicle Yeti’s Winter Song.”
- Advance through the story, complete the collection, and earn rewards.
- To advance in “Icicle Yeti’s Winter Song,” you will require Frosty Quills that refill with time or can be obtained through various events or purchased in packages or directly.
- Enjoy the discounted price of Crystals and the opportunity to get Frost Queen Cookie’s Fractal Crystal Droplets in battles as part of the time-limited event.
- Earn Catnip Coins by completing the Special Episode’s stage and quests; Catnip Coins can be exchanged for various useful items.
- The Icicle Yeti’s Winter Song Shop can be accessed by talking with Catnip Cookie.
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- The harbinger of life, Frost Queen Cookie, has returned with the winter chill.
- You can access the “Fractal Crystal Droplets Gacha” in the Gacha > Legendary Gacha tab.
- You need x100 “Fractal Crystal Droplets” for x1 pull: these can be obtained through events and packages.
- In the Fractal Crystal Droplets Gacha, Frost Queen Cookie and her Soulstones have an increased probability. You can also obtain Life Jewels to craft and upgrade her Crystal Jam.
- If you reach x270 pulls in the Legendary Gacha, you can obtain a Frigid Frost Chest and choose Frost Queen Cookie. You can also obtain her Life Jewels from the chest as well.
- If you obtain items from the Legendary Gacha when you already have the maximum amount of Life Jewels, you will receive Mileage Points instead.
This is not a new Cookie. It’s a scheduled rerun of an existing Legendary Cookie banner because Frost Queen Cookie has been slated for a buff in terms of her new Crystal Jam.
- Frost Queen Cookie’s Crystal Jam is here! Feel the chilling power of frost—freezing everything in her way into icy crystals!
- Crystal Jam Effect
· Eternal Frost
· The power of the Crystal Jam changes Frost Queen Cookie's skill and makes her immune to ATK SPD changes. The Cookie calls forth a Blizzard, dealing damage and causing Frost. The final hit of the skill will bring a Shard of Eternal Frost upon the enemies, dealing DMG and Freezing them. Enemies immune to Freezing will become Chilled, and once they lose the immunity, they will become Frozen.
It appears that Ice is going to be a new element this update, as Earth was with the now-ending Golden Cheese Kingdom update. Activation conditions for her enhanced skill are still unknown, but my guess is that this is a multi-hit attack with Freeze assurance similar to Moonlight Cookie’s Drowsy condition that induces Sleep after immunities expire.
- Rally Effect
· Team’s Ice-type DMG: +n%, Freeze n% chance when all allies deal Ice-type DMG to a Frost target
· Freeze Duration: n sec
· DMG After Freeze: n% of Frost Queen Cookie’s ATK
Teammates that deal Ice damage to an opponent who has the Frost debuff enjoy a chance to Freeze them directly with their own skill when dealing Ice-based damage. The post-Freeze damage dealt when Freeze expires normally (and not from being cleansed by another skill) scales with Frost Queen Cookie’s ATK stat. My tip? Bring about three winter-themed Cookies to make up your primary attacking force, leaving one space open for Frost Queen Cookie (to actually use her rally effect), and another space open for a healer of your choice.
- Ascended Effect
· ★1A: Frost Queen Cookie’s HP Up
· ★2A: Frost Queen Cookie’s DEF Up
· ★3A: Frost Queen Cookie’s ATK Up
· ★4A: Frost Queen Cookie’s DMG Resist Up
· ★5A: Gains Curse Protection upon entering the battle, additional Curse Protection every n sec
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- Trial Grounds
· A new Trial Ground has been added. You can gather Life Jewels to craft and upgrade Frost Queen Cookie’s Crystal Jam in “Permafrost Plains.”
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- Icicle Yeti Cookie turned into a Cookie to make friends! Their signature yeti horn is still visible, but it’s pretty close, huh?
- Icicle Yeti Cookie is a Healer Cookie that uses the skill “Let’s Be Friends!”
- Skill Description: Icicle Yeti Cookie buffs the allies and periodically restores their HP. They will assume the yeti form, jump towards the nearest enemy, and create a Shield of Ice to protect them. The Shield of Ice will absorb a portion of all incoming direct non-periodic damage and make the team resistant to Freezing. Then, Icicle Yeti Cookie will return to their position and deal a portion of the damage received in the yeti form with an icicle attack.
A frontline healer? That’s a new one for the canon lineup. Especially one that will most likely deal damage as part of their regular skill and not just something that changes as a last-stand effect (I’m looking at you, Carol). Seems more fitting to be a Defense Cookie imo, but this is what they gave us.
- Meet a new friend at the Pavilion of Promise—a magnum opus built by Maestro Sugar Gnome!
- Fill the meter full to meet new Cookies.
- You will require Purity Crystals or other Special Items to fill the meter. There is a certain chance that you will meet the Cookie without having to fill the meter all the way up.
· Three new regular attempts will be added every midnight and accumulate up until a total of 15 attempts.
· There is a higher chance to obtain Cookies when you use their Special Items.
· The probability of meeting Cookies will increase according to the number of points on the meter. Once you have obtained the Cookie, the point meter will reset. However, if you have exceeded the maximum number of points, the surplus will be carried over to the next cycle.
The perceived rules here are probably going to be the same as it was when Snapdragon Cookie was added to the game, as it’s a permanent feature that allows you to gradually max out these Special Cookies over time and ascend them to 5A. The only way that these areas will close is if you ascend them to 5A. The fact that they renovated this area to fit a second Cookie suggests that they’re gonna do this semi-regularly and that this isn’t a two-off fluke.
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- Increase your chances of pulling a frosty Winter Cookie from the Winter Cookie Gacha!
- You can access the “Winter Cookie Gacha” in the Gacha > Cookie tab.
- It requires x300 Crystals for x1 Cookie pull.
- Five Cookies: Sherbet Cookie, Pinecone Cookie, Cotton Cookie, Cocoa Cookie, Snow Sugar Cookie, and their Soulstones have an increased probability of being pulled.
- A guaranteed Epic Cookie will appear once every x100 pulls.
Because Icicle Yeti Cookie is the new Cookie and is rated as Special, that leaves no new Epic Cookie. This is their solution for that, but the good part is that it presents a chance to get Sherbet Cookie (Super Epic) with better odds without jumping through too many hoops unless you had insane luck like me, who got him from his event banner in 6 pulls last year. If you did that, then that’s for his Soulstones.
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- Snow Sugar Cookie has a new Magic Candy! Now they’ll be able to play even more snowball fights!
- Help Me, Snow King!
- Magic Candy Effect: The power of the Magic Candy makes Snow King even stronger and makes this icy giant immune to ATK SPD changes. Snow King will deal additional damage to Freeze targets and restore Snow Sugar Cookie's HP for a portion of the damage dealt. Snow King will also absorb a portion of the damage received by Snow Sugar Cookie.
This Magic Candy skill is mostly centered around Snow King as Snow Sugar Cookie’s summon and their abilities to protect Snow Sugar Cookie more effectively. Snow King’s ice breath attack will deal more damage to enemies slowed down by their attack via their “Freeze” slowdown debuff, which also now heals Snow Sugar Cookie for part of the damage caused. Snow King will also take some of the damage directed towards Snow Sugar Cookie when Snow Sugar Cookie gets damaged. This damage essentially becomes nullified damage since Snow King’s HP is reset to full every time this skill summons them, allowing Snow Sugar Cookie to stay in the fight longer.
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- The Hall of Encounter has been updated.
- Check out Icicle Yeti, Snow Sugar Cookie, Frost Queen Cookie, Cotton Cookie, and Sherbet Cookie in the Hall of Encounter.
- Obtain Monument Fragments, Unity Essence, Legendary Cookie Soulstone Choice Chest, Frosted Crystal Toppings (5 kinds), Magic Cookie Cutters, Special Cookie Cutters, Radiant Shards, Aurora Pillars, Aurora Bricks, Aurora Compasses, Treasure Tickets, Topping Pieces, EXP Star Jellies Lv.5, EXP Star Jellies Lv.6, Crystals, Coins, and more in the Hall of Encounter Random Reward Chests.
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· The new Resonant Frosted Crystal Toppings that can only be equipped by specific Cookies have been added.
· Find out which Cookies can equip the Toppings in Topping Details.
They’re really gonna make us guess? My guess is that the six Cookies announced or otherwise given a banner this round can use these new Resonant Toppings.
· The set effect of Toppings will activate regardless of whether they’re regular or Resonant Toppings, as long as all of the Toppings equipped are of the same set.
· When the Bonus effect of Resonant toppings is enhanced, Resonant Toppings have a higher minimum Bonus Stat value than regular Toppings.
· Additional bonus effects of Resonant Toppings may differ from those of regular Toppings.
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- A new and improved Cookie Alliance is here!
- We have decreased the number of waves from 60 to 20 and added overall improvements regarding difficulty levels, Cookie element types, and the auto mode.
- There are a total of 6 difficulty levels, and each level has a varying number of waves.
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- New tiers: Elite and Grandmaster have been added.
- New tier rewards have been added.
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- You can receive First Clear Rewards for completing the campaign on each difficulty level.
- Rewards are renewed each season.
- You can receive First Clear Rewards for 60 waves for completing EXPERT.
- You cannot receive additional First Clear Rewards for 60 waves if you have already received one.
This is worded weirdly. Basically, the current existing reward for clearing the entire campaign in a season of Cookie Alliance (lots of Crystals, Tea Knight Cookie’s exclusive Epic Costume, etc) can be claimed by clearing the 20-wave Expert difficulty level if you haven’t claimed it already.
- A new feature where you can enhance Cookies’ elemental skills called “Artifacts” has been added.
- Artifacts will give you an edge in battle by enhancing Cookies’ elemental skills.
- You can obtain Artifact Points as rewards by playing in the Cookie Alliance campaign.
- Artifact levels are reset at the beginning of each new season.
- You can claim a portion of the sum of Artifact Points used and remaining by the end of the previous season.
TLDR on Artifacts: Buff your Cookies’ elemental damage skills on your team in a given season.
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- The Beacon of Valor’s feature has changed.
- Beacon of Valor’s cost has been reduced.
- Relic effects for Blast Mode will not be applied on MASTER and HERO difficulties for fair competition.
- Effects previously applied from the Beacon of Valor will be reset due to feature changes and Cookie Alliance improvements.
- Your remaining effect duration will be converted to Coins. If your remaining duration is N days and n hours, it will be rounded off as N+1, and your compensation will be sent to your mailbox after the Cookie Alliance update.
- Relic effects for Blast Mode will not be applied on MASTER and HERO difficulties for fair competition.
- Effects previously applied from the Beacon of Valor will be reset due to feature changes and Cookie Alliance improvements.
- Your remaining effect duration will be converted to Coins. If your remaining duration is N days and n hours, it will be rounded off as N+1, and your compensation will be sent to your mailbox after the Cookie Alliance update.
The Beacon of Valor’s effects have been nerfed. Cookies will no longer get a temporary level 60 boost, and the Opening Blast will become shorter. The duration of the Blast is now based on how many Cookies in your campaign group (out of all 15 Cookies used) are level 40 or more. Relics that boost your Blast effect have also been nerfed down to a maximum of 14 seconds from 22. The Master and Hero difficulty levels (the two highest levels) remove the Blast buffs given from Guild Relics down to the raw 6 seconds maximum provided by the Beacon.
To compensate this, the Coin cost to ignite the beacon has been reduced by 60%. With the new update, you will lose your existing Beacon and get a Coin refund based on the number of days left if you have an active Beacon.
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- Suggested element types and effects have been added to the Cookie Alliance lobby.
- Battles can be played in auto mode.
- The default is set in auto mode, but you can choose to play in manual mode.
Manual mode is new for Cookie Alliance, but it will allow you to manually use skills as needed just like in other modes instead of vigorously relying on timing through Toppings and Treasures to get a synergetic combo usually seen in Arena.
- New relics from the Dark Cacao Kingdom and the Golden Cheese Kingdom are on display in the Guild Museum! Don’t miss out on your chance to see some rare artifacts!
- A new Hall of History II is opening on the second floor of the Guild Museum. There are a total of 6 Galleries in the new Hall—brimming with rare relics to glean the lives in the Dark Cacao and Golden Cheese Kingdoms!
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- Relic and Gallery effects are applied in the Hall of History II. Relic effects are special effects from Legendary Relics, and Gallery effects are applied when you collect all Relics in one Gallery. Each effect is applied to all Guild members, and the higher the level, the more powerful the effects.
- New Relics can be obtained by opening Relic Chests in Cookie Alliance. You can also purchase them from the Rainbow Shell Gallery and Guild Shop.
- You can donate several Relics at once by tapping on the “Relic Donation” button on the right side of the screen in the Guild Museum. The donations are capped at the maximum level of Relics.
- Magic Laboratory’s production screen has been changed. You can now search the goods you want to produce through two tabs: Resonant Ingredients and Upgrade Ingredients. More goods are displayed on the screen for your convenience.
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- Light-type damage has been added to Cream Puff Cookie’s skill.
- Light-type damage has been added to Cream Puff Cookie’s Magic Candy.
As far as I know, nothing else has changed with her besides adding the Light element to her skill (which is a small buff for anyone who boosts Light damage)
- Tickets to add more entry attempts in Trial Grounds have been added.
Obtain method unknown, possibly exclusive to packages and events
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- Fixed an issue where Poison Mushroom Cookie’s attack duration time was not displayed correctly.
Mostly a bug fix. Game balance for Poison Mushroom Cookie hasn’t changed.
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ejsuperstar · 5 months
cookie clicker please
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100 fractal engines for the "Dragon's curve"
theres a fractal named "the dragon curve"
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it looks cool as fuck
i just cant handle cookie clicker doing smart things
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jebsnonumbers · 6 months
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Fractal Engine Malfunctioning Yep, gotta end off the year with another Cookie Clicker art.
Thanks @orteil42 for the game, the color pallete, and all the updates this year! Here's to many more years of clicking cookies!
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 6 months
The Perfect Gift
by FractalFiction
How did Wilbur find himself here exactly? Working as a Mall Santa Claus, employees helping stuff pillows into his outfit to make him appear like he’d spent years eating nothing but milk and cookies. A scratchy beard sat on his face, golden-rimmed glasses perched on his nose.
Well, it was simple really. Wilbur worked a decently paying job, had his own apartment, and even had a small YouTube channel to the side where he posted some of his songs. He didn’t have a large following or anything, but he had a nice community.
But a nice community didn’t pay the bills. He had enough for his apartment and groceries, but sadly didn’t have much savings to buy expensive things for himself.
And when Wilbur saw a very expensive guitar hanging in the window, a large sign saying it was 50% off, he just had to have it. He’d wanted a new one for a while. Don’t get him wrong, the one he has is nice and has plenty of sentimental value, being one his mother gave him, but he wanted to treat himself to something this Christmas.
Or, Tommy asks Mall Santa Wilbur for a new dad, Wilbur provides.
Words: 10117, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 76 of Fractal’s One Shots
Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game), Dream SMP
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Kristin Rosales Watson
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Kristin Rosales Watson & Phil Watson | Philza
Additional Tags: Protective Wilbur Soot, dadbur, Wilbur Soot Acting as TommyInnit's Parental Figure, Wilbur Soot Adopts TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot is TommyInnit's Parent, Kid TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Sad TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit Needs a Hug (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot Loves TommyInnit, TommyInnit Loves Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit Gets a Hug (Video Blogging RPF), and a dad, Light Angst, Child Neglect, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Platonic Cuddling, Platonic Kissing, One Shot, Christmas Fluff, Mall Santa Claus, Mall Santa Wilbur, Hugs, this is mostly just fluff, Merry Christmas
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teethlabyrinth · 2 years
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i thought it was about time to post these guys (all belonging to @arvyos) that i made! i’m pleased to have been able to work on them, they’re all such fun characters and she has such good ideas.
left to right top to bottom: fractal cookie, choco candy corn cookie, monster cookie, and strawberry jelly cookie.
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depizan · 1 year
I was going to make a different post, which I'll make in a second, but as I sat down to post, I opened the fortune cookie that came with my dinner. And it is fractally what the fuck.
"No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he only had good intentions."
That is not a fortune. That's not even advice. Or if it is advice, it's bad or deeply weird advice, since it seems to be suggesting that to be remembered one should have bad intentions. (Is this a Sith fortune cookie?)
It's also wrong.
I am not a Christian, but I've absorbed enough ambient Christianity to know that the entire point of the Good Samaritan is that his actions (and presumably intentions) were good. He's the dude who stopped to help when others didn't.
I looked it up! I'm not wrong! The Good Samaritan does only good! Jesus is using him to teach how to be a neighbor and who is a neighbor!
From Wikipedia:
Jesus answered, "A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who both stripped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead. By chance a certain priest was going down that way. When he saw him, he passed by on the other side. In the same way a Levite also, when he came to the place, and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he travelled, came where he was. When he saw him, he was moved with compassion, came to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. He set him on his own animal, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. On the next day, when he departed, he took out two denarii, gave them to the host, and said to him, 'Take care of him. Whatever you spend beyond that, I will repay you when I return.' Now which of these three do you think seemed to be a neighbor to him who fell among the robbers?"
He said, "He who showed mercy on him."
Then Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise."
What part of that involves anything but good intentions on the part of the Samaritan???
This fortune cookie is not only not a fortune, it appears to be prejudiced against Samaritans.
The most generous interpretation of this "fortune" cookie is that it's intended for writers and is a suggestion that characters are more interesting if they're not wholly good. But I'm pretty sure no one is out there making writer specific "fortune" cookies. And even if they were, they'd probably get the Biblical reference right, which this doesn't.
I have a cookie from the twilight zone.
Worse, I ate a cookie from the twilight zone.
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faemytho · 1 year
Ship: Fire Spirit/Sherbet
Word Count: 793
to the like one other person who ships this: you're SO right btw.
(Commissions) (Ko-fi) (AO3 link)
"Anyone ever tell you that you talk too much?"
The ice fractals of his scarf wings twisted, and the frost spirit stared up at Fire Spirit with wide eyes. The firm grip on his chin, while hot against his icy skin, was surprisingly gentle, even as the other forced his head up, ice blue meeting fiery red.
This place was neutral ground. It was the equal footing between magics, opposites, and everything from a common cookie to a legendary. Of course, it would be where Sherbet would run into Fire Spirit Cookie.
One question had snowballed into a full blown explanation of what errand Frost Queen had sent him on, complete with planned routes and perhaps he was a little bit nervous to be talking to Fire Spirit. In his defense, he argued, Fire Spirit was the kind of guy to make anyone nervous. Not only was he hotheaded and rude, prideful and vain, but…
"It's never come up," Sherbet managed to say, the touch of the other spirit almost burning. Fire Spirit looked down at him, amusement in the way he quirked an eyebrow up and his mouth curled into something that might have been a smirk. Something twisted in Sherbet's chest.
"No wonder, with how much you run that cute little mouth of yours," Fire Spirit said, casually brushing a thumb over Sherbet's bottom lip, and Sherbet thought it entirely unfair that Fire Spirit could be so attractive even while insulting him.
"A-Anyways, um." Sherbet pulled himself away from Fire Spirit, from the burning touch that lingered pleasantly against his frosted skin. Fire Spirit merely stood there, watching with amused eyes. "Why do you ask? I thought you didn't care about any of this stuff."
"Oh, don't get me wrong sugar plum," Fire Spirit laughed, a little snicker in his voice that Sherbet knew he'd be hearing in his dreams for weeks. Fire Spirit hovered, slowly circling, arms and staff thrown up behind his head without a care. "I don't care about that stuff. But you? You make for some pretty good entertainment."
Was Fire Spirit heating this place up or something? It would explain the warmth in his cheeks, but it didn't explain the flutter in his chest. Sherbet whirled around to face the other, heartbeat beating loudly in his chest. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means..." Fire Spirit drew nearer again, leaning down towards Sherbet's face. The breath of his words brushed against Sherbet's lips, and the frost spirit shivered, eyes fixed desperately on Fire Spirit's. He couldn't risk looking down to see the shape of the words leaving Fire Spirit's lips, because he just knew he'd do something irrational about it. Fire Spirit continued, something amused and knowing in his eyes. "I've never met a spirit who was willing to risk destroying their form just to talk to me."
"Oh," Sherbet said, trembling as Fire Spirit hovered ever closer. The hand that came up to cup his cheek drew a soft noise from his throat, and he closed his eyes, keeping them shut in the face of Fire Spirit.
Fire Spirit's hand was warm, the breath against his lips was warm, and the words brushed against his mouth were warm as Fire Spirit spoke again, his voice hushed and easy. Sherbet felt lightheaded, the barest brush of the other spirit's lips against his own enough to make him dizzy. "You know, I almost wish I'd gotten to your soul before ol' frosty did. You'd have been mine. Almost as magnificent as me."
Sherbet let out a soft breath, his eyes still squeezed shut. He couldn't think straight, not with the heat of the other spirit so close to him, the hand cupping his cheek and the warmth of those words brushed so feather light against his mouth in the barest kiss. "S-Sorry?"
Fire Spirit laughed. The warmth faded, the hand slipping from his cheek, and it was funny how Sherbet could feel so cold after Fire Spirit had been so close. Usually, he never even noticed the cold.
Sherbet opened his eyes, his lips tingling with the lingering warmth of the barest brush of Fire Spirit's, and watched the other spirit laugh. Odd, how Fire Spirit could be at a distance again and leave traces of heat in Sherbet's lips and cheeks and chest.
"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about!" The other spirit sounded delighted, grinning at Sherbet as though he hadn't just kissed him. "You're cute, sugar plum. I know your soul's not up for grabs, but ol' frosty has no rights to your heart."
Sherbet gripped his staff tighter, staring up at Fire Spirit with wide eyes as the legendary turned to grin at him. No way.
"Would I be allowed to claim it?"
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takemus · 5 months
🎵 🍪 🧡 !!
~ 💖 ASK GAME 💖 ~ || Open!
🎵 Last song you listened to?
Kingdom of Silence by Fractal Dreamers! it's p nice...randomly came up from a spotify listen
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
hmmm maybe a macaroon?
they're sweet and soft (like how i am/try to be) but also confused with macarons (in my case, im not the best communicator so im occasionally misunderstood, and im not the most keen on getting to know new people lols)
🧡 A color you can’t stand?
fucking chartreuse
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it's SO UGLY LIKE???? highlighter ass yellow 😭
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prismalitesys · 11 months
Welcome to our blog!
We'll be using this alt account to talk about system stuff generally, as opposed to the alts some members have to post about their own things. So first, I'll put together a list and short bio for every member of Prismalite system, in order of appearance, as well as the emojis we'll use to indicate who's talking in a post! If an age is not listed in the bio, the member is approx. the same age as the body. (21) 💎 Garnet: Host and originator. 5'2" 21 y/o She/They lesbian vampire, happily taken. Likes: Her gf, little treats, and games. Blogs: @gemofanenby (SFW) and @gayestgoodestgirl (NSFW 18+ only!) 🌈 Opal: She/They AroAce, relatively weak shapeshifter. Likes: Character creators, trying new things, and occasionally stealing treats/food from whoever's fronting at the moment. Blog: @opalescentflowers (SFW)
⚔️ Cass: 6'7" She/They/He Nonbinary butch lesbian. Human (mostly, her eyes turn gold in moments of high emotion for some reason) Likes: Hardcore music, fellow dykes, historical weapons, and sacrilege. Blog: @sacreligiousbutch (NSFW 18+ only!) 🍑 Peaches: 4'8" She/It/Pup puppygirl. Shifter with 3 forms; demihuman (dog ears and tail), Werewolf, and Puppy (almost completely dog, nonverbal but still sentient) Likes: Physical affection, praise, and being really horny. Blog: @puppywithapeach (NSFW 18+ only!) 👁️ Xavolitas: It/Its Ancient, incomprehensible... thing. (Imagine like, Hermaeus Mora from skyrim mixed with fractals) Strongly dislikes the sensations of being in a human body so almost never fronts. Blog: @youreverydayimmortal (SFW) 💾 [AC-FM7-4038]: 5'7" She/It service android. ID (name) is short for "Android Chassis - Feminine Model #7 - 4038 (unit number)" but doesn't mind being called just AC for short. Likes: nerdy jokes, assisting people, and being friendly. Blog: @robotgirlpowercells (mostly SFW but some NSFW so 18+ only!) 🪵 Grimm: 8' It/They monster, bulky and werewolf-like, has horns/antlers, and its real mouth is hidden in its black fur so at first glance, it looks like the white mask it wears is its actual face. Very calm and quiet, but protective. Likes: quiet affection, the woods, and not being expected to talk much. Blog: @grimmsforest 💧 Blue: Any/All pronouns Slime. Normal form is a knee-height slime (shaped like a terraria slime or similar), translucent and dark blue with a hint of purple dichroism. Human form is androgynous and humanoid with slightly goopy translucent blue hair. Very bouncy, stimmy, and friendly. Blog: @androgynousblueslime 🔥 Lucien: 6'0" He/Him Demon (Yes, from hell. I know it's a lil angsty but that's sorta his thing) Very dark red... "skin" with glowing reddish-orange eyes and teeth. Has short horns and a tail, no wings. Rather abrasive usually, but the rest of us keep him in check. Very aggressive (He formed when the host was listening to DOOM music lmao) but honestly quite sweet at heart. 🪡 Patch: Shapeshifting Any/All pronouns... thing? Its neutral form is a child-sized doll and/or puppet, taking design inspiration from pierrot and harlequin clowns, historical porcelain dolls, and the daycare attendant from FNAF (has nothing to do with the series though). They're even more physically expressive and stimmy than Blue, and somewhat childlike in personality (but not a minor). Enjoys being unsettling and creepy, but isn't malicious. Likes: Horror, gymnastics, and cookies 🎼 Dulcet: She/They Nonbinary, Unsure about appearance, likes to be very chill and casual. Enjoys listening to music and podcasts. Wears a green hoodie and has purple eyes. Blog: @prismalitedulcet 💫Senn: Any/All, They seem to have a role as some sort of an archivist or knowledge-keeper for the system, aware of subconscious things in more detail the rest of us usually aren't. They may also have some level of control over dreams, but they can't really control it yet. As for appearance, what we know so far is that they have 5 eyes, more than one set of arms, and dresses with a star motif ❓ Unsure/In Between/Blurred: Used to indicate when we're unsure who's fronting/speaking. ❗ New/Unnamed Member: Self-explanatory; used to indicate a new member who hasn't settled on a name yet.
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